Integrity and Compliance Guidelines
Integrity and Compliance Guidelines
Integrity and Compliance Guidelines
Corporation (CNPC)
Every employee is obliged to ensure integrity and compliance. And the rep-
utation and sound development of the Company count on the effort of the
entire staff. Each of us must foster the awareness of integrity and compli-
ance, abide by laws and regulations, observe contracts, honor commitment,
maintain full compliance in our operations, and make sure the red lines of
compliance are never crossed. The new edition of the Integrity and Com-
pliance Guidelines provides a clear code of conduct and guides to action.
Each employee is expected to read the Guidelines carefully, keep integrity
and compliance in mind and act accordingly, in an effort to improve CNPC’s
image and reputation and facilitate its high-quality development for the Com-
pany to be a world-class integrated energy company built to last.
Chairman of CNPC
Notes to Users 2
Business Engagement 8
2. Prohibiting Bribery
Information Protection 22
Index 28
Notes to Users
Scope of Application of the
Integrity and Compliance
How to Use Consequences of Viola-
the Guidelines tions against Applicable
Laws and Regulations and
the Guidelines
The Guidelines summarize the basic We should recognize that any violation
principles and the code of conduct for against applicable laws, regulations and
all CNPC employees to understand and the Guidelines may cause serious neg-
observe. In addition, employees should ative consequences to the Company
also comply with laws, regulations and and/or relevant individuals.
other rules and regulations of CNPC.
The Company may suffer the following
In overseas business, if local laws and serious consequences:
mandatory provisions are inconsistent
with the provisions in the Guidelines, the ◎ Damages to reputation and brand
strictest ones should prevail. value;
◎ Liabilities for compensation, confis-
In absence of specific provisions on rel-
cation of income, fines or penalties;
evant matters in the Guidelines, CNPC
◎ Loss of business opportunities and
employees should make judgments in
economic loss if the Company is black-
consideration of the followings when
making decisions related to such mat-
ters: The individuals may be subject to dis-
ciplinary measures by the Company.
◎ Whether such matters are in confor- For those committing serious violations,
mity with applicable laws, regulations their labor contracts may be terminated
and the Company’s rules and regula- and they may even be investigated for
tions; criminal liabilities.
◎ Whether such matters are in confor-
mity with the Guidelines;
◎ Whether such matters are in con-
formity with the Company’s values and
◎ Whether such matters will have neg-
ative impact on the Company’s reputa-
Production and Construction
Production and
1 Ensuring Safe Production
We are engaged in a business which involves high risks, and safety is always
the top priority. We always keep “never seeking development at the cost of
safety” in mind and have fostered the notion of “all accidents can be avoid-
ed”. In the meantime, we carefully identify risks and hazards, work hard to
eliminate accidents, explicate the primary responsibility, to ensure safe pro-
duction and continuously improve safety profile.
Production and Construction CNPC Integrity and Compliance Guidelines 2021
The Company earnestly implements the concept of “Lucid waters and lush
mountains are invaluable assets”. It always adheres to the principle of “de-
veloping while protecting, protecting while developing, and giving priority to
the protection of environment”, and never makes concession in ecological
and environmental protection. In the meantime, the Company vigorously
implements Green & low-carbon Strategy and accelerates the development
of clean production and environmental protection industries, thus building
a low-carbon energy supply system, and promoting green and low-carbon
Production and
3 Improving Quality of Products and Services
Business Engagement
1 Establishing a Good Business Partnership
ness partners, and we look forward to establishing a partnership with mutual
respect and trust with them. We treat all business partners fairly and equally.
Business Engagement CNPC Integrity and Compliance Guidelines 2021
2 Prohibiting Bribery
Bribery, as an act of unfair competition, not only harms the interests of stake-
holders, but also poses serious damage to the market order of fair competition.
We strictly abide by all the applicable anti-bribery laws and international con-
ventions, and resolutely oppose and prohibit all forms of bribery.
To maintain our good cooperation with business partners, the Company allows
moderate gifts and hospitality, but prohibits any improper gift and hospitali-
ty. When making donations and sponsorships, we must be cautious to avoid
any risk of bribery. More importantly, we should never get involved in any poli-
tics-related donations or sponsorships. Legal discounts and commissions are
allowed, but only between business partners and never with individual employ-
For specific anti-bribery requirements, you may refer to the Company’s Anti-brib-
ery Guidelines and corresponding policies and protocols..
3 Abiding by Anti-Monopoly Regulations
Monopoly disrupts the market order of fair competition, and harms the inter-
est of consumers and the society. We always engage in fair and free competi-
tion within the legal framework, strictly abide by the anti-monopoly laws of the
countries (regions) where we operate, and prohibit all monopolistic behaviors
that undermine fair competition.
Business Engagement CNPC Integrity and Compliance Guidelines 2021
5 Avoiding Sanctions and Export Control Risks
economic resources. Export control usually takes the form of permit appli-
cation system, ban on the export/ re-export to specific countries, specific
end-users, or ban on the export/ re-export of specific end-use items based
on the list of controlled items (dual-use items or sensitive products and tech-
nologies, etc.).
Labor and Employment
Labor and
Labor and Employment CNPC Integrity and Compliance Guidelines 2021
2 A voiding Interest Conflicts and Other
Employees should correctly handle the relation between their personal inter-
ests and interests of the Company. Whether they are carrying out job duties
or personal affairs, they must never do anything that can harm the interests of
the Company or its reputation. Employees are expected to avoid any conflict
between their personal interests and the Company’s interests, and no one
would illegally transfer the Company’s interests to other enterprises and indi-
viduals by leveraging job convenience.
Labor and
You should You should not
Financial Affairs,
Taxation and Assets
1 Strict Enforcement of Fiscal and Taxation
Financial Affairs, Taxation and Assets CNPC Integrity and Compliance Guidelines 2021
Company assets are the material foundation for the Company’s sustainable
development, which include tangible assets such as oil and gas wells, pipe-
lines, facilities, buildings, machines, and equipment, and intangible ones such
as mining rights, land usage rights, intellectual property rights and goodwill.
Loss, misappropriation or abuse of Company assets caused by improper
management or use will have serious adverse impact on our production and
operation, so each of us should properly use and protect Company assets.
Keep and use Company assets in Use Company assets for illegal
accordance with relevant systems purposes;
and regulations;
Waste or damage Company assets;
Protect the Company’s intellectual
Dispose of Company assets with-
property rights;
out permission;
Maintain the Company’s brand
Infringe on others’ intellectual prop-
erty rights.
3 A b i d i n g b y A n t i - m o n e y L a u n d e r i n g
Information Protection
1 Keeping Confidential Information
formation through non-secret-relat-
ed devices and facilities;
Information Protection CNPC Integrity and Compliance Guidelines 2021
3 Safeguarding Information Security
The development of Internet technology has greatly facilitated our work and
life, but information security risks emerge accordingly. It is vital for the Com-
pany to effectively prevent these risks. We implement a graded protection
system on network security, and take necessary measures to prevent the
Company’s network from attacks, breaches, interference and sabotage, so
as to keep the network in stable and reliable operation and ensure informa-
tion security.
Governments and Communities
You should You should not
Respect the culture, customs and Seek illegal and improper benefits
religious beliefs of countries (re- by leveraging the relationship with
gions) where we operate; governments;
Governments and
Index CNPC Integrity and Compliance Guidelines 2021
A Discriminatory…………………………… 16
Anti-money Laundering…………………… 21 E
Anti-monopoly…………………………… 11 Ecology…………………………………… 6
B Environmental Protection………………… 6
Confidentiality……………………………… 23 H
P Sweepstakes……………………………… 12
Q Tangible Assets…………………………… 20
Work Disciplines………………………… 16
Letter of Commitment
I hereby confirm that I have carefully read and learned the con-
tents of the CNPC’s Integrity and Compliance Guidelines. I fully
understand the integrity and compliance requirements and conse-
quences of violating them, and hereby make a formal commitment
to complying with relevant rules and regulations.
Clean Energy Supply for Better Environment