1. Complete the second sentence in each pair so that it is a second conditional sentence.
1. If we have enough money, we’ll buy a new house.
a) you’ll pass your exam easily. B) you’d pass your exam easily.
8. If it rains, …
a) what will you do? b) what would you do?
First Second
Conditional Conditional
Sentence 1
Sentence 2
Sentence 3
Sentence 4
Sentence 5
Sentence 6
Sentence 7
Sentence 8
3. If I want to get married. I’d want the person to be my friend to start with. _________________
4. If I won a lot of money, I wouldn’t tell my friends. _______________
5. If you told me a lie, I would be upset. _______________
6. Listen to four conversations about the qualities that are important in a friend. Write the
number of the conversation next to each quality mentioned.
_____ patience ______ trust
4. If you want to keep pieces of paper together, you can use this. __________
5. If you make a mistake when you are writing, you can use this to cover it. __________
6. You might use this when you are chopping up food. __________
8. Listen to ten descriptions of inventions. Match the descriptions with the items.
Description 1 ____ a. paper clip Description 10 ______ j. light bulb
Description 2 ____ b. microwave oven
Description 3 _____ c. refrigerator
a. If Newton hadn’t sat under the apple tree, he would have discovered gravity.
b. If Newton hadn’t sat under the apple tree, he wouldn’t have discovered gravity.
2. Archimedes took a bath and, in doing so, discovered the Archimedes principle. He
shouted “Eureka!” when he realized.
a. If Archimedes hadn’t taken a bath, he would have shouted “Eureka”!
a. If Parkes had discovered plastic, technological development would have been slower.
b. If Parkes hadn’t discovered plastic, technological development would have been
b. If Curie hadn’t discovered radium, she wouldn’t have died from leukemia.
6. Crick and Watson discovered DNA, which meant scientists were able to clone living things.
a. If Crick and Watson hadn’t discovered DNA, scientists wouldn’t have been able to clone
living things.
b. If Crick and Watson had discovered DNA, scientists wouldn’t have been able to clone
living things.