Saved, Separated and Sanctified
Saved, Separated and Sanctified
Saved, Separated and Sanctified
The message we are looking at this morning is really the heart of the matter and
the matter of the heart. It is the foundation of our spiritual relationship with the
almighty God. It is the basis of our standing strong in the Lord and in the power of
His might for now, future and eternity.
Many so called Christians built their foundation on a wrong premises causing them
untold setbacks in their Christian journey.
This morning, we are looking at the topic SAVED, SEPARATED AND SANCTIFIED.
Titus 2:11; Ephesians 2:8,9; I Timothy 2:3,4; Rom 3:23-25; Heb 2:9; 2 Pet 3:9; Heb
Reconciliation with God was possible only through the animal sacrifices in the Old
Testament (animal without blemish or without spot).
Now, in the New Testament, we are saved on the merit of the blood of Jesus. But
salvation does not become ours until we receive it by faith. Even so, the faith is not
of ourselves but the gift of God. Grace is not because of anything we have done, it
is God's unmerited favour for an undeserving sinner.
Ephesians 2:8-9, after we are saved by grace, good works is still necessary. All the
"works" we did before salvation are regarded as dead works because they do not
have their origin in faith. But the works that came after salvation experience are
referred to as good works acceptable to God.
Salvation has appeared to "all men". This cancels the doctrine of "limited atonement”
-the belief that salvation is for only pre-selected few among man and not for
We are saved by grace through faith but that doesn't give us the license to continue
in sin. If there is no impact, no practical effect of the grace of God upon our lives,
then we will have received the grace of God in vain.
At Salvation, sin is forgiven and de-empowered, bitterness is taken away, but there
is the possibility of them springing up again in times of temptation, trials and
After we are born again, we need to remain in grace so that we do not lose the
experience and slide back into sin. We need to look diligently 'lest any man fall of
the grace of God.
Titus 2:12-13; 1:16; Rom 6:1,2,6,7,11-16,18; I John 2:15-17; James 1:27, I John
4:4; John 17:14,16; I Thess 5:6,9; I Thess 2:9-10; I Pet 1:13-16; I Timothy 6:6-11
If we are born again, others need to see practical evidence of it in out lives. If the
grace of God that brought salvation has indeed appeared to us, it will show forth in
our living soberly, righteously and godly in this present world. Identification with
Christ makes us dead to sin and alive unto righteousness.
The grace of God helps us to yield members of our bodies -the mouth, the ears, the
mind, the legs, the ears, the hands etc. as instrument of righteousness to God.
Sin leads to spiritual death and separation from God. If the grace of God is operating
in our lives, it will be known by the kind of life we live.
The Lord has shown us the scope, the depth, the height of His salvation, not just
the initial experience we had at Salvation but full salvation that makes us spotless
and blameless before God and peculiar before men.
It is available for everyone and anyone who will call upon the name of the Lord