2011 Cayenne Owners Manual

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Owner’s Manual
WKD 948 021 11 03/10 Orientation guides in the Owner’s Manual Various types of safety instructions are used in
Porsche, the Porsche Crest, Cayenne, PCCB, The orientation guides in the Owner’s Manual are this Owner’s Manual.
PCM, PSM, Tiptronic and Tequipment are highlighted in yellow. h DANGER Serious Injury or Death
registered trademarks and the distinctive shapes
Overall Table of Contents Failure to observe safety instructions in the
of Porsche automobiles are trademarks of
Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG. At the start of the Owner’s Manual you will find an “Danger” category will result in serious injury or
overview of the overall contents of the Owner’s death.
All rights reserved.
Section Contents h WARNING Possible Serious Injury
There is a summary of topics with the or Death
Printed in Germany.
corresponding page numbers at the beginning of Failure to observe safety instructions in the
each main chapter. “Warning” category could result in serious injury or
There is a detailed, alphabetical index at the end h CAUTION Possible Moderate or
of this Owner’s Manual. Minor Injury
Cayenne S Hybrid Failure to observe safety instructions in the
Information on the Cayenne S Hybrid can be found “Caution” category can result in moderate or
in the separate additional instructions. minor injury.
Pay particular attention to the warning and safety
instructions. NOTICE
Safety instructions in the Owner’s Manual Possible vehicle damage.
For your own protection and longer service life of Failure to observe instructions in the “Notice”
your car, please heed all operating instructions category could result in damage to the vehicle.
and special warnings. These special warnings
contain important messages regarding your
safety and/or the potential for damage to your Information
Porsche. Ignoring them could result in serious Additional information, tips and instructions are
mechanical failure, serious personal injury or indicated by the word “Information”. Please read
death. this information carefully and follow the
Dear Owner, A separate Maintenance Booklet explains how
h WARNING Alteration or Misuse of
you can keep your Porsche in top driving condition
We would like to thank you for your purchase of a Vehicle
by having it serviced regularly.
Porsche Cayenne. Judging by the car you have Any alteration of the vehicle may negate or
A separate Warranty and Customer
chosen, you are a motorist of a special breed, and interfere with those safety features built into the
Information Booklet contains detailed
you are probably no novice when it comes to vehicle. Modifications may be carried out on your
information about the warranties covering your
automobiles. vehicle only if approved by Porsche.
Remember however, as with any vehicle, you Your Porsche is intended to be used in a safe
For U.S. only:
should take time to familiarize yourself with your manner obeying the local laws and in the light of
If you believe that your vehicle has a fault which
Porsche and its performance characteristics. driving conditions faced by you, and in
could cause a crash, injury or death, you should
Always drive within your own unique capabilities as accordance with the instructions provided in this
immediately inform the National Highway Traffic
a driver and your level of experience with your Owner’s Manual.
f Do not misuse your Porsche by ignoring those
Safety Administration (NHTSA) in addition to
Porsche. Ensure that anyone else driving your
notifying Porsche Cars North America, Inc.
Porsche does the same. To prevent or minimize laws and driving conditions, or by ignoring the
(Porsche Cars N.A.).
injury, always use your safety belts. Never instructions in this manual.
consume alcohol or drugs before or during the If NHTSA receives similar complaints, it may open
f Do not alter your Porsche. Any alteration could
operation of your vehicle. an investigation, and if it finds that a safety
create dangerous conditions or defeat safety
problem exists in a group of vehicles, it may order
This Owner’s Manual contains a host of useful engineering features built into your car.
a recall and remedy campaign. However, NHTSA
information. Please take the time to read this
cannot become involved in individual problems Regularly check your vehicle for signs of
manual before you drive your new Porsche.
between you and your dealer, or Porsche Cars damage.
Become familiar with the operation of your
N.A. Damaged or missing aerodynamic
Porsche car for maximum safety and operating
pleasure. The better you know your Porsche, the To contact NHTSA, you may call the Vehicle Safety components such as spoilers or underside
more pleasure you will experience driving your Hotline toll-free at 1–888–327–4236 (TTY: panels affect the driving behavior and
new car. 1–800–424–9153); go to therefore must be replaced immediately.
http://www.safercar.gov; or write to: Your car may have all or some of the components
Always keep your Owner’s Manual in the car, and
Administrator, NHTSA, 1200 New Jersey Ave, SE, described in this manual.
give it to the new owner if you ever sell your
Washington, DC 20590. Should you have difficulty understanding any of
You can also obtain other information about motor the explanations of features or equipment installed
vehicle safety from http://www.safercar.gov. in your vehicle, contact your authorized Porsche
Your car has thousands of parts and components dealer. He/She will be glad to assist you. Also
which have been designed and manufactured in check with your dealer on other available options
accordance with Porsche’s high standards of or equipment.
engineering quality and safety.

Throughout this booklet, left is designated as the Setting and operating vehicle h WARNING California
driver's side of the vehicle, and right as the components when driving Proposition 65
passenger's side of the vehicle.
h WARNING Operating Components Engine exhaust, some of its constituents, and
Text, illustrations and specifications in this manual
While Driving certain vehicle components contain or emit
are based on the information available at the time
Setting or operating the on-board computer, chemicals known to the State of California to
of printing.
radio, navigation system, telephone or other cause cancer and birth defects or other
It has always been Porsche’s policy to
equipment when driving could distract you from reproductive harm.
continuously improve its products. Porsche,
the traffic. You could lose control of the vehicle In addition, certain fluids contained in vehicles and
therefore, reserves the right to make changes in
resulting in serious personal injury or death. certain products of component wear contain or
design and specification, and to make additions or
improvements in its product without incurring any f Operate the components while driving only if emit chemicals known to the State of California to
the traffic situation allows you to do so safely. cause cancer and birth defects or other
obligation to install them on products previously
manufactured. f Carry out any complicated operating or setting reproductive harm.

We wish you many miles of safe and pleasurable procedures only with the vehicle stationary.
h WARNING Hot Exhaust Pipes
driving in your Porsche.
Engine Exhaust The exhaust pipe is hot when the vehicle is running
Note to owners and remains hot for some time after the vehicle is
h WARNING Engine Exhaust
In Canada, this manual is also available in French. turned off.
To obtain a copy contact your dealer or write to: f To prevent injury, make a point of noting where
Engine exhaust is dangerous if inhaled.
Note aux proprietaires your vehicle’s exhaust pipe is, avoid placing
Engine exhaust fumes have many components
your legs near the exhaust pipe when loading
Au Canada on peut se procurer un exemplaire de which you can smell. They also contain carbon
and unloading cargo in the rear, and closely
ce Manuel en français auprès du concessionaire monoxide (CO), which is a colorless and odorless
supervise children around the vehicle during
ou du: gas.
time when the exhaust pipe could be hot.
Porsche Cars Canada, Ltd. Carbon monoxide can cause unconsciousness
A hot exhaust pipe can cause serious burns.
Automobiles Porsche Canada, LTEE and even death if inhaled.
f Never start or let the engine run in an en-
5925 Airport Road closed, unventilated area.
Suite 420 It is not recommended to sit in your car for
Mississauga, Ontario prolonged periods with the engine on and the
Canada, L4V 1W1 car not moving.

Telephone number for customer assistance:

1-800-PORSCHE / Option 3

h DANGER Portable Fuel Container Porsche Ceramic Composite Brake Dear Porsche Owner,
Leaks (PCCB) a lot has gone into the manufacture of your
Portable fuel containers may leak, whether they f Please see the chapter “BRAKES” on Porsche, including advanced engineering, rigid
are full or partially empty. Fuel leaking from a page 155. quality control and demanding inspections. These
portable container carried in your vehicle could, in The high-performance brake system is designed engineering and safety features will be enhanced
case of an accident, cause a fire or explosion. for optimal braking effect at all speeds and by you…
f Never carry additional fuel in portable temperatures. the safe driver…
containers in your vehicle. Certain speeds, braking forces and ambient – who knows her/his car and all controls,
conditions (such as temperature and humidity) – who maintains the vehicle properly,
Vehicles with SportDesign package therefore might cause brake noises. – who uses driving skills wisely and always
NOTICE Wear on the different components and braking drives within her/his own capabilities and the
system, such as brake pads and brake disks, level of familiarity with the vehicle.
Risk of damage to the vehicle due to lower ground depends to a great extent on the individual driving You will find helpful hints in this manual on how to
clearance. style and the conditions of use and therefore perform most of the checks listed on the following
On vehicles with SportDesign package, front, rear, cannot be expressed in actual miles on the road. pages. If in doubt, have these checks performed
and side member trim are painted and located The values communicated by Porsche are based by your authorized Porsche dealer.
lower on the vehicle. Off-road driving can seriously on normal operation adapted to traffic. Wear
damage these trim parts. increases considerably when the vehicle is driven Before driving off…
f When driving off-road, make sure these parts on race tracks or through an aggressive driving
are not damaged. style. Check the following items first
f Make sure there is sufficient clearance Please consult an authorized Porsche dealer f Turn the engine off before you attempt any
between obstacles and the underside of the about the current guidelines in effect before such checks or repairs on the vehicle.
vehicle. use of your vehicle. f Be sure the tires are inflated correctly.
f Avoid driving through water. Check tires for damage and tire wear.
f Do not use side member trim as a running f See that wheel bolts are properly tightened
board. and not loose or missing.
f Check engine oil level, add if necessary. Make
it a habit to check the engine oil with every
f Check all fluid levels such as windshield
washer and brake fluid levels.
f Be sure the vehicle battery is well charged and
cranks the engine properly.
f Check all doors and lids for proper operation
and latch them properly.
f Check and if necessary replace worn or
cracked wiper blades.

f See that all windows are clear and In the driver’s seat… On the road…
f Check operation of the horn. f Never drive after you have consumed alcohol
f Position seat for easy reach of foot pedals and
Check air intake slots and area between
or drugs.
f Always have your safety belt fastened.
engine compartment lid and windshield.
controls. To reduce the possibility of injury
f Always drive defensively.
Ensure that these areas are free of snow and
from the airbag deployment, you should
ice, so the heater and the windshield wipers
always sit back as far from the steering wheel Expect the unexpected.
f Use signals to indicate turns and lane changes.
work properly.
as is practical, while still maintaining full
f Turn on headlights at dusk or when the driving
If a child will be riding in the vehicle, check
vehicle control.
child seat/child seat restraint system to ensure
Adjust the headrest so that the upper edge of conditions warrant it.
f Always keep a safe distance from the vehicle in
that restraints are properly adjusted.
the headrest is brought to eye level or higher.
Check all exterior and interior lights for
Adjust the inside and outside rear view mirrors. front of you, depending on traffic, road and
operation and that the lenses are clean.
Buckle your safety belts. weather conditions.
f f
Check the headlights for proper aim, and if
Check operation of the foot and electric Reduce speed at night and during inclement
necessary, have them adjusted.
parking brake. weather.
Check under the vehicle for leaks.
Check all warning and indicator lights with Driving in wet weather requires caution and
Be sure all luggage is stowed securely.
ignition on and engine not running. reduced speeds, particularly on roads with
Emergency equipment f Start engine and check all warning displays for standing water, as the handling characteristics
It is good practice to carry emergency equipment warning symbols. of the vehicle may be impaired due to hydro-
in your vehicle. f Never leave an idling car unattended. planing of the tires.
Some of the items you should have are: window f Lock doors from inside, especially with f Always observe speed limits and obey road
scraper, snow brush, container or bag of sand or children in the car to prevent inadvertent signs and traffic laws.
salt, emergency light, small shovel, first-aid kit, opening of doors from inside or outside. Drive f When tired, get well off the road, stop and take
etc. with doors locked. a rest. Turn the engine off. Do not sit in the
vehicle with engine idling.
Please see the chapter “ENGINE EXHAUST” on
page 2.
f When parked, always put the electric parking
brake on and put the gearshift lever in neutral
or the Tiptronic selector lever in position P.
On hills also turn the front wheels toward the

f When emergency repairs become necessary, Break in hints for the first Break in brake pads and brake disks
move the vehicle well off the road. Turn on the
emergency flasher and use other warning
2000 miles (3000 kilometers) New brake pads and disks have to be “broken in”,
and therefore only attain optimal friction when the
devices to alert other motorists. Do not park The following tips will be helpful in obtaining
car has covered several hundred miles or km.
or operate the vehicle in areas where the hot optimum performance from your new Porsche.
The slightly reduced braking ability must be
exhaust system may come in contact with dry Despite the most modern, high-precision
compensated for by pressing the brake pedal
grass, brush, spilled fuel or other flammable manufacturing methods, the moving parts must
harder. This also applies whenever the brake pads
material. still wear in with each other. This wearing-in occurs
and brake disks are replaced.
f Make it a habit to check the engine oil with mainly in the first 2000 miles (3000 km).
every refueling. New tires
f Preferably take longer trips.
New tires do not have maximum traction. They
f Avoid frequent cold starts with short-distance
tend to be slippery.
f Break in new tires by driving at moderate
driving whenever possible.
f Avoid full throttle starts and abrupt stops.
speeds during the first 60 to 120 miles (100
f Do not exceed maximum engine speed of
to 200 km). Longer braking distances must be
4200 rpm (revolutions per minute).
f Do not run a cold engine at high rpm either in Engine oil and fuel consumption
Neutral or in gear. During the break-in period oil and fuel consump-
f Do not let the engine labor, especially when tion may be higher than normal.
driving uphill. Shift to the next lower gear in f Please see the chapter “ENGINE DATA” on
time (use the most favorable rpm range). page 308.
f Never lug the engine in high gear at low As always, the rate of oil consumption depends on
speeds. This rule applies at all times, not just the quality and viscosity of oil, the speed at which
during the break-in period. the engine is operated, the climate and road
f Do not participate in motor racing events, conditions, as well as the amount of dilution and
sports driving schools, etc. during the first oxidation of the lubricant.
2000 miles (3000 kilometers). f Make a habit of checking engine oil with every
There may be a slight stiffness in the steering, refueling, add if necessary.
gear-shifting or other controls during the break-in
period which will gradually disappear.

Table of Contents
Overview Illustrations........................... 9 Automatic Anti-Dazzle Interior Mirror ...............56 Lights, Turn Signals and Windshield
Driver’s Cockpit ............................................ 10
Steering Wheel .............................................57 Wipers .............................................. 90
Heated Steering Wheel ..................................57
Steering Wheel and Instrument Cluster ........... 11 Light Switch .................................................91
Steering Wheel Adjustment ............................58
Dashboard ................................................... 12 Automatic Driving Light Assistant ...................91
Multi-Function Steering Wheel.........................59
Front Center Console .................................... 13 Instrument Lighting .......................................93
Sun Visors....................................................60
Overhead Operating Console ......................... 14 Turn Signal/High Beam/Headlight Flasher
Make-up Mirror .............................................60
Rear ............................................................ 15 Stalk ............................................................94
Roll-Up Sunblinds, Rear Side Windows ............61
Emergency Flasher .......................................94
Opening and Locking ......................... 16 Light Fault or Failure......................................95
Air Conditioning, Parking Heater and Interior Lighting.............................................96
Never invite car theft! .................................... 17 Heated Rear Window ......................... 62 Brief Overview – Windshield Wipers..............98
Notes on the Key and Central Locking System 18
Central Locking System ................................ 19 Brief Overview – Windshield Wiper/Washer Stalk ......................99
Brief Overview – Opening and Locking From Front Control Panel .......................................63
Outside ........................................................ 20 Brief Overview – Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose
Opening and Locking From Outside ................ 21 Rear Control Panel (4-Zone Air-Conditioning) ....64 Display............................................ 102
Tailgate........................................................ 24 Overview of Air Conditioning ..........................65
Instrument Panel USA Models ......................103
Opening and Locking From Inside................... 29 General Functions .........................................66
Instrument Panel Canada Models..................104
Opening and Closing the Engine Automatically Controlled Air-Conditioning.........70
Compass on the Dashboard.........................108
Heated Rear Window/Door Mirror Heating.......76
Compartment Lid.......................................... 31 Operating the Multi-Purpose Display on the
Windshield Heating........................................76
Malfunctions When Opening and Locking ........ 32 Instrument Panel .........................................108
Parking Heater..............................................77
Vehicle Information......................................112
Seats, Mirrors, Steering Wheel and Sun Audio Menu ................................................116
Protection ......................................... 34 Windows and Sliding Roofs ................ 79 Navigation Menu .........................................116
Power Windows ............................................80 Map Menu ..................................................117
Seat and Headrest Adjustment....................... 35
Sliding/Lifting Roof .......................................83 Phone Menu ...............................................117
Front Seats .................................................. 37
Panorama Roof System .................................85 Trip Information ..........................................118
Storing Vehicle Settings ................................ 38
Emergency Operation of Sliding/Lifting Roof Tire Pressure Monitoring (TPM) ....................119
Easy Entry Function ...................................... 40
or Panorama Roof System.............................88 Vehicle Settings on the Multi-Purpose Display 126
Rear Seats ................................................... 40
Overview of Warning Messages...............139
Fire Extinguisher ........................................... 42
Seat Heating and Ventilation .......................... 43
Safety Belts.................................................. 44
Airbag Systems ............................................ 46
Child Restraint Systems ................................ 50
LATCH Child Seat System.............................. 53
Door Mirrors................................................. 54

6 Table of Contents
Driving and Driving Safety ................ 147 Storage, Luggage Compartment and Roof Maintenance and Car Care............... 238
Ignition Lock, Steering Lock ........................ 148 Transport System ............................ 203 Exercise Extreme Caution when Working
Starting and Stopping the Engine ................. 150 Loadspace .................................................204 on your vehicle........................................... 239
Auto Start Stop Function ............................. 152 Cargo Management System.........................205 Engine Oil .................................................. 241
Electric Parking Brake ................................. 154 Luggage Compartment Cover ......................208 Checking Engine Oil Level ........................... 242
Brakes ....................................................... 155 Luggage Safety Net ....................................209 Topping Up Engine Oil ................................ 242
Cruise Control ............................................ 158 Ski Bag ......................................................211 Checking Coolant Level and Adding Coolant . 244
Adaptive Cruise Control............................... 160 Roof Transport System................................212 Brake Fluid ................................................ 245
Lane Change Assist (LCA)............................ 170 Storage......................................................215 Washer Fluid .............................................. 246
Car Audio Operation/Tips ............................ 176 Cupholder ..................................................216 Power Steering .......................................... 247
Porsche Communication Management (PCM) 178 Front Ashtray/Storage Compartment............217 Changing Air Cleaner .................................. 248
USB/iPod® and AUX ................................... 178 Rear Ashtray...............................................218 Changing Particle Filter............................... 248
Voice Control.............................................. 179 Cigarette Lighter.........................................218 Wiper Blades ............................................. 248
Manual Transmission, Clutch........................ 179 Emission Control System ............................ 249
Tiptronic S ................................................. 180 Trailer Hitch .................................... 219 How Emission Control Works ...................... 249
Selector-Lever Positions .............................. 181 Fuel Economy ............................................ 250
Trailer Coupling ..........................................220
Driving Programs for On-Road and Off-Road Operating Your Porsche in other Countries... 251
Loading Information ....................................221
Driving ....................................................... 184 Fuel........................................................... 251
Transmission and Chassis Control Systems .. 188 Fuel Can .................................................... 253
Air Suspension with Leveling System and
Parking ........................................... 225 Fuel Recommendations............................... 254
Height Adjustment....................................... 195 ParkAssist ..................................................226 Fuel Evaporation Control............................. 254
Porsche Active Suspension Management Rearview Camera........................................228 Car Care Instructions.................................. 255
(PASM)....................................................... 197 Swivelling Down Mirror Glass as Parking Aid..229
Porsche Dynamic Chassis Control (PDCC)..... 198 Garage Door Opener ...................................229
Off-Road Driving.......................................... 198
Driving Systems for Off-Road Driving ............ 199 Alarm System and Theft Protection .. 233
Alarm System and Passenger Compartment
Monitoring ..................................................234
Steering Column Lock .................................237
Theft Protection ..........................................237

Table of Contents 7
Minor Repairs ..................................261 Tire Pressure and Technical Data .....306
Exercise Extreme Caution when Working Vehicle Identification Data ............................307
on your vehicle ........................................... 262 Engine Data................................................308
Warning triangle.......................................... 263 Wheels, Tires..............................................309
First aid kit ................................................. 264 Tire Pressure for Cold Tires 68 °F (20 °C) ....310
Tool kit ...................................................... 264 Weights......................................................312
Tires and Wheels ........................................ 265 Filling Capacities .........................................313
Jack .......................................................... 274 Driving Performance ...................................314
Spacers ..................................................... 274 Dimensions ................................................314
Wheel Bolts ................................................ 275
Changing Wheels ........................................ 275 Index...............................................316
Fixing a Flat Tire ......................................... 276
Inflating Tires.............................................. 285
Electrical System........................................ 286
Battery....................................................... 290
External Power Supply, Emergency Starting
with Jumper Cables..................................... 292
Changing the Remote Control Battery........... 294
Replacing Bulbs .......................................... 294
Headlight Adjustment .................................. 301
Towing....................................................... 302

8 Table of Contents
Overview Illustrations
Driver’s Cockpit ........................................... 10
Steering Wheel and Instrument Cluster........... 11
Dashboard................................................... 12
Front Center Console ................................... 13
Overhead Operating Console......................... 14
Rear............................................................ 15

Overview Illustrations 9
Driver’s Cockpit
A Inner door handle
See page 30.
B Vehicle setting memory buttons
See page 38.
C Reset button for trip counter display/
Dimming of instrument illumination
See page 106.
D Ignition lock/steering lock
See page 148.
E Overhead operating console
See page 14.
F Power windows
See page 80.
G Door mirror adjustment
See page 55.
H Engine compartment lid release
See page 31.
I Diagnostic socket (OBD)
J Electric parking brake
See page 154.
K Light switch
See page 91.
L Steering wheel adjustment
See page 58.
M Seat adjustment
See page 37.

10 Overview Illustrations
Steering Wheel and
Instrument Cluster
A Turn signals
See page 94.
B Engine oil pressure gauge
See page 106.
C Engine oil temperature gauge
See page 105.
D Speedometer
See page 105.
E Tachometer
See page 105.
F Multi-purpose display
See page 108.
G Windshield wipers
See page 99.
H Coolant temperature gauge
See page 105.
I Fuel gauge
See page 107.
J Interior temperature sensor for air conditioning
See page 65.
K Tiptronic shift buttons
See page 180.
L Adaptive cruise control
See page 160.
M Telephone controls,
multi-purpose display
See page 109.
N Horn
See page 57.

Overview Illustrations 11
A Compass
See page 108.
B Porsche Communication Management (PCM)
See page 178.
C Air vents
See page 75.
D Glove box
See page 215.
E Front center console
See page 13.
F Front cupholder
See page 216.
G Cigarette lighter
See page 218.
H Armrest, storage compartment
See page 216.

12 Overview Illustrations
Front Center Console
A Emergency flasher
See page 94.
B Air conditioning, left/right
See page 65.
C Seat heating/seat ventilation, left/right
See page 43.
D Porsche Active Suspension Management
(PASM) chassis setup
See page 197.
E Driving programs, differential locks
See page 184.
F Sport mode
See page 186.
G Porsche Stability Management (PSM)
See page 189.
H Central locking
See page 29.
I Heated rear window/door mirror heating
See page 76.
J Height adjustment, air suspension
See page 195.
K Auto Start Stop function
See page 152.
L Parking heater
See page 77.
M Windshield heating
See page 76.
N Porsche Hill Control (PHC)
See page 193.

Overview Illustrations 13
Overhead Operating Console
A Rear interior lighting
See page 96.
B Dimming ambient lighting
See page 97.
C ParkAssist off button
See page 226.
D Passenger compartment monitoring
See page 234.
E Sliding/lifting roof
See page 83.
Panorama roof system
See page 85.
F Roll-up sunblind for Panorama roof system
See page 87.
G Hands-free microphone
H Reading light, left/right
See page 96.
I Orientation lighting
See page 97.
J Front interior lighting
See page 96.
K Interior lighting when door/tailgate is open
See page 97.
L “Passenger Airbag Off” warning light
See page 49.
M Garage door opener/HomeLink®
See page 229.

14 Overview Illustrations
A Air vents
See page 75.
B Air conditioning
See page 65.
C Seat heating/seat ventilation
See page 43.
Central locking
See page 29.
D Reading light
See page 96.
E Inner door handle
See page 30.
F Rear ashtray
See page 218.
G Map pocket
H Rear cigarette lighter
See page 218.
I Rear seat: Fore-and-aft adjustment
See page 40.
J Rear seat: Backrest angle adjustment
See page 41.

Overview Illustrations 15
Opening and Locking
Never invite car theft! .................................... 17
Notes on the Key and Central Locking System 18
Central Locking System ................................ 19
Brief Overview – Opening and Locking From
Outside ........................................................ 20
Opening and Locking From Outside ................ 21
Tailgate........................................................ 24
Opening and Locking From Inside................... 29
Opening and Closing the Engine
Compartment Lid.......................................... 31
Malfunctions When Opening and Locking ........ 32

16 Opening and Locking

Never invite car theft! h WARNING Steering Column
To protect your vehicle and your possessions
from theft, you should always proceed as
An unlocked car with the key in the ignition lock Lockup
follows when leaving your vehicle:
f Apply the electric parking brake.
invites car theft. The steering column will lock when you remove
A steering wheel lock and a gong alarm are the key while you are driving or as the car is rolling f Close windows.
standard equipment in your Porsche. The gong to a stop. You will not be able to steer the car. f Close sliding/lifting roof or Panorama roof
alarm will sound if you open the driver's door while Serious personal injury or death could result from system.
the key is still in the ignition lock. It is your loss of control of the vehicle. f Remove ignition key (switch ignition off in
reminder to pull the key out of the ignition lock and f Never remove the key from the steering lock vehicles that have Porsche Entry & Drive).
to lock the doors. while you are driving. f Remove valuables (e.g. car documents, radio
h WARNING Unattended Vehicle control module, cell phones, house keys) from
the car.
Never leave your vehicle unattended with the key f Lock the glove compartment.
in the ignition lock, especially if children and/or f Close storage trays.
pets are left unattended in the vehicle. They can f Lock doors.
operate power windows and other controls. If the f Cover luggage compartment with the luggage
engine is left running, they may accidentally compartment cover.
engage the shift lever. Serious personal injury or f Close the tailgate.
death could result from loss of control of the
f Always remove the ignition key.
f Always set the electric parking brake.
f Lock the doors with the key or with the remote

Opening and Locking 17

Notes on the Key and Central Emergency operation
Locking System f Please see the chapter “EMERGENCY
Key on page 149.
You are provided with two car keys with integrated
emergency key. These keys operate all the locks Replacement keys
on your vehicle. Car keys can only be ordered through an
f Be careful with your car keys: do not part with authorized Porsche dealer. Sometimes, this may
them except under exceptional circumstances. take a long time.
f Remove and take the ignition key with you, You should therefore always keep a spare key on
even if leaving the vehicle only briefly. your person. Keep it in a safe place, but under no
Do not leave the ignition key in the vehicle. circumstances in or on the vehicle.
f Inform your insurance company of any loss or The key codes of new keys have to be “reported”
theft of car keys or if extra or replacement to the vehicle control module by an authorized
keys have been cut. Porsche dealer. All keys belonging to the vehicle
f Third parties can still operate the mechanical must also be reported again.
locks with a lost key.
Information Panic button
Information Third parties can continue to operate the In dangerous situations or when one's own safety
Different vehicle settings are stored on the mechanical locks using the lost key. is threatened, it is possible to draw attention to
respective key when the vehicle is locked, the situation by triggering an alarm.
provided the vehicle is fitted with the relevant To trigger an alarm
f Press button.
For information on storing vehicle settings on
The horn sounds and the emergency flasher
the key:
f Please see the chapter “STORING VEHICLE
SETTINGS” on page 38. To stop the alarm
f Press button again.
The horn becomes silent and the emergency
flasher goes out.

18 Opening and Locking

Central Locking System Your vehicle is equipped with a central locking
system. The following are unlocked or locked
USA: KR55WK50138 together:
– Doors
– Tailgate
Canada: 7812D-5WK50138 – Filler flap
The central locking system is always activated
This device complies with:
when the vehicle is unlocked and locked.
Part 15 of the FCC Rules
RSS-210 of Industry Canada. On the multi-purpose display of the instrument
panel, you can set different variants for locking
Operation of this device is subject to the following
and unlocking the doors and tailgate. You can
two conditions:
open all doors irrespective of the setting made.
– This device may not cause harmful
interference, and The vehicle cannot be locked if the driver’s door is
– this device must accept any interference not completely closed.
received including interference that may cause If one of the following components is not
undesired operation. completely closed when you try to lock the vehicle
the door/lid is not locked:
Emergency key – vehicle doors
Information – tailgate
Removing emergency key
The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio – engine compartment lid
1. Push the release button to the side. or TV interference caused by unauthorized The indication by the emergency flasher and by
2. Pull out the key. modifications to this equipment. the acoustic signal will be provided after all doors,
Inserting emergency key Such modification could void the user's authority the tailgate and the engine compartment lid are
f Slide in the key until the release button to operate the equipment. closed.
audibly engages.
Any changes or modifications not expressly
approved by Porsche could void the user’s
authority to operate this equipment.

Opening and Locking 19

Brief Overview – Opening and
Locking From Outside
The Porsche Entry & Drive option can be
recognized by the buttons A in the door handles.
This brief overview does not replace the
information provided under “Opening and Locking
From Outside”. Warnings, in particular, are not
replaced by this brief overview.

Key Porsche Entry & Drive

What do I want to do? What do I have to do? What happens?

Unlocking Using the key: The emergency flasher flashes once.
Press button on the key once. The driver’s doors can be opened.

Press button on the key twice. All vehicle doors and the tailgate can be opened.

With Porsche Entry & Drive: The doors and the tailgate can be opened.
Grip the door handle fully.

Locking Using the key:

Press button on the key. The emergency flasher flashes twice and an
acoustic signal will sound twice.
With Porsche Entry & Drive: The doors are locked.
Press button A on the door handle.

Locking if persons/animals Please see the chapter “TEMPORARILY

(switching off passenger compartment monitoring MONITORING SYSTEM AND INCLINATION
and the inclination sensor of the alarm system) SENSOR” on page 235.

Switching off alarm Press button on the key.

20 Opening and Locking

The factory settings of the vehicle are described
in this section.
In the multi-purpose display of the instrument
panel, you can change the settings and store them
on the respective key for vehicles with comfort
For information on modifying the opening and
locking settings:
f Please see the chapter “LOCKING SETTINGS”
on page 134.

Opening and Locking From Outside With Porsche Entry & Drive
Depending on your vehicle equipment, you can On vehicles with Porsche Entry & Drive, you can
unlock and lock the vehicle either with the car key unlock, lock and start the vehicle without using
or without a key by means of Porsche Entry & the key.
Drive. You simply have to carry the key with you, e.g. in
your pocket.
With the key f Do not expose the car key to a high level
Use the buttons on the key to unlock and lock the of electromagnetic radiation. This could
vehicle. adversely affect Porsche Entry & Drive.

Opening and Locking 21

The vehicle is locked automatically after
30 seconds if none of the doors or the tailgate is
opened. The alarm system is not activated.
If the passenger compartment monitoring system
and inclination sensor have been switched off
(restricted anti-theft protection), this also remains
the case after automatic relocking.
As a result, the doors can be opened from inside
by pulling once on the front inner door handle or
by pulling twice on the rear inner door handle.
f Inform any persons remaining in the vehicle
that the alarm system will be triggered if the
door is opened.
When locked again, the passenger compartment
monitoring system and inclination sensor are
Unlocking and opening doors Unlocking with Porsche Entry & Drive activated once more.
Unlocking driver’s door with the key
Either door can be unlocked if you position Switching off operational readiness
1. Press button once. (for vehicles with Porsche Entry & Drive)
yourself on the side of the vehicle (driver’s side,
The emergency flasher flashes once.
passenger’s side) that you wish to open together Operational readiness of Porsche Entry & Drive is
The driver’s door is unlocked.
with the key. switched off after 96 hours for the driver’s door
2. Pull the door handle.
1. Grip the door handle fully. and after 36 hours for the passenger doors if the
Unlocking all vehicle doors with the key The emergency flasher flashes once. vehicle is not unlocked within this time.
1. Press button twice. The doors are unlocked. In this case:
The emergency flasher flashes once. 2. Pull the door handle. 1. Pull the door handle once to activate the
The doors are unlocked. system again.
2. Pull the door handle. 2. Pull the door handle again to open the door.

22 Opening and Locking

Locking doors
Locking with the key
1. Close the door.
f The vehicle cannot be locked if any of the
doors or the tailgate are not completely
2. Press button once.
The emergency flasher flashes twice and an
A warning signal sounds in the passenger
acoustic signal will sound twice.
compartment and a warning message
The doors cannot be opened from outside.
appears on the multi-purpose display.
If persons or animals are remaining in the
f The key must be outside the vehicle when
locking the vehicle doors, otherwise the
vehicle, press button twice.
vehicle doors cannot be locked.
The emergency flasher flashes twice and an
acoustic signal will sound twice.
f If the key is out of range, the vehicle doors can
no longer be opened after they are locked.
The doors can be opened from inside by
pulling once on the front inner door handle or
by pulling twice on the rear inner door handle. Automatic door locking and automatic
3. Inform any persons remaining in the vehicle door unlocking
that the alarm system will be triggered if the h WARNING Emergency Auto Lock
door is opened. Locking with Porsche Entry & Drive (keyless) Override
You must carry the key with you. In an emergency situation where you need to exit
Information 1. Close the door. the car through an automatically locked door,
2. Briefly press the Porsche Entry & Drive locking
f The vehicle cannot be locked if the driver’s button A on the door handle.
remember the following procedure to open the
door is not completely closed. door.
The emergency flasher indicates that the
The emergency flasher flashes twice and an f Unlock the doors by pressing the central
acoustic signal will sound twice. locking button.
vehicle has been locked successfully only
The doors cannot be opened from outside. or
when all the doors, the engine compartment lid
and the tailgate are closed.
or f Pull the inner door handle on the front door
If persons or animals are remaining in the once or on the rear door twice to open the
vehicle, press the Porsche Entry & Drive door.
locking button A on the door handle twice.
The emergency flasher flashes twice and an In the multi-purpose display of the instrument
acoustic signal will sound twice panel, you have the option of selecting diverse
The doors can be opened from inside by variants of automatic door locking and automatic
pulling once on the front inner door handle or door unlocking.
by pulling twice on the rear inner door handle. For information on modifying the opening and
3. Inform any persons remaining in the vehicle locking settings:
that the alarm system will be triggered if the f Please see the chapter “LOCKING SETTINGS”
door is opened. on page 134.

Opening and Locking 23

Tailgate Unlocking with Porsche Entry & Drive
h WARNING Exhaust Gas Inhalation
Exhaust gases can enter the passenger Information
compartment when the tailgate is open and render Risk of being locked out of vehicles with Porsche
the occupants unconscious if longterm exposure Entry & Drive.
occurs, resulting in an accident. In a stopped f Do not leave the key in the vehicle if the vehicle
vehicle, carbon monoxide can also lead to death. is locked and the vehicle is accessed via the
f Always keep the tailgate closed when the tailgate. The vehicle is automatically locked
engine is running. when the tailgate is closed.
f Always keep the tailgate closed while driving. If the key is left in the vehicle, the emergency
flasher flashes once and a horn signal sounds.
Within approx. 30 seconds, the tailgate can be
Information opened by pressing the unlocking handle
– When the tailgate is unlocked, the vehicle (arrow).
doors are also unlocked. After 30 seconds have elapsed, the vehicle
– The vehicle is locked again automatically after can be unlocked again only with the second
30 seconds if none of the vehicle doors or the Vehicles without powerlift tailgate key.
tailgate is opened. Unlocking with the key
– For information on the powerlift tailgate: If you are in the rear area of the vehicle with the
1. Press button . key and press the unlocking handle, the tailgate is
Please see the chapter “POWERLIFT
2. Press the unlocking handle (arrow) on the unlocked.
TAILGATE” on page 25.
tailgate and open the tailgate. f Press the unlocking handle (arrow) on the
tailgate and open the tailgate.

24 Opening and Locking

Powerlift tailgate NOTICE
The tailgate has an electric drive mechanism
(powerlift and closing aid). Risk of damage if the tailgate is automatically
opened or closed in an uncontrolled way!
Opening and closing tailgate automatically f Do not leave children in the car unattended.
f Open or close the tailgate only when the
Exhaust Gas Inhalation
vehicle is stationary.
Exhaust gases can enter the passenger f Make sure there is sufficient clearance behind
compartment when the tailgate is open and render and above the vehicle (e.g. roof transport
the occupants unconscious if longterm exposure systems, garage ceiling).
occurs, resulting in an accident. In a stopped f Remove rear rack systems before opening the
vehicle, carbon monoxide can also lead to death. tailgate automatically.
f Always keep the tailgate closed when the f Always observe the opening and closing
engine is running. operation so that movement can be stopped at
f Always keep the tailgate closed while driving. any time in the event of danger.

h WARNING Uncontrolled Tailgate For information on interrupting the opening and

Use closing operation:
Locking the tailgate f Please see the chapter “INTERRUPTING THE
Body parts could become trapped or crushed
1. Pull down the tailgate with the handle (arrow) OPENING/CLOSING OPERATION IN THE
between the closing tailgate and fixed parts of the
and allow it to fall into the lock. EVENT OF DANGER” on page 28.
2. Briefly press button on the key once.
f Do not leave children in the car unattended. Acoustic indication during opening/closing
The vehicle is locked.
f Open or close the tailgate only when the of the tailgate
vehicle is stationary. Opening and closing of the tailgate are indicated
Information f Open or close the tailgate only when there are by warning tones.
On vehicles with Porsche Entry & Drive, no persons, animals or objects within its You can have the warning tones activated/
the tailgate can no longer be opened when the car movement range. deactivated at your authorized Porsche dealer.
key is out of range. f Always observe the opening and closing
operation so that movement can be stopped at
any time in the event of danger.

Opening and Locking 25

Opening tailgate automatically Variant 2 Variant 3
There are three ways of opening the tailgate: f When the ignition is switched off, press button f With the ignition switched on, press and hold
on the key for approximately 1 second. button in the driver’s door until the
Variant 1
If the vehicle is locked, either the driver’s door tailgate has opened fully.
f Use the unlocking handle (arrow) on the or the entire vehicle will be unlocked, Opening is interrupted if the button is released
tailgate. The vehicle must be unlocked for this. depending on the settings on the multi-purpose prematurely.
The vehicle need not be unlocked on vehicles display.
with Porsche Entry & Drive. You simply have to
For information on locking and unlocking settings Information
carry the car key with you, e.g. in your pocket.
on the multi-purpose display:
f Please see the chapter “LOCKING SETTINGS”
The tailgate can be opened only with the release
button on the tailgate when the vehicle is pulling
on page 134.
a trailer.

26 Opening and Locking

f Make sure that the load is not in the area of the
tailgate when the tailgate is closed, otherwise Information
the closing operation will be interrupted after Risk of being locked out of vehicles with Porsche
contact with the load and the tailgate will open Entry & Drive.
again. f Do not leave the key in the vehicle.
1. Press button A in the trim panel on the tailgate. If locking button B is pressed after the tailgate
The tailgate is closed. has closed, the vehicle is locked automatically.
2. Briefly press button on the key once. If the key is left in the vehicle, the emergency
The vehicle is locked. flasher flashes once and a horn signal sounds.
Closing the tailgate automatically and Within approximately 30 seconds, the tailgate
locking with Porsche Entry & Drive. can be opened again.
f Press button B in the trim panel on the tailgate. After 30 seconds have elapsed, the vehicle
can be unlocked again only with the second
The tailgate is closed and the vehicle is locked.
In order to close and then lock the tailgate on the
vehicle automatically, the key must be located:
– in the rear area and
– outside the vehicle.
A - Closing the powerlift tailgate without Porsche Entry &
A warning message appears on the multi-purpose
A and B - Closing and locking the powerlift tailgate with display of the instrument panel if these conditions
Porsche Entry & Drive have not been met.
Closing tailgate automatically For information on warning messages on the multi-
purpose display:
h WARNING Closing Tailgate f Please see the chapter “OVERVIEW OF
The tailgate closes automatically and is pulled into WARNING MESSAGES” on page 139.
the lock and locked. Body parts could become
trapped or crushed between the closing tailgate Information
and fixed parts of the vehicle. On vehicles with Porsche Entry & Drive,
f Make sure that your fingers are not under the the tailgate can no longer be opened when the car
tailgate. key with remote control is out of range.
f Keep foreign objects or limbs away from
moving parts (lock striker) of the power
closing mechanism.
f Children must be kept away from the tailgate
when closing. Children could be killed or
severely injured by such a closing.

Opening and Locking 27

Detection of obstacles during opening Automatic stop in the event of unintentional
The tailgate will stop moving and close slightly if tailgate movement
opening is blocked by an obstacle. A warning If the tailgate is moved too abruptly or lowers
signal then sounds. unaided immediately after opening, e.g. due to
The opening operation can continue once the the weight of snow, an electrical mechanism
obstacle is removed and after one of the following brakes the tailgate and a series of brief warning
buttons is operated: signals sounds until the tailgate stops moving.
f Press button on the key f Bring the tailgate to rest for approx. 1 second.
or The braking function is deactivated.
Press button in the driver’s door
Adjusting the opening height of the tailgate
Press the release button on the tailgate. The opening height of the tailgate can be
individually adjusted so that the tailgate does not
Detection of obstacles during closing hit the garage ceiling, for example.
On vehicles with level control, the vehicle height
h WARNING Closing Tailgate
changes according to the level control setting.
The tailgate closes automatically and is pulled into f Always adjust the tailgate on vehicles with level
the lock and locked. Body parts could become control with the vehicle at the highest level
Interrupting the opening/closing operation trapped or crushed between the closing tailgate setting so that the tailgate cannot accidentally
in the event of danger and fixed parts of the vehicle. hit the garage ceiling, for example.
The opening or closing operation is interrupted f Despite the presence of this detection system, 1. Stand behind the vehicle and open the tailgate.
immediately if one of the following buttons is you are still responsible for keeping yourself 2. Press button on the key to stop the
operated: and others entirely out of the way of the automatic opening operation at around 2/3 of
f Press button on the key tailgate as it is closing. the opening height.
or 3. Now move the tailgate up by hand until the
Release button in the driver’s door The closing operation is interrupted if closing of
desired opening height is reached. Make sure
or the tailgate is blocked by an obstacle.
that there is a sufficient minimum clearance
Briefly press button A or B in the trim panel on A warning signal sounds and the tailgate opens
from any obstacle.
the tailgate again slightly.
4. Press button A in the trim panel on the tailgate
or When the obstacle has been removed, the tailgate
for approximately 3 seconds.
Briefly press the release button on the tailgate. can be closed by pressing the button in the trim
An acknowledgement signal sounds.
panel on the tailgate or close it slowly by hand.
Automatic operation can be continued again at The opening height of the tailgate has now
any time. To do this, press the corresponding been programmed.
button. The tailgate can now be closed by briefly
pressing the button.
This setting cannot be deleted. If a different
setting is required, repeat steps 1 to 4.

28 Opening and Locking

Malfunctions of the tailgate drive Opening and Locking From Inside
The automatic function is not active if the vehicle The factory settings of the vehicle are described
battery voltage is too low. in this section.
If a button is pressed, the tailgate lock is unlocked In the multi-purpose display of the instrument
and three brief warning signals sound. The tailgate panel, you can change the settings and store them
can now be opened by hand. on the respective key for vehicles with comfort
f Charge the vehicle battery. memory.
Emergency operation of tailgate For information on modifying the opening and
If the automatic opening or closing operation is locking settings:
interrupted by a fault: f Please see the chapter “LOCKING SETTINGS”
f Slowly open or close the tailgate by hand. on page 134.
Overload protection
If overloading of the tailgate drive is detected,
three brief warning signals sound.
The tailgate cannot be operated automatically for
approx. 30 seconds.
Front central locking button

Locking doors
f Press the front or rear central locking button.
When the ignition is switched on, the indicator
light in the button lights up.
All vehicle doors will be locked.
The doors can be opened from inside by
pulling once on the front inner door handle or
by pulling twice on the rear inner door handle.

Opening and Locking 29

Unlocking doors
f Press the front or rear central locking button.
The indicator light on the button goes out.
All vehicle doors will be unlocked.
Automatic with Auto Unlock
The vehicle is automatically unlocked when the
ignition key is removed.

If the vehicle was locked using the car key or the
emergency key, it cannot be unlocked with the
central locking button.

Rear central locking button Opening doors

Automatic with Auto Lock Opening unlocked doors
If this function is activated, the vehicle is locked f Pull inner door handle (arrow) once.
automatically when a speed of approximately
Opening locked doors
3 mph (5 km/h) is exceeded.
For information on modifying the opening and f Pull once on the front inner door handle
locking settings: (arrow) or pull twice on the rear inner door
f Please see the chapter “LOCKING SETTINGS” handle.
on page 134. Securing rear doors
You can prevent passengers from accidentally
pulling the inner door handle and opening the rear
doors from inside.

30 Opening and Locking

Opening and Closing the Engine
Compartment Lid
h DANGER Unsecured Engine
Compartment Lid
If the engine compartment lid is not secured
properly, it could fly up, blocking your vision and
causing loss of control.
f Should you notice at any time while driving that
one of the lids is not secured properly, please
stop immediately in a suitable place and close


Risk of damage to engine compartment lid or

Activating and deactivating child lock windshield wipers. 1. Open the driver’s door.
The child locks are fitted in the lock area of the If the windshield wipers are pulled forward when 2. Pull the release lever (arrow).
rear doors. you open the engine compartment lid, the wipers The engine compartment lid is now unlocked.
The doors cannot be opened from inside when the or the engine compartment lid could be damaged.
child locks are on. f Make sure that the windshield wipers are not
f To engage: Turn the child lock in direction of pulled forward when opening the engine
travel using the emergency key. compartment lid.
f To disengage: Turn the child lock away from f Always switch off windshield wipers before
the direction of travel using the emergency opening the engine compartment lid (wiper
key. switch in position 0). If the wiper arms are not
For information on the emergency key: in their end position, they will automatically
f Please see the chapter “EMERGENCY KEY” on move to this position when the engine
page 19. compartment lid is opened, even if the ignition
is switched off.
The wiper arms remain at this position until the
lid is closed and the wiper system is switched
off and then on again.
For information on windshield wipers:
f Please see the chapter “FRONT WIPER AND

Opening and Locking 31

Malfunctions When Opening
and Locking
Emergency operation of tailgate
If the tailgate cannot be opened with the car key
(e.g. if the remote control battery is dead),
the emergency operation must be performed:
1. Unlock and open the driver’s door with the
emergency key.
2. Switch on the ignition within 10 seconds to
prevent the alarm system from triggering.
3. Press the central locking button on the front
or rear center console.
The tailgate is now unlocked and can be
opened with the unlocking handle.
For information on the emergency key:
f Please see the chapter “EMERGENCY KEY” on
3. Actuate the unlocking handle (arrow). page 19. The vehicle cannot be locked or unlocked
4. Open the engine compartment fully. Only one door is unlocked The remote control of the key may
Closing On the multi-purpose display of the instrument – not function correctly due to radio waves
panel, you can set different variants for locking (also radio contact between remote control
1. Lower lid and let it fall into the lock.
and unlocking the doors and tailgate. You can and vehicle in the case of Porsche
If necessary, push the lid closed with the
open all doors irrespective of the selected setting. Entry & Drive),
palm of your hand in the area of the lock.
2. Check that the lid has engaged correctly in f Press button on the key twice within – fail due to a fault,
2 seconds. – fail due to a flat key battery.
the lock.
When the vehicle is in motion, a message will The vehicle cannot be locked
appear on the multi-purpose display of the This is recognizable by the fact that the
instrument panel if the lid is not closed properly. emergency flasher doesn’t flash and there is no
locking noise.
Lock the vehicle with the emergency key in the
door lock:
1. Insert the emergency key into the slot under
the door handle and remove the cover of
the lock.
2. Lock the driver’s door with the emergency key
in the door lock.

32 Opening and Locking

For information on the emergency key:
f Please see the chapter “EMERGENCY KEY” on
page 19.
If the central locking system is defective,
operating the lock cylinder in the driver’s door will
lock all functioning locking elements of the central
locking system.
For information on locking the doors by means
of the emergency operation:
f Please see the chapter “NOT ALL VEHICLE
DOORS ARE LOCKED” on page 33.
f Have faults in the central locking system
repaired at an authorized Porsche dealer.
The vehicle cannot be unlocked
Unlock the driver’s door with the emergency key in
the door lock:
1. Insert the emergency key into the slot under
the door handle and remove the cover of the Not all vehicle doors are locked 5. Insert the emergency key into the slot under
lock. The central locking system has failed. The doors the door handle and remove the cover of
2. Unlock and open the driver’s door with the must be locked using the emergency locking the lock.
emergency key. procedure. 6. Lock the driver’s door with the emergency key
3. Switch on the ignition within 10 seconds to 1. Open the passenger’s door. in the door lock.
prevent the alarm system from triggering. 2. Turn the lock outward using the emergency The doors can be opened from inside by pulling
For information on the emergency key: key. the door opener.
f Please see the chapter “EMERGENCY KEY” on 3. Repeat procedure at the rear doors. For information on the emergency key:
page 19. 4. Close all doors. f Please see the chapter “EMERGENCY KEY” on
page 19.

Opening and Locking 33

Seats, Mirrors, Steering Wheel and Sun Protection
Seat and Headrest Adjustment....................... 35
Front Seats .................................................. 37
Storing Vehicle Settings ................................ 38
Easy Entry Function ...................................... 40
Rear Seats ................................................... 40
Fire Extinguisher ........................................... 42
Seat Heating and Ventilation .......................... 43
Safety Belts.................................................. 44
Airbag Systems ............................................ 46
Child Restraint Systems ................................ 50
LATCH Child Seat System.............................. 53
Door Mirrors................................................. 54
Automatic Anti-Dazzle Interior Mirror............... 56
Steering Wheel ............................................. 57
Heated Steering Wheel .................................. 57
Steering Wheel Adjustment ............................ 58
Multi-Function Steering Wheel......................... 59
Sun Visors.................................................... 60
Make-up Mirror ............................................. 60
Roll-Up Sunblinds, Rear Side Windows ............ 61

34 Seats, Mirrors, Steering Wheel and Sun Protection

Seat and Headrest Adjustment h CAUTION Seat Adjustment Adjusting headrests
h DANGER Improper Safety Belt If persons or animals are in the movement range h DANGER Removing Headrests
Use of the seat during seat adjustment, parts of the Driving with removed headrests will cause serious
Safety belts only offer protection when the body could get trapped or crushed. personal injury or death in an accident.
backrest is upright and the belts are properly f Adjust the seat so that no-one is put a risk. f Do not drive the vehicle without the headrest in
positioned on the body. f Do not activate the comfort memory button if place and properly adjusted.
Improperly positioned safety belts or safety belts there is any risk of the seat crushing the
worn by passengers in an excessively reclined occupant.
position can cause serious personal injury or f Cancel automatic adjustment by pressing any
death in an accident. of the seat adjustment buttons.
f Do not operate the car with the driver or f Do not leave children in the vehicle unattended,
passenger backrests excessively reclined. since they may depress the comfort setting
f Please see the chapter “SEAT POSITION” on button and crush themselves or another
page 37. occupant.
Your vehicle is equipped with a total of five head-
h WARNING Seat Adjustment While rests in the backrests of the front and rear seats.
Driving The height of the headrests for the front seats
The seat may move further than desired if you and the outer headrests for the back seat is
adjust it when driving. You could lose control of the adjustable. Only the middle headrest of the rear
vehicle. seat is removable.
f Do not adjust seats while the vehicle is in mo-
tion.The backrest locks must be engaged at all h WARNING Failure to Adjust Head
times while the vehicle is in motion. and Backrests
All occupants, including the driver, should not
operate a vehicle or sit in a vehicle’s seat until the
headrests and backrests are placed in their
proper positions so that the risk of neck injuries is
minimized in the event of a crash.
f Adjust the backrest's inclination such that the
headrest is in an upright position. Adjust the
headrest so that the upper edge of the
headrest is brought to eye level or higher.
f Driver and passengers should be seated
upright and in the center of their seats.

Seats, Mirrors, Steering Wheel and Sun Protection 35

f Press button B and, at the same time, pull the
headrest completely out.

h DANGER Removal of or Failure to

Adjust Headrest
Driving with removed headrests, improperly
positioned headrests or improperly installed
headrests can cause serious personal injury or
death in an accident.
f Adjust the headrests so that the upper edge of
the headrest is brought to eye level or higher.
f Do not drive the vehicle without the headrest in
place and properly adjusted.

f Insert the headrest into the guides and push it
Example: driver’s seat Middle headrest of the rear seat down fully until it is engaged.
Raising Removing and installing the middle
f Push headrest upwards until the desired headrest of the rear seat
position is reached.
f Press button A and, at the same time, push the If you want to fold the backrest on the middle rear
headrest downwards until the desired position seat forward when the rear seats are in the front
is reached. position (e.g. in order to make the loadspace
bigger or transport bulky objects), the headrest
can be removed to prevent it from hitting against
the center console.
f Re-install the headrest when using the
middle seat.

36 Seats, Mirrors, Steering Wheel and Sun Protection

Front Seats Adjusting the seat
Seat position h WARNING Seat Adjustment While
An ergonomically correct sitting position is Driving
important for safe and fatigue-free driving. We The seat may move further than desired if you
recommend the following procedure for adjusting attempt to adjust it while driving. You may lose
the driver’s seat to suit individual requirements: control of the vehicle.
1. Adjust the seat height to give yourself enough f Do not adjust the seat while driving.
headroom and an unobstructed view outside
the vehicle. h CAUTION Seat Adjustment
2. Adjust the seat in fore-and-aft direction so that
If persons or animals are within the range of
your leg is not fully straight and your entire foot
movement of the seat, they could become
is on the pedal when pressing the brake pedal
trapped or crushed when you adjust the seat.
f Adjust the seat so that no-one is put at risk.
3. Grip the top half of the steering wheel. Set the
backrest angle and the steering wheel position
so that your arms are almost outstretched.
However, your shoulders must still rest on the
A Seat angle adjustment.
B Seat height adjustment.
4. Adjust the seat fore-and-aft setting if
5. Adjust the height of the headrest so that the
upper edge is at eye level or higher.

Seats, Mirrors, Steering Wheel and Sun Protection 37

C Seat cushion depth adjustment. Driver's door memory buttons (driver memory or Passenger's door memory buttons (comfort memory)
D Seat cushion side bolster adjustment. comfort memory)
Comfort memory
E Backrest side bolster adjustment.
F Fore-and-aft adjustment.
Storing Vehicle Settings On vehicles with the comfort memory package,
different vehicle settings, such as the multi-
G Backrest angle adjustment. Driver memory
purpose display, are stored on the car key and the
H Lumbar support adjustment (backrest The current seat and door mirror settings are person buttons and in the driver’s door in
curvature for pelvic and spinal column stored automatically on the car key when the addition to the driver memory settings.
support). vehicle is locked.
f Press each control in the direction indicated by Personal position settings for the driver’s seat and
Personal position settings for the passenger seat
the arrows until the desired setting is reached. can be stored on the person buttons and in
door mirrors can also be stored on the person the passenger’s door.
buttons and in the driver’s door and retrieved The passenger seat settings are not stored on the
at any time by pressing these buttons. car key.

38 Seats, Mirrors, Steering Wheel and Sun Protection

h CAUTION Memory Seat Activation Storing settings on person buttons 1 Retrieving settings with person buttons 1
and 2 and 2
If persons or animals are in the movement range
Seat and mirror settings cannot be stored when Driver’s side
of the seat during seat adjustment, parts of the
driving. 1. Open the door.
body could get trapped or crushed.
f Do not activate the memory button if there is Storing settings 2. Press person button or .
any risk of the seat crushing the occupant. 1. Set the mirror and seat positions according to or
f Cancel automatic adjustment by pressing any your individual needs. Once the door is closed or the ignition key
seat adjustment button, one of the person 2. Press memory button . is inserted and the ignition is switched on
buttons or or button . The indicator light on the button lights up. (on vehicles with Porsche Entry & Drive), press
f Do not leave children in the vehicle unattended, 3. Press one of the person buttons or within and hold the person button or until the
since they may depress the memory button 10 seconds. stored positions have been reached.
and crush themselves or another occupant. The indicator light on the memory button Passenger's side
goes out and an acknowledgement signal f Press and hold the person button or on the
Preventing automatic storage of settings sounds. passenger’s side until the stored positions
on car key The settings are now stored on the desired have been reached.
Deactivating automatic storage person button.
Canceling settings
f Press button before leaving the vehicle. Retrieving settings using the car key or on Automatic settings can be canceled by releasing
The indicator light on the button lights up. vehicles with Porsche Entry & Drive the person button or or by pressing the
The current settings are stored on the car key. f Open the driver’s door. button .
An acknowledgement signal sounds to indicate The seat positions that were last set are
that the settings have been stored. restored automatically.
All other settings that are modified when the
Canceling settings
function is active are not stored on the car key.
Automatic settings can be canceled by pressing
Activating automatic storage the button or the button on the car key.
f Press button briefly.
Press and hold the button until the
settings last stored on the car key are
The indicator light on the button goes out.
Automatic storage is activated.

Seats, Mirrors, Steering Wheel and Sun Protection 39

Easy Entry Function Entering the vehicle
The Easy Entry function makes it easier for you to When the driver’s door is opened, the steering
get in and out of the vehicle. wheel and driver’s seat move upwards or to the
rear depending on the position of the seat when
h CAUTION Easy Entry Function the driver left the vehicle.
If persons or animals are within the range of Once the driver’s door is closed and the ignition
movement of the seat, they could be trapped or key is inserted or, in the case of vehicles with
crushed when you adjust the seat. Porsche Entry & Drive, the ignition is switched on,
f Switch off the Easy Entry function if persons the seat and steering wheel move to the stored
are behind the driver’s seat. position.
Exiting the vehicle
NOTICE The steering wheel moves upwards:
Risk of damage if the rear seat is folded forward – After the ignition key is removed.
when settings are retrieved. or
The seat could move back and become damaged – After the ignition is switched off and the
when it contacts the folded rear seat. driver’s door is opened on vehicles with
f Switch off the Easy Entry function if the rear Porsche Entry & Drive.
Rear Seats
seat is folded forward. The driver’s seat moves to the rear:
– After the driver’s door is opened. h CAUTION Seat Adjustment and
Prerequisite Rear Seat Occupants
– Function must be activated on the multi- If persons or animals are in the movement range
purpose display. of the seat during seat adjustment, parts of the
For information on switching the Easy Entry body could get trapped or crushed.
function on and off: f Adjust the seat so that no-one is put at risk.
f Please see the chapter “SWITCHING
COMFORT ENTRY ON AND OFF” on page 135. Fore-and-aft adjustment
f Pull up lever A and slide the seat forward
or back.

40 Seats, Mirrors, Steering Wheel and Sun Protection

Folding outer seat backrests forward
1. Slide the headrest down.
Please see the chapter “ADJUSTING
HEADRESTS” on page 35.
2. Disengage retractable cover from the seat.
Please see the chapter “RETRACTABLE
COVERS” on page 208.
3. Pull up release lever B and fold the backrest
The backrests must engage audibly in the
lowered position. Adjust the fore-and-aft
position of the seats to do this if necessary.
Adjusting outer seat backrests to vertical
1. Pull up release lever B and fold the backrest
2. Make sure that the safety belts are not
Backrest angle adjustment Folding rear seat backrests forward trapped.
1. Sit on the seat. The rear seat backrests are divided and can be Fold up the backrest until it locks with an
2. There are three backrest angle positions folded forward individually to make the luggage audible click.
available. Pull up lever B and adjust the compartment larger.
released backrest by pressing it into a less
steep seat position or by easing it into a more
upright seat position. The backrest engages
in the current position when you release The backrests on the left and middle seats are
the lever. joined together. When you fold the left backrest
forward, the middle backrest will also fold over.
The backrest on the middle seat can also be
folded forward separately.
f To fold the backrests forward, the rear seats
should be moved back by adjusting the fore-
and-aft position.

Seats, Mirrors, Steering Wheel and Sun Protection 41

Adjusting middle seat backrest to vertical
1. Fold up the backrest until it locks with an
audible click.
2. If the red marking on the release button is
still visible, the seat is not locked properly.
3. Make sure that the middle safety belt is not

Folding middle seat backrest forward Fire Extinguisher

In vehicles with a fire extinguisher,
Information the extinguisher is attached at the front of
If you want to fold the backrest on the middle rear the passenger’s seat.
seat forward when the rear seats are in the front f To remove the fire extinguisher in case of an
position (e.g. in order to make the loadspace emergency, hold the extinguisher with one
bigger or transport bulky objects), the headrest hand and press the PRESS button on the fire
can be removed to prevent it from hitting against extinguisher holder with the other hand
the center console. (arrow).
f Please see the chapter “REMOVING AND
REAR SEAT” on page 36.
f Re-install the headrest when using the
middle seat.
f Press the release button C and fold the
backrest forward.

42 Seats, Mirrors, Steering Wheel and Sun Protection

f Check the final inspection date on the fire
extinguisher. If the fire extinguisher is used
after its inspection interval has elapsed, it may
not work properly.
f Always read the operating instructions on the
fire extinguisher.
f The fire extinguisher should be checked to
ensure correct operation by a specialist
workshop every 1–2 years.
f Have the fire extinguisher refilled after use.

A - Seat heating, front Seat heating, rear

B - Seat ventilation, front
Switching off seat heating
Seat Heating and Ventilation f Press button A (repeatedly) until all the
Seat heating and ventilation is ready for operation indicator lights go out.
when the engine is running. The heating power or Switching on front seat ventilation
f Press button B (repeatedly).
seat ventilation can be adjusted to one of three
settings by repeatedly pressing the button.
The number of illuminated lights indicates
Switching on seat heating the selected ventilation setting.
f Press button A (repeatedly). Switching off front seat ventilation
f Press button B (repeatedly) until all the
The number of illuminated lights indicates
the selected heat setting.
indicator lights go out.

– Seat heating is not available when the interior
temperature is high.
– Seat ventilation is not available when the
interior temperature is low.

Seats, Mirrors, Steering Wheel and Sun Protection 43

Safety Belts f Two occupants should never share the same Belt tensioner
belt at the same time. Depending on the force of a collision, fastened
h DANGER Failure to Use Safety safety belts are automatically tightened in an
Belts h DANGER Using Damaged Safety accident.
Safety belts cannot protect the body if they are Belts
The belt tensioners are triggered in:
not fastened. Improperly worn safety belts Damaged, heavily stressed or worn safety belts
increase the risk of injury in the event of an – Front and rear impacts of sufficient severity
cannot protect the body sufficiently in the event of
accident. – Side impacts
an accident.
Always make sure your and your passengers' f Keep belt buckles free of any obstruction that – In cases of vehicle rollover
safety belts are properly fastened when seated in may prevent a secure locking.
the vehicle. f Belts that have been subjected to excessive Information
f For your and your passengers' protection, use stretch forces in an accident must be The belt tensioner system can be triggered only
safety belts at all times while the vehicle is in inspected or replaced to ensure their once; the system must be replaced afterwards.
motion. continued effectiveness in restraining you.
f Use appropriate child restraint systems for all
If there is a fault in the belt tensioner system, the
The same applies to belt tensioner systems airbag warning light lights up.
small children. which have been triggered. In addition, the
f Safety belts must be positioned on the body as anchor points of the belts should be checked.
Work may be performed on the belt tensioner
f If safety belts do not work properly, see your
to restrain the upper body and lap from sliding system only by an authorized Porsche dealer.
forward. Improperly positioned safety belts Smoke is released when the belt tensioners are
authorized Porsche dealer immediately.
f If the belts show damage to webbing, bindings,
can cause serious personal injury in case of an triggered.
accident. This does not indicate a fire in the vehicle.
buckles or retractors, they should be replaced
f The shoulder belt should always rest on your to ensure safe operation.
upper body. The shoulder belt should never be f Do not modify or disassemble the safety belts Safety belt warning system
worn behind your back or under your arm. in your vehicle. An audio-visual warning system is
f For maximum effectiveness, the lap belt f The belts must be kept clean or the retractors interconnected with the driver’s safety belt.
should be worn low across the hips. may not work properly.
f Pregnant women should position the belt as
Every time the ignition is turned on, the gong will
Please see the chapter “CLEANING THE sound for about 6 seconds to remind driver and
low as possible across the pelvis. Make sure it SAFETY BELTS” on page 260. passenger to buckle up.
is not pressing against the abdomen. f Never bleach or dye safety belts.
f Belts should not be worn twisted.
In addition, the gong will sound for approximately
f Do not allow safety belts to retract until they
f Do not wear belts over rigid or breakable
90 seconds if vehicle speed exceeds 15 mph
are completely dry after cleaning or this may (24 km/h).
objects in or on your clothing, such as eye cause damage to the belt. The safety belt warning lights in the instrument
glasses, pens, keys, etc. as these may cause
panel and multi-purpose display will go off as soon
f Several layers of heavy clothing may interfere
as the driver has buckled up.
with proper positioning of belts.
f Belts must not rub against sharp objects or
damage may occur to the belt.

44 Seats, Mirrors, Steering Wheel and Sun Protection

4. Insert the belt tongue into the appropriate
buckle on the inboard side of the seat until
it locks securely with an audible click.
5. Make sure that belts are not trapped or twisted
and that they are not rubbing on sharp edges.
6. The horizontal section of the belt should
always fit snugly across the pelvis. Therefore,
after fastening the belt, always pull the
diagonal part of the belt upward.
Pregnant women should position the belt as
low as possible across the pelvis, and ensure
that it is not pressing against the abdomen.
7. Pull on the diagonal section of the belt now and
again during the journey to ensure that the
horizontal section remains tight.
8. Make sure that the belts and buckles fit
correctly on the rear seat bench.
Fastening the safety belt Releasing the safety belt Safety belt height adjustment
1. Assume a comfortable sitting position. 1. Hold the belt tongue. The height of the belt deflectors on the front seats
2. Adjust the seat backrest so that the belt always 2. Press the red button (arrow). can be adjusted.
rests on your upper body and runs across the 3. Guide belt tongue to the reel. f Adjust the height of the safety belt so that it
middle of your shoulder. runs across the middle of the shoulder, not
3. Grasp the belt tongue and pull the belt in against the neck.
a slow, continuous motion across your chest
Adjusting the belt height
and lap.
f Upward – push belt deflector up.
f Downward – press locking button A and move
Information belt deflector.
The belt can be blocked if the vehicle is standing
at an angle or the belt is pulled out using a jerking
The belt cannot be pulled out while accelerating
and slowing down, when cornering and when
driving uphill.

Seats, Mirrors, Steering Wheel and Sun Protection 45

Airbag Systems The front airbags are located under the padded
h DANGER Safety Belts and
steering wheel panel on the driver’s side and in the Positioning
The vehicle is equipped with airbag and lap/
dashboard on the passenger's side.
shoulder belt at both front seating positions. The Airbags only can offer protection, if all occupants
The side airbags of the front seats (optional for
airbags are a supplemental restraint at those fasten their safety belts and retain a proper sitting
rear seats) are installed in the side of the seat
seating positions. position.
The airbags in combination with the safety belts To provide optimal occupant protection, airbags
The head airbags are installed above the doors
make up a safety system which offers the driver must inflate at very high speed. If you are not
in the roof area.
and the passenger the greatest known protection wearing your safety belt or are too close to the
The knee airbag is installed in the knee area on
from injuries in case of accident. airbag when it is deployed, inflating airbags can
the driver’s side.
Your vehicle is equipped with occupant sensing for result in serious personal injury or death.
the passenger's seat in accordance with f Always fasten safety belts.
U.S. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 208. Information f Make sure there are no people, animals or
Even if your vehicle is equipped with airbags, the To minimize the risk of severe injury or death in the objects between the driver or passenger and
safety belts must be worn at all times, event of a crash, all occupants, including the the area into which the airbags inflate.
because the front or side airbags deploy driver, should always wear their seat belts whether f Sit back as far from the dashboard or steering
depending on the force and angle of impact. or not an airbag is also provided at their seating wheel as is practical, while still maintaining full
Below the deployment threshold of the airbag position. vehicle control.
system, and during types of collisions which do f Always hold the steering wheel by the outer
not cause the actuation of the system, the safety rim. Never rest your hands on the center of the
belts provide the primary protection to the steering wheel where the airbag module is
occupants when correctly worn. Therefore, all located.
persons within the vehicle must wear safety f Always keep feet in the footwell while driving.
belts at all times (in many states, state law Do not put feet on the dashboard or the seat
requires the use of safety belts) to minimize the area. Do not lean against the inside of the door
risk of severe injury or death in the event of a or outside the window while the vehicle is
crash. moving.
f Please see the chapter “SAFETY BELTS” on
page 44. h DANGER Safe Storage of Objects
Objects and load have to be stored securely to
keep from causing injury.
f Do not transport heavy objects on or in front of
the passenger seat. These could impair the
function of the airbags, the safety belts, and
occupant sensing.
f Do not hang objects (e.g., jackets, coats, coat
hangers) over the backrest.
f Objects must not protrude out of the door
storage compartment.

46 Seats, Mirrors, Steering Wheel and Sun Protection

f Do not add any additional coverings or stickers f If the warning light comes on, the airbag In order to help provide protection in severe
to the steering wheel or in the area of the system should be repaired immediately by collisions which can cause death and serious
passenger airbag, side airbags, knee airbags, your authorized Porsche dealer. injury, airbags must inflate extremely rapidly. Such
and head airbags. Doing so may adversely f Using accessories not approved by Porsche high speed inflation has a negative but
affect the functioning of the airbag system or can cause the occupant sensing to be unavoidable side effect, which is that it can and
cause harm to the occupants if the airbag impaired. does cause injuries, including facial and arm
system should deploy. f Do not squeeze objects, such as the fire abrasions, bruising and broken bones. You can
f No objects should be placed over or near the extinguisher, or first aid kit under the seat. help minimize such injuries by always wearing your
airbag on the instrument panel, because any f Only have seats removed and installed by an safety belts.
such objects could cause harm if the vehicle is authorized Porsche dealer so that occupant There are many types of accidents in which
in a crash severe enough to cause the airbag sensing components will not be damaged. airbags are not expected to deploy. These include
to inflate. accidents where the airbags would provide no
f Give your passenger all of the information in benefit, such as a rear impact against your
this chapter. Information vehicle. Other accidents where the airbags are
Airbag components (e.g. steering wheel, seats) designed not to deploy are those where the risk of
h DANGER Modification to Airbag may be disassembled only by an authorized injury from the airbag deployment could exceed
System Porsche dealer. any protective benefits, such as in low speed
A modified airbag system cannot offer protection. f When disposing of a used airbag unit, our accidents or higher speed accidents where the
They may not trigger or could trigger in an safety instructions must be followed. These vehicle decelerates over a longer time. Since
uncontrolled way. An uncontrolled triggering of the instructions can be obtained at any authorized airbag deployment does not occur in all accidents,
airbag system can result in serious personal injury Porsche dealer. this further emphasizes the need for you and your
or death. passengers to always wear safety belts.
f Do not modify the seat coverings, since such Function of the airbag system Your Porsche vehicle is equipped with
changes can block the seat-mounted side Airbags are a supplemental safety system. Your electronically controlled systems that help to
airbag. Do not attach additional cushions, primary protection comes from your safety belts. ensure your vehicle operates properly. These
protective coverings, or pillows to the The front airbags are triggered during a frontal systems monitor the operation of various systems
passenger's seat. Do not affix things to the collision of sufficient force and direction. and electronically store information that is useful
passenger's seat or cover it with other In the event of a side impact of corresponding to service technicians when they need to diagnose
materials. Do not cover the back of the force, the side airbag on the impact side is and repair these systems.
backrest. Do not make changes to the triggered. Your vehicle is equipped with crash-sensing
passenger's seat, the cushion or foam, the The inflation process generates the amount of gas and diagnostic devices that may record
occupant sensor, and to the seat base frame. required to fill the airbags at the necessary information at the time of a collision,
f No changes must be made to the wiring or pressure in fractions of a second. including whether the airbag and seatbelt
components of the airbag system. Airbags help to protect the head and body, while pretensioners deployed and whether the
f Do not install any wiring for electrical simultaneously damping the motion of the driver safety belt was in use.
accessory equipment in the vicinity of the and passenger in the impact direction in the event
airbag wiring harnesses. Doing so may disable of a frontal impact or side impact.
the airbag system or cause inadvertent

Seats, Mirrors, Steering Wheel and Sun Protection 47

To retrieve this information, special equipment is
h WARNING Improper Front Vehicle modifications to accommodate
needed and access to the vehicle or feature that Passenger Seating persons with disabilities
stores that data is required. Some states only Because modifications to your vehicle could
allow access to such information under restricted Improper seating can unintentionally impair
operation of occupant sensing of the passenger’s compromise your advanced airbag system,
circumstances, including: please call 1-800-PORSCHE prior to having your
– In response to a request of police or other airbag.
vehicle modified.
government office; or If the weight of an adult on the passenger's seat is
– with the consent of the registered owner, or if not properly maintained, the passenger's airbag Automatic deactivation of the passenger
the vehicle is leased, with the lessee, or may be switched off. airbag
– through a discovery process in litigation; or as f Select an upright seat position, and do not Before transporting a child on the passenger seat:
otherwise permitted or required by law. support weight on the armrests or center f Please see the chapter “CHILD RESTRAINT
Your rights with respect to the information console, or lean out of the window while SYSTEMS” on page 50.
discussed above may vary from state to state. driving. – When an up to one-year old child is seated
Check your state law for further information. Always keep feet positioned on the floor in the in the child restraint system, the front airbag is
footwell while driving. Do not put feet on the automatically deactivated on the passenger
Advanced airbag dashboard or the seat area. side.
Your vehicle is equipped with occupant sensing for – When an adult is seated in the passenger’s
the passenger's seat in accordance with Seat adjustment for the passenger’s seat seat the front airbag is automatically activated.
U.S. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 208.
h WARNING Reclining Passenger h DANGER
Depending on the weight, body positioning and
shape acting on the passenger's seat, the To reduce risk of injury or death to a child from an
passenger’s airbag will automatically be switched Safety belts only offer protection when the
inflating airbag in an accident, Porsche strongly
on and off. backrest is positioned at an upright seating angle
f Under all normal circumstances, the child seat
Depending on the angle and force of impact, the and the belts are properly positioned on the body.
passenger's airbag which is switched-on will be f Do not operate the car with the passenger
must be placed in the rear.
triggered during a collision. backrest excessively reclined.
Do not use a child restraint system in the front
Precondition for switching the passenger's airbag passenger seat.
on and off, depending on weight, body positioning
and shape:
f Ignition is switched on.

48 Seats, Mirrors, Steering Wheel and Sun Protection

PASSENGER AIRBAG OFF indicator lamp Warning light
lights up
The passenger airbag is switched off. Faults are indicated by a warning light on the
PASSENGER AIRBAG OFF indicator lamp The airbag warning light illuminates when the
does not light up electronic monitoring of the airbag system
The passenger airbag is active and ready for detects a malfunction of the sensors, safety belt
operation. system, occupant detection system, PASSENGER
AIRBAG OFF indicator lamp, related wiring, airbag
modules and control units.
Risk of serious personal injury or death due to the f In the following cases you should
passenger airbag triggering unintentionally. immediately consult an authorized
When the ignition is on and the up to one-year old Porsche dealer in order to assure the
child is seated in the child restraint system on the airbag system is functioning properly:
passenger seat the indicator lamp “PASSENGER – If the warning light does not light up when the
AIRBAG OFF“ must be on. ignition is switched on.
If the “PASSENGER AIRBAG OFF” indicator lamp or
PASSENGER AIRBAG OFF indicator lamp does not light up, it could indicate a fault in the – If the warning light does not go out once the
system, and the airbag could inflate in a collision, engine is running.
placing the child at risk of death or severe injury or
from the inflating airbag. – If the warning light appears while driving.
Depending on the weight, body positioning and In this case:
shape acting on the passenger's seat, it can occur f Fasten the child restraint system on the rear Information
in the case of heavier children that the passenger bench immediately.
f Have the fault remedied at your nearest
airbag is active or, in the case of very light adults If you sell your Porsche, notify the purchaser that
or young persons, that the passenger airbag is the vehicle is equipped with airbags, and refer
authorized Porsche dealer.
deactivated. them to the chapter „Airbag systems“ in the
The condition of the passenger airbag system is owner’s manual (safety and disposal rules).
shown by the indicator lamp in the overhead Further information on the airbag system can be
operating console. found on stickers attached to the sun visors, as
f If in doubt, fasten the child restraint system on well as on all airbag components.
the rear bench or transport the passenger on For special recommendations on the use of child
the rear bench. restraints:
f Please see the chapter “CHILD RESTRAINT
SYSTEMS” on page 50.
f After switching on the ignition, the
PASSENGER AIRBAG OFF warning light lights
up for a few seconds as a check.

Seats, Mirrors, Steering Wheel and Sun Protection 49

Child Restraint Systems h DANGER Improper Use of Child Direction of installation for child restraint
Porsche recommends that all infants and children Restraint systems
be restrained in child restraint systems at all times f Follow all child restraint instructions and According to accident statistics, children are safer
while the vehicle is in motion in accordance with warnings in this manual. when properly restrained in the rear seating
applicable laws. positions than in the front seating positions.
– When using an infant or child restraint system, Under all normal circumstances, the child seat
When possible, use only child restraint systems
be sure to follow all manufacturer's must be placed in the rear.
recommended by Porsche. These systems have
been tested and adjusted to the interior of your
instructions on installation and use. f Do not use a child restraint system in the front
– Infants and small children should neither be passenger seat.
Porsche and the appropriate child weight groups.
held on the lap, nor should they share a safety
Other systems have not been tested and could Group 0 and 0+: Children up to 29 lbs
belt with another occupant while the vehicle is
entail an increased risk of injury. (13 kg)
in motion.
The use of infant or child restraints is required by Children of this weight must be transported in a
– Children too big for child restraint systems
law in all 50 US states and the Canadian restraint system which is fitted facing
must use regular safety belts. A shoulder belt
provinces. The child restraint system should be backwards.
can be used providing it does not cross the
one that complies with U.S. Federal/Canadian
face or the neck of the child. Group I: Children in between 20 lbs (9 kg)
Motor Vehicle Safety Standards and should be
– Choose a child restraint system according to and 40 lbs (18 kg)
secured by a lap belt portion of a lap-shoulder belt
the weight of the child.
or for child seats equipped with the LATCH sytem Children of this weight are transported in child
– Child restraint systems that are damaged or
(Lower Anchorage and Tether for Children, also restraint systems facing forward.
have been heavily stressed in an accident must
known as ISOFIX) to the LATCH anchorages. be replaced immediately. Group II: Children in between 33 lbs (15 kg)
You can obtain child seats that are LATCH – Children could be endangered in a crash if their and 55 lbs (25 kg)
compatible at your authorized Porsche dealer. child restraints are not properly secured in Children of this weight are transported in child
f Always observe the separate installation vehicle. restraint systems facing forward.
instructions for your child seat. – Do not affix objects to child restraint systems
A statement by the seat manufacturer of Group III: Children in between 49 lbs (22 kg)
or cover them with other materials.
f For maximum safety and protection, do not
compliance with this federal standard can be and 80 lbs (36 kg)
found on the instruction label on the restraint and use a child restraint system in the front Children of this weight are transported in child
in the instruction manual provided with the passenger seat. restraint systems facing forward.

50 Seats, Mirrors, Steering Wheel and Sun Protection

Using child restraint systems in the front Child restraint system for up to one-year old Occupant size sensing
passenger seat children Your vehicle is equipped with occupant sensing for
If the child restraint system must be fastened to the passenger's seat in accordance with
h DANGER Child Restraint in Front
the passenger’s seat in exceptional cases: U.S. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 208.
– When an up to one-year old child is seated Depending on the weight, body positioning and
The use of a child restraint system in the front in the child restraint system, the front airbag is shape acting on the passenger's seat, the
passenger seat can result in serious personal automatically deactivated on the passenger passenger's airbag will automatically be switched
injury or death to the child from an airbag side. on or off.
deployment. f Make sure that the “PASSENGER AIRBAG OFF” f In case of doubt, fasten the child restraint
To reduce risk of injury from an inflating airbag in indicator lamp lights up. system on a rear seat.
an accident, Porsche strongly recommends: f Adjust the passenger’s seat as far away from
f Under all normal circumstances, the child seat the airbag as possible.
Small adult passengers
must be placed in the rear. Some smaller adults may not turn off the
Do not use a child restraint system in the front h DANGER Child Seat Detection PASSENGER AIRBAG OFF indicator lamp. If the
passenger seat. Fault lamp is lit when an adult occupies the seat, they
The indicator lamp “PASSENGER AIRBAG OFF” should reposition their body properly, centered in
However, there may be serious situations where it the seat with feet on the floor and not leaning on
must be on when a child restraint occupied by a
might be necessary to place a child in the front adjacent body parts. If the lamp still does not turn
child is in the front passenger seat.
seat so that he/she can be kept under direct off, the person should move to a rear seat for
If the “PASSENGER AIRBAG OFF” indicator lamp
observation to prevent an immediate risk to the better protection, and the vehicle should be taken
does not light up, it could indicate a fault in the
child (for example, while driving to the doctor or to a authorized Porsche dealer for evaluation.
hospital). The following instructions are provided
In this case: h CAUTION
to you solely for that purpose. Adult Use of Front Seats
f Seek appropriate advice from your authorized f Move the child restraint system to a rear seat
immediately. When the ignition is on and the small adult
Porsche dealer about the possible installation
of a Porsche child restraint system. f Have the fault remedied at your nearest passenger is seated on the passenger seat, the
indicator lamp “PASSENGER AIRBAG OFF” must
f If a child restraint system must be fastened to authorized Porsche dealer.
be off.
the passenger's seat, adjust the passenger's
If the “PASSENGER AIRBAG OFF” indicator lamp
seat as far away from the airbag as possible.
lights up, it could indicate a fault in the system.
f If emergency or other serious conditions In this case:
require a child to be placed in the front seat,
f Have the system evaluated and if necessary,
exercise extreme caution and defensive
remedied at an authorized Porsche dealer.
driving of your vehicle.

Seats, Mirrors, Steering Wheel and Sun Protection 51

Automatic locking retractor Activating the automatic locking retractor
The safety belts for the front passenger and the 1. If a child restraint system must be fastened to
rear bench are equipped with an automatic locking the passenger's seat, adjust the passenger's
retractor for securing the child restraint system. seat as far away from the airbag as possible.
When activated, this retractor allows you to 2. Position child seat according to the child seat’s
securely fasten the child restraint system in place manufacturer instructions.
so that inadvertent movements will not occur. 3. Pull the safety belt retractor completely out. At
this point the locking mechanism is activated.
h DANGER Child Seat in Front 4. Insert the safety belt tongue into the buckle
The use of a child restraint system on the front and make certain that it is properly latched.
passenger seat can result in serious personal Make no more adjustments to the seat.
injury or death to the child from an airbag 5. Allow the safety belt to retract until it is tight on
deployment. the child restraint system. You may further
To reduce risk of injury from an inflating airbag in tighten the belt by pulling on it to allow more of
an accident, Porsche strongly recommends: it to retract.
f Under all normal circumstances, the child seat Make sure that excessive safety belt forces do
must be placed in the rear. not occur by moving the seat with the child
Do not use a child restraint system on the front PASSENGER AIRBAG OFF indicator lamp seat installed.
passenger seat. Releasing the safety belt
h DANGER Adjusting Childseat
If there are emergency reasons for transporting a After Fastening f Unbuckle the safety belt latch.
child in the front passenger seat, use the f After fastening the child restraint system, do Then make certain that the belt has fully retracted.
automatic locking retractor function and follow the not adjust the seat in any direction. At this point the automatic locking feature will be
other safety instructions on the previous pages in disengaged.
Moving the seat could pull the safety belt against
this section. Seek appropriate advice from your authorized
the child restraint, applying increased pressure to
Porsche dealer about the possible installation of a
the seat, and cause the “PASSENGER AIRBAG
Porsche child restraint system.
OFF” indicator lamp to go off and activate the
airbag system.
f Check the condition of the passenger airbag
system shown by the indicator lamp in the
overhead operating console.

52 Seats, Mirrors, Steering Wheel and Sun Protection

Using a LATCH child seat system
The outer rear seats are equipped with the LATCH
system (lower anchorage and anchor points for
tether straps on the back of the backrests).
Markings on the right and left for the LATCH child
seat anchorage can be found on the backrests of
the outer rear seats.
The anchor bars A for the LATCH child seat
anchorage can be found directly under the
markings between backrest and seat cushion.
Child Restraint Anchorages
h WARNING Misuse of Rear
Childseat Restraint
Child restraint anchorages are designed to
withstand only those loads imposed by correctly f Please see the chapter “AUTOMATIC LOCKING
LATCH Child Seat System fitted child restraints. Under no circumstances are RETRACTOR” on page 52.
LATCH child seats are the best option for they to be used for adults safety belts or If your child restraint seat or seats require the use
mounting a child seat in your Porsche. Such harnesses. of a tether strap, you will want to use the anchor
LATCH child seats can be installed only using the f Do not misuse the child restraint anchorages. points B provided behind the rear bench backrest.
LATCH system in the rear seats. Only attach one child seat tether per To ensure proper installation, see your authorized
Use only child restraint systems with the LATCH anchorage. Porsche dealer.
system (Lower Anchorage and Tether for f They are not designed to withstand loads
Children) recommended by Porsche. imposed by adults.
These systems have been tested and adjusted to
the interior of your Porsche and the appropriate
child weight groups. Other systems have not been
tested and could entail an increased risk of injury.
You can obtain child seats that are LATCH-
compatible at your authorized Porsche dealer.
Always observe the separate installation
instructions for your child seat.

Seats, Mirrors, Steering Wheel and Sun Protection 53

Door Mirrors
The convex mirror glass on the passenger’s side
and the aspherical mirror glass on the driver’s side
provide a larger field of view.

h WARNING Judging Distance in

Convex Side Mirror
Vehicles or objects appear smaller in convex
mirrors and further away than they are in reality.
f Bear this distortion in mind when estimating
the distance of vehicles behind you and when
reversing into a parking space.
f Also make use of the interior mirror for judging


Risk of damage to the door mirrors when washing

Installing a LATCH child seat system 4. Attach the tether strap C to the anchor point
the vehicle in a car wash.
f Always observe the separate installation behind the backrest and pull it tight.
f Fold in door mirrors before using the car wash.
instructions for your child seat.
1. Secure the child seat to retaining lugs A as
outlined in the operating manual for the child
2. Pull the child seat to check that both fastening
points are engaged correctly.
3. If the child restraint seat or seats require the
use of a tether strap, lay the tether strap C
above the headrest.

54 Seats, Mirrors, Steering Wheel and Sun Protection

Folding door mirrors in and out
The door mirrors can be folded in automatically
after the vehicle is locked.
Folding door mirrors in automatically
f Press and hold the button on the car key for
at least 1 second.
On vehicles with Porsche Entry & Drive, press
and hold the locking button in the handle on the
driver’s door for at least 1 second.
The door mirrors fold in.
Folding door mirrors out automatically
f Switch on ignition.
The door mirrors fold out.

A - Door mirror selection – driver’s side 1. Press selection button A for the driver’s side
B - Door mirror selection – passenger's side Information
and selection button B for the passenger’s
C - Adjusting door mirrors
side. The door mirrors do not fold out automatically
D - Folding door mirrors in and out after the ignition is switched on if they were folded
The indicator light on the pressed button
Adjusting door mirrors lights up. in manually using the button D.
The electrical door mirror adjuster is ready for 2. Move the door mirrors to the correct position
If the electrical adjustment facility fails
operation: by pressing the adjustment button C.
– With ignition switched on. f Unfold mirrors manually.
If the electrical adjustment facility fails
f Adjust the mirror by pressing on the
– After the ignition is switched off and before the Storing door mirror settings
driver’s or passenger’s door is first opened,
mirror face. On vehicles with driver or comfort memory,
but for a maximum of 10 minutes.
individual door mirror settings can be stored on
Folding in door mirrors the person buttons on the driver’s side and on the
f Press button D. car key.
Both door mirrors fold in automatically. For further information on retrieving and storing
If the electrical adjustment facility fails vehicle settings:
f Fold in mirrors manually. f Please see the chapter “STORING VEHICLE
SETTINGS” on page 38.
Folding out door mirrors
f Press button D.
Both door mirrors unfold automatically.

Seats, Mirrors, Steering Wheel and Sun Protection 55

Door mirror heating Switching off automatic anti-dazzle
Door mirror heating is activated automatically function
when the heated rear window is switched on while f Press button B.
the engine is running. The indicator light A goes out.
For information on switching on the heated rear The anti-dazzle function switches off
window: automatically if:
f Please see the chapter “HEATED REAR – Reverse gear is engaged or
WINDOW/DOOR MIRROR HEATING” on – Interior lighting is switched on.
page 76.
Switching on automatic anti-dazzle
Automatic anti-dazzle door mirrors function
The door mirrors change to anti-dazzle position f Press button B.
automatically in synchronisation with the interior Indicator light A lights up.
h CAUTION Broken Mirror
For information on the automatic anti-dazzle
function of the interior mirror:
f Please see the chapter “AUTOMATIC ANTI- Electrolyte fluid may escape from broken mirror
DAZZLE INTERIOR MIRROR” on page 56. glass. This fluid irritates the skin and eyes.
Automatic Anti-Dazzle Interior f If the electrolyte fluid should come into contact
Swivelling down mirror glass as Mirror with the skin or eyes, rinse it off immediately
parking aid Sensors on the front and rear sides of the interior with clean water.
When reverse gear is engaged, the mirror on the mirror measure the incident light. The mirrors Seek medical attention if necessary.
passenger’s side swivels down slightly to show automatically change to anti-dazzle position or
the curb area. revert to their normal state, depending on the light NOTICE
f Please see the chapter “SWIVELLING DOWN intensity.
MIRROR GLASS AS PARKING AID” on Risk of damage to paintwork, leather, plastic
page 229. components and clothing.
Information Electrolyte fluid can be removed only while it is
The incidental light within the detection area of the still wet.
light sensor C must not be restricted (e.g. by f Clean the affected parts with water.
stickers on the rear window or items of luggage in
the luggage compartment or on the luggage
compartment cover). Likewise, the incidental light
coming through the windshield to the front light
sensor must not be restricted by stickers.

56 Seats, Mirrors, Steering Wheel and Sun Protection

Airbag unit
The airbag unit C is located behind the padded
steering wheel boss.
In conjunction with the safety belts, the airbag is
a safety system designed to provide the driver
with maximum protection from injury in an
For information on the airbag system:
f Please see the chapter “AIRBAG SYSTEMS” on
page 46.

Steering Wheel Heated Steering Wheel

Tiptronic S shift buttons The steering wheel heating can be switched on
and off with the button on the rear of the steering
Porsche Tiptronic S is an eight-speed
wheel when the ignition is switched on.
transmission with an automatic and a manual
selection mode. Switching steering wheel heating on/off
You can change temporarily to manual mode or f Press button.
shift gear in manual mode with the shift buttons A The message “Heated steering wheel on” or
on the steering wheel. “Heated steering wheel off” appears on the
For information on using Tiptronic S: multi-purpose display for 2 seconds.
f Please see the chapter “TIPTRONIC S” on
page 180.
f Press button B to operate the horn.

Seats, Mirrors, Steering Wheel and Sun Protection 57

Steering Wheel Adjustment
The steering wheel can be adjusted manually or
electrically in four directions depending on the
vehicle equipment.

h WARNING Steering Wheel

Adjustment While
The steering wheel may move further than desired
if you attempt to adjust it when driving.
You may lose control of the vehicle.
f Do not adjust the steering wheel when driving.

h CAUTION Memory Steering Wheel

If persons or animals are in the movement range
of the steering wheel during adjustment, parts of
the body could get trapped or crushed. Manual steering wheel adjustment Electric steering wheel adjustment
f Do not leave children in the vehicle unattended. Adjusting steering wheel manually Adjusting steering wheel electrically
1. Insert the ignition key fully into the ignition lock. f Press control switch under the steering
2. Push locking lever downwards. column in the relevant direction until the
3. Adjust steering wheel to suit the chosen desired setting is reached.
backrest angle and your seat position by
moving the steering wheel up or down and
4. Swivel locking lever back until you feel it
If necessary, move the steering wheel slightly
in a longitudinal direction.

58 Seats, Mirrors, Steering Wheel and Sun Protection

Multi-Function Steering Wheel Function buttons on the multi-function
steering wheel
h WARNING Distraction from The rotary knobs at the top left and right of the
Steering Wheel steering wheel can also be pressed.
Turn volume control
Setting or operating the on-board computer,
Upwards – increase volume
radio, navigation system, telephone or other
Downwards – decrease volume
equipment when driving could distract you from
Press volume control
the traffic. You could lose control of the vehicle.
f Operate the equipment while driving only if the Switch volume/mute on and off.
traffic situation allows you to do so safely. Turn rotary knob
f Carry out any complicated operating or setting Select/highlight the main menu or a menu
procedures only when the vehicle is stationary. item in the multi-purpose display by
turning the rotary knob up or down.
Depending on the equipment in your vehicle, you
Press rotary knob
can use the function keys of the multi-function
Go to submenu or activate selected
steering wheel to operate the following Porsche
communication systems:
– Telephone Operational readiness of the Press MFS button
– PCM multi-function steering wheel Call up the stored function.
– CDR-31 – With ignition switched on The button can be assigned the desired
– Multi-purpose display of the instrument panel f Please observe the operating instructions function in the multi-purpose display on
supplied for the Porsche communication the instrument panel.
systems before operating the function keys.
Press Back button
Return to the menu.
The Porsche communication systems cannot Press Handset Pickup button
be switched on and off using the multi-function Accept a telephone call.
steering wheel.
Press Handset Hangup button
End or refuse a telephone call.

Seats, Mirrors, Steering Wheel and Sun Protection 59

Sun Visors If you are dazzled from the side: Make-up Mirror
f Swivel the sun visor down to prevent dazzle
1. Unclip the sun visor from the inner bracket.
The make-up mirror on the rear of the sun visor is
2. Swivel the sun visor around so that it is in front
from the front. closed with a sliding cover.
of the door window.
3. You can also swivel the second sun visor down. h CAUTION Exposed Make-up
Information The mirror glass could break in an accident and
Please note that the second sun visor must be splinters could injure passengers if the sliding
swivelled up before swivelling the first sun visor cover is open.
back. Otherwise, you will no longer be able to f Keep the sliding cover closed while driving.
swivel the first sun visor up. f The make-up mirror lighting is switched on
automatically when the sliding cover is opened

60 Seats, Mirrors, Steering Wheel and Sun Protection

Roll-Up Sunblinds,
Rear Side Windows
The roll-up sunblinds on the rear side windows
can be raised or lowered only when the rear side
windows are closed.
The roll-up sunblinds move automatically to the
correct end position.
If child protection is activated, the roll-up sunblinds
on the rear side windows can only be operated
using the power window buttons in the driver’s
For information on child protection:
f Please see the chapter “DISABLING THE
Rear power window/roll-up sunblind button Power windows/roll-up sunblind button on driver's door

Raising roll-up sunblind on rear side Lowering roll-up sunblind on rear side
windows windows
f Pull up the corresponding power window f Push down the corresponding power window
button on the inside of the rear door or the button on the inside of the rear door or the
driver’s door. driver’s door.

Seats, Mirrors, Steering Wheel and Sun Protection 61

Air Conditioning, Parking Heater and Heated Rear Window
Brief Overview –
Front Control Panel ....................................... 63
Brief Overview –
Rear Control Panel (4-Zone Air-Conditioning).... 64
Overview of Air Conditioning .......................... 65
General Functions ......................................... 66
Automatically Controlled Air-Conditioning ........ 70
Heated Rear Window/Door Mirror Heating ...... 76
Windshield Heating........................................ 76
Parking Heater ............................................. 77

62 Air Conditioning, Parking Heater and Heated Rear Window

Brief Overview –
Front Control Panel
This brief overview does not replace the
information provided under “Automatically
Controlled Air-Conditioning”. Warnings, in
particular, are not replaced by this brief overview.

What do I want to do? What do I have to do?

Switch on automatic air-conditioning Press button F for the left side or button L for the right side.

Left vehicle side: Press button B up (warmer) or down (colder).

Set temperature Right vehicle side: Press button H up (warmer) or down (colder).

Left vehicle side: Press button C up (more) or down (less).

Set air quantity manually Right vehicle side: Press button I up (more) or down (less).

Air to windshield for left or right side: Press button D or J.

Set air distribution manually Air to central and side vents for left or right side: Press button E or K.
Air to footwell for left or right side: Press button G or M.

Defrost windshield Press button A.

Air Conditioning, Parking Heater and Heated Rear Window 63

Brief Overview –
Rear Control Panel (4-Zone Air-
This brief overview does not replace the
information provided under “Automatically
Controlled Air-Conditioning”. Warnings, in
particular, are not replaced by this brief overview.

What do I want to do? What do I have to do?

Switch on automatic air-conditioning Press button E for the left side or button K for the right side.

For left side: Press button A up (warmer) or down (colder).

Set temperature For right side: Press button G up (warmer) or down (colder).

For left side: Press button B up (more) or down (less).

Set air quantity manually For right side: Press button H up (more) or down (less).

Air to door vents, central vents and to footwell for left or right side: Press button C or I.
Set air distribution manually Air to door vents and central vents for left or right side: Press button D or J.
Air to door vents and footwell for left or right side: Press button F or L.

64 Air Conditioning, Parking Heater and Heated Rear Window

Overview of Air Conditioning Rear air-conditioning control panel
(4-zone air-conditioning)
Interior temperature sensor

The following air-conditioning system types may Sensors

be installed, depending on your vehicle Automatic 4-zone air-conditioning To avoid impairing the performance of the
equipment: The air-conditioning system controls the preset air-conditioning system:
interior temperature completely automatically. f Do not cover or tape over the interior
Automatic 2-zone air-conditioning Temperature, air quantity and air distribution can temperature sensor for the air-conditioning
The air-conditioning system controls the be set individually for the front left, front right, system.
preselected interior temperature completely rear left and rear right air-conditioned areas.
automatically. Vehicles with 4-zone air-conditioning have an
The temperature, air quantity and air distribution additional control panel on the rear center
can be set individually for the left and right air- console.
conditioned areas.

Air Conditioning, Parking Heater and Heated Rear Window 65

General Functions Deactivating the function
f Press button on the front control panel.
The indicator light on the button goes out.
Additional settings relating to the climate type and Switch on ignition.
extended ventilation panel can be adjusted in the The indicator light on the button indicates the
multi-purpose display on the instrument panel: previous setting.
f Please see the chapter “AIR-CONDITIONING
on page 76. Information
f Please see the chapter “SETTING AIR If the battery voltage is too low, REST mode is
CONDITIONING” on page 135. restricted initially and then switched off.
All air-conditioning system settings are stored on
the respective car key when the vehicle is locked
on vehicles with comfort memory.

REST mode
Using engine residual heat
The residual heat of the engine can be used to
heat the interior for up to 20 minutes after the
ignition has been switched off.
f When the ignition is switched off,
press button on the front control panel.
The indicator light on the button lights up.
The air-conditioning settings cannot be
changed in REST mode.

66 Air Conditioning, Parking Heater and Heated Rear Window

Switching on AC mode
If you wish to cool the passenger compartment
to a temperature lower than the outside
temperature, AC mode must be activated.
f Press button .
The indicator light on the button lights up.
The air-conditioning compressor is
switched on.
Press button for the left or right
climate zone.
Switching off AC mode
AC mode can be switched off manually to save
fuel, for example.
f Press button .
The indicator light on the button goes out.
The air-conditioning compressor is
AC mode switched off. AC MAX mode
In automatic mode, AC mode is always activated. The cooling function is deactivated. In AC MAX mode, the interior of the passenger
The power of the compressor from the compartment is cooled at maximum power.
air-conditioning system is regulated fully The interior temperature is not adjusted
automatically according to requirements. automatically.
The air-conditioning compressor is switched off
Switching AC MAX mode on
automatically at outside temperatures of less
than approx. 38 °F (3 °C). f Press button .
The indicator light on the button lights up.
For information on switching automatic mode
on and off: Switching AC MAX mode off
f Please see the chapter “SWITCHING f Press button .
AUTOMATIC MODE ON/OFF” on page 71. The indicator light on the button goes out.
Press button for the left or right
climate zone.

Air Conditioning, Parking Heater and Heated Rear Window 67

Information on 4-zone air-conditioning
The air flows to the windshield and the front side
A lock symbol appears in the displays on the
operating unit for the rear air-conditioned areas.
Air-conditioning settings cannot be modified.

Defrosting the windshield Accepting settings for driver’s side for

Activating defrosting function the entire vehicle
f Press button . The MONO function allows the air-conditioning
The indicator light on the button lights up. settings for the driver’s side to be accepted for
The air flows to the windshield and the front the entire vehicle.
side windows. Switching on MONO mode
The windshield is demisted or defrosted as f Press button .
quickly as possible. The indicator light on the button lights up.
Deactivating defrosting function The display indicator values for the other areas
f Press button . adopt the same values as the driver’s settings.
The indicator light on the button goes out. Switching off MONO mode
or f Press button .
Press button for the left or right The indicator light on the button goes out.
climate zone. or
The settings for one of the other air-
conditioned areas change.

68 Air Conditioning, Parking Heater and Heated Rear Window

Setting automatic air-recirculation mode Information on air-conditioning
In automatic air-recirculation mode, the fresh air compressor
supply is adjusted depending on the air quality. The air-conditioning compressor:
Automatic air-recirculation mode can be switched – Can switch off briefly to ensure sufficient
on and off on the multi-purpose display. engine cooling if the engine is operating under
Air-recirculation mode is deactivated automatically extreme load.
to prevent the windows from misting at outside – Switches off automatically at temperatures
temperatures of less than approx. 41 °F (5 °C). below approx. 38 °F (3 °C) and cannot be
For information on adjusting automatic air- switched on, even manually.
recirculation mode on the multi-purpose display: – Operates most effectively with the windows
f Please see the chapter “SETTING AIR closed.
CONDITIONING” on page 135. If the vehicle has been in the sun for a long
time, it is a good idea to ventilate the interior
briefly with the windows open.
Information – Depending on the outside temperature and
The recommended operating mode is automatic humidity, condensation can drip from the
air-recirculation mode (default setting). evaporator and form a pool under the vehicle.
Air-recirculation mode This is normal and not a sign of leaks.
Switching on air-recirculation mode Information on automatic load switch-off
f Press button . If the charging condition of the battery is critical,
The indicator light on the button lights up. the following air-conditioning or heating functions
The outside-air supply is interrupted and only are restricted initially and then switched off.
the inside air is recirculated. – Seat heating
– Heated rear window/External mirror heating
Switching air-recirculation mode off
– Windshield heating
f Press button . – Fresh-air blower
The indicator light on the button goes out. – Air-conditioning compressor

If the air-conditioning compressor is switched off
manually or automatically, air-recirculation mode
ends after approx. 3 minutes.

Air Conditioning, Parking Heater and Heated Rear Window 69

A - Air-recirculation mode
B - Defrost windshield
C - MONO mode
D - AC MAX mode
E - Heated rear window/door mirror heating
F - AC mode

Front control panel, right air-conditioned area

G - Air-conditioning display, right side
H - Temperature, right side
I - Air quantity, right side
J - Air to windshield, right side
K - Air to central and side vents, right side
L - AUTO mode, right side (automatic mode)/
REAR mode, adjust rear air-conditioned area using the
front control panel (4-zone air-conditioning)
M - Air to footwell, right side

Front control panel, left air-conditioned area

N - Air to footwell, left side
O - AUTO mode, left side (automatic mode)/
Front control panel (2-zone and 4-zone air-conditioning) REST mode, using engine residual heat.
P - Air to central and side vents, left side
Automatically Controlled Air- Please read the information on: Q - Air to windshield, left side
R - Air quantity, left side
Conditioning – REST mode, see page 66. S - Temperature, left side
Depending on various factors (e.g. sunlight, air – AC mode, see page 67. T - Air-conditioning display, left side
quality, ambient temperature, misted windows), – AC MAX mode, see page 67.
the air-conditioning system adjusts the preset – MONO mode, see page 68.
interior temperature, air distribution and air – Defrosting the windshield, see page 68.
quantity fully automatically. – Air-recirculation mode, see page 69.
– Air-conditioning compressor, see page 69.
Automatic mode is deactivated as soon as the
settings are adjusted manually. In this case,
automatic air-conditioning still regulates the air-
conditioning functions that have not been modified

70 Air Conditioning, Parking Heater and Heated Rear Window

Rear control panel, left air-conditioned area
A - Air-conditioning display, left side
B - Temperature, left side
C - Air quantity, left side
D - Air to door vents, central vents and to footwell,
left side
E - Air to door vents and central vents, left side
F - AUTO mode, left side (automatic mode)
G - Air to door vents and footwell, left side

Rear control panel, right air-conditioned area

H - Air-conditioning display, right side
I - Temperature, right side
J - Air quantity, right side
K - Air to door vents, central vents and to footwell,
right side
L - Air to door vents and central vents, right side
M - AUTO mode, left side (automatic mode)
N - Air to door vents and footwell, right side

Rear control panel (4-zone air-conditioning)

Switching automatic mode on/off

The front and rear air-conditioned areas can be
switched to automatic mode independently of one If necessary, the automatic system can be
another. controlled manually.
f Press button for the relevant air- The manual setting is retained until the
conditioned area on the front or rear control appropriate function button is pressed again or
panel. the button is pressed.
The indicator light on the button and the AUTO
indicator on the air-conditioning display
light up.
Temperature, air quantity and air distribution
are adjusted automatically for the relevant air-
conditioned area.

Air Conditioning, Parking Heater and Heated Rear Window 71

– If one air-conditioned area is set to LO or HI,
the other air-conditioned areas are also set to
LO or HI.
Pressing the button for the relevant air-
conditioned area selects the preset
– The air-conditioning system always cools and
heats the passenger compartment to the
preset temperature at maximum cooling or
heating temperature.
Setting the temperature temporarily to a lower
or higher value does not cool or heat the
passenger compartment to the desired
temperature more quickly.

Temperature and air quantity, front control panel Temperature and air quantity, rear control panel
(4-zone air-conditioning)
Setting temperature
Reducing temperature
For personal comfort, the interior temperature
can be adjusted individually between 61 °F (16 °C) f Press button for the relevant air-
and 86 °F (29.5 °C). conditioned area downwards.
Recommendation: 72 °F (22 °C). The preset temperature value is shown on the
The selected temperature is shown on the display air-conditioning display.
above the button . If LO or HI appears on the display, the system is
operating at maximum cooling or heating power.
Increasing temperature Automatic mode is switched off.
f Press button for the relevant air-
conditioned area upwards.
The preset temperature value is shown on the
air-conditioning display.

72 Air Conditioning, Parking Heater and Heated Rear Window

Setting air quantity
The selected air quantity is shown in a bar display
above the button . The more bars that are
displayed, the more air flows into the passenger
Increasing air quantity
f Press button for the air quantity to the
relevant air-conditioned area upwards.
Reducing air quantity
f Press button for the air quantity to the
relevant air-conditioned area downwards.
Press button for the relevant air-conditioned
area to switch back to automatic mode.
If the air quantity was reduced so much that OFF
appears on the air-conditioning system display,
the supply of air from the outside is interrupted.
Air distribution, front control panel Air distribution, rear control panel (4-zone air-
h WARNING Air Shut-off Impairing conditioning)
Setting air distribution manually
Rear control panel (4-zone air-conditioning)
Front control panel
The windows can mist up if the air quantity setting f Press button
f Press button
is “OFF”. .
The air flows from the central vents, into the
f Only select air quantity setting OFF for short The air flows to the windshield and the side
footwell and from the vents in the door pillars.
periods. windows.
f Press button .
The air vents must be open.
f If windows mist up, press for the left and f Press button .
right vehicle side on the front control panel The air flows from the central and side vents.
The air flows from the central vents and from
upwards (increase air quantity). The air vents must be open.
f Press button
the vents in the door pillars.
The air vents must be open.
The air flows to the footwell.
f Press button .
The indicator light on the button lights up. The air flows into the footwell and from the
vents in the door pillars.
The indicator light on the button lights up.

Air Conditioning, Parking Heater and Heated Rear Window 73

Canceling manual air distribution
f Press the relevant air distribution button again.
The indicator light on the button goes out.
Press button for the relevant air-
conditioned area.
The indicator light on the button lights up.
Air quantity and distribution are controlled
automatically and variations are compensated.
Air distribution in the rear air-conditioned
areas when MONO or REAR mode is
activated (4-zone air-conditioning)
If the button or is pressed on the front
control panel, air flows from the central and side
vents in the rear of the vehicle.
If the button is pressed on the front control
panel, air flows into the footwells in the rear of the
Disabling control panel for rear air- Adjusting rear air-conditioned areas with
conditioned areas (4-zone air- the front control panel – REAR mode
For information on MONO mode: conditioning) (4-zone air-conditioning)
f Please see the chapter “ACCEPTING
The power window buttons on the rear doors and The rear air-conditioned areas can be controlled
the control panel on the rear center console, using the relevant front control panels for the
except the rear central locking button, can be air-conditioning system on vehicles with 4-zone air-
For information on REAR mode:
disabled by pressing the safety button in the conditioning.
f Please see the chapter “ADJUSTING REAR AIR- control panel on the driver’s door.
CONTROL PANEL – REAR MODE (4-ZONE AIR- Switching child protection on/off Press button and keep it pressed for
CONDITIONING)” on page 74. f Press the safety button . approx. 2 seconds.
The indicator light on the button lights up when REAR appears on the air-conditioning display.
the child protection is on. The rear air-conditioned areas can be controlled
A lock symbol appears in the displays on the from the front control panel.
operating unit for the rear air-conditioned
Switching off REAR mode
f Press button and keep it pressed for
approx. 2 seconds.
REAR disappears from the display.

74 Air Conditioning, Parking Heater and Heated Rear Window

Extended ventilation panel
Information The extended ventilation panel on top of the
The function is ended automatically approximately dashboard can be activated or deactivated
4 seconds after the last settings are adjusted. separately in the multi-purpose display on the
REAR disappears from the display. instrument panel.
The air flow in the passenger compartment is
Recommended air-conditioning settings more diffuse and less direct.
for lone drivers The automatic control on the air-conditioning
MONO mode is recommended for maximum system adjusts the air flow quantity automatically.
passenger compartment comfort. For information on activating the extended
For information on activating MONO mode: ventilation control:
f Please see the chapter “ACCEPTING f Please see the chapter “SETTING AIR
Air vents
Reducing the air quantity in the rear air-
Opening air vents
conditioned areas does not improve passenger
comfort in the front areas (4-zone air-conditioning f Turn rotary knob clockwise.
only). Closing air vents Cooled glove compartment
For information on adjusting the air quantity: f Turn rotary knob counter-clockwise. Cooled air is directed into the glove compartment
f Please see the chapter “SETTING AIR via a separate air vent.
QUANTITY” on page 73. The air vent can be opened and closed manually.
Cold air may flow around the glove compartment
lid and into the passenger compartment.
f If the outside temperature is low, close the air
vents in the glove compartment to ensure the
passenger compartment is heated as
efficiently as possible.

Air Conditioning, Parking Heater and Heated Rear Window 75

Air-conditioning settings on the
multi-purpose display
Additional settings relating to vehicle air-
conditioning can be adjusted in the multi-purpose
display on the instrument panel.
For information on air-conditioning settings on the
multi-purpose display:
f Please see the chapter “SETTING AIR
CONDITIONING” on page 135.
Air flow
Three air flow settings are available in automatic
– “Soft”:
Recommended for passengers sensitive
to drafts with a preference for gentle
– “Normal”:
Default setting. Heated Rear Window/ Windshield Heating
– “Strong”: Door Mirror Heating Windshield heating is ready for operation when the
Stronger ventilation in the passenger The heated rear window/door mirror heating is engine is running.
compartment. ready for operation when the engine is running. Switching on
The air flow is clearly noticeable.
Switching on f Press button .
f Press button
Extended ventilation panel The indicator light on the button lights up.
For information on the extended ventilation panel: The indicator light on the button lights up. Depending on the outside temperature,
f Please see the chapter “EXTENDED the heating switches off automatically after
VENTILATION PANEL” on page 75. Switching off approx. 1 to 4 minutes.
Automatic air-recirculation
f Press button .
The indicator light on the button goes out. Switching off
For information on automatic air-recirculation f Press button .
mode: The indicator light on the button goes out.
f Please see the chapter “AIR-RECIRCULATION
MODE” on page 69.

76 Air Conditioning, Parking Heater and Heated Rear Window

Parking Heater Operational readiness Operating the parking heater
The parking heater can be used to heat the interior The parking heater can be used regardless of The parking heater is operated using the parking
of the vehicle and defrost the windshield without the ignition lock position: heater button in the center console or using the
having the engine running. – When the engine is not running. “Auxiliary heater” menu in the multi-purpose
– When outside temperatures are less than display.
h DANGER Fire Hazard / Parking approx. 15 °C. When the ignition is switched off, the parking
Heater – When there is sufficient fuel in the tank heater prevents the windshield from misting up
The combustion exhaust gases released during (reserve not reached). and frosting over and automatically maintains
operation of the parking heater are very hot and – When the battery is sufficiently charged. a comfortable interior temperature independently
will ignite flammable materials near the underside of the air-conditioning settings.
of the car body. Information When the ignition is switched on, the air quantity,
f Turn off the parking heater before refueling or air distribution and temperature can be adjusted
When the parking heater is activated for the
entering a gasoline station. individually while the parking heater is on.
f Do not park the vehicle near flammable first time after not being used for a long time,
The parking heater switches off automatically
e.g. after the summer, it may take two attempts
materials of any type. Make sure that there is when the engine is started or after max.
to switch it on in rare cases if the parking heater
good airflow under the vehicle which will allow 30 minutes.
does not start at the first attempt.
the hot exhaust gases to escape freely at the
underside of the body.

h WARNING Parking Heater in

Enclosed Areas
The parking heater burns fuel. This produces toxic
exhaust gases, which are released under the floor
of the vehicle.
f Do not operate the parking heater in enclosed
spaces (e.g. in a garage).

Air Conditioning, Parking Heater and Heated Rear Window 77

Switching parking heater on/off
in the multi-purpose display
The parking heater can be switched on and off in
the multi-purpose display when the ignition is
switched on.
f Please see the chapter “OPERATING PARKING
on page 115.
The indicator light on the parking heater button
in the center console lights up when the parking
heater is activated.
Programming a timer in the
multi-function display
A switch-on time for automatic activation of the
parking heater can be programmed in the multi-
purpose display on the instrument panel.
Switching parking heater on/off at the f Please see the chapter “PROGRAMMING THE
control panel in the center console
If a timer is activated, the indicator light on the
Switching on parking heater button in the center console
f Press button . will start to flash when the ignition is switched off
The indicator light on the button lights up when and will continue flashing until the vehicle is
the parking heater is activated. locked, but only for max. 30 seconds.

Once the parking heater is activated, it can
sometimes take several minutes for the interior
to warm up.

Switching off
f Press button .
The indicator light on the button goes out.

78 Air Conditioning, Parking Heater and Heated Rear Window

Windows and Sliding Roofs
Power Windows............................................ 80
Sliding/Lifting Roof....................................... 83
Panorama Roof System ................................ 85
Emergency Operation of Sliding/Lifting Roof
or Panorama Roof System ............................ 88

Windows and Sliding Roofs 79

Power Windows Operational readiness of power windows
The power windows are ready for operation:
h WARNING Power Window – With ignition switched on.
Operation – After the ignition is switched off and before the
When opening and closing the windows, driver’s or passenger’s door is first opened,
particularly in one-touch operation, parts of the but for a maximum of 10 minutes.
body could become trapped between the moving One-touch operation for closing the door
window and fixed parts of the vehicle. windows is available only when the ignition is
f Make sure that nobody can be injured when the switched on.
windows close.
f Always remove ignition key when leaving the
vehicle or switch ignition off on vehicles with
Porsche Entry & Drive. Always take the ignition
key with you when leaving the vehicle.
Uninformed persons could injure themselves
by operating the power windows.
f Do not leave children in the vehicle unattended.
A - Power window in driver’s door
h WARNING Blocking the Driver’s B - Power window in passenger’s door
Vision C - Left rear power window
f Do not put anything on or near the windows
D - Right rear power window

that may interfere with the driver’s vision. Opening/closing windows

Opening window with the rocker switch
f Press rocker switch for the relevant window
until the window has reached the desired
f Always keep the side windows closed while position.
driving off-road.
Closing window with the rocker switch
f Pull rocker switch for the relevant window until
the window has reached the desired position.

80 Windows and Sliding Roofs

h WARNING Manual Functioning of
Power Windows
If one-touch operation is disabled after the window
is blocked, the window will close with its full
closing force when the manual closing function
is used.
f Take care to ensure that nobody can be injured
when the windows close.

Power window switch in the passenger's door Power window switch in the rear door

Information Information
The rocker switches have a two-stage function. If a window is blocked during closing, it will stop
These two detent positions can be felt clearly and open again by several inches.
when you actuate the switch. If the window is blocked a second time within
approximately 10 seconds, one-touch operation
– First setting – manual operation
is disabled for this window.
If the switch in question is moved to the first
The window can be closed manually. The window
setting, the window is opened or closed
then closes with its full closing force.
The window stops when the switch is released. One-touch operation is enabled again once the
– Second setting – one-touch operation window has been closed completely using the
If the switch in question is moved completely manual closing function or after 10 seconds if the
to the second setting, the window is opened or switch is not actuated again.
closed automatically.
Actuate the switch again to stop the window at
the desired position.

Windows and Sliding Roofs 81

Storing end position of the door windows
after connecting the vehicle battery
The end positions of the door windows are lost
when the battery is disconnected and
reconnected. One-touch operation of the windows
is disabled.
Perform these steps for all windows:
1. Close the window completely once by pulling
the rocker switch.
2. If the window is completely closed, briefly pull
the rocker switch again.
3. Open the window completely once by pressing
the rocker switch.

Disabling the controls in the rear

The power window buttons on the rear doors and
the control panel on the rear center console,
except the rear central locking button, can be
disabled by pressing the safety button in the
control panel on the driver’s door.
Switching child protection on/off
f Press the safety button .
The indicator light in the safety button lights up
if child protection is active.

82 Windows and Sliding Roofs

Sliding/Lifting Roof
The electric sliding/lifting roof is made of tinted
single-sheet safety glass. It has a sliding roof – The sliding/lifting roof does not function at
cover that can be continuously adjusted manually extremely high vehicle speeds or at extremely
to protect against the direct entry of sunlight. low temperatures.
– The sliding/lifting roof has a force limiter.
The sliding/lifting roof can be slid open or lifted at
If obstructed during the closing process,
the rear.
the sliding/lifting roof opens again
h WARNING Sliding Roof Operation immediately.
If there are persons or animals in the movement
Noise-optimized position when opening
range of the sliding/lifting roof, parts of the body
could become trapped or crushed. The sliding/lifting roof slides open both in manual
f Take care to ensure that nobody can be injured mode and one-touch operation mode until it
when the sliding/lifting roof is operated. reaches the best end position from the point of
f Always remove ignition key when leaving the view of noise.
vehicle or switch ignition off on vehicles with Opening sliding/lifting roof fully
Porsche Entry & Drive. Always take the ignition Actuate the button again in opening
key with you when leaving the vehicle. Operating sliding/lifting roof direction to open the sliding/lifting roof fully.
Uninformed persons (e.g. children) could injure The sliding/lifting roof is operated using the button When fully opened, the sliding/lifting roof may
themselves when operating the sliding/lifting in the overhead operating console. generate wind noise depending on the speed of
roof. The sliding roof button has a two-stage function the vehicle.
f In case of danger, operate the sliding roof for all directions of motion. These two detent
button in the opposite direction. positions can be felt clearly when you actuate the
Operational readiness of the sliding/ – First setting – manual operation
lifting roof If the button is moved to the first setting in one
The sliding/lifting roof is ready for operation: direction, the sliding/lifting roof is adjusted
– With ignition switched on. manually in the relevant direction.
– After the ignition is switched off and before the Adjustment stops when the button is released.
driver’s or passenger’s door is first opened, – Second setting – one-touch operation
but for a maximum of 10 minutes. If the button is moved completely to the
second setting, the sliding/lifting roof is
opened or closed automatically.
Actuate the switch again in any direction to
stop the sliding/lifting roof in the desired

Windows and Sliding Roofs 83

Storing end position of the sliding/lifting Emergency operation of sliding/lifting
roof roof
The end positions of the sliding/lifting roof are lost If the sliding/lifting roof is defective, it can be
if the vehicle battery is disconnected/reconnected closed or opened manually using a hexagon key.
or flat, after emergency starting with jumper f Please see the chapter “EMERGENCY
cables, the electrical fuse for the sliding/lifting OPERATION OF SLIDING/LIFTING ROOF OR
roof is replaced or after emergency operation. PANORAMA ROOF SYSTEM” on page 88.

h WARNING Sliding Roof Closing

When storing the end position, the force limiter is
not available and the sliding/lifting roof will close
with full force.
f Make sure that nobody can be injured when the
sliding/lifting roof closes.
The vehicle must be stationary in order to store
the end position for the sliding/lifting roof.
1. Switch on ignition.
2. Press button forward in closing direction
and hold in position.
The process for storing the end position
begins after approximately 10 seconds.
Press and hold the button until the roof has
stopped moving completely.
The process takes a maximum of 20 seconds.
Start the storing process again if the button is
released before the roof has stopped moving

84 Windows and Sliding Roofs

h WARNING Roof System Operation
If there are persons or animals in the movement
range of the Panorama roof system, parts of the
body could become trapped or crushed.
f Make sure that nobody can be injured when
operating the Panorama roof system.
f Always remove ignition key when leaving the
vehicle or switch ignition off on vehicles with
Porsche Entry & Drive. Always take the ignition
key with you when leaving the vehicle.
Uninformed persons (e.g. children) could injure
themselves by operating the Panorama roof
f In case of danger, press the Panorama roof
system button in the opposite direction.

A - Sliding/lifting roof element Operating the Panorama roof system
B - Fixed glass element Risk of damage when operating the Panorama The Panorama roof system is operated using the
roof system if roof attachments are not fitted
Panorama Roof System correctly.
switch in the overhead operating console.
The sliding roof switch has a two-stage function
The Panorama roof system comprises two roof
f Check that the roof attachments are properly for all directions of motion. These two detent
elements. fitted before starting to drive. positions can be felt clearly when you actuate the
Roof element A can be moved in the vehicle’s f Make sure that there is sufficient clearance switch.
longitudinal direction by actuating the switch. between the Panorama roof system and the – First setting – manual operation
It can also be raised. This allows improved interior fitted roof attachments.
If the switch is moved to the first setting in one
Operational readiness of the Panorama direction, the Panorama roof system is
Roof element B is a fixed glass element and
roof system adjusted manually in the relevant direction.
completes the Panorama roof system system.
Adjustment stops when the button is released.
The Panorama roof system is ready for operation:
– Second setting – one-touch operation
– When the ignition is switched on.
If the switch is moved completely to the
– After the ignition is switched off and before the
driver’s or passenger’s door is first opened, second setting, the Panorama roof system is
but for a maximum of 10 minutes. opened or closed automatically.
Actuate the switch again in any direction to
stop the Panorama roof system at the desired

Windows and Sliding Roofs 85

Storing end position of the Panorama roof h WARNING Storing Roof End
Information system Position
The Panorama roof system does not function at The end positions of the Panorama roof system When storing the end position, the force limiter is
extremely high vehicle speeds or at extremely low are lost if the vehicle battery is disconnected/ not available and the Panorama roof system will
temperatures. reconnected or flat, after emergency starting with close with full force.
jumper cables, the electrical fuse for the f Make sure that nobody can be injured when
Opening the Panorama roof system fully Panorama roof system is replaced or after closing the Panorama roof system.
Actuate the switch again in opening emergency operation.
direction to open the Panorama roof system fully. The vehicle must be stationary in order to store
When fully opened, the Panorama roof system the end position of the Panorama roof system.
may generate wind noise, depending on the speed 1. Switch on ignition.
of the vehicle. The end position of the roll-up sunblind may also 2. Press button forward in closing direction
have to be stored. and hold in position.
f Always store the end position of the roof and The process for storing the end position
sunblind completely one after the other. begins after approximately 10 seconds.
If the process for storing the end position is Press and hold the button until the roof has
interrupted, the process cannot be started for stopped moving completely.
the other drive mechanism. The process takes a maximum of 45 seconds.
For information on storing the end position of the Start the storing process again if the button is
roll-up sunblind: released before the roof has stopped moving
f Please see the chapter “STORING END completely.
page 87. Emergency operation of the Panorama
roof system
If the Panorama roof system is defective, it can be
closed or opened manually using a hexagon key.
f Please see the chapter “EMERGENCY

86 Windows and Sliding Roofs

To open the roll-up sunblind: Storing end position of the roll-up sunblind
f Press rocker switch back. The end positions of the roll-up sunblind are lost if
the vehicle battery is disconnected/reconnected
To close the roll-up sunblind:
or flat, after emergency starting with jumper
f Press rocker switch forward. cables, if the electrical fuse for the roll-up sunblind
Memory function while closing is replaced or after emergency operation.
The roof and roll-up sunblind cannot be closed at
the same time. Information
– If the rocker switch is pressed to the second The end position of the Panorama roof system
stage (one-touch operation) while closing the may also have to be stored.
roof, the roll-up sunblind closes to its end f Always store the end position of the roof and
position after the roof has reached its end roll-up sunblind completely one after the other.
position. If the process for storing the end position is
– If the roof is closed (one-touch operation) while interrupted, the process cannot be started for
closing the roll-up sunblind, the closing the other drive mechanism.
movement of the roll-up sunblind will be
For information on storing the end position of the
interrupted. The roll-up sunblind closes to its
Panorama roof system:
Roll-up sunblind f Please see the chapter “STORING END
end position after the roof has reached its end
A roll-up sunblind is integrated in the Panorama position.
roof system and can be adjusted by actuating the Automatic opening of roll-up sunblind on page 86.
rocker switch in the roof console. If the roof is opened while the roll-up sunblind is
Opening/closing roll-up sunblind closed, the roll-up sunblind also opens h WARNING Rollup Sun Blind
The rocker switch has a two-stage function: automatically. Operation
– First setting – manual operation – When the roof is opened in the vehicle’s When storing the end position, the force limiter is
If the rocker switch is pressed to the first longitudinal direction, the roll-up sunblind also not available and the roll-up sunblind will close with
setting, the roll-up sunblind opens or closes for opens automatically. full force.
as long as the rocker switch is actuated. – When the roof is opened in the tilt position, f Make sure that nobody can be injured when
– Second setting – one-touch operation the roll-up sunblind also opens automatically closing the roll-up sunblind.
If the rocker switch is pressed completely, by approx. 10 cm (ventilation position).
the roll-up sunblind opens or closes to its end
position. Information
When the roof is in tilt position, the roll-up sunblind
can only be closed as far as ventilation position.

Windows and Sliding Roofs 87

The vehicle must be stationary in order to Emergency Operation of Sliding/
store the end position of the roll-up sunblind.
The Panorama roof system and roll-up sunblind
Lifting Roof or Panorama Roof
must be closed. System
1. Switch on ignition. h WARNING Roof Operation
2. Press the rocker switch forward in closing
direction and hold in position. If there are persons or animals in the movement
The process for storing the end position range of the sliding/lifting roof or Panorama roof
begins after approximately 10 seconds. system, parts of the body could become trapped
Press and hold the switch until the roll-up or crushed.
sunblind has stopped moving completely. f Make sure that nobody can be injured when
The process takes a maximum of 45 seconds. operating the sliding/lifting roof or Panorama
Start the storing process again if the switch roof system.
is released before the roll-up sunblind has
stopped moving completely. Emergency closing after repeated
intervention from the force limiter
Roll-up sunblind cleaning function
f Remove the obstruction.
The vehicle must be stationary in order to activate f Repeatedly press or press and hold the switch
the roll-up sunblind cleaning function. 1. Take the hexagon key A out of the closing
in closing direction until the sliding/
1. Switch on ignition. element in the instrument panel on the driver’s
lifting roof or Panorama roof system closes
2. Open the Panorama roof system completely. side.
and stops in closed position.
3. Close the roll-up sunblind as far as possible.
4. Press and hold the rocker switch forward. Emergency operation if the roof drive
The roll-up sunblind starts to close after mechanism fails
3 seconds. Keep the rocker switch pressed If the sliding/lifting roof or Panorama roof system
until the roll-up sunblind is closed fully. is defective, it can be closed or opened manually
5. Remove dirt (e.g. leaves). using a hexagon key.
To exit the cleaning function: f Before using emergency operation, check
f Drive off. The roll-up sunblind opens whether the fuse has blown.
automatically. For information on checking the electric fuse:
or f Please see the chapter “CHANGING FUSES” on
Operate the Panorama roof system. The roll-up page 286.
sunblind opens automatically.
Open the roll-up sunblind with the rocker

88 Windows and Sliding Roofs

2. Unclip the clip-on frame on the overhead 5. Insert the key fully into the motor and turn it
operating console using your finger or either to the left or right, depending on
a screwdriver and carefully pull it down. whether you want to open or close the roof.
Make sure not to damage the clip-on frame. Press the key up while turning it so that it does
3. Remove the clip-on frame completely. not slip out and become damaged.
4. Unclip the overhead operating console in 6. Remove the key and put it back in its storage
a downward direction using your finger or position.
a screwdriver and fold it down. 7. Clip in the overhead operating console and
clip-on frame.
f Have the fault remedied at your authorized
Porsche dealer.

Windows and Sliding Roofs 89

Lights, Turn Signals and Windshield Wipers
Light Switch ................................................. 91
Automatic Driving Light Assistant ................... 91
Instrument Lighting ....................................... 93
Turn Signal/High Beam/Headlight Flasher
Stalk ............................................................ 94
Emergency Flasher ....................................... 94
Light Fault or Failure ..................................... 95
Interior Lighting ............................................ 96
Brief Overview – Windshield Wipers.............. 98
Windshield Wiper/Washer Stalk ...................... 99

90 Lights, Turn Signals and Windshield Wipers

Low beam/driving light Automatic Driving Light Assistant
Only with ignition on. The automatic driving light assistant is a comfort
function. Your Porsche’s driving light (low beam) is
Fog lights
switched on and off automatically depending
Pull switch to first click in low beam or on the ambient brightness.
side light position. Indicator light lights up. The automatic driving light assistant also controls
the daytime driving lights, the automatic Coming
Rear fog light
Home lights and the dynamic cornering light.
Pull switch to second click in low beam or
The automatic driving light assistant is activated
side light position. Indicator light lights up.
when the light switch is set to the position .
Despite possible support by automatic driving
Information light assistant, it is the responsibility of the driver
If the ignition key is removed and the door is to switch on the driving light using the
opened while the lights are on, an audible signal conventional light switch in accordance with the
(gong) warns of possible battery discharge. relevant national regulations.
In some countries, differences are possible due to
h WARNING Automatic Lights
legal requirements.
Light Switch Activating the headlights using the automatic
driving light assistant function therefore does not
Light is switched off
absolve the driver of responsibility for correct
When the ignition is switched on, the operation of the driving headlights and running
daytime driving lights will come on lights.
provided they are activated in the multi- f Always carefully monitor the automatic driving
purpose display on the instrument panel. light control.
For information on activating/deactivating
daytime driving lights:
f Please see the chapter “ACTIVATING
page 132.

Automatic driving light assistant

Side lights
Side marker lights, license plate light,
instrument lighting, daytime driving lights
switched off.

Lights, Turn Signals and Windshield Wipers 91

Highway function in daylight Daytime driving lights
Information The low beam is switched on automatically at If the light switch is set to position (light switched
In the event of a fault in the automatic driving light vehicle speeds of more than approx. 90 mph off), the daytime driving lights come on
assistant/Porsche Dynamic Lighting System (140 km/h) in daylight conditions and when automatically when the ignition is switched on.
(PDLS), the PDLS warning light in the instrument daytime driving lights are deactivated. If the light switch is set to position , the
panel lights up and a warning message appears If you are traveling at a speed of less than daytime driving lights come on automatically in
on the multi-purpose display of the instrument approx. 40 mph (65 km/h), the low beam is bright conditions and when the ignition is switched
panel. switched off after a delay of approx. 4 minutes on.
For information on warning messages on the if the external lighting conditions permit. The daytime driving lights are not active when the
multi-function display: Rain function light switch is set to position (low beam/
f Please see the chapter “OVERVIEW OF driving light).
The low beam is switched on automatically after
WARNING MESSAGES” on page 139. You can switch the daytime driving lights on and
five seconds of continuous wiper operation.
If the wipers have not been used for approx. off on the multi-purpose display of the instrument
Low beam/driving light panel (not available in Canada).
4 minutes, the low beam is switched off.
If the light switch is set to the position , Regulations for switching daytime driving lights on
the low beam is switched on automatically in the Automatic headlight leveling and off vary according to the legal requirements in
following situations: When the ignition and low beam are switched on, each country.
– Dusk the level of the headlight beam automatically For information on setting the daytime driving
– Darkness changes in accordance with the vehicle load. lights:
– Driving through tunnels The level of the headlight beam is automatically f Please see the chapter “ACTIVATING AND
– Rain kept constant during acceleration and braking on DEACTIVATING AUTOMATIC DAYTIME DRIVING
– Highway driving (with daytime driving lights vehicles with Xenon headlights. LIGHTS” on page 132.
When the low beam is switched on, the green
indicator light on the speedometer lights up.
Automatic headlight leveling is also available when
the light switch is set to the position (low
Information beam/driving light).
Fog is not recognized.
f In the event of fog, the driving light must be
switched on manually.

92 Lights, Turn Signals and Windshield Wipers

Automatic Coming Home lights (Welcome Dynamic cornering light
Home function/Entry function) At speeds greater than 5 mph (8 km/h), the low
Switching on automatic Coming Home lights beam or high beam headlight is swivelled in the
f Set light switch to .
direction of the curve to illuminate the road more
clearly, depending on the speed of the vehicle and
The following lights remain switched on for
the extent to which the steering wheel is turned.
a certain period to allow you to get in and out of
In the event of a fault in the dynamic cornering
your vehicle safely and with improved visibility in
light, the PDLS warning light in the instrument
panel starts flashing and a warning message
– Daytime driving lights,
appears on the multi-purpose display of the
– Courtesy lights in the door mirrors (on vehicles
instrument panel.
with comfort memory),
– Front and rear side marker lights, For information on warning messages on the
– License plate lights. multi-function display:
f Please see the chapter “OVERVIEW OF
Welcome Home function (off delay) WARNING MESSAGES” on page 139.
When the vehicle is locked, the lights remain
Highway function in darkness
switched on for the duration of the off delay preset
on the multi-purpose display. The distribution characteristics of the low beam
change when driving in darkness at vehicle Instrument Lighting
For information on adjusting the off delay of the
speeds of more than approx. 80 mph (130 km/h). The lighting is automatically adjusted to the
external lights on the multi-purpose display:
f Please see the chapter “ADJUSTING EXTERIOR The light beam becomes longer and the field of ambient brightness by the light sensor B.
vision increases. In addition, when the vehicle lighting is switched
LIGHTS” on page 132.
on, the instrument and switch brightness can be
Porsche Dynamic Lighting System (PDLS) adjusted manually.
Static cornering light f Turn adjustment button A in the appropriate
direction and hold until the desired brightness
The static cornering light is activated in darkness
has been reached.
and when the light switch is set to position
or . The function is available at speeds of up h WARNING Reaching Through
to 80 mph (130 km/h) and switches on when the Steering Wheel Spokes
steering wheel is turned. You may lose control of the vehicle.
The static cornering light is not switched on when f Do not reach through the steering-wheel
high beam is activated. spokes when driving since your arm can be
trapped and block the turning of the steering

Lights, Turn Signals and Windshield Wipers 93

Parking light
The parking light can only be switched on when
the ignition is switched off.
f Move the stalk up or down to switch on the
right or left parking light.
If the parking light is switched on, the message
“Parking light on” will appear on the multi-purpose
display of the instrument panel after the ignition
is switched off and when the door is opened.
For information on warning messages on the
multi-function display:
f Please see the chapter “OVERVIEW OF
WARNING MESSAGES” on page 139.

Turn Signal/High Beam/Headlight Emergency Flasher

Flasher Stalk The emergency flasher can be switched on
Turn signals, low beam and high beam are ready regardless of the position of the ignition lock.
for operation when the ignition is on. f Press the emergency flasher button on the
1 – Turn signal light, left center console.
2 – Turn signal light, right All turn signal lights, the indicator light in the
Push the stalk to the upper or lower pressure button and the turn signal indicator lights on the
point – turn signals flash three times tachometer flash when the button is operated.
3 – High beam headlight If the emergency flasher remains active for longer
4 – Headlight flasher periods, the illumination phase of the flashing
Stalk in center position – low beam interval is shortened to preserve the lights.
When the high beam is switched on or the
headlight flasher is operated, the blue indicator
light on the tachometer lights up.

94 Lights, Turn Signals and Windshield Wipers

Automatic activation of emergency h DANGER Emergency Stopping Light Fault or Failure
flasher in the event of an accident A message will appear on the multi-purpose
Other vehicles could collide with your vehicle if you
The emergency flasher is activated automatically display of the instrument panel if a vehicle light
are parked in a dangerous position.
f Whenever stalled or stopped for emergency
in the event of an accident. has a fault or fails.
f To deactivate the emergency flasher, For information on warning messages on the
repairs, move the car well off the road. Switch
switch the ignition off and then on again. multi-function display:
on the emergency flasher and mark the car
For information on switching the ignition on
with road flares or other warning devices. f Please see the chapter “OVERVIEW OF
and off:
f Do not remain in the car. Someone WARNING MESSAGES” on page 139.
f Please see the chapter “IGNITION LOCK, approaching from the rear may not realize your
STEERING LOCK” on page 148.
vehicle is stopped and cause a collision.

h WARNING Hot Exhaust System

and Tailpipe
Exhaust fumes and the exhaust system are very
hot when the engine is running. The exhaust
system (including the tailpipe) remains hot for
some time after the vehicle is turned off.
f Do not park or operate the vehicle in areas
where the hot exhaust system may come in
contact with dry grass, brush, fuel spill or
other flammable material.

h WARNING Engine Heat Danger

When Working
The engine and surrounding components become
very hot when the engine is running.
f Before working on any part in the engine
compartment, turn the engine off and let it cool
down sufficiently.

Lights, Turn Signals and Windshield Wipers 95

A - Button for rear interior light Dimming (brightness adjustment) E - Button for rear reading and interior lights
- Button for front interior lights
- Button for front reading light, left
f Press button B for the front interior light or Dimming (brightness adjustment)
D - Button for front reading light, right button E for the relevant rear interior light and f Press button C or D for the front reading light
hold for at least 1 second until the desired or button E for the relevant rear reading light
Interior Lighting level of brightness is reached. and hold for at least 1 second until the desired
Interior lights Reading lights level of brightness is reached.
Switching front interior light on and off Switching front reading lights on and off
f Press button B. f Press button C or D.
Switching rear interior light on and off Switching rear reading lights on and off
f Press button A in the front overhead operating f Press button E above the relevant door.
console or button E above the relevant door.

96 Lights, Turn Signals and Windshield Wipers

The interior lighting goes out as soon as the
ignition is switched on or the vehicle is locked.
For information on setting the off delay for the
interior light:
f Please see the chapter “SETTING INTERIOR
LIGHTING OFF DELAY” on page 133.
Orientation lighting
Lights in the front operating console, the inner
door handles, the storage trays and the rear light
units help vehicle occupants to locate important
controls in the vehicle in darkness and ensure
better overall orientation. The lights are switched
on when the vehicle is unlocked and switched off
again automatically when the vehicle is locked.
Dimming (brightness adjustment)
The brightness of the orientation lighting is
Switching automatic interior lighting adjusted on the multi-purpose display. Switching ambient lighting on and off
on and off For information on adjusting the brightness of the f Press button G.
f Press button F. orientation lighting:
f Please see the chapter “ADJUSTING
Dimming (brightness adjustment)
When automatic interior lighting is switched off,
BRIGHTNESS OF ORIENTATION LIGHTING” on f Press button G for dimming the ambient
the indicator light in the button lights up.
page 133. lighting and hold for at least 1 second until
When automatic interior lighting is switched on the desired level of brightness is reached.
and once it gets dark, the interior lighting is Ambient lighting
– switched on when a door or the tailgate is If the vehicle is driven at night, a discreet light
Automatic interior light switch-off
unlocked or opened, when the ignition key is provides subtle illumination for the passenger
removed from the ignition lock or when the compartment. The ambient lighting is switched off In darkness, the interior lighting is switched off
steering wheel is locked on vehicles with automatically when the vehicle is locked. 16 minutes after the engine stops to preserve the
Porsche Entry & Drive. vehicle battery.
– switched off when the door or tailgate is f In daylight conditions, interior lights that were
closed, after a delay of approx. 120 seconds. switched on manually are switched off
The off delay time can be preset on the automatically after 3 minutes.
multi-purpose display.

Lights, Turn Signals and Windshield Wipers 97

Brief Overview –
Windshield Wipers
This brief overview does not replace the
information provided under “windshield wiper/
washer stalk”.
Warnings, in particular, are not replaced by this
brief overview.

Windshield wiper stalk Rain sensor switch

What do I want to do? What do I have to do?

Wipe automatically at front Press the stalk to detent position 1.
(rain sensor)
Adjust rain sensor Adjust switch A in the stalk upwards (wipe more often) or downwards (wipe less often).

Wipe at front Slow: Press the stalk to detent position 2.

Fast: Press the stalk to detent position 3.
Once: Briefly move stalk to position 4 (holding stalk in position 4 accelerates wiping action).

Spray and wipe at front Pull stalk to position 5 and hold.

Wipe at rear (intermittent wiping) Push switch B upwards to detent position INT.

Spray and wipe at rear Push switch B all the way down or all the way up from detent position INT.

98 Lights, Turn Signals and Windshield Wipers

Windshield Wiper/Washer Stalk f Always switch off windshield wipers before
opening the engine compartment lid (wiper
h CAUTION Cleaning Windshield switch in position 0). If the wiper arms are not
The windshield wipers can start wiping in their end position, they will automatically
unintentionally when switched on. move to this position when the engine
f Always switch off windshield wipers before compartment lid is opened, even if the ignition
cleaning the windshield to avoid unintentional is switched off.
operation (rain sensor operation). The wiper arms remain at this position until the
lid is closed and the wiper system is switched
off and then on again.

Risk of damage to the engine compartment lid,

windshield and wiper system.
f Only wipe the windshield when sufficiently wet,
otherwise it could become scratched.
f Loosen frozen wiper blades before starting
to drive.
f Do not operate a frozen headlight washer
Front wiper and headlight washer system
f Always switch off windshield wipers in car 0– Windshield wipers off
washes to prevent them wiping unintentionally When the windshield wipers are switched off
(rain sensor operation). and occasionally when the ignition is switched
f Do not operate headlight washer system in car off, the wipers move up slightly from their rest
washes. position so that the wiping edges are aligned
f Always switch off windshield wipers before correctly.
cleaning the windshield to avoid unintentional 1– Rain sensor operation
operation (rain sensor operation). Front windshield wipers
f Always hold the wiper arm securely when Move wiper stalk upwards to the first click.
replacing the wiper blade. 2– Front windshield wipers – slow
Move wiper stalk upwards to the second

Lights, Turn Signals and Windshield Wipers 99

3– Front windshield wipers – fast To switch the rain sensor on again:
Move wiper stalk upwards to the third click. f Move wiper stalk to position 0 and then to
4– One-touch operation position 1.
Front windshield wipers Switch-on is confirmed by one wipe of the
Move wiper stalk downwards. windshield.
The front windshield wipers carry out one or
wiping cycle. Operate windshield washer system 5.
Actuate wiper stalk for longer to perform Switch-on is confirmed by three wipes of the
faster wiping cycles. windshield.
5– Front windshield wiper and or
washer system Change the sensitivity of the rain sensor using
Pull wiper stalk towards the steering wheel. switch A.
The washer system wipes and sprays while
the stalk is pulled towards the steering Information
When the wiper stalk is released, In the multi-purpose display on the instrument
a few drying wipes are performed. panel, you can configure the rain sensor to
After every 10 wipes on the windshield, activate automatically when the ignition is
Rain sensor operation, front windshield switched on and the wiper stalk is set to
the headlights are cleaned automatically.
wipers position 1.
In rain sensor mode, the amount of rain on the For information on adjusting rain sensor activation
Information windshield is measured. Wiper speed is when the ignition is switched on:
f If heavily soiled, repeat wash. automatically adjusted accordingly. f Please see the chapter “SETTING RAIN
f Persistent dirt (e.g. insect remains) should Rain sensor operation is activated automatically at SENSOR ACTIVATION” on page 133.
be removed regularly. speeds of less than approx. 2 mph (4 km/h) if the
For information on car care: windshield wiper is switched on. If you exceed Adjusting the rain sensor sensitivity
f Please see the chapter “CAR CARE a speed of approx. 5 mph (8 km/h), the system f Move switch A upwards – high sensitivity.
INSTRUCTIONS” on page 255. switches to the preselected wiper setting. The setting is confirmed by one wipe of the
The front windshield washer nozzles are The rain sensor remains switched off if the wiper windshield.
heated when the ignition is on, as a precaution stalk is already in position 1 when the ignition is f Move switch A downwards – low sensitivity.
against freezing. However, this does not replace switched on.
the use of antifreeze.

100 Lights, Turn Signals and Windshield Wipers

Switching on the rear window wiper when
reverse gear is engaged
In the multi-purpose display, you can configure the
rear wiper to automatically perform a series of
wipes when it rains or when the windshield wipers
are used while reverse gear is engaged.
For information on adjusting the automatic rear
wiper function:
f Please see the chapter “SETTING ACTIVATION
ENGAGED” on page 134.

f Clean the wiper blades with window cleaner at
regular intervals, especially after washing the
vehicle in a car wash.
We recommend Porsche window cleaner. If the
Headlight washer system Rear window wiper wiper blades are very dirty (e.g. soiled with
The washer sprays only while low beam or Switching on intermittent operation of rear insect remains), they can be cleaned with
high beam is activated. window wiper a sponge or cloth.
f Press button C under the wiper stalk. f Push switch B up to detent position INT. If the wiper blades rub or squeak, this may be due
f After every 10 wipes on the windshield, the to the following:
headlights are cleaned automatically as well. Switching off intermittent operation of rear
– If the vehicle is washed in an automatic car
The wipe count starts from zero again when window wiper
wash, wax residues may adhere to the
the low beam is switched off. f Push switch B down to detent position OFF. windshield. These wax residues can be
Manual wiping/washing removed only by using window cleaner
f Push switch B on the wiper stalk down from concentrate.
detent position OFF or up from detent f Please see the chapter “ADDING WASHER
position INT. FLUID” on page 247.
The washer system wipes as long as the f Contact your authorized Porsche dealer for
switch is pressed down. more information.
When the wiper stalk is released, a few drying – The wiper blades may be damaged or worn.
wipes are performed. f Replace damaged wiper blades immediately.

Lights, Turn Signals and Windshield Wipers 101

Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose Display
Instrument Panel USA Models ...................... 103
Instrument Panel Canada Models.................. 104
Compass on the Dashboard ........................ 108
Operating the Multi-Purpose Display on the
Instrument Panel.........................................108
Vehicle Information...................................... 112
Audio Menu ................................................ 116
Navigation Menu .........................................116
Map Menu .................................................. 117
Phone Menu ............................................... 117
Trip Information .......................................... 118
Tire Pressure Monitoring (TPM) ....................119
Vehicle Settings on the Multi-Purpose Display 126
Overview of Warning Messages............... 139

102 Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose Display

Warning and indicator lights
HOLD function indicator light

Tire pressure warning light

PDLS warning light

Low beam indicator light

Trailer turn signal indicator light

Rear fog light indicator light

Electric parking brake (EPB) warning light

Emission control warning light

(Check Engine)
Airbag warning light
Instrument Panel USA Models L Digital speedometer
M Upshift indicator Safety belt warning light
A Engine oil temperature gauge
(Cayenne with manual transmission)
B Speedometer
N Tachometer (Cayenne Turbo) Brake warning light
C Speedometer (Cayenne Turbo)
O Fuel gauge,
D Tachometer Turn signal indicator, left
fuel tank reserve warning light
E Multi-purpose display
F Coolant temperature gauge, High beam indicator light
coolant temperature warning light
G Engine oil pressure gauge Turn signal indicator, right
H Reset button for trip counter display/
Brightness setting for instrument panel ABS warning light
I Odometer, trip counter display
J “SPORT” indicator light PSM warning light
K Tiptronic selector-lever position/engaged gear
PSM OFF warning light

Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose Display 103

Warning and indicator lights
HOLD function indicator light

Tire pressure warning light

PDLS warning light

Low beam indicator light

Trailer turn signal indicator

Rear fog light indicator light

Electric parking brake (EPB) warning light

Emission control warning light

(Check Engine)
Airbag warning light
Instrument Panel Canada Models L Digital speedometer
M Upshift indicator
A Engine oil temperature gauge Safety belt warning light
(Cayenne with manual transmission)
B Speedometer
N Tachometer (Cayenne Turbo)
C Speedometer (Cayenne Turbo) Brake warning light
O Fuel gauge,
D Tachometer
fuel tank reserve warning light Turn signal indicator, left
E Multi-purpose display
F Coolant temperature gauge,
coolant temperature warning light High beam indicator light
G Engine oil pressure gauge
H Reset button for trip counter display/ Turn signal indicator, right
Brightness setting for instrument panel
ABS warning light
I Odometer, trip counter display
J “SPORT” indicator light PSM warning light
K Tiptronic selector-lever position/engaged gear
PSM OFF warning light

104 Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose Display

Engine oil temperature gauge Coolant temperature gauge Coolant level warning
A warning message will appear on the multi- f If the cooling system is in any way faulty, The temperature gauge warning light flashes if the
purpose display of the instrument panel if the consult your authorized Porsche dealer. coolant level is too low.
engine oil temperature is too high. The warning message “Check coolant level” also
Pointer in the lower area – engine cold
f Reduce engine speed and engine load appears on the multi-purpose display of the
immediately. f Avoid high engine speeds and heavy engine instrument panel
f For information on warning messages on the loading. f Switch off engine and let it cool down.
multi-purpose display: Pointer in the middle – normal operating f Add coolant.
Please see the chapter “OVERVIEW OF temperature Have the cause for the fault corrected at an
WARNING MESSAGES” on page 139. Pointer may move up to the red area when engine authorized Porsche dealer.
is heavily loaded and outside temperature is high. f For more information on coolant, checking the
Speedometer coolant level and adding coolant:
The analog display is located on the left next Coolant temperature warning Please see the chapter “CHECKING COOLANT
to the tachometer in the instrument panel. The temperature gauge warning light lights up LEVEL AND ADDING COOLANT” on page 244.
Tachometer if the coolant temperature is too high. f For information on warning messages on the
The warning message “Engine temperature too multi-purpose display:
The start of the red zone on the tachometer or rev-
high” will also appear on the multi-purpose display Please see the chapter “OVERVIEW OF
counter scale is a visual warning of the maximum
of the instrument panel. WARNING MESSAGES” on page 139.
permissible engine speed.
f Switch off engine and let it cool down.
If the red zone is reached during acceleration, fuel f Check radiators and air guides in front end NOTICE
feed is interrupted in order to protect the engine. of vehicle for obstructions. Risk of engine damage.
Multi-purpose display f Check the coolant level. f Do not continue driving if the warning persists
Top up with coolant if necessary. even when the engine coolant level is correct.
For information on the multi-purpose display:
f Please see the chapter “OPERATING THE f Have the fault corrected. f Have the fault corrected at an authorized
MULTI-PURPOSE DISPLAY ON THE f For more information on coolant, checking the Porsche dealer.
INSTRUMENT PANEL” on page 108. coolant level and adding coolant:
Please see the chapter “CHECKING COOLANT

To prevent excessive temperatures, the cooling
air ducts must not be obstructed by covering
them (e.g. with film, “stone guards”, etc.).

Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose Display 105

Engine oil pressure gauge Reset button for trip counter display/ Upshift indicator (only for Cayenne with
The oil pressure is controlled according to brightness setting for instrument lighting manual transmission)
requirements and should be at least 29 psi Resetting trip counter display The consumption-oriented upshift indicator to the
(2.0 bar) at an engine speed of 3000 rpm and at f Press rotary switch for approximately right of the digital speed display on the
least 44 psi (3.0 bar) at an engine speed of 1 second. tachometer helps you to develop a fuel-saving
5000 rpm. The trip counter display is reset to “0”. driving style.
The engine oil pressure varies depending on the The upshift indicator lights up – prompting you to
engine speed, oil temperature and engine load. Adjusting brightness of instrument lighting shift up to the next-higher gear – depending on the
If oil pressure drops abruptly and a message For information on adjusting the brightness of the selected gear, engine speed and accelerator
is displayed on the multi-purpose display instrument lighting: pedal position.
when the engine is running or while driving: f Please see the chapter “INSTRUMENT The upshift indicator is only active when “Sport”
f Stop immediately in a suitable place. LIGHTING” on page 93. mode is switched off.
f Switch off the engine. Odometer f Change to the next-higher gear when the
f Check whether there is an obvious oil leak on The displays for the total mileage and individual
upshift indicator lights up.
or under the car.
trips are integrated in the speedometer on the Selector-lever position/engaged gear
f Select “Oil level” on the multi-purpose display: instrument panel. display
Please see the chapter “DISPLAY AND
The upper display counts the total mileage, the The Tiptronic selector-lever position (P, R, N or D)
lower display shows individual trips. is displayed when the ignition is switched on.
on page 113.
f Add engine oil if necessary. After exceeding 6213 miles or 9999 kilometers, When the engine is running, the Tiptronic selector-
the trip counter returns to 0. lever position and engaged forward gear are
NOTICE indicated in gates D or M.
Digital speedometer
For information on Tiptronic S:
Risk of engine damage.
f Please see the chapter “TIPTRONIC S” on
The digital speedometer is integrated in the
f Do not continue driving if there is an obvious tachometer on the instrument panel.
page 180.
oil leak.
f Do not continue driving if the warning message Boost pressure gauge (Cayenne Turbo)
appears even when the oil level is correct. The boost pressure can be displayed on the
f Have the fault corrected at an authorized multi-purpose display.
Porsche dealer. f Please see the chapter “ADAPTING
on page 126.
As the engine is equipped with a boost pressure
control feature, the boost pressure is variable.
The boost pressure depends on the speed,
ambient pressure and on the octane rating of the
fuel used.

106 Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose Display

Fuel gauge Battery/Alternator Check Engine (Emission control)
The fuel gauge displays the contents of the tank
Warning message Warning light
when the ignition is on.
For information on fuel quality and refill capacities: The warning message “Fault Generator” will The emission control system detects malfunctions
f Please see the chapter “THE CORRECT FUEL appear on the multi-purpose display of the early that could cause increased pollutant
TYPE FOR YOUR VEHICLE IS PRINTED ON A instrument panel if the vehicle electrical system emissions or consequential damage etc.
STICKER ON THE INSIDE OF THE FILLER voltage drops significantly or if there is a problem Faults are indicated by the warning light in the
FLAP.” on page 252. with the alternator. instrument panel when the warning light lights up
For information on refueling: f Stop at a safe place and switch the engine off. continuously.
f Please see the chapter “THE CORRECT FUEL For information on warning messages on the The faults are recorded in the control unit’s fault
TYPE FOR YOUR VEHICLE IS PRINTED ON A multi-function display: memory.
STICKER ON THE INSIDE OF THE FILLER f Please see the chapter “OVERVIEW OF The warning light in the instrument panel lights up
FLAP.” on page 252. WARNING MESSAGES” on page 139. for a lamp check when the ignition is switched on.
If the vehicle’s inclination changes (e.g. uphill/ Possible causes The warning light in the instrument panel lights up
downhill driving), minor deviations in the gauge continuously to indicate operating states
– Defect in the battery charging system
may occur. (e.g. engine misfiring) that may damage certain
– Broken drive belt
parts of the emission control system.
Fuel reserve warning
h WARNING Broken Drive Belt f In this case, immediately reduce the engine
If less than approximately 4 US gallons (15 liters) load by easing off the accelerator pedal.
of fuel remains in the tank or if the range on A broken drive belt means there is no power
In order to avoid consequential damage to the
remaining fuel is less than approx. 30 miles assistance to the steering (more effort is required
engine or the exhaust-gas cleaning system
(50 km), a warning message appears on the multi- to steer) and engine cooling fails.
f Do not continue driving. (e.g. catalytic converter):
purpose display of the instrument panel and the
f Have the fault remedied at your nearest f Please see your authorized Porsche dealer.
warning light in the fuel gauge comes on.
f Refuel at the next opportunity. authorized Porsche dealer.

NOTICE h WARNING Slipping Drive Belt

A shortage of fuel may damage the emission Danger of steering assistance failing during a long
control system. journey in water if the drive belt slips.
f Never drive the tank dry. f If steering assistance fails, more effort will be
f If the warning light has come on, do not take required to steer.
corners at high speed.
For more information on the emission control
f Please see the chapter “EMISSION CONTROL
SYSTEM” on page 249.

Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose Display 107

NOTICE Operating the Multi-Purpose
Risk of damage to the emission control system.
Display on the Instrument Panel
If the warning light on the instrument panel On the multi-purpose display, you can view
continues flashing even when you have eased off information relating to the relevant vehicle
the accelerator pedal, the emission control equipment, operate the audio source (radio, CD,
system may overheat. iPod, etc.), check the oil level, check the tire
f Stop as soon as possible in a safe place. pressure or operate the navigation system.
Make sure that combustible materials, such as You can also modify different vehicle settings
dry grass or leaves, cannot come into contact in the “Vehicle” menu.
with the hot exhaust system. It is not possible to describe all details of the
f Switch off the engine. functions in this Owner’s Manual. The examples
f Have the fault corrected. clearly demonstrate the functional principle and
clarify the menu structure.
Acoustic signals h WARNING Operating On-Board
A speaker in the instrument panel generates Systems While Driving
acoustic signals. Setting or operating the on-board computer,
The warning message “Fault Instrument cluster/
ParkAssist sound” will appear on the multi-
Compass on the Dashboard radio, navigation system, telephone or other
The outer ring of the compass turns while the equipment when driving could distract you from
purpose display of the instrument panel if the traffic. You could lose control of the vehicle.
vehicle is driving and shows the four cardinal
a speaker fault occurs.
directions and intermediate directions. f Operate the equipment while driving only if the
The speaker cannot generate acoustic signals.
f Please see the chapter “OVERVIEW OF f The display in the middle shows the altitude (A) traffic situation allows you to do so safely.
and the degrees (B). f Carry out any complicated operating or setting
WARNING MESSAGES” on page 139. procedures only when the vehicle is stationary.
The units for the compass can be set on the
multi-purpose display:
f Please see the chapter “SETTING UNITS” on
page 137.
The compass display can also be switched off:
f Please see the chapter “SWITCHING OFF
page 136.

108 Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose Display

Individual assignment of the MFS button

Porsche Communication Management (PCM)

functions or multi-purpose display functions can
be assigned to the MFS button in the multi-
purpose display on the instrument panel. Audio
source selection is preset by default.
For information on individual assignment of the
MFS button:
f Please see the chapter “OVERVIEW OF
WARNING MESSAGES” on page 139.
For information on Porsche Communication
Management (PCM):
f Please refer to the separate PCM operating

Multi-purpose display Operating principle on vehicles with

multi-function steering wheel
Information The multi-purpose display is operated using the
The multi-purpose display is only active when the rotary knob A, the Back button B and the MFS
ignition is on. button C, which can be assigned as required.
Certain menus are only available when the vehicle Selecting menu, function, setting option
has stopped e.g. the adjustment menu for tire
f Turn rotary knob A upwards or downwards.
pressure monitoring.
Confirming selection (Enter)
f Press rotary knob A.
Moving back one or several selection levels
f Press button B (Back button).

Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose Display 109

Title area with menu indicator
The menu item currently selected is displayed in
the title area.
The menu indicator on the right shows the position
of the current menu item in the overall menu and
displays the number of other menu items on this
menu level.
The wider the menu indicator, the fewer menu
items the current menu contains.
Information area
The information area C displays the menu items
currently available for selection or, after a menu
item is selected, information relating to this menu
item or other selection options.
Activating functions, opening submenus
and accessing setting options from the
Operating principle on vehicles without A - Upper status area main menu areas
multi-function steering wheel B - Title area with menu indicator
Press the rotary knob A or push the right lower
C - Information area
The multi-purpose display is operated with the D - Lower status area lever on the steering wheel forwards (position 1)
lower lever on the right of the steering column. to access menus, other functions and setting
Areas on the multi-purpose display options regardless of the main menu area.
Selecting menu, function, setting option
Upper status area/Lower status area
f Push the lever downwards (position 3) or 1. Select main menu
The upper status area A and lower status area D
upwards (position 4). and confirm.
permanently display basic information, such as
Confirming selection (Enter) the current radio station, time and temperature or 2. Select function, submenu or setting option
f Push the lever forward (position 1). the range on remaining fuel. and confirm.
f The display contents of the upper and lower
Moving back one or several selection levels Browsing through long lists
status areas can be individually adapted.
f Pull the lever towards the steering wheel For information on adapting the multi-purpose When searching for an entry in long telephone and
(position 2) once or several times. display: audio lists on vehicles with PCM, you can skip
f Please see the chapter “ADAPTING directly to other entries with the same first letter.
APPEARANCE OF MULTI-PURPOSE DISPLAY” f Briefly press the rotary knob A or hold the
on page 126. control lever in position 3 or 4.
A letter selection screen appears.
f Select the desired first letter and confirm.
The marking skips to the first list entry
beginning with the letter selected.

110 Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose Display

Info Messages Upper line
Oil level Service intervals Vehicle menu
Limits Level Lower line
Aux. heater Ø Consumption Menu scope
Settings PCM display
Limit 1/Limit 2
Station/track Brightness
Shift request
Activate/Deactivate now Time
Destination input
Timer 1/2/3 Date
Start/Stop route guidance
Summer time
Manual zoom Display System on
Show destination/position Date/Time Prewarning on
Auto zoom Active Safe (PAS) Brightness
3D map LCA Exterior lights
North up Light & Visibility Interior lights
Locking Wiper
Revers. opt.
Answer/Reject/End Air conditioning
Door unlock
Phonebook Steering wheel op.
Door lock
Previous calls Compass Relock time
Received calls Volume Mirror retract
Vehicle Units Comfort Entry
Since Language Climate style
Audio Total Fact. settings Vent. panel
Navigation To destination Auto air circ.
Last destination Multif. key
Map Fill info
Stored destinations No display
Phone Tire info ParkAssist
Charge POIs
Warn. tones
Trip Comfort press. Speedometer
Tire pressure Adjust Temperature
Tire pressure
ACC Boost pressure

Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose Display 111

Displaying vehicle information
Pending warning messages, information on
forthcoming service intervals, the current chassis
setting and the average fuel consumption can be
viewed in the “Info” submenu of the “Vehicle”
main menu area.
1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle”
> “Info”
and confirm.

Vehicle Information Displaying messages

Different items of vehicle information can be All current warning messages and vehicle
displayed on the multi-purpose display. messages can be viewed on the multi-purpose
1. Select “Vehicle” The warning symbol in the lower status area
in the main menu. indicates the number of pending warning
The vehicle information display can be adapted If several warning messages are pending, you can
individually. browse through the message list.
For information on adapting the vehicle menu:
f Please see the chapter “MULTI-PURPOSE 1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle”
page 127. 2. “Messages”
and confirm.

112 Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose Display

Displaying service intervals Resetting average fuel consumption Display and measurement of the engine
The internal mileage counter indicates when the
1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle”
oil level
next vehicle service is due.
> “Info” NOTICE
The oil service can be scheduled with a fixed or > “Ø Consumption”
dynamic interval, depending on the engine. Risk of engine damage.
2. “Reset” f Regularly check the oil level each time before
1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle” and confirm. refueling.
> “Info” f Do not allow the oil level to fall below the
2. “Service intervals” minimum mark.
and confirm.
Resetting the average fuel consumption also Prerequisites for the oil-level gauge:
3. Select the desired service interval resets the “Total” vehicle data display in the “Trip” 1. Park the vehicle on a level surface.
and confirm. menu. 2. Switch off engine, which is now at operating
For information on the driving data display: temperature.
Available service interval displays:
– “Service”
f Please see the chapter “TRIP INFORMATION” 3. Wait for approx. 2 minutes.
on page 118. 4. Select the “Oil level” function on the multi-
– “Interm. service”
– “Oil change” purpose display.
Displaying the selected chassis setting Activating the Oil level function on the
You can view information on the current chassis multi-function display
setting. 1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle”
1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle” >“Oil level”
> “Info” and confirm.

2. “Level” f Please see the chapter “OVERVIEW OF

and confirm. WARNING MESSAGES” on page 139.

Displaying average fuel consumption

You can display and reset the average fuel
consumption if required.
1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle”
> “Info”
> “Ø Consumption”
and confirm.

Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose Display 113

If the bottom segment is red (illustration C), the oil Measuring the oil level after topping up
level has dropped below the minimum mark. engine oil or opening the engine
The message “Oil level below minimum” appears compartment lid
on the multi-purpose display. The oil level can be checked after waiting for
f Add engine oil immediately. approx. 2 minutes with the vehicle parked on
Top-up quantity a level surface and the engine at operating
The difference between the minimum and
maximum marks on the segment display is Failure
approx. 1.06 qt. (1 liter). If the oil-level gauge fails, the message “Failure Oil
One segment of the display corresponds to level measurement” appears on the multi-purpose
a top-up quantity of approx. 0.26 qt. (0.25 liter). display.
f Never add more engine oil than required to
reach the maximum mark. Setting speed limits
The maximum permitted engine filling capacity If a speed limit is preset and activated on the
has been exceeded (illustration D). Exceeding the multi-purpose display, a warning message
maximum capacity may result in blue smoke appears if the speed limit is exceeded.
formation and cause long-term damage to the A speed limit can be used to remind the driver to
Measured oil level catalytic converters depending on the overfill keep to the maximum speed permitted for the tire
The oil level reading is shown on the segment quantity and various external influences. type fitted to the vehicle, for example.
display in the oil level menu. If too much engine oil was added, the message 1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle”
If the segments are filled in up to the top line “Oil level above maximum” appears on the multi- > “Limits”
(illustration A), the oil level has reached the purpose display. and confirm.
maximum mark. f Have the oil quantity corrected at the next
f Under no circumstances add engine oil. authorized Porsche dealer.
If the bottom segment is filled in (illustration B),
the oil level has reached the minimum mark.
The message “Oil level minimum reached”
appears on the multi-purpose display.
f Add engine oil immediately.

114 Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose Display

Setting a speed limit Operating parking heater on the
1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle”
multi-function display Information
Switching parking heater on/off There is no time or date stored when you start
> “Limits”
programming for the first time. The first numeric
The parking heater can be switched on and off in
2. “Limit 1: ---” or keypad is for entering the time and the second is
the multi-purpose display when the ignition is
“Limit 2: ---” for the date. The programmed switch-on time
switched on.
and confirm. must be a time in the future.
3. Select “Current speed” or 1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle”
“---” > “Aux. heater” Activating the timer
and confirm. 2. Select “Activate now” or 1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle”
“Deactivate now” > “Aux. heater”
You can either adopt the current speed of the
and confirm.
vehicle or specify your own speed limit. 2. Select “Timer 1” or
The indicator light on the parking heater button in “Timer 2” or
Activating and deactivating speed limits
the center console lights up when the parking “Timer 3”
1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle” heater is activated. 3. Select “Activate”
> “Limits” and confirm.
Programming the parking heater/timer
2. “Limit 1: ---” or Three different switch-on times can be
“Limit 2: ---” If a timer is activated, the indicator light on the
programmed for the parking heater when the parking heater button in the center console will
and confirm. ignition is switched on. flash for 30 seconds when the ignition is switched
3. Select “Active” Setting the timer off and will continue flashing until the vehicle is
4. Confirm selection. locked.
Limit is active. 1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle”
> “Aux. heater”
Limit is not active. Information
2. Select “Timer 1” or Only one timer can be active at any one time.
“Timer 2” or
“Timer 3”
and confirm.
3. Select “Set”
and confirm.
4. Set the time and date
and confirm the setting.

Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose Display 115

Clearing the timer For information on adjusting audio menu settings: Starting route guidance
f Please see the chapter “ADAPTING DISPLAY If route guidance is inactive and you have entered
1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle” CONTENTS OF AUDIO MAIN MENU” on
> “Aux. heater” a new navigation destination you can then start
page 127. route guidance.
2. Select “Timer 1” or
“Timer 2” or Navigation Menu 1. Main menu: Select “Navigation”
“Timer 3” In the “Navigation” main menu, you can enter 2. “Start route guidance”
a navigation destination, start route guidance and and confirm.
3. Select “Clear”
view the navigation information for an active route.
and confirm.
1. Select “Navigation” in the main menu
Stopping route guidance
Adjusting vehicle settings and confirm. You can stop route guidance while in progress.
Various settings can be modified in the “Vehicle”
1. Select “Navigation” in the main menu
submenu. Entering navigation destination
For information on modifying vehicle settings: You can enter a navigation destination in the multi- 2. “Stop route guidance”
f Please see the chapter “VEHICLE SETTINGS purpose display. and confirm.
ON THE MULTI-PURPOSE DISPLAY” on Only navigation destinations from the list of
page 126. previous destinations or from the list of preset
POIs or stored destinations can be selected.
1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle”
> “Settings” 1. Main menu: Select “Navigation”
and confirm. > “Destination input”
2. “Last destination” or
Audio Menu “Stored destinations” or
In the “Audio” main menu, you can select a radio “POIs”
station either from the station list or the list of and confirm.
stored stations, depending on the settings, or
a track from the active audio source, e.g. disk. 3. Select desired navigation destination
and confirm.
1. Select “Audio” in the main menu
and confirm.
2. Select the desired radio station or track
and confirm.

116 Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose Display

Map Menu Enlarging and reducing map display Phone Menu
In the “Map” main menu, you can view and modify The zoom factor of the map display can be In the “Phone” main menu, you can retrieve
the map display on the navigation system. adapted individually. telephone numbers stored in the phonebook or in
1. Main menu: Select “Map” lists of most recently dialled or received calls.
1. Select “Map”
in the main menu. > “Manual zoom” 1. Select “Phone” in the main menu
and confirm. and confirm.
Modifying map display 2. Select the desired zoom setting
and confirm. Dialling telephone number
1. Select “Map” in the main menu
and confirm. 1. Main menu: Select “Phone”
Displaying current location or destination
2. Select display option You can view the navigation destination or current 2. “Phonebook” or
and confirm. vehicle position on an enlarged section of “Previous calls” or
the map. “Received calls”
3. Confirm selection.
and confirm.
Function is active.
1. Main menu: Select “Map”
Function is not active. 3. Select the desired telephone number
2. “Show destination” or and confirm.
Available display options: “Show position”
– “Auto zoom” and confirm. Answering calls
The scale of the map is set automatically from
1. Main menu: Select “Phone”
the current position of the vehicle to the next
navigation maneuver point. 2. Select “Answer”
– “3D map” and confirm.
Three-dimensional map display.
– “North up” Rejecting calls
The map always faces north. 1. Main menu: Select “Phone”
2. “Reject”
and confirm.

Ending a call
1. Main menu: Select “Phone”
2. “End call”
and confirm.

Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose Display 117

Making multiple calls simultaneously Displaying driving data
During an active telephone conversation, you have There are three driving data displays available.
the option of starting another telephone
conversation. 1. Select “Trip” in the main menu.
You can have a separate conversation with the 2. Select “1 – Since” or
person you have called or alternatively start “2 – Total” or
a conference call together with the other caller. “3 – To destination”
and confirm.
Making additional calls
During a call: Available driving data:
– “Since”
1. Select “Phone” in the main menu
Driving data since the last vehicle start.
2. Select “New call” The driving data is reset automatically once
and confirm. the vehicle has remained stationary for
2 hours (with the ignition key removed).
Switching between callers – “Total”
Cumulative driving data.
1. Main menu: Select “Phone”
The driving data is added progressively until
2. “Swap” Trip Information a reset is performed. The data is retained even
and confirm. In the “Trip” main menu, you can retrieve and if the ignition key is removed.
reset driving data. – “To destination”
Adding a caller to a conference call Driving data up to navigation destination.
1. Select “Trip”
1. Select “Phone” in the main menu in the main menu. If route guidance is active, the driving data is
calculated and displayed up to the navigation
2. “Conference” destination.
and confirm.
Resetting driving data
The selected driving data display can be reset.
1. Select “Trip” in the main menu.
2. Select the relevant driving data display
and confirm.
3. Select “Reset”
and confirm.

118 Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose Display

Tire Pressure Monitoring (TPM) h WARNING Maintaining Tire
f Do not drive with tires in which the tire
pressure drops again very quickly. In case of
Each tire, including the spare, should be checked Pressure
doubt, have tires checked by a specialist
monthly when cold and inflated to the inflation Driving the vehicle with low tire pressure increases workshop.
f Defective tires must be replaced immediately
pressure recommended by Porsche on the tire the risk of a tire failure and resulting loss of
inflation pressure label. control. Furthermore, low tire pressure increases at an authorized Porsche dealer.
For information on the tire inflation pressure label: rate of wear of the affected tires. Tires must never be repaired under any
f Please see the chapter “TIRES AND WHEELS” Please note that the Tire Pressure Monitoring is circumstances.
on page 265. not a substitute for proper tire maintenance, and f If Tire Pressure Monitoring is defective
As an added safety feature, your vehicle has been it is the driver's responsibility to maintain correct (e.g. defective wheel transmitter), contact an
equipped with a tire pressure monitoring system tire pressure, even if under-inflation has not authorized Porsche dealer immediately and
(TPM) that illuminates a low tire pressure telltale reached the level to trigger illumination of Tire have the damage repaired.
(warning light) when one or more of your tires is Pressure Monitoring low tire pressure telltale. Low The tire pressure will not be monitored at all
significantly under-inflated. tire pressure reduces the road safety of the or will be monitored only partially when Tire
Accordingly, when the low tire pressure telltale vehicle and destroys the tire and wheel. Pressure Monitoring is defective.
illuminates, you should stop and check your tires Tire Pressure Monitoring gives a warning about For information on warning messages on the multi-
as soon as possible, and inflate them to the tire damage caused by a natural loss in pressure purpose display:
proper pressure. Driving on a significantly under- as well as about a gradual loss of pressure f Please see the chapter “OVERVIEW OF
inflated tire causes the tire to overheat and can caused by foreign objects. WARNING MESSAGES” on page 139.
lead to tire failure. Under-inflation also reduces Tire Pressure Monitoring cannot warn you about f Incomplete entries or selection of the wrong
fuel efficiency and tire tread life, and may affect tire damage that occurs suddenly (e.g. flat tire due tires on the multi-purpose display affect the
the vehicle’s handling and stopping ability. to abrupt external effects). accuracy of warnings and messages.
The display as well as the settings for the Tire f When a red tire pressure warning appears, The settings in the tire pressure menu must be
Pressure Monitoring take place on the on-board stop immediately in a suitable place and check updated following a wheel change or changes
computer. the tires for damage. If necessary, remedy the in vehicle loading.
However, the tire pressure must still be set damage with a tire sealant. f Use only the pressure differences shown in the
manually on the wheel. f Do not by any means continue to drive with “Fill info” display in the Tire pressure menu
f Please see the chapter “TIRE PRESSURE FOR defective tires. or from the corresponding tire pressure
COLD TIRES 68 °F (20 °C)” on page 310. f Sealing the tire with tire sealant is only an warning when correcting the tire pressure.
emergency repair so you can drive to the f Tires can lose air over time without a tire
nearest specialist workshop. defect being present. A tire pressure warning
The maximum permitted speed is 50 mph will then appear on the multi-purpose display.
(80 km/h). Check the tire pressure at the next opportunity.

Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose Display 119

Warning light The warning light in the instrument panel lights up:
– When a loss in pressure has been detected.
– In the event of a defect in Tire Pressure
h WARNING Attention to TPM Monitoring or a temporary fault.
Malfunction Indicator – When learning new fitted wheels/wheel
Your vehicle has also been equipped with a TPM transmitters, as long as the vehicle’s own
malfunction indicator to indicate when the system wheels have not yet been recognized.
is not operating properly. The tire pressure warning light on the instrument
The TPM malfunction indicator is combined with panel goes out only when the cause of the fault
the low tire pressure telltale. has been rectified.
When the system detects a malfunction, the Overview of Tire Pressure Monitoring
telltale will flash for approximately one minute and functions
then remain continuously illuminated. This
Tire Pressure Monitoring offers the following
sequence will continue upon subsequent vehicle
start-ups as long as the malfunction exists.
– Display of the actual tire pressure while the
When the malfunction indicator is illuminated, the
vehicle is in motion.
system may not be able to detect or signal low tire
– “Fill info” display:
pressure as intended. Tire pressure display on the multi-purpose display
Display of the deviation from the required
TPM malfunctions may occur for a variety of
reasons, including the installation of replacement
pressure (refilling pressure) at standstill. Selecting the Tire pressure function
or alternate tires or wheels on the vehicle that
– “Tire info” display: on the multi-purpose display
Display of current settings (when the vehicle is
prevent the TPM from functioning properly. Select “Tire pressure” in the main menu
f Always check the TPM malfunction telltale after
and confirm.
– Tire pressure warnings in two stages
replacing one or more tires or wheels on your
(yellow and red warning). The “Tire pressure” function displays the
vehicle to ensure that the replacement or
alternate tires and wheels allow the TPM to temperature-dependent tire pressures
continue to function properly. (actual pressures) in the four wheels.
You can watch the tire pressure rise as the
temperature increases while driving.
This display is only for information.
f Under no circumstances should the tire
pressures be changed based on this display.

120 Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose Display

The tire pressure to be corrected (refill pressure) Selecting “Charge” in the Tire pressure
is indicated on the displayed wheel. menu
Example: If “–1.5 psi / –0.1 bar / –10 kPa” is
displayed for the rear right tire, 1.5 psi / 0.1 bar 1. Select “Tire pressure” in the main menu.
/ 10 kPa must be added to this tire. 2. Select “Charge”
The displayed pressures take into account the tire and confirm.
temperature. 3. Select load type
f Use only the pressure values shown in the and confirm.
“Fill info” display in the “Tire pressure” main
menu or from the corresponding tire pressure Available setting options:
warning when correcting the tire pressure. – “Part load”
– “Full load”
Information f Adapt the pressure of the tires to the selected
load type.
Each time the ignition is switched on, it may take
See “Fill info” in the “Tire pressure” main
approx. 1 minute until all tire pressures are
displayed. Dashes (-.-) appear instead of the tire
If this menu is not displayed, the specified tire
Viewing Fill info in the Tire pressure menu pressures are valid for all types of vehicle load.
(only when vehicle is stationary)
Viewing “Tire info” in the Tire pressure
You can read the tire pressures to be corrected in menu
this display.
1. Select “Tire pressure” in the main menu.
1. Select “Tire pressure” in the main menu.
2. Select “Tire info”
2. Select “Fill info” and confirm.
and confirm.
The current settings are displayed.

Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose Display 121

For speeds up to 100 mph (160 km/h), the tire
pressures can be reduced to increase driving
The Tire Pressure Monitoring system must be set
to the applicable tire pressure (comfort pressure
or standard pressure).
If you selected “Comfort press.”, the TPM
system automatically uses lower pressure values
when monitoring tire pressures.
The comfort tire pressures are included in the
technical data or under “Fill info” in the “Tire
pressure” menu, you can compare the pressure
differences (e.g. 4.4 psi / +0.3 bar / 30 kPa) with
the “Comfort pressures”.
For tires that have not yet been learned, the new
required tire pressures are displayed instead of
the actual tire pressures.
Selecting “Comfort pressure” in the For information on learning the tires: Comfort pressure speed warning
Tire pressure menu f Please see the chapter “CHANGING A WHEEL If the maximum speed of the preset comfort
AND REPLACING TIRES” on page 125. pressure is exceeded, a warning message
1. Select “Tire pressure” in the main menu.
appears on the multi-purpose display.
h WARNING Low Tire Pressure Loss
2. Select “Comfort press.”
and confirm.
of Control h WARNING Excessive Speeds for
Prolonged driving at low tire pressure or even Comfort Setting
3. Select required pressure short-term driving at high speeds on tires which Driving at excessive speeds when the comfort
and confirm. have too low a pressure is likely to result in a loss pressure is active will eventually destroy the tires
Available setting options: of control of your vehicle, either due to a failure to and that can lead to a loss of control of the
– “Comfort” maintain directional control under side loads or vehicle, especially at high speeds.
– “Standard” due to tire failure. f Never exceed the speed specified on the
Tires are inflated to comfort pressure at the warning message.
factory, which is not suitable for driving at very f Always set the standard tire pressure when
high speeds. driving at higher speeds.
f Always adjust the pressure in the tires to the
standard pressure setting when driving at
higher speeds.
f Remember to adjust the setting in the Tire
Pressure Monitoring system accordingly.

122 Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose Display

Selecting settings in the Tire pressure The new tire type and tire size must be selected
menu (type and size of fitted tire) even if the settings for the new set of wheels are Information
the same as for the old wheels. The message “Action canceled” appears if the
h WARNING Exceeding Maximum
setting process is interrupted. All entries made up
Rated Tire Speed 1. Select “Tire pressure” in the main menu.
to this point are lost, and the original settings
Exceeding the maximum tire speed could result in 2. Select “Adjust” remain in effect.
a tire burst, causing loss of control of the vehicle. and confirm. Before fitting tires with dimensions that are not
f Always observe the permissible maximum already stored in the multi-purpose display, the
3. Select “Summer tires” or
speed of the respective tire. missing information should be added to the
f Porsche recommends obeying all traffic laws
“Winter tires” or
“All-season” multi-purpose display.
at all times to maintain the safety of yourself
and confirm. f Please see your authoized Porsche dealer.
and all vehicle occupants. f Use only tires approved by Porsche.
4. Select the tire size
The available items in the Tire pressure menu
h WARNING Entering Tire Data and and confirm.
depend on the model type. For this reason, some
Available setting options: of the selection options shown here may not be
Incomplete entries or selection of the wrong tires – “18 inch” (not for Cayenne Turbo) available on your multi-purpose display.
on the multi-purpose display affect correct – “19 inch”
indication of warnings and messages. – “20 inch”
f The settings must be updated in the “Tire – “21 inch”
pressure” menu after changing a wheel, filling
Tire selection has only been successfully
with tire sealant or adding air (after previous
completed when the following message appears
warning “Tire pressure!”).
on the multi-purpose display (example):
f Please see the chapter “RED WARNING – TIRE
“Summer tires 19 inch was set.”
PRESSURE!” on page 125.
“No monitoring, System is learning”.
f Please see the chapter “SYSTEM LEARNING”
on page 124.

Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose Display 123

System learning The warning can be acknowledged when the
Tire Pressure Monitoring begins to “learn” the ignition is switched on.
wheels after a wheel change, wheel transmitter The tire pressure warning light on the instrument
replacement or update of the tire settings. During panel goes out only when the tire pressure has
this process, Tire Pressure Monitoring recognizes been corrected.
the wheels and their locations.
The message “No monitoring, system is learning”
(example) appears on the multi-purpose display.
The wheel learning process takes place
exclusively when the vehicle is being driven
(vehicle speed above 16 mph (25 km/h)).
Tire Pressure Monitoring requires a certain
amount of time to learn the wheels. During this
time, the current tire pressures are not available
on the multi-purpose display:
– The tire pressure warning light remains lit until
all wheels have been learned.
– Lines (-.-) appear on the display of the Yellow warning – Inflate!
“Tire pressure” function. Tire pressure warnings
– The required pressures for cold tires (68 °F
The tire pressure warning light on the instrument
(20 °C)) are indicated under “Fill info” in the
panel and a corresponding message on the multi-
“Tire pressure” main menu.
purpose display warn about loss of pressure in
Position and pressure information is displayed as two stages (yellow and red), depending on the
soon as Tire Pressure Monitoring has assigned amount of pressure loss.
the wheels recognized as belonging to the vehicle
to the correct wheel positions. Yellow warning – Inflate!
f Check the tire pressure for all wheels under The pressure in the tire is more than 4 to 7 psi /
“Fill info”. 0.3 to 0.5 bar / 30 to 50 kPa too low. The tire
f Correct the tire pressure to the required pressure warning specifies the affected tire and
pressure if necessary. the target tire pressure.
f Correct the tire pressure at the next
This tire pressure warning appears:
– for approx. 10 seconds when the vehicle is
stationary and the ignition is switched off
– when the ignition is switched on again.

124 Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose Display

panel goes out only when the tire pressure has No monitoring
been corrected. In the event of faults, Tire Pressure Monitoring
For information on tire sealing compound: cannot monitor the tire pressure.
f Please see the chapter “USING TIRE SEALANT” The warning light on the instrument panel lights up
on page 277. and a corresponding message appears on the
Changing a wheel and replacing tires multi-purpose display.
f New wheels must be fitted with radio Monitoring is not active:
transmitters for Tire Pressure Monitoring. – If Tire Pressure Monitoring is faulty.
Before tires are changed, the battery charge – If wheel transmitters for Tire Pressure
condition of the wheel transmitters should be Monitoring are missing.
checked at an authorized Porsche dealer. – During the learning phase after the tire settings
f Switch off the ignition when changing a wheel. have been updated.
– After a wheel change without updating the
The tire settings on the multi-purpose display must
tire settings.
be updated after changing a wheel.
– If more than four wheel transmitters are
If the tire settings are not updated, the message
“Tire change? Update settings!” is displayed on the
– If there is external interference by other
multi-purpose display.
f Update the multi-purpose display settings the
Red warning – Tire pressure! radio sources, e.g. wireless headphones.
Red warning – Tire pressure! – If tire temperatures are too high.
f Please see the chapter “OVERVIEW OF
next time the vehicle is stationary.
At speeds of less than 100 mph (160 km/h):
– The pressure in the tire has dropped by more
Pressure increase as the result of WARNING MESSAGES” on page 139.
than 7 psi / 0.5 bar / 50 kPa. This
temperature increase
significant pressure loss is a danger to road In accordance with physical principles, the tire
safety. pressure changes as the temperature changes.
At speeds of more than 100 mph (160 km/h): For every 18 °F (10 °C) change in temperature,
– The pressure in the tire has dropped by more the tire pressure increases or decreases by
than 6 psi / 0.4 bar / 40 kPa. This around 1.5 psi / 0.1 bar / 10 kPa.
significant pressure loss is a danger to road Partial monitoring
safety. Monitoring of the other wheels is continued if there
f When the tire pressure warning appears, stop is a fault in one or two wheel transmitters.
immediately at a suitable place. Check the – The tire pressure warning light lights up.
indicated tire for signs of damage. – The message “Restricted monitoring” appears
If necessary, fill in tire sealant and set the on the multi-purpose display.
correct tire pressure. – No tire pressures are displayed on the multi-
This tire pressure warning also appears when purpose display for wheels with faulty wheel
driving and can be acknowledged. transmitters.
The tire pressure warning light on the instrument

Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose Display 125

Vehicle Settings on the Resetting to factory settings Adapting appearance of multi-purpose
Multi-Purpose Display All settings made in the multi-purpose display can display
be reset to the factory settings. The contents and appearance of the multi-purpose
Different settings can be adjusted in the multi-
display can be adapted individually.
purpose display on the instrument panel
depending on the vehicle equipment. Information 1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle”
On vehicles with comfort memory, the settings are All personal settings that have already been stored > “Settings”
stored on the car key or the person buttons in the will be lost as a result of resetting to factory > “Display”
driver’s door. settings. and confirm.
For information on the comfort memory:
f Please see the chapter “COMFORT MEMORY” 1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle” Selecting main menu display contents
on page 38. > “Settings” Individual elements in the main menu can be
hidden and shown as required.
Selecting Settings menu 2. “Fact. settings”
The main menu items “Audio”, “Navi”, “Map”,
and confirm.
1. Select “Vehicle” “Phone”, “Trip” and “Tire pressure” can be
> “Settings” 3. Select “Yes” hidden or shown.
and confirm. and confirm. The “Settings” menu item cannot be hidden.

Selecting setting options or activating 1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle”

vehicle functions > “Settings”
> “Display”
A symbol positioned in front of a setting option
indicates whether the option is selected or 2. Select “Menu scope”
a vehicle function is activated. and confirm.
Selecting one of several options 3. Select the desired main menu items.
Option is selected. 4. Confirm selection.
Option is not selected. Menu item is displayed.
Activating and deactivating functions Menu item is hidden.
Function is activated.
Function is not activated.

126 Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose Display

Adapting display contents of audio main 1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle”
menu > “Settings”
In the audio main menu, you can display either > “Display”
a list of all radio stations currently within range or
a list of all stored radio stations. 2. “Vehicle menu”
and confirm.
1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle”
3. Select “1:” or
> “Settings”
“2:” or
> “Display”
“3:” or
2. “Audio” “4:”
and confirm. and confirm.
3. Select the desired display contents 4. Select the desired display contents
and confirm. and confirm.

Available display contents: Available display contents:

– “Station list” “Veh. voltage”, “Boost pressure”, “Oil
List of stations currently within range. pressure”, “Oil temperature”, “Coolant temp.”
– “Preset list” Multi-purpose display configuration example (coolant temperature), “Fuel range”, “Int: Trip
List of stored stations. Adapting display contents in vehicle time” (driving time to intermediate destination),
For information on the station and preset lists: information area “Int: Arrival” (arrival time at intermediate
f Please observe the separate operating manual You can select four of the many items of vehicle
destination), “Dst: Trip time” (driving time to
for the Porsche communication system PCM destination), “Dst: Arrival” (arrival time at
information for display in the “Vehicle” menu and
or CDR-31. destination), “Compass” (on multi-purpose
assignment to the display areas 1, 2, 3 and 4.
display), “Date”, “Station/Track” (current radio
station/music track), “Phone info” (network
strength/network name), “Blank line” (field
remains blank)

One item of information cannot be assigned to
several areas or one area and the “Upper line”.

Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose Display 127

Adapting upper status area Displaying PCM information on the Adapting lower status area
You can assign various items of information to the multi-purpose display You can assign the current time and outside
upper status area A in the multi-purpose display. You can configure the multi-purpose display to temperature to the lower status area B in the
temporarily display different items of information multi-purpose display.
1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle” relating to Porsche Communication Management
> “Settings” (PCM). 1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle”
> “Display” > “Settings”
1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle” > “Display”
2. “Upper line”
> “Settings”
and confirm. 2. “Lower line”
> “Display”
and confirm.
3. Select the desired display contents
2. Select “PCM display”
and confirm. 3. Select the desired display contents
and confirm.
and confirm.
Available display contents: 3. Select desired PCM
– “Station name” information. Available display contents:
– “Fuel range” – “Time”
– “Compass” 4. Confirm selection. – “Temperature”
– “Boost pressure” Information is displayed. – “Time & Temp.”
– “Blank line” Information is not displayed.
Adjusting display brightness
No information is displayed in the upper status
area A. Available PCM information: The brightness of the multi-purpose display can be
– “Map info” adjusted to suit individual requirements.
Navigation map appears automatically when
navigation information is available. 1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle”
– “Arrow info” > “Settings”
Navigation arrow appears automatically when > “Display”
navigation information is available. 2. “Brightness”
– “Phone info” and confirm.
Information on incoming and outgoing calls is
3. Adjust to the desired display brightness
and confirm the setting.
– “Voice control”
Help text appears when the voice control
button is pressed.
– “Speed limit”
Speed limits marked on the map in the
navigation system are displayed.

128 Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose Display

Hiding and showing upshift prompt indicator Setting date and time Setting the time format
You have the option of displaying an upshift The date and time displays on the vehicle can be The time can be displayed in 12-hour or 24-hour
prompt in the digital speedometer inside the adjusted individually. format.
tachometer to indicate the ideal gear-changing
points on vehicles with manual transmission and 1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle”
Information > “Settings”
to encourage a more fuel-efficient driving style.
On vehicles with Porsche Communication > “Date/Time”
1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle” Management (PCM), the date and time are set > “Time”
> “Settings” automatically by satellite navigation signals (GPS). 2. “Format”
> “Display” Some setting options may be temporarily and confirm.
2. Select “Shift request” unavailable, depending on satellite signal
reception. 3. Select desired setting
in the menu.
and confirm.
3. Confirm selection. 1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle”
Upshift prompt is displayed. Available setting options:
> “Settings” – “12h”
Upshift prompt is hidden. > “Date/Time” – “24h”
and confirm.
Setting current time
Setting the time The hours and minutes can be set individually.
The time, time format and time zone can be set in
the “Time” menu. 1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle”
> “Settings”
1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle” > “Date/Time”
> “Settings” > “Time”
> “Date/Time”
2. Select “Hour/Minute”.
> “Time”
and confirm. 3. Set desired time
and confirm the setting.

Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose Display 129

Setting time zone Setting the date format Setting summer time
The time zone and vehicle time can be adjusted The date format can be adjusted. The vehicle clock can be configured to change to
individually. summer time.
1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle”
1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle” > “Settings” 1. Select “Vehicle”
> “Settings” > “Date/Time” > “Settings”
> “Date/Time” > “Date” > “Date/Time”
> “Time”
2. “Format” 2. Select “Summer time”.
2. Select “Zone” and confirm.
3. Confirm selection.
and confirm.
3. Select desired setting Summer time is activated.
3. Set desired time zone and confirm. Summer time is deactivated.
and confirm.
Available setting options:
Setting the date – “DD.MM.YYYY”
The date and date format can be changed in the – “MM/DD/YYYY”
“Date” menu. – “YYYY/MM/DD”

1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle” Setting the current date

> “Settings” The day, month and year can be set individually on
> “Date/Time” vehicles without the navigation module.
> “Date”
1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle”
and confirm.
> “Settings”
> “Date/Time”
> “Date”
and confirm.
2. Select “Date”.
3. Set the desired date
and confirm the setting.

130 Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose Display

Active Safe (PAS) Prewarning on Lane Change Assist (LCA)
The Porsche “Active Safe” functions can be The latent and prewarning functions are switched The brightness of the warning indicator on the
completely or partly disabled. off by default. The acute warning function is door mirror as well as the information and warning
The settings remain stored when the ignition is active. stage is automatically adjusted according to the
switched on and off. Latent and advance warnings can be activated ambient brightness.
under “Prewarning on”.
1. Select “Vehicle” Setting display brightness on door mirror
> “Settings” 1. Select “Vehicle” You can adjust the basic brightness.
> “Active Safe (PAS)” > “Settings” 1. Select “Vehicle”
and confirm. > “Active Safe (PAS)” > “Settings”
System on 2. Select “Prewarning on”. > “LCA”
All Porsche “Active Safe” functions can be 3. Confirm selection. 2. Select “Brightness”
disabled using “System on”. Prewarning is switched on. and confirm.
Prewarning is switched off. 3. Select desired setting
1. Select “Vehicle” and confirm.
> “Settings”
> “Active Safe (PAS)” Available setting options:
2. Select “System on”. – “Dark”
– “Mid”
3. Confirm selection. – “Bright”
Active Safe is switched on.
Active Safe is switched off.

When all Porsche “Active Safe” functions

are switched off, the gray symbol
appears at the bottom of the multi-
purpose display.

Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose Display 131

Light and visibility settings Adjusting off delay for Welcome Home and Available setting options:
The exterior and interior lights on the vehicle as Entry functions – “Standard”
well as the visual aids for reversing and the wiper The off delay of the Welcome Home and Entry Headlight position optimized for right-hand
options can be adapted individually. functions can be adapted individually. traffic (on left-hand drive vehicles).
– “Inverted”
1. Select “Vehicle” 1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle” Headlight position optimized for left-hand
> “Settings” > “Settings” traffic (on left-hand drive vehicles).
> “Light & Visibility” > “Light & Visibility”
and confirm. > “Exterior lights”
Adjusting exterior lights 2. “Fade-out” If the headlight position is set to “Inverted”, the
and confirm. message “Headlights adapted for LHD/RHD”
You can adapt the exterior light functions on the
vehicle e.g. daytime driving light mode and off 3. Set desired off delay appears on the multi-purpose display each time
delays of the Welcome Home and Entry functions and confirm the setting. the ignition or low beam headlights are switched
in the “Exterior lights” menu. on.
Converting headlights for left/right-hand For information on warning messages on the multi-
1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle” traffic (Porsche Dynamic Lighting System) purpose display:
> “Settings” On vehicles with the Porsche Dynamic Lighting f Please see the chapter “OVERVIEW OF
> “Light & Visibility” System, you can adjust the headlights for left or WARNING MESSAGES” on page 139.
> “Exterior lights” right-hand traffic.
and confirm. Activating and deactivating automatic
Information daytime driving lights
The headlights can only be adjusted for left or The daytime driving lights can be switched on
right-hand traffic when the vehicle is stationary. and off (not available in Canada).
1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle”
1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle” > “Settings”
> “Settings” > “Light & Visibility”
> “Light & Visibility” > “Exterior lights”
> “Exterior lights”
2. Select “Daytime light”
2. “L/R driving” in the menu.
and confirm.
3. Confirm selection.
3. Select desired setting Daytime driving lights are activated.
and confirm. Daytime driving lights are deactivated.

132 Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose Display

Adjusting interior lights Setting interior lighting off delay Setting rain sensor activation
Interior light functions on the vehicle can be The off delay for the lighting in the passenger Activation of the rain sensor for the windshield
adapted individually in the “Interior lights” menu. compartment after closing the vehicle doors can wipers on the windshield in wiper stalk position 1
be adapted individually. can be adjusted.
1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle”
For information on the front wipers:
f Please see the chapter “FRONT WIPER AND
> “Settings” 1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle”
> “Light & Visibility” > “Settings”
> “Interior lights” > “Light & Visibility”
and confirm. > “Interior lights” 1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle”
2. “Fade-out” > “Settings”
Adjusting brightness of orientation lighting > “Light & Visibility”
and confirm.
The brightness of the orientation lighting can be > “Wiper”
adapted individually. 3. Set desired off delay
and confirm. 2. “Rain sensor”
1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle” and confirm.
> “Settings” Setting wiper operation 3. Select desired setting
> “Light & Visibility” You have the option of adjusting the activation and confirm.
> “Interior lights” mode of the rain sensor and the rear wiper.
2. “Amb. light” Available setting options:
1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle” – “Automatic”
and confirm.
> “Settings” The rain sensor is activated automatically if the
3. Adjust to the desired brightness > “Light & Visibility” wiper stalk is in position 1 when the ignition is
and confirm. > “Wiper” switched on.
and confirm. – “Manual”
The rain sensor remains deactivated if the
wiper stalk is in position 1 when the ignition is
switched on.

Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose Display 133

Setting activation of the rear wiper when Lowering door mirror on passenger's side Locking settings
reverse gear is engaged when parking The locking and unlocking settings on the vehicle
You can configure the rear wiper to automatically You can configure the door mirror on the can be adjusted.
perform a series of wipes when it is raining when passenger’s side to tilt downwards automatically The Entry function can be switched on and off.
reverse gear is engaged. when reverse gear is engaged to provide a better
view of the curb. 1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle”
1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle” > “Settings”
> “Settings” 1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle” > “Locking”
> “Light & Visibility” > “Settings” and confirm.
> “Wiper” > “Light & Visibility”
> “Revers. opt.” Setting door unlocking
2. “Rear wiper”
and confirm. You can configure specific doors to unlock when
and confirm.
2. Select “Lowering mirr.”. the vehicle is unlocked.
3. Select desired setting
and confirm. 3. Confirm selection. 1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle”
Door mirror is lowered. > “Settings”
Available setting options: > “Locking”
Door mirror is not lowered.
– “Automatic”
2. “Door unlock”
The rear wiper performs a series of wipes
and confirm.
when reverse gear is engaged.
– “Manual” 3. Select desired setting
The rear wiper is not activated when reverse and confirm.
gear is engaged.
Available setting options:
– “All doors”
All doors and the tailgate are unlocked when
the vehicle is unlocked.
– “Driver’s door”
The driver’s door and the tailgate are unlocked
when the vehicle is unlocked.

134 Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose Display

Setting door locking Switching Comfort Entry on and off Setting air conditioning
You can configure the doors to remain unlocked or You can configure the driver’s seat and steering The automatic air conditioning can be changed
lock automatically after a delay on entering the wheel to move back automatically and allow the individually.
vehicle. driver to get in and out of the vehicle more easily.
1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle”
1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle” 1. Select “Vehicle” > “Settings”
> “Settings” > “Settings” > “Air conditioning”
> “Locking” > “Locking” and confirm.
2. “Door lock” 2. Select “Comfort Entry”. Adjusting air flow
and confirm.
3. Confirm selection. The strength of the air flow and the air quantity can
3. Select desired setting Comfort Entry is activated. be adjusted.
and confirm. Comfort Entry is deactivated.
1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle”
Available setting options: > “Settings”
– “Off” > “Air conditioning”
The doors are not locked automatically after
2. “Climate style”
entering the vehicle.
and confirm.
– “After ign. on”
The doors are locked automatically when the 3. Select desired setting
ignition is switched on. and confirm.
– “After drive-off”
The doors are locked automatically after Available setting options:
driving off. – “Soft”
– “Normal”
– “Strong”

Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose Display 135

Switching extended ventilation panel Changing button assignment on Available instrument cluster functions:
on and off multi-function steering wheel – “Vehicle menu”
The extended ventilation panel on top of the The assignment of the MFS button on the multi- Display vehicle menu.
dashboard can be switched on or off. function steering wheel can be changed – “Trip menu”
individually. Display trip menu.
1. Select “Vehicle” – “TPM menu”
Functions from the multi-purpose display or
> “Settings” Display TPM menu.
PCM/CDR can be assigned to the MFS button.
> “Air conditioning” – “ACC menu”
2. Select “Vent. panel”. 1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle” Display ACC menu.
> “Settings” – “Audio menu”
3. Confirm selection. > “Steering wheel op.” Display audio menu.
Ventilation panel is activated. – “Phone menu”
2. Select “Multif. key”
Ventilation panel is deactivated. Display Phone menu.
and confirm.
– “Navigation”
Switching automatic air-recirculation mode 3. Select “PCM function” or Display Navigation menu.
on/off “Cluster function” – “Map menu”
You can configure the fresh air supply to adjust and confirm. Display navigation map on the multi-purpose
automatically to the air quality. 4. Select desired function assignment display.
1. Select “Vehicle” and confirm. Switching off compass display on the
> “Settings” dashboard
Available PCM functions:
> “Air conditioning” The compass display on the dashboard can be
– “Source change”
2. Select “Auto air circ.”. Change audio source. switched off and then on again.
3. Confirm selection. – “Voice control” For information on the compass display:
Activate voice control. f Please see the chapter “COMPASS ON THE
Automatic air-recirculation mode is
– “Dri. instr. (Repeat instr)” DASHBOARD” on page 108.
Repeat voice instruction from the navigation
Automatic air-recirculation mode is 1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle”
deactivated. > “Settings”
– “Station/track <”
> “Compass”
Previous radio station/title.
– “Station/track >” 2. Select “No display”.
Next radio station/track. 3. Confirm selection.
– “Map”
Compass display is switched off.
Display navigation map in PCM.
Compass display is switched on.
– “Menu change”
Change main menu area.

136 Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose Display

Adjusting volume of warning and Adjusting volume of warning tones Setting speedometer and compass units
information tones The volume of the warning tones can be adjusted The units used for speed and distance information
The volume of the warning tones and ParkAssist individually. on the speedometer and compass display can be
information tones can be adjusted. adjusted.
1. Select “Vehicle”
1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle” > “Settings” 1. Select “Vehicle”
> “Settings” > “Volume” > “Settings”
> “Volume” > “Units”
2. Select “Warn. tones”.
and confirm. 2. Select “Speedometer”.
3. Select desired setting
Adjusting ParkAssist volume and confirm. 3. Select desired setting
The volume of the ParkAssist information tones and confirm.
Available setting options:
can be adjusted.
– “Loud” Available setting options:
1. Select “Vehicle” – “Medium” – “km / km/h”
> “Settings” – “Low” – “Miles / mph”
> “Volume”
Setting units Setting unit for temperature gauges
2. Select “ParkAssist”. You can set the units of measurement for The measurement unit for temperature gauges
3. Select desired setting vehicle displays, e.g. the speed on the digital can be changed.
and confirm. speedometer in the instrument panel, the
1. Select “Vehicle”
compass, the temperature gauge in the
> “Settings”
Available setting options: air-conditioning displays and the tire pressure
> “Units”
– “Loud” display on the multi-purpose display.
– “Medium” 2. Select “Temperature”.
– “Low” 1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle”
> “Settings” 3. Select desired setting
> “Units” and confirm.
and confirm.
Available setting options:
– “°C”
– “°F”

Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose Display 137

Setting unit for Tire Pressure Monitoring Setting unit for fuel consumption display
display The unit can be set for the fuel consumption
The measurement unit for the Tire Pressure display.
Monitoring display can be changed.
1. Select “Vehicle”
1. Select “Vehicle” > “Settings”
> “Settings” > “Units”
> “Units”
2. Select “Consumption”.
2. Select “Tire pressure”.
3. Select desired setting
3. Select desired setting and confirm.
and confirm.
Available setting options:
Available setting options: – “l/100 km”
– “bar” – “MPG (US)”
– “psi” – “MPG (UK)”
– “km/l”
Setting unit for boost-pressure gauge
The unit for the boost-pressure gauge can be set Changing the language
on the Cayenne Turbo. The language of the display text on the
multi-function display can be changed.
1. Select “Vehicle”
> “Settings” 1. Main menu: Select “Vehicle”
> “Units” > “Settings”
2. Select “Boost pressure”. > “Language”

3. Select desired setting 2. Select desired language

and confirm. and confirm.

Available setting options:

– “bar”
– “psi”

138 Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose Display

Overview of Warning Messages
If a warning message appears, always refer to the corresponding sections in this Owner’s Manual.
Warning messages are issued only if all measurement prerequisites are met.
Therefore, check all fluid levels regularly – in particular, always check the engine oil level before refueling.
Warning message categories
Red warning: System failure warning
f Visit or consult an authorized Porsche dealer immediately.
Yellow warning: Fault or system failure warning
f Visit an authorized Porsche dealer at the next opportunity.
Yellow warning: Information message
f Visit an authorized Porsche dealer at the next opportunity or remedy yourself.

Light on Warning message on the Meaning/Action required

instrument panel multi-purpose display
Oil press. too low Stop immediately in a suitable place and switch engine off. Do not continue driving.
Select “Oil level” on the multi-purpose display. Add engine oil if necessary.
Do not continue driving if the warning light comes on even when the oil level is correct.
Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.
Fault Oil pressure monitoring The oil pressure can no longer be monitored automatically. Have the fault corrected at an authorized
Porsche dealer.
Failure Oil level measurement The oil level can no longer be monitored automatically. Have the fault corrected at an authorized
Porsche dealer.
Oil level minimum reached Top up engine oil immediately.

Oil level below Top up engine oil immediately.

Oil level above maximum Visit an authorized Porsche dealer at the next opportunity and have the oil drained to the correct level.

Oil temperature display defective The oil temperature is no longer monitored automatically. Have the fault corrected at an authorized
Porsche dealer.
Oil temperature too high Engine oil temperature too high. Switch off engine and let it cool down.
Check engine oil level. Add engine oil if necessary.
Engine temperature too high Coolant temperature too high. Switch off engine and allow to cool.
Check coolant level. Add coolant if necessary.
Warning light on the coolant Coolant display defective The coolant temperature is no longer monitored automatically. Have the fault corrected at an
temperature gauge flashes authorized Porsche dealer.

Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose Display 139

Light on Warning message on the Meaning/Action required
instrument panel multi-purpose display
Warning light on the coolant Check coolant level Switch off engine and allow to cool.
temperature gauge flashes Check coolant level. Add coolant if necessary.
Fault Generator Stop in a suitable place and switch engine off. Do not continue driving.
Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.
Battery protection Various comfort loads are deactivated to avoid running down the battery.
Consumer switch-off
Start/Stop not available The Start Stop function is not available at present.

Start/Stop mode deactivated Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.

Boost pressure display defective The boost pressure display (Cayenne Turbo only) is defective. Have the fault corrected at an
authorized Porsche dealer.
Reduced engine power Consult an authorized Porsche dealer.

Check Engine Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.

Please start engine manually Start the engine manually at the ignition.

Move gear lever to position P Tiptronic S transmission: Move selector lever to position P before removing key from ignition lock.
Danger: If the selector-lever is not in position P, the vehicle could roll away.
Move gear lever to position P or N Tiptronic S transmission:
Engine can only be started in selector-lever position P or N.
Gearbox emergency operation Restricted gearshift comfort,
have the fault corrected immediatelyat an authorized Porsche dealer.
Gearbox emergency operation No selector-lever position is displayed on the instrument panel.
The transmission remains in 3rd gear. Reverse gear can also be engaged.
Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.
Selector-lever position There is a problem with the selector-lever. It is not possible to engage a gear without pressing the
display flashes brake.
Have the fault corrected immediately at an authorized Porsche dealer.
Gearbox temperature too high Transmission temperature is too high. Engine torque will be reduced. Do not hold the vehicle with the
accelerator on a hill, for example. Hold the vehicle with the brake. Reduce engine load. Stop the
vehicle in a suitable place if possible. Allow the engine to run in selector-lever position P or N until the
warning disappears.
Press brake Tiptronic S transmission:
Apply the brake when starting.

140 Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose Display

Light on Warning message on the Meaning/Action required
instrument panel multi-purpose display
Press clutch Manual transmission:
Depress clutch pedal when starting.
Warning Stop immediately in a suitable place. Do not continue driving.
Brake fluid level Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.

Warning Brake force distribution Stop immediately in a suitable place. Do not continue driving.
Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.

ABS failure Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.

Brake pad worn Have brake pads replaced immediately.

Consult an authorized Porsche dealer.

Release electric parking brake Pull the electric parking brake switch.


Press brake pedal Press the brake pedal when releasing the electric parking brake.

Fault Electric parking brake Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.

Electric parking brake Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.
in service mode
Emergency braking function of electric parking brake active.


PHC failure Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.

Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose Display 141

Light on Warning message on the Meaning/Action required
instrument panel multi-purpose display
PSM failure Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.

PSM off Porsche Stability Management was switched off.

PSM on Porsche Stability Management was switched on.

PSM turned on automatically Porsche Traction Management is overloaded. Reduce load. Or air spring, PDCC or rear differential
lock fault. Contact an authorized Porsche dealer if the fault persists.
Speed too high An off-road driving program can only be engaged at a speed of less than 20 mph (30 km/h). Reduce
Temp limit Porsche Traction Management is overloaded.
All-wheel dr. system Reduce load.
Reduce load
All-wheel dr. system overloaded Temporary failure of Porsche Traction Management. Reduce load.

All-wheel drive system fault Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.

Offroad mode on/off Off-road driving program engaged/switched off.

Center-differential lock on/off Center-differential lock is engaged/switched off.

Rear differential lock on/off Rear differential lock is engaged/switched off.

Fault Differential lock Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.

Sport unavail. Engage on-road driving program in order to activate Sport mode.
with active off-road function
Sport unavailable Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.

Fuel gauge warning light on Mind remaining distance Refuel at the next opportunity.

Fault Fuel gage Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.

Check fuel tank cap Position tank cap correctly and screw on until it locks securely.

Refill washer fluid Refill washer fluid.

142 Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose Display

Light on Warning message on the Meaning/Action required
instrument panel multi-purpose display
Fasten seat belt All vehicle occupants must fasten their safety belts.

Airbag warning light failure Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.

Steering locked The steering wheel lock is faulty.

Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.
Relieve steering Relieve the steering lock by turning the steering wheel to the left or right.

Heated steering Steering wheel heating is switched on/off.

wheel on/off
Fault Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.
Steering lock
Ignition key not removed Remove the ignition key.

Fault Ignition lock Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.

Ignition lock faulty Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.

Fault Porsche Entry & Drive Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.

Key in luggage space Remove key from luggage compartment.

Key not recognized Make sure that you have the car key with you.

Replace ignition key battery Replace the battery in the car key.

Multiple keys recognized Information message:

in vehicle Several car keys in the vehicle, e.g. in the possession of a passenger.
Close doors Close all doors and the tailgate before locking the vehicle.
to lock vehicle
Chassis system fault Vehicle handling may be affected. Adapt your speed to the changed conditions.
Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.
Chassis system failure Stop immediately in a suitable place. Do not continue driving.
Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.
Sport/Normal/Comfort chassis Chassis setup “Sport”, “Normal” or “Comfort” selected.

Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose Display 143

Light on Warning message on the Meaning/Action required
instrument panel multi-purpose display
PDCC fault Vehicle handling may be affected. Adapt your speed to the changed conditions.
Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.
PDCC failure The lateral inclination of the vehicle is significantly greater when cornering.
Drive carefully at an appropriate speed to the nearest authorized Porsche dealer.
Tire pressure! Tire Pressure Monitoring detects a pressure loss of more than 7 psi / 0.5 bar / 50 kPa at a speed of
less than 100 mph (160 km/h) and more than 6 psi / 0.4 bar / 40 kPa at a speed of more than
100 mph (160 km/h).
Stop in a suitable place and check the tires indicated for damage. If necessary, fill in tire sealant and
set the correct tire pressure or change the wheel.
Inflate! Tire Pressure Monitoring detects a pressure loss of more than 4 psi / 0.3 bar / 30 kPa.
Correct the tire pressure at the next opportunity.
Restricted monitoring Fault on one or both wheel transmitters.
Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.
No monitoring Tire Pressure Monitoring requires a certain amount of time to learn the wheels. During this time,
System is learning the current tire pressures are not available on the multi-purpose display.
System not active Fault in Tire Pressure Monitoring system. Tire pressure is not monitored.
Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.
System not active Temporary fault in the Tire Pressure Monitoring system.
Temporary fault Tire pressure is not monitored.
Tire change? The tire settings on the multi-purpose display must be updated after changing a wheel.
Update settings!
Fault in Tire Pressure Monitoring system. Tire pressure is not monitored.
Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.
Driving light on Driving light/side light on.

Parking light on Left/right parking light on.

Check front left indicator The reported light is faulty.

Check bulb.
Also applies to:
Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.
Parking lights, dipped headlights/
high beam, indicators, rear
reverse light, rear number plate
light, rear brake lights, high-level
brake light, rear tail lights, trailer
indicators, trailer brake light,
trailer tail lights, fog lights, rear
fog lights, daytime lights, side

144 Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose Display

Light on Warning message on the Meaning/Action required
instrument panel multi-purpose display
Headlight beam adjust. defective Adjust your speed and driving style. Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.

flashes Headlight control fault. Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.

Vehicle lightning fault Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.

Headlights adapted Headlights have been changed for countries with left/right-hand traffic
flashes Dynamic cornering light defective Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.

lights up Auto driving light Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.
control defective
Check static cornering light, The reported light is faulty. Check bulb.
left/right Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.
Rain/light sensor defective Switch on wipers/light manually. Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.

Wiper defective Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.

Sunroof not closed fully Close sliding roof fully.

LCA temporarily unavailable LCA is temporarily unavailable due to weather conditions or traffic congestion.
Reactivate LCA by pressing the button.
Fault LCA Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.

LCA sensors blocked LCA sensors can be blocked by bicycle carriers, stickers, dirt or a build-up of ice, for example.
Remove these. Reactivate LCA by pressing the button.
LCA trailer mode not available LCA cannot be activated when towing a trailer.

Distance! Please brake! Insufficient distance from vehicle in front.

ACC/PAS unavailable Adapt your speed and driving style. Have the adaptive cruise control or Porsche “Active Safe” fault
corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.
Fault Turn signal tones, acoustic warning and distance signals
Instrument cluster/ (e.g. for ParkAssist) are not available. Please remember this when parking, for example.
ParkAssist sound Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.

Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose Display 145

Light on Warning message on the Meaning/Action required
instrument panel multi-purpose display
Fault Acoustic warning and distance signals for ParkAssist are not available.
ParkAssist Please remember this when parking, for example.
Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.
Limit 1 or 2 exceeded Preset speed limit 1 or 2 has been exceeded.

System fault Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.

Fault Check Engine Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.

Example: Service reminder.

Full maintenance in XXX mls Bring the vehicle in for service no later than after the distance/time shown has elapsed.
The intervals in the “Maintenance” booklet are decisive however.
Tailgate Close the tailgate.

Example: Door open! Close door/lid indicated.

Doors, engine compartment lid

146 Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose Display

Driving and Driving Safety
Ignition Lock, Steering Lock........................ 148
Starting and Stopping the Engine ................ 150
Auto Start Stop Function............................. 152
Electric Parking Brake ................................ 154
Brakes ...................................................... 155
Cruise Control............................................ 158
Adaptive Cruise Control .............................. 160
Lane Change Assist (LCA) ........................... 170
Car Audio Operation/Tips............................ 176
Porsche Communication Management (PCM) 178
USB/iPod® and AUX................................... 178
Voice Control ............................................. 179
Manual Transmission, Clutch ....................... 179
Tiptronic S................................................. 180
Selector-Lever Positions ............................. 181
Driving Programs for On-Road and Off-Road
Driving ...................................................... 184
Transmission and Chassis Control Systems.. 188
Air Suspension with Leveling System and
Height Adjustment ...................................... 195
Porsche Active Suspension Management
(PASM) ...................................................... 197
Porsche Dynamic Chassis Control (PDCC) .... 198
Off-Road Driving ......................................... 198
Driving Systems for Off-Road Driving ........... 199

Driving and Driving Safety 147

Ignition lock position 0 – Initial position
The engine and the ignition are switched off in
ignition lock position 0.
The ignition key can be removed in ignition lock
position 0.
Ignition lock position 1 – Ignition on
f Turn ignition key to position 1.
All electrical equipment can be switched on.
The warning lights on the instrument panel light up
for a lamp check.
If a load is not switched on for 2 minutes after
switching on the ignition, the ignition must be
switched on again.
Turn the ignition key to ignition lock position 0
(initial position) first.
The ignition key cannot be removed when the
Ignition Lock, Steering Lock Key positions ignition is switched on or when the engine has
0 - Initial position been started.
The ignition key is inserted into the ignition lock 1 - Ignition on
To remove the ignition key:
f Stop the vehicle.
underneath the light switch at the left of the 2 - Start engine

f On vehicles with Tiptronic S:

steering wheel.
On vehicles with Porsche Entry & Drive, you no Information Move Tiptronic selector lever to position P.
longer have to insert the key into the ignition lock, The vehicle battery discharges if the ignition key is f Switch ignition off.
but merely keep it with you. The ignition key is left inserted. f Remove the ignition key.
replaced by a control unit in the ignition lock,
If the vehicle battery is dead, the key can only be
which always remains in the ignition lock, unless Ignition lock position 2 – Start engine
removed from the ignition lock if the emergency
the vehicle is being towed.
operation is performed: f Turn ignition key to ignition lock position 2.
The ignition lock has three key positions. f Please see the chapter “EMERGENCY The car key is reset automatically from position 2
OPERATION – UNLOCKING THE IGNITION KEY” to position 1 when you start the engine.
on page 149.
Risk of damage due to additional weight.
The ignition lock may be damaged if additional
weight is attached to the inserted ignition key, e.g.
a heavy bunch of keys and/or key tag.
f Do not attach a heavy weight to the inserted
ignition key.

148 Driving and Driving Safety

Locking the steering column
Vehicles without Porsche Entry & Drive
The steering column is locked automatically when
the ignition key is removed from the ignition lock
and unlocked automatically when the ignition key
is inserted into the ignition lock.
Vehicles with Porsche Entry & Drive
The steering column is locked automatically when
the driver’s door is opened when the ignition is
switched off or when the vehicle is locked.
It is unlocked automatically when the alarm
system is disabled using the key, when the driver’s
door is opened with Porsche Entry & Drive or
when the ignition is switched on.
Emergency operation with
Porsche Entry & Drive
Interference in radio transmission between the
Emergency operation – unlocking the 3. Use metal hook A to remove the plastic
vehicle and ignition lock or a discharged ignition
ignition key cover B from the ignition lock.
If the vehicle battery is dead, the ignition key (or Make sure that plastic cover B is not lost.
lock battery can disable the Porsche Entry & Drive
comfort function. the control unit on vehicles with Porsche Entry &
If this happens, the control unit can be removed Drive) can only be removed if the emergency
from the ignition lock and the vehicle can be operation is performed.
started using the standard ignition key. 1. Carefully lever off the fuse box cover on the
f Please see the chapter “EMERGENCY driver’s side with a screwdriver and remove it.
OPERATION – UNLOCKING THE IGNITION KEY” 2. Unclip metal hook A on the inside of the fuse
on page 149. box cover.

Driving and Driving Safety 149

Starting and Stopping the Engine h WARNING Exhaust System Fire
The immobilizer can be deactivated and the Hazard
engine started only using an authorized Exhaust fumes and the exhaust system are very
ignition key. hot when the engine is running. The exhaust
f Please see the chapter “IMMOBILIZER” on system remains hot for some time after the engine
page 237. is turned off.
f Do not park or drive your vehicle where
h WARNING Exhaust Gas combustible materials, such as dry grass or
Exhaust gas contains colorless and odorless leaves, can come into contact with the hot
carbon monoxide (CO), which is toxic even in low exhaust system.
concentrations. Carbon monoxide can cause f If your car catches on fire for any reason, call
unconsciousness and even death if inhaled. the fire department. Do not endanger your life
f Never start or let the engine running in an by attempting to put out the fire.
enclosed, unventilated area. It is not
recommended to sit in your car for prolonged NOTICE
periods with the engine on and the car not
moving. An unattended vehicle with a running engine is
4. Turn ignition key to ignition lock position 0 potentialy hazardous. If warning lights come on to
(initial position). indicate improper operation, no one would be
5. Press metal hook A into opening C. present to observe the light and turn off the
You will hear an unlocking noise. engine.
6. Remove the ignition key in initial position 0. f Never leave the engine idling unattended.
7. Re-fit the plastic cover B.

150 Driving and Driving Safety

Starting the vehicle For information on jump-lead starting:
f Please see the chapter “EXTERNAL POWER
Hot Engine Parts
f Operate the footbrake.
f Fully depress and hold the clutch pedal. Put the SUPPLY, EMERGENCY STARTING WITH Engine components become very hot when the
JUMPER CABLES” on page 292. engine is running.
f Before working on any part in the engine
gearshift lever in neutral (vehicles with manual
transmission) or on vehicles with
compartment, turn the engine off and let it cool
Tiptronic S: Information
down sufficiently.
move Tiptronic selector lever to position P or To ensure a good battery charge condition,
N. thereby ensuring that the battery will start the
f Do not press the accelerator pedal. h WARNING Hot Exhaust Tailpipe
engine, all electrical loads that are not required
The engine control unit will provide the correct should be switched off when the ignition is The exhaust pipe is hot when the engine is running
starting mixture. switched on and when engine revolutions are low and remains hot for some time after the vehicle is
f Turn the ignition key or control unit (Porsche (in traffic jams, in city traffic or in queues). turned off.
Entry & Drive) to ignition lock position 2. f To prevent injury, make a point of noting where
The starting process is carried out and Stopping your vehicle’s exhaust pipe is, avoid placing
f Only remove the ignition key when the vehicle
completed automatically as soon as ignition your legs near the exhaust pipe when loading
lock position 2 (start engine) is reached. and unloading cargo in the rear, and closely
is stationary.
f Only switch the ignition off when the vehicle is
The ignition key or control unit is reset supervise children around the vehicle during
automatically to ignition lock position 1 time when the exhaust pipe could be hot.
stationary, as there is no power steering and
(ignition on). A hot exhaust pipe can cause painful skin
brake booster assistance when the engine is
Do not operate the starter for more than burns.
switched off.
f When leaving the vehicle, always remove the
approx. 10 seconds. If necessary, repeat the
starting procedure after a pause of approx.
ignition key, apply the electric parking brake Radiator fan
10 seconds. Turn the ignition key back to For information on radiator fans:
and engage Tiptronic selector-lever position P
ignition lock position 0 (initial position) first.
on vehicles with Tiptronic S, or engage first f Please see the chapter “RADIATOR FANS” on
The first operation of the starter is ended page 245.
gear or reverse gear on vehicles with manual
automatically when the engine starts.
If the engine does not start, subsequent
On vehicles with Porsche Entry & Drive,
starter operations will not be ended
the control unit always remains in the ignition
Do not warm up the engine when stationary.
Drive off immediately. Avoid high revolutions
and full throttle until the engine has reached Information
operating temperature. The vehicle battery discharges if the ignition key is
f If the vehicle battery power is too weak, left inserted.
the engine can be started with jumper cables.

Driving and Driving Safety 151

Auto Start Stop Function Starting the engine Exceptions for the Auto Start Stop
The engine stops automatically when the vehicle is The Auto Start Stop function starts the engine: function
stopped, e.g. at traffic lights or in a traffic jam. f In Tiptronic selector-lever position D, N or The Auto Start Stop function is not available in
The Auto Start Stop function thus helps to save manually selected transmission range 1 or 2 the following situations, for example:
fuel. Release the footbrake. – When Sport mode is activated.
The ignition stays on even when the engine or – When PSM is off.
switches off automatically. All safety functions are Press the accelerator. – In Maneuvering mode.
still available. or – When AC MAX mode is activated.
f Move Tiptronic gear selector to position R. – When the “windshield defrost” function is
Stopping the engine You can drive off normally. active.
The Auto Start Stop function stops the engine – When an attached trailer is detected.
shortly after the vehicle stops moving. – While adjusting the chassis level.
Information – When the rear fog light is on.
1. Use the footbrake to stop the vehicle.
2. Keep the footbrake pressed. The engine will start automatically in certain – When the off-road driving program is active.
or situations, e.g. if the vehicle starts rolling, if air – When windshield heating is on.
Move Tiptronic selector lever to position P. conditioning causes reduced comfort, or if the – At altitudes of more than approx. 2500 m
brake vacuum is reduced. (Cayenne S and Cayenne Turbo only).
Preconditions for stopping the engine
f The Start Stop function must be deactivated
– Auto Start Stop function switched on. Starting the engine manually after leaving manually if a trailer hitch from another
– Engine compartment lid closed. the vehicle manufacturer is installed on the vehicle.
– Driver detected: driver’s safety belt fastened If the driver’s safety belt is unbuckled or the For information on switching off the Start Stop
and driver’s door closed. driver’s door is opened after the engine was function:
f Please see the chapter “SWITCHING AUTO
– Tiptronic selector lever in position D, N or P or stopped automatically, the engine will not start
transmission range 1 or 2 selected manually. automatically. START STOP FUNCTION ON AND OFF” on
– Engine, transmission and battery are at Furthermore, if the brake is released, the engine page 153.
operating temperature. has to be started manually.
– Vehicle was driven at a speed of more than The message “Please start engine manually” will
approx. 1 mph (2 km/h) for at least appear on the multi-purpose display of the
1.5 seconds since the engine last stopped instrument panel.
automatically. f Please see the chapter “OVERVIEW OF
WARNING MESSAGES” on page 139.

152 Driving and Driving Safety

The Auto Start Stop function is available with Auto Start Stop function display
limited functionality in the following situations, Stopping the engine automatically
for example: and restart readiness
– If the air conditioning or passenger
If the engine was stopped automatically by the
compartment heating is operated at a high
Auto Start Stop function and if the driver is
setting or if the defrost function is run for long
detected in the vehicle (driver’s safety belt
time periods.
fastened and driver’s door closed), the indicator
– If the battery charging condition is low.
light on the multi-purpose display of the instrument
– On upward or downward slopes.
panel will light up green.
– During internal vehicle test procedures,
e.g. automatic engine checks. Engine does not stop or is not ready
to restart
If the Auto Stop function is not available or if no
driver is detected in the vehicle after the engine
If one of these situations arises after the engine has stopped automatically (driver’s safety belt
has stopped automatically, the engine can be open or driver’s door open), the indicator light on
restarted automatically. the multi-purpose display of the instrument panel
will light up yellow when the vehicle is stationary.
Switching Auto Start Stop function on The Auto Start Stop system has detected that:
and off – At least one precondition for stopping the
Switching on engine automatically is not met.
f Press button . or
The indicator light on the button goes out. – There is at least one exception for the Auto
The engine stops automatically when the Start Stop function.
vehicle stops. For information on preconditions for stopping the
Switching off engine automatically:
f Please see the chapter “PRECONDITIONS FOR
f Press button .
The indicator light on the button lights up.
The engine’s Auto Stop function is disabled. For information on exceptions for the Auto Start
Stop function:
f Please see the chapter “EXCEPTIONS FOR
page 152.

Driving and Driving Safety 153

Automatic electric parking brake release
Information when driver’s intention to drive off is
If the indicator light in the multi-purpose display detected
continuously lights up yellow when the vehicle is If the engine is running, the driver’s door is closed
stopped and if the engine does not stop regularly and the driver’s safety belt is fastened, it is still
when the vehicle is stopped despite the fact that possible to drive off even though the electric
the preconditions for stopping the engine parking brake is on.
automatically are met, this may be an indication The electric parking brake detects the driver’s
that the battery is weak. intention to drive off and releases automatically.
f Have the Auto Start Stop system checked the The warning light on the instrument panel goes
next time you visit your authorized Porsche out.
dealer. If the driver’s door is not closed or the driver’s
safety belt is not fastened, the electric parking
Fault reporting brake will not be released automatically when
If there is a fault, the warning message “Start/ the driver attempts to drive off.
Stop mode deactivated” will appear on the The message “Release electric parking brake”
multi-purpose display in the instrument panel. appears on the multi-purpose display of the
f Have the fault corrected at an authorized Electric Parking Brake instrument panel. The brake warning light on the
Porsche dealer. instrument panel and the indicator light on the
The electric parking brake acts on the rear wheels
switch start to flash.
and serves to secure the vehicle while parked.
For information on warning messages on the
Applying the parking brake multi-function display:
f Press switch . f Please see the chapter “OVERVIEW OF
The brake warning light on the instrument WARNING MESSAGES” on page 139.
panel lights up.
For information on indicator lights and warning
lights on the instrument panel:
f Please see the chapter “INSTRUMENT PANEL
USA MODELS” on page 103.
f Please see the chapter “INSTRUMENT PANEL
CANADA MODELS” on page 104.
Releasing the parking brake
The electric parking brake can only be released
when the ignition is switched on.
1. Press the brake pedal.
2. Pull switch .
The brake warning light on the instrument
panel goes out.

154 Driving and Driving Safety

Emergency braking function Brakes Brake system function
If the conventional brake system has failed, the f Make it a habit to check the operation of your Your Porsche is equipped with a power assisted
vehicle can be decelerated quickly and braked to brakes before driving. hydraulic dual circuit brake system with disk
a stop using the electric parking brake. Keep in mind that the braking distance increases brakes at the front and rear.
f Press switch and keep it pressed. very rapidly as the speed increases. At 60 mph Both circuits function independently. One brake
The brake warning light on the instrument (100 km/h), for example, it is not twice but four circuit operates the front left and rear right wheel
panel and the indicator light on the switch times longer than 30 mph (50 km/h). Tire traction and the other operates the front right and rear left
start to flash. is also less effective when the roads are wet or wheel.
A warning signal also sounds and appears slippery. If one brake circuit has failed, the other will still
on the multi-purpose display. f Therefore, always maintain a safe distance operate. However, you will notice an increased
The emergency braking function is deactivated from the car in front of you. pedal travel when you apply the brakes. Failure of
when you release the switch. one brake circuit will cause the stopping distance
Vehicles without Porsche Ceramic to increase.
Composite Brake (PCCB)
Information h WARNING Brake Hydraulic Failure
Even though the brake disks consist of alloyed
Severe braking. Emergency braking takes Recovery
gray cast iron, they will unavoidably start to
place with very high braking power. Your vehicle is equipped with an emergency
corrode if your car is parked for an extended
f Only use the emergency braking function in an period. The brakes will tend to “rub” as a result. function in the extreme event of a complete
emergency situation. hydraulic failure of the brake system. If your brake
The nature, extent and effects of corrosion
f Do not use the emergency braking function to depend on the amount of time the vehicle was peddle goes all the way to the floor, do not pump
stop the vehicle when driving normally. the brakes.
parked, whether road salt or grit was spread and
whether grease-dissolving agents were used in f Push the brake pedal down firmly and hold it in
Brake warning light USA car washes. that position. A mechanical linkage activates
Brake warning light Canada If the braking comfort is noticeably impaired, we the second circuit, and you will be able to bring
recommend having the brake system checked by the vehicle to a stop.
If the electric parking brake could not be applied
experts at an authorized Porsche dealer. f After bringing your vehicle to a complete stop,
fully when the vehicle is stopped, the brake avoid driving the vehicle and instead have it
warning light in the instrument panel starts to towed to the nearest authorized Porsche
flash. dealer for repair.
For information on warning messages on the
multi-function display:
f Please see the chapter “OVERVIEW OF
WARNING MESSAGES” on page 139.

Driving and Driving Safety 155

Brake system warning light Brake pedal Brake booster
You can check the functionality of the brake The brake booster assists braking only when
h WARNING Obstruction of Brake
system warning light by switching the ignition to the engine is running.
the “On” position (position 1) and verifying that the
Unsuitable or incorrectly fixed floor mats or When the car is moving while the engine is not
warning light illuminates.
objects can reduce the travel of the brake pedal or running, or if the brake booster is defective, more
Brake warning light USA pressure on the brake pedal is required to bring
prevent you applying the brake pedal.
Brake warning light Canada f Always check the movement of the brake pedal the car to a stop.
before driving and make sure that it is not Moisture, road salt or grit on brakes affects
obstructed by a floor mat or any other object. braking.
The warning light in the instrument panel lights up.
A message will be displayed on the multi-purpose f Secure the floor mat to prevent it from sliding Brakes will dry after a few cautious brake
into positions that could interfere with the safe applications.
display of the instrument panel if the brake fluid
operation of your vehicle.
level is too low, or (if the brake pedal travel has h WARNING Wet Brakes
increased) one of the two brake circuits has failed. Your authorized Porsche dealer will be glad to
offer you floor mats of the correct size Driving through water may reduce the traction.
A greater braking pressure will be required, Moisture on brakes from road water, car wash, or
including a securing possibility.
stopping distances will be longer and the braking a coating of road salt or grit may affect braking
behavior will change, particularly in curves. efficiency.
With correctly adjusted brakes and a correctly Information f Cautiously apply brakes to test and dry the
working brake system, the pedal travel to the brakes after exposure to road water, etc.
In case one of the two brake circuits fails,
point of brake application should be 1-3/16 in. to
increased pedal travel is required to bring your
1-9/16 in. (30 to 40 mm). Whenever the brake h WARNING
vehicle to a full stop. Loss of Braking Power
pedal travel exceeds this value, have the brake
system checked. h WARNING
The brake booster is ready for operation only
Riding the Brakes
while the engine is running.
f Before descending a steep grade, reduce If the engine is switched off or there is a defect in
speed and shift the transmission into a lower the brake booster, much greater force has to be
gear to control speed. applied to the pedal when braking.
f Do not “ride the brakes” by resting your foot on f Vehicles with defective brakes must not
the pedal when not intending to apply brake be towed and must be transported on a flat
pressure. bed.
f Do not hold the pedal down too long or too For information on towing:
often. This could cause the brakes to overheat f Please see the chapter “TOWING” on
and lose braking power. page 302.

156 Driving and Driving Safety

Brake wear h WARNING Obstructed Brake Pedal
If braking comfort is noticeably impaired, we
Your car has excellent brakes, but they are still recommend that you have the brake system
Unsuitable or incorrectly installed floor mats or checked by experts at an authorized Porsche
subject to wear. The rate at which they wear
objects can obstruct the movement of the brake dealer.
depends on how the brakes are used.
f Have the brake system inspected at the
pedal or prevent application of the brake pedal. f To relieve the brake system on downhill
f Do not obstruct the pedal travel with floor mats stretches, change down to a lower gear in
intervals recommended in your Maintenance
or other objects. good time (engine braking).
If engine braking is insufficient on steep
Brake system warning light h WARNING Wet Brakes stretches, operate the footbrake at intervals.
You can check the functionality of the brake Avoid continuous braking as it overheats the
In heavy rain, while driving through water or after
system warning light by switching the ignition to brakes and reduces the braking effect.
leaving a car wash, the braking action may be
the “On” position (position 1) and verifying that the For information on brake fluid and checking the
delayed and increased pressure may be required.
f For this reason, keep further back from the
warning light illuminates. brake fluid level:
Brake wear warning message USA vehicle in front and “dry” the brakes by f Please see the chapter “BRAKE FLUID” on
applying them at intervals. Make sure that the page 245.
Brake wear warning message
Canada traffic behind you is not affected.
New brake pads or linings
A warning message will be displayed on the multi- h WARNING Reduced Braking New brake pads have to be “broken in”, and
purpose display of the instrument panel if the Efficiency therefore only attain optimal friction when the car
brake pads are worn, excessively. has covered several hundred miles or km.
After a long drive over salted or gritted roads,
f Do not continue to operate the vehicle. a coating may form on the brake disks and pads
The slightly reduced braking ability must be
Have your authorized Porsche dealer inspect compensated for by pressing the brake pedal
that significantly reduces friction and therefore
or replace the brake pads. harder. This applies whenever the brake pads
also braking effect.
f Even though the brake disks consist of alloyed
For information on warning messages on the and/or brake disks are replaced.
multi-purpose display: gray cast iron, they will unavoidably start to
f Please see the chapter “OVERVIEW OF corrode if your vehicle is parked for an
WARNING MESSAGES” on page 139. extended period. The brakes will tend to “rub”
Brake pads and brake disks as a result.
The nature, extent and effects of corrosion
Wear on the brake pads and brake disks depends
depend on the amount of time the vehicle was
to a great extent on the driving style and the
parked, whether road salt or grit was spread
conditions of use and therefore cannot be
and whether grease-dissolving agents were
expressed in actual miles on the road.
used in car washes (not on vehicles with
The high-performance brake system is designed
Porsche Ceramic Composite Brake).
for optimal braking effect at all speeds and
To prevent corrosion of the brake disks,
“brake them dry” before parking the vehicle
Certain speeds, braking forces and ambient (not on vehicles with Porsche Ceramic
conditions (e.g. temperature and humidity) can Composite Brake).
therefore cause the brakes to “squeal”.

Driving and Driving Safety 157

Vehicles with Tiptronic S Maintaining and storing speed
Downshifts are carried out to help maintain the 1. Accelerate or decelerate to the desired speed
pre-selected speed (especially when driving using the accelerator pedal.
downhill). 2. Push the control stalk on the steering wheel
forward (position 1).
h WARNING Misuse of Cruise
The current driving speed is now stored as the
desired speed, which will be maintained
If the current traffic situation does not allow you to automatically.
drive safely at a constant speed and with sufficient
Desired speed
distance to the vehicle in front, using the cruise
control can cause accidents. The desired speed that was stored is
f Do not use the cruise control in heavy traffic, displayed under the cruise control
in city traffic, on twisting roads or under symbol, which has now turned orange.
unfavorable road conditions (e.g. wintry or wet
conditions, varying road surfaces). Accelerating (e.g. to overtake)
f Observe all local and national speed limits. Variant 1
f Do not reach through the steering-wheel f Increase the speed as usual with the
A - Switch cruise control on/off
spokes while driving. accelerator pedal.
1 - Set/increase desired speed When you ease off the accelerator, the
2 - Reduce desired speed Switching cruise control readiness on previously stored value is set again.
3 - Interrupt (OFF) f Press button A on the control stalk. Variant 2
4 - Return to set speed (RESUME)
Cruise control readiness f Push the control stalk on the steering wheel
Cruise Control The gray symbol on the multi-purpose forward (position 1).
Cruise control maintains any selected speed display of the instrument panel indicates The desired speed is increased in steps
between approx. 20–150 mph (30–240 km/h) readiness. of 1 mph (1 km/h).
without you having to use the accelerator. or
Cruise control is operated using the control stalk Press the control stalk on the steering wheel
at the bottom left of the steering wheel. forward and keep it pressed (position 1).
The desired speed is increased in steps
of 5 mph (10 km/h).
The new desired speed is displayed on the
multi-purpose display in the instrument panel.

158 Driving and Driving Safety

Decelerating Cruise control operation is interrupted Switching cruise control readiness off
f Briefly pull the control stalk on the steering automatically: f Press button A on the control stalk.
wheel towards the steering wheel (position 2). – If the set vehicle speed is exceeded by more The memory is cleared and the readiness
The desired speed is decreased in steps than approx. 16 mph (25 km/h) for longer symbol disappears.
of 1 mph (1 km/h). than 20 seconds. The stored desired speed is cleared when the
or – If the actual vehicle speed falls below the set ignition is switched off when the vehicle is parked.
Pull the control stalk on the steering wheel vehicle speed by approx. 37 mph (60 km/h)
towards the steering wheel and keep it pulled for longer than 60 seconds (e.g. gradients).
– If Porsche Stability Management (PSM) Information
(position 2).
The desired speed is decreased in steps intervenes for longer than 0.5 seconds. On upward or downward slopes, the set speed
of 5 mph (10 km/h). cannot always be maintained by cruise control.
Resuming the stored speed – RESUME f To obtain sufficient engine braking or a better
f Press the control stalk up (position 4).
The new desired speed is displayed on the
multi-purpose display in the instrument panel. engine-speed range, you therefore have to
Cruise control accelerates/decelerates the change down to a lower gear.
Vehicles with Tiptronic S vehicle to the stored speed.
Downshifts are carried out to help maintain the
pre-selected speed (especially when driving Information
The stored speed should only be recalled if traffic
Cayenne S and Cayenne Turbo only:
and road conditions are conducive to driving at
If the driving speed is more than 1 mph (1 km/h) that speed.
higher or lower than the set speed, the current
driving speed is set when you move the control
stalk to position 1 or 2 briefly.
Interrupting cruise control operation –
The speed driven before the interruption remains
stored in the memory and can be reactivated by
pressing the control stalk.
f Please see the chapter “RESUMING THE
STORED SPEED – RESUME” on page 159.
f Press the control stalk down (position 3).
Press the brake or clutch pedal or move the
Tiptronic selector lever to position N.

Driving and Driving Safety 159

Adaptive Cruise Control h WARNING Radiofrequency
Adaptive cruise control maintains any selected radiation exposure
speed between approx. 20–100 mph This equipment complies with FCC radiation
(30–160 km/h) when driving on open roads exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled
without you having to use the accelerator. environment. This equipment should be installed
If a vehicle traveling ahead of you in the same lane and operated with minimum distance of 8 in.
is detected as driving slower than the selected (20 cm) between the radiator and your body.
speed, adaptive cruise control will automatically This transmitter must not be co-located or
maintain a set distance from the vehicle in front. operating in conjunction with any other antenna or
Adaptive cruise control slows your vehicle down if transmitter.
the distance to the vehicle ahead becomes too
short and accelerates your vehicle if the distance h WARNING Weather Impairment of
increases. Radar Sensor
h WARNING Misuse of Adaptive Radar sensor vision can be impaired by rain,
Cruise Control snow, ice or heavy spray. Vehicles in front will not
If the current traffic situation does not allow you to be detected properly or may not be detected
at all.
drive safely at a constant speed and with sufficient Radar sensor
distance to the vehicle in front, using the adaptive f Do not use adaptive cruise control under these
Adaptive cruise control uses a radar sensor
cruise control can cause accidents. conditions.
located in the middle of the front apron (arrow).
f Do not use the adaptive cruise control in heavy
traffic, in city traffic, on twisting roads or under Warning message
unfavorable road conditions (e.g. wintry or wet Information Adaptive cruise control can be deactivated
conditions, varying road surfaces). f Always keep the radar sensor clean and free of automatically if the radar sensor is very dirty or
f Observe all local and national speed limits. ice and snow to ensure that it is fully functional. iced up, obstructed, in unfavorable weather
For car care instructions: conditions (heavy rain) or when driving through
h WARNING Adaptive Cruise Control f Please see the chapter “CAR CARE tunnels.
Limits INSTRUCTIONS” on page 255. The message “ACC/PAS unavailable” will appear
on the multi-purpose display of the instrument
Adaptive cruise control will not detect stationary
or slowly moving vehicles, pedestrians, objects on
For information on warning messages on the
the road, oncoming vehicles in the same lane or
multi-purpose display:
cross traffic.
f You must pay attention to your vehicle’s f Please see the chapter “OVERVIEW OF
position in relation to other objects and WARNING MESSAGES” on page 139.
intervene as needed to ensure safe driving.
f Always keep the direction of travel in your field
of view.

160 Driving and Driving Safety

Operating principle of adaptive cruise
Information control
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC No vehicle detected in front – open road
Rules and with RSS-210 of Industry Canada. driving
Operation is subject to the following two
Adaptive cruise control operates like a cruise
control system. The desired speed that was set is
1. This device may not cause harmful
maintained constantly.
interference, and
2. this device must accept any interference Vehicle detected in front – driving in traffic
received, including interference that may If a vehicle traveling ahead of you in the same lane
cause undesired operation. is detected as driving slower than the selected
Changes or modifications made to this equipment desired speed, adaptive cruise control will
not expressly approved by Porsche may void the automatically maintain a set distance from the
FCC authorization to operate this equipment. vehicle in front.
This equipment has been tested and found to If the vehicle in front stops, adaptive cruise control
comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, will slow your vehicle down to a stop provided this
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits is possible within the control limits of the system.
are designed to provide reasonable protection Adaptive cruise control actively keeps your vehicle R - Switch adaptive cruise control on/off
against harmful interference when the equipment at a standstill. 1 - Set/increase desired speed
is operated in a commercial environment. This 2 - Reduce desired speed
If the vehicle in front drives off, automatic speed
3 - Interrupt (OFF)
equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio control and distance control can be resumed. 4 - Operational readiness on/return to set speed
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in (RESUME)
Speed exceeded
accordance with the instruction manual, may
cause harmful interference to radio The speed of the vehicle can be increased at any Using adaptive cruise control
communications. Operation of this equipment in a time by pressing the accelerator. Adaptive cruise control is operated using the
residential area is likely to cause harmful If the vehicle is traveling faster than the speed set control stalk at the bottom left of the steering
interference in which case the user will be required by adaptive cruise control (ACC), adaptive cruise wheel.
to correct the interference at his own expense. control is deactivated.
The message “ACC passive” will appear on the
This Class A digital apparatus complies with Information
multi-purpose display of the instrument panel.
Canadian ICES-003. You can intervene manually at any time by
The desired speed that was stored is retained.
Cet appareil numérique de la classe A est pressing the brake or accelerator.
conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada. After the accelerator pedal is released, the ACC
adapts the vehicle speed to the desired speed and
adjusts the distance in following mode.
For information on the “ACC passive” status:
f Please see the chapter “OPERATING STATES
SWITCHED ON” on page 163.

Driving and Driving Safety 161

“ACC” main menu Examples:
The adaptive cruise control display on the multi- If adaptive cruise control is switched on,
purpose display can be selected permanently and no desired speed is stored, the
using the buttons on the multifunction steering cruise control symbol appears but the
wheel or the control stalk at the bottom right of desired speed field remains blank.
the steering wheel.
If a desired speed is stored and no
For information on using the multi-purpose
vehicle was detected in front, the cruise
f Please see the chapter “OPERATING THE
control symbol and the desired speed
are displayed.
INSTRUMENT PANEL” on page 108. If a desired speed is stored and a vehicle
was detected in front, a vehicle symbol
1. Select “ACC”
and the desired speed are displayed.
in the main menu.

Status display Switching adaptive cruise control on

When adaptive cruise control is switched on, the and off
status display B appears at the bottom left of the Switching adaptive cruise control on
f Press button R on the control stalk.
A - Desired distance from vehicle in front
B - Status display and desired speed
multi-purpose display.
C - Current speed The gray status display appears on the
D - Vehicle detected in front multi-purpose display.
E - Current distance from vehicle in front Adaptive cruise control is ready.
F - Current speed of vehicle in front
G - Progress bar showing speed control range Switching adaptive cruise control off
(20–100 mph / 30–160 km/h) f Press button R on the control stalk.
Adaptive cruise control display “ACC off” appears on the multi-purpose
All important information, messages and warnings display.
are displayed on the multi-purpose display of the The status display B turns orange when adaptive The desired speed that was stored is deleted.
instrument panel. cruise control is active. The desired distance is set to the default value.
The status display B is gray when adaptive cruise
control is inactive.

162 Driving and Driving Safety

Operating states when adaptive cruise Setting and changing the desired speed Increasing the desired speed
control is switched on Preconditions f Push the control stalk on the steering wheel
There are three possible operating states when forward (position 1).
– Adaptive cruise control is switched on.
adaptive cruise control is switched on. The desired speed is increased in steps
– Vehicle is moving.
of 1 mph (1 km/h).
Adaptive cruise control active – No stationary objects are detected in front.
Adaptive cruise control automatically regulates Setting the desired speed Press the control stalk on the steering wheel
the speed and distance from the vehicle in front. 1. Press the control stalk on the steering wheel forward and keep it pressed (position 1).
The status display B turns orange. forward (position 1). The desired speed is increased in steps
Adaptive cruise control is ready The current driving speed is stored as the of 5 mph (10 km/h).
Cruise control and distance control is inactive desired speed, which will be maintained The status display B shows the new desired
after pressing the brakes or interrupting by automatically (within the control range of speed.
pressing the control stalk down (position 3, OFF). 20 to 100 mph (30 to 160 km/h)), and The red triangle C under the progress bar for
The desired speed that was stored and the appears orange in the status display B. the speed control range shows the speed of
desired distance that was set are retained. The red triangle C under the progress bar for your vehicle.
The status display B turns gray. the speed control range shows the speed of Reducing the desired speed
your vehicle.
For information on resuming cruise control and
2. Release the accelerator pedal.
f Briefly pull the control stalk on the steering
distance control: wheel towards the steering wheel (position 2).
f Please see the chapter “INTERRUPTING AND The desired speed is maintained automatically
The desired speed is decreased in steps
RESUMING CRUISE CONTROL AND DISTANCE unless a vehicle traveling in front is detected
as driving slower than the desired speed. of 1 mph (1 km/h).
CONTROL” on page 165. or
Adaptive cruise control passive Pull the control stalk on the steering wheel
Information towards the steering wheel and keep it pulled
Cruise control and distance control is inactive
If your vehicle is stopped, the message (position 2).
after pressing the accelerator.
“Impossible while parked” appears on the multi- The desired speed is decreased in steps
“ACC passive” appears on the multi-purpose
purpose display when you press the control stalk of 5 mph (10 km/h).
forward (position 1). The status display B shows the new desired
The desired speed that was stored and the
If a stationary object was detected in front, the speed.
desired distance that was set are retained.
message “Stationary object” appears on the The red triangle C under the progress bar for
The status display B turns gray.
multi-purpose display. the speed control range shows the speed of
Adaptive cruise control is active again after
your vehicle.
you release the accelerator.

Driving and Driving Safety 163

Possible distance settings
Information Suitable for fast driving in lines of
The distance depends on the driving speed. traffic. The time gap is 1 second.
The slower the vehicle is traveling, the shorter the This corresponds to 36 yd. (33 meters)
distance and the faster the vehicle is traveling, the at a speed of 75 mph (120 km/h).
longer the distance.
Suitable for driving comfortably in lines
Increasing the desired distance of traffic. The time gap is 1.3 seconds.
f Press the rocker switch Z up.
This corresponds to 47 yd. (43 meters)
at a speed of 75 mph (120 km/h).
The desired distance is increased.
There are more orange segments shown in Preset distance
the desired distance display A. Corresponds to the general
Reducing the desired distance recommendation of the road traffic
f Press the rocker switch Z down.
safety regulation (“two seconds time
gap”). The time gap is 1.8 seconds.
The desired distance is reduced.
This corresponds to 66 yd. (60 meters)
There are fewer orange segments shown in
at a speed of 75 mph (120 km/h).
the desired distance display A.
Setting the desired distance Suitable for driving on country roads.
The desired distance from the vehicle in front can Display showing distance from vehicle
in front The time gap is 2.3 seconds.
be set in four stages. This corresponds to 63 yd. (58 meters)
If a vehicle is detected in front, the vehicle symbol
at a speed of 56 mph (90 km/h).
D appears on the multi-purpose display and in the
Information status display B.
When you are setting the desired distance, the The gray area E shows the current distance from
“ACC” main menu for adaptive cruise control is the vehicle in front.
displayed temporarily on the multi-purpose
When you first actuate the rocker switch Z, the
“ACC” main menu appears without changing the
desired distance.

164 Driving and Driving Safety

Automatic braking to a stop Driving off again Interrupting and resuming cruise control
If the vehicle in front stops, your vehicle will slow The vehicle can be driven off again after being and distance control
down and come to a stop within the control limits stopped and speed and distance control will be Interrupting cruise control and distance
of the system if adaptive cruise control is active. resumed, depending on the operating state of the control – OFF
The indicator light lights up on the adaptive cruise control system. f Press the brake pedal.
instrument panel. For information on the operating states of the or
The vehicle is actively held at a stop. adaptive cruise control system: Press the control stalk on the steering wheel
For information on the HOLD function: f Please see the chapter “OPERATING STATES down (position 3, OFF).
f Please see the chapter “HOLD FUNCTION: WHEN ADAPTIVE CRUISE CONTROL IS Adaptive cruise control is inactive.
DRIVE-OFF ASSISTANT, STANDSTILL SWITCHED ON” on page 163. The desired speed that was stored and the
MANAGEMENT” on page 192. Adaptive cruise control active desired distance are retained.
1. Press the control stalk on the steering wheel Resuming cruise control and distance
Information up (position 4, RESUME). control – RESUME
– Depending on the traffic flow, e.g. slow 2. Press the accelerator pedal briefly. f Push the control stalk on the steering wheel up
moving traffic, stopping is initiated by a slow Your vehicle drives off again automatically. (position 4, RESUME).
crawling phase, which brings the vehicle to The vehicle accelerates to the desired speed
a standstill. Information that was stored unless a vehicle traveling in
– When adaptive cruise control is operating front is detected as driving slower than the
normally or when the HOLD function is active, Your vehicle will not drive off if the vehicle
desired speed and the distance from this
the brake pedal may feel different and you may detected in front is stationary.
vehicle is less than the desired distance that
hear hydraulic noises. was set.
Adaptive cruise control is ready
This behavior is normal for the system. The status display B changes from gray to
It is not a fault. Automatic speed and distance control can only be
resumed when your vehicle is moving.
1. Drive off normally.
Press the control stalk on the steering wheel
2. Press the control stalk on the steering wheel
up and keep it pressed (position 4, RESUME).
up (position 4, RESUME).
The vehicle accelerates in a more sporty
driving style to the desired speed that was
Set or change the desired speed.

If cruise control and distance control was
interrupted using the control stalk 3 (OFF), it can
only be resumed again when the vehicle is moving
and no stationary objects are detected in front.

Driving and Driving Safety 165

Messages on the multi-purpose display – “Gradient too steep!” Exceptions for adaptive cruise control
If adaptive cruise control was deactivated The desired distance or the desired speed Adaptive cruise control is not available in the
automatically or if an action cannot be performed, cannot be set because the gradient on the following situations:
a message to this effect in blue appears on the road is too steep. – If the ignition is switched off.
multi-purpose display. – “Stationary object” – When PSM is off.
– “ABS/PSM intervention!” The action is not possible because a stationary – If the driver’s door is opened and the driver’s
Adaptive cruise control was deactivated object was detected ahead. safety belt is not fastened.
because ABS or PSM intervened as a control – “PSM off” – When parking or maneuvering in very tight
mechanism. Adaptive cruise control is not available spaces.
– “Electric parking brake!” because PSM was switched off. – When the electric parking brake is activated.
Adaptive cruise control was deactivated – “ACC cutoff” – When the Tiptronic selector lever is in position
because the electric parking brake was Adaptive cruise control was deactivated. N, R or P.
activated. – “Steering turned too far” – On upward or downward gradients of more
– “Selector position!” The steering is turned too far. than 20 %.
Adaptive cruise control was deactivated – “PHC active” – When Porsche Hill Control (PHC) is active
because the Tiptronic selector lever is not in Porsche Hill Control (PHC) is active or on (or on standby).
position D or manual position M. standby.
If one of these exception situations occurs when
– “Impossible while parked” For information on Porsche Stability Management adaptive cruise control is switched on, adaptive
The required action is not possible because (PSM): cruise control will be switched off.
your vehicle is stationary, e.g. when setting f Please see the chapter “PORSCHE STABILITY A message to this effect will appear on the
a desired speed. MANAGEMENT (PSM)” on page 189. multi-purpose display.
– “Speed!” General information
Adaptive cruise control was deactivated
because the rpm limit of the engine was “Sport” mode
reached in manual position M of the Tiptronic Adaptive cruise control regulates your driving
selector lever. more dynamically in “Sport” mode.
Towing a trailer
Adaptive cruise control is also available when you
are towing a trailer, but is less dynamic.

166 Driving and Driving Safety

Traffic situations in which vehicles
cannot be reliably detected
The radar sensor for adaptive cruise control scans
a narrow, cone-shaped area in front of your
Detection can be limited or unreliable, depending
on the traffic situation and the size of the vehicle
in front. The system may brake too late or
unexpectedly. Stationary vehicles are not
detected. The system cannot respond to
stationary vehicles.
f Drive with extreme care.
f Slow down if necessary.

Warning messages A – Vehicles changing lanes/cutting in

Overtake request when adaptive cruise If a vehicle is changing lanes or cutting in ahead
control is active (ACC active) of you in the same lane, the vehicle will only be
If adaptive cruise control detects that braking detected when it has moved completely into
assistance is required on the part of the driver, your lane.
a warning signal sounds and the warning message B – Vehicles with a small cross-section/
“Distance! Please brake!” appears on the multi- narrow vehicles
purpose display. Narrow or small vehicles will not be detected or
will be detected too late.

Driving and Driving Safety 167

Active Safety – Porsche “Active Safe”
The adaptive cruise control sensor is used for
the Porsche “Active Safe” functions.
These include:
– Brake system prefilling
Prefilling of the brake system if the radar
sensor detects that the vehicle is coming
critically close to a moving obstacle in order
to bridge the air gaps and improve braking
– Brake Assist Plus
Reduction of the activation threshold of the
Brake Assist function if the sensor detects that
the vehicle is coming critically close to
a moving obstacle.
The activation threshold of the Brake Assist
function is reduced in three stages, depending
C – Driving into and out of corners on how critical the danger situation is. Latent warning (visual)
When driving into and out of corners, vehicles will If the vehicle is driving too close to the vehicle in
not be detected or will be detected too early, Information front for a long time, to avoid a collision if the
or adaptive cruise control will react to vehicles in vehicle in front brakes, a latent warning appears
– All Porsche “Active Safe” functions are active
adjacent lanes. on the multi-purpose display to warn the driver.
f Stay further back from the vehicle in front if
for speeds of more than 20 mph (30 km/h).
D – Stationary vehicles
A stationary vehicle that appears suddenly in the
detection field of the radar sensor, e.g. after
a vehicle in front changes lanes, will not be
detected by adaptive cruise control.

168 Driving and Driving Safety

The situations described below lead to the
assumption that the driver is driving carefully and
the prewarning and acute warning functions are
– The driver drives around tight corners.
– The driver is braking.
– If the driver accelerates sharply, this action
is interpreted as an active driving request
(e.g. indicating the driver’s intention to
– When adaptive cruise control is on, the
Porsche “Active Safe” warnings are inactive.
There is no need for these warnings because
adaptive cruise control decelerates in good
time and the visual and acoustic overtake
Prewarning (acoustic and visual) Acute warning (acoustic, visual and tangible) request “Distance! Please brake!” is issued
early as required.
If the radar sensor detects that the vehicle is If the driver does not react to the prewarning by
coming critically close to and is very likely to braking, this is quickly followed by an acute
Switching Porsche “Active Safe”
collide with an obstacle moving in front, an warning, which involves a braking jolt as well as
warnings on/off
acoustic and visual prewarning is issued. the acoustic and visual warning.
This warns the driver and still allows a collision to The latent warning and prewarning functions are
A braking jolt is felt in the vehicle as a result
be prevented if the driver reacts accordingly. switched off by default. The acute warning
of a very quick build-up of brake pressure.
function is active.
This alerts the driver to the traffic situation.
Latent warnings and prewarnings can be activated
The driver can still prevent a collision by reacting
under “Prewarning on” on the multi-purpose
accordingly in this dangerous situation.
The settings remain stored when the ignition is
switched on and off.
f Please see the chapter “ACTIVE SAFE (PAS)”
on page 131.

Driving and Driving Safety 169

The warning indicator lights up to indicate that
the Lane Change Assist system on this side has Information
detected a vehicle and considers this critical for This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC
changing lanes. This form of display is called the Rules and with RSS-210 of Industry Canada.
information stage. The information stage is Operation is subject to the following two
designed so that you notice it merely by glancing conditions:
at the door mirror. 1. This device may not cause harmful
When you set the turn signal and Lane Change interference, and
Assist has detected a vehicle that it regards as 2. this device must accept any interference
critical, the warning indicator on the door mirror received, including interference that may
will flash brightly several times. This form of cause undesired operation.
display is called the warning stage. Changes or modifications made to this equipment
not expressly approved by Porsche may void the
h WARNING Radiofrequency
FCC authorization to operate this equipment.
radiation exposure
This equipment has been tested and found to
This equipment complies with FCC radiation
comply with the limits for a Class A digital device,
exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits
environment. This equipment should be installed
Lane Change Assist (LCA) and operated with minimum distance of 8 in.
are designed to provide reasonable protection
against harmful interference when the equipment
Lane Change Assist (LCA) uses radar sensors to (20 cm) between the radiator and your body.
is operated in a commercial environment. This
help the driver to monitor the blind-spot area and This transmitter must not be co-located or equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio
the traffic situation behind the vehicle. operating in conjunction with any other antenna or frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
Warning indicators are integrated in both door transmitter. accordance with the instruction manual, may
mirrors. The warning indicator B on the left door cause harmful interference to radio
mirror assists the driver in changing into the left communications. Operation of this equipment in a
lane, while the warning indicator on the right door residential area is likely to cause harmful
mirror assists the driver in changing into the right interference in which case the user will be required
lane. to correct the interference at his own expense.
This Class A digital apparatus complies with
Canadian ICES-003.
Cet appareil numérique de la classe A est
conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.

170 Driving and Driving Safety

Switching on and off h WARNING Lane Change Assist
Switching on Risk
f Press button A. Even when using the Lane Change Assist, the
The indicator light in the button comes on. driver is still responsible for taking due care when
Switching off changing lanes and assessing the traffic situation.
f Please bear in mind that the sensors will not
f Press button A again. detect all vehicles in every situation.
The indicator light in the button goes off.
f Please note that Lane Change Assist cannot
alert you in good time to vehicles approaching
Information at high speed from behind or vehicles that are
The system helps when driving on highways and falling back.
on country roads. For this reason, it works at f Radar sensor vision can be impaired by rain,
a driving speed of between 20 and 156 mph snow or heavy spray. As a result, vehicles will
(30 and 250 km/h). not be detected adequately or vehicles will not
be detected at all in some cases by Lane
Change Assist. Keep the direction of travel and
the relevant area around the vehicle in view at
all times.
f Please note that Lane Change Assist will only Information
alert you to approaching vehicles or vehicles in f To ensure that Lane Change Assist can work
the blind-spot area when you are driving at properly:
20 mph (30 km/h) or faster. Do not block the radar sensor area on the rear
f Please note that Lane Change Assist will not bumper (see illustration) with objects
work in tight corners (corner radius of less (e.g. stickers, bicycle carriers).
than 109 yd. (100 m)). Also remove any snow and ice from this area.
f Even with Lane Change Assist, absolute care f Do not cover the warning indicator on the door
and attention on the part of the driver is still mirror with stickers or other objects.
required while driving. Ultimately, the driver is f Lane Change Assist switches on automatically
still responsible for changing lanes. Keep the as soon as the electric connector is plugged
direction of travel and the relevant area around into the trailer socket.
the vehicle in view at all times. f Lane Change Assist switches off automatically
if it detects that the radar sensors for Lane
Change Assist are covered.

Driving and Driving Safety 171

If the side windows in the driver’s or passenger’s Operating principle The brightness of the information stage is
door are darkened with tinted film, the driver may Lane Change Assist measures the distance and deliberately weak so as not to distract you while
not be able to see the warning indicator on the speed difference of the detected vehicles driving without intending to change lanes and
door mirror properly. compared to your vehicle. Whenever Lane Change looking at the road. The information stage is
Assist regards the speed difference and distance clearly visible when you look in the door mirror.
Detection area
as critical for changing lanes, this is indicated on Warning stage
The detection area of the radar sensors includes:
the relevant door mirror. When you set the turn signal and Lane Change
– the approach zone approx. 77 yd. (70 m) to
the rear and The warning indicator can light up when you are Assist has detected a vehicle on this side which it
– the blind-spot area. overtaken by a vehicle or when you overtake regards as critical for changing lanes, the warning
another vehicle. indicator on the mirror on this side will start to
The radar sensors cover the adjacent lane to the
left and right. Other lanes are not covered by the When you overtake another vehicle slowly (speed flash brightly. When the warning stage flashes
radar sensors. difference of less than 9 mph (15 km/h)), the brightly several times, this should be an indication
warning indicator lights up as soon as this vehicle for you to check the driving situation again by
is in your blind-spot area and is detected by Lane looking in the door mirror and looking over your
Information Change Assist. If there is a greater speed shoulder.
Lane Change Assist does not measure the lane difference, this is not indicated on the door mirror.
width, but the system assumes that the lane has
a fixed width. The sensors cover this lane width at Information and Warning stage Information
the left and right. Lane Change Assist has 2 warning indicator The brightness of the warning indicator on the
When driving on narrow roads or when driving stages: door mirror can be changed.
off-center in a lane, it is possible that Lane Change – the information stage and f Please see the chapter “SETTING DISPLAY
Assist will detect vehicles that are not in the very – the warning stage. BRIGHTNESS ON DOOR MIRROR” on
next lane. Depending on whether or not you have set the turn page 175.
signal to indicate that you intend to change lane,
Lane Change Assist helps you by activating the
relevant warning indicator stage.
Information stage
If you have not set the turn signal, Lane Change
Assist will inform you about detected vehicles that
will be regarded as critical for a possible lane
change. Whenever Lane Change Assist regards
the speed difference and distance of a detected
vehicle as critical, a weak light appears in the
warning indicator on the relevant door mirror.

172 Driving and Driving Safety

C – Warning indicator flashes in warning
When you set the turn signal in driving situation B,
the warning indicator on the door mirror will flash
brightly several times. Lane Change Assist is
telling you that you may have overlooked
a vehicle.

– The faster a vehicle is approaching, the earlier
the warning indicator on the door mirror lights
up. You are alerted to all vehicles detected by
Lane Change Assist when they are in the
“blind-spot area” at the latest.
– Changing lanes can already be critical for
vehicles approaching at speed if there is still
no indication on the door mirror.
Driving situation – vehicle approaching Driving situation – vehicle approaching
fast slowly
A – Warning indicator on door mirror does A – Warning indicator on door mirror does
not light up not light up
The sensors do not detect a vehicle. No lights on The sensors detect a slowly approaching vehicle –
warning indicator on door mirror. on the left lane in the example. Given the small
speed difference and the long distance, this is not
B – Warning indicator lights up in information
indicated on the door mirror.
The sensors detect a fast approaching vehicle – B – Warning indicator lights up in information
on the left lane in the example. This vehicle is stage
already regarded as critical for changing lanes The slowly approaching vehicle is now closer.
due to the significant speed difference even The warning indicator on the door mirror lights up
though it is still a good distance away. in information stage.
The warning indicator on the door mirror lights Only when Lane Change Assist regards the speed
up in information stage. difference and distance as critical for changing
lanes will this be indicated on the door mirror.
You are alerted to all vehicles detected by Lane
Change Assist when they are in the “blind-spot
area” at the latest.

Driving and Driving Safety 173

C – Warning indicator flashes in warning
When you set the turn signal in driving situation B,
the warning indicator on the door mirror will flash
brightly several times. Lane Change Assist is
telling you that you may have overlooked
a vehicle.

– The faster a vehicle is approaching, the earlier
the warning indicator on the door mirror lights
up. You are alerted to all vehicles detected by
Lane Change Assist when they are in the
“blind-spot area” at the latest.
– Changing lanes can already be critical for
vehicles approaching at speed if there is still
no indication on the door mirror.
Driving situation – vehicles falling back Driving situation – vehicles falling back
slowly fast
A – Warning indicator on door mirror does A – Warning indicator on door mirror does
not light up not light up
Lane Change Assist has not yet detected the Lane Change Assist has not yet detected the
vehicle you have overtaken. No lights on warning vehicle you have overtaken. No lights on warning
indicator on door mirror. indicator on door mirror.
B – Warning indicator lights up in information
B – Warning indicator on door mirror does
not light up
Lane Change Assist detects the vehicle that is
Lane Change Assist detects the vehicle that is
falling back slowly (speed difference of less than
falling back fast (speed difference of more than
9 mph (15 km/h)) on the right. The warning
9 mph (15 km/h)) on the passenger’s side, but
indicator on the door mirror lights up in
does not regard it as critical for changing lanes
information stage.
because it is falling back fast. No lights on warning
C – Warning indicator flashes in warning indicator on door mirror.
When you set the turn signal in driving situation B, C – Warning indicator on door mirror does
the warning indicator on the door mirror will flash not light up
brightly several times. Lane Change Assist is When you set the turn signal in driving situation B,
telling you that you may have overlooked there is still no indication on the door mirror.
a vehicle.

174 Driving and Driving Safety

Setting display brightness on door mirror
The brightness of the warning indicator for both Information
the information stage and warning stage is – Lane Change Assist is not active while you are
automatically adjusted according to the ambient adjusting the brightness. The warning indicator
brightness. lights up briefly only to help you to set the
You can also adjust the basic brightness as brightness.
required on the multi-purpose display. – Your settings are automatically stored and
f Please see the chapter “LANE CHANGE assigned to the radio key you are using.
ASSIST (LCA)” on page 131.
The new brightness is displayed briefly during the General information
setting process. This is the level of brightness System-related limits are set for Lane Change
displayed for the information stage. The Assist while driving. Please drive with extreme
brightness of the warning stage depends on the care therefore:
brightness of the information stage. – when driving around corners
f Set the brightness of the information stage so – when driving in lanes that are not of standard
that you can clearly see the warning indicator width.
lighting up when you look in the door mirror, When driving around corners
but cannot see it when you look straight ahead Lane width
– Lane Change Assist cannot detect vehicles in
through the windshield. – The Lane Change Assist detection area is
tight corners (corner radius of less than
In very dark or bright surroundings, the warning designed in such a way that it covers the two
109 yd. (100 m)).
indicator may already be at the lowest or highest adjacent lanes (left and right) on lanes of
– When driving around a corner, Lane Change
level of automatic brightness adjustment. In such standard width regardless of whether you are
Assist may react to a vehicle driving two lanes
cases, there may not be any noticeable change in driving exactly in the middle or more on the
over from you and the warning indicator on the
the brightness of the warning indicator on the door edge of your lane.
door mirror may light up.
mirror when you adjust the basic brightness. – When you are driving on narrow lanes, this area
When you change the basic brightness in very may cover even more lanes, particularly if you
bright or dark surroundings, you may not notice are driving at the edge of your lane.
any change until you are back in an area with In situations like this, vehicles driving two lanes
moderate ambient brightness. over from you can also be detected and Lane
Change Assist could switch to the information
or warning stage.
– Likewise, when driving on very wide lanes,
vehicles in the next lane may not be detected
because they are outside of the detection

Driving and Driving Safety 175

For information on warning messages on the Car Audio Operation/Tips Static and fluttering
multi-purpose display: When the line-of-sight link between a transmitter
f Please see the chapter “OVERVIEW OF
For radio operation see your radio manual
which is included with your on-board and vehicle is blocked by large buildings or
WARNING MESSAGES” on page 139. mountains, the radio sound may be accompanied
with static or fluttering because of the
Information FM reception characteristic of FM.
A vehicle is not an ideal place to listen to a radio. In a similar effect, a fluttering noise is sometimes
– The Lane Change Assist function can be
Because the vehicle moves, reception conditions heard when driving along a tree-lined road.
restricted in tight corners, on undulating roads
and in adverse weather conditions. are constantly changing. This static and fluttering can be reduced by
– The radar sensors can sometimes detect Buildings, terrain, signal distance and noise from adjusting the tone control for greater bass
other objects (e.g. high or raised crash other vehicles are all working against good response until the disturbance has passed.
barriers), not just vehicles. reception.
– Lane Change Assist does not measure the lane Some conditions affecting FM may appear to be
problems when they are not. Because of the reflecting characteristics of FM,
width, but the system assumes that the lane direct and reflected signals may reach the antenna
has a fixed width. The sensors cover this lane The following characteristics are completely
at the same time (multipath) and cancel each other
width at the left and right. When driving on normal for a given reception area, and they do not
narrow roads or when driving off-center in indicate any problem with the radio itself.
As a vehicle moves through these electronic dead
a lane, it is possible that Lane Change Assist spots, the listener may hear a momentary flutter
will detect vehicles that are not in the directly Information or loss of reception.
adjacent lane and signal these as critical. Electronic accessories should only be installed by
f If the positions of the radar sensors were your authorized Porsche dealer.
Station swapping
changed following a rear-impact collision, When two FM stations are close to each other, and
Equipment which has not been tested and
for example, always have the Lane Change an electronic dead spot, such as static or
approved by Porsche may impair radio reception.
Assist system checked out at a specialist multipath area, interrupts the original signal,
workshop for safety reasons. Fading and drifting some-times the stronger second signal will be
selected automatically until the original one
FM range is limited to about 25 miles (40 km),
except for some high power stations.
This swapping can also occur as you drive away
If a vehicle is moving away from the desired from the selected station and approach another
station's transmitter, the signal will tend to fade station of a stronger signal.
and/or drift. This condition is more prevalent with
FM than AM, and is often accompanied by
Fading and drifting can be minimized to a certain
degree by careful attention to fine tuning or
selection of a stronger signal.

176 Driving and Driving Safety

Car Telephone and Aftermarket Alarms If you should require equipment with transmission
Important legal and safety information power values greater than 10 W, please consult
regarding the use of cellular telephones your authorized Porsche dealer for this purpose.
They are familiar with the technical requirements
Compact disk player Some states may prohibit the use of cellular
telephones while driving a vehicle. Check the laws for installing devices of this kind.
NOTICE and regulations on the use of cellular telephones The antennas for all radios and telephones with a
To avoid damage to compact disk player and in the areas where you drive. transmitting antenna must be externally mounted.
disks. The improper installation of radios or telephones
f Use only compact disks labeled as shown, Cell Phone Use or use of a radio or telephone with a transmitting
having no dirt, damage or warpage. Looking away from the road or turning your antenna inside the car may cause the warning
f Never attempt to disassemble or oil any part attention away from your driving to operate a cell lights to come on.
of the player unit. Do not insert any object phone will sooner or later cause an accident. Improper installation of such equipment can
other than a disk into the slot. Remember there f Do not attempt to operate a hand-held cell create a discharged battery or excessive current
are no user-serviceable parts inside the phone while you are driving. Safety is more draw from added equipment.
compact disk player. important than a phone call. If aftermarket systems are installed by non-
f Do not allow the disk to sustain any f Learn to operate the hands-free phone, if it is dealership technicians or outside the selling
fingerprints, scrapes or stickers on the available, before you start driving. Then make dealer, problems may result. Installation of
surfaces. This may cause poor sound quality. use of the hands-free phone at all times. aftermarket equipment is not covered under the
Hold the disk only on the edge or center hole. New Car Warranty.
f When not in use, take the disk out of the player, It is essential to observe the telephone f Consult your authorized Porsche dealer about
manufacturer’s instructions before operating the installation of non-Porsche approved
put the disk back into its case and store it
the telephone. equipment.
away from dust, heat, damp and direct
sunlight. Any portable telephone or radio transmitter which
is used in a Porsche must be properly installed in Reception quality
Leaving the disk on the dashboard in the sun
accordance with the technical requirements of The reception quality of your car telephone will
can damage the disk.
f If the disk gets dirty, clean the disk by wiping Porsche. change constantly when you are driving.
The transmission power must not exceed Interference caused by buildings, landscape and
the surfaces from the center to the outside in
10 W. weather is unavoidable. It may become particu-
a radial direction with a soft cloth.
The devices must possess a type approval for larly difficult to hear when using the hands-free
Do not use a conventional record cleaner or
your vehicle and have an “e” symbol. function due to external noise such as engine and
anti-static record preservative.
wind noise.
Disk cleaners are available in audio stores.
Automatic car-wash
f Unscrew external antennas before using an
automatic car-wash.

Driving and Driving Safety 177

Porsche Communication Satellite radio
Management (PCM) You must have the satellite radio activated before
you can put it into operation. You will need a
h WARNING Operation of On-Board contract with a provider in order to use this radio.
Systems f Refer to the separate radio operating
Setting or operating the on-board computer, instructions before putting into operation.
radio, navigation system, telephone or other
equipment when driving could distract you from
the traffic. You could lose control of the vehicle.
f Operate the components while driving only if
the traffic situation allows you to do so safely.
f Carry out any complicated operating or setting
procedures only with the vehicle stationary.
f If it is necessary to operate these components
while the vehicle is in motion, use the function
keys on the multi-functional steering wheel.
f Refer to the separate operating instructions
before putting the PCM into operation. USB/iPod® and AUX
When put into operation for the first time, a The USB/iPod® and AUX interfaces are located
distance of approx. 3 miles (5 km) must be driven in the storage compartment between the front
in order for the navigation system to complete the seats.
process of fine calibration. The same applies f Please refer to the chapter “External audio
when the tires are changed (e.g. summer/winter source” in the separate PCM operating
tires) or new tires fitted. Full location accuracy is instructions.
not yet achieved during the fine-calibration
If the vehicle has been transported (e.g. ferry, car
Do not leave your iPod®, USB storage device
train), the system may take a few minutes after
or an external audio source in the vehicle for
being switched on before it determines the current
extended periods of time because extreme
ambient conditions (temperature fluctuations,
Serious tire slip (e.g. spinning wheels on snow)
humidity) can occur in the vehicle.
may result in temporarily inaccurate navigation.
When the battery has been disconnected, it may
take up to 15 minutes before the navigation
system is operational once more.

178 Driving and Driving Safety

The positions of the gears are shown on the shift
diagram on the gearshift lever.
f When shifting gears, always ensure that the
clutch pedal is fully depressed and the gear
has fully engaged.
f Select reverse only when the vehicle is
f Select an appropriately low gear on upward
and downward slopes.
This will ensure optimum use of engine power
and engine braking.
When reverse gear is selected and the ignition is
on, the reversing lights come on.
Permitted engine speed
f You should change into a higher gear or ease
off the accelerator before the needle reaches
the red mark on the tachometer.
Voice Control Manual Transmission, Clutch If the red zone is reached during acceleration,
Porsche Communication Management (PCM) can fuel feed is interrupted.
h WARNING Obstructed Clutch
be operated by spoken commands using the voice Pedal
control system. NOTICE
f Please refer to the chapter “VOICE CONTROL” Unsuitable or incorrectly installed floor mats or
Risk of engine damage (over-revving) when shifting
in the separate PCM operating instructions. objects can obstruct the movement of the pedal
down to a lower gear.
f Take care not to exceed the maximum
or prevent application of the pedal.
Activating voice control f Do not obstruct the pedal travel with floor mats
f Press button
permitted engine speed when shifting down.
. or other objects.
An acoustic signal sounds and help text for
using the five most important voice commands NOTICE
appears on the multi-purpose display of the
instrument panel. Risk of damage to the clutch and transmission.
Simply say the command. f Always depress the clutch pedal fully when
changing gears. Make sure that the gearshift
For information on switching the help text on and
lever is completely engaged.
f Only shift into reverse when the car has come
off on the multi-purpose display:
f Please see the chapter “DISPLAYING PCM
to a complete stop.
DISPLAY” on page 128. Floor mats of the correct size and with the
appropriate fastening are available from your
authorized Porsche dealer.

Driving and Driving Safety 179

Tiptronic S Starting
Porsche Tiptronic S is an 8-speed automatic The engine can be started only in selector-lever
transmission and features an “automatic” and position P or N with the brake pedal pressed.
a “manual” gearshift mode. Driving off
In automatic selection mode (selector-lever f Select the desired position for moving off
position D), gear changing is automatic. (D, M or R) only when the engine is idling and
You can change temporarily from automatic to when depressing the brake pedal.
manual mode using the rocker switches on the f Since the vehicle crawls when in gear,
steering wheel, depending on the driving program. do not release the brake until you are ready
In manual selection mode (selector-lever to drive off.
position M), you change gear using the shift The vehicle will not crawl when the HOLD
buttons on the steering wheel or by pushing the function is active.
selector lever forward or back. For information on the HOLD function:
The functions of selector-lever positions D and M Please see the chapter “HOLD FUNCTION:
are different in the on-road driving program and DRIVE-OFF ASSISTANT, STANDSTILL
the off-road driving program. MANAGEMENT” on page 192.
You can change between selector-lever positions f After selecting a gear, do not accelerate until
D and M as you wish while driving. Changing selector-lever position you can feel that the gear is engaged.
The currently engaged gear is retained when you The selector lever is blocked when the ignition is
change from D to M. switched off.
If you change from M to D, the gear-changing map The selector lever can be moved from position P
suitable for your current driving style is selected and N only with:
and the appropriate gear is engaged. – the ignition switched on,
– the brake pedal pressed and
– the release button pressed (arrow).
Make sure not to actuate the shift buttons on the Release button
steering wheel inadvertently, thereby triggering The release button (arrow) on the front of the
undesired gear changes. selector lever prevents unintentional gear
The release button must be pressed when shifting
to position R or P.
The selector lever can no longer be operated in
the event of an electrical fault.
f For information on emergency release of the
blocked selector lever:
Please see the chapter “SELECTOR LEVER

180 Driving and Driving Safety

Selector-Lever Positions D – Automatic selection mode
(D – Normal mode)
P – Parking lock
f Select selector-lever position D for “normal”
When the selector lever is in position P, the drive driving.
wheels are mechanically locked. The gears are shifted automatically according
f Engage parking lock only when the vehicle is to the accelerator position and speed.
f Engage parking lock after applying the
Depending on how the vehicle is driven
(economical or sporty driving style) and on the
electric parking brake and release it before
resistance (e.g. driving uphill), the gear-changing
releasing the electric parking brake.
f Always apply the electric parking brake before
points are shifted towards higher or lower engine-
speed ranges. The accelerator movement, driving
leaving the vehicle.
speed, longitudinal and lateral acceleration and
The ignition key can be removed only in selector- the road profile all have an influence on the gear-
lever position P. changing characteristic.
R – Reverse gear f Unwanted upshifts, e.g. when entering
f Select reverse only if the vehicle is stationary corners, are prevented by swiftly releasing the
and the brake is applied. accelerator pedal.
Selector-lever position Depending on lateral acceleration, upshifts on
N – Neutral corners are not made until the engine-speed limit
Display for selector-lever position and
engaged gear Selector-lever position N must be selected for is reached.
towing or in car washes, for example. When you brake, and depending on the amount
When the engine is running, the display shows the
f Select the desired position for moving off of deceleration, the transmission changes down
selector-lever position and engaged gear.
(D, M or R) only when the engine is idling and earlier. For subsequent cornering, the right gear is
when pressing the brake pedal. engaged when pressure is applied to the brakes
before the corner.
The corner is taken in a suitable gear. It is not
necessary to change down when accelerating out
of the corner.
D – Sport mode
The transmission switches to a sporty gear-
changing map. A sporty driving style is recognized
more quickly and the gear-changing speeds are
adapted to driving performance.
Braking downshifts are initiated earlier. Downshifts
occur for small decelerations, even at higher revs.

Driving and Driving Safety 181

D – Off-road mode Kickdown
The transmission switches to an off-road gear- The kickdown function is active in selector-lever
changing map. position D and M.
The gear-changing points are chosen to achieve f For optimum acceleration, e.g. when
the best possible vehicle control on difficult overtaking, press the accelerator pedal
terrain. beyond the full-throttle point (kickdown).
On steep downhill stretches, upshifts are The transmission shifts down depending on the
prevented until average engine speeds are speed of travel and engine speed.
reached. Upshifts occur at the highest possible engine
When the vehicle is overrunning, upshifts are speeds.
prevented until the engine-speed limit is reached.
Shifting gears on the steering wheel Information
With the shift buttons on the steering wheel, you Unlike in Normal and Sport mode, an automatic
can change temporarily from automatic selection upshift is not performed in manual selection
mode D to manual mode M. mode M in Off-road mode when the engine-speed
Changing gear using the steering wheel could be limit is reached.
useful in the following situations: M – Manual selection mode
– Shifting down before corners and on entering
The currently engaged gear is retained when you
built-up areas.
change from D to M.
– Shifting down on downward slopes (engine
If you change from M to D, the gear-changing map
suitable for your current driving style is selected
– Shifting down for brief spurts of acceleration.
and the appropriate gear is engaged.
The manual selection mode remains engaged:
The selector lever and the two shift buttons in the
– For cornering (depending on the lateral
upper steering-wheel spokes let you select the
acceleration) and overrunning.
eight forward gears comfortably and reliably.
– When the vehicle is stationary
(e.g. at a junction).
The system leaves manual selection mode:
– automatically after around 8 seconds
(unless cornering or overrunning),
– after driving off.

182 Driving and Driving Safety

Driving off Manual selection mode failure
1st or 2nd gear can be selected for driving off. If manual mode fails, the control electronics
system switches to automatic mode.
To shift up automatically at the upper
In this case, selector-lever position D will be
engine-speed limit:
displayed on the instrument panel.
f Press the accelerator pedal beyond the full- f Have the fault corrected at an authorized
throttle point (kickdown). Porsche dealer.

Information Normal and Sport mode

f For a brief stop (e.g. at a traffic light), leave
There is no automatic upshift at the upper
the selector lever in drive position and hold the
engine-speed limit in selector-lever position M.
vehicle with the brake pedal.
f Do not hold the car on a slope using the
Upshift suppression can be canceled in Normal
and Sport mode by kickdown operation.
accelerator. Use the brake pedal or the
The transmission shifts down to the lowest electric parking brake instead.
possible gear depending on the driving speed f Before leaving the vehicle, always apply the
and engine speed. electric parking brake and move the selector
If, for example, the engine-speed limit is reached lever to position P.
Shifting up + during overtaking and an automatic upshift does
f Press the selector lever or shift button on the not occur, the transmission shifts up in this case
steering wheel forward. Information
as a result of kickdown operation.
In selector-lever positions D and M, the HOLD
Shifting down -
function makes it easier to drive off from
f Pull the selector lever or shift button on the Information Off-road mode a standstill on an upward slope when the engine is
steering wheel back. running without having to press the brake.
The kickdown function is not available in selector-
You can shift up or down at any time depending
lever position M in Off-road mode. f For information on using the HOLD function:
on driving speed and engine speed. Please see the chapter “HOLD FUNCTION:
If, for example, the upper engine-speed limit is
Gear changes that would exceed the upper and DRIVE-OFF ASSISTANT, STANDSTILL
reached during overtaking and an automatic
lower engine-speed limit are not performed. MANAGEMENT” on page 192.
upshift does not occur, the transmission only
The gear is changed down automatically just shifts up when you press a shift button (+) or
before idle speed is reached. briefly press the selector lever (+).
f Select an appropriately low gear on upward
and downward slopes.
This will ensure optimum use of engine power
and engine braking.

Driving and Driving Safety 183

f Go easy on the accelerator.
f When parking or maneuvering in a small
space, control the speed by careful use of the
Driving in winter
In wintry road conditions, it is advisable to take
steep inclines in manual mode M. This prevents
gear changes occurring that could cause
wheel spin.
Warning messages/faults
For information on warning messages on the
multi-purpose display:
f Please see the chapter “OVERVIEW OF
WARNING MESSAGES” on page 139.
If the selector lever is between two positions
Selector lever emergency operation Driving Programs for On-Road and
– The corresponding selector-lever position on
In the event of an electrical fault, the selector lever Off-Road Driving
lock in position P (e.g. for towing the vehicle) can
the instrument panel flashes. Various driving programs with special
be released manually.
Action required: transmission and chassis control systems (such
1. Remove the front ashtray insert.
f Operate the footbrake and engage the Please see the chapter “FRONT ASHTRAY/
as ABS, off-road ABS, PSM, etc.) are provided in
selector lever properly. your Porsche to ensure the best possible driving
dynamics combined with maximum driving safety:
2. Take a screwdriver from the tool kit, insert it
– Off-road driving programs
into the opening for the emergency release
– On-road driving program
(yellow plastic part) and press against the
Depending on which driving program is selected,
spring force.
the transmission and chassis control systems are
At the same time, fully press in the release
automatically adapted to the requirements for off-
button in the selector lever and pull the
road or on-road driving.
selector lever back.

184 Driving and Driving Safety

Selecting driving program
The required driving program can be set using the
rocker switch.
The rocker switch is located in the center console
of the vehicle. It features a multi-step function and
can be operated in both directions.

– The number of differential locks that can be
engaged in the off-road driving program
depends on your vehicle equipment.

Prerequisites for manual settings

f The off-road driving program can only be
engaged at a speed of less than 20 mph
(30 km/h).
If you are driving too fast, the message “Speed Selecting off-road driving program A - On-road driving program
f Push rocker switch forward
too high” will appear on the instrument panel: B - Off-road driving program
Please see the chapter “OVERVIEW OF C - Center differential lock in off-road driving program
The vehicle becomes one step more suitable is 100% engaged
WARNING MESSAGES” on page 139.
f The on-road driving program can be engaged
for off-road driving. D - Rear differential lock in off-road driving program
is 100% engaged
at any time. Selecting on-road driving program
f Pull rocker switch to the rear . Display of the selected driving program
The vehicle becomes one step more suitable The selected driving program is indicated by light-
for on-road driving. emitting diodes next to the rocker switch
Once the driving program has been selected, the (illustration).
rocker switch springs back to home position. In addition, the selected driving program is shown
on the multi-purpose display of the instrument
panel for a few seconds.

Driving and Driving Safety 185

Recommended settings Sport mode
Information Center differential lock Function
Driving condition Recommended
When the center differential lock C is fully setting The sports exhaust system is switched on and
engaged, there is no longer any speed difference
Road: a sportier car set-up is obtained when Sport mode
between the front and rear axles. This makes it
is switched on.
easier for the vehicle to keep moving if, for
Interventions by the Porsche control systems are
example, both wheels on the front axle lose
intentionally shifted towards greater agility and
traction on a soft surface. Off-road: driving performance.
– PASM (Porsche Active Suspension
Management) is automatically changed to
Information Rear differential lock
Sand: Sport mode, resulting in a stiffer suspension
When the rear differential lock D is fully engaged, setup.
there is no longer any speed difference between – PDCC (Porsche Dynamic Chassis Control) is
the two rear wheels. This makes it easier for the automatically set to Sport mode and this
vehicle to keep moving if, for example, one drive Off-road upward/
further reduces the roll tendency of the
wheel on the rear axle loses traction on an icy road downward slope:
or soft surface. – The air suspension automatically changes to
Crossing obstacles: the low level setting.
– The Tiptronic S transmission changes to
Information a sportier shift strategy.
– The selected off-road driving program remains The gear-changing points are shifted to higher
engaged even if the driving conditions change, Off-road track ruts:
speed ranges. Upward shifts are initiated later
e.g. if the vehicle is then driven on the road. and deceleration shifts are performed earlier.
The corresponding light-emitting diodes next – The electronic accelerator pedal reacts sooner
to the rocker switch stay on but the Trailer on slippery and the engine is more responsive to throttle
transmission and chassis control systems surface (e.g. grass): inputs.
adapt to suit the changed driving conditions. – Sporty engine tuning is activated.
– A warning message appears on the instrument f For further information:
panel if there is a fault in the gearshift system. Please see the chapter “PORSCHE ACTIVE
f Please see the chapter “OVERVIEW OF SUSPENSION MANAGEMENT (PASM)” on
WARNING MESSAGES” on page 139. page 197.
Please see the chapter “PORSCHE DYNAMIC
CHASSIS CONTROL (PDCC)” on page 198.

186 Driving and Driving Safety

Switching Sport mode on and off Vehicles with air suspension
Sport mode can be activated when the ignition If you wish to use the characteristics of Sport
is switched on and when the on-road driving mode and the sports exhaust system, but would
program is selected. like a more comfortable chassis setup, you can:
– switch PASM and PDCC separately to Normal
or Comfort mode and/or
– raise the ride height of the vehicle.
Sport mode cannot be selected when the off-road f Press the corresponding PASM button in the
driving program is engaged. center console. The light-emitting diode in the
The message “Sport unavail. with active off-road button of the selected chassis setup lights up.
function” will appear on the multi-purpose display In addition, the selected chassis setup is
of the instrument panel. shown on the multi-purpose display of the
instrument panel for approx. 12 seconds.
Please see the chapter “PORSCHE ACTIVE
page 197.
Please see the chapter “PORSCHE DYNAMIC
f Press SPORT button in the center console. CHASSIS CONTROL (PDCC)” on page 198.
The light-emitting diode in the SPORT button f Press the rocker switch in the center console
comes on and the SPORT logo lights up on the forward. The corresponding light-emitting
multi-purpose display when Sport mode is diode next to the rocker switch lights up
switched on. continuously after the adjustment process.
After the ignition is switched off, Sport mode is The level change is also indicated on the multi-
automatically reset to Normal mode. purpose display of the instrument panel.
Please see the chapter “AIR SUSPENSION
A warning appears on the multi-purpose display ADJUSTMENT” on page 195.
in the instrument panel in the event of a fault.
f For information on warning messages on the
multi-purpose display:
Please see the chapter “OVERVIEW OF
WARNING MESSAGES” on page 139.

Driving and Driving Safety 187

Transmission and Chassis Control Systems
Your Porsche features a complex integrated system made up of all control systems acting in power transmission and in the chassis.
All control systems are networked with the aim of combining the best possible driving performance with maximum safety.
The following systems are involved, depending on equipment:

System/designation Scope
PTM – Active all-wheel drive with electronically regulated map-controlled multi-plate clutch
Porsche Traction Management

PTV Plus – Lateral dynamic braking for sportier and more agile cornering
Porsche Torque Vectoring – Electronically controlled rear differential lock

PSM – Driving stability control
Porsche Stability Management – Anti-lock brake system (ABS)
– Brake system prefilling
– Brake booster
– Automatic brake differential (ABD)
– Anti-slip regulation (ASR)
– Engine drag torque control (MSR)

Air suspension – Full load-bearing air-spring struts with integrated shock absorbers
with level control and height adjustment – Air supply system with pressure accumulator

PASM – Shock absorber system with adaptive, continuous shock absorber control
Porsche Active Suspension Management

PDCC – Active chassis control system to stabilize roll tendency of vehicle body when driving
Porsche Dynamic Chassis Control

188 Driving and Driving Safety

Advantages of PTM – Off-road traction is also significantly improved
h WARNING Driver Responsibility
– Clearly perceptible improvement in traction, due to the possibility of locking the rear
Despite the advantages of transmission and driving stability and steering ability of the axle fully.
chassis control systems, it is still the driver’s vehicle. Please see the chapter “DRIVING PROGRAMS
responsibility to adapt his driving style and – Better control of the vehicle when driven at its FOR ON-ROAD AND OFF-ROAD DRIVING” on
maneuvers in line with road and weather performance limits. page 184.
conditions, as well as the traffic situation. – Improved straight-ahead tracking and stability.
The increased safety that is provided should not Porsche Stability Management (PSM)
– The above features allow for a sportier chassis
induce you to take greater risks with your safety. PSM is an active control system for stabilization of
The limits set by the physics of driving cannot be the vehicle during extreme driving maneuvers.
– Optimal drive torque distribution on all four
overcome. wheels, depending on the driving program. Advantages of PSM
These systems cannot reduce the risk of – Best possible traction and lane-holding ability
accidents due to inappropriate speed. Porsche Torque Vectoring Plus (PTV Plus)
in all driving situations – even on road surfaces
f Adapt your driving style, maneuvers and speed PTV Plus is a control system for lateral dynamic
with varying friction.
to the road and weather conditions, as well as braking intervention for sportier and more agile
– The system compensates for undesired
the traffic situation. cornering and features an electronically controlled
vehicle reactions (load-alteration effect) when
rear differential lock.
the driver releases the accelerator pedal or
Porsche Traction Management (PTM) PTV Plus improves steering behavior and steering brakes on corners. This compensation
Porsche Traction Management (PTM) ensures the precision with gentle braking interventions - which functions up to the maximum lateral
best possible power distribution to the four driven are not even noticed by the driver - on the inside acceleration.
wheels on the front and rear axles. The system rear wheel when cornering. The vehicle follows the – PSM actively stabilizes the vehicle as required
always controls power distribution in such a way steering angle of the front wheels more precisely. during dynamic driving maneuvers (e.g. rapid
that optimal propulsion is achieved, even on an Understeering at the stability limit is almost fully steering movements, during lane changes or
unfavorable road surface. prevented. This in turn enhances the lateral- on alternating corners).
PTM is active at all times and, unlike PSM, acceleration potential. Higher cornering speeds – Improved braking stability on corners and on
cannot be switched off. are then possible. different or varying road surfaces.
The electronically controlled rear differential lock – Improved brake function and shorter stopping
continuously checks the driving situation of the distance in the event of emergency braking.
vehicle and distributes the drive torque to the rear
axle as required. This has the following Operational readiness
advantages: PSM is switched on automatically every time you
– Improved traction start the engine.
– Reduced load change responses when
cornering at speed
– Improved driving stability at higher speeds

Driving and Driving Safety 189

Function – Brake system prefilling: Automatic brake differential (ABD)
PSM intervenes and corrects the course if the The brake system is prepared for possible The ABD system controls the front and rear axles
actual direction of motion deviates from the subsequent emergency braking if the separately. If one wheel of an axle starts to spin,
desired course (steering-wheel position): accelerator pedal is released suddenly and it is braked so that the other wheel on the same
It brakes individual wheels as needed. quickly. The brake system is prefilled and the axle can be driven.
If necessary, PSM also influences the engine brake pads are already applied gently to the ABD recognizes different driving states, and it
power or the gear-changing characteristic of brake disks. features control strategies adapted to these
Tiptronic in order to stabilize the vehicle. – Brake booster: states. In situations in which little propulsive power
The events below inform the driver of PSM control In the event of an emergency braking operation is required, such as when the vehicle moves off on
operations and warn him to adapt his driving style where the pedal force is insufficient, a brake a level gravel surface, traction control already
to the road conditions: booster provides the braking pressure becomes active at low engine speeds. If a large
– The PSM warning light on the instrument panel necessary for maximum deceleration at all amount of propulsive power is required, such as
flashes. 4 wheels. when moving off on an uphill slope or for rapid
– Hydraulic noises can be heard. acceleration, the ABD system is adapted
– The vehicle decelerates and steering-wheel Information accordingly.
forces are altered as PSM controls the brakes. When PSM is switched off, wheel-specific brake Anti-slip regulation (ASR)
– Reduced engine power. interventions and the anti-slip regulation system
– The brake pedal pulsates and its position is The anti-slip regulation system prevents the
(ASR) are also inactive. wheels from spinning by adjusting the engine
changed during braking. The automatic brake differential (ABD) remains on.
In order to achieve full vehicle deceleration, power, thereby ensuring good lane-holding ability
foot pressure must be increased after the and stable handling.
Off-road PSM
brake pedal has begun vibrating. (PSM in the off-road driving program) Engine drag torque control (MSR)
Examples of PSM control operations When the off-road driving program is active, an off- In conditions of excessive slip, the engine drag
– If the “front wheels of the vehicle drift” on road PSM specially matched to off-road driving is torque control system prevents all driven wheels
a corner, the engine power is reduced and the activated to improve traction. from locking up when the vehicle is overrunning.
rear wheel on the inside of the corner is braked In order to improve driveability on difficult terrain, This is also the case for downshifts on a slippery
if necessary. the response of the off-road PSM is less sensitive road.
– If the rear of the vehicle swings out on in the low speed range when the vehicle is set to
a corner, the front wheel on the outside of the the off-road driving program.
corner is braked. If the brakes are highly stressed, the automatic
brake differential (ABD) switches itself off to
protect the brakes. It remains deactivated until the
brake system has cooled sufficiently again.

190 Driving and Driving Safety

With increased braking power, the vehicle is PSM warning light
stabilized even when PSM is switched off.
One-sided spinning of the wheels is prevented, – The PSM warning light on the instrument panel
even with PSM switched off. lights up for a lamp check when the ignition is
switched on.
PSM should always be switched on during
– The light indicates a control operation, even
“normal” driving.
when PSM is switched off, e.g. brake control in
However, it may be a good idea to switch off PSM
the event of one-sided wheel spin.
temporarily in exceptional situations:
– The light - in conjunction with the multi-purpose
– on a loose surface (e.g. on sand)
display - indicates a fault.
– in deep snow,
The warning message “PSM failure” appears
– when “rocking the vehicle free” and
on the multi-purpose display of the instrument
– when using snow chains.
For information on warning messages on the
Information multi-function display:
When PSM is switched off, wheel-specific brake f Please see the chapter “OVERVIEW OF
interventions and the anti-slip regulation system WARNING MESSAGES” on page 139.
(ASR) are also inactive. f Adapt your driving style according to the
Switching off PSM The automatic brake differential (ABD) remains on. changed conditions.
f Press button . f Consult your authorized Porsche dealer.
PSM is switched off after a short delay. Switching PSM back on
Collapsible spare wheel
The light-emitting diode in the button is lit up. f Press button
f Never switch off PSM when driving with
When PSM is switched off, the PSM OFF PSM is active immediately.
warning light on the instrument panel lights up a collapsible spare wheel.
The light-emitting diode in the button and the
and a message appears on the multi-purpose PSM OFF warning light on the instrument panel Towing
f For information on towing:
display of the instrument panel. go out.
A message appears on the multi-purpose Please see the chapter “TOWING” on
display of the instrument panel. page 302.

Driving and Driving Safety 191

ABS brake system ABS warning light USA HOLD function: Drive-Off Assistant,
(Anti-Lock Brake System) standstill management
ABS warning light Canada
ABS ensures: The HOLD function, as an assistance function,
– Full steering control If the ABS warning lights light up on the instrument assists the driver when stopping and driving off
The vehicle remains steerable. panel and on the multi-purpose display of the on upward slopes.
– Good driving stability instrument panel while the engine is running, The vehicle is automatically prevented from rolling
No skidding due to locked wheels. ABS has switched off because of a fault. back away from the desired direction of travel.
– Optimum braking distance In this case, the brake system will operate without When the HOLD function is active, the indicator
Shorter stopping distance in most cases. lock prevention, as in vehicles without ABS. light on the instrument panel comes on.
– Prevention of wheel locking f Adapt your driving style to the changed Driving off with the Drive-Off Assistant on
No flat spots on the tires. braking behavior.
vehicles with manual transmission
The ABS must be checked immediately at your
Function authorized Porsche dealer in order to prevent 1. Hold the vehicle securely on the slope with
The decisive advantage of ABS lies in the driving the occurrence of further faults with the footbrake.
stability and maneuverability of the vehicle in unpredictable consequences. The engine must be running.
hazardous situations. 2. Press the clutch pedal fully.
The ABS control unit is adjusted for the approved
3. Engage a gear corresponding to the
ABS prevents locking of the wheels during full tire dimensions.
direction of travel up the slope (1st gear or
braking, on almost all road surfaces, until just The use of tires with non-approved dimensions can
reverse gear).
before the vehicle stops. lead to different wheel speeds, causing ABS to
4. Release the footbrake while keeping the clutch
ABS begins to control the braking process as switch off.
pedal pressed.
soon as a wheel shows a tendency to lock. Off-road ABS The vehicle is held on the slope to facilitate
This controlled braking process is comparable (ABS in the off-road driving program) driving off and prevent it from rolling back.
with extremely rapid cadence braking.
When the off-road driving program is active, 5. Drive off as usual.
The pulsating brake pedal and a “juddering noise”
an ABS configuration specially matched to
warn the driver to adapt his driving speed to the
off-road driving is activated automatically.
road conditions.
f If full braking is necessary, fully depress the In the event of braking on loose ground, the
brake pedal during the whole braking permissible slip values for ABS braking are
operation, even though the pedal is pulsating. increased so that the off-road braking distance
Do not reduce the braking pressure. is reduced (wheels dig into the surface).
If the driver needs to steer, the off-road driving
program is automatically switched off to maintain

192 Driving and Driving Safety

h WARNING Limits of HOLD Function h CAUTION Vehicle Roll-back Porsche Hill Control (PHC)
Porsche Hill Control is an assistance system that
The limits set by the physics of driving cannot be If the vehicle comes to a standstill on a steep
helps the driver when driving slowly downhill at
overcome, even with the HOLD function. uphill gradient without using the service brake,
speeds of between approx. 2 mph (3 km/h) and
Responsibility for driving off on upward slopes is this may result in a certain roll-back before the
20 mph (30 km/h), e.g. on steep slopes or on
still the driver’s, despite the HOLD function. vehicle is held by the HOLD function. In this
wintry mountain roads, both when driving forward
Assistance by the HOLD function is not always situation, the driver can reduce the roll-back by
and reversing.
guaranteed when stopping and driving off on pressing the footbrake.
a slippery surface (e.g. on icy or loose surfaces). f Assist holding of the vehicle by increasing the The system limits the speed by braking on all four
wheels. ABS remains active to prevent the wheels
In this case, the vehicle can slip. braking force with the footbrake.
f Always adjust your driving style to the driving from locking.
conditions and vehicle load. Use the footbrake Brake pedal feels different. When adaptive cruise On vehicles with manual transmission, the system
if necessary. control is operating normally or when the HOLD adapts the speed in such a way that the engine is
function is active, the brake pedal may feel not braked at idle speed.
different and you may hear hydraulic noises. Like all brakes, the braking ability of Porsche
h CAUTION Drive-Off Assistant Not
Pressing the footbrake while the HOLD function Hill Control is impaired on slippery surfaces
is active can cause pulsations in the pedal. (e.g. on icy roads or loose surfaces).
If the Drive-Off Assistant is not functioning, the This behavior is normal for the system.
driver cannot be assisted when driving off on hills. It is not a fault. h WARNING Slippery Roads
f Hold the vehicle with the footbrake.
Reduced braking ability on a slippery surface.
f Always adjust your driving style to the driving

– PHC is on.
– The speed must not exceed approx. 20 mph
(30 km/h).
– The gradient must be at least approx. 12 %.
– The driver does not accelerate or brake.

Driving and Driving Safety 193

Switching off PHC Decelerating
f Press the PHC button again. f Pull the control stalk on the steering wheel
The indicator light on the button goes out. towards the steering wheel and keep it pulled
(position 2).
The desired speed is reduced and stored when
you release the stalk.
The active system is again ready for operation if
the gradient is less than approx. 6 %. Measurements on test stands
Brake tests
Changing speed
Brake tests must be carried out only in the on-road
The speed can be changed when PHC is driving program and on plate-type or roller-type
switched on: test stands.
f The new desired speed is stored when you The following limit values must not be exceeded
release the brake or accelerator pedal on roller-type test stands:
or – Test speed 4.7 mph (7.5 km/h)
is set using the cruise control or adaptive – Test duration 20 seconds
cruise control stalk.
Electric parking brake test
Switching on PHC
Electric parking brake tests on the brake test
f Press the PHC button. Information
stand must be performed only with the ignition
The indicator light on the button lights up. Cruise control readiness must be switched on: switched off and with the Tiptronic selector lever
PHC readiness f Press button A on the control stalk. in position N or with the gearshift lever in neutral.
Please see the chapter “CRUISE CONTROL” on
The gray symbol on the multi-purpose Balancing wheels on the vehicle
page 158.
display of the instrument panel indicates
Adaptive cruise control must be switched on: During finish balancing of the wheels, the entire
f Press button R on the control stalk.
vehicle must be lifted and the wheels must be free
PHC control is active/ Please see the chapter “ADAPTIVE CRUISE to turn.
Desired speed CONTROL” on page 160.
The desired speed is displayed in orange
under the PHC symbol, which has now Accelerating
turned white. f Press the control stalk on the steering wheel
forward and keep it pressed (position 1).
The desired speed is increased and stored
when you release the stalk.

194 Driving and Driving Safety

Air Suspension with Leveling Terrain level (High level I) Low level
System and Height Adjustment This level is intended for off-road driving, field This level is intended for high-speed driving.
tracks, forest paths, etc. From a speed of approx. 85 mph (138 km/h),
On vehicles with air suspension, the driver can set
The vehicle is raised by around 1.1 in. (28 mm) the vehicle is automatically lowered by approx.
five different level steps manually.
(front axle) and 0.98 in. (25 mm) (rear axle) 0.87 in. (22 mm) (front axle) and 0.98 in. (25 mm)
The preselected level is automatically adapted to
compared with normal level. (rear axle) compared with normal level.
suit the vehicle speed.
Terrain level can only be selected manually and at The vehicle is automatically raised to normal level
The height of the vehicle is automatically kept
speeds below approx. 50 mph (80 km/h). if the speed falls to below approx. 60 mph
constant when the vehicle is loaded. The individual
The vehicle is automatically lowered to normal (80 km/h) for about 10 seconds or below approx.
levels can be set only while the engine is running.
level at speeds exceeding approx. 50 mph 25 mph (40 km/h).
(80 km/h) (60 mph or (100 km/h) when the off-
Information road driving program is active). Information
– The vehicle may not be driven on public roads The vehicle is automatically raised to terrain level
If low level was set manually using the rocker
in the terrain or special terrain setting. when the off-road driving program is activated.
switch in the center console, low level also
– Frequent level changes can cause the
compressor to overheat. In this case, the Special terrain level (High level II) remains active at speeds below approx. 25 mph
This setting is intended only for extremely (40 km/h).
compressor must cool for several minutes
before the leveling system is fully functional challenging terrain requiring maximum ground
again. The system automatically adjusts to clearance. Compared with normal level, the Low level II
a selected level when the compressor cools vehicle is raised by around 2.28 in. (58 mm) (front This level is intended for high-speed driving. From
down. axle) and 2.17 in. (55 mm) (rear axle). a speed of approx. 130 mph (210 km/h) for more
Special terrain level can only be selected manually than 40 seconds, the vehicle is automatically
Normal level and at speeds below approx. 20 mph (30 km/h). lowered by approx. 1.26 in. (32 mm) (front axle)
The vehicle is automatically lowered to terrain and 1.38 in. (35 mm) (rear axle) compared with
The ground clearance at normal level is approx.
level at a speed of more than approx. 20 mph normal level.
7.48 in. (190 mm).
(30 km/h). The vehicle is automatically raised to low level if
the speed drops to below approx. 105 mph
(170 km/h) for around 60 seconds or below
approx. 75 mph (120 km/h).

Driving and Driving Safety 195

Loading level Indication of selected level
The selected level is indicated by light-emitting
diodes next to the rocker switch (illustration).
Risk of damage to chassis parts, assemblies and The corresponding light-emitting diode next to the
the vehicle underbody. rocker switch flashes during the adjustment
The vehicle may bottom when driven down from process. It then lights up continuously.
curbs, for example, if the ground clearance is The level change is also indicated on the multi-
insufficient at loading level. purpose display of the instrument panel.
f Always switch to normal level before Exceptions
moving off.
Automatic changes from normal level to low level
This setting makes it easier to load the luggage and back are not indicated on the multi-purpose
compartment. display of the instrument panel.
The vehicle is lowered by around 2.05 in. (52 mm)
(front axle) and 2.17 in. (55 mm) (rear axle)
Warning message
compared to normal level. Various messages will appear on the multi-
The vehicle is automatically raised to normal level purpose display of the instrument panel if there is
at speeds exceeding approx. 3 mph (5 km/h). a system fault.
A - Special terrain level (high level II) f For more information on warning messages on
Setting the level manually B - Terrain level (high level I)
the multi-purpose display:
C - Normal level
Preconditions D - Low level Please see the chapter “OVERVIEW OF
– Engine is switched on. E - Loading level WARNING MESSAGES” on page 139.
– Doors are closed. Raising the vehicle
f Adjust your driving style according to the
modified conditions.
f Briefly press rocker switch forward . f Contact an authorized Porsche dealer in order
Information The vehicle is raised one level. to correct a system fault.
The last selected level is stored in the memory Lowering the vehicle
after the ignition is switched off. f Briefly pull rocker switch to the rear .
The vehicle is lowered one level.

196 Driving and Driving Safety

Raising the vehicle with the jack Indication of the selected chassis setup
Whenever it is necessary to raise the vehicle using The light-emitting diode in the button of the
the jack: selected chassis setup lights up.
f Manually set normal level and then switch off In addition, the selected chassis setup is shown on
the leveling system. the multi-purpose display of the instrument panel
for approx. 5 seconds.
Switching off level control
1. Switch on ignition. Warning message
2. Press the rocker switch forward for The system automatically detects PASM faults. In
10–15 seconds. this case, a warning message appears on the
A message appears on the multi-purpose multi-purpose display of the instrument panel.
display of the instrument panel when the f Please see the chapter “OVERVIEW OF
rocker switch is released. WARNING MESSAGES” on page 139.
The vehicle can now be raised. f Adapt your driving style according to the
Switching the leveling system back on changed conditions.
f To remedy the fault, consult an authorized
1. Switch on ignition.
Porsche dealer.
2. Press rocker switch forward for
10–15 seconds Porsche Active Suspension
drive off in the vehicle.
Management (PASM)
The leveling system switches on automatically. Three different chassis setups can be selected at
the push of a button:
Transporting the vehicle on car trains, – comfort
ferries and car transporters – normal
f Tie the vehicle down only at its wheels. – sport
If the chassis setups “comfort” or “normal” have
been selected, the system automatically changes
the setup to “sport” when the vehicle is driven in
a sporty manner.
Selecting chassis setup
1. Switch on ignition.
2. Press the appropriate button.

The last selected chassis setup is stored in the
memory after the ignition is switched off.

Driving and Driving Safety 197

Porsche Dynamic Chassis Control Warning message Off-Road Driving
(PDCC) A warning message appears on the multi-purpose Please read this section carefully before driving
display of the instrument panel if there is a system off-road with your Porsche.
Function fault. The information provided will familiarize you with
Porsche Dynamic Chassis Control (PDCC) is f For more information on warning messages on the special advantages of your vehicle, allowing
a system for roll stabilization of the vehicle body the multi-purpose display: you to arrive at your destination safely every time.
when driving. Driving comfort and driving safety Please see the chapter “OVERVIEW OF
We recommend practicing on less rugged terrain.
are improved by active intervention of the anti-roll WARNING MESSAGES” on page 139.
bars on the front and rear axles. f Adapt your driving style according to the Vehicles with SportDesign package
No separate controls are available for the PDCC changed conditions.
system. f To remedy the fault, consult an authorized NOTICE
After selection of a chassis setup in Porsche Porsche dealer. Risk of damage. Front, rear and side member
Active Suspension Management (PASM): trims are painted on vehicles with the SportDesign
– comfort Checking hydraulic fluid package.
– normal The hydraulic fluid is checked and changed
Off-road driving can seriously damage these trims.
– sport regularly as part of servicing.
f When driving off-road, make sure these parts
PDCC automatically activates the corresponding Further important information on “Maintenance” are not damaged.
on-road driving program. can be found in a separate section. f Make sure there is sufficient clearance
f For information on selecting a chassis setup: f Please see the chapter “EXERCISE EXTREME between obstacles and the underside of the
SUSPENSION MANAGEMENT (PASM)” on on page 239. f Avoid driving through water.
page 197. f Do not use side member trims or rear wheel
PDCC automatically activates its off-road function spoilers as a running board.
if the off-road driving program is switched on.
f For information on engaging a driving
program: Information
Please see the chapter “DRIVING PROGRAMS Please bear in mind that off-road driving subjects
FOR ON-ROAD AND OFF-ROAD DRIVING” on all vehicle components to considerably more wear
page 184. than normal driving, making professional
inspection and maintenance after every use vital
preconditions for functioning and safety.
Grains of sand, dirt particles and other abrasive
materials entering the brakes can cause
excessive wear or unpredictable braking action.

198 Driving and Driving Safety

Rules for off-road driving f Do not deviate from marked routes or paths. Vehicles with SportDesign package
f Ensure vehicle is equipped with approved all- f Respect nature.
Always obey off-limits signs. NOTICE
terrain tires.
f Pay attention to the ground clearance of the Risk of damage. Front, rear and side member
Driving Systems for Off-Road trims are painted on vehicles with the SportDesign
f Activate the off-road driving program. Driving package.
Please see the chapter “SELECTING DRIVING Specially adapted driving programs or power- Off-road driving can seriously damage these trims.
PROGRAM” on page 185. transmission and chassis control systems are f When driving off-road, make sure these parts
f Switch on terrain level or special terrain level, available for off-road driving: are not damaged.
if necessary, before starting to drive off-road. – Off-road PTM f Make sure there is sufficient clearance
Do not brake the car to a stop while adjusting – Off-road PTV Plus between obstacles and the underside of the
the level. (depending on vehicle equipment) vehicle.
f The level should only be adjusted on a level – Off-road PSM f Avoid driving through water.
surface. – Off-road ABS f Do not use side member trims or rear wheel
f Stow or fasten luggage and loads securely. f For further information on the functioning of spoilers as a running board.
For information on stowing loads and luggage: chassis control systems:
Please see the chapter “LOADING Please see the chapter “TRANSMISSION AND After driving off-road
INFORMATION” on page 221. CHASSIS CONTROL SYSTEMS” on page 188. Off-road driving is harder on the vehicle than
f If unknown terrain is obscured from view, normal driving on roads.
Before driving off-road
examine it on foot first and drive with extreme We recommend that you inspect the vehicle after
caution. Tires
off-road driving. Potential damage poses an
This way, obstacles are easier to recognize f Check tread depth and inflation pressure accident risk and impairs driving comfort.
and damage to the vehicle is avoided. of tires. Damage to the vehicle is recognized in good time
f Always drive with the engine running. f Check for damage and remove any foreign if the vehicle is checked.
Power steering assistance is provided only objects (e.g. stones) from the tread.
with the engine running. f Replace missing valve caps. h WARNING Effect of Vehicle and
f Drive slowly and consistently. Rims
Tire Damage
f Replace dented or damaged rims before
Always make sure that the wheels are touching Vehicle damage poses an accident risk for the
the ground. vehicle occupants and other road users.
driving off-road.
Before driving through water, check the water f If in doubt, have your vehicle checked at an
depth, the condition of the surface beneath it authorized Porsche dealer.
and the speed of the water. f Examine tires for signs of damage, such as
f Look out for obstacles, such as boulders, cuts, tears, bulges or foreign objects stuck in
holes, tree stumps or ruts. the tread. Replace a damaged tire if
f Always keep the sliding/lifting roof or necessary.
Panorama roof system and the side windows f Have any damage to your vehicle repaired by
closed while driving. an authorized Porsche dealer without delay.

Driving and Driving Safety 199

Recommended procedure Off-Road driving on uphill gradients Off-Road driving on downhill gradients
f Switch off the off-road driving program.
f Clean headlights and tail lights and check them Avoiding Overturning Avoiding Overturning
for signs of damage. f Do not turn round when driving on uphill f Do not drive over embankments or slopes at
f Clean the front and rear license plates. gradients. steep diagonal angle.
f Clean the tire tread with a jet of water and f If it is not possible to climb an uphill gradient, f Drive downhill slowly, with the front wheels
remove any foreign objects. the vehicle must be backed down in reverse pointing straight ahead.
f Clean wheels, wheel housings and the gear. f If the vehicle starts to tilt, immediately steer in
underbody with a jet of water. f Do not drive over embankments or slopes at the direction of the tilt (line of slope).
f Check whether the vehicle has picked up plant steep diagonal angles. f When driving downhill, never let the vehicle roll
parts or branches. f If the vehicle starts to tilt, immediately steer in when in idle.
These materials increase the risk of fire and the direction of the tilt (line of slope). f Use engine braking effect.
can damage fuel lines, brake hoses, boots of f When driving on uphill gradients, never let the If the engine braking effect is not sufficient to
the axle joints and drive shafts. vehicle roll back when in neutral or not in gear. appropriately check the speed, gently apply
f After off-road driving, always check the entire Exclusive use of the footbrake is too risky in the footbrake.
floor assembly, tires, body structure, steering such situations. f Activate Porsche Hill Control (PHC).
system, chassis and exhaust system for signs Please see the chapter “PORSCHE HILL
of damage. CONTROL (PHC)” on page 193.
f After driving for an extended period through Information
mud, sand, water or substances with a similar f Activate the off-road driving program before
soiling effect, check the brake disks, brake taking extreme uphill or downhill gradients. Information
pads, wheels and axle joints and have them f Do not perform manual gear changes when f Activate the off-road driving program. Off-road
cleaned. driving, and try to avoid stopping. ABS is switched on automatically.
f If you experience severe vibrations after f Avoid high engine speeds. f Do not perform manual gear changes when
driving off-road, check the wheels for foreign driving, and try to avoid stopping.
substances. These substances can produce Traction on uphill gradients f Do not adjust the vehicle level on a slope.
an imbalance which might be responsible for The special control mechanism of the off-road
the vibrations. Removing these deposits may Information ABS permits controlled brief lock-up of the front
remedy the problem. wheels so that they can dig into the loose surface
Activate the off-road driving program and
more effectively.
engage differential lock(s) if necessary.
f When driving uphill, go easy on the accelerator
Locked wheels slip and can no longer be steered.
and make sure that wheels have sufficient
f When driving down steep hills on unpaved
surfaces, brake carefully to prevent sliding.
traction (do not spin).
f Do not adjust the vehicle level on a slope.
f Avoid high engine speeds.
f Drive slowly.

200 Driving and Driving Safety

Humps h WARNING Impaired Braking /
f Pay attention to the ground clearance of the Soiling
vehicle. Soiling can impair the braking action.
f Activate the off-road driving program and
f Check and clean the brakes if they are soiled. engage differential lock(s) if necessary.
f Switch the air-conditioner off.
Switch the headlights off.
f Activate the off-road driving program and h WARNING Impaired Steering -
f Avoid high engine speeds.
engage differential lock(s) if necessary. Driving in Water
Do not perform manual gear changes when
f Just before reaching the hump, ease off the Danger of steering assistance failing during a long driving, and try to avoid stopping.
accelerator slightly and use only the vehicle’s trip in water if the drive belt slips. Moving off in water can be difficult due to the
momentum to cross the hump. This will f If steering assistance fails, more effort will be high resistance and the loose surface involved.
prevent the vehicle from jumping over the required to steer. f Raise the vehicle level before driving through
hump and landing on the next downward slope water.
at excessive speed. NOTICE f Start driving through water at a shallow place
f Avoid high engine speeds. at walking speed.
Danger of damage to electrical systems.
f Avoid driving through salt water. f After checking the body of water, take the
Driving through water shortest path through it.
f Pay attention to the ground clearance of the NOTICE f Never drive into water with momentum.
vehicle. The resulting bow wave could damage the
Risk of damage to the engine and accessories if engine and accessories.
h DANGER Fast-flowing Deep Water water gets into the vehicle. f Adjust your driving style to unfamiliar
f Before driving through water, check the water f Before driving through water, check the water surroundings.
depth, water speed and the condition of the depth, water speed and the condition of the f Drive through the water slowly and at
surface beneath it. surface beneath it. a constant speed.
The water must not be deeper than 19.7 in. The water must not be deeper than 19.7 in. f Never turn around when crossing a body of
(50 cm). The water must not be deeper than (50 cm). The water must not be deeper than water.
21.9 in. (55.5 cm) for vehicles with level 21.9 in. (55.5 cm) for vehicles with level f If it is not possible to cross a body of water,
control and height adjustment. control and height adjustment. the vehicle must be backed out in reverse
f Do not drive through deep or rapidly flowing f Make sure that the door sills and rubber seals gear.
water. are clean before starting to drive.
The power-steering pump and alternator can fail if
Deep or rapidly flowing water, such as f Avoid producing bow waves by driving at an the vehicle is driven through water for an extended
mountain streams or flooded roads, can cause appropriate speed.
the vehicle to deviate from the desired path f Do not drive through deep or rapidly flowing f If the power-steering pump fails, substantially
and roll over. water.
more force is necessary in order to steer.
f Never open the doors when driving through Deep or rapidly flowing water, such as
water. mountain streams, can cause the vehicle to
deviate from the desired path.
f Never open the doors when driving through

Driving and Driving Safety 201

Driving on sand Off-road driving on track ruts
Information Other vehicles leave ruts on many off-road tracks
The vehicle requires a particularly thorough check Information or gravel roads.
after driving through water.
f Activate the off-road driving program and f Pay attention to the ground clearance of the
f Remove mud from the tire tread. engage differential lock(s) if necessary. vehicle.
f Briefly “brake” the brake pads dry after driving
Loose sand is an especially tricky surface for NOTICE
through water.
off-road driving.
You can often become stuck in sand within Risk of damage to the vehicle floor.
Crossing obstacles The vehicle floor could be damaged when driving
minutes if you do not drive correctly in such
NOTICE situations. through track ruts that are too deep.
f Drive rapidly and do not stop under any f Always bear in mind the vehicle’s ground
Risk of damage to the underbody and chassis clearance.
circumstances. Otherwise, the vehicle will
become bogged down. f Do not drive through ruts that are too deep.
These parts can be damaged if you do not drive f Follow existing tracks – provided they have not
properly over obstacles. been covered by blown sand, are not too deep
f Always check the ground clearance of your and the vehicle’s ground clearance is Information
vehicle. sufficient. f Activate the off-road driving program and
f Slowly drive over the middle of tree stumps, Pay attention to the ground clearance of the engage differential lock(s) if necessary.
boulders or other obstacles with one of the vehicle. f If in doubt, drive with one wheel on the strip of
front wheels. f If you need to stop the vehicle on sand, choose grass between the ruts.
f Cross the obstacle with the rear wheel in the a downward slope if possible to allow you to f Avoid high engine speeds.
same way. drive off again more easily. f Drive slowly.
When driving on slopes with soft sand on vehicles
with Tiptronic S:
f To achieve a high engine speed, use the
f Activate the off-road driving program and manual selection mode M as well as the
engage differential lock(s) if necessary. off-road driving program if necessary.
f Get your passenger to direct you if necessary.
f Avoid high engine speeds.
If your vehicle still gets stuck:
f Do not spin the wheels. Instead, use branches,
f Drive slowly.
mats or similar items to provide adequate
traction so that you can drive out of the
critical area.

202 Driving and Driving Safety

Storage, Luggage Compartment and Roof Transport System
Loadspace ................................................ 204
Cargo Management System ........................ 205
Luggage Compartment Cover ..................... 208
Luggage Safety Net ................................... 209
Ski Bag ..................................................... 211
Roof Transport System............................... 212
Storage..................................................... 215
Cupholder.................................................. 216
Front Ashtray/Storage Compartment ........... 217
Rear Ashtray.............................................. 218
Cigarette Lighter ........................................ 218

Storage, Luggage Compartment and Roof Transport System 203

Loadspace 2. Unclip support arm B and insert it into fixing Tie-down rings
recess C in the loadspace floor. You can secure the load in the luggage
The maximum permissible load on the loadspace
floor is 880 lbs (400 kg). The weight must be Closing the loadspace floor compartment to prevent it from slipping. Tie-down
distributed evenly over the entire loadspace. straps or the luggage net can be fastened to the
1. Lift the loadspace floor and clip support arm B
f For information on stowing loads and luggage: tie-down rings D.
f Make sure that all rings are equally loaded
into its holder in the vehicle floor.
Please see the chapter “LOADING 2. Close the loadspace floor.
INFORMATION” on page 221. when securing a load.

Opening the loadspace floor

1. Pull handle A and lift the loadspace floor.
The tie-down rings are not designed to restrain
a heavy load in an accident.

204 Storage, Luggage Compartment and Roof Transport System

Cargo Management System
The cargo management system is a variable
system for securing objects in the luggage
It comprises two telescopic rails integrated in the
loadspace, a telescopic bar, four tie-down rings
as well as a strap reel and a reversible mat.
The reversible mat has an anti-slip structure on the
f For information on stowing loads and luggage:
Please see the chapter “LOADING
INFORMATION” on page 221.

Inserting and adjusting the telescopic bar Inserting and adjusting the strap reel
1. Insert the two end elements of the telescopic The strap reel is stored together with the tie-down
bar in the openings A of the mounting rails. rings in the supplied bag in the luggage
2. Press the end elements down and push against compartment or in the spare-wheel well.
the load. When the bar is correctly positioned, 1. Take the strap reel out of the bag.
the load should no longer be able to move. 2. Press button B on the end element of the strap
3. Release the end elements. reel and pull both elements out to the width of
4. Check that the elements are locked in position the two mounting rails.
by pushing against them.

Storage, Luggage Compartment and Roof Transport System 205

3. Insert the two end elements of the strap reel in Inserting strap reel on one rail 2. Insert one end element of the strap reel in the
the openings A of the mounting rails. 1. Press button B on the end element and pull opening A of a mounting rail, press down and
4. Press both end elements down and push both elements apart slightly. slide into position.
against the load. 3. Insert the second element in the same opening
5. Release the end elements. A, press down and slide in the opposite
6. Check that the elements are locked in position direction.
by pushing against them. 4. Check that the elements are locked in position
7. Press button B and tension the strap so that by pushing against them.
the load cannot move. 5. Press button B and place the strap around the
8. Release button B. item of luggage.
Tension the belt so that the item of luggage
cannot move.
6. Release button B.

206 Storage, Luggage Compartment and Roof Transport System

Inserting and adjusting tie-down rings
Tie-down straps, the luggage net or the luggage
safety net can be fastened to the tie-down rings.
Make sure that all rings are equally loaded when
securing a load.
The tie-down rings are not designed to restrain
loads in serious accidents.

1. Insert the tie-down ring in the opening A of the 5. Insert the remaining tie-down rings.
mounting rail.
2. Press button C down and slide the tie-down
ring in the corresponding direction.
3. Release button C. The opposing tie-down rings must always be
4. Check that the tie-down ring is locked in inserted in the opposite direction.
position by pushing it.

Storage, Luggage Compartment and Roof Transport System 207

Luggage Compartment Cover
Items in the luggage compartment may be hidden
from view by using the luggage compartment
f Always pull out the luggage compartment
cover when transporting objects in the
luggage compartment.
The luggage compartment cover is not
designed to carry objects.
f Do not hang bags or objects on the support
brackets. The support brackets can break off.

h WARNING Misuse of Luggage

Compartment Cover
In the event of braking, direction changes or in an
accident, objects can slide into the passenger
compartment and endanger the occupants.
f Do not place objects on top of the luggage Pulling out luggage compartment cover Retractable covers
compartment cover. f Pull out the cover by the handle and insert it The area between the luggage compartment
into the guides on the left and right side walls. cover and the adjustable rear seat backrests can
be covered by two retractable covers.
Retracting luggage compartment cover
f Disengage the luggage compartment cover Pulling out retractable cover
from guides on the side walls and carefully f Pull the retractable cover forward and engage
guide it back into the retractor roller. it at the holders on the rear seat backrest.
Rolling in retractable cover
f Disengage the retractable cover from the
holders and carefully guide it back into the
retractor roller.

f The retractable covers must be disengaged
when adjusting the rear seats (fore-and-aft
adjustment, backrest angle).
f When folding over the rear seat backrest,
first disengage the retractable cover from the
holder and guide it carefully back into the
retractor roller.

208 Storage, Luggage Compartment and Roof Transport System

Luggage Safety Net
The luggage safety net can hold back only
lightweight objects in the event of braking,
changes in direction or in an accident.
f For information on stowing loads and luggage:
Please see the chapter “LOADING
INFORMATION” on page 221.

h WARNING Unsecured Loads

Unsecured loads can slip and endanger the
occupants in the event of braking, changes in
direction or in an accident.
f Always secure the passenger compartment
with the luggage safety net.
f Always fasten the load at the tie-down rings.
f Never load the vehicle higher than the top
edge of the seat backrest.
Removing luggage compartment cover Installing luggage compartment cover f If the luggage safety net was heavily stressed
The luggage compartment cover is installed and 1. Insert the cover into the receiving holder on or damaged during braking or in an accident
removed through the rear right door. the left side. etc., have the safety net and its retaining
f First disengage the retractable covers from 2. Insert the cover on the right side down into bracket checked by an authorized Porsche
the rear seat backrests and fold the backrests the holder by pressing the release button and dealer.
forward. sliding the side panel in direction of arrow.
Please see the chapter “FOLDING REAR SEAT 3. Press the cover down until it locks securely
BACKRESTS FORWARD” on page 41. with an audible click.
1. Press the release button and slide the side 4. Move the backrests into vertical position and
panel in direction of arrow. engage the retractable covers on the rear seat
2. Take the cover up out of the receiving holder backrests.
on the right side.
3. Then remove the cover on the left side.
4. Remove the cover from the vehicle through
the open door.

Storage, Luggage Compartment and Roof Transport System 209

Installing luggage safety net 2. Position the tie-down rings in the loadspace Seat backrests folded over
floor in such a way that they are the same f Fold backrests forward:
Information distance from the end of the rail. It must be Please see the chapter “FOLDING REAR SEAT
possible to tension the net vertically and the
f When installing the luggage safety net, check net must not be bent around the rear seats.
that the correct side of the net is facing to the Always make sure that the backrests are
3. Attach the luggage safety net in the tie-down secured correctly.
rear (see attached label A on the net).
rings on the loadspace floor using the bottom 1. Attach the luggage safety net in the front fixing
hooks. rings on the ceiling using the left and right
Seat backrests not folded over
4. Tighten the net by pulling on the belt strap. fastening hooks.
1. Engage the luggage safety net in the rear
2. Attach the luggage safety net on the backrests
fixing rings on the ceiling using the left and
using the bottom hooks.
right fastening hooks.
3. Tighten the net by pulling on the belt strap.

210 Storage, Luggage Compartment and Roof Transport System

Stowing the ski bag
1. Empty the ski bag and pull it into the
passenger compartment.
2. Adjust the middle seat backrest to vertical
Please see the chapter “ADJUSTING MIDDLE
page 42.
3. Only fold up the ski bag when it is dry and store
it in the gear bag.
4. Secure the bag in the loadspace with the
Velcro strips.

Maximum ski bag load (75 lbs (34 kg) total
– 4 pairs of normal carving skis with ski sticks
Ski Bag Loading and securing ski bag or
Snowboard or skis, can be transported neatly and 1. Move the rear seats to the furthest rear – 3 pairs of normal carving skis with ski sticks
without damaging the passenger compartment. position. and one snowboard.
Please see the chapter “REAR SEATS” on
NOTICE page 40.
Alternatively, remove the middle headrest.

Risk of damage to the ski bag from sharp edges

Please see the chapter “REMOVING AND
on the load (e.g. snowboard).
f Protect sharp edges on the load.
REAR SEAT” on page 36.
2. Lift up the belt buckle on the middle seat.
Putting snowboard or skis into the ski bag 3. Fold the backrest on the middle rear seat
1. Provide the snowboard or the skis with edge forward:
protection. Please see the chapter “FOLDING MIDDLE
2. Place the snowboard or the skis into the ski SEAT BACKREST FORWARD” on page 42.
bag and close it. The skis must be placed into 4. Slide the ski bag through the loadspace over
the ski bag with the rear ends facing the front the folded seat backrest.
of the vehicle. The zip of the ski bag must face Make sure not to damage the center console
the rear of the vehicle. with the ski bag.
3. Tighten the snowboard or the skis with the 5. Insert belt tongue into the buckle.
tightening strap. The bindings must be behind 6. Tighten the belt.
this strap.

Storage, Luggage Compartment and Roof Transport System 211

Roof Transport System When the Roof Transport System is loaded, the
f Only use roof transport systems from the
maximum speeds depends on the nature, size and
weight of the load being carried. Washing the vehicle in a car wash or failure to
f Driving, braking and steering behavior change
Porsche Tequipment range for your vehicle or
observe the overall vehicle height or the permitted
roof transport systems that have been tested
due to the higher center of gravity and the gross weight can damage the vehicle or Roof
and approved by Porsche. It is not possible to
greater wind resistance. You should adapt your Transport System.
fit commercially available roof rack systems.
driving style accordingly. f Remove the roof transport system completely
The Porsche Roof Transport System allows you Nevertheless, Porsche recommends that you before washing the vehicle in a car wash.
to carry various sports and hobby equipment. do not exceed the posted speed limit. f Check the overall vehicle height with the Roof
Your authorized Porsche dealer will be pleased to f Never drive faster than 90 mph (140 km/h) Transport System fitted before driving into
tell you about the various different uses of the when the Roof Transport System is fitted and multi-storey car parks, garages underground
Roof Transport System. loaded. garages and tunnels.
h WARNING Roof Load Instability f With the basic carrier fitted and no load, do not f Do not exceed the permissible roof load,
exceed a maximum speed of 110 mph permissible gross weight and permissible axle
f Do not exceed the permissible roof load, (180 km/h). loads.
permissible gross weight and permissible axle Details of these weights and loads can be
loads. found under “Technical data” in this Owner’s
Details of these weights and loads can be Manual:
found under “Technical data” in this Owner’s Please see the chapter “WEIGHTS” on
Manual: page 312.
Please see the chapter “WEIGHTS” on
page 312.
f Distribute load evenly, with heavy items as low Information
as possible. Items of luggage must not project f Since fuel consumption and noise are
beyond the side of the load area. increased with the Roof Transport System is
f Fix and secure every item to the basic carrier fitted, it should not remain on the vehicle if not
with a rope or lashing strap (do not use elastic in use.
rubber tensioners). f For information on stowing loads and luggage:
f Before every trip, and at regular intervals Please see the chapter “LOADING
during long trips, check that the Roof INFORMATION” on page 221.
Transport System and load are secure. Re-
tighten if necessary and secure further by
locking. Tighten all fastening screws again.

212 Storage, Luggage Compartment and Roof Transport System

A - Front carrier bar 1. Secure the carrier bars in the marked areas 2. Open the cover on the supports in order to fit
B - Rear carrier bar only. There is one bore at the inside of each the carrier bars. To do this, insert the key and
C - Cover trims
roof rail. The locking pin in the support must turn it counter-clockwise to the horizontal
D - Torque wrench
E - Key engage in this bore. position.
Then fold up the cover.
Fitting carrier bars
A sticker on the underside of the carrier bars Information
identifies the front and rear bars (illustration).
Clean the carrier bar support area of the roof rails
f Fit the carrier bars so that the sticker is on the before installing.
left side of the vehicle.
Always observe these markings when fitting
the carrier bars on the roof rails.

Storage, Luggage Compartment and Roof Transport System 213

3. Before fitting the carrier bars, unscrew the 5. Then tighten the tensioning screws in all the 6. Close all covers and lock the locks. To do this,
fastening screws as far as they will go. supports to 6 ftlb. (8 Nm) one after the other turn the key clockwise to the vertical position
4. Carefully position the carrier bars on the roof using the torque wrench. The two arrows on and remove it. Then fit the cover trims if
rails and straighten them. Guide the locking the torque wrench must be perfectly aligned to necessary.
pin A into the corresponding bore B in the roof do this (6 ftlb./8 Nm). This secures the two
rail and secure it at this position. carrier bars both lengthwise and crosswise.
f Check the screws and fastenings after a short
trip, re-tighten them if necessary and check
them again at the relevant intervals.
f The screws must be checked more frequently
on bad roads. If this is not done, the Roof
Transport System can become loose or fall off
and can endanger other road users.

214 Storage, Luggage Compartment and Roof Transport System

h WARNING Unsecured Loads
Unsecured or incorrectly positioned loads can slip
and endanger the occupants in the event of
braking, changes in direction or in an accident.
f Do not transport items of luggage or objects
unsecured in the passenger compartment.
f Do not transport any heavy objects in open
storage trays.
f Always keep the covers of the storage trays
closed while driving.
f Always protect the passenger compartment
with a safety net and a luggage compartment

Installing accessories Information Glove compartment

An unsecured or incorrectly positioned load can
1. To install accessories, open the support cover
slip out of place or endanger the vehicle h WARNING Open Glove
and fold it down. Compartments
occupants during braking, direction changes or in
Do not strain the folded-down cover. An open glove compartment may cause injury
f For information on stowing loads and luggage:
2. Remove the profile trim and guide the during an accident.
accessories into the available T-groove.
Please see the chapter “LOADING f Keep the glove compartment closed while
Close the support cover again. driving.
INFORMATION” on page 221.
3. Please observe the relevant installation
instructions for attaching and securing carrier The glove compartment contains a pen and paper
attachments. holder.
f Pull the latch handle (arrow) and open the lid.
f Always lock the latch handle with the
emergency key to secure the contents from
unauthorized access.
For information on cooling the glove box:
f Please see the chapter “COOLED GLOVE
COMPARTMENT” on page 75.

Storage, Luggage Compartment and Roof Transport System 215

Other storage options
There are other storage options available,
depending on the vehicle equipment:
– Storage compartment and bottle holder in the
front and rear door panel
– Storage compartment in the center console
(instead of the ashtray)
– Map pockets
– Clothes hooks on the rear grab handles
– Cargo net on the left in the luggage

Storage tray in the armrest between Cupholder

the front seats You can place drinks cans and cups in the
The armrest can be moved forward or back. cupholder.
f Press the lever to the first pressure point, f Keep the rear cupholder closed while driving.
move the armrest forward or back and engage
in the end position. h WARNING Hot Drink Spills
Hot drinks can cause scalding, if spilled, causing
Information potential loss of vehicle control.
f Only move the armrest horizontally when it is f Only use containers that fit.
closed. f Never put overfull containers in the cupholder.

Opening the storage tray

f Press the lever as far as the second pressure
point and open the storage tray.

The storage tray can only be opened when the
armrest is in the rear position.

216 Storage, Luggage Compartment and Roof Transport System

f Press briefly on the ashtray lid.
f To release the ashtray insert, open the ashtray
and press the ashtray lid down.
f Pull the ashtray insert up to remove it.
f After emptying the ashtray, replace the insert
and push it down until it clicks into place.

Cupholders in the rear armrest Front Ashtray/Storage

There are two cupholders in the armrest. Compartment
f Fold armrest down fully.
The ashtray is replaced by a storage
compartment on non-smoker vehicles.

h WARNING Ashtray Fire Risk

f Never use ashtray for waste paper disposal,
as it could pose a fire hazard.


Risk of damage to the storage compartment from

hot ash.
f Do not fill with hot ash.

Storage, Luggage Compartment and Roof Transport System 217

Rear Ashtray Front cigarette lighter Rear cigarette lighter

Cigarette Lighter Using the cigarette lighter

f Press the lighter into the receptacle. When the
Ashtray Fire Risk
f Never use ashtray for waste paper disposal, The cigarette lighters are ready for use regardless
element is red hot, the lighter will jump back to
as it could pose a fire hazard. of the ignition lock position.
its initial position.
The ashtrays are located in the rear doors. h WARNING Cigarette Lighter Burns

Opening The tip of the cigarette lighter gets very hot when
f Press briefly on the ashtray.
in use.
f Do not leave children in the vehicle unattended.
Emptying f Never touch the heating element or sides of
f Open the ashtray. the lighter.
f Hold the insert at the lid and remove it. f Only hold the heated lighter by the knob.

218 Storage, Luggage Compartment and Roof Transport System

Trailer Hitch
Trailer Coupling.......................................... 220
Loading Information.................................... 221

Trailer Hitch 219

Retrofitting Hitching trailer
Have a trailer coupling retrofitted only by an f Always turn off the alarm system before you
authorized Porsche dealer. The dealer is familiar attach a trailer.
with the manufacturer's specifications and any f Follow the operating instructions for the trailer
necessary conversion measures. recommended by the trailer manufacturer.
f Please see the chapter “WEIGHTS” on
Electrical connection page 312.
Your Porsche is equipped with a 7-pin connector A
for the electrical connection to the trailer. Unhitching trailer
f Always turn the alarm system off before
h WARNING Trailer Brake System unhitching the trailer because otherwise the
Electrical Failure alarm will be triggered when the plug is
Failure to keep an electrical adapter clean may removed.
result in corrosion and affect operation of f If the trailer is equipped with an overrun brake,
electrical lines, resulting in possible trailer brake do not unhitch the trailer when its brake is still
system failure. applied.
f Periodically inspect and clean adapter as
Trailer Coupling Information
The alarm function cannot be triggered when
h WARNING Safe Trailer Operation disconnecting the trailer plug if the trailer lights
f Follow the operating instructions for the trailer are all designed with light-emitting diodes
recommended by the trailer manufacturer. technology.
f Do not modify or repair the trailer coupling.
f Before having new ADAPTER fitted, find out
from your authorized Porsche dealer about the
current authorization status.
f Use only ADAPTER makes tested and
approved by Porsche.
f Ensure that all trailer equipment conforms to
the appropriate classification for total gross
trailer weight and tongue weight.
f Please see the chapter “WEIGHTS” on
page 312.
f Please see the chapter “LOADING
INFORMATION” on page 221.

220 Trailer Hitch

Loading Information The Gross Axle Weight Rating is the maximum
h DANGER Riding in a Cargo Area
load limit for the front or the rear axle. This
Definitions information is located on the safety comliance Injuries are much more likely in an accident if
The towing capacity (gross weight of the trailer) sticker located in the driver’s side door jamb. persons ride in the cargo area.
is the sum of the trailer's empty weight and the For determining the compatibility of the tire and f Persons must ride only on the seats provided
weight of the load. vehicle load capabilities: for this purpose.
The vertical coupling load is the weight that the f Please see the chapter “WHEELS, TIRES” on f Make sure that everybody fastens their safety
trailer drawbar exerts on the trailer coupling of the page 309. belts.
vehicle. The load capacity coefficient (e.g. “106”) is a
The rear-axle load is the vehicle weight on the minimum requirement. For more information: h DANGER Overloading Vehicle
rear axle plus the weight of the transported load f Please see the chapter “INSCRIPTION ON Overloading will lead to dangerous vehicle
and the vertical coupling load of the trailer. RADIAL TIRE” on page 290. reactions and long braking distances.
The gross weight of the vehicle and trailer is The Gross Combined Weight Rating is the f Never exceed the specified axle loads.
the sum of the weight of the towing vehicle and the maximum total weight rating of vehicle,
weight of the trailer. passengers, cargo and trailer. NOTICE
The Curb weight - actual weight of your vehicle - The Vehicle Capacity Weight - Load Limit - is
vehicle weight including standard and optional the maximum total weight limit specified of the Risk of damage to the vehicle if the vehicle is
equipment, fluids, emergency tools, and spare tire load (passengers and cargo) for the vehicle. This overloaded.
assembly. This weight does not include is the maximum weight of passengers and cargo Overloading can shorten the service life of the
passengers and cargo. that can be loaded into the vehicle. This informa- tires and car. Damage due to overloading is not
The Gross Vehicle Weight is sum of the curb tion can be found on the tire pressure plate. covered by the vehicle warranty.
weight and the weight of passengers and cargo If a trailer is being towed, the trailer tongue weight f Never exceed the specified axle loads.
combined. must be included as part of the cargo load.
The Gross Vehicle Weight Rating is the The maximum loaded vehicle weight is the
maximum total weight of vehicle, passengers, sum of curb weight, accessory weight, vehicle
luggage, hitch, trailer tongue load and optional capacity weight and production options weight.
equipment. The load rating is the maximum load that a tire
is rated to carry for a given inflation pressure.
The maximum load rating is the load rating for
a tire at the maximum permissible inflation pres-
The cargo capacity is the permissible weight of
cargo, the subtracted weight of passengers from
the load limit.
f Never exceed the permissible limits.

Trailer Hitch 221

3. Subtract the combined weight of the driver and
passengers from XXX pounds or
XXX kilograms.
4. The resulting figure equals the available
amount of cargo and luggage load capacity.
For example, if the “XXX” amount equals 1400
lbs. and there will be five - 150 lb passengers
in your vehicle, the amount of available cargo
and luggage load capacity is 650 lbs. [1400 -
750 (5 x 150) = 650 lbs.].
5. Determine the combined weight of luggage
and cargo being loaded on the vehicle. That
weight may not safely exceed the available
cargo and luggage load capacity calculated in
Step 4.
6. If your vehicle will be towing a trailer, load from
your trailer will be transferred to your vehicle.
Consult this manual to determine how this
Example for determining the combined weight of Determining the combined weight of reduces the available cargo and luggage load
occupants and cargo occupants and cargo: capacity of your vehicle.
Vehicle Load Capacity f Add the weight of all occupants and then add
f The combined weight of occupants and cargo the total luggage weight (figure).
should never exceed the weight shown on the Steps for determining correct load limit
tire plate in the vehicle.
1. Locate the statement “The combined weight of
Please see the chapter “TIRE PRESSURE
occupants and cargo should never exceed XXX
PLATE” on page 348.
f Never exceed the number of passengers
pounds” on your vehicle’s placard (depending
on the date of manufacture).
shown on the tire pressure plate in the vehicle.
2. Determine the combined weight of the driver
and passengers that will be riding in your

222 Trailer Hitch

Stowing load in the vehicle f If the rear seats are not occupied, the Driving
backrests can be additionally secured with the f The car's handling changes depending on the
h WARNING Shifting Cargo Loads safety belts. Simply cross the outer safety vehicle loading. Adapt your driving style to the
An unsecured or incorrectly positioned cargo can belts and insert each into the opposite buckle. changed driving behavior.
slip out of place or endanger the vehicle f Make sure that the cargo cannot damage the f Do not exceed the maximum gross weight and
occupants during braking, direction changes or in heating filaments of the rear window and the the axle load.
accidents. TV antenna of the side window. This information can be found under
Never transport objects which are not secured. f Do not transport any heavy objects in open “Technical data” in this Owner’s Manual:
f Always transport cargo in the cargo area, storage trays. Please see the chapter “WEIGHTS” on
never in the passenger compartment (e.g. on f Always keep the covers of the storage trays page 312.
or in front of the seats). closed while driving. f Never drive with the tailgate open.
f Support the cargo on the seat backrests Luggage net Exhaust gases can enter the passenger
whenever possible. Always lock the backrests f Luggage must be stowed completely covered compartment.
into place. by the luggage net. f Adapt the tire pressure to the load.
f Place the cargo behind unoccupied seats The luggage net can prevent only lightweight If you change the tire pressure, you must
whenever possible. objects from slipping. also update the setting for Tire Pressure
f Stow heavy objects as close to the front of the Tie-down belts
Monitoring. For information on setting Tire
cargo area as possible, with lightweight f Do not use elastic belts or straps to tie down Pressure Monitoring on the multi-purpose
objects behind them. display: Please see the chapter “SELECTING
f The cargo must never project over the top f Do not place belts and straps over sharp “CHARGE” IN THE TIRE PRESSURE MENU” on
edge of the seat backrest. page 121.
f Always protect the passenger compartment f Observe the directions for use and information f Information on tire pressures for partially and
with a luggage safety net and a luggage fully loaded vehicles can be found under
for the tie-down equipment.
compartment cover. f Use only belts with a tear strength of at least “Technical data” in this Owner’s Manual:
Do not drive with objects on top of the luggage Please see the chapter “TIRE PRESSURE FOR
1543 lbs. (700 kg) and a maximum width of
compartment cover. 1 in. (25 mm). COLD TIRES 68 °F (20 °C)” on page 310.
f Cross the belts over the load.

Trailer Hitch 223

Towing a trailer Door mirrors f Slow down immediately if the trailer starts to
f If the width of the trailer obstructs your view of sway. Do not countersteer; brake if necessary.
h WARNING Safe Driving with a the traffic behind the trailer, you must have Never attempt to straighten out the car-trailer
Trailer additional door mirrors fitted. combination by accelerating.
f Always see the permissible towing capacity, Headlights, lights f Activate the off-road driving program when
vertical coupling load and rear-axle load. f Always check the headlight adjustment before driving off on steep slopes.
Please see the chapter “WEIGHTS” on driving with a trailer. f Under no circumstances may people, animals
page 312. If necessary, correct with the headlight beam or objects be in the space between the trailer
f When connected, the trailer must always be adjustment function. and the towing vehicle when the vehicle is
horizontal behind the towing vehicle. If f Check whether the plug of the trailer is moving.
necessary, use a trailer with an adjustable plugged into the towing vehicle and whether all f When reversing, bear in mind that ParkAssist is
drawbar. lights function. not active.
f When the vehicle is driven in the mountains, the Driving with a trailer f Always see the permissible towing capacity,
engine output decreases as altitude increases. When towing a trailer you must under all vertical coupling load and rear-axle load.
The maximum weights stated are the values at circumstances adapt your speed to prevailing Please see the chapter “WEIGHTS” on
sea level. The total permissable weight of the road and driving conditions. Towing at excessive page 312.
car-trailer combination must therefore be re- speed can result in loss of control. Observe
duced by 10% for each increment of 3280 ft. country-specific laws for driving with trailers.
(1000 meters) altitude. A fractional increment f Carefully and gradually familiarize yourself with Information
counts as the full 3280 ft. (1000 meters). the handling and braking behavior of the car- f Please take into consideration that driving with
Please take this into consideration when trailer combination. a trailer places markedly greater stress on all
planning your route. f Do not drive with the towing vehicle empty and vehicle components. Expert inspection and
Distributing the load the trailer loaded. maintenance after every use are indispensable
f Distribute the load in the trailer so that heavy If this unfavorable combination is unavoidable, prerequisites for proper functioning and safety.
objects are as close to the axle as possible. please drive especially slowly.
Always safeguard all objects against slipping f Bear in mind the different vehicle handling and
and tie them down securely. size in situations such as braking, parking,
f You should make the best possible use of the cornering and overtaking, etc.
trailer coupling's rated vertical coupling load f The driving stability of the car-trailer
when loading the trailer, but never exceed it. combination worsens as the speed increases.
Tire pressure Therefore, drive especially slowly on downhill
f Select the vehicle tire pressure for full load stretches and in the case of unfavorable road
when towing a trailer. and weather conditions (such as wind).
f Please see the chapter “TIRE PRESSURE FOR f Drive in an appropriately low gear on downhill
COLD TIRES 68 °F (20 °C)” on page 310. stretches in order to make use of the engine
f Check the tire pressure of the trailer's wheels braking effect.
according to the manufacturer's instructions.

224 Trailer Hitch

ParkAssist ................................................. 226
Rearview Camera ....................................... 228
Swivelling Down Mirror Glass as Parking Aid. 229
Garage Door Opener .................................. 229

Parking 225
When the driver is parking and maneuvering the
vehicle, ParkAssist indicates the distance
between the vehicle and an obstacle by means
of signal tones.
f For information on the ParkAssist visual
display and the rearview camera, please refer
also to the section “ParkAssist” in the
operating instructions for the Porsche
communication systems PCM and CDR.
ParkAssist is activated automatically when
reverse gear is selected and the ignition is on.
If the vehicle has front ParkAssist, this is also
active when
– the distance between the vehicle and an
obstacle in front is less than approx. 47 in.
(120 cm).
A warning signal sounds. Sensors Obstacles cannot be detected in the “blind”
– the distance between the vehicle and an Four ultrasound sensors A in the rear bumper and sensor area (above and below the sensors,
obstacle in front is less than approx. 32 in. four sensors B in the front bumper (depending on e.g. objects hanging down or close to the
(80 cm). vehicle equipment) measure the distance to the ground).
The ParkAssist visual display appears on the closest obstacle: h WARNING ParkAssist Limits
central screen of the Porsche communication – Range behind the vehicle: approx. 71 in.
system. (180 cm) Responsibility for parking and for assessing the
Front and rear ParkAssist is not active: – Range at the side of the vehicle: approx. 24 in. risk to persons around the vehicle lies completely
– At a speed of more than approx. 9 mph (60 cm) with the driver.
(15 km/h) or – Range in front of the vehicle: approx. 47 in. f Make sure that no persons, animals or
– When the electric parking brake is activated or (120 cm) obstacles are within the maneuvering area.
– Tiptronic selector lever is in position P. f If the continuous tone sounds, stop and do not
move your vehicle further in that direction.

226 Parking
h WARNING Care Required Parking
f The sensors must always be kept free of dust, Even when using ParkAssist, the driver is still
ice and snow in order to ensure that they are responsible for taking due care when parking and
fully functional. when assessing obstacles.
f Do not damage sensors by abrasion or A continuous tone sounds when there is a risk of
scratching. collision.
f Maintain sufficient distance when cleaning with f Do not drive rearward any further once
high-pressure cleaning equipment. a continuous tone sounds.
The sensors will be damaged if the pressure
is too high. Limits of ultrasonic measurement
– ParkAssist cannot detect sound-absorbing
Signal tones/function obstacles (e.g. winter driving, powder snow),
When reverse gear is selected, ParkAssist – sound-reflecting obstacles (such as glass
confirms that it is switched on by issuing a short surfaces and flat painted surfaces),
signal tone. – and very thin obstacles (e.g. thin posts).
If the vehicle has front ParkAssist, no signal tone Other ultrasound sources (such as the pneumatic
will be issued when reverse gear is selected. brakes of other vehicles and jack hammers) can Deactivating ParkAssist
f Press button A on the overhead operating
Instead, the ParkAssist visual display will interfere with the detection of obstacles.
appear on the central screen of the Porsche console.
communication system. The indicator light on the button lights up.
A detected obstacle is signalled by an ParkAssist is switched off.
intermittent tone. The intervals decrease as the
Fault indication
obstacle is approached.
If the distance drops to less than approx. 14 in. Correct operation is no longer guaranteed if there
(35 cm), a continuous tone sounds. is a temporary fault (e.g. caused by ice formation
f Set the radio volume so that the signal tones or heavy soiling on the sensors).
are not drowned out.
You can adjust the volume of the signal tones to
your own requirements.
For information on changing the signal tone
f Please see the chapter “ADJUSTING VOLUME
page 137.

Parking 227
ParkAssist is ready for operation again when the
h WARNING Backing Up and Using
interference has been eliminated. Camera
f Never rely solely on the rearview camera when
In the event of a permanent fault in ParkAssist,
a continuous tone sounds for three seconds after
backing up. You must always use methods of
reverse gear has been selected.
viewing the area behind you, including looking
Possible causes:
over both shoulders as well as continuously
– Dirt, ice or snow on the sensors.
checking all three rearview mirrors. Due to the
f Clean the sensors carefully. difficulty of insuring that the area behind you
– Defect or system fault.
remains clear, always backup slowly and stop
f Have the fault corrected at an authorized immediately if you even suspect that a person,
Porsche dealer.
and especially a child, might be behind you.
Towing a trailer The rearview camera is located on the underside
The ParkAssist rear monitoring area is switched of the tailgate.
off when the trailer’s power supply is plugged in. f Please refer to the chapter “REARVIEW
CAMERA” in the separate PCM/CDR operating
f Always keep the rearview camera clean and
Rearview Camera free of ice and snow so that vision is not
h WARNING Rearview Camera impaired.
For car care instructions:
f Please see the chapter “CAR CARE
The rearview camera is not a safety device. It
serves only to assist the driver in identifying
INSTRUCTIONS” on page 255.
objects directly behind the middle of the vehicle.
The camera does NOT cover the complete area
behind the vehicle. While the camera's display is
generally accurate, objects can be much closer
than they appear in the display screen and can be
distorted in both size and proportion.

228 Parking
Swivelling down mirror glass manually
If the function was deactivated on the multi-
purpose display, the door mirror on the
passenger’s side can also be swivelled down
1. Engage reverse gear.
The indicator light on the selection button A for
adjusting the door mirror on the driver’s side
lights up.
2. Press the selection button B for adjusting the
door mirror on the passenger’s side.
The mirror on the passenger’s side swivels

The position of the automatically lowered mirror
glass can be changed as required using the
Swivelling Down Mirror Glass as adjustment button C. On vehicles with driver Garage Door Opener
Parking Aid memory or comfort memory, this setting is stored The garage door opener of your Porsche replaces
When reverse gear is engaged, the mirror on the on the car key or the person buttons on the up to three original remote controls used to
passenger’s side swivels down slightly to show driver’s side. operate various devices (e.g. garage door, gate
the curb area. to your property, alarm system).
Moving mirror to its initial position You have the option of assigning up to 3 different
Preconditions The mirror swivels back to its initial position: signals to the buttons , and on the
– The ignition must be switched on. – after a certain time delay, if the vehicle is overhead operating console keypad, provided the
– The function must be activated on the shifted out of reverse gear, or original remote control is compatible with the
multi-purpose display. – immediately, if the vehicle reaches a speed of HomeLink® system.
For further information on setting the parking aid: more than 9 mph (15 km/h).
f Please see the chapter “LOWERING DOOR The door mirror on the passenger’s side can also Information
MIRROR ON PASSENGER'S SIDE WHEN be moved to its initial position manually.
f Please read the instructions for the original
PARKING” on page 134. f Press the selection button A for the door remote control.
mirror on the driver’s side.

Parking 229
Deleting programmed signals from the keys
h WARNING Garage Door Opener
Use This process deletes the standard factory-set
codes. Do not repeat this process if you want to
When opening and closing the equipment being
assign additional signals to the buttons.
operated, parts of the body could become
trapped or crushed.
f Keep the two outer buttons and on
f When using the garage door opener, ensure the overhead operating console keypad
pressed for approx. 20 seconds until the
that no persons, animals or objects are within
indicator light A on button starts to flash
the range of movement of the equipment that
is being operated.
f Observe the safety notes for the original Assigning garage door opener signal to key
remote control. with fixed code system
1. The standard factory-set codes must be
deleted before programming for the first time.
Information 2. Press and hold the desired button on the
f When the button is pressed, the transmitter overhead operating console keypad until the
unit sends the signal forward in direction of indicator light A on the button starts to
travel. flash slowly.
Always align the vehicle with the receiver. Operating the garage door opener You now have 5 minutes to teach the button.
Otherwise, range restrictions cannot be ruled f Press the corresponding button on the
out. overhead operating console keypad.
f Before selling the vehicle, delete the The indicator light A lights up during signal
programmed signals for the garage door transmission.
opener on the keypad.
f Please read the instructions for the original
Programming garage door opener:
remote control to find out whether the original
Deleting and storing signals
remote control has fixed or changeable code. Preconditions
In order to delete programmed signals and store
garage door opener signals,
– the ignition must be switched on and
– the turn signals must be off.
f When using the garage door opener, the
vehicle must be within the range of the
f Canada only:
If programming a garage door opener or gate,
it is advised to unplug the device during
“cycling” process to prevent possible motor

230 Parking
Assigning garage door opener signal to
button with changeable code system Information
1. The standard factory-set codes must be f Please consult an authorized Porsche dealer if
deleted before programming for the first time. you have not been able to successfully assign
2. Press and hold the desired button on the signals to the buttons even though you have
overhead operating console keypad until the carefully followed the instructions in this
indicator light A on the button starts to section and the operating instructions for the
flash slowly. original remote control. Your authorized
You now have 5 minutes to teach the button. Porsche dealer has a list of all garage door
3. Hold the original remote control approx. 12 in. opener signals that can be adapted.
(30 cm) away from the marked position f Make sure that the battery in the remote
(illustration) and press and hold the transmit control for the garage door opener is new.
button until the vehicle’s turn signal lights flash If the battery voltage is inadequate, faults may
on and off three times or the indicator light A occur in signal transmission. The system in the
starts flashing quickly. vehicle then learns the wrong code, which will
The turn signal lights flash three times and the not be recognized reliably by the garage door
indicator light A flashes quickly to confirm that opening mechanism.
3. Hold the original remote control approx. 12 in. the new signal has been programmed
(30 cm) away from the marked position successfully.
(illustration) and press and hold the transmit Several attempts with different distances
button until the vehicle’s turn signal lights flash between the vehicle and the original remote
on and off three times or the indicator light A control may be necessary.
starts flashing quickly. 4. To synchronize the system:
The turn signal lights flash three times and the Press the programming button on the receiver
indicator light A flashes quickly to confirm that of the garage door opener.
the new signal has been programmed Afterwards, you usually have approx.
successfully. 30 seconds to initiate step 5.
Several attempts with different distances 5. Press the button you selected in step 2 on
between the vehicle and the original remote the overhead operating console keypad.
control may be necessary. (You must press the button on the keypad
4. The turn signal lights will flash once when the several times to complete the setting process
5 minutes teaching time are up. for some devices.)
Repeat steps 2 to 3. 6. Repeat steps 2 to 5 to assign signals to the
f Repeat steps 2 to 4 to assign signals to the other buttons.
other buttons.

Parking 231
Reprogramming an individual button on
the keypad
1. Press and hold the button you want to program
on the overhead operating console keypad
(approx. 20 seconds) until the indicator light A
on the button starts to flash slowly.
You now have 5 minutes to teach the button.
2. Hold the original remote control approx. 12 in.
(30 cm) away from the marked position
(illustration) and press and hold the transmit
button until the vehicle’s turn signal lights flash
on and off three times or the indicator light A
starts flashing quickly.
The turn signal lights flash three times and the
indicator light A flashes quickly to confirm that
the new signal has been programmed
Several attempts with different distances
between the vehicle and the original remote
control may be necessary.
3. The turn signal lights will flash once when the
5 minutes teaching time are up.
Repeat steps 1 to 2.
f Repeat steps 1 to 3 to assign signals to the
other buttons.

232 Parking
Alarm System and Theft Protection
Alarm System and Passenger Compartment
Monitoring ................................................. 234
Immobilizer................................................ 237
Steering Column Lock ................................ 237
Theft Protection ......................................... 237

Alarm System and Theft Protection 233

Alarm System and Passenger The following alarm contacts are
Compartment Monitoring Information monitored
Any changes or modifications not expressly – Alarm contacts in doors, tailgate, engine
USA: KR55WK50138 approved by Porsche could void the user’s compartment lid and headlights
authority to operate this equipment. – Passenger compartment monitoring:
Movement in the interior when the vehicle is
Canada: 7812D-5WK50138 Avoiding false alarms locked, e.g. attempted theft after breaking
This device complies with: f If people or animals are remaining in the locked a window.
vehicle or the vehicle is being transported on a – Inclination sensor: Tilting of the vehicle
Part 15 of the FCC Rules
train or ship, for example, the passenger (e.g. attempt to tow away the vehicle).
RSS-210 of Industry Canada.
compartment monitoring system and – Trailer hitch socket, e.g. unauthorized
Operation of this device is subject to the following unhitching of the trailer.
inclination sensor must temporarily be
two conditions:
switched off. If one of these alarm contacts is interrupted,
f Always close the sliding/lifting roof or the
– It may not cause harmful interference, and
the alarm horn sounds for approx. 30 seconds
– it must accept any interference received
Panorama roof system, and all door windows. and the emergency flasher flashes.
f Do not leave a cell phone switched on in the
including interference that may cause
After 5 seconds of interruption, the alarm is
undesired operation.
vehicle. triggered again. This cycle is repeated ten times.
f Always turn off the alarm system before you
Information attach or uncouple a trailer. The alarm system
Switching on
The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio could trigger an alarm unintentionally. f The alarm system is activated when the vehicle
or TV interference caused by unauthorized is locked.
Switching off the alarm system if it is
modifications to this equipment.
triggered Switching off
Such modification could void the user's authority
f Unlock vehicle doors with the remote control f The alarm system is deactivated when the
to operate the equipment. vehicle is unlocked.
f Switch ignition on.
f If you unlock the vehicle with the emergency
key in the door lock, you must switch the
ignition on (ignition lock position 1) within
10 seconds of opening the door in order to
prevent the alarm system from being
The vehicle is locked again automatically after
20 seconds if no doors are opened.

234 Alarm System and Theft Protection

Temporarily deactivating passenger
compartment monitoring system and
inclination sensor
If people or animals are remaining in the locked
vehicle or the vehicle is being transported on
a train or ship, for example, the passenger
compartment monitoring system and inclination
sensor must be switched off temporarily.
f Inform any persons remaining in the vehicle
that the alarm system will be triggered if the
door is opened.
Using the car key
f Quickly press button on the remote control
The emergency flasher flashes slowly once.
The indicator light for the alarm system will
start to flash after 10 seconds.
On vehicles with Porsche Entry & Drive Using the rocker switch
The doors are locked but can be opened from
inside by pulling once on the front inner door f Quickly press button A in the door handle The rocker switch to switch off the passenger
handle or by pulling twice on the rear inner twice. compartment monitoring system and inclination
door handle. The emergency flasher flashes slowly once. sensor is located next to the driver’s seat.
The indicator light for the alarm system will 1. Apply the electric parking brake.
start to flash after 10 seconds. The doors are 2. Remove ignition key.
locked but can be opened from inside by On vehicles with Porsche Entry & Drive:
pulling once on the front inner door handle or Switch off the ignition.
by pulling twice on the rear inner door handle. 3. Open the driver‘s door.
4. Press the rocker switch.
Information The rocker switch symbol lights permanently.
5. Lock the vehicle.
The passenger compartment monitoring system
Emergency flasher flashes twice and an
and inclination sensor remain switched off if:
acoustic signal will sound twice.
– The passenger compartment monitoring
The vehicle doors and the tailgate are locked but
system and inclination sensor were switched
the doors can be opened from inside by pulling
off when you last locked the vehicle
once on the front inner door handle or by pulling
twice on the rear inner door handle.
f Inform any persons remaining in the vehicle
the vehicle was locked automatically
30 seconds after unlocking because no door
that the alarm system will be triggered if the
was opened.
door is opened.

Alarm System and Theft Protection 235

Alarm system is activated
Information – The indicator lights flash quickly while you are
If the ignition is switched on after pressing the locking the vehicle, then flash normally.
rocker switch, the passenger compartment
Alarm system is activated, passenger
monitoring system and inclination sensor are
compartment monitoring and inclination
activated again. The symbol on the rocker switch
sensor are switched off
will flash.
– The indicator lights flash quickly while you are
Activating the alarm system and the locking the vehicle, go out for 10 seconds and
passenger compartment monitoring system then flash normally.
f Unlock the vehicle and lock it again. Faults in the central locking system and
alarm system
Fault indication
The indicator lights come on for 10 seconds, flash
If the monitoring system could not be deactivated
at double speed for 20 seconds and then flash
the symbol on the rocker switch will flash (e.g. the
rocker switch is pressed with the ignition on).
For deactivating the passenger compartment
monitoring and inclination sensor:
f Switch off ignition. B - Indicator light for alarm system – example: driver’s
f Press the rocker switch.

f Lock the vehicle. Function indication

The locking condition of the vehicle is indicated by
the indicator lights B in the front doors flashing at
different frequencies.
The indicator lights go out when the vehicle is

236 Alarm System and Theft Protection

Immobilizer Steering Column Lock Theft Protection
There is a transponder (an electronic component), Vehicles without Porsche Entry & Drive When leaving the vehicle, always:
containing a stored code, in each key. f Apply the electric parking brake.
f Close all door windows.
Unlocking the steering column automatically
Before the ignition is switched on, the ignition lock
checks the code. f Unlock the vehicle with the key via radio f Close the sliding/lifting roof or Panorama roof
The immobilizer can be deactivated and the remote control system.
engine started only using an authorized or f Remove the ignition key (or switch ignition off
ignition key. insert the ignition key into the ignition lock. on vehicles with Porsche Entry & Drive).
Data is exchanged via radio transmission on Locking the steering column automatically f Lock the glove box.
vehicles with Porsche Entry & Drive. f Remove the ignition key. f Close all storage compartments.
f Remove valuables, vehicle registration
Vehicles with Porsche Entry & Drive documents, cell phone and house keys from
Unlocking the steering column automatically the vehicle.
f Deactivate the alarm system via radio remote f Cover luggage compartment with the luggage
control using the key and open the driver’s compartment cover.
door f Close the tailgate.
or f Lock all doors.
open the driver’s door using Porsche Entry &
switch on ignition.
Locking the steering column automatically
f Open the driver’s door (with the ignition
switched off) or lock the vehicle.

Alarm System and Theft Protection 237

Maintenance and Car Care
Exercise Extreme Caution when Working
on your vehicle ........................................... 239
Engine Oil................................................... 241
Checking Engine Oil Level............................ 242
Topping Up Engine Oil ................................. 242
Checking Coolant Level and Adding Coolant.. 244
Brake Fluid ................................................. 245
Washer Fluid............................................... 246
Power Steering........................................... 247
Changing Air Cleaner................................... 248
Changing Particle Filter ............................... 248
Wiper Blades .............................................. 248
Emission Control System............................. 249
How Emission Control Works ....................... 249
Fuel Economy.............................................250
Operating Your Porsche in other Countries ... 251
Fuel ........................................................... 251
Fuel Can..................................................... 253
Fuel Recommendations ............................... 254
Fuel Evaporation Control ............................. 254
Car Care Instructions .................................. 255

238 Maintenance and Car Care

Exercise Extreme Caution when h WARNING Exhaust Gas Inhalation h WARNING Moving Engine Parts
Working on your vehicle Engine exhaust is dangerous if inhaled. Take great care to ensure that hands, fingers,
The engine compartment of any motor vehicle is Engine exhaust fumes have many compo-nents articles of clothing (e.g. ties, sleeves, etc.),
a potentially hazardous area. If you are not fully which you can smell. They also contain carbon necklaces or long hair cannot be caught up by the
familiar with proper repair procedures, do not monoxide (CO), which is a colorless and odorless radiator fans, drive belt or other moving parts.
attempt the adjustments described on the gas. The radiator fans can start or continue running as
following pages. Carbon monoxide can cause unconsciousness a function of temperature, even with the engine
This caution applies to the entire vehicle. and even death if inhaled. switched off.
h DANGER Fire and Explosion f Only work on your vehicle outdoors or in a well f Exercise extreme care that parts of the body,
Hazards ventilated area. articles of clothing or jewelry do not get caught
in the radiator fan, drive belt or other moving
Many vehicle fluids are highly flammable, e.g. fuel,
h WARNING Hot Engine Parts, parts.
f Carry out work in these areas only with the
engine and transmission oil. Fuel vapors can
Exhaust System and
cause an explosion. When a battery is being
Fluids engine off and exercise extreme caution.
charged, highly explosive gases can develop.
f Do not smoke or allow an open flame around The engine and surroundings components, the
exhaust system and coolant become very hot h WARNING Electric Shock from
the battery or fuel.
Pay attention to sparks, e.g. when coming into when the engine is running. Ignition System
contact with cables. The coolant reservoir is pressurized. Careless When the ignition is on, all cables and wires of the
Keep a fire extinguisher close at hand. opening of the coolant reservoir can lead to hot ignition system carry a high voltage.
f Ensure that there are no open flames in the coolant suddenly spraying out. f Exercise special care when working on the
area of your vehicle at any time when fuel f Take care when working near hot parts of the ignition system.
fumes might be present. Be especially vehicle, in particular engine parts and parts of
cautious of devices such as hot water heaters the exhaust system.
which ignite a flame intermittently. f Before working in the engine compartment,
f Only work on your vehicle outdoors or in a well always switch the engine off and let it cool
ventilated area. sufficiently.
f Allow the engine to cool down before opening
h WARNING the cap of the coolant reservoir and protect
Fluid Health Hazards
your hands, arms and face from any possible
Refill fluids, e.g. engine oil, brake fluid or coolant escape of hot coolant.
are hazardous to health (poisonous, irritant,
f Keep these fluids out of children's reach and
dispose of them in accordance with the
appropriate regulations.
f Only work on your vehicle outdoors or in a well
ventilated area.

Maintenance and Car Care 239

h WARNING Failure to Secure Technical Modifications
Vehicle Information f Modifications may be carried out on your
If the vehicle is not secured, or incorrectly
f Incomplete or improper servicing may cause vehicle only if approved by Porsche.
problems in the operation of the car. If in doubt This ensures that your Porsche will remain
secured, during repair work, it could move
about any servicing, have it done by your reliable and safe to drive, and that it will not be
unexpectedly or fall from the car jack or car lift.
f Be alert and cautious around the engine at all authorized Porsche dealer. damaged as a result of the modifications.
Improper maintenance during the warranty Your authorized Porsche dealer will be pleased
times while it is running.
period may affect your Porsche warranty to advise you.
If you have to work on the engine while it is
running, always apply the electric parking
brake and put the gearshift lever in neutral or
f Some countries require additional tools and
special spare parts to be carried in your
the Tiptronic selector lever in position P or N. f Only use genuine Porsche spare parts for your
f Always support your car with safety stands if it vehicle. Please make enquiries before driving
vehicle or spare parts of similar quality which
is necessary to work under the car. The jack have been manufactured according to the
supplied with the car is not adequate for this specifications and production requirements of
purpose. Porsche. These parts are available from your
Switch off level control of air suspension and authorized Porsche dealer or a qualified
height adjustment. specialist workshop. Safety-related
Please see the chapter “LIFTING THE VEHICLE accessories should only be used if they are
WITH A LIFTING PLATFORM, TROLLEY JACK from the Porsche Tequipment range or are
OR STANDARD JACK” on page 274. tested and approved by Porsche. Your
f Jack up the vehicle only at the specified authorized Porsche dealer will be pleased to
jacking points on the underside of the vehicle. advise you and answer any questions you may
f Never start the engine when the vehicle is have.
jacked or lifted up. Vibration from the engine However, the use of other parts or
could cause the vehicle to fall. accessories may adversely affect the safety
f When working under the car without safety of your vehicle, and Porsche can take no
stands but with the wheels on the ground, responsibility for any loss or damage caused
make sure the car is on level ground, the by their use.
wheels are blocked, and that the engine Even if the supplier of other accessories or
cannot be started. parts is a recognized supplier, the safety of
Withdraw ignition keys (switch ignition off in your vehicle may still be affected if such items
vehicles that have Porsche Entry & Drive). are installed.
Due to the large variety of products offered in
the accessory market, it is not possible for
Porsche to inspect and approve every one.

240 Maintenance and Car Care

f In addition, please note that the use of Measurements on test stands Engine Oil
replacement parts that are not genuine
Performance test It is important to perform oil changes regularly in
Porsche parts or approved parts, or the use of
Performance tests on roller-type test stands are accordance with the intervals specified in your
accessories not approved by Porsche may
not approved by Porsche. Maintenance Schedule.
also detrimentally affect your vehicle warranty.
f Check your vehicle regularly for signs of Brake tests Engine oil consumption
damage. Damaged or missing aerodynamic Brake tests must be performed only on roller-type It is normal for your engine to consume oil.
components, such as spoilers or underbody test stands. The rate of oil consumption depends on the quality
panels, impair vehicle handling and must The following limit values must not be exceeded and viscosity of oil, the speed at which the engine
therefore be replaced immediately. on roller-type test stands: is operated, the climate, road conditions as well
– Test speed 4.7 mph (7.5 km/h) as the amount of dilution and oxidation of the
Radiator fan – Test duration 20 seconds lubricant.
For information on radiator fans: If the vehicle is used for repeated short trips, and
f Please see the chapter “RADIATOR FANS” on
Testing the electric parking brake
consumes a normal amount of oil, the engine oil
page 245. Electric parking brake tests on the brake test measurement may not show any drop in the oil
stand must only be performed with the ignition level at all, even after 600 miles (1000 km) or
h WARNING Radiator Fans switched on and with the manual gearshift lever more. This is because the oil is gradually
The fans can start running depending on the in neutral or the Tiptronic S selector lever in becoming diluted with fuel or moisture, making it
temperature, even with the engine switched off. position N. appear that the oil level has not changed.
f Exercise extreme care that parts of the body, The vehicle switches automatically to brake test
The diluting ingredients evaporate out when the
articles of clothing or jewelry do not get caught stand mode, in which the electric parking brake
vehicle is driven at high speeds, as on an
in the radiator fan. can be tested.
expressway, making it then appear that oil is
f Exercise extreme caution when working in the The message “Electric parking brake in service
excessively consumed after driving at high
area of the radiator fans. mode” appears on the multi-purpose display of the
instrument panel.
If the conditions you drive your vehicle in are
Balancing wheels on the vehicle dusty, humid, or hot, the frequency of the oil
During finish balancing of the wheels, the entire change intervals should be greater.
vehicle must be lifted and the wheels must be free If the vehicle is driven at a high rate of speed,
to turn. climatic conditions are warm, and the load is high,
the oil should be checked more frequently, as
driving conditions will determine the rate of oil
– The engine in your vehicle depends on oil to
lubricate and cool all of its moving parts.
Therefore, the engine oil should be checked
regularly and kept at the required level.
– Make it a habit to have the engine oil level
checked with every refueling.

Maintenance and Car Care 241

– The oil pressure warning light is not an oil level Oil-level warning Topping Up Engine Oil
If the oil level is too low, this is indicated by the Porsche recommends .
The oil pressure warning light indicates serious
engine damage may be occuring when lit, if oil-warning light on the multi-purpose display. The right oil for your vehicle
engine rpm is above idle speed. f Correct the oil level as soon as possible.
f Please see the chapter “OVERVIEW OF Vehicle Complies Viscosity
Checking Engine Oil Level WARNING MESSAGES” on page 139. with class2)
f Check the oil level on the multi-purpose display Measuring the oil level after topping up approval1)
at regular intervals before refueling. engine oil or opening the engine
f Please see the chapter “DISPLAY AND compartment lid Cayenne S, Porsche SAE 0W - 403)
The oil level can be checked after waiting for
on page 113. SAE 5W - 504)
approx. 2 minutes with the vehicle parked on
a level surface and the engine at operating SAE 5W - 303)
h DANGER Swallowing Engine Oil Cayenne (V6) Porsche
temperature. C30 or
Engine oil is hazardous to your health and may be
VW 504 00
fatal if swallowed.
f Keep engine oil out of children's reach.
Generally, you can find specifications relating to
h WARNING Engine Oil Cancer Risk manufacturer approvals on the oil containers or as
a notice displayed by the retailer.
Used engine oil contains chemicals that have
The current approval status is also available from
caused cancer in laboratory animals.
f Always protect your skin by washing your authorized Porsche dealer.
thoroughly with soap and water. SAE viscosity class - Example: SAE 0W - 40
Specification 0W = Viscosity specification for
f If you suspect an oil leak in the engine have low temperatures (winter).
your authorized Porsche dealer check it out Specification 40 = Viscosity specification for
immediately. high temperatures.
Top-up quantity For all temperature ranges.
4) For the temperature range over 13 °F (–25 °C).
The difference between the minimum and
maximum marks on the segment display is
approx. 1.06 qt. (1 liter) for each.
One segment of the display corresponds to
a top-up quantity of approx. 0.26 qt. (0.25 liter).
f Never add more engine oil than required to
reach the maximum mark.

242 Maintenance and Car Care

Always observe the following points:
h WARNING Hot engine Parts
– Use only engine oils approved by Porsche.
This is a precondition for optimum and Risk of burns from hot parts in the engine
problem-free driving. compartment.
– Regular oil changes are part of servicing. f Exercise extreme caution when working in the
It is important that the service intervals, engine compartment.
particularly the oil change intervals, are f Please see the chapter “EXERCISE EXTREME
observed in accordance with the specifications CAUTION WHEN WORKING ON YOUR VEHICLE”
in the Maintenance Schedule. on page 239.
We recommend that you have the engine oil
changed at your authorized Porsche dealer. h WARNING Engine Moving Parts
– Oils approved by Porsche can be mixed with Take great care to ensure that hands, fingers,
each other. articles of clothing (e. g. ties, sleeves, etc.),
– Porsche engines are designed so that no oil necklaces or long hair cannot be caught up by the
additives may be used. radiator fans, drive belt or other moving parts.
– A label is located in the engine compartment, The temperature in the engine compartment is
which provides you with information on suitable monitored for a period of time after the engine is
oil for your engine. switched off. The radiator fan can start running Engine oil filling point on V6 engine
Your authorized Porsche dealer will be pleased to during this period when a certain temperature is
advise you. NOTICE
f Exercise special care when working in these Risk of damage if engine oil comes into contact
Engine Oil Fire Hazard
areas and only when the engine is switched off. with the drive belt.
Fire hazard if engine oil comes into contact with f Exercise extreme caution when topping up
hot engine parts. engine oil.
f Exercise extreme caution when topping up f Top up engine oil only with the engine stopped
engine oil. and ignition switched off.
f Top up engine oil only with the engine stopped
and ignition switched off. f Please see the chapter “EXERCISE EXTREME
on page 239.

Maintenance and Car Care 243

Checking Coolant Level and Adding coolant
Adding Coolant h DANGER Swallowing Engine
The coolant provides year-round protection from Coolant
corrosion and freezing down to -31 °F (-35 °C) Coolant is hazardous to health. Coolant can be
(-40 °F (-40 °C) in Nordic countries). deadly to children or pets if consumed.
Observe the following points: f Keep coolant out of children's reach.
f Use only antifreeze authorized by Porsche. f Also, keep coolant away from your pets. They
f Check the coolant level regularly. can be attracted to it should there be a spill, or
to used coolant left in an open container.
Check coolant level
f Remove cover.
f Read off the engine coolant level. Hot Engine Coolant
When the engine is cold and the vehicle is The coolant becomes very hot when the engine is
level, the coolant level must be between the running and can burn you.
markings A and B. The coolant reservoir is pressurized. Careless
f If the coolant level is below the MIN marking B, opening of the coolant reservoir can lead to hot
add coolant. coolant suddenly spraying out.
Engine oil filling point on V8 engine Please see the chapter “OPEN CAP ON THE f Do not open the cap on the reservoir when the
1. Unscrew cap of the oil filler opening. RESERVOIR CAREFULLY AND ALLOW ANY engine is hot.
2. Top up engine oil according to the display on OVERPRESSURE TO ESCAPE. THEN f Allow the engine to cool down before opening
the multi-purpose display. UNSCREW CAP COMPLETELY.” on page 245. the cap and protect your hands, arms and face
One segment of the display corresponds to a If the coolant level is too low, a message will from any possible escape of hot coolant.
top-up quantity of approx. 0.26 qt. (0.25 liter). appear on the multi-purpose display:
3. Carefully close cap on the oil filler opening. f Please see the chapter “OVERVIEW OF
After opening the engine compartment lid, the oil WARNING MESSAGES” on page 139.
level can be checked after waiting for approx.
2 minutes with the vehicle parked on a level
surface and the engine at operating temperature.

244 Maintenance and Car Care

If pure water is added in an emergency, the mixing
ratio will have to be corrected.
A significant loss of coolant indicates a leak in the
cooling system.
f The cause must be eliminated without delay.
Please see your authorized Porsche dealer.

Radiator fans
The radiators and radiator fans are in the front of
the vehicle.

h WARNING Radiator Fans

The fans can start running depending on the
temperature, even with the engine switched off.
f Exercise extreme care that parts of the body,
1. Open cap on the reservoir carefully and allow articles of clothing or jewelry do not get caught Brake Fluid
any overpressure to escape. in the radiator fan.
f Exercise extreme caution when working in the
Regular checking of the brake fluid is part of
Then unscrew cap completely.
2. Do not exceed the A marking. area of the radiator fans.
Only add a mixture of antifreeze and water in The fluid level should always be between the MIN
equal parts. and MAX markings.
Antifreeze in coolant: A slight decrease in the fluid level due to wear and
50 % provides antifreeze protection down to automatic readjustment of the disk brakes is
-31 °F (-35 °C). normal.
3. Screw the cap on the reservoir closed until it However, if the fluid level falls significantly or goes
locks securely. below the MIN marking, the brake system may
4. Have the cooling system checked at your have developed a leak.
authorized Porsche dealer. f Have the brake system checked immediately
at your authorized Porsche dealer.

Maintenance and Car Care 245

h DANGER Swallowing Brake Fluid Changing brake fluid Washer Fluid
Brake fluid absorbs moisture from the air over Observe the following points:
Brake fluid is hazardous to your health, and may
be fatal if swallowed.
time. The absorbed water can impair braking f Depending on the season, mix the water with
f Keep brake fluid out of children's reach.
efficiency. the appropriate additives (window cleaner
f It is important therefore to have the brake fluid
f If brake fluid gets into your eye, immediately concentrate, antifreeze) in the correct mixture
changed in accordance with the change ratio.
rinse with clean water for a few minutes. Then
intervals specified in the “Maintenance”
see a doctor immediately.
f Please note all the information on the refill
booklet. Summer filling with water + window cleaner
concentrate in the mixture ratio specified on
container of the brake fluid. Brake warning light USA
the container.
Brake warning light Canada
Winter filling with water + antifreeze +
The warning light on the instrument panel and the
Brake fluid attacks and can damage paintwork. window cleaner concentrate in the mixture
warning message on the multi-purpose display
f Immediately rinse off spilled brake fluid with ratio specified on the container.
f Always follow all the instructions on the
alert you to the fact that the brake fluid level is too
clean water. low and could indicate brake circuit failure if the
containers of the additives used.
f Only use window cleaner concentrate that
pedal travel is greater than normal.
meets the following requirements:
Information – Dilutability 1:100,
If the warning light and warning message appear – Phosphate-free,
while driving: – Suitable for plastic headlight lenses.
f Stop immediately in a suitable place. We recommend window cleaner concentrates
f Do not continue driving. approved by Porsche. Your authorized Porsche
Please have the fault remedied at your nearest dealer will be pleased to advise you.
authorized Porsche dealer. The washer fluid reservoir for the windshield,
rear window and headlights is located at the rear
left in the engine compartment (blue cap).
Warning message
A warning message appears on the multi-purpose
display of the instrument panel if the washer fluid
level is too low.
f Add washer fluid at the next opportunity.
In this case, the remaining quantity is only approx.
0.53 qt. (0.5 liter). The maximum filling capacity
is approx. 4.76 qt. (4.5 liters), or 7.93 qt.
(7.5 liters) on vehicles with headlight cleaning

246 Maintenance and Car Care

Power Steering
h WARNING No Power Steering
When the engine is stationary (e.g. when on tow)
or the hydraulic system fails, there is no power
steering assistance available.
Therefore, substantially more force will have to be
exerted to steer the vehicle.
f Exercise extreme care when your vehicle is
being towed.
f Have the fault corrected at your nearest
authorized Porsche dealer.
Regular checking of hydraulic fluid is part of
The flow noise heard at full steering lock is
design-related and does not indicate a defect in
Adding washer fluid the steering system. Checking and adding hydraulic fluid
1. Open cap on washer fluid reservoir. Observe the following points:
2. Add washer fluid. f Only use genuine Porsche hydraulic fluid or
3. Close cap carefully. hydraulic fluid of similar quality that has been
approved according to Porsche specifications
and production requirements.
f Check the fluid level with the engine stopped
and cold (engine temperature approx. 68 °F
(20 °C))
1. Open the reservoir cap.
2. The fluid level should be between the MIN and
MAX markings on the dipstick.
3. Add hydraulic fluid if necessary.
4. Close cap carefully.
5. Close engine compartment lid.

f If the fluid level drops significantly, please have
the cause remedied immediately by an
authorized Porsche dealer.

Maintenance and Car Care 247

Changing Air Cleaner Wiper Blades f Clean the wiper blades with window cleaner at
regular intervals, especially after washing the
Regular replacement of the filter element is part of Wiper blades that are in perfect condition are vital
vehicle in a car wash.
servicing. for a clear view.
f In dusty conditions, clean the filter element f Have the wiper blades replaced twice per year
We recommend Porsche window cleaner.
If the wiper blades are very dirty (e.g. soiled
more frequently and replace it if necessary. (before and after the cold season) or if wiper
with insect remains), they can be cleaned with
Further important information concerning performance deteriorates or the blades are
a sponge or cloth.
“maintenance” can be found on a separate damaged.
chapter. f For important information on “service topics”: If the wiper blades rub or squeak, this may be due
f Please see the chapter “EXERCISE EXTREME
to the following:
Please see the chapter “CAR CARE
– If the vehicle is washed in an automatic car
wash, wax residues may adhere to the
on page 239.
NOTICE windshield. These wax residues can be
Changing Particle Filter removed only by using window cleaner
Risk of damage when working on the wiper arm. concentrate.
Regular replacement of the filter is part of The windshield, wiper arm and blades can be – The wiper blades may be damaged or worn.
f Have damaged or worn wiper blades replaced
servicing. damaged if the wiper arm accidentally falls back
A dirty filter can be the cause of reduced air onto the windshield. immediately.
throughput. Wiper blades that are frozen in place can be f Please see the chapter “WASHER FLUID” on
f Have the filter replaced by your authorized damaged if they are loosened improperly. page 246.
Porsche dealer. f Always hold the wiper arm securely when Contact your authorized Porsche dealer for
replacing the wiper blade. more information.
Information f Thaw the wiper blades before loosening them.
Replacing wiper blades
The particle filter ensures that the fresh air
entering the passenger compartment is virtually NOTICE
free of dust and pollen. Risk of damage. If the wiper blades are not
f If the outside air is polluted by exhaust fumes, changed properly, they can come loose when the
press the recirculated-air button. car is moving.
f Check whether the wiper blades are seated
f Please read the separate instructions provided
by the wiper blade manufacturer.
f We recommend that you get your authorized
Porsche dealer to replace the wiper blades.

248 Maintenance and Car Care

Emission Control System to serious engine damage, this can result in a How Emission Control Works
fire if excess raw fuel reaches the exhaust
In the interest of clean air When an automobile engine is running, it uses
f Do not continue to operate your vehicle if you
energy generated through the combustion of a
Pollution of our environment has become a
mixture of air and fuel. Depending on whether a
problem that is of increasing concern to all of us. detect engine misfire or other unusual
car is driven fast or slowly or whether the engine
We urge you to join us in our efforts for cleaner air operating conditions.
is cold or hot, some of the fuel (hydrocarbons)
in controlling the pollutants emitted from the
automobile. Parking may not be burned completely, but may be
discharged into the engine crankcase or exhaust
Porsche has developed an emission control h WARNING Fire Risk When Parking system. Additonal hydrocarbons may enter the
system that controls or reduces those parts of the
The exhaust system becomes very hot when the atmosphere through evaporation of fuel from the
emission that can be harmful to our environment.
engine is running and remains hot for some time fuel tank. These hydrocarbons (HC), when
Your Porsche is equipped with such a system.
after the vehicle is turned off. Flammable material released into the air, contribute to undesirable
Porsche warrants the Emission Control System in pollution.
close to the exhaust system could ignite.
your new car under the terms and conditions set
f Do not park or operate your vehicle in areas In addition, carbon monoxide (CO) and oxides of
forth in the Warranty Booklet.
where the hot exhaust system may come in nitrogen (NOx) contribute to engine emissions.
You, as the owner of the vehicle, have the contact with dry grass, brush, fuel spill or They, too, are formed during the combustion
responsibility to provide regular maintenance other flammable materials. process and discharged into the exhaust system.
service for the vehicle and to keep a record of all f If your car catches on fire for any reason, call To reduce these pollutants, your Porsche is
maintenance work performed. To facilitate record the fire department. Do not endanger your life equipped with a precisely calibrated fuel injection
keeping, have the service performed by by attempting to put out the fire. system to assure a finely balanced air/fuel mixture
authorized Porsche dealers. They have Porsche
under all operating conditions.
trained technicians and special tools to provide Undercoating
fast and efficient service. Oxygen sensor
h WARNING AfterMarket The oxygen sensor, installed in the exhaust pipe
To assure efficient operation of the Emission
Undercoating continuously senses the oxygen content of the
Control System:
f Have your vehicle maintained properly and in
Additional undercoating or rust protection agents exhaust and signals the information to an
on or near the exhaust system can become too electronic control unit. The control unit corrects
accordance with the recommendations
hot when driving and ignite, causing a fire. the air/fuel ratio, so the engine always receives an
f Do not apply additional undercoating or rust
described in your Maintenance Booklet. Lack
accurately metered air/fuel mixture.
of proper maintenance, as well as improper
protection agent on or near the exhaust
use of the vehicle, will impair the function of
manifolds, exhaust pipes, catalytic converters
Crankcase ventilation
the emission control system and could lead to Through crankcase ventilation, undesirable
or heat shields. During driving the substance
damage. emissions from the engine crankcase are not
f Do not alter or remove any component of the
used for undercoating could overheat and
ignite. permitted to reach the outside atmosphere. These
emission control system. emissions are recirculated from the crankcase to
f Do not alter or remove any device, such as the air intake system. From here the emissions
heat shields, switches, ignition wires, valves, mix with the intake air and are later burned in the
etc., which are designed to protect your engine.
vehicle's emission control system. In addition

Maintenance and Car Care 249

Catalytic converters Fuel Economy The EPA estimated miles per gallon (mpg) is
The catalytic converters are efficient “clean-up” to be used for comparison purposes, actual
Fuel economy will vary depending on where,
devices built into the exhaust system of the mileage may be different from the estimated
when and how you drive, optional equipment
vehicle. The catalytic converters burn the mpg, depending on your driving speed,
installed, and the general condition of your
undesirable pollutants in the exhaust gas before it weather conditions and trip length. Your
is released into the atmosphere. actual highway mileage may be less than the
A car tuned to specifications and correctly
estimated mpg.
The exclusive use of unleaded fuel is
f Please observe all local and national speed
maintained, will help you to achieve optimal
critically important for the life of the fuel economy.
f Have your vehicle tuned to specifications. Air
catalytic converters. Therefore, only
unleaded fuel must be used. cleaner should be dirt free to allow proper
The catalytic converters will be damaged by: engine “breathing”.
Battery should be fully charged.
– Push or tow starting the vehicle,
Wheels should be properly aligned.
– Misfiring of the engine,
Tires should be inflated to the correct
– Turning off the ignition while the vehicle is
f Always monitor your fuel consumption.
f Drive smoothly, avoid abrupt changes in speed
– Driving until the fuel tank is completely empty,
– By other unusual operating conditions.
f Do not continue to operate your vehicle under
as much as possible.
f Avoid jack rabbit starts and sudden stops.
f Do not drive longer than necessary in the lower
these conditions, since raw fuel might reach
the catalytic converters. This could result in
gears. Shifting into a higher gear early without
overheating of the converters. Federal law
lugging the engine will help save fuel.
f Prolonged “warm up” idling wastes gas. Start
prohibits use of leaded fuel in this car.
the vehicle just before you are ready to drive.
Accelerate slowly and smoothly.
f Switch off the engine if stationary for longer
f Any additional weight carried in the vehicle
reduces fuel economy. Always keep cargo to
a minimum and remove all unnecessary items.
f Organize your trips to take in several errands
in one trip.
f All electrical accessories contribute to
increased fuel consumption.
f Only switch on the air conditioning when
f Do not drive with the Roof Transport System
mounted unless you need it.

250 Maintenance and Car Care

Operating Your Porsche in other Fuel f Please see the chapter “FUEL ECONOMY” on
page 250.
Countries When the ignition is on, the fuel level is displayed
To avoid permanent damage to the functionality of
Government regulations in the United States and on the instrument panel.
Canada require that automobiles meet specific f Please see the chapter “FUEL GAUGE” on the catalytic converters and oxygen sensors, use
unleaded fuel only.
emission regulations and safety standards. page 107.
The engine is designed to provide optimum
Therefore, cars built for the U.S. and Canada differ
h DANGER Refueling Fire Risk performance and fuel consumption if unleaded
from vehicles sold in other countries.
If you plan to take your Porsche outside the f Fire, open flame and smoking are prohibited premium fuel with 98 RON/88 MON is used.
when handling fuel. If unleaded fuels with octane ratings of less than
continental limits of the United States or Canada,
98 RON/88 MON are used, the engine’s knock
there is the possibility that:
h WARNING Fuel Vapors and Skin control automatically adapts the ignition timing.
– Unleaded fuel may not be available,
Contact Porsche recommends that you use fuel with
– Unleaded fuel may have a considerably lower
at least 95 RON/85 MON in your vehicle.
octane rating. Excessive engine knock and Fuel and fuel vapors are hazardous to health.
f Avoid contact with skin or clothing, since injury
The emission control system can be damaged in
serious damage to both engine and catalytic
various ways (e.g. fueling incorrectly, shortage of
converters could result, to your skin may occur.
f Do not inhale fuel vapors, since they may make
fuel, tow-starting).
– Service may be inadequate due to lack of
proper service facilities, tools or diagnostic you ill and possibly cause death if inhalation is Please see the chapter “HOW EMISSION
equipment, prolonged and occurs in a closed space. CONTROL WORKS” on page 249.
– Replacement parts may not be available or
very difficult to get. NOTICE Information
Porsche cannot be responsible for the Information on the fuel quality can normally be
mechanical damage that could result To prevent damage to the emission control system
found on the pump.
because of inadequate fuel, service or parts and engine:
f Never drive the tank dry.
If this is not the case, ask a gas station attendant.
If you purchased your Porsche abroad and want to
f Avoid high cornering speeds after the warning If the recommended fuel is not available,
lights have come on. you can also use unleaded regular fuel (91 RON/
bring it back home, be sure to find out about 82.5 MON) in an emergency.
shipping and forwarding requirements, as well as However, this could reduce performance and
current import and customs regulations. increase fuel consumption.
f Avoid driving at full throttle.
In some countries the available fuel quality may
not meet requirements and can result in coking
around the intake valve.
In this case, the fuel may be mixed with the
additive sold and recommended by Porsche after
consulting an authorized Porsche dealer.
Porsche part number 000 043 206 89.

Maintenance and Car Care 251

f Observe the instructions and mixture ratios
stated on the container.
It is important that the service intervals,
particularly the oil change intervals, are observed
in accordance with the specifications in the
“Maintenance” booklet.

h DANGER Refueling Fires /
The RF energy from a cellphone can cause a
sparking on bare metal, much like aluminum foil in
a microwave oven. The spark could ignite gasoline
fumes present while refeuling.
f Do not use a cellphone while pumping gas.

h DANGER Refueling Fires / Static The correct fuel type for your vehicle is printed 3. Slowly unscrew the tank cap.
Electricity on a sticker on the inside of the filler flap. Put the tank cap into the holder (arrow).
Static discharge from your body can ignite 1. Stop the engine and switch off the ignition. 4. Add the fuel additive recommended by
gasoline fumes present when you get back out of 2. Open the filler flap by pressing on the rear Porsche if necessary.
the vehicle and touch the fuel nozzle. part of the filler flap (arrow). 5. Insert the pump nozzle fully into the filler neck.
f Do not re-enter the vehicle while pumping gas. The vehicle must be unlocked. The handle of the pump nozzle must point
Total capacity:
Cayenne, Cayenne S
approx. 22.45 US gallons (85 liters)
(26.42 US gallons (100 liters) optional)
The reserve is approx. 3.96 US gallons
(15 liters).
Cayenne Turbo
approx. 26.42 US gallons (100 liters).
The reserve is approx. 3.96 US gallons
(15 liters).

252 Maintenance and Car Care

6. Operate the pump nozzle and refuel the Fuel Can
Do not add further fuel once the correctly h DANGER Transporting Filled Fuel
operated automatic pump nozzle has switched Containers
off. Fuel could spray back or could flow over If the fuel can is damaged in an accident and fuel
when heated. escapes, it could ignite or explode.
7. Replace the tank cap immediately after f Do not carry a fuel can on journeys.
refueling and close it until you hear and feel it f Observe the relevant laws which prohibit fuel
locking. transport.
8. Close the filler flap and press on the rear of the
filler flap until it engages securely. h WARNING Fuel Container Vapor
Information Vapors from the fuel are hazardous to health.
If you lose the tank filler cap, you must replace it f Do not carry a fuel can in the occupant
only with an original part. compartment.

Emergency unlocking of the filler flap
Risk of damage to decorative film as a result of If the electrical unlocking mechanism is faulty,
contact with fuel. the filler flap can be opened as follows:
Decorative film can fade if it comes into contact f Pull emergency release strap behind the right
with fuel. luggage compartment trim panel.
f Wipe off any spilled fuel immediately. The filler flap pops open.

Maintenance and Car Care 253

Fuel Recommendations Octane ratings Fuel Evaporation Control
Your Porsche is equipped with catalytic Octane rating indicates a fuel’s ability to resist
Fuel tank venting
converters and must use UNLEADED FUEL detonation. Therefore, buying the correct octane
gas is important to prevent engine “damage”. The evaporation chamber and the carbon canister
prevent fuel vapors from escaping to the
Your engine is designed to provide optimum The RON octane rating is based on the research
atmosphere at extreme high outside
performance and fuel economy using unleaded method. The CLC (U.S. Cost of Living Council
temperatures, when driving abruptly around
premium fuel with an octane rating of 98 RON octane rating) or AKI (antiknock index) octane
curves and when the car is parked at an incline or
(93 CLC or AKI). Porsche therefore rating usually displayed on U.S. fuel pumps is
in any other nonlevel position.
recommends the use of these fuels in your calculated as research octane number plus motor
vehicle. octane number, divided by 2, that is written as: Vapor control system and storage
Porsche also recognizes that these fuels may not When the fuel tank is filled, vapors are collected in
always be available. Be assured that your vehicle RON+MON or R+M the evaporation chamber by a vent line leading the
will operate properly on unleaded premium fuels 2 2 vapors to the carbon canister where they are
with octane numbers of at least 95 RON stored as long as the engine does not run.
(90 CLC or AKI), since the engine’s “Electronic The CLC or AKI octane rating is usually lower than
the RON rating: Purge system
Oktane™ knock control” will adapt the ignition
timing, if necessary. For example: 95 RON equals 90 CLC or AKI. When the engine is running, the fuel vapors from
the canister will be mixed with fresh air from the
It is important to observe the regular service Fuels containing ethanol ambient air of the canister. This mixture will be
intervals, and particularly the oil change intervals, Do not use any fuels containing more than directed to the intake air housing by the tank vent
specified in the “Maintenance” booklet. 10 percent ethanol by volume. line, mixed with the intake air and burned during
The use of UNLEADED FUEL ONLY is critically We recommend, however, to change to a different normal combustion.
important to the life of the catalytic fuel or station if any of the following problems
converters. Deposits from leaded fuels will occur with your vehicle:
ruin the converters and make them – Deterioration of driveability and performance.
ineffective as an emission control device. – Substantially reduced fuel economy.
Cars with catalytic converters have a smaller fuel – Vapor lock and non-start problems, especially
tank opening, and gas station pumps that at high altitude or at high temperature.
dispense unleaded fuel have smaller nozzles. This – Engine malfunction or stalling.
will prevent accidental pumping of leaded fuel into
cars with catalytic converters.
Unleaded fuels may not be available outside the
continental U.S. and Canada. Therefore, we
recommend you do not take your car to areas or
countries where unleaded fuel may not be

254 Maintenance and Car Care

Car Care Instructions h WARNING Chemical Cleaners High-pressure cleaning equipment,
f Please see the chapter “EXERCISE EXTREME Cleaning agents may be hazardous to your health.
steam cleaners
CAUTION WHEN WORKING ON YOUR VEHICLE” Most chemical cleaners are concentrates which NOTICE
on page 239. require dilution. High concentrations might cause
Regular and correct care helps to maintain Risk of damage as a result of using high-pressure
problems ranging from irritation to serious injury. cleaning equipment, steam cleaners or similar.
the value of your car and is also a f Keep cleaning agents out of reach from
precondition for the New Vehicle Warranty High-pressure cleaning equipment, steam
f Observe all caution labels.
and the Anti Corrosion Warranty. cleaners or similar can damage the following
f Always read directions on the container before
Your authorized Porsche dealer has specially components:
developed car-care products from the – Tires,
using any product. These directions may
Porsche program available either singly or – Logos, emblems,
contain information necessary to avoid
as complete car-care sets. They will be – Painted surfaces
personal injury.
f Do not use fuel, kerosene, naphtha, nail polish
pleased to help you select suitable products. – Wheel arch extensions,
– Alternator, valve covers,
Whether you use Porsche products or other remover or other volatile cleaning fluids. They
– ParkAssist sensors,
commercially available cleaning agents first may be toxic, flammable or hazardous in other
– Radar sensor for adaptive cruise control,
make sure of their correct application. ways. Only use spot removing fluids in a well
– Rearview camera.
f Always read the operating instructions
A Porsche that is well-cared for can look like new vented area.
for years. It all depends on the amount of care the f Do not clean the underside of chassis,
provided by the equipment manufacturer.
f Always cover the lid of the brake fluid reservoir
owner is willing to give the car. fenders, wheel covers, etc., without protecting
your hands and arms as you may cut yourself
prior to cleaning. Never point the cleaning jet
on sharp-edged metal parts.
directly at the lid.
f When cleaning with a flat-jet nozzle or
NOTICE a so-called “dirt blaster”, maintain a minimum
Risk of damage to the vehicle or property from distance of 21 in. (50 cm).
cleaning agents. f Never use high-pressure cleaning equipment,
f Observe all caution labels. steam cleaners, etc. with a round-jet nozzle.
High-pressure cleaning equipment with a round
nozzle will damage your vehicle. The tires are
particularly susceptible to damage.
f Do not point the cleaning jet directly at any
of the aforementioned components.

Maintenance and Car Care 255

Decorative film Car washing h WARNING Wet Brakes
The best protection for the vehicle from the
NOTICE Reduced or uneven braking action may be caused
damaging effects of the environment is frequent
Risk of damage due to separation of the by wet brakes.
f After washing the vehicle, test the brakes and
washing and preservation.
decorative film when using high-pressure cleaning The longer road salt, road dust, industrial dust,
equipment, steam cleaners or similar cleaning steering and briefly brake the disks dry.
insect remains, bird excrement, and tree
equipment. When doing so, make sure that vehicles
exudations (e.g. resin, pollen), etc. are allowed to
f Do not use high-pressure cleaning equipment, remain on the bodywork, the more harmful their
traveling behind you are not affected.
steam cleaners, etc. to clean decorative films. effect. Cleaning in car washes
Observe the following points in order to ensure
Care of door lock Optional add-on parts or parts that project beyond
that the vehicle is washed thoroughly without
f To prevent the door lock from freezing during
the contours of the vehicle may be damaged by
damaging the paintwork:
f The underside of the vehicle should also be
design features of car washes.
the cold season, cover the lock barrel with
suitable adhesive tape while washing the The following parts are particularly at risk:
thoroughly washed at the end of the gritting
vehicle. – Windshield wipers and rear wiper (always
season at the latest.
f Wash your vehicle only at sites provided for
switch them off – wiper stalk in position 0 –
If the lock still freezes, use an ordinary de-icer.
to prevent them wiping unintentionally in
In many cases, a well warmed key can help. this purpose to prevent soot, grease, oil and
intermittent or sensor operation).
Never use excessive force. heavy metals from entering the environment.
f Dark colors are slightly more susceptible to
– Door mirrors (always fold in).
– External antenna (always unscrew).
scratching and require particularly careful
– Roof transport system (always remove
paint care.
Dark paints make even the smallest surface
– Spoiler.
blemishes (scratches) more conspicuous than
– Wheels (the wider the rim and the lower the tire
lighter colors.
f Do not wash your Porsche in direct sunlight or
height, the greater the risk of damage).
f Please consult the operator before using
when its body is hot.
f When washing by hand, use a car shampoo,
automatic car washes.
f All parts not reached by a car wash, such as
plenty of water, and a soft sponge or washing
door and lid seams or door sills, must be
washed and polished by hand.
We recommend Porsche car shampoo.
f Start washing the vehicle by thoroughly
wetting the paintwork and rinsing the heavy Information
dirt off. Automatic car washes spray water at odd angles
f After washing the vehicle, rinse it thoroughly and high pressures, which are not seen in normal
with water and rub it dry with chamois-leather. driving. Therefore, water can sometimes find its
Do not use the same chamois for rubbing dry way into the passengers compartment during or
as you use for cleaning the windshield and shortly after the car wash.

256 Maintenance and Car Care

Paint care Removing spots and stains Cleaning the engine compartment
In order to protect the paintwork on your vehicle in f Remove tar spatters, traces of oil, insects etc.
the best possible way against mechanical and as soon as possible using an insect remover,
chemical damage, you should: as they discolor the paint if left to work on it Risk of damage, e.g. to the alternator, electrical
– Preserve it regularly, over time. components and plug connections, painted
– Polish it if necessary, f Wash the treated areas carefully afterwards. surfaces and valve covers.
– Remove spots and stains, Repairing minor paint damage f Never use high-pressure cleaners with
a round-jet nozzle.
f Have minor paint damage (cracks, scratches
– Repair damaged paintwork.
f Always observe a minimum distance of 21 in.
General Notes or stone damage) repaired immediately by
(50 cm).
f Never rub a dusty vehicle with a dry cloth, your authorized Porsche dealer before
f Always cover the lid of the brake fluid reservoir
because the grains of dirt will damage the corrosion begins.
prior to cleaning with a high-pressure cleaner.
paintwork. If traces of corrosion have already formed, these Never point the cleaning jet directly at the lid.
f Do not treat matt-painted components with must be thoroughly removed. An anti-corrosion f Do not point the cleaning jet directly at any of
preservatives or polishes as these remove the primer must then be applied to these spots, the aforementioned components.
matt effect. followed by top-coat paint.
Preservation Paint data can be found on the vehicle data Cleaning windows
f Clean all windows regularly, inside and out,
f Please see the chapter “VEHICLE DATA BANK”
The paint surface becomes dull over time due to
weathering. with Porsche window cleaner.
f Preserve paint regularly.
on page 307.
f Make sure not to damage the heating filaments
f Apply paint preservative after washing the of the rear window and the TV antenna of the
vehicle and polish it smooth to preserve the side window when cleaning.
paintwork. f Do not use the same chamois for painted
This keeps the paint shiny and elastic. Dirt is surfaces and for drying the windows.
prevented from adhering to the paint surface and Preservative residues could reduce
industrial dust is prevented from penetrating the transparency.
paint. f Remove insect residues with insect remover.
Only when the original shine can no longer be Information
obtained using preservatives should paint polish The front side windows have a water-repellent
be used to clean the paint. (hydrophobic) coating, which prevents soiling of
We recommend Porsche paint polish. the windows.
This coating is subject to natural wear and can
be renewed.
f Please contact your authorized Porsche

Maintenance and Car Care 257

Care of windshield wiper blades Repairing the underbody protection f Always apply a fresh coating of suitable
Windshield wiper blades that are in perfect The underside of your car is durably protected preservative to unprotect areas after cleaning
condition are vital for a clear view. against chemical and mechanical influences. the underside of the body, the transmission,
f Please see the chapter “WIPER BLADES” on As it is not possible to exclude the risk of damage
the engine or carrying out repairs to under-
page 248. body, engine or transmission components.
to this protective coating in day to day driving, it
f Have the wiper blades replaced twice per year is advisable to have the underside of the car Effective rust-proofing is particularly important
(before and after the cold season) or if wiper inspected at certain intervals - preferably before during the cold weather season. If your car is
performance deteriorates or the blades are the start of winter and again in spring - and the driven frequently in areas where salt has been
damaged. undercoating restored as necessary. spread on the roads, the whole engine
f Clean the wiper blades with window cleaner at Your authorized Porsche dealer is familiar with the
compartment should be cleaned thoroughly after
regular intervals, especially after washing the the winter to prevent salt from causing any lasting
bodyseal treatment procedures and has the
vehicle in a car wash. damage. A full under-body wash should also be
necessary equipment for applying factory
We recommend Porsche window cleaner. performed at the same time.
approved materials. We recommend that you
If wiper blades are very dirty (e.g. covered with entrust them with such work and inspections. Cleaning headlights, lights, interior
insect remains), they can be cleaned with Unlike conventional spray oils, undercoating and and exterior plastic components,
a sponge or cloth. rust-proofing compounds based on bitumen or adhesive films, radar sensor for adaptive
If the wiper blades rub or squeak, this may be due wax do not attack the sound-proofing materials cruise control and rearview camera
to the following: applied at the factory. Observe the following points:
– If the vehicle is washed in an automatic car
h WARNING Exhaust System Fire
f Use only clean water and a little dishwashing
wash, wax residues may adhere to the
liquid or interior window cleaner to clean
windshield. These wax residues can be Risk
headlights, lights, plastic components and
removed only by using window cleaner The exhaust system becomes very hot when the surfaces.
concentrate. engine is running. Flammable material close to the Use a soft sponge or a soft, lint-free cloth.
f Please see the chapter “WASHER FLUID” on exhaust system could ignite. Additional
page 246. undercoating or rust protection agents on or near
Contact your authorized Porsche dealer for more the exhaust system can become too hot when Information
information. driving and ignite. An interior window cleaner can also be used to
– The wiper blades may be damaged or worn. f Do not apply additional undercoating or rust- clean plastic surfaces (always read the cleaning
f Have damaged or worn wiper blades replaced proofing on or near the exhaust manifold, instructions on the container!).
immediately. exhaust pipes, catalytic converters or heat We recommend Porsche interior window cleaner.
shields. During driving the substance used for f Gently wipe the surface without applying too
undercoating could overheat and ignite. much pressure.
f Do not clean when dry.
f Before applying fresh underseal, carefully
f Never use other chemical cleaners or
remove deposits or dirt and grease. Once it
f Rinse cleaned surfaces with clear water.
has dried, the new undercoating compound
forms a tough protective coating which
provides efficient rust-proofing of the floor
panels and components.

258 Maintenance and Car Care

Alloy wheels h WARNING Cleaning Agents on Leather care
Metal particles (e.g. brass or copper in brake Brake Disks The natural surface markings of leather,
dust) must not remain too long on alloy wheels. If cleaning agents (e.g. wheel cleaning agents) e.g. creases, healed scars, insect sting marks,
Contact corrosion can cause pitting. come into contact with the brake disks, the structural differences and slight variations in
resulting film on the brake disks can impair shade and grain add to the attractiveness of the
Information braking performance. high-quality natural leather product.
Cleaners with an oxide-removing effect or wrong f Make sure that no cleaning agent comes into Observe the following care instructions:
pH value, as are commonly used for other metals, contact with the brake disks.
f If cleaning agent has come into contact with
as well as mechanical tools and products,
will damage the oxide layer and are therefore the brake disks, clean the brake disks The leather will be damaged by the use of
unsuitable. thoroughly with a strong jet of water. unsuitable cleaning and care agents and by
f Use only cleaners for alloy wheels (pH f Paying attention to any road users behind you, inappropriate treatment.
value 9.5). Products with the wrong pH dry the brake disks by applying the brakes. f Do not use caustic cleaners or hard cleaning
value can destroy the protective layer on objects!
the wheels. Stainless steel tailpipes f Perforated leather must under no
We recommend Porsche cleaner for alloy rims. Stainless steel tailpipes can discolor due to circumstances get wet on its reverse side.
f If possible, wash the wheels every two weeks soiling, strong heat and combustion residues. f Clean all types of leather regularly to remove
with a sponge or washing brush. If the wheels The original shine can be achieved again using fine dust using a soft, damp, white woollen
are exposed to road salt, grit or industrial dust, commercially available metal lustre paste or cloth or a commercially available microfibre
weekly cleaning is necessary. metal polish. cloth.
f Every three months, after cleaning, grease the f Remove heavy contamination with a leather
wheels with car wax or an acid-free grease
Cleaning door, roof, lid and window seals
(e.g. Vaseline). NOTICE Always read the instructions for use given on
Rub the grease in well with a soft cloth. the containers.
f Please see the chapter “CLEANING IN CAR The lubricant coating on the inner door seals may
We recommend Porsche leather care liquid.
be damaged by unsuitable cleaning and care
WASHES” on page 256.
f Treat cleaned leather only with a leather care
f Do not use any chemical cleaning agents or product.
We recommend Porsche leather care product.
f Do not use any preservative agents.
f Wash dirt (e.g. abrasion, dust, road salts) from
all seals regularly using warm soapy water.
f If there is a risk of frost, protect the outer door
seals and lid seals against freezing into place
with a suitable care product.

Maintenance and Car Care 259

Cleaning carpet, floor mats Cleaning airbag covers Cleaning the safety belts
f Use a vacuum cleaner or a brush (not too soft) h DANGER Vehicle Interior f Use mild detergent to clean soiled belts.
for cleaning.
Modifications f When drying, avoid direct sunlight.
f Heavy dirt and stains can be removed with f Only use suitable cleaning agents.
a stain remover. Incorrect modifications may damage the airbag f Do not tint or bleach the belts.
We recommend Porsche stain remover. system. The airbag may not deploy properly in the The belt fabric could be weakened,
event of an accident. thus affecting safety.
f Do not make any modifications whatsoever to
To protect carpets, the Porsche range of
accessories includes mats of the correct size and
individual components, such as the padded Laying up your Porsche
with the appropriate fastening.
covers on the steering wheel, the underside of If you wish to keep your Porsche off the road for
h WARNING Obstructed Pedals the instrument panel, front seats, roof pillars, a lengthy period, we recommend that you contact
roof liners and the rear interior trim panels your authorized Porsche dealer.
Improperly secured floor mats can obstruct pedal
around the seat backrest. They will be glad to advise you about the
f Have your authorized Porsche dealer to clean
f Always check the movement of the pedals necessary measures, e.g. corrosion prevention,
these components. care, maintenance and storage.
before driving and make sure that they are not
obstructed by a floor mat or any other object. Further important information on laying up your
f Secure the floor mat to prevent it from sliding
Cleaning fabric linings Porsche can be found in other sections.
into positions that could interfere with the safe f Fabric linings on pillars, roofliner and sun f Please see the chapter “BATTERY” on
operation of your vehicle – do not lay them visors, etc. must be cleaned only using page 290.
loosely in the vehicle. suitable cleaning agents or a suitable dry f To lock the vehicle when the battery is
Your authorized Porsche dealer will be glad to foam and a soft brush. disconnected:
offer you floor mats of correct size including a Please see the chapter “NOT ALL VEHICLE
Alcantara care DOORS ARE LOCKED” on page 33.
securing possibility. f Do not use leather care products to clean
For regular care, it is sufficient to clean the
cover with a soft brush.
Strong abrasion or rubbing when cleaning will
produce a lasting change to the surface.
Cleaning when lightly soiled
f Wet a soft cloth with water or a neutral soap
solution and wipe off the dirt.
Cleaning when heavily soiled
f Wet a soft cloth with lukewarm water or
thinned white spirit and dab the dirt from the
outside in.

260 Maintenance and Car Care

Minor Repairs
Exercise Extreme Caution when Working
on your vehicle........................................... 262
Warning triangle ......................................... 263
First aid kit ................................................ 264
Tool kit...................................................... 264
Tires and Wheels........................................ 265
Jack.......................................................... 274
Spacers .................................................... 274
Wheel Bolts ............................................... 275
Changing Wheels........................................ 275
Fixing a Flat Tire......................................... 276
Inflating Tires ............................................. 285
Electrical System ....................................... 286
Battery ...................................................... 290
External Power Supply, Emergency Starting
with Jumper Cables .................................... 292
Changing the Remote Control Battery .......... 294
Replacing Bulbs ......................................... 294
Headlight Adjustment.................................. 301
Towing ...................................................... 302

Minor Repairs 261

Exercise Extreme Caution when h WARNING Exhaust Gas Inhalation h WARNING Moving Engine Parts
Working on your vehicle Engine exhaust is dangerous if inhaled. Take great care to ensure that hands, fingers,
The engine compartment of any motor vehicle is Engine exhaust fumes have many compo-nents articles of clothing (e.g. ties, sleeves, etc.),
a potentially hazardous area. If you are not fully which you can smell. They also contain carbon necklaces or long hair cannot be caught up by the
familiar with proper repair procedures, do not monoxide (CO), which is a colorless and odorless radiator fans, drive belt or other moving parts.
attempt the adjustments described on the gas. The radiator fans can start or continue running as
following pages. Carbon monoxide can cause unconsciousness a function of temperature, even with the engine
This caution applies to the entire vehicle. and even death if inhaled. switched off.
h DANGER Fire and Explosion f Only work on your vehicle outdoors or in a well f Exercise extreme care that parts of the body,
Hazards ventilated area. articles of clothing or jewelry do not get caught
in the radiator fan, drive belt or other moving
Many vehicle fluids are highly flammable, e.g. fuel,
h WARNING Hot Engine Parts, parts.
f Carry out work in these areas only with the
engine and transmission oil. Fuel vapors can
Exhaust System and
cause an explosion. When a battery is being
Fluids engine off and exercise extreme caution.
charged, highly explosive gases can develop.
f Do not smoke or allow an open flame around The engine and surroundings components, the
exhaust system and coolant become very hot h WARNING Electric Shock from
the battery or fuel.
Pay attention to sparks, e.g. when coming into when the engine is running. Ignition System
contact with cables. The coolant reservoir is pressurized. Careless When the ignition is on, all cables and wires of the
Keep a fire extinguisher close at hand. opening of the coolant reservoir can lead to hot ignition system carry a high voltage.
f Ensure that there are no open flames in the coolant suddenly spraying out. f Exercise special care when working on the
area of your vehicle at any time when fuel f Take care when working near hot parts of the ignition system.
fumes might be present. Be especially vehicle, in particular engine parts and parts of
cautious of devices such as hot water heaters the exhaust system.
which ignite a flame intermittently. f Before working in the engine compartment,
f Only work on your vehicle outdoors or in a well always switch the engine off and let it cool
ventilated area. sufficiently.
f Allow the engine to cool down before opening
h WARNING the cap of the coolant reservoir and protect
Fluid Health Hazards
your hands, arms and face from any possible
Refill fluids, e.g. engine oil, brake fluid or coolant escape of hot coolant.
are hazardous to health (poisonous, irritant,
f Keep these fluids out of children's reach and
dispose of them in accordance with the
appropriate regulations.
f Only work on your vehicle outdoors or in a well
ventilated area.

262 Minor Repairs

h WARNING Failure to Secure
If the vehicle is not secured, or incorrectly
f Incomplete or improper servicing may cause
problems in the operation of the car. If in doubt
secured, during repair work, it could move
about any servicing, have it done by your
unexpectedly or fall from the car jack or car lift.
f Be alert and cautious around the engine at all authorized Porsche dealer.
Improper maintenance during the warranty
times while it is running.
period may affect your Porsche warranty
If you have to work on the engine while it is
running, always apply the electric parking
brake and put the gearshift lever in neutral or
f Some countries require additional tools and
special spare parts to be carried in your
the Tiptronic selector lever in position P or N.
f Always support your car with safety stands if it vehicle. Please make enquiries before driving
is necessary to work under the car. The jack
supplied with the car is not adequate for this
Switch off level control of air suspension and
height adjustment.
Please see the chapter “LIFTING THE VEHICLE Warning triangle
WITH A LIFTING PLATFORM, TROLLEY JACK The warning triangle is stored behind a cover in
OR STANDARD JACK” on page 274. the tailgate.
f Jack up the vehicle only at the specified 1. Open the tailgate.
jacking points on the underside of the vehicle. 2. Open the cover.
f Never start the engine when the vehicle is
jacked or lifted up. Vibration from the engine
could cause the vehicle to fall.
f When working under the car without safety
stands but with the wheels on the ground,
make sure the car is on level ground, the
wheels are blocked, and that the engine
cannot be started.
Withdraw ignition keys (switch ignition off in
vehicles that have Porsche Entry & Drive).

Minor Repairs 263

First aid kit Vehicles with collapsible spare wheel Vehicles with spare wheel
Vehicles without a spare wheel have an additional
Vehicles without spare wheel Tool kit compressor with pressure gauge under the
The first aid kit is stored behind a cover in the The tool kit A is stored under the luggage loadspace floor at the right.
luggage compartment. compartment floor. The tools provided in the tool
For information on inflating tires using the
kit depend on vehicle equipment.
Vehicles with spare wheel compressor under the loadspace floor:
The first aid kit is stored in the spare-wheel well. f Please see the chapter “INFLATING TIRES” on
f Always replace any items you remove from the Information page 285.
first aid kit immediately. The tools required for changing a wheel (e.g. jack, Vehicles without a collapsible spare wheel or
wheel bolt wrench, assembly aids, folding spare wheel have tire sealant and a compressor
wedges) are only supplied with the vehicle if the with pressure gauge under the loadspace floor at
vehicle comes with a collapsible spare wheel or the right:
full-size spare wheel as standard. Your authorized f Please see the chapter “USING TIRE SEALANT”
Porsche dealer will be pleased to advise you. on page 277.

264 Minor Repairs

Tires and Wheels h DANGER Tire Damage While
The original equipment tires and wheel rims on Driving
your Porsche comply with all applicable Federal Driving with damaged tires could cause you to
Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. lose control of the vehicle.
For your safety remember the following: f If while driving, your vehicle experiences a
sudden vibration or ride disturbance, and/or
– Wheel rims and wheel bolts are matched to fit you suspect that possible damage to your tires
your Porsche. or vehicle has occurred, you should
– If you intend to use other than original immediately reduce your speed without
equipment wheels, be sure that they conform excessive use of the brakes.
to Porsche specifications for your model. Only f Stop the vehicle as soon as possible, and
tires with the same make and with the same inspect the tires.
specification code (e.g. “N0”, “N1”...) can be If you cannot determine the cause for the
mounted. disturbance, have your vehicle towed to the
– The use of wheel rims and wheel bolts that do nearest Porsche or tire dealer to have your
not meet specifications of the original factory vehicle or tire(s) inspected.
installed equipment will affect the safe f Continuing to operate the vehicle without
operation of your vehicle and affect warranty correction could result in a loss of control. Example
– Before you plan on exchanging wheels, or Uniform Tire Quality Grading
snow tires already mounted on the wheel rims, Quality grades can be found where applicable on
consult your authorized Porsche dealer. the tire sidewall between tread shoulder and
Your dealer has the technical information maximum section width.
necessary to advise you which wheel rims and All passenger car tires must conform to Federal
wheel bolts are compatible with the original Safety Requirements in addition to these grades.
factory installations.

Minor Repairs 265

Treadwear Temperature A, B, C Tire pressures
The treadwear grade is a comparative rating The temperature grades are A (the highest), B and
h DANGER Low Tire Pressure
based on the wear rate of the tire when tested C, representing the tire's resistance to the
under controlled conditions on a specific generation of heat and its ability to dissipate heat Driving the vehicle with low tire pressure increases
government test course. For example, a tire when tested under controlled conditions on a risk of a tire failure and resulting loss of control.
graded 150 would wear one and a half (1-1/2) specified indoor laboratory test wheel. Furthermore, low tire pressure increases rate of
times as well on the government course as a tire Sustained high temperatures can cause the wear of the affected tires and causes damage.
graded 100. The relative performance of tires material of the tire to degenerate and reduce tire f Always use an accurate tire pressure gauge
depends upon the actual conditions of their use, life, and excessive temperature can lead to when checking inflation pressures.
however, and may depart significantly from the sudden tire failure. f Do not exceed the maximum tire pressure
norm due to variations in driving habits, service The grade C corresponds to a level of listed on the tire sidewall. (Also refer to
practices and differences in road characteristics performance which all passenger car tires must “Technical data”).
and climate. meet under the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety f Please see the chapter “TIRE PRESSURE
Standard No. 109. PLATE” on page 268.
f Cold tire inflation pressure means: all tires
Traction AA, A, B, C
Grades B and A represent higher levels of
The traction grades, from highest to lowest, are performance on the laboratory test wheel than the must be cold, ambient temperature maximum
AA, A, B, and C and they represent the tire's ability minimum required by law. 68 °F (20 °C), when adjusting the inflation
to stop on wet pavement as measured under pressure. Avoid sunlight striking the tires
controlled conditions on specified government h WARNING Tire Abuse before measuring cold pressures, since the
test surfaces of asphalt and concrete. A tire pressures would rise from temperature
The temperature grade for this tire is established
marked C may have poor traction performance. influence.
for a tire that is properly inflated and not
overloaded. Excessive speed, underinflation, or f Valve caps protect the valve from dust and dirt,
Information excessive loading, either separately or in and thus from leakage. Always screw caps
The traction grade assigned to this is based on combination, can cause heat buildup and possible tightly down. Replace missing caps
braking (straight-ahead) traction tests and does tire failure. immediately.
not include cornering (turned) traction, f Do not exceed the permitted maximum speed f Use only plastic valve caps.
acceleration, hydroplaning or peak traction for the tires fitted to the vehicle. f For safety reasons, don't use tire inflating
characteristics. f Ensure that the tires are set to the correct bottles.
inflation pressure.
f Observe the maximum load for the vehicle.

266 Minor Repairs

f Please see the chapter “TIRE PRESSURE FOR When tires are warm, the tire pressure is Overloading
COLD TIRES 68 °F (20 °C)” on page 310. increased.
Each tire, including the spare (if provided), should f Never let air out of hot tires. This could cause Overloading Tires
be checked monthly when cold and inflated to the the tire pressure to fall below the prescribed Overloading can lead to dangerous vehicle
inflation pressure recommended by the vehicle value. reactions and long braking distances.
manufacturer on the vehicle placard or tire infla- Insufficient tire pressure can cause tires to over- f Do not overload your vehicle. Be careful about
tion pressure label. (If your vehicle has tires of a heat and thus be damaged – even invisibly. Hidden the roof load.
different size than the size indicated on the vehicle tire damage is not eliminated by subsequently f If you plan to load the vehicle, first correct the
placard or tire inflation pressure label, you should correcting the tire pressure. tire pressure. Tire pressure for loaded vehicle
determine the proper tire inflation pressure for can be found on the tire pressure plate and in
those tires). the chapter technical data.
As an added safety feature, your vehicle has been f Never exceed the specified axle load.
equipped with a tire pressure monitoring (TPM)
that illuminates a low tire pressure telltale when NOTICE
one or more of your tires is significantly under-
Risk of damage to the vehicle and to the tires.
inflated. Accordingly, when the low tire pressure
telltale illuminates, you should stop and check Damage due to overloading is not covered by the
your tires as soon as possible, and inflate them to vehicle warranty.
the proper pressure. Driving on a significantly Tire damage may also be caused by overloading,
under-inflated tire causes the tire to overheat and and this damage is not covered by your tire
can lead to tire failure. Under-inflation also warranty.
reduces fuel efficiency and tire tread life, and may f Do not overload your vehicle. Be careful about
affect the vehicle’s handling and stopping ability. the roof load.
Please note that the TPM is not a substitute for f If you plan to load the vehicle, first correct the
proper tire maintenance, and it is the driver’s tire pressure. Tire pressure for loaded vehicle
responsibility to maintain correct tire pressure, can be found on the tire pressure plate and in
even if under-inflation has not reached the level to the chapter technical data.
trigger illumination of the TPM low tire pressure f Never exceed the specified axle load.
tell-tale. f Please see the chapter “LOADING
For further information on the tire pressure INFORMATION” on page 221.
f Please see the chapter “TIRE PRESSURE
MONITORING (TPM)” on page 119.

Minor Repairs 267

Tire life
Tire life depends on various factors, i.e., road
surfaces, traffic and weather conditions, driving
habits, type of tires and tire care.
f Inspect your tires for wear and damage before
driving off. If you notice uneven or substantial
wear, wheels might need alignment or tires
should be balanced or replaced.
Tire wear
The original equipment tires on your Porsche have
built-in tire wear indicators. They are molded into
the bottom of the tread grooves and will appear as
approximately 1/2 in. (12 mm) bands when the
tire tread depth is down to 1/16 of an in (1.6 mm).
When the indicators appear in two or more
adjacent grooves, it is time to replace the tires.
We recommend, however, that you do not let the
Example of a tire pressure plate Tire traction
tires wear down to this extent.
Tire Pressure plate h WARNING Hydroplaning Worn tires cannot grip the road surface properly
Information on the tire pressure plate and are even less effective on wet roads.
When driving on wet or slushy roads, a wedge of
A Seating capacity water may build up between the tires and the road. In the United States, state laws may govern the
Maximum number of vehicle occupants, This phenomenon is known as “hydroplane” and minimum tread depth permissible. Follow all such
including the driver. may cause partial or complete loss of traction, laws.
B Vehicle load limit vehicle control or stopping ability. h DANGER Excessively-worn Tires
Is the maximum total weight limit specified of f Reduce speed on wet surfaces to prevent this.
the load (passengers and cargo) for the Driving on worn tires can result in loss of control
vehicle. This is the maximum weight of of the vehicle and could cause serious personal
passengers and cargo that can be loaded into injuries or death.
the vehicle. f Do not drive with worn tires or tires showing
Please see the chapter “LOADING cuts or bruises as they may lead to sudden
INFORMATION” on page 221. deflation and loss of control which could cause
C Original tire size severe personal injury.
Size of tires mounted at the factory.
D Recommended cold tire inflation pressure
These values are for cold tires (68 °F/20 °C).

268 Minor Repairs

f If you notice that tires are wearing unevenly, Tire damage, puncture Tire replacements
consult your authorized Porsche dealer. f Please see the chapter “HIGH-PRESSURE f Use only tire makes and types tested by
Uneven wear may not always be due to improper CLEANING EQUIPMENT, STEAM CLEANERS” Porsche.
wheel alignment. It can be the result of individual on page 255. If you do not use a Porsche recommended
driving habits such as cornering at high speeds. If replacement tire, make sure that you
the tire pressure is not checked and adjusted h DANGER Damaged Tire Check purchase your new tires from a reputable tire
regularly, abnormal tire wear can also occur. Driving the vehicle with low tire pressure increases dealer and that the dealer complies with all
Tire care risk of a tire failure and resulting loss of control. manufacturers warnings for those tires.
f Avoid damaging tires and wheel rims.
Furthermore, low tire pressure increases the rate Only tires with the same manufacturer and
f If you must drive over a curb or other obstacle,
of wear of the affected tires. with the same specification code (e.g. “N0”,
f Check tires – including sidewalls – regularly for “N1”…) should be mounted on the vehicle.
drive slowly and at an obtuse angle.
f Check tires for uneven wear and damage
foreign bodies, nicks, cuts, cracks and bulges. Before mounting new tires, check with your
f After driving off road, examine tires for signs Porsche dealer about the current release
before driving off.
of damage such as cuts, tears, bulges or status.
Remove imbedded material.
foreign objects stuck in the tread. Replace a Tires should be replaced no less than on one axle
Replace worn or damaged tires immediately.
damaged tire if necessary. at the time. Only tires of the same make and type
f Cross curb edges slowly and at right angles if
Keep oil, fuel, brake fluid, etc. away from tires.
f Replace missing valve stem caps. must be used. Mixed tires are not permissible and
possible. will affect vehicle performance, safety, and can
Keep tires inflated correctly.
Avoid driving over steep or sharp curbs. affect vehicle warranty.
f In cases of doubt, have the wheel (particularly
Wash tires when washing the vehicle. Also
clean inner side of wheels. Porsche dealers can recommend the most current
f Do not use abrasive cleaners when washing
the inner side) checked by an authorized
replacement tire options for your vehicle.
Porsche dealer.
the wheels. Initially, new tires do not have their full traction.
f Check wheel rims for corrosion. In case of tire damage, where it is uncertain You should therefore drive at moderate speeds
f Remove road salt, if driving in winter. whether there is a break in the ply with all its during the first 60 - 120 miles (100 - 200 km).
consequences or tire damage caused by thermal Tires must always remain on the same side of
or mechanical overloading due to loss of pressure the vehicle.
or any other prior damage, we recommend that When wheels are removed, the direction of
the tire be replaced for safety reasons. rotation and position of each wheel should be
If one faulty tire is replaced it should be noted that marked.
the difference in tread depth on one axle must not If new tires are installed only on one axle, a
exceed 30%. Handling inconsistencies may result. noticeable change in handling occurs due to the
f Perform a visual inspection if necessary. different tread depth of the other tires. This
happens especially if only rear tires are replaced.
However, this condition disappears as the new
tires are broken in.
f Please adjust your driving style accordingly.
Installation of new tires should only be done by a
qualified tire technician.

Minor Repairs 269

Valves Wheel alignment, wheel balancing Wheels with Tire Pressure Monitoring
f Use only plastic valve caps. As a precaution, have wheels with summer tires (TPM) sensors
f The rubber valves must be replaced whenever balanced in the spring, and those with mud and Before changing wheels, make sure that the
the tires are changed. snow tires before winter. Unbalanced wheels may wheels are compatible with your vehicle’s TPM.
f The fitting and replacement specifications affect car handling and tire life. f Check this with your authorized Porsche
must be observed for metal valves. Only the specified weights may be used for wheel dealer.
f Only use Original Porsche metal valves. balancing.
f Protect the valve inserts against soiling with Self-adhesive weights must not come into contact
Removing and storing tires
valve caps. Soiled valve inserts can cause a with cleaning agents, since they could drop off. f After changing, adjust tire pressure and torque
gradual loss of air. Uneven tread wear indicates wheel imbalance. In wheel bolts diagonally.
this event, the vehicle should be checked at an Please see the chapter “CHANGING WHEELS”
Parking at the curb on page 275.
authorized Porsche dealer.
h DANGER Curb Impact / Tire f Store tires in a cool and dry place. Rotate
Damage h DANGER High-Speed tire periodically to avoid flat spots.
Vibration f Avoid contact with fuel, oil and grease.
Hard impacts against curbs (or traffic islands) are
If, during a trip, uneven running or vibrations occur Tires must always remain on the same side of
dangerous and may cause hidden tire damage
that could be caused by damage to tires or the the vehicle.
which is not noticeable until later. Such damage
car, the speed must be reduced immediately, but When wheels are removed, the direction of
can result in accidents at high speeds. Depending
without braking sharply. If you continue your trip rotation and position of each wheel should be
on the force of impact, the edge of the rim can
without having the cause of the fault remedied, marked.
also be damaged.
f After such an impact, have the wheel checked you might lose control of your vehicle. Example
by an expert. f Stop the vehicle and check the tires.
f If no cause for the fault can be found, drive
FR (front right), FL, RR and RL.
f If you must drive over a curb or other obstacle, Wheels must always be fitted in accordance with
drive slowly and at an obtuse angle. carefully to the nearest authorized Porsche
dealer. their marking.
Exercise care when parking along curbs. The perception that tire durability and
performance are not affected by storage and age
is unfounded.
Chemical additives, which make the rubber
Tire repairs are not permissible under any elastic, lose their effectiveness over the course of
circumstances. time and the rubber becomes brittle and cracks.
Therefore, the tires should be inspected from
time to time.

270 Minor Repairs

f Snow tires should have the same load capacity h DANGER Excessive Speed for
Information as original equipment tires and should be Tires
Under no circumstances should tires older than mounted on all four wheels.
Exceeding the maximum permitted speed for the
6 years be used on your Porsche.
h DANGER Tire Hazards tires fitted could cause tire failure.
The age of the tire can be obtained from the “DOT”
Driving the vehicle with low tire pressure increases
f Always check the maximum speed rating on
code number. If, for example, the last four the tire sidewall on any tire on the vehicle.
risk of a tire failure and resulting loss of control.
numbers read 1208, then the tire was produced in
Furthermore, low tire pressure increases the rate
f Never exceed the maximum speed rating of
the 12th week of 2008. the tires.
of wear of the affected tires and causes damage.
Snow tires Tires with badly worn treads are very dangerous Wheel change
and could cause accidents.
The installation of Porsche approved snow tires is
f Make sure they are replaced immediately. f When wheels are removed, mark the direction
recommended. of rotation and position of each wheel.
Use Porsche approved snow tires for grip on snow f Do not exceed the snow tire speed rating. Example: FR (front right), FL, RR and RL.
and ice. Snow tires do not have the same degree of f Always fit the wheels in accordance with the
Check with your local Motor Vehicle Bureau for traction on dry, wet or snowfree roads as normal markings.
possible restrictions. tires.
Furthermore, snow tires wear rapidly under these
h WARNING Snow Tire Use conditions.
The standard tires profile and rubber mixture are
optimized for wet and dry driving conditions, and Information
may not prove favorable for snow conditions.
f Install snow tires before driving in such We recommend fitting winter tires on the vehicle at
temperatures below 45 °F (7 °C) since the driving
performance of summer tires is reduced at low
temperatures. Summer tires may be permanently
NOTICE damaged at extremely low temperatures.
Risk of insufficient road grip leading to loss of Winter tires do not fulfill their purpose if the tread
control and damage to the vehicle. depth is less than 5/32 in. (4 mm).
The standard tires profile and rubber mixture are Comply with all state and local laws
optimized for wet and dry driving conditions, and governing snow tire and tread depth
may not prove favorable for snow conditions. requirements.
f Install snow tires before driving in such
Before mounting snow tires, consult with your
Porsche dealer. They have the technical
information necessary to advise you on wheel and
tire compatibility.

Minor Repairs 271

Snow chains

Risk of damage to body, axle or brake

f Use only the fine-link snow chains
recommended and authorized by Porsche so
that sufficient clearance between the wheel
well and the chain is assured.
f Please see the chapter “WHEELS, TIRES” on
page 309.
f Follow instructions issued by the supplier of
the chains.
The best possible handling characteristics are
achieved when snow chains are fitted on all four
wheels of the vehicle. However, it is also possible
to fit snow chains only on the rear axle.
f Remove spacers if snow chains are mounted. Example of Inscription
f Before fitting chains, remove accumulated ice Inscription on radial tire – Y - Speed code letter
and snow from the wheel well. – XL (Extra Load) - Tire with increased load
A – Tire size
f Vehicles with snow chains must not be driven rating
Example: P 265/40ZR18 (101Y)
faster than 30 mph (50 km/h). B – TIN (Tire Identification Number)
– P - The tire is designed for Passenger vehicle.
Different states and countries have varying
This information is not included on all tires. Example: DOT xx xx xxxx xxxx
statutory requirements regarding maximum
– 265 - Indication of tire width in mm – DOT
f Check with local authorities for possible
– 40 - Indication of tire height to tire width ratio The DOT symbol indicates that the tires
in percent comply with the requirements of the
f Remove chains as soon as the roads are free
– ZR - Belt type code letter for radial US Department of Transportation and provides
– 18 - Indication of rim diameter in inches information about:
of ice and snow.
– 101 - Load capacity coefficient – first two-digit code means manufacture’s
identification mark.
– second two-digit code means tire size.
– third four-digit code means tire type code.
– fourth four-digit code means date of
If, for example, the last four numbers read
0204, the tire was produced in the 2nd week
of 2004.

272 Minor Repairs

C – Tire ply composition and material Speed code letters
The number of layers in the tread and sidewalls The speed code letter Y indicates the maximum
and their material composition. permitted speed for the tire.
This code letter is shown on the tire sidewall.
D – Maximum permissible inflation pressure
The maximum permissible cold inflation pressure T = up to 118 mph (190 km/h)
to which a tire can be inflated. H = up to 131 mph (210 km/h)
f Do not exceed the permissible inflation
pressure. V = up to 150 mph (240 km/h)

E – Maximum Load rating W = up to 167 mph (270 km/h)

The maximum load in kilograms and pounds can Y = up to 186 mph (300 km/h)
be carried by the tire. If you replace tires always
use a tire that has the same maximum load rating
as the factory installed tire. Information
F – Radial Tires with a maximum speed rating that is lower
The identification indicates if the tire has radial than the specified maximum vehicle speed may be
structure. mounted only if they bear an M+S identification on
A - Rim width in inches
the tire sidewall. B - Rim-flange contour code letter
f Please note that in addition to snow tires,
G – Term of tubeless or tube tire
C - Symbol for drop-center rim
Identification for tubeless tires. all-season tires are also subject to speed limits D - Rim diameter in inches
and bear this identification. E - Double hump
F - Rim offset in mm

Inscription on alloy wheels

The information is provided on the rear of the
spokes. The rim width in inches A and the rim
offset F are visible from the outside. This
information can be found near the tire valve.

Minor Repairs 273

Jack Lifting the vehicle with a lifting platform, Spacers
The jack is stored with the tool kit under the trolley jack or standard jack f Use the spacers only together with wheels
loadspace floor at the left. f For information on wheel changing: approved by Porsche.
f Please see the chapter “TOOL KIT” on Please see the chapter “CHANGING WHEELS” Before having spacers fitted, find out about the
page 264. on page 275. current approval status.
f For information on jacking points: f Remove spacers if snow chains or
h WARNING Misuse of Vehicle Jack Please see the chapter “JACKING POINTS FOR a collapsible spare wheel are fitted.
The jack must be used only to raise the car for LIFTING PLATFORM, TROLLEY JACK OR
STANDARD JACK” on page 279. h WARNING Fitting Collapsible
wheel changing.
Spare Tire
The jack must never be used as a support to work
underneath the vehicle. If the jack is accidentally v
NOTICE f Always remove 0.67 in. (17 mm) spacers
dislodged, you or bystanders could suffer severe Risk of serious damage to the engine or vehicle if before fitting the collapsible spare wheel
personal injury. you lift the vehicle improperly. because otherwise the wheel cannot be fitted
f Never jack up other vehicle or other loads with f Lift only at the jacking points provided. correctly.
the jack. f Before driving the vehicle onto a lifting
f Always place the car on stable supports if you platform, make sure that there is sufficient NOTICE
have to work under the car. space between the lifting platform and the
Risk of damage to the wheel housings if the
When working under the vehicle, always use vehicle.
f To avoid serious damage, never jack up the
spacers on the rear axle are not removed before
safety stands specifically designed for this
fitting snow chains.
f 0.67 in. (17 mm) spacers must always be
purpose. vehicle at the engine, transmission or at the
f Use only level anti-slip rubber pads on a lifting
removed from the rear axle when snow chains
are to be fitted.
f Do not damage any sensitive components in
the vicinity of the jacking points.
Raising vehicles with a level control system f For information on removing the spacers:
Please see the chapter “CHANGING A WHEEL
Before driving onto a lifting platform or before
raising the vehicle using a lifting platform, trolley
on page 281.
f For information on fitting the spacers:
jack or standard jack:
f Manually set normal level and then switch off
Please see the chapter “FITTING 0.67 IN.
the leveling system.
(17 MM) SPACERS” on page 283.
Please see the chapter “RAISING THE VEHICLE
WITH THE JACK” on page 197.

274 Minor Repairs

Security wheel bolts h WARNING Stopping Over Nearby
The adapter (wrench socket) for the security Flammable Matter
wheel bolts is in the tool kit. Exhaust fumes and the exhaust system are very
f To loosen or tighten the wheel bolt with hot when the engine is running. The exhaust
anti-theft protection, the adapter must be used system remains hot for some time after the
between the wheel bolt and the wheel bolt vehicle is turned off.
wrench. f Do not park your vehicle in areas where the hot
f When positioning the wrench socket, ensure exhaust system may come in contact with dry
that it engages fully in the teeth of the wheel grass, brush, fuel spill or other flammable
bolt. material.

Information h WARNING Jacking Risks

On vehicles with 0.67 in. (17 mm) spacers on the If the vehicle is not secured, or incorrectly
rear axle, the wheels are secured with steel nuts. secured, during a wheel change, it could move
There is no anti-theft protection for the wheel nuts. unexpectedly or fall from the car jack.
f If the wheels have to be removed at the f Passengers must not be in the vehicle when it
workshop, please do not forget to hand over is jacked up.
Wheel Bolts the socket for the security wheel bolts along f Before you change a wheel, be sure the ground
f Always clean the wheel bolts before fitting. with the car key. is level and firm. If necessary, use a board
f Wheel bolts must not be greased. under the jack to ensure that the jack does not
f Replace damaged wheel bolts. Changing Wheels sink into the ground.
Only use genuine Porsche wheel bolts f Set the electric parking brake and block the
assigned especially to this model or wheel h DANGER Unsafe Stopping wheels opposite the flat tire on the other side
bolts of similar quality which have been Other vehicles could collide with your vehicle if you of the vehicle.
manufactured according Porsche are parked in a dangerous position. f The jack is only to be used for changing a
specifications and product requirements. f If you have a flat tire, move a safe distance off wheel. Do not use it as a support to work under
Tightening torque the road. Turn the emergency flasher on and the car.
use other warning devices to alert other f The car must be jacked up only at the
Tightening torque for wheel bolts:
motorists. illustrated jacking points.Lifting at any other
118 ftlb. (160 Nm).
f Do not remain in the car. Someone place may result in personal injury.
approaching from the rear may not realize your
vehicle is stopped and cause a collision.

Minor Repairs 275

NOTICE Fixing a Flat Tire
The tools required for changing a wheel (e.g. jack,
Risk of damage to the engine or vehicle if you lift
wheel bolt wrench, assembly aids, folding
the vehicle improperly.
f The car must be jacked up only at the wedges) are only supplied with the vehicle if the
vehicle comes with a collapsible spare wheel or
illustrated jacking points. Lifting at any other
full-size spare wheel as standard. Your authorized
place may result in damage to the vehicle.
f Never jack up the car by the body, bumpers, Porsche dealer will be pleased to advise you.
1. Stop the vehicle as far away from the driving
engine, transmission or at the axles.
f -Do not damage any sensitive components in lane as possible.
The vehicle must be parked on a firm and flat
the vicinity of the jacking points.
f For safety reasons do not use tire inflating bot- surface with adequate grip.
2. Switch emergency flasher on.
tles. Do not use commercially available sealant
3. Activate the electric parking brake.
bottles. Use only the tire inflating bottle
4. Put the vehicle in 1st gear or move the
located in the luggage compartment.
Tiptronic selector lever to position P.
5. Straighten the front wheels.
Sequence of operation
6. Remove the ignition key, or the control unit on
h WARNING Working Under Vehicle vehicles with Porsche Entry & Drive, in order to A - Wedges
lock the steering and prevent the engine from Securing the vehicle against rolling
The jack must be used only to raise the car for
being started.
wheel changing.The jack must never be used as a To secure the vehicle, use the two folding wedges
7. Get all passengers to leave the vehicle.
support to work underneath the vehicle. If the jack A supplied in the tool kit.
f You can remove the wedges after undoing the
Pay attention to other traffic.
is accidentally dislodged, you or bystanders could
8. Set up the warning triangle at a suitable
suffer severe personal injury. Velcro fastening.
f Never jack up other vehicles or other loads
1. Unfold the wedges.
with the jack. 2. Lock them in unfolded position.
f Always place the car on stable supports if you
have to work under it. When working under the
vehicle, always use safety stands specifically
designed for this purpose.
f Please use a suitable knee rest to protect your
clothing against soiling.

276 Minor Repairs

Using tire sealant h WARNING Tire Sealant
The tire sealant can be used to seal small cuts, Flammability
especially in the tire tread. The sealant is highly flammable and harmful to
Sealing the tire with the tire sealant is only an health.
emergency repair so you can drive to the nearest f Fire, naked flame and smoking are prohibited
workshop. Even if the tire is air-tight, it may only when handling tire sealant.
be used for short trips in an emergency. f Avoid contact with skin, eyes or clothing due to
The tire sealant and a compressor with pressure caustic chemical properties of the tire sealant.
gauge can be found under the loadspace floor at f Keep tire sealant away from children.
the right in the luggage compartment. f Do not inhale vapours, due to the consequent
The tire sealant set comprises: harm to personal health resulting in serious
– a filler bottle, personal injury or death.
– a filler hose,
– a valve turner, In the event of contact with sealant:
– a spare valve insert, f If sealant gets on your skin or into your eyes,
– a sticker with the maximum permitted speed thoroughly rinse the affected part of your body
and immediately with plenty of water.
3. Place one wedge each directly in front of and – instructions for use. f Change soiled clothing immediately.
behind the diagonally opposite wheel. f See a doctor immediately in the event of an
h WARNING Limits on Tire Sealant
allergic reaction.
f If sealant is swallowed, thoroughly rinse out
Always observe the following points: the mouth without delay and drink plenty of
f Use the tire sealant only in the case of cuts or water. Do not induce vomiting.
punctures no larger than 0.15 in. (4 mm). See a doctor immediately.
f Never use the tire sealant if the rim is

Minor Repairs 277

10.Hold the filler bottle higher than the level of the
h DANGER Damaged Tires
tire valve and squeeze it forcefully until the
bottle is completely emptied into the tire. Damaged tires could burst causing loss of control
11.Pull filler hose off the tire valve. of the vehicle.
12.Screw the valve insert firmly into the tire valve f Have the tire replaced by a specialist
using the valve turner. workshop as soon as possible.
13.Inflate the tire. f Avoid hard acceleration and high cornering
Set the prescribed tire pressure. speeds.
Information on tire pressure can be found f Observe maximum speed of 50 mph
under “Technical data” in this Owner’s Manual: (80 km/h).
Please see the chapter “TIRE PRESSURE FOR f Always observe the safety and operating
COLD TIRES 68 °F (20 °C)” on page 310. instructions, which can be found in the
14.Screw valve cap onto the tire valve. separate operating instructions for the sealant
15.After driving for approx. 10 minutes, check and on the compressor.
the tire pressure.
If the tire pressure is less than 22 psi / 1.5 bar
/ 150 kPa, do not continue driving.
A - Filler bottle
If a value of more than 22 psi / 1.5 bar /
B - Filler hose 150 kPa is indicated, correct the pressure to
C - Filler hose plug the prescribed value.
D - Valve turner 16.Please consult your authorized Porsche
E - Valve insert dealer.
F - Tire valve
f Also follow the separate operating instructions
Filling in sealant for the tire sealing compound.
1. Leave the object that caused the puncture in
the tire. Information
f On vehicles with Tire Pressure Monitoring, the
2. Remove sealant and the enclosed sticker from
the luggage compartment.
settings for Tire Pressure Monitoring must be
3. Adhere the sticker in the driver’s field of vision.
updated on the multi-purpose display after
4. Shake filler bottle A.
filling the tire with sealant:
5. Screw filler hose B onto the filler bottle.
Please see the chapter “TIRE PRESSURE
The filler bottle is now open.
MONITORING (TPM)” on page 119.
6. Unscrew valve cap from the tire valve F.
7. Remove valve insert E from the tire valve with After drying, any sealant that emerges can be
valve turner D. peeled off like a film.
Keep the valve insert in a clean, dry place.
8. Remove plug C from the filler hose B.
9. Push filler hose onto the tire valve.

278 Minor Repairs

Raising vehicle with the jack
h WARNING Jacking Hazards The jacking point for the jack on the vehicle must
If the vehicle is not secured, or incorrectly be free of dirt.
secured, during a wheel change, it could move
1. Slightly loosen the wheel bolts on the wheel to
unexpectedly or fall from the car jack.
f Make sure that on one is in the vehicle when be changed.
2. Only attach the jack at the jacking points
jacking up and changing a wheel.
f Never jack up the vehicle when it is parked on provided. The foot of the jack must make
contact over its entire area and must be
a surface that slopes up, down or to the side.
f Only use the jack to raise the car for wheel positioned directly below the head piece.
Use a suitable support surface if necessary.
f Always place the vehicle on solid supports if
work has to be carried out under the vehicle.
The car jack is not suitable for this.

h WARNING Switching Off Leveling

System Jacking points for lifting platform, trolley jack or standard
Whenever it is necessary to raise the vehicle using jack
the jack: 3. Hold the jack tightly and wind it up until its head
f Manually set normal level and then switch off fits into the jacking point on the vehicle.
the leveling system. When positioning the jack, make sure that the
Please see the chapter “RAISING THE VEHICLE head of the jack is seated correctly in the cut-
WITH THE JACK” on page 197. out of the jacking point (illustration).
4. Only jack vehicle up until only the wheel to be
NOTICE changed is completely off the ground.
5. After lowering the vehicle, remove the jack.
Danger of injury and damage if the vehicle is not
The vehicle could roll away.
f Secure the vehicle against rolling. To do this:
Please see the chapter “SECURING THE

Minor Repairs 279

Changing a wheel Screw in one assembly aid on vehicles without PCCB Screw in two assembly aids on vehicles with PCCB
1. Remove 1 or 2 wheel bolts (see corresponding 2. Screw in assembly aids instead of wheel bolts. 3. Remove the remaining wheel bolts.
figure). For more information on wheel bolts:
Please see the chapter “WHEEL BOLTS” on
NOTICE page 275.
Risk of damage to brake disks. 4. Take the wheel off and put a new wheel on.
f Always screw in the assembly aids when 5. Insert wheel bolts and tighten by hand.
changing a wheel. 6. Remove assembly aids and screw in remaining
wheel bolts.
Initially tighten bolts only slightly in diagonally
opposite sequence so that the wheel is
7. Inflate the tire if necessary.
Please see the chapter “TIRE PRESSURE FOR
COLD TIRES 68 °F (20 °C)” on page 310.
8. Lower the vehicle fully and remove the jack.
9. Tighten wheel bolts in diagonally opposite

280 Minor Repairs

10.Immediately after changing a wheel, use Changing a wheel and removing 0.67 in.
a torque wrench to check the prescribed (17 mm) spacers
tightening torque of the wheel bolts
(118 ftlb. (160 Nm)). h WARNING Collapsible Spare
Spacer Removal
f Always remove 0.67 in. (17 mm) spacers
before fitting the collapsible spare wheel
f On vehicles with Tire Pressure Monitoring, because otherwise the wheel cannot be fitted
the settings on the multi-purpose display must correctly.
be updated after the wheel change:
Please see the chapter “TIRE PRESSURE
MONITORING (TPM)” on page 119.
Risk of damage to the wheel housings if the
spacers on the rear axle are not removed before
fitting snow chains.
f 0.67 in. (17 mm) spacers must always be
removed from the rear axle when snow chains
are to be fitted.
f Remove spacers if snow chains or
1. Remove the cap from the middle of the wheel
a collapsible spare wheel are fitted.
f It is not necessary to use the assembly aids
using the puller.
to fit an equivalent wheel or spare wheel.
f For information on spacers: Please see the
chapter “SPACERS” on page 274.

Minor Repairs 281

8. Inflate the tire if necessary.
Information on tire pressure can be found
under “Technical data” in this Owner’s Manual:
Please see the chapter “TIRE PRESSURE FOR
COLD TIRES 68 °F (20 °C)” on page 310.
9. Lower the vehicle and remove the jack.
10.Tighten wheel bolts in diagonally opposite
11.Immediately after changing a wheel, use
a torque wrench to check the prescribed
tightening torque of the wheel bolts
(118 ftlb. (160 Nm)).

f Spacer, steel nuts and plastic covers should
be stored together.
f On vehicles with Tire Pressure Monitoring,
2. Remove wheel nuts. 3. Unscrew the wheel bolts A, which secure the the settings on the multi-purpose display must
spacer B. be updated after the wheel change:
4. Remove the spacer B. Please see the chapter “TIRE PRESSURE
5. Screw in assembly aid instead of wheel bolt. MONITORING (TPM)” on page 119.
6. Fit the wheel.
7. Secure the wheel using the wheel bolts A,
which were used to secure the spacer B.
Insert wheel bolts and tighten by hand.
Remove assembly aid and screw in remaining
wheel bolt.
Initially tighten bolts only slightly in diagonally
opposite sequence so that the wheel is

282 Minor Repairs

Fitting 0.67 in. (17 mm) spacers h WARNING Collapsible Spare
1. Remove wheel. Hazards
2. Fit the spacer with the wheel bolts A used to The use of a collapsible spare can impair driving
fasten the wheel. behavior.
Tightening torque: 118 ftlb. (160 Nm) f The collapsible spare wheel must be used only
3. Fit wheel. over short distances in cases of emergency.
To do this, use the original wheel nuts for For safety reasons, replace the tires before
securing the wheels. the wear indicators appear (webs in the tire
Tightening torque: 118 ftlb. (160 Nm) grooves, 1/16 in. (1.6 mm) high).
Place plastic covers on the steel nuts. f Never deactivate the Porsche Stability
Management (PSM) system.
Information f Avoid hard acceleration and high cornering
There is no anti-theft protection for the wheel nuts. speeds. The permitted top speed is 50 mph
(80 km/h) and must not be exceeded due to
Collapsible spare wheel the changed vehicle properties and because
of wear.
The collapsible spare wheel is located under the
The tread depth of the spare wheel is subject
loadspace floor in the luggage compartment. 1. Unscrew the screw and take out the collapsible to the same laws as the original tires.
On vehicles with 0.67 in. (17 mm) spacers: spare wheel. f Do not use a collapsible spare wheel from
f Before fitting a collapsible spare wheel on the 2. Mount the collapsible spare wheel on the a different vehicle type.
rear axle always remove the corresponding vehicle before inflating it. Leave the vehicle f Do not fit the collapsible spare wheel from your
spacer. jacked up. vehicle on a different vehicle.
For information on spacers: For information on wheel changing: f Only fit one collapsible spare wheel on the
Please see the chapter “SPACERS” on Please see the chapter “CHANGING WHEELS” vehicle at any time.
page 274. on page 275. f On vehicles with air suspension, use the tire
For information on removing the spacers: 3. Inflate the tire. filling connection only to inflate the collapsible
Please see the chapter “CHANGING A WHEEL Information on tire pressure can be found spare wheel.
AND REMOVING 0.67 IN. (17 MM) SPACERS” under “Technical data” in this Owner’s Manual: f To avoid damage, do not use automatic car
on page 281. Please see the chapter “TIRE PRESSURE FOR washes when the spare wheel is installed.
COLD TIRES 68 °F (20 °C)” on page 310.
After using the collapsible spare wheel
f Release air by unscrewing the valve insert.

– The tire will revert to its original shape only
after several hours. Only then can it be stowed
in the spare wheel recess in the luggage

Minor Repairs 283

– The collapsible spare wheel must be repaired
only by the manufacturer.
f If there is a fault on the collapsible spare
Please consult your authorized Porsche

Spare wheel
h WARNING Full-Size Spare Hazards
The wheel size, tire size and tire quality of the
spare wheel and normal wheel can differ.
If a spare wheel is used that differs from the
normal tires used, this may impair the driving
f The spare wheel must be used only over short
distances in cases of emergency.
For safety reasons, replace the tires before Removing spare wheel from bracket 2. Unscrew the wheel holder.
the wear indicators appear (webs in the tire 3. Take the wheel out of the loadspace.
grooves, 1/16 in. (1.6 mm) high). h CAUTION Removing Spare Tire
f Never deactivate the Porsche Stability f Remove the spare wheel from the spare wheel
Fitting spare wheel on holder
Management (PSM) system. 1. Put the wheel into the wheel cover and close
f If the tire on the spare wheel is more than
bracket with care. The wheel is very heavy
the zip.
(up to approx. 77 lbs. (35 kg)).
4 years old, the spare wheel should be used 2. Lift the wheel and wheel cover into position.
only in the event of a flat tire. 1. Open the wheel cover (zip). 3. Open the zip and screw on the wheel holder.
f Avoid hard acceleration and high cornering
The maximum permitted speed is 50 mph
(80 km/h) if the fitted spare wheel differs
from the other three wheels on the vehicle.
This maximum speed must not be exceeded
because of altered driving characteristics and
for reasons of wear.

284 Minor Repairs

Inflating Tires h CAUTION Inflating Tires
The compressor with pressure gauge is located The compressor’s filler hose can become hot
under the loadspace floor at the right in the during the inflation process.
luggage compartment. f Wear gloves.
f Please read the operating instructions on the
compressor. 4. Switch on compressor.
1. Screw the compressor’s filler hose onto the The required inflation pressure will be reached
tire valve. after a few minutes.
2. Remove the cover of the engine compartment 5. Switch off compressor.
lid. 6. Check inflation pressure with the pressure
gauge. Then reduce tire pressure or add more
air if necessary.
Check the inflation pressure again.
7. Unscrew the compressor’s filling hose.
Reducing inflation pressure
1. Switch off compressor.
2. Open air bleed screw on the filling hose until
+ = Positive terminal for jump-lead starting
the correct inflation pressure is achieved.
– = Ground point for jump-lead starting
3. Connect clips of the compressor to the
jump-lead starting terminals.
Always observe the sequence below:
– Open the cap on the positive terminal for
jump-lead starting (+).
– Connect positive lead (red) to the positive
terminal for jump-lead starting (+).
– Connect negative lead (black) to the negative
terminal for jump-lead starting (–).

Minor Repairs 285

Electrical System 4. Replace only with fuses of the same rating.
Information We recommend that you use genuine Porsche
In order to avoid damage and faults in electrical or
– The maximum electrical load of a socket is fuses for replacement.
electronic systems, electrical accessories should
be installed at your authorized Porsche dealer. 20 A, but only if no other loads are switched
f Use only accessories approved by Porsche. on. Do not exceed 10 A per socket if several Information
loads are operating simultaneously.
f If a fuse blows repeatedly, please consult an
h WARNING Changing Fuses – The sockets and thus the connected electrical
authorized Porsche dealer immediately, so
Replacing fuses or relays with the engine running accessories function even if the ignition is
that the short circuit can be located and
or the ignition on could cause electrical shock. switched off or the ignition key is removed.
f Disconnect the negative terminal on the If the engine is not running and the accessories
f Never try to “repair” fuses: you may cause
battery during all work on the electrical are switched on, the vehicle battery will be
serious damage to other parts of the electrical
system. discharged. The power supply is interrupted
f Please see the chapter “BATTERY” on after 30 minutes to protect the vehicle battery.
f Use the plastic gripper when replacing the
page 290. – If the load is to be switched on again, the
fuses. This can be found in the fuse box cover
ignition must be switched on once.
on the dashboard.
Relays f Spare fuses can be found in both fuse box
Changing fuses covers on the dashboard (left: 7.5 and 10 A;
Relays should be checked or changed only at an
authorized workshop. In order to prevent damage to the electrical right: 20 and 25 A).
system due to short circuits and overloads,
Sockets the individual circuits are protected by fuses.
Electrical accessories can be connected to the One fuse box is in the engine compartment.
12 V sockets. Two additional fuse boxes are located in the outer
Sockets are located in the following positions, ends of the dashboard.
depending on vehicle equipment: 1. Switch off the load with the defective fuse.
– under the glove box Before replacing a fuse, switch off all electrical
– in the front cupholder consumers and remove the ignition key.
– in the storage tray in the center console (right) 2. Open the fuse box cover.
– in the loadspace (left) 3. Remove the corresponding fuse from its slot in
– in the rear center console order to check it using the plastic gripper.
A blown fuse can be identified by the melted
metal strip.

286 Minor Repairs

Opening fuse-box lid in engine compartment 2. Turn twist-locks of the fuse-box lid 90° Fuse box on left side of dashboard
1. Remove cover. anti-clockwise with a screwdriver and remove Opening fuse box cover at the left and right
the lid. of the dashboard
1. Carefully lever off the plastic cover with
a screwdriver and remove it.
2. Carefully remove the fuses using the plastic

Minor Repairs 287

Fuse box on left side of dashboard No. Designation A
No. Designation A 30 Hybrid engine: Single Power Pack 5
(hydraulic pump), steering
1 Seat memory control unit, 25
32 Hybrid engine: Air-conditioning 15
seat adjustment switch for left seat
2 Parking heater control unit 30
33 Central locking control unit/power 30
3 Relay for two-tone horn 15
windows, rear left door
4 Front wiper motor 30
36 EPB, Autohold switch 5
5 Motor for sliding/lifting roof, Panorama 30
37 Hybrid engine: Battery fan 15
roof system
38 Hybrid engine: Power electronics, 5
7 Steering column adjustment control unit 15
battery fan relay
8 Tire Pressure Monitoring control unit, 5
39 Hybrid engine: Spindle actuator 30
chassis control switch
40 Hybrid engine: Battery fan relay 30
9 Windshield heating, light switch, 5
41 Hybrid engine: Battery management 10
rain sensor, light sensor
10 Motor for roll-up sunblind for 30
42 Interior mirror 5
Panorama roof system
13 Subwoofer (Bose/Burmester) 30 43 Headlights (halogen) 7.5
44 Seat ventilation 5
14 BCM1 30
46 Lane Change Assist (LCA) 5
Fuse box on right side of dashboard 16 Central locking control unit/power 30
windows, driver's door 47 CAN network gateway/diagnostic socket, 5
garage door opener, ParkAssist,
17 Engine compartment lid contact switch, 5
Bluetooth handset charging tray,
backup horn
mobile phone preparation
18 BCM1 30
48 Starter relay, clutch sensor (EPB), 10
19 V6/V8: Engine control unit 5
refrigerant pressure sensor
20 BCM1 30 V6 engine: Mass air flow sensor
21 V8 engine: Circulating pump, 10 49 ACC radar sensor 7.5
air conditioning/parking heater
52 Rear wiper motor 15
Non-V8 engine: Residual heat circulating
53 Steering column switching module, 5
pump relay
left tail light
22 BCM1 30
54 Xenon headlights, left 25
23 CAN network gateway/diagnosis, 7.5
electronic ignition lock, electric steering 56 Leveling system compressor relay 40
column lock 57 Blower regulator for front air conditioning 40
24 Windshield heating, left 30
25 Windshield heating, right 30
26 Hybrid engine: Battery fan 15
27 Hybrid engine: Battery management 5
system, NT display relay,
level control unit
28 Hybrid engine: Power electronics 5
29 Hybrid engine: Spindle actuator 5

288 Minor Repairs

Fuse box in right side of dashboard No. Designation A Fuse and relay carriers in engine
No. Designation A 38 Cigarette lighter, storage tray socket, 15 compartment
socket under glove box
1 PDCC control unit 10 No. Fuse carrier A A
39 Rear sockets, 15
2 PASM control unit 15 1 V6/V8: Starter relay 40
socket in luggage compartment
3 Rear differential lock control unit 10 3 V6/V8 engine: SLP relay 40
40 Trailer hitch control unit 15
4 Rear differential lock control unit 30 4 Hybrid engine: Vacuum pump relay 30
42 Trailer hitch control unit 5
5 Pivot motor control unit, trailer hitch, 25 7 V8 engine: Rod ignition coil 15
43 Rear differential lock control unit, 10
brake booster preparation, V6 engine: Rod ignition coils 20
HangOn actuator
trailer hitch preparation 8 V8 engine: Tank vent valve, boost 15
44 Air conditioning sun sensor/ 5
6 TV tuner, Rear Seat Entertainment 10 pressure valve, diverter valve, intake pipe
air quality sensor, right tail light
7 Trailer hitch control unit 15 switchover valve, crankcase de-icer
45 DC/DC converter (Start/Stop) 30
8 Trailer hitch control unit 15 V6 engine: Water pump charge-air cooler 10
46 DC/DC converter (Start/Stop) 30
9 Central locking control unit/power 30 9 V8 engine: Engine control unit, 20
50 Front air conditioning, rear air 10
windows, rear right door flow control valve
conditioning control panel
10 Luggage compartment light 15 V6/hybrid engine: 30
51 PCM 3.1, radio 10
11 Central locking control unit/power 30 Engine control unit
52 Instrument cluster 5
windows, passenger's door 10 V8 engine: Tank leakage diagnosis, 10
53 Steering column switching module/ 10
12 HangOn actuator 30 secondary air pump relay, hall sensor,
heated steering wheel, rearview camera
14 Airbag control unit, seat occupancy 10 oil-level sensor
control unit, compass display
detection V6 engine: Tank leakage diagnosis
54 Roof console 10 Hybrid engine: Vacuum pump, secondary
16 PSM control unit, EPB, PDCC 5
56 PSM control unit/PSM pump 40 air pump relay, tank leakage diagnosis
17 Xenon headlights, right 25
57 EPB control unit 40 pump
19 Transmission control unit/ 5 All engines: Radiator fan control unit,
transmission pre-wiring brake pedal sensor
20 Seat memory control unit, 20 11 V8 engine: Valve lift adjuster, 15
seat adjustment switch for right seat camshaft controller, map thermostat
21 Seat heating, rear 25 V6 engine: PCV heating, heated point of 10
22 Seat heating, front 25 entry, temperature/oil level sensor
23 Powerlift tailgate control unit 25 12 V6 engine: Intake pipe switching valve, 10
26 Heated rear window 30 tank vent valve, valve for water pump with
28 Transmission control unit (w/o Start/ 20 ON/OFF control, cooling water switching
Stop), transmission oil pump valve, camshaft adjustment, charge
29 PSM control unit/PSM valves 30 motion flap
30 HangOn actuator 5 13 Fuel pump control unit (ECKSM) 25
31 BCM2 20 14 V6 engine: Camshaft control, flow control 10
valve/high-pressure fuel pump
32 Blower regulator for rear air conditioning 30
Hybrid engine: Control valve-regulated 15
33 BCM2 15
oil pump, flow control valve for
34 BCM2 15 high-pressure pump, tank vent valve,
35 Vehicle Tracking System control unit 5 secondary air valve, main water pump
36 BCM2 20 valve, E-machine bypass valve

Minor Repairs 289

No. Fuse carrier A A Battery h WARNING Chemical Exposure
f After handling battery, always protect your skin
15 All engines: Main relay 10
Hybrid engine: Engine control unit h DANGER Electric Shock
f Observe all warning notes on the battery.
16 V6 engine: Electric water pump 10 and remove surface chemicals by washing
f Disconnect the negative terminal on the
17 Oxygen sensor upstream of catalytic 15 thoroughly with soap and water.
battery during all work on the electrical
18 Oxygen sensor downstream of catalytic 10 h WARNING Battery Acid and
converter system.
f Do not lay tools or other metal objects on the Electrolyte Exposure
battery as they could cause a short circuit f Wear eye protection.
across the battery terminal. f Do not allow battery acid to come in contact
with your skin or eyes.
h DANGER Battery Explosion f If you get electrolyte, which is an acid, in your
Hazard eyes or on your skin, immediately rinse with
f Charge battery in a well vetilated area.
cold water for several minutes and call a
f Never charge a frozen battery. It may explode
because of gas trapped in the ice. Allow a
frozen battery to thaw out first. NOTICE
f Do not expose the battery to an open flame, Risk of damage to the fabric, metal or paint from
electrical spark or a lit cigarette, since they battery acid or electrolyte.
can ignite hydrogen gas from the battery. f Do not allow battery acid to come in contact
with fabric or painted surfaces.
h DANGER Static Electricity f Spilled electrolyte must be rinsed off at once
f Do not wipe the battery with a dry cloth. with a solution of baking soda and water to
f Before touching the battery, discharge any neutralize the acid.
static electricity by touching the vehicle. The battery is located in the battery box under the
left front seat.
f Have the battery removed and installed only by
your authorized Porsche dealer.

290 Minor Repairs

Charge state Winter driving Alarm system, central locking
A well-charged battery prevents starting problems The ability of the battery to deliver and store f The status of the central locking and alarm
and has a longer service life. power decreases at low outside temperatures. system does not change when you disconnect
Moreover, the battery is more heavily loaded in the the battery.
In order to avoid unintentional battery
winter months, e.g. by the heated rear window,
the more frequent use of additional lights,
f Switch off unnecessary electrical loads in city the blower and the windshield wipers, etc.

f Have the charge state of the battery checked

traffic, on short trips or in a line of traffic. Even if you put your vehicle out of operation,
f Always remove the ignition key when leaving the battery still discharges.
f The battery must be charged, i.e. connected
at your authorized Porsche dealer before
the vehicle or winter begins.
switch off the ignition on vehicles with Porsche to a charger, approximately every 6 weeks
Entry & Drive. in order to preserve battery function.
f Avoid using the Porsche Communication Information f Store a battery that has been removed in
Management system and the audio system Keep the battery fully charged to prevent it from a dark, cool place that is not exposed to frost.
when the engine is not running. freezing.
f Please see the chapter “CHARGING THE A flat battery can freeze even at 23 °F (–5 °C), Replacing the battery
BATTERY” on page 293. but a fully charged one only freezes at --40 °F The battery is subject to normal wear: its service
(–40 °C). life depends heavily on the care you give it,
Information f If the battery is frozen, thaw it out before climatic conditions and the conditions of use
connecting jumper cables. (distances, loads).
In the cold season in particular or if the vehicle
is used primarily for short distances, it may be It is not possible to use the details on the battery
necessary to recharge the battery from time to
Vehicle storage case to determine a comparable battery that
time. If the vehicle is left for long periods in the garage meets all the specific requirements of Porsche.
or workshop, the doors and lids should be closed. f Have the battery removed and installed only by
Battery care f Remove the ignition key and, if necessary, your authorized Porsche dealer.
f Only use an original Porsche battery, with the
f Ensure that battery is securely mounted.
disconnect the battery.
correct part number, as a replacement. Only
f Keep battery surface clean and dry. this battery meets the specific requirements of
f Keep terminals and connections clean. Information
the vehicle.
Corrosion can be prevented by coating the f When the battery is disconnected, the alarm
terminals and connections with petroleum jelly system ceases to function. f After you install a new battery, it must be
or silicone spray. If the vehicle was locked before the battery initialised in the control unit.
f Ensure that terminal clamps and the vent was disconnected, the alarm will be triggered Please contact your authorized Porsche
hose are firmly secured. when the battery is reconnected. dealer.
To deactivate the alarm system: f Please observe the disposal instructions for
f Lock the vehicle and unlock it again. batteries.

Minor Repairs 291

Putting vehicle into operation 7. Store end position on vehicles with a sliding/ External Power Supply, Emergency
lifting roof. To do this:
After the battery is connected or after a fully
Please see the chapter “STORING END
Starting with Jumper Cables
discharged battery is charged, the PSM warning
POSITION OF THE SLIDING/LIFTING ROOF” on If the battery is flat, the battery of another vehicle
light lights up on the instrument panel and
page 84. can be used for starting or as an external power
a message appears on the multi-purpose display
Store end position on vehicles with supply with the help of jumper cables.
of the instrument panel to indicate a fault.
a Panorama roof system. To do this: Both batteries must be 12 V batteries.
This fault can be corrected with a few simple The capacity (Ampere hour, Ah) of the donor
steps: Please see the chapter “STORING END
POSITION OF THE PANORAMA ROOF SYSTEM” battery must not be substantially less than that of
1. Start the engine. the flat battery.
To do this, turn the ignition key or the control on page 86.
The flat battery must be connected correctly to
unit (on vehicles with Porsche Entry & Drive) to the vehicle’s electrical system.
ignition lock position 2 twice. f Please see the chapter “BATTERY” on
2. With the vehicle stationary, perform a few page 290.
steering movements to the left and right and
then drive a short distance in a straight line h WARNING Jumper Cable Hazards
until the PSM warning light goes out and the f Use only standard jumper cables with sufficient
message is erased from the multi-purpose cross section and completely insulated
display of the instrument panel. alligator clips. Follow the instructions provided
3. If the warnings do not disappear, then: by the jumper cable manufacturer.
Drive carefully to the nearest authorized f Route the jumper cables so that they cannot
Porsche dealer and have the fault corrected. be caught by moving parts in the engine
4. After the warnings go out: compartment.
Stop the vehicle in a suitable place. The jumper cables must be long enough so
5. Store the end position for the power windows. that neither vehicles nor cables touch another.
To do this: f The vehicles must not touch, otherwise current
Please see the chapter “STORING END might flow as soon as the positive terminals
CONNECTING THE VEHICLE BATTERY” on f Ensure that tools or conductive jewelry (rings,
page 82. chains, watch straps) do not come into contact
6. Teach tires on vehicles with Tire Pressure with the positive jumper cable, the positive
Monitoring. To do this: battery post or live parts of the vehicle.
Please see the chapter “TIRE PRESSURE f Improper hook-up of jumper cables can ruin
MONITORING (TPM)” on page 119. the alternator.

292 Minor Repairs

h WARNING Battery Acid Leakage Charging the battery
f Do not lean over the battery due to danger of
Automotive batteries loose their efficiency when
not in use. The charge available in your battery can
chemical burns from leaking acid.
be measured with a battery hydrometer. We
recommend that the battery voltage be tested by
h DANGER Battery Charging and your authorized Porsche dealer who has the
Jumping Hazards appropriate equipment.
f Improper use of booster battery to start a If the car is not driven for prolonged periods, the
vehicle may cause an explosion. battery must be charged at least every 6 weeks.
f Keep sources of ignition away from the A discharged battery allows rapid formation of
battery, e.g. naked flame, burning cigarettes sulfates, leading to premature deterioration of the
or sparks due to cable contact. plates.
f Before connecting jumper cables, it is
essential to thaw out a frozen battery. h DANGER Battery Explosion
External power supply/emergency f Charge battery in a well ventilated area due to
starting with jumper cables hydrogen gas explosion risk.
Always observe the sequence below: + = Positive terminal for jump starting f Never charge a frozen battery. It may explode
1. Open the cap on the positive terminal for jump – = Ground point for jump starting because of gas trapped in the ice. Allow a
starting (+). frozen battery to thaw out first.
4. Leave the engine of the donor vehicle running
2. Attach the positive lead first to the positive at a higher engine speed.
terminal for jump starting (+), then to the h CAUTION Eye or Skin Contact
5. Start the engine.
positive terminal of the donor battery. An attempted start using jumper cables should f If you get electrolyte, which is an acid, in your
3. Connect the negative lead first to the negative not last more than 15 seconds. Then wait for eyes or on your skin, immediately rinse with
terminal of the donor battery, then to the at least one minute. cold water for several minutes.
ground point for jump starting (–). 6. Disconnect the negative jumper cable from the
ground point for jump starting (–) first, then
from the negative terminal of the donor
7. Disconnect the positive jumper cable from the
positive terminal of the donor battery first,
then from the positive terminal for jump
starting (+).
8. Close the cap on the positive terminal for jump
starting (+).

Minor Repairs 293

Your authorized Porsche dealer will be pleased to Replacing Bulbs
advise you about a suitable charger.
f Always observe the instructions provided by h WARNING Headlight High Voltage
the charger manufacturer. Hazard
f When charging the battery, ensure adequate The headlights are under high voltage when
ventilation. installed.
1. Connect the charger to the jump starting f Exercise extreme care when working close
terminals. to the headlights.
Only plug into the mains and switch the
charger on when it is connected up correctly. NOTICE
2. Switch on the charger.
3. After charging the battery, first switch off the Risk of short circuit.
charger and then disconnect it. f Always switch off the relevant load when
4. Please see the chapter “PUTTING VEHICLE changing bulbs.
INTO OPERATION” on page 292.
Changing the Remote Control
Risk of damage.
Battery Changing battery Bulbs of a high wattage can damage the housing.
1. Remove the emergency key. f Only use the bulbs specified in the bulb chart.
f Bulbs must be clean and free from oil, grease
2. Lever off the cover on the back of the key
f Please observe the regulations for disposing housing using a small screwdriver.
or fingerprints.
f Never touch bulbs with your bare hands.
of batteries. 3. Change the battery (check polarity).
4. Re-fit cover and press together firmly.
Use a cloth or soft paper when replacing
Car key 5. Insert the emergency key.
If the battery in the remote control becomes too f Always carry spare bulbs with you.
weak, the message “Replace ignition key battery” In certain countries, it is mandatory to carry
will appear on the multi-purpose display of the spare bulbs.
instrument panel.
The battery should be changed in this case.

294 Minor Repairs


Risk of damage to headlights due to abrasion and

excessive temperatures.
f Do not affix any coverings (e.g. “stone guards”
or film) close to the headlights.
f Use soapy water only to clean light lenses and
plastic headlight lenses. In no case may
chemical cleaners or other volatile cleaning
fluids be used.
f To prevent scratches, do not rub with a dry or
merely moist cloth, tissue or insect sponges.

The headlights can mist up due to temperature
and humidity. Removing headlights 5. Pull headlight approx. 4 in. (10 cm) forward
f To ensure optimum ventilation, do not cover 1. Switch off the ignition and remove the ignition out of the fender.
the gap between headlight and body. key, or pull out the control unit on vehicles with 6. Press back the release tab of the connector
Porsche Entry & Drive. and pull off connector.
2. Open the engine compartment lid. 7. Pull headlight out completely.
3. Take a socket wrench out of the tool kit.
4. Place the socket wrench on the release and
turn in direction of arrow until you feel and hear
the headlight being released.

Minor Repairs 295

Installing headlights 2. Press the headlight to the rear and Halogen headlights
1. Insert headlight into the guide rails, attach the simultaneously turn the socket wrench in Changing bulb (H7) for low beam/high beam
connector and then slide the headlight fully into direction of arrow. headlight
the fender. You should feel and hear the headlight locking
1. Remove the headlight.
mechanism engage.
Please see the chapter “REMOVING
3. Check that the headlight is seated securely.
HEADLIGHTS” on page 295.
4. Remove the socket wrench and place it in the
2. Press both release tabs down and remove
tool kit.
the cover.
5. Close the engine compartment lid.

296 Minor Repairs

3. Turn the bulb socket counter-clockwise and 4. Remove defective bulb and replace it. Changing bulb for static cornering light
remove it.
5. Insert bulb socket and turn in clockwise
direction. 1. Remove the headlight.
Make sure that the bulb is installed in the Please see the chapter “REMOVING
correct position. HEADLIGHTS” on page 295.
2. Press the release tab and open the cover.
6. Fit cover on headlight.
Both release tabs must be fully engaged.
7. Install the headlight.
Please see the chapter “INSTALLING
HEADLIGHTS” on page 296.
8. Check operation of bulbs.

Minor Repairs 297

3. Turn the bulb socket counter-clockwise and 4. Pull both release tabs on the connector apart, Changing bulb (H7) for auxiliary
remove it. and pull connector out of bulb socket. high-beam headlight
5. Replace defective bulb. 1. Remove the headlight.
Make sure that the bulb is installed in the Please see the chapter “REMOVING
correct position. HEADLIGHTS” on page 295.
6. Close cover on headlight. 2. Press the release tab and open the cover.
The release tab must engage fully.
7. Install the headlight.
Please see the chapter “INSTALLING
HEADLIGHTS” on page 296.
8. Check operation of bulbs.

298 Minor Repairs

3. Turn the bulb socket counter-clockwise and 4. Remove defective bulb and replace it. Side marker light
remove it. Changing bulb (W5W)
5. Insert bulb socket and turn in clockwise
direction. 1. Remove screws in the wheel housing trim
Make sure that the bulb is installed in the using a Torx screwdriver.
correct position. 2. Open the trim panel.
6. Close cover on headlight. 3. Release the safety clip by pressing from the
The release tab must engage fully. rear with a screwdriver and press the light out
7. Install the headlight. of the wheel housing area from behind.
Please see the chapter “INSTALLING
HEADLIGHTS” on page 296.
8. Check operation of bulbs.

Minor Repairs 299

Changing light-emitting diodes and
long-life bulbs
The following lights have light-emitting diodes and
long-life bulbs:
– Daytime driving lights, front side lights, front
turn signal lights, gas-discharge bulbs in Bi-
Xenon headlights, tail lights and additional
brake light, interior lights, fog lights and
courtesy lights in the door mirrors.
Replacement of the long-life bulbs involves
a greater amount of installation work.
f Have defective light-emitting diodes and long-
life bulbs replaced at your authorized Porsche

4. Pull the bulb socket straight out. License plate lights

5. Remove defective bulb and replace it. Changing bulb (W5W)
6. Press the bulb socket straight in as far as it will
1. Press the tab and remove the light unit.
go and check that the marking on the bulb
2. Turn the bulb socket counter-clockwise and
socket is horizontal.
remove it.
7. Check operation of bulb.
3. Remove defective bulb and replace it.
4. Insert the bulb holder and turn it clockwise
as far as it will go.
5. Clip the light unit back in again.
6. Check operation of bulb.

300 Minor Repairs

Headlight Adjustment Adjustment Distance
f Check tire pressure and adjust if necessary. The adjustment is made with the vehicle ready to Visual aim shall be performed at not less than
f Please see the chapter “TIRE PRESSURE FOR drive and the fuel tank completely filled. 24.6 ft. (7.5 m) (this value is a rounded down
COLD TIRES 68 °F (20 °C)” on page 310. The driver's seat must be loaded by a person or a conversion from the 25-foot distance typical of
f Please see the chapter “REPLACING BULBS” 165 lbs. (75 kg) weight and the tire pressures field aim using a screen). The 24.6 ft. (7.5 m)
on page 294. must meet the prescribed values. After being distance is measured from the headlamp lens to
loaded, the car must be rolled a few meters so the viewing screen.
that the suspension can settle.
For checking the headlight adjustment, the
The surface upon which the vehicle rests is flat
vertical position of the cutoff of the lowbeam (see
and approximately level.
fig.) has to be projected on a vertical screen (wall)
in distance of 24.6 ft. (7.5 m) from the front lens Screen
of the headlamp.The correct position of the cutoff The screen upon which headlamp beams are
is 2.0 in. (5 cm) at 24.6 ft. or 7.5 m (0.4°) below projected is perpendicular to the floor and the
a horizontal line, x cm from ground to the center vehicle's longitudinal axis, flat, uniformly light in
of the headlamp lens. color, unobstructed, and wide and high enough to
Lateral adjustment of the headlights should be accommodate the vehicle beam patterns to be
carried out at a specialist workshop with an optical aimed.
adjustment unit. The screen should be wide enough to provide at
least 3.3 ft. (1 m) of space outboard of the
vehicle's headlamp spacing.

Minor Repairs 301

Towing h WARNING Towed Vehicle Hazards
Certain state statutes and local ordinances No power assistance is available on the towed
prohibit towing with a chain, rope or even a tow vehicle when its engine is not running. Greater
bar. In addition, damage to your vehicle may result force is therefore required when braking and
from improper precedures. Consult your steering.
authorized Porsche dealer for details. f Exercise extreme care when your vehicle is
Flat bed towing is the preferred type of towing to being towed.
be used on Porsche vehicles. Under certain
circumstances, wheel lifts may be used when When the engine is not running, adequate
vehicle will not roll. lubrication of the transmission is not guaranteed.
The vehicle must be towed with all four Observe the following points to avoid damage to
wheels off the ground, otherwise damage to the transmission.
the vehicle may result. Towing a vehicle on all four wheels

f Always observe the laws governing towing and We urge that wherever possible, a car transporter
tow-starting. or trailer be used to transport a Cayenne vehicle
Height adjustment
f Exercise extreme care when your vehicle is that cannot move under its own power. This is the
1. Switch ignition on. safest way to transport a down vehicle.
being towed.
2. Switch on low beam.
Before starting off, both drivers should For those instances where a car transporter or
3. Open engine compartment lid.
familiarize themselves with the special trailer is not available, the vehicle may be towed
4. Place allen key (6 mm) on adjusting screw.
conditions that apply to tow-starting and on all four axles only, provided the following
5. Adjust low beam in direction of the arrow.
towing. conditions are strictly met. Failure to meet these
conditions will result in serious and expensive
damage to the Tiptronic S transmission.
If the vehicle's transmission or shifter is already
damaged, serious damage will result if the vehicle
is not towed with all four wheels off the ground.
Porsche cannot be held responsible for damage
incurred in cases where a vehicle has been
transported on one or both of its axles.

302 Minor Repairs

f Put the gearshift lever in Neutral or move the Towing a four-wheel drive vehicle on one axle f Switch ignition off.
Tiptronic selector lever to position N. The ignition key must remain in the ignition lock
The Tiptronic selector lever can no longer be NOTICE so that the steering wheel lock does not
operated in the event of an electrical fault. We urge that wherever possible, a car transporter engage.
Locking of the Tiptronic selector lever in or trailer be used to transport a Cayenne vehicle The control unit must be removed from the
position P can be overridden manually: that cannot move under its own power. This is the ignition lock and the ignition key inserted in
Please see the chapter “SELECTOR LEVER safest way to transport a down vehicle. vehicles with Porsche Entry & Drive:
EMERGENCY OPERATION” on page 184. For those instances where a car transporter or Please see the chapter “EMERGENCY
f The vehicle must always roll on all four wheels trailer is not available, the vehicle may be towed OPERATION – UNLOCKING THE IGNITION KEY”
when towed. on all four axles only, provided the following on page 149.
The ignition must be switched on so that the conditions are strictly met. Failure to meet these f Make sure that the vehicle is adequately
brake lights and turn signal lights operate and conditions will result in serious and expensive illuminated.
the steering lock cannot engage. damage to the Tiptronic S transmission. f Do not exceed a maximum speed of 30 mph
f Do not exceed a maximum speed of 30 mph If the vehicle's transmission or shifter is already
(50 km/h).
(50 km/h). Maximum towing distance 30 miles (50 km).
damaged, serious damage will result if the vehicle
Maximum towing distance 30 miles (50 km). If towing distances are greater, the vehicle
is not towed with all four wheels off the ground.
If towing distances are greater, the vehicle must be transported with a car transporter or
must be transported with a car transporter or Porsche cannot be held responsible for damage on a trailer.
on a trailer. incurred in cases where a vehicle has been
transported on one or both of its axles. Pulling out a vehicle stuck in snow,
sand, etc.
f The vehicle must have all four wheels on the
ground when being towed or it must be
f Always pull out the stuck vehicle with the
greatest care.
transported on a car transporter.
It is normally not permissible to raise one axle,
f Do not pull out the vehicle abruptly or at an
irrespective of whether it is the front or
rear axle.
f If possible, pull the vehicle out backwards in
its own tracks.
If circumstances dictate that the vehicle must
be towed in this manner, the drive shaft
f Do not pull out the vehicle with a trailer
(cardan shaft) of the rolling axle must be
f Put the gearshift lever in Neutral or move
the Tiptronic selector lever to position N.
The Tiptronic selector lever can no longer be
operated in the event of an electrical fault.
Locking of the Tiptronic selector lever in
position P can be overridden manually.
Please see the chapter “SELECTOR LEVER

Minor Repairs 303

Towing hook Removing the towing hook Pulling vehicle onto flat bed
The towing hook is stored with the tool kit under 1. Unscrew the towing hook A. 1. Position wooden ramps at the base of the flat
the luggage compartment floor. 2. Insert plastic cover at the lower edge of the bed to reduce the angle of the pull.
opening. 2. Reel in the hoist cable and check the underside
Fitting the towing hook
3. Fold the cover up and press on its upper edge of the vehicle for any interference.
1. Press the lower edge of the appropriate plastic to engage it in the bumper.
cover into the bumper until the cover
2. Pull cover out of the bumper and let it hang by
its thread.
3. Screw in towing hook A as far as it will go
(left-hand thread) and tighten hand-tight.

304 Minor Repairs

5. Secure straps to front of flat bed.
6. Release tension on hoist cable, but do not
Use hoist cable as safety cable.
Transporting the vehicle on car trains,
ferries and car transporters
f Tie the vehicle down only at its wheels.
f Deactivate passenger compartment
monitoring system and the inclination sensor.
f Please see the chapter “TEMPORARILY
SENSOR” on page 235.

Tying down vehicle on flat bed

1. Carefully feed towing straps through the
opening in the rear wheels.
Make sure metal parts of straps do not
damage rim.
Make sure the strap is flat over the rim bead.
Make sure brake backing plate is not
2. Secure straps to rear of flat bed.
3. Reel in hoist cable only far enough to tension
tie-down straps.
4. Carefully feed towing straps through the
opening in the front wheels.
Make sure metal parts of straps do not
damage rim.
Make sure the strap is flat over the rim bead.
Make sure brake backing plate is not

Minor Repairs 305

Tire Pressure and Technical Data
Vehicle Identification Data............................ 307
Engine Data................................................ 308
Wheels, Tires.............................................. 309
Tire Pressure for Cold Tires 68 °F (20 °C) .... 310
Weights...................................................... 312
Filling Capacities.........................................313
Driving Performance ................................... 314
Dimensions ................................................ 314

306 Tire Pressure and Technical Data

Vehicle identification number Safety compliance sticker Tire pressure plate
Vehicle Identification Data Safety compliance sticker The plate is attached to the door sill area on
The safety compliance sticker is your assurance the left.
When ordering spare parts or making inquiries,
always quote the vehicle identification number. that your new Porsche complies with all applicable
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards which
Vehicle data bank were in effect at the time the vehicle was
You will find the vehicle data bank in the manufactured.
“Maintenance” booklet. The sticker also shows the month and year of
It contains all important data about your vehicle. production and the vehicle identification number of
your car (perforations) as well as the Gross
Information Vehicle Weight Rating and the Gross Axle Weight
This data bank cannot be re-ordered if it is lost or

Vehicle identification number

You will find the vehicle identification number at
the bottom left behind the windshield and under
the front passenger’s seat.

Tire Pressure and Technical Data 307

Engine Data

Cayenne Cayenne S Cayenne Turbo

Type 6-cylinder V-engine 8-cylinder V-engine 8-cylinder V-engine
Number of cylinders 6 8 8
3 3
Displacement 219.5 cu. in. (3598 cm ) 293.3 cu. in. (4806 cm ) 293.3 cu. in. (4806 cm3)
Max. engine output
300 hp (220 kW) 400 hp (294 kW) 500 hp (368 kW)
as per 80/1269/EEC
At engine speed 6300 rpm 6500 rpm 6000 rpm
Max. torque
295 ftlb. (400 Nm) 369 ftlb. (500 Nm) 516 ftlb. (700 Nm)
as per 80/1269/EEC
At engine speed 3000 rpm 3500 rpm 2250–4500 rpm
Engine oil consumption up to 1.5 l/1000 km up to 1.5 l/1000 km up to 1.5 l/1000 km
Maximum permitted engine speed 6700 rpm 6700 rpm 6700 rpm

308 Tire Pressure and Technical Data

Wheels, Tires
f Approval of tire and wheel sizes is granted based on extensive testing. Your authorized Porsche dealer will be pleased to advise you about the current
approval status.
By fitting tires that have been approved by Porsche, you can be sure that you have the best possible tires for your Porsche.
The load capacity coefficient (e.g. “109”) and code letter (e.g. “V”) for permitted top speed are minimum requirements.
When fitting new tires or changing tires: Please see the chapter “TIRES AND WHEELS” on page 265.
f Snow chain clearance can only be guaranteed for the tires marked1). Can only be fitted on the rear wheels when 19/20-inch tires are used. In the case
of 18-inch tires, chains can also be fitted on the front axle if chains are fitted on all four positions. Maximum speed: 30 mph (50 km/h). Use only fine-link
cross-type or edge chains approved by Porsche. Observe the respective road traffic regulations.

Cayenne, Cayenne S Cayenne Turbo h DANGER Improper Tire Size

18-inch wheel 8 J x 18, rim offset 53 - Installation of sizes not authorized by Porsche may
impair driving stability and could result in loss of
Summer tires 255/55 R 18 109Y XL -
control of the vehicle.
All-season and winter tires 255/55 R 18 109V XL1) - f Before mounting new tires check with your
authorized Porsche dealer for a current list of
19-inch wheel 8.5 J x 19, rim offset 59 8.5 J x 19, rim offset 59 approved tires.

Summer tires 265/50 R 19 110Y XL 265/50 R 19 110Y XL

All-season and winter tires 265/50 R 19 110V XL 265/50 R 19 110V XL1)

20-inch wheel 9 J x 20, rim offset 57 9 J x 20, rim offset 57

Summer tires 275/45 R 20 110Y XL 275/45 R 20 110Y XL
All-season and winter tires 275/45 R 20 110V XL 275/45 R 20 110V XL1)

21-inch wheel 10 J x 21, rim offset 50 10 J x 21, rim offset 50

Summer tires 295/35 R 21 107Y XL 295/35 R 21 107Y XL

Spare wheel 6.5 x 18, rim offset 28 6.5 x 19, rim offset 28
Collapsible spare wheel 195/75-18 106P 195/75-18 106P
Collapsible spare wheel for vehicles
Porsche Ceramic Composite Brake 195/65-19 106P 195/65-19 106P

Tire Pressure and Technical Data 309

Tire Pressure for Cold Tires 68 °F (20 °C)
These tire pressures apply only to the tire makes and types approved by Porsche.
Standard tire pressure
Cayenne, Cayenne S Cayenne Turbo
Part load Full load Part load Full load
37 psi / 42 psi / 37 psi / 46 psi /
Summer tires
2.6 bar / 2.9 bar / 2.6 bar / 3.2 bar / - - - -
255/55 R 18 109Y XL
260 kPa 290 kPa 260 kPa 320 kPa
34 psi / 39 psi / 37 psi / 46 psi /
All-season and winter tires
2.4 bar / 2.7 bar / 2.6 bar / 3.2 bar / - - - -
255/55 R 18 109V XL
240 kPa 270 kPa 260 kPa 320 kPa
Summer tires 37 psi / 42 psi / 37 psi / 46 psi / 37 psi / 42 psi / 37 psi / 46 psi /
265/50 R 19 110Y XL 2.6 bar / 2.9 bar / 2.6 bar / 3.2 bar / 2.6 bar / 2.9 bar / 2.6 bar / 3.2 bar /
275/45 R 20 110Y XL 260 kPa 290 kPa 260 kPa 320 kPa 260 kPa 290 kPa 260 kPa 320 kPa
All-season and winter tires 34 psi / 39 psi / 37 psi / 46 psi / 34 psi / 39 psi / 37 psi / 46 psi /
265/50 R 19 110V XL 2.4 bar / 2.7 bar / 2.6 bar / 3.2 bar / 2.4 bar / 2.7 bar / 2.6 bar / 3.2 bar /
275/45 R 20 110V XL 240 kPa 270 kPa 260 kPa 320 kPa 240 kPa 270 kPa 260 kPa 320 kPa
37 psi / 42 psi / 37 psi / 46 psi / 37 psi / 42 psi / 39 psi / 46 psi /
Summer tires
2.6 bar / 2.9 bar / 2.6 bar / 3.2 bar / 2.6 bar / 2.9 bar / 2.7 bar / 3.2 bar /
295/35 R 21 107Y XL
260 kPa 290 kPa 260 kPa 320 kPa 260 kPa 290 kPa 270 kPa 320 kPa
Spare wheel
51 psi / 3.5 bar / 350 kPa
195/75-18 106P, 195/65-19 106P

f The load condition of the vehicle must be set on the multi-purpose display. The tire pressure must be changed according to the vehicle load.
Please see the chapter “SELECTING “CHARGE” IN THE TIRE PRESSURE MENU” on page 121.
FA = front axle, RA = rear axle

310 Tire Pressure and Technical Data

Comfort tire pressure for summer, snow and all-season tires up to 100 mph (160 km/h)

The comfort tire pressure speed threshold permitted for your vehicle depends on the national type standardisation and is displayed under
“Comfort pressure” in the “Tire pressure” menu on the multi-purpose display on the on-board computer.
Comfort tire pressure is only available on vehicles with Tire Pressure Monitoring (TPM).
Cayenne, Cayenne S Cayenne Turbo
Part load Full load Part load Full load
Summer, snow and all-season tires

34 psi / 39 psi / 37 psi / 46 psi /

255/55 R 18 109 XL 2.4 bar / 2.7 bar / 2.6 bar / 3.2 bar / - - - -
240 kPa 270 kPa 260 kPa 320 kPa
265/50 R 19 110 XL 34 psi / 39 psi / 37 psi / 46 psi / 34 psi / 39 psi / 37 psi / 46 psi /
275/45 R 20 110 XL 2.4 bar / 2.7 bar / 2.6 bar / 3.2 bar / 2.4 bar / 2.7 bar / 2.6 bar / 3.2 bar /
295/35 R 21 107 XL 240 kPa 270 kPa 260 kPa 320 kPa 240 kPa 270 kPa 260 kPa 320 kPa

f The load condition of the vehicle must be set on the multi-purpose display. The tire pressure must be changed according to the vehicle load.
Please see the chapter “SELECTING “CHARGE” IN THE TIRE PRESSURE MENU” on page 121.
FA = front axle, RA = rear axle

Tire Pressure and Technical Data 311

Cayenne Cayenne S Cayenne Turbo
Manual transmission Tiptronic S Tiptronic S Tiptronic S
Empty weight
(depending on vehicle equipment)
4398–5170 lbs. 4475–5247 lbs. 4553–5324 lbs. 4784–5434 lbs.
per DIN 70020
(1995–2345 kg) (2030–2380 kg) (2065–2415 kg) (2170–2465 kg)
4563–5335 lbs. 4640–5412 lbs. 4718–5489 lbs. 4949–5599 lbs.
per 70/156/EEC 1)
(2070–2420 kg) (2105–2455 kg) (2140–2490 kg) (2245–2540 kg)
Maximum axle load, front 2) 2899 lbs. (1315 kg) 2910 lbs. (1320 kg) 2998 lbs. (1360 kg) 3086 lbs. (1400 kg)
Maximum axle load, rear 3384 lbs. (1535 kg) 3384 lbs. (1535 kg) 3384 lbs. (1535 kg) 3384 lbs. (1535 kg)
Maximum gross weight 6096 lbs. (2765 kg) 6173 lbs. (2800 kg) 6261 lbs. (2840 kg) 6349 lbs. (2880 kg)
Towing a trailer up to 60 mph (100 km/h) – USA/Canada
Maximum gross weight 6096 lbs. (2765 kg) 6173 lbs. (2800 kg) 6261 lbs. (2840 kg) 6349 lbs. (2880 kg)
Maximum axle load, front axle 2899 lbs. (1315 kg) 2910 lbs. (1320 kg) 2998 lbs. (1360 kg) 3086 lbs. (1400 kg)
Maximum axle load, rear axle 3693 lbs. (1675 kg) 3693 lbs. (1675 kg) 3693 lbs. (1675 kg) 3693 lbs. (1675 kg)
Roof load
Maximum roof load 3) 220 lbs. (100 kg) 220 lbs. (100 kg) 220 lbs. (100 kg) 220 lbs. (100 kg)
Towing capacity/car and trailer weight
Maximum towing capacity, braked 5952 lbs. (2700 kg) 7716 lbs. (3500 kg) 7716 lbs. (3500 kg) 7716 lbs. (3500 kg)
Maximum towing capacity, unbraked 1653 lbs. (750 kg) 1653 lbs. (750 kg) 1653 lbs. (750 kg) 1653 lbs. (750 kg)
Maximum car and trailer weight 12048 lbs. (5465 kg) 13889 lbs. (6300 kg) 13977 lbs. (6340 kg) 14065 lbs. (6380 kg)
Maximum trailer hitch load 617 lbs. (280 kg) 617 lbs. (280 kg) 617 lbs. (280 kg) 617 lbs. (280 kg)
Empty weight includes 165 lbs. (75 kg) driver and baggage share.
The maximum gross weight and maximum axle loads must not be exceeded.
Note: If additional accessories are installed, the maximum load will be correspondingly less.
Only use roof transport systems from the Porsche Tequipment product range for your car or roof transport systems that have been tested and approved by Porsche.

312 Tire Pressure and Technical Data

Filling Capacities
Only use fluids and fuels approved by Porsche. Your authorized Porsche dealer will be pleased to advise you.

Cayenne Cayenne S Cayenne Turbo

Engine oil change quantity with oil filter approx. 7.29 quarts (6.9 liters) approx. 9.51 quarts (9.0 liters) approx. 9.51 quarts (9.0 liters)
approx. 13.95–18.6 quarts approx. 19.02–22.19 quarts approx. 19.02–22.19 quarts
(13.2–17.6 liters) (18.0–21.0 liters) (18.0–21.0 liters)
Manual transmission approx. 1.9 quarts (1.8 liters) - -
Automatic transmission with torque
approx. 12.1 quarts (11.45 liters) approx. 14.21 quarts (13.45 liters) approx. 14.27 quarts (13.5 liters)
Transfer gear approx. 0.92 quarts (0.875 liter) approx. 0.92 quarts (0.875 liter) approx. 0.92 quarts (0.875 liter)
Front-axle differential approx. 0.53 quarts (0.5 liter) approx. 0.53 quarts (0.5 liter) approx. 0.53 quarts (0.5 liter)
Rear-axle differential approx. 1.06 quarts (1.0 liters) approx. 1.06 quarts (1.0 liters) approx. 1.06 quarts (1.0 liters)
Locking rear differential approx. 1.37 quarts (1.3 liters) approx. 1.37 quarts (1.3 liters) approx. 1.37 quarts (1.3 liters)
approx. 22.2 U.S. gallons (85 liters), approx. 22.2 U.S. gallons (85 liters),
with a reserve of approx. with a reserve of approx. approx. 26.4 U.S. gallons (100 liters),
Fuel tank 4 U.S. gallons (15 liters) 4 U.S. gallons (15 liters) with a reserve of approx.
(26.4 U.S. gallons (100 liters) (26.4 U.S. gallons (100 liters) 4 U.S. gallons (15 liters)
optional) optional)
The engine is designed to provide optimum performance and fuel consumption if unleaded premium fuel with
98 RON/88 MON is used.
Fuel octane rating If unleaded fuels with octane numbers of less than RON 98/MON 88 are used, the engine’s “Electronic Oktane™
knock control” automatically adapts the ignition timing.
Porsche recommends that you use fuel with at least 95 RON/88 MON in your vehicle.
Power steering approx. 1.95 quarts (1.85 liters) of Pentosin CHF 202 hydraulic fluid
Brake fluid approx. 1.08 quarts (1.02 liters). Use only Original Porsche brake fluid.
approx. 4.76 quarts (4.5 liters) or 7.93 quarts (7.5 liters) on vehicles with headlight cleaning system
headlight cleaning system

Depending on equipment.

Tire Pressure and Technical Data 313

Driving Performance
The specifications refer to a vehicle with DIN curb weight without performance-reducing additional equipment (e.g. special tires).

Cayenne Cayenne Cayenne S Cayenne Turbo

manual transmission Tiptronic S Tiptronic S Tiptronic S
Top track speed 143 mph (230 km/h) 143 mph (230 km/h) 160 mph (258 km/h) 173 mph (278 km/h)
Acceleration 0–60 mph (96 km/h) 7.1 seconds 7.4 seconds 5.6 seconds 4.4 seconds
Acceleration 0–62 mph (100 km/h) 7.5 seconds 7.8 seconds 5.9 seconds 4.7 seconds
Maximum speed when towing a trailer Observe country-specific laws for driving with a trailer.

Cayenne, Cayenne S Cayenne Turbo
Length 190.8 in. (4846 mm) 190.7 in. (4845 mm)
Width 76.3 in. (1939 mm) 76.3 in. (1939 mm)
Width with exterior mirrors 84.8 in. (2155 mm) 84.8 in. (2155 mm)
Height at normal level, 18/19-inch air springs
Height at normal level 66.89 in. (1699 mm) 67.01 in. (1702 mm)
Height at normal level (roof rails) 67.6 in. (1717 mm) 67.76 in. (1721 mm)
Height at normal level
71.38 in. (1813 mm) 71.54 in. (1817 mm)
(basic roof transport system carrier)
Height at normal level with tailgate open 85.91 in. (2182 mm) 86.06 in. (2186 mm)

314 Tire Pressure and Technical Data

Cayenne, Cayenne S Cayenne Turbo
Height at DIN empty weight, steel suspension
Height at DIN empty weight 67.13 in. (1705 mm) -
Height at DIN empty weight (roof rails) 67.87 in. (1724 mm) -
Height at DIN empty weight
71.65 in. (1820 mm) -
(basic roof transport system carrier)
Height at DIN curb weight with tailgate open 86.26 in. (2191 mm) -
Height at special terrain level
Height at special terrain level 69.06 in. (1754 mm) 69.21 in. (1758 mm)
Height at special terrain level (roof rails) 69.8 in. (1773 mm) 69.96 in. (1777 mm)
Height at special terrain level
73.58 in. (1869 mm) 73.74 in. (1873 mm)
(basic roof transport system carrier)
Height at special terrain level with tailgate open 88.03 in. (2236 mm) 88.19 in. (2240 mm)
Max. wading depth 19.69 in. (500 mm) 19.69 in. (500 mm)1)
Wheelbase 113.98 in. (2895 mm) 113.98 in. (2895 mm)
Overhang, front 37.8 in. (960 mm) 37.7 in. (958 mm)
Overhang, rear 39.02 in. (991 mm) 39.02 in. (991 mm)
Turning circle 468.5 in. (11.9 m) 468.5 in. (11.9 m)

Up to 21.85 in. (555 mm) for vehicles with air suspension in special terrain level.

Tire Pressure and Technical Data 315

A Airbag Switching off passenger compartment monitoring
Airbag warning light in the instrument panel..........49 system ............................................................235
ABD (automatic brake differential) Automatic deactivation of the passenger airbag....48 Switching on ....................................................234
Functional description....................................... 190 Care instructions ..............................................260 Alcantara, care instructions ..........................................260
ABS (anti-lock brake system) Disposal ............................................................47 Alloy wheels
Functional description....................................... 192 Function ............................................................47 Care instructions ..............................................259
Off-road ABS, functional description................... 192 Passenger airbag warning light............................49 Inscription........................................................273
Warning light on the tachometer ........................ 192 Air-conditioning compressor Aluminum rims
AC button Information on air-conditioning compressor ..........69 Care instructions ..............................................259
Air-conditioning system ....................................... 67 Air-conditioning system Inscription........................................................273
AC MAX button Automatic load switch-off ....................................69 Antifreeze
Air-conditioning system ....................................... 67 Brief overview of front control panel.....................63 In coolant.........................................................245
ACC Brief overview of rear control panel......................64 In washer fluid ..................................................246
Adaptive cruise control ..................................... 160 Child lock ..........................................................74 Anti-lock brake system (ABS)
Adaptive cruise control ................................................ 160 Defrosting windshield..........................................68 Functional description .......................................192
Display principle............................................... 162 Extended ventilation panel...................................75 Off-road ABS, functional description ...................192
Exceptions ...................................................... 166 Front control panel .............................................70 Warning light on the tachometer ........................192
Functional description....................................... 160 Functional description.........................................70 Anti-slip regulation (ASR)
Interrupting/resuming control............................ 165 Heating .............................................................66 Functional description .......................................190
Operating principle ........................................... 161 Information on air-conditioning compressor ..........69 Armrest
Operating states .............................................. 163 Parking heater ...................................................77 Opening rear storage compartment ...................217
Porsche Active Safe ......................................... 168 Rear control panel ..............................................71 Ashtray
Radar sensor ................................................... 160 Setting air distribution.........................................73 Front ...............................................................217
Setting the desired distance.............................. 164 Setting air quantity .............................................73 Front, emptying ................................................217
Setting/changing desired speed........................ 163 Setting automatic air-recirculation mode...............69 Front, opening..................................................217
Switching on/off .............................................. 162 Setting temperature ...........................................72 Rear ................................................................218
Additional door mirrors when towing a trailer ................. 224 Switching AC MAX mode on/off ...........................67 Rear, emptying.................................................218
Adhesive film, care instructions .................................... 258 Switching AC mode on/off ..................................67 Rear, opening...................................................218
Adjusting rear seats....................................................... 40 Switching air-conditioning compressor on/off .......67 ASR (Anti-slip regulation )
Adjusting seat position ................................................... 37 Switching air-recirculation mode on and off...........69 Functional description .......................................190
Adjusting the opening height of the powerlift tailgate ........ 28 Switching automatic mode on/off ........................71 Assembly aids for changing wheel.................................280
Aftermarket Alarms...................................................... 177 Switching MONO mode on/off .............................68 Assigning MFS button...................................................136
Air cleaner, maintenance instructions ............................ 248 Switching REAR mode on/off...............................74 Assistance when driving off uphill
Air suspension Switching REST mode on/off...............................66 Functional description .......................................192
Lowering the vehicle......................................... 196 Temperature sensor ...........................................65 Audio
Lowering the vehicle for loading ........................ 196 Using engine residual heat ..................................66 Tips.................................................................176
Overview ......................................................... 195 Air-recirculation button Audio interface, installation position...............................178
Raising the vehicle ........................................... 196 Air-conditioning system .......................................69 AUTO (light switch).........................................................91
Setting loading level ......................................... 196 Alarm button .................................................................18 Automatic driving light assistant ..........................91
Setting low level............................................... 196 Alarm system AUTO button
Setting normal level.......................................... 196 Avoiding false alarms........................................234 Air-conditioning system .......................................71
Setting special terrain level ............................... 196 Functional description.......................................234 Auto Start Stop function
Setting terrain level .......................................... 196 Hitching a trailer...............................................220 Display ............................................................153
Warning message on the multi-purpose display... 196 Persons/animals remaining in the locked vehicle.235 Exceptions.......................................................152
Air vents Switching off....................................................234 Operating principle ...........................................152
Adjusting ........................................................... 75 Switching off alarm...........................................234 Preconditions ...................................................152
Opening/closing................................................. 75 Switching off interior surveillance and inclination Starting engine automatically.............................152
sensor.............................................................235 Stopping engine automatically ...........................152

316 Index
Switching on and off......................................... 153 B Breaking in
Automatic (Tiptronic S) Engine ................................................................ 5
Functional description....................................... 180 Baby seat Engine oil and fuel consumption during
Gear selector................................................... 181 Installing with LATCH system ...............................53 break-in period .................................................... 5
Rocker switches on the steering wheel ................ 57 LATCH restraint system.......................................53 Hints................................................................... 5
Automatic brake differential (ABD) Prescribed installation direction (depending on New brake pads and brake discs .......................... 5
Functional description....................................... 190 weight of child)...................................................50 New tires ............................................................ 5
Automatic Coming Home lights, courtesy lighting Battery........................................................................178 Brief overview
Entry function .................................................... 93 Care................................................................291 Air conditioning, front control panel ..................... 63
Welcome Home function ..................................... 93 Changing in car key ..........................................294 Air conditioning, rear control panel ...................... 64
Automatic driving light assistant Charging..........................................................293 Opening and locking from outside ....................... 20
Automatic headlight leveling, functional Emergency starting with jumper cables ..............292 Windshield wipers .............................................. 98
description ........................................................ 92 General information ..........................................290 Bulbs
Daytime driving lights ......................................... 92 Installation position ...........................................290 Changing bulb for auxiliary high-beam headlight.. 298
Dynamic cornering light ...................................... 93 Jump-lead starting ............................................292 Changing bulb for license plate light .................. 300
Low beam ......................................................... 92 Procedure after connection ...............................292 Changing bulb for number plate light ................. 300
Porsche Dynamic Lighting System (PDLS) ............ 91 Replacing.........................................................291
Vehicle electrical system voltage indication.........107
Static cornering light .......................................... 93
Switching on ...................................................... 91 Winter driving...................................................291 C
Automatic headlight leveling Before driving off .............................................................3 Car and trailer weight .................................................. 312
Functional description......................................... 92 Belt tensioner Car care
Automatic speed control (cruise control) Functional description .........................................44 Airbags ........................................................... 260
Accelerating .................................................... 158 Belts Alcantara ........................................................ 260
Decelerating .................................................... 159 Adjusting the belt height......................................45 Alloy wheels .................................................... 259
Functional description....................................... 158 Belt tensioner functional description.....................44 Cleaning the engine compartment..................... 257
Interrupting operation ....................................... 159 Care instructions ..............................................260 Decorative film ................................................ 256
Storing speed .................................................. 158 Fastening...........................................................45 Fabric linings ................................................... 260
Switching off.................................................... 159 Opening belt buckle ............................................45 Headlights, plastic components, adhesive film ... 258
Switching on .................................................... 158 Warning light on the tachometer ..........................44 Laying up your Porsche.................................... 260
AUX interface, installation position ................................ 178 Bi-Xenon headlight Leather ........................................................... 259
Auxiliary heater Changing bulb for auxiliary high-beam headlight ..298 Paint............................................................... 257
Operation .......................................................... 77 Installing headlights ..........................................296 Safety belts..................................................... 260
Programming................................................... 115 Boost pressure gauge (Cayenne Turbo) .........................106 Seals .............................................................. 259
Auxiliary high-beam headlight Brake booster .............................................................156 Seat belts ....................................................... 260
Changing bulb.................................................. 298 Brake fluid Underbody protection ...................................... 258
Installing headlights .......................................... 296 Changing .........................................................246 Washing the vehicle, instructions....................... 256
Warning light on speedometer ...........................246 Wheel bolts ..................................................... 275
Brake pads Windows ......................................................... 257
Breaking in new brake pads ..................................5 Car key (remote control)
Warning message, brakes .................................157 Changing battery ............................................. 294
Brake pedal.................................................................156 Emergency operation of key in ignition lock ....... 149
Brake wear Locking vehicle door .......................................... 23
Warning message.............................................157 Opening/closing slide/tilt roof............................. 86
Brakes Opening/closing sliding/lifting roof...................... 84
Applying/releasing electric parking brake ...........154 Opening/closing windows (without Porsche
Brake pad warning message .............................157 Entry & Drive) .................................................... 82
Brake pedal .....................................................156 Unlocking vehicle door ....................................... 22
Brake wear warning message............................157 Car Telephone............................................................. 177
Break in new brake pads.......................................5
Footbrake ........................................................155
Test stand................................................194, 241
Break in hints ..................................................................5

Index 317
Care instructions Chassis setup Control systems
Airbags ........................................................... 260 Functional description.......................................197 Overview (PTM, PTV Plus, PSM, PASM, PDCC).... 188
Alcantara......................................................... 260 Selecting .........................................................197 Coolant
Alloy wheels .................................................... 259 Check Engine (emission control) Antifreeze ....................................................... 245
Car washing .................................................... 256 Functional description.......................................107 Checking level ................................................. 244
Carpet ............................................................ 260 Warning light on the tachometer ........................107 Temperature gauge ......................................... 105
Cleaning the engine compartment ..................... 257 Child lock Cooling system
Fabric linings ................................................... 260 Enabling/disabling opening of rear doors Warning on multi-purpose display ...................... 105
Headlights, plastic components, adhesive film.... 258 from inside ........................................................30 Cornering light
Laying up your Porsche .................................... 260 Enabling/disabling power windows switches Dynamic ........................................................... 93
Leather ........................................................... 259 in the rear doors ................................................82 Installing headlights ......................................... 296
Mats ............................................................... 260 Switching rear control panel on/off ......................74 Static ............................................................... 93
Paintwork ........................................................ 257 Child restraint anchorages..............................................53 Crankcase ventilation .................................................. 249
Safety belts ..................................................... 260 Child restraint system Crossing obstacles ..................................................... 202
Seals .............................................................. 259 Installing with LATCH system ...............................53 Cruise control
Seat belts........................................................ 260 LATCH restraint system ......................................53 Accelerating.................................................... 158
Underbody protection....................................... 258 Child seat Decelerating ................................................... 159
Wheel bolts ..................................................... 275 Installing with LATCH system ...............................53 Functional description ...................................... 158
Windows ......................................................... 257 LATCH restraint system ......................................53 Interrupting operation ...................................... 159
Cargo management system Prescribed installation direction Storing speed ................................................. 158
Inserting and adjusting the strap reel ................. 205 (depending on weight of child) .............................50 Switching off ................................................... 159
Inserting and adjusting the telescopic bar .......... 205 Child seat bracket..........................................................53 Switching on ................................................... 158
Inserting and adjusting tie-down rings ................ 207 Cigarette lighter...........................................................218 Cupholder .................................................................. 216
Overview ......................................................... 205 Front, using .....................................................218 In rear armrest, opening................................... 217
Carpet, care instructions.............................................. 260 Cleaning the engine compartment.................................257
Catalytic converter ...................................................... 250
Check Engine (Emission control)........................ 107
Closing sliding/lifting roof ...................................83
Center armrest Closing tailgate automatically ..............................27 Data bank for vehicle data, position.............................. 307
Opening rear storage compartment................... 217 Locking vehicle door from inside .........................29 Daytime driving lights .................................................... 92
Center differential lock Persons/animals remaining in the vehicle .............23 Decorative film, cleaning instructions............................ 256
Engaging......................................................... 185 Tailgate .............................................................25 Defrosting windshield .................................................... 68
Central locking Vehicle door with car key (remote control) ............23 Air-conditioning system ...................................... 68
Locking the tailgate............................................ 25 Vehicle door with Porsche Entry & Drive (keyless) .23 Differential locks
Locking vehicle door with car key (remote control) 23 Cockpit Engaging center differential lock ....................... 185
Locking vehicle door with Porsche Entry & Drive .. 23 Adjusting lighting ................................................93 Engaging rear differential lock .......................... 185
Opening and locking vehicle door from inside ....... 29 Engine oil temperature gauge............................105 Dimensions ................................................................ 314
Unlocking and opening tailgate............................ 24 Multi-purpose display ........................................105 Dimming
Unlocking vehicle door with car key Odometer ........................................................106 Adjusting brightness of instrument lighting........... 93
(remote control) ................................................. 22 Speedometer...................................................105 Adjusting brightness of interior lighting................ 96
Unlocking vehicle door with Porsche Entry & Drive 22 Tachometer .....................................................105 Direction indicator light, front
Central locking system Cockpit Canada models Installing headlights ......................................... 296
Functional description......................................... 19 Warning and indicator lights, overview................104 Direction indicator pilot light, front
Changing bulb for license plate light.............................. 300 Cockpit USA Model Installing headlights ......................................... 296
Changing bulb for side marker light .............................. 299 Warning and indicator lights, overview................103 Direction indicator, stalk ................................................ 94
Changing button assignment on multi-function steering Collapsible spare wheel in the luggage compartment......283 Displacement, Technical data....................................... 308
wheel ......................................................................... 136 Comfort memory ...........................................................38 Display on multi-purpose display
Changing wheels ......................................................... 275 Comfort pressure Overview of warning messages......................... 139
Chassis control systems Selecting .........................................................122 Displaying average fuel consumption ............................ 113
Overview (PTM, PTV Plus, PSM, PASM, PDCC) .... 188 Speed warning .................................................122
Chassis number, position ............................................. 307 Compass on the dashboard..........................................108

318 Index
Door Driving through water, tips on driving.............................201 Filler opening................................................... 244
De-icing door lock ............................................ 256 Driving with a trailer .....................................................224 General information.................................. 241, 242
Locking if persons/animals are remaining DVD Oil-level warning on the multi-purpose display ..... 242
in vehicle ........................................................... 23 Installation location ...........................................178 Pressure gauge ............................................... 106
Locking with car key (remote control) .................. 23 Navigation .......................................................178 Temperature gauge.......................................... 105
Locking with Porsche Entry & Drive (keyless)........ 23 Player..............................................................178 Entry & Drive
Switching child lock for rear doors on/off ............ 30 Dynamic cornering light..................................................93 Locking vehicle door with Porsche Entry & Drive .. 23
Unlocking with car key (remote control)................ 22 Switching off interior surveillance with Porsche
Unlocking with Porsche Entry & Drive (keyless)..... 22
Door locking, automatic ................................................. 23
E Entry & Drive................................................... 235
Unlocking vehicle door with Porsche Entry & Drive 22
Door mirror Electric parking brake Error messages
Adjusting ........................................................... 55 Automatic parking brake release upon driving off 154 Overview of warning messages......................... 139
Adjusting as parking aid...................................... 56 Emergency braking function ..............................154 Exhaust pipes ................................................................. 2
Folding in........................................................... 55 Operating ........................................................154 External audio source, interface ................................... 178
Folding out ........................................................ 55 Releasing.........................................................154
Testing on brake test stand ...............................241
Storing settings (memory)................................... 55
Door mirror heating Warning light ....................................................154 F
Switching on/off ................................................ 76 Emergency key..............................................................19 Fabric linings (care instructions) ................................... 260
Door mirrors Emergency operation Fastening points in luggage compartment ..................... 204
Additional door mirrors when towing a trailer...... 224 Ignition key in ignition lock.................................149 Faults
Driving with a trailer ......................................... 224 Panorama roof system........................................88 Emergency operation of ignition key in
Switching heating on/off ..................................... 56 Powerlift tailgate ................................................29 ignition lock..................................................... 149
When towing a trailer........................................ 224 Selector lever for Tiptronic S.............................184 Emergency operation of powerlift tailgate ............ 29
Door opening in an emergency situation .......................... 23 Sliding/lifting roof ...............................................88 Emergency operation of sliding/lifting roof........... 88
Drawbar load .............................................................. 312 Tailgate..............................................................32 Emergency operation of tailgate ......................... 32
Drive-Off Assistant ....................................................... 192 Emergency spare wheel, general information .................284 Emergency operation of Tiptronic gear selector . 184
Driver memory .............................................................. 38 Emergency starting with jumper cables for flat battery....292 Emergency unlocking of the filler flap ................ 253
Driving Emergency starting with jumper cables, external power Overview of warning messages......................... 139
Load ............................................................... 223 supply.........................................................................292 ParkAssist....................................................... 227
Trailer ............................................................. 224 Emergency unlocking Power windows ................................................. 83
Driving off Filler flap..........................................................253 Sliding/lifting roof .............................................. 88
Assistance when driving off uphill ...................... 192 Emission control (Check Engine) When opening and locking .................................. 32
Automatic parking brake release upon driving off 154 Functional description .......................................107 Filler flap
Driving off-road Warning light on the tachometer ........................107 Emergency unlocking ....................................... 253
Crossing obstacles........................................... 202 Engine Filling capacities
Driving off-road on downhill gradients, Break in hints .......................................................5 Coolant ........................................................... 313
tips on driving .................................................. 200 Checking oil level..............................................113 Engine oil ........................................................ 313
Driving off-road on on uphill gradients, Cooling system ................................................105 Overview......................................................... 313
tips on driving .................................................. 200 Oil-level gauge..................................................113 Overview of fluids and fuels .............................. 313
Driving systems for off-road driving.................... 199 Starting ...........................................................151 Washer fluid .................................................... 313
Driving through water, tips on driving ................. 201 Starting automatically (Auto Start Stop function) .152 Filter
Engaging center differential lock ....................... 185 Starting manually (Auto Start Stop function)........152 Air cleaner, maintenance instructions ................ 248
Engaging rear differential lock........................... 185 Stopping..........................................................151 Particle filter, maintenance instructions.............. 248
Rules for driving............................................... 199 Stopping automatically (Auto Start Stop function) 152 Fire extinguisher, storage location .................................. 42
Sand, tips on driving......................................... 202 Technical data ..................................................308 First aid kit (storage location) ....................................... 264
Setting special terrain level ............................... 196 Engine drag torque control (MSR) Floor mats, care instructions........................................ 260
Setting terrain level .......................................... 196 Functional description .......................................190 Fluids and fuels
Track ruts, tips on driving ................................. 202 Engine oil ....................................................................241 Coolant ........................................................... 313
Driving off-road on on uphill gradients, tips on driving ..... 200 Change quantity ...............................................313 Engine oil ........................................................ 313
Driving performance, Technical data ............................. 314 Choosing the right oil........................................242 Fuel ................................................................ 313
Driving programs for on-road and off-road driving........... 184 Consumption....................................................308 Washer fluid .................................................... 313
Engine oil pressure ...........................................139

Index 319
Fog lights Glove box I
Switching on...................................................... 91 Locking ...........................................................215
Folding wedges to prevent rolling ................................. 276 Opening...........................................................215 Identification number, position...................................... 307
Footbrake Glove compartment Ignition lock
Safety notes .................................................... 155 Cooling..............................................................75 Emergency operation of the key ....................... 149
Front seat Gross weight ...............................................................221 Functional description ...................................... 148
Adjusting ........................................................... 37 Immobilizer
Functional description ...................................... 237
Adjusting seat position ....................................... 37
Retrieving settings (memory)............................... 39
H Switching on/off .............................................. 237
Storing settings (memory) .................................. 39 Handbrake (electric parking brake) Inclination sensor
Front seats ............................................................. 35, 37 Operating ........................................................154 Function indication ........................................... 236
Front windshield wipers Releasing.........................................................154 Switching off with button in door handle
Adjusting the rain sensor sensitivity ................... 100 Headlight beam adjustment ..........................................224 (Porsche Entry & Drive) .................................... 235
Switching on rain sensor..................................... 99 Headlight leveling (automatic) Switching off with car key................................. 235
Windshield wiper/washer system....................... 100 Functional description.........................................92 Indicator lights Canada models .................................... 104
Windshield, fast wiping ..................................... 100 Headlights Indicator lights USA model........................................... 103
Windshield, slow wiping ...................................... 99 Adjusting .........................................................301 Inserting and adjusting tie-down rings
Wiping windshield once (one-touch operation) ..... 100 Before driving with a trailer ...............................224 (cargo management system)........................................ 207
Fuel Care instructions ..............................................258 Instrument cluster
Economy......................................................... 250 Changing bulb for auxiliary high-beam headlight ..298 Adjusting lighting ............................................... 93
Evaporation control .......................................... 254 Installing ..........................................................296 Engine oil temperature gauge ........................... 105
Fuel can .......................................................... 253 Operating washer system..................................101 Multi-purpose display ....................................... 105
Fuel gauge ...................................................... 107 Headrests Odometer ....................................................... 106
Fuels containing ethanol ................................... 254 Adjusting ...........................................................35 Speedometer .................................................. 105
Octane rating................................................... 251 Removing and installing ......................................36 Tachometer..................................................... 105
Portable fuel containers........................................ 3 Heated rear window Instrument cluster Canada models
Quality ............................................................ 251 Switching on/off.................................................76 Warning and indicator lights, overview ............... 104
Recommendation ............................................. 254 Heating, air conditioning.................................................66 Instrument cluster USA model
Refueling ......................................................... 251 Height adjustment Warning and indicator lights, overview ............... 103
Refuelling ........................................................ 251 Lowering the vehicle.........................................196 Instrument panel
Tank capacity .................................................. 313 Overview .........................................................195 Adjusting lighting ............................................... 93
Fuel can...................................................................... 253 Raising the vehicle............................................196 Engine oil temperature gauge ........................... 105
Fuel containers, portable ................................................. 3 Warning message on the multi-purpose display ...196 Multi-purpose display ....................................... 105
Fuel reserve................................................................ 252 High beam headlight ......................................................94 Odometer ....................................................... 106
Fuse Installing headlights ..........................................296 Speedometer .................................................. 105
Changing fuses................................................ 286 Stalk .................................................................94 Tachometer..................................................... 105
High-beam headlight Instrument panel Canada models.................................. 104
Changing bulb (auxiliary high-beam headlight) .....298 Warning and indicator lights, overview ............... 104
G Hillholder (Drive-off Assistant) Instrument panel USA model ........................................ 103
Garage door opener Functional description.......................................192 Warning and indicator lights, overview ............... 103
Deleting programmed signals ........................... 230 HOLD function Interior mirror
Functional description....................................... 229 Functional description.......................................192 Switching automatic anti-dazzle function on/off .... 56
Operating ........................................................ 230 HomeLink (garage door opener) Interior surveillance ..................................................... 236
Programming signal (changeable code system) .. 231 Deleting programmed signals............................230 Switching off with button in door handle (Porsche
Programming signal (fixed code system)............ 230 Functional description.......................................229 Entry & Drive).................................................. 235
Gear display for Tiptronic S .......................................... 181 Operating ........................................................230 Switching off with car key................................. 235
Gear selector (Tiptronic S) Programming signal (changeable code system) ..231 iPod®/USB interface, installation position..................... 178
Automatic........................................................ 181 Programming signal (fixed code system) ............230
Changing the selector-lever position .................. 180 Hot exhaust pipes............................................................2
Display on the multi-purpose display .................. 181
Emergency operation ....................................... 184
Selector-Lever Positions ................................... 181

320 Index
J Light switch Locks
AUTO function ....................................................91 Engaging center differential lock ....................... 185
Jack Overview ...........................................................91 Engaging rear differential lock .......................... 185
Information on raising vehicles with Lights Low beam
air suspension ................................................. 197 Care instructions ..............................................258 Switching on/off ................................................ 91
Safety information on raising the vehicle ............ 279 Replacing Bulbs................................................294 Low beam headlight
Storage location in luggage compartment.......... 274 Switching front/rear reading lights on/off .............96 Installing headlights.......................................... 296
Jump-lead starting for flat battery ................................. 292 Switching interior lights on/off automatically.........97 Luggage
Jump-lead starting, external power supply ..................... 292 Switching on when leaving the vehicle ..................93 General information on loading.......................... 221
When towing a trailer ........................................224 Luggage compartment cover,
K Load...........................................................................223 pulling out/retracting ....................................... 208
Key General information on loading ..........................221 Position of tie-down rings ................................. 204
Changing battery.............................................. 294 Installing luggage compartment cover................209 Luggage compartment
Emergency operation, ignition lock .................... 149 Luggage compartment cover, Cargo management system .............................. 205
Locking vehicle door .......................................... 23 pulling out/retracting ........................................208 Closing the floor .............................................. 204
Opening/closing sliding/lifting roof ................ 84, 86 Position of tie-down rings ..................................204 Closing the tailgate ............................................ 25
Removing emergency key ................................... 19 Removing luggage compartment cover ..............209 Opening floor .................................................. 204
Replacement keys .............................................. 18 Stowing ...................................................223, 224 Overview......................................................... 204
Unlocking vehicle door........................................ 22 Loading Position of tie-down rings ................................. 204
Keys............................................................................. 18 General information ..........................................221 Setting loading level......................................... 196
Installing luggage compartment cover................209 Tailgate............................................................. 24
Lowering the vehicle for loading ........................196 Luggage compartment cover
L Luggage compartment cover, Installing ......................................................... 209
Lane Change Assist (LCA) ............................................ 170 pulling out/retracting ........................................208 Pulling out ....................................................... 208
Operating principle ........................................... 172 Luggage safety net...........................................209 Removing........................................................ 209
Setting display brightness on door mirror........... 131 Position of tie-down rings ..................................204 Retracting ....................................................... 208
Switching on and off......................................... 171 Removing luggage compartment cover ..............209
Large roof
Functional description......................................... 85
Setting loading level .........................................196
Loadspace ..................................................................223
Opening/closing roll-up sunblind .......................... 87 Cargo management system...............................205 Maintenance work
Roller blind cleaning position ............................... 88 Closing the floor...............................................204 Adding washer fluid.......................................... 246
LATCH system............................................................... 53 Opening floor ...................................................204 Changing air cleaner ........................................ 248
Fastening .......................................................... 53 Overview .........................................................204 Changing particle filter ..................................... 248
Installing a child seat .......................................... 53 Position of tie-down rings ..................................204 Checking engine oil level .................................. 242
Prescribed installation direction of child seat Setting loading level .........................................196 Checking the coolant level and adding coolant ... 244
(depending on weight of child) ............................. 50 Lock, child lock Notes on maintenance ............................. 239, 262
Leather, care instructions............................................. 259 Enabling/disabling opening of rear doors Topping Up Engine Oil ...................................... 242
Level control from inside.........................................................30 Make-up mirror ............................................................. 60
Lowering the vehicle......................................... 196 Enabling/disabling power windows switches in the Malfunctions
Lowering the vehicle for loading ........................ 196 rear doors .........................................................82 Emergency operation of ignition key
Overview ......................................................... 195 Switching rear control panel on/off ......................74 in ignition lock ................................................. 149
Raising the vehicle ........................................... 196 Locking Emergency operation of powerlift tailgate ............ 29
Setting loading level ......................................... 196 Locking the tailgate ............................................25 Emergency operation of sliding/lifting roof........... 88
Setting low level............................................... 196 Locking vehicle door from inside .........................29 Emergency operation of tailgate ......................... 32
Setting normal level.......................................... 196 Locking vehicle door with car key (remote control) 23 Emergency unlocking of the filler flap ................ 253
Setting special terrain level ............................... 196 Locking vehicle door with Porsche Entry & Drive...23 Overview of warning messages......................... 139
Setting terrain level .......................................... 196 Persons/animals remaining in the vehicle .............23 ParkAssist....................................................... 227
Warning message on the multi-purpose display... 196 Tailgate..............................................................25 Power windows ................................................. 83
Light Vehicle door with car key (remote control) ......21, 23 Powerlift tailgate................................................ 29
Headlight flasher ................................................ 94 Vehicle door with Porsche Entry & Drive (keyless) .23 Tiptronic selector lever emergency operation..... 184
Switching on Welcome Home function.................. 93 When opening and locking .................................. 32

Index 321
Manual headlight beam adjustment ............................... 224 Retrieving vehicle information ............................112 Oil.............................................................................. 241
Manual transmission Selecting a radio station ...................................116 Change quantity .............................................. 313
Shift pattern .................................................... 179 Tire Pressure Monitoring ...................................119 Checking level ................................................. 113
Maximum permitted engine speed ................................ 179 Tire pressure warnings .....................................124 Choosing the right oil....................................... 242
Memory........................................................................ 38 Trip information ................................................118 Consumption....................................................... 5
Retrieving seat settings ...................................... 39 Using the telephone..........................................117 General information ................................. 241, 242
Retrieving vehicle settings .................................. 39 Level gauge .................................................... 113
Storing seat settings .......................................... 39
Storing vehicle settings ...................................... 39
N Oil pressure .................................................... 139
Oil-level warning on the multi-purpose display ..... 242
Memory buttons ............................................................ 39 Navigation system .......................................................178 Pressure gauge ............................................... 106
Minor repairs Operating via multi-purpose display....................116 Temperature gauge ......................................... 105
In the event of a flat tire.................................... 276 On-board computer
Jack in the luggage compartment ..................... 274 O Gear display for Tiptronic S .............................. 181
Securing the vehicle against rolling.................... 276 Octane rating ..............................................................254 Measuring oil level ........................................... 113
Storage location of first aid kit .......................... 264 Octane rating, petrol ....................................................251 Multi-purpose display ....................................... 108
Mirrors ....................................................................... 224 Odometer Operating principle .......................................... 108
Additional door mirrors when towing a trailer...... 224 Display ............................................................106 Overview of warning messages......................... 139
Adjusting door mirrors........................................ 55 Resetting .........................................................106 Tire Pressure Monitoring .................................. 119
Adjusting door mirrors as parking aid .................. 56 Off delay Opening and closing
Automatic anti-dazzle door mirrors ...................... 56 Switching on ......................................................93 Closing tailgate automatically ............................. 27
Folding in door mirrors ....................................... 55 Off-road Engine compartment lid ..................................... 31
Folding out door mirrors ..................................... 55 Crossing obstacles...........................................202 Loadspace floor .............................................. 204
Make-up mirror .................................................. 60 Driving off-road on downhill gradients, Luggage compartment floor ............................. 204
Storing door mirror settings (memory)................. 55 tips on driving ..................................................200 Roll-up sunblind for Panorama roof system .......... 87
Switching automatic anti-dazzle function Driving off-road on on uphill gradients, Slide/tilt roof ..................................................... 83
on and off ......................................................... 56 tips on driving ..................................................200 Opening and closing engine compartment lid .................. 31
Switching door mirror heating on/off ................... 56 Driving systems for off-road driving....................199 Opening and closing the engine compartment lid............. 31
Vanity mirror...................................................... 60 Driving through water, tips on driving .................201 Opening and locking
MONO button Engaging center differential lock........................185 Locking vehicle door with car key (remote control) 23
Air-conditioning system....................................... 68 Engaging rear differential lock ...........................185 Locking vehicle door with Porsche Entry & Drive .. 23
Motion sensor (interior surveillance) Rules for off-road driving...................................199 Opening and locking vehicle door from inside ...... 29
Switching off with button in door handle (Porsche Sand, tips on driving.........................................202 Unlocking vehicle door with car key
Entry & Drive) .................................................. 235 Setting special terrain level ...............................196 (remote control)................................................. 22
Switching off with car key ................................. 235 Setting terrain level ..........................................196 Unlocking vehicle door with Porsche Entry & Drive 22
Multi-function steering wheel Track ruts, tips on driving .................................202 Operating in other countries......................................... 251
Assigning MFS button....................................... 136 Off-road ABS, functional description ..............................192 Operating overview
Functional description......................................... 59 Off-road driving Air-conditioning system, front.............................. 70
MFS button...................................................... 109 Crossing obstacles...........................................202 Operating the horn ........................................................ 57
Telephone function ............................................. 59 Driving off-road on downhill gradients, Oxygen sensor ........................................................... 249
Multi-purpose display ................................................... 105 tips on driving ..................................................200
Activating functions, opening menus and viewing
options............................................................ 110
Driving off-road on uphill gradients, P
tips on driving ..................................................200 Paintwork
Browsing through long lists............................... 110 Driving through water, tips on driving .................201
Checking oil level ............................................. 113 Care instructions ............................................. 257
Engaging center differential lock........................185 Polishing ......................................................... 257
Display areas................................................... 110 Engaging rear differential lock ...........................185
Gear display for Tiptronic S............................... 181 Preserving ...................................................... 257
Rules for driving ...............................................199 Removing spots and stains............................... 257
Operating navigation system ............................. 116 Sand, tips on driving.........................................202
Operating principle........................................... 108 Repairing damage ........................................... 257
Track ruts, tips on driving .................................202 Panic button ................................................................. 18
Operating with multi-function steering wheel ....... 109 Off-road PSM functional description...............................190
Operating with steering wheel lever ................... 110
Overview of warning messages ......................... 139

322 Index
Panorama roof system PDCC (Porsche Dynamic Chassis Control)......................198 Porsche Traction Management (PTM)
Emergency operation ......................................... 88 Functional description .......................................198 Overview......................................................... 188
Functional description......................................... 85 Overview .........................................................188 Power steering
Opening/closing roll-up sunblind .......................... 87 Warning message on the multi-purpose display ...198 Checking and adding hydraulic fluid................... 247
Opening/closing with car key (remote control) ...... 86 Performance tests on roller-type test stands ..................241 Power windows
Roll-up sunblind cleaning position......................... 88 Performance, Technical data.........................................308 Adjusting after connecting battery....................... 83
ParkAssist .................................................................. 224 Person buttons (memory) ...............................................39 Closing windows with button in door handle (with
When towing a trailer........................................ 228 Petrol Porsche Entry & Drive) ....................................... 82
Parking Fuel can...........................................................253 Malfunctions...................................................... 83
Applying the electric parking brake .................... 154 Octane rating ...................................................251 Opening/closing windows with car key (remote
Locking the vehicle............................................. 23 Portable fuel containers ........................................3 control) ............................................................. 82
Parking aid Quality .............................................................251 Opening/closing windows with rocker switch ....... 80
Swivelling down mirror glass ............................... 56 Refueling .........................................................251 Overview of driver’s door control panel ................ 80
When towing a trailer........................................ 228 Tank capacity ...................................................313 Overview of passenger’s door control panel ......... 80
Parking brake Phone Powerlift tailgate
Automatic parking brake release upon driving off 154 Using via multi-purpose display ..........................117 Closing ............................................................. 27
Operating ........................................................ 154 Plastic components, care instructions ...........................258 Opening ............................................................ 26
Releasing ........................................................ 154 Porsche Active Safe.....................................................168 Safety notes...................................................... 25
Testing on brake test stand............................... 241 Porsche Active Suspension Management (PASM) Pressure
Parking heater Functional description .......................................197 Tires (bar/psi) ................................................. 310
Functional description......................................... 77 Overview .........................................................188 Protection against towing (inclination sensor)
Operation .......................................................... 77 Selecting chassis setup ....................................197 Switching off with Porsche Entry & Drive ........... 235
Programming................................................... 115 Warning message.............................................197 Switching off with remote control ...................... 235
Parking/pulling out Porsche Ceramic Composite Brake (PCCB) PSM (Porsche Stability Management)
Functional description, ParkAssist ..................... 226 General information ..............................................3 Functional description, off-road PSM.................. 190
ParkAssist when towing a trailer ........................ 228 Porsche Communication Management (PCM) .................178 Multi-function light in the tachometer ................. 191
Particle filter, maintenance instructions ......................... 248 Porsche Dynamic Chassis Control (PDCC) Overview......................................................... 188
PASM (Porsche Active Suspension Management) Functional description .......................................198 Switching off ................................................... 191
Functional description....................................... 197 Overview .........................................................188 Switching on ................................................... 191
Overview ......................................................... 188 Warning message.............................................198 Warning light on instrument panel...................... 292
Selecting chassis setup .................................... 197 Warning message on the multi-purpose display ...198 PTM (Porsche Traction Management)
Warning message ............................................ 197 Porsche Dynamic Lighting System (PDLS)........................93 Overview......................................................... 188
Passenger airbag Porsche Dynamic Lighting System (PDLS), PTV Plus (Porsche Torque Vectoring)
Automatic deactivation of the passenger airbag.... 48 automatic driving light assistant ......................................91 Functional description ...................................... 189
Warning light in the center console ...................... 49 Porsche Entry & Drive Overview......................................................... 188
PASSENGER AIRBAG OFF Inclination sensor .............................................236 Pulling out/parking
Warning light in the center console ...................... 49 Interior surveillance ..........................................236 Functional description, ParkAssist ..................... 226
Passenger compartment.............................................. 223 Locking the vehicle.............................................23 ParkAssist when towing a trailer........................ 228
Passenger mirror Switching off operational readiness......................22
Additional door mirrors when towing a trailer...... 224
Adjusting ........................................................... 55
Unlocking the vehicle ..........................................22
Porsche Hill Control (PHC) ............................................193
Adjusting as parking aid...................................... 56 Porsche Stability Management (PSM) Radar sensor, care instructions .................................... 258
Driving with a trailer ......................................... 224 Functional description, off-road PSM ..................190 Radiator fan
Folding in........................................................... 55 Overview .........................................................188 Installation position .......................................... 245
Folding out ........................................................ 55 Switching off ....................................................191 Safety notes.................................................... 245
Switching heating on/off ..................................... 56 Switching on ....................................................191 Radio
When towing a trailer........................................ 224 Warning light ....................................................191 Tips ................................................................ 176
PCCB (Porsche Ceramic Composite Brake) Porsche Torque Vectoring (PTV Plus) Radio remote control..................................................... 18
General information .............................................. 3 Functional description .......................................189 Rain sensor
PCM (Porsche Communication Management) ................. 178 Overview .........................................................188 Adjusting......................................................... 100
Switching on ..................................................... 99

Index 323
REAR button Roof transport system Setting loading level .................................................... 196
Air-conditioning system....................................... 74 Functional description.......................................212 Setting temperature
Rear fog light Roof load.........................................................312 Air-conditioning system ...................................... 72
Switching on...................................................... 91 Safety notes ....................................................212 Setting the date .......................................................... 129
Rear seat backrests Weights ...........................................................312 Setting the time .......................................................... 129
Folding forward.................................................. 41 Running in Settings
Rear shelf Tires ...................................................................5 Adjusting on multi-purpose display .................... 126
Installing.......................................................... 209 Storing vehicle settings...................................... 38
Pulling out ....................................................... 208
Removing ........................................................ 209
S Shift pattern
Manual transmission ........................................ 179
Retracting ....................................................... 208 Safety belts...................................................................44 Side lights
Rear window wiper Adjusting the belt height......................................45 Installing headlights ......................................... 296
Switching on intermittent operation ................... 101 Belt tensioner functional description ....................44 Switching on ..................................................... 91
Window wiping ................................................. 101 Care instructions ..............................................260 Side marker light
Rear-axle load ............................................................. 221 Fastening...........................................................45 Changing bulb ................................................. 299
Rearview camera......................................................... 228 Opening belt buckle............................................45 Side roll-up blind ........................................................... 61
Rearview camera, care instructions .............................. 258 Warning light on the tachometer ..........................44 Ski bag ...................................................................... 211
Refueling .................................................................... 253 Safety button in the armrest Loading and securing....................................... 211
Relays Disabling rear control panel and power windows ...74 Stowing .......................................................... 211
Replacing ........................................................ 286 Safety compliance sticker ............................................307 Slide/tilt roof
Remote control ............................................................. 18 Sealant/sealing set Functional description ........................................ 83
Changing battery ............................................. 294 For defective tires ............................................277 Sliding/lifting roof
Locking vehicle door .......................................... 23 Seals, care instructions................................................259 Emergency operation......................................... 88
Opening/closing sliding/lifting roof ................ 84, 86 Seat belts .....................................................................44 Malfunctions...................................................... 88
Unlocking vehicle door ....................................... 21 Adjusting the belt height......................................45 Opening/closing with car key (remote control) ..... 84
Replacement keys ......................................................... 18 Care instructions ..............................................260 Snow chains
REST button Fastening...........................................................45 General information ......................................... 272
Air-conditioning system....................................... 66 Opening belt buckle............................................45 Snow tires .................................................................. 271
Restraint systems for children Warning light on the tachometer ..........................44 Socket (12 V) ............................................................. 286
Installing with LATCH system............................... 53 Seat heating..................................................................43 Spacers
LATCH restraint system ...................................... 53 Switching off......................................................43 Fitting ............................................................. 283
Prescribed installation direction (depending Switching on ......................................................43 General information ......................................... 274
on weight of child).............................................. 50 Seat memory ................................................................38 Removing........................................................ 281
Reversing camera ....................................................... 228 Seat ventilation..............................................................43 Spare wheel
Roll stabilization Switching off......................................................43 Collapsible spare wheel in the luggage
Porsche Dynamic Chassis Control (PDCC).......... 198 Switching on ......................................................43 compartment .................................................. 283
Roll-up blind .................................................................. 61 Seats............................................................................37 General information ......................................... 284
Cleaning function ............................................... 88 Adjusting seat position........................................37 Removing from spare wheel bracket ................. 284
For Panorama roof system, opening/closing ........ 87 Adjusting the front seat.......................................37 Spare wheel/collapsible spare wheel
Roll-up sunblind Child restraint system .........................................50 in the luggage compartment............................. 283
Cleaning function ............................................... 88 Front .................................................................35 Spare wheel in the luggage compartment ..................... 283
For Panorama roof system, opening/closing ........ 87 Retrieving settings (memory) ...............................39 Speed code letter on tire ............................................. 272
Raising/lowering for rear side windows................ 61 Storing settings (memory)...................................39 Speed control (cruise control)
Roof load.................................................................... 312 Selecting off-road driving program ................................185 Accelerating.................................................... 158
Roof system (Panorama roof system) Selecting on-road driving program.................................185 Decelerating ................................................... 159
Functional description......................................... 85 Setting air quantity Functional description ...................................... 158
Opening/closing roll-up sunblind .......................... 87 Air-conditioning system .......................................73 Interrupting operation ...................................... 159
Roll-up sunblind cleaning position ........................ 88 Setting automatic air-recirculation mode Storing speed ................................................. 158
Air-conditioning system .......................................69 Switching off ................................................... 159
Setting fan Switching on ................................................... 158
Air-conditioning system .......................................73 Speed limit ................................................................. 272

324 Index
Speedometer Strap reel (cargo management system) Tiptronic S
Digital speedometer ......................................... 106 Inserting and adjusting......................................205 Functional description ...................................... 180
Speedometer, digital.................................................... 105 Strap reel storage location................................205 Gear display on the multi-purpose display .......... 181
Sport button Summer tires Gear selector .................................................. 181
Functional description, Sport mode ................... 186 Changing tires..................................................280 Tiptronic transmission
Switching Sport mode on and off ...................... 187 Storage ...........................................................270 Rocker switches on the steering wheel ................ 57
Sport mode Sun visor.......................................................................60 Tire
Functional description....................................... 186 Switching automatic anti-dazzle function on and off ..........56 Care ............................................................... 269
Switching on/off .............................................. 187 Switching child protection on/off Life................................................................. 268
SportDesign package ...................................................... 3 Disabling rear control panel and power windows ...74 Traction .......................................................... 266
Sports exhaust system Switching emergency flasher on/off ................................94 Wear............................................................... 268
Switching on/off .............................................. 186 Switching hazard warning lights on/off ............................94 Tire pressure
Stainless steel tailpipes Switching MONO mode on/off Air pressure (bar/psi) ....................................... 310
Care instructions.............................................. 259 Air-conditioning system .......................................68 Data (bar/psi) .................................................. 310
Standstill management Switching off operational readiness Fill info ............................................................ 121
Functional description....................................... 192 Vehicles with Porsche Entry & Drive .....................22 Selecting comfort pressure .............................. 122
Start Stop function ...................................................... 152 Switching on air-recirculation mode Speed warning ................................................ 122
Starting Air-conditioning system .......................................69 System learning............................................... 124
Engine............................................................. 151 Switching on parking light...............................................94 Warnings......................................................... 124
Starting engine automatically (Auto Start Stop When towing a trailer ....................................... 224
function) .......................................................... 152
Steering column lock
T Tire Pressure Monitoring (TPM)..................................... 119
Tire pressure plate ...................................................... 307
With Porsche Entry & Drive ............................... 237 Tachometer Tire sealant/sealing set
Without Porsche Entry & Drive........................... 237 Display ............................................................105 For defective tires............................................ 277
Steering wheel Tailgate .........................................................................24 Tires
Adjustment ........................................................ 58 Closing (vehicles without powerlift tailgate) ...........25 Breaking in new tires............................................ 5
Airbag unit......................................................... 57 Closing automatically ..........................................27 Changing ........................................................ 280
Multi-function steering wheel Opening (vehicles without powerlift tailgate)..........24 Damage.......................................................... 269
with telephone function ....................................... 59 Powerlift tailgate ................................................25 Fixing a flat tire................................................ 276
Multi-function steering wheel, Tailpipes General information.......................................... 265
functional description ......................................... 59 Stainless steel, care instructions .......................259 Inflating........................................................... 285
Operating the horn ............................................. 57 Tank Inscription on radial tire .................................... 272
Steering lock ................................................... 148 Ventilation system.............................................254 Removing spare wheel from spare wheel bracket 284
Switching Easy Entry function on/off.................... 40 Technical data Removing/fitting spacers ................................. 281
Switching heating on/off ..................................... 57 Driving performance .........................................314 Replacing........................................................ 269
Tiptronic transmission shift buttons ..................... 57 Engine .............................................................308 Sealant ........................................................... 277
Stopping Tire pressure (bar/psi) ......................................310 Setting type and size ....................................... 123
Engine............................................................. 151 Tires, wheels....................................................309 Sidewall .......................................................... 272
Stopping engine automatically (Auto Start Stop Weights ...........................................................312 Snow chains (general information)..................... 272
function) .......................................................... 152 Technical modifications to the vehicle, information..........240 Spare wheel (general information) ..................... 284
Storage Telephone ...................................................................177 Storage .......................................................... 270
Glove compartment.......................................... 215 Telescopic bar (cargo management system) Valves............................................................. 270
Opening cupholder in rear armrest .................... 217 Inserting and adjusting......................................205 Winter tires (general information)....................... 271
Opening storage compartment in front armrest .. 216 Test stands Tool kit
Storage compartment Brake test................................................194, 241 Jack ............................................................... 274
Glove compartment.......................................... 215 Performance test .............................................241 Wedges .......................................................... 276
In front armrest, opening .................................. 216 Theft protection .............................................................17 Tools
Storage........................................................... 215 Tie-down Jack ............................................................... 274
Storage compartment in non-smoker vehicles................ 217 Equipment .......................................................223 Wedges .......................................................... 276
Stowing luggage ......................................................... 223 Tie-down rings, fastening points in Torque, Technical data................................................. 308
When towing a Trailer ....................................... 224 luggage compartment..................................................204

Index 325
Towing V W
Capacity.......................................................... 221
Screwing in towing hook ................................... 304 Vanity mirror..................................................................60 Warning lights Canada models ..................................... 104
TPM (Tire Pressure Monitoring) ..................................... 119 Vehicle Warning lights USA model............................................ 103
Trailer Battery ............................................................178 Warning messages on multi-purpose display
Coupling.......................................................... 220 Keys..................................................................18 Overview......................................................... 139
Definitions ....................................................... 221 Vehicle door Warning triangle.......................................................... 263
Effects on ParkAssist ....................................... 228 Locking from inside ............................................29 Washer fluid
Electrical connection ........................................ 220 Locking with car key (remote control) ..................23 Antifreeze ....................................................... 246
Hitching........................................................... 220 Locking with Porsche Entry & Drive (keyless)........23 Filling capacity................................................. 313
Operation ........................................................ 220 Switching child lock for rear doors on/off.............30 Topping up ...................................................... 246
Retrofitting ...................................................... 220 Unlocking with car key (remote control)................22 Warning message on the multi-purpose display .. 246
Tips on driving ................................................. 224 Unlocking with Porsche Entry & Drive (keyless) .....22 Washing the vehicle, instructions .................................. 256
Unhitching ....................................................... 220 Vehicle information Wedges to prevent rolling ............................................ 276
Trailer load.................................................................. 312 Retrieving on multi-purpose display ....................112 Wedges to secure the vehicle against rolling ................. 276
Transmission Vehicle key (remote control) Weights, Technical data ............................................... 312
Shift pattern .................................................... 179 Changing battery..............................................294 Welcome Home function
Transmission and chassis control systems Emergency operation of key in ignition lock ........149 Switching on ..................................................... 93
Overview (PTM, PTV Plus, PSM, PASM, PDCC) .... 188 Locking vehicle door ..........................................23 Wheel alignment ......................................................... 270
Transport (on car trains, ferries, etc.) Opening/closing slide/tilt roof .............................86 Wheel change ............................................................. 271
Securing the vehicle ................................. 197, 305 Opening/closing sliding/lifting roof ......................84 Wheels
Switching off inclination sensor ......................... 235 Opening/closing windows (without Porsche Adjusting......................................................... 270
Transverse lock Entry & Drive) ....................................................82 Changing ................................................ 275, 280
Engaging......................................................... 185 Unlocking vehicle door........................................22 Fixing a flat tire................................................ 276
Trip counter Vehicle settings General information ......................................... 265
Display............................................................ 106 Adapting multi-purpose display ..........................126 Inflating tires ................................................... 285
Resetting......................................................... 106 Adjusting on multi-purpose display .....................126 Inscription on alloy wheels................................ 273
Trip information ........................................................... 118 Adjusting volume of warning and information Inscription on radial tire.................................... 272
Turn signal indicator light, front tones ..............................................................137 Overview......................................................... 309
Installing headlights.......................................... 296 Air-conditioning settings ....................................135 Removing spare wheel from spare wheel bracket 284
Turn signal light, front Changing button assignment on multi-function Removing/fitting spacers ................................. 281
Installing headlights.......................................... 296 steering wheel .................................................136 Replacing tires (general information) ................. 269
Turn signal, stalk ........................................................... 94 Changing the language .....................................138 Rim offset ....................................................... 309
LCA settings ....................................................131 Security wheel bolt (wrench socket) .................. 275
Light and visibility settings ................................132 Size................................................................ 309
U Locking settings...............................................134 Snow chains (general information)..................... 272
Underbody protection, care instructions ........................ 258 Porsche Active Safe settings.............................131 Spare wheel (general information) ..................... 284
Universal audio interface, installation position ................ 178 Resetting to factory settings .............................126 Storage .......................................................... 270
Unlocking Selecting Settings menu ...................................126 Tire sealant ..................................................... 277
Tailgate ............................................................. 24 Setting date and time .......................................129 Wheel balancing .............................................. 270
Unlocking and opening tailgate............................ 24 Setting units ....................................................137 Wheel bolts (care instructions) .......................... 275
Unlocking vehicle door from inside ...................... 30 Storing on person buttons...................................38 Winter tires (general information) ...................... 271
Unlocking vehicle door with car key ..................... 22 Storing on the key ..............................................38 Windows
Unlocking vehicle door with car key Vents Adjusting after connecting battery....................... 83
(remote control) ................................................. 22 Adjusting ...........................................................75 Care instructions ............................................. 257
Unlocking vehicle door with Porsche Entry & Drive 22 Opening/closing.................................................75 Closing with button in door handle (with Porsche
Unlocking vehicle door with Porsche Entry & Drive Vertical coupling load ...................................................221 Entry & Drive).................................................... 82
(keyless)............................................................ 22 Voice control ...............................................................179 Opening/closing with car key (remote control) ..... 82
Upshift indicator .......................................................... 106 Opening/closing with rocker switch..................... 80
USB interface, installation position ................................ 178 Windshield heating
Using engine residual heat ............................................. 66 Switching on and off .......................................... 76
Air-conditioning system....................................... 66

326 Index
Windshield washer system
Adding washer fluid .......................................... 246
Antifreeze ........................................................ 246
Filling capacity ................................................. 313
Windshield wiper, washer stalk........................................ 99
Rain sensor adjustment .................................... 100
Switching on rain sensor..................................... 99
Windshield wiper/washer system ....................... 100
Windshield, fast wiping ..................................... 100
Windshield, slow wiping ...................................... 99
Wiping windshield once (one-touch operation) ..... 100
Windshield wiper/washer stalk
Rear window wiping.......................................... 101
Switching on intermittent operation of rear
window wiper................................................... 101
Windshield wipers
Brief overview .................................................... 98
Care instructions.............................................. 258
Rain sensor adjustment .................................... 100
Rear window wiping.......................................... 101
Stalk ................................................................. 99
Switching on intermittent operation of rear
window wiper................................................... 101
Switching on rain sensor..................................... 99
Windshield wiper/washer system ....................... 100
Windshield, fast wiping ..................................... 100
Windshield, slow wiping ...................................... 99
Wiping windshield once (one-touch operation) ..... 100
Winter driving .............................................................. 291
Winter tires
Changing tires ................................................. 280
General information .......................................... 271
Storage........................................................... 270
Wiper blades
Care instructions.............................................. 258
Wrench socket (security wheel bolt) .............................. 275

Xenon headlights
Changing bulb for auxiliary high-beam headlight .. 298
Installing headlights .......................................... 296

Index 327

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