ICE Activity #2
ICE Activity #2
ICE Activity #2
4. A pH transmitter has a calibrated range of 4pH to 10pH, with a 4-20mA output signal.
Calculate the pH sensed by the transmitter if its output is 11.3mA.
5. A current-to-pressure transducer is used to convert a 4-20mA electronic signal into a 3-15
PSI pneumatic signal. This transducer is configured for reverse action instead of direct,
meaning that its pressure output at 4mA should be 15 PSI and its pressure output at 20mA
should be 3 PS I. Calculate the necessary current signal value to produce an output
pressure of 12.7 PSI.
B. Search for the three (3) laws of thermoelectric circuits that explain the thermocouple
behavior and the three (3) operating principle of the thermocouple. (10 pts)
Thermoelectric Effects
Seebeck Effect
The Seebeck effect concerns the conversion of thermal energy into electrical
energy. The Seebeck voltage refers to the net thermal electromotive force established in
a thermoelement pair under zero current conditions.
When a circuit is formed consisting of two dissimilar conductors A and B, and one
junction of A and B is at temperature T1 while the other junction is at a higher temperature
T2, a current will flow in the circuit. The electromotive force E producing this current i, is
called the Seebeck thermal EMF. Conductor A is considered thermoelectrically positive to
conductor B if the current i flows from conductor A to conductor B at the cooler of the two
junctions (T1).
When an electrical current i ext flows across the junction of a thermoelement pair,
heat is absorbed or liberated. The direction of current flow at a particular junction
determines whether heat is absorbed or liberated. If an external current i ext flows in the
same direction as the current i Seebeck produced by the Seebeck Effect at the hotter
junction of a thermoelement pair, heat is absorbed. Heat is liberated at the other junction.