DHT Person Spec Primary

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Person Specification

Depute Head Teacher

Person Specification – Depute Head Teacher

Attributes Essential (Acceptable levels for effective job performance)
Experience • Wide ranging experience of teaching at all levels and
management in schools.
• Evidence of ability to achieve and maintain a productive
learning environment, including the development and
implementation of appropriate behaviour management
• Clear evidence of leadership
• Experience of participation in curriculum development,
school self evaluation and development of planning.
• Evidence of involvement in school improvement.
• Evidence of recent involvement in professional
Education and Full registration with the General Teaching Council for
Qualifications Scotland as a Primary Teacher

Generic Professional • Excellent teacher with high-level skills and personal

Abilities and Qualities achievements.
• Commitment to raising standards of achievement for all.
• Ability to work with senior colleagues in managing the
implementation of a school improvement agenda.
• Ability and willingness to work with a range of people, to
be adaptable and to work on own initiative.
• Ability to communicate well, both orally and in writing,
with pupils, parents and colleagues and provide
information in appropriate formats.
• Ability to prioritise between competing demands while
remaining committed to providing high quality
management as part of the Management Team.
• Ability to relate strongly to the wider aims of the school in
curricular and extra curricular areas and in the promotion
of positive behaviour.

Specific Attributes • Ability to work within, and contribute to, the development o
school policy and to assist staff in establishing priorities,
supporting them in quality assurance and meeting deadlines.
• Ability to motivate, work with and lead pupils, parents and
• Clear commitment to a consultative approach in managing
• Clear commitment to meeting the challenge of inclusion
• Clear commitment to continuing professional development.
• Clear evidence of skills in information and communication
technology, with a vision for its potential in a school.
Person Specification
Depute Head Teacher

Interpersonal skills • Ability to identify with and show empathy with young people.
• Strong empathy with those pupils who most need support in
their lives and ability to work effectively and sympathetically
with parents and professionals from other services.
• Readiness to consult with and consider the views of others,
maintain and establish positive relationships with pupils
parents and staff.
• Good skills as a team leader.
• Ability to cope with difficult situations and maintain a
balanced perspective.

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