Faculty of Technology: Web Based Graduate Exit Examination System For Debretabor University Project Report

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Web Based Graduate Exit Examination System for DebreTabor


Faculty of technology
Department of Computer Science
Submitted By:
Name ID

1) Niguse abebe…………………………97/10
2) Abiyot Birhan ………………………05/10
3) Habtamu Destaw…………………. RT022/10
4) Aytegeb Gashaw……………………..26/10
5) Gebremeskel Abihoy………………..62/10
Submitted To:

DebreTabor, Ethiopia
Submit Date –May-2021
Graduate exit examination is an examination, which is provided to graduate students for the aims of
determining the progress the student has made over the years. The exam is taken by department in
National level and its content covers the whole courses in the department. So WBEES is the proposed
system and this system solves the problem in the existing system. The system is a web-based
application and allows administrator users to add questions, view students’ results and other
functionalities. It also provides web-based exam to students and automatically show their exam results.
So that it will handle the overall examination processes, from starting the exam up to showing final

First of all we want to thank the almighty ‘GOD’ keep our safe, staying power and energy starting from
to get in to the friendship up to the day we have finished this documentation successfully. We take this
opportunity to express our sincere thanks to our Advisor Mr. Habtamu for his best guidance and
support through his suggestions and ideas throughout our project and correcting various documents
error of our project with attention and care. In addition we would like to forward our special words of
gratitude to our parents for their unwavering confidence, encouragement and emotional support which
was instrumental to the successful completion of our bachelor degree coursework and for our
classmates for their great help and keeping us some suggestions based on the projects and others.

Contents Page
Abstract................................................................................................................................................................... i
CHAPTER ONE.....................................................................................................................................................1
1.1) Background.................................................................................................................................................1
1.2) Motivation.......................................................................................................................................................2
1.3) Statement of the Problem...............................................................................................................................2
1.4) Objectives........................................................................................................................................................3
1.4.1) General Objectives...................................................................................................................................3
1.4.2) Specific Objective.....................................................................................................................................3
1.5) Scope and Limitation of the project.................................................................................................................4
1.5.1) Scope........................................................................................................................................................4
1.5.2 Limitation of the project......................................................................................................................4
1.6) Significance of the project...............................................................................................................................4
1.6.1) Customer significance..............................................................................................................................4
1.6.2) Organization significance.........................................................................................................................5
1.7) Feasibility Study..............................................................................................................................................5
1.7.1) Technical feasibility.................................................................................................................................5
1.7.2) Economical Feasibility.............................................................................................................................5
1.7.3) Operational Feasibility.............................................................................................................................6
1.7.4) Legal Feasibility......................................................................................................................................6
1.8) Methodology...................................................................................................................................................6
1.8.1) Data Collection method............................................................................................................................6
1.8.2) Software process model............................................................................................................................7
1.8.3) Tools and techniques................................................................................................................................8
1.9) Role and Responsibilities................................................................................................................................9
1.10) Work breakdown structure............................................................................................................................9
1.11) Schedule......................................................................................................................................................10
CHAPTER TWO..................................................................................................................................................11
STUDY OF EXISTING SYSTEM.......................................................................................................................11
2.1) Introduction..........................................................................................................................................11
2.2) Existing System.........................................................................................................................................11
2.3) Organizational Structure............................................................................................................................12
2.4) Service Provided........................................................................................................................................12
2.5) Users..........................................................................................................................................................13
2.5.1) Players in the existing system.............................................................................................................13
2.5.2) Current system users...........................................................................................................................13
2.6) business rule identification........................................................................................................................14
2.7) Existing Infrastructure................................................................................................................................15
2.8) Proposed System......................................................................................................................................15
CHAPTER THREE..............................................................................................................................................17
SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION.............................................................................................17
3.1) Introduction...............................................................................................................................................17
3.2) General Constraints...................................................................................................................................17
3.3) Specific Requirement.................................................................................................................................17
3.3.1) External Interface Requirement..........................................................................................................18
3.4) Functional Requirement............................................................................................................................19
3.5) Use case Design.........................................................................................................................................19
3.5.1) Actor Identification.............................................................................................................................19
3.5.2) Use Case Identification.......................................................................................................................20
3.5.3) use case diagram.................................................................................................................................21
3.5.4) Use Case Description..........................................................................................................................23
3.6) Sequence Diagram.....................................................................................................................................28
3.7) Activity Diagram.......................................................................................................................................33
3.8) Classes / Objects........................................................................................................................................36
3.8.1) Class Diagram....................................................................................................................................37
3.9) Data Structural Model...............................................................................................................................39
3.9.1) Entity Relationship (ER) Model.........................................................................................................39
3.10) Non-Functional Requirement..................................................................................................................40
3.10.1) Performance.....................................................................................................................................40
3.10.2) Reliability..........................................................................................................................................41
3.10.3) Availability.......................................................................................................................................41
3.10.4) Security.............................................................................................................................................41
3.10.5) Maintainability..................................................................................................................................41
3.10.6) Portability........................................................................................................................................41
CHAPTER FOUR................................................................................................................................................42
SYSTEM DESIGN....................................................................................................................................................42
4.1) Design Overview.......................................................................................................................................42
4.2) System architectural Design......................................................................................................................42
4.2.2) deployment diagrams..........................................................................................................................43
4.2.3) Chosen System Architecture...............................................................................................................45
4.2.4) System Interface Description..............................................................................................................46
4.3) Detailed Description of Components.........................................................................................................46
4.3.1) Component-1......................................................................................................................................46
4.4) User Interface Design................................................................................................................................46
4.4.1) Description of the user interface.........................................................................................................48
4.4.2) Screen Shot images.............................................................................................................................49
4.5) Database Design........................................................................................................................................49
4.5.1) persistent Database Design.................................................................................................................49

Lists of Figure:
Figure 1: Use Case Diagram.................................................................................................................................23
Figure 2: Sequence Diagram for Login.................................................................................................................29
Figure 3: Sequence Diagram for Take Exam........................................................................................................30
Figure 4: Sequence Diagram for View Result.......................................................................................................31
Figure 5: Sequence diagram for View Report.......................................................................................................32
Figure 6: Sequence diagram for feedback.............................................................................................................33
Figure 7: Activity diagram for login.....................................................................................................................34
Figure 8: Activity diagram for Take exam............................................................................................................35
Figure 9: Activity diagram for feedback..............................................................................................................36
Figure 10: Activity diagram for view result..........................................................................................................36
Figure 11: Analysis Class Diagram.........................................................................................................................38
Figure 12: Design Class Diagram.........................................................................................................................39

1.1) Background
Computerized and online systems have been increasing in every aspect of education. Information
Technology plays a very important role in nowadays education. Computers and internet have made
dramatic changes in the education system. Information technology enables institution of high learning to
save time and money, and allow the delivery of education with easiness, anywhere, and anytime. Paper
based books are replaced by online and off-line applications. With computer software, we can be able to
have access to huge databases of information. This gives fundamental change to the education. Information
technology makes the exchanges of information fast and easily. The system also helpful for conducting
different examination question which can be conducted regularly. It can also be used for provide immediate
results and save precious time of to check student’s copy and prepare mark sheets, so it is very important
for that graduates students to handle the web based examinations system and evaluate their results online.
But the purpose The exam is to facilitate the effort of student to revise the core of learning outcome of the
course covered also make ensure the student to be competent and monitor the level of achievement in
learning outcomes of course.so the system solve the problem which are occur during exam time taken
through manual system. Therefore the document describes all features and a procedure to develop graduate
exit examination system for DebreTabor Because of it is very useful for any Institute or Department to test
their students continuously for their mutual development and know about their progress.

1.2) Motivation
The entire procedure of allocating exam and assessing their score after the test was done physically till
date. Be that as it may, online examination framework is absolutely electronic framework. The framework
goes for diminishing expenses connected with directing exams over a time frame and accomplishing
complete computerization of examination framework related assignments like enlistment, distribution of
results, which prompts a high level of framework effectiveness. In the wake of experiencing huge numbers
of reference papers at long last we are concluded that we can manufacture one examination framework that
can be giving easy to understand access to establish for directing exam and investigation of result.
Students can give exam without the need of going to any physical destination. They can view
the result at the same time. Thus the purpose of the Application project is providing a system
that saves the effort and time of both the institutes and students.

1.3) Statement of the Problem

The problem with the current system is that students take their exam manually. This outdated system will
take long time utilization; the manual procedure used for conducting exam is time consuming process.
More time being used for lecturers to bring the questions papers and answer sheets and also more time is
needed for students in order to write their exam, student are not satisfy with the current system of taking the
multiple choice examination.
We recognized that there are many problems in terms of examination giving process with required quality.
Generally, we have noticed the following problems.
 The problem with the current system is that students take their exam manually.
 Students need to wait for their results
 Examiners are not able to maintain the student record in large quantity.
 Sending question paper from one place to other places.
 There is high cost to buy copy machines, printers, papers for hard copy as well as payment for
duplicators and invigilators.
 High human power wastage.
 Wastage of time to print and to wait for copying in duplicate office.
 It is wastage of time for instructors while correcting exam papers and giving result back.
 Some pages of exam paper may be jumped by error while duplicating.
 The result of students may be lost.

1.4) Objectives
1.4.1) General Objectives
The main objective of this project is to completely automate the old manual procedure of conducting exam
to a computerized System which is Web Based Graduate Exit Examination System for DebreTabor
1.4.2) Specific Objective

In order to achieve the main objective, the specific objective is designed to do the following activity.

 To make the process time and cost effective and efficient.

 Time minimizing
 Cost (resource) minimizing
 To investigate and identify the problems in the existing manual system exam handling.
 To model and implement for using object oriented system and analysis approach.
 To solve problems of students forgetting to write their name and ID on the exam paper.
 To enable the students to get exam result from the system as soon as they finish exam.
 To design and implement a database for the proposed system.
 To design and implement exam preparation module for the proposed system.
 To develop the system that stores the candidate result in the database and displays the result back to
the candidate.
 To test and evaluate the performance of the proposed system by inserting different data
 Enabling candidates to see the exam date online.

1.5) Scope and Limitation of the project

1.5.1) Scope
Our system includes some optional includes multiple choices and some true / false Options. It does not
include essay type of questions or short answer questions. Because it is difficult to develop a system that
checks the essay question answer word by word. The system also Retrieve any information from a database
on the designed interface as per the requirements of the user.
1.5.2) Limitation of the project
• The type of questions is only multiple choice or true and false.
• blind people cannot use
• Cannot handle descriptive questions (essay)
• Allow students to see or display his answers after the exam is finish.

1.6) Significance of the project

The results of Developing this project has much significance for the university or institutes and the students
which are take exit exam before graduate. The system is centralized administrator controls and saves the
efforts and time of both the university and the students.
The general significance of the project can be defined as follows
• To avoids wastage of time.
• To minimizing number of examiner.
• To give speed and time save service for examinee.
• To update the exam easily.
• To maintain the data security.
• To control errors in data processing.
1.6.1) Customer significance
• The customer can be get information from the organized project.
• The customer can get fast service.
• To get satisfaction from the system
1.6.2) Organization significance
• It helps to get simple service to update the exam.
• It helps to control the time of the examinee and stop the exam automatically
• It helps to get better security of data.

• It helps to minimizing wastage of time.

1.7) Feasibility Study

It is the measure and the study of the organization’s benefit that it gets from the proposed system.
Feasibility measure is success and failure of system. Generally, Feasibility is the analysis of risks, costs and
benefits relating to:
 Economic feasibility
 Technical feasibility
 Operational feasibility
 Political feasibility
 Schedule feasibility
Some important feasibility is as follows

1.7.1) Technical feasibility

In technical feasibility, we study all technical issues regarding the proposed system. It is mainly concerned
with the specifications of the equipment and the software, which successfully satisfies the end-user’s
requirement. The technical needs of the system may vary accordingly but include:
 The feasibility to produce outputs in a given time and Response time under certain conditions.
 Ability to process a certain volume of the transaction at a particular speed.
 Facility to communicate data.

1.7.2) Economical Feasibility

The proposed system is economically feasible because the proposed system will provide many benefits
for the university and students. Some of benefits are
 The cost to buy client, server computer and network connection devices.
 The cost paid for system designers and system analysts.
 The cost of the software to be acquired to build and run the system.
 The cost to train students and examiner show to use the system and maintain computers if there is
problem with computers.
 There is no cost for copy machines, printers and papers to prepare the exit examination.
 A problem that was occurring on exam paper correction is strictly avoided.
 There is no cost wastage for duplicators, examiners and coordinators. The cost required in the
proposed system is comparatively less to the existing system.

1.7.3) Operational Feasibility

The proposed system is operationally feasible because it is simple to access and all
operations will be performed easily.

1.7.4) Legal Feasibility

Legal feasibility determines whether the proposed system conflicts with the legal requirement or not.
The proposed system is legally feasible because the project team members built the system without
violating rules and regulations of the governments as well as the organization. The system being built is
for the sake of productivity of the organization.

1.8) Methodology
1.8.1) Data Collection method
Different fact finding techniques or approaches were used to gather information about the current system.
It is the fundamental activity for the development of the system. Without them data modeling cannot be
constructed. The data gathering system in this project proposal is interview method. That means by
asking the manager or the department head of the office. Mainly, the Interview includes:

• The methodology of the exam, how to give the exam for the student?
• For what purpose?
• How it works?
• How many workers or examiner are participating in one exam?
• If it is difficult, to give the exam using paper?
• What kind of questions include in the exam or simple instructions?

• Observation: Group members observe the work office of different department, the
examination style during exam and identify its problem for our projects.
• Questioner
The questioner is the same with interview. The main difference is, during questioner of data
gathering, the question is distributed for the student, examiner as well as different people
concerns the question and then the person fills all necessary information based on the
instruction. But the interview data gathering is direct communication among we and the
another person.

1.8.2) Software process model

There are various software development life cycle models defined and designed which are followed during
the software development process. These models are also referred as “Software Development Process
Models". Each process model follows a Series of steps unique to its type to ensure success in the process of
software development. But the proposed system follows Incremental model. Because In this model, each
module passes through the requirements, design, implementation and testing phases. A working version of
software is produced during the first module, so you have working software early on during the software
life cycle. Each subsequent release of the module adds function to the previous release. The process
continues still the complete system is achieved.

Figure 1: Incremental Model

1.8.3) Tools and techniques

Developing online Examination system needs a number of tools that makes the process easy and fast.
These development tools are hardware tools and software tools both collaboratively work to achieve
specific goals.
Hardware tools are all tools that we touch and feel and help to work with the project.
Software tools are programs or instructions that help us to simplify work. Here are some development
tools:- Software Requirements

 Operating System : Windows
 Web-Technology: PHP
 Wamp server: to provide MySQL for creating and manipulating databases and PHP to design
user interface from the front end of software.
 Back-End: MySQL
 Microsoft word 2010: for writing documentation sections

 Web Server: Apache SERVER.
 Browsers for running the code like Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome.
 E-Draw: - used to design Sequence Diagram, Class Diagram Activity diagram and Use case
Diagram of our system. Hardware Requirements
 Flash disk: For storing data what we have done
 Personal Computer: For performing every activities about the project
 Stationeries (pen, paper): for writing all necessary documentations associated with the project
 Note book: to take notes during data collection and for other documentations
 Printer: - for printing documentation

1.9) Role and Responsibilities

Table 1: Role and responsibility of Group members

Task Group Participation

Title Selection All group members

Data collection All group members

Analysis phase All group members

Design Phase All group members

1.10) Work breakdown structure

1. Project manager contracts with the user who demands the system and write a project plan. (three days)
2. Deliver the draft of project plan documentation to writer to rewrite the documentation and rewrite the
document. (three days)
3. Then gives documentation of project plan to SW analyzer to do more analysis to verify the SRS
document requirements. Then delivers SRS document to writer. (Ten days)
4. SW designer gives the Software requirement specification document and start to design the diagrams
and models that helps the programmer to implement the project. Then delivers the draft design
document to writer. (twenty five days)
5. The two programmers take a partition of the project to start an implementation. (sixty days)
6. Throw the implementation the inner tester make validate the system and delivers his report to writer
(sixteen days)
7. After finish the project and throw the implementation phase the outside tester validate the system and
write his document then deliver to writer. (sixteen days)
8. The final report is ready now. (nine days)

1.11) Schedule


2.1) Introduction

In the early days it was the most popular methods of evaluation student manually. Still now the system is
popular to the students as well as to the teacher. In our organization, existing system activities are
performed manually. The task that processed manually includes registration, payment, examination and
publication of result. From above activity our system concern one examination and publication result
problem that occur in current system.
2.2) Existing System
The existing system of conducting examination process is through manual system. Due to these users of the
existing system wastes much amount of resources. For instance it takes time to test the exam and evaluate
the answer of the exam as well as to announce the exam date to the candidate. It takes also large numbers of
paper and even candidates may lose where and when the exam is performed. In general, almost all activities
in the system are done manually, so it has many problems.so we introduce new system which is fully
computerized. Therefore the entities that interact with the existing system are user of the system and have its
own role.

The major practices of examination process in the University are the following. The instructor prepares the
exam and brings to the Exam Committee of the department. The Exam Committee then checks the exam
and approved it. The approved exam will be printed and taken to the dean of college or institute for sign.
Then the exam paper will be taken to duplicate office.

The duplicator then duplicates the exam paper with ordered number of copies and keeps there until 30
minutes left for exam time. The instructor takes the exam paper and gives to the assigned invigilator(s).The
invigilator distributes exam paper to students in the assigned exam room, and student does the exam and
submits to invigilator. The invigilators then gives the exam papers back to the instructor. The instructor
then corrects the exam paper and shows the result to student.

2.3) Organizational Structure

An organizational structure is a system that outlines how certain activities are directed in order to achieve
the goals of an organization. These activities can include rules, roles, and responsibilities. The
organizational structure also determines how information flows between levels within the company.

Among the three (Centralized, Decentralized and Mixed) team organization types we selected the
decentralized team organization to develop our project. The communication and overall works of the
members can be described by the following diagram.

2.4) Service Provided

2.5) Users
2.5.1) Players in the existing system
The major players in the existing examination system of the University are instructors, students, duplicators
and exam committees. Their duties are described as follows.

I. Instructor:
 Prepares exam for the student on the course he is giving.
 Takes the exam paper to the Exam Committees.
 Takes exam paper which is approved by Exam Committee to the duplicate office.
 Gives the exam paper from duplicate office to assigned invigilator(s).
 Takes the worked exam paper from invigilator(s) and corrects it.
 Finally, shows the result to students.

II. Student:
 Readies for exam.
 Arrives at class room assigned for that exam on the scheduled time and sit as invigilator
 Writes his name and identity number (ID) on the exam paper.
 Read and write the answer on the space provided.
 Finally, Returns the exam paper to the invigilator(s).
III. Duplicator:
 Duplicates the exam papers given by instructors.
 Give the duplicated exam papers to respective instructors.
IV. Exam committees:
 Check the exam prepared by respective instructors.
 Then gives back to the respective instructor.

2.5.2) Current system users

The current system users relating to exit exam are:
i. Exam board editor: the exam board editor responsible for Prepare proposals that shows the cost of
the exam and Ensure that exam question are prepared and printed timely. Also ensure that the exam
question and results are posted to the university with in sufficient time. The exam editor Handle any
complaints that occur relating to marking the examination and responsibility to ensure the proper
administration, transportation and correction of the examination. Generally exam board editor
coordinate how the exam to be performed and select exam setter who set or prepare exit exam and
exam evaluator.
ii. Exam setter: responsibility to prepare or set the exam in line with the scope of the learning domain
to be assessed. During preparing the exam the exam setter Prepare exam with in a given time and
Responsible for providing answer key and making corrections where some error are detected in the
questions also responsibility to check question are not repeated and include the answer in the listed
iii. Candidates: are student who take the exit exam.

iv. Examiners: responsibility to tests or examine candidates or students and shall be assigned from
other department.
v. Department Head: responsibility to Specifies places for exam and generally he manages all
activities in his perspective departments.
vi. Exam evaluator: Evaluates the exam that is drafted/prepared by exam setter.
vii. Registrar: responsibility to capture candidate information or profile and checks candidates takes all
department courses before take exam.
viii. Supervisor: responsibility to controls the overall exam (candidates and examiner) and take and bring
the exam paper to Exam Board Editor.

2.6) business rule identification

Business rules are statements that describe a business policy or procedure and they reflect business policies.
organization have policies in order to satisfy the business objective, make good use of resources, and
conform to laws or general business conversions. Business rule become requirements that is they may be
implemented in software as a means of requirements of this software system. Identifying the business rule
of the proposed system will help us to specify and describe each use case in effective way. The business
rules of the exit exam system are listed as following:
BR1: The registrar must send graduated students list with full information to Exam Editor.
BR2: The candidate’s should be legible.
BR3: The system administrator and candidates must have user account for managing the activity specified
and limited to their privilege or generally the system user must have an account to access the services in the
system and managed by system administrator.
BR4: They should have a take along unique ID that expresses his/her identity.
BR5: The candidates should have to take the exam within the given time of period.
BR6: The exam should be deactivating after the exam is taken or exam time is expired.
BR7: The exam question should not be duplicated or there is no redundancy of question.
BR8: The candidate should take all department courses before take exam.
BR9: Candidates can take another exam more than once, when candidate cannot pass the first time, but
candidate pay fee before taking re-exam.
BR10: The entire examinations questions are objective.
BR11: the candidates should fill the form and the requirements properly and carefully.
BR12: all candidates must take the same exam according to their department.

2.7) Existing Infrastructure

2.8) Proposed System

The Online Examination System (OES) automates each and every activity of the manual system and
increases its throughput. It is created for taking online examination that has the following features.
 In comparison to the present system, the response time of the system is very less and it
works very fast.
 Result will be very precise and accurate and will be declared in very short span of time
because calculation and evaluations are done by the system itself.
 The proposed system is very secure since all users inter to the system by their user accounts.
 The logs of appeared students and their marks are stored and can be for backup for future
 The proposed system will reduce cost of examination process.
 It saves the instructors from time wasting while correcting exam papers and they can get the
results of their students from the system immediately.
 It can generate various reports when and where required.

3.1) Introduction
Software Requirements Specification is a document or set of documentation that describes the features and
behavior of a system or software application. A Requirement is any function, constraint, or property that
the system must provide, meet, or satisfy in order to fulfill its purpose. So we need to identify and
understands the problem of the existing system to develop the new system. We decide the following
functional and non-functional requirements of the system.

3.2) General Constraints

The proposed project is supposed to have the following constraints: -
 Inconvenience (Lack of adequate information):- the problems the system manager to provides the
correct information about the system.
 Budget constraint (Inadequate resources.):- Starting from gathering information to do this project
and writing proposal we didn’t have enough resources to complete our project
 They are not telling the system problem in the current it done.

3.3) Specific Requirement
Requirement is description of the services that provides by the system and its operational constraint.
These requirements reflect the need of customer from the system.

3.3.1) External Interface Requirement Users Interfaces
The user wants the interface to graphical interface to browse easily. Each part of the user interface intends
to be as user friendly as possible. The fonts and buttons used will be intended to be very fast and easy to
load on web pages. The pages will be kept light in space so that it won’t take a long time for the page to
load. Generally:
UI-1: The buttons and icons shall be labeled with descriptive verb.
UI-2: The color used in the GUI shall provide user safe vision and shall not be sharp to the eye.
UI-3: The application shall present error messages on the respective page.
UI-4: The software interface must follow design conventions which allow for familiar location of drop
down menus, help etc. Hardware Interfaces
 Server: for connection to the client computer(to host the system)
 Computers
 Network connection Software Interfaces
The application will run on any computer with an installed web browser.
 Operating System: Windows etc.
 Development tool : PHP : Hypertext Preprocessor, JavaScript,
 Data Base : PhpMyAdmin Communication Interfaces
The Website system shall verify the Exam Time and Date to the student who is a member of the system.
The two parties should be connected by LAN or WAN for the communication.

• NIC (Network Interface Card) – It is a computer hardware component that allows a computer to
connect to a network. NICs may be used for both wired and wireless connections.
• Ethernet Communications Interface- Ethernet is a frame-based computer network technology for
local area networks (LANs)

3.4) Functional Requirement

Functional requirement is the requirement describing the behavior of the system as it relates to the system's
functionality that is describes what the system does. This behavior may be expressed as services, tasks or
functions that the system is required to perform. Therefore the functional requirements for the new
proposed system include the following section.

 Exam management section: This section includes

 Exam Setter: Exit Exam preparation section can add questions, edit questions,
manage and view all questions of a given department.
 Exam Editor: check or ensure that exam question is prepared correctly and timely.
 Registrar: send candidate profile or information to Editor that take exit exam.
 Candidate section: includes students who take exit exam and select answer within given question by
its page of the system and finally view its result.
 Report generate management section includes
 The candidate can view his/her result after exam completed.
 The system reports the exam result to individual candidate after candidate take exam.
 The system admin views all candidates’ results and any other reports.
 The system should validate the data entry. That is the system shall validate and authenticate the
users’ username and password
 The system shall allow all eligible users to update their accounts.
 User account management section: The system has different account types and the system admin for
all system user account

3.5) Use case Design
3.5.1) Actor Identification
 Actor: It represents a type of users of the system or external systems that the system interacts with
an actor are a user of the system playing a particular role. The actors of the new system are:
 Candidate
 Department head
 Registrar
 Exam setter
 Exam Editor
 System admin

3.5.2) Use Case Identification

 Use case: describes the sequence of events of some types of users, called Actors, using some part of
the system functionality to complete a process. The possible use case of the new system are

Table 2: Use Case Identification

Use Case ID Use Case Name Include

UC01 Login
UC02 View exam date UC01
UC03 View result UC01
UC04 View exam question UC01
UC05 View notification UC01
UC06 View report UC01
UC07 View system user UC01
UC08 View exam question time UC01
UC09 View candidate UC01
UC10 View comment UC01
UC11 Send comment UC01

UC12 Take exam UC01
UC13 Manage account UC01
UC14 Send request UC01
UC15 Prepare questions UC01
UC16 Update user info UC01
UC17 Change password UC01
UC18 Specify exam date UC01
UC19 Specify exam time UC01
UC20 Post notice UC01
UC21 Send candidate info UC01
UC22 Specify exam passing score UC01
UC23 Logout UC01
UC24 Create Account UC01

3.5.3) use case diagram

Use case diagram is a graphic depiction of the interactions among the elements of a system. Use case
diagram shows use cases, actors, and their interrelationships. A use case is a methodology used in
system analysis to identify, clarify, and organize system requirements. Use Case Model describes the
proposed functionality of a new system. Use case diagram contains four components.
 Actor: is a person, or external system that plays a role in one or more interaction with the system.
And represented with:

 Use case: describes a sequence of actions that provides something of measurable value to an actor
and is drawn as a horizontal ellipse.

 System boundary: indicates the scope of the system project. Anything within the box represent
functionalities in side in scope.

 The relationships between and among the actors and the use cases.

Figure 2: Use Case Diagram

3.5.4) Use Case Description

Use case description is documents that contain brief information about use case .use case description
contain the components like use case name, use case ID, participate actor, description, basic course of
action, alternative course of action, pre-condition and post condition.

Table 3: Use Case Description for Login

Use Case name Login

Use Case ID UC01
Actors System Users
Description Describes How the system users login in to the system
Basic Course of Action I. Open web site
II. User enter username and password
III. Click login button
IV. System checks username and Password.
V. If username and password is valid
VI. User authenticated and gets access to the system.
VII. End of use case
Alternative Course of Action I. User is not authenticated and is denied access to the system.
II. System displays an incorrect username and password message.
III. System enables user to try again.
IV. Use case returns to step 2 to fill or enter the correct username
and password.
Pre-Condition Users must have user name and password
Post-Condition Login to the system successfully and gets access to the system according to
their predefined system privileges.

Table 4: Use Case Description for Take Exam

Use Case name Take Exam

Use Case ID UC12
Actors Candidate
Description Describes How the Candidate login in to the system
Basic Course of Action i. Open web site

ii. Candidate enter username and password
iii. Click login button
iv. System checks username and Password.
v. If username and password is valid
vi. Candidate authenticated and Take Exam on the system.
vii. End of use case
Alternative Course of Action i. Candidate is not authenticated and is denied access to the
ii. System displays an incorrect message.
iii. System enables user to try again.
iv. Use case returns to step 2 to fill correct Username and PW
Pre-Condition Must complete all department Courses
Post-Condition Can take exam and finally view result

Table 5: Use Case Description for View Result

Use Case name View Result

Use Case ID UC03
Actors Candidate
Description System generates result based the candidate ID individually.
Basic Course of Action i. Candidates Open website
ii. Candidates Logged to website
iii. Candidates Click View Result link.
iv. System Display their result.
v. Candidates view their exam result
vi. End of use case
Alternative Course of Action If the Candidates doesn’t have access privilege to use the system, then
the Candidates is not authenticated and is denied access to the system.
Pre-Condition Candidate Must be take exam
Post-Condition Result will be generate and see the Result

Table 6 : Use Case Description for Send comment

Use Case name Send Comment

Use Case ID UC11
Actors • Admin
• Exam setter

• Dep’t head
• Registrar
• candidate
Description Describe system user can give comment or feedback about system tasks or
may any suggestion’s
Basic Course of Action i. The user opens the of the system.
ii. Login to the system
iii. After logged to system according to its page
iv. Can feedback/comment
v. End of use case
Alternative Course of Action i. Users reenter correct username and password
ii. After enter correct username and password can login to system.
Pre-Condition Must have username and password.
Post-Condition Can give comment or feedback

Table 7: Use Case Description for View comment

Use Case name View Comment

Use Case ID UC10
Actors Exam editor
Description Describe exam editor can view different feedback which are sent form other
system user
Basic Course of Action i. Exam editor login to system
ii. After logged go to comment link
iii. System Display comment.
iv. Exam editor view and delete comment
v. End of use case
Alternative Course of Action i. Users reenter correct username and password
ii. After enter correct username and password can login to system.
Pre-Condition The Exam Editor must Login to system
Post-Condition View the comments

Table 8: Use Case Description for View Report

Use Case name View Report

Use Case ID UC06
Actors Admin, Dep’t head, Exam editor
Description The System allows to generate report for candidates about exam Information.
Basic Course of Action i. Open website
ii. Logged to website
iii. Click on view report link.
iv. System Display report
v. view exam result report
vi. End of use case

Alternative Course of Action If the user doesn’t have access privilege to use the system; user is not
authenticated and is denied access to the system.

Pre-Condition All candidate must take the exam

Post-Condition Report Will be generate

Table 9: Use Case Description for Create account for candidate

Use Case name Create account

Use Case ID UC24

Actors System Admin

Description Describe how Admin create account to system user.

Basic Course of Action i. Admin open website
ii. Admin logged to website
iii. Admin View users
iv. Admin create account automatically for all candidate of the system
v. End of use case

Pre-Condition User must be the member of the system and haven’t an account before.

Post-Condition User create account

3.6) Sequence Diagram

Sequence diagrams show a succession of interactions between classes or object instances over time.
Sequence diagrams are used to model the logic of usage scenarios or the description of the potential way
the system used. Sequence diagrams are a great way to validate and flesh out the logic of use case scenarios
and to document the design of the system.

A sequence diagram is a Unified Modeling Language (UML) that showing the sequence of interactions
among objects and used to represent or model the flow of messages, events and actions between the objects
or components a system.

Figure 3: Sequence Diagram for Login

Figure 4: Sequence Diagram for Take Exam

Figure 5: Sequence Diagram for View Result

Figure 6: Sequence diagram for View Report

Figure 7: Sequence diagram for feedback

3.7) Activity Diagram
Activity diagram is another diagram in UML diagram that describe dynamic aspects of the system. Activity
Diagrams also describe how activities are coordinated to provide a service which can be at different levels
of abstraction. Typically, an event needs to be achieved by some operations, particularly where the
operation is intended to achieve a number of different things that require coordination, or how the events in
a single use case relate to one another, in particular, use cases where activities may overlap and require
coordination. It is also suitable for modeling how a collection of use cases coordinate to represent business
workflows. Generally the purpose of an activity diagram describe to:

 Draw the activity flow of a system.

 Describe the sequence from one activity to another.
 Describe the parallel, branched and concurrent flow of the system.

Figure 8: Activity diagram for login

Figure 9: Activity diagram for Take exam

Figure 10: Activity diagram for feedback

Figure 11: Activity diagram for view result

3.8) Classes / Objects
A class diagram in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a type of static structure diagram that describes the
structure of a system by showing the system's classes, their attributes, operations (or methods), and the relationships
among objects.
An object diagram may be considered a special case of a class diagram. Object diagrams use a subset of
the elements of a class diagram in order to emphasize the relationship between instances of classes at some
point in time. They are useful in understanding class diagrams. They don’t show anything architecturally
different to class diagrams, but reflect multiplicity and roles.
3.8.1) Class Diagram
o A class diagram shows a set of classes, interfaces, and collaborations and their relationships. These
diagrams are the most common diagram found in UML. Class diagrams address the static design view of a
system. Class diagram is a component of unified modeling language that shows level of association among
classes and objects. It also shows multiplicity associations; how many objects participate on the
association. Class diagram shows the role of objects or classes and aggregations. Mostly generalization
specialization can be shown in class diagram. Generalization specialization means a relationship between
a general class and one or more specialized classes.
o In design, we model classes to represent the static structure of how the system will be built. Class model in
design is that focus on the solution domain. I have done all the necessary modification that will cover the
way toward the implementation of the system.

Figure 12: Analysis Class Diagram

Figure 13: Design Class Diagram

3.9) Data Structural Model
3.9.1) Entity Relationship (ER) Model
Entity relationship model is a graphical representation of entities and their relationships to each other,
typically used in computing in regard to the organization of data within databases or information systems.
An entity is a piece of data-an object or concept about which data is stored. A relationship is how the data
is shared between entities.
There are three basic elements in entity relationship diagram:
• Entities are the "things" for which we want to store information. An entity is a person, place, thing
or event.
• Attributes are the data we want to collect for an entity.
• Relationships describe the relations between the entities

Diagram ER
3.10) Non-Functional Requirement
Nonfunctional requirements describe system attributes such as Performance, Safety, Security, Availability,
Flexibility and portability. That specifies criteria that can be used to determine the operation of a system,
rather than specific behaviors. Generally non-functional requirements are "system shall be”.
3.10.1) Performance
 The system is very fast since it is automated.
 The software shall support use of multiple users at a time.
 It works very well with short response time, high throughput and high availability.

3.10.2) Reliability
The system should handle invalid inputs and displays error message to users. Reliability is one feature of
the system significantly validates user inputs.

3.10.3) Availability
The system is available in the presence of extranet connection. So, the users of system can access the
system successfully for provide different services but the exam is taken periodically.

3.10.4) Security
 Authenticated user with predefined access right will only enter to the information related to
 Every users should use strong passwords especially admin.
 One student cannot see the result of another student.
 HTTP must be secured by adding the security capabilities of SSL/TLS to standard HTTP
 Using SSL/TLS data flow between client and server will be encrypted.

3.10.5) Maintainability
 Backups for database and other sensitive information are available for recovery if damage is
 Second server should be used if one server failed
3.10.6) Portability
This system is portable, since it runs on different desktop platforms. Running on different platforms in
desktop computer browser makes the system accessible by users.

4.1) Design Overview

4.2) System architectural Design

4.2.1) Component Diagram
Component Diagram is integral to build your software system. They help your team understand the
structure of existing systems and then build new ones. The purpose of a component diagram is to show the
relationship between different components in a system. The component diagram shows the relationship
between software components, their dependencies, communication, location and other conditions. The
components the systems are:

Component of the system

Component Diagram

4.2.2) deployment diagrams

It describes the physical architecture of the hardware and software in the system. They depict the software
components, processors, and devices that make up the system’s architecture.
A deployment modeling depicts a static view of the run-time configuration of processing nodes and
components that run on those nodes. And it shows: -

i. The hard ware for the system

ii. The software that is installed on the hardware(the hardware topology of a system)
iii. Depict the hardware/network infrastructure of an organization.
iv. Depict a major deployment configuration of a business application.
v. To model embedded system.
vi. model hardware details for a client/server system

4.2.3) Chosen System Architecture

We use Three-tier architectures to design our system. Because 3-tierArchitecture increases

performance, flexibility, maintainability, Reusability, and scalability while hiding the
complexity of distributed processing from the users/clients. The data Layer maintains the
applications data such as Candidate data, instructor data, exam data, Admin data,

The middle layer (web/application server) implements the business logic, controller logic and
presentation logic to control the interaction between the application’s clients and data. The
controller logic processes client requests such as requests to view student’s result, to retrieve
data from the database. The business logic dictates how clients can and cannot access
application data and how applications process data. A web server is a program that runs on a
network server (computer) to respond to HTTP requests. HTTP is the standard protocol for
transfer data across the internet.

The client layer is the applications user interface containing data entry forms and client side
applications. It displays data to the user. The client layer interacts with the web/application
server to make requests and to retrieve data from the database. It then displays to the user the
data retrieved from the server.

4.2.4) System Interface Description

4.3) Detailed Description of Components

4.3.1) Component-1

4.4) User Interface Design

User interface design is the design of computers, appliances, machines, mobile communication devices,
software applications, and websites with the focus on the user's experience and interaction. User
interface design is the specification of the interaction between the system users and a system. The goal
of user interface design is to make the user's interaction simple and efficient as possible, in terms of
accomplishing user goals—what is often called user-centered design. Good user interface design
facilitates finishing the task at hand without drawing unnecessary attention to it.

Take Exam
Candidate View Result
About Us
Exam Setter Send Request
Contact Us
Admin Send Comment

Help Dep’t Head View Notification

Exam Editor Specify Exam

Notice Time
Registrar Prepare Question

Send comment

View exam time

Send comment
Edit exam time
View report
Manage user account
View Candidate
View System User
View exam date
Take back up
Send candidate
View Report

Send Comment

View Exam Date

View Candidate

View Report

View candidate
Set Passing score

Post Notice

47 View Report

Specify Exam Date

4.4.1) Description of the user interface
No. UI Name UI Description
1 Home Page User interface part where main page of the OES will be viewed
and link for related topics (websites).
2 Login Page It is a page which enables user of system log into system by
entering their user name and password.
3 About Us Page It is the page that contains detailed information about the
4 Help Page The page that provide help information or guides for users
when they need help regarding to this system.
5 Contact us Page The information in which the users can contact the Admin or
the coordinators of the system.
6 Notice The page that Notify the new scheduling and exam date or
anything that to be notified from the university.
7 Exam editor Page The page that contains proposals that show the cost of the
exam and Ensure that exam question are prepared and printed
timely. Also ensure that the exam question and results are
posted to the university with in sufficient time
8 Exam Setter Page The Page that provides prepares or set the exam in line with the
scope of the learning domain to be assessed. During preparing
the exam the exam setter Prepare exam with in a given time
and Responsible for providing answer key and making
corrections where some error are detected in the questions.
9 Candidate Page The page for students who take the exit exam

10 Admin Page The page that contains manage users account , views the users
of the system and Take backup of the data.
11 Registrar Page Provides send the candidate information, view report and send
12 Dep’t Head Page The page that contains the view the exam date, view report and
view candidate.

4.5) Database Design
4.5.1) persistent Database Design


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