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Renewable Energy
Utilisation and System Integration

Edited by Wenping Cao and Yihua Hu

Renewable Energy: Utilisation and System Integration

Edited by Wenping Cao and Yihua Hu

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Chapter 1 Wind Power Development and Landscape – Social

Participation, Opportunities and Challenges
by Karin Hammarlund, Marina Frolova and Anna Brånhult

Chapter 2 Study of Novel Power Electronic Converters for

Small Scale Wind Energy Conversion Systems
by Mostafa Abarzadeh, Hossein Madadi Kojabadi and Liuchen Chang

Chapter 3 Modelling and Control of Grid-connected Solar

Photovoltaic Systems
by Marcelo Gustavo Molina

Chapter 4 Method for Aligning Facets in Large Concentrators

That Have Segmented Mirrors for Solar Thermal Applications
by Sergio Vázquez y Montiel, Fermín Granados Agustín and Lizbeth
Castañeda Escobar

Chapter 5 Theoretical Analysis and Implementation of

Photovoltaic Fault Diagnosis
by Yihua Hu and Wenping Cao

Chapter 6 Genset Optimization for Biomass Syngas Operation

by Horizon Walker Gitano-Briggs and Koay Loke Kean

Chapter 7 Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting - Sources and

by M. Pareja Aparicio, A. Bakkali, J. Pelegri-Sebastia, T. Sogorb, V.
Llario and A. Bou

VI Contents

Chapter 8 Renewable Energy, Emissions, and Health

by María del P. Pablo-Romero, Rocío Román, Antonio Sánchez-Braza
and Rocío Yñiguez

Chapter 9 Distributed Renewable Power Sources in Weak Grids

— Analysis and Control
by Everton Luiz de Aguiar, Rafael Cardoso, Carlos Marcelo de Oliveira
Stein, Jean Patric da Costa and Emerson Giovani Carati

Chapter 10 Planning Tools for the Integration of Renewable

Energy Sources Into Low- and Medium-Voltage Distribution Grids
by Jean-François Toubeau, Vasiliki Klonari, Jacques Lobry, Zacharie De
Grève and François Vallée

Chapter 11 Simulation Methods for the Transient Analysis of

Synchronous Alternators
by Jérôme Cros, Stéphanie Rakotovololona, Maxim Bergeron, Jessy
Mathault, Bouali Rouached, Mathieu Kirouac and Philippe Viarouge

Chapter 12 Photovoltaic Power Plant Grid Integration in the

Romanian System–Technical Approaches
by Dorin Bică, Mircea Dulău, Marius Muji and Lucian Ioan Dulău


The development of renewable energy technologies (such as wind,

solar, and biomass) has accelerated the establishment of a low-
carbon society.

This book provides a glimpse of some recent advancements in

modelling, control, electrical generators and power converters, and
social and political aspects of utilising these renewable sources of

It is aimed to provide some latest references for the readers who

are interested in research work, energy policies, and social
dimensions of renewable energy.

Chapter 1

Wind Power Development and Landscape – Social

Participation, Opportunities and Challenges

Karin Hammarlund, Marina Frolova and Anna Brånhult

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter


This chapter describes and exemplifies how different methods for landscape analysis
have been applied for wind farm development and planning in Sweden and Spain. In our
case studies from Sweden and Spain we discuss the possibilities, strengths and shortcom‐
ings of use of different methods of landscape assessment for wind power development in
relation with the definition of landscape by the European Landscape Convention (ELC).
The Swedish case study is an example of how the proposed guidelines for wind develop‐
ment in the master plan of Uddevalla has been contested and how dialogue-based land‐
scape analysis has redirected wind energy planning. This has been possible through
disentangling and illuminating social values in the description of landscape characters as
a basis for new planning guidelines. The Spanish case of the Valle de Lecrín and Alpujar‐
ra demonstrates limitation of a study based only on expert analysis of visual impact of
wind farms. By complementing these expert methods with dialogue, local stakeholder’s
perspective was revealed and the role of wind turbines in the construction of a local land‐
scape was understood. We show that the role of the landscape planner should be under‐
stood as an interpreter and mediator, rather than that of an expert and prescriber.

Keywords: Energy landscapes, ELC, landscape assessment methods, public participation,

wind power planning

1. Introduction

The European Landscape Convention (ELC) [1] definition of landscape as “an area, as
perceived by people, whose character is the result of the action and interaction of natural and/
or human factors” highlights the importance of developing landscape policies dedicated to the
management and creation of landscapes. This includes planning procedures that allows the
general public and other stakeholders to participate in policy creation and implementation.
Identification and assessment of landscapes thus constitute a central element of the ELC.

4 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

According to some recent approaches to landscape [2, 3], landscape can be considered a
material, social, institutional and political process that is constantly changing and dynamic.
As such, a deliberative landscape analysis performed as a mutual learning process between
concerned actors may help us to understand interlinks between physical, social, economic and
cultural processes. This is most evident when we consider the transition from a conventional
energy system to a renewable energy system, demanding more space in areas holding high
natural and cultural values. This has proven to cause infected conflicts between stakeholders,
making this landscape transition very difficult. A deliberative landscape analysis highlight
conflicts but can also show how the assessment of landscapes can promote the intersubjectivity
necessary for any dialogue concerning incorporation of new energy infrastructure in to a
sustainable ecosystem.

This chapter aims to explore how we can assess landscapes and prepare grounds for decision
making, planning and evaluation of impact from change through different methods of
landscape assessment and how public participation can become its integrated part. In our case
studies from Sweden and Spain, we discuss the possibilities, strengths and shortcomings of
these assessment methods in relation to the definition of landscape by the ELC. Our case
studies are drawn from both practice and research on wind power planning and landscape
analysis in Sweden and Spain.

The landscape analysis exemplified by the Swedish case study is an integration of the above-
mentioned methods; however, these have been revised in relation to the needs of the specific
project and deriving data from and in dialogue with people affected by wind developments.
The Spanish case study is based on critical review of landscape analysis made in the munici‐
pality of Lecrín Valley in 2004–2006 contrasted with new data obtained through field obser‐
vations and in-depth interviews with different stakeholders.

2. Landscape and environmental impact assessment

Landscape is a salient issue in the development of wind power. It is commonly accepted that
the most frequent public concern when weighing up the costs and benefits of wind power
concern landscape values [4]. Normative planning processes, often with a markedly hierarch‐
ical structure and reliant on existing landscape norms/values or classifications, have been
shown to direct wind power deployment towards non-protected, allegedly ‘less sensitive’
areas and to increase social or environmental injustice [5]. Cowell [6] and Nadaï and Labussiere
[7] have highlighted that in wind power planning processes the ways in which landscape
qualities entered in a selective way the planning rationales, favoring qualities that were
formally mapable or even measurable ‘at a distance’.

Conversely, cases of planning approaches based on participation or responsive to specific local

situations have been shown to contribute to the emergence of new landscape representations
and norms described by the authors as energy landscapes—or landscapes of which renewable
energy infrastructures are perceived and treated as part, even if these developments face

Wind Power Development and Landscape – Social Participation, Opportunities and Challenges 5

opposition [8, 5]. The practices and values associated with landscape by different stakeholders
play a role that requires further analysis in different contexts.

Depending on what tradition and method of landscape analysis is chosen, the landscape might
be viewed differently: either as a visual surface that is possible to evaluate in an objective
manner through character assessment or as an ongoing interaction between physical and social
forces. The physical and social aspects of landscape analysis should be equally important to
present a qualified description of landscape impact and valid mitigation measures. Descrip‐
tions (representations) of landscape characters, qualities and functions need to be communi‐
cated in a stringent process open to public participation resulting in a deliberated and well-
informed evaluation of impacts.

In many countries protected areas and preservation policies and plans are used as point of
departure when describing impacts of change [9]. Landscape is often treated as scenery and
impacts on this scenery are described as mainly visual. The rest of impact analysis is devoted
to environmental aspects, i.e. flora, fauna and cultural history. Environmental impact
assessments (EIAs) disconnect the real-time landscape and most change is consequently
deemed as a threat to protected areas or species. To conserve something in constant change
such as a landscape is of course a contradiction in terms and the disconnection of nature from
culture leads to fragmented ecosystems that are not viable, yet that is how we assess impacts
in accordance with the law. A dynamic and holistic view promoted by the term landscape
as defined by the ELC, gives an update on presents day conditions for animals, plants and
people illuminating the interconnections necessary in order to reach a multifunctional and
sustainable development of environment and human society in interaction constituting the
landscape [2,10].

2.1. Rethinking landscape analysis

Landscape analysis performed in relation to wind development has unfortunately been greatly
influenced by a misinterpretation of the work of Kevin Lynch [11]. This has permeated
landscape analysis and manifested an expert paradigm where the visual values and physical
structures of the landscape have been evaluated by the trained expert in a spatially static way
fitting nicely in to the established methods for EIAs. It is however possible to “walk in the foot
paths” of Kevin Lynch and discover that his attempts to elaborate information from and in
conversations with people living in and experiencing a landscape can be refined in order to
develop a landscape analysis appropriate for communicative and collaborative planning.
Lynch’s work was concerned with the orientation, perception and activity of people in an
urban landscape. By rethinking Lynch and emphasizing the potential of his notation of
structural features in relation to important landscape functions and landscape characters
defined through LCA and/or HLC, the Swedish case study shows how a landscape analysis
becomes a powerful tool for participation in planning. In this context it is important to note
that both LCA and HLC are often applied as expert analysis with no dialogue. The Swedish
case study integrates the different methods and complements them with dialogue o illuminate
the social construction of landscapes. This way the landscape analysis as a process will act as

6 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

a link between abstract ideas about landscape characters in different scales and the human
perceptual experience of the qualities and functions of these landscapes.
The Spanish tradition of landscape analysis for wind power development is very recent and
was also marked by urban perspective. Before 2006 landscape impacting evaluation of energy
development was not explicitly required by the Spanish laws on Environmental Impact
Assessment, although it normally was part of the process. Only in 2006 the National Law 9/2006
on Strategic Environmental Assessment (based on Directive 2001/42/CE) established that
Reports on Environmental Sustainability should evaluate landscape impacts of any project
and plan.
The most common types of landscape analysis for wind power development in Spain have been
based until quite recently on visual impact assessment through landscape elements invento‐
ry, photo-visualizations or/and GIS viewshed studies. Only during last decade landscape
characters defined through LCA has been introduced in some methodological proposals for
landscape analyses, although it did not become a commonly used method [12, 13].
In Spain landscape analysis is not generally hold in dialogue with people affected by wind
development, although landscape analysis through dialogue with local residents as presented
by the Spanish examples of Valle de Lecrín and Alpujarra (Andalusia) demonstrate that the
expert needs to take into consideration different stakeholders’ relations to wind turbines and
how these as artifacts inscribe into their use of the territory and landscape.

2.2. National and regional landscape policies

In both countries landscape conservation policies seem to be connected to the meaning of the
concept of landscape in respective languages.
The concept of landscape (landskap in Swedish) has in germanic languages historically a double
meaning as either a smaller territory defined through common culture and history, or merely
as the visual surface of things [14]. Sweden is divided into 25 ‘landskap’ (in the sense of
territory), based on common culture and history as well as a shared geography. These
‘landskap’ play an important role in people’s self-identity, but they do no longer serve any
political or administrative purposes. In Spanish the concept of landscape is generally defined
as visual surface of things, but the word for landscape in Spanish as in the other Roman
languages is paisaje, in which ‘pais’ means ‘land’ in the sense of the bounded area of a region
or country. ‘Land’ does not mean soil, but refers rather to a historically constituted place [2].
The meaning of landscape has roots going deep into the identities of the historical regions from
which the Mediterranean Landscape Charter and the Landscape Convention emerged
(Idem.). Spain is divided into 17 autonomous regions (Comunidades Autónomas); many of
them are historical regions based on common cultural, historical and/or language identity. This
is the case of Andalusia.
In Sweden there are many tools for conservation; however, they are focused on conservation
of areas, species of plants and animals (the Environmental Code) or the conservation of ancient
remains, churches, other buildings, and place names (the Heritage Conservation Act). The term
‘landscape’ is only rarely mentioned in regulations and in a legal sense referred to as either

Wind Power Development and Landscape – Social Participation, Opportunities and Challenges 7

environment or the image of the landscape in an aesthetic sense (landskapsbild). In the envi‐
ronmental code landscape has lost its old meaning of landscape as territory and identity.

The everyday landscape is to a certain extent protected by general rules of consideration in the
environmental code; however, many decisions and policies that have an effect on landscapes
are not regulated by Swedish law [15]. There is a general lack in EIAs regarding adequate
public participation, comprehensive overview of landscape impact, and stakeholder coordi‐
nation [16]. There is no mention of the significance of the landscape to people and conflicts of
interest often arise because of unclear or overlapping laws [9]. The Swedish Energy Agency
has pointed out areas of national interest for wind energy developments. The assessment of
these areas suitability was made primarily with regard to factors such as average wind speed
and safety distance to housing areas with no concern to landscape character or public interests.
These areas are now being revised and the criteria for areas of national interest for wind are
heavily debated.

Unlike Sweden, in Spain, energy planning is the responsibility of the Central Government,
although the regions play a very important role in the decision-making process. Local
governments (municipalities) on the other hand play only a secondary role in the authorization
procedure, which at times has resulted in a lack of awareness of project development and the
absence of strong opposition to renewable power projects [17–19].

As for landscape regulation in Spain, the situation is similar to the Swedish one. Although
there are many national and regional tools which directly or indirectly concern landscape
conservation and the term “landscape” is used in many of the recent laws approved after
signing the ELC, energy planning systems, which are often based on engineering and economic
considerations, are difficult to match with landscape management on a local level.

In spite of the new laws, landscape impacts have only secondary role in decision-making
process concerning wind farms. As some recent research have demonstrated [20], local
authorities in Spain do not have capacity to introduce landscape impacts of wind farms as an
substantial factor into decision-making process, since they have limited power in this process
and because in practice there are only three requirements for giving wind farm license by these
authorities: wind turbines should be situated out of any protected natural area, they should
be close to electric evacuation line and should correspond to a territory officially defined as
‘wind resource area’. The process of planning and authorization in Spain does not give enough
power to landowners and the general public in the EIA process. Information about projects
and procedures lack transparency and clarity. Whereas, the EIA in Sweden by some is
understood as giving too much concessions to those opposing to wind power projects [19].

Although public participation in the decision-making process on wind power development

has become a common procedure in Spain, due to the adoption of the Aarhus Convention and
the ELC, public engagement is generally seen as a one-way communication with an end result
determined in advance. The tendency towards a top-down, technocratic, hierarchical way of
thinking about how the planning system has to be shaped, inherited from the period of
centralized policies before 1978, persists in Spain [21]. Public participation is understood as
public approval (or validation) and consultation does not involve stakeholders in decision-

8 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

making processes. Also, public surveys does not affect the decision making process. Therefore,
social participation processes are viewed as a way of conducting political control of perceptions
and/or indoctrination of stakeholders who are not convinced in the suitability of wind power
projects for their territory dominates in Spain [22].

The siting of wind power schemes in Spain has not been decided at a local level, which creates
an important contradiction between the intentions of Spanish landscape policy and the actual
mechanics of decision-making processes. In spite of essential changes due to application of the
ELC, which encouraged some Spanish regions to incorporate landscape as an important issue
in land use regulation, landscape policies are still out of step with the development of
renewable energy policies.

3. Case studies

3.1. Swedish case study: Uddevalla municipality

3.1.1. Background

Uddevalla municipality is located on the Swedish west cost in the metropolitan area of
Gothenburg (Figure 1). The municipality has a varied landscape including forested highlands,
fjords, grabens and mosaic landscapes. The varied topography and the, for Swedish conditions,
high population density are challenges that the guidelines for wind power development in the
municipality has to handle.

Figure 1. Uddevalla municipality, Sweden.

Wind Power Development and Landscape – Social Participation, Opportunities and Challenges 9

The proposed guidelines for wind power development were at the start of the case study a
result of planning guidelines excluding areas from wind power development based on
legislative restrictions. Meaning that areas with planning restrictions due to high cultural or
natural values were regarded as unsuitable to wind development without further investiga‐
tions as to if the present day status of these values were viable and relevant. Also, the possibility
that not protected areas might prove more functional habitats or hold important recreational
and social values were never investigated. These guidelines led to that the coastal areas and
the highlands were eliminated, leaving the mosaic landscapes in the central and eastern parts
of the municipality open for possible wind development. Since the guidelines identified areas
that both authorities and local citizens objected to this became the start of a discussion whether
the values protected by legislative restrictions were relevant for wind power development in
Uddevalla municipality. The situation became very infected and affected the trust of the public
in officials and politicians. Conflicts between wind developers and the effected public also
increased as wind developments were proposed in areas with no restrictions for wind
development. There were also no directives or recommendations regarding how to adapt wind
developments to the landscape conditions.

Because of these conflicts there was a general need to evaluate the social aspects of landscape
in connection to demarcation of areas as suitable for wind developments. Some officials
suggested to politicians that a landscape analysis based on public dialogue and participation
might redeem the confidence of the public and reveal an alternate strategy for wind develop‐
ment. The landscape analysis undertaken was in line with the ELC, focusing on illuminating
the values resting with the everyday landscape as well as disclosing if the present day
conditions of restricted areas were relevant in relation to wind power development. The
objective of the landscape analysis was hence to create a present day description of landscape
functions and values in order to better socially anchor the wind power planning.

3.1.2. A description of the landscape as perceived by people

Expert methods for landscape analysis such as Landscape Character Assessment (LCA) [23],
Historical Landscape Characterization (HLC) and Structural analysis in accordance with Kevin
were used to collect and present information on geophysical conditions, historical time depth,
ecological functions, and to provide a basis for dialogue. These methods were combined and
revised to fit the purpose of the landscape analysis.

After an identification of geophysical generic landscape types, walk through evaluations with
the public were made in order to confirm the relevance of the description of landscape types
and elaborate these in to landscape character areas describing the social functions as well as
naming these areas in accordance with how they are referred to in an everyday context. An
additional objective of the walk through evaluations was to discuss the ongoing force and pace
of change as well as the landscapes sensitivity to this change.

The character areas that were extracted from the public input on landscape types as collected
during walk through evaluations and were then elaborated in workshops were the public,
officials and politicians collaborated (Figure 2). This procedure created a collective learning

10 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration
The character areas that were extracted from the public input on landscape types as collec
through evaluations and were then elaborated in workshops were the public, officials and
collaborated (Figure 2). This procedure created a collective learning process regarding the
process regarding the possibilities as well as difficulties with implementing wind energy in a
well as difficulties with implementing wind energy in a specific landscape type and chara
specific landscape type and character with its specific social context.
specific social context.

Figure 2. A walk through

Figure landscape
2. A evaluation
walk through in Uddevalla.
landscape evaluation in Uddevalla.

3.1.3. Revised Revised
guidelines guidelines
for wind for wind
power development power development
The analysis
The landscape landscape didanalysis
not statedid not evaluations
expert state expertregarding
evaluations regarding
suitable suitable and non-suitab
and non-suitable
power development, but described possibilities and difficulties resting
areas for wind power development, but described possibilities and difficulties resting with with
the the landscap
landscape type and character in relation to wind power developments. These possibilities and
character in relation to wind power developments. These possibilities and difficulties crea
difficulties created a basis for revision of guidelines for wind power development as perceived based on a po
revision of guidelines for wind power development as perceived by people
by people approach
based on astating
positive planning
that approach
wind power stating that correctly
developments wind power developments
located in relation to importan
correctly located in relation to important landscape functions, both ecological
functions, both ecological and social, can even restore a fragmented and social, can
and exploited landsca
even restore a fragmented and exploited landscape.

The character
Theareas with least
character areasdifficulties
with least and most possibilities
difficulties and mostwere studied further
possibilities werethrough
studied further thro
desktop analysis andand
analysis field surveys.
field At this
surveys. stagestage
At this legislative restrictions
legislative were reintroduced
restrictions a
were reintroduced a part o
part of theand
added as and
layer as
of one layer of information
information regarding identification
regarding identification of suitable of
and non-suitab
suitable and non-suitable areas for wind development.
The revised planning guidelines are hence the result of a socially anchored description of
landscape values and functions
The revised planningasguidelines
well as an are
expert assessment/evaluation
hence of suitability
the result of a socially anchoredindescription of
relation to legislative regulations
and functions as welland
as as
anwell an elaboration
expert of methods foroflandscape
assessment/evaluation analysis
suitability in relation to legisl
acknowledged by the ELC. The expert is transformed into a process leader with the objective
and as well an elaboration of methods for landscape analysis acknowledged by the ELC.
to reconnect disconnectedinto
transformed landscape values
a process and with
leader support
thedifferent perspectives
objective to reconnectin evaluations
disconnected landscape
of possibilities and restrictions connected to a wind development. The landscape as an arena connected to
support different perspectives in evaluations of possibilities and restrictions
development. The landscape as an arena for dialogue and deliberation on changes repow
understanding of important aspects of a shared social life in relation to specific processes
of passage that equip us to redress the conflicts we must overcome in places where we liv

The Swedish case study is an example of how the proposed guidelines for wind developm
master plan www.EngineeringBooksPDF.com
of Uddevalla has been contested and how landscape analysis as basis for win
Wind Power Development and Landscape – Social Participation, Opportunities and Challenges 11

for dialogue and deliberation on changes repowers an understanding of important aspects of

a shared social life in relation to specific processes of change, a rite of passage that equip us to
redress the conflicts we must overcome in places where we live.

The Swedish case study is an example of how the proposed guidelines for wind development
in the master plan of Uddevalla has been contested and how landscape analysis as basis for
wind energy planning and development has disentangled the landscape values and illumi‐
nated social values in the description of landscape characters as a basis for new socially
anchored wind power planning.

3.2. Spanish case study: Valle de Lecrín and Alpujarra

3.2.1. Background

The Spanish case study is located in the neighbouring Comarcas (or small regions) of Valle de
Lecrín and Alpujarra of Granada in the Autonomous Region of Andalusia in the South-East
Spain. The study area belongs to the mountain system of Sierra Nevada and the adjoining
valleys. The Comarcas of Valle de Lecrin and Alpujarra consist of 38 municipalities with a
population of 52 thousand inhabitants. These Comarcas have a traditional agrarian character
and its agriculture is based mostly on olive and citric production in the lower parts and on
vine, olive and almond production in the upper parts (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Valley of Lecrín. General view. M.Frolova.

12 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Since the farming sector is currently in deep crisis, this area has recently been developing rural
tourism owing to its exceptional landscapes and natural, ethnological and cultural resources,
and the neighboring Natural and National Parks of Sierra Nevada. The important landscape
values of Sierra Nevada have led to the emergence of conservationist policies and to the
granting of protected heritage status to many of the landscapes in the study area, via various
different declarations protecting natural and cultural heritage [24].

3.2.2. First landscape assessment for conflictive wind farms development

Wind-farms installed in some of the municipalities of our study area since 2004, have had a
considerable impact on the landscape of the mid and low-mountains, raising new issues
regarding landscape practices and values. While the installation of wind power is difficult in
the Alpujarra due to the Sierra Nevada National Park protection measures, and only two wind
farms were constructed, the neighbouring Valle de Lecrín has developed five wind farms with
installed capacity of about 34 MW, 20 wind turbines and about 1,69 MW installed per turbine
[13]. The beginning of wind power implementation in this area dates back to the early 2000s
raising issues regarding landscape practices and different tensions and conflicts. An important
anti-wind power initiative was launched by the British company Mirador Andalusian
Developoment S.L. that wanted to build a rural hotel complex in the Lecrín Valley, with some
local stakeholders involved [24]. A detailed study on landscape and environmental impacts
had been carried out in order to demonstrate an important value of the Lecrín Valley land‐
scapes. The results of this study, called “Landscape and environmental viability criteria for
wind farms localization”, were published in 2006 when some of the wind farms were already
constructed [25]. This study referred to the ELC as an important basis for landscape conser‐
vation in Spain. The study was based on analysis of visual impact, effects on visual landmarks
and on view shed analysis using Geographical Information Systems (GIS). At the same time
landscapes with high quality were defined through inventory of different cultural and natural
elements, and landscape fragility of the Lecrín Valley was mapped. Finally, the map of viability
of wind power project was produced which demonstrated that the most part of the Lecrín
Valley corresponded to exclusion areas or apt areas with environmental, landscape, etc.
constraints (Figure 4) (Idem.). All this study was made by experts, without taking into consid‐
eration the local residents’ landscape perception.

As a consequence of this study the number of wind power projects for which permission was
granted was reduced by local administrations.

3.2.3. A study of wind power project perception by stakeholders

In order to complete landscape assessment developed in 2006 twenty in-depth interviews were
made between 2011, 2012 and 2013 with different local stakeholders involved in the develop‐
ment of wind power projects, whether opposing or supporting it.

The acceptance of wind power projects by the local population was determined by several
factors related not so much to their esthetic, but mostly with inscription of wind projects into
local economy and its compatibility with local activities. First of all wind turbines provide

Wind Power Development and Landscape – Social Participation, Opportunities and Challenges 13

substantial income for some rural land owners and town councils. Secondly, they are com‐
patible with traditional rural activities such as agriculture and livestock-grazing, and with
most other local business activities. Moreover local ranchers perceive positively the roads and
passes constructed for windfarms maintenance as facilitating access to some isolated territo‐
ries. Our interviews with local residents revealed a strong connection between the public
acceptance of landscape changes brought by renewables development and the economic gains
this development brings. Thus, the local residents are more prepared to accept landscape
changes if they participate in renewable power development in terms of the economic benefits
to be reaped from it. Finally some stakeholders perceived wind turbines as an element
integrated into the local landscape. Interestingly windmills have already appeared on some
representations of local landscape (information panels) for tourists. In the interviews we
conducted with tourists, we also discovered that some tourists had come to take pictures of
wind farms, attracted by their “powerful image”. [24]

Opposition to wind farms was mainly conditioned by two factors. On one hand, many local
residents felt themselves excluded from the decision-making process. On the other hand, some
opposition to wind farms aroused out of disconnection between territorial development
models chosen by neighboring municipalities. For example, Town Council and residents of

Figure 4. Delimitation of homogeneous zones for formulation of criteria of landscape protection for wind farms siting.
Figure 4. Delimitation of homogeneous zones for formulation of criteria of landscape protection for wind farms siting.
Source: Medina Barbero, R., Sánchez del Árbol, M.A. (dir.), 2006.
Source: Medina Barbero, R., Sánchez del Árbol, M.A. (dir.), 2006.
As a consequence of this study the number of wind power projects for which permission was granted was
reduced by local administrations.

3.2.3. A study of wind power project perception by stakeholders

In order to complete landscape assessment developed in 2006 twenty in-depth interviews were made
between 2011, 2012 and 2013 with different local stakeholders involved in the development of wind power
projects, whether opposing or supporting it.
14 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Nigüelas, one of the Valle de Lecrín villages, opposed to construct wind farms on their territory
in order to preserve their landscapes (Idem.). Now, ten years after installation of wind farm in
a neighboring village many interviewees complain that landscapes of Nigüelas had been spoilt
and another village had received all the economic benefits brought by the new wind farm.
Therefore, if local population could have chosen now they would have accepted wind farms
in their territory. In this case landscape impact acceptation is also connected with the economic
benefits of renewable projects for local residents.
The Spanish case study demonstrate that landscape assessment for wind power developments
based only on an expert perspective emphasizing visual impact has important limitations,
since landscape reflects emotional, economical, etc. relations of local populations with their
place. Our analysis of results of the interviews has shown that wind turbines may not be
considered a problem in the local landscape, they might even add to the construction of local
identity. In order to take into account local place aspects a dialogue with the local community
is required. The relationships of the local population with wind power do not emerge through
its purely visual perception, but require a multidimensional view of the wind power landscape
that brings together local practices, experiences and perceptions as well as physical properties.

4. Conclusion

Landscape has progressively been endowed with a new meaning in the assessment of
renewable energy projects. The important shift can be spotted moving away from an expert
paradigm focusing impact at a great distance for the local living context, to a more participative
and deliberative planning processes. This important progress is aided by landscape assessment
methods that offer new opportunities to take people’s perceptions and use of landscape into
consideration. Landscape Character Assessment and Historical Landscape Characterization
are methods for landscape analysis that preferably include dialogue in accordance with the
ELC to account for new dimensions of landscapes, counteracting the attempts to objectivize
social dimensions through classification and/or quantification.
The Swedish case study is an example of how the proposed guidelines for wind development
in the master plan of Uddevalla have been contested and how dialogue-based landscape
analysis has redirected wind energy planning. This has been possible through disentangling
and illuminating social values in the description of landscape characters as a basis for new
planning guidelines. Walk-through evaluations have evaluated and complemented the
descriptions of geophysical conditions (landscape types) with social functions elaborating
these in to character areas with well-recognized names. The walk-through evaluations were
complemented by workshops and these dialogue methods also complemented the structural
analysis in accordance with Lynch original work, however, now in a rural and peri-urban
The Spanish case study demonstrates limitations of a study, based only on expert analysis of
visual perception and accessibility of landscape, of visual landmarks and on viewshed
analysis, without taking into consideration the local residents’ landscape and wind power

Wind Power Development and Landscape – Social Participation, Opportunities and Challenges 15

perception. By complementing these expert methods with dialogue, local stakeholder’s

perspective was revealed and the role of wind turbines in the construction of a local landscape
was understood.

Both case studies show that there is still a substantial lack in the ambition to take on board
people’s perceptions in planning and impact assessment practices in accordance with the ELC.
The prevailing methods of landscape assessment rely on the trained experts definition and
evaluation of landscape values. In conclusion both the Swedish and Spanish case studies show
that the role of the landscape planner should be understood as an interpreter and mediator,
rather than that of an expert and prescriber.


This chapter is part of the research project CSO2011-23670, which has been funded by the
Spanish Ministry of the Economy and Competitiveness. We are grateful to Kira Gee, Jenny
Nord, Miguel Ángel Sánchez del Árbol and Belén Pérez for their valuable comments. We are
also grateful to Ramboll Sweden for their research cooperation concerning the Swedish case
study as well as the municipality of Uddevalla.

Author details

Karin Hammarlund1, Marina Frolova2* and Anna Brånhult3

*Address all correspondence to: mfrolova@ugr.es

1 Department of Landscape Arcitecture, University SLU Alnarp, Sweden

2 Department of Regional and Physical Geography, University of Granada, Granada, Spain

3 Ramböll Sverige AB, Malmö, Sweden


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35(2): 235–257.

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zoni M, editor. Guía de integración paisajística de parques eólicos en Andalucía. Sev‐
illa: Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación del Territorio; 2014. p. 65–78.

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[14] Olwig K. Recovering the Substantive Nature of Landscape. Ann Assoc Am Geogr.
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[15] Lerman P. Landskap i svensk rätt. Underlag för Landskapskonventionens genomför‐

ande. Lagtolken; 2007.

[16] Antonsson H. The treatment of landscapes in a Swedish EIA process. Environ Impact
Assess Rev. 2011; 31(3): 195–205.

[17] Frolova M, Pérez Pérez B. New landscape concerns in the development of renewable
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scapes, Identities and Development. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing; 2011. p. 389–401.

[18] Iglesias G, Del Río P, Dopico JA. Policy analysis of authorization procedures for
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[19] Redondo F. The situation of wind power and human perception and attitude to‐
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[20] Zografos C, Saladié S. La ecología política de conflictos sobre energía eólica. Un estu‐
dio de caso en Cataluña. Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica. 2012; 58(1): 177–192.

[21] Frolova M. Landscapes, Water Policy and the Evolution of Discourses on Hydropow‐
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[22] Florido del Corral D. Los molinos de viento de Trafalgar. Paradojas, ambivalencia y
conflictos respecto a las relaciones humano-ambientales en el sur de Andalucía. In:
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ciones locales y sostenibilidad. Sevilla: Fundación el Monte; 2005. p. 209–242.

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[24] Frolova M, Jiménez-Olivencia Y, Sánchez-del Árbol M-A, Requena-Galipienso A,

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Chapter 2

Study of Novel Power Electronic Converters for Small

Scale Wind Energy Conversion Systems

Mostafa Abarzadeh, Hossein Madadi Kojabadi and Liuchen Chang

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter


This chapter proposes a study of novel power electronic converters for small scale wind
energy conversion systems. In this chapter major topologies of power electronic convert‐
ers that used in wind energy converter systems have been analysed. Various topologies
of DC/AC single stage converters such as high boost Z-source inverters (ZSI) have been
investigated. New proposed schemes for inverters such as multilevel and Z-source inver‐
ters have been studied in this proposed chapter. Multilevel converters are categorized in‐
to three major groups according to their topologies which are diode clamped multilevel
converters (DCM), cascade multilevel converters (CMC) with multiple isolated dc voltage
sources and flying capacitor based multilevel converters (FCMC). Z-source inverters are
divided to ZSI, qZSI and trans-ZSI types. Trans-ZSI is mostly used for high step-up single
stage conversions.

Keywords: Small scale wind energy conversion system, Multi-level converters, Z-source
inverters, single stage converter

1. Introduction

Nowadays, renewable energy based systems have expeditious growth and enhanced techno‐
logical development due to increasing worldwide electricity demand, environmental concerns
and financial aspects. Due to environmental issues of using fossil fuel in power generation and
increasing the demand of energy in world, renewable energy resources are much more
considered to provide power energy demand. Renewable energy resources are environmen‐
tally friendly, socially beneficial, and economically competitive for many applications. Power
electronic converters optimize renewable energy conversion system performance to operate
on maximum power point. Furthermore, mentioned converters prepare suitable and standard

20 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

output power to supply loads. Thus power electronic converters enable efficient interconnec‐
tion between renewable energy systems and loads [1, 2].
Wind turbines, photovoltaic systems and fuel cells are the main resources for renewable
resource generation systems [1]. In comparison with other renewable energy resources, wind
power is more appropriate for couple of applications with relatively lower expenditure [3, 4].
As long as most major companies are concentrating on implementation of large-scale wind
turbines, small-scale wind turbines as small distributed power generators have significant
development in order to utilize in micro grid systems, small faraway sites and small remote
consumers [5]. Recently, with regards to increased global concern about negative effects of
fossil-fuel based energy conversion systems, small-scale wind generation systems are much
more noticed as alternative source for renewable energy conversion applications [6]. Small
scale wind turbines (<100kW) can deliver power directly to homes, farms, schools, businesses,
and industrial firms, compensating the need to purchase some portion of the host’s electricity
from the grid; such wind turbines can also provide power to off-grid sites [4-6]. A small-scale
wind energy conversion system comprises a generator, a power electronic converter, and a
control system. Among different types of small-size wind turbine, permanent magnet (PM)
generator is widely used because of its high reliability, high efficiency and simple structure
[1-3]. The power electronic converter in WECS has been used to provide suitable and applicable
output power in order to supply stand-alone loads or to connect to power grid. Control systems
are implemented to regulate the small-scale wind turbines shaft speed in order to operate at
desired speed which leads to extract maximum power from wind [1-5].
For faraway communities and remote areas, it is applicable and considerable to use the stand-
alone small-scale wind energy conversion system including the battery bank to provide
reliable and stable power supply system for these areas [2, 7-10]. For the stand-alone wind
energy conversion system, battery storage system acts as load to WECS system. Since the
voltage remains almost constant, but the current flows through it can be varied, the battery
can be also considered as a load with a various resistance. The battery can absorb any level of
power as long as the charging current does not exceed its limitation. [2, 11, 12].
There is increasing demand for a grid connected small wind generating system (without
battery storage systems) in order to provide renewable energy sources in distributed power
systems. Small-scale WECS are exploited as undeniable parts of micro grids to provide
distributed power resources. In this case the generated power form the wind generator is
supplied to the utility grid. The AC grid can also be hybrid grid by using another power
generation resources such as photovoltaic systems, fuel cells and diesel generators. Applicable
grid connected inverter topology which exploits maximum power even at low wind speeds
for small-scale WECS are considered to provide alternative power resources for AC grids and
micro grids. Standard grid connected wind turbines use a charging controller to charge the
batteries to provide reliable and stable power sources. The output grid connected inverter also
is used to interface small-scale WECS with the power grid [5].
Authors proposed novel Z-source inverter that can produce very high output voltage gains.
With the same duty ratio the proposed topology produces higher boost factor than diode
assisted QZSI, alternate cascaded ZSI, and SL-ZSI. In other word the new topology requires

Study of Novel Power Electronic Converters for Small Scale Wind Energy Conversion Systems 21

lower duty ratio for the same boosting voltage. Lower duty ratio will lead in higher modulation
index and lower THD at output voltage. In renewable energy conversion systems both voltage
buck and boost operating capabilities are needed, so before VSI an additional dc–dc converter
is required, that this two stage configuration, increases the cost and reduces the efficiency of
the system. By proposed ZSI, buck-boost capabilities is achieved with a single-stage power
conversion. This unique feature also increases the immunity of the inverters to the EMI noises,
which may cause uncontrolled shoot-zero (or open circuit) to destroy the conventional VSIs
and CSIs, respectively. Meanwhile, in ZSI, both switches in a leg can be turned-on simultane‐
ously to eliminate dead-time and to improve the quality of output waveform.
This chapter presents novel power electronic converters for small scale wind energy conver‐
sion systems for small-scale wind generators. Small-scale wind turbine consists of permanent
magnet synchronous generator (PMSG), power electronic conversion system and load. Power
electronic conversion system consists of AC/DC rectifier, DC/DC converter and DC/AC
inverter. The chapter is organized as follows. In part 2, the small-scale wind turbine system is
briefly described. In part 3, the conventional power electronic conversion system for wind
turbine is proposed. Part 4 describes the multi-level converters and their applications in wind
energy conversion systems (WECS). Finally, Z-source inverters are proposed in part 5.

2. Small-scale wind turbine system

The conventional small wind turbine comprises rotor, electric generator, control system and
power conversion system. Rotor with a variable number of blades is utilized to convert the
wind speed to mechanical rotational speed. Electric generator is also used to convert rotor
mechanical rotation to electric power, control and power conversion systems are implemented
to supply electricity into a battery bank or power grid [1, 13].
The electric generator is the major part of a small WECS which converts the mechanical rotation
of wind rotor shaft to electrical power. There are two major types of utilized electrical gener‐
ators for WECS which are self-excited induction generators (SEIG) and permanent magnet
synchronous generators (PMSG). In order to provide applicable rotational speed to generators,
gearbox must be utilized between wind turbine rotor and generator shaft. The gearbox
converts the low rotational speed of the turbine rotor to the high rotational speed of generator
shaft. Considering the fact that utilizing gearbox in WECS system leads to increase system
overall weight, gearbox elimination can be achieved by utilizing the axial flux permanent
magnet synchronous generators (AFPMSG) multiple-pole generator systems [1, 2, 13].
In order to energize the magnetic circuits in self-excited induction generators, parallel
capacitors bank is equipped at the generator terminals to provide its necessary reactive power.
Due to use the fixed capacitors bank, the reactive power and output terminal voltage might
not be directly controlled. Consequently, terminal voltage fluctuation problem is emerged in
self-excited induction generators [1, 2]. Therefore, the multiple-pole axial flux permanent
magnet synchronous generators (AFPMSG) driven by a wind-turbine shaft without gearbox
are much more considered. Small scale wind conversion system may be connected to loads or

22 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

power systems with full rated power electronic converters. The wind turbines with a full scale
power converter between the generator and load will lead to improved performance. The
gearbox driven self-excited induction generator based small-scale WECS is depicted in Fig.
1(a). The direct-couple axial flux permanent magnet synchronous generator based WECS is
shown in Fig.1(b). The full range power conversion system is equipped between generator and
load for providing standard output to load.

Figure 1. Small scale wind generation system. (a) self-excited induction generator with gearbox (b) direct coupled axial
flux permanent magnet synchronous generator [1, 2]

The power protection during higher wind speeds in small scale wind turbines will be done by
furling control [1, 2, 14]. Auto furling system is a passive mechanism utilized to protect the
small-scale wind turbine in higher wind speeds [13]. There are several methods to mechani‐
cally control a wind turbine, like tilt up turbines, changing blade angle, and spoilers. Upwind
rotor structure with passive yaw control by using tail vane is utilized in major part of small
wind turbines. Auto furling system is operated by interaction between gravity and wind force.
It operates based on interaction between wind turbine tail degree from wind turbine rotor and
effective wind stream aerodynamic force. Eventually, during wind speeds above the nominal
wind speed the tail vane starts to hinge which leads to decrease the wind turbine rotor speed.
The over-speed protection is resulted during this condition. During higher wind speeds,
generated output power of wind turbine could be bigger than the nominal power of wind
generator which may damage the wind rotor or energy conversion unit. Hence, during high
wind speeds, furling system deflects the turbine from the wind stream to protect whole system
from probable damages. During furling conditions, there is a sharp decrease in the wind
turbine output power curve [1, 13-16]. The typical furling system is depicted in Fig. 2.

Study of Novel Power Electronic Converters for Small Scale Wind Energy Conversion Systems 23

Figure 2. Overview of the operating principles of a furling system. (a) Aerodynamic forces. (b) Furling movement in
strong winds. (c) Restitution of normal (aligned) operation upon reduction of the wind speed [13].

3. Conventional power electronic conversion system for wind turbine

In order to achieve maximum efficiency of wind energy conversion system the AC/DC/AC
topology almost always used in small scale systems. This topology results maximum efficiency
and full range working range which is applicable for WECS systems. To convert the variable
AC voltage which is generated by AFPMSG, the diode rectifier should be used. Due to the fact
that active power flows uni-directionally from the AFPMSG to power converter and load, only
a simple diode rectifier can be applied to the generator side converter [5, 6]. In order to regulate
and track maximum power point of wind turbine in various wind speeds, DC/DC converter
is used [17]. In order to supply standard output AC loads, the inverter should be implemented
at the WECS output.

3.1. AC/DC bridge rectifier

A three-phase bridge rectifier which gives six-pulse ripples on the output voltage is commonly
used in small-scale WECS. The pair of diodes which are having the maximum amplitude of
line-to-line voltage will conduct [18]. The typical three-phase bridge rectifier is depicted in

If we assume that V m is the maximum value of the phase voltage, then the average output
voltage can be considered as:

24 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Figure 3. Three-phase bridge rectifier.

p /6
2 3 3
Vdc = ò 3 Vm cos wt d (wt ) = Vm = 1.654Vm (1)
2p / 6 0

3.2. DC/DC converters

Dc/dc converters are switch-mode converters which regulate variable voltage to a desired
reference dc output voltage. The mostly used dc-dc converters which are defined as three
terminal regulators are explained in this section [19]. They are characterized by the use of a
choke rather than a transformer between the input and output lines, resulting in higher
efficiencies and wider voltage ranges. There are four basic topologies of non-isolated dc to dc
converters which can produce higher, lower or reversed polarity to the input.

3.2.1. Buck regulators

The buck regulator which is shown in Fig. 4 provides the output voltage lower than input dc
voltage with the same polarity of input dc voltage [18]. The fundamental circuit of buck dc-dc
converter is shown in Fig. 4.

Figure 4. Basic circuit of buck dc-dc regulator.

The output voltage of buck converter is calculated by

Vout = k ´ Vin (2)

Study of Novel Power Electronic Converters for Small Scale Wind Energy Conversion Systems 25

where V out is output voltage, V in is input voltage and k is duty cycle of switch. The output
voltage can be controlled by varying the duty cycle. The buck converter is also known as a
step-down converter, since its output must be less than the input voltage [18-21].

3.2.2. Boost regulators

The boost regulator which is depicted in Fig. 5 provides output voltage higher than input dc
voltage with the same polarity of input dc voltage. Due to the existence of right-half-plane zero
in boost converter’s transfer function, it is hard to control it during high step up gain between
output and input voltage [18-21]. The basic circuit of boost dc-dc converter is shown in Fig.5.

Figure 5. Basic circuit of boost dc-dc regulator.

The output voltage of boost converter is calculated by

Vout = V (3)
1 - k in

3.2.3. Buck-boost regulators

In order to achieve both step-up and step-down capability of dc-dc converter, buck-boost
converter which is combination of buck and boost topologies is provided. The output voltage
has opposite polarity to the input, but its value may be higher, equal, or lower than that of the
input. This regulator also has right-half-plane zero in its transfer function which limits the step
up gain of this converter [18-21]. The basic circuit of buck-boost dc-dc converter is shown in

Figure 6. Basic circuit of buck-boost dc-dc regulator.

26 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

The output voltage of buck-boost converter is calculated by

Vout = - V (4)
1 - k in

3.2.4. Cuk regulators

Since buck-boost regulator has reverse polarity to the input dc voltage, so the new class of
buck-boost regulator named cuk converter has been proposed. In this converter, the output
voltage has the same polarity of input, but its value may be higher, equal, or lower than that
of the input. This converter also has the right-half-plane zero in its transfer function [18-21].
The basic circuit of cuck dc-dc converter is shown in Fig.7.

Figure 7. Basic circuit of cuck dc-dc regulator.

The output voltage of cuk converter is calculated by

Vout = V (5)
1 - k in

3.3. DC/AC inverters

DC-to-ac converters are defined as inverters which are used to convert input dc voltage to
symmetrical output ac voltage in order to supply ac load or connect to grid. The inverter output
voltage must satisfy specific standards which are defined as desired voltage amplitude,
frequency and maximum allowable total harmonic distortion (THD) value. The ideal ac voltage
waveforms should be sinusoidal. However, due to practical inverters work based on switching
devices, output ac voltage of inverters is non-sinusoidal and contain certain harmonics [18, 22].

There are various switching methods which are applied to control the inverters. The pulse
width modulation (PWM) control method is mostly used to provide suitable switching
signals to control inverter switches. There are two major types of inverter which are classified
as voltage source inverters (VSIs) and current source inverters (CSIs). The VSI inverters
which are widely used in small scale WECS applications independently control the ac output
voltage waveform. While, the CSI inverters independently control the ac output current
waveform [18].

Study of Novel Power Electronic Converters for Small Scale Wind Energy Conversion Systems 27

The single-phase VSI is shown in Fig. 8. It comprises four switches which are S1, S2, S3 and S4.
This type of inverter has three output voltage states which are V d , 0, − V d . V d is resulted at
inverter output when S1 and S2 are on. When S3 and S4 are on, the inverter output voltage is
− V d . If all switches are off, the output voltage is 0. The root mean square (RMS) output voltage
can be found from

æ 2 T0 / 2 2 ö
ç T0 ò0 d ÷
VO = ç V dt ÷ = Vd (6)
è ø

where V O is rms value of output voltage. Output voltage can be represented in Fourier series.
The rms value of fundamental component as

4Vd n =1
vO = å
n = 1,3,... np
sin nwt ® V1 =
= 0.90Vd (7)

where vO is output voltage and V 1 is rms value of fundamental component of vO .

Figure 8. Single-phase full bridge inverter

4. Multi-level converters

The two-level VSI provides three output voltage levels which are 0 or ±V d . In order to improve
the output voltage or current quality, it is required to apply higher switching frequency and
enhanced PWM techniques which are restricted by switching device operating specifications
and control systems implementation requirements [18].
The most remarkable superiority of multilevel converters in comparison with two-level
inverters are synthesizing an output staircase voltage waveform which improves harmonic

28 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

content significantly, also reduces output dt , electromagnetic interference and filter induc‐
tance, etc [18, 24-27]. By increasing the number of voltage levels, the output waveform will be
a staircase form and this will lead in significant reduction of output voltage THD.
Multilevel converters divide to three major types as below:

• Diode-clamped multilevel (DCM) converters

• Cascaded multilevel (CM) converters [26].
• Flying capacitor multilevel (FCM) converters [24, 27].

4.1. Diode-clamped multilevel (DCM) converter

The n-level DCM converter which comprises (n − 1) capacitors, 2(n − 1) switches and (n − 1)(n − 2)
clamping diodes provides n-levels output voltage. Considering dc bus voltage as E , the voltage
across each capacitor is 2 , and each switch stress is restricted to one capacitor voltage level 2
through clamping diodes.

Figure 9. 3-level diode-clamped converter.

In order to provide staircase output voltage in DCM converter, if the S1 and S2 power switches
are on, the staircase output voltage is V out = 2 . When S1' and S2' power switches are on, the
output voltage is V out = − 2 . For output voltage V out = 0, S1' and S2 power switches must be on
[18, 23].
The considerable advantages of DCM converter are as follows:

• Output voltage THD is significantly decreases by increasing the voltage levels which leads
to reduction or elimination of output filter size.
• With regards to the fact that switches operates at the fundamental frequency, the Inverter
efficiency is high.

Study of Novel Power Electronic Converters for Small Scale Wind Energy Conversion Systems 29

• The implemented control procedure is simple.

The notable disadvantages of DCM inverter are as follows

• By increasing the number of voltage levels, the number of clamping diodes is increased

• It is complicated to control the real power flow of DCM converter in multi converter systems
[18, 23].

4.2. Cascade multilevel (CM) converter

A CM inverter comprises series connections of H-bridge inverters which are supplied by

isolated dc sources. The aforementioned isolated dc sources may be provided by WECS
systems, batteries, or other voltage sources. The configuration of CM converter with isolated
dc voltage sources is depicted in Fig.10.

Figure 10. The 2n+1 levels cascade multilevel inverter: (a) with separated dc voltage sources. (b) with one dc voltage
source and isolator transformers.

Each h-bridge inverter provides three output voltage levels which are 0 or ±E . All five switch
states for h-bridge inverter are shown in table 1. The output voltage of CM converter is obtained
by the sum of inverter outputs. Hence, the CM inverter output voltage can be expressed as

30 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

vout = åvi (8)
i =1

where n is the number of cells and vi is the output voltage of cell i .

For n number of cells, the output voltage of CM converter has 2n + 1 levels. For instance, in
order to provide five level output voltage, two h-bridge cascaded converters with isolated
dc voltage sources are needed. Switch states of mentioned five-level CM converter is depict‐
ed in table 2 [18, 23, 26].

The advantages of the CM inverter are as follows:

• CM needs the minimum number of components to provide the same number of staircase
voltage levels in comparison with DCM and FCM converters.

• In order to reduce switching losses and device stresses, soft-switching techniques can be
implemented on CM converter.

The disadvantage of the CM inverter is requirement of isolated dc voltage sources for real
power conversions [18, 23, 26].

Output Voltage Level State of (S1 , S2 , S3 , S4) Number of States

+2E (1, 0 , 1 , 0) 1

+2E (1, 0 , 1 , 1) , (1, 0 , 0 , 0) , (1, 1 , 1 , 0) , (0, 0 , 1 , 0) 4

0 (1, 1 , 1 , 1) , (1, 1 , 0 , 0) , (0, 0, 0, 0) , (0, 0 , 1 , 1) 4

− 2E (0 , 1 , 1 , 1) , (0, 1 , 0 , 0) , (1, 1 , 0 , 1) , (0, 0 , 0 , 1) 4

− 2E (0, 1 , 0 , 1) 1

Table 1. Switches states for a five-level CM inverter.

4.3. Flying capacitor multicell (FCM) converter

The FCM converters comprise ladder connection of FC cells. Each FC cell in FCM converter
consists of a flying capacitor and a pair of switches with a complimentary state. In order to
provide various levels at the inverter output, the commutation between adjacent cells with
their FCs charged to the desired values is needed [24]. Hence, the voltage balancing of flying
capacitors is indispensable issue in FCM converters. Appropriate operation of FCM converter
depends on suitable voltage balancing of FCs [23, 24]. Applying the phase-shifted carrier pulse-
width modulation (PSC-PWM) technique in FCM converter control system guarantees the FCs
self-balancing process [24]. Typical configuration of FCM converter and the phase-shifted
carrier pulse-width modulation (PSC-PWM) technique for five-level FCM inverter are shown
in Fig.11 and Fig.12, respectively.

Study of Novel Power Electronic Converters for Small Scale Wind Energy Conversion Systems 31

Figure 11. The n cells (n + 1 levels) FCM inverter.

Figure 12. The phase-shifted carrier pulse-width modulation (PSC-PWM) technique for five-level FCM inverter.

The advantages of the FCM inverters are:

• FCM inverter does not require to isolated dc voltage sources. Hence, it has transformer-less
operation capability.

• Clamping diodes are not needed to use in FCM inverters.

• There are plenty of redundant switching states which result inherent self-balancing property
of the voltage across FCs.

• Switching stress is equally distributed between power switches.

The major disadvantages of the FCM inverter are:
• Numerous FCs is needed to provide high staircase output voltage levels.

• Implementing switching and control pattern can be more sophisticated and complicated
[18, 23, 24].
The switches states of five-level FCM inverter is expressed in table 2.

32 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Output Voltage Level State of (S4 , S3 , S2 , S1) Number of States

+ E (1, 1 , 1 , 1) 1

+4E (1, 1 , 1 , 0) , (1, 1 , 0 , 1) , (1, 0 , 1 , 1) , (0, 1 , 1 , 1) 4

0 (1, 1 , 0 , 0) , (1, 0 , 0 , 1) , (0, 0, 1, 1) , (0, 1 , 1 , 0) 4

− 4E (0, 0 , 0 , 1) , (0, 0 , 1 , 0) , (0, 1 , 0 , 0) , (1, 0 , 0 , 0) 4

− 4E (0, 0 , 0 , 0) 1

Table 2. Switches states for a five-level FCM inverter

4.4. Multilevel converters applications in wind energy conversion systems

Multilevel inverters provide more than two voltage levels. A desired output voltage waveform
can be synthesized from the multiple voltage levels with significantly improved harmonic
content, decreased output dv / dt , reduced electromagnetic interference, smaller filter induc‐
tance, and increased carrier ratio (Rc ). Furthermore, low switching and conduction power
losses, increased efficiency, fault tolerant, and high modularity are other valuable features of
multilevel converters. There are a couple of topologies that provide multilevel voltages and
are suitable for industrial applications.

Figure 13. Electrical configuration of multiple winding stator[25].

With regards to above-mentioned multilevel converter topologies, it is clear that using

multilevel converters will lead in increased complexity to control and implementation of
power electronic conversion system. Among multilevel converters, DCM is widely used for
wind energy conversion system because it needs just one power supply to provide desired
output voltage. On the other hand, increasing in voltage levels of DCM causes expeditiously

Study of Novel Power Electronic Converters for Small Scale Wind Energy Conversion Systems 33

increase in number of clamping diodes and complexity of control system. Thus, using CHB
and FCM converters have been mentioned in couple of papers. In order to overcome the
required isolated power supplies in these converters, input DC sources elimination methods
have been proposed in some papers. Also, using novel structure of AFPMSG generators with
variety of stator windings has been mentioned. For instance, in [25] new multi level conversion
system is proposed. In order to provide multiple DC source to multilevel converter, multiple
winding stator has been used in [25]. Electrical configuration of mentioned system and circuit
diagram of proposed structure of converter are shown in Fig.13 and Fig.14, respectively.

Figure 14. Circuit diagram of multilevel converter based on multiple winding stator [25].

5. Z-source inverters

V-source inverter is widely used in wind energy conversion systems. V-source inverters have
the following demerits as theoretical and experimental point of view:

34 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

• The ac output voltage is limited below and cannot exceed the dc-rail voltage or the dc-rail
voltage has to be greater than the ac output voltage. Therefore, the V-source inverter is a
step-down inverter. For couple of applications where the available dc voltage is limited,
increasing voltage is demanded to have wide-range operation capability. Hence, additional
dc-dc boost converter is needed to obtain a desired ac output which increases system cost
and decreases system efficiency.

• The upper and lower switches of each phase leg cannot be turned on at the same time either
by purpose or by electromagnetic interference (EMI) noise. Otherwise, phase leg would be
short-circuited. The shoot-through problem is emerged by EMI noises. Providing dead time
between upper and lower switches which is used to prevent phase leg short-circuiting, will
result in high THD at output voltage waveform.

• An output LC filter is needed for providing a sinusoidal voltage, which causes additional
power loss and control complexity [28].

In order to overcome the above problems of the traditional V-source converters, [28] presents
an Z-source converter for implementing dc-to-ac power conversion. Typical Z-source con‐
verter structure is depicted in Fig. 15. In this type of converter, unique impedance network is
used to couple the converter main circuit to the power source, load, or another converter, for
providing superior performances in comparison with traditional V-source converters where
a capacitor is used. Hence, the Z-source converter dominates the aforementioned disadvan‐
tages and restrictions of the traditional V-source converter and provides a novel power
conversion configuration. In Fig. 15, a two-port network that consists of a split-inductor L 1
and L 2 and capacitors C1 and C2 connected in X shape is employed to provide an impedance
source (Z-source) coupling the inverter to the dc source, load, or another converter. The dc
source can be a battery, diode rectifier, thyristor converter, fuel cell, a capacitor, or a combi‐
nation of those. Fig. 15 shows two three-phase Z-source inverter configurations. The induc‐
tance L 1 and L 2 can be provided through a split inductor or two separate inductors.

Figure 15. Z-source inverter configuration.

Study of Novel Power Electronic Converters for Small Scale Wind Energy Conversion Systems 35

Fig.1 shows the traditional two-stage power conversion for wind energy conversion applica‐
tions. Because wind turbine usually produce a voltage that changes widely depending on wind
speed. For wind power generation, a dc–dc boost converter is needed because the V-source
inverter cannot produce an ac voltage that is greater than the dc voltage. Z-source inverter can
directly produce an ac voltage greater and less than the wind turbine voltage. So Z-source
inverter is a combination of dc-dc boost converter and traditional VSI.

5.1. Quasi Z-source inverters

Multiple structures have been derived from main structure of Z-source inverter that is
mentioned above. In this structure, the current drawn from the source is discontinuous. This
causes couple of limitations in some applications, and a decoupling capacitor bank at the front
end is sometimes used to prevent current discontinuity and protect the energy source. In order
to prevail the frailties in the classical ZSI, quasi-Z-source inverters (qZSIs) have been proposed
[29-31]. The qZSI provides a lower voltage stress on capacitors. The ratio between the dc-link
voltage across the inverter bridge, vPN , and the input dc voltage, V dc (the boost factor of the
classical ZSI and qZSI), can be expressed as

vPN 1 1
B= = =
Vdc T 1 - 2D (9)
1- 2 0

where T 0 is the interval of the shoot-through state during the switching period T and
D = T 0 / T is the duty cycle ratio of shoot-through state.

The boost factor from (9) indicates that when D is between 0 and 0.5, B varies in (1, ∞ ). The
infinite value of B is not achievable in practical because of the parasitic effects found in the
physical components. Therefore, the ZSI and qZSI are not appropriate for applications where
both a high boost voltage and a buck voltage gain are required. To overcome the boost
limitations in (9), some papers have recently focused on increasing the boost factor of the ZSI
by adding the inductors, capacitors, and diodes to the Z-impedance network in order to
produce a high dc-link voltage for the main power circuit from a very low input dc voltage.
They are, namely, continuous-current diode/capacitor-assisted extended-boost quasi-ZSIs
[32], switched-inductor ZSIs [33], switched-inductor quasi-ZSIs [34] and single-stage boost
inverters with couple inductor [35].

5.1.1. Extended-Boost ZSI Topologies

In [32], new converter topologies are mainly categorized as diode-assisted boost or capacitor-
assisted boost topologies. All these topologies can be modulated using the modulation
methods proposed for the original ZSI. The other main advantage of these topologies is their
expandability which was not possible with the original ZSI. In these topologies, in order to
increase the boosting range, another stage can be cascaded at the front end without increasing
the number of active switches. The only additions for each added new stage would be one

36 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

inductor, one capacitor, and two diodes for the diode-assisted case and one inductor, two
capacitors, and one diode for the capacitor-assisted case. For each added new stage, the boost
factor is increased by a factor of 1 / (1 − Ds ) in the case of the diode-assisted topology, where
DS is shoot-through duty ratio. In the case of capacitor-assisted topology, the boost factor is
changed to 1 / (1 − 3DS ) in comparison with 1 / (1 − 2DS ) in the traditional topology.
Furthermore, hybrid type of topologies can be achieved by combination of capacitor- and
diode-assisted techniques, if the number of stages is larger than two [32]. Diode-assisted
extended-boost qZSI topologies are shown in Fig.16.

Figure 16. Extended-boost ZSI inverter (a) Diode-assisted extended-boost qZSI (b) Capacitor-assisted extended-boost
qZSI [32].

In Fig.16, v^ S is the output voltage of impedance network of extended-boost ZSI inverter.

5.1.2. Switched Inductor Z-Source Inverter

Recently significant improvement of dc-dc conversion techniques such as switched capacitor

(SC), switched inductor (SL), hybrid SC/SL, voltage multiplier cells and voltage lift techniques
have been introduced in [33, 36-38], which are used to achieve the high step-up capacity in
transformer-less and cascade configurations. The main purpose is to reach a high efficiency,
high power density, and simple structures. In [33], the combination with the Z-source inverter
and advanced dc–dc improvement techniques has been proposed. In [33], the concept of the
SL techniques has been combined into the classical Z-source impedance network, and

Study of Novel Power Electronic Converters for Small Scale Wind Energy Conversion Systems 37

consequently, a new SL Z-source impedance network has been proposed [33]. The new
proposed topology is then defined the SL Z-source inverter is depicted in Fig.17.
The main characteristics are summarized as:

• The basic X-shape configuration is preserved.

• Only six diodes and two inductors are added in comparison with the traditional ZSI.
• The boost factor has been increased from 1 / (1 − 2D) to (1 + D) / (1 − 3D).
• The new structure is extensible for the further development using the coupled inductor
techniques and other potential improving techniques [33].

Figure 17. Switched inductor Z-source inverter [33].

5.1.3. Switched-Inductor Quasi-Z-Source Inverter

In order to overcome the shortcomings of the classical ZSI, quasi-ZSIs (qZSIs) have been
proposed. qZSIs have many advantages, such as reducing passive component ratings and
improving input profiles. In [34], the switched-inductor structure has been applied to the
continuous input current quasi-Z-source topology to create a novel topology which is called
an SL-qZSI. Compared with the SL-ZSI, the proposed SL-qZSI enhances input current, reduces
the passive component count, and enhances reliability. Moreover, the shoot-through current,
voltage stress on capacitors, and current stress on inductors and diodes in the proposed SL-
qZSI are lower than in the SL-ZSI for the same input and output voltages. The proposed SL-
qZSI avoids the inrush current at start-up, which may damage the devices [34]. Fig.18 shows
the SL-qZSI topology.

38 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Figure 18. Switched-inductor quasi-Z-source inverter [34].

Regarding that no current flows to the main circuit during start-up, SL-qZSI topology provides
inrush current elimination, in contrast with SL-ZSI topology. However, the inductors and
capacitors in the proposed switched-inductor qZSI still resonate. Compared with a conven‐
tional continuous-current qZSI, the proposed inverter adds only three diodes and one
inductor, and the boost factor increases from 1 / (1 − 2D) to (1 + D) / (1 − 2D − D 2).

5.1.4. Single-Stage Boost Inverter With Coupled Inductor

In [35] single-stage boost inverter with a unique impedance network that consisting coupled
inductor has been proposed. The bus voltage can be stepped up by applying shoot-through
zero state to accumulate and transfer energy within the impedance network. Similar to ZSI,
the single-stage boost inverter completely avoids damaging devices during shoot-through zero
states. So, it has enhanced reliability. Second, the inductors and capacitors do not have to be
of high consistency which leads to easier circuit parameters design. Third, both shoot-through
zero states and coupled inductor’s turn ratio can be regulated to control the boost gain. So, the
output voltage can be regulated in a wide range and can be stepped up to a higher value.
Finally, the bus voltage equals the sum of the capacitor voltages, and it is higher than each
capacitor voltage. This ensures status capacitor voltage ratings can be fully utilized. The single-
stage boost inverter with coupled inductor is appropriate for applications where the input
voltage has wide range variation from relatively low to higher level while output must have
a stable ac voltage [35]. Single-stage boost Z-source inverter with coupled inductor is shown
in Fig.19.

5.1.5. Enhanced-Boost Z-Source Inverters with Switched Z-Impedance

Fig. 20 shows the proposed Z-source inverter that produces high output voltage gain. In
traditional Z-source inverters for high boosting voltage, low modulation index is required, so
under these conditions output voltage will have low quality with high total harmonic distor‐

Study of Novel Power Electronic Converters for Small Scale Wind Energy Conversion Systems 39

Figure 19. Single-stage boost Z-source inverter with coupled inductor [35].

tion. Compared with the conventional high-boost ZSI topologies, the proposed inverter by
authors uses shorter shoot-through duration and larger modulation index to improve the
output waveform quality [39].

The boost factor of proposed ZSI can be calculated as:

B= (10)
2D2 - 4D + 1

The output ac voltage can be calculated by:

Vˆ ac = M.B. in = G. in (11)
2 2


G = M .B = ( 0 ~ ¥ ) (12)

is buck–boost factor. The buck–boost factor (G ) can be controlled by changing D and M. Duty
cycle of shoot-through, D, is limited by modulation index by the following relation:

D £ 1- M (13)

The boost factor from (10) indicates that when D is between 0 and 0.29, B varies in (1, ∞).
However, the infinite value of B is not accessible due to parasitic effects of physical compo‐
nents. Even if a large value of D is used to produce the high boost gain, the modulation index
must be small as indicated in (13). However, low modulation index, M will result in poorer
spectral performances and low THD. Small M is generally not preferred since it leads to low

40 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

output waveform quality and high power losses due to lower order harmonics at output

Figure 20. Proposed Z-source inverter with switched Z-impedance [39]. Simulation Results

The proposed topology shown in Fig. 20 has been simulated by PSIM software platform. The
main circuit parameters for proposed topology are as follows:

L 1 = L 2 = L 3 = L 4 = 700μH , C1 = C2 = C3 = C4 = 500 μF

The switching frequency F s = 10kHz

Three phase load R= 60 Ω, L= 5mH,

DC input voltage V in = 100

Fig. 21 shows that with the same duty ratio the proposed topology produces higher boost factor
than diode assisted QZSI, alternate cascaded ZSI, conventional ZSI, and SL-ZSI. In other word
the new topology requires lower duty ratio for the same boosting voltage. Lower duty ratio
will lead in higher modulation index of M and lower THD at the output voltage. So this
topology is very suitable for renewable energy conversion systems, without requirement of
dc-dc converters. Fig. 22 shows the output voltage gain against modulation index for five
topologies. In order to produce the same output voltage gain, the proposed topology uses
higher modulation index than other two traditional methods.

Fig. 23 shows the simulation results for the proposed ZSI with shoot-through duty cycle of D
= 0.18 and modulation index of M = 0.82. From (10), the boost factor, B = 2.9. From simulation
results one can observe that the capacitors’ voltage V c1 and V c3 are, respectively, boosted to
195 and 237.5 V in the steady state, and the peak dc-link voltage V dc is boosted to 290 V. So the
boosted factor can be calculated to be 290/100 =2.9. Meanwhile, the peak ac output phase
voltage V ac has been boosted to 119 V. These results clearly verify the high boosting capability
of the proposed ZSI.

Study of Novel Power Electronic Converters for Small Scale Wind Energy Conversion Systems 41

Figure 21. Boost Factor against the duty cycle of shoot-through.

Figure 22. Buck-Boost factor against the modulation index. Experimental Results

Fig. 24 shows the experimental results for proposed ZSI when shoot-through duty cycle D =
0.18 and modulation index M = 0.82. DC link voltage is boosted from 100 V to 268 V, which is
slightly less than the calculated value (2.9*100 = 290 V) from (10) due to the voltage reduction
on the passive components, diodes, and switching devices. Capacitor voltages V c1 and V c3 are
boosted to 186V, and 219 V, respectively. Meanwhile, the rms value of line to line output

42 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Figure 23. Simulation results for the proposed ZSI, M=0.82 and D=0.18.

voltage is 193V. Fig. 24 further shows the dc-link voltage, inductor current, and load current
which clearly are similar to simulations except for some spikes and switching noises super‐
imposed. These spikes and noises are not seen in simulation and are thus likely picked up from
the hardware semiconductor switching. Because of proper snubber design, the MOFETs have
enough protection against the spikes and noises. From Fig. 24 it is very clear that the peak dc-
link voltage maintains constant value during the non-shoot-through states, and it is quite
consistent with the theoretical value. The simulation and experimental results of Figs. 23 and
24 match well with each other and those of the theoretical analysis for the proposed inverter.

5.2. Trans Z-source Inverters

The voltage-fed Z-source inverter can have theoretically infinite voltage boost gain. However,
the higher the voltage boost gain, the smaller the modulation index has to be used. In wind
energy conversion applications, a low-voltage dc source has to be boosted to a desirable ac
output voltage. A small modulation index results in a high voltage stress imposed on the
inverter bridge. Transformer-based Z-source inverter (trans-ZSIs) has the possibility of

Study of Novel Power Electronic Converters for Small Scale Wind Energy Conversion Systems 43

Figure 24. Experimental results for the proposed ZSI, M=0.82 and D=0.18.

44 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

increasing voltage gain with the minimum component count [31, 40]. Applying a transformer
to the Z-source network has been introduced in the trans-Z-source. Voltage-fed trans-quasi-
ZSI proposed in [40], where two inductors in the impedance Z-network are replaced by a
transformer with a turn ratio of n:1 to achieve a high voltage gain. It comprises one transformer,
one capacitor, and one diode. Fig. 25 depicts transformer-based Z-source inverter circuit
diagram. The boost factor of this inverter is increased to

1 1
B= =
1 - (1 + n)
T0 1 - (1 + n ) D (14)

Figure 25. Transformer-based Z-source inverter [39].

5.3. Z-source converters applications in wind energy conversion systems

With regards to wind energy conversion systems that usually requires to increase the dc-link
voltage to applicable standard voltage to supply ac load, high step-up voltage conversion must
be used. In order to boost the dc link voltage in traditional wind energy conversion systems,
power electronic transformer (PET) has widespread usage to convert the low dc-link voltage
to applicable dc-voltage that is desirable in dc-to-ac inverters. Circuit diagram of traditional
energy conversion system based on PET is depicted in Fig. 26.

In recent wind energy conversion systems, power electronic transformer (PET) is replaced with
ZSI, qZSI and trans-ZSI high step-up converters to convert low dc-link voltage to desirable dc
link voltage. This will lead in power electronic devices reduction and power conversion stages
reduction in wind energy conversion system. Application of ZSI in renewable energy conver‐

Study of Novel Power Electronic Converters for Small Scale Wind Energy Conversion Systems 45

Figure 26. Wind energy conversion system based on power electronic transformer (PET).

sion systems will increase the power conversion reliability and decrease system costs. Fig. 27
shows typical configuration of wind energy conversion system based on ZSI inverters.

Figure 27. Typical configuration of wind energy conversion system based on single-stage boost inverter with coupled
inductor [35].

6. Conclusion

In this chapter, various power electronic circuit topologies for small-scale wind energy
conversion systems are investigated and considered. In order to convert wind turbine
generator voltage to desirable and suitable output voltage, power electronic converters should
be applied between wind turbine generator and load. In order to utilize maximum power point
tracking methods on wind turbine to exploit maximum power from wind energy conversion
system power electronic conversion system should have high efficiency and variable and high
boost capability. To achieve this aim, new generator configuration and various Z-source
converters which are proposed in literature are considered in this chapter. Furthermore, novel
configuration of ZSI has been proposed and introduced by authors. Compared with the
conventional ZSI, diode assisted QZSI, alternate cascaded ZSI(N = 2), and SL-ZSI, the proposed
inverter has the highest boosting ability. The proposed inverter uses shorter shoot-through
duration and larger modulation index to improve the output waveform quality.

46 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Author details

Mostafa Abarzadeh1*, Hossein Madadi Kojabadi1 and Liuchen Chang2

*Address all correspondence to: mst.abarzadeh@gmail.com

1 Department of Electrical Engineering, Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz, Iran

2 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of New Brunswick, NB,



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al switched-capacitor dc/dc converters, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I:
Fundamental Theory and Applications, vol. 50, no. 6, pp. 743–753, Jun. 2003.

[38] B. Axelrod, Y. Berkovich, and A. Ioinovici: Switched-capacitor/switched-inductor

structures for getting transformerless hybrid dc-dc PWM converters, IEEE Transac‐
tions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, vol. 55, no. 2,
pp. 687–696, Mar. 2008.

[39] H. Fathi Kivi, and H. Madadi Kojabadi, Enhanced boost Z-source inverters with
switched Z-impedancde, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 63, no. 2,
pp. 691-703, 2016.

Study of Novel Power Electronic Converters for Small Scale Wind Energy Conversion Systems 49

[40] W. Qian, F. Z. Peng, and H. Cha, Trans-Z-source inverters, IEEE Transactions on

Power Electronics, vol. 26, no. 12, pp. 3453–3463, Dec. 2011.

Chapter 3

Modelling and Control of Grid-connected Solar

Photovoltaic Systems

Marcelo Gustavo Molina

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter



At present, photovoltaic (PV) systems are taking a leading role as a solar-based renewa‐
ble energy source (RES) because of their unique advantages. This trend is being increased
especially in grid-connected applications because of the many benefits of using RESs in
distributed generation (DG) systems. This new scenario imposes the requirement for an
effective evaluation tool of grid-connected PV systems so as to predict accurately their
dynamic performance under different operating conditions in order to make a compre‐
hensive decision on the feasibility of incorporating this technology into the electric utility
grid. This implies not only to identify the characteristics curves of PV modules or arrays,
but also the dynamic behaviour of the electronic power conditioning system (PCS) for
connecting to the utility grid. To this aim, this chapter discusses the full detailed model‐
ling and the control design of a three-phase grid-connected photovoltaic generator
(PVG). The PV array model allows predicting with high precision the I-V and P-V curves
of the PV panels/arrays. Moreover, the control scheme is presented with capabilities of
simultaneously and independently regulating both active and reactive power exchange
with the electric grid. The modelling and control of the three-phase grid-connected PVG
are implemented in the MATLAB/Simulink environment and validated by experimental

Keywords: Photovoltaic System, Distributed Generation, Modeling, Simulation, Control

1. Introduction

The worldwide growth of energy demand and the finite reserves of fossil fuel resources have
led to the intensive use of renewable energy sources (RESs). Other major issues that have
driven strongly the RES development are the ever-increasing impact of energy technolo‐
gies on the environment and the fact that RESs have become today a mature technology. The

54 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

necessity for having available sustainable energy systems for substituting gradually conven‐
tional ones requires changing the paradigm of energy supply by utilizing clean and renewa‐
ble resources of energy. Among renewables, solar energy characterizes as a clean, pollution-
free and inexhaustible energy source, which is also abundantly available anywhere in the
world. These factors have contributed to make solar energy the fastest growing renewable
technology in the world [1]. At present, photovoltaic (PV) generation is playing a crucial role
as a solar-based RES application because of unique benefits such as absence of fuel cost, high
reliability, simplicity of allocation, low maintenance and lack of noise and wear because of
the absence of moving parts. In addition to these factors are the decreasing cost of PV panels,
the growing efficiency of solar PV cells, manufacturing-technology improvements and
economies of scale [2-3].

The integration of photovoltaic systems into the grid is becoming today the most important
application of PV systems, gaining interest over traditional stand-alone autonomous systems.
This trend is being increased due to the many benefits of using RES in distributed (also known
as dispersed, embedded or decentralized) generation (DG) power systems [4-5]. These
advantages include the favourable fiscal and regulatory incentives established in many
countries that influence straightforwardly on the commercial acceptance of grid-connected PV
systems. In this sense, the growing number of distributed PV systems brings new challenges
to the operation and management of the power grid, especially when this variable and
intermittent energy source constitutes a significant part of the total system generation capacity
[6]. This new scenario imposes the need for an effective design and performance assessment
tool of grid-connected PV systems, so as to predict accurately their dynamic performance
under different operating conditions in order to make a sound decision on whether or not to
incorporate this technology into the electric utility grid. This implies not only to identify the
current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of PV modules or arrays, but also the dynamic behaviour
of the power electronics interface with the utility grid, also known as photovoltaic power
conditioning system (PCS) or PV PCS, required to convert the energy produced into useful
electricity and to provide requirements for connection to the grid. This PV PCS is the key
component that enables to provide a more cost-effective harvest of energy from the sun and
to meet specific grid code requirements. These requirements include the provision of high
levels of security, quality, reliability, availability and efficiency of the electric power. Moreover,
modern DG applications are increasingly incorporating new dynamic compensation issues,
simultaneously and independently of the conventional active power exchange with the utility
grid, including voltage control, power oscillations damping, power factor correction and
harmonics filtering among others. This tendency is estimated to augment even more in future
DG applications [7].

This chapter presents a full detailed mathematical model of a three-phase grid-connected

photovoltaic generator (PVG), including the PV array and the electronic power conditioning
system, based on the MATLAB/Simulink software package [8]. The model of the PV array
proposed uses theoretical and empirical equations together with data provided by the
manufacturer, and meteorological data (solar radiation and cell temperature among others) in
order to predict with high precision the I-V and P-V curves of the PV panels/arrays. Since the

Modelling and Control of Grid-connected Solar Photovoltaic Systems 55

PV PCS addresses integration issues from both the distributed PV generating system side and
from the utility side, numerous topologies varying in cost and complexity have been widely
employed for integrating PV solar systems into the electric grid. Thus, the document includes
a discussion of major PCS topologies. Moreover, the control scheme is presented with
capabilities of simultaneously and independently regulating both active and reactive power
exchange with the electric grid [9].

The modelling and simulation of the three-phase grid-connected PV generating system in the
MATLAB/Simulink environment allows design engineers taking advantage of the capabilities
for control design and electric power systems modelling already built-up in specialized
toolboxes and blocksets of MATLAB, and in dedicated block libraries of Simulink. These
features allows assessing the dynamic performance of detailed models of grid-connected PV
generating systems used as DG, including power electronics devices and advanced control
techniques for active power generation using maximum power point tracking (MPPT) and for
reactive power compensation of the electric grid.

2. Photovoltaic Generator (PVG) model

The building block of the PV generator is the solar cell, which is basically a P-N semiconductor
junction that directly converts solar radiation into DC current using the photovoltaic effect.
The most common model used to predict energy production in photovoltaic cells is the single
diode lumped circuit model, which is derived from physical principles, as depicted in Fig. 1.
In this model, the PV cell is usually represented by an equivalent circuit composed of a light-
generated current source, a single diode representing the nonlinear impedance of the P-N
junction, and series and parallel intrinsic resistances accounting for resistive losses [10-11].




Figure 1. Equivalent circuit of a PV cell

PV cells are grouped together in larger units called modules (also known as panels), and
modules are grouped together in larger units known as PV arrays (or often generalized as PV
generator), which are combined in series and parallel to provide the desired output voltage

56 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

and current. The equivalent circuit for the solar cells arranged in NP-parallel and NS-series is
shown in Fig. 2.




Figure 2. Equivalent circuit of a generalized PV generator

The mathematical model that predicts the power production of the PV generator becomes an
algebraically simply model, being the current-voltage relationship defined in Eq. (1).

ïì é 1 æ V A I A RS ö ù ïü N P æ V A I A RS ö
I A = N P I Ph - N P I RS íexp ê çç + ÷ ú - 1ý - ç + ÷, (1)
ïî ëê A VTh è N s N P ÷ø ûú ïþ RP çè N s N P ÷ø

IA: PV array output current, in A
VA: PV array output voltage, in V
IPh: Solar cell photocurrent, in A
IRS: Solar cell diode reverse saturation current (aka dark current), in A
A: Solar cell diode P-N junction ideality factor, between 1 and 5 (dimensionless)
RS: Cell intrinsic series resistance, in Ω
RP: Cell intrinsic shunt or parallel resistance, in Ω
VTh: Cell thermal voltage, in V, determined as VTh= k TC/q
k: Boltzmann's constant, 1.380658e-23 J/K
TC: Solar cell absolute operating temperature, in K
q: Electron charge, 1.60217733e-19 Cb
This nonlinear equation can be solved using the Newton Raphson iterative method. The
parameters IPh, IRS, RS, RP, and A are commonly referred to as “the five parameters” from which
the term “five-parameter model” originates. These five parameters must be known in order to

Modelling and Control of Grid-connected Solar Photovoltaic Systems 57

determine the current and voltage characteristic, and therefore the power generation of the PV
generator for different operating conditions. Thus, in order to obtain a complete model for the
electrical performance of the PV generator over all solar radiation and temperature conditions,
Eq. (1) is supplemented with equations that define how each of the five parameters changes
with solar radiation and/or cell temperature. These equations introduce additional parameters
and thus complexity to the model.
The five parameters in Eq. (1) depend on the incident solar radiation, the cell temperature, and
on their reference values. Manufacturers of PV modules normally provide these reference
values for specified operating conditions known as Standard Test Conditions (STC), which
make it possible to conduct uniform comparisons of photovoltaic modules by different
manufacturers. These uniform test conditions are defined with a solar radiation of 1000 W/m²,
a solar cell temperature of 25 °C and an air mass AM (a measure of the amount of atmosphere
the sun rays have to pass through) of 1.5.
Actual operating conditions, especially for outdoor conditions, are always different from STC,
and mismatch effects can affect the real values of these reference parameters. Consequently,
the evaluation of the five parameters in real operating conditions is of major interest in order
to provide an accurate mathematical model of the PV generator.

2.1. Dependence of the PV array photocurrent on the operating conditions

The photocurrent IPh for any operating conditions of the PV array is assumed to be related to
the photocurrent at standard test conditions as follows:

I Ph = f AMa f IA é ISC + a ISC (TC - TR ) ù , (2)
ë ûS

f AM a : Absolute air mass function describing the solar spectral influence on the photocurrent
IPh, dimensionless
f IA : Incidence angle function describing the influence on the photocurrent IPh, dimensionless

ISC: Solar cell short-circuit current at STC, in A

αI SC : Solar cell temperature coefficient of the short-circuit current, in A/module/diff. temp (in
K or °C)
TR: Solar cell absolute reference temperature at STC, in K
S: Total solar radiation absorbed at the plane-of-array (POA), in W/m2
SR: Total solar reference radiation at STC, i.e. 1000 W/m2
The absolute air mass function f AM a accounting for the solar spectral influence on the “effec‐
tive” irradiance absorbed on the PV array surface is described through an empirical polyno‐
mial function, as expressed in Eq. (3) [10].

58 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

4 4
f AMa = åai ( AM a ) = M P åai ( AM ) ,
i i
i =0 i =0


a0 − a4 : Polynomial coefficients for fitting the absolute air mass function of the analysed cell
material, dimensionless

AMa: Absolute air mass, corrected by pressure, dimensionless

AM: Atmospheric optical air mass, dimensionless

MP: Pressure modifier, dimensionless

The pressure modifier corrects the air mass by the site pressure in order to yield the absolute
air mass. This factor is computed as the ratio of the site pressure to the standard pressure at
sea level.

The air mass AM is the term used to describe the path length that the solar radiation beam has
to pass through the atmosphere before reaching the earth, relative to its overhead path length.
This ratio measures the attenuation of solar radiation by scattering and absorption in atmos‐
phere; the more atmosphere the light travels through, the greater the attenuation. As can be
noted, the air mass indicates a relative measurement and is calculated from the solar zenith
angle which is a function of time.

The incidence angle function f IA describes the optical effects related to the solar incidence angle
(IA) on the radiation effectively transmitted to the PV array surface and converted to electricity
through the panel photocurrent. This modifier accounts for the effect of reflection and
absorption of solar radiation and is defined as the ratio of the radiation absorbed by the solar
cell at some incident angle θI to the radiation absorbed at normal incidence. The incidence
angle is defined between the solar radiation beam direction (or direct radiation) and the normal
to the PV array surface (or POA), as can be seen from Fig. 3. By using the geometric relation‐
ships between the plane at any particular orientation relative to the earth and the beam solar
radiation, both the incidence angle and the zenith angle can be accurately computed at any

An algorithm for computing the solar incidence angle for both fixed and solar-tracking
modules has been documented in [11]. In the same way, the optical influence of the PV module
surface, typically glass, was empirically described through the incidence angle function [10],
as shown in Eq. (3) for different incident angle θI (in degrees).

f IA = 1 - åbi (q I ) ,
i =1


Modelling and Control of Grid-connected Solar Photovoltaic Systems 59


Sun Normal to the

horizontal surface

Normal to the
PV array surface qzt: True zenith angle
qI qzt qI: Incidence angle
as: Solar altitude angle
W b
gs: Solar azimuth angle
as N
g: Surface azimuth angle
b: PV array slope angle
gs PV Array

S g


Figure 3. Zenith angle and other major angles for a tilted PV array surface

b1- b5: Polynomial coefficients for fitting the incidence angle function of the analysed PV cell
material, dimensionless
Even though the correlation of Eq. (4) is cell material-dependant, most modules with glass
front surfaces share approximately the same fIA function, so that no extra experimentation is
required for a specific module [11]. An alternative theoretical form for estimating the incidence
angle function without requiring specific experimental information was proposed in [12].

2.2. Dependence of the PV array reverse saturation current on the operating conditions
The solar cell reverse saturation current IRS varies with temperature according to the following
equation [13]:

éT ù éq E æ 1 1 öù
I RS = I RR ê C ú exp ê G çç - ÷÷ ú (5)
ë TR û êë A k è TR TC ø ûú

IRR: Solar cell reverse saturation current at STC, in A
EG: Energy band-gap of the PV cell semiconductor at absolute temperature (TC), in eV
The energy band-gap of the PV array semiconductor, EG is a temperature-dependence
parameter. The band-gap tends to decrease as the temperature increases. This behaviour can
be better understood when it is considered that the interatomic spacing increases as the

60 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

amplitude of the atomic vibrations augments due to the increased thermal energy. The
increased interatomic spacing decreases the average potential seen by the electrons in the
material, which in turn reduces the size of the energy band-gap.

2.3. Dependence of the PV array series and shunt resistances on the operating conditions

Series and shunt resistances are very significant in evaluating the solar array performance since
they have direct effect on the PV module fill factor (FF). The fill factor is defined as the ratio
of the power at the maximum power point (MPP) divided by the short-circuit current (Isc) and
the open-circuit voltage (Voc). In this way, the FF serves as a quantifier of the shape of the I-V
characteristic curve and consequently of the degradation of the PV array efficiency.

The series resistance RS describes the semiconductor layer internal losses and losses due to
contacts. It influences straightforwardly the shape of the PV array I-V characteristic curve
around the MPP and thus the fill factor. As the series resistance increases, its deteriorative
effects on the short-circuit current will be increased, especially at high intensities of radiation,
while not affecting the open-circuit voltage. This unwanted feature causes a reduction of the
peak power and thus the degradation of the PV array efficiency. The dependence of the PV
array series resistance on the cell temperature can be characterized by Eq. (6).

RS = RSR éë1 + a SR (TC - TR ) ùû (6)


RSR : Solar cell series resistance at STC, in Ω

αSR : PV array temperature coefficient of the series resistance, Ω/module/diff. temp. (in K or

The shunt (or parallel) resistance RP accounts for leakage currents on the PV cell surface or in
PN junctions. It influences the slope of the I-V characteristic curve near the short-circuit current
point and therefore the FF, although its practical effect on the PV array performance is less
noticeable than the series resistance. As the shunt resistance decreases, its degrading effects
on the open-circuit current voltage will be increased, especially at the low voltages region,
while not affecting the short-circuit current. The shunt resistance is dependent upon the
absorbed solar radiation. As indicated in [14], the shunt resistance is approximately inversely
proportional to the short-circuit current, and thus to the absorbed radiation, at very low
intensities. As the absorbed radiation increases, the slope of the I-V characteristic curve near
the short-circuit current point decreases and then the effective shunt resistance proportionally
decreases. In this way, this phenomenon can be empirically characterized by Eq. (7).

= , (7)

Modelling and Control of Grid-connected Solar Photovoltaic Systems 61

2.4. Dependence of the PV array material ideality factor on the operating conditions
The P-N junction ideality factor A of PV cells is generally assumed to be constant and inde‐
pendent of temperature. However, as reported by [15] the ideality factor varies with temper‐
ature for most semiconductor materials by the following general expression, as given in Eq. (8).

é a T2 ù
A = AR - ê A C ú (8)
ëê TC + b D ûú

AR : Ideality factor of the PV cell semiconductor at absolute zero temperature, 0 K (-273.15°C),
dimensionless, assumed 1.9 for silicon cells
αA : Temperature coefficient of the ideality factor, for silicon 0.789e-3 K-1

βD : Temperature constant approximately equal to the 0 K Debye’s temperature, for silicon 636
The analysis of the five parameters IPh, IRS, RS, RP, and A has permitted to complete the detailed
five-parameter model representative of the PV solar array for different operating conditions.

3. Photovoltaic Power Conditioning System (PCS) model

Usually, one of the major challenges of grid-connected or utility-scale solar photovoltaic

systems is to attain an optimal compatibility of PV arrays with the electricity grid. Since a PV
array produces an output DC voltage with variable amplitude, an additional conditioning
circuit is required to meet the amplitude and frequency requirements of the stiff utility AC
grid and inject synchronized power into the grid. As the output of PV panels are direct current,
the PV PCS is typically a DC-AC converter (or inverter) which inverts the DC output current
generated by the PV arrays into a synchronized sinusoidal waveform. This PV interface must
generate high quality electric power and at the same time be flexible, efficient and reliable.
Another key challenge of grid-connected PV systems is the procedure employed for power
extraction from solar radiation and is mostly related to the nature of PV arrays. Each PV module
is a nonlinear system with an output power mostly influenced by atmospheric conditions, such
as solar radiation and temperature. To transfer the maximum solar array power into the utility
grid for all operating conditions, a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) technique is
usually implemented. Therefore, each grid-connected PV generating system has to perform
two essential functions, i.e. to extract the maximum output power from the PV array, and to
inject a sinusoidal current into the grid.
The photovoltaic PCS can be classified with respect to the number of power stages of its
structure into three classes, known as single-stage, dual-stage and multi-stage topologies, as
depicted in Fig. 4 [16].

62 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

The first structure of the PV PCS connects the PV array directly to the DC bus of a power
inverter. Consequently, the maximum power point tracking of the PV modules and the inverter
control loops (current and voltage control loops) are handled all in one single stage. The second
topology employs a DC-DC converter (or chopper) as interface between the PV array and the
static inverter. In this case, the additional DC-DC converter connecting the PV panels and the
inverter handles the MPPT control. The third arrangement uses one DC-DC converter for
connecting each string of PV modules to the inverter. For these multi-stage inverters, a DC-
DC converter implements the maximum MPPT control of each string and one power inverter
handles the current and voltage control loops.

The two distinct categories of the inverter are known as voltage source inverter (VSI) and
current source inverter (CSI). Voltage source inverters are named so because the independently
controlled output is a voltage waveform. In this structure, the VSI is fed from a DC-link
capacitor, which is connected in parallel with the PV panels. Similarly, current source inverters
control the AC current waveform. In this arrangement, the inverter is fed from a large DC-link
inductor. In industrial markets, the VSI design has proven to be more efficient and to have
higher reliability and faster dynamic response.

Since applications of modern distributed energy resources introduce new constraints of high
quality electric power, flexibility and reliability to the PV-based distributed generator, a two-
stage PV PCS topology using voltage source inverters has been mostly applied in the literature.
This configuration of two cascade stages offers an additional degree of freedom in the
operation of the grid-connected PV system when compared with the one-stage configuration.
Hence, by including the DC-DC boost converter, various control objectives, as reactive power
compensation, voltage control, and power oscillations damping among others, are possible to
be pursued simultaneously with the typical PV system operation without changing the PCS
topology [17].

The detailed model of a grid-connected PV system is illustrated in Fig. 5, and consists of the
solar PV arrangement and its PCS to the electric utility grid [8]. PV panels are electrically
combined in series to form a string (and sometimes stacked in parallel) in order to provide the
desired output power required for the DG application. The PV array is implemented using the
aggregated model previously described, by directly computing the total internal resistances,
non-linear integrated characteristic and total generated solar cell photocurrent according to
the series and parallel contribution of each parameter. A three-phase DC-AC voltage source
inverter is employed for connecting to the grid. This three-phase static device is shunt-
connected to the distribution network by means of a coupling transformer and the corre‐
sponding line sinusoidal filter. The output voltage control of this VSI can be efficiently
performed using pulse width modulation (PWM) techniques [18].

3.1. Voltage source inverter

Since the DC-DC converter acts as a buffer between the PV array and the power static inverter
by turning the highly nonlinear radiation and temperature-dependent I-V characteristic curve
of the PV system into a quasi-ideal atmospheric factors-controlled voltage source characteris‐

Modelling and Control of Grid-connected Solar Photovoltaic Systems 63

Power Conditioning System Grid
PV Array


MPPT and Control Loops

Control System

Power Conditioning System
PV Array

MPPT Control Loops

Control System


Power Conditioning System

PV String DC Utility
DC Grid

PV String DC DC

PV String DC

MPPTs Control Loops

Control System


Figure 4. PV PCS configurations: (a) single-stage inverter, (b) dual-stage inverter, and (c) multi-stage inverter.

64 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

tic, the natural selection for the inverter topology is the voltage source-type. This solution is
more cost-effective than alternatives like hybrid current source inverters (HCSI).

Electric Utility Grid

DC-DC Boost Three-Phase Three-Level
PV Array Converter Voltage Source Inverter
Step-Up PCC
Line Filter Coupling
NP +VPV /2 Lb Db +Vd /2 Transformer
Cd1 LF2

Cb +
Tbst Dfd NP LF3
NS –

–VPV /2 –Vd /2 CF3

1 : N (Δ:Yg)

Figure 5. Detailed model of the proposed three-phase grid-connected photovoltaic system

The voltage source inverter presented in Fig. 5 consists of a multi-level DC-AC power inverter
built with insulated-gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) technology. This semiconductor device
offers a cost-effective solution for distributed generation applications since it has lower
conduction and switching losses with reduced size than other switching devices. Furthermore,
as the power of the inverter is in the range of low to medium level for the proposed application,
it can be efficiently driven by sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM) techniques.
The VSI utilizes a diode-clamped multi-level (DCML) inverter topology, also commonly called
neutral point clamped (NPC), instead of a standard inverter structure with two levels and six
pulses. The three-level twelve-pulse VSI structure employed is very popular especially in high
power and medium voltage applications. Each one of the three-phase outputs of the inverter
shares a common DC bus voltage that has been divided into three levels over two DC bus
capacitors. The middle point of the two capacitors constitute the neutral point of inverter and
output voltages have three voltage states referring to this neutral point. The general concept
of this multi-level inverter is to synthesize a sinusoidal voltage from several levels of voltages.
Thus, the three-level structure attempts to address some restrictions of the standard two-level
one by providing the flexibility of an extra level in the output voltage, which can be controlled
in duration to vary the fundamental output voltage or to assist in the output waveform
construction. This extra feature allows generating a more sinusoidal output voltage waveform
than conventional structures without increasing the switching frequency. In this way, the
voltage stress on the switching devices is reduced and the output harmonics distortion is
minimized [19].
The connection of the inverter to the distribution network in the so-called point of common
coupling (PCC) is made by means of a typical step-up Δ-Y power transformer with line
sinusoidal filters. The design of this single three-phase coupling transformer employs a delta-
connected windings on its primary and a wye/star connected windings with neutral wire on
its secondary. The delta winding allows third-harmonic currents to be effectively absorbed in
the winding and prevents from propagating them onto the power supply. In the same way,

Modelling and Control of Grid-connected Solar Photovoltaic Systems 65

high frequency switching harmonics generated by the PWM control of the VSI are attenuated
by providing second-order low-pass sine wave filters. Since there are two possibilities of fit
ting the filters, i.e. placing them in the primary and in the secondary of the coupling trans‐
former, it is normally preferred the first option because it reduces notably the harmonics
contents in the transformer windings, thus reducing losses as heat and avoiding its overrating.

The mathematical equations describing and representing the operation of the VSI can be
derived from the detailed model shown in Fig. 5 by taking into account some assumptions
with respect to the operating conditions of the inverter [20]. For this purpose, a simplified
scheme of the VSI connected to the electric system is developed, also referred to as the averaged
model, which is presented in Fig. 6. The power inverter operation under balanced conditions
is considered as ideal, i.e. the VSI is seen as an ideal sinusoidal voltage source operating at
fundamental frequency. This consideration is valid since the high-frequency harmonics
produced by the inverter as result of the sinusoidal PWM control techniques are mostly filtered
by the low pass sine wave filters and the net instantaneous output voltages at the point of
common coupling resembles three sinusoidal waveforms spaced 120° apart. At the output
terminals of the low pass filters, the voltage total harmonic distortion (VTHD) is reduced to
as low as 1%, decreasing this quantity to even a half at the coupling transformer output
terminals (or PCC).

Voltage Source Inverter Transformer Utility

Id vinva ia Rs Ls va
vinvb ib Rs Ls M
Ideal vb
Vd Cd Rp
vinvc ic Rs Ls M

Figure 6. Equivalent circuit diagram of the VSI connected to the utility grid

The equivalent ideal inverter depicted in Fig. 6 is shunt-connected to the AC network through
the inductance LS, accounting for the equivalent leakage of the step-up coupling transformer
and the series resistance RS, representing the transformer winding resistance and VSI IGBTs
conduction losses. The magnetizing inductance of the step-up transformer takes account of
the mutual equivalent inductance M. On the DC side, the equivalent capacitance of the two
DC bus capacitors, C1 and C2 (C1=C2), is described through C=C1/2=C2/2 whereas the switching
losses of the VSI and power loss in the DC capacitors are represented by Rp.

The dynamic equations governing the instantaneous values of the three-phase output voltages
on the AC side of the VSI and the current exchanged with the utility grid can be directly derived
by applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL) as follows:

66 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

é vinv ù é v ù é ia ù
ê a ú ê aú ê ú
ê vinvb ú - ê vb ú = ( R s + s Ls ) êib ú , (9)
ê ú ê ú ê ic ú
êë vinvc úû ë vc û ë û


s: Laplace variable, being s = d / dt for t > 0

é Rs 0 0 ù é Ls M Mù
ê ú ê ú
Rs = ê 0 Rs 0 ú s êM
L = Ls Mú (10)
ê0 0 Rs úû êM M Ls úû
ë ë

Under the assumption that the system has no zero sequence components, all currents and
voltages can be uniquely transformed into the synchronous-rotating orthogonal two-axes
reference frame, in which each vector is described by means of its d and q components, instead
of its three a, b, c components. Consequently, as depicted in Fig. 7, the d-axis always coincides
with the instantaneous voltage vector and thus vd equates |v|, while vq is set at zero. Conse‐
quently, the d-axis current component contributes to the instantaneous active power and the
q-axis current component to the instantaneous reactive power. This operation allows for a
simpler and more accurate dynamic model of the VSI.



i |vinv|
iq d-axis
vinvq v
α vd= v
vq=0 id


Figure 7. VSI vectors in the synchronous rotating d-q reference frame

Modelling and Control of Grid-connected Solar Photovoltaic Systems 67

By applying Park’s transformation stated by Eq. (11), Eqs. 9 through 10 can be transformed
into the synchronous rotating d-q reference frame as follows (Eqs. (12) through (14)):

é æ 2p ö æ 2p ö ù
ê cosq cos ç q - ÷ cos ç q + ÷ú
ê è 3 ø è 3 øú
2ê æ 2p ö æ 2p ö ú
K s = ê - sin q - sin ç q - ÷ - sin ç q + ÷ú (11)
3ê è 3 ø è 3 øú
ê 1 1 1 ú
ê ú
ëê 2 2 2 ûú



θ = ω (ξ )dξ + θ (0) angle between the d-axis and the reference phase axis, beingξ an integration


ω: synchronous angular speed of the network voltage at the fundamental system frequency f
(50 Hz in this chapter)


év - v ù é vinv - va ù éi ù é ia ù
ê invd d
ú ê a ú ê dú
ê vinv - vq ú = K s ê vinv - vb ú , ê iq ú = K s êêib úú , (12)
ê q ú ê b ú ê ú ê ic ú
ê vinv - v0 ú
ë 0 û êë vinvc - vc úû ëi0 û ë û

By neglecting the zero sequence components, Eqs. (13) and (14) are obtained.

é vinvd ù é vd ù éi ù é -w 0 ù é iq ù
ê ú - ê ú = R s + s L´s ê d ú + ê ú L´s ê ú , (13)
v v
êë invq úû ëê q ûú i
ëê q ûú ë 0 w û êëid ûú


éR 0ù é L´s 0 ù é Ls - M 0 ù
Rs = ê s ú L´ = ê ú=ê ú (14)
ë0 Rs û s ë 0 L´ss û ë 0 Ls - M û

It is to be noted that the coupling of phases abc through the term M in matrix Ls (Eq. (10)), was
eliminated in the dq reference frame when the inverter transformer is magnetically symmetric,

68 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

as is usually the case. This decoupling of phases in the synchronous-rotating system simplifies
the control system design.

By rewriting Eq. (13), the state-space representation of the inverter is obtained as follows:

é - Rs ù
w ú
éid ù ê L´ év - v ù
ú éêid ùú + 1 ê invd
sê ú = ê s ú, (15)
ê - Rs ú ëê iq ûú L´s ê vinvq ú
ëê iq ûú ê -w ú ë û
ëê L´s ûú

A further major issue of the dq transformation is its frequency dependence (ω). In this way,
with appropriate synchronization to the network (through angle θ), the control variables in
steady state are transformed into DC quantities. This feature is quite useful to develop an
efficient decoupled control system of the two current components. Although the model is
fundamental frequency-dependent, the instantaneous variables in the dq reference frame
contain all the information concerning the three-phase variables, including steady-state
unbalance, harmonic distortions and transient components.

The AC and DC sides of the VSI are related by the power balance between the input and the
output on an instantaneous basis. In this way, the ac power should be equal to the sum of the
DC resistance power and to the charging rate of the DC capacitors, as described by Eq. (16).

( ) C V2
vinvd id + vinvq iq = - d Vd sVd - d ,
2 Rp

The VSI basically generates the AC voltage vinv from the DC voltage Vd, in such a way that the
connection between the DC-side voltage and the generated AC voltage can be described by
using the average switching function matrix in the dq reference frameSav,dq, as given by Eqs.
(17) through (19). This relation assumes that the DC capacitors voltages are equal to Vd/2.

é vinvd ù
ê ú = Sav , dq Vd , (17)
êë vinvq úû

and the average switching function matrix in dq coordinates is computed as:

éSav , d ù 1 éS d ù
Sav , dq = ê ú = mi a ê ú , (18)
ëê av , q ûú 2 êë Sq ûú


Modelling and Control of Grid-connected Solar Photovoltaic Systems 69

mi: modulation index of inverter, mi∈ [0, 1]

α: phase-shift of the STATCOM output voltage from the reference position
3 n2
a= : voltage ratio of the step-up coupling transformer turns ratio of the step-up Δ-Y
2 n1
coupling transformer and the average switching factor matrix for the dq reference frame,

éS d ù écos a ù
ê ú=ê ú, (19)
êë Sq úû ë sin a û

with α being the phase-shift of the VSI output voltage from the reference position
Essentially, Eqs. (12) through (19) can be summarized in the state-space as stated by Eq. (20).
This continuous state-space averaged mathematical model describes the steady-state dynam‐
ics of the VSI in the dq reference frame.

é - Rs maSd ù
ê w ú é v ù
L´s 2 L´s ú ê ú
é id ù ê éi ù L´
ê ú ê - Rs maSq ú ê d ú êê s úú
s ê iq ú = ê -w ú ê iq ú - 0 , (20)
ê ú ê L´s 2 L´s ú ê ú ê ú
ëVd û ê ú V ê 0 ú
ê - 3 maS 3 2 úë dû ê ú
- maSq - êë ûú
ê 2 Cd 2 Cd RpCd úû

Inspection of Eq. (20) shows a cross-coupling of both components of the VSI output current
through the term ω. This issue of the d-q reference frame modelling approach must be
counteracted by the control system. Furthermore, it can be observed an additional coupling
resulting from the DC capacitors voltage Vd. Moreover, average switching functions (Sd and
Sq) introduce nonlinear responses in the inverter states id, iq and Vd when α is regarded as an
input variable. This difficulty demands to keep the DC bus voltage as constant as possible, in
order to decrease the influence of the dynamics of Vd. There are two ways of dealing with this
problem. One way is to have a large capacitance for the DC capacitors, since bigger capacitors
value results in slower variation of the capacitors voltage. However, this solution makes the
compensator larger and more expensive. Another way is to design a controller of the DC bus
voltage. In this fashion, the capacitors can be kept relatively small. This last solution is
employed here for the control scheme.

3.2. DC-DC boost converter

The intermediate DC-DC boost converter fitted between the PV array and the inverter acts as
an interface between the output DC voltage of the PV modules and the DC link voltage at the
input of the voltage source inverter. The voltage of the PV array is variable with unpredictable
atmospheric factors, while the VSI DC bus voltage is controlled to be kept constant at all load

70 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

conditions. In this way, in order to deliver the required output DC voltage to the VSI link, a
standard unidirectional topology of a DC-DC boost converter (also known as step-up converter
or chopper) is employed. This switching-mode power device contains basically two semicon‐
ductor switches (a rectifier diode and a power transistor) and two energy storage devices (an
inductor and a smoothing capacitor) for producing an output DC voltage at a level greater
than its input DC voltage. The basic structure of the DC-DC boost converter, using an IGBT as
the main power switch, is shown in Fig. 5.

The converter produces a chopped output voltage through pulse-width modulation (PWM)
control techniques in order to control the average DC voltage relation between its input and
output. Thus, the chopper is capable of continuously matching the characteristic of the PV
system to the equivalent impedance presented by the DC bus of the inverter. In this way, by
varying the duty cycle of the DC-DC converter it is feasibly to operate the PV system near the
MPP at any atmospheric conditions and load.

The operation of the converter in the continuous (current) conduction mode (CCM), i.e. with
the current flowing continuously through the inductor during the entire switching cycle,
facilitates the development of the state-space model. The reason for this is that only two switch
states are possible during a switching cycle, namely, (i) the power switch Tb is on and the diode
Db is off, or (ii) Tb is off and Db is on. In steady-state CCM operation and neglecting the parasitic
components, the state-space equation that describes the dynamics of the DC-DC boost
converter is given by Eq. (21) [21].

é 1 - Sdc ù é1 ù
é IA ù ê 0 - ú
L ú é I A ù + êê L
0 ú éV ù
sê ú = ê ê ú ú - ê Aú, (21)
ëVd û ê - 1 - Sdc ú V
0 úë dû ê0
ê 1 ú ë Id û
- ú
êë C û ë Cû


IA: Chopper input current, matching the PV array output current, in A

VA: Chopper input voltage, the same as the PV array output voltage, in V

Vd: Chopper output voltage, coinciding with the DC bus voltage, in V

Id: Chopper output current, in A

Sdc: Switching function of the boost converter

The switching function is a two-level waveform characterizing the signal that drives the power
switch Tb of the DC-DC boost converter, defined as follows:

ìï 0, for the switchTboff

Sdc í (22)
ïî 1, for the switchTbon

Modelling and Control of Grid-connected Solar Photovoltaic Systems 71

If the switching frequency of Tb is significantly higher than the natural frequencies of the DC-
DC boost converter, this discontinuous model can be approximated by a continuous state-
space averaged (SSA) model, where a new variable D is introduced. In the [0, 1] subinterval,
D is a continuous function and represents the duty cycle D of the DC-DC converter. It is defined
as the ratio of time during which the power switch Tb is turned-on to the period of one complete
switching cycle, TS. This variable is used for replacing the switching function of the power
converter in Eq. (21), yielding the following SSA expression:

é 1- Dù é1 ù
éIA ù ê 0 -
L úú é I A ù + êê L
0 ú éV ù
sê ú = ê ê ú ú - ê Aú, (23)
ëVd û ê - 1 - D V
0 úú ë d û êê 0
1 ú ë Id û
- ú
êë C û ë Cû

The DC-DC converter produces a chopped output voltage for controlling the average DC
voltage relation between its input and output. In this way, it is significant to derive the steady-
state input-to-output conversion relationship of the boost converter in the CCM. Since in
steady-state conditions the inductor current variation during on and off times of the switch Tb
are essentially equal, and assuming a constant DC output voltage of the boost converter, the
voltage conversion relationship can be easily derived. To this aim, the state-derivative vector
in Eq. (23) is set to zero, yielding the following expression:

Vd = (24)
(1 - D )

In the same way, by assuming analogous considerations, the current conversion relationship
of the boost converter in the CCM is given by Eq. (25).

Id = (1 - D ) I A (25)

4. PVG control strategy

The hierarchical control of the three-phase grid-connected PV generator consists of an external,

middle and internal level, as depicted in Fig. 8 [21].

4.1. External level control

The external level control, which is outlined in the left part of Fig. 8 in a simplified form, is
responsible for determining the active and reactive power exchange between the PV generator

72 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

and the utility electric system. This control strategy is designed for performing two major
control objectives, namely the voltage control mode (VCM) with only reactive power com‐
pensation capabilities and the active power control mode (APCM) for dynamic active power
exchange between the PV array and the electric power system. To this aim, the instantaneous
voltage at the PCC is computed by employing a synchronous-rotating reference frame. As a
consequence, the instantaneous values of the three-phase AC bus voltages are transformed
into d-q components, vd and vq respectively. Since the d-axis is always synchronized with the
instantaneous voltage vector vm, the d-axis current component of the VSI contributes to the
instantaneous active power p while the q-axis current component represents the instantaneous
reactive power q. Thus, to achieve a decoupled active and reactive power control, it is required
to provide a decoupled control strategy for id and iq. In this way, only vd is used for computing
the resultant current reference signals required for the desired PV output active and reactive
power flows. Additionally, the instantaneous actual output currents of the PV system, id and
iq, are obtained and used in the middle level control.

va vb vc
External Level Control Middle Level Control

vr VCM iqr
PCC Voltage PLL
Simplified state-space
vm Controller
mathematical model
vinv d θs
idr of the VSI in the
dq0 ref. frame, Eq. (20)
Vd Maximum Power Pr idr* vinv q abc
IA Point Tracking vinva vinv b vinvc
(MPPT) System id iq
VA vd idr´ VSI


APCM Generator Control
vd id iq VSI DC Link DC-DC
dq0 θs dq0 Voltage Chopper PWM Converter
abc abc Controller Generator IGBTs

va vb vc θs ia ib ic Vd Vdr Internal Level Control

Figure 8. Multi-level control scheme for the three-phase grid-connected PV generator

In many modern electricity grids with high integration of intermittent renewable-based

distributed generation, voltage regulation is becoming a necessary task at the distribution
level. Since the inverter-interfaced sources are deployed to regulate the voltage at the point of
common coupling of each inverter, the PVG can easily perform this control action and
participate in the voltage control of the grid. To this aim, a control loop of the external level is
the VCM, also called Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR). It controls (supports and regulates)
the voltage at the PCC through the modulation of the reactive component of the inverter output
current, iq. Since only reactive power is exchanged with the grid in this control mode, there is
no need for the PV array or any other external energy source. In fact, this reactive power is
locally generated just by the inverter and can be controlled simultaneously and independently

Modelling and Control of Grid-connected Solar Photovoltaic Systems 73

of the active power generated by the PV array. The design of the control loop in the rotating
frame employs a standard proportional-integral (PI) compensator including an anti-windup
system. This control mode eliminates the steady-state voltage offset via the PI compensator.
A voltage regulation droop is included in order to allow the terminal voltage of the PV inverter
(PCC) to vary in proportion with the compensating reactive current. Thus, the PI controller
with droop characteristics becomes a simple phase-lag compensator.

The main objective of the grid-connected solar photovoltaic generating system is to exchange
with the electric utility grid the maximum available power for the given atmospheric condi‐
tions, independently of the reactive power generated by the inverter. In this way, the APCM
allows dynamically controlling the active power flow by constantly matching the active power
exchanged by the inverter with the maximum instant power generated by the PV array. This
implies a continuous knowledge of not only the PV panel internal resistances but also the
voltage generated by the PV array. This requirement is very difficult to meet in practice and
would increase complexity and costs to the DG application. It would require additional sensing
of the cell temperature and solar radiation jointly with precise data of its characteristic curve.
Even more, PV parameters vary with time, making it difficult for real-time prediction.

Many MPPT methods have been reported in literature. These methods can be classified into
three main categories: lookup table methods, computational methods (neural networks, fuzzy
logic, etc.) and hill climbing methods [22-25]. These vary in the degree of sophistication,
processing time and memory requirements. Among them, hill climbing methods are indirect
methods with a good combination of flexibility, accuracy and simplicity. They are efficient and
robust in tracking the MPP of solar photovoltaic systems and have the additional advantages
of control flexibility and easiness of application with different types of PV arrays. The power
efficiency of these techniques relies on the control algorithm that tracks the MPP by measuring
some array quantities.

The simplest MPPT using climbing methods is the “Perturbation and Observation” (P&O)
method. This MPPT strategy uses a simple structure and few measured variables for imple‐
menting an iterative method that permits matching the load with the output impedance of the
PV array by continuously adjusting the DC-DC converter duty cycle. This MPPT algorithm
operates by constantly perturbing, i.e. increasing or decreasing, the output voltage of the PV
array via the DC-DC boost converter duty cycle D and comparing the actual output power
with the previous perturbation sample, as depicted in Fig. 9. If the power is increasing, the
perturbation will continue in the same direction in the following cycle, otherwise the pertur‐
bation direction will be inverted. This means that the PV output voltage is perturbed every
MPPT iteration cycle k at sample intervals Ttrck, while maintaining always constant the VSI DC
bus voltage by means of the middle level control. Therefore, when the optimal power for the
specific operating conditions is reached, the P&O algorithm will have tracked the MPP (the
climb of the PV array output power curve) and then will settle at this point but oscillating
slightly around it. The output power measured in every iteration step is employed as a
reference power signal Pr and then converted to a direct current reference idr for the middle
level control.

74 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration


Program Variables Initialization:

D(k-1)=D ini , ΔD=C1

Read Vpv(k-1), Ipv(k-1)

Compute Ppv(k-1)=Vpv(k-1) Ipv(k-1)


Read Vpv(k), Ipv(k)

Compute Ppv(k)=Vpv(k) Ipv(k)

Yes No
Ppv(k) ≥ Ppv(k-1)
Increase D Decrease D

D(k+1)=D(k)+ΔD D(k+1)=D(k)-ΔD

Yes No No Yes
D(k+1) >0.9 D(k+1) <0.1

D(k+1)=0.9 Upper Boundary Lower Boundary D(k+1)=0.1

Read Vpv(k+1), Ipv(k+1)

Compute Ppv (k+1)=Vpv(k+1) Ipv(k+1)

Yes No
Ppv(k+1) ≥ Ppv(k)

Figure 9. Flowchart for the P&O MPPT algorithm

4.2. Middle level control

The middle level control generates the expected output, particularly the actual active and
reactive power exchange between the PV VSI and the AC system, to dynamically track the
reference values set by the external level. This level control, which is depicted in the middle
part of Fig. 8, is based on a linearization of the state-space mathematical model of the PV system
in the d-q reference frame, described in Eq. (20).

In order to achieve a decoupled active and reactive power control, it is required to provide a
decoupled current control strategy for id and iq. Inspection of Eq. (20) shows a cross-coupling
of both components of the PV VSI output current through ω. Therefore, appropriate control
signals have to be generated. To this aim, it is proposed to use two control signals x1 and x2,
which are derived from assumption of zero derivatives of currents in the upper part (AC side)
of (20). In this way, using two conventional PI controllers with proper feedback of the VSI
output current components allows eliminating the cross-coupling effect in steady state. Eq.
(20) also shows an additional coupling of derivatives of id and iq with respect to the DC voltage
Vd. This issue requires maintaining the DC bus voltage constant in order to decrease the

Modelling and Control of Grid-connected Solar Photovoltaic Systems 75

influence of Vd. The solution to this problem is obtained by using a DC bus voltage controller
via a PI controller for eliminating the steady-state voltage variations at the DC bus. This DC
bus voltage control is achieved by forcing a small active power exchange with the electric grid
for compensating the VSI switching losses and the transformer ones, through the contribution
of a corrective signal idr*.

4.3. Internal level control

The internal level provides dynamic control of input signals to the DC-DC and DC-AC
converters. This control level, which is depicted in the right part of Fig. 8, is responsible for
generating the switching signals for the twelve valves of the three-level VSI, according to the
control mode (PWM) and types of valves used (IGBTs). This level is mainly composed of a
three-phase three-level sinusoidal PWM generator for the VSI IGBTs, and a two-level PWM
generator for the single IGBT of the boost DC-DC converter. Furthermore, it includes a line
synchronization module, which consists mainly of a phase locked loop (PLL). This circuit is a
feedback control system used to automatically synchronize the converter switching pulses
with the positive sequence components of the AC voltage vector at the PCC. This is achieved
by using the phase θs of the inverse coordinate transformation from dq to abc components.

5. PVG model and control implementation in MATLAB/Simulink

The complete detailed model and control scheme of the three-phase grid-connected PVG is
implemented in the MATLAB/Simulink software environment using the SimPowerSystems
(SPS) [8], as depicted in Figs. 10 to 11. SPS was designed to provide a modern design tool that
allows scientists and engineers to rapidly and easily build models that simulate power systems.
SimPowerSystems uses the Simulink environment, which is a tool based on a graphical user
interface (GUI) that permits interactions between mechanical, thermal, control, and other
disciplines. This is possible because all the electrical parts of the simulation interact with the
extensive Simulink modelling library. These libraries contain models of typical power
equipment such as transformers, lines, machines, and power electronics among others. As
Simulink uses MATLAB as the computational engine, designers can also use MATLAB
toolboxes and other Simulink blocksets.
Since the detailed model of the proposed PVG application contains many states and non-linear
blocks such as power electronics switches, the discretization of the electrical system with fixed-
step is required so as to allow much faster simulation than using variable time-step methods.
Two sample times are employed in order to enhance the simulation, Ts_Power= 5 µs for the
simulation of the power system, the VSI and the DC-DC converter, and Ts_Control= 100 µs
for the simulation of the multi-level control blocks.
The three-phase grid-connected PV energy conversion system is implemented basically with
the Three-Level Bridge block. The three-phase three-level Voltage Source Inverter makes uses
of three arms of power switching devices, being IGBTs in this work. In the same way, the DC-
DC converter is implemented through the Three-Level Bridge but using only one arm of IGBTs.

76 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Fig. 10. Detailed model and dynamic control of the grid-connected PVG in the
Figure 10. Detailed model and dynamic control of the grid-connected PVG in the MATLAB/Simulink environment
MATLAB/Simulink environment

From the four power switching devices

The three-phase of each PV
grid-connected arm, just one
energy device issystem
conversion activated for accom‐ basically with
is implemented
plishing the chopping
the Three-Level Bridge block. The three-phase three-level VoltageWith
function while the other three are kept off all the time. SourcethisInverter makes
implementation approach, the turn-on and turn-off times (Fall time, Tail time) of the power
uses of three arms of power switching devices, being IGBTs in this work. In the same way,
switching devicethe
are DC-DC
not modelled, resulting
converter in a faster simulation
is implemented through thewhen compared
Three-Level to a single
Bridge but using only one
IGBT mask usingarman increased state-space model.
of IGBTs. From the four power switching devices of each arm, just one device is
Fig. 11 shows the detailedfor
activated model of the PV the
accomplishing array in the MATLAB/Simulink
chopping environment,
function while the other three are kept off all the
including the implementation of the
time. With this equivalent circuit
implementation of the PV
approach, thegenerator by using
turn-on and controlled
turn-off times (Fall time, Tail
current sources and resistances,
time) andswitching
of the power control blocks
not modelled,Eqs. 1 through
resulting in a 8faster
[26]. simulation when
compared to a single IGBT mask using an increased state-space model.

Fig. 11 shows the detailed model of the PV array in the MATLAB/Simulink environment,
6. Simulationincluding
and experimental results of
the implementation the equivalent circuit of the PV generator by using
controlled current sources and resistances, and control blocks for implementing Eqs. 1
In order to analyze the effectiveness
through 8 [26]. of the proposed models and control algorithms of the
three-phase grid-connected PV system, time-discrete dynamic simulation tests have been
performed in the MATLAB/Simulink environment. To this aim, the simulation of a 250 Wp
6. Simulation and Experimental Results
(peak power) PVG has been compared with experimental data collected from a laboratory-
scale prototype, which is presented in Fig. 12.
In order to analyze the effectiveness of the proposed models and control algorithms of the
The PV array implemented
three-phaseconsists of a single
grid-connected PVstring of 5time-discrete
system, high-efficiency polycrystalline
dynamic simulationPVtests have been
modules (NS=5, performed
NP=1) of 50inWp (Solartec KS50T, built with Kyocera cells) [27]. This array
the MATLAB/Simulink environment. To this aim, the simulation of a 250 Wp
makes up a peak(peak
installed power
power) PVG ofhas
W and is linkedwith
compared to aexperimental
110 V DC busdata of acollected
from a laboratory-
three-level PWM scale
voltage source inverter through a DC-DC
prototype, which is presented in Fig. 12.boost converter. The resulting dual-
stage converter is connected to a 380 V/50 Hz three-phase electric system using three 60 V/220
V step-up coupling transformers connected in a Δ-Yg configuration. The VSI has been rated
at 1 KVA and designed to operate at 5 kHz with sinusoidal PWM. It is built with IGBTs with
internal anti-parallel diodes and fast clamping diodes, and includes an output inductive-
capacitive low pass filter. The DC-DC boost converter interfacing the PV string with the DC
bus of the VSI is also built with IGBTs and fast diodes, and has been designed to operate at 5

Modelling and Control of Grid-connected Solar Photovoltaic Systems 77

Figure 11. Detailed model of the PV array in the MATLAB/Simulink environment

250 Wp PV Array Power Conditioning System and Control System

Figure 12. Laboratory-scale prototype of the three-phase grid-connected PV system.

78 be  continuously 
Renewable operated 
Energy - Utilisation within 
and System the 
MPP  locus  (shaded  region)  for  an  optimized 
application of the system. In this way, a continuous adjustment of the array terminal voltage 
is required for providing maximum power to the electric grid. 



Fig. 13.  Simulated  and  measured  characteristic  curves  of  the  test  PV  string  for 
Figure 13. Simulated and measured characteristic curves of the test PV string for given climatic conditions: (a) I-V
curve. (b) P-V curve. given climatic conditions: (a) I‐V curve. (a) P‐V curve. 

TheFig. 14 
three-level control
presents  scheme was
a  comparison  of entirely implemented
actual,  measured  and  on a high-performance
simulated  output  power  32-bit fixed-
point digital signal processor (DSP) operating at 150 MHz (Texas Instruments TMS320F2812)
within  a  10‐hour  period  of  analysis  for  a  cloudy  day  with  high  fluctuations  of  solar 
This processor includes 250 W 
for  the  proposed  an advanced
PV  system 12-bit
with analog-to-digital converter withof a the 
and  without  the  implementation  fast
conversion time which makes it possible real time sampling with high accuracy and real time
abc to synchronous dq frame coordinate transformation. The DSP is operated with a selected
sample rate of 160 ksps and low-pass filters were implemented using 5th order low-pass filters
based on a Sallen & key designs. The control pulses for the VSI and the DC-DC chopper has
been generated by employing two DSP integrated pattern generators (event managers). The
gate driver board of the IGBTs has been designed to adapt the wide differences of voltage and

Modelling and Control of Grid-connected Solar Photovoltaic Systems 79

current levels with the DSP and to provide digital and analog isolation using optically coupled
isolators. All the source code was written in C++ by using the build-in highly efficient DSP

Fig. 13 depicts the I-V and P-V characteristic curves of the 250 W PV array for given climatic
conditions, such as the level of solar radiation and the cell temperature. The characteristic curve
at 25°C and 200/600/1000 W/m2 have been evaluated using the proposed model (blue solid
line) with the software developed and measurements obtained from the experimental set-up
(blue dotted line). The experimental data have been obtained using a peak power measuring
device and I-V curve tracer for PV modules and strings (PVE PVPM 1000C40) [29]. As can be
observed, the proposed model of the PV array shows a very good agreement with measured
data at all the given levels of solar radiation.

As can be derived from both characteristic curves of the PV system, there exist a specific point
at which the generated power is maximized (i.e. MPP) and where the output I-V characteristic
curve is divided into two parts: the left part is defined as the current source region in which
the output current approximates to a constant, and the right part is the voltage source region
in which the output voltage hardly changes. Since the MPP changes with variations in solar
radiation and solar cell operating temperature, the PV array have to be continuously operated
within the MPP locus (shaded region) for an optimized application of the system. In this way,
a continuous adjustment of the array terminal voltage is required for providing maximum
power to the electric grid.

Actual Maximum Power
PV Generator Output Power (W)

70 Simulations with P&O MPPT Algorithm

Measurements with P&O MPPT Algorithm
Measurements with Constant Voltage (No MPPT)







Local Time

Figure 14. Comparison of actual, measured and simulated output power trajectory for the proposed 250 W PV system
with and without the MPPT algorithm implementation.

80 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Fig. 14 presents a comparison of actual, measured and simulated output power trajectory
within a 10-hour period of analysis for a cloudy day with high fluctuations of solar radiation,
for the proposed 250 W PV system with and without the implementation of the MPPT
algorithm. The time data series shown in light blue solid line represents the actual maximum
power available from the PV array for the specific climatic conditions, i.e. the MPP to be tracked
at all times by the MPPT. Simulation results obtained with the MPPT algorithm are shown in
red solid lines. In the same way, the two time data series shown in black and green solid lines,
respectively represents the measurements obtained from the experimental setup with the
control system with the MPPT activated (black) and with no MPPT (green). As can be observed,
the MPPT algorithm (measurements and simulation) follows accurately the maximum power
(actual available power) that is proportional to the solar radiation and temperature variations.
In this sense, it can be noted from measurements and simulation a very precise MPP tracking
when soft variations in the solar radiation take place, while differing slightly when these
variations are very fast and of a certain magnitude. It can be also derived that there is a good
correlation between the experimental and the simulation data. In addition, the deactivation of
the MPPT control results in a constant voltage operation of the PV array output at about 60 V
for the given prototype conditions. In this last case, a significant reduction of the installation
efficiency is obtained, which is worsen with the increase of the solar radiation. This preceding
feature validates the use of an efficient MPPT scheme for maximum exploitation of the PV

7. Conclusion

This chapter has presented a full detailed mathematical model of a three-phase grid-connected
photovoltaic generator, including the PV array and the electronic power conditioning system.
The model of the PV array uses theoretical and empirical equations together with data
provided by manufacturers and meteorological data (solar radiation and cell temperature
among others) in order to accurately predict the PV array characteristic curve. Moreover, it
has presented the control scheme of the PVG with capabilities of simultaneously and inde‐
pendently regulating both active and reactive power exchange with the electric grid. The
control algorithms incorporate a maximum power point tracker (MPPT) for dynamic active
power generation jointly with reactive power compensation of distribution utility system. The
model and control strategy of the PVG have been implemented using the MATLAB/Simulink
environment and validated by experimental tests.


The author wishes to thank the CONICET (Argentinean National Council for Science and
Technology Research), the UNSJ (National University of San Juan) and the ANPCyT (National
Agency for Scientific and Technological Promotion) for the financial support of this work.

Modelling and Control of Grid-connected Solar Photovoltaic Systems 81

Author details

Marcelo Gustavo Molina*

Address all correspondence to: mgmolina@iee.unsj.edu.ar

Institute of Electrical Energy, National University of San Juan−CONICET, Argentina


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December 2014].

Chapter 4

Method for Aligning Facets in Large Concentrators That

Have Segmented Mirrors for Solar Thermal Applications

Sergio Vázquez y Montiel, Fermín Granados Agustín and

Lizbeth Castañeda Escobar

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter


The high radiative flux solar furnaces already in operation, and the furnaces to be built in
the future, have large concentrators consisting of multiple facets. It is, therefore, necessa‐
ry to have an alignment procedure of the facets that guarantee the accuracy of alignment,
allowing an alignment in a short time. This chapter presents a novel method for aligning
the facets of a large concentrator, which uses a single optical system to achieve the re‐
quired precision and the desired energy distribution in the focal plane. Simulation and
experimental results obtained with our procedure show that the proposed alignment sat‐
isfactorily meets the specifications.

Keywords: Optical alignment, radiative flux, segmented concentrator, solar concentra‐

tion, solar furnace

1. Introduction

Solar thermal energy (STE) is a form of solar energy to generate electrical energy or thermal
energy for use in the residential and commercial sectors and in industry.
Concentrating solar power (CSP) plants use mirrors to concentrate the rays of sun and produce
heat for electricity generation through a conventional thermodynamic cycle. These kinds of
plants are candidates for providing the solar electricity needed within the next few decades.
According to thermodynamics and Planck’s equation, the conversion of solar heat to mechan‐
ical work is limited by the Carnot efficiency, and then to achieve maximum conversion rates,
the energy should be transferred to a thermal fluid or reactants at temperatures closer to that
of the sun.

86 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Solar radiation is a source of high temperature and energy. But for terrestrial use in average
we have 1 kW/m2. Therefore, it is an essential requisite for solar thermal power plants and
high-temperature solar chemistry applications to make use of optical concentration devices
that enable the thermal conversion to be carried out at high solar flux and with relatively little
heat loss.
The high radiative flux solar furnace (HFSF) is the solar concentrator system with greater
concentration ratio. This type of system uses large concentrators with dimensions of several
meters, which cannot be constructed in one piece; they are built with multiple segments.
A key to these large concentrators operate efficiently is the alignment of the segments. This
kind of concentrators has hundreds of segments that must be aligned with high precision and
in a short time, until now; there is no known solution to this problem by the authors. The
method that we propose in this chapter is a solution that was tested in the solar furnace high
radiative flux of Mexico successfully.
The era of modern solar furnaces had started in the 1950s. Among the first furnaces built were
the furnace of Arizona State College in the United States in 1956 [1] and the furnace of the
Government Institute for Industrial Research in Japan in 1956 [2].
Several applications of the solar furnace focus on the study of properties such as expansion
coefficients, emissivity, thermal conductivity, melting points [2], crystal growth, and purifi‐
cation of materials. Also began developing methods for the measurement of high temperatures
in receivers [3] and the flux density of concentrated radiation [4]. The later have evolved
calorimetric techniques [5, 6].
The combination of a stationary concentrator and a heliostat has come to be known as solar
furnace. The advantage of this combination when compared with a parabolic dish directly
tracking the sun is that the focus is stationary. Both concentrator and instrumentation can be
placed indoors.
The estimated yearly average insolation in México is 5.5 kWh/m2 per day higher than all other
countries. For this reason, in Mexico a high radiative flux solar furnace, HFSF, was built to
initiate the development of concentrating solar technologies for the production of solar fuels
such as hydrogen. This development is part of a larger project known as “National Laboratory
for Solar Concentration Systems and Solar Chemistry” [7].
The initial design considered an intercepted power of approximately 30 kW, with a target peak
concentration of approximately 10,000 suns. A global standard deviation of the optical errors
less than or equal to 4 mrad was chosen to reach such a goal. The optical design of the whole
HFSF consists of a heliostat of 81 m2 (9 m by 9 m), a shutter and a multifaceted concentrator
of 409 spherical mirrors. Once the concentrator was built and aligned, it was verified that it
generates a thermal power of 30 KW, with peaks of 18,000 suns (about 18,000 kW/m2) and less
than or equal to 10 cm in diameter sunspot.
The optical design of the concentrator of the new high radiative flux solar furnace is carried
out through ray tracing simulation. In this large HSFS, the concentrator is a mirror with
hundreds of facets and these facets must be aligned to achieve the desired energy distribution.

Method for Aligning Facets in Large Concentrators That Have Segmented Mirrors for Solar Thermal Applications 87

We consider the concentrator of HFSF formed with 409 mirror facets of hexagonal contour
with a diameter of 40 cm each of them, each one being a spherical first surface mirror [8]. These
facets are grouped in five sets of different focal length, placed on a spherical supporting
structure, and with corrected orientations in order that the incident radiation on each facet is
reflected to the same focus (see Figure 1 and Table 1) [8].

Group Numbers of facets Radius of curvature (mm) Focal distance(mm)

A 85 7500 3750

B 104 8000 4000

C 130 8500 4250

D 64 9000 4500

E 16 9500 4750

Table 1. Number of facets in each mirror group, corresponding to different radii of curvature.

Figure 1. Arrangement of facets in the concentrator. Each color corresponds to a single focal length group.

88 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

To reduce manufacturing time and cost of the mirrors, they all have spherical surfaces. This
means that the spatial and angular position of each mirror is calculated to compensate the
aberrations and to reduce the spot size. Thus, the precise alignment of each mirror is essential
for the proper operation of concentrator. Preliminary results of this method were reported by
Vazquez et al [9].
In the optical design of the concentrator, the position of each mirror was calculated for
collimated light. But it was not possible to use the sun as a light source for the alignment process
due to the high temperature in the focal region (above 3000 K). The second reason for not using
the sun in the alignment is that such a procedure would require the use of the HFSF heliostat
to illuminate the concentrator. This would introduce an additional source of uncertainty, due
to the imperfections in heliostat facet alignment and due to the sun tracking mechanism
accuracy [9]. To decouple these sources of error from the process of concentrator facets
alignment, a different procedure had to be proposed.

2. Alignment procedure facets

We proposed the following goals to be met by the alignment method:

• Use a light source other than the sun.

• The positioning of each facet can be achieved with the required accuracy.
• It is an easy method to implement.
• It works well in the environment where the concentrator is installed, independent of weather
• It does not require the use of the heliostat of the HFSF.

To fulfill those requirements, our method uses a quasi-point source, generated by a 25 mW

HeNe laser (wavelength of 633 nm), together with a 60× microscope objective of 0.65 numerical
aperture. This source is placed near the center of curvature of the set of mirrors to be aligned
and the divergent light beam illuminates the concentrator. The light is reflected by each one
of the mirror group. The reflection from each mirror forms a separate image at an observation
screen. In the observation screen, the theoretical image produced by each mirror is calculated
previously using the ray trace software. Alignment procedure is to match the actual spots with
those calculated theoretically, by rotating the mirror around its supporting point. To this end,
mirrors are attached to mechanisms enabling their movement in six degrees of freedom:
displacement in three perpendicular directions and rotation around three axes. Each mirror is
moved until the image matches the image generated theoretically. Figure 2 shows the optical
arrangement used [9].
In Figure 3, a picture of the laser and the microscope objective used for generating the quasi-
point light source is shown.
For each set of mirrors with the same radius of curvature, we place the point source generated
by the optical arrangement of Figure 3 in a position near the center of curvature, then we need

Method for Aligning Facets in Large Concentrators That Have Segmented Mirrors for Solar Thermal Applications 89

to find the correct position of the observation screen, this position is where the spots are clearly
defined and the spots are not overlapping each other.

Figure 2. Scheme with the optical arrangement for the alignment of the HRFSF facets.

Figure 3. Optical components for generating the quasi-point light source.

90 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Figure 4. Simulation of images generated by mirrors with radius of curvature of 800 cm. Top left to bottom right, the
images correspond to the following positions: –800 cm,– 802 cm,– 804 cm,– 806 cm, –808 cm,– 810 cm, –812 cm, and –
814 cm.

To establish the position of the observation screen, we made a simulation with the software
ZEMAX OpticStudio by varying the position of the screen and observing the generated image.
In Figure 4, we show simulation images for the mirror set of radius of curvature of 800 cm, the
light source is placed at –810 cm and the screen was placed at positions –800 cm, –802 cm, –
804 cm, –806 cm, –808 cm, –810, –812 cm, and –814 cm. As shown, the size and position of the
spots change with the position of the screen. If the screen is placed in front of the light source,

Method for Aligning Facets in Large Concentrators That Have Segmented Mirrors for Solar Thermal Applications 91

there is a central spot causing noise during alignment and with this the intensity of the spots
is reduced; however, if the screen is positioned behind the light source, the central spot

Figures 5 and 6 show the theoretically calculated alignment screens and mirrors corresponding
to two sets of mirrors.

In Figure 7, a picture with the real spots on the alignment screen is shown. In the picture the
spots generated by the mirrors with radius of curvature of 8500 mm and 9000 mm can be

Figure 5. Screen and mirrors corresponding to 850 cm curvature radius.

Figure 6. Screen and mirrors corresponding to 900 cm curvature radius.

92 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Figure 7. Picture with the real spots on the alignment screen [9].

3. Experimental results

After applying the alignment procedure for each of the concentrator mirrors, different tests
were conducted to evaluate the accuracy of alignment. The first test was qualitative; the
objective of this test was to observe the images of objects reflected by the concentrator [9]. As
you can see, the images display excellent continuity and quality as a result of the alignment of
the facets. It is a very good indication of the proper alignment of facets, see Figure 8.

Figure 8. Images reflected in the hexagonal facets after the alignment process [9].

Method for Aligning Facets in Large Concentrators That Have Segmented Mirrors for Solar Thermal Applications 93

For the second test, we use the 81 m2 heliostat in conjunction with the concentrator, and the
sun as a source of light. A water-cooled Lambertian target was positioned on the focal plane,
and pictures of the solar image produced by the HFSF were taken with a charge-coupled
device, CCD, camera [9], as can be seen in Figure 9.

Figure 9. Water-cooled Lambertian target and example of solar image on the target.

To obtain the spot size and the distribution of irradiance we use MATLAB® software. With
the results we estimate a spot diameter of 8 cm, and that 90% of the energy falls into a diameter
of 6 cm. Comparing these results with ray tracing simulations, we conclude that our alignment
procedure meets all requirements and that the standard deviation of the global optical error
is of 2.7 ± 0.2 mrad.

Figure 10 shows an example of experimental image, the following steps to process the image
and the resulting irradiance profile from the computer code.

The images obtained were compared with the results of the ray-tracing program called Tonalli
[10]. The code calculates the irradiance flux on a focal plane using the convolution technique.
We assume that the error distribution corresponds to a bidimensional Gaussian distribution
characterized by a global standard deviation. The sun’s model was taken from a standard solar
radiation cone [10].

The images from CCD camera were analyzed, and we compared the profiles of irradiance in
two orthogonal directions (horizontal and vertical) against the theoretical profile obtained for
the global optical error, which gave the best fit with the experimental curve.

94 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Image Optical error, horizontal profile (mrad) Optical error, vertical profile (mrad)

Image 1 2.8 2.8

Image 2 2.8 2.8

Image 3 2.8 2.4

Image 4 2.8 2.2

Table 2. Estimated optical error from different experimental images

Figure 11 shows an example of graphs obtained for the optimal adjustment in the horizontal

and vertical image for first image as an example. Table 2 shows the summary of the results

obtained with four images captured at different times. As you can see from the values in Table

2, the optical errors are consistent and repeatable; therefore, we can conclude that the global

Figure 10. In (a) CCD picture from spot at the receiver at the focal point. (b) Picture translated to the computer for
processing. The units of the image frame are mm. The values of the color scale must be multiplied by 100 W. (c) Image
centered and processed. The units of the image frame are cm. The color scale is normalized. (d) Irradiance profile from
the solar spot. The horizontal axis is cm and the vertical should be multiplied by 100 W.

Method for Aligning Facets in Large Concentrators That Have Segmented Mirrors for Solar Thermal Applications 95

optical error is approximately 2.7 ± 0.2 mrad. It is important to note that this error does not
include the tracking error of the heliostat along the solar day.

Figure 11 only presents the adjustment in particular directions from the images, but they
cannot show the symmetry of the image compared to those expected theoretically. Figure 12
shows theoretical and experimental comparison of the contours of the irradiance distributions
at the receiver for image 1. To construct Figure 12, a particular level of irradiance is set in the
experimental and the theoretical image, the curve formed by points with the same irradiance
value is a contour. Each color in Figure 12 corresponds to a different level of irradiance in the
image. There are two curves with the same color, corresponding to the experimental and
theoretical images. The experimental and theoretical distributions were normalized with
respect to the peak.

Figure 11. Comparison of experimental and theoretical irradiance profiles for image 1. (a) Vertical profile. (b) Horizon‐
tal profile.

96 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Figure 12 shows a relative good correspondence with experimental results except in the lower
contour in which there is a deviation from the circular shape of the image.

Figure 12. Comparison of experimental and theoretical contours, for image 1. The color scale units are Watts and is

4. Alignment tolerances of the method

Although the method has only geometric bases and their implementation requires fewer
optical elements and sophisticated software is not required to process data as if it require other
techniques, the results of the Section 3 shows that the alignment is within specified tolerances.
To understand why the proposed method gives such good results, the following analysis was

The optical concentrator design considers that the light source is at infinity and has the angular
size of the sun, with these considerations the positions of each of the segments were defined
for maximum concentration. However, in the alignment method the light source is near the
center of curvature of each group of mirrors. Therefore, it is necessary to know as alignment
errors are transformed into errors in the image.

In the mirror set of 850 cm of radius of curvature, we select one of them and will apply rotations
around the X-axis in the range of –0.25 degrees to 0.25 degrees, and we calculate changes in
image position for each angle. Figure 13 shows a graph of the results, the behavior is almost
linear, and follows the following equation:

Method for Aligning Facets in Large Concentrators That Have Segmented Mirrors for Solar Thermal Applications 97

y = 22.737 x + 0.116, (1)

where the variable x represents the rotation angle of the mirror and variable y represents the
displacement of the image position.
As the diameter of the spot generated by the mirror is 4 mm, the maximum possible error in
the alignment process corresponds to a displacement of 4 mm and this corresponds to a mirror
rotation 0.012 degrees.

Figure 13. Image shift as a function of rotation of the mirror in the process of alignment. The dots (black) are the meas‐
ured data and the solid line (red) corresponds to the fit of the data.

Figure 14 shows the ideal spot position without rotation and the spot position generated by
applying a 0.01 degree rotation, during the alignment process. It is clear that this could be the
maximum possible error.
Using the same mirror, but considering the sun as light source, we apply rotations of the mirror
in a range of 0.01 degrees to 0.1 degrees, and we calculate the displacement of the image, the
results are shown in the graph of Figure 15. As you can see, the behavior is almost linear and
follows the following equation:

y = 32.757 x - 0.0006, (2)

where the variable x represents the rotation angle of the mirror and variable y represents the
displacement of the image position.

98 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Figure 14. The ideal spot position and spot displaced by a rotation of 0.01 degrees.

Figure 15. Image shift as a function of rotation of the mirror with the sun as a light source. The dots are the measured
data and the solid line corresponds to the fit of the data.

Method for Aligning Facets in Large Concentrators That Have Segmented Mirrors for Solar Thermal Applications 99

Therefore, a rotation of 0.12 degrees involves a displacement of 0.39 cm. As the sun’s image
generated by the mirror is 6 cm, this displacement would generate a maximum error of 13%
and the image would have a diameter of 6.78 cm corresponding to the specifications as an 8
cm in diameter is desired. Similar results are obtained with rotations about the Y-axis and
mirror displacements along the three axes.

5. Conclusions

We have presented a novel method for aligning facets of segmented mirrors for applications
of concentrating solar power. This is a method that requires only three optical components: it
is cheap and easy to implement and can be used during day and night because the light source
is a laser.

We showed that the proposed method allows the alignment of the segments and obtained the
specifications with relative simplicity. We obtained the maximum errors that can occur in the
alignment process and we find that the method generates errors tolerable without complicated
computer programs.

After the alignment process, we used different tests to verify the actual operation of the
concentrator and all tests showed a performance that exceeds expectations, demonstrating the
viability of the proposed method.

Finally, if CCD cameras and image processing software are used, this method could be used
to align the segmented mirror facets as used in large telescopes.

Author details

Sergio Vázquez y Montiel1*, Fermín Granados Agustín2 and Lizbeth Castañeda Escobar3

*Address all correspondence to: gatoangora2000@yahoo.com.mx

1 Polytechnic University of Tulancingo, México

2 National Institute of Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics, México

3 Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Xalapa, México


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nace. Solar Energy 1, 99–101.

100 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

[2] Hisada, T., Mii, H., Noguchi, C., Noguchi, T., Hukuo, N., Mizuno, M., 1957. Concen‐
tration of the solar radiation in a solar furnace. Solar Energy 1, 14–18.

[3] Brenden, B.B., Newkirk, H.W., S.H., 1958. A study of temperature measurement in a
solar furnace. Solar Energy 2, 13–17.

[4] Loh, E., Hiester, N.K., Tietz, T.E., 1957. Heat flux measurements at the sun image of
the California institute of technology lens-type solar furnace. Solar Energy 1, 23–26.

[5] Pérez-Rábago, C.A., Marcos, M.J., Romero, M., Estrada, C.A., 2006. Heat transfer in a
conical cavity calorimeter for measuring thermal power of a point focus concentra‐
tor. Solar Energy 80, 1434–1442.

[6] Estrada, C.A., Jaramillo, O.A., Acosta, R., Arancibia-Bulnes, C.A., 2007. Heat transfer
analysis in a calorimeter for concentrated solar radiation measurements. Solar Ener‐
gy 81, 1306–1313.

[7] http://lacyqs.cie.unam.mx/es/index.php/instalaciones/horno-solar-de-alto-flujo-radia‐

[8] Rivero-Rosas, D., Herrera-Vázquez, J., Pérez-Rabago, C. A., Arancibia-Bulnes, C.A.,

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[9] Vázquez-Montiel, S., Pérez-Rabago C.A., Pérez-Enciso, R., Rivero-Rosas, D., Grana‐
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In: SolarPaces September 2011; September 2011; Granada Spain. 2011.

[10] Rivero-Rosas D., Pérez-Rabago C. A., Arancibia-Bulnes C. A., Pérez-Enciso R., Estra‐
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AM in Temixco, Mexico, First Stage. In: SolarPaces September 2011 symposium;
Granada Spain. 2011.

Chapter 5

Theoretical Analysis and Implementation of

Photovoltaic Fault Diagnosis

Yihua Hu and Wenping Cao

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter


The utilization of solar energy by photovoltaics (PVs) is seen in increase across the world
since the technologies are getting mature and the material costs are being driven down.
However, their operating costs are still very high, owing to their vulnerability to harsh
outdoor environments they are working. Currently, the reliability of PV systems is the
bottle-neck issue and is becoming a heated research topic. This chapter presents the state-
of-the-art technologies for photovoltaic fault diagnosis, based on an intensive literature
review and theoretical analysis. The chapter evaluates the fault mechanisms of photovol‐
taics at the cell, module, string and array levels. Analytical models are developed to un‐
derstand the PV’s terminal characteristics for diagnostic purposes. Offline and online
fault diagnosis technologies are reviewed and compared based on the use of electrical
sensors and thermal cameras. The aim of this chapter is to illustrate the PV faulty charac‐
teristics, to develop offline and online fault diagnosis, and to use the fault diagnosis infor‐
mation to achieve optimal operation (maximum power point tracking) under various PV
faulty conditions, by using multi-disciplinary analytical, empirical and experimental

Keywords: Fault diagnosis, MPPT, photovoltaics, solar energy, reliability

1. Introduction

Solar energy is the primary source of renewable energy. The generation of solar power using
photovoltaic (PV) systems is gaining popularity in developed and developing countries across
the globe because PV technologies are getting mature and the material costs are continuing to
reduce. In this field, the operating costs are still high primarily due to the vulnerability of the
PV panels at harsh operating environments. It is now a technical challenge to operate the PV
system with a minimal interruption and a maximum power output. This chapter reviews and

energy is the primary source of renewable energy. The generation of solar power using photovoltaic (PV) systems is gaining popular
102 Renewable
oped and developing Energy
countries - Utilisation
across and System
the globe Integration
because PV technologies are getting mature and the material costs are continuing to redu

eld, the operating costs are still high primarily due to the vulnerability of the PV panels at harsh operating environments. It is now a tech

enge to operate the thewith
PV system state-of-the-art technologies
a minimal interruption and afor PV faultpower
maximum diagnosis and
output. maximum
This powerand
chapter reviews point
develops the state-o
chnologies for PV (MPPT)
fault diagnosis bymaximum
and the intelligent
powercontrol of direct
point tracking current
by the converters.
intelligent control ofThis
current (DC)–DC conve
evaluates the fault mechanisms of photovoltaics at the cell, module, string, and array levels
chapter evaluates the fault mechanisms of photovoltaics at the cell, module, string, and array levels and reviews some of the fault diag
and reviews some of the fault diagnosis techniques. Analytical models are developed to
iques. Analyticalunderstand the PV’s terminal
models are developed characteristics
to understand for fault
the PV’s terminal diagnostic for
characteristics purposes. Offline purposes.
fault diagnostic and onlineOffline and online
fault diagnosis technologies are studied by using inexpensive electrical sensors and thermal
osis technologies are studied by using inexpensive electrical sensors and thermal cameras. The analysis of faulty characteristics and
cameras. The analysis of faulty characteristics and fault diagnosis of PV is conducted by using
osis of PV is conducted by using multidisciplinary analytical, empirical, and experimental methods. It is hoped to provide guidelin
multidisciplinary analytical, empirical, and experimental methods. It is hoped to provide
oping economic guidelines
solar power for developing
plants especiallyeconomic solar power
for the developing plants
countries especially
where for the
solar energy developing
utilization countries
is a very cost-sensitive market.
where solar energy utilization is a very cost-sensitive market.


2. PV faults
ovoltaic (PV)-based solar power generation has proven to be a cost-effective and environmentally sustainable technology and, thus, it is u
Photovoltaic (PV)-based solar power generation has proven to be a cost-effective and envi‐
apid development over the last sustainable
few decades.technology
it is thus, it is hampered
presently under theby
rapid development
relatively over the
high operational lastlow system effic
few time
ow effective service decades.
of PV panels. itAiscost
presently hampered
reduction roadmap by
for relatively
PV systemshigh operational
is illustrated costs,
in Fig. low
1. In principle, there ar
system efficiency, and low effective service time (EST) of PV panels. A cost reduction roadmap
ive ways for achieving this. One is to increase the operating efficiency (and thus the yield) and the other is to extend the EST of th
for PV systems is illustrated in Fig. 1. In principle, there are two effective ways for achieving
this. addresses
onents. This chapter One is toboth
increase the operating
the issues efficiency
by the intelligent (and
control of thus the yield)
the DC–DC and the
converters forother
MPPT isand
to extend
the development of PV
osis technologies. EST of the PV components. This chapter addresses both the issues by the intelligent control
of the DC–DC converters for MPPT and the development of PV fault diagnosis technologies.

Figure 1. PV cost reduction roadmap. Fig. 1. PV cost reduction roadmap.

PV system failures are typically caused by various types of faults or aging effect. In general,
there are two types of faults in terms of their duration, temporary and permanent, as shown
in Fig. 2. The temporary fault can be cleared automatically for a given time (e.g., shading) or
by human intervention (e.g., dust), while the permanent fault is persistent or ongoing. Both
the types can decrease the output of PV arrays. The temporary fault may be identified by

PV system failures are typically caused by various types of faults Analysis
or aging and
effect. In Implementation
general, of Photovoltaic
there are two types of faultsFault Diagnosis
in terms 103
of their duration,
temporary and permanent, as shown in Fig. 2. The temporary fault can be cleared automatically for a given time (e.g., shading) or by human

intervention (e.g., dust), while the permanent fault is persistent or ongoing. Both the types can decrease the output of PV arrays. The temporary
human eyes, but the permanent fault usually cannot be identified without special equipment
fault may be identified by human eyes, but the permanent fault usually cannot be identified without special equipment (e.g., thermal camera)
(e.g., thermal camera) before a severe damage is made.
before a severe damage is made.

Figure 2. Types of PV faults. Fig. 2. Types of PV faults.

Mismatch faults reduce thefaults
power reduce the
output and power
cause output
potential and
damage cause
to PV potential
cells [1-10]. damage
This section to PV
addresses cells
both [1-10].
the issues This
by presenting a low-
section addresses both the issues by presenting a low-cost and efficient temperature-distribu‐
cost and efficient temperature-distribution analysis for identifying PV module mismatch faults using various technologies.
tion analysis for identifying PV module mismatch faults using various technologies.
When a PV module is faulted or partial shading occurs, the PV system finds a non-uniform distribution of the generated electrical power and
thermal profile, and a
thePV module
generation is faulted
of multiple or partial
maximum power shading occurs,
points (MPPs). If left the PV system
untreated, finds
this reduces the aoverall
power generation and
distribution of the generated electrical power and thermal profile, and the generation of
severe faults may propagate resulting in damage to the system [11-18]. In this chapter, any scenario that causes the output power of PV array to
multiple maximum power points (MPPs). If left untreated, this reduces the overall power
decrease is called a “fault.”
generation and severe faults may propagate resulting in damage to the system [11-18]. In this
chapter, any scenario that causes the output power of PV array to decrease is called a “fault.”
3. PV Fault Characteristics

3. PV fault characteristics
This section defines fault categories and mathematical models in terms of PV components. A PV module is composed of dozens of PV cells in series

connections. A large number of PV modules connected in series form a PV string, which can be connected in parallel to form a PV array, as shown

in Fig. 3. In This section

order to defines
restrict the hotspotfault categories
phenomena of a PVand mathematical
module, a bypass diodemodels in in
is connected terms ofwith
parallel PV PV
components. A
cells, and the corresponding

structure is PV module
named is which
a cell-unit, composed of dozens
is composed of PV
of m PV cells. Thecells in series
PV module connections.
is connected A nlarge
in series by number
cell-units of the
to achieve PVhigh-output
modules connected in series form a PV string, which can be connected in parallel to form a PV
voltage. The PV string is composed of s PV modules that are also connected in series.
array, as shown in Fig. 3. In order to restrict the hotspot phenomena of a PV module, a bypass
diode is connected in parallel with PV cells, and the corresponding structure is named a cell-
(a) Categoryunit,
of PV which
faults is composed of m PV cells. The PV module is connected in series by n cell-units to

When a faultachieve
occurs in the high-output
the PV voltage.
array, a temperature The between
difference PV string is composed
the healthy of s PV
and an unhealthy modules
module that
is created, aretoalso
similar partial shading
observed from in Consequently,
the terminal. series. excessive heat and thermal stress can result in cell cracks. If the cell temperature exceeds its critical

point, delamination of cell encapsulants may occur. If the reverse bias exceeds the cell’s breakdown voltage, the cell will be damaged [19]. In terms
3.1. Category of PV faults
of the severity of mismatch faults, this chapter defines three categories: minor, medium, and heavy faults. Their terminal characteristics are

different in the a fault
following occurs
aspects: in the PV array, a temperature difference between the healthy and an
(i) unhealthy module is
Under a minor fault, the faulted power created,
unit in similar to partial
the PV panel shading
can still operate observed
to generate fromAsthe
electricity. terminal.
illustrated by theConse‐
single arrow in Fig.
quently, excessive heat and thermal stress can result in cell cracks. If the cell temperature
4(a), the current still passes through the PV cell string to generate an output. In this case, the faulty cell becomes an electrical load, powered
exceeds its critical point, delamination of cell encapsulants may occur. If the reverse bias
by the healthy ones.
exceeds the cell’s breakdown voltage, the cell will be damaged [19]. In terms of the severity of
(ii) Under a medium fault, PV cells in the string are characterized by the varying illumination levels. As presented in Fig. 4(b), the faulted cells

can still operate as a source with a reduced power output. Because of the nonuniform illumination, the actual working point of the power

unit is dictated by the operating point of the PV array.

104 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

mismatch faults, this chapter defines three categories: minor, medium, and heavy faults. Their
terminal characteristics are different in the following aspects:
i. Under a minor fault, the faulted power unit in the PV panel can still operate to
generate electricity. As illustrated by the single arrow in Fig. 4(a), the current still
passes through the PV cell string to generate an output. In this case, the faulty cell
becomes an electrical load, powered by the healthy ones.

ii. Under a medium fault, PV cells in the string are characterized by the varying
illumination levels. As presented in Fig. 4(b), the faulted cells can still operate as a
source with a reduced power output. Because of the nonuniform illumination, the
actual working point of the power unit is dictated by the operating point of the PV

iii. Under a heavy fault condition, the whole PV string is out of function while the bypass
diode conducts to transmit the current, as indicated by the dotted arrow in Fig. 4(a).
(iii) Under a heavy fault condition, the whole PV string is out of function while the bypass diode conducts to transmit the current, as indicated by
In essence, all PV cells in the string are open-circuited.
the dotted arrow in Fig. 4(a). In essence, all PV cells in the string are open-circuited.
If there exists a meaningful temperature difference, hotspot suppression is needed to shift the
If there exists a meaningful temperature difference, hotspot suppression is needed to shift the system MPP and to minimize the impact of the
system MPP and to minimize the impact of the mismatch fault [15].
mismatch fault [15].

Figure 3. Component of PV arrays. Fig. 3. Component of PV arrays.

Theoretical Analysis and Implementation of Photovoltaic Fault Diagnosis 105


(a) Minor- and heavy-fault conditions

1 2 3 Ipv m

Part fault


(b) Medium-fault condition

Fig. 4. Three categories of mismatch faults defined for a PV system.

Figure 4. Three categories of mismatch faults defined for a PV system.

lysis of minor faults

3.1.1. Analysis of minor faults
perature profile of the PV array under minor-fault conditions is presented in Fig. 5(a). The array consists of b rows and a columns o
es where Module temperature profile
is faulted. Iarray and Vof the
array arePV
thearray under
current minor-fault
and voltage of theconditions is presented
PV array, respectively. IH in
andFig. 5(a).
If are the currents of hea
The array consists of b rows and a columns of PV modules where Module 21 is faulted. I array
ulty strings, respectively. VH and Vf are the module voltages of healthy and faulty strings, respectively. TH is the module temperature
and Varray are the current and voltage of the PV array, respectively. IH and If are the currents of
y string, TH’ is thehealthy
healthyand faulty
module strings, respectively.
temperature VH string,
within a faulted and Vfand
are T
the module voltages of healthy and faulty
f is the healthy cell temperature in a faulty power unit.

strings, respectively. TH is the module temperature of a healthy string, TH’ is the healthy module
temperature within a faulted string, and Tf is the healthy cell temperature in a faulty power

Under a PV minor fault, the faulty cell cannot generate electricity and becomes a resistive load
(Req). Owing to the series of connection structure, the healthy cells supply power to the faulty
1 2 3 m
1 2 3 m

power unit

1 2 3 m

106 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

1 2 3 m
1 2 3 m

power unit

1 2 3 m

(a) Faulty PV array temperature distribution

(b) Equivalent circuit upon a fault

(c) Shift of working points

Figure 5. The PV system at a Fig.

5. Thecondition
PV system[7]. at a minor-fault condition [7].

Under a PV minor fault, the faulty cell cannot generate electricity and becomes a resistive load (Req). Owing to the series of
connection structure, the healthy cells supply power to the faulty PV cells (released as heat) and then create some hot spots.

Theoretical Analysis and Implementation of Photovoltaic Fault Diagnosis 107

PV cells (released as heat) and then create some hot spots. An equivalent circuit of the PV array
is presented in Fig. 5(b), where Vsf stands for the voltage generated by the healthy PV cells in
a faulty PV string and Rload is the load resistance.
The electric characteristics of a faulty PV string are:

Vsf - I f Req =Varray (1)

If = (2)
Req +Rload

Vsf - Varray
Req = (3)

DV = VH' - VH (4)

DI = I H - I f (5)

I f2 × Req < I f ( m - mx ) (6)

where ΔI is the current difference between the healthy and unhealthy strings, ΔV is the voltage
difference between the healthy modules in healthy and unhealthy strings, and mx is the number
of faulty PV cells.
From Fig. 5(b), it can be seen the voltage of a PV cell in a healthy string is lower than that of a
healthy cell in a faulty string; the current of a PV cell in a healthy string is higher than that of
a healthy cell in a faulty string. Eqs. (4)–(6) express the mathematical relationship for faulty
and healthy PV strings. Eq. (6) shows that when the output power of a faulted PV unit is higher
than the I2R power of its equivalent resistance, a minor fault is created and hot spots begin to
form on the faulty cell.
Since the electrical power generated by healthy cells in the PV string supplies not only the load
but also faulted cells (heating), the operating point in the current–voltage curve is effectively
shifted. Fig. 5(c) demonstrates this in a PV system including healthy and unhealthy panel

3.1.2. Analysis of heavy faults

Under a heavy-fault condition, the PV string containing the faulted cell/module loses produc‐
tion. Its operating points are illustrated in the output current–voltage curve in Fig. 6. Point A1
is the working point of the modules in the healthy string, A2 is the working point of the healthy

ed and hot spots begin to form on the faulty cell.

the electrical power generated by healthy cells in the PV string supplies not only the load but also faulted cells (heating), the operating po

current–voltage curve is effectively shifted. Fig. 5(c) demonstrates this in a PV system including healthy and unhealthy panel strings.
108 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

nalysis of heavy faults

modules in the faulty string, and A3 is the working point of the healthy cells in the faulty
r a heavy-fault condition, the PV string containing the faulted cell/module loses production. Its operating points are illustrated in the out
nt–voltage curve in Fig. 6. Point A1 is the working point of the modules in the healthy string, A2 is the working point of the healthy modu
Because the faulty power unit is short-circuited by a bypass diode, the healthy cells in the faulty
faulty string, and A3 is the working point of the healthy cells in the faulty module.
string are effectively open-circuited. The relative positions of A1, A2, and A3 are determined
by the PV array structure and its electrical characteristics. Due to the anti-parallel connection
use the faulty power unit is short-circuited by a bypass diode, the healthy cells in the faulty string are effectively open-circuited. The rela
of the bypass diode, the faulty PV power unit is shorted by the diode. Therefore, its output
ons of A1, A2, andvoltage becomes
A3 are zero.
determined byFrom
the PV Eq. (8),structure
array VH is lessand
than VH’; IH ischaracteristics.
its electrical greater than IDue
f, corresponding to
to the anti-parallel connection of
the working points A1 and A2. T H and T H’ depend on the working points
ss diode, the faulty PV power unit is shorted by the diode. Therefore, its output voltage becomes zero. From A1 andEq.A2(8),
in Vthe
H is less than VH’; I
curve. As the faulty power unit is shorted by a bypass diode, the PV cells are open-circuited,
er than If, corresponding to the working points A1 and A2. TH and TH’ depend on the working points A1 and A2 in the curve. As the fau
corresponding to point A3. The output power of the faulted power unit is lower than the
r unit is shorted needed power
by a bypass of the
diode, the equivalent resistance upon
PV cells are open-circuited, a fault; the power
corresponding to pointunit
A3. is
outputby the bypass
power of the faulted power un
r than the needed power of the equivalent resistance upon a fault; the power unit is shorted by the bypass diode.

Ipv (A)


0 Vpv (V) Voc

1 2 3 m
1 2 3 m

power unit

1 2 3 m

Fig. 6. The
Figure 6. The PV system at a heavy-fault PV system
condition [7]. at a heavy-fault condition [7].

VH and
d VH’ are thus given by VH’ are thus given by

Varray Varray
VH = (7)
a VH =
VH × a × n
VH' =
a × n - nx VH  a  n (8)
VH' =
a  n  nx

e nx is the number of faulty power units in the faulty PV panel string, which can be identified by thermal cameras.

pared with other PV module (1000 W/m2), No. 21 has the lower illumination (300 W/m2). Fig. 7(b) and (c) presents the current–voltag

er–voltage curves, respectively, obtained from simulation.

7 presents the typical output characteristics of the PV string under faulty

Theoretical conditions;
Analysis the PV module
and Implementation simulation
of Photovoltaic Faultparameters are listed in T
Diagnosis 109
string includes three modules with nonuniform illumination, with the corresponding environment parameters being 850 W/m2, 25°C; 620

; and 400 W/m2, 25°C, as shown in Fig. 7(a). Each module has uniform illumination. In this current–voltage–power waveform, there are
where nx is the number of faulty power units in the faulty PV panel string, which can be
maximum power by thermal cameras.
points, corresponding to three working stages, as tabulated in Table 2. At stage 1, the PV string current is between 3.

A; only PV module No. 1 can generate that level of current and PV modules 2 and 3 are shorted. As they are influenced by shadows and
3.1.3. Analysis of medium faults
rate electricity, the string output voltage is limited to 0–30 V. At stage 2, the operation string current is between 2.19 and 3.29 A; PV mod

The operating
2 can generate electricity; No. 3 ispoint of by
shorted thethe
The affects the condition
corresponding ofoutput
PV string the healthy
voltagePV modules
is 30–70 V. At stage 3, the ope
in A;
g current is 0–2.19 theallhealthy stringcan
the modules and sometimes
generate in the
electricity andfaulty string.
the string Fig.voltage
output 7(a) shows a 76–126
area is 2×3 PVV.array
this analysis, it can be
a medium fault, where module 21 is a faulted PV module, and the rest of the PV modules are
healthy. Compared with other PV module (1000 W/m2), No. 21 has the lower illumination (300
The multi-stage W/m 2
). Fig. 7(b)
characteristics are and (c)by
caused presents the current–voltage
the differing and power–voltage
output current ability of each module; curves, respectively,
obtained from simulation.
In the high-output current area, the faulty modules are short-circuited, and the terminal voltage of the corresponding faulty module is ze

(a) PV string under medium-fault conditions

(b) Output characteristics of the medium faults

Fig. 7. The PV system at a medium-fault condition.

Figure 7. The PV system at a medium-fault condition.

Fig. 7 presents the typical output characteristics of the PV string

Parameter Valueunder faulty conditions; the
PV module simulation parameters
Open-circuit voltage are listed in Table 1. The string includes
44.8 V three modules with

Short-circuit current 5.29 A

Power output 180 W

MPP current 5A

110 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

nonuniform illumination, with the corresponding environment parameters being 850 W/m2,
25°C; 620 W/m2, 25°C; and 400 W/m2, 25°C, as shown in Fig. 7(a). Each module has uniform
illumination. In this current–voltage–power waveform, there are three local maximum power
points, corresponding to three working stages, as tabulated in Table 2. At stage 1, the PV string
current is between 3.29 and 4.39 A; only PV module No. 1 can generate that level of current
and PV modules 2 and 3 are shorted. As they are influenced by shadows and cannot generate
electricity, the string output voltage is limited to 0–30 V. At stage 2, the operation string current
is between 2.19 and 3.29 A; PV modules 1 and 2 can generate electricity; No. 3 is shorted by
the bypass diode. The corresponding PV string output voltage is 30–70 V. At stage 3, the
operation string current is 0–2.19 A; all the modules can generate electricity and the string
output voltage area is 76–126 V. From this analysis, it can be found that:

i. The multi-stage characteristics are caused by the differing output current ability of
each module;

ii. In the high-output current area, the faulty modules are short-circuited, and the
terminal voltage of the corresponding faulty module is zero.

Parameter Value

Open-circuit voltage 44.8 V

Short-circuit current 5.29 A

Power output 180 W

MPP current 5A

MPP voltage 36 V

Current-temperature coefficient 0.037 %/K

Voltage-temperature coefficient –0.34 %/Κ

Power-temperature coefficient –0.48 %/Κ

Nominal operating cell temperature 46 ± 2°C

Table 1. Specifications of the PV module

Working stage Voltage Current Working module

1 0–30 V 3.29–4.39 A 1

2 30–72 V 2.19–3.29 A 1 and 2

3 76–126 V 0–2.19 A 1, 2, and 3

Table 2. Analysis of different stages

Theoretical Analysis and Implementation of Photovoltaic Fault Diagnosis 111

4. Mathematical models of PV systems

Under different fault conditions, the mathematical models vary as follows.

4.1. Model of healthy PV cells

The electrical characteristics of PVs are influenced by both temperature and illumination. The
electrical model of the PV cell is expressed by [3]:

e ×V
I = I L - I o [exp( ) - 1] (9)

e= (10)
Ns × K × A

IL = [I +k (T - Tref )] (11)
Gref Lref i m

Tm 3 q × EBG 1 1
I o =I oref ( ) exp[ ( - )] (12)
Tref N s × A × K Tref Tm

where I is the PV module output current, IL is the photon current, q is the quantity of electric
charge, A is the diode characteristic factor, K is the Boltzmann constant, Io is the saturated
current, Tm is the PV module temperature, G is the irradiance, V is the output voltage, Gref is
the reference irradiance level (1000 W/m²), ILref, Ioref are the reference values for IL and Io. ki is
the current–temperature coefficient provided by the PV manufacturer, Tref is the reference
temperature, Ns is the number of series-connected cells, Tm is the PV module temperature, and
ε is a constant depending on q, Ns, K, A, and is calculated using the following equation:

I sc_ref e × V mpp_ref
I sc_ref - I mpp_ref = [exp( ) - 1]
e × V oc_ref Tref (13)
exp( )-1

where Impp_ref, Isc_ref, Vmpp_ref, and Voc_ref are the maximum power point (MPP) current, short-
circuit current, MPP voltage, and open-circuit voltage at a reference condition, respectively,
defined by the relevant standard.

4.1.1. Terminal characteristics of faulted cells

When a PV cell is subject to aging, a direct indication is its lower output power than normal.
Due to the p–n junction characteristics of the PV cell, its open-circuit voltage only changes

112 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration
e Impp_ref, Isc_ref, Vmpp_ref , and Voc_ref are the maximum power point (MPP) current, short-circuit current, MPP voltage, and open-circuit voltag

rence condition, respectively, defined by the relevant standard.

slightly while the short-circuit current changes dramatically. In this chapter, we use the short-
circuit current to sense the aging condition of PV cells.
rminal characteristics of faulted cells
Fig. 8 presents a cell-unit with m nonuniformly aged PV cells, where Isc1, Isc2, Isc3... Iscm are the
a PV cell is subject to aging, a direct indication is its lower output power than normal. Due to the p–n junction characteristics of the PV ce
short-circuit current for cells 1, 2, 3... m, respectively. There are three ranges in the current-
circuit voltage only output
changes characteristics.
slightly In Rangecurrent
while the short-circuit 1, the maximum current isInthe
changes dramatically. minimum
this of use
chapter, we all cells’
the short-circuit curre
current (I sc1
the aging condition of PV cells., Isc2, I sc3... I scm ) and all the cells generate electricity. Minor fault is a transitional
interval. Its equivalent circuit is presented in Fig. 8, and its terminal output voltage is presented
presents a cell-unit with m nonuniformly aged PV cells, where Isc1, Isc2, Isc3... Iscm are the short-circuit current for cells 1, 2, 3... m, respect
in Eq. (14). Due to a voltage drop on Re, the output voltage of the cell-unit is lower than a
are three rangeshealthy cell-unit.
in the current-voltage output characteristics. In Range 1, the maximum current is the minimum of all cells’ current (Isc

scm ) and all the cells generate electricity. Minor fault is a transitional interval. Its equivalent circuit is presented in Fig. 8, and its term
m -1
ut voltage is presented in Eq. (14). Due to a voltage drop on Re, the output voltage of the cell-unit is lower than a healthy cell-unit.
åV cell _ i
- i12 × Re = Vcu (14)
1 m 1

cell _ i  i12  Re  Vcu
where Vcell is the output voltage of the PV cell, Re is the equivalent resistance of aged PV cell,
e Vcell is the output Vcu isofthe
voltage theoutput
PV cell,voltage
Re is the of the cell-unit.
equivalent resistance of aged PV cell, and Vcu is the output voltage of the cell-unit.

Figure 8. Equivalent circuit for the cell-unit at a minor fault.

Fig. 8. Equivalent circuit for the cell-unit at a minor fault.
As i12 increases, Vcu decreases to zero. The current switches from minor fault to heavy fault. In
heavy fault,
increases, Vcu decreases theThe
to zero. cell-unit
bypassed byminor
from a diode,
faultthe corresponding
to heavy terminal
fault. In heavy fault, voltage is −0.5
the cell-unit V
is bypassed by a diod
sponding (i.e., diode
terminal voltagevoltage drop).
is −0.5 V In(i.e.,
fault, voltage
the current passing
drop). In the cell-unit
minor fault,ij series-connected
the current passing the cel
PV cells, the relationship between the output current icu and the terminal output voltage
Vcell _ i  i12  Re VcuV
.depends on the operating points of the PV. To facilitate discussion on the three ranges, it
cu .......................................................................................................................................................................................................
is assumed that the magnitude of the short-circuit currents for m cells is

............................................. I sci1
£I sci2
£ ××× £ I scim (15)

where icell is defined as the actual current passing the PV cells. When the current icellthe
starts to output voltag
.................................................... series-connected PV cells, the relationship between the output current and terminal
increase from 0 to Isci1, all the cells generate electricity. When exceeds Isci1 but less than Ici2, cell
i cannot
nds on the operating pointsgenerate
of the PV.electricity;
To facilitateit discussion
is either bypassed or turned
on the three into
ranges, it a resistor
is assumed because
that of the bucket
the magnitude of the short-circuit cur

cells is effect. As a result, the relationship of icu and Vcu is summarized as follows.

If icell≤Isci1., the unit-cell operates in normal condition:

e is defined as the actual current passing the PV cells. When the current icell starts to increase from 0 to Isci1 , all the cells gen

icity. When exceeds Isci1 but less than Isci2 , cell i1 cannot generate electricity; it is either bypassed or turned into a re

se of the bucket effect. As a result, the relationship of icu and Vcu is summarized as follows.

Isci1 , the unit-cell operates in normal condition:

Theoretical Analysis and Implementation of Photovoltaic Fault Diagnosis 113

icu = icell £ I sci1 (16)

Vcu = mVcell (17)

where V cell is equal to the voltage of every cell.

If icell>Isci1, the cell-unit operates in heavy fault:

Vcu = -0.5V (18)

icell = 0 (19)

icu = idiode (20)

Where idiode is the bypass current flowing through the diode.

The PV cells can work in minor fault if there exists an integer k<m. to satisfy the following

I sc ik < icell £ I sc ik+1

( m - k )Vcell - icell å Rej ³ 0 (21)
j =1

When the cell-unit operates with a minor fault,

icu = icell and Vcu = ( m - k )Vcell - icell å Rej (22)
j =1

where Rej .is the equivalent resistance of the jth cell.

Usually, normal operation and heavy fault are the steady-state operational conditions while
minor fault is a short transitional range between the two and can often be ignored.

4.1.2. PV strings with nonuniformly faulty PV modules

A PV string consists of s V modules, with the terminal voltage V string .and current istring . Let the
terminal voltage, current, and maximum current from the k PV module be Vmodule,k, imodule,k, and
imodule, k respectively. The following relationship can be established:

114 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

istring = imodule ,1 = imodule ,2 = × × × = imodule , s (23)

Vstring = Vmodule ,1 + Vmodule ,2 + × × × + Vmodule , s (24)

Similarly, the bucket effect indicates that the maximum current in the PV string is limited by
max max
the minimum imodule, k f those non-bypassed modules. That is istring ≤ imodule, k , 1 ≤ k ≤ s, and
the kth module is not bypassed.

In practice, the cell-units within a PV module may be aged differently and thus have different
maximum short-circuit currents. This case is called the “general non-uniform aging” in this
chapter. A simpler case for nonuniformly aged PV modules is that all cell-units in the same
PV module are aged uniformly so that the whole PV module can be characterized with a single
maximum short-circuit current of any cell-unit. This is termed the simplified nonuniform aging
in this chapter.

4.1.3. PV array with nonuniformly aged PV strings

A PV array consists of p parallel-connected PV strings; its terminal voltage and current are
denoted by Varray and iarray, respectively. Let the terminal voltage and current for the jth PV string
be Varray,j and iarray,j,.respectively. Therefore,

iarray = iarray ,1 + iarray ,2 + × × × + iarray , p (25)

Varray = Varray ,1 = Varray ,2 = × × × = Varray , p (26)

The power output from the PV array is the sum of p strings and is also limited by the bucket
effect. That is, the maximum power output from the simplified nonuniform aging PV array

∑ min{P
max max
can be written as j,k : 1 ≤ k ≤ s, and the ( j, k ) th module is un-bypassed } where P j,k

is the maximum power output from the un-bypassed PV module at the position (j, k)(kth
module in the jth string) of the PV array. imodule, j,k .is defined as the maximum short-circuit
current in the (j,k). module; b and q as the number of PV modules in the jth string which
generate electricity. Thus, (s-q). PV modules are bypassed by diodes in the jth string. Then, the
maximum power P j,k is calculated as

= qVmodule i qj (27)

The power output from the PV array is the sum of strings and is also limited by the bucket effect. That is, the maximum power output from the

simplified nonuniform aging PV array can be written as th module is un-bypassed , where is the
Theoretical Analysis and Implementation of Photovoltaic Fault Diagnosis 115
maximum power output from the un-bypassed PV module at the position (j, k)(kth module in the jth string) of the PV array. imodule,j,k is

defined as the maximum short-circuit current in the (j ,k) module; b and q as the number of PV modules in the jth string which generate
where V .is the MPP voltage supplied by a PV module, and i q is the qth largest
electricity. Thus, (s-q) module PV modules are bypassed by diodes in the jth string. Then, the maximum
is calculated as
current within the set { imodule, j,1, imodule, j,2, … , imodule, j,s }. For a normal PV module consisting
of three cell-units, Vmodule=3Vcu., and Vcu is the MPP voltage a PV cell-unit can provide. (27)

where Vmodule is the MPP voltage supplied by a PV module, and is the qth largest short-circuit current within the set
5. PV array fault diagnosis and optimized operation
. For a normal PV module consisting of three cell-units, V =3Vcu
module , and Vcu is the MPP voltage a PV

In this section, PV array fault diagnosis methods are reviewed and developed. Especially, PV
cell-unit can provide.

fault diagnosis based on electrical sensors is proposed for small-scale PV array systems;
5. PV Array cameras
Fault Diagnosis are proposed
and Optimized for large-scale PV arrays; and optimized operation strategies

under faulty conditions are also developed.

In this section, PV array fault diagnosis methods are reviewed and developed. Especially, PV fault diagnosis based on electrical sensors is proposed
5.1. Existing fault diagnosis methods
for small-scale PV array systems; thermal cameras are proposed for large-scale PV arrays; and optimized operation strategies under faulty

conditionsCurrently, thermal
are also developed. cameras, earth capacitance measurements (ECM), and time domain
reflectometry (TDR) are three popular methods for PV fault diagnosis. In this section, the basic
principles of those fault diagnosis are introduced [16, 20-34]. In the beginning of installation,
(a) Existing fault diagnosis methods
ECM is an effective method to check the disconnection position of transmission line [23]. Due
to the characteristics of PV modules, there is capacitance to ground existing in each module
Currently, thermal cameras, earth capacitance measurements (ECM), and time domain reflectometry (TDR) are three popular methods for PV fault

In thisThe capacitance
section, to ground
the basic principles can diagnosis
of those fault be usedaretointroduced
realize disconnection point location
[16][20-34]. In the beginning thatECM
of installation, is the
is an effective

method totheory ofdisconnection

check the ECM. When the of
position PVtransmission
string has linethe disconnection
[23]. point xoff, the
Due to the characteristics disconnection
PV modules, moduleto ground
there is capacitance

existing in(x f) from

each modulethe
[35].positive nodeto point
The capacitance to the
ground can be usedfault point
to realize is calculated
disconnection using that
point location theisratio of the
the theory earth
of ECM. When the PV

string has capacitance

the disconnection values
point xf,to
thethe fault point
disconnection and(xfthat
module ) fromofthethe whole
positive nodeline
pointasto shown in Fig.
the fault point 9 and Eq.
is calculated using(28).
the ratio of the
Here, values
earth capacitance M is to thethetotal number
fault point ofofmodules
and that in the
the whole line faulty
as shown string.
in Fig. 9 and Eq. (28). Here, M is the total number of modules in the

faulty string.

Figure 9. Fault diagnosis theory of ECM. Fig. 9. Fault diagnosis theory of ECM.

xf = (C x / C D ) Mxf (Cx / CD)M (28) (28)

For TDR, by injecting the signal into the transmission line, the signal will be distorted when mismatch is occurred [24]. Like a radar, the TDR

For TDR,
method analyses bysignal
the input injecting the signal,
and output signalas into
shownthe transmission
in Fig. line,
10; the faulty point canthe signaland
be located will
evenbe distorted
aging condition when
can be estimated.

But the illumination can is occurred
influence [24]. Like
the impedance a radar,
of PV the TDR
cell; therefore, method
TDR can analyses
only be used the input signal and output
in the night.

signal, as shown in Fig. 10; the faulty point can be located and even aging condition can be
estimated. But the illumination can influence the impedance of PV cell; therefore, TDR can
only be used in the night.


116 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Figure 10. Theory of TDR. Fig. 10. Theory of TDR.

The ECM can locate the disconnection of PV modules in the string while the TDR technology can predict the degradation of the PV array.

Nonetheless, both ECM and TDR can only operate offline [23-24].

In practice, the online methods are highly demanded, which can take measurements while the tested device is in operation. To improve this, an

automatic supervision and fault detection are proposed [25-26], based on power loss analysis. However, it requires surrounding environmental

information and cannot identify the faulty module. An operating voltage window is then developed based on the PV string operation voltage and

ambient temperature [27]. It can locate the open and short faults but still cannot identify the faulty module from the array. Currently, both offline

and online fault diagnosis methods have been developed. Offline fault diagnosis cannot give real-time fault information that is the key factor for PV
(a) Faulty 3×3 PV array
array optimization operation under fault condition. Currently, online fault diagnosis methods suffer from high costs or incapability of locating fault

modules. A model-based reconfiguration algorithm is18developed by [28] to realize the fault tolerance operation. But it needs a large number of

electrical relays to reconfigure PV arrays. A similar technology, the in situ rearrangement strategy, can decrease the influence of shadow [29-32].
Array Maximum power point
14 Healthy string
However, its success depends on three conditions: (i) a large number of1 relays need to be used; (ii) the health state of each PV module should be
Istring/Iarray (A)

Faulty string
Faulty string 2
monitored; (iii) high-computing resource of the controller
10 is required to calculate complex optimal arrangements. These increase the system cost
Low voltage fault High voltage fault
and control complexity. An improved strategy is developed not only indiagnosis
[33], which
diagnosis areathe combination of power channels and relay matrix to
combat the shadow influence but it also needs the healthy state of PV modules. A fingerprint curve of the PV array under shading conditions is

proposed in [34] to find the key information (e.g., open-circuit

2 and short-circuit points and MPP region) but it cannot locate the faulted modules.

0 40 80 120
(b) PV fault diagnosis by using electrical sensors Varray (V)
It is clear that online fault diagnosis is important because: (i) it(b)
is the prerequisite
Output for any array dynamical reconfiguration; (ii) it can provide crucial
information for global MPPT; and (iii) it contains key state-of-health information useful for system maintenance. In this section, low-cost fault

diagnosis for low-scale PV array and fault diagnosis strategy for large PV array fault diagnosis are proposed, respectively.

(i) Fault diagnosis theory

When a PV array is faulted, the faulty module has lower illumination than healthy modules (e.g., a 3×3 array). Fig. 11(a) shows a multi-string faulty

condition and Fig. 11(b) shows its output voltage–current characteristics. The output waveforms can be divided into two sections: the high-voltage

fault diagnosis area and low-voltage fault diagnosis area (constant output current). In the latter area, the faulty module in the faulty string is

shorted by bypass diodes where both healthy string and unhealthy string have the same current. PV string current sensors cannot distinguish the

unhealthy string from healthy strings. Nevertheless, the healthy modules in the faulty string have a higher output voltage than the modules in the

healthy string, illustrated as points A1 and A2 in Fig. 11(c). The voltage difference between the healthy module in the unhealthy string and module
in the healthy string can be employed to locate the Working points in the voltage fault diagnosis area
Fig. 11. PV array under fault conditions.

Figure 11. PV array under fault conditions.

For a p row s column array, assume that there is x faulted modules in the unhealthy string. VA1 and VA2 can be expressed as Eqs. (29) and (30):
VA1 
s (29)

VA2 
sx (30)

In Fig. 11(a), VA1 is the corresponding healthy string module voltage, such as No. PV11; VA2 is the normal module voltage in the unhealthy string,

such as No. PV22. www.EngineeringBooksPDF.com

Theoretical Analysis and Implementation of Photovoltaic Fault Diagnosis 117

The ECM can locate the disconnection of PV modules in the string while the TDR technology
can predict the degradation of the PV array. Nonetheless, both ECM and TDR can only operate
offline [23-24].
In practice, the online methods are highly demanded, which can take measurements while the
tested device is in operation. To improve this, an automatic supervision and fault detection
are proposed [25-26], based on power loss analysis. However, it requires surrounding
environmental information and cannot identify the faulty module. An operating voltage
window is then developed based on the PV string operation voltage and ambient temperature
[27]. It can locate the open and short faults but still cannot identify the faulty module from the
array. Currently, both offline and online fault diagnosis methods have been developed. Offline
fault diagnosis cannot give real-time fault information that is the key factor for PV array
optimization operation under fault condition. Currently, online fault diagnosis methods suffer
from high costs or incapability of locating fault modules. A model-based reconfiguration
algorithm is developed by [28] to realize the fault tolerance operation. But it needs a large
number of electrical relays to reconfigure PV arrays. A similar technology, the in situ rear‐
rangement strategy, can decrease the influence of shadow [29-32]. However, its success
depends on three conditions: (i) a large number of relays need to be used; (ii) the health state
of each PV module should be monitored; (iii) high-computing resource of the controller is
required to calculate complex optimal arrangements. These increase the system cost and
control complexity. An improved strategy is developed in [33], which not only needs the
combination of power channels and relay matrix to combat the shadow influence but it also
needs the healthy state of PV modules. A fingerprint curve of the PV array under shading
conditions is proposed in [34] to find the key information (e.g., open-circuit and short-circuit
points and MPP region) but it cannot locate the faulted modules.

5.2. PV fault diagnosis by using electrical sensors

It is clear that online fault diagnosis is important because: (i) it is the prerequisite for any array
dynamical reconfiguration; (ii) it can provide crucial information for global MPPT; and (iii) it
contains key state-of-health information useful for system maintenance. In this section, low-
cost fault diagnosis for low-scale PV array and fault diagnosis strategy for large PV array fault
diagnosis are proposed, respectively.

5.2.1. Fault diagnosis theory

When a PV array is faulted, the faulty module has lower illumination than healthy modules
(e.g., a 3×3 array). Fig. 11(a) shows a multi-string faulty condition and Fig. 11(b) shows its
output voltage–current characteristics. The output waveforms can be divided into two
sections: the high-voltage fault diagnosis area and low-voltage fault diagnosis area (constant
output current). In the latter area, the faulty module in the faulty string is shorted by bypass
diodes where both healthy string and unhealthy string have the same current. PV string current
sensors cannot distinguish the unhealthy string from healthy strings. Nevertheless, the healthy
modules in the faulty string have a higher output voltage than the modules in the healthy

118 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

string, illustrated as points A1 and A2 in Fig. 11(c). The voltage difference between the healthy
module in the unhealthy string and module in the healthy string can be employed to locate
the faulty module.

For a p row s column array, assume that there is x faulted modules in the unhealthy string. VA1
and VA2 can be expressed as Eqs. (29) and (30):

VA1 = (29)

VA2 = (30)

In Fig. 11(a), VA1 is the corresponding healthy string module voltage, such as No. PV11; VA2 is
the normal module voltage in the unhealthy string, such as No. PV22.

5.2.2. Optimized sensor placement strategy

In order to achieve the PV array fault diagnosis, the reading of PV module voltage is needed.
Due to the large number of PV modules employed, a large number of voltage sensors are also
needed in the first instance.

There are three basic sensor placement methods, as shown in Fig. 12. In the PV array, in method
1, each module terminal voltage is measured by a voltage sensor; the total number of sensors
is p×s. In method 2, each voltage sensor measures the voltage between two nodes in the same
column of adjacent strings; and (p-1)×(s-1) voltage sensors are needed. In method 3, the electric
potential difference of adjacent modules is measured; the corresponding number of sensors is
p×(s-2). The large number of voltage sensors may increase system capital cost and information-
processing burden. Therefore, the voltage placement method needs to be optimized.

Fig. 13 shows an equivalent PV matrix where a PV module is shown as a dot; the connection
line of the adjacent module is represented by a node. The proposed voltage placement strategy
is developed by the following steps:

i. All the nodes should be covered by voltage sensors.

ii. A sensor can only connect one node in a string.

iii. Voltage sensor nodes cover different isoelectric points from different strings.

iv. If p or s is an even number, each node is connected to and only to one sensor. If both
p and s are odd, there is one and only one node to be connected to two different
sensors, while each of the remaining nodes is connected to one sensor.

Theoretical Analysis and Implementation of Photovoltaic Fault Diagnosis 119



V V V.

(a) Method 1



(b) Method 2




(c) Method 3

Fig. 12. Sensor placement methods.

Figure 12. Sensor placement methods.

g. 13 shows an equivalent PV matrix where a PV module is shown as a dot; the connection line of the adjacent module is represented by a no

e proposed voltage placement strategy is developed by the following steps:

(i) All the nodes should be covered by voltage sensors.

(ii) A sensor can only connect one node in a string.

(iii) Voltage sensor nodes cover different isoelectric points from different strings.

(iv) If p or s is an even number, each node is www.EngineeringBooksPDF.com

connected to and only to one sensor. If both p and s are odd, there is one and only one node to
120 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

  

  

s  
  
  
  

p  Node  node
  matrix. 
Fig. 13. Equivalent
Figure 13. Equivalent matrix. p Node Weight node
Fig. 13. Equivalent matrix.
Fig. 14. presents an example of the 3×3 PV array. According to the proposed sensor placement
Fig. 14. presents an example of the 3×3 PV array. According to the proposed sensor placement strategy, only three voltage sensors are needed.

strategy, only three voltage sensors are needed.

Fig. 14. presents an example of the 3×3 PV array. According to the proposed sensor placement strategy, only three voltage sensors are needed.
V A Va
V Va
Vb Vc
Vb V V Vc
V V Is3
A Is3
Fig. Fig.
14. Simplified voltage
14. Simplified voltagesensor placementmethod
sensor placement methodforfor a 3×3
a 3×3 PV array.
PV array.
Figure 14. Simplified voltage sensor placement method for a 3×3 PV array.
A generalA principle is that isthe
general principle minimum
that number
the minimum of sensors
number of sensorsused
to detect allpossible
detect all possible faults
faults should
should be be where
where the the notation
notation [a] is the [a] is the
A general principle is that the minimum number of sensors used to detect all possible faults
ceiling function representing the smallest integer, which
ceiling function representing the smallest integer, which isisnot
less than
than a.
a. When
Whena anode
nodeis not connected
is not to a sensor,
connected the twothe
to a sensor, adjacent PV modules
two adjacent PV modules
should be [p×(s-1)/2]
of this node cannot where
be discriminated once the notation
a fault occurs at[a] oneisofthe
the ceiling function
two modules. representing
The total theissmallest
number of nodes equal to [p×(s-
of this node cannot be discriminated once a fault occurs at one of the two modules. The total number of nodes is equal to [p×(s-
integer, which is not less than a. When a node is not connected to a sensor, the two adjacent
This is summarized in Table 3. It is clear that the proposed method can decrease the number of voltage sensors used
1)/2]. PV modules
This isof this nodeincannot
compared with the other three methods.
Table 3.beItdiscriminated
is clear that the once a fault
proposed occurs
method can at one ofthe
decrease thenumber
two modules.
of voltage sensors used

compared with The

the total number
other three of nodes is equal to [p×(s-1)/2]. This is summarized in Table 3. It is clear that
the proposed method can decrease the number of voltage sensors used compared with the
Method 1 2 3 Proposed
other three methods.
No. 1 p× s 2
(p-1)×(s-1) 3
p×(s-2) Proposed

No. p× s3 Number of(p-1)×(s-1)

Table voltage sensors usedp×(s-2) p×(s-1)/2
by different methods
Method 1
Table 3 Number of voltage2sensors used by different 3methods Proposed
(iii) Mathematical model of proposed sensor placement strategy
No. p× s (p-1)×(s-1) p×(s-2) p×(s-1)/2
The variable is defined as the healthy state of the PV module sitting at the i-th string and j-th module (denoted by (i, j)) in the p×s
(iii) Mathematical model of proposed sensor placement strategy
array. Table
If this 3. Number
module of voltage
is healthy, then asensors
ij used by different
=1, otherwise methods
aij =0. The terminal voltage of the (i, j) module is denoted by , and the reading of a
The variable is defined as the healthy state of the PV module sitting at the i-th string and j-th module (denoted by (i, j)) in the p×s
voltage sensor connecting the (i, j) module and another module sitting at the (r, k) position is denoted by Ri,j,r,k . Without loss of generality,
5.2.3. Mathematical
array. If this module is healthy, then model
aij =1,of proposed
otherwise aij sensor placement
=0. The strategy
terminal voltage of the (i, j) module is denoted by , and the reading of a
consider the case that each string has at least one healthy module. According to the voltage division law and the fact that the number of healthy
voltage sensor
modulesconnecting the (i,
in the i-th string j) module and another module
equalizes sitting
, the terminal at the
voltage uij (r, k) position
of the is denoted
(i, j) module is equalby
to R fraction of . U
a i,j,r,k Without loss
andof generality,
The variable aij is defined as the healthy state of the PV module sitting at the i-th string and j-

consider fraction
the caseis 0that
if aijeach
=0 string has
, and at least one healthy module.
is 1/( if aij=1 According
That is, to the voltage division law and the fact that the number of healthy
th module (denoted by (i, j)).in the p×s. array. If this module is healthy, then aij .=1, otherwise
modules in the i-th string equalizes , the terminal voltage uij of the (i, j) module is equal to a fraction of Uarray (31) and this

fraction is 0 if that
Note aij=0the total ,output
and is voltage
1/( if a(i,ij=1
of the modules (i, 1), 2),..., and (i,That
j) is is,
the sum of the terminal voltage of each of these j modules (i.e.,

). Similarly the total output voltage of the modules (r, 1), (r, 2),..., and (r, k) equalizes . Therefore, the voltage
reading of connecting the (i, j) module and the (r, k) module is calculated as:
Note that the total output voltage of the modules (i, 1), (i, 2),..., and (i, j) is the sum of the terminal voltage of each of these j modules (i.e.,

). Similarly the total output voltage of the modules (r, 1), (r, 2),..., and (r, k) equalizes . Therefore, the voltage
reading of connecting the (i, j) module and the (r, k) module is calculated as:
Theoretical Analysis and Implementation of Photovoltaic Fault Diagnosis 121

aij.=0. The terminal voltage of the (i, j) module is denoted by uij , and the reading of a voltage
sensor connecting the (i, j) module and another module sitting at the (r, k) position is denoted
by Ri,j,r,k.. Without loss of generality, consider the case that each string has at least one healthy
module. According to the voltage division law and the fact that the number of healthy modules
in the i-th string equalizes ai1 + ai2 + … + ais , the terminal voltage uij of the (i, j) module is equal
to a fraction of U array and this fraction is 0 if aij = 0., and is 1/ (ai1 + ai2 + … + ais ) if aij=1 That is,

aijU array
uij = (31)
ai 1 + ai 2 + × × × + ais

Note that the total output voltage of the modules (i, 1), (i, 2),..., and (i, j) is the sum of the
terminal voltage of each of these j modules (i.e.,). Similarly the total output voltage of the
modules (r, 1), (r, 2),..., and (r, k) equalizes. Therefore, the voltage reading of connecting the (i,
j) module and the (r, k) module is calculated as:

Ri , j ,r , k = (ui 1 + ui 2 + × × × + uij ) - (ur 1 + ur 2 + × × × + urk )

( ai 1 + ai 2 + × × × + aij )Uarray ( ar 1 + ar 2 + × × × + ark )Uarray (32)
= -
ai 1 + ai 2 + × × × + ais ar 1 + ar 2 + × × × + ars

These provide a solution to the unknowns aij When the working point of a PV string moves to
the high-voltage area, the voltage output of the healthy modules increases until reaching the
open-circuit output voltage ; faulted modules in the string will equally divide the remaining
voltage Therefore, the following relations hold for a string including both healthy and
unhealthy modules:

(1 - aij )(Uarray - ( ai 1 + ai 2 + × × × + ais )U oc )

uij = aijU oc +
s - ( ai 1 + ai 2 + × × × + ais )
( aij s - ( ai 1 + ai 2 + × × × + ais ))U oc (1 - aij )Uarray
= +
s - ( ai 1 + ai 2 + × × × + ais ) s - ( ai 1 + ai 2 + × × × + ais )

Ri , j ,r , k = (ui 1 + ui 2 + × × × + uij ) - (ur 1 + ur 2 + × × × + urk )

j s j
( så ail - j å ail )U oc ( j - å ail )Uarray
l =1 l =1 l =1
= s
+ s
s - å ail åa
l =1 l =1
k s k
( så arl - k å arl )U oc ( k - å akl )Uarray
l =1 l =1 l =1
- s
- s
s - å arl åa rl
l =1 l =1

122 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

The reading at the high-voltage status provides extra equations to solve the fault status variable
That is, the system of Eqs (33) and (34) can be applied to determine the fault status variable.

It is observed that the placement of voltage sensors has two features. First, it is noted that the
fault diagnosis problem is always solvable by placing voltage sensors only. This is because
that if each PV module is installed with a voltage sensor, a PV fault can be detected from the
terminal. Second, if there are always some methods to find the optimal sensor placement for
any 2×s and 3×s PV arrays with the least number of sensors (s − 1) and 3 × (s − 1) / 2, respectively,
these methods do not need the existence of any healthy strings. Then, there is a way to design
the optimal sensor placement for any general p×s array with p × (s − 1) / 2.sensors. The reason is
explained as follows. When p is an even number, the p×s array can be divided into 2 blocks of
2×s arrays. For each block of the 2×s array, it needs to apply the existing optimal sensor
placement method to achieve the optimal 2 × s sensors. If p is odd, the p×s. array consists of
one 3×s array and blocks of 2×s.arrays. It needs to apply the existing sensor placement method
p −3
for these small blocks where the number of sensors is equal to 3 × (s - 1) / 2 + 2 (s − 1).. By
considering both even and odd cases, it can be found that:

ëé 3 ´ ( s-1)/2 ûù + 2
( s - 1) = ëé p ´ ( s-1)/2 ûù (35)

Therefore, the optimal number of sensors can be obtained.

5.2.4. Locating the faulted PV module in uniform faulty PV modules

By the reading of current sensor in high-output voltage area, the unhealthy string can be
located. After locating the unhealthy string, the next step is to find the faulty PV module. In
the low-voltage fault diagnosis area, the faulty modules are shorted; the corresponding fault
diagnosis eigenvalue of the mono-string faulty module is presented in Table 4, where the fully
faulty module indicates that all cell-units in the module are faulty. No. 7 is the extreme case
that all the modules in this string are faulty. Even though the PV array works in the low-voltage
area, the modules are open-circuited when all modules are faulty. Table 5 shows the multi-
string characteristic values, from which the faulty module can be identified easily.

PV31–PV33 Va Vb Vc
100 Varray/3 2 V array/3 Varray/6
10 Varray/3 Varray/6 Varray/6
1 Varray/3 Varray/6 2 V array/3
110 Varray/3 2V array/3 - V array/3
11 Varray/3 - V array/3 2 V array/3
101 Varray/3 2 V array/3 2 V array/3
111 Varray/3 2 Varray/3-Voc 2Voc – Varray/3
0 Varray/3 Varray /3 Varray/3

Table 4. Characteristic values for the mono-string fully faulted modules (0: healthy, 1: faulty)

Theoretical Analysis and Implementation of Photovoltaic Fault Diagnosis 123

PV11–PV13/PV21–PV23 Va Vb Vc
100/100 Varray/2 Varray/6 2V array/3
010/100 Varray/2 Varray/6 Varray/6
001/100 Varray Varray/6 Varray/6
100/010 Varray/6 Varray/6 2V array/3
010/010 Varray/6 Varray/6 Varray/6
001/010 Varray/2 Varray/6 Varray/6
100/001 0 2 V array/3 2V array/3
010/001 0 2 V array/3 Varray/6

Table 5. Characteristic values for multi-string fully faulted PV modules

5.2.5. Locating faulty PV module in uniform faulty PV module

Both Tables 4 and 5 deal with the fully faulted module where all cell-units are faulted while a
partially faulted module widely occurs where some cell-units are faulted. Usually, partial
shadow is also accrued in one PV module. Due to the cell-unit structure of PV modules, even
when only one cell is faulty (0 W/m2), the whole cell-unit output power will decrease dramat‐
ically. Fig. 15(a) presents experimental results of the faulty cell-unit that is composed of 24 PV
cells with only one faulty PV cell. The faulty cell-unit maximum output power is 4.75 W while
that of healthy cell-unit is 48 W, making a loss of 90 %. From Fig. 15, we conclude that PV cell-
unit cannot work when a cell fault occurs.


Icells /A


0 2 4 6 8 10

(a) PV cell-unit output under fault conditions

(b) Partial shadow

Fig. 15. PV string under partial shadow conditions.

Figure 15. PV string under partial shadow conditions.

Therefore, PV string fault diagnosis can be achieved by measuring the PV module voltage, which changes with the string working point. When the

string works in the high-current output area, the faulty PV module can be located because its output voltage is zero (unified shading) or lower than

the healthy module (partial shading). Table 6 gives the typical eigenvalue under nonuniform PV module faulty condition.

PV11–PV13 Va Vb Vc Comparison

100 Varray/6<Va<Varray/3 Varray/3 Varray/3<Vc<2Varray/3 —

10 Varray/6<Va<Varray/3 Varray/3 Varray/6<Vc<Varray/3 —

1 www.EngineeringBooksPDF.com
V /3 V /6<V <V /3 — array array c array
124 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Therefore, when a PV module endures partial shadowing, its terminal output voltage is lower
than the healthy module and higher than zero. In Fig. 15(b), PV module No. 1 loses one of the
n −1
cell-unit, the PV module output voltage is reduced to n of the healthy module output

Therefore, PV string fault diagnosis can be achieved by measuring the PV module voltage,
which changes with the string working point. When the string works in the high-current output
area, the faulty PV module can be located because its output voltage is zero (unified shading)
or lower than the healthy module (partial shading). Table 6 gives the typical eigenvalue under
nonuniform PV module faulty condition.

PV11–PV13 Va Vb Vc Comparison

100 Varray/6<Va<Varray/3 Varray/3 Varray/3<Vc<2Varray/3 —

10 Varray/6<Va<Varray/3 Varray/3 Varray/6<Vc<Varray/3 —

1 Varray/3<Va<2Varray/3 Varray/3 Varray/6<Vc<Varray/3 —

110 Va<Varray/3 Varray/3 Varray/3<Vc<2Varray/3 2V a<V c<V array

11 Varray/3<Va<2Varray/3 Varray/3 Vc<Varray/3 Va<2Vc<Varray

101 Va<Varray/3 Varray/3 Varray/3<Vc<2Varray/3 Va<2Vc"/>Varray

Table 6. Characteristic values for the mono-string partially faulted modules

6. Experimental verification

A 3×3 PV array is built to verify the proposed fault diagnosis technique. The PV modules are
the same as used for simulation, and the environment illumination is recorded by TS1333R.

6.1. Sensor-based PV fault diagnosis

In this experiment, typical fault scenarios are studied and the sensor readings are compared
with eigenvalue in the high-voltage and low-voltage fault diagnosis areas to check the
effectiveness of the proposed fault diagnosis technique.

Fig. 16 shows the mono-string, mono-module fault diagnosis. In the fault scenario 1 (see Fig.
16(a)), the illumination is 550 W/m2 and temperature is 15℃. The P33 PV module is cast by
shadow manually to emulate a fault. Fig. 16(b) shows the current–voltage output characteris‐
tics of faulty PV array. Due to the fault on module P33, string 3 cannot generate electricity in
the output voltage range 82–120 V. Fig. 16(c) presents the sensor output curves. In the low-
voltage area (10–70V), the sensor is Va and the output voltage is Varray/3. This is a normal output
voltage and the corresponding strings are healthy. That is, strings 1 and 2 connected by this
sensor are healthy, which coincides with fault scenario 1 in Fig. 16(a). Fig. 16(e) illustrates the
high-voltage and low-voltage fault diagnosis areas. In the low-voltage area, the reference

Theoretical Analysis and Implementation of Photovoltaic Fault Diagnosis 125

eigenvalue is Varray/6; and in the high-voltage diagnosis area, the reference eigenvalue is 2Varray/
3-Voc. The fact that the sensor Vb output is close to the reference value also verifies the proposed
diagnosis method. The reference eigenvalue of Vc is 2Varray/3; and the corresponding Vc sensor
output also agrees with the reference eigenvalues. There is a slight deviation between Va, Vb,
and Vc and their reference values. This is caused by the diode voltage drop and the minor
product irregularity between PV modules. From the sensor output results and information in
Table 5, the fault type is classified as “001.” The faulty module is P33 that also agrees with fault
scenario 1 (Fig. 16(a)).

PV11 PV12 PV13
PV21 PV22 PV23
S3 Is3

PV31 PV32 PV33

(a) Fault scenario

120 Va
Va/ Vb/ Vc/ Varray/V



2 4 6 8
(b) Voltage sensor

8 Is1
Is1/ Is2/ Is3/ Iarray/A

6 Iarray

60 80 100 120
(c) Current sensor

Fig. 16. Mono-string mono-module fault diagnosis.

Figure 16. Mono-string mono-module fault diagnosis.

Fig. 17 shows the multi-string mono-module fault diagnosis. In fault scenario 2, the illumination is 580 W/m2 with the temperature of 25℃. The P11

module in string 1 and P33 module in string 3 are cast by shadow manually to simulate faulty conditions. Fig. 17(b) presents the current–voltage

output characteristics of the faulty PV array. Due to a fault that occurred in modules P11 and P33, strings 1 and 3 cannot generate electricity over

the output voltage range 82–120 V. In the low-voltage area, the sensors a and b have the same output (Va=Vb=Varray/6), as illustrated in Fig. 17(c). The

voltage sensors a and b also satisfy the rule for locating healthy strings. Therefore, string 2 is diagnosed as being healthy, which coincides with the

fault scenario in Fig. 17(a). Fig. 17(d) shows fault diagnosis progress. The faulty modules identified are P11 and P33.
126 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Fig. 17 shows the multi-string mono-module fault diagnosis. In fault scenario 2, the illumina‐
tion is 580 W/m2 with the temperature of 25℃. The P11 module in string 1 and P33 module in
string 3 are cast by shadow manually to simulate faulty conditions. Fig. 17(b) presents the
current–voltage output characteristics of the faulty PV array. Due to a fault that occurred in
modules P11 and P33, strings 1 and 3 cannot generate electricity over the output voltage range
82–120 V. In the low-voltage area, the sensors a and b have the same output (Va=Vb=Varray/6), as
illustrated in Fig. 17(c). The voltage sensors a and b also satisfy the rule for locating healthy
strings. Therefore, string 2 is diagnosed as being healthy, which coincides with the fault
scenario in Fig. 17(a). Fig. 17(d) shows fault diagnosis progress. The faulty modules identified
are P11 and P33.

120 Va

Va/ Vb/ Vc/ Varray/V



1 3 5 7
(a) Fault scenario (b) Voltage sensor

0~3 A (Current diagnosis 3~8.3 A (Voltage diagnosis

Is1 86~120 V area) 0~86 V area)
8 Is2
Is1=0 Uarray
Is3 S1 Fault Point
Is1/ Is2/ Is3/ Iarray/A

4 2/3Uarray 1/3Uarray
Is2=Iarray S2
Is3=0 Ub<1/6Uarray Uc≈Uarray
60 80 100 120
0 Fault

(c) Current sensor (d) Diagnosis process

Figure 17. Multibranches mono-module fault diagnosis.

In fault scenario 3 of Fig. 18(a), the illumination is 610 W/m2 and the temperature is 30℃. P32
and P33 in string 3 are cast by partial shadow and full shadow, respectively. Fig. 18(b)
demonstrates their output characteristics. String 3 can only generate electricity over the voltage
range of 0–60 V. As presented in Fig. 18(a), Va=Varray/3 in the whole output voltage range,
indicating that strings 1 and 2 are both healthy. In the low-voltage area, Vc matches the
reference value 2Varray/3, verifying that P33 is faulty. In the high-voltage area, Vc=2Voc-Varray/3.
Therefore, either P31 or P32 is faulty. Fig. 18(d) presents the fault diagnosis progress.

Theoretical Analysis and Implementation of Photovoltaic Fault Diagnosis 127

120 Va
80 Varray

Va/ Vb/ Vc/ Varray/V


1 3 5 7
(a) Fault scenario (b) Voltage sensor

0~6.4 A (Current diagnosis 6.4~10 A (Voltage diagnosis

57~120 V area) 0~57 V area)
10 Is1
2/3Varray 1/3Varray
Is2 Is1=1/2Iarray
8 Iarray Va<1/3Varray
Is1/ Is2/ Is3/ Iarray/A

6 Is2=1/2Iarray 2/3Varray 1/3Varray
Vb<−1/3Varray Vc=2/3Varray
Is3=0 S3
2 V V

0 0 0
60 80 100 120 Faulty string
(c) Current sensor (d) Diagnosis process

Figure 18. Mono-branch multi-module fault diagnosis.

6.2. Thermal camera-based PV fault diagnosis

Another fault diagnosis method is based on thermal images captured by thermal cameras, as
shown in Fig. 19. The camera specifications are given in Table 7. Photovoltaic modules convert
part of incident solar energy into electrical energy for commercial applications, with the rest
being transferred to heat energy. The modeling of PV modules plays an important role in the
fault diagnosis of a PV array. The objective of this section is to develop a parameter-based
model of a PV module to interpret the thermal image.

In order to validate the proposed model, a scaled experimental setup was constructed as shown
in Fig. 20(a). The mini-PV module used in the experiment and its respective datasheet are
shown in Table 8. The type of the solar power meter used was TM-207.

Experimental tests are conducted at different load conditions, including MPP load, heavy load,
light load, and partial-shading conditions. The MPP load (35 Ω) module was used to simulate
the module in a healthy string working at MPP, and the 50 Ω load was used to simulate the
module in fault string working at non-MPP. The sun illumination was measured at 560 W/m²

Another fault diagnosis method is based on thermal images captured by thermal cameras, as shown in Fig. 19. The camera specifications are given

in Table 7. Photovoltaic modules convert part of incident solar energy into electrical energy for commercial applications, with the rest being

transferred to heat
128 energy. The
Renewable modeling
Energy of PVand
- Utilisation modules
Systemplays an important role in the fault diagnosis of a PV array. The objective of this section is
to develop a parameter-based model of a PV module to interpret the thermal image.

Figure 19. Schematic diagram of fault detection in PV systems.

Fig. 19. Schematic diagram of fault detection in PV systems.

Parameter Value

Company FLIR

TypeParameter Value FLIR i7

IR resolution
Company FLIR 140×140 pixels

Thermal sensitivity/noise equivalent temperature difference

Type FLIR i7
IR resolution 140×140 pixels
Minimum focus distance 0.6 m
Thermal sensitivity/noise equivalent
Spatial resolution temperature
(instantaneous field of view
difference (IFOV)
(NETD) 3.7 mrad

Image frequency
Minimum focus distance 0.6 m 9 Hz

resolution (instantaneous Focus free
3.7 mrad
field of view (IFOV)
Table 7. Specifications of thermal camera
Image frequency 9 Hz
using the TM-207, and the voltage Focusof MPP load and 50 ΩFocus werefree
3.96 V and 4.37 V, respectively.
The experiments were carried out Table 7 Specifications of thermal cameraless than 5 m/s. Fig. 20(b) is the
at wind-speed conditions of
thermography image obtained from thermal camera. Fig. 20(c) presents the Matlab processing
results. The thermography produces colors by combining green, red, and blue light in varying
In order to validate the proposed model, a scaled experimental setup was constructed as shown in Fig. 20(a). The mini-PV module used in the
intensities. The relationship between the constituent amounts of red, green, and blue (RGB)
and the resulting color is not sensitivity. HSV method that stands for hue, saturation, and value,
experiment and its respective datasheet are shown in Table 8. The type of the solar power meter used was TM-207.

Experimental tests is the common
are conducted cylindrical-coordinate
at different load conditions, including representation of points
MPP load, heavy load, in an
light load, andRGB color model,
partial-shading conditions. The MPP

is introduced
load (35 Ω) module was used to to process
simulate the thermography.
the module Byworking
in a healthy string processing theand
at MPP, image,
the 50 the temperature
Ω load was used to differ‐
simulate the module in
fault string working be clearly
non-MPP. The sunshown as illustrated
illumination in Fig.
was measured 20(c).
at 560 W/m²Fig. 20(c)
using theisTM-207,
the processing picture
and the voltage of Fig.
of MPP load and 50 Ω were
3.96 V and 4.37 V, respectively. The experiments were carried out at wind-speed conditions of less than 5 m/s. Fig. 20(b) is the thermography image

obtained from thermal camera. Fig. 20(c) presents the Matlab processing results. The thermography produces colors by combining green, red, and

blue light in varying intensities. The relationship between the constituent amounts of red, green, and blue (RGB) and the resulting color is not


Theoretical Analysis and Implementation of Photovoltaic Fault Diagnosis 129

(a) Experimental setup

(b) Thermography





150 100


Mivim.gel.ulaval.ca - v1.7.5
50 100 150 200

(c) Pretreatment of the thermography

Fig. 20. Thermographical results at different load conditions.

Figure 20. Thermographical results at different load conditions.

. Conclusion

This chapter has reviewed the fault mechanisms and model-based diagnosis techniques for PV systems. It can be concluded that: (i) the PV module
130 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Parameters Value

Open voltage/V 4.8

Short current/A 0.23

MPP current/A 0.21

MPP voltage/V 3.85

Current temperature coefficient/℃ 0.06%/K

Voltage temperature coefficient/℃ –0.36%/K

Power temperature coefficient /℃ –0.45%/K

Maximum power /W 0.8

Table 8. PV Module Parameter

7. Conclusion

This chapter has reviewed the fault mechanisms and model-based diagnosis techniques for
PV systems. It can be concluded that: (i) the PV module electrical model and energy balance
are coupled to establish a parameter-based model, (ii) the key parameters (S, Upv, and Ta) of
the PV model are calculated from two working points of the PV module and corresponding
temperature, and (iii) fault diagnosis is realized by model-based methods. Notwithstanding
the fact that a parameter-based model has been established and validated, other factors, such
as wind and dust, which are not considered in this chapter, may contribute to the PV fault in
reality. The vortex and dust distribution caused by wind can introduce non-uniform temper‐
ature distribution in the thermography. It is challenging to accurately estimate the temperature
of PV modules. The pattern and features of historic information will be useful to for nonuni‐
form illustration of PV systems.

Author details

Yihua Hu1 and Wenping Cao2*

*Address all correspondence to: w.p.cao@aston.ac.uk

1 University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK

2 Aston University, Birmingham, UK

Theoretical Analysis and Implementation of Photovoltaic Fault Diagnosis 131


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Chapter 6

Genset Optimization for Biomass Syngas Operation

Horizon Walker Gitano-Briggs and Koay Loke Kean

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter



Although biomass is underrepresented in current methods for power generation, it

has great potential to help meet the growing need for clean energy. This chapter details
the modification of a gasoline-powered two-stroke genset for operation on syngas
from a woodchip-powered gasifier. Generator and engine modifications along with
a flexible air/fuel control system are described. Results from genset operation indicate
a sustainable power output of 360 W with a biomass consumption rate of approxi‐
mately 6 kg/hour. Optimum power production was achieved at an air/fuel ratio close
to 1. After several hours of operation the engine was disassembled and inspected,
revealing significant deposits on the piston and crank case parts, indicating that the
engine would require weekly maintenance under such operating conditions.

Keywords: Biomass, Renewable, Gasifier, Syngas, Genset

1. Introduction

Today biomass is a neglected source of renewable energy, as most current efforts focus instead
on sources such as wind, hydro, solar and even wave power. However, before the widespread
use of fossil fuels (notably coal during the industrial revolution), biomass was the primary
form of non-animal power for centuries. Burning biomass cooked food, heated dwellings in
cold climates, and was involved in the transition out of the Stone Age as humans began
smelting metals. Since the discovery of easily exploitable, apparently abundant fossil fuels, the
relative importance of biomass has steadily fallen. Additionally with the increasing pressure
of an exponentially growing human population, otherwise renewable power sources have
often became non-renewable through over-exploitation. Consider that the hills around
Katmandu Nepal have been completely deforested by the search for firewood. This reminder

138 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

emphasizes that biomass is not necessarily sustainable, and therefore can be considered non-
renewable, depending on how it is exploited.

Currently, most consumed energy originates from the combustion of fossil fuels, such as
petroleum, coal, and natural gas [1]. These fossil fuels formed over a period of millions of years
within the Earth, and once the reserves of fossil fuels are depleted, civilization is likely to be
literally out in the cold. Scientists estimate that the reserve of fossil fuels will be depleted within
the next 50-120 years. Fortunately there are other viable fuel sources that can replace fossil
fuels [2].

Accordingly, the use of renewable resources for energy production is becoming a strategic
focus of many governmental institutions worldwide. Efforts are being made to increase the
portion of renewable energies within many national energy supply structures [3]. A large
number of renewable resources, including solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal, and biomass,
are being examined for suitability as sources of energy for electrical power generation [4].
These energy sources are called “renewable” because it is assumed that they will be available
as long as the planet remains habitable. Renewable energy offers the advantages that, in many
cases, it can be produced locally and on a relatively small scale. These aspects provide a feasible
solution for countries that do not have sufficient fossil fuel resources.

In most developed countries, the economy depends heavily on fossil fuels. For instance, the
majority of road vehicles are powered by gasoline and diesel and most power plants use coal
or other fossil fuels to produce electricity. Changing these systems can be expensive and time-
consuming. Thus, recent research into renewable power has focused on developing new fuels
for transportation and electricity supply [5].

One of the most promising renewable energy sources for electric power production is biomass,
which is arguably the most important source of renewable energy today. If used correctly,
biomass can supply power while maintaining environmental compatibility [3]. In fact,
innumerable biomass waist products that could form the basis of a clean power generation
system are currently causing disposal problems.

Biomass is defined as organic material that originates from plants and includes algae, trees
and crops. Biomass is produced when green plants convert sunlight into chemical energy
through photosynthesis. Thus, biomass can be considered as organic matter that stores the
energy of sunlight in chemical bonds. Generally, biomass is categorized into four groups:
woody plants, herbaceous plants and grasses, aquatic plants and manures [1].

One main thrust of biomass research is focused on developing liquid fuels or “biofuels” for
transportation, including ethanol, biodiesel, and blended gasoline [6]. Ethanol is widely used
as a biofuel in many countries, either as ethanol alone or blended with petroleum-based
gasoline [7]. Aside from the use of biomass as fuel for transportation, many studies have been
conducted on the use of biomass for electricity generation. These studies indicate that biomass
gasification and subsequent combustion of the so-called “producer gas” or “synthetic gas”
shows great promise for delivering a significant amount of today’s electrical power require‐
ments [5, 8, 9].

Genset Optimization for Biomass Syngas Operation 139

In remote areas where grid electrical power does not exist, conventional fuels may also be
scarce. Without a local source of electrical power, satellite communications, although available
even in extremely remote locations, cannot be used. To address this issue, a “hybrid” photo‐
voltaic and biomass genset power system was developed. The genset was powered with the
combustible products of anaerobic gasification of biomass, or “syngas”. This chapter describes
the optimization of a small gasoline-powered genset for the production of electrical power
using gasified woodchips. The genset was specified to be a two-stroke gasoline unit for ease
of field servicing. This chapter details the conversion of the genset to syngas operation,
optimization of the genset, development of a flexible air-fuel control system and performance
measurements of the genset in syngas operation.
The desired specification was for a 2 kWh/day electrical output, ideally from a system
operating less than 8 hours per day, 4 days per week, serving as backup power to a photovoltaic
power system during extended periods of heavy clouding. As the largest readily available
two-stroke genset is a 65 cc, 650 W unit (Yamaha EF950), it was agreed to use this as the base
engine in this study.

2. Syngas

When organic material is heated with a limited air flow, it breaks down into simpler chemicals
in the form of a hot gaseous exhaust. In a gasifier, organic material is burned with a restricted
air flow to prevent complete combustion of the material, resulting in the production of a
combustible mixture of gases known as “producer gas,” “synthetic gas” or, in the case of
woody biomass, “wood gas.” Whereas individual components of the gas may vary based on
the gasifier design, operating conditions and biomass, the primary energy carriers in the gas
are generally carbon monoxide (CO), hydrogen (H2) and methane (CH4) [10]. As some air enters
the system, allowing a small amount of combustion, the syngas also contains appreciable
amounts of nitrogen (N2), carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). Because these gases do not
contribute to combustion, they act to dilute the fuel, reducing its heating value.
The gasifier used in this work was a small down-draft unit developed by the University Science
Malaysia. This gasifier, shown schematically in Figure 1, is designed to burn wood pellets and
delivers approximately 5 kW of combustible gas for direct combustion as well as for use in
engines. Wood pellets are loaded into the gasifier from the top every 20-25 minutes of
The ash settling tanks perform two tasks: cooling the gas and allowing any solid matter present
to settle out. The condenser is responsible for condensing and removing water and the oil bath
is used to clean the gas before introduction into an engine. The starting pump is used to
establish air flow through the gasifier during starting. Once the gas begins flowing, it is burned
at the flare column. When a flame can be sustained, it is then directed into the engine, and the
starting pump is switched off.
A typical analysis of the resulting syngas is given in Table 1. The gas from this system generally
produces a heating value of 4.5 MJ/kg.

140 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Figure 1. USM’s 5 kW down-draft wood pellet gasifier system.

Component Mole %

N2 45

CO 20

CO2 15

H2 14

CH4 4.0

O2 0.2

Table 1. Syngas components [11]

3. Syngas combustion chemistry

The following chemical equation describes the stoichiometric combustion of the syngas in air
[11, 12]:

0.45 N2 + 0.20 CO + 0.15 CO2 + 0.14 H2 + 0.04 CH4 + 0.002 O2 + a (O2 + 3.76 N2) = x CO2 + y H2O
+ z N2

Carbon balance provides us with the following: 0.2 + 0.15 + 0.04 = x or x = 0.39. Hydrogen
balance results in 2(0.14) + 4(0.04) = 2y or y = 0.22. Oxygen balance then gives 0.20 + 2(0.15) +
2(0.002) + 2a = 2x + y or a = 0.248. Thus, for stoichiometric combustion we have the fuel mass

Mf = 0.45(28) + 0.20(28) + 0.15(44) + 0.14(2) + 0.04(16) + 0.002(32) = 25.8 gm

and an air mass of

Ma = 0.25(32+ 3.76(28)) = 34.32 gm

Genset Optimization for Biomass Syngas Operation 141

Together, these yield an air/fuel mass ratio of 34.32/25.8 = 1.33. In terms of moles (i.e., volume,
assuming the two flows are at the same temperature), the air/fuel ratio is 0.248(4.76) /
(0.45+0.2+0.15+0.14+0.04+0.002) or about 1.2 times as much as air consumed per unit fuel by
volume. This result has two important ramifications for the conversion of the engine to syngas
operation. First, the fuel induction system will have to be capable of delivering a large amount
of fuel, commensurate with the air flow. For this reason the fueling control system will consist
of two identical throttle valves, one for air and the other for fuel. Secondly, as the air intake is
reduced to about half the normal flow (compared to gasoline operation), the power will also
be reduced to about half of the gasoline rated power.

4. Engine modifications

The Yamaha 950 two-stroke, 240 VAC, 50 Hz, 3000 rpm, 650 W generator is shown in Figure
2. It was operated on gasoline to achieve the baseline fuel consumption of 682 g/hour and
power production of 640 W, which is very similar to its rated power. Electric power–specific
fuel consumption of the gasoline base model was 1066 gm/kWh, which is a rather high fuel
consumption value typical of small crankcase scavenged two-stroke engines.

Figure 2. The Yamaha 950, 650 W genset, assembled by Kaba.

As the generator is an induction machine, a capacitor is placed in parallel with the AC output.
This is necessary to cause the generator to self induce. In addition, the nominal value of the
capacitor, 15 µF, is well matched to operation at 3000 rpm. As producer gas burns relatively
slowly compared to gasoline, it was anticipated that the generator would be used at lower
speeds. Lower speeds require a higher capacitance value for optimum output. Tests showed
that increasing the generator’s parallel capacitor from 15 µF to 35 µF (adding a 20 µF, 400 V
capacitor in parallel), as shown in Figure 3, greatly improved the power production at lower

142 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Stock Additional
Cap Cap

Generator AC
Stator 15uF 20uF Output

Figure 3. Output capacitance was increased from 15 to 35 µF.

The flame speed of syngas is significantly lower than gasoline. Thus, the spark timing was
advanced by approximately 13° to improve power and efficiency when operating on syngas.
This was accomplished by moving the flywheel/magneto keyway in such a way that the magneto
(responsible for triggering the spark event) was advanced by 13° as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Flywheel with mark indicating new keyway providing spark advance.

As mentioned above, the air and fuel flows are similar in terms of volume. Thus, to control air
and fuel flows, an air/fuel control system was created using two identical servo throttles: one
each for air and fuel. To simplify operation, an electronic controller was developed to provide
two main control functions: the overall throttle as well as a separate air-fuel ratio (AFR) control.
When the throttle control is opened, both the air and fuel throttle are opened proportionally.
As the AFR control is adjusted, the air and fuel throttles are actuated in opposition; i.e., as the
AFR is increased, the air valve is opened slightly and the fuel valve is closed by a similar
amount. Reducing the AFR control opens the fuel valve and closes the air valve by a similar
amount. This mechanism provides independent control over the throttle and AFR. The servo
motors are pulse width modulated units, where position (and thus throttle opening) is
proportional to the width of the pulse provided to the motor. Various throttle and AFR signals
are shown in Figure 5.

Genset Optimization for Biomass Syngas Operation 143

Low Throttle (Low Fuel & Air) Wide Open (High Fuel and Air)
Figure 5. Fuel servo signal (blue, top) and air signal (yellow, bottom) at various throttle and

AFR settings.

Rich (High Fuel, Low Air) Lean (Low Fuel, High Air)
The digital display of the controller shows various operational parameters, including engine

speed, temperature, throttle and AFR settings. The servomotor and digital display are shown in

Figure 6. The servo motor is located below the throttle valve, and the pipe exiting to the right
Figure 5. Fuel servo signal (blue, top) and air signal (yellow, bottom) at various throttle and AFR settings.
connects to the fuel throttle and fuel supply. Air and fuel are poorly mixed in the “T” junction,
The digital display of the controller shows various operational parameters, including engine
speed,complete mixing
temperature, occurs
throttle andas
gases pass
The through theand
servomotor crank casedisplay
digital of the are
engine before
in Figure 6. The servo motor is located below the throttle valve, and the pipe exiting to the
connects into
to thethe combustion
fuel throttle andchamber of the
fuel supply. Air two-stroke
and fuel areengine. This provides
poorly mixed in the “T”good
junction, however, complete mixing occurs as the gases pass through the crank case of the
mixing of the
engine air–fuel
before beingmixture.
transferred into the combustion chamber of the two-stroke engine. This
provides good mixing of the air–fuel mixture.

Figure 6. Digital display (left) and air servo valve (right).

Figure 6. Digital display (left) and air servo valve (right).

5. Bottled syngas operation

Initial measurements were made using a bottled syngas, shown in Figure 7, consisting of 80%
N2 and 20% H2. This allowed tuning and testing of the engine and instrumentation before the
Bottled Syngas
runs using Operation
biomass-produced syngas. Fuel flow was measured via an instrumentation-
grade “rotameter”. Finally, as the engine is a two-stroke operating on gaseous fuel, provision
Initial measurements were made using a bottled syngas, shown in Figure 7, consisting of 80%

N2 and 20% H2. This allowed tuning and testing of the engine and instrumentation before the

eservoir and electrical solenoid pump operated by the AFR controller. This allo

enient 144
adjustment of the two-stroke oil flow rate.
Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

for two-stroke oil had to be provided. This was accomplished via the addition of a two-stroke
oil reservoir and electrical solenoid pump operated by the AFR controller. This allowed
convenient adjustment of the two-stroke oil flow rate.

Figure 7. Bottled syngas (left) and fuel flow rotameter (right).

It was necessary to establish a starting procedure when using the bottled syngas for consistent
starting. Fuel7. Bottled
pressure was syngas
regulated (left)
down toand
nearfuel flow rotameter
atmospheric (right).
pressure. However, in this
configuration fuel flows even without engine operation, flooding the intake manifold. The
throttle was set to approximately 10%, and the air fuel ratio was adjusted slightly lean to
encourage air flow. Once the engine was started, the throttle could be opened and the air/fuel
ratio adjusted for best operation. The genset running on bottled syngas with 13° spark advance
and modified generator was able to exceed 3000 rpm and 300 V without an electrical load.
Power production was evaluated with various loads and air/fuel ratios. The genset achieved
a maximum electrical power output of 160 W (130 V at 1.15 A) with a fuel conversion efficiency
as necessary to establish
of about 12.4%. a starting procedure when using the bottled syngas for consi
The power is significantly lower than the original gasoline configuration (which achieved 640
ng. Fuel pressure
W), was
but the fuel regulated
conversion down
efficiency to asnear
is better, atmospheric
the gasoline pressure.
engine achieved However,
only 8%. The in
improvement in efficiency is likely a result of the “lean” combustion, as we have approximately
40% more dilution with additional N2 when running the bottled syngas [13].
iguration fuel flows even without engine operation, flooding the intake manifold.
Low power production is common on syngas engines as approximately half of the incoming
charge is fuel, reducing the available oxygen intake by about 50% [14]. Additionally, syngas
tle was settends
to toapproximately
burn very slowly, as 10%, and the CO
it is predominantly airwithfuel ratioN2was
abundant adjusted
dilution. This resultsslightly lea
in a power de-rating of approximately 75% when run on syngas converted gasoline engines.
Thus, the low power produced when running on the bottled syngas (160 W) was expected with
urage air flow. Once the engine was started, the throttle could be opened and the
the original gasoline production of 650 W.

adjusted for best operation. The genset running on bottled syngas with 13° spark adv

Genset Optimization for Biomass Syngas Operation 145

6. Biomass syngas testing

Having verified the genset’s functionality on bottled syngas, the engine was tested using
syngas at the University Science Malaysia’s Bio-Energy Laboratory. The gasifier is rated at
approximately 5 kW (gas out) when burning wood pellets. Typically 4 kg is loaded at a time,
and reloading occurs at 20 to 25 minute intervals (Figure 8). The main gasifier, measuring
approximately 50 cm in diameter with a 125 cm height, feeds an ash-settling chamber approx‐
imately the size of a 200 liter barrel, a condensation unit measuring 50 cm × 50 cm × 150 cm
tall, another settling barrel, an oil bath filter and a startup blower before being fed to the flare,
sampling stack and the engine.

Down-draft gasifier Reloading wood pellets

Gas production Biomass near end of burn

Figure 8. USM’s 5 kW down-draft wood pellet gasifier.

Figure 8. USM’s 5 kW down-draft wood pellet gasifier.

Gasifier startup requires approximately 15 minutes before the gas can flare (Figure 9). Starting
of the genset was performed on syngas, without gasoline assist. For each configuration tested,
Gasifier startup requires approximately 15 minutes before the gas can flare (Figure 9). Starting
a specific startup procedure was required, and when followed, the genset started quite easily,
generally with a single
of the pull
genset was of theon
performed starter.
syngas, To thegasoline
without surprise ofFor
assist. theeach
USM laboratory
configuration tested,personnel,
a the
engine would startstartup
specific and run on the
procedure wasbiomass syngas
required, and when even when
followed, the flare
the genset startedcould not be sustained
quite easily,
(typically a prerequisite for engine operation). This was attributed to a robust ignition system
and careful air-fuel ratio control. Additionally, the genset was able to run and continuously
produce power during re-fueling of the producer gas system.

and careful air-fuel ratio control. Additionally, the genset was able to run and continuously

produce power during re-fueling of the producer gas system.

146 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Figure 9. Flare (left) and gas sampling for analysis (right).

Many different configurations

Figure of gasifier
9. Flare (left) and operation, engine
gas sampling forsettings and(right).
analysis electrical load were
evaluated. Initially, fuel flow was measured with the rotameter; however, this device quickly
tarred up and became obscured with the deposits. Thus, flow measurements were made
quickly, and the flow meter was subsequently bypassed. The final genset is shown in Figure
10. The electrical load (off camera to the left) consisted of various 1 kW, 62-ohm resistors
Many different configurations of gasifier operation, engine settings and electrical load
configured as required.

evaluated. Initially, fuel flow was measured with the rotameter; however, this device quickly

tarred up and became obscured with the deposits. Thus, flow measurements were made quickly,

and the flow meter was subsequently bypassed. The final genset is shown in Figure 10. The

electrical load (off camera to the left) consisted of various 1 kW, 62-ohm resistors configured as


Figure 10. Modified syngas genset. Two-stroke oil reservoir is at upper left. Controller, fuel meter and electrical loads
are not shown.

Genset Optimization for Biomass Syngas Operation 147

During operation, the output voltage, current and frequency were measured using an Agilent
true RMS digital multimeter. A typical run consisted of selecting an operating configuration,
varying the load and varying or optimizing the engine controls. The engine was operated at
the optimum operating point for extended periods, and the system was shut down briefly
during configuration changes. The ancillary equipment and test environment can be seen in
Figure 11.

Figure 11. AFR and throttle controller are to the left of the engine, as is the digital display. Note that the gas supply
system has relatively large pipes to supply the unpressurized syngas.

7. Biomass syngas operation results and analysis

The first observation made was that the genset started on syngas surprisingly well. Starting
and operational servo valve settings are strongly influenced by the configuration under test
in expected ways: with greater restrictions in the fuel flow path (such as the fuel flow meter),
the fuel valve had to be opened relative to the air valve to admit more fuel. When the startup
blower was in operation, the fuel valve could be closed somewhat with respect to the air valve
due to the higher pressure of the fuel.

During a single biomass load, the quality of the fuel varied from the beginning of the burn to
the end, requiring slight adjustments to the AFR control to maintain optimum power [15]. It
was also noticed that the fuel flow meter caused significant restriction to the fuel flow, which
in turn resulted in a much lower optimized AFR controller setting. Once the fuel flow meter
was removed the best AFR was near 1, as expected based on the chemistry presented earlier.
Similarly, the optimum throttle depended on the specifics of the configuration under test. In
all cases, the power output varied smoothly with changes in throttle and AFR, and the engine
was very easy to control.

Low-power operation was not strongly dependent on the actual electrical load, but was
restricted by the throttle and governor. The governor of the gasoline version controls operation

148 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

to the rated speed of 3000 rpm. This was bypassed for most of the tests to investigate a wide
range of operating speeds and outputs. Electric power output of 120 W was achieved on loads
from 61 to 183 ohms with the fuel flow restricted by the flow meter. Fuel flow rates of 1.5 scfm
(standard cubic foot per minute) were measured for the first 30 minutes before the flow meter
became obscured by internal tarring. As the system was allowed more air and fuel, the power
level rose to approximately 270 W for loads of 120–180 ohms. Further improvements in fuel
flow and bypassing of the genset governor allowed full power operation with a power output
of approximately 430 W on both the 122 and 183 ohm loads.

At these higher powers, the genset was running near the rated speed. Fuel consumption was
estimated at approximately 2 scfm of gas (about 3.2 m3/hour) or about one third of the gasifier’s
rated capacity.

Output Load Current Power Throttle Fuel Flow

V Ohms A We Hz % AFR SCFM Comment
122 122 1.0 122 30 44 0.54 1.1 Choked
86 61 1.4 121 26 62 0.50 1 Choked
150 183 0.8 123 33 72 0.50 1.1 Choked
220 183 1.2 264 41 44 0.50 1.5 With Flow Meter
184 122 1.5 278 38 18 0.50 1.4 With Flow Meter
245 183 1.3 328 45 52 2.08 ~2 No Flow Meter
280 183 1.5 428 48 106 1.92 ~2 Bypass Govenor
220 122 1.8 397 50 72 1.92 ~2 Bypass Govenor
210 122 1.7 361 50 80 1.25 ~2 Average over 1 Hour w/ Reloads
229 122 1.9 430 50 100 1.04 ~2 Fully Optamized

Table 2. Summary of various loads, powers, and settings

From the above data, it can be observed that at very low power settings (choked operation),
the power output is independent of applied load. Opening up the overall flow allows greater
power production, with similar power recorded for the 122 and 183 ohm loads. The initial runs
indicated that the system was not receiving sufficient fuel flow (as evidenced by the low AFR
values). This led to the improvement of the fuel flow path, eventually necessitating the
elimination of the fuel flow rotameter, which was becoming clogged with tar. As the engine
operation approached the rated speed (50 Hz), the governor became the limiting factor. Once
bypassed, the power rose further and approximately 430 W was produced with both the 122
and 183 ohm loads. During testing, steady runs of over 60 minutes were achieved in this
configuration at powers of 360–400 W, even while refueling was taking place.

The gasifier requires a blower to start the gas flow. The gasifier’s capacity is more than twice
the genset’s capacity, so the blower was kept on most of the time to insure good gas flow
through the gasifier, and the extra gas was flared. In one test, the blower was shut down, and
the full gas supply delivered to the genset. It was capable of sustained operation in this
condition. However, over the course of 15 minutes, the gas quality began to degrade due to
the lower flow rate of air entering the gasifier. The blower was placed back in operation and
the whole system returned to steady state within several minutes. This underscores the need
to carefully size the gasifier for the genset and power demand.

Genset Optimization for Biomass Syngas Operation 149

Power output was measured to be a smooth function of throttle, generally achieving maximum
power at 50–100% throttle range. The data in Figure 12 indicates an optimum throttle position
of about 60% with the flow meter in-line at a load of 183 ohms.

Electric Power (W)

300 183 ohm, w /
flow meter
0 20 40 60 80 100
Throttle (%)

Figure 12. Variation in electrical power output as a function of throttle setting with flow meter in line.

For most runs, the AFR was optimum near stoichiometric with an AFR about 1.1–1.2 (Figure
13), in agreement with the estimated stoichiometric volumetric AFR of 1.2 as determined
earlier. Again the power varied smoothly with AFR. Optimum AFR varied over the biomass
burn cycle. Significantly, more power was produced when the flow meter was eliminated, as
this was restricting the fuel delivery to the engine.

450 122 ohm, no flow meter
Electric Power (W)

200 122 ohm
150 w/ flow meter
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Air/Fuel Ratio

Figure 13. Variation in electric power output as a function of AFR. Peak power occurs near 1.1 AFR.

The genset was operated almost continuously for over 3.5 hours, with short shutdowns
between configuration changes. Power output was approximately 360 W most of this time,
resulting in a total energy production of 1.26 kWh (4.5 MJ). The total biomass fuel consumption
during this time was 20 kg, producing a syngas with a heating value of approximately 4.5 MJ/

150 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

kg. As the genset is undersized for this gasifier, it was only capable of consuming about one
third to one half of the syngas produced (the balance being flared). Thus, the overall energy
consumption was determined to be approximately 7–10 kg or approximately 0.55 MJ of electric
power per kg of biomass. The biomass is assumed to have a heating value of approximately
20 MJ/kg, resulting in an overall system efficiency of approximately 0.55/20 (2.75%). While this
number appears quite low, it must be understood that this includes the efficiency of the
gasification system, combustion, engine, and generator together. Looking at just the genset, it
can be estimated that the fuel consumption was approximately 1.7 m3/hour, which, assuming
a heating value of 1.5 kWh/m3, would give a power consumption of 2.55 kW (syngas), for a
power production of 360 W, resulting in a genset efficiency of about 14%. This is a reasonable
efficiency for a two-stroke induction generator and is in general agreement with the efficiency
achieved using bottled syngas.

Higher powers require higher generator operating speeds. At higher speeds, however, the
engine efficiency will drop. This is primarily a function of the speed of combustion of the fuel.
As the engine speed is increased, there is insufficient time to completely burn the fuel before
expansion of the mixture, resulting in burning occurring well into the expansion stroke or even
into the blow-down phase and flame release into the exhaust system. This gives hot exhaust
gases, as was observed at higher speeds, representing inefficient combustion. Thus, operation
at lower speeds will improve the overall system efficiency, but will degrade the rated power

Finally, it was noticed that in contrast to gasoline engine operation, the exhaust emissions were
perfectly clear. This is likely from better control of the two-stroke oil, as well as improved
combustion of the oil, which is not mixed with a liquid fuel.

After 2 hours of operation, the spark plug was removed and inspected. Its light brown
appearance indicated good operation, with no evidence of tarring or oil buildup that could
cause fouling as shown in Figure 14. At the end of the run, the fuel valve was inspected and
found to contain heavy deposits of tar. It was estimated that the fuel intake valve would require
cleaning after approximately 10 hours of operation.

Figure 14. Spark plug at 2 hours of operation (left) and fuel valve after 3.5 hours (right).

Figure 14. Spark plug at 2 hours of operation (left) and fuel valve after 3.5 hours (right).

Genset Optimization for Biomass Syngas Operation 151

8. Engine tare down inspection

As mentioned, the fuel flow meter became obscured by tar after about 30 minutes of operation.
This occurred despite the presence of particulate filtering, condensation chamber, and oil bath
filter. Tar buildup was expected, as tar tends to condense on cooler surfaces, and the flow meter
was the coldest element prior to the engine.

The head showed (Figure 15) a thick buildup of soot, uniform except for a lighter color on the
lower (hotter) side of the head. The piston crown similarly had a thick buildup of soot. The
inside of the bore had a dark film of tar and oil, but still had decent tribological properties. The
use of two-stroke oil was measured to be 15 ml for the 3.5-hour run, significantly less than the
typical flow rate on gasoline, however, quite sufficient for syngas operation because the gas
does not remove the oil from the target surfaces as gasoline does. Oil “wetting” marks can be
seen on the edges of the piston in the photo below.

Figure 15. Cylinder head (left) bore (center) and piston crown (right) indicating significant ta

or soot buildup, especially at the colder locations.

he crank case contained a smoky smelling oil and tar mixture. The buildup quantity was n
Figure 15. Cylinder head (left) bore (center) and piston crown (right) indicating significant tar or soot buildup, espe‐
cially at the colder15. Cylinder head (left) bore (center) and piston crown (right) indicating significant tar
nough to cause alarm, but the color was much darker than typically occurs with gasol
The crank case contained aorsmokysoot buildup, especially
smelling at the
oil and tarcolder locations.
mixture. The buildup quantity was not
enough to cause alarm, but the color was much darker than typically occurs with gasoline
peration. The piston top land had significant carbon buildup, which extended down to the t
operation. The piston top land had significant carbon buildup, which extended down to the
The skirt
top of the crank region
case contained
(Figurea 16).
smoky Nosmelling
abnormaloil and
weartar mixture. The buildup quantity was not
was observed.
f the skirt regionenough
(Figure 16). No abnormal wear was observed.
to cause alarm, but the color was much darker than typically occurs with gasoline

operation. The piston top land had significant carbon buildup, which extended down to the top

of the skirt region (Figure 16). No abnormal wear was observed.

Figure 16. Crank case (left), and piston (right).

Figure 16. Crank case (left), and piston (right).

Figure 16. Crank case (left), and piston (right).

It is estimated that the engine should be capable of operating one shift per day, allowing

approximately 7 hours of operation without any special attention. After 1 week of operation,

however, it is believed that the carbon and tar buildup will be sufficient to warrant maintenance
is estimated that the engine should be capable of operating one shift per day, allowi
152 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

It is estimated that the engine should be capable of operating one shift per day, allowing
approximately 7 hours of operation without any special attention. After 1 week of operation,
however, it is believed that the carbon and tar buildup will be sufficient to warrant mainte‐
nance of the piston, bore and head. This maintenance consists of opening the head, cleaning
the parts, reassembling and torquing the head bolts to specification. Properly done, this
operation should take no more than 30 minutes. It should be noted that this rate of maintenance
may adversely affect the life of the engine.

9. Conclusions

Several important conclusions resulting from this study, outlined below, will have ramifica‐
tions on the commercial exploitation of this or similar biomass power generation systems.

First, the syngas genset was capable of sustained operation at over 360 W of electrical output
on syngas, with a peak power of 430 W. This implies a de-rating of 45% from the original
gasoline operation (expected from the fuel displacement of incoming air) with the described
modifications. Power production efficiency is estimated at 0.55 MJ/kg of biomass, with an
overall system efficiency of 2.75% and a genset efficiency of approximately 14%. Although the
overall efficiency is rather low, it includes the efficiency of the gasifier, engine, and generator.
In addition, a higher efficiency can be expected by better matching the size of the genset to the
gasifier. It was observed that the engine was operating significantly faster than optimum for
the combustion of the gas, as evidenced by the elevated exhaust gas temperatures. A larger
displacement genset designed for lower speed operations would greatly improve thermal
efficiency, with a commensurate improvement in the overall efficiency of the system. The air–
fuel control system was capable of controlling the engine operation for easy starting and
smooth operation over a wide range of circumstances. Two-stroke oil was delivered through
an electronically controlled pump, at a consumption of 5 ml per hour of operation, which
provided good lubrication. Assuming one shift of operation per day (7 hours of genset
operation), it is estimated that the engine will require tear-down for cleaning every 30 hours
of operation, or approximately weekly. The sparkplug remained clean during 2 hours of
operation; however, the fuel flow meter became unusable after 30 minutes from tarring. The
fuel valve showed significant tar deposits after 3.5 hours of operation, indicating that the fuel
filtering should be improved or the fueling system would also require frequent cleaning.

10. Recommendation for future work

Based on the above data, a larger generator system is proposed to provide greater power and
improved efficiency when compared to the two-stroke syngas genset described above. Such a
system should have the following specifications:

Genset Optimization for Biomass Syngas Operation 153

2k W (electrical)
Power production:
240 V, 8.3 A, 50 Hz

Displacement: 400 cc

Engine speed: 2000 rpm

Spark timing: 30° before TDC

De-carbonizing: Monthly (or every 120 hours of operation)

Biomass consumption: 30 kg/hour(assuming clean, dry wood biomass)

These specifications would likely require a non-standard engine and genset. For maximum
efficiency, a permanent magnet generator could be used, allowing a somewhat smaller engine
of perhaps 300 cc and proportionally reduced biomass consumption. Finally, the engine
efficiency can be improved by increasing the compression ratio, as syngas has a much lower
tendency to knock than gasoline. Four-stroke engines are somewhat mechanically more
complex than the simple two-stroke engine investigated here; however, they are more common
for genset operations and may require less servicing as the tar-laden syngas is not circulated
through the crank case.

As we move forward in a world of increasing population, environmental concerns, and fuel

prices, it is inevitable that the importance of biomass as a power source will also increase. The
burden of developing clean, sustainable energy supplies depends on today’s engineers and
technicians. It is sincerely hoped that the information contained herein will be of benefit in this

Author details

Horizon Walker Gitano-Briggs* and Koay Loke Kean

*Address all correspondence to: horizonusm@yahoo.com

University of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysian-Spanish Institute, Kulim, Malaysia


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Chapter 7

Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting - Sources and


M. Pareja Aparicio, A. Bakkali, J. Pelegri-Sebastia, T. Sogorb, V. Llario and

A. Bou

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter


Energy harvesting technology is attracting huge attention and holds a promising future
for generating electrical power. This process offers various environmentally friendly al‐
ternative energy sources. Especially, radio frequency (RF) energy has interesting key at‐
tributes that make it very attractive for low-power consumer electronics and wireless
sensor networks (WSNs). Ambient RF energy could be provided by commercial RF
broadcasting stations such as TV, GSM, Wi-Fi, or radar. In this study, particular attention
is given to radio frequency energy harvesting (RFEH) as a green technology, which is
very suitable for overcoming problems related to wireless sensor nodes located in harsh
environments or inaccessible places. The aim of this paper is to review the progress ach‐
ievements, the current approaches, and the future directions in the field of RF harvesting
energy. Therefore, our aim is to provide RF energy harvesting techniques that open the
possibility to power directly electronics or recharge secondary batteries. As a result, this
overview is expected to lead to relevant techniques for developing an efficient RF energy
harvesting system.

Keywords: Energy Harvesting, Energy Source, Radio Frequency, RFID, Wireless Sensor

1. Introduction

As the demand for wireless sensor networks (WSNs) increases, the need for external power
supply drastically increases as well. Besides the problems of recharging and replacing, size
and weight, batteries are an exhaustible source with an adverse environmental effect. For these
reasons, it is highly desirable to find an alternative solution in order to overcome these power

156 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

The environment represents a relatively good source of available energy compared with the
energy stored in batteries or supercapacitors. In this context, energy harvesting, also known
as power harvesting and energy scavenging, is an alternative process for primary batteries,
where energy is obtained from the ambient environment. An energy harvester typically
captures, accumulates, stores, and manages ambient energy in order to convert it into useful
electrical energy for autonomous wireless sensor networks. The use of energy scavenging
minimizes maintenance and cost operation; therefore, batteries can be eventually removed in
WSNs as well as in portable electronic devices.

Many potential ways to harvest energy from environment are available, including solar and
wind powers, radio frequency energy and ocean waves, and thermal energy and mechanical
vibrations [1–3]. The publications on this topic in the literature are rising to a great extent.
Hence, many papers have been published on energy harvesting as a feasible alternative to
batteries. Work by Sardini et al. [4] proposed an autonomous sensor powered by mechanical
energy coming from airflow velocity. Therefore, the battery-less sensor uses the power
harvested in order to provide measurements of air’s temperature and velocity. A completely
different approach is proposed by Tan et al. in Ref. [5]. The authors have explored a system
for wind-powered sensor node. By measuring the equivalent electrical voltage or the frequency
of a wind turbine generator output, the wind speed measurement can be indirectly obtained.
Based on the sensed wind speed information, the fire control management system provides
the spreading condition of a wildfire, so that the fire fighting experts can perform an adequate
fire suppression action.

This paper focuses on the energy harvesting technology using electromagnetic energy
captured from multiple available ambient RF energy sources, such as TV and radio transmit‐
ters, mobile base stations, and microwave radios. This technique is very useful for sensors
located in harsh environments or remote places, where other energy sources, such as wind or
solar sources, are impracticable. In this context, this work presents an overview of advances
achieved in RF harvesting field. The main components of an RF energy harvesting system are
discussed in Section 2. Section 3 provides different measurements of the ambient radio
frequency energy obtained in published papers. An introduction to RF harvesting energy in
radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology is presented in Section 4. Finally, conclusions
are drawn in Section 5.

2. Overview of radio frequency energy harvesting system

The basic structure of a radio frequency energy harvesting system consists of a receiving
antenna, matching circuit, peak detector, and voltage elevator. Where electromagnetic waves
are captured by the antenna, voltage is amplified using the matching circuit, signal is converted
to a voltage value thanks to the peak detector, and finally this voltage output is adjusted using
the voltage elevator.

The whole system formed by receiving antenna, matching network, and rectifier is usually
known as a rectenna or an RF/direct current (DC), which is able to harvest high-frequency

Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting - Sources and Techniques 157

energy in free space and convert it to DC power. The detail of each block is subsequently
discussed in order to define specifications and limitations of the power conversion system.

Further, a block of power management and another for energy storage could be integrated
into the energy harvesting system. The energy storage subsystem is responsible for storing all
the captured energy and providing a constant output voltage.

Energy harvester is a promising power solution for WSNs. Instead of depending on centralized
power sources for charging, sensor devices operate the existing energy in the environment.
The DC voltage is stored in a holding capacitor or supercapacitor in order to power supply
integrated circuits.

a. Antenna

RF energy harvesting technique needs, as mentioned in the previous section, an efficient

antenna with a circuit capable of converting alternating current (AC) voltage to direct current
voltage. The front end is a key component to ensure the successful operation of RFEH system.
It has the duty of capturing electromagnetic waves, which will be used later to power the
integrated system.

Moreover, the antenna efficiency is related to the frequency: energy obtained from an antenna
with small bandwidth, than a wideband receiver antenna used to capture signals from multiple
sources. RF antenna can harvest energy from a variety of sources, including broadcast TV
signal (ultrahigh frequency (UHF)), mobile phones (900–950 MHz), or Local Area Network
(2.45 GHz/ 5.8 GHz).

In principle, power harvested from RF signals is enough to supply microelectronic devices

gradually; however, this power can dramatically rise by using an array configuration.
Therefore, the maximum possible power can be achieved by properly arranging similar
antennas (with the same matching circuit and power management) [6, 7], or by using antennas
operating at different frequencies [8]. The trend is to include the antenna, usually patch
antenna, and the rectifier on the same printed circuit board [9].

The equivalent electrical model of an antenna is an AC voltage source (Vant) with series
impedance (Zant), as illustrated in Figure 1. Amplitude of the AC voltage source depends on
the available power (PAV) and the real impedance (Rant). The average power received (PAV)
depends on the power density (S) and the antenna effective area (Ae), as expressed in Eq. (1):

PAV = S · A (1)

Apparent power received (S) can be calculated using the Friis transmission equation (Eq. (2)).
S is a function of several parameters: the transmitted power (PTX), the transmitting antenna
gain (GTX), the received antenna gain (GRX), the wavelength (λ), loss factor (LC), and the distance
between transmitter and antenna (r):

S = PTX · GTX · GRX · LC ·( l 4 · p · r ) (2)

158 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Figure 1. Antenna equivalent circuit.

The antenna impedance can be expressed by Eq. (3), where the real component is presented
by two resistances: one is related to the material used (Rloss) and the other is due to the
electromagnetic wave radiation (Rs). However, the imaginary component Xant depends on the
antenna structure, usually inductive for a loop antenna and capacitive for a patch antenna.
Common Zant values are 300 Ω (closed dipole antenna), 75 Ω (open dipole antenna), and 50 Ω
(wireless systems):

Zant = ( Rloss + RS ) + jXant = Rant + jX (3)

Indeed, the concept of RF energy harvesting requires an efficient antenna with high perform‐
ances. Hence, several researchers focused on highly efficient receivers for electromagnetic
wave harvesting. Moon and Jung [10] proposed an interesting antenna design for RF energy
harvesting system based on two radiators: the main one is a printed dipole radiator and the
parasitic one with a loop structure. The parasitic radiator is suitable for receiving RF power in
all directions from the main radiator. However, Xie et al. [11] designed a hexagonal microstrip
patch antenna array that operates at 915 MHz, in order to achieve the maximum possible RF
energy to convert into DC power for lighting light-emitting diodes (LED).

b. Matching circuit

Matching circuits are essentially used to match the antenna impedance to the rectifier circuit
in order to achieve maximum power and improve efficiency, by using coils and capacitors [12,
13]. Several matching circuits are available; however, the main configurations that have been
proposed are the transformer, the parallel coil, and the LC network, as shown in Figure 2.
For economic reasons, RFID tags and sensor networks use the shunt inductor and the LC
network as matching networks instead of the transformer. Moreover, it is desirable for high-
impedance antennas (e.g., dipole antenna) to use the parallel coil [12], whereas the LC network
is used for small impedance antennas (e.g., Wi-Fi antenna) or when the available power PAV is
low [13].
As previously mentioned, the impedance matching circuit is designed to increase the voltage
gain and reduce the transmission loss; this means that the impedance seen by the antenna is

Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting - Sources and Techniques 159

Figure 2. Matching network circuits: transformer (a), shunt inductor (b), and LC network (c) [12].

equal to the impedance of antenna [14]. The equivalent circuit and the normalized input
voltage are shown in Figure 3. Therefore, Vin reaches its maximum level when α is equal to
the unit, that is, when Rin and Rant are equal.

In radio frequency range, the impedance mismatch between the antenna and rectifier could be
replaced by a tuning circuit, in order to adjust the receiver frequency [15, 16]. Multiband
commercial antennas are typically equipped with filters [17]; however, the output power is
lower than it should be [18]. An example of matching circuit impedance intended for televi‐
sion frequency band, formed by passive components and using the LC network, is discussed
in Ref. [19].

Further, a shorted stub can be added to the matching circuit, which is represented by a wire
with a length depending on wavelength and finishing on the ground plane. Therefore, the
system performs as a tank circuit [9, 20]. However, in Ref. [21], the authors proposed an
approximate method using a resistor in series with antenna. The current trend is to include
antenna, impedance matching, and rectifier in a printed circuit board [19]. The RFEH system
is designed on the same printed circuit board avoiding cable losses (cf. Figure 4).

Figure 3. Transfer energy on matching circuit [14].

160 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Figure 4. RFEH design circuit [9].

c. Rectifier

Radio frequency signal captured by the antenna is an alternating current (AC) signal. In order
to get a DC signal out of AC signal and improve the efficiency of the RF–DC power conversion
system, a rectifier circuit is used. Rectification subsystem or peak detector, which has been
already used on crystal radio, consists only of diodes and capacitors.

When the distance from the RF source is far and the received power is not high enough, the
rectifier input needs to be amplified in order to power the circuit (sensor networks or RFID
tags require at least 3.3 V). The most popular rectifier used is a modified Dickson multiplier,
which has the function of rectifying the radio frequency signal and increases the DC voltage.
Moreover, many works have used complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS)
technology to replace the diodes [13, 22]. Other different ways to rectify AC signals have been
introduced, including Greinacher circuit or voltage doubler [23], Cockcorft–Walton circuit [20],
multiplier resonant [24, 25], Villance multiplier [26], and boost converter [23, 27].

Choice of rectification circuits depends on the radio frequency signal and power received, since
different values of DC voltage could be obtained with the same circuit and different radio
frequency sources. The multiplier is usually formed using different stages; each stage includes
two diodes and two capacitors. The voltage output is more important with a large number of
stages. However, because diode loss increases with the stage number, the system efficiency is
affected. The impact of rectifier stage number on the power received is presented in Figure 5.
For the low received power (Pin < 0 dBm), the output voltage (Vout) is practically independent
of the stage number, while efficiency is good for fewer stages. The high voltage range is
achieved when the power received is around 0 dBm and the number of stages is large, whereas
efficiency decreases when Vout reached its maximum. Therefore, it seems difficult to achieve a
good design due to the received signal influence on the RFEH system.

Multiplier efficiency (ηrect) depends on the input and output powers (Pin_rect and Pout_rect,
respectively), as expressed in Eq. (4). However, the efficiency of RFEH system (ηRFEH) depends
on the power generated (Pout_dc) and the power received (Pin_rf). The ηRFEH can be calculated
using Eq. (5):

hrect = Pout_rect Pin_rect (4)

Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting - Sources and Techniques 161

hRFEH = Pout_dc Pin_rf (5)

Diodes commonly used as rectification components are Schottky diodes, while Germanium
diodes are also used for radio circuit of the peak detector. Performance analysis of some
Schottky diodes is outlined in Table 1.

Device IS (A) RS (Ω) CJO (pF) VJ (V) BV (V) IBV (A)

SMS7630 5E-6 20 0.14 0.34 2 1E-04

HSMS-282X 2.2E-8 6 0.7 0.65 15 1E-04

HSCH-9161 12E-6 50 0.03 0.26 10 10E-12

Table 1. Parameters of Schottky diodes.

Figure 5. Stages multiplier versus output voltage and efficiency [28].

162 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Rectifier equivalent circuit, as shown in Figure 6, is modeled by an input impedance Rin || Cin,
in addition to a current source depending on the input voltage, and a constant output resistor
that presents the rectifier losses [14]. Output voltage value is determined by the stage number
(N) of the multiplier.

Figure 6. Multiplier equivalent circuit [14].

Further, multiplier equivalent circuit can also be obtained by using the mathematical equation
[14], model simulation [12], or measurement [26].

3. Measurement of ambient radio frequency energy harvesting

As mentioned previously, an RFEH system is able to recover energy from available RF

electromagnetic sources present in the ambient environment such as phone stations, radio,
and television broadcasting. In Table 2, the main features of RFEH systems proposed in
literature are summarized. As can be seen, the energy harvested is significantly very low that
involves a decrease of the circuit performance.

Figure 7 shows the received power as a function of distance from RF power source at UHF. As
it can be seen, for a free space distance of 40 m, the maximum theoretical power available for
conversion is 1 µW and 7 µW for frequencies of 2.4 GHz and 900 MHz, respectively.

As mentioned above, many other sources of energy, including vibration, photovoltaic, and
thermal, have been cleverly converted to useful energy using a variety of techniques. Table 2
presents some harvesting methods with their power generation capability.

Despite the fact that the power density of RFEH is lower than other sources, this powering
method can be useful, especially for sensor nodes located in harsh environments, where other
sources like wind or solar energies are not feasible.

Energy source Power density (/cm2)

RF 0.01 to 0.1 µW

Vibration 4 to 100 µW

Photovoltaic 10 µW to 10 mW

Thermal 20 µW to 10 mW

Table 2. Comparison of energy harvesting sources [29].

Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting - Sources and Techniques 163

Figure 7. Received power versus distance [13].

Therefore, RFEH is a promising technology and an alternative source of energy to power the
sensor nodes. As a result, these devices do not require any battery since they can use the power
harvested from the ambient RF energy. Since battery replacement or its recharging is imprac‐
ticable, autonomous WSNs need to exploit the RF ambient energy harvesting especially for
long-duration applications.

It is important to note that the power density available depends on the radio frequency source
and the distance. Values of this power are presented in Table 3 for different RF energy sources.

Source Distance Density power available

50kW AM radio station 5/10 [km] 159/40 [µW/m2]

100W GSM base station 100/500/1000 [m] 800/32/8 [µW/m2]

0,5 mobile phone 1/5/10 [m] 40/1.6/0.4 [mW/m2]

1W Wi-Fi router 1/5/10 [m] 80/3.2/0.84 [mW/m2]

Table 3. Power density on RFEH with different sources [30].

Table 4 provides a summary of results obtained from various studies in the RFEH field, with
a brief description of the significant components used: RF source, antenna, matching circuit,
and rectifier circuit.

164 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Reference Description Frequency Maximum Maximum Power/Energy

Voltage Performance

BHA2006 Patch antenna array is used 2.4 GHz n/a n/a 373.248 µW
[6] (4×4). Maximum power
received is −10 dBm
MIK2011a Using the same antenna for 470–770 MHz n/a 74% (Pin=0 dBm) 0.74 mW (Pin=0 dBm) 5.4
[8] different frequency band, TV 950–956 MHz 54% (Pin=-20 µW (Pin=-20 dBm) 2 nW
signal (74% to 42.6%) and dBm) 2% (Pin= (Pin=−40 dBm)
RFID reader −40 dBm)
UR2010 [15] FM radio signals with loop 945 kHz 520 mV n/a 60.4 µJ
antenna, tuned circuit, and
Dickson charge pump 6 stages.
AA supercapacitor is used to
store energy
BOU2010 Matching circuit using limited 2.4 GHz n/a 0.60% 400 pW
[18] filter and rectifier with 1 stage.
Maximum power received is
−42 dBm (63 nW)
MIK2011b Patch antenna, matching 500−700 MHz 134 mV 18.2% n/a
[31] circuit, and rectifier with 1 (Pin=–15 (Pin=−20 dBm)
stage and boost converter dBm)
MIK2011c Microwave tooth antenna with 470–505 MHz 3.7 V > 50% (Pin=−5 30 mW
[32] filter, to matching circuit. A 520–560 MHz dBm)
supercapacitor is used to store
AMA2011 Commercial UHF antenna and UHF band 6V n/a n/a
[33] Dickson multiplier with 4

Table 4. Review of measurement of RFEH.

A comparison of the commercial requirements for sensor network nodes is presented in Table
5. Therefore, the use of RFEH for WSNs depends especially on the application, the distance
from the base station, the radio-frequency band, distance between nodes, etc.

The results deduced from Tables 4 and 5 indicate that the RFEH is insufficient as a primary
power source. Thus, it can be combined with other energy harvesting sources. As an example,
for outdoor applications, when the base station is away from the sensor nodes, RFEH can be
combined with photovoltaic energy. In a similar way, for human body sensors, this energy can
be combined with thermal or vibration energy.

However, when the WSN is near to the base station, it is possible to use only RFEH as the
power supply; in this case, the antenna and matching circuit must be compatible with the base
station frequency. This system cannot be used for generic applications.

Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting - Sources and Techniques 165

Operation Crossbow MICAz Waspmote Intel IMote2 Tmote Sky (Telosb)


Radio standard IEEE 802.15.4/Zig Bee IEEE 802.15.4/Zig Bee IEEE 802.15.4 IEEE 802.15.4

Typical range 100 m outdoor 500 m 30 m 125 m outdoor

30 m indoor 50 m indoor

Data rate (Kbps) 250 250 250 250

Sleep mode 15 µA 62 µA 390 µA 2.6 µA

Processor 8 mA 9 mA 31–53 mA 500 µA


RX 19.7 mA 49.56 mA 44 mA 18.8 mA

TX 17.4 mA 50.26 mA 44 mA 17.4 mA

Supply voltage 2.7 V 3.3 V 3.2 V 2.1 V


Table 5. Comparison of power consumption of sensor network nodes [34, 35].

Further, the energy-harvested design for powering sensor networks depends on different
modes: sleep, transmission, reception, and minimal supply voltage required to run, (cf. Table
5), that is, it depends on the application.

4. RFEH and RFID

The RF harvesting technique is certainly a viable option for wide-range applications, including
the passive RFID tags, where the signal used for communication is also used for powering [36,
37]. Therefore, RFID tags typically use the radio signal from a dedicated interrogator for power
and communication. The antenna used could be designed for power harvesting and commu‐

Table 6 shows the results of various studies that have been focused on RFID system powered
by RFEH.

Reference Frequency Standard Power Antenna Distance Efficient Voltage Consumption

Band Transmission Gain

OLG2010[9] 2.45 GHz 4 W EIRP n/a n/a 3.1–2.1 m 70% 1.6 V 1.6 V LED

KIT2005[20] 900 MHz 4 W EIRP 100 mW 7.5 dBi 3–3.5 m n/a 0.6 V 2 µA

KIT2004[30] 2.45 GHz RCD STD-1 300 mW 20 dBi 10 m 40% >1V 30 µW

Table 6. Review of RFID system using RFEH power.

166 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

It is well known that RFID systems generate and radiate electromagnetic waves; thus, they are
justifiably classified as radio systems. However, they are not considered as RFEH systems,
since they get their energy from readers. Hence, an RFID system uses the radio frequency
signal in order to power and activate the tag, whereas in RFEH system, the energy source is
usually not controlled by the reader. The identification process is presented in Figure 8. The
energy is sent by using a radio frequency signal in order to receive the information from tags.
Furthermore, the passive tags, as no battery, are smaller and lighter than the active and semi-
passive tags.

Figure 8. RFID systems [37].

Regarding RFID frequencies, there are four main frequency bands available for RFID systems:

• Low frequency (LF: 125–134 KHz).

• High frequency (HF: 13.56 MHz).
• Ultrahigh frequency (UHF: 956 MHz in USA and 866 MHz in Europe).
• Microwave band (2.45–5.8 GHz).

Despite the excellent progress made in the RFID technology, several issues still need to be
addressed appropriately related to reliability, security, speed of communications, and
evolution to a global standard. Therefore, it is highly suitable to develop compact transponders
applicable for a long reading range, with a low price and a long life.

Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting - Sources and Techniques 167

5. Conclusion

RF energy harvesters open up new exciting possibilities in wireless communication and

networking by enabling energy self-sufficient, environmentally friendly operation with
practically infinite lifetimes, and synergistic distribution of information and energy in
networks. The energy is harvested from commercial RF broadcasting stations, especially for
powering wireless sensor networks or other applications that require only a small amount of
energy (10−3 to 10−6 W). Further, RFID sensors can be powered by scavenging ambient power
from radio frequency signals in order to prolong the lifetime to several decades and reduce
maintenance costs.

This study is expected to provide a survey that offers a holistic view of RF energy harvesting
process. Therefore, this paper covers various approaches of RF energy harvesting in order to
meet the future demand for self-powered devices. All the subsystems of an RF harvester are
discussed, including the receiving antenna, the matching circuit, and the rectifier. Hence,
several research groups have proposed RF harvesters in order to achieve optimum power
density and ensure a permanent power supply. Finally, RF energy harvesting is an emerging
and active research area where more advancement is required to harvest energy efficiently.

Future works can be made to design antennas operating at several frequencies including at 2.3
GHz (Wimax), 2.4 GHz (WLAN), 2.6 GHz (LTE/4G), as well as 5.2 GHz (WLAN). Furthermore,
the DC voltage of the rectenna needs to be improved in order to ensure that the optimum
power transfer can be delivered.


This study was supported in part by the EMMAG Program, 2014, funded by the European

Author details

M. Pareja Aparicio1, A. Bakkali1,2, J. Pelegri-Sebastia1*, T. Sogorb1, V. Llario1 and A. Bou1

*Address all correspondence to: jpelegri@upv.es

1 Research Institute for Integrated Management of Coastal Areas, Universitat Politècniva de

Valencia, Spain

2 Laboratory of Innovative Technologies, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Morocco

168 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration


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170 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

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Chapter 8

Renewable Energy, Emissions, and Health

María del P. Pablo-Romero, Rocío Román, Antonio Sánchez-Braza and

Rocío Yñiguez

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter



The deployment of renewable energy sources is reviewed in this research showing the
importance that they have reached in most countries. The International Energy Agency
has insisted on the importance of their promotion all over the world, considering that at
least one renewable energy source is available in all countries. The aim of this chapter is
to show that although renewables are an effective alternative to the use of fossil fuels,
there are other important positive externalities. As the fossil fuels are the main source of
greenhouse emissions and other air pollutants, the negative effects that they have on hu‐
man health, such as respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, have been recently shown in
many studies. When renewables contribute to reducing the use of fossil fuels and associ‐
ated air pollutant emissions, they have a positive effect on human health. Therefore, poli‐
cy makers have to take into consideration all these positive externalities of renewable
sources, when evaluating the possibility of their promotion. However, this evaluation
should also take into consideration that not all renewable energy sources have equivalent
positive effects. Our final conclusion is that governments should be supported by recent
research when deciding the most appropriate energy mix for a country.

Keywords: Renewable energy, environmental health, air emissions, environmental policy

1. Introduction

Since 2006, when the Stern report was published [1], commissioned by the UK Treasury, new
research has revealed the negative impacts that climate change may have on economic growth
and health. The impacts of economic change are based on the assumption that greenhouse
gases will raise the average temperature in the next 50 years by between 2°C and 3°C, which
represents a threat to the basic elements of human life in different parts of world: access to
water, food production, health, land use, and environment. Furthermore, as empirical

174 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

evidence has shown, these harmful effects resulting from climate change will be accelerated
to the extent that the world will warm more, with poor countries being mainly affected [2].
Weather conditions affect the patterns of diseases such as diarrhea, malaria, malnutrition, etc.,
most of which affect children and youth in low-income countries [3]. Some of these effects have
already taken place [4, 5], not by generating new diseases, but rather by exacerbating existing
illnesses, the effects concerning respiratory diseases being particularly important.
According to the Global Energy Assessment Report 2012 [6], the direct effects of climate
change, which increase health issues, are manifested in the increase in heat waves and rising
sea levels. Climate change favors the increase of heat waves and, these heat waves generate
an increase in the number of deaths due to heart attacks, when temperatures rise above 30
degrees and certain level of humidity is reached. Also, higher temperatures increase the
formation of ozone, which in turn has negative effects on respiratory and cardiovascular
health. Furthermore, scientists expect that the sea level may rise by a meter or more this century
[7, 8]. This increase in sea level will have negative effects on the health of the population and
crops. Additionally, climate change will also affect health indirectly, through changes in
nutrition and changes in the development of infectious diseases that often increase when
temperatures are rising.
Within the field of combating climate change is set the target of reducing the use of polluting
energy. Two policies are combined to obtain the reduction: energy efficiency and the substi‐
tution of polluting energy by alternative sources such as nonpolluting energy sources or
renewable energies.
Renewable energy production has its basis in reducing emissions to the environment, either
by reducing CO2 emissions or other air pollutants such as PM2.5 associated with transportation,
which also have a direct negative effect on health.
At the global level, various policies are intended to replace polluting fuels with renewable
energies in different percentages in the coming years. The ultimate goal of such substitution
is also the reduction of emissions by certain percentages. For example, this is the case of the
EU target for 2020, in which the need to reduce emissions by 20% is established, along with
the target of 20% of renewable energy participation in energy consumption.
The development of these clean energy sources is encouraging the study of their effects on
health, either by mitigating climate change or by improving air quality. In this regard, several
studies have been developed to assess the impact on the health cost of implementing renewable
energy. Previous analysis gives an overall perspective for Denmark [9] and gives a more
specific analysis about the impact that the mitigation of certain particles has on health, that is,
the impact of renewable energy on health by reducing PM2.5 [10].
The novelty of our chapter is to highlight that one of the most important positive externalities
of using renewable energies is that they contribute to reduce CO2 and air emissions and
improve human health.
The key question is that renewable energies are becoming a solution to the abatement of CO2
in most developed countries as substitute fossil fuels that are pollutants, they contribute to
reducing CO2 and air pollutant emissions.

Renewable Energy, Emissions, and Health 175

Additionally, the research studies link the effects of climate change, or more accurately, the
effects of CO2 emissions on health are becoming more frequent. Of course, the epidemiological
studies are those that provide information about the effects that the air pollutants cause on
human health.
The final aim of this chapter is to combine this information in order to improve the research
studies on this important issue, the link among renewable energies, emissions, and health.

Figure 1. Renewable energies, emissions, and health.

This book chapter aims to establish a recent literature review on studies linking the establish‐
ment of renewable energy systems with their effect on health, distinguishing between the
studies that are focused on the link between climate change and health with a global perspec‐
tive, and those studies that link the effects of some specific pollutant on health.
Therefore, after an initial introduction about the health effects of climate change and environ‐
mental pollution, Section 2 is devoted to the current situation and development of renewable
energy, and the main proposals for increased production of these energies replacing polluting
energies. Section 3 gives a literature review of analysis linking renewable energy and impact
on health. A discussion of energy policies in relation to the results of previous studies is made
in Section 4. Finally, Section 5 summarizes the conclusions.

2. The development of renewable energy

2.1. CO2 emissions intensity

REmap 2030, made by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), shows that under
current policies and national plans (the “business as usual” case), average carbon dioxide
(CO2) emissions will only drop to 498 g/kWh by 2030. That is not enough to keep atmospheric
CO2 levels below 450 parts per million (ppm), and, what is more, severe climate change is

176 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

expected to take place. A doubling in the share of renewable energies could help check climate
change by reducing the global average emissions of CO2 to 349 g/kWh, which is equivalent to
a 40% intensity reduction compared to the 1990 levels (see Figure 2) [11, 12].

Figure 2. CO2 emissions intensity

2.2. Renewable energy capacity

Each year since 2011 there has been, on a global basis, an addition of more than100 GW of new
renewable energy capacity. This figure is the same as Brazil’s total installed generation
capacity, or double Saudi Arabia’s. Renewables are more than 50% of the net capacity which
has been added to the global power sector since 2011. This means that more new renewables
capacity is being set up than that in fossil and nuclear power put together. This led to the share
of renewables in total electricity production surpassing a record 22% by 2013; 16.4% of this
was hydro and 3.6% was solar photovoltaics (PV) and wind. The renewable energy industry
employed about 6.5 million people in 2013, an increase of 14% over 2012 [11].

We can see an increasing use of up-to-date renewable energy in four different markets:
transport fuels, power generation, heating and cooling, and rural/off-grid energy services.
When we break down modern renewables, taken as a share of total final energy use in 2012,
we get the following: hydropower generated about 3.8%; other renewable power sources were
1.2%; heat energy was around 4.2%; and transport biofuels supplied more or less 0.8% [13].
According to REN21 [13], from 2009 to 2013, the installed capacity, as well as the output of
most renewable energy technologies, increased at rapid rates, especially in the power sector
(see Figure 3).

Renewable Energy, Emissions, and Health 177

Figure 3. Average annual growth rates of renewable energy capacity and biofuels production, 2009–2013

However, a number of European countries that is on the increase have decreased, at times ex
post facto, their financial backing for renewables in excess of the reduction of in technology
costs. This has been brought on, partly, by the continuing economic crisis in certain and by
increasing competition with fossil fuels. Doubts about policy have raised capital costs,
hindering the financing of projects and lowering investment. During 2013, Europe continued
to see a notable loss of start-up companies, especially solar PV (in the PV market, capacity
additions dropped for a second year in a row, from 17GW in 2012 to 10GW in 2013).

Furthermore, renewables work in an uneven area where the prices of energy are not completely
in line with external factors. Worldwide subsidies for fossil fuels and nuclear power remain
high despite talk about phasing them out, thereby fostering energy use which is inefficient and
at the same time also impeding investment in renewables. Estimates for the global cost of fossil
fuel subsidies range from USD 544 billion to USD 1.9 trillion, figures which are notably above
those for renewable energy [13].

2.3. Renewable energy by regions

In general, despite some exceptions in Europe and the United States, there were some
significant and positive developments for renewables in 2013. Wind power advanced more
steadily into Africa and Latin America; concentrating solar thermal power moved its focus
further to the Middle East and to North and South Africa; renewable process heat fueled
industries from Chile to Europe to India; and solar PV maintained its spread across the globe,

178 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

with most capacity on-grid but also notable increases in off-grid markets in developing
countries [13].
In the United States, the percentage of renewable generation increased to almost 12.9% (12.2%
in 2012). This was in spite of a decrease in hydropower output and competition from cheap
natural gas coming from shale. Meanwhile, between 2008 and 2013 the quantity of net coal-
based electricity generation went down by nearly 19%.
China had not before had more new renewable power capacity than new fossil and nuclear
capacity. Altogether, renewables were more than 20% (> 1,000 TWh) of its electricity genera‐
tion. Seventy-two percent of new electric capacity was due to renewable power installations
in the European Union. This is 70% more than in 2012. A decade before, in the EU-27 plus
Norway and Switzerland the situation was completely different, with conventional fossil
generation being approximately 80% of new capacity.
Spain was the first country to generate more electricity from wind power than from any other
source, with 20.9% of the total.
There was an increase of over 4 GWin India’s renewable capacity, up to approximately 70.5
GW. Though hydropower was most of the total (62%), solar PV and wind was close to 70% of
2013 renewable additions. All the same, India’s power capacity is increasing fast, and renew‐
ables did not reach 17% of total additions from all sources in 2013.
Due to its competitiveness compared to the rest of the sources of energy generation, wind
power was not allowed to be part of an auction in Brazil. The year ended with Brazil having
3.5 MW of wind power capacity, and there were contracts for another 10 GW. Although
worldwide investment in solar PV decreased by almost 22% compared to 2012, new capacity
installations went up by over 32%. By the beginning of 2013, 18 countries used non-hydro
renewable resources to generate over 10% of their electricity, an increase – in 2010 only 8
countries did so. Austria, Kenya El Salvador, Lithuania, and Denmark were among these
Looking at communities and regions from around the world, we see many that have targeted,
or have already completed a successful transition to 100% renewable electricity. Some
examples are Djibouti, Scotland, and the small-island state of Tuvalu. All of them plan to use
renewable sources to get all their electricity by the end of the decade [13].
On a worldwide basis, homes and work places are choosing “green” instead of from both
traditional utilities and new energy providers, freely opting to buy renewable energy whose
production is not within regulatory requirements. Germany is still at the forefront in voluntary
renewable power purchasing. Domestic customers increased from 0.8 million in 2006 to 4.9
million in 2012. This stands for 12.5% of the country’s private households. In 2011, they bought
15 terawatt-hours (TWh) of green power, and in this year a further 10.3 TWh was purchased
by commercial customers. Austria, Belgium (Flanders), Finland, Hungary, the Netherlands,
Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom are among other major European green power
markets, although the market share in these countries remains below the level of Germany.
There are also green power markets in Australia, Canada, Japan, South Africa, and the United
States [13].

Renewable Energy, Emissions, and Health 179

Major industrial and commercial customers in Europe, India, Mexico, and the United States
continued to turn to renewables to reduce their energy costs at the same time as increasing the
reliability of their energy supply. Many set ambitious renewable energy targets in 2013,
installed and operated their own renewable power systems, or signed purchase agreements
to purchase directly from renewable energy project operators, by passing utilities.

In Australia, Japan, and Thailand, as well as in North America and several countries in Europe,
the number of community-owned and co-operative projects also rose. Denmark has a long
history of co-operatively owned projects. In 2013, close to 50% of the renewable power capacity
in Germany belonged to its inhabitants and around 20 million Germans are living in regions
that are considered as having 100% renewable energy [14].

Renewables have been helped by continuing advances in technologies, decreases in prices,

and innovations in financing, driven largely by policy support. These developments mean that
under many circumstances renewable energy is cheaper than new fossil and nuclear installa‐
tions, and as a result of this, for a greater number of consumers in developed and developing
countries it is more affordable. Furthermore, there is a growing awareness of renewable energy
technologies and resources, and their capability to keep up with a demand for energy that is
on the rise. At the same time, these renewables are creating jobs, accelerating economic
development, reducing local air pollution, improving public health, and reducing carbon
emissions [13].

There is also the issue of serious health problems which directly result from burning fossil
fuels. The United States Environmental Protection Agency recently rated the cost of national
ill health due to fossil fuel costs at between USD 362 billion and USD 887 billion per year.
The European Union’s Health and Environment Alliance noted that coal-fired power plant
emissions cost as much as EUR 42.8 billion in health expenditure on an annual basis
(IRENA) [11].

Meanwhile, pressure is on the rise for 1.3 billion people to begin accessing electricity. A
great number of them live in areas which are hard to reach, thus excluding the usual large-
scale power plants and transmission systems. At the same time, 2.6 billion people suffer
from severe health problems due to having to use traditional biomass and cook with
conventional stoves [11].

These tendencies mean that there is an obvious need for a change. Although fossil fuels drove
the first industrial revolution, even in the new period of shale oil and gas, there is still the
matter about their being compatible with sustainable human well-being. The time is ripe for
a period of prevailing, sustainable, and cost-competitive modern renewable energy. Renewa‐
ble energy technologies which supply electricity, heating and cooling, and transportation is at
the moment used all over the world and trends lead us to consider that these technologies will
globally continue to grow. In the recent past, renewables interested environmentally oriented
people as an alternative to traditional fuels. Nowadays, it is seen that they are not only
beneficial from the environmental point of view but also boost the economy, diversify the
sources of revenue, and vitalize fresh advances in technology [13].

180 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

3. Renewable energy and health

3.1. Climate change and health

Climate scientists have observed that CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere have been
increasing significantly over the past century, the concentration of CO2 in 2013 being about
40% higher than in the mid-1800s [15]. The Fifth Assessment Report from the Intergovern‐
mental Panel on Climate Change states that human influence on the climate system is clear [16]
as the rise of greenhouse gases (GHG) increase the global mean temperatures. In that sense,
as stated in [17], most of the observed increase in global average temperature since the mid-
twentieth century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic GHG concen‐

The rise in temperatures has implications for life and human health. According to the World
Health Organization [18], potential risks to health include deaths from thermal extremes and
weather disasters, vector-borne diseases, a higher incidence of food-related and waterborne
infections, photochemical air pollutants, and conflict over depleted natural resources. The
valuation of these effects is complex because many effects on climate change depend on
physical, ecological, and social factors. Therefore, according to the recent report by IPCC [16],
all the various scientific studies that exist so far are debatable, since they are based on a number
of assumptions, some of them very controversial. Also, many of these studies do not consider
catastrophic changes or many other factors that can affect the economy of countries.

Despite these limitations, according to the World Health Organization [18], climate change
was estimated to be already responsible for 0.2% of deaths in 2004, 85% of these being child
deaths. Likewise, climate change was responsible for 3% of diarrhea, 3% of malaria, and 3.8%
of dengue fever deaths worldwide. In addition, increased temperatures hastened as many as
12,000 additional deaths (not included in the above percentage because the years of life lost by
these individuals were uncertain). Evenly, it will cause some 250,000 additional deaths
annually between 2030 and 2050; 38,000 elderly people from exposure to heat; 48,000 from
diarrhea; 60,000 from malaria; and 95,000 from child malnutrition.

Some studies have analyzed the impact of climate change on health in some countries in
particular. Thus, in the study by [19] it is estimated that 166,000 deaths and about 5.5 million
disability-adjusted life years (DALYs, a measure of overall disease burden) are due to cardi‐
ovascular disease, malnutrition, diarrhea, malaria, and floods.

The report titled Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP) [20] notes that the effects of climate
change on health can be classified into 11 broad human health categories. Table 1 lists the main
diseases associated with these categories.

Diseases Effects of climate change on health

Asthma, respiratory allergies, and The global rise in asthma is indirectly related to climate change [21].
airway diseases Climate change may increase the incidence and exacerbation of many
respiratory allergic diseases. Some risk for respiratory disease can be clearly
linked to climate change.

Renewable Energy, Emissions, and Health 181

Diseases Effects of climate change on health

Cancer Climate change will result in higher ambient temperatures that may increase
the transfer of volatile and semi-volatile compounds from water and
wastewater into the atmosphere, changing subsequent human exposures [22].
Climate change is expected to increase heavy precipitation and flooding
events, which may increase the chance of toxic contamination
Depletion of stratospheric ozone, will result in increased ultraviolet (UV)
radiation exposure, which increases the risk of skin cancers and cataracts [23].

Cardiovascular disease and stroke There is evidence of climate sensitivity for several cardiovascular diseases,
with both extreme cold and extreme heat directly affecting the incidence of
hospital admissions for chest pain, acute coronary syndrome, stroke, and
variations in cardiac dysrhythmias, though the reported magnitude of the
exposure-outcome associations is variable [24-28].
There is also evidence that heat amplifies the adverse impacts of ozone and
particulates on cardiovascular disease [29, 30].
Increased burden of PM2.5 is associated with increased hospital admissions
and mortality from cardiovascular disease, as well as ischemic heart disease
[31, 32].
Indirectly, displacement related to disasters is frequently associated with
interruptions of medical care for chronic medical conditions [33]
Climate is also implicated in another indirect risk for cardiovascular disease:
the incidence of certain vector borne and zoonotic diseases (VBZD) with
cardiovascular manifestations [34].

Foodborne diseases and nutrition Climate change may impact rates of foodborne illness through increased
temperatures, which are associated with increased incidence of foodborne
Changes in ocean temperature and coastal water quality are expected to
increase the geographic range of V. vulnificus and cholera [35].
Increased temperatures also affect rates of campylobacteriosis and
salmonellosis. In [36] was stated a 2.5–6% relative increase in the risk of
foodborne illness for every degree centigrade rise in temperature..

Heat-Related morbidity and mortality The health outcomes of prolonged heat exposure include heat exhaustion,
heat cramps, heat stroke, and death [37].
Prolonged exposure to heat may exacerbate pre-existing chronic conditions
such as various respiratory, cerebral, and cardiovascular diseases [38].
The levels of pollen and other allergens are also higher in case of extreme

Human developmental effects Climate change will lead to changes in agricultural practices that might
increase pesticide use. (e.g. DDT). Pesticides have been linked to decreases in
fertility [39, 40] and to effects on fetal loss, child growth, and male
reproductive development [41-43].

182 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Diseases Effects of climate change on health

Mental health and stress-related A variety of psychological impacts can be associated with extreme weather
disorders and other climate related events. Extreme weather events such as hurricanes,
wildfires, and flooding, can lead to mental health disorders [44].
Prolonged heat and cold events can create chronic stress situations that may
initiate or exacerbate mental disease and stress-related disorders

Neurological diseases and disorders Effects of climate change on ocean health result in increased risks to
neurological health from ingestion of or exposure to neurotoxins in seafood
and fresh and marine waters, even a single low-level exposure to algal toxins
Exposure to a number of agents whose environmental presence may increase
with climate change may have effects on neurological development and
functioning (pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals, extreme weather events etc.)

Vector borne and zoonotic diseases Climate is one of several factors that influence the distribution of vector borne
and zoonotic diseases (VBZD) such as Lyme disease, Hantavirus, West Nile
virus, and malaria

Waterborne diseases Climate change is expected to produce more frequent and severe extreme
precipitation events worldwide and heavy rainfall is correlated with more
than half of the outbreaks of waterborne diseases [46].

Weather-related morbidity and The health impacts of the extreme weather events include direct impacts such
mortality as death and mental health effects and indirect impacts such as population
displacement and waterborne disease outbreaks

Compiled from the report by EHP [20]

Table 1. Effects of climate change on health

Likewise, climate change will have the greatest effect on health in societies with scarce
resources, little technology, and frail infrastructure. After reviewing what happened in the
past, it has been shown in [47] throughout history, higher temperatures have reduced eco‐
nomic growth mainly in poor countries, not only reducing the level of production but also
growth, and with a greater effect in agriculture, industrial, and political stability.

3.2. Renewable energy, emissions, and health

To avoid the adverse impacts of climate change, the Cancun Agreements of the Conference of
Parties (COP) [48] called for limiting global average temperature rise to no more than 2°C
above pre-industrial values, which means decreasing CO2 by 50–85% below 2000 levels by
2050 [17]. Among the many human activities that produce greenhouse gases, the use of energy
represents by far the largest source of emissions, with CO2 resulting from the oxidation of
carbon in fuels during combustion dominating the total GHG emissions [15].
It is necessary to evaluate every step of the entire system of the fuel cycle, from the extraction
of raw materials to final consumption of energy, in order to make a quantitative estimate of

Renewable Energy, Emissions, and Health 183

the risks to health from the various energy systems. According to [49], energy technologies
can be classified into three groups, depending on the risks to health.

First, the fuels group: These technologies are characterized by the use of fossil fuels or biomass:
coal, oil, natural gas, wood, and so on, the burning of which produces large amounts of air
pollution and solid waste.

Second, the renewable group: This group is characterized by use of diffuse renewable resources
with low energy density: sun, wind, water, the capturing of which requires large areas and
construction of expensive facilities. Public risks are low, due to their low emissions, mostly
confined to low-probability accidents, such as dam failures, equipment failures, and fires.

Third, the nuclear group: This includes nuclear fission technologies, characterized by high
energy densities in the processed fuel, with corresponding low quantities of fuel to process
and generating little waste to transform. Public risks are located in routine operations of

Thus, emissions given off by each technology are different and, therefore, their effect on climate
change will also be distinct. In addition, technologies also differ in the way in which these
emissions occur, as in some cases they are concentrated in the areas of production and in other
cases in the territories of use.

Given the distinction between energy technologies, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change [50] collects the lifecycle GHG emissions of each technology from estimates obtained
in previous studies. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [50],
without taking into account emissions related to land use change (LUC), the lifecycle GHG
emissions normalized per unit of electrical output (g CO2eq/kWh) from technologies powered
by renewable resources are generally found to be considerably less than from those powered
by fossil fuel-based resources. In that sense, renewable energy sources play a role in providing
energy services in a sustainable manner and, in particular, in mitigating climate change.

The estimates of lifecycle GHG emissions for broad categories of electricity generation
technologies calculated [50] show that all electricity generation technologies powered by non-
renewable resources are much higher than those powered by renewable resources, except for
nuclear (Figure 4). The median values for all renewable energy range from 4 to 46 g CO2 eq/
kWh, while these values range from 480 to 1,000 g CO2 eq/kWh for non-RE (except nuclear).
Among RE, photovoltaic and biopower technologies are those which emit more, up to 2–3
times above the maximum for other renewable energy technologies. Thus, the maximum value
for lifecycle GHG emissions for petroleum gasoline and diesel is around 110 g CO2 eq/MJ of
fuel while the maximum value for biodiesel is 78 g CO2 eq/MJ of fuel and for ethanol 70 g
CO2 eq/MJ of fuel. Nevertheless, not all biofuel systems are equally efficient in reducing GHG
emissions compared to their petroleum counterparts. For example, ethanol from Brazilian
sugarcane (45 g CO2 eq/MJ of fuel) has lower GHG emissions than that produced from wheat
and corn (70 g CO2 eq/MJ of fuel).

Given the differences in emissions of different technologies, the potential impacts on human
health due to emissions from the complete life cycle of future power generation, by using the

184 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Figure 4. Estimates of lifecycle GHG emissions for electricity generation technologies (medium values)

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method, has been calculated [51]. LCA is a standardized method
used to quantify environmental burdens and the potential impacts on human health and the
environment, due to the production and consumption of goods and services. It allows for an
evaluation of the environmental performance of fossil, nuclear, and renewable power gener‐
ation technologies. Health effects related to climate change, and considered in the study,
include malnutrition, diarrhea, cardiovascular diseases, coastal and inland flooding, and

The results of the LCA show that total human health impacts have a similar pattern as GHG
emissions according to the hierarchic and individualist perspectives: fossil electricity genera‐
tion has the highest levels of GHG emissions-human health impacts, while nuclear and
renewables technologies have impacts of a scope somewhat lower, and fossil fuels with carbon
capture and storage show intermediate levels. Nevertheless, when considering the egalitarian
perspective, which regards the broadest range of potential health damages, and contemplates
the longest time horizon, health impacts from natural gas power generation are in the same
range as nuclear and some renewables [51].

3.3. Renewable energy, air pollutants, and health

In addition to reducing GHG emissions, renewable energy technologies can also offer benefits
with respect to air pollution and health, compared to fossil fuels. According to the World
Health Organization [52], the air pollutants that are emitted by energy technologies which
have the most important impacts on human health are particulate matter (PM), nitrous oxides
(NOx), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC).

The IPCC highlights that non-combustion renewable energy technologies and nuclear power
cause comparatively minor emissions of air pollutants [50]. The higher cumulative lifecycle
emissions of NOx, SO2, and PM2.5 per unit of electricity generated are provoked by the

Renewable Energy, Emissions, and Health 185

combustion of hard coal, lignite, oil, and biomass in steam turbines. The higher emissions of
NMVOC are provoked by the combustion of natural gas and oil in steam turbines. The SO2
emissions from the combustion of lignite in steam turbines is around 27 g/kWh, while from
the steam turbine combustion of oil and hard coal it is 14 g/kWh and 8 g/kWh, respectively.
Meanwhile the highest emissions of SO2 from renewable energies are for biomass, at around
3 g/kWh. This pattern is quite similar for PM2.5. The NOx emissions from wood steam are
around 6 g/kWh, from oil steam turbines 4.5 g/kWh, and from hard coal steam turbines 4 g/
kWh. Alternatively, the maximum NMVOC emissions are registered for the natural gas steam
turbines (0.7 g/kWh) and oil-fired steam turbines (0.55 g/kWh). The biogas cogeneration and
roof-top PV are the renewable technologies which emit more NMVOC, with 0.25 and 0.2 g/
kWh, respectively.

There are also observed differences when considering the use of different transport fuels. The
use of gaseous fuels tends to reduce air pollution compared to liquid fuels [53]. The use of
ethanol and biodiesel blends tends to reduce carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbon
emissions, compared to gasoline and diesel. Nevertheless, NOx emissions seem to be higher.
Alternatively, future electric or fuel cell vehicles offer a substantial potential for reductions in
air pollution if electricity or hydrogen from renewable energy sources is used as the energy
carrier [54, 55].

The health effects of ambient air pollution result from a complex mixture of combustion
products. Nevertheless, negative effects have been most closely correlated with three: fine PM,
SO2, and tropospheric ozone [56, 57]. Additionally, the main health impacts of these pollu‐
tants are associated with emissions by fossil fuel and biomass combustion [56, 58], the first
related to transport activities. Table 2 shows the health outcomes associated with transport-
related air pollutants according to the WHO report Promoting Health While Mitigating Climate
Change [59].

Associated transport-related pollutants Health outcome

Black smoke, ozone, PM2.5 Mortality

Black smoke, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, VOCs, CAPs, diesel exhaust Respiratory disease (non-allergic)
Ozone, nitrogen dioxide, PM, VOCs, CAPs, diesel exhaust Respiratory disease (allergic)
Black smoke, CAPs Cardiovascular diseases
Nitrogen dioxide, diesel exhaust Cancer
Diesel exhaust; also equivocal evidence for nitrogen dioxide, carbon Adverse reproductive outcomes
monoxide, sulfur dioxide, total suspended particles

Source: [59]

Table 2. Health Outcomes Associated with Transport-Related Air Pollutants

It is also important to consider patterns of household fuel use, especially for developing
countries. The Global Energy Assessment estimates that in 2005 about 2.8 billion people, mostly
in the poorest countries, relied on solid fuels such as biomass, charcoal, and coal for cooking

186 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

and other household energy needs [6]. Anyway, although both household poverty and rural
location predict the use of solid fuels [60], these are still used wherever available, even in many
high-income countries, as a heating fuel [61].

Poor households often used solid fuels in inefficient, poorly vented combustion devices, which
results in significant waste of fuel energy and emission of toxic products of incomplete
combustion. Besides, this unfit use leads to exposures that are significantly detrimental to the
health of family members, particularly to women and children, who spend the most time in
or near the kitchen. Very young children are especially at risk because they are highly exposed
during vulnerable developmental periods [6].

The amounts and relative proportions of the various pollutants generated by solid fuel
combustion depend on a number of factors, including fuel type and moisture content, stove
technology, and operator behavior. Notwithstanding carbon monoxide and particles being the
most commonly measured pollutants, a range of other products of incomplete combustion is
found in solid fuel smoke, including phenols, oxides of nitrogen, quinones/semiquinones,
chlorinated acids such as methylene chloride, and dioxins [62, 63]. Table 3 shows some of these
pollutants from the combustion of biomass and fossil fuels, and their known toxicological
Pollutant Known toxicological characteristics

Bronchial irritation, increased inflammation reactivity, reduced

Particulates (PM10 , PM2.5)
mucociliary clearance, reduced macrophage response
Reduced oxygen delivery to tissues due to formation of
Carbon monoxide
Nitrogen dioxide
Bronchial reactivity, increased susceptibility to bacterial and viral lung
(relatively small amounts from low temperature
Sulfur dioxide Bronchial reactivity (other toxic end points common to particulate
(relatively small amount from most biomass) fractions)
Organic air pollutants:
1,3 butadiene
Benzene Carcinogenicity
Acetaldehyde Co-carcinogenicity
Phenols Mucus coagulation, cilia toxicity
Pyrene, Benzopyrene Increased allergic sensitization
Benzo(a)pyrene Increased airway reactivity

Source: [64, 6, 63]

Table 3. Toxic pollutants from the combustion of biomass and fossil fuels.

Renewable Energy, Emissions, and Health 187

The deployment of renewable energy should yield increased health benefits, and opportunities
for policy measures combining climate change and (urban) air pollution mitigation are
increasingly recognized.
Studies of the environmental benefits of clean energy initiatives tend to either focus on specific
emission reduction objectives or on analyzing the overall emission reductions of multiple
pollutants, including GHG and criteria pollutants [65].
A Texas Emissions Reduction Plan analysis in 2004 assessed the potential for clean energy to
help meet NOx air quality requirements as part of a State Implementation Plan. Thus, the Texas
Commission on Environmental Quality evaluated this plan and calculated that it achieved an
annual reduction of NOx emissions of 346 tons in 2004 through energy efficiency and renew‐
able energy. NOx reductions over the period 2007 to 2012 were projected to range from 824
tons per year in 2007 to 1,416 tons per year in 2012, which represent 0.5% and 1% of Texas NOx
emissions in 2005, respectively [66, 67].
In the same vein, a Wisconsin study in 2007 measured CO2, SO2, and NOx emission reductions
from the state’s Focus on Energy Program, an energy efficiency and renewable energy project.
This study found annual emission displacements of 1,365,755 tons of CO2, 2,350 tons of SO2,
and 1,436 tons of NOx from 2001 through 2007, which respectively represent about 2%, 1%,
and 2.5% of Wisconsin emissions in 2005 [67, 68].
Alternately, some studies have reassessed the economic cost of overcoming the recommended
levels of air pollutants. The study performed in [69] quantifies the health cost of road-traffic
related air pollution in Austria, France, and Switzerland. This study is based on the average
yearly population exposure to particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of less than
10 µm (PM10). Across the three countries (74 million inhabitants), the health costs due to traffic-
related air pollution for the year 1996 amount to some 27 billion €, which represents approxi‐
mately 1.7% of GDP. More recently, the study in reference [70] analyzes the economic costs
associated with the hospitalization of children in the city of Seville, due to respiratory diseases
caused by exposure to PM2.5 levels above the recommended limits. Moreover, a review of
studies that have been conducted about this issue can be found in [71]. These authors provide
a critical and systematic review of the societal costs of air pollution-related ill health studies.
They find a total of 17 studies, mostly related to PM10 particles.
So, it can be understood that the decrease in emissions, that can be achieved through the use
of less pollutant renewables, is going to be associated with less diseases and therefore with a
lower economic cost. However, fewer studies have quantified the health benefits of clean
energy initiatives. Methods to translate emission reductions into changes in air quality and
associated health benefits can be complicated. Recently, some studies have been carried out to
evaluate how renewable energy can reduce the negative effects of air pollutants [65].
The study in [72] compares the health impact of populations exposed to fine particles (PM2.5)
during their whole lifetime with two energy scenarios: the baseline (BL) scenario and the low
carbon, maximum renewable power (LC-MRP) scenario. The results show that, compared to
the BL scenario in which the emission factors are frozen at the 2005 level, the LC-MRP scenario,
with the implementation of the current legislation on air pollution, results in a 58% reduction

188 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

of PM2.5 concentrations in Europe, reducing the loss of life expectancy by 21%. Likewise, the
study concludes that a reduction of PM2.5 concentrations by 85% and a reduction of health
impact by 34% could be achieved if all technically feasible emission reduction measures were

In [73], it analyzes the cost savings by the year 2050 that can be achieved when a 100%
renewable energy systems is designed compared to the current systems in the case of Denmark,
in which the primary energy supply has been kept constant for 35 years. The health costs are
estimated on the basis of six different emissions: SO2, NOx, CO2, particulates (PM2.5), mercury,
and lead and are related to enumerated lost working days, hospital admissions, health damage,
and deaths. The results show that while the combined health costs for the reference energy
systems for 2015, 2030, and 2050 are approximately 14–15 billion DKK/year, the savings in the
health costs are approximately 2 billion DKK in 2015, approximately 7 billion DKK in 2030,
and approximately 10 billion DKK in 2050 when the energy system is 100% renewable.

Likewise, in [74], the authors use a simple damage function methodology to quantify some of
the health co-benefits of replacing coal-fired generation with wind or small hydro in China.
The authors estimate the health co-benefits of an average wind or hydro project in terms of
number of hospital stays for respiratory or cardio-pulmonary conditions per year avoided due
to the reductions in emissions of SO2, NOx, and particulates.

4. Discussion

The relatively recent deployment of RE all over the world is justified in the need for substitution
of fossil fuels. The first aim is to delay and reduce the future consequences of climate change
provoked by GHG emissions.

Although claims for the effects of climate change have been criticized and even disputed, most
countries have opted for a RE strategy path. The International Energy Agency (IEA) has
devoted the Renewables Information report to highlighting the importance of RE sources,
providing a comprehensive review of historical and current market trends in OECD countries,
including preliminary data for 2013. As the IEA stated, the role of RE is expected to increase
significantly over time in all scenarios considered with greater contributions to the power
generation, heating and cooling, and transport sectors [12].

The advantages of using RE sources are still being quantified, but overall they allow countries
to reduce the fossil fuels dependency, because it is considered that all countries enjoy at least
one renewable resource and most of them have more than one available. Also, the benefits of
using RE sources include the deployment of new technologies linked to RE sources, opening
new job opportunities, and seem to be more feasible for coping with the energy demand. These
actions are conducted by the so-called Green Economy.

Additionally, the RE sources contribute to reducing the GHG emissions and other air pollu‐
tants as soon as they substitute the use of fossil fuels. All these benefits of RE sources have

Renewable Energy, Emissions, and Health 189

been used to justify the Governments’ promotion of RE sources. As soon as RE sources deploy
positive externalities, they should be promoted.
In fact, the main difficulty is to know to what extend they should be promoted by Governments.
To answer this question, many efforts have been made in order to quantify these positive
effects. Additionally, they have been transformed into monetary terms with the aim of
providing further information. Then, the answer will be, the RE sources should be promoted
as much as the benefits that they generate.
The feed-in system has been the most usual energy policy for RE sources promotion. An
attempt to evaluate the positive externalities of using RE sources in the Spanish electricity
market was done by [75]. The final aim of this research was the following. Firstly, in the paper
is evaluated what would happen in Spanish electricity market if pollutant energy sources were
substituted by promoted RES, in terms of CO2 avoided. Secondly, the avoided CO2 emissions
generated by RES are compared with the funds they received from the Spanish feed-in system.
Third, authors calculate the economic balance of promoted RES. In 2011, approximately 10%
of premiums paid to promote RES for electricity could be explained by the monetary value of
CO2 emissions avoided by not using alternative pollutant energy sources, such as coal and
combined cycle.
The feed-in system has been the most usual energy policy for RE sources promotion. An
attempt to evaluate the positive externalities of using RE sources in the Spanish electricity
market was done by [75]. The final aim of this research was the following. Firstly, the supported
RES for electricity is evaluated in terms of CO2 emissions avoided when they are introduced
in the Spanish electricity market instead of other potential polluting energy sources. Secondly,
these positive environmental externalities of supported RES for electricity were compared with
the funds they received from the Spanish feed-in system, in order to estimate the economic
balance of this support system. The results for 2011 show that approximately 10% of premiums
paid to promote RES for electricity could be explained, from an economic point of view, by
the monetary value of CO2 emissions avoided by not using alternative energy sources, such
as coal and combined cycle.
However, the most recent research about the deployment of RE sources is focused not only on
the benefits from the climate change point of view, but also on the positive effects on human
health. The reason is that it is not only GHG emissions that have effects on human health, but
also other air pollutants such as ozone precursors and particulate matter are quite dangerous.
Great efforts have been made by some countries in order to meet not only the GHG interna‐
tional commitments but also to follow WHO recommendations in the air quality guide [52].
However, there are still important differences among countries about the percentage of
population that are affected by upper limits of air pollutants as recommended by WHO [52].
While many efforts have been made in relation to the GHG emissions and the number of
countries willing to reach an agreement is becoming more numerous, there is an important
lack of international commitments when considering other pollutants.
There are areas such as the European Union, where, in addition to the climate change policy,
there is an air pollution policy that covers the limits of pollutants other than GHG emissions.

190 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

This air pollution policy has been demonstrated as effective since many EU countries have
reduced their air emissions in the last decade.

But there are other areas or important countries, such as China or the USA, where the air
pollutant emissions other than GHG are still really high.

These differences among countries in terms of air pollutant emissions and air policy have
negative effects on international competitiveness. When the air emissions embodied in
international trade are considered, it so happens that in those countries where no air pollutant
policies have been put in place, the emissions embodied in exports are higher than those
embodied in imports [76]. Therefore, areas such as the European Union are provoking more
air pollution through its consumption pattern than from its production. Conversely, countries
such as China and India are provoking more air pollution through their production than from
their consumption pattern.

This different behavior of countries in relation to air pollution policy makes it difficult to reach
an agreement in this field. Those countries with more pollution because of their consumption
pattern ask for an agreement based on the production perspective, and those countries with
more pollution because of their production ask for an agreement from the consumption
perspective. Therefore, an international or global agreement is required if we are seeking a real

As an alternative to the global agreement, the reduction in air pollution, besides the dimin‐
ishing of GHG emissions, could be reached thanks to the deployment of RE sources. This is
why most of the countries’ efforts are not only aimed at reaching agreement on emissions, but
also most of their public policies are aimed at promoting the use of renewable energy and
improving energy efficiency.

The European Directive 20-20-20 goes in this direction. The countries’ efforts up to 2020 should
be directed to reducing GHG emissions, increasing the RE sources percentage in energy
consumption, and improving energy efficiency. This strategy has been confirmed in the
Roadmap to 2050.

One final idea comes into our discussion. Scientific research in different fields should help to
transform the negative effects that air pollution and GHG emissions have on human health in
terms of a homogenous unit of human health (or damage). This information will contribute to
policy makers being able to decide the best combination of energy sources among those
available, in terms of their effects on human health.

5. Conclusions

The important deployment of RE sources from an international perspective is a fact. The last
reports of [11, 12] show the importance that the RE source are achieving in most countries.
Although some differences are found, most countries have developed these energy sources
with the aim of contributing to reducing the effects of climate change, and therefore, to reaching

Renewable Energy, Emissions, and Health 191

international commitments. Nevertheless, there are other reasons that arise which explain the
deployment of RE sources.

The advantages of using RE sources are of a different nature. Firstly, from an economic
perspective, the RE sources allow countries to reduce the energy dependency on fossil fuels.
As at least one renewable source is available in all countries, they are a real alternative to fossil
fuels. However, the development of RE sources also requires an important investment that
creates job opportunities and improves new technologies. The research papers that link
productive sectors and the environment are becoming more frequent. The results provide
interesting information about which are the main pollutant sectors. The life cycle assessment
(LCA) techniques and the input-output models might provide further information on this
issue. Secondly, from the epidemiological point of view, research papers show evidence about
the effects that air pollutants have on human health. Many efforts have recently been made by
scientific researchers from different fields in order to display the negative effects that the
different pollutants have on human health, provoking cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.
The conclusions are different depending on the country and city considered, or depending on
the pollutant and the other variables included in the analysis. But all of them have found that
air pollutants have negative effects on human health, and have attempted to quantify them.
The final step, that not all researchers follow, is to transform these negative effects into
monetary units in order to be suitable for policy makers.

Therefore, the main results of those research papers with different techniques show that the
most pollutant sectors from the climate change and epidemiological point of views are quite
similar. They are mainly the transport and power generation sectors.

Research papers about the avoided CO2 and air pollutant emissions that will happen due to
the substitution of fossil fuels by RE sources (such as was done in [75]) will contribute to
estimate the benefits of RE in terms of emissions. Additionally, a second step is needed. More
studies should be carried out in order to quantify the effects on health that provoke this
reduction on CO2 and air pollutant emissions due to RE sources (here the epidemiological
studies have an important role).

Policy makers have to take into consideration all these positive externalities of RE sources,
when evaluating the possibility of their promotion. However, this evaluation should also take
into consideration that not all RE sources have equivalent positive effects. Therefore, our
recommendation is that governments should be supported by recent research when deciding
the most appropriate energy mix for a country.


The authors are grateful for the funding provided by the ECO2014-56399-R Project of Spanish
Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, the SEJ-132 project and the support of the Roger
Torné Foundation through the Energy and Environmental Economics Chair at the University
of Seville.

192 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Author details

María del P. Pablo-Romero*, Rocío Román, Antonio Sánchez-Braza and Rocío Yñiguez

*Address all correspondence to: mpablorom@us.es

University of Seville, Seville, Spain


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Chapter 9

Distributed Renewable Power Sources in Weak Grids —

Analysis and Control

Everton Luiz de Aguiar, Rafael Cardoso, Carlos Marcelo de Oliveira Stein,

Jean Patric da Costa and Emerson Giovani Carati

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter


This chapter describes the main aspects about distributed generation (DG) systems and
investigates the operation of DG systems based on static power converters connected to
weak grids. Initially, the concept of DG is discussed, and the main topologies for the con‐
nection of DG systems to the grid are covered. Converters used in such applications are
also introduced. When connected to weak grids, DG systems based on static power con‐
verters suffer with problems related to the total harmonic distortion (THD) at the connec‐
tion point. To address this issue, initially, a definition of weak grid is presented. Then, the
dynamic behaviour of the most common small DG system when connected to a weak
grid and the relation between the voltage harmonic distortion and the weak grid impe‐
dance are analyzed. Aiming to comply with the THD requirements, the main topologies
of passive filter used in the connection of inverter-based DG units with weak grids are
also discussed. Finally, a controller design that considers the grid side impedance in its
formulation is developed. Experimental results are provided to support the theoretical
analysis and to illustrate the performance of the grid-connected DG in a weak grid case
operation scenario.

Keywords: DG connection, DG models, Harmonic distortion, Weak grids

1. Introduction

A large amount of research effort has been made in order to diversify the primary energy
sources and to accommodate the growth in consumption. This consumption growth, allied to
the limited power generation capacity of traditional power plants, is encouraging the devel‐
opment of distributed generation (DG) systems. Figure 1 illustrates a simplified diagram of a
grid-connected DG concept.

200 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Figure 1. Simplified diagram with the most frequently deployed grid-connected DG concept.

The use of generation near to the consumption centres instead of the traditional large central‐
ized power plants provides many advantages such as reduction of the power losses in
transmission and distribution lines, improvement in power quality, reduction of the power
usage of the high voltage (HV)/medium voltage (MV) transformers and reliability improve‐
ment of the power supply. It also provides less environmental impact. However, the DG
systems are frequently connected in rural areas where weak grids are prominent. MV radial
distribution feeders serving relatively wide areas are common in rural areas of developing
countries. Usually, these grids are connected to radial subtransmission systems (up to 110 kV)
that can also cover long distances. As a result, high short-circuit impedances characterize these
distribution networks. Consequently, noticeable voltage differences between different
locations are to be expected and certain power quality issues can arise.
The main forms of primary sources used in DG are wind generation, photovoltaic generation
and hydro generation. Other primary sources such as fuel cells, geothermal generation and
cogeneration are less used. Particularly, wind and photovoltaic generations are becoming more
cost-effective because of the evolution of material technology and the advances in power
electronics solutions.
DG systems based on photovoltaic or wind depend on the use of power converters to ade‐
quately process the power to allow the connection to the grid. The use of such converters allows
the use of same DG system in grid-tied operation or, in some cases, in stand-alone operation.
In grid-tied mode, the power is injected in the grid, while in the stand-alone operation, the DG
is the electrical supply for a local load that is not connected to the grid. Figure 2 illustrates this
concept. In this figure, a hybrid DG system composed of a wind generator and a solar panel
is connected to the grid. In addition, a stand-alone DG system supplies a local load and
possesses the capability to store energy that can be used when the primary energy source is
In the electrical system depicted in Figure 2, the synchronous generator G2 represents a large
hydroelectric power plant and it is connected to the step-up transformer T4 through the
impedance Zg2. The transformer T4 raises the voltage from B6 to B5 (V B5 > 230kV). From the bus
B2, the energy generated by G2 reaches the step-down transformer T2 passing through the line
impedance ZLT2. The transformer T2 takes the transmission voltage level and adapts itself to
transmission-level voltage to the primary distribution voltage (13.8 kV).

Distributed Renewable Power Sources in Weak Grids — Analysis and Control 201

Figure 2. Different primary energy sources grid connections.

Distribution lines whose impedances are ZLT1 and ZLT3 and the power transformers T1 and T2
are shown in the central region of Figure 1. The central region between the buses B2, B3 and B7
marks the interconnection between DG units and the centralized generation G2.

The B1 bus from Figure 2 represents the connection point of a single-phase hybrid wind/
photovoltaic distribution generation unit with the grid. Note that the coupling of the two forms
of primary energy (G1 – wind and P1 – photovoltaic) is done through a shared DC bus
represented by BCC. The inverter of the hybrid DG unit located between the buses BCC and B1
is connected to the local load C1 and the distribution transformer T1. The inverter of the DG
unit works at secondary distribution voltage level (e.g. 220 V line-to-line root mean square,

The bus B8 in Figure 2 represents the connection point of a wind generation unit to the three-
phase distribution grid. This unit is formed by an induction generator with a gearbox. The
induction generator allows generation of constant frequency independent of the shaft speed.
The equivalent series impedance of the induction generator G4 is represented by Zg4. The
nominal voltage of the G4 connection point with the distribution grid is the secondary
distribution voltage. The generator G4 shares the connection point with the loads C3–C5,
represented by C3..5, which are typical residential or commercial consumption loads at the
secondary distribution voltage level.

Figure 2 also depicts the stand-alone use of DG. This situation can arise from an intentional or
unintentional disconnection of some subsystem from the main grid where the load is critical
and cannot tolerate power outages. The bus B10 represents the connection point of the stand-
alone distribution generation with the critical load C2. In this example, the DG is connected to
the load through a three-phase inverter and a transformer T5. Since the load C2 is critical, a
battery bank is used to store energy to be used in the cases that the prime source is not available.

As previously mentioned, several DG systems use static power converters to connect the
primary energy source to the grid. These converters use passive filters, based on inductive and
capacitive elements, to mitigate the harmonic content of the pulse width modulation (PWM).
When the DG connection is made at the secondary distribution voltage level, in several cases,
the length of the distribution line is large so that the equivalent series impedance between the

202 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

DG system and the substation transformer is not negligible. In those cases, the interaction of
the coupling filter of the inverter with the grid impedance can lead to undesirable resonances
that must be considered in the design stage of the control system. In addition, the dynamic
interaction of the DG with a weak grid can degrade the power quality even if the resonance is
not an issue.

This chapter considers a wind single-phase DG system and explores the problem of the power
quality degradation when the system is connected to weak grids. In addition, the main
concepts of DG are covered, such as main topologies for DG connected to the grid, power
converters for DG, definition of weak grids and the effects of the use of inductive (L) or
inductive–capacitive–inductive (LCL) filters in weak grids connection. It also presented a
complete control system design model, some simulations and experimental results to illustrate
the analysis.

2. Renewable energy sources in DG

Figure 2 showed a typical distribution grid in which different possible connection topologies
for DG were illustrated. In this section, further attention is given to describe possible connec‐
tion topologies for DG. The main static power converters used in such applications are also
addressed. Then, a mathematical model of a commonly used DG system, adequate for the
purposes of dynamic analysis and control design, is developed.

2.1. Topologies to connect DG into the grid

Two main approaches are usually used to connect DG systems to the grid. In the first one, an
AC bus is shared among the DG units. Each DG unit has its own DC bus and output inverter.
In the second approach, a DC bus is shared among the different generator units. Then a single
inverter is responsible for the connection of the DG to the grid.

Figure 3(a) illustrates the first case and represents two different DG systems based on power
inverters sharing the same AC bus, denoted by BAC. The outputs of the inverters are synchron‐
ized with the voltages at the connection point BAC. A transformer T1 connects the system and
the load C1 to the main grid.

Figure 3(b) depicts the second case where two DG units share the same DC bus, for example,
photovoltaic arrangement and a permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) with
controlled rectifier. Note that, in the case of DC coupling, there are no individual inverters.
However, DC/DC (for photovoltaic unit) and AC/DC converters (for wind generation) are
necessary. It is worth pointing out in Figure 3(b) that the synchronization with the AC bus is
done by only one inverter, which connects the generation unit to the main grid through a
transformer T1. The choice of coupling the units through a unified DC bus has the advantages
of allowing centralized control of parameters as power, voltage and current. With the AC
coupling, a single synchronization algorithm with the utility grid can be used.

generation unit to the main grid through a transformer T1. The choice of coupling the units 
through a unified DC bus has the advantages of allowing centralized control of parameters 
as  power,  voltage  and  current.  With  the Renewable Power
AC  coupling,  a Sources in Weak Grids — Analysis
single  synchronization  and Control
algorithm  203
with the utility grid can be used. 

 (a) AC bus connection.  (b) DC bus connection. 
Figure 3. AC bus and DC bus DG grid connection topologies. 
Figure 3. AC bus and DC bus DG grid connection topologies.
Figure 4Figure 4 shows a hybrid bus connection where some DG units are grouped in a DC bus and 
shows a hybrid bus connection where some DG units are grouped in a DC bus and
other units are grouped in an AC bus. It can be noted that DG33 and DG
other units are grouped in an AC bus. It can be noted that DG and DG44 units are grouped 
units are grouped into
the AC into 
separate converters,
bus  via separate  as wellas aswell 
converters,  in Figure 3(a).3(a). 
as  in  Figure  TheThe 
difference isis that
that in
in  Figure
4, there is also a group of DG units sharing the same single DC bus. As can be noted, DG1 and
Figure 4, there is also a group of DG units sharing the same single DC bus. As can be noted, 
DG1 and DG2 units are engaged on the bus BCC by means of suitable converters. The rectifier 
DG2 units are engaged on the bus BCC by means of suitable converters. The rectifier of DG1
of  DG1  controls  the  BCC  voltage.  Likewise,  the  DC/DC  converter  for  DG2  regulates  the  DC 
controlsoutput voltage in order to deliver power to the B
the BCC voltage. Likewise, the DC/DC CC converter
 bus.  for DG2 regulates the DC output
voltage in order to deliver power to the BCC bus.

Figure 4. Hybrid bus connection. 
Figure 4. Hybrid bus connection.
2.2. Static Power Converter for DG Applications 
2.2. Static power converter for DG applications

The most  common converter topology in DG is the full-bridge converter in an AC/DC/AC

  known as a back-to-back converter. In this configuration, two full-bridge
converters share the same DC bus. One converter acts as a rectifier (on the generator side) and
the second converter acts as the inverter (connected to the grid). When insulated gate bipolar
transistors (IGBTs) are used, the converter allows bidirectional flow of energy. The schematic
diagram of a full-bridge three-phase AC/DC/AC converter is shown in Figure 5.

The topologies of static converters used in DG units depend on the generator technology. In
photovoltaic systems, the voltage and current of the photovoltaic panel are continuous and
generally have low amplitude. The connection of PV systems to the distribution network leads

204 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration
bipolar transistors (IGBTs) are used, the converter allows bidirectional flow of energy. The 
schematic diagram of a full‐bridge three‐phase AC/DC/AC converter is shown in Figure 5. 

Figure 5. AC/DC/AC back‐to‐back converter for three‐phase connection. 
Figure 5. AC/DC/AC back-to-back converter for three-phase connection.

The topologies of static converters used in DG units depend on the generator technology. In 
to an arrangement of the panels in the DC bus [1] or the uses of a DC/DC [2] boost converter.
photovoltaic systems, the voltage and current of the photovoltaic panel are continuous and 
A full-bridge
generally  have inverter is usually used
low  amplitude.  at the output
The  connection  of of the
PV  DG system
systems  fordistribution 
to  the  the grid connection.
leads  to  an  arrangement  of  the  panels  in  the  DC  bus  [1]  or  the  uses  of  a  DC/DC  [2]  boost 
Wind generators have alternating output voltage and current. Usually, PMSGs, doubly fed
converter. A full‐bridge inverter is usually used at the output of the DG system for the grid 
induction generators (DFIG) and traditional synchronous generators also employ power
inverters for the connection with the grid. A DFIG-based system has a power conversion rating
of 30% of the nominal power of the wind turbine.
Wind generators have alternating output voltage and current. Usually, PMSGs, doubly fed 
induction  generators  (DFIG)  and  traditional  synchronous  generators  also  employ  power 
In the casefor 
inverters  of the
the PMSG, the frequency
connection  with  the  is directly
grid.  proportional
A  DFIG‐based  to thehas 
system  machine rotorconversion 
a  power  speed [3].
Thus, generation units with PMSG without static
rating of 30% of the nominal power of the wind turbine.  power converters must have a mechanical
speed adjustment system. In certain applications, the mechanical speed control has a slow time
response that cause variations in the frequency generated. In the cases in which mechanical
In the case of the PMSG, the frequency is directly proportional to the machine rotor speed 
[3].  of the angleunits 
Thus,  generation  of thewith 
blades is insufficient,
PMSG  the DGpower 
without  static  systemconverters 
will work must 
with variable
have  a 
voltage frequency. To cope with that problem, a static power converter is mandatory.
mechanical speed adjustment system. In certain applications, the mechanical speed control 
has  a  slow  time  response  that  cause  variations  in  the  frequency  generated.  In  the  cases  in 
Applications of PMSG with variable speed use an inverter to synchronize the generation with
which mechanical adjustment of the angle of the blades is insufficient, the DG system will 
the grid (for grid-tied applications) or to ensure constant frequency and voltage at the load
work with variable voltage frequency. To cope with that problem, a static power converter 
(for stand-alone applications). For PMSG-based systems, an AC/DC/AC converter may also
is mandatory. 
be used.
Applications  of  PMSG  with  variable  speed  use  an  inverter  to  synchronize  the  generation 
Figure 6 illustrates the elements of an AC/DC/AC converter used to connect a DG unit to a
with the grid (for grid‐tied applications) or to ensure constant frequency and voltage at the 
single-phase grid. In this converter, a three-phase noncontrollable rectifier to lower the
load (for stand‐alone applications). For PMSG‐based systems, an AC/DC/AC converter may 
converter cost is used on the machine side converter (MSC). On the grid side converter (GSC),
also be used. 
a full-bridge inverter is responsible for the connection with the grid.
Figure 6 illustrates the elements of an AC/DC/AC converter used to connect a DG unit to a 
The DC bus may consist of batteries, capacitors or super capacitors. Batteries have improved
single‐phase  grid.  In  this  converter,  a  three‐phase  noncontrollable  rectifier  to  lower  the 
the stability of bus voltage level but have a high charge and discharge time. Capacitors have
converter  cost  is  used  on  the  machine  side  converter  (MSC).  On  the  grid  side  converter 
a low charge time constant, but in return, the constancy of the voltage on the bus is impaired
(GSC), a full‐bridge inverter is responsible for the connection with the grid. 
compared with the battery systems. Finally, circuits with super capacitors promise quick
charge maintaining a constant voltage at DC bus, but at a higher cost than the other two

Distributed Renewable Power Sources in Weak Grids — Analysis and Control 205


S1 S2 S3 Q1 Q3
G1 Filter
G2 Grid

S4 S5 S6 Q2 Q4

Figure 6. AC/DC/AC converter for single‐phase connection. 
Figure 6. AC/DC/AC converter for single-phase connection.

The DC bus may consist of batteries, capacitors or super capacitors. Batteries have improved 
Another important feature of the AC/DC/AC circuit in Figure 6 is the possibility to regulate
the stability of bus voltage level but have a high charge and discharge time. Capacitors have 
the DC bus voltage using decoupled controllers. The DC bus voltage control gives the
a low charge time constant, but in return, the constancy of the voltage on the bus is impaired 
compared  of hybrid
with  generation
the  battery  systems
systems.  wherecircuits 
Finally,  the different generations
with  super  are connected
capacitors  promise  at the
DC bus. This is illustrated in Figure 6, for example, where a photovoltaic unit G2 (with
charge  maintaining  a  constant  voltage  at  DC  bus,  but  at  a  higher  cost  than  the  other  two 
technologies. DC output voltage) and a wind power unit G1 are connected to the grid by the DC
Another important feature of the AC/DC/AC circuit in Figure 6 is the possibility to regulate 
The connection
the  DC  of wind
bus  voltage  anddecoupled 
using  photovoltaic units to The 
controllers.  the distribution network
DC  bus  voltage  is extensively
control  gives  the 
discussed in the literature. With the advances in power electronics, full-power switched
possibility of hybrid generation systems where the different generations are connected at the 
DC  bus.  This  or full-bridge AC/DC/AC
is  illustrated  in  Figure converters are widely
6,  for  example,  where  used to control the
a  photovoltaic  current
unit  and
G2  (with 
voltage at the connection point. The strategy of PWM is 1used
regulated DC output voltage) and a wind power unit G in most applications, which use
 are connected to the grid by the DC 
bus. full-power converters. The PWM is used to synthesize the control actions needed to ensure
that the reference tracking of the output quantities (current, voltages, frequency or power) are
The  connection  of  wind  and  photovoltaic  units  to  the  distribution  network  is  extensively 
achieved. Several PWM strategies are found in the literature. The more common techniques
discussed  in  the  literature.  With  the  advances  in  power  electronics,  full‐power  switched 
are the following: three-level sinusoidal modulation, two-level sinusoidal modulation, space
converters or full‐bridge AC/DC/AC converters are widely used to control the current and 
vector modulation and multilevel modulation. Each modulation strategy is associated with a
voltage  at  the  connection  point.  The  strategy  of  PWM  is  used  in  most  applications,  which 
different frequency spectrum obtained by the Fourier series of the output voltage of the
use the full‐power converters. The PWM is used to synthesize the control actions needed to 
ensure  that  the  reference  tracking  of  the  output  quantities  (current,  voltages,  frequency  or 
The voltage that arises from the switching of the PWM logic is a discontinuous function and
power) are achieved. Several PWM strategies are found in the literature. The more common 
has high
techniques  total harmonic
are  distortionthree‐level 
the  following:  (THD). To sinusoidal 
ensure minimum levels oftwo‐level 
modulation,  power quality, low-
pass filters are used at the output of the inverters used in wind and photovoltaic
modulation, space vector modulation and multilevel modulation. Each modulation strategy  generations.
is  associated  with  a  different  frequency  spectrum  obtained  by  the  Fourier  series  of  the 
2.3. Mathematical models for DG primary sources
output voltage of the inverter.  
About the nature of primary energy, the DG units can be classified as wind, photovoltaic,
The voltage that arises from the switching of the PWM logic is a discontinuous function and 
hydro, biomass and cogeneration. Each form of conversion of primary energy into electrical
has high total harmonic distortion (THD). To ensure minimum levels of power quality, low‐
energy has itsare 
pass  filters  own dynamic
used  characteristic.
at  the  This inverters 
output  of  the  dynamic feature determines
used  in  thephotovoltaic 
wind  and  design and
operation and
generations.  the connection of the device to the load. The most promising primary energy
sources for DG, which has become widespread in recent years, are wind, solar and hydro
power plants.
2.3. Mathematical Models for DG Primary Sources 
The main DG power primary sources are as follows:


 Cogeneration 

 Biomass generation 
206 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Cogeneration  plants  use  heat  energy  remaining  in  industrial  processes,  sometimes  calle
rocess heat, to generate steam for moving pressure turbine electric generators. The heatin
• Wind generation
nd  water  vapour  generation  can  also  be  performed  through  combustion  of  biomas
• Photovoltaic generation
iomass is composed of plant remains, such as sugarcane bagasse. 
• Hydro generation
he  units  of 
• wind  and  photovoltaic  generation,  among  the  primary  sources  cited,  are  th
most  applicable  forms  for  micro‐  and  mini‐generation  residential  units.  However,  th
• Biomass generation
eneration  of  hydroelectric  units  have  high  power  density,  high  efficiency  and  dominan
Cogeneration plants use heat energy remaining in industrial processes, sometimes called
echnology resulting in a reduced cost per watt installed. 
process heat, to generate steam for moving pressure turbine electric generators. The heating
and water vapour generation can also be performed through combustion of biomass. Biomass
As  this  chapter  deals ofwith 
is composed the  connection 
plant remains, of  small‐scale 
such as sugarcane bagasse. DG  to  the  single‐phase  mains, w
hose  to  implement  the  most  appropriate  generation  technologies  for  residenti
The units of wind and photovoltaic generation, among the primary sources cited, are the most
applicable forms for micro- and mini-generation residential units. However, the generation of
hydroelectric units have high power density, high efficiency and dominant technology
he  frequency  response 
resulting of  a cost
in a reduced single‐phase  generation  system  from  the  common  connectio
per watt installed.
oint  aspect 
thisdependent  on the
chapter deals with the  following 
connection two  excitation 
of small-scale DG to the single-phase mains,the 
functions:  inverter  outpu
we chose
to implement the most appropriate generation technologies for residential applications.
oltage  and  the  voltage  of  the  single‐phase  grid.  The  connection  system  analysis  can  b
made  considering  the  grid 
The frequency voltage 
response as  a  disturbance 
of a single-phase in  the 
generation system control 
from diagram. 
the common The  frequenc
point aspect is dependent on the following two excitation functions: the
esponse of a quantity in a system with two excitation sources is given by superposition o inverter output voltage
and the voltage of the single-phase grid. The connection system analysis can be made consid‐
esponses from each excitation source individually, considering the other null. Consider th
ering the grid voltage as a disturbance in the control diagram. The frequency response of a
quantity in a system with two excitation sources is given by superposition of responses from
 source of zero voltage is the same as replacing the source to be annulled by a short circuit
each excitation source individually, considering the other null. Consider that a source of zero
voltage is the same as replacing the source to be annulled by a short circuit.
Consider a generic system with five complex impedances represented by  Z n , depending o
Consider a generic system with five complex impedances represented by Z n , depending on
he complex frequency s. Figure 7 shows the general diagram of impedance considering tw
the complex frequency
deally sinusoidal sources,  s. Figure
V1  and  V 57 shows the general diagram of impedance considering two
. The generic model presented can be applied to mod
ideally sinusoidal sources, V 1and V 5. The generic model presented can be applied to model
he  connection  point  of point
the connection a  single‐phase 
of a single-phase inverter 
inverter toto  thethe 
powerpower  grid,  considering 
grid, considering the inverter the  inverte
utput  voltage  Vinv (s)  VV1inv(s(s)) =, VV1(s)
4 ( s ) 4 VPCC
, V (s) = V PCC and V grid
( s(s))  and  s)5(s). VThe
(s) =(V
Vgrid other definitions taken to
5 ( s ) .  The  other  definitions  take
the generic diagram are the following: I 1 = I inv, I 2 = I C , I 4 = I local, I 5 = I grid.
o the generic diagram are the following:  I1  Iinv ,  I 2  IC ,  I 4  Ilocal ,  I 5  I grid . 

I1 Z1 I3 Z3 I5 Z5

I2 I4
V1 V2 VPCC V4 V5
Z2 Z4
Figure 7.7.Generic circuit with complex impedances at the point of common connection. 
Figure Generic circuit with complex impedances at the point of common connection.

he complex impedances of Figure 7 are defined in function of the filter parameters and th
rid parameter. According to Figure 7, Z 1  sL1 , Z 2  1 , Z 3  sL3 , Z 4  Rlocal , Z 5  sLgrid . 

Distributed Renewable Power Sources in Weak Grids — Analysis and Control 207

The complex impedances of Figure 7 are defined in function of the filter parameters and the
grid parameter. According to Figure 7,Z 1 = s L 1, Z 2 = sC , Z 3 = s L 3, Z 4 = Rlocal, Z 5 = s L grid.

The single-line diagram that represents the connection of a distributed generating unit to the
grid and the local load through a full bridge converter is shown in Figure 8. The diagram in
The single‐line diagram that represents the connection of a distributed generating unit to the 
Figure 8 is based on the generic circuit of Figure 7.
grid and the local load through a full bridge converter is shown in Figure 8. The diagram in 
Figure 8 is based on the generic circuit of Figure 7. 

iinv R3 Lgrid Rgrid

L1 R inv L3

+ + i3 ZL + +
ic C ilocal igrid V grid
Vinv Vc V PCC
V DC - - - -

Figure 8. . Full‐bridge converter connected to the single‐phase grid and a local load through an LCL 
Figure 8. Full-bridge converter connected to the single-phase grid and a local load through an LCL filter.

The Laplace transform
Laplace  ofof 
transform  thethe 
filter output
filter  current
output  andand 
current  of the
of point of common
the  point  coupling
of  common  (PCC)
voltage can be written, respectively, by the expressions:
(PCC) voltage can be written, respectively, by the expressions: 

I 3 ( s )I 3= sF3invF(3sinv
)Vinvs +VinvF 3gridF 3( sgrid)Vgrid
s Vgrid
  VPCC  s   F 4inv  s Vinv  F 4 grid  s Vgrid ,  (2) 

F 4 sinv ,(Fs )4Vinvinv +

VPCC ( s )F=3inv
wherein the transfer functions  s F grid( 
, F43grid  ,grid
ss)V F 4, grid  s  are defined considering (2)
the superposition principle applied to the sources  V1  s  e  V5  s   from Figure 7. The transfer 
wherein the transfer functions F 3inv(s ), F 4inv(s ), F 3grid(s ), F 4grid(s ) are defined considering the
functions, this way, are obtained as follows: 
superposition principle applied to the sources V 1(s ) e V 5(s ) from Figure 7. The transfer
I (s) s1   0
functions, F 3inv  as3 follows:  4
this way, are obtained ,  (3) 
Vinv ( s ) V  0 s  s 3 3  s 2 2  s 1

I I( s( )s ) I (s) sJ1 + J0 s 2 2  1
  FF 3inv= 3 3
3grid = 3 4  42 3 , ,  (4) 
VV inv ( s )
grid (s) ) Vs a
V5s( s+ 3
0 3
+s s a s2 + 3sa1s 2 2  s 1
Vinv  0= 0
Vgrid 1

V PCC ( s ) sRlocal 1
  F 4 inv   ,  (5) 
I (s) Vinv ( sI)3 (Vs ) s 4  s 3 s3 2J2s 2+J2 1 s 1
F 3grid = 3 = grid 0
= , (4)
Vgrid ( s ) V5 ( s ) V = 0 s 4 + s 3a 3 + s 2a 2 + sa1
Vinv = 0 1

VPCC ( s ) V4 ( s ) s 3 3  s 1
  F 4 grid    .  (6) 
Vgrid ( s ) V5 ( s ) V 0
s 4  s 3 3  s 2 2  s 1
Vinv  0 1

208 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

VPCC ( s ) sRlocalv 1
F 4inv = = , (5)
Vinv ( s ) V =0
s + s a 3 + s 2a 2 + sa1
4 3

VPCC ( s ) V4 ( s ) s 3d 3 + sd1
F 4grid = = = 4 . (6)
Vgrid ( s ) V5 ( s ) V = 0 s + s a 3 + s 2a 2 + sa1
Vinv = 0 1

In the expressions (3)–(6), the constants that multiplies the frequency ‘s’ are as follows:

α0 =
C L 1L 3L grid
, α1 = C L L
3 grid
,α =
1 1
C L 1 L grid C L 1 L 3 2 C L 3 L 1 ( 1
, α3 = Rlocal L + L
, ( )
Rlocal Rlocal Rlocal 1
Weak Grids 
δ =
CL L 1
3 grid
+ ,δ =
C L 1 L grid 3 L grid
and ϖ1 = C L L .
1 3

e  grid  can  be  represented  by  an  alternating  current  voltage  source  having  an  intern
3. Weak grids
pedance Z g rid .  The  impedance  seen  from  the  DG  system  connection  point  may  va
The grid can be represented by an alternating current voltage source having an internal
pending on local characteristics and the voltage level (distribution or transmission). For
impedance Z grid. The impedance seen from the DG system connection point may vary
stem connected to the distribution network, for example, the impedance seen from the D
depending on local characteristics and the voltage level (distribution or transmission). For a
system connected
nnection  point  to the distributionof 
has  contributions  network,
the  for example, the
internal  impedance seen
impedance  of from theinput, 
the  DG the  li
connection point has contributions of the internal impedance of the input, the line impedances
pedances  ofof the the  transformers 
transformers from  bus
from the distribution the  distribution 
to the transmission, thebus  to  the 
impedances transmission,  t
of the voltage
regulators in the passage and the loads connected across the line. The block diagram in Figure
pedances of the voltage regulators in the passage and the loads connected across the lin
9 shows the power flow from the connection point to the distribution substation bus to the DG
e  block  diagram  in  Figure  9  shows  the  power  flow  from  the  connection  point  to  t
system connected to the distribution grid.
stribution substation bus to the DG system connected to the distribution grid. 

ZLV =R LV +jX LV Z Trans=R Trans+jX Trans ZMV=R MV+jXMV


Figure 9. Power 9.
flowPower flow from the connection point to the substation bus. 
from the connection point to the substation bus.

Figure 9 shows the equivalent series impedances for each element from the connection point
gure 9 shows the equivalent series impedances for each element from the connection poi
to the distribution substation bus. The connection point is represented by BPCC. The electrical
the distribution substation bus. The connection point is represented by B
low-voltage network from the connection point to the secondary voltage terminals PCC . The electric
of the
distribution transformer has a series of equivalent impedance represented
w‐voltage  network  from  the  connection  point  to  the  secondary  voltage  terminals  of  t in Figure 9 by
Z LV = RLV + j X LV. The secondary voltage terminals of the distribution transformer are repre‐
stribution  transformer  has  a  series  of  equivalent  impedance  represented  in  Figure  9 
sented by BLV. The equivalent series impedance of the distribution transformer, referred to the
V  RLV  jX LV .  The 
low-voltage secondary 
side, is representedvoltage  terminals 
in Figure 9 by Z Trans = RTrans +of  the . The
j X Trans distribution  transformer  a
primary distribution

presented  by  BLV .  The  equivalent  series  impedance  of  the  distribution  transform
erred  to  the  low‐voltage  side,  is  represented  in  Figure  9  by  ZTrans  RTrans  jX Trans .  T
imary distribution voltage terminals, HV transformer, are represented in Figure 9 by  BH
e  distribution  line  primary  impedance,  from  the  HV  terminals  of  the  transformer  to  t
Distributed Renewable Power Sources in Weak Grids — Analysis and Control 209

voltage terminals, HV transformer, are represented in Figure 9 by BHV. The distribution line
primary impedance, from the HV terminals of the transformer to the distribution substation,
referred to the low-voltage side is represented by Z HV = RHV + j X HV. Finally, the substation is
represented by the bus BSUBS. The total impedance Z total is given by the expression:

Z total = Rtotal 2 + X total 2 , (7)

and, as can be seen in Figure 9, Rtotal = RLV + RTrans + RHVe X total = X LV + X Trans + X HV.
Define the fundamental component of the PCC voltage by V PCC = | V PCC | e jδ
and the infinite
bus voltage fundamental component by V GRID = | V GRID | e j0. The active power transferred from
the PCC to the grid is given by the expression:

P12 = sin (d - a z ) + PCC total
, (8)
Z total Z total

( )
Rtotal V PCC Rtotal
where αz = arctg X + and δ is the load angle [3].
total | Z total | 2
It can be noted in expression (8) that the transferred power is inversely proportional with the
amplitude of the impedance between the PCC and the grid, if the total resistance is considered
zero. Moreover, it is noted in the first term of expression (8) that the power P12 varies with the
sine of the load angle minus the angle αz . The second term of the expression (8) represents the
active power dissipated in the equivalent resistance between the PCC and the grid. As greater
is the power transfer capability between the PCC and the grid, the stiffer is the grid. There are
two main indicators that measure the strength of a network: The short circuit ratio at the
connection point, defined by the SCR or by inductive–resistive ratio IRR. As shown in [4] and
[5], SCR is defined by the expression:

VPCCnom 2
SCR = . (9)
Z total S nominal

where Snominal is the rated apparent power of the DG unit, Z total is the equivalent Thevenin
impedance, seen from the connection point, and V PCCnom is the generated rated voltage for the
DG connection point. Weak grids are characterized for SCR < 10.

Another way of measuring the grid strength is by the IRR ratio, defined by the ratio between
the equivalent reactance view of the connection point and the equivalent resistance R seen
from PCC, namely

X total
IRR = . (10)

210 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

The grid is considered weak if IRR < 0.5 [4].

The grid is considered weak if the SCR indicator or the indicator IRR reaches values below 10
and below 0.5, respectively. In this chapter, simulation analysis and experimental results are
given disregarding the resistive portion of the grid impedance, that is, considering Rtotal = 0.
This choice leads to an IRR indicator that tends to infinity, and thus the network is classified
as poor only by the SCR indicator. Another direct consequence from the equation (8) is that if
Rtotal = 0, then αz = 0, and the second term of equation (8) is zero too. If this assumption is made,
the power transferred by the DG power unit is inversely proportional to the total reactance
and equation (8) becomes

P12 = sin (d ) . (11)
X total

The choice for ignoring the resistive portion is made to simplify the numerical and experi‐
mental analyses. Since Rtotal is equal to zero, the impedance of the grid is simple X total. Note
that if X total = L totalω , with L total being the total inductance from the PCC to the HV bus and ω
is the angular frequency of the distribution network, then it is possible to derive the total
inductance threshold between a strong network and a weak network. From equation (9)

VPCCnom 2
Ltotal = . (12)
w SnominalSCR

Knowing the rated characteristics of the generation system, from the equation (12), by
replacing SCR = 10, we can determine the inductance threshold between a weak network and
a strong network. The impedance grown from PCC to the HV bus limits the active power
supplied by the DG unit. Beyond this problem, the switched AC/DC/AC converters face
another problem when connected to weak grids: The harmonic distortion at PCC. The DG
system inverter is seen from the PCC as a harmonic generator. The low-pass filter parameter‐
ization in the inverter output is very important to the performance and stability of the DG
system. The main filters used in the literature, considering the weak grid problems, are
explained in the next section.

4. Analysis of L and LCL filters connected in weak grids

The most used low-pass filters in renewable DG systems (RDGS) are generally passive and
can be implemented with L, LC, LCL or LLCL topologies. The L filter topology is indicated [6]
for low-power generation connected to the grid and without local load. The problem of using
L filters becomes apparent when the generation unit is located at a point in the network where

Distributed Renewable Power Sources in Weak Grids — Analysis and Control 211

there is a high grid series equivalent impedance. For these cases, the effect of the voltage drop
across the line impedance results in a higher THD for both current and voltage at the connec‐
tion point [7]. When a local load is considered, the problem becomes even more evident. The
voltage and current THD at local load connected at the PCC depend on the grid parameters,
the characteristics of the passive filter, the harmonic spectrum of the output current of the
inverter and the characteristics of the local load current. The problem of high current THD at
the PCC can be mitigated by using a capacitive filter. Therefore, LC and LCL filter topologies
are most applicable to systems with local load and high-impedance network. LCL filters are
preferable to the LC filter by presence of the inductive element in line with the series grid

In this section, several passive filters’ mathematical models will be shown, in both time domain
and complex domain. Simulation results are presented to exemplify the model analysis.Figure
10 shows grid voltage and current waveforms that were obtained using computational
simulations, considering a 2.2-kW generation setup, an inductive filter with L=2 mH, and a
strong grid where the equivalent line impedance is L grid = 2μH. The THD of the voltage
waveform shown in Figure 10 is 0.069%, while the current waveform THD is 3.427%. In this
case, both waveforms are considered of good quality, since they present low THD, below 5%.

Figure 10. Current and voltage waveforms in PCC of RDGS connected by L filter to a strong single-phase grid.

In weak grids, the THD of PCC voltage grows considerably when the same inductor of
previous case is used. This effect is shown in Figure 11. In this case, the line inductance is set
to L grid = 1.5mH to evaluate the response of same RDGS connected to a weak grid.

In Figure 11, the current THD for a weak grid is 2.116%, lower than the THD for the same
system connected to a strong grid. However, the voltage THD in same figure is 27.34%. It can
be noted that voltage THD grows significantly in PCC for a weak grid. Moreover, when local
loads are connected in PCC, HV THD is unacceptable.

212 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Figure 11. PCC current and voltage of single-phase RDGS connected to weak grid using L filter.

In most cases where weak grids are connected to RDGS with inductive (L) filters, a significant
raise of physical size of connection inductor in order to reduce the voltage THD is necessary.
In most situations, this rising makes the implementation unviable. On the other hand, from
the controller viewpoint, the utilization of pure inductive filters only inserts a first-order
dynamic in connection point such that the current control is generally easier than in other filter

The LCL filter is usually a good option to weak grids applications. The LCL filter inductances
are generally lower than equivalent one in the L filter for the same grid impedance and the
same voltage THD. Since now the LCL filter has three dynamical elements, the controller must
be able to operate with an insertion of a third-order dynamic in PCC. This condition requires
more analysis and careful designing of the current controller. When an LCL filter is considered
the choice of filter, resonance frequency must take into account the switching frequency and
fundamental frequency. A reasonable choice discussed in the literature is the resonance
frequency to be ten times the fundamental frequency and half the switching frequency. This
choice allows high frequencies of PWM modulation to be sufficiently attenuated, while the
resonance frequency does not affect the control variables in fundamental frequency.

A design approach for LCL filter to be used in weak grids are presented and discussed in a

4.1. Design of an LCL passive filter for weak grid connection

As in [8] and [9], the system base impedance can be defined by the following expression:

En 2
Zb = (13)

Distributed Renewable Power Sources in Weak Grids — Analysis and Control 213

where Z b is the base impedance, Enis the nominal RMS line voltage and Pn is the nominal active
power. As a numerical example, if En = 127VRMS and Pn = 2.2kW are given in a low power RGDS,
then Z b = 7.331Ω. The system base capacitance is given by the expression:

Cb = (14)
wg Z b

whereω g is the fundamental angular frequency of the system. Thus, considering a grid with
127 V RMS nominal voltage and 60 Hz nominal frequency, the base capacitance Cb = 361.8 μF.
Moreover, the base capacitance relates to filter capacitance (Cf) through γcap as follows:

Cf = g capCb . (15)

As practical design recommendation [8], the maximum capacitance of the LCL filter (Cfmax) is
recommended not to exceed 5% of base capacitance Cb such that γcapmax = 0.05. In this way,
Cf = 10μFcan be a good choice, and it will be considered in the next analysis.

The filter output equivalent inductance is denoted by L 0 and is given by the sum of grid
inductance L grid and filter output inductance L 3, where local load is not considered. The
parameter L 0 relates to input inductance L 1 by a factor γi such that

L0 = g i L1. (16)

In [9], it is shown that the voltage amplitude in the switching frequency for three-level PWM
modulation, which corresponds to 200th harmonic, is 0.473 pu of nominal peak voltage. In [8],
an important relationship for the inductor current amplitude in the inverter side and the
inverter output voltage is given, which is valid for the switching frequency f sw = h sw60, such

iL1 (hswwg ) 1
» . (17)
u (hswwg ) hswwg L1

From equation (17), it is possible to compute L 1 if the current amplitude in the switching
frequency and voltage harmonic order are known. The procedure for determining L 1 using
expression (17) starts from the specification of maximum per unit amplitude for the desired
current in L 1. In [9], the maximum amplitude is set to 0.3% for harmonic currents above 35th
order. The second stage to obtain L 1 is to determine the per unit amplitude of the inverter
output voltage in the switching frequency. For the given values and using a spectral analysis,

214 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

usw = 0.473 pu is obtained. In order to attend the minimal specifications in standards, it should
be considered that iL 1 is lower than 0.3%. Thus, consider the design choice iL 1 = 0.1% = 0.01pu,
such that the expression (17) can be rearranged to solve for L1 that results in the equation:

u (hswwg ) 0.473
L1 » = = 822 m H. (18)
hswwgiL1 (hswwg ) 200 × 2 × p × 60 × 0.01

When considering practical applications, an approximation L 1 = 1 mH can be used for the

inductor given in (18).

The relationship between the currents of grid side inductor iL 1 and the inverter side inductor
iL 2 at the switching frequency (h swharmonic) is given by

iL1 ( hsw ) 1
= . (19)
iL2 ( hsw ) 1 + g 1 (1 - L1Cb 2p f swg 2 )

In (19), γ1is the proportionality factor between L 0 and L 1. Considering design parameters,
Figure 12 shows iL 1(h sw) / iL 2(h sw) for a range of γ1 from 0.5 to 4.5.

Figure 12. i L (h sw )/iL 2(h sw ) for a variation of γ1.


Figure 12 shows that 0.3% attenuation in current is obtained for γ1 > 2.34. Thus, from (19), the
filter output equivalent inductance is determined as L 0 = L 2 + L g = 1.92mH. For practical
implementation, the value L 0 = 2mH is considered.

Distributed Renewable Power Sources in Weak Grids — Analysis and Control 215

The resonance frequency must be verified from the design parameters obtained in the previous
procedure ( L 1 = 1mH, Cf = 10μF, L 0 = 2mH). As in [8], it is considered that the resonance fre‐
quency definition is given by

L1 + L0 rad
wres = = 12247 = 1949Hz. (20)
L1L0Cf s

Taking into account the required interval for the resonance frequency 10 f s < f res < 0.5 f sw, where
f sw = 12kHz, it can be seen that the designed parameters can be used for practical implemen‐
tation. From these LCL-designed parameters, a numerical simulation is performed considering
a weak grid and the obtained PCC voltage and current are shown in Figure 13.

Figure 13. PCC current and voltage for a single-phase RDGS connected to a weak grid using an LCL filter.

The current THD for the waveform shown in Figure 13 is 1.31%. It can be seen that the use of
LCL filter in the connection of RDGS to a weak grid resulted in a lower current THD compared
to the case of an L filter being connected to a strong grid. The voltage THD obtained for the
waveform of Figure 13 is 1.22%, much lower (THDVLCL= 0.04 THDVL) than voltage THD for a
pure L filter in same conditions in Figure 11.

5. Controlled converters connected to weak grids

Many control topologies applied to DG are available in the literature, in static and synchronous
reference frame (d–q axis). The proportional–integral (PI) controllers can be utilized in static
reference frame, but the zero steady-state error is not achieved for this case. The static reference

216 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

frame PI has the advantage of being easily parameterized. There are others topologies that
achieve zero steady-state error. The proportional–resonant (PR) controller reaches zero steady-
state error with good dynamic performance, considering a fixed fundamental frequency [10]
[11]. Otherwise, as is presented in [12], the application of PR controllers in single-phase grids
with LCL filter has limited stability margins. Other researches, like in [13] and [14], utilize
discrete deadbeat controllers, which have a strong dependency on the electric parameters
An interesting solution to control a voltage source inverter (VSI) connected to a single-phase
grid with zero steady-state error is to utilize synchronous reference frame controllers. The
alternate quantities are synchronized with the PCC frequency and become continuous because
of the Park transformation [15], [16], [17].
In the synchronous reference frame, the reference voltage and current quantities are constants.
This way is possible to guarantee good dynamic response and zero steady-state error, utilizing
simple synchronous reference frame PI controllers. Considering the LCL filter connection,
some studies show that the gain in the resonance frequency can be damped by inserting a
damping resistor in series with the capacitor called the damping resistor [18]. The damping
can be passive (fixed) and active (switched).
Particularly for the case of single-phase connection of DG unit, the general diagram that
represents all the elements involved in the conversion and power conditioning process is
shown in Figure 14.

Figure 14. PCC voltage and current for single-phase weak grid connection through LCL filter.

The capacitive reactance is given by X c = 1 / ωC , inversely proportional to the fundamental

frequency of the power grid. Therefore, an approach to low frequencies in the vicinity of 60
Hz is to disregard from the control analysis the dynamics of the capacitive element from LCL

Distributed Renewable Power Sources in Weak Grids — Analysis and Control 217

filter calculated above. This consideration, as will be shown in sequence, not only significantly
changes the characteristic low-frequency system but also simplifies the fourth-order system,
shown above, resulting in a first-order system.

If the LCL filter capacitor is dismissive of the methodology of parameterization of the con‐
troller, then the equivalent circuit of inverter output voltage connection to the connection point
is simplified, as shown in Figure 15.

Figure 15. Simplified diagram for the connection point.

From Figure 15, disregarding the L 1 and L 3 inductors internal resistances, results in

Vinv = ( L1 + L3 ) + VPCC . (21)

Considering an additional β axis shifted 90º from the natural axis α, the currents derivative in
the filter is

é Vinva ù
ê ú
éi3a ù é1 0 -1 0 ù ê Vinvb ú
( L1 + L3 ) êi ú = ê ú . (22)
ë 3 b û ë0 1 0 -1û êêVPCCa úú
êëVPCCb úû

Consider the original system of the Figure 8. Disregard the capacitor branch, and then
iinvdq = i3dq . With that, the line inductance from inverter to PCC becomes

Ltotal = L1 + L3 . (23)

The simplified dynamic system is represented by the ratio

éi3d ù éi3d w ù 1 éVinv d - VPCCd ù
êi ú = êi w ú + ê ú. (24)
ë 3q û ë 3q û Ltotal ë Vinvq - VPCCq û

218 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Note that there is a coupling term ±ωidq , a voltage component V PCCdq and V invdq . In order to
obtain a decoupled PI controller, the control laws udsimplified and uqsimplified are defined by

udsimplified = Vinvd - VPCCd + wi3q Ltotal (25)


uqsimplified = Vinvq - VPCCq - wi3d Ltotal . (26)

The two decoupled expressions for de grid current in rotating frame, depending on the control
actions are

ud = Ltotal . (27)
simplified dt


uq = Ltotal . (28)
simplified dt

Note that the equations (27) and (28) are similar. Applying the Laplace transform in equations
(27) and (28) can be obtained:

i3d ( s ) 1
G3d (s) = = , (29)
simplified ud (s) sLtotal


i3q ( s ) 1
G3q (s) = = . (30)
simplified uq (s) sLtotal

In this example, it is desired to control the current loop using a PI type controller. Thus, the
control output for this type of controller is defined by the expressions

ud = K p3 d ei3 d + K i3 d ò ei3 d dt (31)


Distributed Renewable Power Sources in Weak Grids — Analysis and Control 219


uq = K p3 q ei3 q + K i3 q ò ei3 q dt , (32)


in which the current error ei3d and ei3q can be calculated through the relations

ei3 d = i3dref - i3d (33)


ei3 q = i3qref - i3q . (34)

Applying the Laplace transform in equations the following can be obtained:

ud (s) K i3 d
G pii ( s ) = simplified
= K p3 d + (35)
e3d ( s ) s


uq (s) K i3 q
G pii ( s ) = = K p3 q + .
e3q ( s ) s

I 3simplified(s)
Define the transfer function V inv(s)
in the natural reference by

I3 (s) 1
Gsimplified (s ) = simplified
= . (37)
Vinv ( s ) Ltotal s

Figure 16 shows the Bode diagram of the complete transfer function I 3simplified(s) / V inv(s) and
simplified transfer function of equation (37) superimposed to the same filter parameters
calculated in the previous section. Note that there is a linear region above 6284 rad/s (1 kHz),
in which the two transfer functions correspond.

220 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Figure 16. Bode diagram with complete and simplified models.

For the first-order region of Figure 16, the current controller design for the system of fourth-
order plant can be simplified by the project with the first-order plant, modelled by the transfer
function of equation (37).
Gains for a classic PI controller are given by the expressions:

2xwc L1
Kp =
2x 2 + 1 + (1 + 2x )
2 2


æ ö
ç wc ÷
Ki = ç ÷ L1. (39)
çç 2x 2 + 1 + 1 + 2x 2 2 + 1 ÷÷
( ) ø

The grid current control parameterization in d–q axis, considering the first-order region in
Figure 16, follows the equations (38) and (39). Thereby, it was considered a damper factor ξ = 1,
L total = 1.5mHand a cut frequency of ω = 1200 π rad/s and the gains were calculated. There‐
fore, K pi3d = K pi3q = 4.55and K ii3d = K ii3q = 3459 was obtained. The discrete gains calculated,
considering the Euler discretization method, are Kpdi3d = Kpdi3q = 4.55 and Kidi3d = Kidi3q = 0.288.

Distributed Renewable Power Sources in Weak Grids — Analysis and Control 221

6. Practical application example

One way to apply the models and control techniques discussed above is to implement a
microcontroller system as shown in Figure 17. The implemented system has a mechanical
interface powered by a ‘wind turbine emulator’, which regulates the torque and the speed of
a three-phase PM generator. The three-phase generator used, a W-Quattro WEG 2.2 kW, has
a nominal line voltage of 220 V at no load. Both the three-phase rectifier and the inverter used
are composed of SKM50GB063D Semikron IGBT modules. The DC bus is composed of an
equivalent capacitance 32 mF and supports up to 500 VDC. The IGBT modules drive are
accomplished through Semikron SKHI-22BR drivers, which have current and voltage surge
protection circuit and automatic blocking on error. The control system shown in Figure 17
applies a TMS320F28069 microcontroller, from the Piccolo family, which has 90 MHz operating
frequency, co-math coprocessor, real-time debugging and additional six PWM modules for
drivers. The voltage and current measurements necessary for the control algorithm are
performed by means of transducers.

Figure 17. Block diagram of the setup rig.

The transducers used for current were the LEM-LA55P and for voltage the LEM-LV25P. An
instrumentation circuit, specially developed for the application described in this section,

222 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

conditions the transducer output signals. Basically, the instrumentation circuitry comprises an
attenuation of the common mode noise step, a filtration step and a protection step, which is
implemented with instrumentation amplifiers INA128P, AD706 and rail-to-rail modules for

The assembly of the elements of Figure 17 results in the laboratory arrangement shown in
Figure 18.

The experimental validation of the current controllers parameters, calculated in Section 4, was
made by adjusting the filter output current. The isolated load considered in the experiments
is purely resistive, with 12.5Ω of effective resistance.

The LCL filter used for this current loop test has the parameters calculated in Section 4. It was
considered steps in the id ref reference, while maintaining constant iqref = 0. The current reference
steps were 1A, 2A, 3A and 4A. Figure 19 shows the voltage and current responses to changes
in the reference current.

Figure 20 shows the waveforms in detail considering the current transition from 3A to 2A in
Figure 19.

It should be noted in Figure 20 that there is a distortion in the voltage and current zero crossing
at the connection point. This distortion is caused by the dead time of the Driver SKHI 22BR,
by default equal to 2.3 ms. The results presented in Figure 20 show that voltage at the connec‐
tion point has low harmonic distortion when using LCL filter.

Figure 18. Test Rig.

Distributed Renewable Power Sources in Weak Grids — Analysis and Control 223

Figure 18. Test Rig. 



Figure 1. Current and voltage for reference changes in  id . 
Figure 19. Current and voltage for reference changes in id .

Figure 20. Detail of reference current transition from 3A to 2A.

224 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

7. Conclusions

It is clear that DG offers many advantages by including generation near to the consumption
centres. The main advantages include fewer losses in power transmission, less environment
impact and more reliability in power supply. However, the DG also offers new challenges,
since, in several cases, it is close to low voltage loads. It is necessary to increase the voltage in
connection point to achieve power flow that can lead to an overvoltage in distribution loads.
In addition, this power generation needs to deal with resonances since, in most cases, high
distribution line impedances are combined with the passive filters of the converters used in
DG schemes. In this chapter, these effects were analyzed considering weak grids. Simulation
analysis shows that it is possible to deal with these issues using well-designed control schemes
and LCL converter filter. In addition, an experimental 2.2-kW prototype was used to show the
feasibility of DG for low-power consumer structures.

Author details

Everton Luiz de Aguiar, Rafael Cardoso, Carlos Marcelo de Oliveira Stein,

Jean Patric da Costa* and Emerson Giovani Carati

*Address all correspondence to: jpcosta@utfpr.edu.br

Department of Electrical Engineering, Campus Pato Branco, Federal University of Technolo‐

gy, Paraná, Brazil


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tion, 2005.

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[5] G. V. T. Prasad, Impact of photovoltaic generators and electric vehicles on a weak low volt‐
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tributed System Connected to Weak Grids: Analysis and Implementation,” in PCIM
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interconnected three-phase inverter,” in Power Electronics Specialist Conference, 2003.
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[10] R. Carnieletto, D. Ramos, M. Simoes and F. Farret, “Simulation and analysis of DQ

frame and P x002B;Resonant controls,” in COBEP '09. Brazilian Power Electronics Con‐
ference, 2009, 2009.

[11] P. C. Loh and D. Holmes, “Analysis of multiloop control strategies for LC/CL/LCL-
filtered voltage-source,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 41, pp. 644–
654, 2005.

[12] J. Xu, S. Xie and T. Tang, “Evaluations of current control in weak grid case for grid-
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[13] T. Komiyama, K. Aoki, E. Shimada and T. Yokoyama, “Current control method using
voltage deadbeat control for single,” in Industrial Electronics Society, 2004. IECON
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[14] N. a. K. M. Liying Wang and Ertugrul, “Evaluation of dead beat current controllers
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[15] R. Zhang, M. Cardinal, P. Szczesny and M. Dame, “A grid simulator with control of
single-phase power converters in,” in Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2002.
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[16] A. Roshan, R. Burgos, A. Baisden, F. Wang and Boroyevich, “A D-Q Frame Control‐
ler for a Full-Bridge Single Phase Inverter Used,” in Applied Power Electronics Confer‐
ence, APEC 2007 - Twenty Second Annual, 2007.

[17] B. Bahrani, A. Karimi, B. Rey and A. Rufer, “Decoupled dq-Current Control of Grid-
Tied Voltage Source Converters,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 60,
pp. 1356–1366, 2013.

[18] X. Wang, F. Blaabjerg and M. Liserre, “An active damper to suppress multiple reso‐
nances with unknown frequencies,” in Applied Power Electronics Conference and Ex‐
position (APEC), 2014, 2014.

Chapter 10

Planning Tools for the Integration of

Renewable Energy Sources Into
Low- and Medium-Voltage Distribution Grids

Jean-François Toubeau, Vasiliki Klonari, Jacques Lobry,

Zacharie De Grève and François Vallée

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter



This chapter presents two probabilistic planning tools developed for the long-term analy‐
sis of distribution networks. The first one focuses on the low-voltage (LV) level and the
second one addresses the issues occurring in the medium-voltage (MV) grid. Both tools
use Monte Carlo algorithms in order to simulate the distribution network, taking into ac‐
count the stochastic nature of the loading parameters at its nodes. Section 1 introduces
the probabilistic framework that focuses on the analysis of LV feeders with distributed
photovoltaic (PV) generation using quarter-hourly smart metering data of load and gen‐
eration at each node of a feeder. This probabilistic framework is evaluated by simulating
a real LV feeder in Belgium considering its actual loading parameters and components. In
order to demonstrate the interest of the presented framework for the distribution system
operators (DSOs), the same feeder is then simulated considering future scenarios of high‐
er PV integration as well as the application of mitigation solutions (reactive power con‐
trol, P/V droop control thanks to a local management of PV inverters, etc.) to actual LV
network operational issues arising from the integration of distributed PV generation. Sec‐
tion 2 introduces the second planning tool designed to help the DSO, making the best in‐
vestment for alleviating the MV-network stressed conditions. Practically, this tool aims at
finding the optimal positioning and sizing of the devices designed to improve the opera‐
tion of the distribution grid. Then a centralized control of these facilities is implemented
in order to assess the effectiveness of the proposed approach. The simulation is carried
out under various load and generation profiles, while the evaluation criteria of the meth‐
odology are the probabilities of voltage violation, the presence of congestions and the to‐
tal line losses.

Keywords: Design of experiments, Dispersed generation, Distribution systems, Monte

Carlo simulation, Smart metering

228 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

1. Introduction

Following the Kyoto Protocol and in the context of a liberalized energy market, decentralized
generation, often based on renewable energy sources, is emerging in medium- voltage (MV)
and low-voltage (LV) distribution grids. Those networks are becoming more and more active
with power flows and voltage profiles influenced by both generation and consumption. In the
future, given the ‘20–20–20’ objectives of the European Union and the more ambitious
objectives in Wallonia (Belgian region), the expected penetration of decentralized generation
in distribution grids could lead to a critical behaviour of the system that has not been initially
designed and sized to face power injections coming from dispersed units. This major paradigm
shift in distribution grids is even strengthened by the numerous financial incentives granted
to the renewable generation for ensuring their profitability. Indeed, this financial support has
progressively driven down the electricity prices on power markets to the point of making the
conventional generation less profitable, which already led to the closing or the mothballing of
more than 50 GW of gas plants in Europe during the last few years [1].
Consequently, in the MV grids, the main problems due to a massive integration of distributed
generation (mainly wind parks) are due to local congestions of power lines and/or to over‐
voltages in the neighbourhood of the dispersed generation units. Concerning the LV grids, the
major problem that can be met by the distribution system operators (DSOs) comes from
overvoltage in the neighbourhood of photovoltaic (PV) installations. Such a situation could
happen during periods of low consumption and high generation of those decentralized units,
especially on long power lines. Furthermore, reverse power flows going up the line towards
the MV/LV transformer can then degrade the network stability.
The DSO is responsible for the security of its system and power quality. It is therefore important
to develop planning tools that ensure secure and reliable operating conditions within the
whole grid. Moreover, it is also essential for DSOs to avoid early damages of the network
equipment as well as to optimally manage the investment decisions and the maintenance
plans. However, as the intermittent generation is often difficult to predict due to its stochastic
behaviour, the planning studies become more complex to carry out. Indeed, it is now indis‐
pensable to use probabilistic approaches to model the different network components, since the
traditional deterministic worst-case scenarios yield much more restrictive conclusions that can
lead to overestimated reinforcements [11].
In that way, two probabilistic tools are described in this work. Both are based on Monte Carlo
(MC) simulation whose general principle is to generate a large number of system states in order
to provide consumption and generation patterns that are representative of the actual behaviour
of all customers. However, it is important to mention that long-term analyses are focused on
modelling realistic scenarios of the system evolution rather than making an accurate predic‐
tion. It is indeed utopian to expect a precise hourly model of the wind farm generation for a
whole year. Practically, two different types of Monte Carlo simulation are implemented. The
first one is a non-sequential simulation that generates a set of system states independent of
each other. This method is combined with the design of experiments (DOE) methodology in
order to proceed to an optimal positioning as well as to a pre-sizing of voltage compensation

Planning Tools for the Integration of Renewable Energy Sources Into Low- and Medium-voltage Distribution Grids 229

devices (capacitor banks, storage units, static VAR compensators (SVCs), etc.) at the MV level.
The purpose is to help the DSO in optimally managing its systems with adequate investments.
The first tool requires aggregated load profiles at the MV/LV interface. Those statistical profiles
are typically obtained, thanks to a second tool developed for the safe integration of PV units
in LV grids. The latter is implemented in a pseudo-chronological Monte Carlo environment
and is based on quarter-hourly energy flows recorded by smart meters (SMs). Practically,
thanks to statistical profiles established by the use of these measurements, the tool is able to
compute different parameters throughout a specified period of time such as the voltage profile
along the studied feeder or the distribution of the power profile at the MV/LV substation. In
this chapter, in order to demonstrate its interest for DSOs and to introduce the potential of
some technical solutions (reactive power control, P/V droop control thanks to a local manage‐
ment of PV inverters, etc.) to alleviate the influence of PV generation in LV grids, this tool will
be applied to a practical case study.
This chapter is thus divided into two main parts, each one focusing on one of both the above-
mentioned probabilistic tools. Section 1 concerns the description of the planning at the LV
level. More particularly, the extraction of the energy flow data coming from SM installed in
the LV-Belgian distribution grid as well as their use in the Monte Carlo procedure is presented.
Then, the potential of several power- or voltage-control strategies is evaluated for an existing
LV area subjected to abnormal operating conditions. Section 2 relates to the planning tool
studying investment plans that may have to be taken in critical areas of the MV grid.

2. Probabilistic analysis of low-voltage networks

The techno-economic analysis of LV feeders is typically governed by a set of basic rules that
define voltage, voltage unbalance and current limits. According to these rules, which are most
often precisely determined by regional or national standards, voltage along the feeder should
fall within a defined band during a minimum percentage of time. As far as the voltage
unbalance is concerned, an upper limit should also be respected during a minimum percentage
of time. The limits that concern the value of the current do not often apply in LV feeders apart
from urban networks with high load density.
When adding distributed photovoltaic generation to an LV feeder, voltage profile is the
parameter that is mostly affected. Indeed, during periods of high PV injection and low
consumption, reverse power flows towards the head of the feeder can occur. These reverse
power flows result in a voltage rise at the end of the feeder. According to the European EN
50160 standard [2] and its national implementations (i.e. the voltage cannot vary more than
10% around its nominal value), if the upper limit of the root mean square (rms) voltage is
exceeded at a certain PV node, the unit must be temporarily cut off [2], [3]. This causes a loss
of generated PV power, which means a loss of income for the PV owner. Moreover, these
frequent cut-offs, combined with the randomly changing loading profile along LV feeders,
affect the distributed power quality and accelerate the degradation of network components.
The operational cost of the network, currently assigned to the DSO, is therefore increased due
to the accelerated ageing of its components.

230 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

The development of technical solutions to such problems has, from the DSO point of view, a
threefold objective, namely the security level of the network, the increase of PV-hosting
capacity of the feeder and, naturally, the investment cost. For a given PV-hosting capacity, the
optimal design of a technical solution could be roughly determined by a graph similar to Figure
1. On the other hand, for a selected security level, the optimal hosting capacity in a feeder could
be based on a graph similar to Figure 2.

Figure 1. Schematic of cost-security.

Figure 2. Schematic of cost-hosting capacity.

For designing adequate technical solutions to current problems while increasing the PV-
hosting capacity, the DSO needs to locate the critical points and quantify the voltage magnitude

Planning Tools for the Integration of Renewable Energy Sources Into Low- and Medium-voltage Distribution Grids 231

and unbalance violation risk in every LV feeder. Currently, the DSO evaluates the LV network
operation using deterministic analysis tools: the energy exchanges at the nodes of a network
with distributed PV generation are determined based on worst-case scenario. For example, as
far as the evaluation of overvoltage risk is concerned, the DSO makes its calculations consid‐
ering the scenario of the highest expected PV injection and the lowest consumption load along
each specific feeder. Although worst-case approach is safe for the protection (100% security
level) of the electrical system, it focuses on rare extreme operation states of the network instead
of the most possible ones. As a result, the worst-case approach often leads to oversized and
costly technical solutions that do not consider the time fluctuation of PV injection and the
randomness of consumption loads. Taking this time dependence into account will allow a
refined optimized design of mitigation techniques in terms of efficiency and investment cost,
closer to the optimal level that is roughly represented in Figure 1. For the above reasons, a
doubt concerning the effectiveness of the deterministic worst-case models has recently arisen
in literature [4], [5].

In order to take into account the time variation of the PV injection and the random behaviour
of the loads and PV installations along an LV feeder, probabilistic analyses were introduced
in late research works [6, 9]. These methodologies are based on analytical or numerical
approaches, such as the Monte Carlo simulation, aiming at simulating the uncertainty of PV
injection and residential loads. Nevertheless, most of these studies propose advanced proba‐
bilistic models based on solar irradiation data for the PV panels and meteorological data for
the consumption loads. Such data are rarely directly accessible to the DSO and most of them
do not consider the efficiency of the PV cells. Currently, DSOs in several countries are installing
smart metering devices that record voltage, current as well as active and reactive powers with
a high time resolution (10 or 15 min), even for domestic customers. According to European
Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA), large amounts of such data will be available at the
horizon of 2020 [10]. The processing of these data is, nevertheless, still a challenging task that
will have to be addressed.

2.1. Statistical modelling of the energy flows at LV nodes

A procedure for building statistical profiles of energy flows at LV nodes and of the voltage at
the MV/LV substations is presented in references [11, 13] and will be summarized here. The
data are recorded by SM devices that have been installed by the DSO in the Belgian grid but
the procedure can be extended to any LV grid with such metering devices. The SM configu‐
ration of every PV customer is presented in Figure 3.

The SM1 records the total quarter-hourly (15 min) injected energy towards the network (Einj)
and consumed energy by the customer (Econs). It is therefore the metering device that records
the energy flow at the interface between the customer and the LV network. The SM2 records
the total 15-min energy generated by the PV unit ( EPV,inj) and consumed energy (EPV,cons) by
the power electronic devices that are necessary for its connection to the network. These four
values have been recorded on a 15-min basis for all PV customers over a long period (>2.5

232 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Figure 3. Smart metering configuration of every customer with PV unit, connected to the LV feeder.

For the purpose of evaluating the overvoltage risk along a feeder, the SM1 data, namely the
energy flows at the coupling point of the PV customer to the network, are most preferably
used. These 15-min values are therefore used for the creation of typical day profiles (TDPs) for
every individual quarter of an hour in a day (96 quarters of an hour). Created independently
for each node (customer), the TDPs reflect the variation of energy flow, separately for injection
and consumption, for every 15-min interval in a day, during the studied period. Similar TDPs
are also created to reflect the variation of the voltage at the head of the feeder, based as well
on 15-min SM voltage data recorded at the LV side of the MV/LV transformer. It is worth noting
that such profiles can be very easily created for various averaging time steps of SM devices.
In most cases, SM devices in LV networks in Western Europe record energy flows on a 15- or
10-min time resolution.

The TDPs are then statistically transformed into 96 cumulative distribution functions (CDFs),
that is, one for each quarter of an hour of the typical day, and they will be used in the framework
of an MC probabilistic load flow.

2.2. Probabilistic load flow using a Monte Carlo method

The Monte Carlo simulation is a mathematical technique that allows accounting for the random
behaviour of some variables within the studied system. In our case, the stochastic variables
are the consumption and the generation of each customer of the LV grid during the day. The
principle relies on the repeated random sampling of these variables in order to accurately
simulate the system and to obtain numerical outcomes (i.e. probability of overvoltage at each
node of the LV grid).

The above-mentioned CDFs are sampled under an MC framework in order to generate

randomly 15-min network states. A balanced power-flow algorithm then computes the voltage
profile along the feeder considering the sampled energy flow values at each node and the
sampled voltage at the head of the feeder. The procedure is repeated numerous times in order
to test a large amount of possible combinations. For obtaining a good convergence threshold
(<0.1%) on the results, it is shown that 10,000 simulations is a good trade-off to keep acceptable
computation times [11].

Planning Tools for the Integration of Renewable Energy Sources Into Low- and Medium-voltage Distribution Grids 233

However, for performing the power-flow computation, the total 15-min energy-flow values
must be transformed into instantaneous power values at each node. The injected or consumed
power is rarely stable during the 15-min interval, which means that the total recorded energy
is very often injected or consumed in a very short (<<15 min) period of time. Indeed, it has been
shown in reference [12], thanks to advanced grid analysers installed by the DSO at critical
network points that the power flow at the coupling point of a grid customer is highly fluctu‐
ating within the 15-min intervals. Therefore, the peak values of injected or consumed power
might be much higher than the average ones that consider a stable power flow.

In the proposed probabilistic framework, for the sake of security, these instantaneous power
values are not considered equal to the average values, which would be computed by dividing
the total injected or consumed energy by the respective period of time. As explained in
reference [12], TDPs are also created for the time repartition of the energy flow within the 15-
min intervals based on 3-min recordings of advanced grid analysers at limited critical points
of the network. These TDPs are also integrated in the MC algorithm, once they have been
transformed into CDFs, in order to provide the sampling frame for the time repartition factor
f i for each node i . This factor practically defines the peak injection or consumption power

The computed peak power values are therefore the ones considered in the power-flow
algorithm. The rms voltage in this way is calculated node by node for each 15-min network
state, which is therefore characterized by the following values:

Econs,i , Einj,i , fi for nodes i = 2 : N

VMV/LV for node i = 1
Pi = for nodes i = 2 : N

These 15-min values are compared to the voltage band that is imposed by national, regional
or local values. In the case of Europe, such limits are imposed by the EN 50160. In this way,
the overvoltage probabilities can be determined, node by node, for the studied period.

2.3. Illustration on an LV-Belgian network

The LV feeder, which is illustrated in Figure 4, makes part of the LV-Belgian distribution
network. This feeder (technically described in reference [12]) is simulated with the presented
probabilistic framework for every month of a typical year, considering the 15-min SM data
recorded over a period of two years. In total, 16 clients are connected to the feeder, among
which three are equipped with a PV installation (5 kVA at node 4, 2.65 kVA at node 12 and 5
kVA at node 13). In order to clearly demonstrate the influence of the PV generation on the
voltage variation, six more PV clients have been considered at nodes 5, 6, 8, 10, 11 and 14 for
this simulation. For these additional units, the same PV injection SM data as for the PV unit at
node 13 were considered.

234 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Figure 4. The simulated LV feeder.

Time variation for a given MC simulation of the voltage profile at node 14 is shown in Figure
5. Calculated with a deterministic analysis, the voltage would have been a stable worst-case
value that would characterize the whole period of a day. However, based on the current
analysis and the use of SM data, it is clearly shown that the voltage rises only during certain
hours of the day, usually between 11:00 A.M. and 16:00 P.M.

Figure 5. Voltage at PV node 14 during two typical days in April, calculated on a 15-min basis.

Thanks to the probabilistic simulation, the overvoltage risk can be defined for each node during
the studied period. This risk is defined as the probability of exceeding the limit (>1.10 V nom)

Planning Tools for the Integration of Renewable Energy Sources Into Low- and Medium-voltage Distribution Grids 235

suggested in the European standard EN 50160. According to the latter, the PV unit must be
instantaneously disconnected in case the mean node rms voltage during the last 10 min
exceeded the 1.10 Vnom limit, or in case the node rms voltage instantaneously exceeded the 1.15
V nom limit. In general, these events must not take place for more than 5% of the time. Based on
Figure 6, it is clear that the overvoltage risk is higher during months with high solar irradiation
(June to August) or with long sunny periods (March to June). Such events are expected for
hours usually characterized by low energy consumption along the feeder and high PV
generation, since reverse power flows can lead to instantaneous rise of the voltage profile
towards the end of the feeder.

Figure 6. Overvoltage risk at the nodes of the simulated feeder for every month of a typical year.

A significant voltage drop takes place between 18:00 and 21:00 hrs, due to peak electricity
demand, which increases undervoltage risk (<0.90 V nom) during this period. Based on the
probabilistic simulation of the same network for the period of a ‘typical year’, the average
undervoltage risk for each node is illustrated in Figure 7. As expected, this risk rises between
November and March due to higher electricity demand for heating.

Figure 7. Undervoltage risk at the nodes of the simulated feeder for every month of a typical year.

236 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

In Figure 6, it can be seen that nodes adjacent to PV units are also affected by rapid voltage
variations and oscillations (caused by the on–off control of the units), which tend to accelerate
the degradation of many network components. On the other hand, it has been shown in
reference [14] that the number of line congestions and the transformer load are significantly
impacted with the emergence of PV generation and electric vehicle (EV)-charging devices. In
this way, Figure 8 illustrates the decrease of line congestion when PV generation is included
into the grid. Indeed, the power produced by these units is consumed locally by the neigh‐
bouring loads, which reduces the line power flows. Conversely, the introduction of EV-
charging devices has an adverse impact on the grid. Indeed, these are powerful appliances
(typically 230 V and 16 A) that significantly increase the current in different lines. Figure 9
shows the statistical distribution of power flows at the MV/LV substation. One can see that the
power at the MV/LV interface decreases when generation is installed into the grid and
substantially rises with the integration of EV-charging appliances. Therefore, three different
scenarios are investigated in this study. Scenario 1 considers the feeder represented in Figure
4 but with no PV generation. Scenario 2 considers the same feeder with PV units at nodes 4, 5,
6, 13, 14 (rated power 5 kVA) and at node 12 (rated power 2.65 kVA), whereas scenario 3
considers also the EVs connected to the same households than those with PV panels. It should
be noted that the EVs are simulated based on typical EV-charging profiles and on the statistical
behaviours of current EV owners.

Figure 8. Probability of congestion for each line section of the first feeder with 19 nodes for the month of June.

The previous results highlight the necessity to adopt strategies aiming at limiting these
important voltage and current variations. Otherwise, actions can be too restrictive for potential
PV hosting capacity of the network or much less optimized in terms of efficiency and cost as
roughly represented in Figures 1 and 2. Moreover, the probabilistic framework can also

Planning Tools for the Integration of Renewable Energy Sources Into Low- and Medium-voltage Distribution Grids 237

Figure 9. Yearly loading distribution at the transformer for (a) the traditional LV grid, (b) current grids with PV units
(b) and (c) future grids with the introduction of EV-charging devices.

simulate future scenarios of PV integration increase, or techno-economically evaluate multiple

solutions to network operational problems. It can therefore provide answers for an efficient
and secure operation of LV networks, taking into account the optimal level that is represented
in Figures 1 and 2.

2.4. Evaluation of the strategies for mitigating the overvoltage risk

Currently, certain DSOs evaluate the potential benefit of load-shifting strategies on mitigating
overvoltage risk and increasing the PV energy capture. Incentives that promote self-consump‐
tion of the generated PV power by its producer should be designed based on the time variation
of the network states. In line with this assumption, the self-consumption rate of 20 residential
PV customers has been studied by using the 15-min recordings of the SM2 devices. The self-
consumption ratio of each PV customer can be calculated for each quarter of an hour in a day
by using both the SM1 and SM2 data and applying the following relation:

Ratiot =
(E PV ,inj, t
- Einj,t ) with t = 1 : 96
EPV ,inj,t

The average self-consumption ratio of three residential PV customers is shown in Figure 10

for each quarter of an hour, based on SM1 and SM2 data for the month of July. According to
this diagram, the self-consumption ratio decreases during hours of peak PV injection, differ‐
ently for each one of the clients. One could therefore assume a quite high potential for strategies
that could shift consumption loads towards high PV injection hours. Such strategies could
achieve an important mitigation of the overvoltage risk that usually increases during these
hours as shown in Figure 5. The design of incentives could be therefore based on a thorough
study of the self-consumption behaviour of customers connected to similar LV feeders, by
using SM recordings and suitable clustering methodologies.

Apart from load management strategies, certain power or voltage control strategies are
currently discussed by the DSOs for facilitating the integration of renewables in the LV
network. Among them, reactive power control is a strategy that has been recently implemented

238 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Figure 10. The quarter-hourly average self-consumption ratio of three PV residential PV customers.

in the LV networks of some European countries. In these cases, the distributed PV units have
to be equipped with Q/V droop functions in order to provide voltage support as the conven‐
tional large power plants. The reactive power of the PV inverter is then adjusted, based on the
local voltage, according to a cos(φ ) = f (P ) function that is defined by the respective national
regulations [15].

In this study, a simpler application of this control scheme, that does not consider the actual
local voltage, has been simulated in order to evaluate its benefit on the mitigation of the
overvoltage risk. The purpose of this example is to illustrate the potential of this probabilistic
tool in order to constitute a benchmark for evaluating and comparing voltage control solutions.
In the previously presented results, the reactive power generated by PV inverters has been set
equal to zero in order to minimize power losses. Turytsin et al. demonstrate that the optimal
adjustment of PV inverter reactive power could reduce voltage variations. The maximum
available reactive power at each PV node i is calculated as follows [16]:

Qinv ,max,i = (S2

rated, i
- Pinj, i ) (3)

where Srated is the nominal active power (equal to the apparent power) of the PV unit at node
i , whereas Pinj,i is the PV active power injection at node i for the system considered state. In
order to evaluate the benefit of such a control, the same LV feeder has been simulated with the
probabilistic framework, but this time considering that the reactive power of each PV inverter
i is equal to 0.1 Qinv,max,i . As shown in Figure 11, the overvoltage risk for the scenario with
reactive power control has decreased for the month of July.

In European countries where such a control scheme has been implemented in the LV network,
the value of the power factor (cos(φ )) cannot be lower than 0.95 for an installed power smaller
than 6 kVA. Hence, such a voltage support through reactive power can often be inefficient as

Planning Tools for the Integration of Renewable Energy Sources Into Low- and Medium-voltage Distribution Grids 239

Figure 11. Reactive power control effect on the overvoltage risk for the month of July.

the network voltage is principally influenced by the active power due to the low X/R ratio of
the lines [17], [18]. Large amounts of reactive power would be therefore required to influence
the voltage. In this context, P/V droop controllers are more efficient and straightforward to
provide voltage support in an LV network [19, 21].
Presently, the PV power injection towards the network is solely subject to the maximum power
point (MPP) of the PV units. In case of voltage violation, the PV inverters passively undergo
the on–off control that is required by the European or national standards, without considering
the current network state. In order to address this operational issue, T. L. Vandoorn and
colleagues developed a fast-acting primary control scheme based on voltage droops [22]. The
droops are applied by P/V controllers requiring neither inter-unit communication nor voltage
tracking for synchronization. In this study, P/V droop control is evaluated with the proposed
probabilistic framework in the same LV feeder in order to analyse its benefit on the voltage
level, the captured renewable energy and the on–off oscillations of the PV inverters. The
evaluation considers the time variation of nodal injection and consumption and is therefore
based on the analysis of multiple network states and not only the worst-case ones.
The P/V control scheme modifies the injected active power of the PV unit in function of the
local voltage in order to prevent and eliminate overvoltage situations. In this way, the total
cut-offs of PV units, applied in the conventional on–off control, and their subsequent effects
(voltage and current transients as well as significant PV power loss) are avoided. The P/V droop
controller adapts P according to the scheme in Figure 1 [22].
For the purpose of evaluating the benefit of the P/V droop control, all PV inverters were
considered equipped with a P/V controller. The application of this control in the studied LV
feeder, considering SM data for the month of July, demonstrated its efficiency for eliminating
the overvoltage risk along the feeder [23]. In Figure 13, the voltage profile at node 14 for the
droop control and for the on–off control scenario is indicatively presented for a period of two
typical days of July. Generally, the voltage profile of the P/V control scenario coincides with
one of the on–off scenarios apart from the three 15-min intervals of the first day and two 15-

240 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Figure 12. VBD control, active and reactive power controls. Combined operation of the droop controllers to determine
the set value of the grid voltage [22].

min intervals of the second day during which the P/V control was enabled. Indeed, during
these periods, the rms voltage at node 14 exceeded the reference value of the droop control
V up and due to this, the control was enabled in order to modify the injected P of the unit. As a
result, the nodal voltage during these intervals was gradually smoothed in order to avoid an
eventual cut-off of the unit.

Figure 13. The 15-min voltage at node 14 for the on–off control and the droop scenario during two typical July days.

Planning Tools for the Integration of Renewable Energy Sources Into Low- and Medium-voltage Distribution Grids 241

Obviously, this gradual smoothing of the voltage profile induces the curtailment of an amount
of active PV power. As demonstrated in reference [23], the instantaneous curtailed PV energy
can often be much more direct and higher for the on–off control. This argument can foster the
acceptance of a certain control strategy, such as the P/V droop control, by the concerned PV
customers. The long-term impact of such mitigation solutions on the income of the PV
producer and on the operation and maintenance cost of the network, which is currently
assigned to the DSO, should be evaluated keeping in mind the principle of Figures 1 and 2.

The presented evaluation that takes into account, in a fast optimized manner, multiple net‐
work states and not only the worst-case ones can lead to technical solutions that should be
tailored to the special needs and necessary security level of each individual network. More‐
over, the analysis and design of the LV distribution network with the presented probabilistic
framework contribute to a more rigorous analysis of the MV distribution network. Indeed,
when studying the MV network, downstream LV feeders are reduced to P–Q buses defined
by the power flow at their root nodes. Most often, the time variation of this power flow, due
to PV injection and random loads, is not taken into account. Section 2 introduces a probabil‐
istic methodology that aims at analysing the MV distribution network and uses aggregated
load and generation profiles at the MV/LV interface obtained thanks to the presented proba‐
bilistic framework. The impact of time variation of load and generation profiles in the LV
network in this way is considered in the analysis of the MV network as well.

3. Investment planning at the MV level

Originally, distribution networks were oversized in order to easily ensure the connection of
new clients without requiring the upgrade or the replacement of the equipment. However, the
constant increase of load and generation, although the network infrastructure has not in‐
creased accordingly, induces a global system operation closer to its limits. In particular, this
may lead to excessive line power flows that can be destructive not only for the network
equipment but also for the end-user material. Indeed, important current flows may infer
unintended line congestions as well as an extensive increase of the transformer load that can
potentially reduce its lifetime [24]. Moreover, as the voltage drop depends not only on the
impedance of the line but also on the line power flows, the voltage profile can locally fluctuate
outside its acceptable limits. Although the overvoltages are more dangerous for electrical
devices, both low- and high-voltage issues have to be taken into account in the regulation of
distribution networks. However, this objective of ensuring a good voltage profile can be in
conflict with the minimization of line losses that are very costly for the DSO, in the range of
50 euros/MWh, concerning the Belgian situation. Indeed, for a same demand of power, the
reduction of line losses is obtained by a voltage rise. Consequently, the DSO will look for a
trade-off between the quality of the delivered power and the economic losses.

Currently, several strategies can be used to improve the real-time operation of the grid. The
most popular method is the use of on-load tap changer (OLTC) of transformer. The principle
is to mechanically adjust the turn ratio of the transformer winding, usually with regard to a

242 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

local measurement of the current. It should be noted that the dynamic of an OLTC is relatively
fast with a total operation time between 3 and 10 s, depending on its design [25].
Then, the reactive power compensation devices are also very useful to get a better voltage
profile in a power system with an X/R ratio higher than one. Devices such as the static VAR
compensator or static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) have the interesting ability to
work in both inductive and capacitive modes. Furthermore, the technology is well developed
and financially affordable compared to other techniques [26].
In recent years, the possibility of investing in storage is gaining credibility [27]. Indeed,
although the most mature technology (i.e. the pumped hydro) is not appropriate for the needs
of distribution systems, other technologies are expected to become increasingly important in
the near future. In this way, stationary batteries seem really appealing due to their good
flexibility regarding the input and output power. Nonetheless, the cost is still very high and
their success will largely depend on the cost reduction. Then, the compressed-air energy
storage (CAES) could be a solution in the coming years, but its integration is hampered by its
low efficiency and limited operational flexibility. Finally, the hydrogen storage technology is
showing promise but is not expected to be sufficiently developed to be competitive before
Then, the possibility to use the reactive power produced by distributed generation (DG) units
is also an investigated alternative [28]. However, this method has a limited margin due to the
current legislation restricting the reactive power flows at the connection node of each client
(generators as well as industrial customers). Moreover, as there is currently no market for
ancillary services at the distribution level, the customers have no incentive to help the DSO in
its task of maintaining optimal operating conditions.
Finally, if the power flows far exceed the network capacity, the system reinforcement may
constitute the most viable solution.
Note that the DG units connected to the distribution grid are automatically disconnected when
the network frequency or the local voltage exceeds the limits defined by the legislation.
Therefore, another major asset of a local control of the network operating conditions is the
avoidance of such disconnections, which may have to be financially compensated, depending
on the contract between the producer and the DSO.
In this study, a new procedure aiming at ensuring the respect of the operational constraints of
the distribution grid at any time is implemented. This amounts to avoiding any congestion or
voltage violation. The crucial role of maintaining the frequency balance is indeed assigned to
the transmission system operator (TSO). The general structure of the proposed method is
represented in Figure 14 and is divided into three parts. First, a two-step planning procedure
is conducted for identifying the optimal strategies that the DSO has to implement in order to
optimally improve the long-term operation of the MV network. As most of the Belgian
HV/MV transformers are already equipped with OLTC devices, and given the current context
not fostering the reactive control of DG units, the study is mainly focusing on the installation
of VAR compensators and storage utilities. In this way, the first part of the planning process
evaluates the best positioning of these network regulation devices, whereas the second part

Planning Tools for the Integration of Renewable Energy Sources Into Low- and Medium-voltage Distribution Grids 243

consists in sizing the devices by taking cost constraints into account. Obviously, the final choice
of the positioning will depend on the geographic and administrative considerations, which
will not be considered here, as they have no repercussions on the philosophy and the principle
of the method. The second part consists in simulating the real-time centralized control of the
system, which is performed by optimizing the command of the network regulation devices in
function of the network state. This operation is thus carried out for a large number of simulated
states. Finally, the last part is post-processing whose purpose is to compare the probability of
constraint violations as well as the total line losses before and after the installation of the
network regulation devices.

Figure 14. Structure of the proposed procedure for the improvement of operational efficiency in MV distribution grids.

The developed methodologies for the planning procedure and the real-time simulation of the
network states are both developed in a non-sequential Monte Carlo procedure due to the lack
of real-time measurements, especially at the MV/LV interface. This issue concerns less the
industrial area, as quarter-hourly energy flow recordings are mandatory for the Belgian
consumers with an installed power higher than 100 kVA. Indeed, these clients are not only
invoiced for their actual energy consumption but also for their peak power, regardless of its
When working in a Monte Carlo environment, it is essential that the underlying simulations
are fast and efficient in order to avoid an excessive simulation time. Therefore, because of its
excellent trade-off between simulation time and quality of the results, the experimental design
method was privileged. Indeed, as explained hereafter, this method, which is also referred to
as design of experiments, is perfectly suited for conducting the desired studies (i.e. planning
procedure and simulation of the centralized control of network regulation devices). Then, as
both proposed studies require performing load-flow studies in order to determine the voltage
profile and the power losses within the system, a fast, simplified computation, based on the

244 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

analytical approach presented in reference [29], was implemented. However, in its initial form,
this algorithm was designed for a single radial feeder without ramifications; it had to be thus
adapted in order to be used on the traditional tree-shape structure of MV distribution net‐
Since the first issues originating from the progressive introduction of renewable energy
generation over the past years, the improvement of MV network operation has become a real
matter of concern. In this way, in recent studies [30], [31], new voltage-control methods
combining the advantages of OLTC action and D-STATCOM response were proposed.
However, in practice, this procedure can hardly be implemented as the transformers are not
necessarily directly managed by the distribution system operator (i.e. most of the Belgian
transformers, even those installed at the distribution level, are the property of the TSO).
This study is intended to be more complete and takes into account the reality of the economic
and technical constraints by evaluating the impact of a local centralized control downstream
each of the HV/MV transformers. The control is thus at the interface between a decentralized
control performed at each connection node of the network regulation devices and a centralized
control applied on a national scale.
Practically, this work is structured as follows. First, the principle and the basic concepts of the
DOE method are introduced. Then, the proposed methodology is fully presented and applied
to an existing MV-Belgian network. Finally, the collected results are exposed and discussed.

3.1. General principle of the DOE method

Design of experiments constitutes a powerful tool to establish and study the effects of multiple
inputs on a desired output. The method thus involves two types of variables, the response of
interest ( y ) and the k predictor variables (ξ1, ξ2, ..., ξk ), which are referred to as factors. These
are chosen by the experimenter as variables that are supposed to influence the response. The
aim of the method is to establish a mathematical description of the system of the form [32]:

y = f (x1 ,x 2 ,...,x k ) + e (4)

where ε is the error between the real observed response y and the result given by the model.
In order to simplify future calculations, the natural variables (ξ1, ξ2, ..., ξk ) expressed in
physical units are transformed in coded dimensionless variables ( x1, x2, ..., xk ). Moreover,
bound constraints need to be defined for each factor. These lower and upper bounds are,
respectively, called ‘low’ and ‘high’ levels and are characterized in coded variables by ‘—1’
and ‘+1’.
There are different experimental designs, which are commonly divided into two main
categories, given the desired objective. The first one constitutes a screening study, which is
used to determine the factors that really influence the outcome. This procedure allows
therefore keeping only the most influential factors in the context of a selection process. The
second one, which is called response surface methodology (RSM), is performed when the

Planning Tools for the Integration of Renewable Energy Sources Into Low- and Medium-voltage Distribution Grids 245

objective is to find the optimal settings of the factors in order to obtain the desired system
optimization. Both methods can therefore be used in a complementary way.

Each design is characterized by its own mathematical approximation of the response y .

Typically, the experimental designs engineered for a screening process are first-order models
including the interactions between factors. On the other hand, the designs used in the context
of an optimization procedure require flexibility for modelling curvatures in the response
surface. Mostly, these are thus second- or even third-order models containing a small number
of interactions. Overall, the general form of the model is the following:

k k k
y = a0 + å a j x j + åå a jl x j xl + ... + a jl... k x j xl ...xk + e (5)
j =1 j =1 l =1

The parameters a0, aj , a jl , ... are called the regression coefficients of the model and constitute
the unknowns of the problem. In order to solve it, the model (5) is usually written in matrix
notation. Considering that n experiments were performed and that the mathematical model
encompasses p coefficients, the model can be expressed as:

{ . a{ + e{
y = X
( n´ p ) ( p´1) ( n´1) (6)
( n´1)

where, y is called the response vector, X the full design matrix, a the regression coefficients
vector and ε the residuals vector. This system consists of n equations for n + p unknowns ( p
regression coefficients and n residuals). The desired regression coefficients are determined
thanks to the least squares method, whose principle is to minimize the sum of squares of the
residuals [32]. These estimated coefficients, noted ā, are then given as follows [32]:

a = (X'X) X' y

Finally, the fitted regression model is:

y = Xa = X ( X ' X ) X ' y

where y represents the real value of a response measured following an experiment and ȳ the
value of the response calculated based on the mathematical model of y (where the least-square
estimators ā were previously determined). The residual ε of the model, that is, the differences
between the actual observations y and the corresponding fitted values ȳ , can be computed as

e =y-y (9)

246 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

3.2. The screening of significant parameters

The screening study is used to quantify the significance of each factor on the response and is
therefore very useful in the context of selection procedure or reduction of the problem size.
Here, this method is applied in order to find the best area for installing the network regulation
devices. Note that the goal is not to precisely determine an exact location, since the probability
that this node can really be used in practice is highly insignificant. Furthermore, this approach
allows to substantially decrease the number of factors and to generate important time savings.
The underlying aim of the study is thus to avoid the upgrading of the feeders, as such a solution
is not economically viable for DSOs, especially considering the current trend to install
underground power cables. Practically, two different screening studies are carried out, one for
each of the two envisaged control means (i.e. VAR compensators and storage devices). Recall
that, due to the relatively low extra costs compared with normal transformers as well as their
high efficiency, OLTC devices are already installed in HV/MV substations. Moreover, the
control of the reactive power of DG units does not seem feasible at the present time. At the end
of the screening study, we will therefore obtain the most favourable areas for installing VAR
compensators and storage facilities.

The response y must quantify the effect of the factors on the violations of the operating
conditions. The response is thus defined as a weighted sum of the violated constraints within
the network. More precisely, the computation consists in the summation of three contributions
y1a, y1b and y2. The first two terms relate to the voltage violations, which are defined according
to the European EN 50160 standard and are computed as follows:

y1a = å ( Vi - 1.1 Vnom )
" Vi > 1.1 Vnom
i =1
y1b = å ( Vi - 0.9 Vnom )
" Vi < 0.9 Vnom
i =1

where N is the number of nodes of the studied network. The third term concerns the line
congestions, which depend on the thermal limits of the cables.

y2 = å ( Sl - Smax )
" Sl > Smax (11)
l =1

where L is the number of lines. Finally, the response can be expressed as:

y = w1 ( y1a + y1b ) + w2 y2 (12)

where w1 and w2 represent the respective weights associated to the voltage and power flow
violations with w1 + w2 = 1. When the system is not at risk, the response is therefore equal to

Planning Tools for the Integration of Renewable Energy Sources Into Low- and Medium-voltage Distribution Grids 247

Beyond its simplicity of implementation, the DOE approach presents another highly interest‐
ing asset. The coefficients of the mathematical model have indeed a physical meaning, and
their values can be interpreted as a quantitative reflection of the effect of the factors on the
response. This interesting and useful property is illustrated in Figure 15 for k = 2 (factors x1
and x2).

Figure 15. Representation of the physical meaning of the coefficients of the model as the response of interest.

The number k of factors of the analytical model is thus equal to the number of sub-areas defined
within the studied distribution grid. The first step is to arbitrarily divide the network into a
small number of representative geographic areas based on its topology. The sensibility of each
area for both network regulation devices is evaluated through the impact of a device installed
at the closest node of the centre on the considered section. For consistency, the same pre-sizing
is considered for all devices of the same type. The general principle of the screening study is
shown in Figure 16.

Figure 16. Flowchart of the principle of the implemented screening study.

First, the network topology is used to define all the possible positioning configurations of the
network regulation devices. In this study, these are either reactive power compensators or
storage devices. This leads to the definition of the experimental matrix MatExp (n × k ), which
contains the real values of the k factors and thus defines the n experiments to be performed.
An experiment consists in a load-flow calculation, so as to obtain the voltage profile and the
power flows in each line. Each experiment is carried out for specific values of the k factors (i.e.
network regulation devices), which are defined by the considered experimental design. The
full design matrix X is easily inferred from the experimental matrix [32], and knowing the
response vector y , the regression variables can be determined by (7).

248 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

In order to take the non-deterministic effects of the load and the generation into account, the
screening process is implemented in a non-chronological Monte Carlo environment. Such a
study allows simulating a large number of operating states of the network. For each of them,
the influence of the network regulation devices is evaluated. The process thus simulates the
random behaviour of the different MV clients as well as the MV/LV substation by the means
of a random sampling of the consumed and/or injected power at each bus. More details about
the procedure are given in Section 3.5.1.
The importance of the location of each area for installing network regulation devices is then
computed by averaging the effects provided by the screening procedure conducted for each
of the nMC Monte Carlo iteration. The results can then be plotted and analysed.

3.3. Sizing procedure of the selected devices

After the determination of the most favourable areas for respectively installing a reactive
power compensator and a storage utility, the sizing of these devices is carried out. As one of
the objectives of the method is to illustrate the assets of implementing a centralized control at
the MV level, the sizing procedure is applied for more than one network regulation device.
For simplicity as well as economic reasons, only two devices are considered in this work.
Moreover, as the storage technology is still too expensive, the possibility to install two storage
utilities is not considered. As a result, two different scenarios are investigated. The first one
focuses on the combined installation of a VAR compensator and a storage device, whereas the
second one evaluates the possibility to invest in two reactive power compensators.
The sizing of the storage utility concerns only its output power. Indeed, the energy sizing is
less critical for the DSO than it would be for an operator eager to maximize its return on
investment, since the DSO is not to take the market considerations into account. Its only focus
is to use the storage device when it is necessary for alleviating stressed conditions within its
grid and to take advantage of the non-critical situations to adjust the amount of stored energy.
However, such a control strategy is outside the framework of this study.
As in the screening process, the sizing procedure makes use of Monte Carlo simulations for
modelling the different network states. For each simulation, an optimal control of the selected
network regulation devices is carried out. Thus, this requires the use of a fast optimization
tool, which led to the choice of the response surface methodology. The response is the same
as the one used in the screening process (i.e. a weighted sum of the constraints violations); and
the response surface thus models the variation of this response with regard to the output power
of the two selected regulation devices. The mathematical model used for the study is of the

k k k k
y = a0 + å a j x j + å å a x x + åa
jl j l jj
x 2j + e (13)
j =1 j = 1 l = j +1 j =1

where y is determined by (7) and the xj and xl values are the output powers of the network
regulation devices.

Planning Tools for the Integration of Renewable Energy Sources Into Low- and Medium-voltage Distribution Grids 249

The purpose of optimization is to find the configuration of the control devices that eliminates
all constraint violations while minimizing their interaction (i.e. power exchanges) with the
grid. Mathematically, it amounts to find the intersection between the response surface and the
plane y = 0. The result is thus a line segment and the choice of the optimal point then depends
on the considered scenario. In the first scenario, as the storage is currently a much more
expensive solution, the optimal configuration is the segment point with the lowest value of
active power provided by the storage device. In the second scenario, the aim is to minimize
the sum of both reactive power contributions. Indeed, according to the Siemens database [33],
the installation price increases approximately linearly with the maximal installed reactive

The optimal values given at the end of each Monte Carlo simulation are logged. In this way,
at the end of the simulations, the DSO disposes of useful information. Indeed, the output power
of devices can be directly translated in installation costs and, given the different values of the
regulation devices, the DSO is then able to adapt its investment decision as regards the
technical and economic considerations.

3.4. Centralized real-time management of the distribution grid

The method proposes to use a centralized control of each of the network regulation devices of
the considered distribution grid. Indeed, the current SVC/STATCOM devices compare the
voltage at their connection node to a fixed reference voltage in order to bring back the voltage
at the defined reference level. But sometimes, it could be interesting to change that reference
depending on the location of the device in the grid. For example, to lower it when there is an
increased power generation coming from DG units combined with a low demand. In this
context, the output power of the storage devices would be adapted by a remote control of
power electronics.

The strategy of the control depends directly on the presence of operational constraints
violations. On the one hand, if there are such violations, the aim is to overcome the issue with
an optimal use of the network regulation devices. However, with several devices, several
configurations can potentially solve the problem. In such a case, the DSO is interested to opt
for the configuration that minimizes the line losses. On the other hand, if there is no problem,
different strategies can be envisaged. The most straightforward option is to do nothing, which
will minimize the number of cycles of the devices and, as a result, increase their lifetime. For
the sake of simplicity, this strategy was implemented in this study. The second one is to use
the control devices for reducing the line losses. Such an action has to be carried out only if it
generates worthwhile financial profit. Finally, if a storage facility is available, its energy level
can be adapted in anticipation of the future needs.

The optimization is carried out by using the same response surface methodology than the one
used in the sizing procedure (i.e. same response and same variables).

250 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

3.5. Application of the DOE method to an existing radial MV grid

3.5.1. Modelling of the MV network

The simulation of the statistical behaviour of the different industrial loads comes from energy
flows directly collected at the connection node by the DSO. The power injections at MV/LV
substation is provided by the aggregated power profiles determined in the LV planning tool
in Section 1. As the PV installations are the property of industrial companies, these are also
equipped with SM. This is not the case with most of the wind farms that often belong to
independent operators that directly participate in the electricity market and do not depend on
the DSO. Consequently, the power generated by wind farms is inferred from openly accessible
wind speeds. As data for a large number of years are available, those are perfectly adapted to
a Monte Carlo procedure. The wind speed values can then be converted into a value of active
power according to the following power curve [34]:

ì P = 0, Wt < vci
ï 2
ï P = a + b × Wt , vci < Wt < vr
í (14)
ï P = Pr , vr < Wt < vco
ï P = 0, W > v
î t co

where W t is the wind speed and vci, vr, vco are, respectively, the cut-in, rated and cut-out wind
speeds of the power curve. Pr is the nominal power of the wind generator and the parameters
a and b are defined as in reference [34].

Therefore, considering the theoretical number of the data available, the same pseudo-chrono‐
logical Monte Carlo procedure as the aforementioned LV planning tool could be performed.
However, several impediments such as the difficulty to gather the data of all clients combined
with the noticeable loss of data and measurement errors led to the implementation of a non-
sequential Monte Carlo.

Concerning the reactive power of DG installations, it must comply with the operating point
of DG as well as the national legislation. This work is based on Belgian rules [3], but could
easily be adapted in order to suit other legislation.

The reactive power compensators are modelled by their reactive power consumed (inductive
mode) or injected (capacitive mode) into the grid. Then, given the price and the maturity of
other storage technologies, the battery is currently the most appropriate solution for the
desired application of providing ancillary services to the distribution grid. The pricing of these
devices is determined by manufacturers, which will not be revealed here for confidentiality

As previously mentioned, the permitted range of voltage fluctuations is defined by the EN

50160 standard that allows a variation of ±10% around the nominal value. The thermal limits
of power cables are defined as the maximum current that can flow in the conductors without

Planning Tools for the Integration of Renewable Energy Sources Into Low- and Medium-voltage Distribution Grids 251

inducing excessive heating. Indeed, the current flowing in the conductors generates heat that
needs to be eliminated in the surrounding environment. This diffusion is made difficult by the
important thermal resistances of the insulating materials in cables and by the surrounding
environment, especially in the case of underground cables. In order to preserve the network
security, the DSO must ensure that such situations do not occur.

3.5.2. Definition of the network and of the factors

The DOE method is used on a 28-bus radial network, which is highly critical regarding the
risks of congestion and voltage violation, because of the high penetration rate of DG units such
as wind farms or large PV plants. These are installed at nodes 6, 10, 15, 23 and 28. This situation
is indeed stimulated by the current financial attractiveness of investing in renewable energies.
Consequently, in order to avoid an expensive reinforcement of the grid, the introduction of
network regulation devices constitutes an interesting solution to investigate. The single-phase
diagram of this 20-kV system is shown in Figure 17. The representation of the grid is purpose‐
fully divided into eight different sub-areas, which are arbitrarily chosen and correspond to the
areas whose influence is evaluated in the screening process. The resistance and reactance per
kilometre of each line section are, respectively, 0.098 and 0.106 Ω/km, whereas the distance
between nodes varies from 2 to 10 km. The definition of the rated power of each load and DG
unit is shown in Table 1.

bus PL (kW) PG (kW) bus PL (kW) PG (kW)

01 0 0 15 0 3900

02 240 0 16 190 0

03 190 0 17 160 0

04 220 0 18 150 0

05 100 0 19 230 0

06 0 2700 20 100 0

07 160 0 21 160 0

08 100 0 22 140 0

09 180 0 23 170 2700

10 260 3900 24 110 0

11 190 0 25 260 0

12 130 0 26 170 0

13 90 0 27 160 0

14 180 0 28 140 3900

Table 1. Data of the 28-bus grid.

252 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Figure 17. The single-phase diagram of the investigated 28-bus grid.

3.5.3. The screening step

A preliminary analysis of the network behaviour showed that the congestion issues are
exclusively observed in areas I and II of the grid, whereas the voltage issues tend to occur at
the most distant nodes of the HV/MV substation. This gives useful information even before
starting the screening procedure. However, the intuitive solution that consists in positioning
one control device at the beginning of the grid and the other one at the extremity is likely to
be inefficient. Indeed, the power flows originating from the transformer are representative of
the power demand of the downstream loads. Therefore, the benefit of a control device installed
in the neighbourhood of the substation is highly localized (i.e. area between the transformer
and the control device) and this solution has a good probability to be suboptimal. The
determination of the best solution is thus not trivial and requires a more thorough study.

Two screening studies are therefore carried out, both aiming at finding the optimal location
to install respectively a reactive power compensator and a storage device. The influence of the
eight areas represented in Figure 17 is investigated. For consistency, the same sizing is
considered for all devices of the same type. In this way, the maximal sizing of the VAR
compensators is adapted to the maximum reactive load of the case study and the maximal
output power of the battery is 1 MW, which corresponds to the current upper limit proposed
by the manufacturers.

The results of both screening studies are represented in Figure 18. The bar chart representation
of the effects is privileged for its simplicity of interpretation. The height of a bar associated to
a factor represents indeed the effect of this factor on the response. Therefore, the highest bars
correspond to the most influential (and thus efficient) factors.

As expected, the results are quite similar for both scenarios. Indeed, the areas located near the
end of the grid are more appropriate than those near the HV/MV transformers in the context
of investing in network regulation devices for improving the MV grid operation. This can be
explained by the importance of the line impedance. However, while the best place for the

Planning Tools for the Integration of Renewable Energy Sources Into Low- and Medium-voltage Distribution Grids 253

Figure 18. Influence of the eight selected areas for the installation of a VAR compensator (a) and a storage device (b).

storage device is the end of the main feeder in area III, the VAR compensator will have more
effect if it is installed near node 28 in area VIII.

3.5.4. The sizing step

The purpose of the sizing step is to use the network regulation devices in order to improve the
operation of the grid for a large number of simulated network states. All the optimal values
of these devices are then collected as they will constitute the basis for the sizing decision.
Indeed, thanks to manufacturer offers, the output power can be associated to a price. The
objective is to allow the DSO to make the best decision with regard to the investment costs and
the resulting effects on the network operation.

For each network state, the centralized control strategy is carried out by using the aforemen‐
tioned response surface methodology. The goodness of fit of the model (13) is quantified
through the coefficient of determination R 2 [32]. This R 2 coefficient is included in the [0, 1]
interval and is equal to one when all the experimental points correspond exactly to those
determined by the fitted model. Conversely, if the quality of the model is decreasing, the value
of R 2 will drop accordingly.

As previously mentioned, two scenarios are considered here. In the first one, the combined
control of a VAR compensator with a storage device is studied while the second one focuses
on the optimal regulation of two reactive power compensators. It should be noted that the
range of variation of the reactive power compensator is symmetrical ( − Qmax, +Qmax).

The general model of the polynomial approximation of the response for the first scenario

y = a0 + a1 .P1 + a2 .QC2 + a12 .P1 .QC2 + a11 .P12 + a22 .QC2 2 (15)

The optimal values of network storage devices for both defined scenarios are represented in
Figure 19.

254 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Figure 19. Mapping of the optimal values of the control devices for all simulated network states.

Before interpreting the results, it is important to focus on their accuracy by evaluating the
quality of the model used to determine the optimal values of the control devices for each of
the Monte Carlo simulation. To that end, the parameter R 2 is assessed for each iteration and
the averaged value for both scenarios is then computed. These values are, respectively, equal
to 0.88 and 0.89, which indicates a good adjustment of the fitted model with the experimental

In the first scenario, as the current maturity of the battery technology does not allow having
an output power higher than 1 MW, a significant part of the optimal value is close or equal to
the maximum value. However, if the sizing of the VAR compensator is limited to 1.6 MVAR,
more than 85% of the constraint violations are eliminated and this solution can therefore
constitute a good compromise for the DSO. In the second scenario, it can be seen that a large
part of the optimal point corresponds to opposite operating modes of the two VAR compen‐
sators (i.e. one is injecting reactive power while the other one is in inductive mode). This can
be explained by the conflicting nature of the concurrent elimination of voltage and congestion
issues. Indeed, as the line currents are fixed by the power demand, the removal of line
congestions requires increasing the voltage. However, if overvoltages are already observed in
other parts of the grid, the issue can hardly be solved and necessitates opposite actions of
control devices. The nature of their actions then depends on their positioning with regard to
the operational constraints violations.

3.5.5. The simulation of the real-time management of the grid

In this method, network regulation devices are used in order to ensure an optimal operation
of the network. This objective is translated in the removal of all constraint violations of network
operational conditions. The process consists therefore in a state-by-state optimization based
on the response surface methodology carried out for a large number of typical years. The
effectiveness of the proposed methodology is then tested by taking as evaluation criteria the
probabilities of voltage violation and the presence of congestions. The total line losses with
and without the centralized control are also compared.

Planning Tools for the Integration of Renewable Energy Sources Into Low- and Medium-voltage Distribution Grids 255

The simulation of the real-time management of the grid is performed for both defined scenarios
with their predetermined sizing. In scenario 1, the battery has a maximum output power of 1
MW and the VAR compensator can vary between +1.6 and −1.6 MVAR. The second scenario
simulates the centralized control of two reactive power compensators of 2 MVAR. Figures 20
and 21 show the comparison of constraint violations with and without the implemented control
for the first and second scenario, respectively.

Figure 20. Probability of undervoltage (a), overvoltage (b) and congestion (c) for scenario 1.

In both investigated variants, the undervoltage issues have been completely removed.
However, the number of overvoltages has significantly decreased, but they could not be totally
eradicated. The probability of congestion has even increased for some nodes, which highlights
the difficulty to combine the objectives of simultaneously alleviating overvoltage and conges‐
tion issues. In such a case, the DSO would have no other choice than to have recourse to a
curtailment of DG units, which may be very expensive. In this context, the research concerning
the implementation of load-shifting strategies (e.g. with financial incentives in order to drive
customers consuming when there is a lot of generation within the system) is of major impor‐
The impact of control strategy on the line losses is represented in Table 2. The results are
averaged to represent the total losses of a representative year. Recall that their minimization
was not included in the objective function of the study since the reduction of the number of
operating cycles of the control devices was privileged.

256 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Figure 21. Probability of undervoltage (a), overvoltage (b) and congestion (c) for scenario 2.

Scenario 1 Scenario 2

Without control With control Without control With control

Total line losses [MW] 632.89 822.73 665.30 843.07

Table 2. Comparison of the power losses with and without network regulation devices for both scenarios for a typical

It can be seen that the amount of power losses increases with the network regulation devices.
This can be explained by the presence of several DG units near the end of the grid. Indeed, in
order to avoid the overvoltages inferred by the generation of these installations, the storage
and the VAR compensators consumed locally active or reactive power. This energy was used
by some loads that consequently need to be supplied by the HV/MV transformer. The power
flows at the MV output of the substation are thus increased and, as the line losses are propor‐
tional to the square of the electrical current, these losses, together with the probability of
congestion, rise significantly.

4. Conclusions and perspectives

The natural evolution of distribution networks with high integration of distributed renewable
energy sources and random nature of consumptions loads, both uncertain and time variable

Planning Tools for the Integration of Renewable Energy Sources Into Low- and Medium-voltage Distribution Grids 257

parameters, requires the development of new accurate optimized methodologies for their
analysis. To this end, probabilistic approaches are highly recommended since they can
simulate distribution networks taking into account the time variation of renewable generation
and consumption loads. This chapter introduced two probabilistic planning tools, both
developed in a Monte Carlo algorithm environment, for the analysis and planning of LV and
MV distribution networks. Section 1 presented a probabilistic framework that analyses in a
fast, optimized way the voltage profile along LV feeders, taking into account the uncertainty
of their loading parameters node by node, based on real SM data. It can therefore be deployed
for the techno-economic evaluation and refinement of solutions to operational problems in LV
feeders with high PV penetration. The only prerequisite for its deployment is the availability
of SM measurements in the studied LV feeder. This prerequisite goes along with the perspec‐
tive of a wide rolling out of SM devices in the European LV networks. Section 2 introduced a
new method intended to constitute an efficient and realistic planning tool for the DSO. In this
way, the study takes three of the main objectives of the DSO into account. Indeed, the screening
study aims at finding the best area for installing network regulation devices for minimizing
the probability of violations of the operational constraints. Then, the sizing procedure is more
complete by accounting for the investment costs. Finally, the centralized control of the number
of operating cycles could also easily be implemented for reducing the line losses if such an
action turns out to be financially worthwhile.

Author details

Jean-François Toubeau*, Vasiliki Klonari, Jacques Lobry, Zacharie De Grève and

François Vallée

*Address all correspondence to: Jean-Francois.TOUBEAU@umons.ac.be

Electrical Engineering Department, University of Mons, Mons, Belgium


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Chapter 11

Simulation Methods for the Transient Analysis of

Synchronous Alternators

Jérôme Cros, Stéphanie Rakotovololona, Maxim Bergeron, Jessy Mathault,

Bouali Rouached, Mathieu Kirouac and Philippe Viarouge

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter



The integration of unconventional renewable energy sources on the electrical grid

poses challenges to the electrical engineer. This chapter focuses on the transient
modeling of electrical machines. These models can be used for the design of genera‐
tor control, the definition of the protection strategies, stability studies, and the eval‐
uation of the electrical; mechanical; and thermal constraints on the machine. This
chapter presents three modeling techniques: the standard d-q equivalent model, the
coupled-circuit model, and the finite element model (FEM). The consideration of
magnetic saturation for the different models is presented. The responses of the dif‐
ferent models during three-phase, two-phase, and one-phase sudden short circuit
are compared.

Keywords: Power generator, Synchronous alternator, electrical machine modeling, dq

model, coupled circuits, finite element analysis

1. Introduction

There are mainly two types of large synchronous alternators having a wound rotor: the
round rotor and the salient pole rotor [1]. Generally, these synchronous alternators are
directly connected to the grid in parallel, with many other alternators. In this case, the stator
voltage and the frequency ( f ) are imposed by the grid and the generators work at a fixed
speed (n ) depending on the number of magnetic pole pairs in the machine ( p ); (n = 60 ⋅ f / p ).
For example, a round rotor synchronous generator with p = 1 would have a speed of
n = 3600 rpm on an f = 60 Hz electrical grid. Synchronous generators with p = 1, 2 are known

262 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

as turbo generators and present a round-shaped rotor. The prime mover of large turbo
generators are generally steam turbines, which operate at high speeds. In other cases, the
prime mover runs at low speeds, so that salient pole synchronous generators are used. The
largest salient pole generators are used in dams for the production of electricity with
hydraulic turbine. The optimal speed of a hydraulic turbine is relatively slow; thus, the
generator has a high number of poles.

The growing demand for energy and care for environment protection is spurring the
development and integration of unconventional renewable energy sources such as solar,
wind, and tidal power. The unconventional renewable energy brings challenges on the
generator design as the energy production cannot always be done at fixed prime mover
speed. In this case, different kinds of generators can be used, and generally, they are
associated with power electronic converters to connect to the grid. For example, the main
type of generators used for speed-varying applications is the doubly fed induction
generators (DFIG) [2-3]. The stator winding of these machines is directly connected to the
grid, but there is a three-phase winding on the rotor that is fed through power electron‐
ics. Such machine designs can create a rotating field, going faster, slower, or at the constant
speed than the rotor. Thus, the stator frequency can be imposed regardless of the rotor
speed. For a given generator, the larger the speed deviation is allowed, the larger the rating
of the power electronics must be in order to deliver the rated power. Conventional
synchronous generators are also used for variable speed applications by using a power
electronic converter connected to the stator winding.

The integration of unconventional renewable energy must not be made at the cost of a less
reliable power distribution. A reliable power distribution network is characterized by a
robust design of its equipment, control, and protection strategies [4-5]. The voltage and
power distribution on the grid is maintained mostly by the proper control of torque and
excitation of the generators. Accurate steady-state and transient models of the electrical
machine are required [4-6].

Modeling a generator is a real challenge, as an accurate representation of the machine must

deal with many internal considerations, such as the saturation effects, nonlinearity of the
material’s properties, rotational effects, and the large number of complex current paths
inside the generator. Such a detailed analysis provides information on the stator voltage
harmonics, copper/iron losses, and torque ripples. This detailed analysis is of high
importance for the reliable design at all operating points. However, the performance of a
model in terms of accuracy and computational effort depend on its simplifying assumptions.

Transient machine models can be divided into three types: phase-domain model, d-q model,
and finite element model. The phase-domain model is an analytical approach based on the
voltage and flux-current equations of the synchronous machine expressed in the fixed a-b-
c reference frame [7-9]. It requires precise knowledge of the time-dependent inductance
matrix, which can be a difficult task. Hence, many researchers use time-stepping finite
element analysis to determine the unknown matrix for a certain discretization [9]. This
approach is known as “coupled finite element state space approach.”

Simulation Methods for the Transient Analysis of Synchronous Alternators 263

The d-q model is also based on the voltage and flux-current equations but expressed in a
virtual reference frame rotating at synchronous speed [7-8]. Based on certain assump‐
tions, this model represents synchronous machines by two magnetically decoupled
equivalent circuits comprising lumped R-L parameters. Many identification methods are
found in the literature for the d-q model parameters, such as the standstill time response
(SSTR) tests, the rotating time-domain response (RTDR) tests, the standstill frequency response
(SSFR) tests [10], the open-circuit frequency response (OCFR) tests, and the on-line frequency
response (OLFR) tests. More recent approaches include online measurements techniques. These
methods are well reviewed in the literature [11].

Finally, the finite element model is used in solving numerically the general equations of
electromagnetics [12]. It is the most accurate of the three types, but also the most expen‐
sive in terms of computational effort. Nonlinear phenomena such as saturation and skin
effects can be taken into account by this model.

In this chapter, the three types of transient electrical machine models are presented and
compared. Understanding these differences, identification methods, and scope of these
models provide useful information to the electrical engineer to determine the problems that
can be treated with each model. The chapter is divided into following sections:

• Presentation of the generator used for experiments and model validations

• The standard d-q equivalent model and the SSFR-identification method

• The detailed coupled-circuit model

• The finite element model

• Improvements to the models in order to consider the saturation

• Comparison of the models in order to simulate different kind of short circuits

2. Synchronous generator used for this study

The machine used for the experiments is a three-phase 5.4-kVA round rotor synchronous
generator. The stator has 54 slots. The rotor has three concentric coils per pole and a total of
24 copper damper bars connected by short-circuit rings (Figure 1).

The stator lamination stack is shown in Figure 2. The winding of this machine is of a special
construction; it is made of rectangular conductors, and there are 14 conductors per slot
distributed in four layers. They are soldered in the extremity in order to put the individual
conductors in series to form coils. It can be seen that the stator slots are almost closed near the
air gap (Figure 2). Data of the generator nameplate are given in Table 1. Figures 3 and 4 present,
respectively, half of the rotor and stator laminations. The main dimensions are given in
millimeter. Figure 5 presents the stator-winding repetitive section.

264 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Figure 1. Rotor of the synchronous generator

Figure 2. Stator on the side of end-winding connections

Power 5.4 kVA

Electrical frequency 60 Hz

Line-to-line voltage 280 V

Stator phase current (star connected) 11.1 A

Rotor field current for the nominal no-load voltage 0.5 A

Speed 1800 rpm

Table 1. Nominal parameters

Simulation Methods for the Transient Analysis of Synchronous Alternators 265

Table 1: Nominal parameters

Phase winding; number of turns: 156 Phase resistance: 0.156 Ω
Power 5.4 kVA
Field winding; number of turns: 2208 Field resistance: 21.5 Ω
Electrical frequency 60 Hz
Damper bars resistivity:
Line-to-line 22 nΩ.m
voltage DC bar resistance: 21 μΩ 280 V
Stator phase current (star connected) 11.1 A
Contact ring resistance: 170 μΩ End-field winding: 0.8 Hz
Rotor field current for the nominal no-load voltage 0.5 A
Speed 1800 rpm
Table 2. Main parameters

Table 2: Main parameters

Phase winding; number of turns: 156 Phase resistance: 0.156 
Field winding; number of turns: 2208 Field resistance: 21.5 
Damper bars resistivity: 22 n.m DC bar resistance: 21 
Contact ring resistance: 170  End-field winding: 0.8 Hz

Figure 3. Rotor steel laminations

Figure 3: Rotor steel laminations

Stack length: 105mm

Figure 4: Stator steel laminations
Figure 4. Stator steel laminations

266 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
A1 A 2 A 3 A 4 A 5B' 6B' 7B' 8B' 9C 10C 11 C 12
C 13
C 14
A' 15
A' A'
16 A'
17 19B
B 20
B 21
18 B B 22 C'
23 C'
24 C'25 C'26 27
A' C
A' A'
A' A' B
A' B
A' B C'B C'B C'C' C'C' AC' C'
A' A'
A' A' A' B
BB BB BB BC' C'C' C'C' C'C' C'C'
A' C
A' A'
A' A'
A' B
A' B
A' B C'B C'B C'C' C'C' AC' C'
Pôle 1
A A A B' B' B' B' B' C C C C A' A' A' Pôle 2
A' A' B B B B C' C' C' C' C' A
Pôle 1 Pôle 2
Pas de 1 à 13
Pitch from
Pas 11àto1313
deFigure 5: Stator-winding repetitive section
3. d-q equivalent model
Figure 5. Stator-winding repetitive section

3.1. Modeling method

The d-q model uses a transformation, known as the d-q transformation or Park
3. d-q equivalent
transformation, in ordermodel
to obtaina reference frame rotating with the rotor instead of the
fixed stator frame [8]. The assumptions associated with the use of d-q transformation are
presented below [7]:
3.1. Modeling method
 Magnetic saturation effects are neglected. By choosing two orthogonal axes, it is
The d-q model usesthat
assumed a transformation,
currents flowingknown as the
in one axis dod-q
not transformation or Park
produce flux in the othertransformation,
 to
in order obtain
The a reference
armature frame
windings are rotating withdistributed
sinusoidally the rotor along
sostator frame [8].
that each
phase winding
The assumptions produces
associated with athesinusoidal magnetomotive
use of d-q transformation force
are (mmf) wave.
presented Hence,
below [7]:
space harmonics are negligible and the induced voltage is purely sinusoidal.

• Magnetic
stator slotseffects
do notare neglected.
cause By choosing
appreciable variationtwo orthogonal
of the axes, it iswith
rotor inductances assumed
rotor position.
that currents flowing in one axis do not produce flux in the other axis.
 Magnetic hysteresis is negligible.
• The armature windings are sinusoidally distributed along the air gap so that each phase
Under produces
these a sinusoidal
assumptions, magnetomotive
synchronous machinesforce
are (mmf) wave.
modeled by Hence, space harmonics
two independent,
magnetically uncoupled circuits in d- and q-axes (Figure 6). Direct-axis model includes the
are negligible and the induced voltage is purely sinusoidal.
d-axis armature winding, the field winding, and any additional equivalent damper windings.
•The damper
The statorbar elements
slots nd, Rnd) represent equivalent current paths in the d-axis damper
do not(Lcause appreciable variation of the rotor inductances with rotor
bars or in the rotor steel body. The number of assumed rotor circuits determines the order of
the model. The same approach applies to the q-axis network, except that the field winding is
not present. The d-q model parameters are the R-L lumped circuit elements (Figure 6) as
Magnetic hysteresis is negligible.
from the stator. A detailed development of the d-q model is presented in [7].

Ra La Rfd’ Lfd’ Ra La
id L1d Lnd iq L1q Lnq
vd Lad vfd’ vq Laq
R1d Rnd R1q Rnq

(b) d-axis network (a) q-axis network

Figure 6: General d-q model equivalent circuit
Figure 6. General d-q model equivalent circuit

Under these assumptions, synchronous machines are modeled by two independent, magnet‐
ically uncoupled circuits in d- and q-axes (Figure 6). Direct-axis model includes the d-axis

Simulation Methods for the Transient Analysis of Synchronous Alternators 267

armature winding, the field winding, and any additional equivalent damper windings. The
damper bar elements (Lnd, Rnd) represent equivalent current paths in the d-axis damper bars or
in the rotor steel body. The number of assumed rotor circuits determines the order of the model.
The same approach applies to the q-axis network, except that the field winding is not present.
The d-q model parameters are the R-L lumped circuit elements (Figure 6) as viewed from the
stator. A detailed development of the d-q model is presented in [7].

3.2. Model application

A second-order d-q model was chosen for the synchronous generator at hand [13]. Its param‐
eters are experimentally identified with two methods: the well-known standstill frequency
response (SSFR) tests and the reverse identification method. We then compare some simulation
and experimental results.
A second-order d-q model was chosen for the synchronous generator at hand [13]. Its
parameters are experimentally identified with two methods: the well-known standstill
3.2.1. Parameter
frequencyvalues identification
response fromand
(SSFR) tests SSFR
reverse identification method. We then present
some simulation results compared to the experimental results.
Test procedures and recommendations when performing SSFR tests are well documented in
the IEEE Std 115-2009 [14].Parameter
3.2.1. Tests in d-values
and q-axes are carried
identification fromoutSSFRseparately
tests in specific rotor
positions. The simple network theory establishes relationships between the d-q model
Test procedures and recommendations when performing SSFR tests are well documented
in the{RIEEE
a, La, Std
L1d, R1d, L[14].
fd, Rfd, Laq, in
Tests L1qd-, Rand
1q, Lq-axes
2q, R2q}are
six transfer functions
out separately known as
in specific
Zd(s), Ldrotor
(s), sG(s), Zafo(s),
positions. TheZsimple
q(s), and Lq(s). These transfer functions are evaluated experimentally
network theory establishes relationships between the d-q model
or by finite element {Ra, simulation
La, Lad, L1d, when
R1d, Lfdthe
, Rfd,exact
Laq, Lgeometry
1q, R1q, L2q, R2q} and six transfer functions
and material properties of the
known as Zd(s), Ld(s), sG(s), Zafo(s), Zq(s), and Lq(s). These transfer functions are evaluated
under studyor arebyavailable. Figuresimulation
finite element 7 shows awhen comparison
the exactbetween
geometrytransfer functions
and material
obtained from experimental
properties of the machine SSFR
under and from
study are2D-FE-simulated
available. Figure 7 SSFRshows using Flux 2Dbetween
a comparison by Cedrat
[15] for transfer
the laboratory
obtained fromunder study. WeSSFR
experimental see that
and the
fromcurves are very similar.
2D-FE-simulated It took
SSFR using
Flux 2D by Cedrat [15] for the laboratory machine under study. We see that the curves are
approximately 18 minute to perform the simulation, while experimental
very similar. It took approximately 18 minute to perform the simulation, while experimental tests needed 3 hour
to complete.
tests needed 3 hour to complete.

For Zd(s),
ForLdZ(s), and
d(s), sG(s),
Ld(s), andthe fieldthe
sG(s), winding is shorted
field winding and the
is shorted androtor is aligned
the rotor along
is aligned the the
along direct
axis. Fordirect
Forrotor is the
Zafo(s), in d-axis,
rotor is but the field
in d-axis, winding
but the is leftisopen.
field winding Finally,
left open. forforZZ
Finally, (s)
and Lq(s), the rotor is short-circuited and aligned along the quadrature axis. Once allq the
Lq(s), the rotor is
transfer short-circuited
functions and aligned
are obtained, along
the model the quadrature
parameters axis. Once
are determined by all the transfer
functions are obtained, the model parameters are determined by curve-fitting technique.

Figure 7: Comparison of experimental and simulated transfer functions

Figure 7. Comparison of experimental and simulated transfer functions

3.2.2. Parameter values identification from reverse identification

The method is based on the analysis of the model’s response after a sudden three-phase
short circuit and a sudden line-to-line short circuit. These two tests are usually used to fully
describe the machine behavior in both axes. From an initial guess of the equivalent circuit
parameters {Ra, La, Lad, L1d, R1d, Lfd, Rfd, Laq, L1q, R1q, L2q, R2q}, the tests are simulated using
the Matlab/SPS block “SI Fundamental Synchronous Machine.” Then the armature and field
268 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

3.2.2. Parameter values identification from reverse identification

The method is based on the analysis of the model’s response after a sudden three-phase short
circuit and a sudden line-to-line short circuit. These two tests are usually used to fully describe
the machine behavior in both axes. From an initial guess of the equivalent circuit parameters
{Ra, La, Lad, L1d, R1d, Lfd, Rfd, Laq, L1q, R1q, L2q, R2q}, the tests are simulated using the Matlab/SPS
block “SI Fundamental Synchronous Machine.” Then the armature and field current wave‐
forms are compared to experimental data in order to calculate the sum of errors between
simulation and experience. The circuit parameters are then iteratively modified using optimi‐
zation process until the error is minimized.

The machine is modeled by a “SI Fundamental Synchronous Machine” block. It is a d-q model
having one equivalent damper winding along d-axis and two equivalent damper windings
along q-axis. The nominal field current (I fn) has to be defined as the field current corresponding
to nominal voltage on the air gap line (I fq) in order to be consistent with ( L ad) and the linear
approximation used in this study.

The speed and field voltage supply of the experimental tests must be imposed in the simula‐
tion. A clock and lookup tables are used to assign test data values to each simulation time step.
The initial rotor position and fault time are chosen such that the experimental and simulated
short circuits are synchronized. When the synchronous machine block is used in discrete
simulation, a small parasitic resistive load is required at the machine terminals to avoid
numerical oscillations. Figure 8 shows the Simulink block diagram used to simulate a short

The optimization process is implemented with the “fmincon” function of the optimization tool
of Matlab. It allows finding the minimum value of constrained nonlinear multivariable
problems. There are no particular constraints imposed in the optimization problem, except
that all variables must be nonnegative. The field and armature currents of both three-phase
and line-to-line short circuits are optimized simultaneously. Results are presented in Table 3.

Figure 8. Simulation block diagram

Simulation Methods for the Transient Analysis of Synchronous Alternators 269

3.3. Validations

The parameters identified by the SSFR and reverse identification methods are presented in
Table 3. To evaluate the transient responses of the d-q model, we used the Matlab/Simulink
block “SI Fundamental Synchronous Machine” with the parameter values identified using
experimental SSFR and reverse identification methods. We compared the field and armature
responses to a three-phase short circuit and to a line-to-line short circuit (both with neutral not
connected). The field current was approximately equal to 0.22 A (0.44pu). As seen in Figures
9a and 10a, the model is able to reproduce the armature current’s waveform. In Figure 10b,
the field current’s general behavior is well represented. However, the oscillations are less
damped in the case of simulated data compared to test data.

Parameter Experimental SSFR Reverse identification SI unit

L ad 171.0 170.6 mH
L aq 176.9 179.0 mH
Ra 156 156 mΩ
L a 9.1 9.5 mH
Rfd 187 186 mΩ
L fd ܴୟ 2.95 156 1562.26 m mH
‫ܮ‬௔ 9.1 9.5 mH
712 390 mΩ
ܴ୤ୢ 187 186 m
L 1d ‫ܮ‬୤ୢ 0.692 2.95 0.113
2.26 mH mH
R1q ܴଵୢ 1.616 712 0.871
390 m Ω
L ‫ܮ‬ଵୢ 132
0.692 0.113
ܴଵ୯ 1.616 0.871 
R2q 1.17 132 2.379 Ω
‫ܮ‬ଵ୯ 0.98 mH
L 2q ܴଶ୯ 3.7 1.17 2.37981  mH
‫ܮ‬ଶ୯ 3.7 81 mH
Table 3. d-q model parameters of the laboratory machine

Figure 9: Three-phase short circuit with a field current equal to 0.22 A

Figure 9. Three-phase short circuit with a field current equal to 0.22 A

270 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Figure 9: Three-phase short circuit with a field current equal to 0.22 A

Figure10: Line-to-line short circuit with a field current equal to 0.22 A

Figure 10. Line-to-line short circuit with a field current equal to 0.22 A

4 Coupled-circuit model

4. Coupled-circuit model
This section presents the coupled-circuit modeling method and illustrates its application for
the simulation of the generator under study. This method allows the modeling of the
magnetic couplings between every electrical circuit in a machine. Compared to the d-q
section presents the coupled-circuit
model presented earlier, it ismodeling method
a higher-order and illustrates
model its application
that can take for
account of the
the simulation of the generator
spatial harmonics [8]. under study. This method allows the modeling of the magnetic
couplings between every electrical circuit in a machine. Compared to the d-q standard model
4.1. Modeling method
presented earlier, it is a higher-order model that can take account of the spatial harmonics [8].

4.1. Modeling method

The behavior of a polyphase machine can be represented by several electrical circuits that are
magnetically coupled. Depending on the discretization level, each individual circuit can be
equivalent to a winding or a coil or a conductor or a part of a massive conductor having a
constant current density. Generally, the selected circuits correspond to the stator phases, the
rotor field, and the rotor damper winding [16]. The magnetic saturation is not taken into
account in this section, but an improvement of the model using a simple method is presented
in section 6.

The method we present does not introduce a reference frame transformation and the stator
has a fixed angle. Each electrical circuit is linear and can be modeled by a resistance and several
inductances that depend on the rotor angular position θ. The mutual inductances between the
stator and the rotor alternate relative to the rotor position. Other inductances may also vary
around a mean value relative to the space harmonics caused by rotor or stator slotting or

The set of circuit equations can be written in a vector matrix form as shown in (1). The
elements of matrix L (θ ) provide the magnetic couplings in the stator, in the rotor, and
between them (2):

Simulation Methods for the Transient Analysis of Synchronous Alternators 271

éëV ùû = éë R ùû éë I ùû +
{ }
d éë L (q ) ùû ëé I ûù

é é Ls 1 M s 12 L M s 1n ù é M s 1r 1 M s 1r 2 L M s 1rm ù ù
ê ê ú ê úú
ê ê M s 21 O O M ú êM s 2 r 1 O O M úú
ê ê M O O M sn -1n ú ê M O O M sn-1rm ú ú
ê ê ú ê úú
é [LS ]n´ m éëM RS ùû n´ m ù ê ëêM sn 1 L M snn -1 Lsn ûú ëê M snr 1 L M snrm-1 M snrm ûú ú
L (q ) = ê ú=ê ú (2)
êë éëM RS ùû m´ n éëLr ùû m´ n úû ê é M r 1s 1 M r 1s 2 L M r 1sn ù é Lr 1 M r 12 L M r 1m ù ú
êêM O O M ú
ú ê
O O M ú
ú ú
êê r 2 s1 ê M r 21 ú
ê ê M O O M rm-1sn ú ê M O O M rm-1m ú ú
ê êM L
ú ê ú ú
ë ëê rms 1 M rmsn-1
M rmsn ûú ëêM rm 1 L M rmm-1 Lrm ûú û

To represent the movement and the variation of current, we may express (1) in the following
manner, where Ω is the rotor angular speed:

ïì d[ L(q )] ïü ìï d ëé I ûù üï
éëV ùû = éë R ùû éë I ùû + Ω í ý éë I ùû + éë L(q ) ùû í ý. (3)
ïî dq m ïþ îï dt þï

The voltage on each circuit must be imposed to solve (3) and find the derivative of all currents

d éë I ùû é æ d é L (q ) ùû ö ù
= éë L(q ) ùû . ê éëV ùû - ç éë R ùû + W ë
÷ éI ù ú (4)
dt ê ç dq m ÷ ë û ú
ë è ø û

The circuit equations to account the stator star or delta connection and the damper bars
connected in a grid or cage design. Figure 11 presents an example of circuit for the rotor damper
bar connections connected by shorting-ring impedances (Rri, L ri) in a cage design. The
unknowns of the circuit problem are the mesh currents ( J i), and the matrix L (θ ) and R
must be modified as detailed in Ref. [16].

Now that the circuit model is defined, the values of the inductance L (θ ) and resistance R
matrix have to be identified. The identification of the resistance matrix is straightforward and
depends on the section of the conductor and its length. The values in the inductance matrix
must be identified for a given number of angular positions (θ ). Some authors propose an
analytical approach to estimate the inductance curves using winding functions [8, 17]. It
assumes that the permeance of iron is infinite. Another way to avoid additional simplifications
is to use a finite element method [18], as proposed in this study.

For analysis purposes, the time required for this identification is quite well compensated by
its increased precision. The identification is done with 2D finite element simulation with static

272 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Rrn Lrn

Rr1 Lr1 Jn+1 Rr(n-1) Lr(n-1) Shorting-ring


I2 Damper bars
R1 R2 Rn
J1 Jn-1 Lnn
L11 L22 In-1 In

Jn Shorting-ring
Rr1 Lr1 Rr(n-1) Lr(n-1) Impedances
Rrn Lrn

Figure 11. Equivalent

Figure circuit for a rotor cage
11: Equivalent for thefor
circuit damper windingcage
a rotor for the damper winding
Now that the circuit
magnetic model is defined,
field resolution. the values
The permeability of theof the inductance
magnetic ሾ‫ܮ‬ሺߠሻሿ
material must be aand resistance
constant (no ሾܴሿ
matrix have
magneticto be identified.
saturation) and The identification
the extremity effects of the resistance
(magnetic matrix
flux leakage in theisthird
direction) and
depends areonneglected. They could
the section of thebe conductor
considered inand
a 3Dits
length. This
in thea fast, general, matrix
must be and accurate identification
identified for a givenofnumber
the inductance curves. positions (ߠ). Some authors propose an
of angular
analytical approach to estimate the inductance curves using winding functions [8], [17]. It
assumes Fromthatthe inductance curves, we of
the permeance can iron
is their first and
infinite. second derivatives
Another way to curvesavoid [18].
Linear interpolation in these curves is an efficient method to estimate the inductance value
simplifications is to use a finite element method [18], as proposed in this study.
and its derivative value for any rotor position. Knowing the inductance values of two discrete
rotor positions (θ0 and θ1), one can compute the inductance value for any rotor position θ
For analysis purposes, the time required for this identification is quite well compensated by
between θ0 and θ1 using (5):
its increased precision. The identification is done with 2D finite element simulation with static
magnetic field resolution. The permeability of the magnetic material must be a constant (no
L(q ) - L(qleakage
magnetic saturation) for
andq the
< q £extremity
q1 L(q ) effects (q - q ) × q1 flux
= L(q 0 ) + (magnetic 0 in the third direction)
are neglected. They could be considered in a 3D 0 simulation.1
- q 0 This method allows a fast,
general, and accurate identification of the inductance curves.
The coupled-circuit model can easily be implemented in Matlab-Simulink that provides many
From the inductance curves, we can evaluate their first and second derivatives curves [18].
numerical methods to solve the set of differential equations. A variable-step solver like a fifth-
Linear interpolation
order ode15s is in theseincurves
efficient terms ofissimulation
an efficient
simulation value
and its time
derivative value for any rotor position. Knowing the inductance values
is also improved using the rapid accelerator mode of Simulink. The linear interpolation of two discrete
rotor positions (  and  ), one can compute the inductance value for any rotor
in a table of discrete values is easy to implement with the Simulink tools. Using an identification
0 1 position 
between  0 and 
of inductance curves with 2D FEM, the coupled-circuit model has the advantage of combining
1 using (5):
the precision of the finite element spatial representation for the magnetic couplings, with high
efficient variable-step solvers. L (1 )  L ( 0 )
for  0    1 L ( )  L ( 0 )     0   (5)
1  and
One can notice that the assumption related to the proximity 0 skin effects is not a constraint

in this model. Indeed, it is always possible to divide a massive conductor into several elemen‐
The coupled-circuit modeldifferent
tary circuits carrying can easily be implemented
currents [18]. The orderinofMatlab-Simulink that provides
the model is increased, but the many
numerical methods
simulation to solveis the
of transients set ofthan
still faster differential equations.
with the finite A variable-step
element method. solver
This approach is like a
fifth-order ode15s is efficient in terms of simulation time, accuracy, and stability. The
simulation time is also improved using the rapid accelerator mode of Simulink. The linear
interpolation in a table of discrete values is easy to implement with the Simulink tools. Using
an identification of inductance curves with 2D FEM, the coupled-circuit model has the
advantage of combining the precision of the finite element spatial representation for the
magnetic couplings, with high efficient variable-step solvers.
Simulation Methods for the Transient Analysis of Synchronous Alternators 273

similar to the one used in finite element simulation to simulate the currents in massive
conductors as the current density in a cell area is constant.
It seems not practicable to estimate the magnetic losses with this kind of model. However, the
user can add some search coils in the different parts of the machine, which can be used as flux
sensors. With that information, one can evaluate the magnetic losses with the Bertotti formula.
The addition of search coils does not make the study more difficult as all the magnetic
couplings are calculated with the finite element method. This increases slightly the order of
the model.

4.2. Coupled-circuit model application

To evaluate the inductance curves of the generator under study, we used a 2D finite elements
software (Flux 2D of Cedrat [15]). To reduce the size of the study domain, and reduce the
simulation time required for inductance identification, the magnetic periodicity is considered.
In this case, users should control the multiplying factors and calculate the inductances for a
machine part only. This management of multiplying factors is simple to integrate in the
coupled-circuit model. This allows more options for the winding connections between
different parts of the machine.
The generator under study has a magnetic periodicity on half of its domain. Consequently, we
have to identify 16 coupled circuits: 3 circuits for the stator phases, 1 circuit for the field, and
12 circuits for the damper bars. Thus, the skin effect in the damper bars is neglected. The
number of rotor positions should be chosen high enough to allow the representation of the no-
load voltage harmonic content. The influence of the discretization of the inductance curves
with different numbers of rotor positions (20, 10, and 5 rotor positions per stator slot pitch) is
analyzed in [18]. The use of 20 rotor positions within one stator slot pitch allows a very precise
prediction of the harmonics due to the slot pulsation field. However, the shapes are quite well
preserved even with five rotor positions per stator slot pitch. The higher harmonic content can
be readily seen on the curve of the field self-inductance.

4.3. Validations
This section compares the waveforms obtained with the coupled-circuit model to the experi‐
mental ones.
The no-load voltage of the generator has an important harmonic content (third harmonic in
the line-neutral voltage waveform and slot harmonic). The model is able to reproduce the shape
of the curves accurately, but there is a small difference on the signal amplitude caused by the
linear permeability used in the FE model (Figures 12 and 13).
When all phase ends are short-circuited with themselves, the phase current is trapezoidal
(Figure 14) because of the third harmonic of the no-load voltage. Figure 15 presents the current
waveform of a sustained three-phase short circuit, with a star connection and without the
neutral–ground connection. In that case, the harmonic current multiples of three cannot
circulate and the shape of the short-circuit current becomes more sinusoidal. The simulated
waveforms are similar to the experimental data for both cases.

274 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Figure 12. No-load voltage (V LN ) (field-winding current: 0.22 A; speed: 914 rpm)

Figure 13. No-load voltage (U LL ) (field-winding current: 0.22 A; speed: 914 rpm)

Here, we compare the sudden short-circuit response of every phase with itself. To compare
the transient responses, we have synchronized the signals and imposed the experimental speed
and field voltage. Prior to the sudden short circuit, the machine is operated at 914 rpm without
load and the field current is 0.22 A (0.44 pu). At this point of operation, the magnetic saturation
is negligible. Figure 16 compares the response of the phase and field current during the
transient. The waveforms are well reproduced by the simulation. The current overshoot is
around 2 pu for the stator winding and 8 pu for the field winding.

Simulation Methods for the Transient Analysis of Synchronous Alternators 275

Figure 14. Steady-state current with each stator phase shorted to itself

Figure 15. Steady-state current with shorted star connection

Figure 17 compares the results of a three-phase short circuit without the neutral connection.
The currents and the time constant are nearly the same as in Figure 16, but the shape of the
phase current is more sinusoidal.
A phase-to-phase short circuit is presented in Figure 18. This short circuit generates a negative
sequence current in the stator that induces an alternative voltage at twice the stator electrical
frequency in the rotor winding. This explains the field current oscillations at the end of the
transient period.

the transient responses, we have synchronized the signals and imposed the experimental
speed and field voltage. Prior to the sudden short circuit, the machine is operated at 914
rpm without load and the field current is 0.22 A (0.44 pu). At this point of operation, the
276 Renewable saturation
Energy is and
- Utilisation negligible. Figure 16 compares the response of the phase and field
System Integration
current during the transient. The waveforms are well reproduced by the simulation. The
current overshoot is around 2 pu for the stator winding and 8 pu for the field winding.

Figure 16. 16:currents
Transient Transient
when currents whenis each
each stator phase stator to
short-circuited phase
itself is short-circuited to itself
Figure 17 compares the results of a three-phase short circuit without the neutral connection.
The currents and the time constant are nearly the same as in Figure 16, but the shape of the
phase current is more sinusoidal.

A phase-to-phase short circuit is presented in Figure 18. This short circuit generates a
negative sequence current in the stator that induces an alternative voltage at twice the stator
Figure Figure
electrical 17:currents
17. Transient Transient
frequency inforthe currents
a three-phase forcircuit
rotor winding. aThis
without short
explains the fieldcircuit
connection neutral
oscillations at the end
of the transient period. connection
A phase-to-phase short circuit is presented in Figure 18. This short circuit generates a
negative sequence current in the stator that induces an alternative voltage at twice the stator
electrical frequency in the rotor winding. This explains the field current oscillations at the end
of the transient period.

Figure 18: Transient
18. Transient currentsshort
currents for line-to-line for circuit
line-to-line short connection
without neutral circuit without neutral connection
If we add a neutral connection to the ground, current harmonic multiples of three can
circulate and the shape of the phase current is trapezoidal (Figure 19). This is also true for a
single-phase short circuit (Figure 20).
Figure 18: Transient currents for line-to-line short circuit without neutral connection
These results show that the coupled-circuit model is very performant to simulate various
If we add aresponses
transient neutral connection to the
by taking into ground,
account current
the time andharmonic multiplesofofthe
space harmonics three can
circulate and the shape
The assumptions thatofneglect
the phase
thecurrent is trapezoidal
magnetic saturation (Figure
and the19).
skinThis is also
effect truedamper
in the for a
single-phase short
circuit appear tocircuit (Figure
be valid 20).
with a low field current (044 pu). Comparisons with a higher field
current (1 pu) are presented in section 7 for all the proposed models.
Simulation Methods for the Transient Analysis of Synchronous Alternators 277

If we add a neutral connection to the ground, current harmonic multiples of three can circulate
and the shape of the phase current is trapezoidal (Figure 19). This is also true for a single-phase
short circuit (Figure 20).

These results show that the coupled-circuit model is very performant to simulate various
transient responses by taking into account the time and space harmonics of the machine. The
assumptions that neglect the magnetic saturation and the skin effect in the damper circuit
appear to be valid with a low field current (0.44 pu). Comparisons with a higher field current
(1 pu) are presented in section 7 for all the proposed models.

Figure 19. Line-to-line short circuit with neutral connection

Figure 20. Phase current with one phase shorted to the neutral

278 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

5. Finite element model

The electromagnetic field computation based on Maxwell’s equations using the finite element
method is the state of the art in high-precision modeling of electrical machine. While being
precise, it is the highest time-consuming simulation method. For the simulation of electrical
machines, it is generally assumed that the displacement currents can be neglected and the
electromagnetic problem can be studied with magnetostatic or magnetodynamic simulations
[12]. This section discusses the modeling method and compares the simulation results of
generator under study to the experimental measurements.

5.1. Modeling method

Most electrical machines can be studied with a 2D approximation [12]. That approximation is
valid when the geometry of a machine section does not change along the axial direction. The
problem is solved using the magnetic vector potential that has only one component in the z
direction. Some boundary conditions (Dirichlet, Neumann, periodicity, etc.) also minimize the
size of the study domain. Finite element simulation can consider the movement of the rotor,
B(H) curves of nonlinear magnetic materials, and massive conductor (proximity and skin
effects). The conductors can be connected to each other’s with an external electrical circuit. The
currents in all conductors and the copper losses can be calculated with greater precision. For
a given rotor position, it is also possible to calculate the torque by the Maxwell stress tensor
or the virtual works and to estimate the magnetic losses in the machine. Time-stepping
computations are based on Euler method using a fixed time step. More details on the finite
element method applied to electrical machines are provided in [12].

5.2. Model application

We used a commercial software, Flux 2D of Cedrat [15], for the finite element modeling of the
generator. Figure 21 shows the periodic 2D sketch of the resolution domain. Massive conduc‐
tors of the damper winding are modeled using the copper conductivity. The external circuit
links the damper bars with constant resistances that represent the contact resistances and the
shorting ring.

5.3. Validations

To consider the magnetic saturation, we used an analytic saturation curve [15]. This is a
combination of a straight line and an arc tangent curve made with two parameters (μr = 4000,
Bs = 1.5 T). The stator and rotor are made of the same magnetic material. The simulations are
made in magnetodynamic with a fixed time step of 0.25 ms (135 pts per electrical period at 30
Hz). The experimental speed variations and the field voltage are imposed as inputs. Experi‐
mental stator voltage waveforms are also imposed after the sudden short circuit.

The steady-state waveforms of no-load electromotive force (emf) and short-circuit phase
current with or without neutral connection are very close to the experimental results, and that
is true for all points of operation; the saturation is well represented. We compare the same

Simulation Methods for the Transient Analysis of Synchronous Alternators 279

Figure 21. 2D transverse sketch

Figure 22. Flux densities (if = 0.22 A)

results as for the previous models using the experimental waveforms with a field current of
0.22 A (0.44 pu). The phase current transient responses during a three-phase short circuit
(Figure 23) and a two-phase short -circuit (Figure 24) are compared to the experimental
measurements. By comparing these results with the ones obtained with the previous models,
it can be seen that the shape of the signals (peak value, time constant, oscillations) is always
well reproduced. The most significant difference is observed on the oscillation amplitude of
the field current during a line-to-line short circuit (Figure 24b).

(Figure 23) and a two-phase short -circuit (Figure 24) are compared to the experimental
measurements. By comparing these results with the ones obtained with the previous
280 Renewable
it can- Utilisation
be seenand System
that Integration
the shape of the signals (peak value, time constant, oscillations)
is always well reproduced. The most significant difference is observed on the oscillation
amplitude of the field current during a line-to-line short circuit (Figure 24b).

(Figure 23) and a two-phase short -circuit (Figure 24) are compared to the experimental
measurements. By comparing these results with the ones obtained with the previous
models, it can be seen that the shape of the signals (peak value, time constant, oscillations)
is always well reproduced. The most significant difference is observed on the oscillation
amplitude of the field current during a line-to-line short circuit (Figure 24b).

Figure 23. 8: Phase
Phase current current
of a sudden of a sudden
three-phase three-phase
short circuit short
without neutral circuit without neutral

b) Field winding current
Figure 8: Phase current of a sudden three-phase short circuit without neutral
Inductor current (A)
b) Field winding current
Inductor current (A)

32 FE‐model


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
0 Time (s)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Time (s)
Figure 24: Transient currents for line-to-line short circuit without neutral

Figure 24. Transient 24: Transient currents
for line-to-line forwithout
short circuit line-to-line
neutral short circuit without neutral
6 Improved circuit models considering magnetic saturation

6 In synchronous
Improved circuit models
machines, considering
the magnetic magnetic
saturation saturation
is clearly visible on the no-load
Improved circuit models
It is possible considering
to approximate the magnetic saturation
no-load characteristic with the air gap line
and neglect the saturation
In synchronous machines,phenomenon
the magnetic for machine
saturation operations
is clearly withvisible
a low field
on the current. We
have shown that
characteristic. this
It is approximation
possible is valid for
to approximate thethe transient
no-load simulation with
characteristic of thethe
air gap with
andfield currentthe
neglect machines,
equal thephenomenon
to 44%
saturation magnetic
of its nominalsaturation
for machineis clearly visiblewith
operations on thea lowno-load character‐
field current. We
have It is possible
shown thattothis
approximation the no-load characteristic
is valid for the transientwith the air gap
simulation linegenerator
of the and neglect
a saturation
When phenomenon
the saturation
field current equal totakes
44%For machine
of thatoperating
its nominal value. under aislow
approximation no field
longercurrent. We have
true [20]. The shown
voltage amplitudes are greatly overestimated with a linear model, and this leads to incorrect
that this approximation is valid for the transient simulation of the generator with a field current
steady-state and transient
When the saturation takessimulation
effect, that results. Figure 25 is
approximation compares
no longer thetrue
equal to 44% of its nominal value.
voltage amplitudes are greatly overestimated with a linear model, and this leads to incorrect
steady-state and transient simulation results. Figure 25 compares the field current response
When the saturation takes effect, that approximation is no longer true [20]. The no-load voltage
of both circuit models (d-q and coupled circuits) during a three-phase short circuit at the
nominal field are greatly
current overestimated with a linear
(0.5 A). The current model,obtained
waveforms and this are
leads lessto incorrect
damped steady-
than the
state and transient simulation results. Figure 25 compares the field
experimental result. This overestimation of the currents leads to incorrect predictioncurrent response of bothof
losses models (d-q andtorques.
and transient coupled circuits) during a three-phase short circuit at the nominal field

Simulation Methods for the Transient Analysis of Synchronous Alternators 281

current (0.5 A). The current waveforms obtained are less damped than the experimental result.
This overestimation of the currents leads to incorrect prediction of losses and transient torques.

Figure 25. Overestimation of field current without considering the saturation

Many methods are proposed to take into account the magnetic saturation in the d-q model [7,
20-22]. It is generally assumed that the leakage inductance does not vary regarding the level
of saturation. Only the magnetizing inductances ( B (H ), L ad) are affected. It is also assumed
that the stator armature reaction has no influence on the magnetic saturation. Consequently,
the magnetic saturation can be deduced from the machine no-load operation.
The simplest method uses two saturation factors ( L aq, ksd) to modify the value of the magnet‐
izing inductances (ksq, L ad) (6). The factor ( L aq) is function of the excitation current (ksd). It is
computed from the no-load characteristic and the air gap line. For a given field current, we
compute the ratio between the no-load voltage (if ) and the equivalent voltage on the air gap
line: Ev(7).

ìï Ladsat = ksd (if ) × Lad

í (6)
ïî Laqsat = ksq (if ) × Laq

Ev (if )
ksd (i f ) = . (7)
Elinear (if )

Ev(if )
For the salient pole machine, the coefficient (ksd(if ) = Elinear(if ) .) is usually set equal to 1 for all
operating conditions as the path of q-axis flux is mostly in the air [7]. In the case of round rotor
alternator, the coefficient (ksq) is often assumed equal to (ksq) as the q-axis saturation data are
usually not available. In reality, magnetic saturation creates a cross-coupling between d- and
q-axes [22]. However, the differences in stability performance when considering cross-
magnetization have not been demonstrated for large generators [7]. In the case of the coupled-

282 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

circuit model, we have applied the same simplified method using only one saturation
coefficient equal to (ksd). All parameters of the inductance matrix have been multiplied by this

For the generator under study, we computed the variations of (ksd) using the no-load charac‐
teristic up to twice the nominal field current. When the field current is greater than this value,
the saturation coefficient is kept constant at its smallest value.

Figure 26 presents the simulation results when the magnetic saturation is taken into account.
The d-q model current response is improved, but it is the coupled-circuit model that provides
the best results. This improvement is impressive as the magnetic saturation is roughly taken
into account.

Figure 26. Field current when considering the saturation

Note that the field current peak reaches 16 times its nominal value. At that specific moment,
the finite element analysis shows that the magnetic saturation is predominantly located in the
stator and rotor tooth tips because of the magnetic stator reaction (Figure 27).

Figure 27. Magnetic flux densities at 0.055 s (field current peak)

Simulation Methods for the Transient Analysis of Synchronous Alternators 283

7. Sudden short-circuit comparisons

This section compares the ability of the d-q, coupled-circuit, and finite element models to
reproduce the current responses during sudden short circuits. We consider four kinds of short
circuits: the sudden two-phase and three-phase short circuits without neutral connection, a
two-phase short circuit with neutral–ground connection, and a single-phase short circuit with
neutral–ground connection. We also compare several waveforms that have not been measured
like the damper bar currents, the electromagnetic torque, and the damper circuit losses.

7.1. Three-phase short circuit without neutral connection at full voltage

Right before both sudden short circuits, the machine is at 900 rpm without load and at rated
field current. Solely for the purpose of comparing the current waveforms, the experimental
rotor field voltage waveform and the experimental speed are used as inputs in the simulations.
In addition, at the moment of the short circuit and until the end of the simulation, the measured
voltage at the short circuit (at the breaker terminals) is applied in the simulation. The initial
values for the rotor position and field current are imposed to the experimental ones. The time
required for the simulation is of a few seconds for the d-q model, 15 second for the coupled
circuit, and 2 hour 45 minute for the FE simulation. Figures 28 to 30a compare the phase current
during the three-phase short circuit.
The experimental phase current peaks at 7 pu during this short circuit. The response of the d-
q and the coupled-circuit models are similar, and the differences with the experimental
waveforms appear to be related to the speed variations and the precision on the initial
conditions. Other factors could cause this difference such as magnetic saturation and skin
effect. The finite element simulation is more accurate to consider these phenomena, but there
is no significant improvement on the phase current response. The fixed step, the simple Euler
method, and the precision of material properties could explain the discrepancies. The moment
of the short circuit is between two time steps of 0.25 ms. Figure 30b shows the field current
waveform that can be compared to Figure 26.
When comparing the waveforms of damper bar currents (Figure 31), it can be seen that the
result of the coupled-circuit model matches closely with those of the finite elements. The d-q
model does not provide that information. The experimental damper bar currents were not
measured on the generator.
A comparison of simulated electromagnetic torque is shown in Figure 32. Figure 33 is a
comparison of total copper losses in the damper bar circuit.
As the d-q model neglects all voltage and slotting harmonics, the high-frequency torque
oscillations are filtered (Figure 32). The torque calculation methods of the two other models
(FE and coupled circuit) lead to similar waveforms. It suggests that the electromagnetic torque
peaks at 180 Nm (6.4 pu) compared to 110 Nm for the d-q model. One can also conclude that
the assumptions used in the coupled-circuit model are valid. The finite element method takes
account of the skin effect in the bars. This explains that the damper losses are near twice larger
than the other models’ estimations (Figure 33).

284 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Figure 28. d-q model/experiment

Figure 29. Coupled circuit/experiment

7.2. Two-phase short circuit without neutral connection at full voltage

The same conditions are used for the simulation of the sudden two-phase short circuit as for
the previous section on the sudden three-phase short circuit.

From Figures 34 to 36, the phase and field currents are compared. A similar error can be seen
on the evaluation of the first current peak. The possible advantage of a finite element simulation
in obtaining these current waveforms is not entirely clear.

Figure 11: Two-phase short Methods
circuit; for thecircuit
coupled Transient Analysisvs
model of experiment
Synchronous Alternators 285

Figure 12: Two-phase short circuit; finite element model vs experiment

Figure 30. Three-phase short circuit; finite element model vs experiment
Figure 30: Three-phase short circuit; finite element model vs experiment

Figure 13: Two-phase short circuit; damper bar currents

Figure 31: damper
Figure 31. Three-phase short circuit; Three-phase short circuit; damper bar currents
bar currents
When comparing the waveforms of damper bar currents ( Figure ), it can be seen that the
result of Single-phase to ground
the coupled-circuit model short circuit
matches closely with those of the finite elements. The d-q
model does not provide that information. The experimental damper bar currents were not
The same conditions
measured are used for the simulation of the sudden single-phase short circuit as
on the generator.
for the previous section. In this case, there is a difference of 20 A on the first cycle of the
phase current between
A comparison the coupled-circuit
of simulated electromagneticmodel
torqueand the experimental
is shown in Figure 9.measurements
Figure is a
(Figure 44a).of
comparison However, the field
total copper current
losses in thewaveforms
damper barare close (Figure 44b).

Figure 32. Electromagnetic torque

Figure 9: Electromagnetic torque Figure 33: Total copper losses of

damper circuit

As the d-q model neglects all voltage and slotting harmonics, the high-frequency torque
oscillations are filtered (Figure 9). The torque calculation methods of the two other models
(FE and coupled circuit) lead to similar waveforms. It suggests that the electromagnetic
torque peaks at 180 Nm (6.4 pu) compared to 110 Nm for the d-q model. One can also
conclude that the assumptions used in the coupled-circuit model are valid. The finite
286 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

As the d-q model neglects all voltage and slotting harmonics, the high-frequency torque
oscillations are filtered (Figure 9). The torque calculation methods of the two other models
(FE and coupled circuit) lead to similar waveforms. It suggests that the electromagnetic
torque peaks at 180 Nm (6.4 pu) compared to 110 Nm for the d-q model. One can also
conclude that the assumptions used in the coupled-circuit model are valid. The finite
element method takes account of the skin effect in the bars. This explains that the damper
losses are near twice larger than the other models’ estimations (Figure).

7.2. Two-phase short circuit without neutral connection at full voltage

As the d-q model neglects all voltage and slotting harmonics, the high-frequency torque
The same conditions are used for the simulation of the sudden two-phase short circuit as for
oscillations are filtered (Figure 9). The torque calculation methods of the two other models
the previous section on the sudden three-phase short circuit.
(FE and coupled circuit) lead to similar waveforms. It suggests that the electromagnetic
torque peaks at 180 Nm (6.4 pu) compared to 110 Nm for the d-q model. One can also
From Figure to Figure , the phase and field currents are compared. A similar error can be
conclude that the assumptions used in the coupled-circuit model are valid. The finite
seen on the evaluation of the first current peak. The possible advantage of a finite element
Figure 33. Total
element coppertakes
method losses of damper circuit
account of the skin effect in the bars. This explains that the damper
simulation in obtaining these current waveforms is not entirely clear.
losses are near twice larger than the other models’ estimations (Figure).

7.2. Two-phase short circuit without neutral connection at full voltage

The same conditions are used for the simulation of the sudden two-phase short circuit as for
the previous section on the sudden three-phase short circuit.

From Figure to Figure , the phase and field currents are compared. A similar error can be
seen on the evaluation of the first current peak. The possible advantage of a finite element
simulation in obtaining these current waveforms is not entirely clear.

Figure 34.Figure 34:short

Two-phase Two-phase shortwith
circuit; d-q model circuit; d-qvsmodel
saturation with
saturation vs experiment
Figure 34: Two-phase short circuit; d-q model with saturation vs experiment

Figure 35:
Figure 35. Two-phase Two-phase
short short
circuit; coupled circuit;
circuit model vscoupled circuit
experiment model vs experiment

Simulation Methods for the Transient Analysis of Synchronous Alternators 287

a) Phase current
Phase current (A)

0 0.2 0.4
Time (s)

Figure short
Figure 36. Two-phase 36: Two-phase shortmodel
circuit; finite element circuit; finite element
vs experiment model vs experiment
Comparing the waveforms of the damper bar currents shows that the coupled-circuit model
Comparing the waveforms
provides results very closeof
thedamper bar currents
finite element model (shows
). the coupled-circuit model
provides results very close to the finite element model (Figure 37).

Figure 37: Two-phase short circuit; damper bar currents

Figure 38 shows a comparison of the electromagnetic torque, and the general pattern is the
same for all simulation methods. The two first periods are detailed on the second figure. The
torque oscillations of high
Figure 37:slotting
Two-phasefrequency short arecircuit;
damper by barthe coupled-circuit model.
Figure 37.
the waveforms
Two-phase short circuit;
of the bar
finite element and coupled-circuit models are very similar
Figure 38 shows
after several a comparison
periods of the electromagnetic
when the current is lower (Figure torque,39). Someand local
the general
magnetic pattern is the
could for all simulation
explain this methods.
attenuation of The two
torque first periods
oscillations, but are
numerical on methods
the secondusedfigure.
may The
torque 38oscillations
shows a comparison
of high of the
slotting electromagnetic
frequency are torque, and
overestimated by the
the general patternmodel.
coupled-circuit is the
also involved.
same for all the
However, simulation
waveforms methods.
of theThe two
finite first periods
element are detailed onmodels
and coupled-circuit the second figure.
are very The
after oscillations
several of
periods high
the frequency
current is are
lower overestimated
(Figure 39).
Figure 40 presents the damper circuit losses. The highest peak value (7 kW) is obtained by
Some the coupled-circuit
local magnetic model.
with the the waveforms
finite this
element of theoffinite
method, torqueelement
during the first and
oscillations, coupled-circuit
period, to models
the numerical the skinare
methods veryThe
effect. similar
may be
also involved.
after several
model periods when
underestimates thesethelosses,
current butisthe lower (Figure are
differences 39).reduced
Some local magnetic saturation
Figure explain this
40 presents attenuation of torque oscillations, but the numerical methods used may be
We conclude that athe damper
simple circuit saturation
magnetic losses. The highest method
modeling peak value (7 kW)
provides is obtained
valid current
the finite element method, during the first period, according
waveforms, and the skin effect has little influence on the current waveforms. The largest to the skin effect. The d-q
model underestimates
differences between these
the models losses, but
are losses. the
relatedThe differences
to the are reduced
electromagnetic afterward.
Figure 40 presents the damper circuit highest peak value (7 kW) and the damper
is obtained with
bar losses.
the finite element method, during the first period, according
We conclude that a simple magnetic saturation modeling method provides valid current to the skin effect. The d-q model
waveforms, and these
thelosses, but the
skin effect has differences
little influenceare reduced
on the afterward.
current waveforms. The largest
differences between the models are related to the electromagnetic torque and the damper
bar losses.

However, the waveforms of the finite element and coupled-circuit models are very similar
after several periods when the current is lower (Figure 39). Some local magnetic saturation
could explain this attenuation of torque oscillations, but the numerical methods used may be
also involved.
288 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration
Figure 40 presents the damper circuit losses. The highest peak value (7 kW) is obtained
with the finite element method, during the first period, according to the skin effect. The d-q
We conclude
model that a simple
underestimates thesemagnetic
losses, butsaturation modeling
the differences method afterward.
are reduced provides valid current
waveforms, and the skin effect has little influence on the current waveforms. The largest
We conclude that a simple magnetic saturation modeling method provides valid current
waveforms, between
and thetheskin
effectare related
has little to the electromagnetic
influence torque
on the current and the damper
waveforms. bar
The largest
differences between the models are related to the electromagnetic torque and the damper
bar losses.

Figure 10:
Figure 38. Electromagnetic Electromagnetic
torque (general pattern and torque
detail 1) (general pattern and detail 1)

Figure 39. Torque (detail 2)

7.3. Two-phase short circuit with neutral–ground connection

The neutral connection to the ground changes the current waveform because the harmonics
multiple of three have high amplitudes in the phase emf voltage. It should be noted that the
Matlab d-q model cannot simulate short circuits with neutral connection because the emf
harmonics and homopolar current are neglected.

Simulation Methods for the Transient Analysis of Synchronous Alternators 289

Figure 40. Copper losses of damper circuit

Figures 41 and 42 compare the two-phase short-circuit responses at low field current (0.22 A–
0.44 pu). The results are better with the finite element model (Figure 42) than the coupled-
circuit model (Figure 41). Explanations are provided in section 7.1.

Figure 43 shows that the damper current waveforms calculated by the finite element model
are close to the ones provided by the coupled-circuit model. Again, the coupled-circuit model
underestimates these currents.

Figure 11: Two-phase short circuit; coupled circuit model vs experiment

Figure 41. Two-phase short circuit; coupled circuit model vs experiment

7.4. Single-phase to ground short circuit

The same conditions are used for the simulation of the sudden single-phase short circuit as for
the previous section. In this case, there is a difference of 20 A on the first cycle of the phase

290 Renewable Energy
Figure- Utilisation and Systemshort
11: Two-phase Integration
circuit; coupled circuit model vs experiment

Figure 11: Two-phase short circuit; coupled circuit model vs experiment

Figure 12: Two-phase short circuit; finite element model vs experiment

Figure 42. Two-phase short circuit; finite element model vs experiment
Figure 12: Two-phase short circuit; finite element model vs experiment

Figure 13: Two-phase short circuit; damper bar currents

Figure 43. Two-phase short 13:damper
circuit; Two-phase short
bar currents circuit; damper bar currents

current7.4. Single-phase to ground short circuit

between the coupled-circuit model and the experimental measurements (Figure 44a).
7.4. Single-phase to ground short circuit
The same theconditions
field current waveforms
are used for the are close (Figure
simulation of the 44b).
sudden single-phase short circuit as
for the previous section. In this case, there is a difference
The same conditions are used for the simulation of the sudden of 20 A on the first
single-phase cycle
short of the
circuit as
for current between
the previous thethis
section. In coupled-circuit
case, there ismodel and the
a difference experimental
of 20 measurements
A on the first cycle of the
(Figure current
phase 44a). However,
betweenthethefield current waveforms
coupled-circuit modelareand
the(Figure 44b). measurements
(Figure 44a). However, the field current waveforms are close (Figure 44b).

The results of FE model show a good agreement with the experimental phase current
waveform (Figure 45a). More differences are observed on the field current waveform (Figure
45b). This phenomenon may be related to the discretization chosen during simulation.

Figure 44: Single-phase short circuit; coupled circuit model vs experiment

Figure 44. Single-phase short circuit; coupled circuit model vs experiment

Simulation Methods for the Transient Analysis of Synchronous Alternators 291

The results of FE model show a good agreement with the experimental phase current wave‐
form (Figure 45a). The field current response of the FE model appears to be filtered (Figure
45b). This phenomenon may be related to the discretization chosen during simulation.

Figure 45: Single-phase short circuit; finite element model vs experiment

Figure 45. Single-phase short circuit; finite element model vs experiment

8 Conclusion
8. Conclusion
We have presented three electrical machine models:

We have presented
The d-q three
is widelymachine
used for models:
protection, control, and stability studies. This
model is available from Matlab-Simulink library. One way to identify the d-q model
• The d-q parameters
model is widelywithoutused for protection,
short-circuit tests iscontrol,
to carry and
a test of studies. This
standstill model is
from Matlab-Simulink library. One way to identify the d-q
(SSFR). This test may be performed using an experimental setup or a model parameters
without finite
elementtests is toincarry
method out a test
complex. Thisof standstill
model is fastfrequency response
and represents (SSFR). This
accurately the
test is performed
waveformsusing of the an experimental
currents setup.
in the stator and However, the parameters may also be
the field winding.

estimated Theby coupled-circuit
a finite element model
method is ainhigh-order
complex whencircuit the
exact that considers
geometry andallmaterial
harmonics in the machine and all winding configurations. We presented a method
properties of the machine are available. This model is fast and represents accurately the
that uses a 2D finite element method to compute the magnetic couplings and
waveforms of thediscrete
evaluate currentsinductance
in the stator and the according
variations field winding.to the rotor position. This model
is easy to implement in Matlab-Simulink. It has the advantage of combining the
• The coupled-circuit model is a high-order circuit model that considers all space harmonics
precision of the finite element spatial representation for the magnetic couplings,
in the machine and allvariable
with efficient windingtime-step
solvers.We presented
It is a method
a bit slower than thethatd-q
a 2D finite
element gives
method to compute the magnetic couplings and evaluate
better accuracy on the phase and field signal waveforms. In addition, this discrete inductance
variations according
model to the rotor
can estimate position.
the currents This model
in other circuits,issuch
easyas to the
implement in Matlab-
damper bars. This
Simulink. It has the
improves the advantage
estimation of of transient
combining the and
torque precision
providesof the finite
results element
closer to thespatial
representation method.
the magnetic couplings, with efficient variable time-step solvers. It is a
 The finite element model using a magnetodynamic solver with the rotor movement
bit slower than the d-q model, but gives better accuracy on the phase and field signal
is the more general approach to obtain local magnetic data in various parts of the
waveforms. In addition,
machine. this model
This analysis can estimate
requires a perfectthe currents in
knowledge of other circuits, such
the machine’s as the
damper andbars.material
This improves
properties.the The
estimation of transient
main drawback torque
of this and provides
method results closer
is the simulation time.
to the finite
model ismethod.
the most accurate with regard to the local magnetic saturations and
the damper bar losses with the skin effect. It also gives the best estimation of
• The finite elementlosses.
magnetic model using a magnetodynamic solver with the rotor movement is the
more general approach to obtain local magnetic data in various parts of the machine. This
We showed that all three models are efficient to estimate the transient response of an
electrical generator. Comparisons were made with a laboratory generator by performing
various types of short circuit at various excitation levels. It was shown that the magnetic
saturation must be taken into account for a generator in normal operation.

292 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

analysis requires a perfect knowledge of the machine’s geometry and material properties.
The main drawback of this method is the simulation time. This model is the most accurate
with regard to the local magnetic saturations and the damper bar losses with the skin effect.
It also gives the best estimation of magnetic losses.
We showed that all three models are efficient to estimate the transient response of an electrical
generator. Comparisons were made with a laboratory generator by performing various types
of short circuit at various excitation levels. It was shown that the magnetic saturation must be
taken into account for a generator in normal operation.


This research was supported by the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council
(NSERC) of Canada and Alstom Énergies Renouvelables Canada Inc.

Author details

Jérôme Cros*, Stéphanie Rakotovololona, Maxim Bergeron, Jessy Mathault, Bouali Rouached,
Mathieu Kirouac and Philippe Viarouge

*Address all correspondence to: cros@gel.ulaval.ca

LEEPCI, Laval University, Quebec, Qc, Canada


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[17] A. Tessarolo, Accurate computation of multiphase synchronous machine inductances

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no. 4, pp. 895–904, 2012

[18] J. Mathault, M. Bergeron, S. Rakotovololona, J. Cros, P. Viarouge, "Influence of dis‐

crete inductance curves on the simulation of a round rotor generator using coupled
circuit method", Electrimacs 2014, 2014 May 19–22, Valencia (ESP).

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[19] M. Benecke, G. Griepentrog, A. Lindemann, Skin effect in squirrel cage rotor bars
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609–616, 1995.

Chapter 12

Photovoltaic Power Plant Grid Integration in the

Romanian System–Technical Approaches

Dorin Bică, Mircea Dulău, Marius Muji and Lucian Ioan Dulău

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter



Technical issues of the integration of distributed generation (GD) in distribution net‐

works are related to effects on power service quality (supply reliability, network voltage
changes), power flows and network losses. The aim of this chapter is to perform a techni‐
cal and economic evaluation of the impact that the connection of a Photovoltaic (PV)
Power Plant has upon the electric energy distribution network in the distribution opera‐
tor (DO) area. Additionally, the study also examines the effects on final consumers. The
approach starts from general considerations and it continues with their practical applica‐
tion in a case study.

Keywords: impact on the electric grid, power flow, power quality, PV Power Plant, relia‐

1. Introduction

Over the past decades, worldwide interest in renewable energy sources has risen significantly.
Limitation of fossil fuels (oil and gas), such as the increasing cost of these primary energy
sources and their impact on the climate change have stimulated interest in the area of alter‐
native electrical energy supplies. Currently, the share of decentralized power systems in the
electricity infrastructure has increased considerably [1-8].

The alignment of Romania’s legislation to the European energy policy is achieved by invest‐
ments mainly focused on building photovoltaic plants with megawatts generation capacities.
The need to maintain the performance standards in electricity supply to consumers by
distribution operators (DO), to which most of photovoltaic (PV) power plants are connected,
requires an analysis of the impact that they have upon power distribution network.

296 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

The chapter aims to perform a technical and economical impact that the connection of a PV
power plant has upon the electric energy distribution network in the DO area.

Other researches in this field are focused on integration, design or impact [1-7] of PV power
plants [1-7].

2. Photovoltaic (PV) power plants situation at the Romania national level

Nationally, until 21 January 2014, according to Transmission and System Operator (TSO) -
TRANSELECTRICA records, the PV power plants in use in our country are connected to the
electrical distribution network with a maximum injection power of 835,076 MW, while those
connected to the electrical transport network have an injection power of 24,562 MW. The PV
power plants have a geographical distribution that covers most of the country, except for the
mountain areas or the north and northeast parts of the country (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Transmission grid and PV power plants map.

During winter, for the National Power System (NPS), the consumption is considered as peak
load, so according to data from TSO on 21 January 2014, the consumption at national level was

Photovoltaic Power Plant Grid Integration in the Romanian System–Technical Approaches 297

in the range of 8212 MW to 8762 MW, a value of cumulative electricity generation of all
producers, resulting in a surplus of 549 MW of power.
These readings are instantaneous values recorded at 1:04 p.m., the time when the production
of electric power from PV power plants has the highest relevance, being this particular time
of a winter day when the PV power plants produce the maximum power reported of installed
Figure 2 represents the production of electricity for the timeframe 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.,
according to generating technology types.

Figure 2. Generation-consumption instantaneous values for 21 January 2014.

Considering the entire winter period, when annual consumption is at maximum level and the
PV power plants electricity production is 30% lower than the installed power, the PV power
plants contribution to the total power compared to other types of producers is small: PV power
plants – 0.33%, coal – 30.95%, hydrocarbons – 24%, hydro power plants – 14%, nuclear power
plants – 16.2%, wind power plants – 14% and biomass – 0.52%.
The situation during the summer, when consumption is considered as base load, the differ‐
ences are not significant, PV power plants operating at full capacity, noting that national
consumption drops to an average of about 6000 MW.
Because a significant number of PV power plants, with an installed capacity of around 5500
MW, are not in use, their impact on the overall National Power System (NPS) cannot be
analyzed in conjunction with the impact of other producers in the system.

298 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Currently, in the Mureş County there are 15 PV power plants in operation, with a total
installed power (Pi) of 25,626 MW, of which 13 are connected to the (DO) - medium volt‐
age network (20 kV) - and 2 PV power plants are connected to the low voltage network of
the same DO (Table 1).

Pi (MW) <1 (MW) 1-2 (MW) 2-3 (MW) 3-4 (MW)

Number of PV 7 1 5 2

Table 1. Number of PV power plants in Mureş County and installed capacity

3. Minimal technical requirements of PV power plants for safe operation

The PV Power Plants, in addition to the Technical Norms governing the conditions for
connecting the users to public electricity distribution (“Technical Code of Transport Network”
[9] and “Technical Code of Electrical Distribution Networks” [10]), should also comply with
the Technical Standard: “Requirements for the Connection to Public Electricity Networks for
Photovoltaic Power Plants” [11] issued by Regulatory Authority for Energy (ANRE).

To ensure the safety operation of both the NPS and the PV power plants, the PV power plants
fall into two categories, depending on the installed power: non-dispatchable power plants
(NDPV) (that complies with the installed power Pi ≤ 5 MW) and dispatchable power plants
(DPV) (Pi > 5 MW). Their connection to public electricity networks requires mandatory
compliance with certain technical requirements before putting them into service and after‐

The following necessary requirements must to be respected by DPV power plants:

• DPV power plants must be capable, at the common connection point (CCP), for an indefinite
time, to produce simultaneously active and reactive maximum power according to the
weather conditions, with respect the equivalent PQ performance diagram, the frequency
range 49.5-50.5 Hz and the admissible range of voltage;

• All the inverter components of a DPV power plant must have the following capabilities:

◦ To remain connected to the network and run continuously, in the frequency range 47.5-52

◦ To remain connected to the main electrical network when a variation of up to 1 Hz/second

of frequency occurs;

◦ Continuous operating voltage in the range of 0.9-1.1 of nominal voltage;

• DPV power plants and the inverters components must remain functional during voltage
drops and voltage deviations (Figure 3);

Photovoltaic Power Plant Grid Integration in the Romanian System–Technical Approaches 299

Figure 3. Magnitude of voltage drops for safety operation of DPV power plants and inverters.

• DPV power plants will be provided with automatic active power-frequency regulator. This
will act as a frequency-active power response curve, exemplified in Figure 4, where Pm
represents the instantaneous value of power. The coordinates of points A, B, C, D and E
depend on the frequency value, on the active power that the plant can generate, and on the
limit of active power preset value, in the ranges: A (50-47 Hz), B (50-47 Hz), C (50-52 Hz)
and D and E (50-52 Hz). The position of the points must be set as requested by the network
operator with a maximum error of ± 10 mHz;
• During voltage drops, all the inverters must inject maximum reactive power for a minimum
of 3 seconds without exceeding the operating limits of DPV power plants;
• Modification of the active power generated because of frequency deviations will be made,
as much as possible, in solar radiance conditions by adjusting the generated active power.
If the frequency reaches a higher value (corresponding D-E on the characteristic curve), the
DPV power plant can be disconnected;
• The active power generated by a DPV power plant must be limited to a preset value: DPV
power plants must ensure that the active power at the CCP operate inside of ± 5% of the
installed power of the power plant and must have the ability to set the deviation rate of
active power at a value required by the TSO (MW/minute);
• DPV power plants must be equipped with reliable and secure protection systems, to protect
against faults in electrical network, as well as against faults in the NPS;
• DPV power plants holder is required to protect the photovoltaic panels, inverters compo‐
nents and auxiliary installations against damage that may be caused by faults in their own
installations or by the impact of the grid, to the correct operation of triggering the PV power
plant protections or the network failures;
• In steady-state operation of the network, DPV power plants must ensure a voltage deviation
inside its limits (between ± 5% of the rated voltage).
• The solution for the connection of PV power plants should not allow the operation in
islanded mode. This involves disconnection of the PV power plants from the network as a
result of the disconnection of the power supply stations to which the plant is connected.

300 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Figure 4. Active power and frequency deviations.

4. Case study: Chirileu PV power plant 3.2 MW

As a particular case study we analysed the impact of a photovoltaic power plant on the grid
to which it is connected. For this study we selected the Chirileu PV Power Plant with an
installed capacity of 3.2 MW connected to the 20 kV overhead electric line (OEL), Ungheni-
Cipău and supplied from 220/110/20 kV Ungheni station system [12].

4.1. General data of Chirileu PV power plant

The PV power plant is located on an area of approximately 56,000 m2 in the Chirileu village,
Mureş County. The plant is located 9.6 km from 220/110/20 kV Ungheni station and 12.7 km
from Cipău supply point.
The general technical data of the photovoltaic power plant are as follows:

• Installed power, Pi = 3.2 MW ;

• Apparent power, S = 3.33 MVA ;
• Nominal voltage (voltage in connection point), V = 20 kV;
• Net power injection in distribution energy network (DEN), 3.2 MW;
• Power factor, cos Φ: 0.96 capacitive / 0.96 inductive;
• Estimated annual energy supplied to the system, W = 4.262 MWh;
• Installed power usage time, T = 3.65 hours / day (1332 hours/year);
• Daily operating mode in summer, Ta = maximum 12 hours/day; daily operating mode in
winter: Tw = maximum 2 hour/day.

Photovoltaic Power Plant Grid Integration in the Romanian System–Technical Approaches 301

To emphasize the production capacity of the PV Plant, a power and energy production report
for 11 July 2013 (Table 2) cumulative for the entire plant and of all inverters operating at full
capacity, was generated. The total energy production was 22.27 MWh with operation at
nominal power (3.2 MW).

The daily power and energy production graphics of the Chirileu PV Power Plant are presented
in Figures 5 (summer) and 6 (winter).

Figure 5. PV power plant energy production chart – Summer.

Figure 6. PV power plant energy production chart – Winter.

302 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Energy/Power recorded data

Hour Energy (Wh) Power (W)

2013-07-11 05:40:00 5 100

2013-07-11 06:00:00 4174 29,800

2013-07-11 07:00:00 104,825 190,600

2013-07-11 08:00:00 482,515 661,200

2013-07-11 09:00:00 1,488,494 1,360,000

2013-07-11 10:00:00 3,135,034 1,951,200

2013-07-11 11:00:00 5,451,184 2,478,400

2013-07-11 12:00:00 7,868,025 2,733,500

2013-07-11 13:00:00 10,346,612 1,450,500

2013-07-11 13:10:00 10,745,461 3,174,300

2013-07-11 14:00:00 13,160,949 2,937,500

2013-07-11 15:00:00 15,774,228 2,875,300

2013-07-11 16:00:00 18,364,122 2,401,000

2013-07-11 17:00:00 20,422,601 1,847,600

2013-07-11 18:00:00 21,387,377 477,400

2013-07-11 19:00:00 22,091,317 413,900

2013-07-11 20:00:00 22,234,959 57,500

2013-07-11 21:00:00 22,265,127 1900

Table 2. Energy/power recorded data of PV power plant (11 July 2013).

4.2. Network topology and characteristics

4.2.1. Network topology and characteristics of 20 kV Ungheni-Cipău OEL

The 20 kV OEL Ungheni-Cipău, 20.7 km long, comprises a conductor AlOl 70/12 mm2 (between
towers 1 and 127) and AlOl 50/5 mm2 (between towers 128 and 239) (Figure 7).

The power transport capacity of the 70 mm2 OEL cross-section conductor is 7.8 MVA, and the
economic power transport capacity is 7.2 MVA. The power transport capacity of the 50 mm2
and OEL cross-section conductor is 6.1 MVA and the economic power transport capacity is 5.8

The 20 kV OEL parameters (Ungheni-Cipău) are as follows:

• Length: 20.7 km;

• Resistance (per phase, per km): 0.43m (Ω/km);

Photovoltaic Power Plant Grid Integration in the Romanian System–Technical Approaches 303

Figure 7. 20 kV OEL Ungheni-Cipău.

• Reactance (per phase, per km): 0.373 (Ω/km);

• Geometric mean distance (GMD): 1764 (mm).

4.2.2. Loads for 220/110/20 kV Ungheni station and 20 kV Ungheni-Cipău OEL

In 220/110/20 kV Ungheni system station from Figure 8 (that belongs to TSO), 110/20 kV, 25
MVA transformer (Transformer 1)- had, in January 2013, a 13.91 MW (winter peak load-WPL)
and a 11.43 MW (summer base load-SBL) in July 2013. The 20 kV Ungheni-Cipău OEL had a
2.74 MW (WPL) in January 2013 and 1.94 MW (SBL) in July 2013.

Figure 8. Ungheni system station and OEL 20 kV Ungheni-Cipău.

304 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

At 20 kV, Ungheni-Cipău OEL is connected to 39 consumers with a total installed apparent

power 9.89 MVA.

The power dispatcher of the DSO provides that the nominal voltage on 20 kV Ungheni-Cipău
station should be maintained at around 20.6 kV. This value is imposed so that the voltage drop
should not exceed (-5%) the nominal value of the standard voltage.

4.2.3. Reserve loads for 20 kV OEL and Transformer 1 of Ungheni 110/20 kV Station

The load reserves of both line and the Transformer 1 from the station are presented in Table
3, considering the maximum power supplied by Chirileu PV Power Plant and the admissible
load. The OEL relates to economic transport capacity (70 mm2 cross section) and the optimal
charging state (appropriate for minimum power losses) of transformer, considered at 75% of
nominal apparent power (25 MVA).

PV Power Plant
Existing load Allowable load Reserve load
Equipment contribution
(MW) (MW) (MW)
2.74 -3.20 6.62 0.68
20 kV OEL (WPL)
1.74 3.20 6.62 1.68
20 kV OEL (SBL)
220/110/20 kV Ungheni Station
13.91 -3.20 18.86 1.75
Tranformer 1 – 25 MVA (WPL)
220/110/20 kV Ungheni Station
11.43 -3.20 18.86 10.63
Tranformer 1 – 25 MVA (SBL)

Table 3. Load reserves of both line and the Transformer 1.

For the admissible load of 20 kV OEL, maximum load duration (TM) of 2000 hours/year was
considered, which covers the TM duration required by the PV Power Plant, of 1332 hours/year.

4.3. Technical impact of PV Power Plant upon distribution power network

4.3.1. Setting the voltage for the connection of the PV Power Plant

As a first step for connecting the plant to a transmission or distribution electric network, the
calculation of the voltage step at the connection point is required, and that is done by calcu‐
lating the moment of load, Ml.

M l( MVAkm) = S max( MVA) × L( km) = 33.4( MVAkm) (1)

For a moment of load Ml = 33.4 (MVAkm) and the maximum power supplied inside limits (2.5
-7.5 MVA), according to Table 4, the PV Power Plant is within Class C, so it can be connected
to the MV network (20 kV).

Photovoltaic Power Plant Grid Integration in the Romanian System–Technical Approaches 305

Maximum load Moment of load Voltage step at User connection possibilities

Class of
Smax Ml connection point Directly to grid
power plant Through transformers
(MVA) (MVAkm) (kV) network voltage(kV)

400/110 kV
400 -
220/110 kV
A Over 50 Over 1500 220 220
220/MV kV
110 110
110/MV kV
B 7.5–50 Maximum 1500 110 110 110/MV kV
110/MV kV
C 2.5–7.5 30–80 110 20 110 (20) 20/6 (10) kV
20/0.4 kV
20/0.4 kV
D 0.1–2.5 3-8 20 10 6 6-20 10/0.4 kV
6/0.4 kV
E 0.03-0.1 Maximum 0.05 0,4 0.4 MV/0.4 kV
F < 0.03 - 0,4 0.4 -

Table 4. Voltage step levels at connection point according to the required power.

The technical standards establish important criteria that are taken into account for the
connection of users to public electricity networks, which determine the voltage step level and
the connection point:
• The cost of works needed to achieve the connection;

• The technical requirements regarding operation and safety level of the electrical network;

• The requirements to maintain the power quality of the transmission and distribution
network appropriate for all the consumers.

4.3.2. Calculation of network safety level in connection point

To calculate the reliability of equipments in the connection point, it is necessary to take into
account the bus safety indicators of Ungheni 220/110/20 kV station (Table 5).

The parameter values of the reliability indicators for the equipments (cell line, measure, voltage
transformer, current transformer) are presented in Table 6.

Maximum duration of
Station Bus Rate of failure (λ) Rate of repair (μ)
an interruption (h)

Ungheni 1 1-20 kV 0.007920 10,583.1 1.44

Ungheni 2 2-20 kV 0.00528 10,583.1 1.44

Table 5. Bus safety indicators of Ungheni 220/110/20 kV station

306 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Equipment/20kV network
No. Rate of failure (λ)*10-4 Rate of repair (μ)*10-4

1 Disconnector 0.01 500

2 Circuit breaker, recloser 0.15 750

3 MR 0.14 750

4 Voltage transformer 0.011 250

5 Current transformer 0.003 500

6 Bus1 (New) 0.035 450

7 Bus 2 ( Old) 0.022 600

8 20kV OEL 0.05 1200

9 20kV UEL 0.3 150

Table 6. Reliability indicators for the equipments

The calculation of the duration of interruption was performed according to the “Standard on
Calculation Methods for Safety Operation of Power Plants and Devices” NTE 005/06/00 [13],
using a specialized software (Figures 9 and 10).

Figure 9. Graphical use interface-Buses data.

Photovoltaic Power Plant Grid Integration in the Romanian System–Technical Approaches 307

Figure 10. Graphical use interface-Branches data.

The following main results are highlighted:

• In the connection point, the maximum duration of interruption is 20.58 hours;

• The maximum duration of interruption in case of damage, in the Ungheni 220/110/20 kV
station increases from 1.44 hours to 2.49 hours ;
• The maximum duration of interruption in the 20 kV connection point increases to 22.38

It can be concluded that the impact of Chirileu PV Power Plant connection to 20 kV Ungheni-
Cipău OEL, in terms of reliability, is significant both in Ungheni station and in 20 kV Cipău
connection point.

4.4. Load flow, power losses and voltage level analysis in steady-state conditions

To evaluate the impact of Chirileu PV Power Plant on NPS (in particular upon the 220/110/20
kV Ungheni station, Ungheni-Cipău 20 kV OEL and consumers connected to the electric line),
the following input data must be taken into account:

• Network topology and characteristics of the area: Ungheni Station-Ungheni-Cipău 20 kV

OEL – consumers;
• Typical daily loads in Ungheni station and typical daily loads on 20 kV Ungheni-Cipău OEL;

308 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

• Electrical energy production capacity of Chirileu PV Power Plant.

To perform the voltage drops, power flows and power losses, the maxim value of winter peak
load (WPL) and summer base load (SBL), both in Ungheni station and 20 kV Ungheni-Cipău
OEL, are considered in steady-state conditions.

Load flow studies for the power system’s steady-state operation and development planning
are performed to investigate MW and MVAR in the branches of the network and busbars
(nodes) voltages [8].

In this case we analysed the evolution of voltage levels on the 20 kV Ungheni station bus, at
the common connection point and at the end side of OEL, for two specific steady-state

• Peak load on 20 kV Ungheni-Cipău OHL, PV Power Plant in service;

• Base load on 20 kV Ungheni-Cipău OHL, PV Power Plant out of service.

Calculation of the power flow for 20 kV Ungheni -Cipău OEL is performed using NEPLAN
software package [14] for the system (Figure 11), which allows for the design, simulation and
management of electrical network. The solution of the power flow is obtained by means of the
extended Newton-Raphson method due to the possibility of leading to an easier convergence

Figure 11. Line diagram of system in Neplan.

Photovoltaic Power Plant Grid Integration in the Romanian System–Technical Approaches 309

4.4.1. Power flow and power losses results

The summary simulation results for the two regimes, winter peak load (WPL) and summer
base load (SBL), for two cases, PV Power Plant out of service and PV Power Plant in service,
are presented in Tables 7-10.

P Loss (kW) 93.79

Q Loss (kVAr) 348.79
P Imp (kW) 2770.04
Q Imp (kVAr) 1134.29
P Gen (kW) 2770
Q Gen (kVAr) 1134.29
P Load (kW) 2676.2
Q Load (kVAr) 785.5
Iron Losses (kW) 31.68
Un (kV) 20 110
P Loss Line (kW) 60.65 0
Q Loss Line (kVAr) 51.08 0
P Loss Transformer (kW) 0 33.14
Q Loss Transformer (kVAr) 0 297.1

Table 7. WPL-PV Power Plant out of service

P Loss (kW) 62.43

Q Loss (kVAr) 413.18
P Imp (kW) -461.18
Q Imp (kVAr) 1211.83
P Gen (kW) 0
Q Gen (kVAr) 0
P Load (kW) 3137.5
Q Load (kVAr) -426.33
Iron Losses (kW) 31.69
Un (kV) 20 110
P Loss Line (kW) 30.5 0
Q Loss Line (kVAr) 24.49 0
P Loss Transformer (kW) 0 31.92
Q Loss Transformer (kVAr) 120.75 267.93

Table 8. WPL - PV Power Plant in service

310 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

P Loss (kW) 66.59

Q Loss (kVAr) 310.25

P Imp (kW) 1834.09

Q Imp (kVAr) 1365.24

P Gen (kW) 1834.09

Q Gen (kVAr) 1365.24

P Load (kW) 1767.5

Q Load (kVAr) 1054.99

Iron Losses (kW) 31.66

Un (kV) 20 110

P Loss Line (kW) 34.11 0

Q Loss Line (kVAr) 28.37 0

P Loss Transformer (kW) 0 32.84

Q Loss Transformer (kVAr) 0 281.88

Table 9. SBL-PV Power Plant out of service

P Loss (kW) 82.3

Q Loss (kVAr) 439.96

P Imp (kW) -1350.2

Q Imp (kVAr) 1508.09

P Gen (kW) 0

Q Gen (kVAr) 0

P Load (kW) 3117.7

Q Load (kVAr) -453.1

Iron Losses (kW) 31.65

Un (kV) 20 110

P Loss Line (kW) 50 0

Q Loss Line (kVAr) 42.6 0

P Loss Transformer (kW) 0 32.29

Q Loss Transformer (kVAr) 119.89 277.46

Table 10. SBL-PV Power Plant in service

4.4.2. Voltage level analysis

According to the Performance Standard for Electricity Distribution Service, the voltage
deviation and admissible limits are presented in Table 11.

Photovoltaic Power Plant Grid Integration in the Romanian System–Technical Approaches 311

Phenomenon Admissible limits

Contractual voltage Uc inside voltage limits ( ± 5 % ) of

Limits for contractual voltage Uc magnitude at MV and HV
nominal voltage
Flicker Plt ≤ 1, during 95% of a week
± 5 % of nominal voltage Un at LV
Fast voltage change magnitude in steady-state conditions
± 4 % of Uc at MV and HV
LV and MV, Kn ≤ 2 %, for 95% of a week
Unbalance (negative component) - Kn
HV, Kn ≤ 1 %, for 95% of a week
50 Hz ± 1 % for interconnected network
50 Hz +( 4% /- 6 %) for isolated network

Table 11. Voltage deviation limits

The results related to the voltage levels are presented in Table 12.

Loads Winter peak load-PV Summer base load-PV

Winter peak load-PV Summer base load-PV
Power Plant out of Power Plant out of
Network buses Power Plant in service Power Plant in service
service service

20 kV Ungheni Station
20.5 kV 20.51 kV 20.49 kV 20.48 kV
Common connection
19.94 kV 20.61 kV 20.03 kV 20.50 kV
point 20 kV
PT 1 Cipău – end side
19.74 kV 20.40 kV 19.86 kV 20.33 kV
of OEL

Table 12. Buses voltage magnitude results

The power flow results for the two regimes, winter peak load (WPL) and summer base load
(SBL) are presented in Table 13.

Power flow on 20 kV Ungheni Station bus

Steady-state condition P (kW) Q (kVAr)

Winter peak load - PV Power Plant

2736.89 836.58
out of service
Winter peak load - PV Power Plant in
-493.24 943.39
Summer base load - PV Power Plant
1801.01 1083.36
out of service
Summer base load - PV Power Plant
-288.45 1214.85
in service

Table 13. Power flow results

312 Renewable Energy - Utilisation and System Integration

Due to transit of power produced by the plant, which is supplied on the 20 kV Ungheni Station
bus, the power losses in the electric line increase, as presented in Table 14.

Steady-state condition Active power losses (kW)

Winter peak load - PV Power Plant out of service 60.65

Winter peak load - PV Power Plant in service 30.5

Summer base load - PV Power Plant out of service 50

Summer base load - PV Power Plant in service 34.11

Table 14. Power losses results

4.4.3. Financial analysis - impact of Chirileu PV power plant

The interruptions of electricity supply service result in financial losses, from the producer’s
point of view. According to the results of calculation of reliability indicators, the maximum
duration of an interruption, in case of a fault to the point of connection, is about 20 hours.
According to the DSO performance standards, a specific quality indicator is calculated: EENS
- electrical energy not supplied, defined as the total energy not supplied by the producer (PV
Power Plant) to the users, due to interruptions:

EENS = å ni=1 P i × D i = 1.4 × 16 = 22.4( MWh) (2)

Pi - non-delivered power, due to interruptions (the average of the active power non- generated
by PV Power Plant (1.4 MW);
Di - interruption duration that is considered relevant during the time when PV Power Plant is
out of service (e.g., summer, 16 hours/day).
The price of a green certificate is 130 Lei/MWh, and the producers receive two green certificates
for each MW and an extra 170 Lei/MWh, the price of energy traded on the free market.

Losses( Lei ) = 22.4 MWh × (2 × 130) + 22.4 × 170 = 9632( Lei / int erruption) (3)

5. Conclusions

Electricity produced by conventional, large scale central generation requires HV transmission

networks such as HV, MV and LV distribution networks to reach its consumers, while DG,
often located at the MV busbars and closer to load, requires transporting facilities, may reduce
network losses and increase service quality.

Photovoltaic Power Plant Grid Integration in the Romanian System–Technical Approaches 313

The work presents and explores both of general and particular issues related to:
• State-of –the art of PV power plants at Romanian national level and specifically at the study
area: electricity balance, structure, connection and integration in the electrical network.

• Technical conditions required for the connection of PV Power plants such as electric power
networks in order to reach the criteria of reliability, power quality and economy.

• Case study regarding the impact of a PV power plant on the electric grid to which it is
connected. The study is performed upon the photovoltaic power plant with an installed
capacity of 3.2 MW connected to the 20 kV OEL and supplied from a 220/110/20 kV station.
The results provide a complete overview of the situation from a technical (safety and power
quality) and economical point of view. The results may be also be used as a basis for devel‐
opment plans of future Distributed Generation Sources.

Author details

Dorin Bică1*, Mircea Dulău1, Marius Muji1 and Lucian Ioan Dulău2

*Address all correspondence to: dorin.bica@ing.upm.ro

1 "Petru Maior" University of Tîrgu Mureş, Tîrgu Mureş, Romania

2 Technical University of Cluj Napoca, Cluj Napoca, Romania


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