BHMH2003 - A07 - Yam Yuk Humg
BHMH2003 - A07 - Yam Yuk Humg
BHMH2003 - A07 - Yam Yuk Humg
student number, (c) subject code, (d) subject group, (e) page number & (f) total
number of pages.
Name: Yam Yuk Hung Student No.: 20025046A
Subject Code BHMH2003 Subject Group: A07
Page No.: 1 Total no. of 13
Instructions to Candidates:
1. There are TWO sections in this paper.
Section A (30%) – Short Questions. Answer any THREE out of the FOUR
questions in this section on Page No. 2 of the answer sheet provided. If you answer
more than three questions, only the first three attempted questions will be marked.
Indicate in your answer sheet clearly which three questions you are attempting.
Section B (70%) – Essay Questions. Answer ALL THREE questions in this section
on the answer sheet provided. The answer for each question should be within TWO
2. USE the relevant concepts taught in this subject to answer the questions.
3. Type your answers in Times New Roman 12, single line spacing, and black colour.
Do NOT highlight any words and do NOT change the setting of the answer sheet.
5. Please make sure that each uploaded page of your answer sheet is clearly captured.
Only one single file in Microsoft WORD format with less than 20MB will be
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For answer script - EVERY answer sheet MUST include (a) full student name, (b)
student number, (c) subject code, (d) subject group, (e) page number & (f) total
number of pages.
Name: Yam Yuk Hung Student No.: 20025046A
Subject Code BHMH2003 Subject Group: A07
Page No.: 2 Total no. of 13
Type your answer below (Times New Roman 12, single line spacing and black colour):
International firms adopted extension of its home country marketing strategy. Second,
adopted market its existing products and services in other countries the same way it does
home such as Muji. Muji product its same in Hong Kong and Japan. They will not launch
new products because of Hong Kong’s culture. Multinational firms used multidomestic
marketing strategy. They have as many different product variations, brand names, and
advertising programs as countries in which they do business such as Toyota Motor
Corporation. This company is established in Japan product line also in Japan but you
people can buy in other country.
First pricing strategies is skimming pricing strategy it is a firm charges a high introductory
price, often coupled with heavy promotion. Than, as a product progresses through its life
cycle, the organization may lower its price to successfully reach larger market segment.
Following situation when skimming pricing is successful. Frist, demand greater than
For answer script - EVERY answer sheet MUST include (a) full student name, (b)
student number, (c) subject code, (d) subject group, (e) page number & (f) total
number of pages.
Name: Yam Yuk Hung Student No.: 20025046A
Subject Code BHMH2003 Subject Group: A07
Page No.: 3 Total no. of 13
supply. Second, superior product. Third, technological breakthrough. Last but not least is
production is limited. For example Sony playStation5.
Second pricing strategies is product bundling pricing strategy its mean marketing two or
more products in a single package for a special price such as buying computer set.
(a) First is nonmarketing controlled information sources such as personal experiences
Andy read the advertisement placed in health magazines he has found that the prices
and functions of massage chair vary a lot that make Andy has personal experiences to
know more about massage chair. Second is personal sources Andy want to buy
massage chair to has old father. He hope the chair can help father have deep relaxation
and reduce blood pressure just in time massage chair have the above function just
suitable for him father. Third is public sources in a TV advertisement which promoted
massage chair it have a lot of benefits such as deep relaxation, reduced blood pressure,
a lowering of the pulse rate and increased metabolism the above information can help
Andy make the decision to buy massage chair.
(b) First is objective attributes like price. Second is subjective attributes such as outlook is
beautiful or not. On the above case Sam wants to buy a beautiful massage chair within
his budget of $50000.
(c) First primary membership groups it include all groups with which people interact
regularly in an informal way such as family, friends and coworkers. Second is people
associate with secondary membership groups less consistently and more formally.
This includes clubs, professional groups. Third is aspirational reference group include
a group that someone would like to join on the above case it have Andy’s wife and a
church member, Sam. Fourth a no aspirational reference group is one that someone
wants to avoid being identified with, Andy’s father. Therefore, it have two types of
reference group which might influence Andy’s purchase decision. First is opinion
leaders its means an individual who influences the opinion of others. On the above
case the TV advertisement and health magazines can influence Andy’s purchase
decision. Second is family because a massage chair is buy for his father if his father do
not like the chair Andy will not buy as a result he will not buy the chair.
For answer script - EVERY answer sheet MUST include (a) full student name, (b)
student number, (c) subject code, (d) subject group, (e) page number & (f) total
number of pages.
Name: Yam Yuk Hung Student No.: 20025046A
Subject Code BHMH2003 Subject Group: A07
Page No.: 4 Total no. of 13
(a) First segmentation variables is demographic variables. In first paragraph SuperHealth
products is provide to 55-75 years old to use. Also their target market is rich family
which are priced at higher level in the product lines. In family life cycle they almost
are older married or old unmarried. Their life stage is senior and birth era is baby
boomer. Moreover their household size is 3 or more. Their education almost is
primary or secondary. Second is geographic variables such as, region and country the
target buyer is Asia or USA. Next is market size it is enough in first paragraph they
focus on rich family it is a big market can reach people to buy the products. Therefore,
market density also very important if in suburban the buyers maybe no enough
technology and equipment to use the products. Third is psychographic variables
include personality, lifestyles, motives. Fourth is benefit variables its mean the process
of grouping customers into market segments according to the benefits they seek from
the products. For example product features like high technology, easy to use and also
needs like quality, service, value, financing, convenience. Fifth usage-rate variables.
Its mean dividing a market by the amount of product bought or consumed. Also
patronage variables such as, usage rate and user status. SuperHealth adopted
undifferentiated targeting strategy its mean a marketing approach that views the
market as one big market with no individual segments and therefore, requires a single
marketing mix. In the company they just have three products use this strategy can
potential savings on production and marketing costs and make more profit.
(b) First is substantiality. Segment must be large enough to warrant a special marketing
mix in second paragraph the middle-aged group is a big market. Second is
identifiability and measurability. Segments must be identifiable and their size
measurable, in second paragraph have many research that large increase of enrolment
number of this age group. Third accessibility. It means members if targeted segments
must be reachable with marketing mix. Last is responsiveness. It means segments
respond to the marketing mix differentlyl.
For answer script - EVERY answer sheet MUST include (a) full student name, (b)
student number, (c) subject code, (d) subject group, (e) page number & (f) total
number of pages.
Name: Yam Yuk Hung Student No.: 20025046A
Subject Code BHMH2003 Subject Group: A07
Page No.: 5 Total no. of 13
(a) Message execution is the way the advertisement conveys its information. In this case
they slice of life depicts people in normal and Bibi enjoys afternoon tea with three
housewives and they discuss casually how to select supermarket. Second is
Spokesperson they invited Bibi to be the key character in the TV commercial. Third
is demonstration Bibi shows audiences how sincere efficient the store assistants of
Bestsave are. Lat animated product symbols create a character “Bestsave Smart
Lady”, the cartoon figure.
(b) I recommend Youtube for promotion on the web it can upload the TV on Youtube
attract more people to watch and leave comments to tell the company it is good or not
and how to improve. Second I recommend Google the company can buy the search
engine on google when people search on google they will see your company on the
top. Third I recommend Instagram because Instagram have a lot of people to use and
share something about their life. The company can buy the advertising on Instagram
therefore the user will see that on IG and know about the company. Last I recommend
Facebook. Although Facebook user was decrease but also have many 30-40years old
people to use. If the company can share the TV on Facebook it can attract them to try
the services and products.
For answer script - EVERY answer sheet MUST include (a) full student name, (b)
student number, (c) subject code, (d) subject group, (e) page number & (f) total
number of pages.
Name: Yam Yuk Hung Student No.: 20025046A
Subject Code BHMH2003 Subject Group: A07
Page No.: 6 Total no. of 13
Question B1
For answer script - EVERY answer sheet MUST include (a) full student name, (b)
student number, (c) subject code, (d) subject group, (e) page number & (f) total
number of pages.
Name: Yam Yuk Hung Student No.: 20025046A
Subject Code BHMH2003 Subject Group: A07
Page No.: 9 Total no. of 13
Question B1 (continued)
For answer script - EVERY answer sheet MUST include (a) full student name, (b)
student number, (c) subject code, (d) subject group, (e) page number & (f) total
number of pages.
Name: Yam Yuk Hung Student No.: 20025046A
Subject Code BHMH2003 Subject Group: A07
Page No.: 10 Total no. of 13
Question B2
For answer script - EVERY answer sheet MUST include (a) full student name, (b)
student number, (c) subject code, (d) subject group, (e) page number & (f) total
number of pages.
Name: Yam Yuk Hung Student No.: 20025046A
Subject Code BHMH2003 Subject Group: A07
Page No.: 11 Total no. of 13
Question B2 (continued)
For answer script - EVERY answer sheet MUST include (a) full student name, (b)
student number, (c) subject code, (d) subject group, (e) page number & (f) total
number of pages.
Name: Yam Yuk Hung Student No.: 20025046A
Subject Code BHMH2003 Subject Group: A07
Page No.: 12 Total no. of 13
Question B3
For answer script - EVERY answer sheet MUST include (a) full student name, (b)
student number, (c) subject code, (d) subject group, (e) page number & (f) total
number of pages.
Name: Yam Yuk Hung Student No.: 20025046A
Subject Code BHMH2003 Subject Group: A07
Page No.: 13 Total no. of 13
Question B3 (continued)