RevdAnnexureB2 DSR2021

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DSR -2021

Annexure - B-2

1.0) The work should be carried out as per Central Public Works Department Specifications 2019 (Vol I & II) for
materials and works as corrected up to date of opening of Tender, approved plans and drawings issued for
the work and specification of work laid hereunder .

1.1) Concrete for reinforcement concrete work/bridge work shall be weigh batched and machine mixed and
vibrated using mechanical/electrical vibrators.

2.0) Setting out works: The contractor shall be responsible for the true and proper setting out of the works
for correctness of the position, levels, dimensions and alignment of all parts of work and for provision of
all necessary pegs, reference pillars, instrument, equipment and appliances and labour in connection
herewith. If at any time during the progress of the work any error shall appear or arise in the position of
levels, dimensions or alignments at any part of the works, the contractor on being required to do so by
the Engineer in charge shall at his own expense rectify such errors to the satisfaction of the Engineer in
charge and he shall carefully protect, preserve, secure all bench marks site rails, pegs, reference pillars
and other things used in setting out of the works.
The contractor shall have sufficient number of survey instruments such as theodolites, leveling instruments,
leveling staff etc., and arrange to set out the alignment at his own cost and also establish necessary
reference pillars as required and as directed by the Engineer.
3.0) EARTH WORK: The classifications of soils in excavation shall be decided by the Engineer in
charge and his decision shall be final and binding on the contractor. Merely the use of explosives in an
excavation will not be considered as a reason for higher classification unless blasting is clearly necessary in
the opinion of the Engineer in charge.
3.1) Excavation for foundation/foundation works etc. shall include any wet excavation that may be met with and
will be paid for under the respective items of CPWD Delhi Schedule of Rates 2021, for the wet
excavation or bailing out water with or without mechanical means or for any other precautions of
work which may be found necessary during the course of execution. Even if any springs of water
are met with, NO EXTRA PAYMENT will be made other than the respective items mentioned in the
3.2) Whenever excavation for catch water is ordered, the excavated spoils should be spread, consolidated and
sectioned to the required profile to form a bund on the downhill side of the catch water drain. Payment for
excavation shall be made under the relevant items of Schedule as the case may be and no extra payment
shall be made for consolidation and sectioning to profile for forming bund and catch water drain.
3.3) No payment will be made for any earthwork sinkage below ground level due to soil conditions and
payment will be made only based on the original ground levels recorded before the commencement of
the work and finished profile of the work. The contractor should study the site conditions before

4.0) No separate payment will be made for site clearance or jungle clearance or shrubs clearance, brush
wood, grass or other obstructions including small trees of girth not exceeding 30 cm and the rates
accepted in this contract are deemed to include all such costs except dismantlement of structure if any
which will be paid for suitably under CPWD Delhi Schedule of Rates 2021 as per the rates accepted in
the tender schedule.
Signature Not
Digitally signed by
Date: 2023.02.24
15:13:15 IST
Location: New Delhi
5.0) Approval of Materials: Samples of all materials viz Bricks, laterite, sand, aggregate, water,
admixtures; paints, boulders, stones, cement, steel, wood required for doors, windows,
ventilators, fittings and fastenings including locking arrangements as well as all sanitary and
water supply fittings etc . should be submitted to Engineer in charge and used in the work
only after his specific approval, Approved sample should be deposited with the E ngineer in

5.1) The Railway will have the right to check the quality of any material required ie used for
construction like cement, steel, sand, coarse aggregate, admixtures, bricks, timber and concrete
cubes etc. for its conformity with specification. The testing charges will have to be borne by
the contractor. Sufficient cube moulds to be supplied by the contractor at his own cost.
6.0) CEMENT: The cement used shall be any of the following, with prior approval of the
Divisional Engineer or as specified in the tender schedule:
a) 43 Grade Ordinary Portland cement conforming to IS:8112;
b) 53 Grade Ordinary Portland cement conforming to IS: 12269;
c) Rapid hardening Ordinary Portland cement conforming to IS: 8041;
d) High strength Portland Cement conforming to IRS: T:40;
e) Portland slag cement conforming to IS: .455 (See Note 1 ,4,5 & 6 below)
f) Portland pozzolana cement conforming to IS: 1489 (See Note 2,4,5 & 6 below)
g) Sulphate resistance cement conforming to IS: 12330 (See Note 3 below)
Note 1: Mixing of 50% blast furnace slag with OPC cement at site shall not normally be permitted.
However in exceptional cases for bridges requiring higher levels of durability using blended
cement which is not available from manufactures, blending at site may be permitted subject to
ensuring dedicated facilities and complete mechanized process control to achieve specified
quality with the special permission of Chief Engineer/Chief Bridge Engineer.
Note 2: Portland Pozzolana cement shall not be used for PSC works. When Portland Pozzolana
cement is used in plain and reinforced concrete, it is to be ensured that proper damp curing of
concrete at least for 14 days and supporting form work shall not be removed till concrete attains
at least 75% of the design strength.
Note· 3: The sulphate resisting cement conforming to IS: 12330 shall be used only in such
condition where the concrete is exposed to the risk of excessive sulphate attack e.g. concrete in
contact with soil or ground water containing excessive amount of sulphate. It shall not be used
under such conditions where concrete surface exposed to risk of excessive chlorides and
sulphate attack both.
Note 4: The rate of development of strength is slow in case of blended cement i.e. Portland
pozzolana cement and Portland slag cement, as compared to ordinary Portland cement. This
aspect should be taken care while planning to use blended cement. Accordingly stage of pre-
stressing period of removal of form work and period of curing etc should be suitably increased.
Note 5: Compatibility of chemical admixtures and super plasticizers with Portland Pozzolana
cement and portland blast furnace slag cement shall be ensured by trials before use.
Note 6: Some other properties of concrete such as modulus of elasticity, tensile strength, creep and
shrinkage are not likely to be significantly different. For design purposes, it will be sufficiently
accurate to take the same value as those used for concrete made with OPC.
6.1) Cement to be used on the works should be procured from the main cement plants or on
their authorized dealers and each consignment shall be covered with manufacturer's test
6.2) Cement bags in packing should bear the following information in legible markings:
1) Manufacturer's name, registered trade mark of manufacturer, if any.
2) Type of cement. .
3) Weight of each bag in kgs or number of bags in tonne.
4) Date .of manufacture, generally marked as week of the year / year of manufacture. Example :
15/22 which means 15th week of 2022.
6.3) Test on cement will be conducted as per IS 4031. Some of the tests which may be carried out are:
1) Compressive strength
2) Initial & final setting time
3) Consistency . t
6.4) Empty cement bags would be the property of the contractor and shall be disposed of by the contractor
himself. In case the Railway is in need of empty cement bags, good and usable empty cement bags to be
supplied by the contractor at the rate of Rs. 2/- per bag for empty cement gunny bags and Rs. l.40 per
bag for empty polythene/paper bags. .'

6.5) The cement shall be used within 3 months of manufacture. Cement stored longer than this period shall
be used on works only after it is tested and found fit for use. The cost of such tests shall be borne by
the contractor. The decision of the Engineer in-charge as to whether the cement is fit for use in the work will
be final, conclusive and binding on the contractor.
6.6) For M20 and higher mix of cement concrete, quantity of cement will be based on the design mix. For
concreting under water 10% extra quantity shall be added and allowed towards extra consumption.
6.7) Railways also reserves the right to take samples during the course of work and get the cement
tested at the cost of the contractor to ascertain the quality and confirm that it meets the
specifications. .
6.8) The cement consumption of the works which are not based on design mix shall be as per the
6.9) In case of free supply of cement in bags by the Railway empty cement bags shall be the property of the
contractor and recovery at the rate of Rs.2/- per gunny bags and Rs.1.40 per polythene bag will be
made from the contractors bill.
6.10) The payment for the additional cement used for RCC work will be based on the quantity actually
used for the work as per the Approved design mix/Southern Railway Specification of works 1960. The
actual requirement will be certified by the Engineer in charge at site.

7.0) STEEL: The reinforcement shall be any of the following with the prior approval of Divisional
Engineer or as specified in the tender schedule: Grade I mild steel and medium tensile steel bars conforming
to IS: 432 (Part 1);
a) High strength deformed steel bars conforming to IS: .1786;
b) Thermo mechanically treated (TMT) bars satisfying requirements of IS: 1786;
c) Rolled steel made from structural steel conforming to IS: 2062 Gr A and Gr B .:
7. 1) TMT Reinforcement bars shall be procured from the approved producers who are fulfilling the “Schedule Of
Technical Requirements For Supply Of TMT Reinforcement Bars To IR (STR)” (Document No. WK-G-8.1-1
Ver.1.3) specified by RDSO vide letter No. WKS/67/VD/TMT dt. 21.02.2022 or their authorized stock yards.
Structural steels shall be procured from the approved vendors of RDSO/ Railway board or their
authorized stock yards.
Rerolled steel will not be accepted. Each batch of steel shall be covered with manufactured test

7.2) In addition to test certificate produced by the tenderer/contractor, Railway may draw samples and send for
testing independently at Railway's own laboratory or through outside agencies, cost of which shall be borne
by the contractor. The decision of the Engineer as to the necessity of such test shall be final and binding on
the contractor.
7.3) Quantity for Payment of steel (reinforcement) will be calculated from the nominal or actual unit weight
whichever is less according to schedule of the lengths given/computed from drawing. Allowance or laps
will be limited to the minimum required as per approval of Divisional engineer. No extra amount will be
paid for wastage or for cut rods if any, which would be the property of the contractor.
8.0 Supply of cement and Steel by Railway: Wherever materials like cement, steel etc are to be supplied
for the work in free by the Railway, they will be supplied at the Railway store of SE/Works and that
contractors shall make his own arrangements for the transportation from the Railway Stores/Depot to
the site of work including loading and unloading.
8.1) In case, cement or steel is issued to the contractor either free of cost o r at cost to be recovered for use
in the work, the supply thereof shall be made in stages limited to the quantities computed by the
Railway according to the prescribed specification and approved drawings under the agreement and
progress of the work. The cement and steel issued in excess of the requirements as above shall be returned
in good condition by the contractor to the Railway immediately after completion or determination of the
contract. If the contractor fails to return the said stores, then the cost of the cement or steel issued excess of the
requirements as computed by the Railway according to the specifications and approved drawings will be
recovered from the contractor at twice the procurement cost (viz.2 x Purchase price + 5% freight). This will
be without prejudice to the right of the Railway to take further action against the contractors under the
General condition of the contract.

8.2) If it is discovered that the quantity of cement and/or steel used is less than the quantity ascertained as
herein before provided, the cost of the cement and or steel not so used shall be recovered from the
contractor on the basis of the above stipulated formula,
9.0) Binding wires used for binding/fixing reinforcement shall be galvanized iron wires. The contractor should
make his own arrangements for the required binding wire for all RCC works including the “works under
BSR items though it is mentioned otherwise In the BSR rates”.
10.0) Any temporary structures required for storage of cement and steel has to be provided by the
tenderer at his cost and this should be removed after the completion of the work. The Railway will provide
suitable land, for construction of the above temporary sheds free of charge if land is available nearby.
Double lock arrangements for the temporary stores shed should be provided. The land should be vacated
within 15 days after completion of work.
11.0) Aggregate: The aggregate shall conform to IS: 383 and shall before use be got tested through one of
the approved testing institutions and the result submitted in accordance with Appendix A of IS 383.
11.1) Coarse aggregate shall be crushed stone, angular in shape and gravel shall not be used.
11.2) Fine aggregates shall be resulting from natural disintegration of rock which has been deposited by
streams or glacial agencies.
12.0) Water: Water to be used in making and for curing concrete shall conform to IS: 456.
12.1) The contractor shall arrange for water supply necessary for the work. Ordinarily no Water will be
supplied by Railways to the Contractor either for drinking purpose or for execution of the work, the
rate quoted shall include the cost of arranging water supply.
12.2) However if surplus water is available from nearby Railway source, contractor may be allowed to draw
water' for his work, on payment of necessary water charges as fixed by railway administration. Necessary
arrangement of drawl of water by pumping, laying of pipe line and storage arrangement etc. shall be done
by contractor at his cost. The decision of Divisional Engineer as to availability of spare water be final
conclusive and binding on the contractor.
13.0) Form work: Form work shall conform to the shapes, lines and dimensions shown in the drawings and shall
be so constructed and supported as to remain sufficiently rigid and water tight to prevent loss of mortar and
water from the concrete and shall be able to carry all the loads and forces during the casting as well as
13.1) . For important works steel shuttering with tubular steel centering shall be used in accordance with the'
manufacturer's/designer's instructions.
13.2) All panel joints, comers and seams should be made water tight by using approved sealing materials. Also the
steel form should be thoroughly cleaned before use.
l3.3) Form faces should be treated with releasing agent to prevent concrete sticking to the forms and
thereby aid in stripping. Only approved type of releasing agent with prior permission of the Engineer in-
charge shall be used. Use of black oil or grease is totally prohibited. -
13.4) Ample access should be provided within the form work for proper cleaning up, placement, consolidation and
inspection of concrete.
13.5) Ductile Pipes/ channels etc. that may be required to be laid in the concrete/masonry of bridge/building
shall be laid by the contractor as per direction of Engineer during the progress of the work without any
extra cost. The ducts/pipe/channels and conduits bent to shape along with fixtures will be supplied by the
Railway free of cost.
14.0) Construction joints: The surface of the construction joints should be cleaned properly and prepared so
as to ensure adequate bond with the concrete placed below or adjacent to it and to obtain the required
water tightness. Any approved method of cleaning for removal of laitance, bleed water and fines by using
wire brush, water jetting, green cutting, sand blasting may be used with the prior approval of the Engineer
in charge. '
15.0) Concrete: The concrete shall be produced and laid in the manner as given in IRS Concrete Bridge
Code 1997 (Second Revision) for General Bridge construction corrected upto date and IS 486 :
15.1) The concrete shall be of controlled quality with nominal maximum size of coarse aggregate limited to
20 mm unless specified otherwise in the schedule.

15.2) Batching of different ingredients for production of concrete shall be done by weight only. A modern,
mechanized or automatic weigh batcher shall be used for the weighing aggregates and cement. The
weigh batch shall have accuracy of ± 3%. Modern high speed mixer or any other mixer approved by the
Engineer shall be used for mixing concrete. The concrete shall be consolidated by means of vibration with
approved type needle/form/surface vibrators.
15.3) The contractor should submit concrete mix design before starting the work and obtain the approval of
Divisional Engineer DRM(Works) Palghat Division, Southern Railway before the execution of wok. This mix
design should be based on the procedure given in IS: 10262. In case source of cement/type change a
new mix design shall be submitted for approval. . ,
15.4) On approval of mix design by Divisional Engineer test cubes shall be cast and tested for strength. Only
if test cube strength passing acceptance criterion given in IS: 10262, the actual concreting shall start.
15.4) The minimum grade of plain cement concrete shall be M20 and that of Reinforced cement concrete shall
be M25 and only approved design mix shall be used for the concrete unless specified otherwise in the
tender schedule.
15.5) The minimum grade of concrete shall be M40 for pre tensioned pre-stressed concrete structure.
15.6) The minimum quantity of cement to be used for various grades of concrete shall be as under;

M 20 300 kg/cum]
M 25 330 kg/cum]
M 30 350 kg/cum]
M 35 370 kg/cum]
M 40 390 kg/cum]
Extra cement up to 10% of the minimum specified cement content in design mix shall be payable separately. In
case the cement content in design mix is more than 1.10 times of the specified minimum cement content, the
contractor shall have discretion to either re-design the mix or bear the cost of extra cement.
15.7) Maximum water cement ratio: The limits for maximum water cement ratio for design mix shall be
based on environmental exposure conditions as per extant Railway Board's instructions and CPWD
Specifications 2019.

15.8) The limits for maximum water cement ratio for different environmental conditions shall be as under:
Maximum water-cement ratio
Exposure Plain concrete (PCC) Reinforced concrete (RCC)

Mild 0.60 0.55

Moderate 0.60 0.50
Severe 0.50 0.45
Very severe 0.45 0.45
Extreme 0.40 0.40

15.8) . Samples from fresh concrete shall be drawn as required in para 8.7.2 of IRS Concrete Bridge code
1997. The test cubes should be cast at regular intervals and tested to assess the strength of concrete.
Record of strength obtained on test cubes shall be maintained at site and these strengths/other
parameters should satisfy the acceptance criterion given in Para 8.7.6 of IRS Concrete Bridge
Code 1997. Unless the details as required above are submitted, the bill of item of concreting shall not
be passed. In case of large projects the contractor should establish cube testing equipment at or near
the site of work. The cost of casting cubes and their testing will have to be borne by the contractor. In
case the cube so cast fail the acceptance criteria laid in the code or found porous or honeycombed the
work will be rejected after inspection of by the engineer and such works shall be replaced by contractor at
his cost. This will be without prejudice to any other remedial measures prescribed under the contract.

15.9) In case the contractor desires to use a curing membrane instead of water curing; he may do so after
submitting the necessary data and after the same is approved by the Engineer in-charge. No extra payment
on this account would be admissible. It should be noted that no additional payment would be made for
curing/vibrating the concrete at different heights and the contractor should make his own arrangements
for the provision of necessary staging/scaffolding etc. and carry out curing/vibrating at all levels as
directed by the Engineer in charge.
15.10) The rate for concreting is inclusive of curing to the satisfaction of Engineer in-charge, in case
contractor fails to do curing, the concreting done by him is liable to be rejected. If curing is not being
done to satisfactory standard, the Engineer at his discretion may get it done at the contractor's cost
without any notice to him as the curing cannot wait for any such notice time, etc. The Engineer's
decision shall be final and binding as to whether satisfactory curing is being done or not. The cost
of curing will be recovered from the 'ON ACCOUNT BILLS'.
15.11) Ready Mixed Concrete: Plain and Reinforced Cement Concrete works using RMC, the instructions
stipulated in the ANNEXURE 3.5 of Indian Railways Unified Standard specifications for materials and
works – 2010 are to be followed and as per IS: 4926 - Specification for Ready Mixed Concrete-
Code of Practice.
15.11.l) Concrete produced by completely mixing cement, aggregates, admixtures, if any, and water at a Central
Batching and Mixing plant and delivered in fresh condition at site of construction.
15.11.2) Re-tempering with concrete: Under any circumstances, re-tempering i.e. addition of water after
initial mixing, shall not be allowed, as it may affect the strength and other properties of concrete.
15.11.3) Time period for delivery of concrete: The concrete. shall be delivered completely to the site of
work within 1 to 2 Hr (when the atmospheric temperature is above 20 degree C) and within 2 Hrs
(when the atmospheric temperature is at or below 20 degree C) of adding the mixing water to the dry
mix of cement and aggregate or adding the cement to the aggregate, whichever is earlier. In case,
location of site of construction is such that this time period is concerned inadequate; increased time
period may be specified provided that properties of concrete have been tested after lapse of the
proposed delivery period at the time of finalizing mix design.
15.11.4) Transportation of ready mixed concrete: The ready mixed concrete shall be transported in
concrete transit agitators conforming to IS: 5892 (Specification for concrete transit mixers and
agitators). Agitating speed of the agitators during transit shall not be less than 2 revolution per minute
nor more than 6 revolution per minute. ,
16.0) Any excess quantity of cement and steel left over after completion of the work will have to be
disposed of by the contractor and cannot be taken over by the Railway.
17.0) NO Electrical power supply will be made for the work. However Railway may supply Electrical
power subject to availability of capacity on payment of energy charges as determined by Divisional
electrical Engineer on the usual terms and conditions for such supply. The decision of DEE Palghat
as to availability of spare capacity will be final, conclusive and binding on the contractor. In case
supply is made available, contractor has to make his own arrangement at his cost for drawl of power
including fixing of distribution board with energy meter and necessary cabling etc.

18.0) Implementation of The building and other Construction Workers (RECS) Act 1996 and the building and
other Construction Workers welfare Cess Act 1996 in railway contracts.
"The tenderer for carrying out any construction work in ………………………… (name of the State)
must get themselves registered from the Registering Officer under Section-] of the Building and other
construction workers Act, 1996 and rules made thereto by the ………………. (name of the state)
Government and submit certificate of Registration issued from the Registering Officer of the ………
……………… (name of the state) Govt. (Labour Deptt.). For enactment of this Act, the tenderer shall
be required to pay cess @ 1% of cost of construction work to be deducted from each bill. Cost of material
[shall be outside the purview of cess, when supplied under a separate schedule item".

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