Solar Drying
Om Prakash
Anil Kumar
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2. Drying Methodology....................................................................................13
2.1 Introduction .........................................................................................13
2.2 Moisture Content ................................................................................14
2.3 Moisture Movement Mechanism......................................................15
2.4 Equilibrium Moisture Content (EMC) .............................................17
2.4.1 EMC Models ...........................................................................17 Henderson Equation .............................................18 Chung–Pfost Equation..........................................19 Modifed Halsey Equation ...................................19 Modifed Oswin Equation....................................19
2.5 Drying Theory .....................................................................................19
2.6 Drying Rate Equation .........................................................................20
2.6.1 Constant Drying Rate Period ...............................................21
2.6.2 Falling Drying Rate Period...................................................21
2.7 Shrinkage..............................................................................................22
2.7.1 Shrinkage Model ....................................................................23
2.7.2 Volume Shrinkage..................................................................23
2.7.3 Bulk Density ...........................................................................23
2.7.4 Particle Density ......................................................................23
2.7.5 Dry Solids Density .................................................................24
2.7.6 Equilibrium Density .............................................................. 24
2.7.7 Porosity....................................................................................24
vi Contents
Index .....................................................................................................................137
Foreword by Rebecca R. Milczarek
Much regarding the solar drying of food materials has remained unchanged
in the 14,000 years that cultures around the globe have practiced it. Today, mil-
lions of entities—ranging from smallholder farmers in developing regions to
multinational companies operating on thousands of hectares—still employ
open sun drying to preserve fruit, vegetables, grains, and pulses. The contin-
ued popularity of open sun drying is because it is perhaps the most widely
accessible and low-cost food preservation method available.
While much in this feld has remained the same, since the 1990s there
have been rapid technological advancements in solar drying that promise
to enhance product quality, shorten drying time, and (further) improve the
environmental sustainability of the process. While open sun drying still has
a strong presence, indirect, mixed-mode, and active solar dryer designs are
becoming increasingly popular. A deeper understanding of solar drying’s
mass and energy transport phenomena is now possible through computa-
tional multiphysics modeling programs. New dryer designs can be dissemi-
nated across the globe in mere seconds. The drive to reduce greenhouse gas
and carbon emissions in the food processing industry has also renewed inter-
est in exploring and optimizing solar drying technologies.
Solar Drying Systems is a text that meets this moment. Drs Prakash and
Kumar have brought their collective 15-plus years of solar drying research
and teaching experience to bear on this comprehensive reference and instruc-
tional work. The authors have studied the solar drying of a diverse array
of crops and food products—apple, bitter gourd, gooseberry, jaggery, onion,
tomato, and watermelon, to name a few. The Agricultural Engineering com-
munity widely cites their physics-driven approach to designing and ana-
lyzing solar drying systems’ performance, and this approach forms the
framework of their book. Readers will gain an understanding of both the
fundamental principles of solar drying, which have remained constant over
millennia, as well as recent advances in dryer design, analysis, and optimiza-
tion, which are enabling a modern reimagining of the humble solar dryer.
As the rise in demand for fossil fuel has been increasing on day-to-day basis
there is a need to put more attention on renewable energy sources. The sun
is always being considered as an unlimited source of energy. The use of solar
energy is not a new concept; it has been used since earlier in different ways.
Solar drying is one of the most prominent applications of the solar energy. It
is being used since long time for drying of different agricultural products for
farmers and small scale agro based industries.
There is a rapid advancement in the feld of solar dryer due to intensive
research in the feld of solar drying. Due to consistent effort from last three-
decade, solar drying system becomes cost effective as well as energy effcient.
This book presents complete information related to solar dryer. The whole
book is divided into seven chapters.
The frst chapter deals with various fundamentals related to the solar dry-
ing system. The solar drying system is mainly used to dry the agricultural
produce in the low thermal application. It is good in three prospective mainly
economy, environment, and minimization of post harvest loss. In this chap-
ter, importance of drying is also discussed in details Various others related
topics also discussed like crop drying characteristics, safe storage moisture
contents, dried product quality parameters and classifcation of drying. At
last this chapter, put foundation of the solar drying.
The second chapter deals with various drying methodology for the solar
dryer. This methodology is required to make drying process effective. Various
related concepts are to be discussed in detail such as moisture content, equi-
librium moisture content, drying rate, shrinkage and pre-treatment prior to
drying. By proper understanding the concept, it becomes easy to take maxi-
mum advantage of the drying process.
In the third chapter, a compressive review is being presented of the various
state of art solar dryer. Various type of solar dryer with different design are
discussed in this chapter.
Chapter four deals with the performance analysis of the solar drying sys-
tem. This analysis is very important to justify the utility of the solar dryer.
Any newly developed solar dryer is being evaluated based on these per-
formance parameters and compared the results with previous dryer. The
drying effciency, heat utilization factor, coeffcient of performance, thermal
effciency, overall daily thermal effciency, and exergy analysis are the promi-
nent performance analysis parameters based on that any solar dryer is being
judged. These performance parameters are applicable in the all the dryers
with slight modifcation, which vary from case to case to basis.
xii Preface
Chapter fve deals with the thermal modelling of the solar dryer. By the
help of thermal modelling, these parameters can be predicted with high
accuracy namely inside air temperature, inside air relative humidity drying
rate, drying kinetics, and drying potentials.
Chapter 6 present the energy analysis of the solar dryer. All the important
parameters related to energy analysis such as embodied energy, energy pay-
back time, carbon credit and CO2 mitigation are being discussed.
The last chapter deals with economic analysis of the solar dryer. All impor-
tant economic parameters are discussed in this such annual cost, payback
period and others.
We hope that the present content of the book in respect of different tech-
nologies of solar drying can serve the useful information to practicing engi-
neers, learner's, faculty members, and various student of the world. Despite
our best concern and effort, we apologize if some errors are in the manuscript
due to inadvertent mistakes. We would appreciate being informed about the
errors and constructive criticism for the enhancement of the quality of this
Om Prakash
Ranchi, India
Anil Kumar
New Delhi, India
This book is a tribute to the engineers and scientists who continue to push
forward the practices and technologies of solar drying systems. It would not
have been completed without the efforts of numerous individuals in addi-
tion to the primary writers, contributing authors, technical reviewers, and
Our frst and foremost gratitude is that we have been given the oppor-
tunity and strength to play our part in the service of society. We also
express our heartfelt gratitude to Prof. Yogesh Singh, Vice Chancellor, Delhi
Technological University, Delhi, India, and the Vice Chancellor of Birla
Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi, India, for their kind encouragement.
We would like to express our thanks to many people, faculty and friends
who provided valuable inputs during the preparation of this text. We
thank especially Dr. Jan Banout, Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague,
Czech Republic; Prof. Ahmed M. Abdel-Ghany, King Saud University,
Saudi Arabia; Prof. Shuli Liu, Coventry University, UK; Prof. Cristina L.
M. Silva, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal; Prof. Raquel P. F.
Guiné, Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, Portugal; Dr. Ashish Shukla, Coventry
University, UK; Prof. Perapong Tekasakul, Prince of Songkla University, Hat
Yai, Songkhla, Thailand; Prof. Samsher, Delhi Technological University, Delhi
(India); Prof. (Retd.) G. N. Tiwari, Centre for Energy Studies, Indian Institute
of Technology, Delhi, India; and Prof. Emran Khan, Head of Department of
Mechanical Engineering, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India, for their
valuable help and suggestions.
We wish to acknowledge our research scholar, Mr. Asim Ahmad, Mechanical
Engineering Department, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi, India,
and all colleagues for their support and encouragement.
We appreciate our spouses, Mrs. Poonam Pandey and Mrs. Abhilasha, and
our beloved children Ms Shravani Pandey, Master Tijil Kumar, and Ms. Idika
Kumar. They have been a great source of support and inspiration, and their
endurance and sympathy throughout this project have been most valued.
Our heartfelt special thanks go to CRC Press, for publishing this book. We
would also like to thank all those who have been involved, directly or indi-
rectly, in bringing the book to fruition.
Finally, yet importantly, we wish to express our warmest gratitude to our
respected parents – Sh. Krishna Nandan Pandey, Smt. Indu Devi, the late Sh.
Tara Chand, Smt. Vimlesh, and our siblings for their unselfsh efforts to help
in all felds of life.
xvi Authors
1.1 Introduction
Plants are the primary source of food for the human population. Human
food is further categorized as perishable, non-perishable, processed, raw,
fresh, manufactured, organic and foods usable in various ways. The preser-
vation of food is also crucial. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations (FAO) reported that many people in developing countries
are acutely malnourished (, and it is certain that extra crops
will need to be cultivated to guarantee food safety. This situation is mainly a
result of an increase in population (Chauhan and Kumar, 2016). An alterna-
tive solution is to minimize loss at the levels of pre-harvest, during harvest,
and post-harvest. Among these three types of loss of the crop, post-harvest
loss is the most prominent. Post-harvest loss occurs mainly because of micro-
bial degradation of the crop. Microbial growth depends primarily on storage
conditions and moisture content. However, different kinds of microorgan-
isms have dissimilar growth rates, relating to conditions such as product,
storage atmosphere, content, etc. (Matthews et al., 2019).
The main methods of preservation to ensure the minimization of post-
harvest loss of the food product are freezing, vacuum sealing, canning, and
preserving with sugar, irradiating fruit, applying preservatives, and drying.
Drying is the most environomical method for minimization of post-harvest
loss. The process can be used for various types of food products for long-term
preservation with minimum compromise to the product quality, texture, and
color (Aumporn et al., 2018). The drying process is a very energy-intensive
process. Figure 1.1 represents energy consumption for drying as seen from
the global perspective.
Dried food takes up very little space compared to frozen and canned food.
However, it cannot be used as a substitute for freezing and canning meth-
ods because of their capacity to retain taste, appearance and nutritive value.
Drying occurs through heat and mass transfer of the dryable product. The
fow of energy is presented in Figure 1.2.
2 Solar Drying Systems
Global High-GDP Low-GDP
countries countries
~95 EJ-yr–1 ~50 EJ-yr–1 ~45 EJ-yr–1
Global energy use in the food sector (Lamidi et al., 2019).
Transportation of heat and mass transfer from the inner to the outer part of the product.
There has been intensive research in the feld of drying, with the aim of
making it more effective and less expensive. Every year, more and more
publications are produced regarding this feld. A graphical representation is
shown in Figure 1.3.
To take maximum advantage of drying, it is very important to select pre-
and post-processing of the product both before and after the drying event.
Fundamentals of Solar Drying Systems 3
Number of publications
2412 2420
2000 1758 1748
1500 1371 1314
1019 981
894 883
1000 734* 735 705 736 652
Trend of research publications from 2000–2019 (Menon et al., 2020).
Post-Harvest Losses of Various Prominent Agricultural Commodities in India
Serial No. Commodities % Loss
1 Grains 4.65–5.99
2 Pulses 6.36–8.41
3 Fruits and vegetables 4.58–15.88
4 Floriculture 30–35
5 Medicinal and aromatic plants Not estimated
6 Oil seeds 3.08–9.96
the agricultural produce is wasted at the post-harvest level. Crop can also
be lost in the pre-harvest and during harvest, but post-harvest loss is very
prominent. Table 1.1 shows the post-harvest loss of agricultural commodities
in India.
It is therefore very important to minimize this loss at the post-harvest level
with a minimum investment of both energy and economy.
Drying emerges as one of the most prominent solutions to minimizing
post-harvest loss with the least use of energy and economy. It is a complex
method that involves at the same time heat and mass transfer along with sev-
eral other processes. This results in physical/chemical damage which leads
to variations in the quality and shape of the product. These are the promi-
nent changes that occur during the drying process, i.e., shrinkage, crystal-
lization, puffng, transformations from shrinkage, variance in color, texture,
and aroma, along with other changes that occur as a result of a compound
reaction (Singh and Shrivastava, 2017).
The important features of food drying are as follows:
1. The working temperature has a wide range, from triple point to the
critical point of the produce’s moisture level.
2. Working pressure is in a wide range, with the lower atmospheric pres-
sure to 25 bar.
3. Drying loads are across a wide range, from 0.10 kg/h to 100kg/h.
4. The drying time has a wide range, from less than 1 second to 5 months.
5. The thickness of the produce is in wide ranges from microns to tens of
6. Porosity of the produce is in a wide range, from 0%–99.9%.
7. All three types of heat transfer take place simultaneously.
Fundamentals of Solar Drying Systems 5
Sustainable agricultural
produce drying
Classifcation of sustainable agricultural produce drying (Lamidi et al., 2019).
120 140
0 .9
0% (C)
10 re
70 0%
% 60%
40 atu
S 15
or 10
ulb %
B 30
et 10
20 20%
0 10%
0 –5
–10 –5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Temeperature (°C)
A classical psychometric chart.
Initial and Final Moisture Content and Maximum Allowable Temperatures
for Drying a Range of Crops
Initial Moisture Final Moisture Maximum Allowable
Content Content Temp. (oC)
Crop (%, w.b.) (%, w.b.)
Paddy rice, raw 22–24 11 50
Paddy rice, parboiled 30–35 13 50
Maize 35 15 60
Wheat 20 16 45
Corn 24 14 50
Rice 24 11 50
Pulses 20–22 9–10 40–60
Oil seed 20–25 7–9 40–60
Green peas 80 5 65
Caulifower 80 6 65
Carrot 70 5 75
Green beans 70 5 75
Onion 80 4 55
Garlic 80 4 55
Cabbage 80 4 55
Sweet potato 75 7 75
Chilies 80 5 65
Apricot 85 18 65
Apples 80 24 70
Grapes 80 15–20 70
Bananas 80 15 70
Guavas 80 7 65
Okra 80 20 65
Pineapple 80 10 65
Tomatoes 96 10 60
Brinjal* 95 6 60
Prakash and Kumar (2014).
* Eggplant.
come under the category of low moisture content crops. Each crop has differ-
ent moisture diffusivity, which is the rate of movement of moisture without
any specifed mechanism.
Therefore, based on the type of crop, drying parameters must be adjusted
in order to reach the best outcome from the drying process. For low moisture
content crops, a thick-layer drying process is recommended, but for medium
and high moisture content crops, a thin-layer drying process is advised.
The relative humidity also plays a very important role in the drying process.
The relative humidity of the drying chamber should be kept to a low level.
8 Solar Drying Systems
Classifcation of drying and dryers (Ekechukwu and Norton, 1999).
10 Solar Drying Systems
The drying process is classifed into two types, conventional and solar.
Conventional dryers cover all types of mechanical and electrical dryers.
They are very harmful to the atmosphere and costly in operation. In con-
trast, the operating cost of solar dryers is almost zero and it is very envi-
ronmentally friendly. Solar dryers have been used for generations to dry
agricultural produce using open sun drying, also called natural sun drying.
But one disadvantage of this method is that, because of changes in the cli-
mate, it is not always reliable. Hence controlled solar drying is becoming
increasingly popular. Controlled solar dryers are operated in both modes
of heat transfer, namely the natural convection mode, and the forced mode.
The solar dryer is classifed based on the operational mode of heat transfer
(Dhalsamant et al., 2018).
Natural solar drying (Prakash and Kumar, 2014).
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1.2 Explain the importance of the drying of agricultural produce.
1.3 Critically analyze crop drying characteristics.
1.4 Critically analyze the safe storage moisture content.
1.5 Defne the quality for a dried product and its importance?
1.6 Classify the various types of drying processes.
1.7 Discuss the introduction of solar drying in the present scenario.
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