ED 501 Course Syllabus
ED 501 Course Syllabus
ED 501 Course Syllabus
Required textbook(s):
Text: Henson, K.T. (2015) Curriculum Planning: Integrating Multiculturalism, Constructivism, and
Education Reform. 5th Edition. Waveland Press, Inc.
ISBN: ISBN-13: 978-1478622000
ISBN-10: 1478622008
Writing Style Formatting: APA Format: Where applicable, the use of APA 6th edition is
Course Objectives: In keeping with the Julia Tutwiler College of Education Empowered
Practitioner Model, after completing this course, students will be able to:
● Discuss current social, cultural, and educational issues and trends that influence
curriculum planning
● Describe the basic concept of curriculum development
● Describe the elements and forces to be considered in making curricular decisions
● Analyze the processes involved in planning, implementing, and evaluating curriculum
● Compare several curricular designs and identify emerging trends
● List and discuss strategies for instigating curricular change
● Develop a detailed scheme for curricular planning.
Every graduate course in the College of Education at The University of West Alabama is
reflective of what all accomplished teachers share in their expertise and dedication to advance
student achievement.
Proposition 1: Teachers are committed to students and their learning.
Proposition 2: Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to
Proposition 3: Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning.
Proposition 4: Teachers think systematically about their practice and learn from experience.
Proposition 5: Teachers are members of learning communities.
Required Student Learning Outcome(s)
The College of Education at UWA instills an overall framework which encompasses the overall
vision, mission, and student learning outcomes of the college. The framework provides a visual
graphic that indicates the empowered practitioner at the center. Review the College of
Education Framework within Course Resources link in Blackboard.
Within the College of Education at UWA, all students are assessed after each course (online or
on-campus) on several dispositions that the student (undergraduate and graduate) displays
during the term of the course. This assessment is completed by the course instructor and
maintained within LiveText. Review the College of Education Dispositions Assessment Rubric
within Course Resources in Blackboard.
It is vital that you review the information provided within the Start Here Guide, located within
the Start Here Documents link on the Course Menu in your Blackboard course shell. This guide
includes information relating to the course navigation structure, expectations, online
netiquette, online testing, assignment rules, academic integrity, and copyright disclaimer. This
course is delivered via Blackboard, the University of West Alabama’s learning management
system. Before beginning work in any course, you should thoroughly explore the course.
Therefore, review the Start Here Guide when you are ready to begin the course. Course layout
and explanations are provided and MUST be reviewed prior to beginning the course.
Access the Student Technology webpage to retrieve the information needed for TigerCard, UWA
Help Desk, Internet Policy, email policy and guidelines, and specifications for computer
purchases. All coursework must be submitted on Blackboard, which is the learning
management system utilized by UWA. Please review the Minimum Recommended
Specifications for Computer Purchases webpage before ordering equipment and/or software.
This course requires a high-speed Internet connection. You must have speakers installed and
working properly on your computer before beginning the course. Some courses may require the
use of a webcam. Participation in an online course requires some basic knowledge of computer
technology. You are expected to have a backup plan in the event your computer has operational
problems, you lose electricity, or you lose Internet access. These factors are not an excuse for
late or incomplete submission of assignments nor are they acceptable reasons for an
assignment deadline extension. Most public libraries, school libraries, university libraries, etc.,
Computer competency. You must be very comfortable with: using email & discussion boards;
uploading and downloading documents; and accessing resources such as search engines &
websites (e.g., Google, etc.).
Blackboard Learning Management System: Access to the Blackboard Learning Management
System. Login with the Blackboard username and password credentials. UWA is a single
sign-on campus. The same username and password are used for every portal. If this information
is lost, access the UWA My Account website and select Current Students, and Need an Account
under the Technology heading.
Microsoft Office 365: UWA professors, staff, and students now have FREE access to Microsoft
Office 365. It’s FREE and can be installed on up to five devices, including your home computer:
● Windows and Mac laptops and computers
● iOS, Android and Windows tablets and phones
MEETS: Your professor may use GoToMeeting (GTM) for virtual office hours, virtual study
sessions, advising, etc. You will need access to a high-speed internet connection, as well as
possibly a webcam, and headset with microphone depending on your computer capabilities. It
is highly recommended that you use a wired internet connection. If not, you should be as close
as possible to the wireless router. The loss of Internet connection will result in a disconnection
in your synchronous session and you will need to re-enter the meeting room.
SafeAssign: UWA is committed to helping students uphold the ethical standards of academic
integrity in all areas of study. Students agree that their enrollment in this course allows the
professor the right to use electronic devices to help prevent plagiarism. All course materials are
subject to submission to Blackboard’s SafeAssign feature and will be included as source
documents in Safe Assign’s restricted access database solely for the purpose of detecting
plagiarism in such documents.
Turnitin: The University of West Alabama reserves the right to use electronic means to detect
and help prevent plagiarism. Students agree that by taking this course all course documents are
subject to submission to the Assignments tool using the integrated Turnitin feature in
Blackboard. All assignments submitted and checked using Turnitin.com will become source
For each assignment listed below, be sure to follow the deadlines provided on the Course
Schedule, which is linked on the Course Menu in Blackboard. Missed assignment penalties,
along with other policies are listed under the Course Policy section of this syllabus. All Course
Assignments and Course Assessments are located within the Course Menu in Blackboard.
● Discussion Board - The discussion board activities are designed to enrich each student’s
engagement with the assigned readings, stimulate critical thinking, and foster a sense of
community. An online discussion forum is a “technological cognitive tool” that
stimulates cognitive learning and critical thinking. Students engaged with course content
in forums engage with other students in a generative processing of information
● Research Paper - The purpose of this assignment is to learn to write a research paper.
● Article Critiques - The purpose of this assignment is to expose the students to writing
article critiques to be used in writing a research paper.
● Magnet School - The purpose of this assignment is to allow students to use all of the
information discussed in the text and other resources to create their own ideal school.
● Assessments - Quizzes and exams will be conducted via Blackboard. The Course Schedule
found within your Blackboard course will indicate when quizzes and/or exams will be
given. Remote Proctor Now maybe required for the assessment.
The Course Schedule is provided within the Course Menu in Blackboard, refer there for a list of
module topics, assignments, assessments, and due dates. Also, refer to the UWA Academic
Calendar for university important deadline dates. [Instructor chose your method of grading,
points or percentage only- delete the column that is not utilized]
Title of Assignment Possible Grade Assessed SLO’s &
Points Percentage CO’s
Research Paper:
Research Topics 1 1
Preliminary Bibliography 8 8
Magnet School 15 15
Discussions 10 10
Tests 18 18
100 100%
Technical Resources
Sign into Blackboard using your UWA username and password. There will be a course titled
Technical Resources for Online Students in your course listing. Click the link to open the course.
This course contains information about the Remote Proctor Now system, as well as a link to
download the Remote Proctor Now software. It also contains information about technology that
you are required to have as a UWA online student. Additionally, you will need to enter this
course to take the Simulated Exam each term.
Technical Support
UWA HelpDesk
If you experience technical difficulties, create a support ticket at the UWA HelpDesk link and a
technician will contact you. Visit the UWA HelpDesk webpage to find out how to receive
ED 501 Master Course Syllabus UWA 7-17 Page 6
technology support and what technology services are available to you.
Email Communications
UWA Outlook Email: You must use your UWA email account for any and all email
communication with me. I will not open student email coming from any other email
account. You are expected to check your UWA email account every day.
Library Services
The Julia Tutwiler Library is pleased to offer books and articles through Interlibrary Loan (ILL), as
well as access to online databases to online students. You can access the Julia Tutwiler Library at
the Julia Tutwiler Library webpage and/or the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) as a resource
for writing using certain style guides, as instructed by your professor.
The University of West Alabama provides various resources to students, if needed. Refer to
Counseling Services and or Career Services to obtain options that are available for student
UWA Online Programs Resources
The UWA Division of Online Programs webpage provides links to useful information regarding
your online program. Students may reference Textbook Information for Online Courses
webpage to order online textbooks. Reference the Academic Calendar webpage to familiarize
yourself with academic deadlines for each term. The Frequently ASked Questions webpage may
also prove to be useful.
Disability Services Office
The University of West Alabama strives to make its programs accessible to qualified persons
defined as disabled under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with
Disabilities Act. Students who have special needs that require accommodation are responsible
for notifying professors in each course in which they are enrolled and appropriate staff
members, who in turn will refer the student to the ADA Compliance Coordinator. Following
verification of the student’s status, the ADA Compliance Coordinator will work with the
professor or staff member in implementing an appropriate plan for accommodating the
student’s needs. Support documentation of special needs from a physician or other qualified
professional will be required if deemed necessary. For additional information, students should
contact the office of the Vice President for Student Affairs, Webb Hall 323, (205) 652-3581.
Reasonable accommodations in accordance with ADA (1993) will be made for course
participants whose personal characteristics require specific instructional and testing conditions.
Persons with such requirements must identify themselves to the professor at the beginning of
When you enter UWA Blackboard, you will see a course titled “Counseling Resources” in your
course listing. This course provides you with a Writing Center, Math Center, APA Tutorial, Tips
on Being Successful in the Online Environment, and Individual Counseling Services. You may
also visit the UWA Counseling Services online webpage.
Your attendance is automatically recorded in the Blackboard. While you enjoy the flexibility of
online class and can participate anytime you would like, please note that active and attentive
participation in the online environment is the only way for you to succeed in this class.
*Online Students: You are required to log into each course you are enrolled in by midnight
Sunday (day 6 of class). If you do not log into your course(s), you will be dropped without
financial responsibility or academic penalty and will not be eligible to re-enroll during the
current term.*
Change Policy
Except for changes that substantially affect implementation of the grading statement, the
syllabus is a guide for the course and is subject to change with advanced notice.
Policy on Make-Ups
Please attempt to remain current with readings and assignments. All assignments must be
submitted in Blackboard within their designated locations by the deadlines as outlined in the
Course Schedule to qualify for maximum credit.
Assignments: At the professor’s discretion, assignments received after the given deadline will
be subject to an automatic deduction of points per day late or the score of zero for those
assignments which are not accepted after their deadline. If you experience a technical issue
when submitting an assignment on Blackboard, email your assignment to me before the
deadline so I know that you completed it on time. Then, enter a support ticket at the UWA
HelpDesk link and submit the assignment on Blackboard as soon as your problem is resolved.
You will not receive a grade in Blackboard unless you submit the assignment in Blackboard.
Assessments: Exams will not be reopened after their due date except for verified technical
issues. Assessments must be completed within the designated time windows (see Course
Schedule). You will be reminded about an upcoming assessment on the Course Schedule and
detailed instructions will be provided on the Assessments link on the Course Menu for each
ED 501 Master Course Syllabus UWA 7-17 Page 8
Extensions: Requests for extensions must be made in writing, via an email to your professor, in
advance of deadlines and accompanied by appropriate written documentation (such as proof of
hospitalization) if the excuse is to be acceptable to the professor. Computer problems, placing
an assignment in an incorrect location, forgetting an assignment and/or not having the textbook
are not acceptable excuses.
No assignment will be accepted after the last day of the term unless the student qualifies for an
Incomplete Grade, has submitted the necessary paperwork requesting an Incomplete Grade,
and has been approved by the professor for an Incomplete Grade. Travel and/or work-related
activities do not qualify for late submissions of assignments or grades of “Incomplete.”
A regular and consistent pattern of course participation is an expectation of the online learning
experience for professors and learners. The student bears the responsibility for submitting all
assignments on time and in accordance with the course syllabus. The professor is in no way
obligated to accept or consider any late student work.