International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer: Miguel Chávez-Modena, Leo Miguel González, Eusebio Valero
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer: Miguel Chávez-Modena, Leo Miguel González, Eusebio Valero
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer: Miguel Chávez-Modena, Leo Miguel González, Eusebio Valero
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Efficient aircraft engine designs imply the presence of a surface air/oil heat exchanger placed at the by-
Received 5 April 2021 pass flow separation of the engine. The heat exchanger consists of several parallel longitudinal fins that
Revised 10 June 2021
increase the contact area to obtain a higher heat dissipation rate. The design of these fins is an impor-
Accepted 10 September 2021
tant task as the pressure drop generated by the presence of the heat exchanger is the largest drawback
Available online 24 September 2021
to be minimized in the final setup. Consequently, an efficient design of the fins that optimizes the global
Keywords: performance of the heat exchanger is highly demanded. The result of this optimization process should
SACOC heat exchanger minimize the pressure drop caused by the exchanger without decreasing the heat transfer. The optimiza-
Aircraft engines tion methodology proposed in this work is split in two independent parts: in the first one, the fin shape
Optimization is optimized using the adjoint method and the derived sensitivity function that controls the position of
Adjoint method the fin shape design. In parallel, the range of fin thickness and distance between fins was investigated
Finite volumes
to have an optimized fin distribution for a given SACOC width. Once the geometry was optimized, the
Conjugate heat problem
coupled conjugate heat problem is numerically solved using realistic conditions showing good accuracy
in the two presented validations. The result for the optimized geometry presents a substantial pressure
drop reduction with little heat transfer variation, addressing the objectives that motivated the present
© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
0017-9310/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
M. Chávez-Modena, L.M. González and E. Valero International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 182 (2022) 121971
M. Chávez-Modena, L.M. González and E. Valero International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 182 (2022) 121971
Fig. 1. EPNdB configuration studied by UPV, VKI and Purdue University [4,35].
2. Numerical methodology.
M. Chávez-Modena, L.M. González and E. Valero International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 182 (2022) 121971
Fig. 4. Boundary conditions imposed at the different surfaces of half fluid domain
(symmetric hypothesis).
Fig. 5. Boundary conditions imposed at the different surfaces of the solid domain.
M. Chávez-Modena, L.M. González and E. Valero International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 182 (2022) 121971
main objective of the optimization process. 1. V1 : This verification computes a conjugate heat transfer prob-
lem for 2D flat plate (without fins) in turbulent regime. The
|m˙ | pt |m˙ | pt
p = − . (5) Nusselt number and the temperature isolines will be compared
|m˙ | inlet
|m˙ | outlet to previously published solutions of the problem [15].
2. V2 : A 3D validation will be performed including the presence of
Of course, the largest heat exchange achieved better, but this
fins in the geometry. The case selected for comparison is pre-
is a secondary objective, being the pressure drop as the real cost
sented in Kim et al. [34], where computational and experimen-
function. In this section, an optimization process will be described
tal results are shown.
to modify the shape of the fins according to the following objec-
• Minimize the pressure drop, p, between two planes before 3.1. V1 : flat plate
and after the fin location.
Once the pressure drop is minimized during the optimization For this verification without fins, a previous study by Vynnycky
process, the heat exchange is monitored, Q˙ , between the fluid et al. [15], has been used as reference. In this work, the heat trans-
and the fin surfaces, in order to confirm that no strong varia- fer associated with the forced convection flow over a rectangular
tions were observed. To optimize this magnitude, the fin shape conducting slab sited in an aligned uniform turbulent stream is
and the setup of the different fins will be studied. Apart from investigated in 2D analytically and numerically. Both internal and
the fin shape on the XY plane, the additional geometrical de- external thermal conductivities are taken into consideration using
grees of freedom of the system analyzed are: a conjugate heat transfer model based on the full compressible
• The gap between fins, Navier–Stokes equations and the heat equation for the slab.
• the fin thickness.
We will split the global optimization process in two indepen- 3.1.1. Setup
dent parts: first, we will perform a parametric study of the fin A schematic description of the modeled problem is given in
thicknesses and the distance between fins of the symmetric con- Fig. 7. The fluid domain is rectangular with a height, H/b = 1, and
figuration (see Fig. 2), both directly related to the number of fins. length, L/b = 3. The conducting slab is defined by a height, a/b, and
Second, computing the periodic model (see Fig. 3), we will opti- length, b. And the distance from the slab leading edge to the inlet
mize the geometric design of the fin shape on the XY plane based boundary condition is x/b = 0.5.
on the adjoint method [41,42], using the pressure drop per lateral We assume that the lower side of the slab y = −a/b is held at
fin surface area p/Axy as the objective function, which means that a uniform temperature θ = 1, whilst the vertical boundaries of the
we will improve the aerodynamic design of the fin while the heat slab are both insulated.
exchange is kept as constant as possible. The ambient forced flow is characterized by a uniform veloc-
To perform the second part, the adjoint method is used. The ity, U∞ , and temperature, T∞ . It is also assumed that in the fluid
adjoint method is an efficient process to predict the influence of boundary upstream and downstream the slab the heat flux, the
input design geometry, D, on some engineering cost function of normal outflow and the viscous shear are zero. All lengths were
interest, L, which as we already said, in our case, is based on non-dimensionalised with the slab length b, velocities with U∞ and
the pressure drop generated by the SACOC divided the lateral fin temperatures as explained in Section 2.2.
area, p/Axy . The process is performed in two major steps. First, Regarding the domain spatial discretization, a hybrid mesh
an steady state solution, also known as primal solution, Q, is com- formed by structured elements for the fluid boundary layer and
puted on an initial grid with control points X0 . In the second step, the slab, and unstructured elements for the upper part, is used.
the adjoint problem based on the previously numerical solution, The boundary layer is fully resolved using y+ values below one.
is evaluated. This evaluation computes the sensivities of the cost This verification test was computed for Re = 104 , k = 20, a/b =
function with respect to the different design parameters: 0.25 and two different Prandtl numbers, P r = 0.01, 100. The re-
sults obtained were compared with numerical and analytical re-
dL ∂ L ∂ L ∂ Q dX sults from the reference work [15].
= + (6)
dD ∂ X ∂ Q ∂ X dD The efficiency of this problem can be quantified in terms of the
local Nusselt number Nu(x ), defined on the top of the slab as:
where dD is the Jacobian matrix. The linear system created is
solved by means of a GMRES algorithm. The cost of solving the ∂θ f
Nu(x ) = − | 1/2 ≤ x ≤ 3/2. (7)
linear system of equations is similar to solving the primal flow ∂ y y=0
solution in terms of iterations and computational time. As result,
The average Nusselt number is defined as:
the most sensitive zones of the geometry are detected on the grid
points. The gradient of this sensitivity map indicates the move- 3/2
ment of the grid points through the control points to obtain an Nu = Nu(x )dx. (8)
optimized cost function. An example of the sensitivity map for
the initial periodic configuration described will be illustrated in
Section 4.3.3. The control points are moved according to the previ- 3.1.2. Grid convergence
ous step of the optimization process, as a consequence the geome- First, a grid convergence test was performed for P r = 0.01 using
try and mesh are modified and a new iteration is performed until three different grid resolutions. The number of elements for each
an optimized geometry is obtained (Fig. 6). grid are 7.44 × 103 (Coarse), 2.26 × 104 (Medium) and 9.55 × 104
This iterative process is finished when the variation of the cost (Fine). Fig. 8 shows the mesh convergence process, consequently,
function value is below a given tolerance. the local Nusselt number, Nu, given by the Eq. (7), and the Con-
jugate Boundary Temperature, θ , approximate the reference results
3. Numerical verification and validation [15] as the mesh quality is increased. A convergence analysis based
on the infinity norm, not included here, gives an error ≈ 1% be-
In this section, two test cases are defined to verify and validate tween the medium and fine grids. Once the grid convergence test
the computational tool. The two cases, named as V1 and V2 , are: is satisfied, the following results are computed with the finest grid.
M. Chávez-Modena, L.M. González and E. Valero International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 182 (2022) 121971
Fig. 8. Grid convergence study using a coarse, a medium and a fine grid compared with the reference work [15] for the local Nusselt number Nu (left) and Conjugate
Boundary Temperature θ (left) along the convective wall with Re = 104 , Pr = 0.01, κ = 20 and λ = 0.25.
M. Chávez-Modena, L.M. González and E. Valero International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 182 (2022) 121971
Fig. 9. Local Nusselt number Nu (left) and Conjugate Boundary Temperature θ (right),compared with the reference work [15], at the convective wall with Re= 104 , Pr =
10−2 , 100, κ = 20 and λ = 0.25.
Fig. 10. Isosurfaces of conjugate boundary temperature (θ =0.1) of analytical [15] (top) and numerical (bottom) results with Pr = 0.01 (left), 100 (right), Re = 104 , κ = 20
and λ = 0.25.
Table 1
Geometrical dimensions of the wind channel and fins ex-
pressed in meters for the second test case, see [43].
M. Chávez-Modena, L.M. González and E. Valero International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 182 (2022) 121971
Fig. 12. Pressure drop, p, (left) and thermal resistance, Rth , (right) for the second validation case, V2 , at different Reynolds numbers. Experimental values are obtained from
unstructured elements for the upper part, with 5.8 × 105 elements Table 3
Location of mea-
is used. The boundary layer is fully resolved using y+ values below
surements sections.
one. A convergence analysis, not included here, shows a good com-
promise between accuracy and computational cost for this mesh. Section X [m]
The Reynolds number is defined as Re = ν h , where the ref- UMS1 0
erence length is the hydraulic diameter of the wind tunnel, dh = DMS1 0.25
2·H·W V DMS2 0.4
H+W . And the average air velocity is w = A−Ayz , where V is the DMS3 0.5
volumetric air flow rate, A = H · W is the wind tunnel cross sec-
tional area and Ayz = 1.35 × 10−4 m2 is the fin frontal area. In our
Table 4
case, the Reynolds number range is 40 0 0 < Redh < 14, 0 0 0 and the Air and Aluminium physical properties.
Prandtl is P r = 0.764. In this case, due to the reduced velocities,
the compressibility effects in the fluid are negligible. Property Air Aluminium
3.2.2. Results
The experimental measurements available were performed on
the central fin where the flow and heat transfer process are con-
sidered insensitive to the presence of the lateral walls of the wind
tunnel. The pressure drop over the heat sink was measured us-
Fig. 13. Experimental non-dimensionalized total pressure profile at the inflow
ing two pressure taps positioned over the flat plate in the cen- boundary. Pressure data provided by the aircraft engine company SAFRAN.
ter line (Z = 0 m) a distance d = 0.05 m upstream (X = 0.0038 m)
and downstream (X = 0.1628 m) of the heat sink respectively. The
pressure drop p and the thermal resistance Rth are both com- 4.1. Setup
pared to the experimental measurements in Fig. 12. As can be ob-
served, a good agreement is obtained between the computed val- As the geometry of this final case is inspired by future exper-
ues and the experimental measurements. imental campaigns, similarly to the previous case in Section 3.2,
this case will also be expressed in dimensional units except for
4. SACOC optimization the inflow pressure profile and the classical non-dimensional num-
bers such as the skin friction, the conjugate temperature and the
In this section, we will apply the optimization process de- Reynolds and Mach numbers.
scribed in Section 2.4 to the SACOC problem. As explained in The setup was introduced in Section 2.1 and illustrated in
Section 2.4, the process is divided in two independent tasks. First, Figs. 2 and 4, and the geometric dimensions are listed in Table 2.
the symmetry model is used (see Fig. 2) to investigate the fin Additionally, Table 3 contains the four streamwise coordinates x of
thickness and separation effects. Second, the periodic model (see the measurement sections used in this work during the numerical
Fig. 3) is used with the adjoint method to optimize the fin shape analysis (see Fig. 2), and Table 4 contains the values of the fluid
on the XY plane. Before the explanation of the optimization pro- and solid properties.
cess, the simulation setup and the grid convergence process are For the inflow boundary conditions, an experimentally mea-
presented. sured inflow total pressure profile is imposed (see Fig. 13), where
M. Chávez-Modena, L.M. González and E. Valero International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 182 (2022) 121971
Table 5 Table 6
Mesh convergence study. Six different meshes with different characteristic Pressure drop p, heat transfer per fin and the total heat transfer Q˙ when the
mesh size Hc and grid size inside the fin. The pressure loss p and the heat separation between fins and the number of fins is varied inside the fins width dis-
transfer Q˙ /NFIN are monitored. tance WF. The middle case NFINS = 16 is used as reference case to compute the
Grid Hc [mm] H f in [mm] Grid cells p [Pa] Q˙ /NFIN [W]
1 12 0.5 5.01 × 105 909.51 85.12
2 8 0.5 1.06 × 106 844.92 88.04 1.0875 24 807.2 (+10.1%) 74.98 (-21.4%) 1799.5 (+17.8%)
3 4 0.5 2.80 × 106 796.01 95.07 2.175 16 732.7 (0%) 95.43 (0%) 1526.9 (0%)
4 2 0.5 1.14 × 107 731.40 95.47 4.292 10 667.2 (−8.9%) 104.4 (+9.4%) 1044.2 (−31.6%)
5 2 0.25 1.31 × 107 732.70 95.43
6 2 0.125 2.36 × 107 733.35 95.47
Table 7
Pressure drop p, heat transfer per fin and the total heat transfer Q˙ when the fin
thickness and the number of fins is varied inside the fins width distance WF. The
middle case NFINS = 16 is used as reference case to compute the variations.
M. Chávez-Modena, L.M. González and E. Valero International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 182 (2022) 121971
Fig. 15. Pressure drop, p, (left) and the total heat transfer, h, (right) when the separation between fins and the number of fins is varied with a fixed fins width distance
Fig. 16. Heat transfer coefficient (left) and skin friction coefficient (right) with three different separation between fins: SFIN/WFIN = 1.0875 (top), 2.175 (middle) and 4.292
Fig. 17. Pressure drop p, heat transfer per fin and the total heat transfer h when the fin thickness and the number of fins is varied inside the fins width distance W F .
Therefore, a local maximum is found for the total heat transfer Table 8
The lateral fin area, Axy , the pressure drop, p, and
Q˙ when the W F IN = 1 × 10−3 m (see Fig. 17). As in the previous
the total heat tranfer, Q˙ , during the different itera-
test varying the distance between fins, the heat transfer per fin tions indicated by the Adjoint optimization process.
Q˙ /NFINS increases when the fin thickness is increased.
In contrast to the previous Section 4.3.1, Fig. 18 depicts how the Geometry Axy [ m2 ] p [Pa] Q˙ [W ]
shear stress distribution barely changes in the three different con- Original 2.30 × 10−3 636.4 95.2
figurations when the separation between fins is constant. However, Mod 1 2.30 × 10−3 619.7 95.3
Mod 2 2.35 × 10−3 586.2 95.3
the heat transfer increases proportionally to the fin thickness as
Mod 3 2.38 × 10−3 575.1 95.2
the addition of material permits a higher heat transfer. Mod 4 2.43 × 10−3 564.6 94.7
Mod 5 2.50 × 10−3 562.4 94.7
4.3.3. Shape optimization of the periodic case
Finally, as part of the last task, Fig. 19 depicts the vector dis-
placements obtained from the sensitivity computation on the con- 74 Pa (11.6%). Despite the iterative lateral area growth, the total
trol points and used to modify the SACOC geometry at the iteration heat transfer h is only reduced in 0.5 W (0.5%). Besides, the evo-
design zero. Notice that we use the periodic model (see Fig. 3) ac- lution of the pressure drop and heat transfer coefficient during the
cording the values of Table 1. iterations of the optimization process is presented in Fig. 20.
Then, Table 8 shows the iterations of the process, where the The comparison between the final geometry of the fin obtained
control points adjust the optimal shape of the fin. The final geom- after the optimization process and the original one is shown in
etry Mod 5 presents a lateral area, Axy , increase of 8.6% compared Fig. 21. Notice how the shape of the optimized geometry elimi-
to the original design, but showing a pressure drop reduction of nates the sharp corners and smooths the perimeter of the fin. It
M. Chávez-Modena, L.M. González and E. Valero International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 182 (2022) 121971
Fig. 18. Local heat transfer coefficient (left) and skin friction coefficient (right) with three different separation between fins: WFIN = 0.647 mm (top), 1.0 mm (middle) and
1.45 mm (bottom).
Fig. 19. Vector displacement on control points at the iteration design zero.
Fig. 20. Evolution of the pressure drop (left) and the total heat transfer (right) for the different optimized designs.
M. Chávez-Modena, L.M. González and E. Valero International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 182 (2022) 121971
Table 9
Comparison of the pressure drop p and the total heat transferred power Q˙ during the
different iterations indicated by the Adjoint optimization process for two different meshes.
Grids 5(original) and 6 (finer) are detailed in Table 5.
p [Pa] Q˙ [W]
Fig. 22. Comparison of the pressure profiles when the SACOC contains the original fins and when they are replaced by the optimized fins at the positions DMS1 and DMS2.
Fig. 23. Local heat transfer coefficient (left) and skin friction coefficient (right) with reference (top) and optimized (bottom) geometry.
alyzed (see Figs. 15 and 17) and some comments are required. For the sake of completeness, in this section the fins of
Fig. 15, expresses that both the pressure drop and the heat transfer the particular setup described in Section 4.2 are replaced by
are proportional to the number of fins, then if no additional heat the ones obtained after the optimization process performed in
transfer is required, the number of fins should remain as 16. Re- Section 4.3 where the number of fins and the fin thickness is the
garding the fin thickness, we should mention that the optimum same in both configurations. After the shape optimization, a pres-
heat transfer was obtained for the thickness used in the design sure drop of 77.6 Pa (10.6%) is obtained, while the heat transfer
case where the pressure drop does not suffer relevant variations per fin and the total heat transfer both vary less than 0.3%. In
(see Fig. 17). As consequence, the optimum design in terms of Fig. 22 the pressure profile between the case with the original
number of fins and fin thickness is the one already presented as fins and the optimized ones is presented. As can be appreciated
the design case. However, these results give useful information for in the fin area at the bottom part of the figure, the pressure pro-
alternative designs of the geometry based on new requirements. files are clearly modified for the test positions DMS1 and DMS2
downstream the SACOC, where the flow is accelerated.
M. Chávez-Modena, L.M. González and E. Valero International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 182 (2022) 121971
Fig. 24. Comparison of the non-dimensional temperature field between the original design (top) and the one obtained after the fourth iteration Mod 4 for the fine mesh
Fig. 25. Comparison of the turbulent kinetic field between the original design and the one obtained after the fourth iteration Mod 4 for the fine mesh.
Fig. 26. Comparison of the vorticity profiles when the SACOC contains the original fins and when they are replaced by the optimized fins at different YZ sections along
M. Chávez-Modena, L.M. González and E. Valero International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 182 (2022) 121971
M. Chávez-Modena, L.M. González and E. Valero International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 182 (2022) 121971
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