WEB Final Exam Preparation
WEB Final Exam Preparation
WEB Final Exam Preparation
2. Language Independence
- Language independence of Asp.NET brings flexibility
Gives developer a choice
Able to target broader range of skills
Asp.Net framework is language independence, means you can use any programming language
(J#, C#, VB) etc. which is best suited to your application.
Question 3
Three ways to evaluate quality web pages
1. Audience
- Is the content appropriate for your audience
- Is the reading level appropriate for your audience
- Is the content appropriate for the age or development level of your audience
2. Accuracy
- Is the information on the page up to date
- Can you tell when the page was last updated
- Are there dead links
- Is there difference between the date the information was created and the date the page was
last updated
3. Clarity
- Is the information clearly posted
- Is the text neat, legible and formatted for easy reading
- Is there are graphics, do they add to the context or distract?
- Are the pages well organized
- Are there mistakes in spelling or word usage?
Static and Dynamic Pages
Static Website
A website whose pages are coded in html and the content of each page is fixed and does not
change until it edited and republished.
- It is developed by using client-side language such as HTML and CSS.
- Contents remain unchanged until it is change from source code.
- It is simple and easier to program.
- It does not require database.
- It does not allow more user interaction.
- It is cheaper to host.
- Usable for small-scale website that do not require continuous change.
Dynamic Website
A website whose web pages are code in real time.
- It is developed by using client-side technologies as well as server-side scripting language.
- The content are changes according to client request.
- It is more complex and difficult to program.
- Allows more user interaction.
- It easy to update.
- Costly to host.
- Usable for large scale website ecommerce, and social media websites.
Website Design Methods (WSDM)
Website Design Methods (WSDM) is an audience driven methods for Web Application. It
consists of five phases, gathering information of user to actual implementation. The five phases
1. Mission Statement Specification
2. Audience Modeling
3. Conceptual Design
4. Implementation Design
5. Implementation
2. Implementation
It is the final stage of the WSDM model which defines the deploying created website to real
working environment. The actual implementation can be generated automatically from the
information collected during the design phases by means of the different design models. As
a proof-of-concept, two implementation architectures have been set up: a transformation
pipeline and more dynamic server-side architecture.
The server-side architecture reacts in real time on page-requests and builds the requested
page on-the-fly. Although this implementation is more complex, is does allow for extra
functionality. (e.g., tracking of events for adaptive behavior, see Adaptivity).