CYN002 - Organometallic Chemistry - DR Dheeraj - Lect 2
CYN002 - Organometallic Chemistry - DR Dheeraj - Lect 2
CYN002 - Organometallic Chemistry - DR Dheeraj - Lect 2
18-electron Rule: Illustrative Examples
Q1) Consider the 18 electron rule as a guide and determine the value of n in
the following complexes.
(a) Na2Fe(CO)n
(b) MnBr(CO)n
(c) W(η6-C6H6)(CO)n
(d) Rh(η5-C5H5)(CO)n
(e) Cr(η3-C5H5)(CO)n(CH3)
(f) IrBr2(CO)n(CH3)
Ans 2. (a) x = 2, (b) x = -3, (c) x = +1, (d) x = +1, (e) x = 0, (f) x = +1 16
Subtract this number from n × 18 where n is the number of metals in the complex, that is, (n
× 18) – A; say, it is B.
(a) B divided by 2 gives the total number of M–M bonds in the complex.
(b) A divided by n gives the number of electrons per metal. If the number of electrons is 18, it
indicates that there is no M–M bond; if it is 17 electrons, it indicates that there is 1 M–M
bond; if it is 16 electrons, it indicates that there are 2 M–M bonds and so on.
Molecule TVE (18 × n) – A Total M–M Bonds per metal Basic geometry of
(A) (B) bonds (B/2) metal atoms
Co4(CO)12 60 72 – 60 = 12 12/2 = 6 60/4 = 15; 3
Co Co