Lesson 1: Information Systems
Lesson 1: Information Systems
Lesson 1: Information Systems
3. In the choice stage, the decision maker must select Management Reporting Systems
one of the alternatives that will best contribute to the Management reporting system (MRS) are the
goals of the organization. most elaborate of the management oriented MIS
components. Indeed, some writers call MRS
4. Past choices can be subjected to review during “management information systems”, the name we
implementation and monitoring to enable the manager to reserve for the entire area of informational support of
learn from mistakes. Information plays an important role operations and management.
in all four stages of decision process. The main objective of MRS is to provide lower
and middle management with printed reports and inquiry
Two Major Categories of DSS capabilities to help maintain operational and
a. Enterprise-wide DSS are linked to large data management control of enterprise.\
warehouse and serve many managers in a company. It
can range from fairly simple system to complex data MRS provide the following report forms:
intensive and analytically sophisticated executive
information system. 1. Scheduled (Periodic) Reports- These reports are
furnished in a daily, weekly, bi-weekly, or other basis
b. Desktop DSS such as spreadsheets, accounting and depending on the decision making need. A weekly sales
financial models can be implemented in Microsoft Excel. analysis report may be used by the sales manager to
Another DSS tool, simulation, is usually implemented in assess the performances of sales districts or individual
desktop packages sales people. A brand manager responsible for a
particular product might obtain weekly sales report
Electronic Decision Support System Tools containing information useful in his or her decision
A Decision Support System covers a wide making – showing regional sales and sales to various
variety of systems, tools and technologies that support market segments, for example.
decision making. Electronic Decision Support Tools
make meetings and training session more measurable 2. Exceptional Reports- An exception report is a
through interactions to make them more valuable. document that states those instances in which actual
performance deviated significantly from expectations,
No two meetings, focus groups or training rooms usually in a negative direction. The intent of the report is
are alike. Even the needs of presenter differ, plus to focus management attention on just those areas
everybody has a different budget. Meaningful interaction requiring immediate action.
between a presenter and the audience improves
attentiveness and interest, improves comprehension and 3. Demand (Ad Hoc) Reports- Ad hoc reporting is the
increases retention and recall. creation of dynamic, real-time reports by users on an
as-needed basis. Since empowering end users with ad
1. Direct involvement and instant feedback promotes hoc reporting functionality enables them to answer
more effective communication. business questions at the moment they occur, users
move from static reporting to dynamic queries, asking
and answering questions about their data.