WEB Final Exam Preparation

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Question 1

Describe the types of css

Cascading Style Sheet (css) is used to set the style in web pages that contains html elements. It
sets the background color, font-size, font-family, color…. Etc, property of elements on a web
page. There are three types of css which are given below.
1. Inline css
2. Internal or Embedded css
3. External css
Inline CSS contains the css property in the body section attached with element is known as inline
css. This kind of style is specified within an html tag using style attribute. The example of inline
css is shown below.
Internal of Embedded css can be used when a single html document must be styled uniquely. The
css rule set should be within the html file in the head section i.e., the css is embedded within html
document. The example of Internal css is shown below.
External css file contains separate css file which contains only style property with the help of tag
attribute. A separate file with .css extension and should be linked with html document by using
link tag. This type of css style can be used to style multiple html document. The example of
external css is shown below.
Question 2
Difference Between ASP.net and J2EE
Stack Function .NET J2EE
Relational Database Access ADO.NET JDBC
Web Client ASP.NET Java server pages (JSP) and
Standalone Clients Window Forms AWT/Swing
Distributed Components .Net Remoting RMI/IDL
XML System.XML and .NET in JAX pack (JAXM, JAXR,
general is built around XML. JAXB, JAXP)
Messaging Microsoft Message Queuing Java Message Service (JMS)
Web Service Support Built directly into .NET and Java Web Service Developer
Visual Studio Pack (JWSDP) as well as
vendors specific tools.
Enterprise CMO+ Enterprise Java Beans (EJB)
Integration Host integrated server and J2EE Connector Architecture
Biztalk server
Component Registration Active directory Java Naming and Directory
Interface (JNDI)
Model Simple .Net class with Simple java beans class with
business logic with setter and setter and getter
Controller Controller is implemented Controller is implemented
using the HttpHandler class. using the HttpServlet Class.
View Simple ASPX pages. Simple JSP pages
Question 1
Authentication and authorization
Authentication and authorization are two vital information security processes that administrators
use to protect the system and information. Authentication verifies the user identity and
authorization determine their access right.
It is the process which clarifies if a user is who they say they are. It identifies the user identity
before login to the system. It involves identifying user username and password. Asp.NET
support several types of authentications such as
1. Password Authentication
2. Form Authentication
3. Integrated window authentication
It is the process of granting and giving the user access to the resource that they are permitted to
have. Authorization determines the user access right in the system.
Question 2
Minimize input data problems
- Provide data validation checks
Provide data validation checks in every text fields so that user can’t enter incorrect input.
Validators such as require validator, compare validator, range validator, regular expression
validator and custom validator.

- Display-event driven message and remainders

Display event driven message and remainders to minimize input data problem.
- Establish a list of pre-defined values
Another way of preventing input data from the user is using pre-defined values in the
dropdown. You can use dropdown in city, in subject choices, in menus.

- Use input mask, or template that make it easier to enter data

To minimize input data problem from user, we have to use input mask controller in a
textbox. Input mask is a controller that provides an easy and reliable way to collect user
input based on a standard mask. It allows you to capture phone number, dates values, credit
card numbers, and other standard format values.
Question 3
Advantages of using Asp.NET
The advantages of using Asp.NET is,
1. Platform Independence
- Microsoft only research and develop for one platform
- Associated advantage of being specific
- It runs on any platform from window95 to Linux

2. Language Independence
- Language independence of Asp.NET brings flexibility
Gives developer a choice
Able to target broader range of skills
Asp.Net framework is language independence, means you can use any programming language
(J#, C#, VB) etc. which is best suited to your application.
Question 3
Three ways to evaluate quality web pages
1. Audience
- Is the content appropriate for your audience
- Is the reading level appropriate for your audience
- Is the content appropriate for the age or development level of your audience

2. Accuracy
- Is the information on the page up to date
- Can you tell when the page was last updated
- Are there dead links
- Is there difference between the date the information was created and the date the page was
last updated

3. Clarity
- Is the information clearly posted
- Is the text neat, legible and formatted for easy reading
- Is there are graphics, do they add to the context or distract?
- Are the pages well organized
- Are there mistakes in spelling or word usage?
Static and Dynamic Pages
Static Website
A website whose pages are coded in html and the content of each page is fixed and does not
change until it edited and republished.
- It is developed by using client-side language such as HTML and CSS.
- Contents remain unchanged until it is change from source code.
- It is simple and easier to program.
- It does not require database.
- It does not allow more user interaction.
- It is cheaper to host.
- Usable for small-scale website that do not require continuous change.
Dynamic Website
A website whose web pages are code in real time.
- It is developed by using client-side technologies as well as server-side scripting language.
- The content are changes according to client request.
- It is more complex and difficult to program.
- Allows more user interaction.
- It easy to update.
- Costly to host.
- Usable for large scale website ecommerce, and social media websites.

Advantages of Dynamic Website

A website whose web pages are designed in real time by using client-side technologies as well as
server-side scripting language. It is very beneficial for having dynamic website. Because,
- It allows more user interaction.
- It is very easier to update and allows database for information access.
- The content in the website changes according to client request.
- It is very futuristic and professional looking.
Question 4
- In all the text fields Require Field Validator is used to ensure that user does not skip entry.
- In the password field, Range Validator is used to set the password boundary minimum 6
character and maximum 18 character.
- In confirm password field, the compare validator is used to compare the confirm password to
the pre-entered password.
- To matches the user, enter email format to the international email format standard, the
Regular expression validator is used. It checks the format of email by recognizing (. @)
- To check the value of all textboxes at runtime, the user-define custom validator is used.

Website Design Methods (WSDM)
Website Design Methods (WSDM) is an audience driven methods for Web Application. It
consists of five phases, gathering information of user to actual implementation. The five phases
1. Mission Statement Specification
2. Audience Modeling
3. Conceptual Design
4. Implementation Design
5. Implementation

1. Mission Statement Specification

It is the first stage of WSDM which defines the mission statement of website. The mission
statement must answer the following questions
- Who are the targeted audience?
- What is the subject?
- What is the purpose of website?
In the mission statement, the subject, purpose and audience are specified.

2. Implementation
It is the final stage of the WSDM model which defines the deploying created website to real
working environment. The actual implementation can be generated automatically from the
information collected during the design phases by means of the different design models. As
a proof-of-concept, two implementation architectures have been set up: a transformation
pipeline and more dynamic server-side architecture.
The server-side architecture reacts in real time on page-requests and builds the requested
page on-the-fly. Although this implementation is more complex, is does allow for extra
functionality. (e.g., tracking of events for adaptive behavior, see Adaptivity).

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