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Meherjan lives in a slum on the Sirajgonj Town Protection Embankment.

The whispering wind from river Jamuna makes the fire unsteady. The
dancing flames remind Meherjan of the turmoil in her life Not long ago Meherjan had everything- a family. arable land and cattle. The erosion of the
Jam gradually consumed all her landed property. It finaly claimed her only shelter during the last monsoon took the river only a day to devour
Meher's house, trees, vegetable garden and the bamboo bush. She a happy family once. Over the years, she lost her husband and her family to diseases
that eruel huns and poverty brought to the farnily. Now, she is the only one left to live on with the loss and the pain. The greedy Jamuna has shattered
her dreams and happiness. There are thousand others waiting to share the same fate ike Meherjan. Bangladesh is a land of rivers some of whose
banks overflow or erode during monsoon. Erosion is a harsh reality for the people l along the river banks. During each monsoon many more villages
are threatened by the mighty rivers the Jamuna, the Padma and the Meghna. It is estimated that river erosion makes at least 100,000 people homeless
every year in Bangladesh. In fact, river erosion is one of the main dangers caused by climat change. If we can't take prompt actions to adapt to climate
change, there will be thousands of mo Meberjans in our towns and villages every year.
(a) Greedy Jamuna' is used here to describe the-
ii. demand of a consumer iv. help of a consumer i. claim of consumer iii. supply of a consumer
(b) Meherjan is living -
i. with her relatives in her makeshift house now. ii. with her husband ii. with her family iv. alone
(c) Before the erosion of the river, she was
i. wealthy ii. Healthy ifi. Unhappy iv. joyful
(d) What does the worid 'demolish' mean?
i. build ii. Preserve ii. Destroy iv. support
e) What is the dangerous result of climate change?
i. cruel hanger i. cruel impact on people iii. landed property iv. the curse of nature
(f) River erosion has
ii. natural ii. river erosionn ii. Benefits iv. adverse effects on wildlife
(g) The opposite word of 'greediness' is -
i. desire ii. Selfishness iii. Unselfishnesss iv. voracity
(h) What is the contextual meaning of the word consumed?
i. decreased ii. Decayed iii. Destroyed iv. to use something
(i) What is twe main purpose of the author of the passage?
i. to explain the irnportance of river iii. to describe the effect of river erosion ii. to describe the impact of monsoon
iv. to describe the tate of a woman
j) Which one is the true cause of river erosion?
i. monsoon iv. river pollutioon ii. temperature rise iii. climate change
a) Who are the worst sufferers of climate change?
b) What does dancing flame mean?
c) Where does Meherjan live?
d) What happened to her after the erosion of Jamuna?
e) What crushed Meherjan's dream and happiness and how? What will happen if we cannot control river erosion?

21 February is a memorable day in our national history. We observe the day every year as International Mother Language Day. The day is a national
holiday. On this day, we pay tribute to the martyrs who laid down their lives to establish Bangla as a state language in undivided Pakistan in 1952.
The struggle to achieve our language rights is known as the Language Movement.
The seed of the Language Movement was sown on 21 March 1948 when Mohammad Ali Jinnah, the Governor General ot Pakistan, declared in a
public meeting in Dhaka that Urdu would be the only state language of Pakistan. The declaration raised a storm of protest in the eastern part of the
country. The protest continued non-stop, gathering momentum day by day. It turned into a movement and reached its climax in 1952. The
government outlawed all sorts of public meetings and ralies' to stop it. The students of Dhaka University defied the law and brought out a peaceful
protest procession on 21 February 1952. When the procession reached near Dhaka Medical College, the police opened fire on the students, kiling
Salam, Rafiq. Barkat, Safiur and Jabbar. As a result, there were mass protests all over the country and the government had to declare Bangla as a
state language. This kindled the sparks of independence movement of Bangladesh.
(a) The outeome of the language movement is .
i. status of Bangla as the state language iii. awareness among people ii. independence of Bangladesh iv. mass protest all over the country (b) On 21
March 1948,
(b) the seed of our Liberation War was soWn.
iii. The seed of the division of Pakistan ii. the seed of our Language Movement iv. the seed of genocide in 1971
(c) What does the phrase 'a storm of protest' mean?
i. Moderate opposition ii. Moderate demand iii. Intense opposition iv. intense.contest
(d) A storm of protest was raised in the part on the declaration of Urdu as the state language.
i. northern ii. Southern. iii. Western iv. eastern
(e) Mohammad Ali Jinnah was the of Pakistan.
i. Governor General ii. Attormey General ii. President iv. Prime Minister
(f) Police opened fire on the
i. teachers ii. Students ii. Hawkers iv. workers
(g) The climax of something means-
i. rewarrd ii. Punishment iii. final stage iv. downfall
(h) Why did the government outlaw all sorts of gatherings?
i. To intensify the climax iii. To applause the mass ii. To arrange fair election iv. To stop the unrest
(i) The word 'outlaw in the passage meanns
i. to ban ii. to allow iii. to permit iv. to frame law
(j) What does the word kindle' mean
i. light the house ii. arouse an emotion ii. Protest iv. Stopp

a) Why did our martyrs give away their lives?

b) When did the protest reach its climax?
c) What happened on 21 February 1952?
d) Who brought out a peaceful procession?
e) Why do we pay tribute to the martyrs?
f) Language Movement kindled the sparks of the Independence Movement of Bangladesh do yoou agree?

Countries of the world rely heavily on petroleum, coal and natural gas for their energy sources. There are two major types ot energy sources:
renewable and non-renewable. Hydro-carbon or fossil fuels are non- renewable sources of energy. Réliance on them poses real big problems. First,
fossil fuels such as oil, coal gas, etc. are finite energy resources and the world eventually will run out of them. Secondly. they will become too
expernsive in the coming decades and too damaging for the environment. Thirdly, fossil fuels have direct polluting impacts on earth's environnment
causing global warming. In contrast, renewable energy sources such as, wind and solar energy are constantly and naturally replenished and never run
Most renewable energy comes either directly or indirectly from the sun. Sunlight or solar energy can be used for heating and lighting homes, for
generating electricity and for other commercial and industrial uses. The sun's heat drives the wind and this wind emergy can be captured with wind
turbines to produce electricity. Then the wind and the sun's heat cause water to evaporate. When the water vapour turns into rain or snow and tlows
downhill into rivers or streams, its energy can be captured as hydroelectric energy. Along with the rain and snow, sunlight causes plants to grow.
Plants produce biomass which again can be turned into fuels such as fire wood, alcohol, ete identified as bioenergy.
Scientists have identified Hydrogen as another form of renewable energy source. It is the most abundant element in nature. But it does not exist
separately as a gas. It is always combined with other elements such as with oxygen to make water. Hydrogen. separated from another element, can be
burned as a fuel to produce electricity. Our Earth's interior contains molten lava with tremendous heat. This. heat inside the Earth produces steam
and hot water which can be tapped as geothermal energy to produce electricity. for heating home, etc.
Ocean energy comes from several sources. Ocean's force of tide and wave can be used to produce energy. The surface of the ocean gets more heat from
the sun than the ocean depths. This temperature difference can be used as energy source too.
(a) The word 'evaporate' can be replaced by
i. consolidate ii. Contradict iii. disappear et iv. amalgamate
(b) The adjective form of the word 'pose' is -
i. posture ii. Posy ii. Possed iv. possessive
(c) Geothermal is
i. an energy that heats the people ii. a force that brings a disaster alone iv. a factor that creates nothing ii. an energy that heats the world
(d) 'Biomass' is
i. an energy that is created from beings ii. an energy that is created from things ii. an energy that is created from things and beings iv. an energy that is
created from any source

(e) The word 'abundant' stands for –

i. meagre ii. Exuberant iii. Scarce iv. trifle
f) The phrase 'turn into' means -
i. fall into ii. take into iii. do into iv. bring into
g) Renewable energy sources are-- for the environment
i. detrimental ii. Catastrophic iii. Congenial iv. antagonistic
(h) Global warming- for various reasons.
i. is increased ii. is going to be increased ii. will be increased iv. is being increased a disaster.
Dependence on non-renewable energy sources
i brings about ii. brings into ii. bring about. iv. Brings up
j) Which of the following has the opposite meaning of the word 'contrast'?
Coincide ii. Vary iii. Dissent iv. Contradict

a) What are the positive aspects of renewable energy?

b) How can ocean be a source of energy?
c) Reliance on non-renewable enerey poses real big problem - Explain.
d) d) What do you understand by finite energy?
e) How is electricity produced?
f) (h) How do you consider the running energy crisis?

26 March, our Independence Day, is one of the most imnportant state festival. 1The day is celebrated every year in the country with great enthusiasm
and fervour. It is a national holiday. All offices, education institutions, shops and factories remain closed on this day. The day begins with a 31 gun
salute. Early in the morning the President and the Prime Minister, on behalf of the nation place floral wreaths. the National Mausoleum at Savar.
Then other leaders, political parties, diplomats, social and cultural organisations, educational institutions and freedom fighters pay homage to the
martyrs. People from all walks of life also go there with rallies and processions. There are many cultural programmes throughout the day,
highlighting the heroic struggle and sacrifice in 1971. In Bangabandhu National Stadium, school children, scouts and girl guides take part in various
displays to entertain thousands of spectators. Educational institutions also organise their individual programmes Sports meets and tournaments are
also organised on the day, including the exciting boat race in the river Buriganga.onal at

(a) Various displays are arranged to - the spectators.

i. sadden ii. Inflame iii, annoy iv. amuse
(b) By which of the following can the word 'independence' be replaced?
i. terrific ii. Noteworthy iii. Interesting iv. sovereignty
(c) The word 'enthusiasm' means
i. ambition ii. Support iii. Acceptance iv. eagerness
(d) ___ holds cultural functions.
i. British Council ii. Bangla Academy ii. Children Academy iv. Art Academny
(e) The word 'homage' means
i. consecration ii. modesty iii. Reverence iv. Apathy
(g) How is the parade conducted on the Independence Day?
i. challenging ii. Risky iii. Competitive iv. enchanting
h) A person watching an event is called
i. stranger 11. Spectator ii. Emigrant iv. participant
(h) 'All walks of life' refers to-
i. general people ii. Passersby iii. down trodden people iv. a selected group
(i) Celebration begins at
i. night ii. Morning iii. Dawn iv. day
j) The word 'individual' is a/an-
i. noun ii. Adjective iii. Adverb iv. verb

a) What does 26 March remind us?

b) Who, fought for our liberation?
c) How is 26 March celebrated every year in our country?
d) What happens in the river Buriganga on 26 March?
e) Who entertain thousands of spectators in Bangabandhu Stadium? How do we become inspired from this passage?

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