Principles of Management Reaction Paper
Principles of Management Reaction Paper
Principles of Management Reaction Paper
Principles of Management
Reaction paper
Henri Fayols father of modern management. He was a Frenchman born in 1841 and was
working as an engineer with a mining company and he saw a need for management theory and
training. In 1949, his book was published in English, General and Industrial Management. In his
book he said that there were six activities of industry – this general activities is vital to run an
organization and one of this activities was managerial his real area of concern. Managerial
activities consist of five areas of functions orderly; Planning, Organizing, Command, Coordination,
Controlling. He also outlined the 14 Principles of management.
The first principle is The Division of work – this principles famously discussed by Adam
Smith in his book published “Of the Division of Labour” The greatest improvement in the productive
powers of labour, and the greater part of the skill, dexterity, and judgment with which it is anywhere
directed, or applied, seem to have been the effects of the division of labour. In order to get things
done smoothly one should be specific at work, this will lead to specialization, 2.) Authority and
Responsibility – For managers it is appropriate that managers have the authority and authority
comes with responsibility the manager should express his freedom to command or instruct his
subordinate to ensure that his responsibilities are performed successfully, this principle is inherit to
the management. 3.) Discipline is an important measurement of the manager to monitor his
subordinate action towards organizational goals. 4.) Unity of Command – in organization it is
important to remember that there is only one immediate supervisor to whom the employee will
report with; this will also avoid any confusion for subordinate so as to who they will receive an
order or report to 5.) Unity of Direction – Each department tend to have different goals to achieve
with, the unity of direction implies that a group has a distinctive goals that must be achieved
together. 6.) Subordination of Individual Interest to General Interest – Organization composed
of various people with different background and personality. The function of the management here
is to enlightened employees the primary goals of the organization in which it must supersede than
to individual goals/ interest. 7.) Remuneration of Personnel – Employees should fairly paid by
the employer. The employer may use different metrics to gauge employees’ performance and use
this as the basis of pay method. 8.) Centralization this means that the decision making comes
from the top management a concentrated power and authority to middle management, 9.) Scalar
Chain – refers to line of authority, a chain of superiors from the highest to the lowest ranks. 10.)
Order - which refers to the arrangement of things and persons in an organizations. An employee
can work properly and efficiently when all the things he needs to work are in the same place 11.)
Equity – Manager should express fairness in dealing with his subordinates this will also validate
the effectiveness of a good manager. 12.) Stability of Tenure of Personnel – recruiting the right
personnel for the right jobs and hopes to retain them for long. 13.) Initiative – in the organization
employees are encouraged to make initiative, suggest other methods or ideas that contribute
success to the organization. 14.) Esprit de Corps - French Phrase which means Enthusiasm and
Devotion which also implies Cooperation and Teamwork.
As can be seen this principles are still useful in different companies in their organization.
Observable means effective.