2017 03MarME
2017 03MarME
2017 03MarME
VOL. 75 • NO. 3
Jacksonville, Florida
13–16 March
Microwave NDT
Penetrant Wastewater
Magnetic Memory Testing
NDT of Welded Joints
ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
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ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
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ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
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ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
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MARCH 2017
338 MW NDT
An Inspection Method
Joseph T. Case and Shant Kenderian
347 PT Process
Liquid Penetrant Wastewater Processing: New
Peter Hessinger
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The American Society for Nondestructive Testing
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ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
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The Presidential Collar
THE PRESIDENTIAL COLLAR is transferred from one
president to the next and includes an inscription of the It is time to go to the
president’s name and year of service. I am currently
the 76th president and wearer of the fourth collar. The members, rather than expect
other three are on display at the International Service
Center in Columbus, Ohio. Collars have been used for them to come to us.
badges of office since the Middle Ages. Today, many
organizations use historic collars as part of their regalia
and recognition of a position of honor and trust. of the public and our mission is clearly stated. However,
I have decided to set a precedent this year, one that one can live up to the mission and not necessarily support
I hope those who follow me will continue. As the the members. The president is duty bound to support the
president—one of the foremost recognized ambassa- membership at large. Of course, the job becomes much
dors of the society—I have felt that it is important to easier when your own goals, passions, and ideas are in
travel with the presidential collar. As I visit our ASNT sync with the greater good of the members.
sections and other societies and attend other formal In addition to my goals and objectives for the ASNT
functions, I will display the presidential collar. To date, Central Certification Program (ACCP), I want to work dili-
I’ve had the opportunity to attend the CANDU confer- gently to reach out to our Level II technicians with a
ence in Canada, the Greater Houston Section’s concentrated effort of inclusion. We have all looked at
Christmas party, a meeting in Maine, and most recently, ways to encourage greater involvement of Level IIs. This
an ASNT event we sponsored with NASA in Houston. In has largely been unsuccessful, so I’ve decided to take a
all cases, there was a deep appreciation for the collar new approach.
and an opportunity for membership to share in a bigger I’m going to work with NDT-related companies
role in the society, have pictures taken, and have a across America, seeking an opportunity to meet with
chance to show pride for ASNT. their employees. I would like to give motivational and
The presidential collar in many ways signifies our inspirational talks about NDT, membership, and a call
society’s code of honor, and for those who are honored to duty. I have already begun to lay the groundwork for
to wear it, it comes with a higher level of responsibility. this in my monthly articles by talking about “HEART.” I
Our profession is paramount to the safety and well being truly believe that it is time to go to the members, rather
than expect them to come to us. I am very fortunate to
work with a large and supportive NDT service provider,
and I will run the pilot program for this within my own
company. Following that, and with the full under-
standing that I represent ASNT and members, I will
work with as many companies as I can throughout the
remainder of the year. I hope that this will have an
impact on our largest NDT work force, Level IIs, who
mostly are not members of ASNT. If anyone has any
thoughts or ideas on how I can improve or maximize my
efforts in this area, please reach out to me. I look
forward to seeing all of you very soon at your place or
mine—the ASNT venues—throughout the year.
D AV I D R . B A J U L A
2016–2017 ASNT President
Five Colorado Section members participated in the 2016 Colorado Springs Science Festival
(from left): Section Chair Anish Poudel, Brian Lindeman, Aaron Cage, Nolan Hanson, and
Section Secretary Mike Cross.
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state-of-the-art ultraviolet (UV) light-
emitting diode hand lamps and a very
easy to follow explanation in how UV light NDT Buyers Guide
works in discontinuity detection. Special The June issue of Materials Evalua-
thanks to Tom Flaherty, with Detek, for tion will include the annual NDT
sponsoring the meeting. Buyers Guide, a directory of NDT
The Section hosted 27 members and products and services. It is mailed
guests at its 3 December meeting. Members to over 16 000 subscribers and
shared fun, food, music, and dancing to ASNT members and is available on
celebrate the spirit of the season. The main the ASNT website. Participation in
purpose of this celebration was to grow the Buyers Guide is free, but you
support and engage more members, must enter or update your informa-
students, and families in Section activities. tion with ASNT to make sure you
In November, speaker Marc Breit (left) will be part of this invaluable re-
received a recognition award from Charlotte source to the NDT industry. Infor-
Section Chair Paul Ogletree. Chicago mation for the NDT Buyers Guide
On 14 November, 10 members of the will be collected between now and
Chicago Section attended a tour of Dale 4 April. Contact Advertising Super-
Charlotte Coyne Racing in Plainfield, Illinois. The visor Diane Oen (doen@asnt.org)
Dale Coyne Racing team runs three Indy at (800) 222-2768 X209 for more
The Charlotte Section hosted 17 members cars at races around the country, including details and information.
and guests at its 14 November meeting, in the Indianapolis 500. The shop engineers
Charlotte, North Carolina. The guest and technicians demonstrated the use of Upcoming Standards
speaker was Marc Breit from Secu-Chek, wet fluorescent magnetic particle inspec-
GmbH. The group saw a demonstration of tion and fluorescent water washable liquid
Development Meeting
The next Standards Development
Committee meeting is Sunday,
12 March at the 26th ASNT Research
Symposium in Jacksonville, Florida.
More information is online at
www.asnt.org, or by e-mailing
Charles Longo (clongo@asnt.org).
Be part of this meeting to be part of
ASNT’s voice in national and interna-
tional standards development.
Chicago Section members viewed a Dale Coyne Racing Indy car during their November tour of
the facility.
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Greater Houston Section Director Jerry Fulin (third from right) presented scholarship checks to students at Texas A&M University at the
beginning of December as part of the Section’s student outreach program.
processes. Many thanks to Robach five students at Wharton College and had City, Texas. ASNT President Dave Bajula,
and to the meeting sponsors, Turbo opportunity to talk with the students and Bonnie Blanchard, and Rhonda Storey
Nondestructive Testing, Inc., Magnaflux, staff. Fulin took a tour of the college were the masters of ceremony for the
and Draco Global Solutions. program, during which he the chance to evening. Bajula welcomed everybody,
Section members conducted student speak more about ASNT. wearing his presidential collar, and
outreach at Texas A&M University, On 14 December, the Section hosted thanked the sponsors, Iris Inspection
Ocean Corp., and Wharton College. On 73 members and guests at its annual Services, Inc., and the Ocean Corp.
1 December, Section Director Jerry Fulin holiday party at the newly remodeled Blanchard and Storey thanked those who
presented scholarship award checks to South Shore Harbour Resort in League brought gifts for the Marine Corp’s Toys for
Hawaii Section career fair participants, front to back (right side): Derek Barbadillo, Donovan
Barbadillo, Jayme Martin, and Jack Laws.
Tots program, and also announced the mentioned that he has not seen a career
schedule for the evening and the periodic display attract as many interested students
door prize drawings. as the Section booth did. It appears this will
There was a Texas roundup dinner be an annual event for the Section. The
buffet. Each of the 10 tables had a winner career fair is held in the school gymnasium.
who took home the centerpiece of either a The newly reorganized Hawaii Section
lantern or pickup truck with a Christmas held a meeting on 8 December, at Buzz’s
tree in the bed. A Monte Carlo casino night Steakhouse, Pearl City, Hawaii. Nine
followed dinner, where there were tables members and guests attended. The
set up for black jack, Texas Hold ‘Em, meeting was called to order by Section
and roulette. Big winners at the games Chair Derek Barbadillo. Settling Section
won grand prizes donated by Turbo business was the topic for the evening,
Nondestructive Testing, Inc.; Ron Jackson including finalizing the Section bylaws,
and Casino Parties Unlimited; Oceanscan; getting bank account signatory authority
Ltd.; Olympus; and ALX Industries. It was for the chairman and treasurer, finalizing
a fantastic evening. the annual projected budget, developing a
Section newsletter, and setting the dates
Hawaii for the next four quarterly meetings.
The Hawaii Section participated at the India
Kailua High School Annual Career Fair on CHENNAI, INDIA
6 November. Kailua High School, a 9th to The India Section’s fourth section meeting
12th grade public high school, is located was held on 18 December at Vatika
on the windward side of the island of Business Centre, Chennai. Section Chair
Oahu. Demonstrating the nondestructive B. Venkatraman began the meeting with a
testing methods and assisting with the welcome address and announcements and
hands-on activities were Section Chair called on Section Secretary Prakash
Derek Barbadillo, with magnetic particle Gokulanandam to go through the agenda.
testing; Section Director Donovan Barbardillo, The agenda was a Section activities
with ultrasonic testing thickness; Section review, member feedback, and financial
Director Jayme Martin, with corrosion review. Section Director S. Kamaraj shared
scanning; and Section Treasurer Jack Laws. his experience from attending the ASNT
A longtime participant of this career fair Annual Conference and Council meetings.
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The India Section held its fourth meeting in Chennai.
Mohawk Hudson
S C H E N E C T A D Y, N E W Y O R K
The Mohawk Hudson Section’s 13 December
meeting at Van Dyck restaurant and
lounge, in Schenectady, New York, was a
presentation on “Lessons Learned During
the Design and Construction of Major
Bridge Projects in New York State,” by
Christopher Millington, of the Federal
Lewis & Clark Section Treasurer Mike Dunbar
(left) presented David Harris with a small Highway Administration FHWA. Currently,
token of appreciation for making a Millington is the major projects structural
presentation to the Section. engineer for FHWA and is responsible for
Members and Guests of the Mohawk Hudson Section at the 13 December dinner meeting.
several bridge programs, including: Old Dominion Virginia, on 28 November. Section Chair
geotechnical, complex structures, Doug McAvoy discussed the progress in
moveable bridges, bridge security, and On 17 October, 12 members and guests of searching for a new permanent meeting
tunnels. Millington’s technical presentation the Old Dominion Section and Hampton site. Section Treasurer Gary Schepker
provided an overview of contract adminis- Roads Section met at Rocco’s Smokehouse presented an update of the Section’s
tration using design-build by sharing the Grill, in Williamsburg, Virginia, for a finances, and acting Section Vice Chair
lessons learned in design and construction technical meeting. They were joined by Ed Darby presented an update on the
from the New NY Bridge (Tappan Zee) Regional Director Bill Via, Jr. of the Virginia Section’s efforts to maintain gold status.
project, Goethals Bridge replacement Department of Transportation (VDOT). Bill Via provided an update on ASNT
project, and the Kosciuszko Bridge Attendees were enlightened by a presenta- activities after the Annual Conference.
project. tion on building bridges with ASTM A1010 Everyone thanked Deonna Woolard for
The meeting was attended by stainless steel, given by Via, as well as a putting the yearbook together. Overall
18 members and guests. quick overview on research being there were 18 members and guests,
conducted by Old Dominion Section several from the VDOT Bridge Division,
Oklahoma member Ed Darby, also from VDOT, on the to hear a presentation from Soundar
TULSA, OKLAHOMA risk of hot-dip galvanizing of large, prefab- Balakumaran, of the VDOT Research
The Oklahoma Section held a meeting ricated pieces. Council, on his work in nondestructive
on 18 October, at Savastano’s Pizza, in The Old Dominion Section gathered at testing of concrete. At the conclusion of
Tulsa, Oklahoma, with the Section chair, the Calabash restaurant, in Mechanicsville, the meeting, Balakumaran received the
treasurer, and secretary present. There
were 14 members and 1 guest in atten-
dance. Dinner and social hour preceded
the meeting.
Old business concerning meeting
location and fees were immediately
brought up for discussion. Spartan College
students want no/low cost meeting
places and meals with numerous ideas
presented. No decision was agreed
upon. The topic was tabled for future
discussion. No additional business was
Mitch Alexander, of Olympus,
presented a very informative presentation
on “Phased Array Ultrasonic Inspection.” The Old Dominion Section joined by Regional Director Bill Via, Jr. (standing right) held its
second technical meeting for the 2016 planning year on 28 November.
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traditional speaker’s gift of an engraved student section yet, will entertain member-
Jefferson Cup to remember the occasion. ship from the welding, composite, and
NDT programs at CPTC. Distinguished
Pacific Northwest guests included the students, their instruc-
SE ATT L E , WA S H I N GTO N tors, and Samuel Bullard. Bullard was an
Seventeen Pacific Northwest Section award recipient at the ASNT 75th Annual
members and guests enjoyed an evening Conference 2016, in Long Beach,
of camaraderie on 14 November. Included California.
were seven students with their parents Award recipients from the Section
and spouses. After dinner, there was an were: Samuel Bullard (Advancement
engaging and interesting presentation on of Active Military and Veterans in
“Metallurgy in the 21st Century,” by Dan NDT Recognition); Gary Georgeson
Wallem, of Boeing Co. His passion for the (ASNT Fellow and Robert C. McMaster
topic was transferred to several members Gold Medal); and Steven Brady (Young
After his presentation at the November
and students. NDT Professional Recognition). The
meeting, Dan Wallem (left) received a
The student directors brought news Section also earned Gold Level status Section challenge coin and engraved pen
that a nondestructive testing (NDT) club in the President’s Award Program, and pencil set from Pacific Northwest
had been started at Clover Park Technical represented by Jeff Siegel. Section Chair Kathy Ferguson.
College (CPTC). This club, while not a
On 12 December, 27 Section members, The images are constructed by acquiring From Vision to Mission: ASNT 1941 to
students, and guests, attended a social radiographic projections from incremental 2016. Three students from CPTC were
dinner and technical meeting at the Hilton viewing angles taken from multiple positions among the recipients of this historical
DoubleTree Hotel in Southcenter near from 0 to 180°. The individual projections compilation, which recounts the rise of
Seattle/Tacoma international airport. are fed into a computer, where powerful ASNT from its roots as the American
Organized by Kathy Ferguson to celebrate algorithms work to reconstruct the test part’s Industrial Radium and X-Ray Society to
the holiday season and add a bit of festivity internal structures into a whole 3D image, the prestigious American Society for
to the evening, each attendee was given a which can be rotated in space for viewing at Nondestructive Testing that it is today.
Christmas coffee cup filled with treats to any angle, allowing a qualified inspector to One of the winners of the drawing for
take home. As always, good food and great detect critical anomalies. the ASNT 75th anniversary book was a
conversation were enjoyed by all. The rest of the evening consisted of CPTC student named Cheyenne Yazzie.
For the evening’s technical presenta- socializing, networking, and discussions Yazzie is one of the first high school
tion, Blake Chenevert, of Delphi Precision among the members and students in students to take advantage of CPTC’s
Imaging, gave an engaging and informative attendance. In addition, as a continuation “Running Start” program. This is a
presentation, titled “Introduction to of the 75th anniversary celebration, each fantastic program where high school
Computed Tomography.” With this tech- attendee was given a ticket upon arrival to students can take college level courses
nology, the intricate internal structures inside the meeting and a drawing was held to and receive college credit towards a
of test objects of a variety of sizes, shapes, give away five copies of the beautifully degree while still in high school.
and materials, can be viewed as 3D images. constructed 75th ASNT anniversary book
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ASNT Qatar Section members, along with Regional Director Marwan Basrawi (standing fourth from left) and Peter Toebben (standing eighth
from left), from United NDT, GmbH.
Qatar event finished with gifts to the speakers discussion on how San Diego Water
D O H A , QATA R presented by Section Chair Mohanad Akilla. Authority has adopted specific require-
The Qatar Section held its first event of The event was sponsored by International ments for the use of PAUT in lieu of radiog-
autumn on 12 October, organized jointly Welding Center and Al Khalifa Co. raphy. This prompted a discussion from
with the Center for Advanced Materials The Section also held a board meeting the attendees on the use of PAUT.
(CAM), Qatar University. More than 40 ASNT after the event, led by Basrawi. There was In addition to the talk on code changes
professionals and industry representatives a discussion about current matters and there was a presentation on water pipeline
attended a presentation and live demon- future plans for the Section, and the installation in the city of San Diego. The
stration of advanced nondestructive Section was encouraged to adopt the talk was well received and had numerous
testing (NDT) technologies by Peter new ASNT bylaws. questions concerning the equipment used,
Toebben, from United NDT, GmbH, The Section held its last board meeting and what could be different in future appli-
Germany. The attendees were first of 2016 on 14 December, and planned to cations within the welding codes.
welcomed by Nasser Al-Nuaimi, from CAM, start 2017 with some changes. The Past Section Chair Hans Weber,
who gave an overview of the center’s activ- Section welcomed new board members standing in for Section Chair Aurapong
ities and expressed a keen interest on Andrew Muirhead, Akhilesh Upadhyay, McAnulty, thanked Davis for his informa-
future cooperation with the Section. Bovet Dalangin, and Prabahar Chelladurai tive talk and presented him with a certifi-
This event was a four-hour presenta- and is looking forward to a very busy 2017 cate of appreciation and a speaker gift. To
tion with a live demonstration by United with already a few events planned. The close the meeting, Weber acknowledged
NDT and was also an occasion for the board aims to bring knowledge of new tech- the first-time attendees and Section
Section to invite Regional Director Marwan nologies to its Section members and others vendors in attendance.
Basrawi to Doha. Basrawi gave a presenta- interested in knowing more about NDT. The evening concluded with the
tion about ASNT’s history and current regular raffles and a 50/50 cash raffle.
presence both globally and regionally, San Diego Raffle prizes were sponsored by the
together with management strategies, and SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA Section; David Waitt, of Fujifilm; Juan Diaz,
encouraged the attendees to get involved On 1 November, the San Diego Section of Testing Services & Inspection; and Larry
with their local Section. There is a lot of hosted its third technical meeting of the Olsen, of Northrop Grumman.
growing interest in the region to get 2016–2017 year, at the Best Western
engaged with ASNT and the event even Seven Seas hotel, in San Diego, California. Shanghai
attracted visitors from Kuwait. There were 25 members and guests in SHANGHAI, CHINA
The United NDT presentation was attendance. The speaker for the evening The Shanghai Section had its first annual
followed with questions from the was Jeff Davis, from San Diego Water meeting on 31 October. The meeting was
attendees. The focus was on “Advanced Authority. The title of his presentation was attended by 75 members and guests.
Ultrasonic Inspection Techniques Utilizing “Code Changes for Conventional Ultrasonic Section Director Yongchang Xu greeted
Conventional UT, Phased Array, and TOFD,” Testing and Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing everyone in attendance and thanked them
and at the end of the presentation, after a for Welding Inspection.” Davis’ talk covered for supporting the Section. Later on,
break, a live demonstration of the upcoming code changes for AWS D1.1 and Section Vice Chair Jingyuan Ji give a brief
equipment was given. The demonstration AWS D1.5 using phased array ultrasonic introduction of the Section’s function and
was performed by technicians after two testing (PAUT). In addition to the upcoming meeting agenda. The meeting was hosted
days of training by United NDT, and was code changes to the American Welding by Program Committee Chair Chunguang
found very useful by the attendees. The Society process specifications, there was a Xu; four presentation were given and five
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awards & honors
David Bajula Claudia Kropas-Hughes John Morris Yi-Cheng (Peter) Pan Robert J. Potter
Mentoring Recognition He has held all leadership positions for is the current past chair of E07, and is
the Greater Houston Section. member of the ASTM Board of Directors.
2016 winner David Bajula serves as the Kropas-Hughes is an ASNT Fellow,
president of ASNT. He is the recipient of 2016 winner Claudia Kropas-Hughes has recipient of the Charles Sherlock
the ASNT Fellow Award and certified ASNT been a member of ASNT for over 25 years Meritorious Service Award, an ASTM
NDT and ACCP Professional Level III in RT, and has worked in the nondestructive Fellow, and ASTM E07 Briggs Award
UT, MT, PT, VT, ET, LT, IR, and ML. He also testing business almost 30 years. Since recipient. An electrical engineer by
maintains his American Welding Society 1989 she has been employed by the U.S. education, she has a Ph.D. from the Air
Certified Welding Inspector and American Air Force, as a research leader for nonde- Force Institute of Technology and
Petroleum Institute API-510, QUTE, QUSE, structive evaluation (NDE), and currently maintains senior memberships in the
and QUPA. as a technical advisor at the Air Force Life Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Bajula attended Hutchinson Vo-Tech Cycle Management Center, focusing on Engineers and the Society of Women
(now Ridgewater College) in Minnesota. He transitioning technologies, for the Air Force Engineers. Kropas-Hughes currently holds
has more than 35 years of broad experi- Materiel Command. Her experience is one patent in the area of signal processing
ence in nondestructive testing (NDT) primarily in X-ray – computed tomography of NDE data.
inspection services, management, leader- and the digital techniques.
ship, operations, and business develop- Kropas-Hughes has been active 2016 winner John Morris is an electronics
ment, both in large corporations and in nationally within ASNT since 2003. She tech for the Naval Weapons Station
startup areas. Bajula has worked for some has served as the professional program Fallbrook. He has served as chair,
of the top companies in the world chair for the ASNT Annual Conference for secretary, and board of directors member
including General Electric, Combustion 13 years, is a member of the Penetrating at large for the San Diego Section.
Engineering, and IESCO. Currently, he is Radiation Methods Committee, and a past Morris served in the U.S. Navy from
the general manager of USA Advance NDT ASNT Board member. She is also active in 1963 to 1987, achieving the rank E7.
Services for Acuren Inspection, where he her local Miami Valley Section, where she He has a B.A. in criminal justice from
has worked for the past 16 years. has served as chair and is the current Chapman College, as well as certificates in
Bajula serves on the Certification Section secretary. electronics from the military, and PT and
Management Council, is chair of the Kropas-Hughes is also active in ASTM RT from Test NDT, Hellier, and ASNT. He is
Chemical and Petroleum Committee, and International where she serves as an certified ASNT NDT Level III in PT. Morris
is currently the regional director for ASNT active member on the Radiology (X and was recognized in appreciation for
Region 10, which covers the state of Texas. Gamma Methods) Subcommittee (E07.01), instructing a PT class in 2014.
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2016 winner Yi-Cheng (Peter) Pan is the oil Committee with special interest in the
and gas program leader at Therm-O-Disc/ magnetic particle standards. His commit-
Emerson. He currently serves as vice chair ment to both community and professional
of the Central Oho Section, where he was involvement has continued throughout his
previously secretary/treasurer. He is a past career. He is a member of the nondestruc-
member of the St. Louis Section. Pan is a tive testing (NDT) advisory board for
member of the Research Council’s Program Cowley County Community College and for
Committee, as well as of the Technical and the National Institute for Aviation Research
Education Council’s Aerospace and – National Center for Aviation Training.
Materials Evaluation committees. Potter is employed in the aerospace
Pan has a Ph.D. in engineering science sector where he works for a company that
from Southern Illinois University, specializes in NDT and metal finishing of
Carbondale, and a master’s degree in aerospace parts. Potter has a B.S. in
aeronautics engineering from National business management, is an avid pilot,
Cheng Kung University, where he earned and enjoys doing research in his spare
a scholarship for excellence. He is also time.
the recipient of the St. Louis Section’s
2009 Roehrs-Schneeberger memorial About the Mentoring Recognition
scholarship. Mentoring is an important activity that the
Section Operations Council of ASNT honors
2016 winner Robert J. Potter is a past by offering an award to outstanding
ASNT chair of the Board. He also served on mentors of the past and present. Realizing
the Board of Directors as a director at that mentors have probably touched every
large, president, vice president, and person in the Society at some time, this
secretary. As an ASNT NDT Level III in recognition may be presented to more
eight methods, Potter has served on the than one honoree. The maximum number
ASNT Certification Management Council as of recipients in any given year will be five.
chair elect and is past chair of the Eddy The recognition for outstanding mentor
Current and Neutron Radiography commit- was established to recognize those people
tees. Potter also serves on the Section in the Society working to encourage others
Operations Council (SOC) where he was to reach goals they may have otherwise
the Region 9 regional director. He is also not sought and to offer the rest of the
involved with the section management membership an example of what they
and membership divisions of SOC. Potter could be accomplishing by acting as
is a member of the 2002 class of ASNT mentors. w x
Along with Board and council involve-
ment, Potter was also the conference
director for the first two aerospace regional
conferences in Wichita, Kansas. He is an
active member of the Wichita Council of
Engineering Societies and was the
recipient of its Engineering Service Award
in 2010. Potter has been involved with Each month, M.E. highlights selected
other engineering societies including the honorees from the most recent ASNT
American Society for Quality where he award programs. The department also
earned certifications as Certified Quality features background on the high-
Engineer, Certified Quality Auditor, and lighted award, plus announcements of
Certified Mechanical Inspector. In addition, award applications, award winners and
he earned a Certified Welding Inspector deadline information.
certification from the American Welding
Society. He also serves on the ASTM E7
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Meetings “Electric Potential and Electric Field looking to jumpstart his or her career
Throughout the week there will be Board, Imaging with Dynamic Applications.” The in NDT.
Council, and committee meetings, many keynote address, by Gerhard Williams III,
of which are open to all attendees. There vice president of mechanical at CSX Companion Program
will also be special events like Meet Your Transportation, is titled “Predictive ASNT conference staff is dedicated to
Local Section Leader, Town Hall Meeting, Analytics in NDE of Railroads.” sourcing exciting host cities for its confer-
and International Reception as well as a ences and symposia, making these events
Welcome Reception, sponsored by CSX Corp. Student Participation appealing to attendee companions as well.
In order to help facilitate student travel The dedicated companion program includes
Plenary Addresses and participation at ASNT conferences, the a continental breakfast Monday through
Featured presentations at the 26th ASNT Society offers travel reimbursements of Wednesday as well as local speakers, a
Research Symposium include the Research $1000 each to a maximum of 15 students Jacksonville tour, and door prizes each day.
Award for Sustained Excellence lecture, by (the deadline to apply for this program ended
2017 award winner John Newman, of Laser in December). The Symposium is the perfect Exhibit
Technology, on “The Development and place for students interested in NDT to learn Over 20 exhibitors (as of 18 January) are
Application for Shearography NDT.” The more about the industry and its various scheduled to attend this year’s
Research Award for Innovation lecture, by fields, as well as develop employable skills Symposium. The exhibit hall is a hotbed
2017 award winner Edward Generazio, of and gather useful contacts. A dedicated of all the latest in NDT technology. Here,
NASA Langley Research Center, will be on student program will appeal to anyone attendees can tune into the pulse of the
Hanna Park is a public beach near Mayport in the Jacksonville Once known as Gator Bowl Stadium, EverBank Field, home of the
Beaches area. (Photo credit: Mgreason.) Jacksonville Jaguars, has hosted the annual Gator Bowl since 1946.
(Photo credit: James R. Martin / Shutterstock, Inc.)
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Jacksonville is both a military and civilian deep-water port, with two U.S. Navy bases and the third largest seaport in Florida.
(Photo credit: Lt. Cmdr. Corey Barker.)
such as the Landing, Times-Union Center, Dining in Jacksonville comes with a and swap fish tales. Or travel the Jax
Museum of Contemporary Art, and Florida mixture of local and international flavors Ale Trail and get a brewery passport
Theatre are not to be missed. Sports fans as well as southern charm. Enjoy sustain- stamped at eight different craft
will likely recognize EverBank field as the able, locally sourced cuisine that uses breweries. w x
home of the Jacksonville Jaguars, while fresh, seasonal ingredients to showcase
culture fans will enjoy the many seasonal the best of northeast Florida fare. Try ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
events including jazz and orchestral dinner at a fish camp, a popular casual Facts and photos for this article were provided
by the Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront
performances. eatery where fishermen used to socialize and Wikipedia.
1. Call to Order — L. Terry Clausing, Chair of the Board 3. Approval of 2015 ASNT Annual Business Meeting
Clausing called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. and Minutes — Mandina
made introductions of the Officers, Past Presidents, and 3.1. The ASNT Board of Directors recommended that the
Dignitaries. 2015 Annual Business Meeting minutes, as published
in the March 2016 issue of Materials Evaluation, and
There was a moment of silence for those members that had with no comments having been subsequently
passed away this year. received, be approved as published.
1.1. Quorum: Secretary/Treasurer David A. Mandina Motion: Mandina moved to approve the 2015 Annual
established the presence of a quorum, with 56 members Business Meeting minutes as published. The motion
in attendance, representing 22 sections. was seconded by Claudia Kropas-Hughes and was
1.2. Appointment of Tellers: Clausing appointed Michael V. approved.
McGloin, Ray Morasse, Emery Roberts, and William F.
Via, Jr. as tellers. Via served as head teller. 4. Treasurer’s Report for Fiscal Year 2014–2015 — Mandina
4.1. Secretary/Treasurer Mandina was pleased to present
1.3. Recognition of Agenda Changes: No additions or the financial report that ended 30 June 2016. Fiscal
deletions were presented. The agenda was set. Year 2016 was the first year for ASNT operations under
the Strategic Plan, a plan that invests in strategies that
2. Ratification of Election Results — Clausing will maximize our future impact and relevance, and
2.1. On Saturday, 20 August 2016, membership ballots allows ASNT to operate in environments that will
were tallied for the election of the 2017 officers and produce positive program results.
new directors. The following individuals were elected: ASNT had total revenues of $8 400 000, $200 000
l Officers less than last year’s record revenues of $8 600 000.
Chair of the Board: Kevin D. Smith ASNT continued to see record growth in revenues
President: David R. Bajula from dues as a result of record membership numbers,
Vice President: David A. Mandina continued success of the ASNT NDT Level III
Secretary/Treasurer: Scott P. Cargill designation, and significant sales from the next
edition of most recognized document in the NDT
l Directors at Large (three-year term) profession, Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A.
Gregory Garcia ASNT conferences and meetings had record exhibit
Mohsen Hassanein sales and strong registration; however, a reduction in
Marybeth Miceli the number of events resulted in lower revenue.
l Council Directors Advertising fell by 6% and book sales fell 10% after
Martin T. Anderson, Certification Management Council over two years of increasing sales.
Yi-Cheng (Peter) Pan, Research Council Operations for Fiscal Year 2016 were $9.0 million
William F. Via, Jr., Sections Operations Council compared to $8.0 million in 2015. The increased
Danny L. Keck, Technical and Education Council spending was driven by ASNT’s new Strategic Plan and
The ratification of the election results is automatic. improving programs and facilities to move ASNT
towards a continued success. Significant increases in
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spending were directed at improving and adding new ASNT added two new staff members to provide
core services. guidance and assistance to Section leaders, solicit
ASNT partnered with Pearson VUE to get access and support new volunteer engagement, and increase
to a staff of highly trained professionals and our participation in support of science, technology,
state-of-the-art tools for exam content development, engineering, and mathematics education programs
psychometric services, and test publishing. This at the national and section level.
partnership will provide a test delivery platform to After all expenses, ASNT recorded an operating
increase the access and security of exams. loss of $536 000. Due to challenging market
In 2015, ASNT developed a Center for Excellence conditions, investments returns recorded a loss of
for delivery of education, training, and development of $167 000.
elements of a recognized ISO 17024 accredited Total assets for this year were $26 900 000, a
program for an ISO 9712 certification scheme within decrease of 3.2%.
the United States. A building was leased in Columbus, Total liabilities decreased by 4.6%.
Ohio, to bring a world-class training facility and
educational resources for NDT users and stakeholders. 5. State of the Society Message — Clausing
As part of ASNT’s international strategy in 5.1. International Travel: There is a continued increase in
developing strong and meaningful relationships with ASNT’s involvement and engagement with sister
other NDT societies and organizations around the world, societies around the globe. The Board Officers and
in 2016 ASNT visited over 15 countries and initiated Executive Director have visited numerous countries
numerous new Memorandums of Understanding. and societies, taking opportunities to develop new
relationships and revive old ones. The Board Officers, September 2015. There are 566 certified ACCP [ASNT
Executive Director, and key staff members attended the Central Certification Program] Professional Level IIIs
World Conference in Germany. Five formal Memorandums holding 1618 certifications, which is also consistent
of Understanding will be signed at this conference with September 2015. The ACCP AWS/CWI [Certified
ASNT is also forging partnerships with ANSI, API, Welding Inspector] program has 1867 individuals
ASME, NACE, QNDE, ICNDT, ASTM, and AWS. ASNT is certified (up 10%). ACCP Level IIs have 435 individuals
also engaging in cooperative programming at this certified and 784 certifications.
conference. NACE will be hosting a special track that ASNT opened the ASNT Center for Excellence in
covers the importance of NDT in corrosion detection. Columbus, Ohio, offering classrooms for educational
ASNT will have sponsored tracks at their events as well. programming and a hands-on NDT lab. The first
5.2. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics ASNT NDT Level III refresher course was held on
(STEM): This is a youth outreach program that began 12 September 2016, with 24 attendees.
at the Annual Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah and In May 2016, ASNT launched computer-based
has grown tremendously. In Utah, the program began testing to examination candidates in the United States
with two schools and 60 students; at this year’s in partnership with Pearson VUE. Candidates will be
75th Annual Conference, there will be three schools able to schedule exams 24/7 online or via phone.
bringing 300 students to participate in ASNT’s Day There is a worldwide network of test centers. By the
of STEM Workshop. In addition to the hands-on end of the year, ASNT will roll out computer-based
demonstrations, there are 24 exhibitors that are allowing testing to all international examination candidates.
the students to come to their booths in the exhibit hall. The official date will be announced later.
ASNT went to Washington, D.C., for the 4th USA 5.6. Conferences: The 2015 Annual Conference, held in Salt
Science and Engineering Festival and had a booth in Lake City, Utah, was well attended, with 1875 participants
the exhibit hall. ASNT demonstrated three different NDT from 43 countries and 193 exhibitors as well as
methods: infrared and thermal testing, leak testing, and 96 scheduled presentations, panel discussions, and five
magnetic particle testing. There were approximately short courses. The 25th Annual Research Symposium,
365 000 people that attended the festival. held in New Orleans, Louisiana, hosted 300 attendees
5.3. Membership: In the past year, ASNT has added with 67 papers and 32 exhibiting companies. Digital
1710 new individual members. We have added Imaging, held in Mashantucket, Connecticut, hosted
125 new corporate partner members. ASNT’s total more than 255 attendees, with 20 presentations and
membership is 16 163, which is a growth of 8% and it 30 exhibitors.
spans 96 countries around the globe. The growth is The NDT/NDE for Aerospace Materials and Structures
indicative of our growing presence and the expanded Conference took place in June in St. Louis, Missouri, and
programs being offered worldwide. There were also had 104 attendees, 20 exhibitors, and 28 presentations.
269 members that recruited 849 new members The Ultrasonics for NDT Conference took place
through the Around the Word campaign. The new immediately following the Digital Imaging and hosted
Who’s Next campaign begins 1 November. 114 attendees, with 14 exhibitors and 17 presentations.
Since 2015, ASNT has chartered five new The final topical of the year was the NDE/NDT for
sections: Oman, Four Corners, Shanghai, India, Highways and Bridges: Structural Material Technology,
and Southwestern Ontario. Additionally, there have in Portland, Oregon, which hosted 152 attendees,
been 10 previously dormant sections reactivated. 10 exhibitors, and 80 presentations.
5.4. Section Leader Conference: The International Service 5.7. Publications: ASNT published the new edition of
Center hosted 40 attendees for the 16th ASNT Section Materials and Processes for NDT Technology.
Leaders Conference on 20—21 May 2016. Twenty-three The following publications are new or updated:
sections from 12 regions were represented. Attendees l The second edition of the Radiographic Testing
participated in workshops to learn about section Classroom Training Book and Student-Instructor
organization, marketing, and other best practices. Packages
5.5. Certification: ASNT NDT Level III currently records l Interpreting SNT-TC-1A, 2015, 2015 edition
8397 individuals (up 7.7%) collectively holding nearly l Level II Study Guide for Ultrasonic Testing
25 000 certifications (up 8%). The IRRSP [Industrial Updated standards include the following:
Radiography Radiation Safety Personnel] certificate l ANSI/ASNT CP-105
program has 3341 individuals holding 3466 valid l ANSI/ASNT CP-189
certificates, which is consistent with numbers from l Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A
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Materials Evaluation published two technical focus l Keynote Address: Steven Shepard will deliver his
issues in 2016: April 2016 was on microwave testing, presentation, titled “Lessons Learned and Future
with guest technical editor Karl Schmidt. July 2016 Directions in Thermography,” as the Lester Honor
was on computed tomography, with guest technical Lecture on Tuesday morning at 8:00 a.m. NFL player
editor John Chen. and NASA astronaut Melvin Leland will present his
In recognition of ASNT’s 75th Anniversary, presentation on Wednesday morning. On Thursday
Materials Evaluation ran a series of eight retrospective at 8:00 a.m., Chuck Hellier will discuss the
inserts highlighting past issue of Materials Evaluation evolution of the NDT industry over the last 75 years.
going back to the 1940s.
The fourth issue of The NDT Technician newsletter 7. Regionl Directors — Clausing
was released in October. Highlights included an article 7.1. Clausing recognized the following ASNT Regional
on digital radiography, which will be incorporated into Directors by asking them to stand and be recognized.
an industrial radiography class at Piedmont Community
College. There were other articles on training, penetrant David R. Bajula
testing, student outreach, and a profile on the Lou Marwan F. Basrawi
DiValerio Technician of the Year Award winner. Joseph R. Clasen
The NDT Library, an online repository for technical Brenda L. Collins
papers published in M.E. [Materials Evaluation], RNDE Cindy Finley
[Research in Nondestructive Evaluation], and TNT [The Joaquin P. Gutierrez
NDT Technician] was launched. Papers can be purchased Ahmed Hassen
from the following site: https://ndtlibrary.asnt.org. Brad Hoskins
5.8. ASNT’s 75th Anniversary: Members were encouraged John J. Kinsey
to visit the ASNT Trip Down Section Memory Lane in Michael V. McGloin
the exhibit hall. Each full registrant to the conference Larry Mullins
will receive the 75-year history book titled From Vision Mark Ormrod
to Mission: ASNT from 1941 to 2016. There is a special Yi-Cheng (Peter) Pan
party being held on the Queen Mary on Wednesday Emery E. Roberts
evening. There is also a commemorative piece of art Hussein M. Sadek
that is displayed at the International Service Center. David E. Savoy
There is a life-size replica of the piece displayed at William F. Via, Jr.
this conference.
8. Introduction of the Current Board of Directors — Clausing
6. Introduction of the National Conference General 8.1. Clausing recognized the current ASNT Board of
Chair — Clausing Directors by asking them to stand and be recognized.
6.1. Recognition of the National Conference General Chair:
Clausing thanked the exhibitors, session chairs, speakers, Kevin D. Smith, President
and session monitors and recognized the sponsors: David R. Bajula, Vice President
Olympus and QSA Global, Inc. Clausing thanked Wendy David A. Mandina, Secretary/Treasurer
Morasse for heading the Companion Program. Dr. Arny Bereson, Executive Director
Clausing introduced National Conference Chair Mohammed A. AbuFour
Claudia Kropas-Hughes and thanked her for her hard Marwan F. Basrawi
work and commitment to ASNT and this conference. Tsuchin (Philip) Chu
This is her 14th year as Conference Chair. Brenda L. Collins
6.2. Summary of the Conference and Upcoming Activities B. Boro Djordjevic
of the Week: Kropas-Hughes outlined the upcoming Cindy Finley
Annual Conference activities. David O. Hall
Michael V. McGloin
l Statistics William Plumstead, Jr.
l 1592 total registrants Robert L. Saunders
l 108 papers David E. Savoy
l 27 technical sessions Flynn Spears
l 4 short courses John Turner
l 1 keynote address
l 2 plenary addresses
l 206 companies in the exhibit hall
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society news
9. Recognition of the Outgoing Directors of the Board 13. New Business — Clausing
— Clausing 13.1. The 2017 Board of Directors was announced:
9.1. Clausing recognized the following by acknowledging
l Officers
the contributions that were made by having them
Chair of the Board: Kevin D. Smith
come forward to be recognized by receiving a plaque.
President: David R. Bajula
Marwan F. Basrawi Vice President: David A. Mandina
Tsuchin (Philip) Chu Secretary/Treasurer: Scott P. Cargill
Brenda L. Collins Executive Director: Dr. Arny Bereson
Cindy Finley l Council Directors
David O. Hall Section Operations Council: William F. Via, Jr.
William Plumstead, Jr. Research Council: Yi-Cheng (Peter) Pan
David E. Savoy Technical and Education Council: Danny L. Keck
Certification Management Council: Martin T. Anderson
10. Recognition of 2015–2016 Council Chairs — Clausing
10.1. Clausing recognized the following 2015–2016 ASNT l Directors
Council Chairs by acknowledging the contributions Director at Large: Mohammed A. AbuFour
that were made and by presenting them a certificate of Director at Large: B. Boro Djordjevic
appreciation. Director at Large: Gregory A. Garcia
Director at Large: Mohsen Hassanein
David Vigne, Certification Management Council Director at Large: Michael V. McGloin
Gary E. Georgeson, Research Council Director at Large: Marybeth Miceli
Ricky L. Morgan, Sections Operations Council Director at Large: Robert G. Saunders
Danny L. Keck, Technical and Education Council Director at Large: Flynn Spears
Director at Large: John Turner
11. Recognition of ASNT Past Presidents — Clausing
11.1. Clausing asked Past Presidents of ASNT to rise and be l Council Chairs
recognized. Certification Management Council: John S. Kinsey
Research Council: Gary E. Georgeson
David L. Culbertson Section Operations Council: Ricky L. Morgan
Roger W. Engelbart Technical and Education Council: Danny L. Keck
Nat Y. Faransso
Robert A.Feole 14. Adjournment — Clausing
Charles J. Hellier, III Changing of the Presidential Collar will be Wednesday
Victor L. Hernandez evening at the 75th Anniversary Party.
Jocelyn A. Langlois 14.1. The meeting was moved to be adjourned.
Joseph L. Mackin
George C. Moran Motion: Bajula moved to adjourn the meeting. The
Raymond G. Morasse motion was seconded by Mandina. Motion carried.
Ricky L. Morgan
William C. Plumstead, Sr. Chair Clausing declared that the 2016 ASNT Annual
Robert J. Potter Business Meeting was adjourned.
Hussein M. Sadek
Henry M. Stephens
Respectfully submitted
Marvin W. Trimm
David A. Mandina
Michael L. Turnbow
2016 ASNT Secretary/Treasurer
12. Old Business — Clausing * These minutes from the 2016 Annual Business Meeting, presented at
12.1. No old business was discussed. the ASNT Annual Conference in Long Beach, California, have been
edited for publication. Changes appear in brackets.
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testing news
ASNT Expands Computer-based Testing for Candidates Worldwide
2017 is starting off with a major win for
the nondestructive testing (NDT) industry
and certification examination candidates.
ASNT is now offering computer-based
testing (CBT) to certification candidates
around the world.
ASNT Chief Technology Officer James
Bennett remarked that CBT is a win for
ASNT and candidates alike. “We are
confident that CBT is a tremendous benefit
to meeting the diverse schedules in the
NDT industry. By creating a consistent
scheduling and test taking experience for
all candidates, we can ensure quality and
quickly respond to any concerns.”
The previous model allowed candi-
dates to only take examinations at author-
ized test centers (AECs) and limited
approved locations at specific dates and locations do not. Candidates may find a While this is a very different way of doing
times. With Pearson VUE as ASNT’s chosen greater overall value in choosing an business than in the past, supporting a
CBT administrator, candidates will now AEC/NSO as a testing center when sched- global membership of more than 16 000
experience streamlined scheduling by uling examinations through Pearson VUE. demands that ASNT be innovative and agile
having the options to schedule via phone Key benefits for ASNT and candidates for members and all of those in the NDT
or online 24/7 and choose from a include examination integrity safe- community that look to ASNT examinations
worldwide network of test centers guarding with added layers of security as critical professional credentials.
including ASNT examination partners. and candidate verification. Also, the As an added convenience, Pearson
In November 2016, ASNT surveyed majority of examination results are VUE testing is now live at the ASNT
certification candidates who took a given at the test site immediately. Center for Excellence (CFE). The center is
computer-based exam since the launch of Not only does CBT provide a consistent located in Dublin, Ohio, about seven miles
the CBT program. Of those surveyed, three testing experience for all candidates but it from the ASNT International Service Center.
out of four respondents rated their overall also aligns with ASNT’s move towards a The first set of refresher courses took place
experience as “good” or “excellent, ” more efficient and cost-effective paperless in February. Those interested can sign up
and 85% of respondents were first-time environment. All applications for examina- for the next set of courses at the ASNT CFE,
test takers at a Pearson VUE center. In tions are now entirely online to not only which will take place in May. To view the
addition, four out of five respondents were give candidates an intuitive, secure portal current network of Pearson VUE centers
“satisfied” or “very satisfied” with the to upload required documentation, but providing ASNT examinations, go to
Pearson VUE facility. also streamline the administrative process www.pearsonvue.com.
AECs and National Sponsoring of gathering and assessing applications for Last year ASNT celebrated 75 years of
Organizations (NSOs) remain trusted completeness. Approved candidates will creating a safer world, maintaining its
examination partners to the Society and be e-mailed with details to access the renowned commitment to support and
the NDT community. Each AEC/NSO offers online Pearson VUE scheduling system to promote excellence in NDT. ASNT’s offering
industry training opportunities and set the place, date, and time for their of CBT is one way that this commitment
resources that non-AEC/NSO testing examination. continues to be honored. w x
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New ASNT Certificate
The following are online resources of interest to the NDT community.
Each listing includes a company-supplied description of the website
Below are personnel who have recently obtained their and a photo of the site’s home page. Published four times a year,
initial ASNT certifications. This list includes new certificate NDT Web Sightings is a great way to bring traffic to your site.
holders that were added to the ASNT database through
1 February 2017. Each certificate holder’s current certifica- www.physicalacoustics.com
tion information can be found on the ASNT website at
James Basham
Robert Alan Boyd
Juan Luis J. Chaves Fallas
Daran Chism
Michael W. Flood
Kevin John Foote
Andrew Givens
Jesse Graham
Kevin Johnson
Richard Lugo
Kevin S. Mast Physical Acoustics, the renowned acoustic emission testing (AE)
Navindra Narine leader worldwide, has launched its website featuring its entire line
of sensors, systems, software, and monitoring solutions.
Jeffrey S. Page
Check out the new Physical Acoustics website for all your AE needs!
Gene Perz
Start browsing today at www.physicalacoustics.com
Pubase Thongsan
Franklin Weishaar
Nicholas Wells
David Young www.universityofultrasonics.com
Jeremy T. Spear
Lindsay A. Warner
ntil recently, ASNT classified microwave testing (MW) as a
technique under electromagnetic testing (ET) (ASNT, 2004). In fact,
the ET method comprised a number of techniques that have little
in common, such as eddy current, microwave, and magnetic flux
leakage (ASNT, 2004). Furthermore, the term electromagnetic applies to a wide
spectrum of NDT methods including radiography, infrared, laser, aforementioned
techniques, and many others. The Microwave Testing Committee was established
Photo credit: Applied Microwave NDT Laboratory, Missouri University of Science and Technology
in 2014 and the method was included in the 2016 editions of ANSI/ASNT CP-105:
ASNT Standard Topical Outlines for Qualification of Nondestructive Testing
Personnel and ASNT Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A: Personnel
Qualification and Certification in Nondestructive Testing. This is justified since
there are an increasing number of MW applications and techniques, more
research, and more industrial applications than ever before. Within ASNT
committee work, efforts are underway to develop MW certifications for Level I
and Level II inspectors.
The purpose of this paper is to provide a broad and introductory perspec-
tive to MW and provide the technical justification as to why MW should be its
own method in support of ASNT’s recognition of MW. There is not enough
room in this paper to give justice to all of the formidable techniques, example
applications, and noteworthy contributors since the 1950s, when MW began.
Moreover, there is insufficient room to even simply list the references. For
additional details, the reader is referred to these particularly comprehensive
references that contain many additional references (Kharkovsky and Zoughi,
2007; Zoughi, 2000). Additionally, the bibliography at the end of this paper
lists related citations for each subsection as evidence of the activity within
MW. The goals of this paper are to introduce MW, describe materials charac-
terization and imaging techniques with example applications, and a final
Electromagnetic spectrum and nondestructive testing (NDT) methods
Region Frequency range Wavelength range NDT method
Radio wave 0 – 300 MHz n/a – 1 m Electromagnetic testing
Microwave 300 MHz – 300 GHz 1 m – 1 mm Microwave testing
Millimeter wave 30 – 300 GHz 10 – 1 mm Microwave testing
Far-infrared 300 GHz – 30 THz 1 mm – 10 μm Thermal and infrared testing
Submillimeter wave (Terahertz) 300 GHz – 3 THz 1 mm – 100 μm Thermal and infrared testing
Mid-infrared 30 – 120 THz 10 – 2.5 μm Thermal and infrared testing
Near-infrared 120 – 400 THz 2.5 μm – 750 nm Thermal and infrared testing
Visible 400 – 790 THz 760 – 380 nm Visual testing
Ultraviolet 750 THz – 30 PHz 400 – 10 nm Visual testing
X-ray 30 PHz – 30 EHz 10 nm – 10 pm Radiographic testing
Gamma ray 30 EHz 10 pm Radiographic testing
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ability to store or absorb microwave energy. These depending on the material under inspection. Some
properties dictate how the electromagnetic wave use one-port measurement and some use two-port
interacts with the material including reflection, refrac- measurement, as shown in Figure 1. Some material
tion, attenuation, and so on. Materials that have properties to consider are physical state (that is, liquid
significant dielectric properties are called dielectric or solid), temperature, attenuation, and geometry (that
materials. Their dielectric properties are related to is, small, flat, or a large volume). The main categories
their substance, chemical mixture, and/or microscopic of nondestructive materials characterization are trans-
structure. A few examples are thermal protection mission line, open-ended waveguide, and free-space
systems, wood, ceramic, cement-based materials, and techniques. Materials characterization by use of a
fiberglass composite structures. MW is useful for the cavity is not discussed here since it is typically a
surface inspection of conductive materials; however, destructive technique—a small amount of the material
MW is particularly useful for the inspection of these must be removed and placed in a resonant microwave
dielectric materials. This is important since an cavity.
increasing amount of lightweight aerospace materials
are, in fact, dielectric materials. Transmission Line
This paper describes and discusses techniques Transmission line materials characterization is quite
that either originated from MW or are preexisting useful for measuring liquids or solid specimens that
techniques that have been modified according to the conform to the waveguide. It is typically a two-port
unique demands and nuances of MW. Two broad
categories of MW techniques are discussed. The
first category is materials characterization, which
comprises MW techniques that determine the dielec-
tric properties of dielectric materials. These are
regarded as quantitative techniques since the
absolute determination of dielectric properties may be
obtained. These techniques are useful for the determi-
nation of chemical mixture, material thickness, cure-
state monitoring, and more. The second category is
imaging, which is possible since the wavelengths of
microwaves are sufficiently small to interact with the
part, much like ultrasound. Microwaves propagate
through dielectric materials and will reflect from inter-
faces and discontinuities. This paper primarily
discusses qualitative imaging techniques that may
provide indications of relative changes in dielectric
properties. These are in contrast to many quantitative
techniques that exist to generate maps or images of
absolute dielectric properties of a structure, but there
are too many to discuss and beyond the scope of this
Materials Characterization
Often, it is necessary to deduce the physical dimen-
sions or chemical mixture of a dielectric material. With
MW, it is possible to deduce both. Examples include,
but are not limited to, the amount of free or bound
water in a cement-based mixture, paint thickness, or
cure-state monitoring of a coating. All materials char-
acterization techniques require some form of a vector
network analyzer (VNA) to measure the microwave
behavior since both the magnitude and phase of the (b)
microwave signal must be measured, usually at a
range of frequencies. However, there are many probe Figure 1. Measurements for materials characterization techniques: (a) one-port;
designs or experimental setups that may be used and (b) two-port.
measurement, as shown in Figure 1b. Waveguides a maximum frequency of operation being 50 GHz.
conducive to measuring these samples are typically Applications include, but are not limited to, chemical
cylindrical or rectangular in nature. The waveguide mixtures, thin films, and materials consisting of
may be filled with a liquid or powder specimen or a multiple layers. One specific example uses a
section of the waveguide may be bounded by dielec- monopole antenna specifically designed to determine
tric plugs to contain the specimen. The only downside the water-to-cement ratio (w/c) of a cement-based
to this measurement is also its advantage—isolation mixture, a crucial parameter to know since final
from the external environment. strength is inversely proportional to w/c.
As one example of this technique, a study was Not quite as popular but entirely useful, rectan-
conducted to determine the concentration of alkali- gular waveguide probes are not limited by the 50 GHz
silica reaction (ASR) gel in mortar specimens, which is barrier, as coaxial is, since rectangular waveguides are
an important study since ASR is a common cause for easier to make, as shown in Figure 2b. In fact, open-
concrete deterioration and an important issue for ended rectangular probes can be made all the way
aging infrastructure. To attest to the accuracy of this up to 300 GHz. For a complete description of the
form of measurement, the researchers detected the technique and recent computationally simplifying
concentration difference of ASR between test advances, please see the bibliography. Another
specimens and even the difference between free and distinct advantage of this technique is that the formu-
bound water, quite an impressive achievement. lation accommodates materials consisting of multiple
layers. This is useful for laminar composites, thermal
Open-ended Waveguide heat shields, and more. A past disadvantage of the
In practice, open-ended waveguide materials charac- technique was that accuracy of the measurement was
terizations use either open-ended coaxial probes or inhibited by unwanted reflections from the finite probe
open-ended rectangular waveguide probes. It is a one- flange; however, recent advances have been made to
port measurement, as shown in Figure 2a. The specimen minimize these unwanted reflections and increase
under test is not contained within the probe. Instead, measurement accuracy. These technologies were
the probe is placed above the specimen, on the used extensively to study the effects of salinity and
specimen, or immersed in the specimen. The specimen compression on mortar and concrete specimens.
may be a laminar solid, powder, or liquid for contact or Furthermore, the techniques were used to study and
noncontact measurement and, obviously, must be or model the active drying process. These applications
liquid or powder for probe immersion. are great examples to demonstrate the capability of
By far, the most popular probes are coaxial. The this technique for more universal issues like the
technique using coaxial probes may be in contact or detection and quantification of chemical ingress,
noncontact. Commercial offerings exist similar to the porosity, moisture, corrosion byproducts, cure-state
“dielectric probe kit” where a variety of different monitoring, thickness evaluation, and more.
diameter coaxial probes may be selected at will with
(a) (b)
Figure 2. Open-ended probes: (a) coaxial; and (b) rectangular waveguide with flange. VNA = vector network analyzer.
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(a) (b) (c)
Figure 3. Imaging techniques: (a) near-field; (b) lens-focused; and (c) synthetic-focused.
Free-space Near-field
Free-space materials characterization techniques are For a given microwave probe, the resolution can be
specifically noncontact and meant primarily for dependent on the probe dimensions and independent
laminar solids. It is a two-port measurement similar of wavelength so long as the probe is utilized in its
to what is shown in Figure 1b; however, the specimen near-field, which is the region very close to the probe
is free rather than contained in a waveguide and where mature propagating waves have not yet formed,
antennas are employed rather than waveguide as shown in Figure 3a. For example, extremely high
adapters. The microwave wave front is approximated resolutions can be obtained for scanning microwave
as a plane wave (that is, non-divergent wave). In microscopy; however, this is not elaborated further
practice, to approximate plane waves one may use herein since their application is typically for the
either high-gain antennas or dielectric lenses. For imaging of semiconductors not materials. For NDT
high-gain antennas, the plane wave approximation applications, one example is the detection of
is valid when the specimen is in the far field of the corrosion precursor pitting under paint, which is
antenna. For dielectric lenses, the plane wave approxi- entirely useful for aging aircraft. Another application
mation is valid when the specimen is placed at the is surface crack detection in metals. This can be
focal point of the lens. The distinct advantage of lens- performed using an open-ended rectangular
focused over other free-space techniques is that a waveguide, coaxial, or differential probes. To reduce
large sample is no longer required. Instead, the acquisition time, one may exploit the near-field wave
sample dimensions need only be the on the order of behavior to launch bound surface waves and perform
the focal spot size. Applications include, but are not synthetic focusing transverse to the scan path, which
limited to, glass windows, polymer sheets, ceramic avoids an area scan in favor of a linear scan with
sheets, composite sheets, and plasma. frequency sweep. Lastly, one may attempt near-field
techniques with probes not specialized for near-field
Imaging applications. For example, the inspection of spray-on
Microwave imaging has been becoming increasingly foam insulation and ceramics. Unfortunately, near-
popular and visible. For example, one may see field imaging is highly sensitive to standoff distance
microwave imaging in airports for security screening. and standoff variation.
Regarding NDT, microwave imaging is useful for an
incredibly wide range of applications and materials Lens-focused
since it is so highly customizable. It is impossible to These techniques employ a dielectric lens to focus
adequately describe all of them. Furthermore, there is the microwave energy from a high-gain antenna to a
no one way to categorize these techniques; however, point, as shown in Figure 3b. Images are formed by
this paper describes the following technique cate- raster scanning the focal point over the specimen. The
gories: near-field, lens-focused, synthetic-focused, main advantages of lens-focused techniques are high-
and real-time. resolution images and high-signal level, which are
both achievable when the region of interest is within
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Liquid Penetrant
Processing: New
iquid penetrant testing (PT) produces rinse waters that can be
contaminated with dyes, oils, heavy metals, and other materials that
by Peter Hessinger have been rinsed from the parts being inspected. Although most
penetrants in use today are non-hazardous by design, the contami-
nated rinse water can cause problems when disposed of improperly.
The highly visible dyes used in the penetrants can be cause for concern to
anyone outside an inspection site who happens to see them. This can include
waste treatment plant personnel and concerned citizens. Tracing the waste-
water back to its source is facilitated by the trail of dye stains.
Among the various techniques for treating these wastewaters, membrane
filtration has long been considered the most cost effective technology
available. Although it has been in use for over 20 years, membrane filtration
(ultra-filtration or nano-filtration) has not been without its problems. Some of
these problems are caused by the chemical constituents of the penetrants.
This paper explores some of the changes and new developments in the
processing of liquid penetrant wastewaters, both the fluorescent and the
visible (red) types.
Photo credit: Infinitex Corp.
(a) (b)
Figure 1. Samples before and after processing: (a) penetrant rinse water; and (b) water recovered by nano-filtration.
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Membrane filtration system
Nano-filtration membranes
System pump
between oils and water, allowing oils and other non- Each surfactant has a specific water-solubility to
soluble components to form stable emulsions in oil-solubility ratio. This is known as the hydrophilic-
water. This is important in PT in permitting the excess lipophilic balance. The more water-soluble the surfac-
penetrant to be rinsed off the parts being inspected tant is, the more easily it will be rinsed from the part.
with water rather than necessitating the use of emulsi- If the penetrant’s surfactant is more oil soluble, it may
fiers or solvents. be difficult to rinse off the excess. The challenge for
the penetrant chemist is to use just the right mix of
New Developments surfactants to permit the excess penetrant to be rinsed
Considerable research has gone into studying the root off and yet not rinse the penetrant from an indication.
causes of surfactant fouling encountered when The surfactants used in penetrants have a nasty
processing penetrant wastewaters with membrane habit of forming an oily deposit on the surfaces of the
systems. It is important to keep in mind that these are membranes, blocking the passage of water. This
multi-component formulations that vary from manufac- slowdown in processing necessitates stopping and
turer to manufacturer and from penetrant to penetrant. cleaning the membranes to restore normal func-
Without going into the technical details, surfac- tioning. This can result in waste backlogs and addi-
tants of the types used in modern penetrants have tional labor costs.
properties that make them very useful in their applica- Research over the past decade has focused on
tion. Firstly, they help the dyes to adhere to the parts finding a way to inhibit this surfactant fouling. The
being inspected. Anyone who has squirted dish- surfactants exhibit an unusual property when their
washing liquid on kitchenware knows how well the temperature is raised. Most surfactants of the type
liquid adheres to the utensils. Surfactants are also used in modern penetrants change their physical
effective wetting agents, helping the penetrant to properties when they reach a certain temperature
penetrate any surface discontinuities. known as their “cloud point.” This is the temperature
During the inspection, after the appropriate dwell where the surfactant phase separates out of its
period, the water-miscible surfactant permits the solution or emulsion and becomes oil-like. This is
excess dye to be rinsed from the part with water. The when membrane fouling occurs.
challenge for the penetrant formulator is to use a A gradual rise in temperature is an inadvertent
surfactant mixture that adheres to the part reasonably byproduct of how wastewater is processed with a
well, but releases during the rinse stage. A mixture membrane system. The contents of a waste holding
that sticks too well will retain too much dye to give a tank are recirculated while slowly extracting the water
good indication. One that rinses too easily will allow from the waste. This allows the removal of as much as
all the dye to rinse off, even the dye that should be 95% or more of the water. In doing so, the tank
retained by the discontinuity. contents are gradually warmed with the pump’s
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Cincinnati, Ohio the LumaCheck light meter and the
Advanced OEM Solutions (AOS) is a technological advances of the MagnaCheck
manufacturer of high-performance and 3D TFSM. The MagnaCheck 3D offers a
versatile ultrasonic phased array and modern alternative to the conventional
multichannel ultrasound instruments field strength meter by having a three-axis
perfect for custom solutions. Phased array probe, enabling reduced setup time (as
configurations include: 16/16, 32/32, there is no need to align probe to field);
64/64, 16/128, 32/128, 128/128, and repeatable measurements with fewer errors;
256/256. Multichannel instruments more reliable assessment of maximum field
available with 16CH and 32CH. AOS also strength; and reduced calibration costs. GE Digital Solutions
produces next generation ultrasound Lewistown, Pennsylvania
phased array technology such as full-matrix GE Digital Solutions provides digital
capture and total focusing method for high- inspection and nondestructive testing (NDT)
resolution imaging and ultra-high-speed solutions for global manufacturing and
data transfer rates of over 160 MB/s. Our process industries. GE offers the broadest
instruments are open, allowing you to
customize the software user interface. Also,
FlawTech, Inc. portfolio of NDT and Inspection solutions—
Concord, North Carolina from eddy current and ultrasound to remote
OEM-PA is advanced but small enough to be visual inspection, automated ultrasonic
portable or mount on mechanical scanners, FlawTech, Inc. has manufactured welded
and non-weld flawed nondestructive testing testing (UT) machines, X-ray film, digital
saving cost on long, unreliable umbilical radiography, computed tomography, and
cables. Service companies, integrators, and (NDT) specimens and calibration standards
for over 35 years. FlawTech is recognized metrology. At this year’s 26th ASNT
researchers can all benefit! For more info Research Symposium, GE Digital Solutions
visit: www.aos-ndt.com or e-mail globally as specialist in the manufacturing
of specimens containing “real flaws.” will be showcasing its Mentor UT phased
contact@aos-ndt.com. array and the Predictive Corrosion
Industries from all over the world have
chosen FlawTech as their preferred Management solutions. The Mentor UT
manufacturer for their NDT specimens to is a phased array inspection solution with
provide their NDT technicians the very best customizable user interface, menu directed
training, practice, and qualification inspection applications, and Wi-Fi
specimens. FlawTech manufactures connectivity for remote screen sharing. GE’s
specimens in most alloys and for any NDT Predictive Corrosion Management solution
inspection method with more than 30 combines patented dry coupled UT sensors
Baugh & Weedon, Ltd. with wireless data transfer and Predix data
different discontinuities to choose from.
Hereford, United Kingdom applications for real-time thickness
FlawTech offers an extensive selection of
Baugh & Weedon is renowned for its measurements and analytics.
stock specimens designed for various
magnetic particle inspection (MPI) benches,
training and code applications. FlawTech is
but at the 26th ASNT Research Symposium
renowned in the area of custom specimen
we are excited to be able to introduce
design and research and development for
diverse new products including the
Sherwin, Inc.
South Gate, California
Sherwin, Inc. has been manufacturing the
Dubl-Chek line of penetrants since 1964
Metal Fatigue Solutions and is the only major independently owned
Las Vegas, Nevada manufacturer. We are committed to
Metal Fatigue Solutions, Inc. (MFS) is the providing our customers with the best
leading authority on fatigue and the quality products at competitive prices. Our Varex Imaging
development systems that can be used to products are manufactured and available Salt Lake City, Utah
indicate the true status of fatigue damage around the world. Dubl-Chek products are Varex Imaging—with headquarters in Salt
in metal components and structures. MFS approved for use by many industries and Lake City, Utah—is the market leader for
manufactures products based two primary governing agencies worldwide. These high-energy linear accelerators, as well as
technologies, the Electrochemical Fatigue include but are not limited to: AMS-2644, the premier supplier of X-ray tubes and
Sensor (EFS) and the Fatigue Fuse (FF). The ASME, ASTM, the U.S. military and their digital detectors. Our components are at
EFS is an instrument that detects very small contractors, and aerospace primes, as well the center of systems all over the world in
growing fatigue cracks in metals. The EFS as for use in the nuclear, automotive, X-ray imaging equipment for industrial,
CrackChek and FatigueWatch systems welding, food, medical, and oil and gas nondestructive testing (NDT), security, and
provide custom solutions to an asset owner industries. Sherwin has a complete line of cargo applications. Our Linatron linear
for determining the true status of fatigue penetrant and magnetic products: accelerators are used for NDT and cargo
cracking on their structure. CrackChek is a fluorescent and visible penetrants, screening, and are available in both single-
short-term dynamic testing tool to magnetic fluid carrier, magnetic particles; and dual-energy versions. Linatron models
determine the activity of an existing crack or visible and fluorescent, water-based specifically designed for high-energy NDT
detect the presence of precursors to crack penetrants, emulsifiers, developers, can be ordered with X-ray outputs from 1 to
propagation in a susceptible location, cleaners, solvent removers, high 15 MeV, depending on the application.
allowing for immediate verification of temperature penetrant line, white contrast Varex manufactures industrial X-ray tubes
repairs or retrofits prior to implementing on paint, penetrant test pieces, black lights, for applications in NDT, X-ray inspection,
the entire structure. FatigueWatch is long- accessories, and laboratory services. baggage screening, and thickness gaging.
term monitoring system used on structures
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Varex’s NDT product line consists of a broad portfolio includes X-ray systems for
range of glass and ceramic X-ray tubes installation in radiological inspection
providing a variety of target angles, focal envelopes, universal X-ray inspection
spots, and power capabilities. Varex also systems on the basis of fully shielded
manufactures flat panel detectors designed devices, as well as solutions specific
to meet a broad spectrum of imaging to a customer. Whether in manual,
applications. Varex’s detector technology semiautomated, or fully automated
allows customers to take full advantage of
Hudson, Ohio operation, our inspection systems are
Yxlon International designs and produces
superior digital image quality along with ideal for deployment in research and
radioscopic and computed tomography
high throughput, as well as computed development and can be integrated
inspection systems for the widest variety of
tomography capabilities. Varex Imaging, into any production process. With our
applications and fields. Whether situated in
formerly a part of Varian Medical Systems, headquarters in Hamburg, Germany;
the aviation and aerospace, automotive, or
is the world’s largest independent imaging sales and service locations in Tokyo and
electronics industry, our customers are
components supplier. As a leader in the Osaka (Japan), Hudson (Ohio), San Jose
among the largest producers, major
imaging components space, our goal is to (California), Beijing and Shanghai (China),
enterprises that place their confidence in
help our customers become world-class and Hattingen and Heilbronn (Germany),
our quality worldwide. The name Yxlon
system suppliers by strengthening their as well as a network of representatives in
stands for assurance and quality for all
competitiveness and enabling them to bring over 50 countries, as Yxlon we are local for
types of cast parts, tires, electrical and
products to market faster. our customers all over the world. Feel free
electronic components, turbine blades,
to e-mail yxlon@yxlon.com or visit
welded joints, and a lot more. Our product
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PRODUCT gallery
spherical shoulders, blades, and round coated with glossy blue finish for corrosion
faces. Depth stops can be set to the exact resistances and aesthetics. The lamp can
measuring depth in the horizontal meas- be easily adjusted up or down 90° and
urement position to provide precise locked into position by simply loosening
support on the reference plane surface. the two hand screws located on either side
This improves repetitive accuracy when of the light head and retightening them
conducting comparison measurements in once the desired angle is found.
the second axis, and when used with a Larson Electronics, LLC, Kemp, Texas
rectangular gage block, can provide www.larsonelectronics.com
accurate depth measurement on cones.
Mahr Federal, Inc., Providence, Rhode Island Near Infrared Borescope
www.mahr.com Ametek Land has introduced the NIR-B Glass,
a thermal imaging near infrared borescope
Digital Calipers Light-emitting Diode Lamp designed specifically for use in glass-melt
With its broad range of measurement The EPL-PM-50LED-100 explosion-proof tanks. The NIR-B Glass provides contin-
accessories, the Multimar 25 EWR digital light-emitting diode (LED) lamp provides uous real-time temperature data combined
universal caliper from Mahr Federal is a 371.6 m2 (4000 ft2) of work area coverage with a crystal clear thermal video image,
versatile and configurable caliper for with 4333 lm of light output. This portable allowing a single solution to replace the
inside diameter and outside diameter LED lamp is mounted to an A-frame style traditional approaches of visual cameras
measurement requirements. Available in aluminum base and has an adjustable LED
four capacities with outside measuring light head measuring 45.15 cm2 (7 in.2).
ranges up to 1250 mm (50 in.), the The LED light head on this unit produces a
25 EWR is ideal for measuring outside and brilliant flood pattern of light that is ideal
inside dimensions, narrow collars, external for illuminating enclosed areas and
and internal tapers, dovetails, grooves, hazardous locations where flammable
and distances between hole centers, vapors, gases, and dusts may be present.
as well as for centering shoulders and This explosion proof LED light fixture is
scribing work pieces. Unlike standard composed of a 17.78 cm (7 in.) wide
calipers, both measuring arms of the square LED light head mounted within a
25 EWR can be moved along the beam, portable base stand fabricated from non-
thus functioning like a beam-gage and sparking aluminum with a convenient and periodic handheld pyrometry. With
providing well-balanced weight distribution carrying handle built into the top of the more than 324 000 available temperature
even with small dimensions. The applica- stand. The aluminum A-frame is powder measurement points in the field of view, the
tion range can be easily extended by NIR-B Glass solution also can be used to
reversing the interchangeable measuring monitor the drift in crown roof thermocou-
arms. Plus, the digital display ples. The NIR-B Glass is designed to
is always in the operator’s line of vision withstand the high ambient temperatures
because of the patented mounting fixture through an integral cooling system, with a
of the measuring arms and attachments specially designed air purge to keep the
provided. But what makes the Multimar 90° lens clear of contaminants so the
25 EWR so versatile is the wide range of instrument provides 24/7 data to the
measuring arms, anvils, mounting attach- plant. An optional auto-retract unit is
ments, and depth stops, which can be available as additional instrumentation
configured by the user. Anvils and tips are protection in the event of air purge fail,
available in a wide variety of shapes and water-cooling fail, power fail, or an over-
configurations, including threads, flat and temperature condition at the probe tip.
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x Liquid Penetrant Testing
Ultraviolet Lamp
NDT Italiana has released the Can Gun ultraviolet-A light-emitting diode lamp, a
battery powered inspection lamp that can fit on almost any aerosol can. The
lamp can also be removed from the can gun to be used in tight recesses and
other difficult inspection situations. Features of the lamp include: high intensity,
up to 7000 μW/cm² at 38 cm (15 in.), over 15 cm (6 in.) diameter inspection
area; low visible light emission of 10 lx (1 fc); compact design, 11 2.8 cm
(4.3 1.1 in.) and weight of 160 g (5.6 oz); and low power consumption (2 W).
It is environmental case dust and water resistant [this doesn’t sound right] and
complies with the intensity requirements of ASTM International, American
Society of Mechanical Engineers, AMS, and International Standards Organization
specifications for fluorescent penetrant and magnetic particle inspection.
Additionally, it features a safe power supply, powered by three rechargeable AAA
batteries. Two sets of batteries and a charger are included.
NDT Italiana, Milan, Italy
Ultraviolet Lamp
The Secu-Chek H1 ultraviolet (UV) light-emitting diode (LED) series includes automatic
white light dimming features that allow for uninterrupted, relaxed, and enhanced
observation and evaluation of indications by showing films of the transition between the
three possible illuminations (UV only, UV and visible together, and visible only) without
irritating and flash blinding the eyes. Users can easily adjust the maximum white light
output during the inspection process. The extreme beam uniformity for sharp, clear, fast,
and tireless observation as well as integrated features like electronic UV LED monitoring
and integrated adaption time signalization ensure the best inspection every time. The
right UV LED source for specific applications, needs, and budgets can be achieved through
48 different models in three series (UVS, UVN, and UVE), with or without integrated white
light. All lamps can be powered from mains supply or a rechargeable battery pack.
Secu-Chek, Kleinblittersdorf, Germany
Digital Radiometer/Photometers
Spectronics Corp. has introduced the AccuPRO series of digital
radiometer/photometers, which measures and displays light readings for
nondestructive testing applications. They provide the convenience of intensity and
visible light measurement simultaneously. The standard AccuPRO (XP-2000) has a
dual-wavelength sensor detector that measures both ultraviolet and visible light;
the AccuPRO Plus (XP-4000) three-in-one multipurpose sensor is capable of
measuring ultraviolet, visible, and blue light. A three-button interface makes it easy
to toggle between measurement modes. Overall accuracy is greater than ±5% per
National Institute of Standards and Technology standards. Full-color, multilingual
display settings are available in five languages, and at any operational level. The
units comply with ASTM International specifications. Additional features include:
palm-sized, lightweight unit; large, easy-to-read liquid crystal screen; protective
rubber housing; and sealed sensor with water-resistant housing. Powered by four
rechargeable AAA nickel-metal hydride batteries (included), AccuPRO series meters
come complete with an alternating current charger and padded carrying case.
Spectronics Corp., Westbury, New York
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Write Us
Industry News
Materials Evaluation publishes information
on the activities of businesses in the NDT
field of a noncommercial nature. Send
press releases concerning Industry News
to Haley Cowans at hcowans@asnt.org.
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Participate in American
National Standards
NEW media
ASNT’s Standards Development
Committee (SDC) develops ASNT’s
standards, including proposed
ASNT CP-107; ASNT Standard for
Performance Based Qualification low Earth orbit through resource invest-
and Certification of Nondestructive ment and program development. Strategic
Testing Personnel. ANSI/ASNT business development, solicitation, and
CP-106: Nondestructive Testing — synthesis of subject matter expert
Qualification and Certification of feedback, and facilitation of new in-orbit
Personnel, ANSI/ASNT CP-105; commercial services are building the foun-
ASNT Standard Training Outlines of dation for a growing market of nontradi-
Nondestructive Testing Personnel. tional users.
ANSI/ASNT CP-189: ASNT Standard In FY16, key nationwide event
for Qualification and Certification of campaigns, high-profile marketing initia-
Nondestructive Testing Personnel and tives, and new science communication
ANSI/ASNT ILI-PQ: In-line Inspection tools amplified ISS National Lab
Personnel Qualification and 2016 CASIS Annual Report messaging to researchers, policy makers,
The 2016 CASIS Annual Report has been students, and the public. CASIS formed
If you wish to join the SDC and
released in its new online-only format. This several new partnerships for educational
participate in the development of
interactive, mobile-friendly format features outreach and unveiled a new program to
American National Standards, contact
links to in-depth research pipeline details, unify and promote ISS National Lab educa-
SDC Secretary Charles Longo at
clongo@asnt.org. More information current metrics and resources, and an tional opportunities.
is available at www.asnt.org/publica interactive map of the International Space ar2016.iss-casis.org
tions/standards/standards.htm. Station (ISS) National Lab Network.
As the managers of the ISS U.S. Transportation and Strategic Asset
National Laboratory, the Center for Management: A Sustainable
Approach to Maintain Critical
Patents Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS)
works closely with the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration
In January, CRC Press released
Have you been awarded a (NASA) and ISS National Lab partners to Transportation and Strategic Asset
maximize the impact of research and Management: A Sustainable Approach to
patent? development on the ISS to directly benefit Maintain Critical Infrastructure, by Erik
If you have recently been granted a life on Earth. Inside this year’s report are Stromberg and Thomas H. Wakeman III.
new patent by a government patent key achievements of the ISS National Lab Long-term financial planning and sound
office, we invite you to let us know community. governance is essential for maintaining
about it. We are looking for patents CASIS brought its first five years of transportation infrastructure and assets.
that describe innovations in the operations to a strong close in Fiscal Year Public-private sector partnerships and
science and practice of nondestruc- 2016 (FY16), setting new records for cooperation are vital. This book looks at
tive testing. You can send a few utilization, growing the ISS National Lab the current state of infrastructure and ways
paragraphs describing the invention research and development portfolio, diver- to better maintain it with environmentally
and its range of applications, and a sifying financial support for this portfolio, friendly solutions and long-term sustain-
copy of the patent document (or if it and witnessing the published success of ability and capital planning. It examines
was issued by the United States ongoing projects. transportation modalities and provides
Patent and Trademark Office, you In FY16, returning commercial case examples and best practices from
can just give us the patent number). customers demonstrated user satisfaction, cities around the world where long-term
E-mail to ndeguy@yahoo.com with industry participation in the ISS National asset management and local cooperation
“ASNT M.E. New Patents” in the Lab increased, and financial contributions has worked to maintain and improve
subject line. from customers and sponsor organizations critical infrastructure. The authors provide
For more information on the complemented new program-level support creative solutions that can be imple-
patents, go to the U.S. Patent and from non-NASA government agencies. mented now for maintenance, stability,
Trademark Office website at In FY16, CASIS continued to support and even growth.
www.uspto.gov. development of a commercial market in www.crcpress.com w x
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February 2017
In the 2017 Ready Reference, part of the February 2017 issue of
Materials Evaluation, there were some oversights.
On p. 204, in the Board Committee Roster, the Business and
Finance Committee should have been listed as follows:
Business and Finance Committee
Scott P. Cargill, Secretary/Treasurer, Chair
David A. Mandina, Vice Chair
N. David Campbell
Mark Gehlen
John Iman
William Plumstead, Jr.
Hussein Sadek
David Savoy
Arny Bereson, Ex Officio
Mary Potter, Ex Officio
Joseph R. Clasen
Region 9
On p. 221, Joseph Clasen should have been listed as the
regional director for Region 9.
Joseph R. Clasen
Cowley County Community College
(620) 441-5579
David G. Moore
Methods Division Chair
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Contact ASNT
The ASNT International Service Center is open from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern time, Monday
through Friday. Voicemail messages can be left 24 hours a day by following the recorded prompts. In
the U.S. and Canada, call toll free (800) 222-2768 or (614) 274-6003; fax (614) 274-6899. E-mail
addresses for individual staff members are given below. If you prefer, write ASNT, 1711 Arlingate Lane,
Early coating thickness measurements P.O. Box 28518, Columbus, OH 43228-0518. ASNT’s website is available at www.asnt.org.
relied on mechanical techniques, where AREA OF INQUIRY CONTACT (EXTENSION) E-MAIL
the determination of the material Executive Offices
Executive Director Arny Bereson (201) abereson@asnt.org
thickness of the applied polymer coating Executive Assistant Michelle Thomas (223) mthomas@asnt.org
was made by means of measuring the Accounting Department
penetration path of a measurement body. Chief Financial Officer Mary Potter (203) mpotter@asnt.org
Account balance inquiries Angie Guzzo (228) aguzzo@asnt.org
Such coating thickness measurement Credit and collections Trina Coakley (220) tcoakley@asnt.org
technique units did not allow either a Dues payment inquiries Margaret Leonard (229) mleonard@asnt.org
nondestructive measurement or the ability Book Department
Book and catalog orders Sandy Simpson (215) ssimpson@asnt.org
to achieve measurement accuracy in the Curtis Smith (214) csmith@asnt.org
case of low material thicknesses of the Customer service supervisor Trina Coakley (220) tcoakley@asnt.org
polymer coating. More recently, nonde- Certification and Technical Services Department
Chief Technical Officer James Bennett (250) jbennett@asnt.org
structive coating thickness measurement Application requests Tricia Davis (219) tdavis@asnt.org
techniques are of known art, in which the ASNT NDT Level III examinations (International) Tricia Davis (219) tdavis@asnt.org
ASNT NDT Level III examinations (U.S.) Lisa Law (226) llaw@asnt.org
measurement of the material thickness of ASNT NDT Level III recertification Tricia Davis (219) tdavis@asnt.org
a polymer coating takes place most Level III refresher courses Kimberly Donaldson (242) kdonaldson@asnt.org
Certification Specialist Kimberly Donaldson (242) kdonaldson@asnt.org
commonly with eddy current measure- General inquiries Lisa Law (226) llaw@asnt.org
ments or ultrasonic measurements. Eddy IRRSP/radiation safety Jennifer Harris (237) jharris@asnt.org
Technical Services Supervisor Charles Longo (241) clongo@asnt.org
current instruments have the disadvantage Senior Manager of Quality Control Mike Boggs (218) mboggs@asnt.org
that the substrate with the polymer coating NDT Technical Specialist/Certification Manager Donny Didion (240) ddidion@asnt.org
Instructional Designer Bob Conklin (614-766-7715) bconklin@asnt.org
must feature a high electrical conductivity.
Conference Department
Accordingly, these units are not suitable to Senior Manager of Conferences Christine Schnitzer (202) cschnitzer@asnt.org
measure the material thickness of a Conference registration Angie Guzzo (228) aguzzo@asnt.org
Exhibit and event coordination Ruth Staat (227) rstaat@asnt.org
polymer coating on a carbon composite CEU program Angie Guzzo (228) aguzzo@asnt.org
substrate, which has only a medium elec- Program coordination Alicia LeMasters (213) alemasters@asnt.org
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CORPORATE partners
3angles, Inc. (Albany, NY)
3D Engineering Solutions
(Cincinnati, OH)
Thank You
ASNT is proud to present these NDT manufacturers, users
Chesapeake Testing (Belcamp, MD)
Churchill Steel Plate, Ltd.
(Twinsburg, OH)
3E NDT, LLC (La Porte, TX) Cifra Industrial Services Corp.
4A Inspection, LLC (Houston, TX) and suppliers who support the Society. This list is current (Makati City, Philippines)
as of 1 February 2017. Cimetrix, Ltd. (Seattle, WA)
A Circle Systems, Inc. (Hinckley, IL)
Abdallah I AlTamimi Industrial Citadel Engineering Co. (Sarasota, FL)
Services (Khobar, Saudi Arabia) Alta Vista Solutions (Richmond, CA) B Clover Park Technical College
ABM Franchising Group ALX Industries (Pasadena, TX) Baker Testing Services, Inc. (Lakewood, WA)
(Canonsburg, PA) AM Technical Solutions, Inc. (Austin, TX) (Rockland, MA) CNI Pacific Co., Ltd. (Banchang,
Access Plug Flange, Inc. (Houston, TX) AMA Consultants Corp. (Braselton, GA) Balteau NDT (Hermalle sous Thailand)
ACNDT, Inc. (Middleburg, FL) Amerapex Corp. (Houston, TX) Argenteau, Belgium) Cokebusters USA (Houston, TX)
Acoustic Technology Group American Aerospace Technical Base Line Data, Inc. (Portland, TX) College of the North Atlantic
(Grandville, MI) Academy (Los Angeles, CA) Best NDT (Springfield, VA) (Stephenville, Canada)
Acuren Inspection, Inc. (Edmonton, American Inspection Services, Inc. BETZ Engineering & Technology Comet Technologies USA, Inc.
Canada) (Grand Bay, AL) Zone (Chennai, India) (Shelton, CT)
Ademinsa (Lima, Peru) American Institute of Nondestructive BFW Engineering & Testing Comibassal (Alexandria, Egypt)
Aduche, Ltd. (Port Harcourt, Nigeria) Testing (Baxter, MN) (Paducah, KY) Commercial Divers International,
Advanced Corrosion Technologies & American Marine Corp. (Anchorage, AK) BG Detection Services/LA X-Ray Inc. (Goodyear, AZ)
Training, LLC (Sulphur, LA) American Piping Inspection (Tulsa, OK) (Sun Valley, CA) Commodity Resource &
Advanced Energy (Fort Collins, CO) American Testing Services Bighorn Inspection, Inc. (Laurel, MT) Environmental, Inc. (Burbank, CA)
Advanced Inspection Services Co. (Miamisburg, OH) BKS Consulting & Training Institute Connect NDT, Ltd. (Aberdeenshire,
(Jubail, Saudi Arabia) Amo & Partners Engineering Co. (Tehran, Iran) United Kingdom)
Advanced Inspection Technologies (Khobar, Saudi Arabia) Blastline Institute of Surface Cooperheat Saudi Arabia Co., Ltd.
(Melbourne, FL) Amosco (Eastleigh, United Kingdom) Preparation & Painting (Kochi, (Jubail, Saudi Arabia)
Advanced Material Solutions AMS Store and Shred, LLC (Lake in India) CoreStar International Corp. (Irwin, PA)
(Phoenix, AZ) the Hills, IL) Blatek, Inc. (State College, PA) Cotech IRM Services, Inc. (Houston, TX)
Advanced OEM Solutions Anglo Eastern Industries (Dubai, Blitz Academy (Cochin, India) Creaform, Inc. (Levis, Canada)
(Cincinnati, OH) United Arab Emirates) BlueScope Steel Research (Port Curtis Industries, Inc. (Cowansville, PA)
Advanced Test Equipment Rentals Aplus+NDT (Coimbatore, India) Kembla, Australia) Curtiss Wright Anatec-LMT (Irvine, CA)
(San Diego, CA) Applied Technical Services Boeing (Seattle, WA) Cutech Group (Singapore)
Advantest (San Jose, CA) (Marietta, GA) Bossier Parish Community College Cuyahoga Community College
AEIS (Rahway, NJ) Applus RTD (Edmonton, Canada) (Bossier City, LA) (Cleveland, OH)
Aero Norway AS (Sola, Norway) Applus RTD USA (Bakersfield, CA) Boston Piezo Optics, Inc. CXR Corp. (Kure, Japan)
Aerotest Operations, Inc. (San Aqua Communications, Inc. (Bellingham, MA) Cygnus Instruments, Inc.
Ramon, CA) (Waltham, MA) Branch Radiographic Labs, Inc. (Annapolis, MD)
AES Destructive & NDT, Ltd. (Kwai Arad Paya Quality Engineering & (Cranford, NJ) Cylinder Testing Solutions (Denver, CO)
Chung, Hong Kong) Inspection Co. (Tabriz, Iran) BRL Consultants, Inc. (San Antonio, TX)
AES NDT (Las Vegas, NV) Aral General Trading, LLC (Port Brotherhood Technical Service Co. D
African NDT Centre Pty., Ltd. Saeed, United Arab Emirates) (Dammam, Saudi Arabia) Dakota Ultrasonics (Scotts Valley, CA)
(Centurion, South Africa) Arcadia Aerospace Industries (Punta Bruker (Kennewick, WA) Danatronics (Danvers, MA)
AGD Inspection Services, LLC Gorda, FL) Danco Inspection Service, Inc.
(Stafford, TX) Arcmart Indonesia (Bandung, C (Oklahoma City, OK)
AGR Inspection, Inc. (Burleson, TX) Indonesia) Cadillac Casting, Inc. (Cadillac, MI) Dantec Dynamics, GmbH (Ulm,
AIP (Houston, TX) Armstech Engineers Private Ltd. Cadorath Aerospace (Broussard, LA) Germany)
AIP Global Strategies (Pelham, NH) (Kerala, India) Cairo Inspection Co. (Nasr City Cairo, Dantec Dynamics, Inc. (Holtsville, NY)
Air Services (Middleburg Heights, OH) Array Training, Ltd. (Aberdeen, Egypt) Dares, Srl. (Casamarciano, Italy)
Aircraft Inspection Services (Grand United Kingdom) Callington Haven Pty., Ltd. Darlsco Inspection Services (Dubai,
Rapids, MI) Arrow-Tech, Inc. (Rolla, ND) (Rydalmere, Australia) United Arab Emirates)
Aircraft X-Ray Labs, Inc. (Huntington Arya Fould Gharn (Ahwaz, Iran) CAM (Doha, Qatar) DBI, Inc. (Lincoln, NE)
Park, CA) Asian Institute of Petroleum and Canadian Engineering & Inspection, Decibel NDE Inspections & Training
Aker Solutions Saudi Arabia Co., Construction Technology (Kochi, Ltd. (Edmonton, Canada) Institute (Kerala, India)
Ltd. (Khobar, Saudi Arabia) India) Canyon State Inspection (Tucson, AZ) Dectris (Baden-Daettwil,
Akroscan End Chile, S.A. (Santiago, AssetSmart (Calabasas, CA) Carbon Steel Inspection, Inc. Switzerland)
Chile) Associated X-Ray Corp. (East Haven, CT) (Pittsburgh, PA) DEKRA Industrial (Ankara, Turkey)
Akura Bina Citra (Bekasi, Indonesia) ATEC Training & Certification Carestream NDT (Rochester, NY) Delphi Precision Imaging
Al Mansoori Inspection Services Services (Houston, TX) Carl Zeiss Industrial Metrology (Redmond, WA)
(Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates) Atlas Inspection Technologies (Maple Grove, MN) Detection Technology, Inc.
Al Othman Trading & Contracting (Seattle, WA) Caterpillar, Inc. (Peoria, IL) (Billerica, MA)
Co. (Dammam, Saudi Arabia) Aurora Institute & Inspection CATSI, Inc. (Valparaiso, IN) Detek, Inc. (Temple Hills, MD)
Al Rookal for Engineering Services (Coimbatore, India) CD International Technology, Inc. Diakont Advanced Technologies
Inspection, Ltd. (Baghdad, Iraq) AUT Solutions (Fulshear, TX) (Livermore, CA) (San Diego, CA)
Allis Engineering, Inc. (Lake Automated Inspection Systems CDA Technical Institute (Jacksonville, FL) Diamond Technical Services, Inc.
Elsinore, CA) (Martinez, CA) Cenergy International Services, LLC (Blairsville, PA)
Alnabaa Alyaqeen Co. (Erbil, Iraq) Avonix Imaging (Maple Grove, MN) (Houston, TX) Dixon Hard Chrome (Sun Valley, CA)
Alpha NDT (Ho Chi Minh City, Aycan Data Management Central Flying Service (Little Rock, AR) DJA Inspection Services, Inc. (Reno, PA)
Vietnam) (Rochester, NY) CentroTest Asia, Inc. (Mandaluyong, DK Shah NDT Training Institute
Alpha Testing Services (Abu Dhabi, AZTech Training & Consultancy Philippines) (Baroda, India)
United Arab Emirates) (Dubai, United Arab Emirates) Centura X-Ray NDT (Cleveland, OH) Dominion NDT Services, Inc.
Al-Rook Engineering Services, Ltd. Certisq (Luanda, Angola) (Richmond, VA)
(Karrada, Iraq) Doncasters (Groton, CT)
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Draka Cableteq, Inc. (Bridgewater, NJ) GES for Petroleum Inspection & ImechE Engineering Training
IRISNDT (Houston, TX)
Dürr NDT, GmbH & Co. KG Training Services (Menofeyah, Solutions (Sheffield, United
IRM Services, Ltda. (Macae, Brazil)
(Bietigheim-Bissingen, Germany) Egypt) Kingdom)
IS Industrie Thailand, Ltd. (Bangkok,
Gladd Solutions (Plymouth, MI) Imen Joosh Pouyan Co. (Mashhad,
E Glajoe Multi Services, Ltd. (Port Iran)
Isoflex Radioactive, LLC (San
Echo Maintenance, LLC (Nederland, TX) Harcourt, Nigeria) Imperium, Inc. (Beltsville, MD)
Francisco, CA)
Echo Ultrasonics (Bellingham, WA) Global Diving & Salvage, Inc. Industrial Inspection Systems, Ltd.
Isotopes Arabia Co., Ltd. (Khobar,
Eclipse Scientific (Waterloo, Canada) (Anchorage, AK) (Vaughan, Canada)
Saudi Arabia)
ECS, Inc. (Kennesaw, GA) Global Engineering Documents Industrial Testing Laboratory
IVC Technologies (Lebanon, OH)
Eddyfi (Quebec, Canada) (Englewood, CO) Services, LLC (Pittsburgh, PA)
IveyCooper Services, LLC (Soddy
EddySonix (Orbe, Switzerland) Global Inspection Services, S.L.U. Inmedin Ingenieria (Vina del Mar,
Daisy, TN)
Edison Welding Institute (Madrid, Spain) Chile)
(Columbus, OH) Global Lifting Services, Ltd. (Port Innerspec Technologies, Inc. (Forest, VA) J
Eishin Kagaku Co., Ltd. (Minato-Ku, Harcourt, Nigeria) Innodes (Quito, Ecuador) Jan Kens Co., Inc. (Monrovia, CA)
Japan) Global Oil Inspectindo (Indramayu, Innovated NDT Training Solutions JANX (Parma, MI)
ElectroMagneticWorks, Inc. (LaSalle, Indonesia) (Sulphur, LA) JB Testing, Inc. (Blaine, MN)
Canada) Global X-Ray & Testing Corp. Insight, K.K. (Tokyo, Japan) JC International, Ltd. (Port Harcourt,
Enerfab, Inc. (Cincinnati, OH) (Morgan City, LA) Inspec Testing, Inc. (National City, CA) Nigeria)
Energyray Integrated Services, Ltd. Globe X-Ray Services, Inc. (Tulsa, OK) Inspectest Pvt., Ltd. (Lahore, Jentek Sensors, Inc. (Waltham, MA)
(Port Harcourt, Nigeria) Glomacs Fz, LLC (Dubai, United Arab Pakistan) JES Pipelines, Ltd. (Willemstad,
Envite Nigeria, Ltd. (Port Harcourt, Emirates) Inspection & Tests Nigeria, Ltd. (Port Netherlands Antilles)
Nigeria) GMTech Services Corp. (Anaheim, CA) Harcourt, Nigeria) Jesse Garant Metrology Center
Epica Applied Technologies (San Golden Engineering, Inc. Inspection Plug Strategies, LLC (Windsor, Canada)
Clemente, CA) (Centerville, IN) (Houston, TX) JETS, Inc. (Carrollton, TX)
ETher NDE, Ltd. (St. Albans, United Goolsby Testing Laboratories Inspection Point Seals, LLC Jireh Industries, Ltd. (Ardrossan,
Kingdom) (Humble, TX) (Prairieville, LA) Canada)
ETM, Inc. (Newark, CA) Gravitech Inspection Services Inspection Technologies, Inc. JMD NDT, Inc. (Piscataway, NJ)
Euroteck Systems U.K., Ltd. (Ernakulam, India) (Pomona, CA) Johnghama International Services,
(Tamworth, United Kingdom) Guangdong Goworld Co., Ltd. Inspection Technology, WLL (Doha, Ltd. (Warri, Nigeria)
Exel North America, Inc. (Shantou, China) Qatar) Jubail Industrial College (Jubail,
(Streamwood, IL) Guangzhou Doppler Electronic Inspectioneering (The Woodlands, TX) Saudi Arabia)
Exova (Linkoping, Sweden) Technologies Co., Ltd. Institute of Industrial Quality Juva-Oil Services, Ltd. (Port
Extende (Ballston Spa, NY) (Guangzhou, China) Management (Shoranur, India) Harcourt, Nigeria)
ExxonMobil (Baytown, TX) Guided Ultrasonics, Ltd. (Brentford, Institute of Nondestructive Testing JZ Russell Industries, Inc.
United Kingdom) and Training (Mumbai, India) (Nederland, TX)
F Guided Wave Analysis, LLC (San Institute of Reliability Centered
Fangzheng Valve Group Co., Ltd. Antonio, TX) Maintenance (Lahore, Pakistan) K
(Wenzhou, China) Gulf Energy International (Dammam, Instrument Technology, Inc. KA Imaging (Kitchener, Canada)
First Alert Sling Testing, LLC Saudi Arabia) (Westfield, MA) Kakivik Asset Management, LLC
(Lafayette, LA) Gulf Quality Control Co., Ltd. Integrated Quality Services (Anchorage, AK)
Fish & Associates, Inc. (Middleton, WI) (Khobar, Saudi Arabia) (Ontario, CA) Karl Storz Industrial Group (El
Flathead Valley Community College Gulf X-Ray Services, Inc. (Gretna, LA) Integrity & NDT Solutions Segundo, CA)
(Kalispell, MT) Gulmay (Suwanee, GA) (Cundinamarca, Colombia) Kavosh Karan Mobin (Tehran, Iran)
FlawSpec Manufacturing, Inc. Integrity Products & Supplies, Inc. Keltron Kerala State Electronics
(Edmonton, Canada) H (Sherwood Park, Canada) Development Corp., Ltd.
FlawTech (Concord, NC) HAECO Americas (Lake City, FL) Integrity Scientific Laboratory (Trivandrum, India)
Foerster Instruments, Inc. Hakem Group (Lyttelton, South Africa) (Dubai, United Arab Emirates) Keville Enterprises, Inc. (Boston, MA)
(Pittsburgh, PA) Haks Engineers Architects & Land Integrity Smart Services, LLC Kimtron, Inc. (Oxford, CT)
Force Technology (Broendby, Denmark) Surveyors (New York, NY) (Muscat, Oman) Kinetic Solutions, LLC (Fort Ripley, MN)
Formweld Fitting, Inc. (Milton, FL) Halifax International, Fze. (Erbil, Iraq) Integrity Testing & Inspection, LLC Koslow Scientific Co. (Englewood, NJ)
Foster Tecnica Solutions (Kerala, Hamamatsu Corp. (Bridgewater, NJ) (Onaway, MI) KSG Holdings Pte., Ltd. (Singapore)
India) Helium Leak Testing, Inc. (Simi International Inspection (Santa Fe KTA Tator, Inc. (Pittsburgh, PA)
Fujifilm North America – NDT Valley, CA) Springs, CA) Kuwait Pipe Industries & Oil
Materials and Equipment (North Hellier (Houston, TX) International Leak Detection, LLC Services Co. (Kuwait City, Kuwait)
Kingstown, RI) Herzog Services, Inc. (St. Joseph, MO) (Des Plaines, IL)
High Technology Sources, Ltd. International Maritime Welding L
G (Didcot, United Kingdom) Society (NCR, Philippines) Labino AB (Solna, Sweden)
G&G Technical Services, Ltd. Hi-Spec Systems, Ltd. (Nantwich, International Quality Systems Laboratory Testing, Inc. (Hatfield, PA)
(London, United Kingdom) United Kingdom) (Concepcion, Chile) Laser Technology (Norristown, PA)
Gamesa Innovation & Technology Hobart Institute of Welding International Robotic Tank Solutions Lavender International NDT
(Sarriguren, Spain) Technology (Troy, OH) (Khobar, Saudi Arabia) Consultants (Sheffield, United
Gamma Petroleum Services (Basra, Hocker, Inc. (Houston, TX) Intertek (Amelia, LA) Kingdom)
Iraq) Hodges Transportation, Inc. (Carson Intertek Industry Services Japan, Leland Saylor & Associates, Inc.
Gamma Rad (Tehran, Iran) City, NV) Ltd. (Tokyo, Japan) (San Francisco, CA)
GB Inspection Systems, Ltd. Honeywell Aerospace de Mexico Intron Plus (Moscow, Russia) Librestream Technologies
(Cannock, United Kingdom) (Chihuahua, Mexico) Inuktun Services, Ltd. (Nanaimo, (Winnipeg, Canada)
GE Measurement & Control Honeywell Federal Manufacturing & Canada) Lion Inspection Services, Inc.
(Lewistown, PA) Technologies (Kansas City, MO) Ionix Advanced Technologies (Leeds, (Houston, TX)
GE Power Generation Services HSI Group, Inc. (Torrance, CA) United Kingdom) Lonestar PMI (League City, TX)
(Niskayuna, NY) IPSI (Courbevoie Cedex, France) Lucid Software, Ltd. (Chennai, India)
General Dynamics NASSCO Norfolk I Iranian Society of Nondestructive
(Norfolk, VA) I & T Nardoni Institute, Srl. (Brescia, Testing (Tehran, Iran) M
Genesis Systems Group Italy) IRED Thermal Group, Ltd. MA Al Mutlaq Sons Co. (Dammam,
(Davenport, IA) Idaho National Laboratory (Idaho (Edmonton, Canada) Saudi Arabia)
George Consulting Services, Inc. Falls, ID) Iris Inspection Services, Inc. MAC NDT Services, LLC
(Monaca, PA) (Baytown, TX) (Montgomery, TX)
ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact: customersupport@asnt.org
CORPORATE partners
Magnaflux (Glenview, IL) Naya Engineering Services (Basra, Iraq) Orbit Industries, Inc. (Cleveland, OH) Q
Magnetic Analysis Corp. (Elmsford, NY) NDE Professionals, Inc. (Portland, OR) OSG Testing Pty., Ltd. (Alberton, QA Systems Pte., Ltd. (Singapore)
Magwerks Corp. (Danville, IN) NDE Solutions, LLC (Bryan, TX) South Africa) Qass Technologies (Marietta, GA)
Maintenance & Inspection Services, NDT & Corrosion Control Services QinetiQ NDT Pty., Ltd. (South
Inc. (Morganton, NC) (Dammam, Saudi Arabia) P Melbourne, Australia)
Manadher Al Sahra Trading (Ruwi, NDT Academy (Houston, TX) Pacsess (Bellevue, WA) QSA Global, Inc. (Baton Rouge, LA)
Oman) NDT Classroom, Inc. (Buffalo, NY) Paragon Industries, Inc. (Sapulpa, OK) QTech (Khobar, Saudi Arabia)
Mandina’s Inspection Services, Inc. NDT Italiana, Srl. (Concorezzo, Italy) Parker Research Corp. (Dunedin, FL) Qualimation (Ernakulam, India)
(Belle Chasse, LA) NDT Phils Inspection Services Corp. Patterson Tubular Services Qualitas Material Testing
Mansol Technical Training Services (Paranaque, Philippines) (Channelview, TX) Laboratories (Abu Dhabi, United
Pvt., Ltd. (Lahore, Pakistan) NDT Seals, Inc. (Houston, TX) PCA Engineering, Inc. (Pompton Arab Emirates)
Marietta Nondestructive Testing, NDT Solutions, Inc. (New Richmond, WI) Lakes, NJ) Qualitek, LLC (Houston, TX)
Inc. (Marietta, GA) NDT Solutions, Inc. (Hollywood, FL) PdM Consultores Internacional, Srl. Quality Control Co. (Cairo, Egypt)
Martin Testing Laboratories, Inc. NDT Supply.com, Inc. (Lenexa, KS) (Cartago, Costa Rica) Quality Control Council U.S. (Kansas
(McClellan, CA) NDT Systems, Inc. (Huntington Peak NDT (Derby, United Kingdom) City, KS)
Matec Instrument Cos., Inc. Beach, CA) Peltec Services, Inc. (Darlington, SC) Quality Control Services Co., Ltd.
(Northborough, MA) NDT Testing, Srl. (Odobesti, Performance Review Institute (Khobar, Saudi Arabia)
Matrix U/E Technologies, Ltd. Romania) (Warrendale, PA) Quality Equipment Distributors, Inc.
(Beijing, China) NDT Training & Testing Center Petro Base, Ltd. (Richmond, TX) (Orchard Park, NY)
Medical Intubation Technology Corp. (Houston, TX) Petro Service International (Cairo, Quality NDE, Ltd. (Mercier, Canada)
(Taoyuan City, Taiwan) NDT-PRO Services (Houston, TX) Egypt) Quality Systems International, Inc.
Merrick Group, Inc. (West Hazleton, PA) NdtXducer, LLC (Northborough, MA) PetroKnowledge (Masdar City, (Russellville, AR)
Merrill Technologies Group NE Bridge Contractors, Inc. (Norton, MA) United Arab Emirates) Quality Testing Services, Inc.
(Saginaw, MI) New Tech Systems (Mansfield, TX) PetroScanalog International, Ltd. (Maryland Hts., MO)
Metafix (Lachine, Canada) Newco, Inc. (Florence, SC) (Port Harcourt, Nigeria) Quality Testing Services, Inc.
Metal Fatigue Solutions (Las Vegas, NV) Newport News Shipbuilding Pfinder KG (Boeblingen, Germany) (Linden, NJ)
Metals Testing Co. (South Windsor, CT) (Newport News, VA) PFL Engineering Services, Ltd. Qualtech NDE (Karachi, Pakistan)
Metalscan Inspection Services Nexco-West USA (Vienna, VA) (Lekki, Nigeria)
(Chennai, India) NextNDT (Redwood City, CA) PH Tool Reference Standards R
Met-L-Chek (Santa Monica, CA) Nikon Metrology (Brighton, MI) (Pipersville, PA) RadiaBeam Technologies (Santa
Meyer Tool, Inc. (Cincinnati, OH) Nondestructive Inspection Service, Phased Array Co. (West Chester, OH) Monica, CA)
MFE Enterprises, Inc. (Dripping Inc. (Hurricane, WV) Phateco Technical Services Joint Ram Designs (Broussard, LA)
Springs, TX) Nordco Rail Services & Inspection Stock Co. (Haiphong, Vietnam) Rayan Petro Azmoon (Tehran, Iran)
MFE Rentals (Pasadena, TX) Technologies (Beacon Falls, CT) Phoenix Inspection Systems, Ltd. Ray-Check MFG, Inc. (Clovis, CA)
Midgard Scientific, LLC (Cartersville, GA) Norfolk Naval Shipyard (Warrington, United Kingdom) R-CON NDT, Inc. (Menomonie, WI)
Milan Tool Corp. (Cleveland, OH) (Portsmouth, VA) Phoenix Nuclear Labs (Monona, WI) Redi Inspection Services
Minton Treharne & Davies, Ltd. North Idaho College/Aerospace Pine (Windsor, NJ) (Evanston, WY)
(Cardiff, United Kingdom) Technology (Hayden, ID) Pinnacle X-Ray Solutions Regional Utility Services
MIR Engineering (Tangerang, North Star Imaging, Inc. (Rogers, MN) (Suwanee, GA) (Spartanburg, SC)
Indonesia) North Texas Calibration (Fort Pioneer Inspection and Technical Reinhart & Associates, Inc.
Mistras Group, Inc. (Princeton Worth, TX) Services, WLL (Doha, Qatar) (Austin, TX)
Junction, NJ) Northeast Testing & Manufacturing, Pipe & Well O&M Services Est. Rel, Inc. (Calumet, MI)
Mitchell Laboratories (Pico Rivera, CA) LLC (Beverly, MA) (Dammam, Saudi Arabia) RF System Lab (Traverse City, MI)
Modal Shop, Inc. (Cincinnati, OH) NOVO DR, Ltd. (Yehud, Israel) Plant Integrity, Ltd. (Cambridge, Ridgewater College (Hutchinson, MN)
Moraine Valley Community College NQS Inspection, Ltd. (Corpus United Kingdom) Rig Fab Energy Services (Baton
(Palos Hills, IL) Christi, TX) PM Testing Laboratory, Inc. (Fife, WA) Rouge, LA)
Morex 71, Ltd. (Even Yehuda, Israel) NXT NDT, Inc. (North Adams, MA) Poco Graphite (Decatur, TX) Rig Solution Engineering (Cairo,
Motabaqah (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) Portsmouth Naval Shipyard Egypt)
Mountain Pressure Testing O (Portsmouth, NH) Ritec, Inc. (Warwick, RI)
(Longview, TX) Obelix Maintenance & Inspection PQNDT, Inc. (Arlington, MA) RLN Industries (Hitchcock, TX)
moviTherm (Irvine, CA) Services, S.A.C. (Arequipa, Peru) Pragma (Quebec, Canada) Rockwood Service Corp.
Mozzat Enterprise, Sdn. Bhd. (Kuala Ocean Corp. (Houston, TX) Precision Flange & Machine, Inc. (Danbury, CT)
Belait, Brunei) Oceaneering (Panama City, FL) (Houston, TX) Rohmann Eddy Current Instruments
MQ TEC (Hyderabad, India) Oceaneering International Asset Premier NDT Services, Inc. & Systems (Spartanburg, SC)
MR Chemie, GmbH (Unna, Germany) Integrity (Houston, TX) (Farmington, NM) Rokaysan Engineering, Ltd. Co.
MSPEC (Mussafah, United Arab Oceanscan USA (Stafford, TX) Premier Tubular Inspection Services (Bursa, Turkey)
Emirates) OcerT Training & Consulting, Ltd. Pte., Ltd. (Karachi, Pakistan) Rolls-Royce (Williamson, NY)
MTEC Mechanical Testing Services, (Jianding New City, China) Premium Inspection & Testing Rosen (Shah Alam, Malaysia)
Inc. (Houston, TX) Ogden Weber Applied Technology (Houston, TX) RTW Roentgen-Technik
Multicare Safety & Industrial College (Ogden, UT) Premium Inspection Co. (Neuenhagen, Germany)
Inspections, LLC (Dubai, United OGTC Pvt., Ltd. (Islamabad, Pakistan) (Bakersfield, CA) Russell NDE Systems, Inc.
Arab Emirates) Ohio CAT (Broadview Heights, OH) Prime NDT Services, Inc. (Edmonton, Canada)
MyTechnic (Istanbul, Turkey) Oil & Gas Educational and Training (Schnecksville, PA) RusselSmith Nigeria, Ltd. (Lagos,
Center (Kayamkulam, India) PRL Industries, Inc. (Cornwall, PA) Nigeria)
N Oilfield Equipment Marketing, Inc. Pro Mag Inspection, LLC (Gray, LA)
Nanjing Tycho Information (San Antonio, TX) Proceq (Gurnee, IL) S
Technology Co., Ltd. (Beijing, OKOS Solutions, LLC (Manassas, VA) PSSI NDT (League City, TX) Safe Ocean Service, Inc.
China) Olympus Scientific Solutions PT Karsa Kencana Indonesia (Houston, TX)
National Marine Consultants, Inc. Americas (Waltham, MA) (Tangerang, Indonesia) Safe Systems For Advanced
(Parlin, NJ) Omni Metal Finishing, Inc. (Fountain PT Radiant Utama Interinsco Tbk. Technologies (Jeddah, Saudi
National Oilwell Varco Pte., Ltd. Valley, CA) (Jakarta, Indonesia) Arabia)
(Singapore) Opgal (Karmiel, Israel) SAI Global (Paramus, NJ)
National University Polytechnic Optim, LLC (Sturbridge, MA) Salt Lake Community College (Salt
Institute (San Diego, CA) Oracle, Ltd. (Apapa Lagos, Nigeria) Lake City, UT)
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1 7 this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact: customersupport@asnt.org
Join Us
Sarl 3MECS Engineering & Venture Inspection, Ltd. (Derby,
Consulting Services (Laghouat, United Kingdom)
Algeria) Verasonics, Inc. (Kirkland, WA)
ScanMaster IRT, Inc. (Greenville, SC) Being a part of the Society links your business to the worldwide Verichek Technical Services, Inc.
ScanTech Instruments, Inc. (Bethel Park, PA)
NDT community and puts your business on the front lines of the
(Longview, TX) Versa Integrity Group (Sulphur, LA)
SCC Inspection Services (Great industry. To learn more about becoming a Corporate Partner, see Vibranalysis, Inc. (Trujillo Alto,
Falls, MT) the Membership section of the ASNT website at www.asnt.org. Puerto Rico)
School of Applied Non Destructive Vibspectrum International, LLC
Examination (Boksburg, South Trading & Electromechanical
Africa) Specialized Services & Supplies Testia, Ltd. (Newport, United (Dubai, United Arab Emirates)
SCI Control & Inspeccion (Ajalvir, General Trading & Contracting Co. Kingdom) Vidisco, Ltd. (Or Yehuda, Israel)
Spain) (North Shuwaikh, Kuwait) Testing Equipment Specialist Team Vincotte International Algeria
Score QC (Trivandrum, India) Specpro (Santiago, Chile) Co. (Abqaiq, Saudi Arabia) (Mahelma, Algeria)
SE International, Inc. Spectronics Corp. (Westbury, NY) Testing Service Group SAC (Lima, Vincotte International Middle East,
(Summertown, TN) Spellman High Voltage Electronics Peru) LLC (Abu Dhabi, United Arab
SEAL Aviation (Fort Lauderdale, FL) Corp. (Hauppauge, NY) Texas Research International Emirates)
Sense of Siam International Trading ST Aerospace Engineering Pte., Ltd. (Austin, TX) Virtual Media Integration
Co., Ltd. (Sattahip, Thailand) (Singapore) Thermal Wave Imaging, Inc. (Pensacola, FL)
Sensima Inspection (Gland, St. Johns NDT Training & Services (Ferndale, MI) VisiConsult X-ray Systems &
Switzerland) (Pathanamthitta, India) Thermographie GG, Inc. (Granby, Solutions, GmbH (Stockelsdorf,
Sensor Networks (Boalsburg, PA) Stalion-Primi (Port Harcourt, Nigeria) Canada) Germany)
Sensors & Software, Inc. Standard Testing and Inspection TIBA Oil Tools (Cairo, Egypt) Vision Financial Group, Inc.
(Mississauga, Canada) Services, Ltd. (Port Harcourt, TMAC Technologies (Mansfield, TX) (Pittsburgh, PA)
Setcore Arabia Petroleum Services Nigeria) TP Group, S.A. (Bogota, Colombia) Vizaar Industrial Imaging
(Dammam, Saudi Arabia) Stanley Inspection (Houston, TX) Trainee World Institute (Baghdad, (Gibsonia, PA)
SGS Transportation (Cincinnati, OH) Star Pipe Service, Inc. (Moore, OK) Iraq) VJ Technologies, Inc. (Bohemia, NY)
Shanghai CHiNDT Systems and Steinol Solutions Pvt., Ltd. Tribogenics (Los Angeles, CA) Volume Graphics, Inc. (Charlotte, NC)
Services (Shanghai, China) (Islamabad, Pakistan) Trinity NDT Engineers (Bangalore, Volunteer NDT Corp. (Chattanooga, TN)
Shanghai Puxian Mechanical Stowen (Katy, TX) India)
Technology Co., Ltd. (Shanghai, Structural Integrity Associates Tru Amp Corp. (Jackson, MS) W
China) (Huntersville, NC) TSC Inspection Systems Walt Disney World Co. (Lake Buena
Shanghai QiJi Inspection Technology Sullivan & Associates, Inc. (Buckinghamshire, United Vista, FL)
Co. (Shanghai, China) (Ladson, SC) Kingdom) Warren Associates (Pittsburgh, PA)
Sherwin, Inc. (South Gate, CA) Superior Inspection Services, LLC TTAsia Co., Ltd. (Ho Chi Minh City, Wartsila Defense, Inc.
Siemens Energy, Inc. (Pittsburgh, PA) (Broussard, LA) Vietnam) (Chesapeake, VA)
Sigma NDT Services Pvt., Ltd. Supervisor of Shipbuilding Tulsa Welding School (Tulsa, OK) Wasatch Photonics (Logan, UT)
(Chennai, India) Conversion and Repair (Bath, ME) Turbo Nondestructive Testing, Inc. Washita Valley Enterprises, Inc.
Signature TechnicAir System One Services (Cheswick, PA) (Kemah, TX) (Oklahoma City, OK)
(Greensboro, NC) Turnco, LLC (Houston, TX) Welding and Control (Oran, Algeria)
Silean (Tremonton, UT) T Turner Specialty Services, LLC Welding Inspection (Cologne, NJ)
Silverwing (Swansea, United Target NDT (Mangaf, Kuwait) (Pasadena, TX) Welding Technology & NDT Research
Kingdom) TCR Arabia Co., Ltd. (Dammam, TWI, Ltd. (Cambridge, United Application Center (Ankara, Turkey)
SIUI (Shantou, China) Saudi Arabia) Kingdom) Weldtest (Bir Khadem, Algeria)
Sky Prime Aviation Services (Riyadh, Team Industrial Services (Alvin, TX) WENS Quality Assurance Pvt., Ltd.
Saudi Arabia) QualSpec (Torrance, CA) U (Singapore)
SME (Plymouth, MI) Tech Service Products, Inc. Ultracon Service, LLC (Kiev, Ukraine) WesDyne Amdata (Windsor, CT)
Snell Group (Barre, VT) (Harahan, LA) Ultrasonic Sciences, Ltd. (Aldershot, West Penn Testing Group (New
SODIP, Sarl. (Douala, Cameroon) TechCorr USA Management United Kingdom) Kensington, PA)
SOLEND (Cochabamba, Bolivia) (Pasadena, TX) Uniclimb Services Pte., Ltd. Westminster Education Circle
Son Set Consultants, LLC Techinco (Tehran, Iran) (Singapore) (Ernakulam, India)
(Owasso, OK) TechKnowServ Corp. (State University of Alaska Anchorage Williams Bridge Co. (Richmond, VA)
Sonartech (Kempton Park, South College, PA) (Anchorage, AK) Willick Engineering Co., Inc. (Santa
Africa) Technical Loadarm, Ltd. (Guelph, UniWest (Pasco, WA) Fe Springs, CA)
Sonaspection International, Inc. Canada) U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground World Testing, Inc. (Mt. Juliet, TN)
(Concord, NC) Technisonic Research, Inc. (Yuma, AZ) WorldSpec Group (Houston, TX)
Sonatest, Ltd. (San Antonio, TX) (Fairfield, CT) U.S. Photon Service (Hayward, CA) Wyle (Dayton, OH)
Sonic Systems International Technology Design Ltd. (Winsford, USPS NCED (Norman, OK)
(Houston, TX) United Kingdom) UT Quality (Edmonton, Canada) X
Sonomatic, Inc. (Mooresville, NC) Technoscan Inspection Services Utex Scientific Instruments, Inc. X-Ray Associates, LLC (San
Sonotec (Central Islip, NY) (Pathanamthitta, India) (Mississauga, Canada) Dimas, CA)
Source Production & Equipment Co., Techshore Inspection Services UTX, Inc. (Holmes, NY) X-Ray Industries, Inc. (Troy, MI)
Inc. (St. Rose, LA) (Cochin, India) X-Scan Imaging Corp. (San Jose, CA)
Southern Inspection Services Techstreet (Ann Arbor, MI) V
(Chennai, India) Tecnatom, S.A. (Madrid, Spain) VAAL University of Technology Y
Southwest Research Institute (San Tecnoplet, S.A. (Francisco de (Vanderbijlpark, South Africa) Yxlon (Hudson, OH)
Antonio, TX) Orellana, Ecuador) Valley Inspection Service, Inc.
Sowsco Inspection Services, Ltd. Teledyne DALSA (Santa Clara, CA) (Allentown, PA) Z
(Port Harcourt, Nigeria) Teledyne ICM (Andrimont, Belgium) Vandergriff Technologies NDT Zamil Lifting & Industrial Supports
Sparrows (Bridge of Don Aberdeen, Tesco Corp. (Kanagawa, Japan) Services (Haltom City, TX) (Dammam, Saudi Arabia)
United Kingdom) Test Equipment Distributors, LLC Varex Imaging (Salt Lake City, UT) Zetec, Inc. (Snoqualmie, WA)
Spartan College of Aeronautics & (Troy, MI) Vector TUB, GmbH (Hattingen, Zuuk International, Inc.
Technology (Tulsa, OK) Test NDT, LLC (Brea, CA) Germany) (Charleston, SC) wx
Special Oilfield Services Co., LLC Testex, Inc. (Pittsburgh, PA) Velosi, Sdn. Bhd. (Kuala Belait,
(Ruwi, Oman) Brunei)
ASNT grants
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1 7 this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact: customersupport@asnt.org
meetings PLEASE NOTE: Materials Evaluation’s Calendar department is
22– 24 MAY
Structural Health Monitoring,
Meetings are events at which derived from information sent to our offices by the sponsoring Milan, Italy. ETS.
paper and/or poster presentations organizations. ASNT staff is not responsible for collecting or
are made and recent developments 5–9 JUN
verifying the information contained herein: for more information
in technology, research and devel- Level II, Princeton Junction,
opment are discussed by those in on meetings or courses, please contact the sponsoring organi-
zation. The Calendar copy deadline is the first of the month, two New Jersey. Mistras.
attendance. These are generally
sponsored by academic or profes- months prior to the issue date: for example, 1 April for the June
sional technical associations. The journal. Send your organization’s information by e-mail, fax, or Electromagnetic Testing
sponsor is the same as the contact mail to the Associate Editor, Materials Evaluation, 1711
except where noted. 1–8 MAR
Arlingate Lane, P.O. Box 28518, Columbus, OH 43228-0518; fax Level I/II, Trivandrum, India.
For ASNT meetings and events
(highlighted in red) contact the (614) 274-6899; e-mail hcowans@asnt.org. Information in the Decibel Remote.
ASNT Conference Department, Calendar runs for four months at a time. ASNT reserves the right
1711 Arlingate Lane, P.O. Box to reject event listings for any reason. Listings will be edited to 1–14 MAR
28518, Columbus, OH 43228- conform to ASNT’s editorial style. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
0518; (800) 222-2768 or (614) Decibel.
274-6003; fax (614) 274-6899;
e-mail conferences@asnt.org. 2–6 MAR
Newton Building, St George’s determine the student's retention
Level I/II, Bangalore, India.
Avenue, Northampton NN2 6JB, of the material presented. These
2017 U.K.; 44 01604 89 3811; fax events often offer some form of
course credit or continuing 6–10 MAR
1–3 MAR
44 01604 89 3861; e-mail education units to those partici-
wccm@bindt.org; website pants successfully completing the
Eddy Current Level I, Los
21st International Pressure Angeles, California.
Equipment Integrity www.bindt.org. course. For ASNT refresher
courses, see page 393. Ultrasonics.
Association Conference, Banff, 26–28 JUN ASNT neither approves nor Level I, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS.
Alberta, Canada. Contact: (403) Digital Imaging 20, Foxwoods disapproves of any program or
251-3951; e-mail Resort, Mashantucket, training course claiming to meet 7–9 MAR
admin@ipeia.com; website Connecticut. Contact: ASNT. the recommendations of ASNT’s Eddy Current Recurrent, San
www.ipeia.com. Recommended Practice No. Antonio, Texas. BRL.
28–30 JUN SNT-TC-1A. The following are
13–16 MAR Ultrasonics for NDT, Foxwoods contacts for only those organiza- 8–21 MAR
26th ASNT Research Resort, Mashantucket, tions that offer public courses Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Symposium, Hyatt Regency Connecticut. Contact: ASNT. listed in this month’s Calendar. Decibel.
Jacksonville Riverfront, The following courses are listed
30 OCT–2 NOV without necessarily giving their full 13–17 MAR
Jacksonville, Florida. Contact: Eddy Current Level II, Los
ASNT Annual Conference, titles.
ASNT. Angeles, California.
Gaylord Opryland Resort and
9–10 MAY Convention Center, Nashville, Acoustic Emission Testing Ultrasonics.
NDT of Composites, DoubleTree Tennessee. Contact: ASNT. Level II, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS.
by Hilton, Seattle 6–10 MAR
15–28 MAR
Airport/Southcenter, Seattle, Level I, Princeton Junction, New
2018 Jersey. Mistras. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Washington. Contact: ASNT. Decibel.
28–31 OCT 13–17 MAR
17–19 MAY ASNT Annual Conference, 30 MAR–3 APR
International Chemical and Level I/II, Milan, Italy. ETS.
George R. Brown Convention Level I/II, Bangalore, India.
Petroleum Industry Inspection Center, Houston, Texas. 11–13 APR Trinity.
Technology (ICPIIT), Galveston Contact: ASNT. PACwin Suite, Princeton
Island Convention Center, 1–8 APR
Junction, New Jersey. Mistras.
Galveston, Texas. Contact: Level I/II, Trivandrum, India.
ASNT. courses 1– 5 MAY
High Tech Week Princeton
Decibel Remote.
2–14 APR
13–16 JUN Courses are events where partici- Junction, New Jersey. Mistras.
pants are instructed in the tech- Level I/II, Kerala, India.
First World Congress on
nologies and methodologies of a 15– 20 MAY Decibel.
Condition Monitoring 2017, particular technical area and which Level I/II, Milan, Italy. ETS.
ILEC Conference Centre, generally conclude with the
London, U.K. Contact: BINDT; student being evaluated to
Course Contacts
The following are contacts for only those organizations that offer public courses listed in this month’s Calendar.
Atlantic: Atlantic NDT Training; Gary L. Insight: Insight Quality Services; Office PQT: PQT Services (Plumstead Training);
Chapman; 24 Flat Rock Rd., Branford, CT 507/508, Bldg. 1, Siddharth Towers, Kim Rosa; 806 Botany Rd., Greenville,
06405; (203) 481-4041; website 5th Floor, Ste. 12/3 B, Near Sangam SC 29615; (864) 292-1115; fax (770)
www.atlanticndttraining.com. Press, Kothrud, Pune 411029, India; 514-3299; e-mail krosa@atslab.com;
ATS: Applied Technical Services; Lisa 91 020 25460894; e-mail support www.pqt.net.
Henry; 1049 Triad Ct., Marietta, GA @iqs-ndt.org; website www.iqs-ndt.org. QCTL: QCTL, Inc.; Rod Reinholdt or
30062; (888) 287-5227; (678) 444- Kraft: Kraft Technology Resources; Karl David White; 21112 Scott Park Rd.,
2897; fax (770) 514-3299; e-mail E. Kraft; 1377 Timshel St., Dayton, OH Davenport, IA 52804; (800) 391-8500;
lhenry@atslab.com; website www 45440; (405) 819-7786; fax (405) 691- fax (563) 391-0112; e-mail testlab1
.atslab.com/training. 4342; e-mail kraftndt@aol.com; website @att.net; website www.testlab1.com.
BRL: BRL Consultants, Inc.; 219 W. www.ndtbootcamp.com. Quality: Quality Testing Services;
Rhapsody Dr., San Antonio, TX 78216; LTS: Leak Testing Specialists, Inc.; Cyndi Melissa Rankin; 2305 Millpark Dr.,
(210) 341-3442; fax (210) 341-2844; Reid; 5776 Hoffner Ave., Ste. 304, Maryland Heights, MO 63043; (314)
e-mail info@brlconsultants.com; Orlando, FL 32822; (407) 737-6415; 770-0607; (888) 770-0607; fax (314)
website www.brlconsultants.com. fax (407) 737-6416; e-mail cyndi.reid 770-0103; e-mail training@quality
Decibel: Decibel NDE Training Institute; @leaktestingspec.com; website www testing.com; website www.quality
1st Floor Plainfield, Pattambi, Palakkad, .leaktestingspec.com. testing.com.
Kerala, India 679303; 91 9387 674 MFE: MFE Enterprises, Inc., 150 Holder Test: Test NDT; Richard Harrison; 193
153, 91 466 2214 333, or 91 8089 000 Ln., Dripping Springs, TX 7862; (281) Viking Ave., Brea, CA 92821; (714) 255-
250; e-mail info@decibelnde.com; 441-8284; e-mail bduke@mferentals 1500; fax (714) 255-1580; e-mail
website www.decibelnde.com. .com; website mferentals.com/training. ndttrain@aol.com; website www.test
Decibel Remote: Decibel Remote Mistras: Mistras Group, Inc.; Christina ndt.com.
Training Center; TC No. 1/1374(12), Librandy; 195 Clarksville Rd., Princeton Trinity: Trinity Institute of NDT
2nd Floor, Kottakath Bldg., Poonthi Rd., Junction, NJ 08550; (609) 716-4020; Technology; Ravi Kumar T. or Shiva
Kumarapuram, Trivandrum, India; fax (609) 716-0706; e-mail christina Kumar R.; Plot No. V-22a, 2nd Stage,
91 81 29508881; e-mail decibeltvm .librandy@mistrasgroup.com; website Peenya Industrial Estate, Bangalore,
@decibelnde.com; website www www.mistrasgroup.com. India 560058; 91 99009 29439 or
.decibelnde.com. Moraine: Moraine Valley Community 91 98441 29439; e-mail training
ETS: ETS Sistemi Industriali, Srl.; Alberto College; 9000 W. College Pkwy., Palos @trinityndt.com; website www
Monici; Via S. Francesco 323, 20861 Hills, IL 60465, M150; (708) 974-5735; .trinityndt.com.
Brugherio (MB), Italy; 39 039877790; e-mail ccce@morainevalley.edu; Ultrasonics: University of
e-mail a.monici@etssistemi.it; website website www.morainevalley.edu/ccce/ Ultrasonics/NDEU; Ron Kent; P.O. Box
www.etssistemi.it. continuing/nondestructive-testing. 328 Elkton, FL 32033; (205) 822-5203;
GINDT: Gavade Institute of NPI: NDE Professionals, Inc.; 13339 NE e-mail info@nde.university; website
Nondestructive Testing & Training; Airport Way, Ste. 100, Portland, OR www.nde.university.
Sunil Baburao Gavade; Plot No. 29/B, 97230; (503) 287-5255; fax (503) 287- WTTI: Welder Training and Testing
Swatantravir Sawarkar Marg, Opposite 5992; e-mail training@qnpi.com; Institute; Tracy Wiswesser; 1144 N.
Gopinath Patil Parsik Janatha Sahakari website www.qnpi.com. Graham St., Allentown, PA 18109;
Bank, Sector 1, Airoli, Navi Mumbai 400 Odyssey: Odyssey Technology Corp.; (800) 223-9884; e-mail tracy@welde
708, Maharashtra State, India; 091 99 Carol Sansieri; 3000 Village Run Rd., rinstitute.com; website www.wtti.edu.
67581383; fax 091 22 27793512; Unit 103, #149, Wexford, PA 15090;
e-mail infogindt@gmail.com; website (843) 817-3475; e-mail
www.gindt.co.in. carols@odysseytest.com.
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1 7 this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact: customersupport@asnt.org
1–8 MAY Infrared and Thermal
Level I/II, Trivandrum, India. Testing
Decibel Remote.
7–16 MAR
1–13 MAY Level I/II, Trivandrum, India.
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Decibel Remote.
20–24 MAR
8–12 MAY Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Level II, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS. Decibel.
8–20 MAY 27–31 MAR
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Decibel. Decibel.
9–13 MAY 28–30 MAR
Eddy Current Level I, St. For Rail Industry, St. Louis,
Augustine, Florida. Ultrasonics. Missouri. Quality.
16–20 MAY 17–21 APR
Eddy Current Level I, St. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Augustine, Florida. Ultrasonics. Decibel.
15–27 MAY 24–28 APR
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Decibel. Decibel.
1–8 JUN 7 – 1 6 M AY
Level I/II, Trivandrum, India. Level I/II, Trivandrum, India.
Decibel Remote. Decibel Remote.
1–13 JUN 9 – 1 2 M AY
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Level I, St. Louis, Missouri.
Decibel. Quality.
5–9 JUN 1 5 – 1 9 M AY
Eddy Current Level I, St. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Augustine, Florida. Ultrasonics. Decibel.
6–8 JUN Level II, St. Louis, Missouri.
Eddy Current Recurrent, San Quality.
Antonio, Texas. BRL. 2 2 – 2 6 M AY
9–22 JUN Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Decibel.
Decibel. 7–16 JUN
12–16 JUN Level I/II, Trivandrum, India.
Eddy Current Level II, St. Decibel Remote.
Augustine, Florida. Ultrasonics. 19–23 JUN
Eddy Current Level II, Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Charleston, South Carolina. Decibel.
26–30 JUN
16–29 JUN Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Decibel.
19–23 JUN
Eddy Current Level I, Brea,
California. Test.
26–30 JUN
Eddy Current Level II, Brea,
California. Test.
ASNT grants
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R C H 2 0 of
1 7 this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact: customersupport@asnt.org
19–20 JUN Magnetic Particle and
Level I/II, Atlanta, Georgia. Liquid Penetrant Testing
Level I/II, San Antonio, Texas. 21–30 MAR
BRL. Practical, Kerala, India.
19–23 JUN
Level I/II, Kerala, India. 17–21 APR
Decibel. Level I/II, Branford,
Connecticut. Atlantic.
19–24 JUN
Level I/II, Trivandrum, India. 23–30 APR
Decibel Remote. Practical, Kerala, India.
25–30 JUN
Level I/II, Trivandrum, India. 24–28 APR
Decibel Remote. Level I/II, Allentown,
Pennsylvania. WTTI.
26–29 JUN
Level I/II, Portland, Oregon. 2 3 – 3 0 M AY
NPI. Practical, Kerala, India.
26–30 JUN
Level I/II, Kerala, India. 12–16 JUN
Decibel. Level I/II, Allentown,
Pennsylvania. WTTI.
Magnetic Flux Leakage 23–30 JUN
Testing Practical, Kerala, India.
13–22 MAR
Level I/II, Trivandrum, India.
Decibel Remote.
Magnetic Particle Testing
15–28 MAR 1–4 MAR
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Level I/II, Pune, India. Insight.
Decibel. 1–6 MAR
20–24 MAR Level I/II, Trivandrum, India.
Level I/II, Dripping Springs, Decibel Remote.
Texas. MFE. 6–9 MAR
16–29 APR Level I/II (NAS-410), Kent,
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Washington. Mistras.
Decibel. 6–10 MAR
13–22 MAY Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Level I/II, Trivandrum, India. Decibel.
Decibel Remote. 7–10 MAR
15–27 MAY Level I/II, St. Louis, Missouri.
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Quality.
Decibel. 8–10 MAR
22–26 MAY Level I/II, Palos Hills, Illinois.
Level I/II, Dripping Springs, Moraine.
Texas. MFE. Level I/II, Greenville, South
Carolina. PQT.
13–22 JUN
Level I/II, Trivandrum, India. 13–17 MAR
Decibel Remote. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
16–29 JUN
Level I/II, Kerala, India. 13–18 MAR
Decibel. Level I/II, Trivandrum, India.
Decibel Remote.
15–17 MAR
Level I/II, San Antonio, Texas.
ASNT grants
388 non-exclusive,
M A T E R I A L S Enon-transferable
V A L U A T I O N • M Alicense
R C H 2 0 of
1 7 this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact: customersupport@asnt.org
27–31 MAR 3–7 APR
Computed Radiography Computed Radiography Level I,
Level II, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS. Greenville, South Carolina.
Computed Radiography PQT.
Level II, Greenville, South Digital Radiography Level I,
Carolina. PQT. Greenville, South Carolina.
Digital Radiography Level II, PQT.
Atlanta, Georgia. ATS. Level I, Greenville, South
Digital Radiography Level II, Carolina. PQT.
Greenville, South Carolina. Level I, St. Louis, Missouri.
PQT. Quality.
Interpretation, San Antonio, Level I Film, Greenville, South
Texas. BRL. Carolina. PQT.
Level I, Portland, Oregon. NPI. Level I Film to Non-film
Level II, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS. Transition (NAS-410),
Level II Film, Greenville, South Greenville, South Carolina.
Carolina. PQT. PQT.
Level II Non-film (NAS-410), Level I Non-film Transition
Greenville, South Carolina. (NAS-410), Greenville, South
PQT. Carolina. PQT.
Level II Non-film Transition Level I Non-film (NAS-410),
(NAS-410), Greenville, South Greenville, South Carolina.
Carolina. PQT. PQT.
Radiation Safety, Palos Hills, Level II, Portland, Oregon. NPI.
Illinois. Moraine. 3–11 APR
Radiation Safety, St. Louis, Level I Film/Non-film
Missouri. Quality. (NAS-410), Greenville, South
27 MAR–4 APR Carolina. PQT.
Level II Film/Non-film 9–22 APR
(NAS-410), Greenville, South Film Interpretation, Kerala,
Carolina. PQT. India. Decibel.
27 MAR–5 APR Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Level II Film/Non-film Decibel.
(NAS-410), Atlanta, Georgia. 10–11 APR
ATS. IRRSP Refresher, Atlanta,
1–10 APR Georgia. ATS.
Film Interpretation Level II, 10–14 APR
Trivandrum, India. Decibel Computed Radiography
Remote. Level II, Greenville, South
1–12 APR Carolina. PQT.
Level I/II, Trivandrum, India. Digital Radiography Level II,
Decibel Remote. Greenville, South Carolina.
Practical, Kerala, India. PQT.
Decibel. Level II, St. Louis, Missouri.
2–14 APR
Film Interpretation, Kerala, Level II Film, Greenville, South
India. Decibel. Carolina. PQT.
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Level II Film to Non-film
Decibel. Transition (NAS-410),
Greenville, South Carolina.
3–5 APR PQT.
Level II Non-film Transition Level II Non-film (NAS-410),
(NAS-410), Atlanta, Georgia. Greenville, South Carolina.
Level II Non-film (NAS-410),
Greenville, South Carolina.
ASNT grants
390 non-exclusive,
M A T E R I A L S Enon-transferable
V A L U A T I O N • M Alicense
R C H 2 0 of
1 7 this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact: customersupport@asnt.org
26–30 JUN 8–21 MAR 17–30 MAR 5–7 APR
Computed Radiography Auto Data Interpreter, Kerala, Phased Array Level II, D1.1 and D1.5, Allentown,
Level II, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS. India. Decibel. Trivandrum, India. Decibel Pennsylvania. WTTI.
Computed Radiography Level I/II, Kerala, India. Remote. 9–20 APR
Level II, Greenville, South Decibel.
20–24 MAR Level I/II, Trivandrum, India.
Carolina. PQT. Phased Array Level II, Kerala,
Level I, Palos Hills, Illinois. Decibel Remote.
Digital Radiography Level II, India. Decibel.
Moraine. 9–22 APR
Atlanta, Georgia. ATS. Time of Flight Diffraction
Level II, Portland, Oregon. NPI. Auto Data Interpreter, Kerala,
Digital Radiography Level II, Level II, Kerala, India. Decibel.
Level II, Greenville, South India. Decibel.
Greenville, South Carolina. 9–20 MAR Carolina. PQT. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
PQT. Level I/II, Trivandrum, India. Level II, Davenport, Iowa. Decibel.
Level II, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS. Decibel Remote. QCTL. Phased Array Level II, Kerala,
Level II, Greenville, South
13–14 MAR Level II, St. Louis, Missouri. India. Decibel.
Carolina. PQT.
Introduction to Phased Array, Quality. Time of Flight Diffraction
Level II Film, Greenville, South
Carolina. PQT. Brea, California. Test. 23 MAR Level II, Kerala, India. Decibel.
Level II Film to Non-film 13–16 MAR Digital Thickness Level II, San 10–14 APR
Transition (NAS-410), Thickness, Greenville, South Antonio, Texas. BRL. Advanced Crack Sizing,
Greenville, South Carolina. Carolina. PQT. 23–30 MAR Houston, Texas. Ultrasonics.
PQT. Auto Data Interpreter, Advanced Phased Array for
Level II Non-film (NAS-410), 13–17 MAR
Advanced Phased Array for Trivandrum, India. Decibel Weld Inspection, Los Angeles,
Greenville, South Carolina. Remote. California. Ultrasonics.
PQT. Weld Inspection, Houston,
Texas. Ultrasonics. 28–30 MAR
Level I, Brea, California. Test.
Radiation Safety, St. Louis, Level II, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS.
Missouri. Quality. Level I, Portland, Oregon. NPI. Thickness, St. Louis, Missouri.
Level I, Greenville, South Quality. 10–29 APR
Carolina. PQT. Practical, Kerala, India.
Ultrasonic Testing Level I, St. Louis, Missouri.
1–12 APR
Phased Array Level II, Decibel.
1–12 MAR Quality.
Trivandrum, India. Decibel 13–22 APR
Automated, Trivandrum, India. Level II, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS.
Remote. Practical, Kerala, India.
Decibel Remote. Level II, St. Augustine, Florida.
1–15 APR
1–14 MAR
Phased Array Level I Practical, Trivandrum, India. 13–24 APR
Level I/II, Kerala, India.
(SNT-TC-1A), Brea, California. Decibel Remote. Level I/II, Trivandrum, India.
Test. Decibel Remote.
Phased Array Level II, Kerala, 2–14 APR
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Time of Flight Diffraction
India. Decibel. 13–20 MAR
Decibel. Level II, Trivandrum, India.
Time of Flight Diffraction Practical, Kerala, India.
Phased Array Level II, Kerala, Decibel Remote.
Level II, Kerala, India. Decibel. Decibel.
India. Decibel. 16–29 APR
1–18 MAR 13–24 MAR
Time of Flight Diffraction Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Practical, Kerala, India. Level I/II, Trivandrum, India.
Level II, Kerala, India. Decibel. Decibel.
Decibel. Decibel Remote.
3–7 APR
Phased Array Level II, Kerala,
6–10 MAR 15–17 MAR India. Decibel.
Advanced Flaw Detection and
Introduction to Phased Array, Annex Q, Allentown, Time of Flight Diffraction
Characterization, Houston,
Houston, Texas. Ultrasonics. Pennsylvania. WTTI. Level II, Kerala, India. Decibel.
Texas. Ultrasonics.
Level I, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS. 15–19 MAR Introduction to Phased Array, 16–30 APR
Level I, St. Augustine, Florida. Level I/II, Bangalore, India. Los Angeles, California. Practical, Trivandrum, India.
Ultrasonics. Trinity. Ultrasonics. Decibel Remote.
Level II, Brea, California. Test.
15–28 MAR Level I, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS. 17–21 APR
Level II, Allentown,
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Level I, Heath, Ohio. Mistras. Level II, Heath, Ohio. Mistras.
Pennsylvania. WTTI.
Decibel. Level I, Pittsburgh, Level II, Brea, California. Test.
Time of Flight Diffraction, St.
Phased Array Level II, Kerala, Pennsylvania. Odyssey. Phased Array Code Compliance
Louis, Missouri. Quality.
India. Decibel. 3–22 APR and Advanced Weld Sizing, Los
6–11 MAR
Time of Flight Diffraction Practical, Kerala, India. Angeles, California.
Level I, Pune, India. Insight.
Level II, Kerala, India. Decibel. Decibel. Ultrasonics.
6–14 MAR
16–30 MAR 4–6 APR 19–21 APR
Level II, Pune, India. Insight. Practical, Trivandrum, India. Thickness, Davenport, Iowa. A-scan Thickness, Allentown,
6–24 MAR Decibel Remote. QCTL. Pennsylvania. WTTI.
Practical, Kerala, India.
ASNT grants
392 non-exclusive,
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1 7 this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact: customersupport@asnt.org
17–21 APR Short Courses/Topical 30–31 MAR 21–30 JUN
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Seminars Introduction to NDT, Navi Introduction to NDT,
Decibel. Mumbai, India. GINDT. Trivandrum, India. Decibel
1–12 MAR Remote.
18–20 APR Welding Inspection and 30 MAR–1 APR
Level I/II, Greenville, South Quality Control Level I, API 580 Prep, Pune, India. 30 JUN
Carolina. PQT. Trivandrum, India. Decibel Insight. NDT 101, St. Louis, Missouri.
24–28 APR Remote. 1–12 APR
Level I/II, Kerala, India. 6–10 MAR Welding Inspection and
Decibel. Quality Control Level I, Level III Examination
25–27 APR Pune, India. Insight. Trivandrum, India. Decibel Preparation/Refreshers
Level I/II, St. Louis, Missouri. Remote. 1–6 MAR
7–11 MAR
Quality. API IAQ1, API AQ1, API LAQ1, 3–6 APR UT Level III Prep, Trivandrum,
Pune, India. Insight. NDT in Foundry, Navi Mumbai, India. Decibel Remote.
25–30 APR
Level II, Trivandrum, India. India. GINDT. 6–10 MAR
13–16 MAR
Decibel Remote. API 571 Prep, Chennai, India. 13–24 APR Basic Level III, Kerala, India.
Insight. Welding Inspection and Decibel.
1–6 MAY
Level II, Trivandrum, India. Quality Control Level II, Basic Level III, Atlanta,
13–24 MAR Trivandrum, India. Decibel Georgia. Kraft.
Decibel Remote. Welding Inspection and Remote. MT Level III, Kerala, India.
8–12 MAY Quality Control Level II, Decibel.
Trivandrum, India. Decibel 21–30 APR
Level I/II, Kerala, India. UT Level III, St. Louis,
Remote. Introduction to NDT,
Decibel. Missouri. Quality.
Trivandrum, India. Decibel
9–11 MAY 14–16 MAR Remote. 7–12 MAR
Level I/II, Jacksonville, Florida. Basic Metallurgy for NDT, RT Level III Prep, Trivandrum,
Heath, Ohio. Mistras. 1– 12 MAY
PQT. India. Decibel Remote.
Welding Inspection and
15–19 MAY 15–16 MAR Quality Control Level I, 13–16 MAR
Level I/II, Kerala, India. ISO 9011:2015 Internal Trivandrum, India. Decibel MT Level III Prep, Trivandrum,
Decibel. Auditor, Pune, India. Insight. Remote. India. Decibel Remote.
22–26 MAY 17–19 MAR 13– 24 MAY 13–17 MAR
Level I/II, Kerala, India. API 577 Prep, Chennai, India. Welding Inspection and Basic Level III, Houston, Texas.
Decibel. Insight. Quality Control Level II, Kraft.
1–6 JUN 20–24 MAR Trivandrum, India. Decibel PT Level III, Kerala, India.
Level II, Trivandrum, India. MFL per API 653 Annex G, Remote. Decibel.
Decibel Remote. Dripping Springs, Texas. MFE. 16 MAY
RT Level III, Kerala, India.
Welder Workmanship, St. Decibel.
12–16 JUN 21–30 MAR
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Introduction to NDT, Louis, Missouri. Quality. 17–20 MAR
Decibel. Trivandrum, India. Decibel PT Level III Prep, Trivandrum,
21– 30 MAY
Remote. Introduction to NDT, India. Decibel Remote.
13–15 JUN
Level I/II, Greenville, South 20–22 MAR Trivandrum, India. Decibel 20–22 MAR
Carolina. PQT. API 580 Prep, Chennai, India. Remote. Basic Level III, Greenville,
Insight. 22– 26 MAY
South Carolina. PQT.
19–23 JUN MT Level III, Houston, Texas.
Level I/II, Kerala, India. 23–26 MAR MFL per API 653 Annex G,
Dripping Springs, Texas. MFE. Kraft.
Decibel. API 571 Prep, Pune, India. MT Level III, Greenville, South
Insight. 1–13 JUN Carolina. PQT.
26–28 JUN
Level I/II, San Antonio, Texas. 27–29 MAR Welding Inspection and PT Level III, Greenville, South
BRL. API 577 Prep, Pune, India. Quality Control Level II, Carolina. PQT.
Insight. Trivandrum, India. Decibel RT Level III, Greenville, South
26–29 JUN Remote. Carolina. PQT.
Level I/II, Atlanta, Georgia. 27–31 MAR
13–24 JUN UT Level III, Greenville, South
ATS. Senior Welding Inspector,
Welding Inspection and Carolina. PQT.
Pune, India. Insight.
26–30 JUN Quality Control Level II, VT Level III, Greenville, South
Level I/II, Kerala, India. 28–29 MAR Trivandrum, India. Decibel Carolina. PQT.
Decibel. Basic Metallurgy, Corrosion, Remote. 21–23 MAR
and Manufacturing Process,
MT Level III, St. Louis,
Navi Mumbai, India. GINDT.
Missouri. Quality.
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Design and layout for issues of Materials Evaluation (M.E.) begin two months before the publication date, and because manu-
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ABSTRACT Introduction
In this research, the relationship between the It is of great importance to evaluate the stress state of engi-
neering components, in particular to detect the stress concen-
degree of stress concentration and the sponta-
tration zones. A stress concentration zone is the most
neous magnetic signals of metal magnetic memory dangerous position in any engineering component, as the
(MMM) was investigated by tensile tests. Sheet local stress becomes far greater than the nominal stress (Hwu
specimens of Q235 steel were machined into and Liang, 2000). Evaluation of the stress concentration
degree by means of nondestructive techniques has thus
standard bars with rectangular holes to obtain
become critical for the safety assessment of these engineering
various stress concentration factors. The variations components. Introduced in the 1990s, metal magnetic
of the MMM signal and its gradient with the memory testing (MMMT) has proven to be effective in char-
applied loads were studied. It was found that both acterizing the early damage of ferromagnetic materials, espe-
cially the micro-damage due to local stress concentration
the tangential component, Hp(x), and the normal
(Doubov, 1998; Doubov, 2001; Wilson et al., 2007; Yang
component, Hp(y), are sensitive to the local stress et al., 2007). Different from the extensively used magnetic flux
concentration caused by the discontinuity. The leakage testing method, MMMT relies only on the measure-
maximum magnetic gradient in the discontinuity ment of self-magnetic flux leakage of ferromagnetic materials
under the combined operation of the external load and the
area, kmax, was found to increase as the tension or
ambient geomagnetic field.
the stress concentration factor increases. The kmax Recently, many studies have been carried out to investi-
of the Hp(y) signal is effective in characterizing the gate the stress concentration effects on the variations of the
degree of stress concentration. The magnetic MMM signals of ferromagnetic steels. One study investigated
the variations of the Hp(y) signal and its slope coefficient with
stress concentration factor, mHp(y), can be used
different load levels, and explained the experimental results by
as an indicator of the stress concentration degree. different mechanisms (Dong et al., 2009). Others found that
This research is useful for promoting the metal in static tension experiment, the variation of the Hp(y) signal
magnetic memory testing (MMMT) to a quantita- is effective in differentiating deformation stages, and the
gradient of the Hp(y) signal is an indicator of stress concen-
tive nondestructive technique for assessing the
tration (Yao et al., 2012a). Similar results were obtained in
degree of stress concentration. bending fatigue experiments, which suggests that the variation
KEYWORDS: metal magnetic memory, magnetic of the Hp(y) signal can potentially be used as a measure to
gradient, stress concentration, tensile test assess the stress status (Huang et al., 2014a; Leng et al.,
2009). Tensile fatigue tests conducted, which showed that the
stress concentration factor affects the magnetic signals inten-
sively, and the maximum gradient of the Hp(y)signal, can be
used to indicate the stress concentration degree (Huang et al.,
2014b; Shi et al., 2010). They also proposed a novel formula
for quantitatively evaluating the impact of stress concentra-
tion on the MMM signals of ferromagnetic steels. Numerical
* Institute of Structural Engineering, Zhejiang University Hangzhou, studies were investigated, which provided some quantitative
Zhejiang 310058, China; e-mail longtubao@zju.edu.cn. results about the effects of discontinuity depth, width, and
location on the distribution of the MMM signals in the local were machined into standard bars with rectangular holes of
stress concentration zone (Wang et al., 2010; Yao et al., different stress concentration degrees, as shown in Figure 1.
2012b). Previous work demonstrated that the Hp(y) signal The dimensions of the precut notch of the specimens with
has a correlation with the applied load and the stress concen- different stress concentration factors, , are listed in Table 3.
tration degree seems to be related to the gradient of the The notch width, b, increased in steps of 2 mm from 2 to
Hp(y) signal. However, up to now, the majority of the studies 8 mm and the notch length, a, stayed constant at 4 mm.
focused on the investigation of stress concentration by Additionally, a specimen with no discernible artificial discon-
MMMT in a qualitative way. This research extends the results tinuities was prepared to provide a comparison with the
of prior studies by assessing the stress concentration degree notched specimens. Seven scanning lines marked by numbers
quantitatively. To this end, static tension tests of Q235 steel 1 through 7 were drawn parallel to each other on the surface
specimens with different stress concentration factors were of the specimens. The distance between the two adjacent lines
carried out. Both the tangential component and the normal was 4 mm and the length of each parallel line was 100 mm.
component of the MMM signals at different load levels were The stress concentration factor, , is the ratio of the
detected. The effectiveness of the MMM signal and its related maximum local stress at the notch to the nominal stress away
parameters, for example the magnetic gradient or the magnetic from the notch, which was calculated by finite element
amplitude in the discontinuity area, in characterizing the stress analysis. The material properties were assumed to be
concentration degree of the specimens were analyzed. isotropic. Due to the small thickness of the specimen, the
problem was modeled in 2D, assuming that it was a plane
Experimental Detail stress state with the specimen thickness taken into considera-
The material used in this research is Q235 steel, widely used tion. The grid was built on the basis of eight-node quadran-
as a structural steel in China. The chemical composition and gular elements and further subdivided around the notch. The
mechanical properties of the steel are listed in Table 1 and boundary conditions included the fixing of the model on one
Table 2, respectively. Steel specimens, with a thickness of 4 mm, hand and the application of tensile stress on the other.
Before the tests were carried out, the specimens were
TABLE 1 demagnetized via a demagnetizer TC-1 based on the alter-
Chemical composition (wt%) of Q235 steel nating demagnetization principle to eliminate the disturbance
Material Carbon Silicon Manganese Phosphorus Sulfur of initial remanences introduced by the manufacturing
Q235 0.14–0.22 0.35 1.4 0.045 0.050
Dimensions of the precut notch of specimens with different stress
concentration factors
Specimen no. a (mm) b (mm) α
Mechanical properties of Q235 steel
1 0 0 1
Material Elastic modulus Yield strength Ultimate tensile strength 2 4 2 1.69
(GPa) (MPa) (MPa) 3 4 4 2.06
Q235 203 235 375–500 4 4 6 2.39
5 4 8 2.83
Scanning direction
End x = 100 mm Origin x = 0 mm
Scanning 3
30 mm
100 mm
200 mm
Figure 1. Shape of sheet specimens: a is the length of the rectangular notch, b is the width of the rectangular notch.
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process. The tensile tests were carried out by universal testing
equipment with a peak capacity of 200 kN. The magnetic 20
response was monitored by a scanning device with a scanning 0
interval of 1 mm along the scanning lines. The key part of this –20
device is a magnetic sensor whose measurement sensitivity is
Hp(y) (A/m)
1 A/m. It was possible to inspect the objects at a distance of
2 to 5 m using a specialized extension probe. The magnetic
sensor registered both the tangential component, Hp(x),
parallel to the specimen surface and the normal component, –100
Hp(y), perpendicular to the specimen surface simultaneously. –120
In tensile testing, each specimen was clamped vertically –140 0 kN
3 kN
between the upper and lower grip holders of the testing –160
6 kN
machine, and uniaxial tension was applied along the longitu- –180 9 kN
0 20 40 60 80 100 12 kN
dinal axis of the specimen. Tensile loads were applied in incre- 15 kN
ments of 3 kN. The specimen was dismantled from the testing (a) Length (mm) 18 kN
machine after each loading stage and the residual magnetic 21 kN
24 kN
fields were measured along the scanning lines. To minimize 300 27 kN
the vector effect of the geomagnetic field, all of the specimens 30 kN
200 33 kN
were aligned in the north-south direction during measure- 36 kN
ments. The two components of the geomagnetic field were 100
approximately 40 A/m. Hp(y) (A/m)
Results and Discussion
Specimen 1 with no artificial discontinuity was first exploited
to evaluate the magnetomechanical response of the Q235 –200
steel. Figure 2 shows the variations of its MMM signals along
scanning line 4. One can observe that the residual magnetic
curves present good linearity along the specimen and change –400
systematically with the increase of load. As specimen 5, with a 0 20 40 60 80 100
maximum stress concentration factor of 2.83, failed at approx- (b) Length (mm)
imately 38 kN, the experimental results were analyzed in the
load range from 0 to 36 kN. In Figure 2a, the tangential Figure 2. Variation of metal magnetic memory signals of specimen 1
component Hp(x) increases with a decreasing rate as the load with the increase of load: (a) tangential component, Hp(x); and
increases uniformly from 0 to 36 kN. The initial Hp(x) curve (b) normal component, Hp(y).
of the specimen is almost horizontal and the magnetic values
are in the range of 17 to 21 A/m, indicating that the specimen
has low residual magnetic field after demagnetizing. Similar magnetic peak increases significantly from 4 to 42 A/m with
results can also be found in Figure 2b, where the Hp(y) curve the increase of the applied load from 3 to 36 kN. Similarly,
rotates counterclockwise around the center of the specimen abnormal changes can also be observed in Figure 3b. The
with a decreasing pace. This reveals that both the tangential slope of the Hp(y) curve becomes larger in the discontinuity
component and the normal component of MMM signals are area than that away from the discontinuity area. In an
quite sensitive to the applied load in the elastic deformation enlarged view of the center part of Figure 3b, as shown in
stage. Figure 3c, the slope of the Hp(y) curve increases dramatically
Subsequently, the effectiveness of MMMT was investi- from 1.0 to 12.2 A/m–1/mm–1 as the applied load is increased
gated with specimens 2 to 5 of different stress concentration to 36 kN. These results indicate that the abnormal magnetic
factors, as shown in Table 3. Figure 3 shows the variations of changes maybe strongly dependent on the degree of stress
the MMM signals in scanning line 4 of specimen 5. One can concentration, which becomes more and more intensive as
observe that the magnetic curves also change systematically the tension increases. It also reveals that both the tangential
with the increase of load, which is similar to that of specimen 1. and the normal components of the MMM signals are sensitive
However, one may also notice that both the Hp(x)and Hp(y) to the local stress concentration caused by the discontinuity.
signals change drastically in the discontinuity area. As shown The variations of MMM signals with different applied
in Figure 3a, the abnormal magnetic changes in the disconti- loads can be explained by the theory of the interaction
nuity area become more prominent and tend to widen and between dislocations and domains, which could be attributed
deepen as the applied load increases. The amplitude of the to the microstructural change of domain wall motion
0 300
–50 100
Hp(x) (A/m)
Hp(x) (A/m)
–150 –200
0 kN
3 kN
0 6 kN
9 kN
Hp(x) (A/m)
12 kN
15 kN
–50 18 kN
21 kN
24 kN
–100 27 kN
30 kN
33 kN
36 kN
40 45 50 55 60
Figure 3. Variation of metal magnetic memory signals of specimen 5 with the increase of load: (a) tangential component, Hp(x); (b) normal
component, Hp(y); and (c) an enlarged view of the center part of Figure 3b.
proposed elsewhere (Jiles, 1995). The application of stress at Figure 4 shows the planar magnetic field distributions of
a constant field promotes the unpinning of domain walls and Hp(x) and Hp(y) of specimen 1 with a load of 36 kN. The
rotation of magnetic moment towards the easy magnetization isolines of the tangential component, Hp(x), form several
direction, causing the initial magnetization to approach the coaxial convex cones along the left edge. The distributions of
anhysteretic state. Thus, the macroscopic magnetic field of these isolines become denser in the upper and lower edges of
the specimen varies intensively with the applied load, repre- the specimen. For the normal component, Hp(y), the isolines
sented by the increase of the absolute values in both the are parallel to each other and lay almost perpendicular to the
Hp(x) and Hp(y) signals. loading direction. The distance between two adjacent isolines
The appearance of an abnormal magnetic change can be is almost the same. Figure 5 shows the planar magnetic field
attributed to the existence of a precut discontinuity in the distributions of specimen 5 under the same load of 36 kN.
specimen (Pal’a et al., 2004). In fact, the specimen is discon- The isolines of the tangential component, Hp(x), form
tinuous at the position of the notch. There is an abrupt obvious toroidal loops around the rectangular discontinuity.
decrease of permeability in the discontinuity area since the As they get further away from the discontinuity, they are
specimen has an air gap, which causes a sharp change in its almost oriented at an angle of 45° to the specimen’s longitu-
magnetic property. Under the magnetization effect of the dinal axis. One may observe that the magnetic fields are
Earth’s magnetic field, opposite magnetic charges accumulate stronger in the discontinuity area than those away from the
on either side of the notch. The permeability and the discontinuity area. The isolines of the normal component,
magnetic charges in the discontinuity area change concomi- Hp(y), become denser in the areas of the rectangular disconti-
tantly with the increase of load, which results in the observed nuity and seem to be antisymmetrical around the center of
variations of the abnormal magnetic changes. the specimen. The calculations of the stresses in the sample
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A/m A/m
–140.8 –160.0 25 –204.0
25 –157.6 –177.0 –198.6
Width (mm)
Width (mm)
20 –155.2 20 –166.2 –193.2
–155.2 –187.8
15 –157.6 –150.4 –150.4 15 –171.6 –204.0 –160.8 –182.4
–148.0 –198.6 –177.0
10 –148.0 –145.6 10 –187.8 –171.6 –171.6
–143.2 –166.2
5 –140.8 5 –182.4 –166.2 –160.8
–138.4 –155.4
30 40 50 60 70 –136.0 30 40 50 60 70 –150.0
(a) Length (mm) (a) Length (mm)
A/m A/m
–180.0 –190.0
25 –48.0
–158.0 25 –90.0 –165.0
Width (mm)
Width (mm)
Figure 4. Planar magnetic field distribution of specimen 1 at 36 kN: Figure 5. Planar magnetic field distribution of specimen 5 at 36 kN:
(a) tangential component, Hp(x); and (b) normal component, Hp(y). (a) tangential component, Hp(x); and (b) normal component, Hp(y).
exposed to tensile loads were made with the finite software. (Figure 6), stress component Y along the width direction
The plane stress state was determined with the use of a multi- of the specimen (Figure 7), shear stress in the XY plane
linear model. Figures 6 to 9 show the corresponding planar (Figure 8), and von mises stress used to characterize the
stress distributions of specimen 5 with a load of 36 kN, that is, plastic state of the material (Figure 9). One may observe from
stress component X parallel to the long axis of the specimen these figures that the stress changes in the discontinuity area
kmax (A/m–1/mm–1)
Specimen 5
to the local stress concentration caused by the discontinuity. 2.5
The absolute value of the magnetic gradient, k, may be 2.0
used to characterize the relationship between the applied load
and the magnetic fields, which can be described by:
(1) k= 0.5
Hp is the differential value of the magnetic fields between 0 10 20 30 40
two points, (a) Load (kN)
S is the distance between two points.
(∑ )
1 0.958 0.960
i=1 xi y i − nxy 2 0.964 0.973
(2) r=
⎛ n 2 2 ⎞⎛ 2⎞ 3 0.903 0.986
⎜ ∑ i=1 xi − nx ⎟ ⎜ ∑ ni=1 yi2 − ny ⎟
⎝ ⎠⎝ ⎠ 4 0.911 0.989
5 0.923 0.991
where * The correlation coefficient between the kmax of the Hp(x) signal, as well as the
x is the applied load, Hp(y) signal and the applied load are denoted as r (Hp[x]), r (Hp[y]), respectively.
y the maximum magnetic gradient, kmax,
n the number of load steps.
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Table 4 shows the correlation coefficients between the The relationship between certain parameters of the
maximum gradient and the applied load for specimens 1 to 5. abnormal magnetic changes, for example, the magnetic
One may observe from this table that r(Hp[x]) is fluctuant in gradient and the magnetic amplitude in the discontinuity area,
the range of 0.903 to 0.958 and r(Hp[y]) increases steadily and the notch width for specimens 1 to 5 at 36 kN, are further
from 0.960 to 0.991 with the increase of the stress concentra- displayed in Figures 11 to 12. One may observe from these
tion factor from 1 to 2.59. It indicates that kmax is closely two figures that the kmax value, as well as the maximum ampli-
related with the applied load. In addition, it can be clearly tude, increases dramatically as the notch width increases.
seen that r(Hp[y]) is larger than the corresponding r(Hp[x]) To be specific, as shown in Figure 11, the kmax values of the
for each specimen. This demonstrates that the maximum Hp(x) and Hp(y) signals increase significantly from 0.483 to
gradient of the normal component Hp(y) is more related to 4.017 A/m–1/mm–1 and from 5.458 to 12.200 A/m–1/mm–1
the local stress concentration than that of the tangential with the increase of notch width from 0 to 8 mm, respectively.
component Hp(x). In Figure 12, the maximum amplitude of the Hp(x) and
4.5 50
3.0 30
2.0 20
0.5 0
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
(a) Notch width (mm) (a) Notch width (mm)
13 250
Maximum amplitude (A/m)
kmax (A/m–1/mm–1)
10 150
5 0
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
(b) Notch width (mm) (b) Notch width (mm)
Figure 11. Variation of kmax with the notch width for specimens Figure 12. Variation of the maximum amplitude of the abnormal
1 to 5 at 36 kN: (a) kmax of the Hp(x) signal; and (b) kmax of the magnetic changes with the notch width for specimens 1 to 5 at
Hp(y) signal. 36 kN: (a) maximum amplitude of the Hp(x) signal; and (b) maximum
amplitude of the Hp(y) signal.
seems that a better linear relation can be found between the
related parameters of the Hp(y) signal and the notch width. 1.5
These results indicate that the abnormal magnetic changes in
the discontinuity area are correlated to the notch width, and 1.0
the effectiveness of the related parameters in characterizing
the stress concentrations caused by different notch widths is 0.5
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
not the same. Scanning line
According to previous studies carried out, a simple
formula for testing stress concentration degree was proposed, Figure 14. Variation of m (Hp[y]) along different scanning lines for
which can be described as: specimens 1 to 5 at 36 kN.
(3) αm =
factor, m(Hp[y]), seems to agree well with that of the stress
where concentration factor, . However, one may also observe that
m is the magnetic stress concentration factor, the variation of m(Hp[x]) deviates dramatically from the
kstd is the magnetic gradient away from the discontinuity variation of . This indicates that m(Hp[y]) may be used as
(Huang et al., 2014b; Shi et al., 2010). an indicator to characterize the stress concentration degree.
The variations of m(Hp[y]) from different scanning lines
The variations of the stress concentration factor, , and the with an applied load of 36 kN are displayed in Figure 14. One
magnetic stress concentration factor, m with the notch width may observe that the distributions of m(Hp[y]) are almost
are displayed in Figure 13. The interesting thing in this figure symmetrical about scanning line 4. For each notched
is that the variation of the magnetic stress concentration specimen, m(Hp[y]) reaches its maximum value in scanning
line 4 and its minimum value at scanning lines 1 and 7. The
m(Hp[y]) reduces to a smaller value as the scanning line
gets further away from the discontinuity. This is in accordance
7 7
Magnetic stress concentration factor
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Conclusion Doubov, A.A., “Diagnostics of Equipment and Constructions Strength with
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Doubov, A.A., “Screening of Weld Quality using the Magnetic Metal
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ABSTRACT Introduction
Friction stir welding (FSW) is a solid state metal Friction stir welding (FSW) is a solid state joining process,
joining process. The discontinuities and anomalies wherein the material being joined is subjected to a tempera-
ture just below the melting point using frictional heat gener-
encountered in this type of welded joint differ from ated during tool movement over the material to be welded
those of a conventional fusion weld. The disconti- using an axial load. This is accomplished using a non-consumable
nuities present in FSW are oriented in a different tool with specifically designed shoulder and pin, which rotates
direction due to the unique formation process and traverses along the joint line. Depending on tool rotation
and traverse speed, the two sides of the joint are called the
involved and are dispersed over the welded region advancing side and retreating side (Mishra and Mahoney,
widthwise as well as thicknesswise. The process of 2007). Figure 1 gives a schematic representation of the
detection, evaluation, and characterization of welding process and the common terminology associated
these discontinuities is a challenging aspect, as no with this type of welded joint.
The FSW joints are divided into the following distinct
specific area is identified as a probable zone of regions, as presented in Figure 2.
discontinuities. In this study, typical discontinu-
ities that are encountered during the FSW process
were intentionally induced and then subjected to Tool rotation
different types of nondestructive investigation. The Retraction hole
methods and techniques adopted were liquid traverse
penetrant testing, radiographic testing, ultrasonic Incomplete
testing, and eddy current testing. The interaction Retreating
of these discontinuities and study of their side
response to different nondestructive testing (NDT)
methods/techniques are presented in this paper. side
The eddy current technique appears to be most Crack
Parent metal
* Liquid Propulsion Systems Center, Indian Space Research Organization,
Bangalore, India 560008; e-mail ragupathy_v_d@rediffmail.com.
† Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Figure 2. Typical cross-section of friction stir welding. TMAZ =
Bangalore, India 560012; e-mail mrb@aero.iisc.ernet.in. thermomechanically-affected zone; HAZ = heat-affected zone.
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Parent Metal
torque, traverse force, tool shoulder and their profile, tool
This is the material located on either side of and away from plunge depth, tool tilt, work-piece temperature, work-piece
the weld that is not deformed and does not undergo any heat treatment conditions, and so forth, control the homo-
change in microstructural or mechanical properties. geneity and discontinuity formation during welding. Different
parameters and material inhomogeneity may lead to various
Heat-affected Zone discontinuities in the friction stir weldments.
This zone is bounded by the parent metal on one side and the Some of the commonly reported FSW discontinuities
thermomechanically-affected zone on the other side. The include incomplete forging, incomplete penetration,
heat-affected zone (HAZ) is subjected to higher temperatures wormhole or tunnel discontinuities, tears, voids or cavities,
compared to the parent metal and undergoes changes in and cracks (Leonard and Lockyer, 2003; Mazumder et al.,
microstructural and mechanical properties. No plastic defor- 2012). Process discontinuities, such as retraction holes, are
mation takes place in this zone. treated as a process anomaly. Some of these discontinuities
were generated using the experimental setup as described in
Thermomechanically-affected Zone the following and were then subjected to various NDT
This is the zone bounded by the weld nugget on one side and methods/techniques including liquid penetrant testing (PT),
the HAZ on the other. Significant plastic deformation takes place radiographic testing (RT), ultrasonic testing (UT), and eddy
in this zone, with considerable variation in the microstructural and current testing, and the response signals were decoded to study
mechanical properties as compared to the HAZ and weld nugget. the signal interaction with the discontinuities. The response of
these signals to different discontinuities was the study under-
Weld Nugget taken to identify the best method for NDT of FSW.
This is the zone surrounding the fusion line or axis through
which the tool center would have passed. This is also called Experimental Setup
the recrystallized zone, wherein total material is worked out Specimens with induced discontinuities were fabricated of
by the frictional heat developed in the material. This has AA2219-T87 material, as it is a potential candidate for
distinct properties compared to the other zones. implementation of FSW processes for application in aero-
The zones associated with the weldment are distinctly space industries. A production mode FSW machine was
different from the fusion weld and their properties also vary. used for welding the specimen, which is shown in Figure 3.
Further, discontinuities are unique in nature. The discontinuities The machine was capable of welding with an axial force of
are distributed all over the weldment starting from top to approximately 100 kN. Some of the discontinuities were
bottom as well as across the weld (Moles et al., 2004). The generated by manipulating the machine parameters such as
orientation of the discontinuities is unpredictable, as the weld axial load, traverse speed, rotational speed, tool profile, and
formation is based on the interaction of axial force, rotational so forth, to ensure the discontinuities were obtained to
force, and frictional force. The loads encountered during address the issues of detection level by various NDT
welding differ from the advancing side to the retreating side and methods/techniques (Kumar and Kailas, 2008a; Kumar
material flow takes place in a circular pattern. The forging action and Kailas, 2008b). Parametric variation for discontinuity
of the shoulders and their interplay with the materials being generation was very precisely calculated and carried out so
welded give a significant change to the homogeneity of the that naturally occurring discontinuities were artificially
material. These interactions again lead to discontinuities generated. The specimens were chosen in such a way that
oriented from the top to the bottom of the weld. regular discontinuities did not recur or mask the intended
Various welding parameters such as tool rotational speed, discontinuities so that the uniqueness of the discontinuities
traverse speed, axial force, tool profile, tool material, spindle was maintained.
Discontinuities in Friction Stir Welds It was observed that some of the discontinuities open to
Discontinuities in friction stir welds can be categorized as the surface were easily identifiable by visual testing (VT) and
volumetric discontinuities (which are normally 3D), planar PT methods. VT and PT methods are capable of identifying
discontinuities (which are 2D), and process discontinuities. surface discontinuities that are gross and fine in nature, but
A few of the discontinuities generated for the purpose of this are not suitable for embedded discontinuities.
study are presented in the following figures. Figure 4a indi- This was followed by RT; the single wall single image
cates a void type volumetric discontinuity as seen after surface technique was used. UT was carried out on all of the speci-
grinding. The cross section of the specimen showing the mens using 10 MHz, 45° shear wave probes. Eddy current
tunnel discontinuity, which looks like a hole, is shown in testing was performed over the weld surface as well as by
Figure 4b. The exposed view of the incomplete forging type scanning across the weldment seeking the discontinuity. The
of discontinuity is given in Figure 4c. The unfused bottom eddy current probe used for inspection was a reflection coil
surface and virgin joint are exposed, as seen in the image type of 6 mm diameter in the operating range of 1 to 100 kHz.
presented in Figure 4d. Figure 4e shows a crack as seen after
grinding the surface. A view of the retraction hole and over- Radiographic Testing
lapping weld to cover up the hole is shown in Figure 4f. RT, as expected, was found to have a significant response for
decoding the volumetric discontinuities such as voids and
Nondestructive Testing: Experiments, Discussion, and tunnel discontinuities. Voids have irregular and undefined
Analysis features showing a distinct density difference with the neigh-
FSW specimens were subjected to detailed nondestructive boring zones, enabling better detection capability. The
investigations to look for the presence of discontinuities other density difference is predominantly dependent on the
than intentionally induced. Initially, PT was carried out to material discontinuity in the exposure direction. Hence, voids
rule out the surface discontinuities that might have hampered are easy to detect and provide higher probability of detection.
the NDT indications from the induced discontinuities. In the case of tunnel discontinuities, they are predominant in
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
Figure 4. Pictorial view: (a) void type discontinuity; (b) cross-section of the friction stir welding with tunnel discontinuity; (c) section view of
incomplete forging; (d) lack of penetration on the underbead side; (e) crack as viewed after grinding; and (f) retraction hole (right) under overlapping
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the direction along the weld and thus tend to be linear along leading to better detection probability. However, incomplete
the weldment with gradual density variation along the cross forging is a discontinuity, as shown in Figure 5e, which is
section representing the discontinuity. process dependent, and the discontinuity dimensions
Planar discontinuities, such as lack of penetration and depend on the forging pressure experienced during welding.
crack, are very much distinct in their characteristics, by a Figures 5a to 5f present the radiographic images of various
sharp and sudden variation in the density difference across the discontinuities.
discontinuity. Lack of penetration is perfectly straight and A considerable difference in density was observed on the
corresponds to the geometry of the virgin joint, while cracks radiographic images between the parent material and the friction
are an irregular linear indication that may be continuous or stir weldment, which is clearly visible in the several radiographic
discontinuous depending upon orientation. Incomplete images presented. Thus, demarcation can be made in the case of
forging is another discontinuity that is widely spaced and the weld zone and parent material in the radiograph. It is also
spread across the weld and causes significant density variation possible to identify the different weld zones with both top bead
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
Figure 5. Radiography image: (a) indication of tunnel discontinuity; (b) image of void; (c) lack of penetration indication; (d) faint indication of
crack; (e) incomplete forging; and (f) typical retraction hole.
and underbead overlapping each other. The radiography signa- voids, were better picked up, indicating RT’s suitability for
tures produced by the discontinuities indicate that the detection of these discontinuities, but it produced faint indica-
embedded discontinuities, such as tunnel discontinuities and tions as seen with respect to planar discontinuities.
Amplitude (%)
Amplitude (%)
(a) (b)
Amplitude (%)
(c) (d)
Width (mm)
Width (mm)
Amplitude (%)
Width (mm)
Figure 6. Ultrasonic A-scan display: (a) void; (b) tunnel discontinuity; (c) incomplete forging; (d) lack of penetration; and (e) weld crack.
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Ultrasonic Testing Similar effects were seen in the case of lack of penetration, where
Inspection of FSW discontinuities using angle beam ultrasonic the reflection of the signals occurred at the sharp geometric
probes produce significant A-scan peak signals for planar discon- corners leading to the peaking of the signal from the disconti-
tinuities compared to volumetric discontinuities, as seen from nuity. A very sharp and large amplitude signal is the character-
the set of indications shown in Figures 6a to 6e. The signal istic of the lack of penetration type of discontinuity (Figure 6c).
amplitude for a void type discontinuity is lower due to reflection In the case of incomplete forging, discontinuity reflections were
and scattering losses, but is wider compared to other discontinu- easily picked up by the probes. However, this signal is slightly
ities (Figure 6a). In the case of tunnel discontinuities the signals wider as compared to signals from the other planar discontinu-
are highly responsive, as the shape of the discontinuity signifies a ities such as lack of penetration (Figure 6d). The crack signal
side-drilled hole pattern, which is normally used for calibration was sharp but the amplitude was lower compared to other
of signals. There is a normal surface on the tunnel, which is planar discontinuities (Figure 6e).
promising for the reflection of the signals producing a peak Studies conducted on the interaction of ultrasonic waves
signal for tunnel type discontinuities. The signal is very high in showed a considerable difference in the response to the various
amplitude, but wide, and tapers towards the top (Figure 6b). weldment zones. There was a significant drop in the signal
Inductive reactance
Inductive reactance
Resistance Resistance
Inductive reactance
Inductive reactance
(b) (c)
Resistance Resistance
Inductive reactance
Inductive reactance
(d) (e)
Resistance Resistance
Figure 7. Eddy current instrument display: (a) comparative trace of the conductivity plot between weldment (left) and voids (right); (b) tunnel
discontinuity; (c) incomplete forging; (d) lack of penetration; and (e) crack.
between the parent material and the weld material, indicating A considerable difference in density was observed in the
greater attenuation happening inside the FSW weldment. The radiographic images between the parent material and the
transmission attenuation needs to be accounted for when the friction stir weldment, which was clearly visible in the radi-
combined inspection of parent material and weldment is carried ographic images presented. It was also possible to identify the
out, as in the case of angle probe inspection. UT shows that it different weld zones with both top bead and underbead over-
can be used to identify tight joint line-based discontinuities such lapping each other. The radiography signatures produced by
as incomplete penetration and inadequate forging through the discontinuities indicate that the embedded discontinuities
scanning from the top surfaces, and further cracks can be such as tunnel discontinuities and voids were better picked
detected easily if oriented favorably compared to RT. Disconti- up, indicating their suitability for detection of these disconti-
nuities that are not oriented favorably to the ultrasonic waves are nuities, but faint indications were seen with respect to planar
likely to be missed. discontinuities.
Similarly, studies conducted on the interaction of ultra-
Eddy Current Testing sonic waves showed a considerable difference in the response
Eddy current investigations reveal that all the FSW disconti- to the various weldment zones. There was a significant drop
nuities were sensitive to this technique and significant in the signal between the parent material and the weld
conductivity variations were exhibited between the good material, indicating greater attenuation happening inside the
zones and discontinuity zones, as seen in Figures 7a to 7e. A FSW weldment. UT showed that it can be used effectively to
measurable difference in the conductivity variations was the identify tight joint line-based discontinuities such as incom-
source of the eddy current response signal. As clearly plete penetration and inadequate forging through scanning
observed in the display of the impedance plane diagram, a from the top surfaces, and further cracks can be detected
void showed a significant shift of the coordinates. A sharp easily if oriented favorably compared to RT. Discontinuities
conductivity trace is an indication of a tunnel discontinuity. that are not oriented favorably to the ultrasonic waves are
Similar is the indication of the conductivity locus for the lack likely to be missed.
of penetration considering the tight planar discontinuity. Eddy current testing can be effective up to 7 mm in depth.
Similarity exists between the forging discontinuity and crack This technique can not only detect but also characterize
signals, but for the shift in the center point of the plots different types of discontinuities oriented in different direc-
obtained for these discontinuities. A distinct set of eddy tions. Thus, eddy current testing has been found to be
current indications was obtained representing different types suitable for a majority of discontinuities encountered in FSW
of FSW discontinuities, thereby helping in characterizing provided they are not beyond the 7 mm depth. However, a
them, which was an encouraging outcome from these investi- combination with other methods such as RT and UT is
gations. A signal pattern corresponding to the various discon- helpful in characterizing these discontinuities.
tinuities was presented.
Eddy current generation was very good and was able to REFERENCES
penetrate the material to the full depth of 7 mm. A significant Leonard, A.J., and S.A. Lockyer, “Flaws in Friction Stir Welds,” 4th Interna-
tional Symposium on Friction Stir Welding, Park City, Utah, 14–16 May
shift in the impedance plane display was seen as the probe was 2003.
moved from the parent material to the weldment. Eddy Kumar, K., and S. Kailas, “On the Role of Axial Load and the Effect of
current appears to have better detection capability when it Interface Position on the Tensile Strength of a Friction Stir Welded
comes to detecting, identifying, and characterizing commonly Aluminum Alloy,” Materials & Design, Vol. 29, No. 4, 2008a, pp. 791–797.
encountered FSW discontinuities, which requires systematic Kumar, K., and S.V. Kailas, “The Role of Friction Stir Welding Tool on
Material Flow and Weld Formation,” Materials Science and Engineering: A,
investigation with close scrutiny of the pattern generated Vol. 485, Nos. 1–2, 2008b, pp. 367–374.
during FSW. Eddy current testing is very effective irrespective Mazumder, R., N. Bandyopadhyay, and S.P. Sagar, “Detection and Quan-
of the orientation of discontinuities. tification of Lack-of-penetration in Al-Al Friction Stir Welded Plates using
Phased Array Ultrasonic Technique,” Journal of Non-Destructive Testing and
Evaluation, Vol. 10, No. 4, 2012, pp. 1–6.
Mishra, R.S., and M.W. Mahoney, Friction Stir Welding and Processing, ASM
The response from different NDT methods/techniques on International, Materials Park, Ohio, 2007.
various types of discontinuities was the study undertaken to Moles, M., A. Lamarre, and O. Dupuis, “Complete Inspection of Friction
identify the best method for NDT of friction stir welds. The Stir Welds in Aluminum using Ultrasonic and Eddy Current Arrays,”
crucial activity was identification of the discontinuities, which 16th World Conference on NDT, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2004.
is very important, and it was seen that some of the discontinu-
ities open to the surface were easily identifiable by VT and PT
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