SOP 026 Resources Page Link-Building Outreach
SOP 026 Resources Page Link-Building Outreach
SOP 026 Resources Page Link-Building Outreach
Goal: Resource page link building is simply the process of getting your site
included on the page as one of the resources. The owner of the website might
have no idea your resource exists so it’s your job to let them know!
Ideal Outcome: Resource pages exist to be helpful, not to sell. Since you
typically won’t find a buy now button on them, people are more inclined to
trust the page and the links on them (although some resource pages may
contain affiliate links).
Prerequisites or requirements:
Why this is important:
Where this is done:
When this is done:
Who does this:
As you perform your searches, there are a variety of search combinations you
can use.
Keyword + “resources”
Keyword + “useful resources”
Keyword + “helpful resources
Keyword + “links”
Keyword + “useful links”
Keyword + “helpful links”
So if I was running a Paleo blog, I would search for Paleo + “resources”
Before we do that, I’m going to provide you with additional search queries that
are even more specific.
Keyword + inurl:resources
Keyword + intitle:resources
Keyword + inurl:links
Keyword + intitle:links
Notice that when we use the inurl operator, Google has returned 23,000
results instead of 5 million. Although the first several search results are likely
to be similar (if not the same), you’ll notice that they’ll start to vary as you
continue down the pages.
~keyword inurl:resources
~keyword inurl:links
If you want to get even more specific, try some of these search modifiers.
To make that determination, focus first on the page authority then on the
domain authority. The page authority indicates how much authority that
specific resource page has. The higher the page authority, the more “link
juice” that will get passed down to your web page.
No need to guess about which websites are good or bad in terms of domain
authority. By installing the MozBar, we can see all the metrics we need right
on the search results page.
Using this data, you can concentrate on the most valuable pages and spend
less time on those with low page authority (PA) and domain authority (DA).
Looking back at the Harvard resource page, you’ll notice there’s a link on the
page itself encouraging people to suggest new resources.
Below is another example from Startup Stash – a curated directory of
resources & tools to help you build your startup.
If you don’t see anything like this, have no fear. It just means you’ll need to
work a little bit harder to find an email (but not that much harder).
Make sure there’s some precedent for your kind of site being linked to (or at
least an indication that you could get a link). If, for example, a resource page
only links to published scientific papers in scholarly journals, then there’s a
good chance they won’t link to your startup’s blog.
Depending on the resource page, you may want to pitch content from one
specific section of your site. For example, if you’re a Paleo blog and you’re
reaching out to a resource page about Paleo recipes, it would be much better
to send them to a page on your site dedicated to recipes rather than sending
them to your home page.
If that was the case, you wouldn’t just reach out to anyone at
You’d need to do some detective work and find the right person to contact
about that particular resource page.
Using this same example, you’d see that this page was provided by the
Harvard Innovation Lab. Knowing this, you could then research who the
Innovation Lab’s webmaster was – and send them an email requesting
inclusion on the resource page.
I was doing some research on [topic] and noticed that you have [this killer
resource page on your site]. Awesome job!
It’s really as simple as that!
Keep in mind that if you’re reaching out to an influencer, you should engage
with them first. The more rapport you’ve built, the easier it will be to get a link.
But in most cases, you’ll just need to send an email.
As you can see, resource page linking building is a fantastic way to build
quality backlinks to your website or content. Due to the fact they’re easy to
find and there’s a higher probability of success, this strategy is a true no