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Avoiding Plagiarism in Writing a Research Paper

Article  in  Soshum Jurnal Sosial dan Humaniora · March 2018

DOI: 10.31940/soshum.v8i1.769


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12 authors, including:

Majid Wajdi
Politeknik Negeri Bali


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Volume 8, Number 1, March 2018 p-ISSN. 2088-2262 e-ISSN. 2580-5622


Majid Wajdi1
I Made Sumartana2
Ni Putu Dyah Hudiananingsih3
Jurusan Administras Niaga, Politeknik Negeri Bali
2, 3
Jurusan Akuntansi, Politeknik Negeri Bali.
Address: Jl. Kampus Bukit Jimbaran, Kuta Selatan, Badung, Bali-Indonesia-80364
Phone: +62361 701781
E-mail: 1 wajdi@pnb.ac.id; 2 sumartana.imade@yahoo.com; 3 putu.dyah@yahoo.com


This paper discusses how to avoid plagiarism in a research paper. Avoiding plagiarism is part
of a scientific writing ethic that always stated in any publication. Every writer should pay
attention to their papers submitted to a journal or a scientific forum that they are free from
unethical conduct. Writing a research paper needs overall accuracy especially in avoiding
plagiarism in the paper that is to be published in a journal or to be presented at a certain
scientific meeting, seminar or symposium. It is based on writers‟ experience as a paper writer
as well as a journal reviewer. The first application that the writers use is „checker‟, a Mac
computer application, used to check spelling and grammar. It assists the writers to check how
misspelling and an ungrammatical inaccuracy in the writers‟ papers. The second free
application is „plagiarism checker‟. Checking originality of a paper is essential and it is not
too difficult to do today. It is freely accessible that plagiarism checker can be used to check
how original the paper is. By visiting “Google” then write down „plagiarism checker‟, it will
appear „smallseatools‟ and then the writers could choose and check how original the paper is.
This application is freely accessed and helps immensely to check how original a paper is and
how far a paper is free from plagiarism. The unoriginal phrase will be underlined and marked
red and finally will be shown how inimitable the paper is. Plagiarism scan report which
consists of the date of the report, plagiarism status, total words and total characters can be

KEYWORDS: avoiding plagiarism, checking plagiarism, paper writing, grammar checker,

spelling checker


Scientific publication is a long process, starting from deciding research topic or research
conception, research design, data collection, data analysis, interpretation results, and research
publication. All the processes have to be done correctly by following international ethics so
the research publication will enrich the science, technology and art. The roles of editors and a
suitable tool to filter the papers which are going to be published in a journal become very
important to ensure that the papers presented are scientifically and ethically acceptable. It is
widely found that ethical misconduct in a scientific publication specifically lies in data
fabrication, multiple submission, plagiarism, and authorship misuse (Lukman, et al, 2017).

Volume 8, Number 1, March 2018 p-ISSN. 2088-2262 e-ISSN. 2580-5622

Ethics statement is completely stated in every publication of a journal, especially in

online journals, and it becomes very important to be considered by all writers who want to
submit their papers. It becomes the main priority of a journal to state strongly and it should be
strongly also considered by the authors to check and recheck their papers or manuscripts
before the process of submission (http://ojs.pnb.ac.id/index.php/JASL/EthicsStatement).
Plagiarism is taking ideas, methods, or writings from others without mentioning the
source and with the aim of being claimed as a self-creation (American Association of
University Professor, „Statement of Plagiarism‟ (Academe, 75: 47-48, in Lukman et al, 2017).
Taking ideas and method of others are called copying, but make people believe it is as though
our own work is called stealing. In addition to plagiarism from the work of others, plagiarism
can also be from the work itself (self-plagiarism). The use of a small portion of the
manuscript that has published is called text recycling, but the use of most of the manuscript
which has been published is called redundant or duplicate publication (Lukman, et al, 2017).
The development and revolution of information technology send human beings into a
new world of creativity. Today some fruitful information around the world could be easily
accessed without limit and it arrives freely in our palm. Many people feel free to get
something from the Internet by downloading it and sending his or her idea by uploading it in
an unlimited way. Of course, it could be found the benefit of the information technology, but
it could also supply the negative impacts of it especially when it is used by an irresponsible
person. The irresponsible ones will also feel free to copy an article or a good statement then
he or she claims it as part of his or her own. A wise person, of course, has to decide to use a
sophisticated tool to facilitate and improve his or her life. Many people believe that all the
information accessed from the internet is free from the negative thing and then they will
follow and use it as a guide for their life.
The experience of being a researcher has proved that it is not completely easy to write
a good abstract or a research paper. This general difficulty drives an irresponsible person to
copy and take an article or part of an article to be his or her own. It is a ridiculous experience
to have a paper categorized as a part of plagiarism although someone sometimes does not do
it intentionally; he or she does not realize that a certain paragraph of his or her paper belongs
to someone else‟s paper published in an online journal. A writer or a researcher can get rid of
plagiarism if they patiently try to check the originality of the paper they write by using
plagiarism checker software that could be accessed freely on the internet. Or it is better for
them to check their paper before sending it to a journal editor.
Checking plagiarism in a research paper has to be the main priority of journal editors
to ensure or to guarantee that the papers that are going to be published are free from

Volume 8, Number 1, March 2018 p-ISSN. 2088-2262 e-ISSN. 2580-5622

plagiarism. It is really important to prevent that the papers are original. The role of the editor
and also good reviewers are very important in preventing the existence of double publication
and plagiarism. Reliable and active editors and reviewers in the publication will be able to
detect whether the manuscript reviewed has been previously published or not. The availability
of several programs that can be used to detect the resemblance or the similarity of a script is a
must. Many tools, both free accessed nor paid access, are ‟Iturnitin‟, 'Similarity Check'
(formerly 'CrossCheck') using 'iThenticate software', „PlagScan‟, „Plagiarism Checker‟ etc.
Plagiarism checked statement is essential to guarantee that the writers and readers, and
indexical institution that publish the papers are professionally managed. „PlagScan‟ is an
online plagiarism detection application that can be used by institutional users who have been
registered. It can be accessed via the internet at www.plagscan.com/ristekdikti link. Since to
apply the first of three are not free, based on the researchers' experiences, the best choice for
the public falls into what it is called „Plagiarism Checker‟ (smallseotools.com/plagiarism-
If plagiarism is found in an article then the consequence of the article can be
withdrawn (retraction), cancelled (cancellation), removed from the database (removal),
replaced (replacement), especially for medical articles (Lukman, 2016). Authors who are
caught doing plagiarism may be banned from sending manuscripts to the relevant journals.
Today it is relatively easy to avoid having or doing plagiarism if a writer or
researcher patiently could check it using online checker called „plagiarism checker‟ on the
internet. Everyone could access it freely as far as they are having an internet access. There
would be more than one internet site provide plagiarism checkers, but the researchers must
decide the easiest one. When typing „plagiarism checker‟ on Google, everyone is offered
some Web sites provide it to access. The following are the example how everyone could
access fruitful checkers of plagiarism. They attract online visitors by showing their interesting
„titles‟, the first-five sites are Plagiarism Checker, A Free Online Plagiarism Detector
(smallseotools.com), Free Plagiarism Checker for Teacher and Students
(www.paperrater.com), Plagiarism Checker, Grammarly (www.grammarly.com), Quetext,
Official Site (www.quetext.com), and Advanced Plagiarism Checker Free Article Checker
Online (searchenginereports.net).
The other experience as a journal reviewer has taught the researchers or reviewers
how to build a strategy or a technique of reviewing numerous papers in a limited time. The
only method or technique that has been used is by using plagiarism checker, online plagiarism
checker software which could be freely accessed. It could be also used to check whether
someone‟s statement or paper originally belongs to him or her or it belongs to someone else

Volume 8, Number 1, March 2018 p-ISSN. 2088-2262 e-ISSN. 2580-5622

by copying it on the internet. Nonetheless, today it will be easier to check how original a
paper is by using an application called „plagiarism checker‟. Just by visiting „google‟ and then
type in it „plagiarism checker‟ it will show the guidance how to check how much an article is
original or free from plagiarism. Plagiarism checker is claimed to be best for students,
teachers, writers and webmasters to check the plagiarism percentage report of articles, essays,
thesis and web pages (smallseotools.com).

Three papers of twenty papers which were sent to publish in a journal and a seminar program
were taken as a sample of the research. These three papers were purposively chosen to be
tested whether they were original or not or free from plagiarism. The following steps were
taken to process of checking for plagiarism. The first step, each paper was divided into parts
consisting of 1000 (one thousand) words each to ease checking in the plagiarism checker. If
the paper consists of 5000 words, it will be divided into five parts (I, II, III, IV, V). The
second, the researchers open the internet access, and then go to „google‟ and then type
„plagiarism checker, or by clicking the next one: http://smallseotools.com/plagiarism-checker.
The third, the researchers follow the instruction given. The researchers then will be guided to
check systematically the papers to prove the originality.


In this analysis, the writers, as well as the researchers, would like to show that it is simple to
avoid having plagiarism in a paper by being patient to check how original the paper is. It is
based on the experiences for years as a paper writer, before being tested by plagiarism
checker, the writer usually checks the paper using „grammar and spelling checker‟, namely a
computer application using a Mac computer. This computer application is easily and freely
accessed in application store (Appstore) using a Mac computer. This application is useful in
checking paper‟s grammar and its spelling. This is the first application or computer
application called „checker‟ the researchers have used so far. Although it can be downloaded
using a Mac computer and it must be accessed using internet connection. This „checker‟
application must be accessed when there is an internet access using WIFI or using a modem.
It is very useful to check the grammar and the spelling of our paper, although the tenses or
past form as an example could not be identified well. It is useful for the writer of English
paper not for the other paper such as Indonesian paper. Misspelt words will be corrected by
giving suggested proper words to revise. Revising misspelt words seem to be easier for it than
revising grammar.

Volume 8, Number 1, March 2018 p-ISSN. 2088-2262 e-ISSN. 2580-5622

The second computer application or software is „plagiarism checker‟ which can be

accessed online at http://smallseotools.com/plagiarism-checker/ or just type “plagiarism
checker” on google, then it will be shown many websites offering plagiarism checkers, but
the writers choose to use „plagiarism checker‟ shown above. As it was mentioned above that a
plagiarism checker is a computer application that can be accessed to test plagiarism
percentage of articles, essays, thesis, and web pages. It is best for students, teachers, writers
and webmasters to check plagiarism percentage report of articles they write
(http://smallseotools.com/plagiarism-checker). For the researchers own business, after
checking the grammar and the spelling of the paper, the writer uses plagiarism checker to
make sure that the content of the paper is free from plagiarism. For the sake of the researcher
own business as a reviewer of a journal, the writers also use this software to check the
originality of the paper the writers have to review as a journal reviewer.
Writing a paper which is free from plagiarism will make sure the reviewers that the
paper the researchers write is free from copying or quoting someone‟s papers. Once the
researchers have proven to be a plagiarizer or an illegal writer, it will be difficult for the
researchers to convince them that the writers did not do it intentionally. Every time the writers
finished writing a paper, what the writers must do is checking it using „checker application‟
which the writers download free of charge by using MacBook computer from Appstore
(application store). The writers must use it online namely by using an internet access to use
„checker application‟.
Reading and reviewing a paper to be published in a journal is time-consuming. It
takes much time to read it and then to review it as a good paper to publish. As a reviewer, the
writers did not get any useful information about what to do. Just review it, so it will be better
to publish it in a journal. First, the writers read the article that the writers have to review. The
writers have to conclude that the first paragraph the writers read did not show good English
sentences. To help the researchers judge that this paper did not show unique paper in the
sense that it is free from plagiarism, the next step the writers have to do is to check it using
plagiarism checker. The writers were happy at that time, not because of proving it that there is
a plagiarism part found in this paper, but the writers were aided reading all the paper. Since it
was found 50% to 60% of the paper that belongs to someone else paper, finally the writers
stop reading it and then the writers send back to the editor in chief by attaching the note and
the proof of plagiarism scan report provided by this software. As an example, the writer also
takes this paper (Avoiding Plagiarism in A Research Paper) to test using grammar and
spelling to make sure it is well composed. This paper was also checked using plagiarism
checker and it was reviewed to be a good article and completely free from quoting someone

Volume 8, Number 1, March 2018 p-ISSN. 2088-2262 e-ISSN. 2580-5622

else papers or using someone else statements which have been published in an online journal.
It was officially stated that this article is fully unique or it was stated that „the plagiarism
status is 100% unique, in the sense that there is no any statement or phrase written in the
article that belongs to someone‟s else paper which has been previously published in an online
journal. As a paper which will be sent to a scientific meeting or seminar, based on the review
of plagiarism checker, it is free from quoting or pasting from another paper.
The next example is taken from two papers which were reviewed by the researcher.
As it was stated above that here the researcher is as well as a reviewer. The next table is just
an example of the plagiarism scan report taken from a paper the researcher has to review. One
of the steps the writer must take as a reviewer is to find out a method or a technique to ease
the writer as a journal reviewer is reviewing or reading the abstracts and the introductions of
the papers. The method of reviewing that the writer applies is by using plagiarism checker.
The next table shows how Plagiarism Scan Report describes shortly that the paper being
tested is full of plagiarism. It shows that the writer of the paper was only able to show the
uniqueness of his/her paper under 47%. It means that the paper contains 53% unoriginal paper
of the writer. Of course, in general, it can be categorized to be an unsuitable paper to be
published anywhere.

Table 1 Plagiarism Scan Report

Report Generated Date 22 Aug, 2017
Plagiarism Status 47% Unique
Total Words 848
Total Characters 6584
Any Ignore Url Used

Table 1 (quoted from the original scan report) presents the summary of the plagiarism
report as a result of plagiarism checker. The original one can be downloaded and printed but it
cannot be saved since it was protected. But it is easy to access it in the download section in
the computer anytime. The original one is completed by the page of plagiarism checker.
Before being downloaded, the report showed the statements or phrases that belong to writers
of the original one and it can be traced. The unoriginal phrases were marked red and
underlined to indicate that they belong to another writer. It can be traced in the website where
the unoriginal statements were taken and also we can trace who it belongs to. The Table 1

Volume 8, Number 1, March 2018 p-ISSN. 2088-2262 e-ISSN. 2580-5622

also describes the date of the process of the paper was checked. In the plagiarism status, it
was stated clearly how many percents is based on the writer own-self. The uniqueness above
is only 47%, it means that 53% of the statements or phrases belong to another writer. If it is
the writers or researchers own paper, the writers can trace it and revise it to improve and get
rid of having plagiarism. The plagiarism scan report can be sent to the writer as a proof that
the paper needs revision. Since the report is downloaded from the reputable website, the
writers have to realize that they „unconsciously‟ have made some mistakes that should not
appear in the paper.
How many percents of the plagiarism is tolerated by editor team? It depends on the
rule of the journal editor. If 25% is to be tolerated, it means that the uniqueness should be
75%. But when it is the writers own research, of course, the writers must revise it to be 100%
unique that means 100% free from plagiarism. How should the researchers do if some
statements or phrases were found as part of plagiarism? The best way to is to rewrite it to
minimize from having plagiarism. After being revised, try again to recheck it to make sure
that it is good enough to be a scientific paper.

Based on two papers used as the research‟s sample, it has been found that the
possibility of finding unoriginal papers is still possible. The best way to avoid having
plagiarism is by testing a paper by using „Plagiarism Checker‟. It is a free online plagiarism
software to check how original a paper is. This software helps a reviewer immensely to check
a paper which adopts plagiarism. It helps reviewers, as well as writers, check from having an
unoriginal paper. The reviewer becomes more professional in reviewing the paper if he
or she could show the result of the review by attaching Plagiarism Scan Report. The
writer will be hopefully aware of what he or she writes in the paper since the suggestions
given are objective enough and not based on personal considerations.


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