Krylov Shipbuilding Research Institute (KSRI), St.Petersburg, Russia
This project was sponsored by the Grant Council of the Russian Federation President (Grant MD-8150.2010.8).
The purpose of studies was to examine the feasibility of for a wide range of operating conditions. Further, the
developing a successful RIM-driven propeller (hub-type following expressions of characteristics will be used:
or hubless design options) for thruster unit. T
3.1 Thruster design
Thrusters can be designed with fixed-pitch propellers KQ
(FPP) or controllable pitch propellers (CPP) or counter- n 2 D 5
rotating propellers. This paper considers only a case of KT J
thruster with single FPP. The main operating mode is (2)
KQ 2
assumed to be the bollard-pull mode. The design process
includes two phases: estimation of pressure head losses in V
the thruster channel; and determination of propeller J
geometry. The pressure head losses are commonly
estimated using relations of individual component losses VS
versus a number of geometric and hydrodynamic nD
parameters of thruster. These relations can be obtained by where T – propeller thrust, Q – propeller axial torque,
generalization of extensive experimental data (Idelchik n - number of revolutions, D – propeller diameter,
1992). In the non-dimensional form, these losses can be V - inflow velocity, VS – mean velocity in tunnel,
expressed in terms of resistance coefficients: η - propeller efficiency , KT – propeller thrust coefficient,
p KQ – propeller torque coefficient, J – propeller advance
I L M P (1) ratio, JS – propeller internal advance ratio.
2 The accuracy of calculations by the method (Vasiliev &
Yakovlev 2001) can be assessed using a case of OD-10
where the following resistance coefficients are introduced:
axial pump (Papir 1970). Fig. 1 compares calculations and
ξI – at the thruster channel entry, ξL – friction over the
experimentally obtained thrust versus advance ratio for
channel length, ξM – grids at the channel entry and exit, ξP
this pump. Since the pump may have different blade pitch
– propeller pod, Δp – pressure difference due to energy
angle settings Φ, Fig. 1 presents the results obtained for a
losses, VS – velocity in thruster channel, ρ - water density.
number of pitch angles. Calculations showed satisfactory
Energy losses at the entry of thruster channel depend on agreement with experimental data for a wide range of
the shapes of water intake edges and inclination angle of pitch angles.
hull sides. Losses due to friction over the channel length
are calculated by a traditional method using Blasius 0.8
formula (Idelchik 1992). Losses due to protective grids
are represented by a function of grid blockage coefficient
(there were no such losses in our case). Losses due to pod
depend on the pod length and diameter (for streamlined
pods these losses are limited).
Based on the estimated pressure head losses, the operating
mode of propeller in tunnel is to be determined. For this
0,2 1
(instead of dummy hub and dummy rim) were examined. 2
For this test method, it is essential to take into account the 3
0,1 4
force and moment on strut, because the strut is used only
in tests and it does not exist in the real thruster.
4 0,0
0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2
8 J
3 0,6
experimental data for moderate loads. Some discrepancies 2
are observed at small advance ratios in particular for the 3
torque coefficient KQ. For the propeller efficiency there is 4
a good agreement between estimates and experiments with
some overestimate of maximum values. The discrepancies 0,0
between estimations and experimental data can be put 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2
down to calculation inaccuracy as well as uncertainty in J
assessment of moment on rim. Final conclusions can be Figure 11: Analytical and experimental relations of propeller
obtained after further studies. efficiency versus advance ratio.
Symbols as per Fig. 9
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