Energy Reports: Reem Shomal, Hiyam Hisham, Amal Mlhem, Rawan Hassan, Sulaiman Al-Zuhair
Energy Reports: Reem Shomal, Hiyam Hisham, Amal Mlhem, Rawan Hassan, Sulaiman Al-Zuhair
Energy Reports: Reem Shomal, Hiyam Hisham, Amal Mlhem, Rawan Hassan, Sulaiman Al-Zuhair
Energy Reports
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Article history: Biodiesel is a promising sustainable alternative to non-renewable petrodiesel. In this work, oils extracted
Received 20 August 2018 from microalgae are used for biodiesel production. To simplify the process, the extraction of the oils and
Received in revised form 2 November 2018 their reaction are made to take place simultaneously in one step. Immobilized lipase was used as the
Accepted 15 November 2018
catalyst, and supercritical CO2 (SC-CO2 ) was used as an extraction solvent and reaction medium. The use of
Available online 28 November 2018
SC-CO2 allows easy separation of the products and leaves the leftover biomass uncontaminated, allowing
Keywords: it to be utilized in food and pharmaceutical applications. The effects of temperature (35–50 ◦ C), reaction
Biodiesel time (2-6 h), and methanol:oil (M:O) molar ratio (8:1–16:1) on biodiesel yield were investigated. Within
Microalgae 6 h, the maximum biodiesel production yield was found to be 19.3% at a temperature of 35 ◦ C and at an
Supercritical CO2 M:O molar ratio of 8:1. The results hold promise in simplifying the microalgae-to-biodiesel production
© 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (
2352-4847/© 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
38 R. Shomal, H. Hisham, A. Mlhem et al. / Energy Reports 5 (2019) 37–40
additional downstream unit is required to separate the solvent To reduce the overall cost associated with the microalgae-to-
from the products, resulting in an additional production cost. biodiesel conversion process and to avoid the complexity associ-
Moreover, most of these solvents are toxic and volatile, posing ated with the separate extraction of lipids, followed by the trans-
environmental problems and limiting further utilization of the left- esterification of the extracts, a simultaneous extraction–reaction
over biomass. Once the oil is extracted, it is converted to biodiesel process (SERP) has been proposed (Qian et al., 2008; Skorupskaite
through a catalytic reaction with methanol. The use of lipase et al., 2016; Ehimen et al., 2010). The SERP was tested on Chlorella
enzymes has been receiving increased attention, owing to their sp. microalgae using sulfuric acid as the catalyst (Wahlen et al.,
capacity to produce biodiesel from different sources of oils, with 2011), and an optimum conversion rate of 91% was achieved after
easy product separation and without any pretreatment or soap 8 h of reaction at 60 ◦ C. Sulfuric acid was also used as the cata-
formation. However, the enzyme should be used in an immobilized lyst when the SERP was tested on other microalgae strains such
form to overcome the high cost of the enzyme (Samukawa et al., as Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, Synechococcus elongatus, Chlorella
2000; Adamczak and Krishna, 2004). In this case, i.e., when an sorokiniana, Tetraselmis suecica, and Chaetoceros gracilis (de Luna
immobilized lipase is used, an organic solvent needs to be added to et al., 2017). However, the use of an acidic catalyst can be highly
increase the solubility of the reaction substrates. This reduces the corrosive and is not recommended for fuel production. A base
inhibition effect and lowers the viscosity and transport limitations catalyst, i.e., LiOH-pumice, has been recently used in the SERP
of the reaction mixture (Yang et al., 2010; Rathore and Madras, of Chlorella sp. microalgae (Shirazi et al., 2017). The highest pro-
2007). Among the many organic solvents tested, n-hexane is by duction yield was 47%, obtained after a reaction time of 3 h at
far the most commonly used. The transesterification yield of tallow 80 ◦ C. Near supercritical methanol has recently been tested for
fats was found to be 94.8% using Mucor miehei lipase, obtained after the SERP of Spirulina microalgae (Eggers and Schwudke, 2016).
5 h with n-hexane as the solvent, whereas in a solvent-free system, The optimum conversion rate was achieved at an extremely high
the yield did not exceed 20% (Nelson et al., 1996). As mentioned temperature of 300 ◦ C and a pressure of 120 bar. The use of such
earlier, most organic solvents are toxic and require an additional an energy intensive process may not be economical. Moreover,
separation unit. when the temperature was 200 ◦ C, a significant drop in the yield
Supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2 ) has been suggested to was observed, with a conversion rate of only 1.78%. Owing to the
replace conventional organic solvents for both oil extraction and advantages of enzymes over chemical catalysts, it was interesting
reaction processes. CO2 is a non-toxic and cheap fluid with mod- to study the SERP for the enzymatic biodiesel production from
erate critical parameters (Celia et al., 2005; del Valle et al., 2004). microalgae using SC-CO2 , which is the focus of this work.
Moreover, the products can be easily separated via a simple de-
pressurization process. SC-CO2 has been used for enhanced oil 2. Materials and methods
extraction from several sources such as oil crops (del Valle et al.,
2004; Reverchon and Marrone, 2001) and microalgae cells (An-
2.1. Strain, Chemicals, and Enzyme
drich et al., 2005; Halim et al., 2011). The lipid extraction yield
from Scenedesmus sp. microalgae increased by 20% using SC-CO2
A dried biomass of Scenedesmus sp. microalgae was provided
at a temperature of 50 ◦ C and a pressure of 350 bar, as compared
by AlgaOil Limited, Philippines. The biomass was cultivated in
to that obtained using n-hexane (Taher et al., 2014a). This is mainly
an organic fertilizer (NPK, grade 14-14-14) and then sun dried.
because of the higher diffusivity and lower viscosity of SC-CO2 ,
An analytical grade methanol with a purity ≥ 99% was obtained
which allows it to penetrate easier within the biomass matrix.
from Fisher chemicals, USA. Novozym⃝ R
435, with an activity of
Higher extraction yields and rates have been reported when SC-
11,900 PLU g−1 , was provided by Novozymes, Denmark. n-Hexane
CO2 was used to extract lipids from Nannochloropsis sp. Andrich
(purity of 96%) was obtained from DAEJUNG Co., Korea. A standard
et al. (2005) and Chlorococum sp. Halim et al. (2011).
solution of high purity fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) containing
Because of the low critical temperature of CO2 (31 ◦ C), which is
4% myristic acid (C14:0), 10% palmitic acid (C16:0), 6% stearic acid
below the denaturation temperature of most proteins, lipases can
maintain their activity in SC-CO2 . The moderate critical pressure (C18:0), 35% oleic acid (C18:1), 36% linoleic acid (C18:2), 2% arachi-
of CO2 (73 bar) has minimal effect on enzyme activity (Celia et al., donic acid (C20:0), and behenic acid (C22:0) was obtained from
2005; Novak et al., 2003). Moreover, the diffusion of the reaction Sigma–Aldrich, USA. Ultra-pure air was supplied by Abu-Dhabi
substrates and products to and from the enzyme active sites is Oxygen Company, UAE, and high-purity helium was supplied by
enhanced with the use of SC-CO2 , which overcomes the main Air Product Company, UAE.
drawback of immobilized enzymes. In the transesterification of
oil extracted from palm kernel in the presence of Novozym⃝ R
435, 2.2. Experimental method
an optimum conversion rate of 63.2% was obtained using SC-CO2 .
However, even with double the amount of enzyme, the maxi- The harvested microalgae cells were lyophilized in a freeze drier
mum conversion rate was only 58.3% using n-hexane (Oliveira and operated at −80 ◦ C and 0.01 mbar for 6 h. The lyophilized cells
Oliveira, 2001). were then grinded for a short period of 15 s. Particles with sizes
Although employing a high-pressure SC-CO2 process can be jus- between 150 and 355 µm, determined using sieve analysis, were
tified for oil extraction, this may not be the case for fuel production, used. The total oil content was found to be 5.8 ± 0.16% using
despite the enhanced reaction yield and ease of product separa- the Folch method (Eggers and Schwudke, 2016) with a chloro-
tion. Therefore, an integrated process was proposed, in which the form:methanol solvent mixture of 2:1 (v:v).
extracted oils already dissolved in SC-CO2 are directly fed into a The experimental setup comprises a CO2 cylinder, a CO2 high-
bioreactor packed with immobilized lipase, to produce biodiesel pressure syringe pump with a maximum capacity of 500 bar
without the need for further pumping. Thus, the advantages of (Model 260D, ISCO, USA), a pump controller (ISCO, SFX 200, USA),
performing the reaction in an SC-CO2 medium are maintained a high-pressure stainless steel reaction cell with a volume of
while avoiding the additional cost of pumping. Such an integrated 10 ml, and a temperature-controlled incubator with a maximum
system was tested for the extraction-reaction of fats from lamb temperature of 150 ◦ C (ISCO, SFX 220). The pressure within the
meat (Al-Zuhair et al., 2012) and from microalgae lipids (Taher chamber was measured and controlled by the system, whereas
et al., 2014b). In these studies, the extraction and reaction steps the temperature was measured and controlled in the incubator.
were carried out in separate units. The precision of the temperature measurements of the extraction
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