Learner Centredness
Learner Centredness
Learner Centredness
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Nicholas Bremner
Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/eltj/article/75/2/213/6253155 by Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile (PUC) user on 12 September 2022
control over decision-making, but rather as a question of keeping them as
active as possible. This would seem to encompass Schweisfurth’s notions
of technique (and possibly motivation), without perhaps implying much
change in terms of relationships or epistemology.
The wide variety of possible interpretations of the concept is illustrated
in a recent meta-analysis, which analysed the definitions of learner-
centredness in 326 academic journal articles published between 2010
and 2019 (Bremner 2020). The meta-analysis reveals six distinct, albeit
somewhat overlapping, characteristics of learner-centredness:
1 Active participation (mentioned in 87 percent of definitions in the meta-
analysis)—learners are encouraged to participate as much as possible
in ‘hands-on’ learning activities; they ‘learn by doing’, both individually
and through their interactions with others.
2 Adapting to needs (64 percent)—learning is tailored to meet learner
needs (including their affective needs—see, for example, Tangney
2014) and, where possible, builds on learners’ current knowledge and
experiences. Interestingly, some interpretations of learner-centredness
suggest that adapting to learner needs, even if this means using
traditionally ‘teacher-centred’ methods, is enough to define teaching as
‘learner-centred’ (e.g. Croft 2002). However, others have argued that,
in such cases, a more appropriate term would be learning-centred (e.g.
O’Sullivan 2004).
3 Autonomy (60 percent)—learners are encouraged to work
independently both inside and outside the classroom, and to develop
learning strategies to help them learn more effectively in the future.
4 Relevant skills (57 percent)—learners develop knowledge and skills
that they are likely to need in real-world situations. These may include
‘higher-order’ skills such as creativity and critical thinking.
5 Power sharing (47 percent)—learners are given more choice and control
over the content and process of their learning. This also incorporates
the idea of more equal relationships between teachers and learners, and
the idea that learners may not only learn existing knowledge but are
capable of contributing to knowledge.
6 Formative assessment (19 percent)—learners are assessed not only to
be given a grade, but also to be supported in their overall learning
development; learning is seen as a process as opposed to a product.
The range of interpretations above demonstrates the difficulty of
providing a unified, one-size-fits-all definition of learner-centredness.
Indeed, although certain aspects may be more universally accepted than
others (compare the percentages for 1 and 6 above, for example) and
some, such as mutual respect between teachers and students, may be
non-negotiable in all contexts (cf. Schweisfurth’s (2013: 146) ‘minimum
standards’), there have been calls for a more flexible approach to definition
of the term (Wang 2007; Bremner 2020). This is especially relevant given
evidence that learner-centredness may be interpreted in different ways
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teachers adopted their own, culturally grounded interpretations of the
concept, which incorporated several of the above aspects (notably active
participation, autonomy and adapting to needs), but nevertheless remained
largely ‘teacher-directed’, with the teacher ultimately responsible for
adapting to learner needs. Learner-centredness has been criticized by
some as being an ethnocentric, solely ‘Western’ concept (e.g. Guthrie
2011). However, allowing for flexibility of interpretation limits the
weight of such criticisms. What is perhaps most important, from both a
theoretical and a practical perspective, is that teachers, teacher educators,
policymakers, and academics should be as clear as possible about what
they mean when they refer to the term, so that, where possible, there can
be a reduction in the ambiguity caused by multiple interpretations.
Final version received December 2020
Nicholas Bremner
Bath Spa University, UK
Learner-centredness 215