Angel Florence V. Villare - QUIZn20 - VIRTUE ETHICS
Angel Florence V. Villare - QUIZn20 - VIRTUE ETHICS
Angel Florence V. Villare - QUIZn20 - VIRTUE ETHICS
I. Refer to our reading material on Virtue Ethics and complete the following:
A. Aristotle on Soul
The rational part of the soul possesses the capacity for The irrational part of the soul places a greater
reason and uses logic, which is distinctive to human value on emotions and desires than on the
nature. It is responsible for the human ability to pursuit of truth, knowledge, and understanding.
contemplate and reason logically, guiding them on the This part of the soul values emotion and feelings
most appropriate means to take. as opposed to reason and logic.
Parts Parts
A (1pt.) B. (1pt) A. (1pt) B. (1pt)
The speculative part is The practical part is It is responsible for the It is in charge of
responsible for responsible for choices and nutrition and growth of emotions and
knowledge. It is actions. It is in charge of human beings. This part desires of the soul
concerned with pure the action and the practical of the soul takes care of and shares in the
thought and is determination of proper all the involuntary rational element in
means to attain a specific functions of the body, the soul.
essentially the basis of end. from breathing to
contemplation. digestion and the like.
Moral virtue deals with excellence in the Intellectual virtue is concerned with one's ability to
performance of decisions relating to moral and use reason's contemplative capacity to acquire
practical decisions. It is learned through habit and knowledge. These are the traits or ways by which we
constant practice and guides the human person in want to arrive at truth, insight, and knowledge,
choosing the mean between the extremes of excess which will necessitate specific qualities such as
and deficiency humility and courage. Intellectual virtues can be
obtained through instruction or teaching.
For example, Justin has always been very generous Justin is confronted with a difficult decision: he
to the poor, even though he is not rich. It is always wants to pursue a Ph.D. after completing his
his habit to show care and help others, especially master's degree, but he has witnessed his mother
those who are poor or in need. One day, Justin saw suffer from stage 4 cancer, the most severe stage of
the poor man's money fall on the road. If he has cancer, which will cost a lot of money to pay for her
moral virtue, even though he also needs money, he mother's operation, thus his Ph.D. will likely be
will value truth and honesty. He will tell the man canceled. Our emotions and desires might
that his money fell on the road. Justin, therefore, sometimes leave us doubtful about what actions are
became known as being generous because of the appropriate to take. As a result, Justin's decision on
way he habitually acts with other people. the problem will be guided by intellectual virtue in
order to arrive at the best action to be sought.
C. Explain the following (answers should not be more than 100 words)
1. What is the role of the rational part of the soul to the irrational part? (5pts)
As the rational part of the soul includes the person's capacity to reason and use logic, its role in relation to the
irrational part of the soul is to guide one's capacity for actions and decisions by reason and the practical
determination of proper means to attain the specific end. Given that passions and desires are an essential part
of having a soul, it is the responsibility of the rational part to control such desires. This is necessary for
making sure that desires do not control behavior. Being able to describe oneself as morally virtuous helps a
person become closer to the chief good in the realm of moral virtue.
Moral virtue is practical knowledge because actions are guided by reason and not only driven by passion. A
person's virtuous character is the product of practical knowledge that acts as a guide for action in daily life.
Practical knowledge is a rational state that enables a person to appropriately reason about ethical matters
involving human life. It gives one the capacity to come up with good deliberation toward actions and
behaviors that lead to good ends.
In Premium, Regular, Diesel Oil Company, the issue of reserved parking spaces is gaining momentum among the
employees. They are pointing out that given the limited parking space, the practice of giving reserved parking
spaces must be reconsidered and rationalized. Currently, those who occupy higher positions (executives,
supervisors, department heads) and PWDs are given reserved parking spaces. As a result, other employees
have to compete among themselves for the remaining parking space. This results in some being late or
marked absent in their work because of unavailability of parking spaces. It was also noted by employees that
while they find it difficult to find parking spaces, there are many moments when those reserved spaces are
sometimes still vacant (on supposedly office hours). The high volume of their clients also add to the
While the employees have brought this matter to the proper offices, their grievances seems to fall on deaf ears
for a long time now.
A lot of companies have their own parking slots. However, they are terribly poorly managed.
Some company operators will reserve parking spaces for VIPs, causing some employees to waste a
significant amount of time looking for the right parking spot. Doing so may cause interruptions in
work and reduce the overall productivity of employees. Also, there are moments when reserved
spaces are sometimes left unoccupied, but it will still be impossible for the employees to use them.
With this being said, I argue that the virtuous way to solve this problem is for all required parking
spaces to remain open and readily accessible for parking for everyone, regardless of position or
status. The management should be held accountable and must take reasonable actions to ensure the
availability of parking spaces. Offices should consider whether it is necessary to change their own
rules and regulations concerning reserved parking. They should never ignore a complaint to ensure
that all employees, even the customer, can access and occupy the parking space. If they ever ignore it,
it will remain unresolved, so they have to let the human resources management know and follow up
to be sure it’s resolved.
Using the concepts of Aristotle in virtue ethics, to be morally virtuous, one must be able to
respond to situations not just with the correct feeling or action, but to the proper degree, at the right
time, and toward the right people. It calls for an action that chooses the mean between two extremes
in the realm of morality. Thus, it requires adequate parking to suit not only the demands of the
employees but also the needs of the community for mobility and economic strength. I have come to
realize that the simplest way to minimize this problem is for everyone to be on the same page. There
is no assigned parking; therefore, it is first come, first served. It is vital that the management consider
buying and allocating parking spaces for all employees, not just those in positions of power. To
conclude this, a morally virtuous person is one who ensures everyone has a readily available parking
spot to prevent them from competing with one another. By practicing being fair, just, and
nondiscriminatory, a person develops an honorable and moral character.