Employee Benefits: 2238 Financial Reporting - 2021/2022 T1
Employee Benefits: 2238 Financial Reporting - 2021/2022 T1
Employee Benefits: 2238 Financial Reporting - 2021/2022 T1
Employee Benefits
2238 Financial Reporting | 2021/2022 T1
• More and more companies use share-based compensation, which accounting can be complex
Pension schemes
2238 Financial Reporting | 2021/2022 T1
• Employees, on retirement, will receive a pension based on the length of their service and salary
• Employers must contribute to the scheme to ensure it is adequately funded to cover promised
Defined benefit
pension obligations
• Cost to employer is uncertain and risky, while benefits to employee are more certain compared
to defined contribution schemes
Note: Employer can also grant pension benefits on an ad-hoc, case-by-case basis (ex gratia arrangements)
2238 Financial Reporting | 2021/2022 T1
• Cost of providing the pension recorded as remuneration expense in the period in which it is due/service occurs
• Assets or liabilities can be created if the company has not paid the amount due for the period
2238 Financial Reporting | 2021/2022 T1
• Defined benefit asset or liability is equal to the present value of defined benefit obligation less the fair value of plan
assets out of which the obligation will be settled. If negative = asset, if positive = liability
• Defined benefit obligation calculated using the “projected unit credit method”
• Obligation is built up each year for an extra year of service and a reversal for discounting.
• Discounting of obligation is done using investment-grade corporate bonds with similar currency and duration.
• Fair value of plan assets is the market value of the assets of the plan
2238 Financial Reporting | 2021/2022 T1
• How can we transform the future obligation into present value terms?
2238 Financial Reporting | 2021/2022 T1
• Steps 1: Estimate salaries over which lump sum benefit will be estimated
• Step 3: Estimate present value of benefit accrued for each additional year of service (i.e., Current Service Cost)
• Step 5: Estimate Closing Benefit Obligation = Opening Benefit Obligation + Current Service Cost + Interest
2238 Financial Reporting | 2021/2022 T1
2238 Financial Reporting | 2021/2022 T1
Recognition Rule
Financial • Defined benefit asset or liability (present value of defined benefit obligation less the fair value of plan
Position assets)
• Current service cost: cost of providing pension benefits to employees for the current period
Income • Interest cost/revenue: unwinding of the effect of discounting on the pension liability/asset
Statement • Past service cost: costs that arise as a result of improving the scheme or when a business unit
introduces a plan, i.e., extra liability in respect to previous year’s service by employees
2238 Financial Reporting | 2021/2022 T1
2238 Financial Reporting | 2021/2022 T1
2238 Financial Reporting | 2021/2022 T1
2238 Financial Reporting | 2021/2022 T1
Share-based schemes
2238 Financial Reporting | 2021/2022 T1
Share-based schemes
• Equity compensation plans
– Shares or share options issued as part of employee compensation
2238 Financial Reporting | 2021/2022 T1
Share-based schemes
Advantages Disadvantages
2238 Financial Reporting | 2021/2022 T1
The entity should recognize an increase in equity if the share-based payment is equity-settled and a liability if the
payment is a cash-settled payment transaction.
Market based performance conditions are included in the grant-date fair value measurement. Adjustments will not be
made through the life of the options.
Non-market based performance features will be included in the measurement of the share-based payment transaction,
and are adjusted each period until such time as the equity instrument vests.
2238 Financial Reporting | 2021/2022 T1
• The vesting period is the period in which the employees are required to satisfy conditions that allow
them to exercise their options.
2238 Financial Reporting | 2021/2022 T1
Employees were granted options to acquire 100,000 shares at • $150,000 (= 100,000 options x $1.5 per option)
$20 per share.
What is the vesting period? What is the charge to income
The market value of an option was $1.50 per share. statement at year end?
2238 Financial Reporting | 2021/2022 T1
A Ltd issued share options to staff on 1 January 20X0 • 1,000 employees × 500 options × £3 × (0.95 × 0.95 × 0.95) =
Number of employees 1,000
Number of options to each staff member 500
What is the vesting period? What is the charge to income
Options’ vesting period 3 years
statement at year end?
FV of each option at grant date £3
Expected employee turnover (per annum) 5% • £1,286 / 3 = £429
2238 Financial Reporting | 2021/2022 T1
2238 Financial Reporting | 2021/2022 T1
2238 Financial Reporting | 2021/2022 T1