1.01 - Introduction To Human Anatomy
1.01 - Introduction To Human Anatomy
1.01 - Introduction To Human Anatomy
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[ANPH111] 1.01 INTRODUCTION TO HUMAN ANATOMY – Dr. Ma. Luisa Crisostomo
• two terms describe a reclining body. If the body is C. BODY PARTS AND REGIONS
lying face down, it is in the prone position. If the body • This will help to properly identify specific area/s of a
is lying face up, it is in the supine position. patient body to be evaluated upon.
• the central region of the body consists of the head,
B. DIRECTIONAL TERMS neck, and trunk.
• Directional terms describe parts of the body relative to • The trunk can be divided into the thorax (chest),
each other. Directional terms are generally grouped in abdomen (region between the thorax and pelvis), and
pairs of opposites. pelvis (the inferior end of the trunk associated with the
• The upper limb is divided into the arm, forearm, wrist,
and hand.
• The arm extends from the shoulder to the elbow, and
the forearm extends from the elbow to the wrist.
• The lower limb is divided into the thigh, leg, ankle, and
• The thigh extends from the hip to the knee, and the leg
extends from the knee to the ankle.
Right Left
Hypochondriac Hypochondriac
Region Region
Stomach Stomach
Liver Liver (tip)
Pancreas Left Kidney
Right Kidney
Right & Left Kidney Spleen
Right Lumbar Left Lumbar
Umbilical Region
Region Region
Liver (tip) Stomach
Small Intestines
Small Intestines Pancreas
Descending Colon
Ascending Colon Small Intestines
Left Kidney
Right Kidney Transverse Colon
Right Iliac Hypogastric
Left Iliac Region
Region Region
Small Intestines
Small Intestines Small Intestines
Sigmoid Colon Descending Colon
Cecum and
Bladder Sigmoid Colon
Ascending colon
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[ANPH111] 1.01 INTRODUCTION TO HUMAN ANATOMY – Dr. Ma. Luisa Crisostomo
E. PLANES F. Body Cavities
• Body planes divide the body, even organs, into • The body contains spaces—called cavities—that
sections. house the internal organs.
• The two major body
• cavities are the dorsal cavity and the ventral cavity.
i. Sagittal Plane
▪ Divides the body lengthwise into right and left
▪ Called a midsagittal plane if the section is
made exactly at midline
▪ Often used in illustrations to reveal the
organs in the head or pelvic cavity
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[ANPH111] 1.01 INTRODUCTION TO HUMAN ANATOMY – Dr. Ma. Luisa Crisostomo
• Rotation - is the turning of a structure around its long
axis, as in rotating the head to shake the head “no” or
rotating the arm or the entire body
• Medial Rotation - Medial rotation of the humerus with H. PROTRACTION AND RETRACTION
the forearm flexed brings the hand toward the body
• Lateral Rotation - Lateral rotation of the humerus • Protraction - Protraction is a
moves the hand away from the body gliding motion that moves a structure
in an anterior direction
• Retraction - is a gliding
motion that moves a structure in a
posterior direction
• Pronation - Pronation is
rotation of the forearm so that the
palm faces posteriorly in relation to
the anatomical position
• Supination - is rotation of
the forearm so that the palm faces
anteriorly in relation to the
anatomical position.
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[ANPH111] 1.01 INTRODUCTION TO HUMAN ANATOMY – Dr. Ma. Luisa Crisostomo
• Opposition - is a movement unique to the thumb. It
occurs when the thumb and the tip of a finger on the same
hand are brought toward each other across the palm
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