2011 Cayenne Owners Manual
2011 Cayenne Owners Manual
2011 Cayenne Owners Manual
Owner’s Manual
WKD 948 021 11 03/10 Orientation guides in the Owner’s Manual Various types of safety instructions are used in
Porsche, the Porsche Crest, Cayenne, PCCB, The orientation guides in the Owner’s Manual are this Owner’s Manual.
PCM, PSM, Tiptronic and Tequipment are highlighted in yellow. h DANGER Serious Injury or Death
registered trademarks and the distinctive shapes
Overall Table of Contents Failure to observe safety instructions in the
of Porsche automobiles are trademarks of
Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG. At the start of the Owner’s Manual you will find an “Danger” category will result in serious injury or
overview of the overall contents of the Owner’s death.
All rights reserved.
Section Contents h WARNING Possible Serious Injury
There is a summary of topics with the or Death
Printed in Germany.
corresponding page numbers at the beginning of Failure to observe safety instructions in the
each main chapter. “Warning” category could result in serious injury or
There is a detailed, alphabetical index at the end h CAUTION Possible Moderate or
of this Owner’s Manual. Minor Injury
Cayenne S Hybrid Failure to observe safety instructions in the
Information on the Cayenne S Hybrid can be found “Caution” category can result in moderate or
in the separate additional instructions. minor injury.
Pay particular attention to the warning and safety
instructions. NOTICE
Safety instructions in the Owner’s Manual Possible vehicle damage.
For your own protection and longer service life of Failure to observe instructions in the “Notice”
your car, please heed all operating instructions category could result in damage to the vehicle.
and special warnings. These special warnings
contain important messages regarding your
safety and/or the potential for damage to your Information
Porsche. Ignoring them could result in serious Additional information, tips and instructions are
mechanical failure, serious personal injury or indicated by the word “Information”. Please read
death. this information carefully and follow the
Dear Owner, A separate Maintenance Booklet explains how
h WARNING Alteration or Misuse of
you can keep your Porsche in top driving condition
We would like to thank you for your purchase of a Vehicle
by having it serviced regularly.
Porsche Cayenne. Judging by the car you have Any alteration of the vehicle may negate or
A separate Warranty and Customer
chosen, you are a motorist of a special breed, and interfere with those safety features built into the
Information Booklet contains detailed
you are probably no novice when it comes to vehicle. Modifications may be carried out on your
information about the warranties covering your
automobiles. vehicle only if approved by Porsche.
Remember however, as with any vehicle, you Your Porsche is intended to be used in a safe
For U.S. only:
should take time to familiarize yourself with your manner obeying the local laws and in the light of
If you believe that your vehicle has a fault which
Porsche and its performance characteristics. driving conditions faced by you, and in
could cause a crash, injury or death, you should
Always drive within your own unique capabilities as accordance with the instructions provided in this
immediately inform the National Highway Traffic
a driver and your level of experience with your Owner’s Manual.
f Do not misuse your Porsche by ignoring those
Safety Administration (NHTSA) in addition to
Porsche. Ensure that anyone else driving your
notifying Porsche Cars North America, Inc.
Porsche does the same. To prevent or minimize laws and driving conditions, or by ignoring the
(Porsche Cars N.A.).
injury, always use your safety belts. Never instructions in this manual.
consume alcohol or drugs before or during the If NHTSA receives similar complaints, it may open
f Do not alter your Porsche. Any alteration could
operation of your vehicle. an investigation, and if it finds that a safety
create dangerous conditions or defeat safety
problem exists in a group of vehicles, it may order
This Owner’s Manual contains a host of useful engineering features built into your car.
a recall and remedy campaign. However, NHTSA
information. Please take the time to read this
cannot become involved in individual problems Regularly check your vehicle for signs of
manual before you drive your new Porsche.
between you and your dealer, or Porsche Cars damage.
Become familiar with the operation of your
N.A. Damaged or missing aerodynamic
Porsche car for maximum safety and operating
pleasure. The better you know your Porsche, the To contact NHTSA, you may call the Vehicle Safety components such as spoilers or underside
more pleasure you will experience driving your Hotline toll-free at 1–888–327–4236 (TTY: panels affect the driving behavior and
new car. 1–800–424–9153); go to therefore must be replaced immediately.
http://www.safercar.gov; or write to: Your car may have all or some of the components
Always keep your Owner’s Manual in the car, and
Administrator, NHTSA, 1200 New Jersey Ave, SE, described in this manual.
give it to the new owner if you ever sell your
Washington, DC 20590. Should you have difficulty understanding any of
You can also obtain other information about motor the explanations of features or equipment installed
vehicle safety from http://www.safercar.gov. in your vehicle, contact your authorized Porsche
Your car has thousands of parts and components dealer. He/She will be glad to assist you. Also
which have been designed and manufactured in check with your dealer on other available options
accordance with Porsche’s high standards of or equipment.
engineering quality and safety.
Throughout this booklet, left is designated as the Setting and operating vehicle h WARNING California
driver's side of the vehicle, and right as the components when driving Proposition 65
passenger's side of the vehicle.
h WARNING Operating Components Engine exhaust, some of its constituents, and
Text, illustrations and specifications in this manual
While Driving certain vehicle components contain or emit
are based on the information available at the time
Setting or operating the on-board computer, chemicals known to the State of California to
of printing.
radio, navigation system, telephone or other cause cancer and birth defects or other
It has always been Porsche’s policy to
equipment when driving could distract you from reproductive harm.
continuously improve its products. Porsche,
the traffic. You could lose control of the vehicle In addition, certain fluids contained in vehicles and
therefore, reserves the right to make changes in
resulting in serious personal injury or death. certain products of component wear contain or
design and specification, and to make additions or
improvements in its product without incurring any f Operate the components while driving only if emit chemicals known to the State of California to
the traffic situation allows you to do so safely. cause cancer and birth defects or other
obligation to install them on products previously
manufactured. f Carry out any complicated operating or setting reproductive harm.
We wish you many miles of safe and pleasurable procedures only with the vehicle stationary.
h WARNING Hot Exhaust Pipes
driving in your Porsche.
Engine Exhaust The exhaust pipe is hot when the vehicle is running
Note to owners and remains hot for some time after the vehicle is
h WARNING Engine Exhaust
In Canada, this manual is also available in French. turned off.
To obtain a copy contact your dealer or write to: f To prevent injury, make a point of noting where
Engine exhaust is dangerous if inhaled.
Note aux proprietaires your vehicle’s exhaust pipe is, avoid placing
Engine exhaust fumes have many components
your legs near the exhaust pipe when loading
Au Canada on peut se procurer un exemplaire de which you can smell. They also contain carbon
and unloading cargo in the rear, and closely
ce Manuel en français auprès du concessionaire monoxide (CO), which is a colorless and odorless
supervise children around the vehicle during
ou du: gas.
time when the exhaust pipe could be hot.
Porsche Cars Canada, Ltd. Carbon monoxide can cause unconsciousness
A hot exhaust pipe can cause serious burns.
Automobiles Porsche Canada, LTEE and even death if inhaled.
f Never start or let the engine run in an en-
5925 Airport Road closed, unventilated area.
Suite 420 It is not recommended to sit in your car for
Mississauga, Ontario prolonged periods with the engine on and the
Canada, L4V 1W1 car not moving.
h DANGER Portable Fuel Container Porsche Ceramic Composite Brake Dear Porsche Owner,
Leaks (PCCB) a lot has gone into the manufacture of your
Portable fuel containers may leak, whether they f Please see the chapter “BRAKES” on Porsche, including advanced engineering, rigid
are full or partially empty. Fuel leaking from a page 155. quality control and demanding inspections. These
portable container carried in your vehicle could, in The high-performance brake system is designed engineering and safety features will be enhanced
case of an accident, cause a fire or explosion. for optimal braking effect at all speeds and by you…
f Never carry additional fuel in portable temperatures. the safe driver…
containers in your vehicle. Certain speeds, braking forces and ambient – who knows her/his car and all controls,
conditions (such as temperature and humidity) – who maintains the vehicle properly,
Vehicles with SportDesign package therefore might cause brake noises. – who uses driving skills wisely and always
NOTICE Wear on the different components and braking drives within her/his own capabilities and the
system, such as brake pads and brake disks, level of familiarity with the vehicle.
Risk of damage to the vehicle due to lower ground depends to a great extent on the individual driving You will find helpful hints in this manual on how to
clearance. style and the conditions of use and therefore perform most of the checks listed on the following
On vehicles with SportDesign package, front, rear, cannot be expressed in actual miles on the road. pages. If in doubt, have these checks performed
and side member trim are painted and located The values communicated by Porsche are based by your authorized Porsche dealer.
lower on the vehicle. Off-road driving can seriously on normal operation adapted to traffic. Wear
damage these trim parts. increases considerably when the vehicle is driven Before driving off…
f When driving off-road, make sure these parts on race tracks or through an aggressive driving
are not damaged. style. Check the following items first
f Make sure there is sufficient clearance Please consult an authorized Porsche dealer f Turn the engine off before you attempt any
between obstacles and the underside of the about the current guidelines in effect before such checks or repairs on the vehicle.
vehicle. use of your vehicle. f Be sure the tires are inflated correctly.
f Avoid driving through water. Check tires for damage and tire wear.
f Do not use side member trim as a running f See that wheel bolts are properly tightened
board. and not loose or missing.
f Check engine oil level, add if necessary. Make
it a habit to check the engine oil with every
f Check all fluid levels such as windshield
washer and brake fluid levels.
f Be sure the vehicle battery is well charged and
cranks the engine properly.
f Check all doors and lids for proper operation
and latch them properly.
f Check and if necessary replace worn or
cracked wiper blades.
f See that all windows are clear and In the driver’s seat… On the road…
f Check operation of the horn. f Never drive after you have consumed alcohol
f Position seat for easy reach of foot pedals and
Check air intake slots and area between
or drugs.
f Always have your safety belt fastened.
engine compartment lid and windshield.
controls. To reduce the possibility of injury
f Always drive defensively.
Ensure that these areas are free of snow and
from the airbag deployment, you should
ice, so the heater and the windshield wipers
always sit back as far from the steering wheel Expect the unexpected.
f Use signals to indicate turns and lane changes.
work properly.
as is practical, while still maintaining full
f Turn on headlights at dusk or when the driving
If a child will be riding in the vehicle, check
vehicle control.
child seat/child seat restraint system to ensure
Adjust the headrest so that the upper edge of conditions warrant it.
f Always keep a safe distance from the vehicle in
that restraints are properly adjusted.
the headrest is brought to eye level or higher.
Check all exterior and interior lights for
Adjust the inside and outside rear view mirrors. front of you, depending on traffic, road and
operation and that the lenses are clean.
Buckle your safety belts. weather conditions.
f f
Check the headlights for proper aim, and if
Check operation of the foot and electric Reduce speed at night and during inclement
necessary, have them adjusted.
parking brake. weather.
Check under the vehicle for leaks.
Check all warning and indicator lights with Driving in wet weather requires caution and
Be sure all luggage is stowed securely.
ignition on and engine not running. reduced speeds, particularly on roads with
Emergency equipment f Start engine and check all warning displays for standing water, as the handling characteristics
It is good practice to carry emergency equipment warning symbols. of the vehicle may be impaired due to hydro-
in your vehicle. f Never leave an idling car unattended. planing of the tires.
Some of the items you should have are: window f Lock doors from inside, especially with f Always observe speed limits and obey road
scraper, snow brush, container or bag of sand or children in the car to prevent inadvertent signs and traffic laws.
salt, emergency light, small shovel, first-aid kit, opening of doors from inside or outside. Drive f When tired, get well off the road, stop and take
etc. with doors locked. a rest. Turn the engine off. Do not sit in the
vehicle with engine idling.
Please see the chapter “ENGINE EXHAUST” on
page 2.
f When parked, always put the electric parking
brake on and put the gearshift lever in neutral
or the Tiptronic selector lever in position P.
On hills also turn the front wheels toward the
f When emergency repairs become necessary, Break in hints for the first Break in brake pads and brake disks
move the vehicle well off the road. Turn on the
emergency flasher and use other warning
2000 miles (3000 kilometers) New brake pads and disks have to be “broken in”,
and therefore only attain optimal friction when the
devices to alert other motorists. Do not park The following tips will be helpful in obtaining
car has covered several hundred miles or km.
or operate the vehicle in areas where the hot optimum performance from your new Porsche.
The slightly reduced braking ability must be
exhaust system may come in contact with dry Despite the most modern, high-precision
compensated for by pressing the brake pedal
grass, brush, spilled fuel or other flammable manufacturing methods, the moving parts must
harder. This also applies whenever the brake pads
material. still wear in with each other. This wearing-in occurs
and brake disks are replaced.
f Make it a habit to check the engine oil with mainly in the first 2000 miles (3000 km).
every refueling. New tires
f Preferably take longer trips.
New tires do not have maximum traction. They
f Avoid frequent cold starts with short-distance
tend to be slippery.
f Break in new tires by driving at moderate
driving whenever possible.
f Avoid full throttle starts and abrupt stops.
speeds during the first 60 to 120 miles (100
f Do not exceed maximum engine speed of
to 200 km). Longer braking distances must be
4200 rpm (revolutions per minute).
f Do not run a cold engine at high rpm either in Engine oil and fuel consumption
Neutral or in gear. During the break-in period oil and fuel consump-
f Do not let the engine labor, especially when tion may be higher than normal.
driving uphill. Shift to the next lower gear in f Please see the chapter “ENGINE DATA” on
time (use the most favorable rpm range). page 308.
f Never lug the engine in high gear at low As always, the rate of oil consumption depends on
speeds. This rule applies at all times, not just the quality and viscosity of oil, the speed at which
during the break-in period. the engine is operated, the climate and road
f Do not participate in motor racing events, conditions, as well as the amount of dilution and
sports driving schools, etc. during the first oxidation of the lubricant.
2000 miles (3000 kilometers). f Make a habit of checking engine oil with every
There may be a slight stiffness in the steering, refueling, add if necessary.
gear-shifting or other controls during the break-in
period which will gradually disappear.
Table of Contents
Overview Illustrations........................... 9 Automatic Anti-Dazzle Interior Mirror ...............56 Lights, Turn Signals and Windshield
Driver’s Cockpit ............................................ 10
Steering Wheel .............................................57 Wipers .............................................. 90
Heated Steering Wheel ..................................57
Steering Wheel and Instrument Cluster ........... 11 Light Switch .................................................91
Steering Wheel Adjustment ............................58
Dashboard ................................................... 12 Automatic Driving Light Assistant ...................91
Multi-Function Steering Wheel.........................59
Front Center Console .................................... 13 Instrument Lighting .......................................93
Sun Visors....................................................60
Overhead Operating Console ......................... 14 Turn Signal/High Beam/Headlight Flasher
Make-up Mirror .............................................60
Rear ............................................................ 15 Stalk ............................................................94
Roll-Up Sunblinds, Rear Side Windows ............61
Emergency Flasher .......................................94
Opening and Locking ......................... 16 Light Fault or Failure......................................95
Air Conditioning, Parking Heater and Interior Lighting.............................................96
Never invite car theft! .................................... 17 Heated Rear Window ......................... 62 Brief Overview – Windshield Wipers..............98
Notes on the Key and Central Locking System 18
Central Locking System ................................ 19 Brief Overview – Windshield Wiper/Washer Stalk ......................99
Brief Overview – Opening and Locking From Front Control Panel .......................................63
Outside ........................................................ 20 Brief Overview – Instrument Panel and Multi-Purpose
Opening and Locking From Outside ................ 21 Rear Control Panel (4-Zone Air-Conditioning) ....64 Display............................................ 102
Tailgate........................................................ 24 Overview of Air Conditioning ..........................65
Instrument Panel USA Models ......................103
Opening and Locking From Inside................... 29 General Functions .........................................66
Instrument Panel Canada Models..................104
Opening and Closing the Engine Automatically Controlled Air-Conditioning.........70
Compass on the Dashboard.........................108
Heated Rear Window/Door Mirror Heating.......76
Compartment Lid.......................................... 31 Operating the Multi-Purpose Display on the
Windshield Heating........................................76
Malfunctions When Opening and Locking ........ 32 Instrument Panel .........................................108
Parking Heater..............................................77
Vehicle Information......................................112
Seats, Mirrors, Steering Wheel and Sun Audio Menu ................................................116
Protection ......................................... 34 Windows and Sliding Roofs ................ 79 Navigation Menu .........................................116
Power Windows ............................................80 Map Menu ..................................................117
Seat and Headrest Adjustment....................... 35
Sliding/Lifting Roof .......................................83 Phone Menu ...............................................117
Front Seats .................................................. 37
Panorama Roof System .................................85 Trip Information ..........................................118
Storing Vehicle Settings ................................ 38
Emergency Operation of Sliding/Lifting Roof Tire Pressure Monitoring (TPM) ....................119
Easy Entry Function ...................................... 40
or Panorama Roof System.............................88 Vehicle Settings on the Multi-Purpose Display 126
Rear Seats ................................................... 40
Overview of Warning Messages...............139
Fire Extinguisher ........................................... 42
Seat Heating and Ventilation .......................... 43
Safety Belts.................................................. 44
Airbag Systems ............................................ 46
Child Restraint Systems ................................ 50
LATCH Child Seat System.............................. 53
Door Mirrors................................................. 54
6 Table of Contents
Driving and Driving Safety ................ 147 Storage, Luggage Compartment and Roof Maintenance and Car Care............... 238
Ignition Lock, Steering Lock ........................ 148 Transport System ............................ 203 Exercise Extreme Caution when Working
Starting and Stopping the Engine ................. 150 Loadspace .................................................204 on your vehicle........................................... 239
Auto Start Stop Function ............................. 152 Cargo Management System.........................205 Engine Oil .................................................. 241
Electric Parking Brake ................................. 154 Luggage Compartment Cover ......................208 Checking Engine Oil Level ........................... 242
Brakes ....................................................... 155 Luggage Safety Net ....................................209 Topping Up Engine Oil ................................ 242
Cruise Control ............................................ 158 Ski Bag ......................................................211 Checking Coolant Level and Adding Coolant . 244
Adaptive Cruise Control............................... 160 Roof Transport System................................212 Brake Fluid ................................................ 245
Lane Change Assist (LCA)............................ 170 Storage......................................................215 Washer Fluid .............................................. 246
Car Audio Operation/Tips ............................ 176 Cupholder ..................................................216 Power Steering .......................................... 247
Porsche Communication Management (PCM) 178 Front Ashtray/Storage Compartment............217 Changing Air Cleaner .................................. 248
USB/iPod® and AUX ................................... 178 Rear Ashtray...............................................218 Changing Particle Filter............................... 248
Voice Control.............................................. 179 Cigarette Lighter.........................................218 Wiper Blades ............................................. 248
Manual Transmission, Clutch........................ 179 Emission Control System ............................ 249
Tiptronic S ................................................. 180 Trailer Hitch .................................... 219 How Emission Control Works ...................... 249
Selector-Lever Positions .............................. 181 Fuel Economy ............................................ 250
Trailer Coupling ..........................................220
Driving Programs for On-Road and Off-Road Operating Your Porsche in other Countries... 251
Loading Information ....................................221
Driving ....................................................... 184 Fuel........................................................... 251
Transmission and Chassis Control Systems .. 188 Fuel Can .................................................... 253
Air Suspension with Leveling System and
Parking ........................................... 225 Fuel Recommendations............................... 254
Height Adjustment....................................... 195 ParkAssist ..................................................226 Fuel Evaporation Control............................. 254
Porsche Active Suspension Management Rearview Camera........................................228 Car Care Instructions.................................. 255
(PASM)....................................................... 197 Swivelling Down Mirror Glass as Parking Aid..229
Porsche Dynamic Chassis Control (PDCC)..... 198 Garage Door Opener ...................................229
Off-Road Driving.......................................... 198
Driving Systems for Off-Road Driving ............ 199 Alarm System and Theft Protection .. 233
Alarm System and Passenger Compartment
Monitoring ..................................................234
Steering Column Lock .................................237
Theft Protection ..........................................237
Table of Contents 7
Minor Repairs ..................................261 Tire Pressure and Technical Data .....306
Exercise Extreme Caution when Working Vehicle Identification Data ............................307
on your vehicle ........................................... 262 Engine Data................................................308
Warning triangle.......................................... 263 Wheels, Tires..............................................309
First aid kit ................................................. 264 Tire Pressure for Cold Tires 68 °F (20 °C) ....310
Tool kit ...................................................... 264 Weights......................................................312
Tires and Wheels ........................................ 265 Filling Capacities .........................................313
Jack .......................................................... 274 Driving Performance ...................................314
Spacers ..................................................... 274 Dimensions ................................................314
Wheel Bolts ................................................ 275
Changing Wheels ........................................ 275 Index...............................................316
Fixing a Flat Tire ......................................... 276
Inflating Tires.............................................. 285
Electrical System........................................ 286
Battery....................................................... 290
External Power Supply, Emergency Starting
with Jumper Cables..................................... 292
Changing the Remote Control Battery........... 294
Replacing Bulbs .......................................... 294
Headlight Adjustment .................................. 301
Towing....................................................... 302
8 Table of Contents
Overview Illustrations
Driver’s Cockpit ........................................... 10
Steering Wheel and Instrument Cluster........... 11
Dashboard................................................... 12
Front Center Console ................................... 13
Overhead Operating Console......................... 14
Rear............................................................ 15
Overview Illustrations 9
Driver’s Cockpit
A Inner door handle
See page 30.
B Vehicle setting memory buttons
See page 38.
C Reset button for trip counter display/
Dimming of instrument illumination
See page 106.
D Ignition lock/steering lock
See page 148.
E Overhead operating console
See page 14.
F Power windows
See page 80.
G Door mirror adjustment
See page 55.
H Engine compartment lid release
See page 31.
I Diagnostic socket (OBD)
J Electric parking brake
See page 154.
K Light switch
See page 91.
L Steering wheel adjustment
See page 58.
M Seat adjustment
See page 37.
10 Overview Illustrations
Steering Wheel and
Instrument Cluster
A Turn signals
See page 94.
B Engine oil pressure gauge
See page 106.
C Engine oil temperature gauge
See page 105.
D Speedometer
See page 105.
E Tachometer
See page 105.
F Multi-purpose display
See page 108.
G Windshield wipers
See page 99.
H Coolant temperature gauge
See page 105.
I Fuel gauge
See page 107.
J Interior temperature sensor for air conditioning
See page 65.
K Tiptronic shift buttons
See page 180.
L Adaptive cruise control
See page 160.
M Telephone controls,
multi-purpose display
See page 109.
N Horn
See page 57.
Overview Illustrations 11
A Compass
See page 108.
B Porsche Communication Management (PCM)
See page 178.
C Air vents
See page 75.
D Glove box
See page 215.
E Front center console
See page 13.
F Front cupholder
See page 216.
G Cigarette lighter
See page 218.
H Armrest, storage compartment
See page 216.
12 Overview Illustrations
Front Center Console
A Emergency flasher
See page 94.
B Air conditioning, left/right
See page 65.
C Seat heating/seat ventilation, left/right
See page 43.
D Porsche Active Suspension Management
(PASM) chassis setup
See page 197.
E Driving programs, differential locks
See page 184.
F Sport mode
See page 186.
G Porsche Stability Management (PSM)
See page 189.
H Central locking
See page 29.
I Heated rear window/door mirror heating
See page 76.
J Height adjustment, air suspension
See page 195.
K Auto Start Stop function
See page 152.
L Parking heater
See page 77.
M Windshield heating
See page 76.
N Porsche Hill Control (PHC)
See page 193.
Overview Illustrations 13
Overhead Operating Console
A Rear interior lighting
See page 96.
B Dimming ambient lighting
See page 97.
C ParkAssist off button
See page 226.
D Passenger compartment monitoring
See page 234.
E Sliding/lifting roof
See page 83.
Panorama roof system
See page 85.
F Roll-up sunblind for Panorama roof system
See page 87.
G Hands-free microphone
H Reading light, left/right
See page 96.
I Orientation lighting
See page 97.
J Front interior lighting
See page 96.
K Interior lighting when door/tailgate is open
See page 97.
L “Passenger Airbag Off” warning light
See page 49.
M Garage door opener/HomeLink®
See page 229.
14 Overview Illustrations
A Air vents
See page 75.
B Air conditioning
See page 65.
C Seat heating/seat ventilation
See page 43.
Central locking
See page 29.
D Reading light
See page 96.
E Inner door handle
See page 30.
F Rear ashtray
See page 218.
G Map pocket
H Rear cigarette lighter
See page 218.
I Rear seat: Fore-and-aft adjustment
See page 40.
J Rear seat: Backrest angle adjustment
See page 41.
Overview Illustrations 15
Opening and Locking
Never invite car theft! .................................... 17
Notes on the Key and Central Locking System 18
Central Locking System ................................ 19
Brief Overview – Opening and Locking From
Outside ........................................................ 20
Opening and Locking From Outside ................ 21
Tailgate........................................................ 24
Opening and Locking From Inside................... 29
Opening and Closing the Engine
Compartment Lid.......................................... 31
Malfunctions When Opening and Locking ........ 32
Press button on the key twice. All vehicle doors and the tailgate can be opened.
With Porsche Entry & Drive: The doors and the tailgate can be opened.
Grip the door handle fully.
Opening and Locking From Outside With Porsche Entry & Drive
Depending on your vehicle equipment, you can On vehicles with Porsche Entry & Drive, you can
unlock and lock the vehicle either with the car key unlock, lock and start the vehicle without using
or without a key by means of Porsche Entry & the key.
Drive. You simply have to carry the key with you, e.g. in
your pocket.
With the key f Do not expose the car key to a high level
Use the buttons on the key to unlock and lock the of electromagnetic radiation. This could
vehicle. adversely affect Porsche Entry & Drive.
Locking doors
f Press the front or rear central locking button.
When the ignition is switched on, the indicator
light in the button lights up.
All vehicle doors will be locked.
The doors can be opened from inside by
pulling once on the front inner door handle or
by pulling twice on the rear inner door handle.
If the vehicle was locked using the car key or the
emergency key, it cannot be unlocked with the
central locking button.
f Insert the headrest into the guides and push it
Example: driver’s seat Middle headrest of the rear seat down fully until it is engaged.
Raising Removing and installing the middle
f Push headrest upwards until the desired headrest of the rear seat
position is reached.
f Press button A and, at the same time, push the If you want to fold the backrest on the middle rear
headrest downwards until the desired position seat forward when the rear seats are in the front
is reached. position (e.g. in order to make the loadspace
bigger or transport bulky objects), the headrest
can be removed to prevent it from hitting against
the center console.
f Re-install the headrest when using the
middle seat.
– Seat heating is not available when the interior
temperature is high.
– Seat ventilation is not available when the
interior temperature is low.
A - Door mirror selection – driver’s side 1. Press selection button A for the driver’s side
B - Door mirror selection – passenger's side Information
and selection button B for the passenger’s
C - Adjusting door mirrors
side. The door mirrors do not fold out automatically
D - Folding door mirrors in and out after the ignition is switched on if they were folded
The indicator light on the pressed button
Adjusting door mirrors lights up. in manually using the button D.
The electrical door mirror adjuster is ready for 2. Move the door mirrors to the correct position
If the electrical adjustment facility fails
operation: by pressing the adjustment button C.
– With ignition switched on. f Unfold mirrors manually.
If the electrical adjustment facility fails
f Adjust the mirror by pressing on the
– After the ignition is switched off and before the Storing door mirror settings
driver’s or passenger’s door is first opened,
mirror face. On vehicles with driver or comfort memory,
but for a maximum of 10 minutes.
individual door mirror settings can be stored on
Folding in door mirrors the person buttons on the driver’s side and on the
f Press button D. car key.
Both door mirrors fold in automatically. For further information on retrieving and storing
If the electrical adjustment facility fails vehicle settings:
f Fold in mirrors manually. f Please see the chapter “STORING VEHICLE
SETTINGS” on page 38.
Folding out door mirrors
f Press button D.
Both door mirrors unfold automatically.
Raising roll-up sunblind on rear side Lowering roll-up sunblind on rear side
windows windows
f Pull up the corresponding power window f Push down the corresponding power window
button on the inside of the rear door or the button on the inside of the rear door or the
driver’s door. driver’s door.
Air to door vents, central vents and to footwell for left or right side: Press button C or I.
Set air distribution manually Air to door vents and central vents for left or right side: Press button D or J.
Air to door vents and footwell for left or right side: Press button F or L.
REST mode
Using engine residual heat
The residual heat of the engine can be used to
heat the interior for up to 20 minutes after the
ignition has been switched off.
f When the ignition is switched off,
press button on the front control panel.
The indicator light on the button lights up.
The air-conditioning settings cannot be
changed in REST mode.
If the air-conditioning compressor is switched off
manually or automatically, air-recirculation mode
ends after approx. 3 minutes.
Temperature and air quantity, front control panel Temperature and air quantity, rear control panel
(4-zone air-conditioning)
Setting temperature
Reducing temperature
For personal comfort, the interior temperature
can be adjusted individually between 61 °F (16 °C) f Press button for the relevant air-
and 86 °F (29.5 °C). conditioned area downwards.
Recommendation: 72 °F (22 °C). The preset temperature value is shown on the
The selected temperature is shown on the display air-conditioning display.
above the button . If LO or HI appears on the display, the system is
operating at maximum cooling or heating power.
Increasing temperature Automatic mode is switched off.
f Press button for the relevant air-
conditioned area upwards.
The preset temperature value is shown on the
air-conditioning display.
Once the parking heater is activated, it can
sometimes take several minutes for the interior
to warm up.
Switching off
f Press button .
The indicator light on the button goes out.
Power window switch in the passenger's door Power window switch in the rear door
Information Information
The rocker switches have a two-stage function. If a window is blocked during closing, it will stop
These two detent positions can be felt clearly and open again by several inches.
when you actuate the switch. If the window is blocked a second time within
approximately 10 seconds, one-touch operation
– First setting – manual operation
is disabled for this window.
If the switch in question is moved to the first
The window can be closed manually. The window
setting, the window is opened or closed
then closes with its full closing force.
The window stops when the switch is released. One-touch operation is enabled again once the
– Second setting – one-touch operation window has been closed completely using the
If the switch in question is moved completely manual closing function or after 10 seconds if the
to the second setting, the window is opened or switch is not actuated again.
closed automatically.
Actuate the switch again to stop the window at
the desired position.
A - Sliding/lifting roof element Operating the Panorama roof system
B - Fixed glass element Risk of damage when operating the Panorama The Panorama roof system is operated using the
roof system if roof attachments are not fitted
Panorama Roof System correctly.
switch in the overhead operating console.
The sliding roof switch has a two-stage function
The Panorama roof system comprises two roof
f Check that the roof attachments are properly for all directions of motion. These two detent
elements. fitted before starting to drive. positions can be felt clearly when you actuate the
Roof element A can be moved in the vehicle’s f Make sure that there is sufficient clearance switch.
longitudinal direction by actuating the switch. between the Panorama roof system and the – First setting – manual operation
It can also be raised. This allows improved interior fitted roof attachments.
If the switch is moved to the first setting in one
Operational readiness of the Panorama direction, the Panorama roof system is
Roof element B is a fixed glass element and
roof system adjusted manually in the relevant direction.
completes the Panorama roof system system.
Adjustment stops when the button is released.
The Panorama roof system is ready for operation:
– Second setting – one-touch operation
– When the ignition is switched on.
If the switch is moved completely to the
– After the ignition is switched off and before the
driver’s or passenger’s door is first opened, second setting, the Panorama roof system is
but for a maximum of 10 minutes. opened or closed automatically.
Actuate the switch again in any direction to
stop the Panorama roof system at the desired
Side lights
Side marker lights, license plate light,
instrument lighting, daytime driving lights
switched off.
Wipe at rear (intermittent wiping) Push switch B upwards to detent position INT.
Spray and wipe at rear Push switch B all the way down or all the way up from detent position INT.
f Clean the wiper blades with window cleaner at
regular intervals, especially after washing the
vehicle in a car wash.
We recommend Porsche window cleaner. If the
Headlight washer system Rear window wiper wiper blades are very dirty (e.g. soiled with
The washer sprays only while low beam or Switching on intermittent operation of rear insect remains), they can be cleaned with
high beam is activated. window wiper a sponge or cloth.
f Press button C under the wiper stalk. f Push switch B up to detent position INT. If the wiper blades rub or squeak, this may be due
f After every 10 wipes on the windshield, the to the following:
headlights are cleaned automatically as well. Switching off intermittent operation of rear
– If the vehicle is washed in an automatic car
The wipe count starts from zero again when window wiper
wash, wax residues may adhere to the
the low beam is switched off. f Push switch B down to detent position OFF. windshield. These wax residues can be
Manual wiping/washing removed only by using window cleaner
f Push switch B on the wiper stalk down from concentrate.
detent position OFF or up from detent f Please see the chapter “ADDING WASHER
position INT. FLUID” on page 247.
The washer system wipes as long as the f Contact your authorized Porsche dealer for
switch is pressed down. more information.
When the wiper stalk is released, a few drying – The wiper blades may be damaged or worn.
wipes are performed. f Replace damaged wiper blades immediately.
To prevent excessive temperatures, the cooling
air ducts must not be obstructed by covering
them (e.g. with film, “stone guards”, etc.).
Ending a call
1. Main menu: Select “Phone”
2. “End call”
and confirm.
One item of information cannot be assigned to
several areas or one area and the “Upper line”.
Oil temperature display defective The oil temperature is no longer monitored automatically. Have the fault corrected at an authorized
Porsche dealer.
Oil temperature too high Engine oil temperature too high. Switch off engine and let it cool down.
Check engine oil level. Add engine oil if necessary.
Engine temperature too high Coolant temperature too high. Switch off engine and allow to cool.
Check coolant level. Add coolant if necessary.
Warning light on the coolant Coolant display defective The coolant temperature is no longer monitored automatically. Have the fault corrected at an
temperature gauge flashes authorized Porsche dealer.
Start/Stop mode deactivated Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.
Boost pressure display defective The boost pressure display (Cayenne Turbo only) is defective. Have the fault corrected at an
authorized Porsche dealer.
Reduced engine power Consult an authorized Porsche dealer.
Please start engine manually Start the engine manually at the ignition.
Move gear lever to position P Tiptronic S transmission: Move selector lever to position P before removing key from ignition lock.
Danger: If the selector-lever is not in position P, the vehicle could roll away.
Move gear lever to position P or N Tiptronic S transmission:
Engine can only be started in selector-lever position P or N.
Gearbox emergency operation Restricted gearshift comfort,
have the fault corrected immediatelyat an authorized Porsche dealer.
Gearbox emergency operation No selector-lever position is displayed on the instrument panel.
The transmission remains in 3rd gear. Reverse gear can also be engaged.
Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.
Selector-lever position There is a problem with the selector-lever. It is not possible to engage a gear without pressing the
display flashes brake.
Have the fault corrected immediately at an authorized Porsche dealer.
Gearbox temperature too high Transmission temperature is too high. Engine torque will be reduced. Do not hold the vehicle with the
accelerator on a hill, for example. Hold the vehicle with the brake. Reduce engine load. Stop the
vehicle in a suitable place if possible. Allow the engine to run in selector-lever position P or N until the
warning disappears.
Press brake Tiptronic S transmission:
Apply the brake when starting.
Warning Brake force distribution Stop immediately in a suitable place. Do not continue driving.
Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.
Release electric parking brake Pull the electric parking brake switch.
Press brake pedal Press the brake pedal when releasing the electric parking brake.
Fault Electric parking brake Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.
Electric parking brake Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.
in service mode
Emergency braking function of electric parking brake active.
PSM turned on automatically Porsche Traction Management is overloaded. Reduce load. Or air spring, PDCC or rear differential
lock fault. Contact an authorized Porsche dealer if the fault persists.
Speed too high An off-road driving program can only be engaged at a speed of less than 20 mph (30 km/h). Reduce
Temp limit Porsche Traction Management is overloaded.
All-wheel dr. system Reduce load.
Reduce load
All-wheel dr. system overloaded Temporary failure of Porsche Traction Management. Reduce load.
All-wheel drive system fault Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.
Fault Differential lock Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.
Sport unavail. Engage on-road driving program in order to activate Sport mode.
with active off-road function
Sport unavailable Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.
Fuel gauge warning light on Mind remaining distance Refuel at the next opportunity.
Fault Fuel gage Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.
Check fuel tank cap Position tank cap correctly and screw on until it locks securely.
Airbag warning light failure Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.
Fault Ignition lock Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.
Ignition lock faulty Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.
Fault Porsche Entry & Drive Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.
Key not recognized Make sure that you have the car key with you.
Replace ignition key battery Replace the battery in the car key.
flashes Headlight control fault. Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.
Vehicle lightning fault Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.
Headlights adapted Headlights have been changed for countries with left/right-hand traffic
flashes Dynamic cornering light defective Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.
lights up Auto driving light Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.
control defective
Check static cornering light, The reported light is faulty. Check bulb.
left/right Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.
Rain/light sensor defective Switch on wipers/light manually. Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.
LCA temporarily unavailable LCA is temporarily unavailable due to weather conditions or traffic congestion.
Reactivate LCA by pressing the button.
Fault LCA Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.
LCA sensors blocked LCA sensors can be blocked by bicycle carriers, stickers, dirt or a build-up of ice, for example.
Remove these. Reactivate LCA by pressing the button.
LCA trailer mode not available LCA cannot be activated when towing a trailer.
ACC/PAS unavailable Adapt your speed and driving style. Have the adaptive cruise control or Porsche “Active Safe” fault
corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.
Fault Turn signal tones, acoustic warning and distance signals
Instrument cluster/ (e.g. for ParkAssist) are not available. Please remember this when parking, for example.
ParkAssist sound Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.
Fault Check Engine Have the fault corrected at an authorized Porsche dealer.
If cruise control and distance control was
interrupted using the control stalk 3 (OFF), it can
only be resumed again when the vehicle is moving
and no stationary objects are detected in front.
– The faster a vehicle is approaching, the earlier
the warning indicator on the door mirror lights
up. You are alerted to all vehicles detected by
Lane Change Assist when they are in the
“blind-spot area” at the latest.
– Changing lanes can already be critical for
vehicles approaching at speed if there is still
no indication on the door mirror.
Driving situation – vehicle approaching Driving situation – vehicle approaching
fast slowly
A – Warning indicator on door mirror does A – Warning indicator on door mirror does
not light up not light up
The sensors do not detect a vehicle. No lights on The sensors detect a slowly approaching vehicle –
warning indicator on door mirror. on the left lane in the example. Given the small
speed difference and the long distance, this is not
B – Warning indicator lights up in information
indicated on the door mirror.
The sensors detect a fast approaching vehicle – B – Warning indicator lights up in information
on the left lane in the example. This vehicle is stage
already regarded as critical for changing lanes The slowly approaching vehicle is now closer.
due to the significant speed difference even The warning indicator on the door mirror lights up
though it is still a good distance away. in information stage.
The warning indicator on the door mirror lights Only when Lane Change Assist regards the speed
up in information stage. difference and distance as critical for changing
lanes will this be indicated on the door mirror.
You are alerted to all vehicles detected by Lane
Change Assist when they are in the “blind-spot
area” at the latest.
– The faster a vehicle is approaching, the earlier
the warning indicator on the door mirror lights
up. You are alerted to all vehicles detected by
Lane Change Assist when they are in the
“blind-spot area” at the latest.
– Changing lanes can already be critical for
vehicles approaching at speed if there is still
no indication on the door mirror.
Driving situation – vehicles falling back Driving situation – vehicles falling back
slowly fast
A – Warning indicator on door mirror does A – Warning indicator on door mirror does
not light up not light up
Lane Change Assist has not yet detected the Lane Change Assist has not yet detected the
vehicle you have overtaken. No lights on warning vehicle you have overtaken. No lights on warning
indicator on door mirror. indicator on door mirror.
B – Warning indicator lights up in information
B – Warning indicator on door mirror does
not light up
Lane Change Assist detects the vehicle that is
Lane Change Assist detects the vehicle that is
falling back slowly (speed difference of less than
falling back fast (speed difference of more than
9 mph (15 km/h)) on the right. The warning
9 mph (15 km/h)) on the passenger’s side, but
indicator on the door mirror lights up in
does not regard it as critical for changing lanes
information stage.
because it is falling back fast. No lights on warning
C – Warning indicator flashes in warning indicator on door mirror.
When you set the turn signal in driving situation B, C – Warning indicator on door mirror does
the warning indicator on the door mirror will flash not light up
brightly several times. Lane Change Assist is When you set the turn signal in driving situation B,
telling you that you may have overlooked there is still no indication on the door mirror.
a vehicle.
– The number of differential locks that can be
engaged in the off-road driving program
depends on your vehicle equipment.
System/designation Scope
PTM – Active all-wheel drive with electronically regulated map-controlled multi-plate clutch
Porsche Traction Management
PTV Plus – Lateral dynamic braking for sportier and more agile cornering
Porsche Torque Vectoring – Electronically controlled rear differential lock
PSM – Driving stability control
Porsche Stability Management – Anti-lock brake system (ABS)
– Brake system prefilling
– Brake booster
– Automatic brake differential (ABD)
– Anti-slip regulation (ASR)
– Engine drag torque control (MSR)
Air suspension – Full load-bearing air-spring struts with integrated shock absorbers
with level control and height adjustment – Air supply system with pressure accumulator
PASM – Shock absorber system with adaptive, continuous shock absorber control
Porsche Active Suspension Management
PDCC – Active chassis control system to stabilize roll tendency of vehicle body when driving
Porsche Dynamic Chassis Control
– PHC is on.
– The speed must not exceed approx. 20 mph
(30 km/h).
– The gradient must be at least approx. 12 %.
– The driver does not accelerate or brake.
The last selected chassis setup is stored in the
memory after the ignition is switched off.
Inserting and adjusting the telescopic bar Inserting and adjusting the strap reel
1. Insert the two end elements of the telescopic The strap reel is stored together with the tie-down
bar in the openings A of the mounting rails. rings in the supplied bag in the luggage
2. Press the end elements down and push against compartment or in the spare-wheel well.
the load. When the bar is correctly positioned, 1. Take the strap reel out of the bag.
the load should no longer be able to move. 2. Press button B on the end element of the strap
3. Release the end elements. reel and pull both elements out to the width of
4. Check that the elements are locked in position the two mounting rails.
by pushing against them.
1. Insert the tie-down ring in the opening A of the 5. Insert the remaining tie-down rings.
mounting rail.
2. Press button C down and slide the tie-down
ring in the corresponding direction.
3. Release button C. The opposing tie-down rings must always be
4. Check that the tie-down ring is locked in inserted in the opposite direction.
position by pushing it.
f The retractable covers must be disengaged
when adjusting the rear seats (fore-and-aft
adjustment, backrest angle).
f When folding over the rear seat backrest,
first disengage the retractable cover from the
holder and guide it carefully back into the
retractor roller.
Maximum ski bag load (75 lbs (34 kg) total
– 4 pairs of normal carving skis with ski sticks
Ski Bag Loading and securing ski bag or
Snowboard or skis, can be transported neatly and 1. Move the rear seats to the furthest rear – 3 pairs of normal carving skis with ski sticks
without damaging the passenger compartment. position. and one snowboard.
Please see the chapter “REAR SEATS” on
NOTICE page 40.
Alternatively, remove the middle headrest.
The storage tray can only be opened when the
armrest is in the rear position.
Opening The tip of the cigarette lighter gets very hot when
f Press briefly on the ashtray.
in use.
f Do not leave children in the vehicle unattended.
Emptying f Never touch the heating element or sides of
f Open the ashtray. the lighter.
f Hold the insert at the lid and remove it. f Only hold the heated lighter by the knob.
Parking 225
When the driver is parking and maneuvering the
vehicle, ParkAssist indicates the distance
between the vehicle and an obstacle by means
of signal tones.
f For information on the ParkAssist visual
display and the rearview camera, please refer
also to the section “ParkAssist” in the
operating instructions for the Porsche
communication systems PCM and CDR.
ParkAssist is activated automatically when
reverse gear is selected and the ignition is on.
If the vehicle has front ParkAssist, this is also
active when
– the distance between the vehicle and an
obstacle in front is less than approx. 47 in.
(120 cm).
A warning signal sounds. Sensors Obstacles cannot be detected in the “blind”
– the distance between the vehicle and an Four ultrasound sensors A in the rear bumper and sensor area (above and below the sensors,
obstacle in front is less than approx. 32 in. four sensors B in the front bumper (depending on e.g. objects hanging down or close to the
(80 cm). vehicle equipment) measure the distance to the ground).
The ParkAssist visual display appears on the closest obstacle: h WARNING ParkAssist Limits
central screen of the Porsche communication – Range behind the vehicle: approx. 71 in.
system. (180 cm) Responsibility for parking and for assessing the
Front and rear ParkAssist is not active: – Range at the side of the vehicle: approx. 24 in. risk to persons around the vehicle lies completely
– At a speed of more than approx. 9 mph (60 cm) with the driver.
(15 km/h) or – Range in front of the vehicle: approx. 47 in. f Make sure that no persons, animals or
– When the electric parking brake is activated or (120 cm) obstacles are within the maneuvering area.
– Tiptronic selector lever is in position P. f If the continuous tone sounds, stop and do not
move your vehicle further in that direction.
226 Parking
h WARNING Care Required Parking
f The sensors must always be kept free of dust, Even when using ParkAssist, the driver is still
ice and snow in order to ensure that they are responsible for taking due care when parking and
fully functional. when assessing obstacles.
f Do not damage sensors by abrasion or A continuous tone sounds when there is a risk of
scratching. collision.
f Maintain sufficient distance when cleaning with f Do not drive rearward any further once
high-pressure cleaning equipment. a continuous tone sounds.
The sensors will be damaged if the pressure
is too high. Limits of ultrasonic measurement
– ParkAssist cannot detect sound-absorbing
Signal tones/function obstacles (e.g. winter driving, powder snow),
When reverse gear is selected, ParkAssist – sound-reflecting obstacles (such as glass
confirms that it is switched on by issuing a short surfaces and flat painted surfaces),
signal tone. – and very thin obstacles (e.g. thin posts).
If the vehicle has front ParkAssist, no signal tone Other ultrasound sources (such as the pneumatic
will be issued when reverse gear is selected. brakes of other vehicles and jack hammers) can Deactivating ParkAssist
f Press button A on the overhead operating
Instead, the ParkAssist visual display will interfere with the detection of obstacles.
appear on the central screen of the Porsche console.
communication system. The indicator light on the button lights up.
A detected obstacle is signalled by an ParkAssist is switched off.
intermittent tone. The intervals decrease as the
Fault indication
obstacle is approached.
If the distance drops to less than approx. 14 in. Correct operation is no longer guaranteed if there
(35 cm), a continuous tone sounds. is a temporary fault (e.g. caused by ice formation
f Set the radio volume so that the signal tones or heavy soiling on the sensors).
are not drowned out.
You can adjust the volume of the signal tones to
your own requirements.
For information on changing the signal tone
f Please see the chapter “ADJUSTING VOLUME
page 137.
Parking 227
ParkAssist is ready for operation again when the
h WARNING Backing Up and Using
interference has been eliminated. Camera
f Never rely solely on the rearview camera when
In the event of a permanent fault in ParkAssist,
a continuous tone sounds for three seconds after
backing up. You must always use methods of
reverse gear has been selected.
viewing the area behind you, including looking
Possible causes:
over both shoulders as well as continuously
– Dirt, ice or snow on the sensors.
checking all three rearview mirrors. Due to the
f Clean the sensors carefully. difficulty of insuring that the area behind you
– Defect or system fault.
remains clear, always backup slowly and stop
f Have the fault corrected at an authorized immediately if you even suspect that a person,
Porsche dealer.
and especially a child, might be behind you.
Towing a trailer The rearview camera is located on the underside
The ParkAssist rear monitoring area is switched of the tailgate.
off when the trailer’s power supply is plugged in. f Please refer to the chapter “REARVIEW
CAMERA” in the separate PCM/CDR operating
f Always keep the rearview camera clean and
Rearview Camera free of ice and snow so that vision is not
h WARNING Rearview Camera impaired.
For car care instructions:
f Please see the chapter “CAR CARE
The rearview camera is not a safety device. It
serves only to assist the driver in identifying
INSTRUCTIONS” on page 255.
objects directly behind the middle of the vehicle.
The camera does NOT cover the complete area
behind the vehicle. While the camera's display is
generally accurate, objects can be much closer
than they appear in the display screen and can be
distorted in both size and proportion.
228 Parking
Swivelling down mirror glass manually
If the function was deactivated on the multi-
purpose display, the door mirror on the
passenger’s side can also be swivelled down
1. Engage reverse gear.
The indicator light on the selection button A for
adjusting the door mirror on the driver’s side
lights up.
2. Press the selection button B for adjusting the
door mirror on the passenger’s side.
The mirror on the passenger’s side swivels
The position of the automatically lowered mirror
glass can be changed as required using the
Swivelling Down Mirror Glass as adjustment button C. On vehicles with driver Garage Door Opener
Parking Aid memory or comfort memory, this setting is stored The garage door opener of your Porsche replaces
When reverse gear is engaged, the mirror on the on the car key or the person buttons on the up to three original remote controls used to
passenger’s side swivels down slightly to show driver’s side. operate various devices (e.g. garage door, gate
the curb area. to your property, alarm system).
Moving mirror to its initial position You have the option of assigning up to 3 different
Preconditions The mirror swivels back to its initial position: signals to the buttons , and on the
– The ignition must be switched on. – after a certain time delay, if the vehicle is overhead operating console keypad, provided the
– The function must be activated on the shifted out of reverse gear, or original remote control is compatible with the
multi-purpose display. – immediately, if the vehicle reaches a speed of HomeLink® system.
For further information on setting the parking aid: more than 9 mph (15 km/h).
f Please see the chapter “LOWERING DOOR The door mirror on the passenger’s side can also Information
MIRROR ON PASSENGER'S SIDE WHEN be moved to its initial position manually.
f Please read the instructions for the original
PARKING” on page 134. f Press the selection button A for the door remote control.
mirror on the driver’s side.
Parking 229
Deleting programmed signals from the keys
h WARNING Garage Door Opener
Use This process deletes the standard factory-set
codes. Do not repeat this process if you want to
When opening and closing the equipment being
assign additional signals to the buttons.
operated, parts of the body could become
trapped or crushed.
f Keep the two outer buttons and on
f When using the garage door opener, ensure the overhead operating console keypad
pressed for approx. 20 seconds until the
that no persons, animals or objects are within
indicator light A on button starts to flash
the range of movement of the equipment that
is being operated.
f Observe the safety notes for the original Assigning garage door opener signal to key
remote control. with fixed code system
1. The standard factory-set codes must be
deleted before programming for the first time.
Information 2. Press and hold the desired button on the
f When the button is pressed, the transmitter overhead operating console keypad until the
unit sends the signal forward in direction of indicator light A on the button starts to
travel. flash slowly.
Always align the vehicle with the receiver. Operating the garage door opener You now have 5 minutes to teach the button.
Otherwise, range restrictions cannot be ruled f Press the corresponding button on the
out. overhead operating console keypad.
f Before selling the vehicle, delete the The indicator light A lights up during signal
programmed signals for the garage door transmission.
opener on the keypad.
f Please read the instructions for the original
Programming garage door opener:
remote control to find out whether the original
Deleting and storing signals
remote control has fixed or changeable code. Preconditions
In order to delete programmed signals and store
garage door opener signals,
– the ignition must be switched on and
– the turn signals must be off.
f When using the garage door opener, the
vehicle must be within the range of the
f Canada only:
If programming a garage door opener or gate,
it is advised to unplug the device during
“cycling” process to prevent possible motor
230 Parking
Assigning garage door opener signal to
button with changeable code system Information
1. The standard factory-set codes must be f Please consult an authorized Porsche dealer if
deleted before programming for the first time. you have not been able to successfully assign
2. Press and hold the desired button on the signals to the buttons even though you have
overhead operating console keypad until the carefully followed the instructions in this
indicator light A on the button starts to section and the operating instructions for the
flash slowly. original remote control. Your authorized
You now have 5 minutes to teach the button. Porsche dealer has a list of all garage door
3. Hold the original remote control approx. 12 in. opener signals that can be adapted.
(30 cm) away from the marked position f Make sure that the battery in the remote
(illustration) and press and hold the transmit control for the garage door opener is new.
button until the vehicle’s turn signal lights flash If the battery voltage is inadequate, faults may
on and off three times or the indicator light A occur in signal transmission. The system in the
starts flashing quickly. vehicle then learns the wrong code, which will
The turn signal lights flash three times and the not be recognized reliably by the garage door
indicator light A flashes quickly to confirm that opening mechanism.
3. Hold the original remote control approx. 12 in. the new signal has been programmed
(30 cm) away from the marked position successfully.
(illustration) and press and hold the transmit Several attempts with different distances
button until the vehicle’s turn signal lights flash between the vehicle and the original remote
on and off three times or the indicator light A control may be necessary.
starts flashing quickly. 4. To synchronize the system:
The turn signal lights flash three times and the Press the programming button on the receiver
indicator light A flashes quickly to confirm that of the garage door opener.
the new signal has been programmed Afterwards, you usually have approx.
successfully. 30 seconds to initiate step 5.
Several attempts with different distances 5. Press the button you selected in step 2 on
between the vehicle and the original remote the overhead operating console keypad.
control may be necessary. (You must press the button on the keypad
4. The turn signal lights will flash once when the several times to complete the setting process
5 minutes teaching time are up. for some devices.)
Repeat steps 2 to 3. 6. Repeat steps 2 to 5 to assign signals to the
f Repeat steps 2 to 4 to assign signals to the other buttons.
other buttons.
Parking 231
Reprogramming an individual button on
the keypad
1. Press and hold the button you want to program
on the overhead operating console keypad
(approx. 20 seconds) until the indicator light A
on the button starts to flash slowly.
You now have 5 minutes to teach the button.
2. Hold the original remote control approx. 12 in.
(30 cm) away from the marked position
(illustration) and press and hold the transmit
button until the vehicle’s turn signal lights flash
on and off three times or the indicator light A
starts flashing quickly.
The turn signal lights flash three times and the
indicator light A flashes quickly to confirm that
the new signal has been programmed
Several attempts with different distances
between the vehicle and the original remote
control may be necessary.
3. The turn signal lights will flash once when the
5 minutes teaching time are up.
Repeat steps 1 to 2.
f Repeat steps 1 to 3 to assign signals to the
other buttons.
232 Parking
Alarm System and Theft Protection
Alarm System and Passenger Compartment
Monitoring ................................................. 234
Immobilizer................................................ 237
Steering Column Lock ................................ 237
Theft Protection ......................................... 237
Radiator fans
The radiators and radiator fans are in the front of
the vehicle.
f If the fluid level drops significantly, please have
the cause remedied immediately by an
authorized Porsche dealer.
h DANGER Refueling Fires /
The RF energy from a cellphone can cause a
sparking on bare metal, much like aluminum foil in
a microwave oven. The spark could ignite gasoline
fumes present while refeuling.
f Do not use a cellphone while pumping gas.
h DANGER Refueling Fires / Static The correct fuel type for your vehicle is printed 3. Slowly unscrew the tank cap.
Electricity on a sticker on the inside of the filler flap. Put the tank cap into the holder (arrow).
Static discharge from your body can ignite 1. Stop the engine and switch off the ignition. 4. Add the fuel additive recommended by
gasoline fumes present when you get back out of 2. Open the filler flap by pressing on the rear Porsche if necessary.
the vehicle and touch the fuel nozzle. part of the filler flap (arrow). 5. Insert the pump nozzle fully into the filler neck.
f Do not re-enter the vehicle while pumping gas. The vehicle must be unlocked. The handle of the pump nozzle must point
Total capacity:
Cayenne, Cayenne S
approx. 22.45 US gallons (85 liters)
(26.42 US gallons (100 liters) optional)
The reserve is approx. 3.96 US gallons
(15 liters).
Cayenne Turbo
approx. 26.42 US gallons (100 liters).
The reserve is approx. 3.96 US gallons
(15 liters).
Emergency unlocking of the filler flap
Risk of damage to decorative film as a result of If the electrical unlocking mechanism is faulty,
contact with fuel. the filler flap can be opened as follows:
Decorative film can fade if it comes into contact f Pull emergency release strap behind the right
with fuel. luggage compartment trim panel.
f Wipe off any spilled fuel immediately. The filler flap pops open.
f Spacer, steel nuts and plastic covers should
be stored together.
f On vehicles with Tire Pressure Monitoring,
2. Remove wheel nuts. 3. Unscrew the wheel bolts A, which secure the the settings on the multi-purpose display must
spacer B. be updated after the wheel change:
4. Remove the spacer B. Please see the chapter “TIRE PRESSURE
5. Screw in assembly aid instead of wheel bolt. MONITORING (TPM)” on page 119.
6. Fit the wheel.
7. Secure the wheel using the wheel bolts A,
which were used to secure the spacer B.
Insert wheel bolts and tighten by hand.
Remove assembly aid and screw in remaining
wheel bolt.
Initially tighten bolts only slightly in diagonally
opposite sequence so that the wheel is
– The tire will revert to its original shape only
after several hours. Only then can it be stowed
in the spare wheel recess in the luggage
Spare wheel
h WARNING Full-Size Spare Hazards
The wheel size, tire size and tire quality of the
spare wheel and normal wheel can differ.
If a spare wheel is used that differs from the
normal tires used, this may impair the driving
f The spare wheel must be used only over short
distances in cases of emergency.
For safety reasons, replace the tires before Removing spare wheel from bracket 2. Unscrew the wheel holder.
the wear indicators appear (webs in the tire 3. Take the wheel out of the loadspace.
grooves, 1/16 in. (1.6 mm) high). h CAUTION Removing Spare Tire
f Never deactivate the Porsche Stability f Remove the spare wheel from the spare wheel
Fitting spare wheel on holder
Management (PSM) system. 1. Put the wheel into the wheel cover and close
f If the tire on the spare wheel is more than
bracket with care. The wheel is very heavy
the zip.
(up to approx. 77 lbs. (35 kg)).
4 years old, the spare wheel should be used 2. Lift the wheel and wheel cover into position.
only in the event of a flat tire. 1. Open the wheel cover (zip). 3. Open the zip and screw on the wheel holder.
f Avoid hard acceleration and high cornering
The maximum permitted speed is 50 mph
(80 km/h) if the fitted spare wheel differs
from the other three wheels on the vehicle.
This maximum speed must not be exceeded
because of altered driving characteristics and
for reasons of wear.
The headlights can mist up due to temperature
and humidity. Removing headlights 5. Pull headlight approx. 4 in. (10 cm) forward
f To ensure optimum ventilation, do not cover 1. Switch off the ignition and remove the ignition out of the fender.
the gap between headlight and body. key, or pull out the control unit on vehicles with 6. Press back the release tab of the connector
Porsche Entry & Drive. and pull off connector.
2. Open the engine compartment lid. 7. Pull headlight out completely.
3. Take a socket wrench out of the tool kit.
4. Place the socket wrench on the release and
turn in direction of arrow until you feel and hear
the headlight being released.
f Always observe the laws governing towing and We urge that wherever possible, a car transporter
tow-starting. or trailer be used to transport a Cayenne vehicle
Height adjustment
f Exercise extreme care when your vehicle is that cannot move under its own power. This is the
1. Switch ignition on. safest way to transport a down vehicle.
being towed.
2. Switch on low beam.
Before starting off, both drivers should For those instances where a car transporter or
3. Open engine compartment lid.
familiarize themselves with the special trailer is not available, the vehicle may be towed
4. Place allen key (6 mm) on adjusting screw.
conditions that apply to tow-starting and on all four axles only, provided the following
5. Adjust low beam in direction of the arrow.
towing. conditions are strictly met. Failure to meet these
conditions will result in serious and expensive
damage to the Tiptronic S transmission.
If the vehicle's transmission or shifter is already
damaged, serious damage will result if the vehicle
is not towed with all four wheels off the ground.
Porsche cannot be held responsible for damage
incurred in cases where a vehicle has been
transported on one or both of its axles.
Spare wheel 6.5 x 18, rim offset 28 6.5 x 19, rim offset 28
Collapsible spare wheel 195/75-18 106P 195/75-18 106P
Collapsible spare wheel for vehicles
Porsche Ceramic Composite Brake 195/65-19 106P 195/65-19 106P
f The load condition of the vehicle must be set on the multi-purpose display. The tire pressure must be changed according to the vehicle load.
Please see the chapter “SELECTING “CHARGE” IN THE TIRE PRESSURE MENU” on page 121.
FA = front axle, RA = rear axle
The comfort tire pressure speed threshold permitted for your vehicle depends on the national type standardisation and is displayed under
“Comfort pressure” in the “Tire pressure” menu on the multi-purpose display on the on-board computer.
Comfort tire pressure is only available on vehicles with Tire Pressure Monitoring (TPM).
Cayenne, Cayenne S Cayenne Turbo
Part load Full load Part load Full load
Summer, snow and all-season tires
f The load condition of the vehicle must be set on the multi-purpose display. The tire pressure must be changed according to the vehicle load.
Please see the chapter “SELECTING “CHARGE” IN THE TIRE PRESSURE MENU” on page 121.
FA = front axle, RA = rear axle
Depending on equipment.
Cayenne, Cayenne S Cayenne Turbo
Length 190.8 in. (4846 mm) 190.7 in. (4845 mm)
Width 76.3 in. (1939 mm) 76.3 in. (1939 mm)
Width with exterior mirrors 84.8 in. (2155 mm) 84.8 in. (2155 mm)
Height at normal level, 18/19-inch air springs
Height at normal level 66.89 in. (1699 mm) 67.01 in. (1702 mm)
Height at normal level (roof rails) 67.6 in. (1717 mm) 67.76 in. (1721 mm)
Height at normal level
71.38 in. (1813 mm) 71.54 in. (1817 mm)
(basic roof transport system carrier)
Height at normal level with tailgate open 85.91 in. (2182 mm) 86.06 in. (2186 mm)
Up to 21.85 in. (555 mm) for vehicles with air suspension in special terrain level.
316 Index
Switching on and off......................................... 153 B Breaking in
Automatic (Tiptronic S) Engine ................................................................ 5
Functional description....................................... 180 Baby seat Engine oil and fuel consumption during
Gear selector................................................... 181 Installing with LATCH system ...............................53 break-in period .................................................... 5
Rocker switches on the steering wheel ................ 57 LATCH restraint system.......................................53 Hints................................................................... 5
Automatic brake differential (ABD) Prescribed installation direction (depending on New brake pads and brake discs .......................... 5
Functional description....................................... 190 weight of child)...................................................50 New tires ............................................................ 5
Automatic Coming Home lights, courtesy lighting Battery........................................................................178 Brief overview
Entry function .................................................... 93 Care................................................................291 Air conditioning, front control panel ..................... 63
Welcome Home function ..................................... 93 Changing in car key ..........................................294 Air conditioning, rear control panel ...................... 64
Automatic driving light assistant Charging..........................................................293 Opening and locking from outside ....................... 20
Automatic headlight leveling, functional Emergency starting with jumper cables ..............292 Windshield wipers .............................................. 98
description ........................................................ 92 General information ..........................................290 Bulbs
Daytime driving lights ......................................... 92 Installation position ...........................................290 Changing bulb for auxiliary high-beam headlight.. 298
Dynamic cornering light ...................................... 93 Jump-lead starting ............................................292 Changing bulb for license plate light .................. 300
Low beam ......................................................... 92 Procedure after connection ...............................292 Changing bulb for number plate light ................. 300
Porsche Dynamic Lighting System (PDLS) ............ 91 Replacing.........................................................291
Vehicle electrical system voltage indication.........107
Static cornering light .......................................... 93
Switching on ...................................................... 91 Winter driving...................................................291 C
Automatic headlight leveling Before driving off .............................................................3 Car and trailer weight .................................................. 312
Functional description......................................... 92 Belt tensioner Car care
Automatic speed control (cruise control) Functional description .........................................44 Airbags ........................................................... 260
Accelerating .................................................... 158 Belts Alcantara ........................................................ 260
Decelerating .................................................... 159 Adjusting the belt height......................................45 Alloy wheels .................................................... 259
Functional description....................................... 158 Belt tensioner functional description.....................44 Cleaning the engine compartment..................... 257
Interrupting operation ....................................... 159 Care instructions ..............................................260 Decorative film ................................................ 256
Storing speed .................................................. 158 Fastening...........................................................45 Fabric linings ................................................... 260
Switching off.................................................... 159 Opening belt buckle ............................................45 Headlights, plastic components, adhesive film ... 258
Switching on .................................................... 158 Warning light on the tachometer ..........................44 Laying up your Porsche.................................... 260
AUX interface, installation position ................................ 178 Bi-Xenon headlight Leather ........................................................... 259
Auxiliary heater Changing bulb for auxiliary high-beam headlight ..298 Paint............................................................... 257
Operation .......................................................... 77 Installing headlights ..........................................296 Safety belts..................................................... 260
Programming................................................... 115 Boost pressure gauge (Cayenne Turbo) .........................106 Seals .............................................................. 259
Auxiliary high-beam headlight Brake booster .............................................................156 Seat belts ....................................................... 260
Changing bulb.................................................. 298 Brake fluid Underbody protection ...................................... 258
Installing headlights .......................................... 296 Changing .........................................................246 Washing the vehicle, instructions....................... 256
Warning light on speedometer ...........................246 Wheel bolts ..................................................... 275
Brake pads Windows ......................................................... 257
Breaking in new brake pads ..................................5 Car key (remote control)
Warning message, brakes .................................157 Changing battery ............................................. 294
Brake pedal.................................................................156 Emergency operation of key in ignition lock ....... 149
Brake wear Locking vehicle door .......................................... 23
Warning message.............................................157 Opening/closing slide/tilt roof............................. 86
Brakes Opening/closing sliding/lifting roof...................... 84
Applying/releasing electric parking brake ...........154 Opening/closing windows (without Porsche
Brake pad warning message .............................157 Entry & Drive) .................................................... 82
Brake pedal .....................................................156 Unlocking vehicle door ....................................... 22
Brake wear warning message............................157 Car Telephone............................................................. 177
Break in new brake pads.......................................5
Footbrake ........................................................155
Test stand................................................194, 241
Break in hints ..................................................................5
Index 317
Care instructions Chassis setup Control systems
Airbags ........................................................... 260 Functional description.......................................197 Overview (PTM, PTV Plus, PSM, PASM, PDCC).... 188
Alcantara......................................................... 260 Selecting .........................................................197 Coolant
Alloy wheels .................................................... 259 Check Engine (emission control) Antifreeze ....................................................... 245
Car washing .................................................... 256 Functional description.......................................107 Checking level ................................................. 244
Carpet ............................................................ 260 Warning light on the tachometer ........................107 Temperature gauge ......................................... 105
Cleaning the engine compartment ..................... 257 Child lock Cooling system
Fabric linings ................................................... 260 Enabling/disabling opening of rear doors Warning on multi-purpose display ...................... 105
Headlights, plastic components, adhesive film.... 258 from inside ........................................................30 Cornering light
Laying up your Porsche .................................... 260 Enabling/disabling power windows switches Dynamic ........................................................... 93
Leather ........................................................... 259 in the rear doors ................................................82 Installing headlights ......................................... 296
Mats ............................................................... 260 Switching rear control panel on/off ......................74 Static ............................................................... 93
Paintwork ........................................................ 257 Child restraint anchorages..............................................53 Crankcase ventilation .................................................. 249
Safety belts ..................................................... 260 Child restraint system Crossing obstacles ..................................................... 202
Seals .............................................................. 259 Installing with LATCH system ...............................53 Cruise control
Seat belts........................................................ 260 LATCH restraint system ......................................53 Accelerating.................................................... 158
Underbody protection....................................... 258 Child seat Decelerating ................................................... 159
Wheel bolts ..................................................... 275 Installing with LATCH system ...............................53 Functional description ...................................... 158
Windows ......................................................... 257 LATCH restraint system ......................................53 Interrupting operation ...................................... 159
Cargo management system Prescribed installation direction Storing speed ................................................. 158
Inserting and adjusting the strap reel ................. 205 (depending on weight of child) .............................50 Switching off ................................................... 159
Inserting and adjusting the telescopic bar .......... 205 Child seat bracket..........................................................53 Switching on ................................................... 158
Inserting and adjusting tie-down rings ................ 207 Cigarette lighter...........................................................218 Cupholder .................................................................. 216
Overview ......................................................... 205 Front, using .....................................................218 In rear armrest, opening................................... 217
Carpet, care instructions.............................................. 260 Cleaning the engine compartment.................................257
Catalytic converter ...................................................... 250
Check Engine (Emission control)........................ 107
Closing sliding/lifting roof ...................................83
Center armrest Closing tailgate automatically ..............................27 Data bank for vehicle data, position.............................. 307
Opening rear storage compartment................... 217 Locking vehicle door from inside .........................29 Daytime driving lights .................................................... 92
Center differential lock Persons/animals remaining in the vehicle .............23 Decorative film, cleaning instructions............................ 256
Engaging......................................................... 185 Tailgate .............................................................25 Defrosting windshield .................................................... 68
Central locking Vehicle door with car key (remote control) ............23 Air-conditioning system ...................................... 68
Locking the tailgate............................................ 25 Vehicle door with Porsche Entry & Drive (keyless) .23 Differential locks
Locking vehicle door with car key (remote control) 23 Cockpit Engaging center differential lock ....................... 185
Locking vehicle door with Porsche Entry & Drive .. 23 Adjusting lighting ................................................93 Engaging rear differential lock .......................... 185
Opening and locking vehicle door from inside ....... 29 Engine oil temperature gauge............................105 Dimensions ................................................................ 314
Unlocking and opening tailgate............................ 24 Multi-purpose display ........................................105 Dimming
Unlocking vehicle door with car key Odometer ........................................................106 Adjusting brightness of instrument lighting........... 93
(remote control) ................................................. 22 Speedometer...................................................105 Adjusting brightness of interior lighting................ 96
Unlocking vehicle door with Porsche Entry & Drive 22 Tachometer .....................................................105 Direction indicator light, front
Central locking system Cockpit Canada models Installing headlights ......................................... 296
Functional description......................................... 19 Warning and indicator lights, overview................104 Direction indicator pilot light, front
Changing bulb for license plate light.............................. 300 Cockpit USA Model Installing headlights ......................................... 296
Changing bulb for side marker light .............................. 299 Warning and indicator lights, overview................103 Direction indicator, stalk ................................................ 94
Changing button assignment on multi-function steering Collapsible spare wheel in the luggage compartment......283 Displacement, Technical data....................................... 308
wheel ......................................................................... 136 Comfort memory ...........................................................38 Display on multi-purpose display
Changing wheels ......................................................... 275 Comfort pressure Overview of warning messages......................... 139
Chassis control systems Selecting .........................................................122 Displaying average fuel consumption ............................ 113
Overview (PTM, PTV Plus, PSM, PASM, PDCC) .... 188 Speed warning .................................................122
Chassis number, position ............................................. 307 Compass on the dashboard..........................................108
318 Index
Door Driving through water, tips on driving.............................201 Filler opening................................................... 244
De-icing door lock ............................................ 256 Driving with a trailer .....................................................224 General information.................................. 241, 242
Locking if persons/animals are remaining DVD Oil-level warning on the multi-purpose display ..... 242
in vehicle ........................................................... 23 Installation location ...........................................178 Pressure gauge ............................................... 106
Locking with car key (remote control) .................. 23 Navigation .......................................................178 Temperature gauge.......................................... 105
Locking with Porsche Entry & Drive (keyless)........ 23 Player..............................................................178 Entry & Drive
Switching child lock for rear doors on/off ............ 30 Dynamic cornering light..................................................93 Locking vehicle door with Porsche Entry & Drive .. 23
Unlocking with car key (remote control)................ 22 Switching off interior surveillance with Porsche
Unlocking with Porsche Entry & Drive (keyless)..... 22
Door locking, automatic ................................................. 23
E Entry & Drive................................................... 235
Unlocking vehicle door with Porsche Entry & Drive 22
Door mirror Electric parking brake Error messages
Adjusting ........................................................... 55 Automatic parking brake release upon driving off 154 Overview of warning messages......................... 139
Adjusting as parking aid...................................... 56 Emergency braking function ..............................154 Exhaust pipes ................................................................. 2
Folding in........................................................... 55 Operating ........................................................154 External audio source, interface ................................... 178
Folding out ........................................................ 55 Releasing.........................................................154
Testing on brake test stand ...............................241
Storing settings (memory)................................... 55
Door mirror heating Warning light ....................................................154 F
Switching on/off ................................................ 76 Emergency key..............................................................19 Fabric linings (care instructions) ................................... 260
Door mirrors Emergency operation Fastening points in luggage compartment ..................... 204
Additional door mirrors when towing a trailer...... 224 Ignition key in ignition lock.................................149 Faults
Driving with a trailer ......................................... 224 Panorama roof system........................................88 Emergency operation of ignition key in
Switching heating on/off ..................................... 56 Powerlift tailgate ................................................29 ignition lock..................................................... 149
When towing a trailer........................................ 224 Selector lever for Tiptronic S.............................184 Emergency operation of powerlift tailgate ............ 29
Door opening in an emergency situation .......................... 23 Sliding/lifting roof ...............................................88 Emergency operation of sliding/lifting roof........... 88
Drawbar load .............................................................. 312 Tailgate..............................................................32 Emergency operation of tailgate ......................... 32
Drive-Off Assistant ....................................................... 192 Emergency spare wheel, general information .................284 Emergency operation of Tiptronic gear selector . 184
Driver memory .............................................................. 38 Emergency starting with jumper cables for flat battery....292 Emergency unlocking of the filler flap ................ 253
Driving Emergency starting with jumper cables, external power Overview of warning messages......................... 139
Load ............................................................... 223 supply.........................................................................292 ParkAssist....................................................... 227
Trailer ............................................................. 224 Emergency unlocking Power windows ................................................. 83
Driving off Filler flap..........................................................253 Sliding/lifting roof .............................................. 88
Assistance when driving off uphill ...................... 192 Emission control (Check Engine) When opening and locking .................................. 32
Automatic parking brake release upon driving off 154 Functional description .......................................107 Filler flap
Driving off-road Warning light on the tachometer ........................107 Emergency unlocking ....................................... 253
Crossing obstacles........................................... 202 Engine Filling capacities
Driving off-road on downhill gradients, Break in hints .......................................................5 Coolant ........................................................... 313
tips on driving .................................................. 200 Checking oil level..............................................113 Engine oil ........................................................ 313
Driving off-road on on uphill gradients, Cooling system ................................................105 Overview......................................................... 313
tips on driving .................................................. 200 Oil-level gauge..................................................113 Overview of fluids and fuels .............................. 313
Driving systems for off-road driving.................... 199 Starting ...........................................................151 Washer fluid .................................................... 313
Driving through water, tips on driving ................. 201 Starting automatically (Auto Start Stop function) .152 Filter
Engaging center differential lock ....................... 185 Starting manually (Auto Start Stop function)........152 Air cleaner, maintenance instructions ................ 248
Engaging rear differential lock........................... 185 Stopping..........................................................151 Particle filter, maintenance instructions.............. 248
Rules for driving............................................... 199 Stopping automatically (Auto Start Stop function) 152 Fire extinguisher, storage location .................................. 42
Sand, tips on driving......................................... 202 Technical data ..................................................308 First aid kit (storage location) ....................................... 264
Setting special terrain level ............................... 196 Engine drag torque control (MSR) Floor mats, care instructions........................................ 260
Setting terrain level .......................................... 196 Functional description .......................................190 Fluids and fuels
Track ruts, tips on driving ................................. 202 Engine oil ....................................................................241 Coolant ........................................................... 313
Driving off-road on on uphill gradients, tips on driving ..... 200 Change quantity ...............................................313 Engine oil ........................................................ 313
Driving performance, Technical data ............................. 314 Choosing the right oil........................................242 Fuel ................................................................ 313
Driving programs for on-road and off-road driving........... 184 Consumption....................................................308 Washer fluid .................................................... 313
Engine oil pressure ...........................................139
Index 319
Fog lights Glove box I
Switching on...................................................... 91 Locking ...........................................................215
Folding wedges to prevent rolling ................................. 276 Opening...........................................................215 Identification number, position...................................... 307
Footbrake Glove compartment Ignition lock
Safety notes .................................................... 155 Cooling..............................................................75 Emergency operation of the key ....................... 149
Front seat Gross weight ...............................................................221 Functional description ...................................... 148
Adjusting ........................................................... 37 Immobilizer
Functional description ...................................... 237
Adjusting seat position ....................................... 37
Retrieving settings (memory)............................... 39
H Switching on/off .............................................. 237
Storing settings (memory) .................................. 39 Handbrake (electric parking brake) Inclination sensor
Front seats ............................................................. 35, 37 Operating ........................................................154 Function indication ........................................... 236
Front windshield wipers Releasing.........................................................154 Switching off with button in door handle
Adjusting the rain sensor sensitivity ................... 100 Headlight beam adjustment ..........................................224 (Porsche Entry & Drive) .................................... 235
Switching on rain sensor..................................... 99 Headlight leveling (automatic) Switching off with car key................................. 235
Windshield wiper/washer system....................... 100 Functional description.........................................92 Indicator lights Canada models .................................... 104
Windshield, fast wiping ..................................... 100 Headlights Indicator lights USA model........................................... 103
Windshield, slow wiping ...................................... 99 Adjusting .........................................................301 Inserting and adjusting tie-down rings
Wiping windshield once (one-touch operation) ..... 100 Before driving with a trailer ...............................224 (cargo management system)........................................ 207
Fuel Care instructions ..............................................258 Instrument cluster
Economy......................................................... 250 Changing bulb for auxiliary high-beam headlight ..298 Adjusting lighting ............................................... 93
Evaporation control .......................................... 254 Installing ..........................................................296 Engine oil temperature gauge ........................... 105
Fuel can .......................................................... 253 Operating washer system..................................101 Multi-purpose display ....................................... 105
Fuel gauge ...................................................... 107 Headrests Odometer ....................................................... 106
Fuels containing ethanol ................................... 254 Adjusting ...........................................................35 Speedometer .................................................. 105
Octane rating................................................... 251 Removing and installing ......................................36 Tachometer..................................................... 105
Portable fuel containers........................................ 3 Heated rear window Instrument cluster Canada models
Quality ............................................................ 251 Switching on/off.................................................76 Warning and indicator lights, overview ............... 104
Recommendation ............................................. 254 Heating, air conditioning.................................................66 Instrument cluster USA model
Refueling ......................................................... 251 Height adjustment Warning and indicator lights, overview ............... 103
Refuelling ........................................................ 251 Lowering the vehicle.........................................196 Instrument panel
Tank capacity .................................................. 313 Overview .........................................................195 Adjusting lighting ............................................... 93
Fuel can...................................................................... 253 Raising the vehicle............................................196 Engine oil temperature gauge ........................... 105
Fuel containers, portable ................................................. 3 Warning message on the multi-purpose display ...196 Multi-purpose display ....................................... 105
Fuel reserve................................................................ 252 High beam headlight ......................................................94 Odometer ....................................................... 106
Fuse Installing headlights ..........................................296 Speedometer .................................................. 105
Changing fuses................................................ 286 Stalk .................................................................94 Tachometer..................................................... 105
High-beam headlight Instrument panel Canada models.................................. 104
Changing bulb (auxiliary high-beam headlight) .....298 Warning and indicator lights, overview ............... 104
G Hillholder (Drive-off Assistant) Instrument panel USA model ........................................ 103
Garage door opener Functional description.......................................192 Warning and indicator lights, overview ............... 103
Deleting programmed signals ........................... 230 HOLD function Interior mirror
Functional description....................................... 229 Functional description.......................................192 Switching automatic anti-dazzle function on/off .... 56
Operating ........................................................ 230 HomeLink (garage door opener) Interior surveillance ..................................................... 236
Programming signal (changeable code system) .. 231 Deleting programmed signals............................230 Switching off with button in door handle (Porsche
Programming signal (fixed code system)............ 230 Functional description.......................................229 Entry & Drive).................................................. 235
Gear display for Tiptronic S .......................................... 181 Operating ........................................................230 Switching off with car key................................. 235
Gear selector (Tiptronic S) Programming signal (changeable code system) ..231 iPod®/USB interface, installation position..................... 178
Automatic........................................................ 181 Programming signal (fixed code system) ............230
Changing the selector-lever position .................. 180 Hot exhaust pipes............................................................2
Display on the multi-purpose display .................. 181
Emergency operation ....................................... 184
Selector-Lever Positions ................................... 181
320 Index
J Light switch Locks
AUTO function ....................................................91 Engaging center differential lock ....................... 185
Jack Overview ...........................................................91 Engaging rear differential lock .......................... 185
Information on raising vehicles with Lights Low beam
air suspension ................................................. 197 Care instructions ..............................................258 Switching on/off ................................................ 91
Safety information on raising the vehicle ............ 279 Replacing Bulbs................................................294 Low beam headlight
Storage location in luggage compartment.......... 274 Switching front/rear reading lights on/off .............96 Installing headlights.......................................... 296
Jump-lead starting for flat battery ................................. 292 Switching interior lights on/off automatically.........97 Luggage
Jump-lead starting, external power supply ..................... 292 Switching on when leaving the vehicle ..................93 General information on loading.......................... 221
When towing a trailer ........................................224 Luggage compartment cover,
K Load...........................................................................223 pulling out/retracting ....................................... 208
Key General information on loading ..........................221 Position of tie-down rings ................................. 204
Changing battery.............................................. 294 Installing luggage compartment cover................209 Luggage compartment
Emergency operation, ignition lock .................... 149 Luggage compartment cover, Cargo management system .............................. 205
Locking vehicle door .......................................... 23 pulling out/retracting ........................................208 Closing the floor .............................................. 204
Opening/closing sliding/lifting roof ................ 84, 86 Position of tie-down rings ..................................204 Closing the tailgate ............................................ 25
Removing emergency key ................................... 19 Removing luggage compartment cover ..............209 Opening floor .................................................. 204
Replacement keys .............................................. 18 Stowing ...................................................223, 224 Overview......................................................... 204
Unlocking vehicle door........................................ 22 Loading Position of tie-down rings ................................. 204
Keys............................................................................. 18 General information ..........................................221 Setting loading level......................................... 196
Installing luggage compartment cover................209 Tailgate............................................................. 24
Lowering the vehicle for loading ........................196 Luggage compartment cover
L Luggage compartment cover, Installing ......................................................... 209
Lane Change Assist (LCA) ............................................ 170 pulling out/retracting ........................................208 Pulling out ....................................................... 208
Operating principle ........................................... 172 Luggage safety net...........................................209 Removing........................................................ 209
Setting display brightness on door mirror........... 131 Position of tie-down rings ..................................204 Retracting ....................................................... 208
Switching on and off......................................... 171 Removing luggage compartment cover ..............209
Large roof
Functional description......................................... 85
Setting loading level .........................................196
Loadspace ..................................................................223
Opening/closing roll-up sunblind .......................... 87 Cargo management system...............................205 Maintenance work
Roller blind cleaning position ............................... 88 Closing the floor...............................................204 Adding washer fluid.......................................... 246
LATCH system............................................................... 53 Opening floor ...................................................204 Changing air cleaner ........................................ 248
Fastening .......................................................... 53 Overview .........................................................204 Changing particle filter ..................................... 248
Installing a child seat .......................................... 53 Position of tie-down rings ..................................204 Checking engine oil level .................................. 242
Prescribed installation direction of child seat Setting loading level .........................................196 Checking the coolant level and adding coolant ... 244
(depending on weight of child) ............................. 50 Lock, child lock Notes on maintenance ............................. 239, 262
Leather, care instructions............................................. 259 Enabling/disabling opening of rear doors Topping Up Engine Oil ...................................... 242
Level control from inside.........................................................30 Make-up mirror ............................................................. 60
Lowering the vehicle......................................... 196 Enabling/disabling power windows switches in the Malfunctions
Lowering the vehicle for loading ........................ 196 rear doors .........................................................82 Emergency operation of ignition key
Overview ......................................................... 195 Switching rear control panel on/off ......................74 in ignition lock ................................................. 149
Raising the vehicle ........................................... 196 Locking Emergency operation of powerlift tailgate ............ 29
Setting loading level ......................................... 196 Locking the tailgate ............................................25 Emergency operation of sliding/lifting roof........... 88
Setting low level............................................... 196 Locking vehicle door from inside .........................29 Emergency operation of tailgate ......................... 32
Setting normal level.......................................... 196 Locking vehicle door with car key (remote control) 23 Emergency unlocking of the filler flap ................ 253
Setting special terrain level ............................... 196 Locking vehicle door with Porsche Entry & Drive...23 Overview of warning messages......................... 139
Setting terrain level .......................................... 196 Persons/animals remaining in the vehicle .............23 ParkAssist....................................................... 227
Warning message on the multi-purpose display... 196 Tailgate..............................................................25 Power windows ................................................. 83
Light Vehicle door with car key (remote control) ......21, 23 Powerlift tailgate................................................ 29
Headlight flasher ................................................ 94 Vehicle door with Porsche Entry & Drive (keyless) .23 Tiptronic selector lever emergency operation..... 184
Switching on Welcome Home function.................. 93 When opening and locking .................................. 32
Index 321
Manual headlight beam adjustment ............................... 224 Retrieving vehicle information ............................112 Oil.............................................................................. 241
Manual transmission Selecting a radio station ...................................116 Change quantity .............................................. 313
Shift pattern .................................................... 179 Tire Pressure Monitoring ...................................119 Checking level ................................................. 113
Maximum permitted engine speed ................................ 179 Tire pressure warnings .....................................124 Choosing the right oil....................................... 242
Memory........................................................................ 38 Trip information ................................................118 Consumption....................................................... 5
Retrieving seat settings ...................................... 39 Using the telephone..........................................117 General information ................................. 241, 242
Retrieving vehicle settings .................................. 39 Level gauge .................................................... 113
Storing seat settings .......................................... 39
Storing vehicle settings ...................................... 39
N Oil pressure .................................................... 139
Oil-level warning on the multi-purpose display ..... 242
Memory buttons ............................................................ 39 Navigation system .......................................................178 Pressure gauge ............................................... 106
Minor repairs Operating via multi-purpose display....................116 Temperature gauge ......................................... 105
In the event of a flat tire.................................... 276 On-board computer
Jack in the luggage compartment ..................... 274 O Gear display for Tiptronic S .............................. 181
Securing the vehicle against rolling.................... 276 Octane rating ..............................................................254 Measuring oil level ........................................... 113
Storage location of first aid kit .......................... 264 Octane rating, petrol ....................................................251 Multi-purpose display ....................................... 108
Mirrors ....................................................................... 224 Odometer Operating principle .......................................... 108
Additional door mirrors when towing a trailer...... 224 Display ............................................................106 Overview of warning messages......................... 139
Adjusting door mirrors........................................ 55 Resetting .........................................................106 Tire Pressure Monitoring .................................. 119
Adjusting door mirrors as parking aid .................. 56 Off delay Opening and closing
Automatic anti-dazzle door mirrors ...................... 56 Switching on ......................................................93 Closing tailgate automatically ............................. 27
Folding in door mirrors ....................................... 55 Off-road Engine compartment lid ..................................... 31
Folding out door mirrors ..................................... 55 Crossing obstacles...........................................202 Loadspace floor .............................................. 204
Make-up mirror .................................................. 60 Driving off-road on downhill gradients, Luggage compartment floor ............................. 204
Storing door mirror settings (memory)................. 55 tips on driving ..................................................200 Roll-up sunblind for Panorama roof system .......... 87
Switching automatic anti-dazzle function Driving off-road on on uphill gradients, Slide/tilt roof ..................................................... 83
on and off ......................................................... 56 tips on driving ..................................................200 Opening and closing engine compartment lid .................. 31
Switching door mirror heating on/off ................... 56 Driving systems for off-road driving....................199 Opening and closing the engine compartment lid............. 31
Vanity mirror...................................................... 60 Driving through water, tips on driving .................201 Opening and locking
MONO button Engaging center differential lock........................185 Locking vehicle door with car key (remote control) 23
Air-conditioning system....................................... 68 Engaging rear differential lock ...........................185 Locking vehicle door with Porsche Entry & Drive .. 23
Motion sensor (interior surveillance) Rules for off-road driving...................................199 Opening and locking vehicle door from inside ...... 29
Switching off with button in door handle (Porsche Sand, tips on driving.........................................202 Unlocking vehicle door with car key
Entry & Drive) .................................................. 235 Setting special terrain level ...............................196 (remote control)................................................. 22
Switching off with car key ................................. 235 Setting terrain level ..........................................196 Unlocking vehicle door with Porsche Entry & Drive 22
Multi-function steering wheel Track ruts, tips on driving .................................202 Operating in other countries......................................... 251
Assigning MFS button....................................... 136 Off-road ABS, functional description ..............................192 Operating overview
Functional description......................................... 59 Off-road driving Air-conditioning system, front.............................. 70
MFS button...................................................... 109 Crossing obstacles...........................................202 Operating the horn ........................................................ 57
Telephone function ............................................. 59 Driving off-road on downhill gradients, Oxygen sensor ........................................................... 249
Multi-purpose display ................................................... 105 tips on driving ..................................................200
Activating functions, opening menus and viewing
options............................................................ 110
Driving off-road on uphill gradients, P
tips on driving ..................................................200 Paintwork
Browsing through long lists............................... 110 Driving through water, tips on driving .................201
Checking oil level ............................................. 113 Care instructions ............................................. 257
Engaging center differential lock........................185 Polishing ......................................................... 257
Display areas................................................... 110 Engaging rear differential lock ...........................185
Gear display for Tiptronic S............................... 181 Preserving ...................................................... 257
Rules for driving ...............................................199 Removing spots and stains............................... 257
Operating navigation system ............................. 116 Sand, tips on driving.........................................202
Operating principle........................................... 108 Repairing damage ........................................... 257
Track ruts, tips on driving .................................202 Panic button ................................................................. 18
Operating with multi-function steering wheel ....... 109 Off-road PSM functional description...............................190
Operating with steering wheel lever ................... 110
Overview of warning messages ......................... 139
322 Index
Panorama roof system PDCC (Porsche Dynamic Chassis Control)......................198 Porsche Traction Management (PTM)
Emergency operation ......................................... 88 Functional description .......................................198 Overview......................................................... 188
Functional description......................................... 85 Overview .........................................................188 Power steering
Opening/closing roll-up sunblind .......................... 87 Warning message on the multi-purpose display ...198 Checking and adding hydraulic fluid................... 247
Opening/closing with car key (remote control) ...... 86 Performance tests on roller-type test stands ..................241 Power windows
Roll-up sunblind cleaning position......................... 88 Performance, Technical data.........................................308 Adjusting after connecting battery....................... 83
ParkAssist .................................................................. 224 Person buttons (memory) ...............................................39 Closing windows with button in door handle (with
When towing a trailer........................................ 228 Petrol Porsche Entry & Drive) ....................................... 82
Parking Fuel can...........................................................253 Malfunctions...................................................... 83
Applying the electric parking brake .................... 154 Octane rating ...................................................251 Opening/closing windows with car key (remote
Locking the vehicle............................................. 23 Portable fuel containers ........................................3 control) ............................................................. 82
Parking aid Quality .............................................................251 Opening/closing windows with rocker switch ....... 80
Swivelling down mirror glass ............................... 56 Refueling .........................................................251 Overview of driver’s door control panel ................ 80
When towing a trailer........................................ 228 Tank capacity ...................................................313 Overview of passenger’s door control panel ......... 80
Parking brake Phone Powerlift tailgate
Automatic parking brake release upon driving off 154 Using via multi-purpose display ..........................117 Closing ............................................................. 27
Operating ........................................................ 154 Plastic components, care instructions ...........................258 Opening ............................................................ 26
Releasing ........................................................ 154 Porsche Active Safe.....................................................168 Safety notes...................................................... 25
Testing on brake test stand............................... 241 Porsche Active Suspension Management (PASM) Pressure
Parking heater Functional description .......................................197 Tires (bar/psi) ................................................. 310
Functional description......................................... 77 Overview .........................................................188 Protection against towing (inclination sensor)
Operation .......................................................... 77 Selecting chassis setup ....................................197 Switching off with Porsche Entry & Drive ........... 235
Programming................................................... 115 Warning message.............................................197 Switching off with remote control ...................... 235
Parking/pulling out Porsche Ceramic Composite Brake (PCCB) PSM (Porsche Stability Management)
Functional description, ParkAssist ..................... 226 General information ..............................................3 Functional description, off-road PSM.................. 190
ParkAssist when towing a trailer ........................ 228 Porsche Communication Management (PCM) .................178 Multi-function light in the tachometer ................. 191
Particle filter, maintenance instructions ......................... 248 Porsche Dynamic Chassis Control (PDCC) Overview......................................................... 188
PASM (Porsche Active Suspension Management) Functional description .......................................198 Switching off ................................................... 191
Functional description....................................... 197 Overview .........................................................188 Switching on ................................................... 191
Overview ......................................................... 188 Warning message.............................................198 Warning light on instrument panel...................... 292
Selecting chassis setup .................................... 197 Warning message on the multi-purpose display ...198 PTM (Porsche Traction Management)
Warning message ............................................ 197 Porsche Dynamic Lighting System (PDLS)........................93 Overview......................................................... 188
Passenger airbag Porsche Dynamic Lighting System (PDLS), PTV Plus (Porsche Torque Vectoring)
Automatic deactivation of the passenger airbag.... 48 automatic driving light assistant ......................................91 Functional description ...................................... 189
Warning light in the center console ...................... 49 Porsche Entry & Drive Overview......................................................... 188
PASSENGER AIRBAG OFF Inclination sensor .............................................236 Pulling out/parking
Warning light in the center console ...................... 49 Interior surveillance ..........................................236 Functional description, ParkAssist ..................... 226
Passenger compartment.............................................. 223 Locking the vehicle.............................................23 ParkAssist when towing a trailer........................ 228
Passenger mirror Switching off operational readiness......................22
Additional door mirrors when towing a trailer...... 224
Adjusting ........................................................... 55
Unlocking the vehicle ..........................................22
Porsche Hill Control (PHC) ............................................193
Adjusting as parking aid...................................... 56 Porsche Stability Management (PSM) Radar sensor, care instructions .................................... 258
Driving with a trailer ......................................... 224 Functional description, off-road PSM ..................190 Radiator fan
Folding in........................................................... 55 Overview .........................................................188 Installation position .......................................... 245
Folding out ........................................................ 55 Switching off ....................................................191 Safety notes.................................................... 245
Switching heating on/off ..................................... 56 Switching on ....................................................191 Radio
When towing a trailer........................................ 224 Warning light ....................................................191 Tips ................................................................ 176
PCCB (Porsche Ceramic Composite Brake) Porsche Torque Vectoring (PTV Plus) Radio remote control..................................................... 18
General information .............................................. 3 Functional description .......................................189 Rain sensor
PCM (Porsche Communication Management) ................. 178 Overview .........................................................188 Adjusting......................................................... 100
Switching on ..................................................... 99
Index 323
REAR button Roof transport system Setting loading level .................................................... 196
Air-conditioning system....................................... 74 Functional description.......................................212 Setting temperature
Rear fog light Roof load.........................................................312 Air-conditioning system ...................................... 72
Switching on...................................................... 91 Safety notes ....................................................212 Setting the date .......................................................... 129
Rear seat backrests Weights ...........................................................312 Setting the time .......................................................... 129
Folding forward.................................................. 41 Running in Settings
Rear shelf Tires ...................................................................5 Adjusting on multi-purpose display .................... 126
Installing.......................................................... 209 Storing vehicle settings...................................... 38
Pulling out ....................................................... 208
Removing ........................................................ 209
S Shift pattern
Manual transmission ........................................ 179
Retracting ....................................................... 208 Safety belts...................................................................44 Side lights
Rear window wiper Adjusting the belt height......................................45 Installing headlights ......................................... 296
Switching on intermittent operation ................... 101 Belt tensioner functional description ....................44 Switching on ..................................................... 91
Window wiping ................................................. 101 Care instructions ..............................................260 Side marker light
Rear-axle load ............................................................. 221 Fastening...........................................................45 Changing bulb ................................................. 299
Rearview camera......................................................... 228 Opening belt buckle............................................45 Side roll-up blind ........................................................... 61
Rearview camera, care instructions .............................. 258 Warning light on the tachometer ..........................44 Ski bag ...................................................................... 211
Refueling .................................................................... 253 Safety button in the armrest Loading and securing....................................... 211
Relays Disabling rear control panel and power windows ...74 Stowing .......................................................... 211
Replacing ........................................................ 286 Safety compliance sticker ............................................307 Slide/tilt roof
Remote control ............................................................. 18 Sealant/sealing set Functional description ........................................ 83
Changing battery ............................................. 294 For defective tires ............................................277 Sliding/lifting roof
Locking vehicle door .......................................... 23 Seals, care instructions................................................259 Emergency operation......................................... 88
Opening/closing sliding/lifting roof ................ 84, 86 Seat belts .....................................................................44 Malfunctions...................................................... 88
Unlocking vehicle door ....................................... 21 Adjusting the belt height......................................45 Opening/closing with car key (remote control) ..... 84
Replacement keys ......................................................... 18 Care instructions ..............................................260 Snow chains
REST button Fastening...........................................................45 General information ......................................... 272
Air-conditioning system....................................... 66 Opening belt buckle............................................45 Snow tires .................................................................. 271
Restraint systems for children Warning light on the tachometer ..........................44 Socket (12 V) ............................................................. 286
Installing with LATCH system............................... 53 Seat heating..................................................................43 Spacers
LATCH restraint system ...................................... 53 Switching off......................................................43 Fitting ............................................................. 283
Prescribed installation direction (depending Switching on ......................................................43 General information ......................................... 274
on weight of child).............................................. 50 Seat memory ................................................................38 Removing........................................................ 281
Reversing camera ....................................................... 228 Seat ventilation..............................................................43 Spare wheel
Roll stabilization Switching off......................................................43 Collapsible spare wheel in the luggage
Porsche Dynamic Chassis Control (PDCC).......... 198 Switching on ......................................................43 compartment .................................................. 283
Roll-up blind .................................................................. 61 Seats............................................................................37 General information ......................................... 284
Cleaning function ............................................... 88 Adjusting seat position........................................37 Removing from spare wheel bracket ................. 284
For Panorama roof system, opening/closing ........ 87 Adjusting the front seat.......................................37 Spare wheel/collapsible spare wheel
Roll-up sunblind Child restraint system .........................................50 in the luggage compartment............................. 283
Cleaning function ............................................... 88 Front .................................................................35 Spare wheel in the luggage compartment ..................... 283
For Panorama roof system, opening/closing ........ 87 Retrieving settings (memory) ...............................39 Speed code letter on tire ............................................. 272
Raising/lowering for rear side windows................ 61 Storing settings (memory)...................................39 Speed control (cruise control)
Roof load.................................................................... 312 Selecting off-road driving program ................................185 Accelerating.................................................... 158
Roof system (Panorama roof system) Selecting on-road driving program.................................185 Decelerating ................................................... 159
Functional description......................................... 85 Setting air quantity Functional description ...................................... 158
Opening/closing roll-up sunblind .......................... 87 Air-conditioning system .......................................73 Interrupting operation ...................................... 159
Roll-up sunblind cleaning position ........................ 88 Setting automatic air-recirculation mode Storing speed ................................................. 158
Air-conditioning system .......................................69 Switching off ................................................... 159
Setting fan Switching on ................................................... 158
Air-conditioning system .......................................73 Speed limit ................................................................. 272
324 Index
Speedometer Strap reel (cargo management system) Tiptronic S
Digital speedometer ......................................... 106 Inserting and adjusting......................................205 Functional description ...................................... 180
Speedometer, digital.................................................... 105 Strap reel storage location................................205 Gear display on the multi-purpose display .......... 181
Sport button Summer tires Gear selector .................................................. 181
Functional description, Sport mode ................... 186 Changing tires..................................................280 Tiptronic transmission
Switching Sport mode on and off ...................... 187 Storage ...........................................................270 Rocker switches on the steering wheel ................ 57
Sport mode Sun visor.......................................................................60 Tire
Functional description....................................... 186 Switching automatic anti-dazzle function on and off ..........56 Care ............................................................... 269
Switching on/off .............................................. 187 Switching child protection on/off Life................................................................. 268
SportDesign package ...................................................... 3 Disabling rear control panel and power windows ...74 Traction .......................................................... 266
Sports exhaust system Switching emergency flasher on/off ................................94 Wear............................................................... 268
Switching on/off .............................................. 186 Switching hazard warning lights on/off ............................94 Tire pressure
Stainless steel tailpipes Switching MONO mode on/off Air pressure (bar/psi) ....................................... 310
Care instructions.............................................. 259 Air-conditioning system .......................................68 Data (bar/psi) .................................................. 310
Standstill management Switching off operational readiness Fill info ............................................................ 121
Functional description....................................... 192 Vehicles with Porsche Entry & Drive .....................22 Selecting comfort pressure .............................. 122
Start Stop function ...................................................... 152 Switching on air-recirculation mode Speed warning ................................................ 122
Starting Air-conditioning system .......................................69 System learning............................................... 124
Engine............................................................. 151 Switching on parking light...............................................94 Warnings......................................................... 124
Starting engine automatically (Auto Start Stop When towing a trailer ....................................... 224
function) .......................................................... 152
Steering column lock
T Tire Pressure Monitoring (TPM)..................................... 119
Tire pressure plate ...................................................... 307
With Porsche Entry & Drive ............................... 237 Tachometer Tire sealant/sealing set
Without Porsche Entry & Drive........................... 237 Display ............................................................105 For defective tires............................................ 277
Steering wheel Tailgate .........................................................................24 Tires
Adjustment ........................................................ 58 Closing (vehicles without powerlift tailgate) ...........25 Breaking in new tires............................................ 5
Airbag unit......................................................... 57 Closing automatically ..........................................27 Changing ........................................................ 280
Multi-function steering wheel Opening (vehicles without powerlift tailgate)..........24 Damage.......................................................... 269
with telephone function ....................................... 59 Powerlift tailgate ................................................25 Fixing a flat tire................................................ 276
Multi-function steering wheel, Tailpipes General information.......................................... 265
functional description ......................................... 59 Stainless steel, care instructions .......................259 Inflating........................................................... 285
Operating the horn ............................................. 57 Tank Inscription on radial tire .................................... 272
Steering lock ................................................... 148 Ventilation system.............................................254 Removing spare wheel from spare wheel bracket 284
Switching Easy Entry function on/off.................... 40 Technical data Removing/fitting spacers ................................. 281
Switching heating on/off ..................................... 57 Driving performance .........................................314 Replacing........................................................ 269
Tiptronic transmission shift buttons ..................... 57 Engine .............................................................308 Sealant ........................................................... 277
Stopping Tire pressure (bar/psi) ......................................310 Setting type and size ....................................... 123
Engine............................................................. 151 Tires, wheels....................................................309 Sidewall .......................................................... 272
Stopping engine automatically (Auto Start Stop Weights ...........................................................312 Snow chains (general information)..................... 272
function) .......................................................... 152 Technical modifications to the vehicle, information..........240 Spare wheel (general information) ..................... 284
Storage Telephone ...................................................................177 Storage .......................................................... 270
Glove compartment.......................................... 215 Telescopic bar (cargo management system) Valves............................................................. 270
Opening cupholder in rear armrest .................... 217 Inserting and adjusting......................................205 Winter tires (general information)....................... 271
Opening storage compartment in front armrest .. 216 Test stands Tool kit
Storage compartment Brake test................................................194, 241 Jack ............................................................... 274
Glove compartment.......................................... 215 Performance test .............................................241 Wedges .......................................................... 276
In front armrest, opening .................................. 216 Theft protection .............................................................17 Tools
Storage........................................................... 215 Tie-down Jack ............................................................... 274
Storage compartment in non-smoker vehicles................ 217 Equipment .......................................................223 Wedges .......................................................... 276
Stowing luggage ......................................................... 223 Tie-down rings, fastening points in Torque, Technical data................................................. 308
When towing a Trailer ....................................... 224 luggage compartment..................................................204
Index 325
Towing V W
Capacity.......................................................... 221
Screwing in towing hook ................................... 304 Vanity mirror..................................................................60 Warning lights Canada models ..................................... 104
TPM (Tire Pressure Monitoring) ..................................... 119 Vehicle Warning lights USA model............................................ 103
Trailer Battery ............................................................178 Warning messages on multi-purpose display
Coupling.......................................................... 220 Keys..................................................................18 Overview......................................................... 139
Definitions ....................................................... 221 Vehicle door Warning triangle.......................................................... 263
Effects on ParkAssist ....................................... 228 Locking from inside ............................................29 Washer fluid
Electrical connection ........................................ 220 Locking with car key (remote control) ..................23 Antifreeze ....................................................... 246
Hitching........................................................... 220 Locking with Porsche Entry & Drive (keyless)........23 Filling capacity................................................. 313
Operation ........................................................ 220 Switching child lock for rear doors on/off.............30 Topping up ...................................................... 246
Retrofitting ...................................................... 220 Unlocking with car key (remote control)................22 Warning message on the multi-purpose display .. 246
Tips on driving ................................................. 224 Unlocking with Porsche Entry & Drive (keyless) .....22 Washing the vehicle, instructions .................................. 256
Unhitching ....................................................... 220 Vehicle information Wedges to prevent rolling ............................................ 276
Trailer load.................................................................. 312 Retrieving on multi-purpose display ....................112 Wedges to secure the vehicle against rolling ................. 276
Transmission Vehicle key (remote control) Weights, Technical data ............................................... 312
Shift pattern .................................................... 179 Changing battery..............................................294 Welcome Home function
Transmission and chassis control systems Emergency operation of key in ignition lock ........149 Switching on ..................................................... 93
Overview (PTM, PTV Plus, PSM, PASM, PDCC) .... 188 Locking vehicle door ..........................................23 Wheel alignment ......................................................... 270
Transport (on car trains, ferries, etc.) Opening/closing slide/tilt roof .............................86 Wheel change ............................................................. 271
Securing the vehicle ................................. 197, 305 Opening/closing sliding/lifting roof ......................84 Wheels
Switching off inclination sensor ......................... 235 Opening/closing windows (without Porsche Adjusting......................................................... 270
Transverse lock Entry & Drive) ....................................................82 Changing ................................................ 275, 280
Engaging......................................................... 185 Unlocking vehicle door........................................22 Fixing a flat tire................................................ 276
Trip counter Vehicle settings General information ......................................... 265
Display............................................................ 106 Adapting multi-purpose display ..........................126 Inflating tires ................................................... 285
Resetting......................................................... 106 Adjusting on multi-purpose display .....................126 Inscription on alloy wheels................................ 273
Trip information ........................................................... 118 Adjusting volume of warning and information Inscription on radial tire.................................... 272
Turn signal indicator light, front tones ..............................................................137 Overview......................................................... 309
Installing headlights.......................................... 296 Air-conditioning settings ....................................135 Removing spare wheel from spare wheel bracket 284
Turn signal light, front Changing button assignment on multi-function Removing/fitting spacers ................................. 281
Installing headlights.......................................... 296 steering wheel .................................................136 Replacing tires (general information) ................. 269
Turn signal, stalk ........................................................... 94 Changing the language .....................................138 Rim offset ....................................................... 309
LCA settings ....................................................131 Security wheel bolt (wrench socket) .................. 275
Light and visibility settings ................................132 Size................................................................ 309
U Locking settings...............................................134 Snow chains (general information)..................... 272
Underbody protection, care instructions ........................ 258 Porsche Active Safe settings.............................131 Spare wheel (general information) ..................... 284
Universal audio interface, installation position ................ 178 Resetting to factory settings .............................126 Storage .......................................................... 270
Unlocking Selecting Settings menu ...................................126 Tire sealant ..................................................... 277
Tailgate ............................................................. 24 Setting date and time .......................................129 Wheel balancing .............................................. 270
Unlocking and opening tailgate............................ 24 Setting units ....................................................137 Wheel bolts (care instructions) .......................... 275
Unlocking vehicle door from inside ...................... 30 Storing on person buttons...................................38 Winter tires (general information) ...................... 271
Unlocking vehicle door with car key ..................... 22 Storing on the key ..............................................38 Windows
Unlocking vehicle door with car key Vents Adjusting after connecting battery....................... 83
(remote control) ................................................. 22 Adjusting ...........................................................75 Care instructions ............................................. 257
Unlocking vehicle door with Porsche Entry & Drive 22 Opening/closing.................................................75 Closing with button in door handle (with Porsche
Unlocking vehicle door with Porsche Entry & Drive Vertical coupling load ...................................................221 Entry & Drive).................................................... 82
(keyless)............................................................ 22 Voice control ...............................................................179 Opening/closing with car key (remote control) ..... 82
Upshift indicator .......................................................... 106 Opening/closing with rocker switch..................... 80
USB interface, installation position ................................ 178 Windshield heating
Using engine residual heat ............................................. 66 Switching on and off .......................................... 76
Air-conditioning system....................................... 66
326 Index
Windshield washer system
Adding washer fluid .......................................... 246
Antifreeze ........................................................ 246
Filling capacity ................................................. 313
Windshield wiper, washer stalk........................................ 99
Rain sensor adjustment .................................... 100
Switching on rain sensor..................................... 99
Windshield wiper/washer system ....................... 100
Windshield, fast wiping ..................................... 100
Windshield, slow wiping ...................................... 99
Wiping windshield once (one-touch operation) ..... 100
Windshield wiper/washer stalk
Rear window wiping.......................................... 101
Switching on intermittent operation of rear
window wiper................................................... 101
Windshield wipers
Brief overview .................................................... 98
Care instructions.............................................. 258
Rain sensor adjustment .................................... 100
Rear window wiping.......................................... 101
Stalk ................................................................. 99
Switching on intermittent operation of rear
window wiper................................................... 101
Switching on rain sensor..................................... 99
Windshield wiper/washer system ....................... 100
Windshield, fast wiping ..................................... 100
Windshield, slow wiping ...................................... 99
Wiping windshield once (one-touch operation) ..... 100
Winter driving .............................................................. 291
Winter tires
Changing tires ................................................. 280
General information .......................................... 271
Storage........................................................... 270
Wiper blades
Care instructions.............................................. 258
Wrench socket (security wheel bolt) .............................. 275
Xenon headlights
Changing bulb for auxiliary high-beam headlight .. 298
Installing headlights .......................................... 296
Index 327