ICE Activity #2

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Egaña, Jericho A.


ICE 420 - Instrumentation and Control

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A. Solve the following. (10 pts each)
1. A flow transmitter is ranged from 0 to 350 gallons per minute, 4-20mA output, direct
responding. Calculate the current signal value at a flow rate of 204 GPM.

2. An electronic loop controller outputs a signal of 8.55 mA to a direct-responding control valve

(where 4mA is shut and 20MA is wide open. How far open (%) should the control valve be
at this MV signal level?
3. A pneumatic temperature transmitter I ranged 50 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit and has a 3-
15 PSI output signal. Calculate the pneumatic output pressure if the temperature is 79
degrees Fahrenheit.

4. A pH transmitter has a calibrated range of 4pH to 10pH, with a 4-20mA output signal.
Calculate the pH sensed by the transmitter if its output is 11.3mA.
5. A current-to-pressure transducer is used to convert a 4-20mA electronic signal into a 3-15
PSI pneumatic signal. This transducer is configured for reverse action instead of direct,
meaning that its pressure output at 4mA should be 15 PSI and its pressure output at 20mA
should be 3 PS I. Calculate the necessary current signal value to produce an output
pressure of 12.7 PSI.
B. Search for the three (3) laws of thermoelectric circuits that explain the thermocouple
behavior and the three (3) operating principle of the thermocouple. (10 pts)

Laws of Thermoelectric Circuits

Law of Homogeneous Circuit

This law states that by applying heat alone, a thermoelectric current cannot be
sustained in a circuit comprising a single homogenous material with changing cross-section.
Any thermocouple circuit must include two distinct materials. Any current recorded in a
single wire circuit when the wire is heated in any way is interpreted as evidence of
inhomogeneity non the wire.

Law of Intermediate Materials

This law states the algebraic total of thermoelectromotive forces in a circuit made up
of any number of dissimilar materials is zero if the circuit is uniformly heated. As a result of
this law, adding a third homogeneous material to a circuit has no influence on the circuit's
net EMF as long as its extremities are at the same temperature

Law of Successive or Intermediate Temperatures

This law states that if two dissimilar homogeneous metals generate an EMF when
the junctions are at temperatures T1 and T2, and an EMF of E2 when the junctions are at
temperatures T2 and T3, the EMF generated when the junctions are at temperatures T1
and T3 will be E1 + E2.
As a result of this law, a thermocouple calibrated at a particular reference
temperature can be used at any other reference temperature by applying an appropriate
correction. Additionally, extension wires with the same thermoelectric characteristics as
the thermocouple wires can be inserted into the thermocouple circuit (for example, from
region T2 to region T3) without influencing the thermocouple's net EMF.

Thermoelectric Effects

Seebeck Effect
The Seebeck effect concerns the conversion of thermal energy into electrical
energy. The Seebeck voltage refers to the net thermal electromotive force established in
a thermoelement pair under zero current conditions.
When a circuit is formed consisting of two dissimilar conductors A and B, and one
junction of A and B is at temperature T1 while the other junction is at a higher temperature
T2, a current will flow in the circuit. The electromotive force E producing this current i, is
called the Seebeck thermal EMF. Conductor A is considered thermoelectrically positive to
conductor B if the current i flows from conductor A to conductor B at the cooler of the two
junctions (T1).

Peltier Thermal Effect

The Peltier Thermal Effect, concerns a reversible phenomenon at the junction of
most thermoelement pairs.

When an electrical current i ext flows across the junction of a thermoelement pair,
heat is absorbed or liberated. The direction of current flow at a particular junction
determines whether heat is absorbed or liberated. If an external current i ext flows in the
same direction as the current i Seebeck produced by the Seebeck Effect at the hotter
junction of a thermoelement pair, heat is absorbed. Heat is liberated at the other junction.

The Thomson Effect

The Thomson Effect concerns the reversible evolution, or absorption, of heat
occurring whenever an electric current traverse a single homogeneous conductor, across
which a temperature gradient is maintained, regardless of external introduction of the
current or its induction by the thermocouple itself.
The Thomson voltage alone cannot sustain a current in a single homogeneous
conductor forming a closed circuit, since equal and opposite EMFs will be set up on the
two paths from heated to cooled parts of the circuit.
C. In your own words, pick 1 law and 1 operating principle of the thermocouple and explain.
(20 pts)

Law of Homogeneous Circuit

In a homogeneous conductor, thermovoltage cannot occur in a nonhomogeneous
temperature field because the conductor is homogeneous. If a conductor is homogeneous
and both ends of the conductor are at the same temperature, it will also allow itself to be
split into a number of little batteries, each of which will neutralize itself in terms of voltage
when exposed to different voltages.
Therefore, with a thermocouple, the thermovoltage is solely dependent on the
temperature difference that exists between the measuring and cold junctions. When the
polarities of the thermovoltages growing in an electric circuit are taken into account, the
thermovoltages develop in an electric circuit add to themselves.

Peltier Thermal Effect.

When electricity is passed between two conductors, the Peltier effect occurs, which
is a close relative of the Seebeck effect (which is a reverse version of the same
phenomenon and is used in thermocouples used to measure temperature) and the
Thomson effect (which is a reverse version of the same phenomenon and is used in
thermometers used to measure temperature) (generation of electricity along a conductor
with a temperature gradient). To save you the arithmetic, conduction electrons have
various energies in different materials, and thus when they are pushed to travel from one
conductor to another, they either gain or lose energy depending on the substance they
are moving through. It is either emitted as heat or absorbed from the environment as a
result of this variation in temperature.
Consequently, when two conductors are connected together in a circuit (as shown
in the figure), they create a heat pump, which is capable of transporting heat from one
point to another. The Peltier effect, however, is not always as straightforward as it seems,
since it is constantly competing with the Joule effect, which is caused by electrons
bouncing off atoms and creating heat. Typically, this completely negates the Peltier effect,
and all that is produced is a little increase in heating at one junction and a small decrease
in heating at the other.

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