Secrets To Retire Rich

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Foreword i
Preface iv

CH I The Mantra 1
CH II Understanding Retirement 3
CH III Ask the Right Questions 5
CH IV 7 Mistakes of Retirement Planning 7
CH V 7 Life Lessons to Rich Retirement 11
CH VI 7 Steps to Rich Retirement 13
CH VII 7 Secrets for a Rich Retirement 15

Bonus Chapter Retirement Planning Checklist 22
From the Expert’s Desk 25
Testimonials 26
Let’s Keep Talking... 29

eing a retirement strategist, coming from this question
must sound strange to you.
In my experience many people just postpone retirement
And there is no specific reason for this delay.
Thus, I came up with these solid reasons why you must
step on to the journey of Retirement Planning right away:

1. You won’t earn forever

The first and obvious reason is that you won’t be earning
forever. You will eventually retire. The dangerous bit here
that people tend to forget is that earnings stop coming but
expenses don’t.

2. You deserve peace of mind:

You must plan for your retirement phase so you can live with
peace and prosperity. Enjoy your hard-earned money. Be able
to afford in the future what you actually are working so hard
for right now.
7 Secrets to Retire Rich ___________________

Everyone works hard today so that they relax tomorrow.

Planning for retirement is the key for ensuring that golden

3. Life is unpredictable
Another major reason to start retirement planning is life is
extremely unpredictable. The Pandemic has made this an
unforgettable bank.
Unexpected expenses for medical reasons, sudden lay off
from jobs, Salary cuts, increase in living costs all these can
create a lot stress if you have not invested your money to deal
with contingencies.
Retirement planning tends to keep you from falling off the
boat in such unforeseen circumstances.

4. Many expenses recur from time to time

To handle major life events that tend to be recurring.
Increasing school fees, sudden renovations to your existing
home, marriage expenses for kids, repayment of consumer
loans, annual vacations, up scaling your vehicles.
All these expenses are always troubling. They occur
continuously and are unavoidable. So best way to deal with
them is to make a financial plan to ensure you can provide for
them all with peace of mind.

5. Spend your money and leave some for the kids

Last but definitely not the least, to be able to spend without
guilt and leave a legacy for your kids that you love so much.
Many a times I come across clients who have worked very
hard all their lives yet they are constantly cutting corners.
Foreword ___________________

They haven’t planned in time thus they have no savings so

they need to live “economically” not by choice but out of sheer
lack of funds.
Instead of reaping fruits of their labor, they actually have
to deprive themselves.
It’s a tendency in India to not spend on yourself but leave
behind enough for the children.
No matter how old they actually are. If you want your future
self to be able to spend guilt-free and also leave behind a tidy
sum for your loved ones then start planning your retirement
today. It’s that simple.
I am sure my reasons have highlighted that making a
retirement strategy is the need of the hour.
Call me or contact me for a free strategy call
I am sure it will be a great way to kick start your financial
It’s just about making the call; rest you can leave it to me.
An expert retirement strategist who can help with the
right ideas and plans you may need for a great retired life.


handhold corporate heads who have less than 10 years
left for their retirement to plan for next phase of life in a
seamless manner. I have been operating in the Financial
Services industry for 20+ years with primary exposure to the
Insurance and Investing space. During this journey, I have
engaged with 400 + individuals/families.
Reduced working years and enhanced medical
advancements have increased the tenure of “retired life stage”,
thereby making it pertinent to ensure that adequate funds are
available to continue to lead a life-after-work without any
significant compromise to the desired lifestyle.
Retirement planning requires focus on multiple parameters
bifurcated into financial and non-financial. My primary focus
is on financial parameters, such as risk mitigation, post tax
returns & liquidity requirements.
Some of the non-financial parameters could include–
succession planning, associated legal aspects, financial records
management, personal health management, following passion
and few more. That is exactly why about 400+ top corporate
leaders in Mumbai trust me with their retirement planning.
I engage with my clients’ directly and usually on board
only 25 new clients in a year to ensure I give my clients highly
personalized & confidential service.
– Jigish Patel
Chapter I

“Nothing ever just happens. You have to
make it happen, including individual success.
Success is a direct result of definite action,
carefully planned and persistently carried out
by the person who has conditioned his mind
for success and believes he will attain it.”
-Napoleon Hill
(World Renowned Author)

his in a nutshell is the “mantra” for life. Here are three
simple steps to execute from this mantra.

1. Read
2. Understand
3. Apply
7 Secrets to Retire Rich ___________________

Simply put, to be successful in any phase of life, planned

and persistent actions are a must.

“Make Everything As Simple

As Possible, But Not Simpler.”
-Albert Einstein

__ __
Chapter II


he dictionary meaning of retirement is “the action
or fact of leaving one’s job and ceasing to work.” You
could be retiring by choice or by a mandatory cap.
Simply put, it is that phase of life where you will no longer
be working either by choice or mandate. It’s the longest
vacation plan of your life and incidentally, nobody else will
finance it under any circumstances. Hence, planning for it is
extremely crucial. Especially, if you don’t want to depend on
anyone else for your own lifestyle choices and expenses.
As per a survey conducted on Retirement Readiness in
India, only 36% “think” that they are on course. A majority of
working Indians do not believe they are on track to achieving
their required retirement income.
7 Secrets to Retire Rich ___________________

That brings us to the ultimate question

How much do you need for retirement?
There is no one-size-fits-all formula that comes up with
the golden number for an Individual. Don’t worry, as you have
already embarked upon the journey of reading this guide,
which will help you demystify all that you need to know about
retirement planning.
According to research nearly 68% of the working age
population expects their children to support them in their
retirement, usually due to their unpreparedness. In reality, only
30% retirees are actually getting such financial & emotional

__ __
Chapter III



ave you thought how much money you will need for
a comfortable and financially independent life post
The answers could be:
A. Yes, I know how much I need. (Awesome – Do you
regularly monitor your investments?)
B. No, I have been thinking about it but haven’t got time
for it yet. (Prioritize today)
C. No, Why? Should I even think about it now, as I am
only X years of age? (Think now)
D. No, I don’t have enough savings left every month.
(Let’s plan)
If you chose B, C, or D, that’s great. You must be thinking
how that is great when you actually have no planning for
retirement. You can start now. It is not that late yet!
7 Secrets to Retire Rich ___________________

Also, this concise guide will help you Retire Rich.

In a most simple and lucid manner, the next few pages
will take you through a journey of retirement planning. This
simple to understand jargon-free guide will help you towards
We succeed only as we identify in life, or in war, or in
anything else, a single overriding objective, and male all
considerations bend to that one objective.

“Retirement is the Beginning.”

__ __
Chapter IV


hat are these 7 common mistakes that many
individuals make in pre retirement phase? This
guide will help you quickly identify if you are one
of them and if so, how to rectify the same.
1. Underestimating income needs during retirement
stage: A majority of individuals have no or limited clue
of the approximate amount they would need to live a
financially independent life post-retirement. Retirees
tend to spend on different things considering their
2. Health care expense assessment: In today’s fast-paced
life, keeping good health is often a tedious task. Medical
treatment costs burn not just one but several holes in
your pockets. Plan and avail a health insurance plan
that will cover potential medical expenses including
7 Secrets to Retire Rich ___________________

any hospitalization especially during later stages of

life, especially when income levels will be relatively
3. Concentrated investments: Every investment type, be
it financial and/or non- financial; equity and/or debt;
have their own role to play in the overall returns of
a portfolio. Diversification is pivotal for a successful,
steady and stable investment basket. As the proverb
goes–Do not put all eggs in one basket.
4. Inconsistency in tracking investments: 2020 has
taught us about unpredictability - anything can happen
anytime. Many such factors demand that one keeps a
watchful eye on their savings and investment pattern
and plan and keep it dynamic.
Adopt the triple A approach - Analyze-Assess-Adapt.
Re-examining the retirement plan at regular intervals
will ensure that it stays dynamic, thereby making your
retirement goals remain achievable.
5. Debt troubles: Long-term debts such as home loans,
property loan, vehicle loans, and payment of monthly
EMI’s for various long- and short-term investment
goals linked with children’s education or marriage,
buying second home, etc., will take a major chunk
from your monthly income, at least till they are fully
6. Ignoring the impact of inflation: Inflation is a demon
that comes down hard on anyone who ignores it.
Since, retirement is a long-term goal, it is important
to understand the impact of inflation on your financial
goals. Inflation is the rate at which general prices of
__ __
7 Mistakes of Retirement Planning ___________________

products and services in the market rise. It reduces

purchasing power substantially.
Assuming 7% inflation, 1,00,000 today will be worth
13,000 after 30 years. Other way round, your monthly
expenses of 1,00,000 today will be worth 7,60,000
after 30 years.
7. Funds access and liquidity planning: Building
wealth will require you to devote substantial sums to
your future. This strategy seems obvious, but many
individuals seem to be oblivious of it. In order to be
able to save and invest for retirement, you should be
spending less than you earn - and definitely not trying
to keep up with the peers. That’s how you generate
funds for investing.
Once you have surplus funds, you need a robust investment
plan. The earlier you start investing for retirement, the better.
Reap the benefits of power of compounding. The example
below shows what a difference even five years can make.
If at 30 or 40 you’re thinking that you can just put off
investing for a few years, you might end up with several lakhs
of rupees less in retirement because of that delay.

__ __
7 Secrets to Retire Rich ___________________

Pro Tip
Ensure you invest in a planned manner so you can access funds
when you need them. Liquidity management is very essential
when you plan for retirement.

“The Ultimate Security Is

Your Understanding Of Reality.”

Chapter V


hen you read the common mistakes in the earlier
chapter, you must have related to a few of them.
Once you know what the deterrent is in your
retirement planning journey, it’s easier to deal with it.
Before we delve into what and how to do now for retirement
planning ideas, I want to share a story.
It’s a real-life story of a janitor in the USA who made
millions. Yes, a simple janitor became a Millionaire. He would
have earned wages that were not extremely high. So, what was
his secret for making millions?
Ronald Read was born in rural Vermont, a state in the
north eastern United States. He was the first person in his
family to graduate high school. Read died in 2014, aged 92.
Which is when the humble rural janitor made international
7 Secrets to Retire Rich ___________________

28, 13, 503 Americans died in 2014. Fewer than 4,000 of

them had a net worth of over $8 Million when they passed
away. Ronald Read was one of them. In his will the former
janitor left $2 million to his step-kids and more than $6
million to his local hospital and library.
There was no secret. There was no lottery win. Read saved
what little he could and invested it in blue chip stocks. Then
for decades on end, as tiny savings compounded into more
than $8 million, Read just waited. He stayed invested over a
long term.
We must learn 7 life lessons from Read’s story.
1. No matter how much you earn you can retire rich
2. A frugal lifestyle will make you rich.
3. Never spend money recklessly. Value your earnings.
4. Choose to save and invest your savings.
5. Build a diversified portfolio of stocks with concentration
in quality assets.
6. Compounding works.
7. You have to let it work.
There is no Get Rich Quick option.

“Never raid your retirement nest egg, even when

adversity strikes, you get laid off, run into health
problems, fund college, or get divorced.”

Chapter VI


1. Track your net worth and spending: Continue to track

your net worth to ensure being stuck on the path of
financial independence.
2. Cut down on unwanted expenses: Be clear of your
needs & wants.
3. Save your raises: Save and invest your money before
spending it.
4. Take regular inventory of your finances: Calculate
your Net-worth & your annual expenses.
5. Create alternative income sources: Through
side-hustles or investments, enhancing your skill set,
finding a passion that pays.
6. Raise money-savvy children: If your children grow up
relatively clueless about money management, they can
end up needing a lot more financial support throughout
their adult lives, thus affecting your retirement corpus.
7 Secrets to Retire Rich ___________________

7. Get and stay healthy: This may seem a weird advice

for retiring rich. If you’re not very healthy as you
approach and enter retirement, you may spend a lot of
money on doctor visits, test, treatments, medications,
and possibly more. It’s no secret that healthcare is
expensive and costs are ever increasing. Even medical
advancements are happening, whereby human life is
getting elongated.

Pro Tip
Taking care of your health is the best way of Taking care of
your Wealth.

“If you ask what is the single most important key to

longetivity, I would have to say it is avoiding worry,
stress, and tension. And if you didn’t ask me,
I’s still have to say it.”

Chapter VII


Secret #1 – Courage and Conviction

Courage to be patient during the upheavals of the stock
markets and macro-economic conditions. We already have
seen the havoc the pandemic has created and the light at the
end of the tunnel is still dim. Having said, the stock markets
have bounced back with a bang.
The fall and rise of the stock markets exemplified that if
you are invested in the right assets (e.g., equities) all you have
to do is maintain courage and conviction.
Retirement corpus is built over a long-term period. Only
then you will be able reap rich rewards. The Ronald Read
story provides ample evidence of it. Staying put and patient
will yield rich rewards.
7 Secrets to Retire Rich ___________________

Secret #2 – Asset Allocation

This is the cornerstone of a successful retirement plan.
Getting the right mix is the magic ingredient. A diversified
portfolio, ideally, will yield returns consistently, provide capital
security and timely liquidity. If this is done correctly financial
freedom will not remain a dream, it will be your Retirement
The illustration provides a clearer picture.

7 Secrets for a Rich Retirement ___________________

Secret #3 – Diversification
How many of you feel your home is an asset? It’s definitely a
good investment and gives you a sense of security. Investment
in property is considered prudent but only if you get it at the
right price and time.
Property investments are non liquid. Especially in times
of crisis you cannot liquidate unless you opt for a distress sale.
The return on capital is also poor as rentals yield incomes
lower than fixed deposits especially in cities like Mumbai. (See
illustration to understand better)
Diversification is crucial. Monitoring the asset allocation
dynamically and ensuring ongoing diversification will ensure
the required rate of return is maintained. This then leads to a
high growing portfolio.
This helps to ensure that the retirement corpus is achieved.
The key is to find the right balance. It’s an art that needs
practice and experience.
This is where consulting a niche Retirement Planner can
prove to be a prudent decision as such a planner can provide
you a hawk eye view of every aspect of building a retirement

Secrets #4 – Cultivate consistent saving and

investment habits
Age old wisdom, gold standard advice, simple, uncomplicated.
Need of the hour. We are at the peak of consumerism. Everyone
is trying to sell you products you don’t need every moment
of the day via social media. Worst is the next generation is

7 Secrets to Retire Rich ___________________

addicted. In a matter of few clicks, instant gratification at

the cost of peace of mind. This has also resulted in a surge in
unproductive debts for so many families.
Saving for a rainy day has never been so relevant, the
current pandemic proved it. Not having access to contingency
fund has proved to be a challenge for many families.
Only saving can help you a little. It’s planned investing
of savings that leads to wealth creation. Develop this habit in
yourself and your children, as early as you can, as little as you
can. In the long run this will make a difference. Getting rich
starts with self discipline and self control. Are you ready for it?

Secret #5 – Creation of a sound inheritance plan

Everyone loves their family. If anyone has experienced family
disputes, they understand the stress it creates, financial as
well as emotional, especially the uncomfortable conversations
around it. Spare your family the pain. Create your will and
ideally get it registered. Remember a probate, to execute
the will, is required in a few geographies in India, including
A sturdy inheritance plan will ensure your loved ones
remain happy and conflict free even after you are gone.
Retirement planning will ensure you plan not only your
future, but even that of your family. Leave a mark of your
sincere care for your loved ones by preparing a WILL.

Secret #6 – Consider the Impact of Inflation

When you plan your retirement corpus this is one factor
that is of utmost importance. Inflation impacts your future
purchasing power.
7 Secrets for a Rich Retirement ___________________

Inflation is like an acorn. It starts out small, but given

enough time, can turn into a mighty oak tree. We’ve all
heard—and want—compounded growth of our money. Well,
inflation is like ‘compound anti-growth,’ as it erodes the value
of your money.
A seemingly small inflation rate of 5% will erode the
value of your savings by more than 50% over approximately
30 years. Doesn’t seem like much each year, but given enough
time, it has a huge impact. See the illustrations to gain a better
understanding of inflation.

Secret #7 – The Magic of compounding

Compounding is the culmination of time and arithmetic. The
treasure this combination can spin over a long term is a reality.
This again was also present in the real-life story of Ronald
Example: 1
Rs. 10,00,000 invested for 20 yrs @ ROE of 12% is Rs.96,46,293
Rs.10,00,000 invested for 40 yrs @ ROE of 12% is Rs.9,30,50,970
The power of compounding though considered to be a
common knowledge yet seldom harnessed. See the illustrations
for better understanding.
Remember: Compounding only works if you can give an
asset time to grow.
It’s like planting oak trees (a thought - you may wish to
give example of mango tree, as not sure how many of your
readers would have seen an oak tree). A year of growth will
never show much progress, 10 years can make a meaningful
difference, and 50 years can create something absolutely
7 Secrets to Retire Rich ___________________

Remember: Getting and keeping that extraordinary

growth requires surviving all the unpredictable ups and downs
that everyone inevitably experiences over time. The year 2020
is an example where if you had panicked on account of the
stock market fall post pandemic announcement, your long
terms return would have been impacted severely. Today the
stock markets have bounced back and how?
Compounding is not just about high return on investments.
It is steady returns sustained uninterrupted for the longest
period of time - especially in times of chaos and havoc - you
will always win.
Statistics don’t work when you’re a sample size of one.
No amount of planning or statistical analysis can overcome
future unknowns. The best solution is to build your budget
based on your unique plan for retirement.

7 Secrets for a Rich Retirement ___________________

Bonus Chapter


ost individuals have various ideas regarding
retirement. There is, however, a common concern:
most people want the choice of when to stop
working. There is a big difference in working because you
want to work and working because you have to work.
If you want a choice then you must think about it now.
There is no better moment than today. Optimize the power
of now!
Regarding your retirement income needs, do you wish to
1. Live off income, preserve capital? or
2. Live off income & capital, no need to preserve assets
for any inheritance or
3. Live off income & capital, but want to leave some
assets as part of inheritance
Retirement Planning Checklist ___________________

4. Do fill out the checklist to get a fair idea of where you

currently stand.
The Ultimate Questions to ask yourself to plan for having
fulfilling retirement.
1. Have you thought of retirement?
2. At what age would you like to retire?
3. How the retirement life should be?
4. Do you want to pursue any unrealized personal goal or
any personal hobby?
5. Would this require any capital outflow?
6. Is it important for you to have all debt, liability, paid
off prior to retirement?
7. What is it going to take, to make sure you can retire
when you want to?
8. What are you presently doing to ensure you can retire
as per your plan?
9. What is the existing corpus already made?
10. Are you satisfied about the quality of assets year
marked for your retirement?
11. Balance Required
12. Time Lag in years
13. How much you invest for retirement?

7 Secrets to Retire Rich ___________________

“Your Retirement Number Is Only As Accurate

As The Assumptions Behind It.”


igish Patel is a Retirement strategist with years of exposure
in this field across multiple individuals & families.
A man with a solid vision of ensuring your Retirement is
as prosperous and fulfilling as it can be.
Dedicated extensive research to give prudent and customized
retirement plans.
The info graphic depicts his simple yet sensible ideas for
leading a happy and fulfilling retirement life.
Find your IKIGAI ( Japanese for “value of being alive”)
with him.

Whether you are in trouble or you want to hasten the

process of growing your wealth for a secure and comfortable
post- retirement life, Jigish Patel is the best financial advisor
in his niche. Very objective, very informed, and very sharp.
A short look at your portfolio and he is able to tell you what
improvements you can make for better growth.
A good thing about him is that he doesn’t promise you the
stars. This is what I liked when I talked to him for the first
time. I was having trouble growing my finances, as in my mid
years, I ignored retirement planning. You can easily say that
when I talked to him for the first time, I had zero investments
for retirement. I was suddenly in a panic mode.
He comforted me by saying that no matter how bad the
situation seems, there is always a way out. He analyzed my
investments, however much they were, and suggested changes
with real-time calculations. I could literally see in front of my
eyes where I was losing money and where I could make more
money. I was immediately sold.
Rahul Ghosh,
Rahul Ghosh, Motor Spare Parts Supplier
Testimonials ___________________

When I had started investing money for my retirement in

early 2000’s I thought I was taking sufficient steps to make my
old age secure and comfortable. Then other pressing matters
of everyday life took precedence and for almost a decade I
ignored my investments. Some of them stagnated, some
showed a bit of growth, and some were in the red. It wasn’t
like I was careless, it’s just that, in the absence of a being a
qualified investor, I lost track.
Fortunately, somewhere around 2014 I met Jigish. Even
during the first meeting, he completely changed my perception
towards how to invest and how not to invest. He has an
uncanny ability to just throw a glance at your investments and
know how much you have saved and how much you are going
to save in the coming years.
I have gained the lost ground with his help. This wouldn’t
have been possible on my own. I’m looking towards a happier
and contented old-age, and in fact, I strongly believe that I
will have a great time, thanks to him.
Ganesh Majumdar,
Regional Manager in an appliances company

You may think that working in a bank, I might be financially

more proactive and prudent compared to the average person
in another profession. Let me tell you, I was as ignorant about
my post-retirement financial planning as any other person. As
a single mother, I was constantly shuffling between taking care
of my two wonderful kids and my job. Somewhere, I ended up
ignoring my retirement planning.
Just 10 years were left. My kids were out of college. One
had a job, and one was pursuing further education. I was
7 Secrets to Retire Rich ___________________

having a casual conversation with one of my old friends about

how we would spend our lives after retirement as I didn’t want
to stay with my children and be a burden on them. Suddenly
we talked about how much money we were going to need, and
I was completely crestfallen. It suddenly downed upon me that
aside from my provident fund, a single insurance policy and a
couple of fixed deposit accounts, I had no other provisions,
especially if I needed to take care of a sudden expense such
as sickness or calamity. The same friend suggested me Jigish’s
Having worked in a bank I totally understand the value
of good financial advice. I didn’t waste much time and called
him up. He gave me a patient hearing and then we set up a
In 10 years he has been able to completely turn around
my savings and investments and I’m looking towards a rich
retirement life after two years. With strategic short-term and
long-term allocations, he has ensured that my wealth grows
fast and even when I’m retired, I will be making as much
money as I am making right now, and even more if he goes on
working the way he is working with my finances right now. I
highly recommend him.
Sarika Agarwal,
Bank Manager


y objective is that this book is not the end of
conversation, but the initiation of a long-term
I invite you to continue the discussion by joining me
through social media channels mentioned below. Let’s share
our knowledge with each other and explore this unknown
territory together. I also urge you to reach out to me for 30
mins Free Strategy Call on the contact no. given below or set
up an appointment with me over a Zoom Call.



Mobile: +91 9892202415


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