Q.1. In low visibility, what sound signals you must expect from a merchant ship
underway but not making way? (1)
Q.2. What type of vessel is this if you see two yellow flashes in a vertical line in
addition to lights of a power driven vessel? (1)
ANS: .
Q.3. While standing in front of a 1007 radar display you see a contact on your STBD
bow in a crossing situation but your lookout reports that no contact is visual on STBD
bow. What is your assessment as OOW?
Q.5. What shapes shall be displayed by the vessel of more than 100m in length
aground? (1)
Q.6. Under special circumstances a ship can departure from ROR. Which rule is
relevant in this regard? (1)
Q.7. What shapes/lights are displayed by the vessel of less than 12m aground?
Q.8. What do you make out, if you hear _______ . . . in restricted visibility?
Q.9. You are on Course 270 and you see a Hover craft on green 45 o steering course
180 and her bearing is steady. Who has the right of way? (1)
Q.10. What is the visibility range of stern light for a vessel of 10m in length?
Q.13. When two sailing vessels are approaching each other both having wind on the
same side, who has the right of way? (1)
a. A vessel engaged in dredging showing two balls on her stbd side to T/F
indicate the side on which another vessel may pass.
b. A vessel engaged in diving operation is required to display a rigid replica of T/F
flag ‘B’
c. A vessel of less than 12 meters engaged in driven operation is required to T/F
exhibit lights and shapes prescribed in the rules.
d. A vessel constrained by her draught should exhibit a cone apex T/F
e. Pilot vessel engaged on pilotage duty is required to exhibit thee red lights T/F
in a vertical line.
f. A vessel nearing a bend shall sound one prolonged blast followed by two T/F
short blasts.
g. A vessel at anchor is required to ring the bell rapidly for about 5 seconds. T/F
h. A shape may be placed of any colour other than black. T/F
j. A cylinder shape shall have a diameter of 0.8 mter. T/F
k. Chapter 2 of BR 45(6) is regarding ROR. T/F
l. Any vessel propelled by sail and machinery both is known as sailing T/F
m. A vessel which through some exceptional circumstances is unable to T/F
manoeuvre is known as vessel restricted din her ability to manoeuvre.
n. A vessel at anchor, or made fast to shore or aground is known as vessel T/F
under way.
p. Vessels should proceed at maximum speed to take proper and effective T/F
action toa void collision.
q. In order to avoid risk of collision assumptions may be made on scanty T/F
radar information.
Q.1. In low visibility, what sound signals you must expect from a merchant ship
underway but not making way? (1)
Q.2. What type of vessel is this if you see two yellow flashes in a vertical line in
addition to lights of a power driven vessel? (1)
Q.3. While standing in front of a 1007 radar display you see a contact on your STBD
bow in a crossing situation but your lookout reports that no contact is visual on STBD
bow. What is your assessment as OOW?
ANS: Because this rule applies when the vessels are insight of each
ANS: A multimodal craft which, in its main operational mode, flies in close
proximity to the surface by utilizing surface-effect action.
Q.5. What shapes shall be displayed by the vessel of more than 100m in length
aground? (1)
ANS: One ball in the fore part and three balls in a vertical line where they
can best be seen.
Q.6. Under special circumstances a ship can departure from ROR. Which rule is
relevant in this regard? (1)
Q.7. What shapes/lights are displayed by the vessel of less than 12m aground?
ANS: None.
Q.8. What do you make out, if you hear _______ . . . in restricted visibility?
ANS: Last vessel of the tow.
Q.9. You are on Course 270 and you see a Hover craft on green 45 o steering course
180 and her bearing is steady. Who has the right of way? (1)
Q.10. What is the visibility range of stern light for a vessel of 10m in length?
ANS: 2 miles.
ANS: The vessel that is either has the right of way over other vessel or to
be unimpeded by an unhampered power driven vessel (Rule 18).
Q.13. When two sailing vessels are approaching each other both having wind on the
same side, who has the right of way? (1)
1. Anchor Berth
2. Tidal Stream
3. Current
8. Precautionary area
9. Fishing Harbour
11. Wreck over witch the is thought to be 28 meter or less but which is
consider danger for surface navigation
12. Wreck which has been swept by wire to the depth shown