There are also the related series of McGraw-Hill Publications in the Zoological
Sciences, of which E. J.
Boell is Consulting Editor, and in the Agricultural
Sciences, of which R. A. Brink is Consulting Editor.
Frontispiece. Pilobolus showing phototropism. See page 339.
of the Fungi
Experiment Station
Professor of Mycology, Department of Plant Pathology
and Bacteriology, West Virginia University;
Mycologist, West Virginia Agricultural
Experiment Station
7 89 10 11 12-MAMM-l 09 8
This book is dedicated to the mem-
ory of Leon H. Leonian and to Ernst A.
Bessey. The guidance and inspiration
Living fungi are being studied more intensively than ever before.
This may be attributed in part to increased interest in the potentiahties
of the fungi in industry as well as to the greater recognition of fungi as
important disease-producing agents of plants and animals and as destroy-
ers of fabricsand other cellulosic materials of commercial importance.
This has increased the interest in the cultivation of the fungi and has
shown the need for an adequate textbook covering the broad aspects of
physiology of the fungi, their growth requirements, and activities. It
was the intent of the authors to prepare a textbook which would fulfill
the needs of students desirous of some training in this field.
This book is primarily a text for the advanced student and assumes
some basic knowledge of the morphology of fungi and of organic chemistry.
It had its origin in the lectures and laboratory exercises used for three
years by the authors in a course in physiology of the fungi offered to
graduate students at West Virginia University. The authors have
contributed equally of their time and efforts in the preparation of this
For those who are interested or are actively engaged in physiological
research on fungi, this textbook may serve as a reference book and as an
entry into the literature. The large ever-growing accumulation of liter-
ature has also made it desirable to bring together a summary and dis-
cussion of the information in this field. However, no attempt has been
made at complete documentation of the subjects discussed. Certain
particularly important references are marked with a star and are recom-
mended as required reading for students.
For the most part, the scientific names of the fungi are those which
were used by the investigators whose work has been cited. No attempt
has been made to reduce these names to synonomy. Because of the
close relation between fungus physiology and plant pathology, plant
pathogenic fungi have been used as examples whenever possible.
Several suggested laboratory exercises with suggested test fungi are
included at the end of the text, so that other teachers might profit by the
authors' experience in designing and conducting laboratory work in
fungus physiology.
All tables, graphs, and photographs not credited to other sources are
It is a pleasure to acknowledge our indebtedness to the many individuals
VirgilGreene Lilly
Horace L. Barnett
May, 1951
Preface ix
1. Introduction 1
2. Culture Media 8
ICinds of — Natural Versus Synthetic Media— Choice and Preparation
of Media — Ways of Expressing Concentration — Comparison of Media —
3. Growth 24
Phases of Growth— Rate of Growth — Ways of Measuring Growth — Methods
of Presenting Results — Factors Affecting Growth — Effect of External
Ionization of Compounds The Meaning of pH —Buffers and Buffer Capacity
— Methods of Determining pH Values — Effects on Fungi—Summary.
9. Vitamins and Growth Factors 171
Deficiencies in Fungi — Inhibitory Effects of Vitamins—Vitamers — Unidenti-
fied Growth Factors, Part II.Specific Vitamins — Thiamine and Its
Index 441
The primary role of the fungi in nature has been fittingly described in
the prophetic statement of B. O. Dodge (1939)
. . . way out in a
the fungi are not degenerate organisms which are on their
scheme of evolution, and so
economic importance and scientific interest.
of little
The fungi, on the contrary, are progressive, ever changing and evolving rapidly
in their own way so that they are capable of becoming readily adapted to every
condition of life. We may rest assured that as green plants and animals disappear
one by one from the face of the globe, some of the fungi will always be present
to dispose of the last remains.
principles are the aim, or as a study closely integrated with the fields of
science concerned with more practical problems. Often, the most
\aluablc results are obtained when research is not restricted by the
boundaries of practical application.
This book is a discussion of living fungi, of their life processes and the
factors which influence them. It is written primarily for the student who
is acquainted with the structure of fungi and who is beginning the study
of their activities. From the discussions which follow the student should
gain a knowledge and understanding of the basic principles of fungus
physiology. To this end a considerable amount of factual material con-
cerning the behavior of specific fungi under specific conditions is cited.
The secondary aim of this book is to present a limited number of selected
references which may be of use to the student or investigator who wishes
more detailed information. Where possible, review articles have been
included. Complete documentation is impossible because of the tre-
mendous volume of literature. However, becoming familiar with the
literature is an essential part of a student's education.
As a text this book must cover many phases of the subject. One of the
first problems to be considered is the choice and preparation of suitable
media for growth and sporulation of the fungi under study. Since there
is no universal medium suitable for all fungi, a wise choice of media for
the useful metabolic products, such as alcohols, organic acids, and anti-
biotics, and the harmful products (toxins) are discussed at some length.
Certain fungi cause diseases of plants and animals. The action of
fimgicides used to control these pathogens will be discussed from a theo-
retical viewpoint, since there is an enormous amount of literature dealing
with the practical application of fungicides. Too little attention has
been devoted to the mechanism of fungicidal action.
The production of spores, which is of fundamental importance to the
fungus in the perpetuation of the species, affords many interesting prob-
lems in fungus physiology. Environmental and nutritional factors play
important roles in determining whether a fungus will spoiiilate under a
given set of conditions. These factors are discussed in some detail.
The latter portion of the text emphasizes the activities of fungi in
nature. These topics include the discharge, dissemination, and germina-
tion of spores and the physiological aspects of parasitism, variation, and
inheritance. The physiology of parasitism and resistance is of special
interest to plant pathologists and medical mycologists. Most of the
examples are taken from the field of plant pathology. Perhaps the dis-
cussion of these problems will stimulate the interest and curiosity of the
student. A better understanding of parasitism will surely lead to a wiser
choice of control methods for certain fungi.
No study of fungus physiology is complete without experimental work
in the laboratory. The judgment necessary to evaluate one's own work
is founded upon experience. Suggested laboratory exercises and demon-
strations, with brief instructions, are given at the end of the text. These
are selected to illustrate important principles, many of which can be
illustrated clearly only by direct observation of the varied reactions of
fungi to their environment.
*DuBos, R. J.: Louis Pasteur, Free Lance of Science, Little, Bro^Ti & Company,
Boston, 1950.
Kauffman, C. H.: Klebs' theory of the control of developmental processes in
organisms, and its application to fungi, Proc. Intern. Congr. Plant Sci. 2 1603-
1611, 1929.
Klebs, G.: Zur Physiologic der Fortpflanzung einiger Pilze. III. Allgemeine
Betrachtungen. Jahrb. wiss. Botan. 35 80-203, 1900.
Before discussing the nutrition of the fungi in detail, it will be helpful to
consider the basic problems involved. For many purposes a knowledge
of the nutrition of the fungi is necessary for culturing them in the labora-
tory or in industry. Like all living organisms the fungi must obtain from
their environment the materials needed for the synthesis of protoplasm
and other cellular constituents. Directly or indirectly, the fungi as well
as animals and most bacteria are dependent upon green plants for "food"
and energy.
Not all natui'al substrates are equally suitable for all fungi. In nature,
the saprophytes are more widely distributed than the parasites, which are
usually restricted to the range of their hosts. Many of the substances
upon which the fungi grow in nature are chemically complex, and some,
such as cellulose, starch, and proteins are insoluble or are only colloidally
soluble. Before such compounds can be utilized, they must be changed
into low-molecular-weight compounds which are soluble in water. This
"digestion" is accomplished by means of enzymes which are excreted by
the fungi. analogous to digestion in animals, which is also an
This is
No one knows when man began to cultivate fungi, but certainly it was
many thousands of years ago.This cultivation was no doubt uninten-
tional at first and was later developed into an art, in connection with the
preparation of foodstuffs and beverages. The use of leaven (yeast)
extends back to the beginning of agriculture. The yeast culture was
preserved in a piece of dough which in turn was added to the next batch,
much as buckwheat batter is prepared today. In the Orient, species of
Mucor and Aspergillus have been used from the dawn of civilization in
preparing food from rice and soybeans. Brewers used yeast many cen-
turies before it was learned that yeast is a living organism. On the other
hand, the science of growing fungi in pure culture is fairly recent.
Natural media. It was quite natural that, when mycologists and
others began to cultivate fungi in the laboratory, they should turn to
natural materials as media. A natural medium is one which is composed
entirely of complex natural materials of unknown composition. Among
the natural substances so used are the following: plant parts, malt, yeast,
peptone, manure, bread, wort, fruit, and vegetables. Many of these
substances are used in the form of extracts, infusions, or decoctions. The
very diversity of these natural media is strong testimony to the fact that
different species have different nutritional requirements. Brefeld (1881)
was among the first to grow fungi in pure culture, and many of his tech-
niques are in use today. Since his interest in cultivating the fungi was
largely for the purpose of observing their development, it was necessary
for him to select suitable media. He found two natural media to be of
great utility: a decoction prepared from dried plums or raisins and a
manure extract. medium he considered "als Universal-
This latter
nahrlosung flir Pilzculturen."medium is still used in some labora-
tories. Natural media have many advantages. They are cheap and
easy to prepare. In many instances it is necessary only to add water to
the base material and autoclave. More important yet is the fact that
many fungi grow well upon a wide variety of natural media.
Certain of the more fastidious fungi have never been cultivated in the
laboratory. These obligate parasites live only upon or ^^^thin the living
tissues of their hosts. Puccinia graminis only on wheat, some
tritici lives
Sucrose 70 g,
Tartaric acid 4 g
Water 1,500 ml.
respects. Natural media are more complex; i.e., they contain more
synthetic medium which has only one source of carbon and one source of
nitrogen, it must synthesize many complex chemical compounds from
Solid versus liquid media. Both solid and liquid media are used in
Fig. 1. Growth Phycomyces blakesleeanus on vitamin-free liquid medium solidified
with two different brands of agar. Growth in A indicates relatively high content of
thiamine of this agar. The trace of growth in B shows that this agar is relatively
free of thiamine.
the composition. The carbon and nitrogen sources are important con-
stituents of every medium. Thus, sucrose-nitrate medium, glucose-
asparagine medium, or malt extract-yeast extract medium are preferred
to Czapek's medium, Schopfer's medium, or Leonian's medium. These
descriptive terms afford valuable information that personal names do not.
Even when the reader is familiar with the composition of a named medium,
alcohol and acetone have been used. Hansen and Snyder (1947) have
recommended the use propylene oxide for the sterilization of plant
parts used for culture media. Frequently a seemingly insignificant
change in the method of preparing a medium may result in significant
changes in the composition of the medium, which in turn may be reflected
in the behavior of the organisms grown upon it. Even the volume of
medium in culture vessels affects the amount
decomposition during
autoclaving. Cotton plugs may introduce hnt into the medium. Less
refined grades of cotton release a volatile substance which affects the
avoid the use of percentages, but for routine work, where the composition
of media is of less importance, the use of percentages may be allowed.
Before the same medium can be prepared repeatedly, it is necessary to
know what constituents are used and the amount of each.
Two general methods are used for reporting the composition of media.
Either the weights of the constituents and the volume of water used are
given, or the weights of the constituents are given and the medium made
up to a definite volume. The first method is in common use; its sim-
plicity conceals its disadvantages. The volume of a medium prepared by
this methodnever the same as the volume of water used. It is neces-
compare the effect of the osmotic pressure due to glucose and sucrose, the
concentration must be expressed in terms of molar strengths, for the
osmotic pressure is a function of the number of molecules of solute in a
solution. If it is the purpose to compare the effect of glucose and sucrose
on the amount of growth of a fungus, this method of expressing concen-
trations should not be used. Media of equal molarity with respect to
sucrose and glucose do not contain the same amount of carbon. The
first contains twice as much carbon as the second. Just as a milligram is
one-thousandth of a gram, a millimole is one-thousandth of a mole. The
meaning of micromole and millimicromole should be obvious.
If the weight of a compound is given in grams, this datum may be con-
verted into moles. If a medium contains 50 g. of glucose per liter, the
glucose concentration may be expressed as 50/180 or 5/18ilf. Con-
versely, if the concentration of sucrose in a medium is stated to be 0.15ilf,
the weight of sucrose is 0.15 X 342 or 51.3 g. per liter. These conversions
imply that the molecular weight is known or can be calculated. In pre-
paratory work compounds are weighed on a balance as grams, not as
moles, and unless the interpretation of the results demands conversion to
moles, it is better to record the weights than to convert these data to
derived units. The mole and molar solutions are particularly useful in
dealing with non-ionizing compounds.
Another derived unit, the equivalent, is frequently used to express the
concentration of ionized compounds. An equivalent is the atomic weight
of an ion expressed in grams divided by the valence of the ion. If an ion
is composed of more than one atom, the ion weight is computed by adding
together the atomic weights. It is important to remember that, if an
element has more than one valence, the equivalent weight depends upon
the valence. An equivalent of ferrous (Fe++) ion is 55.8/2 or 27.9 g.,
another, it should be done in such a way that the same amount of the
essential element is present in all the media. If this is not done, the basis
Media differ only in constituents and amounts used. It is desirable to
From Table 3 it will be noted that these media contain the same essen-
tial elements. Copper, molybdenum, and gallium do not appear in the
composition of the glucose-asparagine medium, but it should not be con-
cluded that these elements were not present, since only c.p. chemicals
were used to prepare this medium. Stout and Arnon (1939) note that a
distinction must be made between ordinary chemical purity and biological
purity. This will be considered in detail in Chap. 5. The two features
which make these media quite distinct are the different sources of carbon
and nitrogen used and the addition of two vitamins to the glucose-
asparagine medium. The latter medium is suitable for the growth of
more species of fungi than is the sucrose-ammonium nitrate medium.
Fungi secure food and energy from the substrates upon which they live
Brefeld, O.: Botanische Untersuchungen liber Schimmelpilze, Heft, IV Verlag
Arthur Felix, Leipzig, 1881.
Buchanan, R. E., and E. I. Fulmer: Physiology and Biochemistry of Bacteria,
Vol. I, The Williams & Wilkins Company, Baltimore, 1928.
Day, D.: Thiamin content of agar. Bull. Torrey Botan. Club 69: 11-20, 1942.
Englis, D. T., and D. Hanahan: Changes in autoclaved glucose, Jour. Am. Chevi.
Soc. 67 51-54, 1945.
Fellows, H.: Nitrogen utilization by Ophiobolus graminis, Jour. Agr. Research 53:
765-769, 1936.
*Hansen, H. N., and W. C. Snyder: Gaseous sterilization of biological materials for
use as culture media, Phytopathology 37: 369-371, 1947.
Hill, E. G., and A. R. Patton: The Maillard reaction in microbiological assay.
Science 105 481-482, 1947.
Neuberger, a., and F. Sanger: The nitrogen of the potato, Biochem. Jour. 36:
662-671, 1942.
Pigman, W. W., and R. M. Goepp, Jr.: Chemistry of the Carbohydrates, Academic
Press, Inc., New
York, 1948.
Raulin, J.: Etudes chimiques sur la v^g6tation, Ann. sci. nat., Ser. V, 11: 93-229,
Rawlins, T. E.: Phytopathological and Botanical Research Methods, John Wiley
& Sons, Inc., New York, 1933.
RiKER, A. J., and R. S. Riker: Introduction to Research on Plant Diseases, John S.
Steinberg, R. A.: Sulfur and trace element nutrition of Aspergillus niger, Jour.
Agr. Research 63: 109-127, 1941.
Stout, P. R., and D. I. Arnon: Experimental methods for the study of the role of
copper, manganese, and zinc in the nutrition of higher plants, Am. Jour. Botany
26: 144-149, 1939.
* White, N. H.: Physiological studies of the fungus Ophiobolus graminis Sacc, Jour.
Council Sci. Ind. Research 14: 137-146, 1941.
Growth may be considered either as an increase in cell number or as an
increase in mass.Usually both these processes are concurrent in the
phenomenon called growth. To a limited degree, fungus cells may
divide and form new cells without an increase in mass. A spore may
germinate in distilled water and give rise to a germ tube, but in the
absence of nutrients this process soon stops. A few cell divisions exhaust
the reserve material originally present in the spore, and growth soon
ceases unless these new cells obtain nutrients from the external environ-
ment. Under certain conditions fungus cells may increase their store of
reserve materials, and thus their mass, without an increase
in cell number,
but this process is also limited. Growth, excluding the limited meanings
given above, involves an increase in both the number and the mass of cells.
This definition of growth neither ''explains" the processes involved nor
indicates their complexity. Rahn (1932) has expressed doubt that we
will ever fully understand the process of growing. A yeast cell which
buds and produces a daughter cell illustrates one of the striking features
of growth growth involves duplication.
: From a dozen or so simple chemi-
cal substances present in the medium the parent cell synthesizes at least
a portion of the protoplasm of the daughter cell. The daughter cell has
the same genetic constitution as the parent cell, and thus a duplication of
genes is a feature of cell multiplication. The compounds which comprise
protoplasm, enzymes, genes, and other substances are extraordinarily
complex. Our meager knowledge concerning the chemical architecture
of these substances only confirms this view. In the synthesis of such
compounds we may assume that the chemical reactions which produce
them are perfectly timed and coordinated, for no series of uncorrelated
reactions could produce such compounds.
The growth processes of the filamentous fungi are still more complex
than those of yeast, because of greater differentiation in structure. In
those species of fungi which produce aerial mycelium these parts are
nourished through the mycelium in contact with the medium. This
involves translocation of nutrients over considerable distances. This is
especially true of sporangiophores and aerial fruit bodies. The develop-
ment of fruiting structures and spores is growth, in that the formation of
new cells is involved. The formation of fruit bodies in many species
Growth in the fungi, as in other organisms, follows a definite pattern.
The way this development takes place depends upon the species and the
environmental and nutritional conditions. In the present discussion, it
will be assumed that the external conditions are favorable and that growth
takes place in a limited volume of medium.
Unicellular organisms. The bacteriologists have long been interested
in the mathematical analysis of the phenomenon of growth. The student
is referred to Buchanan and Fulmer (1928) and to Rahn (1932, 1939) for
time reveals that many cells are devoid of protoplasm. It is quite possi-
ble that some of the materials released by autolysis are used by the
remaining living cells.
Filamentous fungi. With exception of the third phase of growth dis-
cussed above, the filamentous fungi follow the same order of development
as the yeasts. The most obvious difference between the filamentous
fungi and unicellular organisms is the failure to attain an exponential rate
of growth. Usually, the exponential phase is replaced by a more or less
linear phase of growth. Emerson (1950) found a straight-line relation
between the cube root of the weight of mycelium produced by Neurospora
crassa grown in nonagitated liquid medium and the time of incubation.
This relation held for three surface-volume ratios. A comparison of the
linear, logarithmic, and cube-root growth curves indicates that this fungus
has a cube-root phase of growth during the interval when the linear graph
is concave upward. Growth in the filamentous fungi is limited to the
tips of the hyphae. The influence of neighboring cells which compete for
nutrients is a much more important factor in the growth of filamentous
fungi than in submerged unicellular organisms. In unagitaged cultures a
portion of the mycelium is usually aerial at some stage of growth. The
aerial mycelium derives its nutrients from the submerged cells, which
involves the transport of these substances over some distance.
To study growth, necessary to consider both the rate and amount of
it is
• 200
4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Doys of incubation
Fig. 2. Growth of four fungi under the same conditions, in 25 ml. of liquid glucose-
casein hydrolysate medium at 25°C.
needed, as test tubes and Petri dishes are satisfactory culture vessels.
This method has the further advantage that the same cultures may be
kept under observation. It is frequently the method of choice for pre-
liminary experiments, for the very appearance of the mycelium is a clue
to the amount of growth. Growth under varying conditions may be
compared if some condition is used as a standard for comparison (see
Suggested Laboratory Exercises). It is obvious that a great deal of sub-
jective judgment enters into this method of estimating growth, but it is
veiy useful where fine distinctions are not required.
Linear growth. A second widely used method of measuring growth
consists in growing fungi in Petri dishes and measuring either the diameter
or the area of the colony. This is a useful method in some instances but
sents the rate of growth. It is obvious that this method neglects the
thickness of the colony. Worley (1939) has proposed to take the thick-
ness of the mycelium into account when growth is measured by this
method. Such measurements are difficultand neglect the mycelium
buried in the agar. The rate of linear growth of some fungi has little
relation to the composition of the medium. The rapid extension of
mycelium on water-agar medium may serve as a familiar example.
It has been frequently assumed that fungi grow at a constant rate when
maintained under constant environmental conditions. This assumption
is not necessarily true, for the growth of Aspergillus rugulosiis and many
when these fungi were cultivated above the optimum temperature. Some
of Fawcett's data which illustrate this phenomenon are given in Table 4.
Fig. 3. Growth tube patterned after those described by Ryan, Beadle, and Tatum
{Am. Jour. Botany 30: 784-799, 1943) for measuring linear growth.
hot water. Frequently the mat can be removed from the melted agar
with a pair of forceps instead of by filtering. Autoclaving removes some
soluble constituents from the mycelium, but if a uniform procedure is
adopted, the results are comparable.
Measuring yeast growth. The growth of yeasts may be measured by
four methods. Yeast cells may be counted in an aliquot of the
medium by the use of a hemocytometer or other counting chamber. The
method is tedious. (2) The volume of yeast cells in a given volume of
medium may be measured in special graduated centrifuge tubes. Yeast
Fig. 4. Direct comparison between diameters and dry weights of the same 10-day-
old cultures of Ceratostomella fimbriata in the presence of varying amounts of thiamine.
Cultures were grown in Petri dishes on 25 ml. of glucose-casein hydro lysate agar
at 25°C.
somewhat time-consuming.
Comparison of methods. It should be clearly recognized that one
method of measuring growth may not agree with another. This is illus-
general rule are slow to start growth. Apparently one of the first func-
tions a cell loses is the power of division. From this standpoint such cells
cent or more. Jute sacking is subject to fungus attack only if the mois-
ture content exceeds 17 per cent.
Table 8. The Effect of Different Volumes of Medium upon the Rate and
Maximum Amount of Growth of Sordaria fimicola
Dry weight of mycelium in milligrams.
Days of
Fig. 6. Saccharomyces cerevisine, camera lucida drawings of cells from agar cultures.
A, culture treated with penicillin; B, culture treated with penicillin plus cysteine.
(Courtesy of Nickerson and Van Rij, Biochim. et Biophijs. Acta 3: 461-475, 1949.
Published by permission of Elsevier Book Company, Inc.)
iw \ .
Fig. 7. The effect of hydrogen-ion concentration on the morphology of cells of
Sordaria fimicola. A, rounded swollen cells produced in glucose-casein hydrolysate
medium at initial pH 3.6. B, normal mycelium from the same culture a few days
after a drop of NaOH was added.
Normal growth an increase in cell number and mass. Limited
results in
growth may from either of these two processes alone. Growth is a
phenomenon which requires time for its various manifestations. Growth
follows a pattern which differs from species to species, but the general
sequence of phases is much the same for all fungi. Growth studies are
based upon measuring both the amount and the rate of growth. The rate
and amount of growth are controlled by the internal and external environ-
ment. The potentialities of a fungus are limited by its genetic constitu-
tion, but the expression of these potentialities is controlled by external
factors such as temperature, light, composition, and concentration of the
medium. Even the size and shape of the culture vessels used affect the
rate and amount of growth.
The amount of growth can be estimated by visual comparison or meas-
ured by determining the diameter of a colony or by harvesting the myce-
lium and weighing it after drying to constant weight. The amount of
yeast growth may be measured by counting the numbers of cells produced,
Elfving, F.: Studien iiber die Einwirkung des Lichtes auf die Pilze, Helsingfors
Central-Druckerei, Helsingfors, 1890.
Emerson, S.: The growth phase in Neurospora corresponding to the logarithmic
phase in unicellular organisms, Jour. Bad. 60: 221-223, 1950.
*Fawcett, H. S. The temperature relations of growth in certain parasitic fungi,
... it has become clear that the risk involved in translating results from lifeless
to living systems is a two-way one: not only may mechanisms which operate
in vivo be absent in vitro; mechanisms may be present in vitro and yet not neces-
sarily function in vivo. In fermentative physiology, as in biology generally,
selective and restrictive activity by the living organism must always be taken into
added to the lactose solution, the rate of the reaction is greatly increased,
varying in degree with the amount and kind of acid used. This same
reaction is catalyzed w^hen the enzyme, lactase, produced by some yeasts
and certain other fungi, is added to a solution of lactose. In general,
enzymes are specific catalysts. There is no stoichometric relation
between the amount of catalyst (acid or enzyme) and the amount of sub-
strate decomposed. Within limits, the amount of substrate decomposed
per unit of time is dependent upon the amount of catalyst present.
For a given set of conditions there is a position of equilibrium where the
rate of reaction of the reactants is equal and opposite to the rate of com-
bination of the products. The position of equilibrium is not changed by
the presence of a catalyst. The same catalyst will effect synthesis as well
as decomposition; the position of equilibrium as well as the relative con-
centrations of reactants and products determines which reaction pre-
dominates. It is possible to choose conditions, in some instances, so the
equilibrium conditions favor synthesis. Bourquelot (1915) demonstrated
a-methylglucoside was readily formed from methyl alcohol and glucose in
the presence of yeast juice.
It is more important to classify enzymes upon the basis of function
rather than the site of action (endo- and exoenzymes). Many enzymes
catalyze reactions in which water is either a product (synthesis) or a
would be of much more common occurrence than outside the cells. In the
medium the process of degradation may be expected to go more or less to
completion, since the soluble products of the reaction are assimilated by
the organism and hence equilibrium is not reached. Within the cell,
however, the reverse may be true. Here, the products of hydrolysis may
accumulate, a situation which would tend to favor the reverse reaction, or
synthesis. Therefore, synthesis within the cell would be expected to
occur when a plentiful supply of simple metabolite molecules continue to
reach the cell. When few, if any, metabolite molecules are entering the
cell, the hydrolysis of reserve materials would take place.
These prod-
ucts of hydrolysis within the cell are then used in other metabolic processes
until the store of reserve material is exhausted. Some of these functions
are illustrated in scheme I.
Fungus cells
Glucose -<-
Glycogen, or
other storage
endolipases are known. Many fungi store fat as reserve material, and
presumably the first step in utilization is hydrolysis.
Phosphatases are classified as esterases because of the fact that they
catalyze the hydrolysis of esters of phosphoric acid. Phosphorus is an
essential element which enters into many metabolic processes and is a
constituent of many physiologically important compounds. Many
coenzymes are esters of pyrophosphoric acid (thiamine pyrophosphate,
and diphosphopyridine nucleotide, DPN), while triphosphoric acid is a
constituent of triphosphopyridine nucleotide, TPN. The synthetic
capacity of the phosphatases has been rarely demonstrated. Other
enzymes, phosphorylases, are apparently the catalytic agents active in
forming many phosphate esters. In many instances the substrates from
which these esters are formed are different from the products of phos-
phatase hydrolysis.
Carbohydrases. The enzymes which catalyze the hydrolysis of com-
plex carbohydrates, or polysaccharides, are called carbohydrases. These
enzymes appear to be highly specific thus each of the common disaccha-
While it is doubtless correct to assume that the more complex and in-
soluble carbohydrates must be hiydrolyzed before utilization, this assump-
tion may, in some instances, be false with regard to the disaccharides. It
is possible that some fungi may employ a phosphorylative degradation of
Both may function in the same organism at the same time, although
external conditions may favor one process at the expense of the other, or a
substance may inhibit one without affecting the other.
Biological oxidations are carried out in two ways: by the removal of
hydrogen from, or by the addition of oxygen to, substrates. The name
of Wieland is associated with the process of dehydrogenation, and that of
Warburg with the second process.
The theory of Wieland stressed the importance of the enzyme systems
which activated hydrogen or removed hydrogen from substrate molecules,
while Warburg's theory focused attention upon the enzyme systems
which activated oxygen and which carried oxygen to the substrates.
These two theories might seem irreconcilable, but today they are con-
sidered as mutually complementary. Both types of enzymatic oxidation
are known for the same organism. For further discussion of this problem
the student is referred to Elvehjem and Wilson (1944) and Meyerhof et al.
(1942) For a classification of the respiratory enzymes see Gortner (1949)
and Sumner and Somers (1947). For the electronic mechanism involved
in biological oxidation-reduction see Michaelis (1946).
Some representative dehydrogenases and oxidases are aerobic dehj^dro-
genases (xanthine oxidase, and uricase); anaerobic dehydrogenases,
(succinic dehydrogenase, glucose dehydrogenase, triose phosphate dehy-
The carbon dioxide formed escapes, while the acetaldehyde formed may
be either oxidized to acetic acid or reduced to ethyl alcohol. The enzyme
which catalyzes the decarboxylation of pyruvic acid to carbon dioxide and
acetaldehyde is abundant in yeast and other fungi. This enzyme con-
sists of three moieties, a specific protein, a magnesium ion, and thiamine
formed when Qio is 2, 3, and 4. It was assumed that one unit of substrate
was transformed per unit of time at 0°C. For a reaction with a Qio of 2
an increase in temperature from 28 to 30°C. causes as great an increase in
the amount of substrate transformed as does the increase from to 10°C.
A small increase in temperature in the range 25 to 35°C. has a greater
effect on the rate of reaction than a much greater increase in temperature
in the lower temperature range.
I 30
o 20
than activators.
Inhibitors are substances which reduce or destroy enzyme activity.
Inhibition may be reversible or irreversible. A few enzyme inhibitors are
cyanides, monoiodoacetate, fluoride, and the hea\^ metals (lead, copper,
/Vo cyanide
o —— '-' o-
2.5xlO'^M NaCN
U P — o— o- — o — o,
50 75 100
Oxygen tension (mm Hg)
Fig. 10. The effect of cyanide on yeast respiration. (Courtesy of Winzler, Jour.
Cellular Comp. Physiol. 21: 238, 1943. Published by permission of Wistar Institute
of Anatomy and Biology.)
due to the formation of insoluble metal compounds rather than the forma-
tion of non-ionized complexes.
Winzler (1943) studied the effect of different concentrations of cyanide
upon the respiration of yeast maintained under different oxygen tensions.
The effect of cyanide on yeast respiration is shown in Fig. 10. It may be
Some fungi produce certain enzymes only in response to particular
environmental conditions. Such enzymes are called adaptive enzymes.
\\^ether they are produced under all cultural conditions, but in such small
amounts as to be undetectable, or whether they are produced de novo is
questionable. How^ever, this phenomenon is of great importance. Two
types of behavior be noted when a fungus is placed upon unsuitable
medium Either the fungus may die, owing to lack of
for the first time.
ability to synthesize the enzymes to cope with the new environment; or
Strain CI
160 -d^
o -Aerobic adaptation ./
• -Anaerobic adaptation
4-1-* I
32 40
8 16
Fig. 12. of adaptation of a strain of Saccharomyces carlsbergensis to galactose
under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. (Courtesy of Spiegelman, Jour. Cellular
Comp. Physiol. 25: 128, 1945. Published by permission of Wistar Institute of
Anatomy and Biology.)
after a time it may synthesize the necessary enzymes, and the fungus is
then able to grow and function under the new surroundings. Wlrether or
not the fungus is able to synthesize "new" enzymes depends upon its
genetic constitution. The biochemical and physiological responses of an
organism may change when it is placed on a different kind of medium.
These changes ordinarily are called forth by deficiencies in the medium.
The substrate upon which the inoculum grew- may be very important in
governing the various responses of the organism.
Spiegelman (1945) has shown that the adaptation of yeasts to galactose
is affected by aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Adaptation is more
rapid in air than in nitrogen, and some strains of yeast are unable to adapt
to galactose in the absence of oxygen. Figure 12 shows that only some
30 min. required for Saccharomyces carlshergensis to begin to utilize
galactose under aerobic conditions, while about 20 hr. are required under
anaerobic conditions.
The effect of composition of the medium on the readaptation of panto-
evolved and the amount of oxygen absorbed and of carbon dioxide evolved
were measured. In the absence of a nitrogen source the synthesis of
protoplasm was avoided. The rate at which heat was evolved was con-
stant until all the glucose was consumed (exogenous respiration), after
which the rate of heat formation decreased (endogenous respiration) (see
Fig. 13).
20 30 40 50 60
Time in minutes
Fig. 13. Heat produced from glucose oxidation by yeast in the absence of a nitrogen
source; 10, 20, and 30 mg. of glucose were added at zero time in curves I, II, and III,
respectively. In all cases, only 26 per cent of the expected amount of heat was
evolved before the endogenous respiration rate was resumed. (Courtesy of Winzler
and Baumberger, Jour. Cellular Comp. Physiol. 12: 199, 1938. Published by per-
mission of Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology.)
waste energy in the form of heat which is not iitihzed by the fungi. The
efficiency of utiHzation depends upon the substrate utihzcd and upon the
nature of the coupled reactions. In any case only a part of the energy
available in the sulDstrate does useful chemical work for the fungus utiliz-
ing it. The application of these ideas with any rigor requires a sound
knowledge of thermodynamics.
The chemical reactions which underlie the life processes of fungi and
other organisms are initiated by organic catalysts, or enzymes. Enzymes
catalyze synthetic as well as degradation reactions and are mediators of
energy transfer as well.
Enzymes are specific proteins which in some instances require certain
metallic ions or organic coenzymes, or both, before they are active. In
general, an enzyme controls but a single type of reaction. In living
organisms these enzyme-controlled reactions are correlated and integrated
to a high degree.
Among the external factors which modify the action of enzymes the
following are especially important: temperature, hydrogen-ion concentra-
tion, concentration of substrate and products, and inhibitors. The
effects of these factors on isolated enzymes and intact organisms are much
the same.
While the role of enzymes in maintaining life processes in fungi and
other organisms is well established, the application of this information to
living fungi must be made with due caution and the realization that a
living organism is more complex than its parts.
Barron, E. S. G., S. Dickman, and T. P. Singer: On the inhibition ol enzymes by
ionizing radiations, Fed. Proc. 6 : 236, 1947.
*Bayliss, W. M.: The Nature of Enzyme Action, 2d ed., Longmans, Roberts and
Green, London, 1925.
Bergmann, M.: A classification of proteolytic enzymes. Advances in Enzymol. 2:
49-68, 1942.
Bonner, J.: The chemistry and physiology of the pectins, Botan. Rev. 2: 475-497,
Bourqxtelot, E.: La Synthese biochimique des d-glucosides d'alcools monovalents.
II. AlcooW-glucosides a, Ann. chim., Ser. IX, 3: 287-337, 1915.
Buchner, E.: Alcoholische Garung ohne Hefezellen, Ber. d. deut. chem. Ges. 30:
117-124, 1897.
BtJNNiNG, E.: Ueber die Farbstoff- und Nitrataufnahme bei Aspergillus niger, Flora
131:87-112, 1936.
Coryell, C. D.: The proposed terms "exergonic" and "endergonic" for thermo-
dynamics. Science 92 380, 1940. :
DrxoN, M.: Multi-enzyme Systems, Cambridge University Press, New York, 1949.
Elvehjem, C. a., and P. W. Wilson (Editors): Respiratory Enzymes, Burgess
Publishing Co., Minneapolis, 1944.
IiLDES, P.: The mechanism of the anti-bacterial action of mercury, Brit. Jour.
Exptl. Path. 21: G7-73, 19-40.
GoRTNER, R. A.: Outlines of Biochemistry, 3d ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New
York, 1949.
Haldane, J. B. S.: Enzymes, Longmans, Roberts and Green, London, 1930.
Harden, A.: Alcoholic Fermentation, 4th ed., Longmans, Roberts and Green,
London, 1932.
Harter, L. L., and J. L. Weimer: A comparison of the pectinase produced by
different species of Rhizopus, Jour. Agr. Research 22: 371-377, 1921.
Hestrin, S.: The fermentation I. Reducing disaccharides and
of disaccharides.
trehalose, Wallerstein Labs. Communs. 11
193-206, 1948. :
Hopkins, R. H.: The action of the amylases. Advances in Enzymol. 6: 389-414, 1946.
Johnson, ]\L J., and J. Berger: The enzymatic properties of peptidases. Advances
in Enzymol. 2 : 69-92, 1942.
Kelner, a.: Effect of visible light on the recovery of Streptomyces griseus conidia
from ultraviolet irradiation injury, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S. 35: 73-79, 1949.
KuBowiTZ, r.: Ueber die chemische Zusammensetzung der Kartoffeloxydase,
Biocnem. Zeit. 292 221-229, 1937. :
Warburg, O. Ueber die Wirkung des Kohlenoxyds auf den Stoffwechsel der Hefe,
Organic materials are dried before analysis. On the average about 75 per
cent of the fresh weight of mycelium is water, while spores contain only
about 40 per cent water. It is probable that the water driven off when
fungus cells are dried to constant weight is in part free water and in part
water bound to various colloidal cell constituents.
Ultimate analyses of mycelium and spores always reveal the presence of
carbon and nitrogen. On the average about 45 per cent of dry mycelium
is carbon. This high content of carbon makes it certain that carbon is an
essential element. The percentage of nitrogen found is quite variable.
Phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, sulfur, and iron are
found in the ash that remains after burning mycelium and spores. More
refined methods of analysis reveal that fungus ash contains still other
elements. Richards and Troutman (1940) investigated the composition
of yeast ash by spectrographic analysis and found the following elements
iron, sodium, boron, bismuth, barium, magnesium, manganese, copper,
zinc, tin, lead,tellurium, silver, chromium, potassium, gold, and lan-
thanum. However, the mere presence of an element in fungus cells does
not necessarily mean that it is essential.
Since many of these elements in fungus ash occur in minute traces only,
it is desirable to approach the problem of essentiality in another way.
This is done by omitting from the medium the element in question.
Raulin (1869) was apparently the first to use this method. He found
that the omission of phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium, zinc, or iron from the
basal medium allowed very little growth of Aspergillus niger. These ele-
ments are thus shown to be by the two methods of investigation.
In general, the experimental work in which specific elements have been
omitted from the medium is more convincing than the method of ultimate
analysis. This is the preferred method of testing the essentiality of ele-
ments required in small amounts.
Functions of the essential elements. Thatcher (1934) has attempted
to classify the essential elements into groups: structural, functional, and
those utilized in the transfer of energy. This classification has some
validity and may serve to fix attention upon the more salient biological
features of an element. However, most, if not all, of the essential ele-
ments play many roles in the life processes of the fungi. In general, the
nonmetallic elements may
be classified as structural elements. This
means that the compounds which make up the structural units such as
the protoplasm are largely composed of the nonmetallic essential ele-
ments: carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur, and phosphorus. The
functional uses of these elements by the fungi are no less important. The
essential metallic elements may be classified as functional elements, but
this does not mean that these metallic elements have no structural
mg. per liter
furnishes the metal. The culture A^essels should be of quartz for work of
the most exacting kind, although Pyrex or other suitable glassware may
be used. It is desirable in any event to use a few quartz culture vessels as
controls. In part, the long controversy over the effect of zinc on fungi
was due to the liberation of sufficient amounts of this element from certain
kinds of glassware used as culture vessels. Javillier (1914) showed that
the addition of zinc to cultures of A . niger has little effect when Jena glass
culture flasks were used. When quartz vessels were used, the crop
increased from 291 mg. in the control without added zinc to 1,624 mg.
when zinc was added. Steinberg (1919) found essentially the same
results except that zinc deficiency could be demonstrated for A. niger
when Pyrex vessels were used (Table 10)
Table 10. The Average Weight of Five Cultures of Aspergillus niger Culti-
vated ON the Same Basal Medium in Three Makes of Glassware
(Steinberg, Am. Jour. Botany 6, 1919.)
Mg. mycelium
Make of glassware
Zinc, 10 mg. per liter
Jena 987
Kavalier Bohemian 943
Pyrex 957
essential for all fungi. It may be noted that, in the absence of another
essential element in the medium, iron alone may cause little or no response.
If the zinc content of a medium is low, the addition of iron to an iron-free
medium will have little effect. This situation is true of any essential
nutrient. Only one element may be studied at a time, but all the other
essential nutrients must be present before the effect of the nutrient under
investigation can be studied. Some results of Steinberg (1919) with
Aspergillus niger on media purified by the calcium carbonate method are
given in Table 11. Neither iron nor zinc alone had much effect on the
growth of A. niger, since both of these elements are essential for this
Table 11. The Effect of Iron and Zinc, Singly and in Combination, on the
Amount of Growth of Aspergillus niger
(Steinberg, Am. Jour. Botany 6, 1919.)
Essential Micro Element Mg. Mycelium
Control (none added) 18
Iron 44
Zinc 40
Iron plus Zinc 731
tion existed between the amount of iron supplied in the medium and the
ability ofRhizohium trijolii to synthesize certain vitamins. In the pres-
ence of suboptimal concentrations of iron the addition of certain vitamins
replaced iron to a certain degree. A quantitative study of the ^ntamins
synthesized by Torulopsis has shown the iron concentration to be
important (Lewis, 1944). Increased amounts of thiamine, riboflavin,
nicotinic acid, and pyridoxine were synthesized on media low in iron, while
the amounts of biotin, inositol and p-aminobenzoic acid were decreased.
L) 10 15 20
Mg. ferric sulfate per liter
Fig. 14. The effect of iron [Fe2 (804)3] in overcoming the inhibitory action of copper
(CuS04-5H20) on the production of penicilUn by Penicillium chnjsogenum X-1612.
An amount of copper sufficient to inhibit peniciUin production entirely did not affect
the amount of growth. The fungus was cultured submerged in a lactose-starch-
dextrin-ranmonium sulfate medium for 7 days. (Curves drawn from data of Koffler
et al., Jour. Bad. 53 120, 1947.
: Pubhshed by permission of The Williams & Wilkins
There has been a great deal of interest in the effects of iron and other
metallic ions on various microbiological processes. Perlman et al. (1946)
have shown that the iron concentration is an important factor in citric
acid fermentation by Aspergillus niger. The optimum iron concentration
for citric acid production varied over tenfold for different strains of
A. niger. The effect of iron on penicillin production has been studied by
Kofl^ler et al. (1947), who concluded that the effect of the ash of corn steep
isdue to iron and phosphate. Chromium increased penicillin production
above that obtained with iron and phosphate, presumably by neutralizing
the effect of other ions. Similarly an antagonism was shown to exist
between copper and iron. The antagonistic effect of copper and iron on
the production of penicillin by Penicillium chrysogenum X-1612 is shoA\Ti
in Fig. 14.
The iron concentration of the medium has been shown to affect the
amount of pigmentation of Torulopsis pulchcrrima (Roberts, 1946).
Zinc. This element is essential for Aspergillus niger (Raulin, 1869;
Steinberg, 1919). Foster (1939) lists Trycliophytoninterdigitale, Rhizopus
nigricans, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae as recjuiring zinc, and Roberg
(1928) found zinc to be essential for A. fumigatus and A. oryzae. Blank
(1941) reported the amount of Phymatotrichum
growth oi omnivorum to be
increased by the addition of zinc to a medium treated with calcium car-
bonate, and Perlman (1948) noted that the sclerotia of Sclerotium
delphinii are more highly pigmented in the presence of added zinc.
Zinc ions activate (and inhibit) various enzymes such as enolase and
dipeptidase. Zinc is contained in carbonic anhydrase, an enzyme which
catalyzes the decomposition of carbonic acid to carbon dioxide and water.
In addition to these specific uses the zinc concentration has a decided
effect on a number of physiological or biochemical processes in fungi.
Foster and Waksman (1939) found that the production of fumaric acid
from glucose by Rhizopus nigricans varied according to the amount of zinc
added to the medium. Fumaric acid was produced most efficiently when
the concentration of zinc was low (1.2 mg. per liter). Higher concentra-
tions of zinc resulted in increased growth and decreased production of
fumaric acid. From these results it appears that zinc plays a role in the
utilization of glucose, the completeness of oxidation and assimilation
being favored by relatively high concentrations of zinc. A somewhat
similar effect of zinc on the production of lactic acid by Rhizopus sp. has
been noted (Waksman and Foster, 1938). Zinc was found to cause
increased growth and a decrease in the production of lactic acid, while the
effect of iron is to increase the yield of lactic acid. For a further dis-
cussion of the mechanism fungus metabolism, see Foster (1949).
of zinc in
Copper. This element is essential for animals, green plants, and fungi.
From the work of Steinberg (1936) it appears that 0.04 mg. of added
copper per liter of purified medium is sufficient for the maximum growth
of Aspergillus niger. Under these conditions omission of copper decreased
the yield only from 984.8 to 774.3 mg. It is probable that purification of
the medium by is not very satisfactory
the calcium carbonate treatment
for this element. The ^veightmetal needed to obtain maximum growth
with A. niger is much less for copper than for iron or zinc. The experi-
mental difficulties increase as the amount of a micro element needed
becomes less. Apparently it is very difficult to prepare a copper-free
medium. Roberg (1931) made use of Bortel's method of adding a trace
of ammonium sulfide to convert heavy metals to sulfides and adsorbing
these impurities with charcoal. This treatment is very efficient in remov-
ing iron and zinc but somewhat less satisfactory for removing copper.
The essential nature of copper for A. flavus and Rhizopus nigricans was
shown by McHargue and Calfee (1931). The full effect of copper was
dependent upon the presence of other essential elements. The coloration
of conidia of A. niger has been shown to depend upon the copper content
of the medium (Javillier, 1939).
Although copper is an essential element, it is a constituent of many
fungicides (Chap. 12). The concentration, therefore, is a very important
consideration in studying the effect of this element. The phenomenon of
ion antagonism must also be considered, for the effect of a given amount
of copper is dependent upon the other constituents of the medium.
Marsh (1945) investigated the antagonistic effects of three salts upon
copper as it affected germination of conidia of Sclerotinia fructicola
Salt concen-
Fig. 15. Pythiomorpha gonapodyoides growing in a basal solution \Yith no added
mineral supplements. A, medium prepared with Baker's Analyzed magnesium
sulfate. B, medium prepared with Mallinckrodt's magnesium sulfate analytical
reagent. Age, 5 days. Note the extensive white mj'celium in A and the slight
growth in B. (Courtesy of Robbins and Hervey, Bull. Torrey Botan. Club 71: 263,
Table 13. Effect of the Omission of Calcium from the Medium on the
Growth of Seven Fungi
(Steinberg, Science 107, 1948.)
Calcium added,
Aspergillus niger
Rhizoctonia solani
Sclerotium I'olfsii
Cercos-pora nicotianae
Fusarium oxysporum var. nicotianae.
Pythium irregulars
Thielaviopsis basicola
The role of the essential metallic elements is primarily functional rather
than structural. Presumably these ions usually function in ionizable
combinations, but some compounds containing metals in non-ionizable
compounds have been isolated from fungi. It may be assumed that
many of these metallic ions activate enzyme systems, while others are
integral parts of enzymes and other essential organic compounds. An
element is essential because some of its vital functions cannot be replaced
by any other element. Some functions may be performed by other closely
related elements.
The concentration of an essential element affects many life processes
besides growth, which is the usual criterion of essentiality. The concen-
trations of various essential ions influence the formation of pigments, the
synthesis of vitamins and other products, and the dissimilation of carbo-
hydrates. While the essential elements may
be supposed to participate
uniquely in certain life processes, the concentrations of other ions, both
of essential and nonessential elements, modify the action of a given ele-
ment. The phenomenon of ion antagonism no doubt exists among all
ions, and in evaluating the effects of any element it is necessary to con-
sider the other constituents present in themedium. It is probable that
the mechanism involved one of modified adsorption rather than any
Bertrand, D.: Le Vanadium comme facteur de croissance pour V Aspergillus niger,
Bull. soc. chim. biol. 23: 467-471, 1941.
Bertrand, D.: Le Vanadium chez les champignons et plus sp^cialement chez les
Amanites, Bull. soc. chim. biol. 25: 194-197, 1943.
Blank, L. M.: Response of Phymatotrichum omnivorum to certain trace elements,
Jour. Agr. Research 62: 129-159, 1941.
BoRTELS, IT.: als Katalysator bei der biologischen Stickstoffbindung,
Arch. Mikrohiol. 1333-342, 1930. :
Foster, J. W.: Chemical Activities of Fungi, Academic Press, Inc., New York,
Foster, J. W., and S. A. Waksman: The specific effect of zinc and other heavy
metals on growth and fumaric acid production by Rhizopus, Jour. Bad. 37:
599-617, 1939.
Frey-Wyssling, A.: Die unentbehrlichen Elemente der Pflanzennjihrung, Natur-
wissenschaften 23: 767-769, 1935.
GoRTNER, R. H.: Outlines of Biochemistry, 3d ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New
York, 1949.
GusTAFSON, F. G.: Comparative studies on respiration. IX. The effects of antago-
nistic salts on the respiration of Aspergillus niger, Jour. Gen. Physiol. 2: 17-24,
HicKEY, R. J. :The inactivation of iron by 2,2'-bipyridine and its effects on riboflavin
synthesis by Clostridium acetobutylicum, Arch. Biochem. 8: 439-447, 1945.
Jarvis, F. G., and M. J. Johnson: The mineral nutrition oi Penicillium chrysogenum
Q176, Jour. Bad. 59: 51-60, 1950.
Javillier, M.: Une cause d'erreur dans I'etude de Taction biologique des elements
chimiques: la presence de traces de zinc dans la verre, Compt. rend. acad. sci.
158: 140-143, 1914.
Javillier, M.: Cuivre et Aspergillus niger. Rappel de quelques faits anciens, Ann.
fermentations 5: 371-381, 1939.
*KoFFLER, II., S. G. Knight, and W. C. Frazier: The effect of certain mineral ele-
ments on the production of penicillin in shake flasks, Jour. Bad. 53: 115-123,
Laborey, F., J. Lavollay, and J. Neumann: Coefficient d'action du magnesium
vis-a-vis d' Aspergillus niger: variation lineaire de ce coefficient la concen- avec
tration en phosphore, Compt. rend. acad. 212: 624-626, 1941.
Lavollay, J., and F. Laborey: Sur les circonstances d'apparition de pigments jaunes
dans le liquide de culture d' Aspergillus niger, Compt. rend. acad. sci. 206 1055- :
1056, 1938.
Lewis, J. C. Relationship of iron nutrition to the synthesis of vitamins
: by Torulopsis
utilis, Arch. Biochem. 4: 217-228, 1944.
Lilly, V. G., and L. H. Leonian: The interrelationship of iron and certain factors in
the growth of Rhizohium trifolii. strain 205, Jour. Bad. 50 383-395, 1945. :
gegeniiber Bor und Quecksilber bei einigen Pilzen, Arch. Mikrohiol. 11 329-367, :
Raulin, J.: Etudes chimiques sur la vegetation, Ann. sci. nat., Ser. V, 11: 93-299,
Richards, O. W., and M. C. Tkoutman: Spectroscopic analysis of the mineral con-
tent of yeast grown on synthetic and natural media. Jour. Bad. 3D 739-746, :
Rickes, E. L., N. G. Brink, F. R. Koniuszy, T„ R. Wood, and K. Folkers:
Crystalline vitamin B12, Science 107 396-397, 1948. :
RippEL, A., and G. Behr: Ueber die Verteilung des Magnesiums im Pilzmycel, Arch.
Mikrohiol. 1 271-276, 1930. :
RippEL, A., and G. Behr: Ueber die Bedeutung des Kaliums im Stoffwechsel von
Aspergillus niger, Arch. Mikrohiol. 5: 561-577, 1934.
RoBBiNS, W. J., and A. Hervey: Response oi Pythiomorpha gonapodyoides to manga-
nese. Bull. Torrey Botan. Club 71 258-266, 1944. :
Roberg, M.: Ueber die Wirkung von Eisen-, Zink-, und Kupfersalzen auf Aspergillen,
Cent. Bakt., Abt. II. 74: 333-371. 1928.
RoBERG, M.: Weitere Untersuchungen iiber die Bedeutung des Zinks fur Aspergillus
niger. Cent. Bakt., Abt. II, 84: 196-230, 1931.
Roberts, C. The effect of iron and other factors on the production of pigment by the
Steinberg, R. A. Relation of accessory growth substances to heavy metals, includ-
ing molybdenum, in the nutrition of Aspergillus niger, Jour. Agr. Research 52:
439-448, 1936.
Steinberg, R. A. Role of molybdenum in the utilization of
: ammonium and nitrate
nitrogen by Aspergillus niger, Jour. Agr. Research 55: 891-902, 1937.
Steinberg, R. A.: The essentiality of gallium to growth and reproduction of Asper-
gillus niger. Jour. Agr. Research 57: 569-574, 1938.
Steinberg, R. A. Correlations between biological essentiality and atomic structure
YoE, J. H., and L. A. Sarver: Organic Analytical Reagents, John Wiley «fe Sons,
Inc., New York, 1941.
YosHiMURA, F. The action of some heavy metals upon the production of catalase in
Hydrogen enters into the composition of nearly all organic compounds
of interest to physiology except carbon dioxide. This is true of the
organic nutrients used by fungi as well as of the fungus protoplasm and
other cellular compounds. Elemental hydrogen is not used by fungi.
All the hydrogen utilized by fungi is in chemical combination. Certain
bacteria (hydrogen bacteria), however, are able to obtain energy by
oxidizing hydrogen.
The importance of water for all living organisms is so great that it
seems impossible to conceive of life without water. The formula H2O is
really the formula of steam. In the liquid state these simple molecules
Apparently none of the fungi are obligate anaerobes. Many are
strictly and some are facultatively anaerobic. An aerobic
organism requires uncombined oxygen, while a facultative anaerobe may
use combined oxygen in addition to free oxygen. The amount of oxygen
required for optimum growth varies with the species. It is common to
express the amount of oxygen available in terms of millimeters of mercury.
Approximately 21 per cent of air is oxygen. The amount of oxygen may
be regulated by controlling the air pressure within the culture vessel. If
the barometric pressure is 740 mm. Hg, the partial pressure due to oxygen
is ^Hoo X 740, or 155.4 mm. Hg. If the pressure within a culture vessel
mm. Hg. Tamiya (1942) has reported that Aspergillus onjzae has a
maximum rate of respiration when the partial pressure of oxygen is 500
to 630 mm. Hg. Such partial pressures of oxygen are readily obtained by
using oxygen-nitrogen mixtures. Ternetz (1900) reported the following
reduced oxygen supply on Ascophanus carneus: at 10 mm. Hg the
effects of
mycelium grew with difficulty; at 20 mm. Hg growth was good, but no
spores formed; at 40 mm. Hg some fructification occurred; at 120 to 140
mm. Hg growth was somewhat better than at atmospheric pressure.
The ability of certain soil fungi to exist under conditions of low oxygen
supply is important for survival. The amount of oxygen in soil depends
upon the soil type and the amount of water present. Soil saturated with
water contains but a trace of free oxygen. Hollis (1948) found Fusarium
oxysporum to survive under essentially anaerobic conditions for 13 weeks,
while F. eumartii perished within 3 weeks when exposed to the same condi-
tions, The mycehum grown under reduced oxygen ten-
of F. oxysporuni
sion was abnormal in its morphology. For further information on the
effect of reduced oxygen tension, see Fellows (1928) and Scheffer and
Livingston (1937).
Enormous amounts must be supplied to the 10,000- to
of sterile air
15,000-gal. tanks used in the production of penicillin
and other antibiotics.
In the laboratory, aeration is provided by shaking machines of the rotat-
ing or reciprocal type. Aeration under these conditions is more uniform
than is possible in stationary cultures, W'here submerged and aerial
hyphae obtain different amounts of oxygen. This was sho\Mi by Tamiya
(1942) who reported that the enzyme systems of submerged mycelium of
Aspergillus oryzae are more easily poisoned by cyanide than are those of
aerial mycelium.
In a broad sense, respiration denotes all the enzymatic processes which
occur in cells involving a release of energy. There are two general ways
in which energy is released by living cells: (1) Cells obtain energy from
chemical reactions in which free oxygen is a reactant. The oxidation of
metabolite molecules by this process is generally called respiration, or
more specifically aerobic respiration. This process is characterized by the
intake of free oxygen and the formation of carbon dioxide. If the com-
pound being oxidized is composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen only,
the products are carbon dioxide, water, and energJ^ (2) Cells also obtain
energy from chemical reactions in which free oxygen is not a reactant.
This process is called anaerobic respiration, or fermentation. Metabolic
processes of this kind are characterized by the production of carbon
dioxide, the incomplete oxidation of substrate molecules, and the release
of a small amount of energy.
The reactions involved in the aerobic respiration of glucose may be
summarized in a single equation:
This equation, like the preceding one, gives no indication of the inter-
mediate reactions involved. To obtain the same amount of energy, more
of a compound must be fermented than when it is completely oxidized.
Not all of the energy released by either of these processes is available to
the organism (Chap. 4).
The respiratory quotient for this fat is 57/81.5, or 0.7. If fungus cells are
Fig. 16. A constant-temperature bath and shaking device for micro respiration
studies. (Courtesy of American Instrument Company.)
Age of cells,
used has a great effect on the results obtained. Nickerson and Carroll
(1943) have indicated that the culture history of the cells used influences
the amount of aerobic respiration. Some of their data for Zygosaccharo-
myces acidifaciens are shown in Table 16.
Not all compounds which contain an essential element are equally
useful. In fact, some compounds are useless because the essential ele-
ment is unavailable. Among the factors which may affect availability is
the state of oxidation of the essential element. This is particularly true
of sulfur, phosphorus, and nitrogen. Among the organic compounds,
structure is enormously important. The situation is further complicated
in that not all fungi utilize the same compounds. Many examples of thi,
will be cited in connection with nitrogen and carbon nutrition. Atten-
tion must be given the sources of the essential elements as well as the uses
fungi make of them.
Sources of sulfur. This element is present in many types of com-
pounds, both inorganic and organic. The state of oxidation of sulfur, as
well as the specific structure of organic sulfur compounds, affects utiliza-
tion. Sulfate sulfur, SO4"", is the most common source of sulfur used in
media. Some fungi, however, require specific organic sources of sulfur.
Steinberg (1936, 1941) has made an exhaustive study of sulfur sources for
Aspergillus niger and reached the general conclusions that inorganic sulfur
compounds containing oxidized sulfur are utilized, while sulfide and
disulfide sulfur are not utiHzed. Of the organic compounds containing
sulfur, the alkyl thioalcohols, sulfides,and disulfides are not used.
Alkyl sulfonates and sulfinates are excellent sources of sulfur. Steinberg
is of the opinion that oxidized sulfur is reduced to suKoxylate before it
nine, and It was postulated that sulfate sulfur was first reduced
to sulfite and then to sulfoxylate, which was assumed to dimerize to
thiosulfate. The next reaction was believed to be between serine and
thiosulfate to form cysteine S-sulfonate, which is then converted to
cysteine. Cysteine on being oxidized forms cystine.
vitamins, thiamine and biotin, contain sulfur. The role of these
compounds will be considered in Chap. 9. In addition to the sulfur-con-
taining amino acids and vitamins there is evidence that other types of
organic sulfur compounds are formed by fungi. Raistrick and Vincent
(1948) found that many strains and species of Aspergillus and Penicillium
converted essentially all of the sulfate sulfur into organic sulfur com-
pounds, but not all of these compounds were found in the fungus proteins.
Penicillium chrysogenum excretes into the medium various unidentified
organic sulfur compounds (Plumlee and Pollard, 1949). The function of
these compounds is unknown.
The reactions whereby a fungus transforms a single source of sulfur into
these various compounds are obscure. When sulfate or other sources
containing oxidized sulfur are utilized, it is necessary for the fungus to
reduce the sulfur to its lowest valence. Schizophyllum commune has been
shown to reduce sulfate to methyl mercaptan, CH3SH (Birkinshaw et al.,
1942). This substance contributes to the characteristic odor of this
Raulin (1869) found phosphorus to be an essential element for Aspergil-
lus niger. Omission of phosphate from his synthetic medium reduced the
yield approximately 50 per cent. Phosphorus is essential for all forms of
life. Phosphorus may be classified as a structural element in the sense
that definite compounds containing this element have been isolated from
fungi. Phosphorus compounds play an important role in the functions of
chemical transformations and energy transfer.
Sources of phosphorus. Apparently phosphorus is utilized only when
it is in the form of phosphate. This element is taken up as phosphate and
functions in this form, mainly in the form of phosphate esters. It will be
recalled that there are several different phosphates. The formulas for the
potassium salts are K3PO4, potassium orthophosphate KPO3, potassium
Characteristics of
tural purposes. The cell many species, with the exception of the
wall of
Oomycetes and yeasts, appears to be composed of chitin (Brian, 1949).
Chitin is a linear polymer, similar to cellulose, of D-glucosamine. The
amino group of glucosamine in chitin is acetylated. This substance
makes up the exoskeleton of insects and Crustacea. It is interesting that
the chitin formed by fungi, insects, and Crustacea appears to be the same
substance. Protein, the basis of protoplasm, is composed of nitrogenous
substances. Purines, pyrimidines, and some of the vitamins are also
nitrogen-containing compounds.
Not all nitrogen sources are equally suitable for all fungi. Fungi may
be specific in the nitrogen sources they utilize. Our information on this
subject, while extensive, is far from complete. The reports in the litera-
ture which indicate that specific fungi are able to grow on a given source
of nitrogen may be accepted with confidence, but the reported negative
results are to beviewed with caution. Failure of a fungus to grow upon a
given nitrogen source may mean only that the medium used did not con-
tain the necessary growth factors, as in the case of Ophioholus graminis
(See Chap. 2).
Classification according to nitrogen sources used. Robbins (1937),
Steinberg (1939, 1950), and others have classified the fungi according to
their ability to utilize different sources of nitrogen. In the main Rob-
bins's classification as follows: (1) fungi able to utihze atmospheric
nitrogen but not able to utilize atmospheric nitrogen; (3) fungi able to
utilize ammonium and organic nitrogen but unable to utilize atmospheric
or nitrate nitrogen; (4) fungi which are able to utilize only organic
nitrogen and unable to utilize atmospheric, nitrate, or ammonium nitro-
gen. Robbins recognized that the experimental conditions might affect
the classification of some fungi. In spite of admitted imperfections the
above classification is very useful in preparing media and in discovering
the causes of failure of some fungi to grow on certain media.
Nitrogen -fixing fungi. It has been shown to the satisfaction of all
competent investigators that various genera of bacteria {Rhizohium,
Azotobacter, Clostridium) contain species which are able to fix nitrogen.
P. betae S. sclerotioruni
Pleurage curvicolla Sderotium bataticola
Pyronema confluens Septoria nodorum
Pythiomorpha gonapodyoides Sordaria fimicola
Pythium debaryanum Sphaeroholus stellatus
P. intermedium Sphaeropsis malorum
P. irregular Trichoderma lignorum
Rhizodonia solani VerticiUium albo-atrum
Sderotinia minor Xylaria mali
Several of the species in the above Hst were reported by Young and
Bennett (1922) and others by Robbins and Kavanagh (1942). Some
reports are found in the papers of various authors, while some of the fungi
have been observed in our laboratory (see Fig. 17 for illustrations).
Fungi which utilize ammonium nitrogen. In the nitrogenous com-
pounds found in fungi the nitrogen is in the same state of oxidation as in
ammonium compounds. The following is a partial list of fungi which
have been reported or observed to require ammonium or organic nitrogen
and to be unable to assimilate nitrate nitrogen:
Fungi which utiUze only organic nitrogen. Certain fungi are unable to
utilize nitrogen except in the form of amino acids, peptides, and mixtures
of these compounds such as peptone. The use of organic nitrogen does
not extend to all organic compounds which contain this element. Many
Fig. 17. Growth of two fungi on four media differing in nitrogen source. .4, no
nitrogen added; B, potassium nitrate; C, ammonium tartrate; D, asparagine. Above,
Helminthosporium sativum; below, Ceratostomella fimbriata.
Table 19. The Effect of Various Organic Acids on the Growth of Four
Fungi on Media Containing Ammonium Nitrate
Initial pH 5.5. Figures are milligrams of mycelium produced. (Leonian and LiUy,
Am. Jour. Botany 27, 1940.)
Organic acids,
metaprotein —> proteoses —> peptones —> peptides —> amino acids. Pep-
tone, which is a complex mixture of peptides and amino acids, is frequently
used as a nitrogen source in media. According to Gortner (1929),
peptones are neither coagulated by heat nor precipitated by saturating a
solution with ammonium sulfate, properties which distinguish peptones
from proteins, metaproteins, and proteoses. Since peptides having some
11 amino-acid residues are precipitated by ammonium sulfate, it may be
deduced that the peptides in peptone have on the average 10 or less
amino-acid residues. Peptone is a useful source of nitrogen when it is
desired to culture a large number of species upon a single medium. A
part of its virtue may be ascribed to its complex nature, for a mixture of
nitrogen sources may be better utilized than a single source. Peptone
also contains most of the water-soluble vitamins (Stokes et al., 1944).
Most of the amino acids which have been isolated from proteins are
listed in Table 20. In addition, the amides of aspartic and glutamic
acids are included. These compounds are found free in many plants and
are thus available to the fungi in nature.
These amino acids are not of equal value in fungus nutrition. The
relative value of 24 amino acids for 14 fungi was tested by Leonian and
Lilly (1938) who found no one amino acid w^as best for all these species.
Steinberg (1942) made an extensive study of growth of Aspergillus niger
on 22 amino acids. Seven were excellent sources of nitrogen for A. niger:
alanine, arginine, aspartic and glutamic acids, glycine, proline, and
hydroxyproline. Steinberg expressed the opinion that the seven amino
acids which supported the most growth of A. niger are those which are
synthesized first (primary amino acids) by this fungus and from which the
other amino acids (secondary amino acids) are normally formed. It is
assumed that the "primary" amino acids enter directly into the metabolic
pathways, while the "secondary" amino acids must undergo preliminary
deamination before use. The primary amino acids are probably not
the same for all fungi. Lilly and Leonian (1942) investigated the effect
of nitrogen source on the growth of 10 strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
The data in Table 21 show clearly that different amino acids vary in
effectiveness, and that different strains of the same organism respond
differently to the same source of nitrogen.
: :: : : : :
Tryosine HO^^^ \ CH2— CH(NH2)— COOH
Proline: CH2 CH— COOH
involved and the specific fungus used. Leonian and Lilly (1940) tested
thegrowth of Phycomyces blakesleeanus upon five single amino acids and
upon a mixture of these five amino acids with the following results mix- :
ture of five amino acids, 214; asparagine, 209; DL-alanine, 151; arginine,
50; aspartic acid, 203; glycine, 201; and glutamic acid, 189 mg., respec-
tively. a poor nitrogen source for P. blakesleeanus, but the
Arginine is
Yeast strain
Nitrogen source
amount of growth of one strain was 70.6 mg. on aspartic acid alone, while
on the amino-acid mixture only 38.6 mg. was produced. Omission of
asparagine from the mixture increased the yield to 52.0 mg. These
results show that the effects of multiple nitrogen sources upon growth, and
perhaps other functions, are complex.
Organic acids, especially the four-carbon dicarboxylic acids, affect the
some amino acids much as they do that of ammonium com-
utilization of
pounds. Phycomyces hlakesleeamis on a medium containing arginine
produced 43 mg. of mycelium per flask. Addition of 0.1 per cent succinic
acid to the medium increased the yield to 192 mg. (Leonian and Lilly,
Nitrogen utilization by the fungi has been studied for almost a century,
but many of the problems involved are not yet solved. Brenner (1914)
has reviewed the early work in this field, especially with reference to the
divergent views of Raciborski and Czapek on the mode of utilization of
amino acids. Raciborski held that amino acids were deaminat^d before
utilization, while Cznpek believed that amino acids were utilized directly.
Both processes arc doubtless involved, and only prolonged study of
specific fungi and various nitrogen sources will permit elucidation of these
One of the main uses of nitrogen is in the synthesis of proteins. With
the exception of certain amino acids (primary amino acids) and ammonia,
most nitrogen sources undergo modification before entering the synthetic
metabolic pathways. Nitrates, nitrites, and hydroxylamine are pre-
sumably reduced to ammonia before assimilation. Those amino acids
(secondary amino acids) which do not enter directly into the metabolic
pathways leading to the synthesis of protein are probably deaminated.
Burk and Horner (1939) have listed the types of deamination performed
by fungi as follows:
1. Deamination by hydrolysis:
R— CH(XH.:)— COOH > R— CH(OH)— COOH + NH3
2. Deamination by hydrolysis followed by decarboxylation:
R— CHCNHo)— COOH > R— CH2OH + CO2 + NH3
3. Oxidative deamination:
The production of higher alcohols, "fusel oil," is due to hydrolytic
deamination and decarboxylation of various amino acids, especially
leucine, which yields isoamyl alcohol. Various species of filamentous
fungi, especially those which produce alcohol, are capable of the same
reactions. The following amino acids are converted by yeasts into alco-
hols having one less carbon than the parent amino acid: leucine, isoleucine,
phenylalanine, trytophane, and valine. Wirth and Nord (1942) indicate
that Fusarium lini oxidatively transforms alanine into pyruvic acid.
For further information on the process of deamination by yeast, see Thorn
(1937). The process of deamination releases nitrogen in the form of
ammonia, which is utilized by most fungi.
It seems probable that the synthesis of amino acids is the next step in
protein formation. The formation of primary amino acids may result
from the reaction of ammonia with certain alpha-keto acids (pyruvic,
oxalacetic, and ketoglutaric) this is essentially the reverse of oxidative
se 30 40 50 60 70
Time in minutes
Fig. 19. Amounts of soluble nitrogen compounds found in the trichloroacetic acid
extract as a function of time. Data are based on 100 ml. of yeast suspension, or
about 5 g. fresh yeast. Curve 1 represents total soluble nitrogen, curve 2 total
amide nitrogen, curve 3 alanine nitrogen, and curve 4 dicarboxylic-amino-acid nitro-
gen. (Courtesy of Roine, Ann. Acad. Sci. Fennicae 26: 63, 1947.)
amides, and alanine. It may be assumed that the amides of gkitamic and
aspartic acid function in yeast as nitrogen carriers, as they do in green
Preformed amino acids are probably used in protein synthesis. In
principle this process is the reverse of hydrolysis. Many complex chem-
ical reactions are involved. Proteins vary in complexity, the simplest
having molecular weights in the neighborhood of 16,000 to 17,000. The
molecular weight of some proteins is said to be greater than 1,000,000,
and tobacco mosaic virus protein is estimated to have a molecular weight
of 40,000,000. In spite of these enormous molecular weights, a good
deal is known about the structure of proteins. Fundamentally, a pro-
tein consists of amino-acid residues joined together by peptide linkages,
— CH2 — NH— —CO Since different proteins have highly specific
Ammonia —
AsTBUKY, W. T. X-rays and the stoichiometry of the proteins, Advances in Enzymol.
3: 63-108, 1943.
Barnes, T. C: Textbook of General Physiology, The Blakiston Company, Phila-
delphia, 1937.
Barron, E. G. Mechanisms of carbohydrate metabolism. An essay in compara-
S. :
Wilkins Company, Baltimore, 1930.
Vol. II, the Williams
Bull, H. B. Protein structure. Advances in Enzymol. 1: 1-42, 1941.
Harden, A.: .Alcoholic Fermentation, Longmans, Roberts and Green, London, 1932.
Hawker, L. E.: The effect of vitamin Bi on the utilization of glucose by Melano-
spora destruens Shear., Ann. Botany 8: 79-90, 1944.
Herbst, R. M.: The transamination reaction, Advances in Enzymol. 4: 75-97, 1944.
Hevesy, G. Some applications of radio-active indicators in turnover studies,
*HoLLis, J. P.: Oxygen and carbon dioxide relations oi Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht.
and Fusarium eumartii Carp., Phytopathology 38: 761-775, 1948.
La Far, F.: Technical Mycology. Vol. II, Eumycetic Fermentation (trans. C. T. C.
Salter), Charles Griffin & Co., Ltd., London, 1911.
Leonian, L. H., and V. G. Lilly: Studies on the nutrition of fungi. I. Thiamin, its
constituents, and the source of nitrogen. Phytopathology 28 531-548, 1938.
Leonian, L. H., and V. G. Lilly: Studies on the nutrition of fungi. IV. Factors
influencing the growth of some thiamin-requiring fungi. Am. Jour. Botany 27
18-26, 1940.
Lilly, V. G., and L. H. Leonian: Nitrogen metabolism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae,
Proc. West Va. Acad. Sci. 16: 60-70, 1942.
LiNDEBERG, G. Ucber die Physiologic Ligninabbauender Bodenhymenomyzeten,
NoRD, F. F., and R. P. Mull: Recent progress in the biochemistry of Fusaria,
Advances in Enzymol. 5: 165-205, 1945.
PiRSCHLE, K.: Biologische Beobachtungcn liber Hefewachstum mit besonders
Berlicksichtigen von Nitraten als Stickstoffquelle, Biochem. Zeit. 218: 412-444,
Plumlee, C. H., and A. L. Pollard: Studies on bromine-oxidizable sulfur-contain-
ing compounds in mold metabolism, Jour. Bad. 57 405-407, 1949. :
Steinberg, R. A.: Effects of barium salts upon Aspergillus niger and their bearing
upon the sulfur and zinc metabolism of the fungus in an optimum solution,
Botan. Gaz. 97: 666-671, 1936.
Steinberg, R. A. Growth of fungi in synthetic nutrient solutions, Botan. Rev. 5
327-350, 1939.
Thorn, R. S. W. The : assimilation of nitrogen from amino acids by yeast, Jour. Inst.
Brewing 43 288-293, 1937.
Wolf, F. A., and F. T. Wolf: The Fungi, Vol. II, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New
York, 1947.
Young, H. C, and C. W. Bennett: Growth of some parasitic fungi in synthetic
culture media, Am. Jour. Botany 9: 459-461, 1922.
carbon in the chain. Sugars having an aldehyde group are called aldoses,
those having ketone group, ketoses; the ending -ose denotes a sugar. In
addition, the sugars are further classified according to the number of
carbon atoms in the chain, e.g., pentoses, hexoses, or more specifically
as aldopentoses, ketohexoses, etc. While be necessary in the
it will
Fig. 20.
Growth of three fungi on four sugars. A, gkicose; B, fructose; C, sucrose;
D, maltose. Top row, Monilinia Jructicola (8 days); middle, Mucor ramannianus
(8 days); bottom, Ustilago striiformis, fragmenting strain (20 days).
2. H— C— OH HO— C—
HO— C— H— C—OH
4. H— C— OH HO— C—
5. H— C—OH HO— C—
D-Glucose L-Ghicosc
The letters d and l indicate that these sugars belong to different series;
they do not indicate optical rotation. The small letters d and / have
been used in the past to express two separate ideas, optical rotation or
configuration. The use of d and I makes it difficult
in the old literature
at times to discover which enantiomorph was meant. The configuration
of the secondary hydroxyl group farthest from the carbonyl group deter-
mines to which series a sugar belongs. D-Glucose is the form which
occurs naturally and is meant when glucose is used without qualification.
Not all naturally occurring sugars belong to the d series; e.g., L-arabinose.
For the sake of clearness and accuracy, the series designation should
always be used where there is any chance of confusion and misinterpre-
tation. Pigman and Goepp (1948) point out that only sugars of the
galactose type occur naturally as both enantiomorphs. D-Galactose is
fermented by some yeasts, while L-galactose is not.
Hexoses. The following hexoses occur naturally: D-glucose, D-man-
nose, D-galactose, L-galactose, D-fructose, and L-sorbose. It is doubtful
if L-sorbose occurs in green plants, but itis formed from sorbitol by
bacterial {Acetobacter suboxydans) oxidation (Bertrand, 1904).
R ±:
utilize the three closely related sugars is illustrated by the data in Table
Glucose is utilized by more fungi than any other sugar and is nearly a
universal carbon source. In attempting to culture fungi of unknown
nutritional requirements on synthetic or semisynthetic media, glucose
should be the first carbon source used. However, there are a few fungi
which are unable to utilize glucose, or any sugar, as a carbon source.
Leptomitus lacteus (Schade, 1940; Scliade and Thimann, 1940) is unable to
utilize glucose, fructose, galactose, or sucrose. Skoog and Lindegren
(1947) have reported the behavior of 12 strains of Saccharomyces cere-
visiae which did not utilize glucose when first isolated. These strains
became adapted to glucose on sufficiently long exposure to this sugar.
Cheo (1949) found certain isolates of Ustilago striiformis to be unable to
grow on glucose when freshly transferred from a sucrose medium. After
2 to 4 weeks these isolates began to grow. This behavior suggests the
formation of an adaptive enzyme which was not formed when these
isolates were cultured on sucrose medium. Some fungi, such as L. lacteus,
apparently lack the ability to form adaptive enzymes for glucose utili-
zation and must be classed as absolutely incapable of glucose utilization,
while the yeasts of Skoog and Lindegren and the isolates of U. striiformis
are facultatively able to utilize glucose. The differences among these
fungi probably lie in the ability to form adaptive enzymes.
No carbon source can be utilized if the medium is lacking in any
essential element or Kinsel (1937) and Stevens and Larsh
(1939) reported that Diplodia macrospora would grow only on disacchar-
ides and not on media containing glucose or other monosaccharides.
Mg. mycelium
Days of
Fungus incu- D- D- D-
Ga- Mal- Suc- Lac-
bation Glu- Fruc- Man-
lac- tose rose tose
cose tose nose
Days of
Fungus D-Xylose L-Arabinose
Blakeslea trispora 6 77 49
Mucor ramannianus 8 77 74
Phycomyces blakesleeanus . . . 7 126 85
Phytophihora erythroseptica . . 12 15 7
Pythiomorpha gonapodyoides 6 33 18
Sugar acids. Three types of sugar acids may be produced from aldoses
by oxidizing the terminal groups. Oxidation of the aldehyde group
yields aldonic acids, such as D-gluconic acid
from glucose, while oxidation
of the primary alcohol group yields uronic acids, such as D-galacturonic
acid from D-galactose. Oxidation of both the aldehyde and primary
alcohol groups yields saccharic acids. The uronic acids are widely
distributed in natural polysaccharides such as plant gums and mucilages
and in pectin. The fungi in nature must frequently come in contact
with uronic acids, but data on utilization of these and other sugar acids
are rare. Steinberg (1942) cultured Aspergillus niger on media which con-
243.7 mg.; actual yield, 154.7 mg.). The effect of mixed carbon sources
in the amount of growth of Phy corny ces blakesleeanus and Pythiomorpha
gonapodyoides appeared to be purely additive (Margolin, 1942).
Table 26. The Effect of Galactose and Glucose, Singly and in Combination,
UPON the Amount of Growth of Aspergillus niger
Cultures incubated 7 days at 20°C. (Horr, Plant Physiol. 11, 1936.)
Grams of Sugars Used per Liter Yield, Mg. per Culture
10 galactose 45 .
18 galactose 42.4
20 galactose 44.3
2 glucose 145 .
10 glucose 411 .0
18 galactose + 2 glucose 577.4
10 galactose + 10 glucose 1,151.6
The form in which an organic acid exists (free acid or salt) is a function
of the pH of the medium or cells. The free acid is the predominant form
at low pH values. The terms for an acid and its salt {e.g., fumaric acid,
fumarate) are used in the literature somewhat loosely. The effect of a
free acid and its anion may be different (Chap. 8).
Leptomitus ladeus, w^hich does not utilize sugars, grows on various
fatty acids — acetic, butyric to capric —
but not on formic or propionic
acids (Schade, 1940). Apodachlya hrachynema utilizes the same fatty
acids as L. ladeus and also, fumarate, succinate
and malate. Aspergillus
niger, according to Steinberg (1942), makes some growth on acetate,
lactate, tartrate, malate, and fumarate. Growth was very poor com-
pared with that on sucrose. Dulaney (1949) reported that little strepto-
mycin was produced when organic acids were used by Streptomyces
griseus.Yeasts use acetate to synthesize fat (White and Werkman,
1947). Tamiya (1932) investigated the utilization of many organic acids
by Aspergillus oryzae. Growth w^as poor on most of these compounds
except quinic acid. While an organic acid may serve as the sole source
of carbon for fungi, in general acids do not allow as much or as rapid
growth as carbohydrates.
An amino acid may serve as a source of both nitrogen and carbon.
Peptone may serve as a source of carbon and nitrogen for many fungi.
Aspergillus niger, when grown on peptone as the sole source of carbon,
deaminates the peptides and amino acids and releases ammonia in
quantities greater than the fungus can use. The utilization of amino
acids as carbon sources by A. niger w^as investigated by Steinberg (1942a),
who found certain combinations of "primary" amino acids to be utilized
about three-fourths as efficiently as sucrose.
The amino acids by Penicillium roqueforti and
utilization of individual
Fusarium oxysporum var. was studied by Gottlieb (1946).
Not all the naturally occurring amino acids were utilized as carbon sources
by these fungi. The six-carbon straight-chain amino acids norleucine and
lysine and the sulfur-containing amino acids cysteine and methionine
were not utilized as carbon sources. Glycine and valine were poor
carbon sources for P. roqueforti, while F. oxysporum var. lycopersici grew
well on these amino acids. Alternaria solani, Helminthosporium sativum,
Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium moniliforme, Chaetomium globosum, and
Aspergillus niger were unable to utilize the naturally occurring sulfur-
containing amino acids as a source of carbon.
Yeasts differ in ability to utilize different amino acids as the sole
source of carbon (Schultz et al., 1949). Glutamic acid and proline were
available to more species than other amino acids. It is characteristic of
fungi cultivated on amino-acid media as the sole source of carbon that
the medium becomes alkaline. This is probably due to accumulation of
The carbon sources to be discussed in this and the next two sections
differ from those previously considered in that they undergo hydrolysis.
The complex carbohydrates and carbohydrate-like compounds yield
simple sugars w^hen hydrolyzed. In some instances, other compounds
are also formed. In most instances, fungi utilize these compounds only
after hydrolysis. Therefore, utilization will be dependent upon the pro-
duction of the necessary hydrolytic enzymes. If a fungus is unable to
perform this preliminary "digestion," such complex carbohydrates will
be unavailable.
Many of the compounds to be considered in this section are isomers.
The simple sugars exist mainly in the form of ring structures, rather than
the open-chain forms which were depicted in the previous sections of this
chapter. The chemical evidence may be reviewed in Pigman and
Goepp (1948) or other text dealing with the sugars. Glucose exists in
aqueous solution as an equilibrium mixture of a-D-glucose and /3-D-glu-
cose. These formulas contain a six-membered ring of w^hich one atom is
oxygen (pyranose). Some sugars, however, contain a five-membered
ring (furanose).
The formulas for these two forms of glucose are given below:
\ c/ \ c-/
HO— C— HO— C—
H— C—O— H— C— O—
a-D-Glucose /3-D-Glucose
C , C-
H— C— OH H— C— OH
HO— C— HO— C—
H— C— OH
H— C— OH
H— C— O— H— C— O—
a-Methyl-D-glucoside /3-Methyl-D-glucoside
as the alcohol; (3) the stereochemical nature of the glycoside linkage; (4)
the carbon of the alcohol moiety which forms the glycoside linkage; and
(5) the ring structure of the component sugars (see Oilman, 1943),
Maltose. It is doubtful whether this disaccharide occurs free in
nature. It formed when starch is enzymatically hydrolyzed; on
Since cellobiose and maltose differ only in the nature of the glycoside
linkage, it would be interesting to compare the utilization of these two
sugars by a large number of fungi. Cellobiose has been studied so infre-
quently that the necessary data are lacking.
CH2OH H- ^ H—
O— C H— C—OH H— C— OH
HO— C— HO— C— HO— C—
H— C— OH H— C— OH HO— C—
H— C— O— H— C— O— H— C— O—
this fungus to synthesize lactase, for this fungus makes good growth on
either glucose or galactose. The same argument applies to Blakeslea
trispora, Fusarium lycopersici, Rhizopus nigricans, and R. suinus. Non-
utilization of a complex carbohydrate is usually due to the lack of the
necessary hydrolytic enzymes.
The hydrolysis by fungi is easily demonstrated.
of oligosaccharides
Phycomyccs blakesleeanus Mucor ramannianus does
utilizes sucrose while
not. If the mycelium of P. blakesleeanus is removed from a flask of
sucrose medium after several days' incubation and the flask reinoculated
with M. ramannianus, the latter fungus will grow. P. blakesleeanus
excretes sucrase, which catalyses the hydrolysis of sucrose to D-glucose
and D-fructose, both of which are utilized by M. ramannianus.
A complex carbohydrate and its hydrolytic products are not necessarily
equivalent in all respects. Hawker (1947) reported that the amount of
mycelium produced by Melanospora destruens was different when this
fungus was grown on equivalent amounts of glucose, fructose, mixtures of
glucose and fructose, and sucrose. More mycelium was produced from
glucose than from an equivalent amount of sucrose, and this was true
whether the concentrations of these sugars were low or high. On the
other hand, perithecia were produced more abundantly on sucrose than
on glucose media. Indeed, hydrolysis of the same lot of sucrose to
glucose and fructose allowed the production of no more perithecia than
other samples of these sugars. The conclusion seems inescapable that
the particular structure of sucrose was in some way favorable for the pro-
duction of perithecia. While a fungus may utilize an oligosaccharide and
its hydrolytic products, it is not safe to assume that both are used with
the same efficiency for all purposes.
The chemistry of the polysaccharides resembles that of the oligosac-
charides except that thenumber of sugar residues is much larger. These
substances constitute the bulk of carbohydrate materials synthesized by
plants and animals. The most important polysaccharides are cellulose,
starch, and glycogen. On hydrolysis simple sugars are formed. The
molecular weights of polysaccharides may be very large; cellulose from
different sources may have a molecular weight ranging from 200,000 to
400,000. The molecular weights of many polysaccharides are much less
than that of cellulose. In general, polysaccharides are insoluble or only
colloidally soluble. The utilization of these substances by fungi is
Portion of
wood block
succinic acid was increased. It was surmised that this fungus utilizes
carbon dioxide, since none was set free.
The formation of oxalacetic acid by the reaction between pyruvic acid
and carbon dioxide suggests that heterotrophic carbon dioxide fixation
may play a role in amino-acid synthesis. Support of this hypothesis may
be found in the work of Ajl and Werkman (1949), who found the carbon
dioxide requirement of Aerohacter aerogenes could be replaced by oxal-
acetic, a-ketoglutaric, fumaric, or aspartic acid. For further information
on carbon dioxide utilization by fungi see Foster (1949).
Table 29. The Distribution of Carbon from Arabinose among the Products
OF Metabolism of Fusarium lini
(White and Willaman, Biochem. Jour. 22, 1928. Published by permission of
Cambridge University Press.)
Age of
two fungi not proof that the reaction mechanism is the same in both
Carboxylase system
->- Pyruvic acid ^- Alcohol
X reduction
Amino acid
the same way as in yeast, phosphate plays a role in all these transforma-
tions until pyruvic acid is formed. Many investigators have contributed
± H,P04 + H3PO4
Glucose- 1-phosphate (Cori ester)^=±GIucose-()-phosphate (Robison ester)
Ethanol Lactic acid
this substance. AVe have noted in this laboratory that pyruvic acid
ordinarily disappears from culture medium as the time of incubation is
increased. The disappearance of the pyruvic acid in the culture medium
is usually correlated with a rise in pH. Some typical reactions of pyruvic
acid are shown in scheme VII. For a review of pyruvate metabolism see
Stotz (1945).
Scheme VIIo Some Typical Transformations of Pyruvic Acid
H ^^ rtmA
Pl7ri11M^ acid
Pyruvic ^\ NH3+H
Lactic acid ot - Alanine
Acetic acid Ethyl alcohol
Pyruvate -^
oi -Ketoglutarate
Organic compounds are utilized by fungi for the synthesis of structural
and functional compounds and as sources of energy. The fungi utilize a
wide range of natural organic compounds including those of great com-
plexity. Not all fungi utilize all natural organic compounds, nor do all
species utilize a given compound with the same facility. The composi-
tion, structure, and configuration of organic compounds affect utilization,
but the effect of these factors may be different for different fungi.
The carbohydrates are the most common and important sources of
carbon for the fungi. Sugars (and other compounds) having the same
structure, but with mirror-image configuration, differ physiologically.
Usually only one enantiomorph is utilized, or one is utilized much more
rapidly than the other.Glucose is utilized by more fungi than any other
sugar. Few fungi are unable to utilize glucose. A few species are appar-
ently unable to utilize any sugar; e.g., Leptomitus lacteus. The species
that utilize the pentoses, sugar alcohols, acids, and other simple organic
compounds are fewer in number than those which utilize glucose.
The oligo- and polysaccharides are utilized by fewer species than is
glucose. The nature of the glycoside linkage as well as the sugar residues
is important in determining whether these compounds are utilized by a
duces acetaldehyde, which in turn may yield either ethyl alcohol or acetic
acid. Acetate is utilized by yeast and other fungi for the synthesis of
fats and other cellular constituents. A fungus utilizes a compound by a
series of step-by-step transformation. Among the best understood of
these metabolic activities is the transformation of glucose into alcohol by
Ajl, S. J., and C. II. Werkman: On the mechanism of carbon dioxide replacement
in heterotrophic metaboHsm, Jour. Bad. 57 579-593, 1949.
alpha and beta glucosides with the corresponding glucoses. Jour. Chem. Soc. 83
1305-1313, 1903.
Bertrand, G.: Etude biochemique de la bacteria du sorbose, Ann. chim. et phys. 3:
181-288, 1904.
Campbell, W. G.: The chemistry of the white rots of wood. III. The effect on
wood substance of Ganoderma applanatum (Pers.) Pat., Fomes fomentarius
(Linn.) Polyporus adustus (Willd.) Fr., Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.) Fr.,
ArmiUaria meUea (Vahl.) Fr., Trametes pit^i (Brot.) Ft., Sind Polystictus abietinus
(Dicks.) Fr., Biochem. Jour. 26: 1829-1838, 1932.
Canting, E. C: The phj^siology of the aquatic Phycomycete, Blastocladia Pring-
sheimii, with emphasis on its nutrition u,nd metabolism, Am. Jour. Botany 36:
95-112, 1949.
Caputto, R., L. F. Leloir, R. E. Trucco, C. E. Cardini, and A. C. Paladini:
The enzymatic transformation of galactose into glucose derivatives, Jour. Biol.
Chem. 179 497-198, 1949.
GiLMAN, II.: Organic Chemistry, an Advanced Treatise, Vol. II, John Wiley & Sons,
Inc., New York, 1943.
Gottlieb, D. The utilization of amino acids as a source of carbon by fungi, Arch.
167-179, 1933.
HoLZAPFEL, II. H.: Untersuchung iiber die C-und N-Quellen einiger Fusarien, Cent.
Bakt., Abt. II., 64: 174-222, 1925.
*HoRR, W. II.: Utilization of galactose by Aspergillus niger and Pcnicillium glaucum,
Myrbach, K.: The structure of starch, Wallerstein Labs. Communs. 11: 209-219,
Nobles, M. K.: Studies in forest pathology. VI. Identification of cultures of
wood-rotting fungi, Can. Jour. Research, Sec. C, 26: 281-431, 1948.
NoRD, F. F., and R. P. Mull: Recent progress in the biochemistry of Fusaria,
Advances in Enzymol. 5: 165-205, 1945.
NoRD, F. F., and J. C. Vitucci: On the mechanism of enzyme action. XXX. The
formation of methyl-p-methoxycinnamate by the action of Lentinus lepideus
on glucose and xylose. Arch. Biochem. 14: 243-247, 1947.
NoRD, F. F., and J. C. Vitucci: Certain aspects of the microbiclegical degradation
of cellulose. Advances in Enzymol. 8: 253-298, 1948.
Norman, A. G., and W. H. Fuller: Cellulose decomposition by microrganisms.
Advances in Enzymol. 2 239-264, 1942. :
ScHADE, A. L.; The nutrition of Leptomitus, Am. Jour. Botany 27: 370-384, 1940.
ScHADE, A. L., and K. V. Thimann: The metabolism of the water mold Leptomitus
Am. Jour. Botamj 27: 659-670, 1940.
Schubert, W. J., and F. F. Nord: Investigations on lignin and lignification. I.
ScHULTZ, A. S., D. K. Mc INI ANUS, and S. Pomper: Amino acids as carbon source for
the growth of yeasts, Arch. Biochem. 22 : 412-419, 1949.
Skoog, F. K., and C. C. Lindegern: Adaptation in a yeast unable to ferment glucose
Jour. Bact. 53: 729-742, 1947.
Smith, V. M.: On the mechanism of enzyme action. XXXIX. A comparative
study of the metabolism of carbohydratqs, in the presence of inorganic and
organic phosphates, by MeruHus lacrymans and Marasmius chordalis, Arch.
Biochem. 23 446-472, 1949.
Steinberg, R. A.: The process of amino acid formation from sugars in Aspergillus
niger, Jour. Agr. Research 64: 615-633, 1942.
Steinberg, R. A.: Effects of trace elements on growth of Aspergillus niger with
amino acids. Jour. Agr. Research 64: 455-475, 1942o.
Stevens, N. E., and H. W. Larsh: Carbohydrate utilization by Diplodia macro-
spora, Trans. Illinois State Acad. Sci. 32 82, 1939. :
Tauber, H.: The Chemistry and Technology of Enzymes, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
New York, 1949.
Van Niel, C. B.: Recent advances in our knowledge of the physiology of micro-
organisms, Bact. Revs. 8 : 225-234, 1944.
VoLKONSKY, M.: Sur la nutrition de quelques champignons saprophytes et
parasites, Ann. inst. Pasteur 52: 76-101, 1934.
Weinhouse, S., and R. H. Millington: Acetate metabolism in yeast, studied with
isotopic carbon, Jour. Am. Chem. Soc. 69: 3089-3093, 1947.
*Werkman, C. H., and IL G. Wood: Heterotropic assimilation of carbon dioxide,
Advances in Enzymol. 2 : 135-182, 1942.
White, A. G. C, and C. H. Werkman: Assimilation of acetate by yeast. Arch.
Biochem. 13:27-32, 1947.
White, M. G., and Willaman: Biochemistry of plant diseases. X. Fermenta-
J. J.
tion of pentoses by Fusarium lini, Biochem. Jour. 22: 583-591, 1928.
*WiLSON, W. E.: Physiological studies on two species of Diplodia parasitic on corn.
Phytopathology 32 : 130-140, 1942.
WiRTH, J. C, and F. F. Nord: Essential steps in the enzymatic breakdown of
hexoses and pentoses. Interaction between dehydrogenation and fermentation,
Arch. Biochem. 1: 143-163, 1942.
Wolf, F. T., and C. S. Shoup The effects of certain sugars and amino acids upon
The growth of fungi and bacteria may be inhibited or prevented by
media which are too acidic or too alkaline. A completely satisfactory
medium may be made useless by the addition of relatively small amounts
of strong acids or bases but may have its former usefulness restored if the
excess acid or base is neutralized. This suggests that the ions which
characterize acids and bases are particularly active in life processes. It is
necessary to understand certain fundamental ideas about acidity and
ways of measuring concentration of these ions before discussing in detail
the effects of acids and bases on the activities of the fungi.
Since water is the universal solvent for all life processes, our discussion
willbe confined to aqueous solutions. The chemical compounds which
comprise natural and synthetic media may be divided into two classes,
those which form ions in solution (acids, bases, and salts), and those
which do not ionize (organic compounds in general, except organic acids
and bases). Water is a compound of the first class, although it forms ions
to a very slight degree. The ionization of water may be represented by
the following equation:
(3j K, = : >
:>-- 1 X icr- = 1 X lO-^*
C3) Ha ^ H- - a-
In a sofaxtica of hydrochloric acid there are two sources <rf hydrogen ions.
the acid and 'irater. Enou^ of the hydrogen icais will combine with the
hvdrasyi ions to reduce the concentration erf this ion so that Eq. (2) will
b* satined. The ionization o£ a base may be represented as follows:
i XaOH = Xa- - OH"
- ^ c- - - -- es^ctly the same as gi"r«i above fca* an acid except that
._- , _ _ :>ii C'f hy<irogen ions is less in a solution of a base than in
A s~.: i-^ : i- soch as Lyir >;h-oric. is considered to be completely itm-
ixed even lu ; rated solutions- A weak acid, such as acetic, in
jwesBQt. T: -
-tration c^ hydrogen ions is a nincrion of the con-
T: - ::. I. : UL : - _ ^-:i : ui in a soluticai can be expressed in
Ti —ays. A derived unit pH is most used in biological work. The
The pH scale has three features which may be perplexing: (1) alkaline
solutions are designated on the same scale as acidic solutions; (2) increas-
ing acidity is expressed by smaller pH values; and (3) the logarithmic
nature of the scale. A difference of one pH unit indicates a tenfold
difference in hydrogen-ion concentration, while a difference of 0.3 pH unit
means a twofold difference. A solution having a pH value of 4 contains
10,000 times as many hydrogen ions per unit volume as a solution having
a pH of 8. A solution having a pH value of 6.2 has twice the hydrogen-
pH value of 6.5. The student
ion concentration of a solution having a
should remember that pH is the name of a logarithmic scale used to
measure hydrogen-ion concentration and not an entity in itself.
(10) pH = p2v„ + log
The symbol p/C is equivalent to log {l/Ka). When the mole concen-
trations of the weak acid and its salt are equal, Eq. (10) becomes:
The p/va value of a weak acid is thus the pH of a buffer which contains
equivalent quantities of a weak acid and one of its soluble salts. The
pH of an acetate buffer containing equivalent amounts of acetic acid and
an acetate may be calculated using Eq. (11).
see Umbreit et al. (1945). The useful range of a buffer extends one pH
unit above and below the p/v^ (or p/v^) value. The data in Table 31
giving the pH range of a number of buffer systems of biological interest
were calculated using Eq. (11) and (13). The information in Table 31 is
useful in selecting buffers which are active in certain pH ranges. Direc-
tions for preparing buffer solutions of definite pH are given by Gortner
(1949). In practice, media are diluted with these buffers (Lindeberg,
Acid or base
require more acid or alkali to effect a change of unit pH than if one buffer
were present. The effect of buffer concentration has not been considered
in the above discussion. ^Vhile the pH of a buffer depends solely upon
the ratio of the concentrations of the weak acid and its salt, it isobvious
that the amount of an acid or base required to change the pH value of a
cultures are agitated. See Foster (1949) for a discussion of the use of
calcium carbonate in industrial microbiological processes.
For fungi which have an extremely narrow pH range, the special cul-
ture flask devised by Cantino (1949) for culturing Blastodadia pring-
sheimii may be used (Fig. 22). A base (or acid) is placed in the side arm
and an internal indicator of the desired pH
range is added to the medium. A little of the
base is tipped into the culture flask as desired.
Flasks with two side arms may be used so that
either acid or base maybe added to the culture
rise tothe same potential difference have the same pH value. Modern
pH meters are calibrated in pH units so that direct readings are obtained.
Color or turbidity does not affect potentiometric measurement of pH.
The glass electrode in conjunction with the calomel half cell is the most
commonly used for liquids of biological interest. The glass electrode
consists of a bulb blown from a special glass. The bulb is filled with
O.IA'^ hydrochloric acid.A potential difference develops between the
inside and the outside of the electrode; the magnitude of this potential
difference depends upon the hydrogen-ion concentration of the liquid
in which the bulb is dipped. Measuring the potential difference which
develops between the glass electrode and the calomel half cell is equivalent
to determining the pH value of the unknown solution. Sensitive auxiliary
electrical equipment is required to measure this potential difference.
For a discussion of the glass electrode, see Dole (1941).
Many suitable pH meters are available. The trend appears to be
toward instruments which use alternating current rather than batteries
as a source of power. Since the details of operation are somewhat dif-
ferent for the various makes, the directions of the manufacturer should
be consulted.
The pH of media should be determined before autoclaving and the
reaction adjusted by the addition of acid or alkali if necessary. The pH
of a sample of a medium should also be determined after autoclaving and
before inoculation. The pH value at this time is known as the initial
pH. Alkaline media absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, causing
a slow decrease in pH, Pritham and Anderson (1937) reported that the
pH of uninoculated alkaline media may decrease as much as two units
during the course of an experiment. This factor is of particular impor-
tance when upper pH limits are being investigated. For methods of
adjusting pH, see Suggested Laboratory Exercises.
Hydrogen and hydroxyl ions are present in all media and in substrates
upon which fungi grow in nature. The pH of the medium exerts a
decided effect upon the rate and amount of growth and many other life
processes. A medium may have a pH which is favorable for growth and
unfavorable for sporulation or other processes. The production of pig-
ments, vitamins, and antibiotics may be influenced by the pH of the
medium. As a result of metabolic activity a fungus ordinarily changes
the pH of the medium upon which it grows.
pH limits. The upper and lower pH values between which a fungus
grows form the pH range of that species. The pH values which inhibit
growth vary with the species. Between the limiting pH values there is
a pH range which allows optimum growth. An initial pH of 5 to 6 is
siderably higher than that of most fungi. The lower pH limits reported
vary from 5.3 for B. simplex (Emerson and Cantino, 1948) to 0.5 for
Acontium velatum and an unidentified imperfect fungus (Starkey and
Waksman, 1943).
The method used to determine the pH limits of a fungus is to inoculate
a series of nutrient solutions having pH values spaced 0.2 to 0.4 unit
apart. Growth may be observed visually, or the mycelium may be
weighed. Such media should be well buffered. The pH limits for a
was 0.4 mg., but when calcium sulfate was added to the medium, the
yield was 8.0 mg. Tamiya (1928) also found calcium ion to protect
some extent against high concentrations of hydrogen
Aspergillus oryzae to
ion. The optimum pH for Gibber ella saubinetti is lower when calcium is
present in the medium (Lundegardh, 1924). Wolpert (1S24) also found
.^ 90
t 0.06
I 0.04
% 0.02
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10
Doys of incubation
FeP04 ^ FeP04 ^ Fe+ + + + PO4"
solid in solution ionized
Time in hours
Fig. 28. The effect of hydrogen-ion concentration on the rate of diffusion of oxygen
into 1 per cent peptone in phosphate buffer. Leucomethylcne bkie was used as an
indicator. The rate of penetration of oxygen with time was followed by measuring the
depth of the blue zone. (Drawn from the data of Rahn and Richardson, Jour. Bad.
41 240, 1941. By permission of The Williams & Wilkins Company.)
coli with magnesium ion and tested the replacing effects of other cations.
Sodium and potassium ions replaced only a little magnesium, while hydro-
gen and calcium ions were much more effective.
From this viewpoint the relative amounts of the various cations
adsorbed from a medium would be a function of the concentration of the
ions present and the relative affinity of the membrane proteins for the
different cations. The concentrations of the hydrogen and hydroxyl ions
in a culture medium change during growth and may act to regulate the
adsorption of other ions. The pH of the culture medium may alter the
relative adsorption of other ions which are essential to nutrition or which
are toxic. At the lower pH membrane may be so
limit the protoplasmic
thoroughly saturated with hydrogen ions that the essential cations are
unable to enter the cell in adequate amounts. The same situation would
All aqueous solutions contain hj^drogen and hydroxyl ions. Hydrogen-
ion concentration is most often expressed in terms of S0rensen's scale of
Armstrong, Hydrogen-ion phenomena in plants. Hydrion concentration and
J. I.:
buffers in the fungi, Protoplasma 8: 222-260, 1929.
Brian, P. W.: Studies on the biological activity of griseofulvin, Ann. Botany (N.S.)
13:59-77, 1949.
BiJNNiNG, E, Ueber Farbstoff- und Nitrataufnahme bei Aspergillus niger, Flora
131:87-112, 1930.
Canting, E. C: The physiology of the aquatic Phycomycete, Blastocladia Pring-
sheimii, with emphasis on its nutrition and metabolism, Am. Jour. Botany 36:
95-112, 1949.
*DiMOND, A. E., and G. L. Peltier: ControUing the pH of cultures of PenicilUum
notatum through its carbon and nitrogen nutrition. Am. Jour. Botany 32 46-50,
Dole, M.: The Glass Electrode. Methods, Applications, and Theory, John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., New York, 1941.
^Emerson, R., and E. C. Canting: The isolation, growth, and metabohsm of Blasto-
cladia in pure culture. Am.Jour. Botany 35: 157-171, 1948.
Foster, J. W.: Chemical Activities of Fungi, Academic Press, Inc., New York, 1949.
GoRTNER, R. A.: Outhnes of Biochemistry, 3d ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New-
York, 1949.
Haldane, J. B. S.r Enzymes, Longmans, Roberts and Green, London, 1930.
Henry, B. W., and A. L. Andersen: Sporulation by Piricularia oryzae, Phytopathol-
ogy 38: 265-278, 1948.
Johnson, H. W.: Some relationships between hydrogen ion, hydroxyl ion and salt
concentration and the growth of seven soil molds, loiva State Coll. Ayr. Mech,
Arts Research Bull. 76, 1923.
KoLTHOFF, I. M., and C. Rosenblum: Acid-base Indicators, The Macmillan Com-
von Salzen auf das Wachstum von Gibherella Saubinetti, Biochem. Zeit. 146:
564-572, 1924.
McCalla, T. M.: Cation adsorption by bacteria. Jour. Bad. 40: 23-32, 1940.
Mathur, R. S., II. L. Barnett, and V. G. Lilly: Sporulation of Colletotrichum
Imdemuthianum in cultvire. Phytopathology 40: 104-114, 1950.
Meacham, M. R.: Note upon the hydrogen ion concentration necessary to inhibit
the growth of four wood-destroying fungi, Science 48: 499-500, 1918.
Pehrson, S. O.: Studies on the growth physiology of Phacidium infestans Karst.,
Physiologia Plantar um 1: 38-56, 1948.
Pritham, G. H., and A. K. Anderson: The carbon metabolism of Fusarium lyco-
persici on glucose, Jour. Agr. Research 55 : 937-949, 1937.
Rahn, O., and G. L. Richardson: Oxygen demand and oxygen supply. Jour. Bad.
41: 225-249, 1941.
RoBBixs, W. J.: Isoelectric points for the mycelium of fungi, Jour. Gen. Physiol.
6: 259-271, 1924.
*RoBBiNS, W. J., and M. B. Schmitt: Factor Z2 and gametic reproduction by Phy-
comyces, Am. Jour. Botany 32 320-326, 1945.
Ryan, J. F., G. W. Beadle, and E. L. Tatum: The tube method of measuring the
growth rate of Neurospora, Am. Jour. Botany 30 784-799, 1943.
Tamiya, H.: Studi^n liber die Stoffwechseiphysiologie von Aspergillus oryzae. II.
Acta Phyiochim. {Japan) 4: 77-213, 1928.
Umbreit, W. W., R. IL Burris, and -J. F. Staufj^es? Manomptrjc Techniques and
A number of vitamins, such as thiamine and biotin, have been shown
to perform definite functions in fungi as well as in animals, and there is
no reason to assume that the fundamental functions in the two groups
of organisms are essentially different. The characteristic features of a
growth factor (vitamin) include the following: (1) its organic nature; (2)
its activity in minute quantities; (3) its catalytic action;
(4) the specificity
of its action. It is known that some vitamins are components of enzyme
systems, and it may be assumed that all act in this way.
In the fungi the relative effects of the presence of vitamins in the
medium usually are measured by the resultant vegetative growth,
although vitamins are known to affect reproduction and other processes.
Needless to say, studies of vitamin deficiencies must be carried out under
carefully controlled conditions, using clean glassware, purified chemicals,
and precaution against contamination. Despite all precautions possible,
variable results often occur, and tests may need to be repeated several
times before the vitamin deficiencies of some fungi can be definitely
Many fungi are able to grow and develop normally on a substrate con-
taining no vitamins. For example, Aspergilhis niger grows well on a
of the fungus under study. The effect of one deficient fungus on another
is shown in Fig. 30.
Methods of detecting vitamin deficiencies.Tests for vitamin deficiencies
of fungi are not difficult to perform, but they do require clean glassware
and careful preparation of media. It is convenient to conduct pre-
liminary experiments using only the four vitamins (thiamine, biotin,
ciency studies of yeasts, where deficiencies for more than two vitamins
graph (Fig. 33) shows the growth curves of the fungus over a period when
different amounts thiamine were added to the basal culture medium
(Schopfer, 1943). fact that no growth occurred in the medium
lacking thiamine is not shown by the graph. An increase in both the
rate and the total amount of growth, as the amount of thiamine is
increased, is clearly shown between the fifth and seventh days. Thus
P. hlakeslseanus is unable to synthesize thiamine, which it must obtain
Fig. 31. Method of detecting common vitamin deficiencies of filamentous fungi.
Deficiencies are evident by failure to grow on media lacking the necessary vitamin or
vitamins. The above media contained: A, no vitamins; B, thiamine; C, bio tin; D,
thiamine and biotin; E, thiamine, biotin, inositol, and pyridoxine. The fungi, from
top to bottom, are Ceratostomella fimbriata, Sordaria fimicola, Pleurage curvicolla, and
C. ulmi.
Asparagine 0.1 %
r, 9 ^
EO 30 40
Incubation (days)
Fig. 34. Growth of a haploid isolate of Lenzites trahea and change in pH of liquid
glucose-casein hydrolysate medium at 25°C., with and witliout the addition of
thiamine. These curves illustrate a partial deficiency for thiamine. (After Lilly and
Barnett, Jour. Agr. Research 77: 290, 1948.)
10 12 14 16
Days of incubation
6 12 18 24
Days of incubation
Fig. 36. Growth of Lambertella pruni in 25 ml. of liquid glucose-casein hydrolysate
medium containing various vitamins. Partial deficiencies for both thiamine and
biotin are evident, being greater for thiamine. Note that the addition of inositol
and pyridoxine to media containing thiamine and biotin depressed growth.
Ophiobolus graminis are highly or totally deficient for both thiamine and
biotin. Partial deficiencies for both thiamine and biotin are illustrated
by Lambertella pruni (Fig. 36). Slight growth in the control and excellent
growth only in media containing both thiamine and biotin identify the
deficiencies. Intermediate growth in thiamine alone and in biotin alone
shows that the deficiencies are partial. The synthetic capacity is rela-
tively greater for biotin than for thiamine. The deficiencies of Endothia
parasitica are similar to those of L. pruni. Blastodadia pringsheimii was
-^ 20
A 10
20 28
Days of incubation
Fig. 38. The effect of concentration of biotin on the rate and amount of growth ot
Sordaria fimicola in 25 ml. liquid glucose-casein hydrolysate medium, initial pH 4.4.
Growth in this medium containing biotin but no thiamine is evidence that this fungus
can synthesize thiamine under these conditions. (After Lilly and Barnett, Am. Jour.
Botany 34: 134, 1947.)
amount of a vitamin may vary with changes in other conditions and may
be different for different fungi. We have found that the following
amounts per liter of the four commonly needed vitamins are near optimum
for many filamentous fungi: thiamine, 100 Mg; pyridoxine, 100 jug; biotin,
5 /ig; inositol, 5 mg.
The on the growth of Sordaria fimicola
effects of biotin concentration
are illustrated in Fig. 38, which shows a decided increase in growth rate
with greater amounts of biotin. Growth was most rapid in a medium
containing 6.4 jug biotin per liter (0.16
/zg per flask), but a steady slow
30 35 40 45
Fig. 39. Growth-temperature relations for wild-type Neurospora and a temperature-
sensitive mutant deficient for riboflavin. Amounts of riboflavin are indicated on the
curves in micrograms per 20 ml. of medium. Below 25°C. growth was good without
riboflavin, while no growth occurred above 28°C. without added riboflavin. (Courtesy
of Mitchell and Houlahan. Am. Jour. Botany 33: 31, 1946.)
10 14
Days of incubation
Fig. 40. Effect of concentration of thiamine on the rate and amount of growth of
Sordaria fiynicola in 25 ml. Hquid glucose-casein hydrolysate medium, initial pH 3.8.
Compare with Fig. 38. (After Lilly and Barnett, Am. Jour. Botany 34: 134, 1947.)
Fig. 42. The interrelated inhibitory effects of high concentrations of inositol and
near-maximum temperatures on the growth of Sclerotinia camdliae, which is partially
deficient for inositol below 26°C. Cultures 19 days old. Thiamine and biotin were
added to all media. Temperatures ±0.3°C. Left to right: 26°C., 26.6°C., 27°C.
Amounts of inositol added per liter were: A, none; B, 1 mg.; C, 10 mg.; D, 100 mg.
Certain microorganisms are less specific in their vitamin requirements
than are animals, owing apparently to their greater synthetic ability.
Some vitamin-deficient fungi may respond well to one of the vitamin
moieties, as in the case of thiamine, or to a compound similar to the
vitamin. The term vitamer w^as suggested by Burk et al. (1944) to denote
a compound having vitamin activity but differing in molecular structure
from the true vitamin. Usually the structure of a vitamer is closely
related to that of the vitamin. More specifically, these compounds are
known as thiamine vitamers, biotin vitamers, etc. In general, a vitamer
is active for fewer fungi than is the vitamin. Some vitamers are anti-
vitamins. This topic is discussed in Chap. 11.
In the first portion of this chapter the general aspects of vitamins and
growth factors were considered. Different types of vitamin deficiencies
and the methods of detecting deficiencies were discussed. The second
portion deals with the specific vitamins, their characteristics and
Cl CH—
Thiamine chloride hydrochloride
Thiamine pyrimidine
C= =C— CH2— CH2OH
Thiamine thiazole
Table 33. Assay for Thiamine and Thiamine Moieties in Mycelium and
Medium Extracts of Some Fungi after Growth on Media Containing
THE Minimum Growth-factor Requirements
Numbers refer to relative growth on the scale of 10. (Leonian and Lilly, Plant
Physiol. 15, 1940.)
N=C— NH2
C=C— CH2—CH2— O—P~0— P—OH
CH3— C C— CH2— o i
Thiamine pyrophosphate (cocarboxylase)
Table 34. The Effect of Added Thiamine upon the Accumulation of Pyruvic
Acid in the Culture Filtrate of Fusarium lint Grown on Glucose-
Nitrate Medium
(Wirth and Nord, Arch. Biochem. 1, 1942. Published by permission of Academic
Press, Inc.)
Days of
/ \ NH
CH— (CH2)6— COOH
The removal of sulfur from the biotin molecule destroyed the tetrahydro-
thiophene ring and introduced a methyl group. In addition, the acidic
chain of desthiobiotin contains one more methylene group than does that
of biotin. Stokes and Gunness (1945) tested the growth of some biotin-
deficient microorganisms on desthiobiotin and found that this compound
was by Neurospora sitophila and three strains of Saccharomyces
but Rhizobium trifolii 209, Lactobacillus casei, and L. arabinosus
17-5 were unable to utilize desthiobiotin. From further experiments it
was concluded that the yeast synthesized biotin, or some other compound
which replaced from desthiobiotin, rather than utilizing desthiobiotin
unnecessary for the organism to perform this synthesis and the need for
biotin is greatly reduced. However, it should be noted that, although
the absolute amount of biotin needed is reduced, exogenous biotin is still
required by these biotin-deficient organisms. From this it may be
deduced that biotin has a multiple role in the cell.
meso-Inositol (also known as inactive inositol, isoinositol, inosite, or
dambose) is widely distributed in both plants and animals. It was first
isolated in 1850. It was not until 1928 that Eastcott (1928) showed that
it was a growth factor for a strain of yeast. Later, Woolley (1940)
recognized it as a vitamin for animals. meso-Inositol is a hexahydroxy-
cyclohexane. It has the following configuration:
OH/i i\ H
1/ OH 0H\|
c c
:\ H OH/1
H \| 1/ OH
OH li
There are seven different cis-trans isomers, which are optically inactive,
and a pair of optically active d and I forms. The available evidence
indicates that the stereochemical configuration of weso-inositol is specific
for vitamin activity. Some of the isomers
have only slight activity.
Inositol is active only in high concentrations as compared to the other
vitamins. The usual amount added is around 5 mg. per hter of medium.
Fungi deficient for inositol. Many strains of yeast are deficient for
this vitamin, while others are not. In most cases the deficiency appar-
ently is partial rather than total. Partial deficiencies for various yeasts
are reported by Leonian and Burkholder (1943), and Burk-
Lilly (1942),
holder and Moyer (1943). In the two references total deficiencies
for inositol are reported for Saccharomyces uvarum Y 969 and Schizosac-
charomyces pomhe.
Kogl and Fries (1937) were apparently the first to investigate the
action of inositol on various filamentous fungi. They found that Nemato-
spora gossypii was totally deficient and that Lophodermium pinastri was
196 »
A deficiency for nicotinic acid, or nicotinic acid amide, leads to pellagra
in man and blacktongue in dogs. The structural formulas of these com-
pounds follow:
/\^r.f^c^vi /\ -CONH2
nous supply of nicotinic acid for growth. Rogosa used the technique
of serial passage in a medium devoid of nicotinic acid. It is possible to
overlook a vitamin deficiency by failure to observe this precaution.
Yeasts found to be deficient for this vitamin include Saccharomyces
anamensis 154, S. lactis 131, S. fragilis 15, Zy go saccharomyces lactis (two
strains), Torida lactosa 168, T. sphaerica 13, T. cremoris 2, Torulopsis
kefyr 149, Mycotorula lactis 130. Strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
failed to show deficiency for nicotinic acid (Rogosa, 1943; Leonian and
Lilly, 1942; Burkholder, 1943).
Until recently, nicotinic acid deficiency among filamentous fungi iso-
lated from nature was unknown.Cantino (1948) has shown that Blasto-
cladia pringsheimii is completely deficient for nicotinamide and partially
deficient for thiamine and biotin. Some of Cantino's results are pre-
sented in Fig. 37. A second filamentous fungus, a strain of Microsporum,
audouini,is reported as deficient for nicotinic acid (Area Leao and Cury,
u'hen furnished with the moieties, nicotinic acid amide, adenine, D-ribose,
and phosphate. DPN is also known as factor V (Gingrich and Schlenk,
1944). Other bacteria are known which require preformed coenzymes
as growth factors. While no fungus isolated from nature has yet been
Pantothenic acid was first discovered (Williams et al., 1932) as a growth
factor for the Gebriide Mayer strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The
and synthesis of this compound was complete by
isolation, identification,
1940. It was later shown to be a vitamin for animals. Pantothenic
acid consists of two moieties joined together by means of an amide link-
age. The chemical formula for this vitamin is given below:
Pantothenic acid
Pyridoxine is also known
as adermin or as vitamin Be. While inositol
and pantothenic acid were first investigated as growth factors for micro-
organisms, pyridoxine was discovered as a result of animal research.
This vitamin was isolated independently by five groups of workers in
1938 and was synthesized the next year. The structural formula is given
HO- ^ n— CH2OH
Pyridoxine is quite soluble in water and is stable to acid and alkah but is
destroyed by light.
Fungi deficient for pyridoxine. Partial or total deficiencies for this
vitamin have been reported for various species and strains of yeasts
(Eakin and Williams, 1939; Burkholder, 1943). Among these are Sac-
charomyces carlsbergensis var. mandshuricus Y-379, S. chodati Y-140, S.
oviformis, S. ludwigii,and Mycoderma valida Y-7.
Leonian and Lilly (1942) found that the omission of either thiamine or
pyridoxine alone from themedium was without effect on 9 of the 10 strains
These two compounds were synthesized by Harris et al. (1944) and tested
by Snell.
It was concluded that this vitamin consists of three or more closely
related compounds. Saccharomyces carlsbergensis responds about equally
to the three compounds, while the reaction of certain bacteria is much
greater to pyridoxal and pyridoxamine than to pyridoxine, Ceratosto-
mella ulmi grew at a more rapid rate with pyridoxamine than vvith pvri-
doxal or pyridoxine (Snell and Rannefelt, 1945). All three forms of this
vitamin occur in natural products. Assays for this vitamin are discussed
in Chap. 10.
p-Aminobenzoic acid has the following structure:
p-Aminobenzoic acid
The structure of riboflavin is given below:
\c^ \c=o
Ar^a Leao, a. E., and A. Cury: Sobre a exigencia de ^cido nicotlnico observada em
cogumelo filamentoso; {Microsporum audouini), O Hospital (Rio de Janiero)
35: 347-351, 1949.
Eakin, R. E., and E. A. Eakin: A biosynthesis of biotin. Science 96: 187-188, 1942.
Eakin, R. E., and R. J. Williams: Vitamin Be as a yeast nutrilite. Jour. Am. Chem.
Soc. 61: 1932, 1939.
Eastcott, E. v.: Wildiers' Bios. The isolation and identification of "Bios 1,"
Jour. Phys. Chem. 32: 1094-1111, 1928.
Elliott, E. S. Effect of vitamins on growth of some graminicolous species of
Helminthospori um and Fusarium, Proc. West Va. Acad. Sci. 20: 65-68, 1949.
*Fries, N.: The nutrition of fungi from the aspect of growth factor requirements,
Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 30: 118-134, 1948.
Fromageot, C., and J. L. Tschang: Sur
synthese des pigments carotenoides par
Rhodotorula sanniei, 434-448, 1938.
.Arch. Mikrobiol. 9 :
Harris, S. A., D. Heyi, and K. Folkers: The structure and synthesis of pyridox-
amine and pyridoxal, Jour. Biol. Chem. 154: 315-316, 1944.
Harris, S. A., D. E. Wolf, R. Mozingo, and K. Folkers: Synthetic biotin, Science
97:447-448, 1943.
Knight, B. C. J. G.: The nutrition of Staphylococcus aureus: Nicotinic acid and
vitamin Bi, Biochem. Jour. 31: 731-737, 1937.
KoGL, F., and N. Fries: Ueber den Einfiuss von Biotin, .Aneurin und Meso-Inosit
auf das Wachstum verschiedener Pilzarten, Zeit. physiol. Chem. 249: 93-110,
KoGL, F., and B. Tonnis: Ueber das Bios-Problem. Darstelking von krystal-
Chem. 242 43-73, 1936.
lisiertem Biotin aus Eigelb, Zeit. physiol. :
Lilly, V. G., and L. H. Leonian: The anti-biotin effect of desthiobiotin, Science 99:
205-206, 1944.
LocKHEAD, A. G., and G. B. Landerkin: Nutrilite requirements of osmophilic
yeasts. Jour. Bad. 44: 343-351, 1942.
Mathur, R. S., H. L. Barnett, and V. G. Lilly: Sporulation of Colletotrichum.
lindemuthianum in culture. Phytopathology 40: 104-114, 1950.
Mitchell, H. K., and M. B. Houlahan: Neurospora. IV. A temperature-sensi-
tive riboflavinless mutant, Am. Jour. Botany 33: 31-35, 1946.
Mitchell, H. K., E. E. Snell, and R. J. Williams: Pantothenic acid. IX. The
biological activity of hydroxy-pantothenic acid, Jour. Am. Chem. Soc. 62
1791-1792, 1940.
Mueller, J. H.: Studies on cultural requirements of bacteria. X. Pimclic acid
as a growth stimulant for C. diphtheriae, Jour. Bad. 34: 163-178, 1937.
Mueller, J. H. Nicotinic acid as a growth accessory substance for the diphtheria
ScHOPFER, W. H.: Ueber die Wirkung von reinen kristallisierten Vitaminen auf
Phycomyces, Ber. d. deut. botan. Ges. 52: 308-311, 1934.
ScHOPFER, W. H.: Recherches sur le metabolisme de I'azote d"un microorganisme
acellulaire (Phycomyces blakesleeanus Bgf.). Le role des facteurs de croissance,
Protoplasma 28: 381-434, 1937.
*ScHOPFER, W. H.: Plants and Vitamins, Chronica Botanica Co., Waltham, 1943.
ScHOPFER, W. H., and M. Guilloud: Recherches experimentales sur les facteurs de
croissance et le pourvoir de synthese de Rhizopus cohnii Berl. et de Toni (Rhizo-
pus suinus Neilson), Zeit. fur Vitaminforsch. 16: 181-296, 1945.
Snell, E. E. Effect of heat sterilization on growth-promoting activity of pyridoxine
for Streptococcus lactis R., Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med. 51: 356-358, 1942.
Snell, E. E.: The vitamin activities of "pyridoxal" and "pyridoxamine," Jour.
Biol.Chem. 154: 313-314, 1944.
Snell, E. E., and B. M. Guirard: Some interrelationships of pyridoxine, alanine
and glycine in their effect on certain lactic acid bacteria, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.
U.S. 29: 66-73, 1943.
Snell, E. E., B. M. Guirard, and R. J. Williams: Occurrence in natural products
of a physiologically active metabolite of pyridoxine, Jour. Biol. Chem. 143 :
519-530, 1942.
Snell, E. E., and A. N. Rannefelt: The vitamin Be group. III. The vitamin
activity of pyridoxal and pyridoxamine for various organisms, Jour. Biol. Chem.
157 : 475-489, 1945.
Woolley, D. W.: The nature of the antialopecia factor, Science 92: 384-385, 1940.
Wooster, R. C., and V. H. Cheldelin: Growth requirements of Penicillium digita-
tum, Arch. Biochem. 8: 311-320, 1945.
Wyss, O., V. G. Lilly, and L. H. Leonian: The effect of pH on the availability of
p-aminobenzoic acid to Neurospora crassa, Science 99 18-19, 1944.
known and unknown substances in the basal medium (6) uniform inocula-
response of the test organism to the sample is due solely to the factor con-
tained in the sample, the two curves will be identical. The presence of
inhibiting substances in the sample is detected when the sample curve
fallsbelow the standard curve. Stimulating substances are revealed by
an upward drift of the sample curve.
If biologically pure compounds were available, the preparation of basal
media for assay purposes would be greatly simplified. No general
method of purification is useful for all purposes. Riboflavin is destroyed
by light, and media can be freed of this vitamin by exposure to strong
illumination. Activated charcoal (Norit or Darco) is very useful in
adsorbing residual traces of many vitamins. Recrystallization of sugars,
asparagine, and mineral salts is helpful in some instances. Casein is
extracted with hot alcohol to remove vitamins. The essential micro
elements may
be removed in the ways discussed in Chap. 5. Frequently
reagents made by one manufacturer are purer in certain respects than
those of another.
Three basal media which have been used for fungi in microbiological
assays are given below.
Glucose 30 e,
Asparagine 1 g.
MgS04-7HoO 0.5 g.
KH2PO4 1.5 g.
Distilled water to make 1 liter
This medium was used for thiamine assay using Phycomyces blake-
sleeanus as the test fungus (Schopfer, 1945).
MgS04-7H20 0.5 g.
Ammonium tartrate 5 . g.
NH4NO3 1.0 g.
NaCl 0.1 g.
CaCli 0.1 g.
B 0.01 mg.
Mo 02 mg.
Fe 0.2 mg.,
Cu 0.1 mg.
Mn 0.02 mg.
Zn 2.0 mg.
Bio tin 5 Mg
Distilled water to make 1,000 ml.
This medium was used by Horowitz and Beadle (1943) and by Beadle
(1944) for the assay of choline and inositol by biochemical mutants of
Neurospora crassa.
Glucose-Casein Hydrolysate
Glucose 25 g.
Casein hydrolysate equivalent to 2 g. casein
MgS04-7H20 0.5 g.
KH2PO4 l.Og.
Fumaric acid 1 32 g.
NaaCOs 1.12 g.
Fe+ + + as sulfate 0.2 mg.
Zn+ + as sulfate 0.2 mg.
Mn+ + as sulfate 0.1 mg.
Distilled water to make 1 liter
This medium was used by Leonian and Lilly (1945) for the assay of
certain vitamins. Various deficient yeasts and filamentous fungi were
used as test organisms. This medium is suitable for testing fungi for
vitamin deficiencies.
Preparing for an assay. In general, the compound being assayed
should be brought into aqueous solution before assaying. Many vita-
mins occur in a ''bound" condition and must be liberated before analysis.
The procedure used to liberate bound vitamins depends upon the vita-
min involved, as well as the nature of the substance being assayed.
Snell (1948) has listed tentative methods for the liberation of the various
vitamins. In general, acid or enzymatic hydrolysis is used. Proteins
are hydrolyzed before amino-acid assay. Acid hydrolysis is destructive
Yeast hydrolysate,
when different test organisms are used. The review of Snell (1948)
represents the critical judgment of an active investigator in this field.
While the filamentous fungi are frequently passed over in favor of
bacteria and yeasts, they offer certain advantages when only simple
apparatus is available, or where occasional assays are to be made. The
test organisms for the specific vitamins listed below are in part those
recommended by Snell (1948).
Thiamine. Phycomyces hlakesleeanus. This fungus responds to the
two moities of thiamine. Schopfer (1935, 1945) used a glucose-asparagine
medium and used dry weight of mycelium to measure growth. This is
an excellent organism to use in gaining experience with a microbiological
assay. Schultz et al. (1942) used Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Fleischmann's
baker's yeast) and measured the evolution of carbon dioxide, which was
proportional to the thiamine content of the sample.
Pyridoxine. Saccharomyces carlsbergensis. Snell (1945a) found that
this yeast responds about equally to pyridoxine, pyridoxal, and pyridoxa-
mine. Growth may be measured turbidimetrically or by weighing the
cells. Differential assays for these three vitamers have been devised.
p-Aminobenzoic acid. Neurospora crassa mutant. Various labora-
tories have used this organism (Tatum et al, 1946). For the effect of
pH on utilization of this vitamin see Wyss et al. (1944).
Pantothenic acid. Saccharomyces carlsbergensis. Most, if not all,
yeasts respond to the )3-alanine moiety of pantothenic acid. Atkin et al.
(1944) noted that the incorporation of Z-asparagine in the basal medium
reduced interference due to /3-alanine.
Nicotinic acid. Lactobacillus
arabinosus. This organism responds
equally to nicotinic acid and nicotinamide. Growth may be measured
either by titrating the acid produced, or turbidimetrically (Krehl et al.,
1943). Zygosaccharomyces marxianus was used by Leonian and Lilly
Inositol. Neurospora crassa mutant. This mutant was first used by
Beadle (1944) to assay inositol. It is an easy organism to handle, and
since this mutant forms few conidia, it is not a great source of contamina-
tion to a laboratoiy. Snell (1948) recommends the use of Saccharomyces
carlsbergensis for inositol assay.
Biotin. Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Various strains have been used.
Many, not all, strains respond also to desthiobiotin (Lilly and Leonian,
1944). The existence of many biotin vitamers makes the choice of a test
organism difficult. Neurospora crassa and N. sitophila may also be used.
It is probable that some of the divergence of assay values obtained when
different test organisms are used is due to biotin complexes. Such a
complex, biocytin, has been isolated by Wright et al. (1950). The
analytical results were unchanged by acid hydrolysis when Lactobacillus
casei was used but were increased when L. arahinosus was the test
Riboflavin. Lactohacillus casei. Fatty acids stimulate growth.
Growth may be measured by titrating the acid formed, or turbidimetri-
cally (Roberts and Snell, 1946). It is probable that mutants of Neuro-
spora deficient for this vitamin may also be used in assay.
The importance of the amino-acid composition of proteins used in
animal nutrition makes any advance in analytical methods of great
interest and value. The general techniques for amino-acid determina-
tions by microbiological procedures are the same as for other assays.
The first requirement of this type of microbiological assay is a suitable
test organism. Few fungi isolated from nature are deficient for amino
acids. For this reason bacteria have been extensively used. The follow-
ing references will give an entry into the literature on the use of bacteria
for amino-acid assay: Hutchings and Peterson (1943); Shankman (1943);
Dunn et at. (1944); Snell (1945); and Horn et at. (1950).
Some mutants of N'eurospora have been found to be deficient for amino
acids. Mutants having the following amino-acid deficiencies have been
studied: leucine, isoleucine, valine, lysine, methionine, serine, or glycine.
Only the mutant have been much used in
deficient for leucine appears to
microbiological assay (Ryan and Brand, 1944; Brand et al., 1945). The
growth of a lysine-deficient mutant was completely inhibited by arginine
when the molecular ratio of arginine to lysine was 2 to 1 (Doermann,
Ryan (1948) has considered the possibility of microbiological assay
of amino acids by observing the percentage of germination of conidia
from deficient mutants in the presence of different concentrations of the
specific amino acid. An assay can be completed within a few hours by
this method. Unfortunately the inhibiting action of certain amino acids
introduces complications into the proposed method.
Mutations of Neurospora and certain other fungi have been induced
by chemicals, such as nitrite or nitrous acid, colchicine, nitrogen mustard
gas, and hydrogen peroxide, or by irradiation with ultraviolet and X rays.
These mutants are frequently characterized by inability to synthesize
various metabolites. They differ from the parent wild type in that one
or more genes have been inactivated. It is thought that each gene con-
trols a single biochemical reaction. Mutants having the same gross
deficiency may differ in the specific gene inactivated.
Horowitz (1947) studied four mutants of Neurospora which were unable
to synthesize methionine from inorganic sources of nitrogen and sulfur.
One of these mutants was able to grow in the presence of cysteine, cysta-
onine. From similar studies Srb and Horowitz (1944) concluded that
Neurospora synthesizes arginine as follows: ornithine -^ citrulline —>
Fungus mutants have proved to be powerful tools for investigating
pathways of synthesis and utilization of vitamins, amino acids, and other
compounds, and in studies of biochemical mutations. From these studies
also comes the realization that each step in the synthesis or utilization of
a compound may be controlled or limited by a specific gene. The review
papers of Bonner (194G) and Beadle (1945, 1945a) should be consulted
for further information and literature citations.
Table 3G. The Correlation of Copper Deficiency in White Oats and the
Copper Content of the Soil as Determined by Aspergillus niger Method
All soil was from the same field. (Mulder, Antonie van Leeuwenhock 6, 1940.)
Available Copper,
Condition of Oats Mg per G. of Soil
Severely diseased .25
Less severely diseased 0.8
Healthy (from a portion of the field not showing the disease) 1.7
Healthy (copper sulfate added to the soil) 2.5
Mg Na2Mo04-2H.A
in 50 ml. medium
but synthesizes biotin. Kogl and Fries called this artificial symbiosis.
Schopfer and Guilloud (1945) cite other examples in connection with
work on strains of Candida guilliermondi involving vitamin deficiencies.
Fig. 44. Test demonstrating the excretion of biotin by Aspergillus 7'ugulosus (right),
whengrownwith Sordariafimicola (biotin-deficient) on vitamin-free glucose-asparagine
medium. Sordaria (left) made only slight growth until it approached the colony of
Aspergillus, where a zone of stimulated growth is evident.
Fig. 45. Test for antibiotic production by growing two organisms in association on
the same agar plate. Helminthosporium sativum on the left and an unidentified
actinomycete on the right.
fungi, these organisms are the chief agents of destruction. The problem
of deterioration of cellulosic materials has received a vast amount of
attention, especially in connection with military materiel in humid tropic
climates. Work on this problem involves the identification of the respon-
sible microorganisms, laboratory tests, and use of test fungi in evaluating
The basis of the various methods for determining cellulolytic activity
consists in inoculating cotton duck or other test material with the fungi
under test. The degree of cellulolytic activity is determined by measur-
ing the decrease in tensile strength of the test specimen. The test
medium used is usually an inorganic salt solution having pH 6.8. It is
desirable to use a buffered medium inasmuch as cellulasemost active
around pH 7. White et at. (1948) note that many fungi which are
strongly cellulolytic under laboratory conditions cause but httle damage
in the field. They believe that, under a given set of natural environ-
mental conditions, the actual decay of fibers is caused by a relatively
few species of fungi. Among the strongly cellulolytic fungi are Mem-
Strength retained, %
PQMD 25a
Aspergillus niger
A. terreusPQMD 72f
Chaetomium funicolum PQMD 351.
C. globosum PQMD 32b
Fusarium oxysponim Fla C-8
Gliomastix convoluta PQMD 4c
Myrothecium verrucaria PQMD 70h
Thielavia sepedonium PQMD 47g. .
test substance present in the medium. Among the substances for which
quantitative assay procedures have been developed are the vitamins,
amino and essential elements. Microorganisms have also been
used to discover pathways of biochemical synthesis and degradation, to
separate isomers, and for other analytical purposes.
The essential features of a microbiological assay are (1) a suitable test
organism, (2) a suitable basal medium essentially free from the substance
under test, (3) preparation of the sample, (4) a reference standard (a
pure compound where possible), (5) two series of cultures to which a
known range of concentrations of the standard and unknown have been
added, (6) uniform inoculation, (7) incubation under uniform conditions,
(8) measuring the response of the test organisms, (9) construction of a
standard curve, and (10) calculating the results.
When microbiological assay procedures are used, it is unnecessary to
isolate the compound being assayed from the other constituents present
in the sample. The preparation of the sample for assay is usually simple
and ordinarily involves hydrolysis. Microbiological procedures usually
require a short time to complete. The amount
of sample needed is small,
which isan important consideration in some problems. Microbiological
assays are invaluable, provided that suitable test organisms are available,
in devising chemical procedures for the isolation of new vitamins and
other physiologically active compounds.
Biochemical mutants of Neurospora and other fungi are particularly
useful in determining the pathways of synthesis of amino acids and other
Abrams, E.: Microbiological deterioration of organic materials, its prevention and
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Appling, J. W., E. K. Ratcliff, and L. E. Wise: Chemical and microbiological
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mination of hemicellulose constituents by fermentation, Anal. Chem. 20:
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Beadle, G. W. An inositoUess mutant strain of Neurospora and its use in bioassays,
Bonner, D.: Biochemical mutations in Neurospora, Cold Spring Harbor Symposia
Quant. Biol. 11 : 14-24, 1946.
Brand, E., F. J. Ryan, and E. M. Diskant: Leucine content of proteins and food-
stuffs, Jour. Am. Chem. Soc. 67: 1532-1534, 1945.
Horn, M. J., D. B. Jones, and A. E. Blum: Methods for microbiological and chemi-
cal determinations of essential amino acids in proteins and foods, f7.»S. De-pt.
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*HoRowiTZ, N. H.: Methionine synthesis in Neurospora. The isolation of cysta-
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tion of choline by use of a mutant of Neurospora, Jour. Biol. Chem. 150 325-333, :
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casei, Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. :
Kogl, F., and N. Fries: Ueber den Einfluss von Biotin, Aneurin und Meso-Inosit
auf das Wachstum verscheidener Pilzarten, Zeit. physiol. Chem. 249: 93-110,
KoGii, F., and B. Tonnis: Ueber das Bios-Problem. Darstellung von krystallisier-
tem Biotin aus Eigelb, Zeit. physiol. Chem. 242 43-73, 1936. :
205-206, 1944.
LiNDEGREN, C. C, and C. Raut: The effect of the medium on apparent vitamin-
synthesizing deficiencies of microorganisms, Ann. Missouri Botan. Garden 34:
75-84, 1947.
Mulder, E. G.: On the use of micro-organisms in measuring a deficiency of copper,
magnesium and molybdenum in soils. Anionic van Leeuwenhoek 6: 99-109,
Mulder, E. G. Importance of molybdenum in the nitrogen metabolism of micro-
organisms and higher plants, Plant and Soil 1 94-1 19, 1948. :
des produits organiques naturels, Compt. rend. acad. set. 61 298-299, 1860. :
RoBBiNS, W. J.: Effect of extracts of Phycomyces upon its development, Am. Jour.
Botany 27: 559-564, 1940.
Roberts, E. C, and E. E. Snell: An improved medium for microbiological assays
with Lactobacillus casei, Jour. Biol. Chem. 163 499-509, 1946. :
85-118, 1945.
Snell, E. E. The vitamin Be group. Evidence for the occurrence of pyridoxamine
and pyridoxal in natural products, Jour. Biol. Chem. 157: 491-505, 1945a.
*Snell, E. E.: Use of microorganisms for assay of vitamins, Physiol. Revs. 28: 255-
282, 1948.
Srb, a. M., and N. H. Horowitz: The ornithine cycle in Neurospora and its genetic
Chem. 154: 129-139, 1944.
control, Jour. Biol.
Tatum, E. L., M. G. Ritchey, E. V. Cowdry, and L. F. Wicks: Vitamin content of
mouse epidermis during methylcholanthrene carcinogenesis. I. Biotin, choline,
inositol, p-aminobenzoic acid and pyridoxine, Jour. Biol. Chem. 163 675-682, :
Vandeca\teye, S. C. Biological methods of determining nutrients in soil in Diagnos-
tic Techniques for Soils and Crops (edited by H. B. Kitchen), The American
Potash Institute, Washington, 1948.
* White, W. L., R. T. Darby, G. M. Stechert, and K. Sanderson: Assay of cellu-
lolytic activity of molds isolated from fabrics and related items exposed in the
tropics, Mycologia 40 34-84, 1948.
This chapter and the one following will deal with chemical compounds
which inhibit, injure, or kill fungi. Much can be learned about "normal"
physiological processes by studying the factors which interfere with them.
The ideas to be discussed here are applicable to the entire field of phys-
iology, and some of our illustrative material will deal with organisms
other than fungi. The reviews of Woolley (1944), Welch (1945), Wright
(1947), Mcllwain (1947), and Roblin (1946, 1949) are extensive and well
documented and should be consulted for additional references.
Metabolites are chemical substances which are essential for the func-
tioning and maintenance of living cells. Metabolites may be synthesized
by the organism or obtained from the medium, e.g., vitamins, amino
acids, etc.
An antimetabolite, or antagonist, is a compound which interferes with
the utilization of a normal metabolite. Wright (1947) has classified
antagonists (more specifically antivitamins) on the basis of their mode of
action: (1) those which act by virtue of destroying or inactivating a
metabolite; (2) those which combine irreversibly with enzymes (non-
competitive inhibition) and (3) those which combine with enzymes but
ever, these foreign molecules are not transformed by the enzyme to which
they are bound. If the antagonist is an analogue of a coenzyme, it
presumably forms a pseudoholoenzyme which is unable to function. The
close structural relation between a metabolite (p-aminobenzoic acid) and
its antagonist (sulfanilamide) is shown in Fig. 46.
6.7 A.
J A !
—|2.3A.|-^ —[2.4 A.
p-Aminobenzoate Ion Sulfanilamide
Fig. 46. Interatomic distances and structural relationships of p-aminobenzoate ion
and sulfanilamide. (Courtesy of Roblin, Chem. Eng. News 27 3624, 1949. Published
In spite of the large number of compounds which have been tested for
antagonism, it is not possible to specify exactly what changes in metabolite
molecules are required to produce antagonists. A single modification of a
metabolite molecule is more hkely to produce an antagonist than two or
more changes in structure. This is to be expected, for an antagonist
must closely resemble the corresponding metabolite. Replacing a
carboxyl group with a sulfonic-acid group has been effective in many
The enzymes has been likened to the relation of a
specific action of
lock and its Unless an enzyme and a substrate molecule are related
in this fashion, no reaction will take place. A modern diagrammatic
representation of the lock-and-key simile is shown in Fig. 47. The
mechanism may be visuahzed by referring to
of competitive inhibition
this figure. Metabolite antagonists may be thought of as "wrong" keys,
which jam the lock mechanism. As long as a false key is in the lock,
it prevents the true key from entering and opening the lock.
free enzyme
Enzyme -substrate
Fig. 47. A diagrammatic illustration of Fischer's simile that an enzyme and its
substrate are related as are a lock and its key. (Courtesy of McElroy, Quart. Rev.
Biol. 22 : 26, 1947. Published by permission of The Williams & Wilkins Company.)
amount of growth to one-half will depend upon the ratio of inhibitor and
metabolite present. In simple instances, at least, this ratio is equal to a
constant and is called the inhibition constant, or index. The amounts
of sulfadiazine and p-aminobenzoic acid required to reduce the amount
of growth R to one-half the normal value gave an
of Streptococcus faecalis
inhibition index of 333 (Lampen and Jones, 1946).
The inhibition index is valid only for the particular conditions used
in an experiment and for the particular strains of the organism used. In
the case of self-sufficient organisms the use of an amount of inhibitor less
than that required for total inhibition will only decrease the rate of
growth, and thus the inhibition index will change with the time of incuba-
Antivitamins are known for all the water-soluble vitamins which have
been synthesized and for at least one of the fat-soluble vitamins (vitamin
p-Aminobenzoic acid antagonists. When the sulfonamides were intro-
duced into medicine, it was quickly found that serum and other natural
8 10 12 16 18 20
Doys of incubotion
Fig. 48. The effect of various concentrations of sulfanilamide (amounts per flask)
upon the time of spore germination and upon the rate and amovnt of growth of
Aspergillus niger in flasks containing 55 ml. of sucrose—ammonium sulfate medium at
32°C. (Drawn from the data of Hartelius, Compt. rend. trav. lab. Carlsberg, S^r.
physiol. 24: 181, 1946.)
/ \ NH HN
/ \ NH
CHs— CH Cn(CH.2)5— SO3H H2C CH(CH2)5— COOH
Sulfonic-acid analogue of desthiobiotin Imidazolidonecaproic acid
yug/lO ml.
Vitamin K2
— CHa —CI
O o
2-Methy 1- 1 4-naphtho quinone
2 3-Dichloro- 1 4-naphtho quinone
, ,
containing the vinylene group may be cited. Dittmer et al. (1948) found
methallylglycine, allylglycine, and crotylglycine to inhibit the growth of
Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Escherichia coli. The effects of these three
antimetabohtes on the growth of yeast are shown in Fig. 49.
\ CH
— C—
Benzimidazole Adenine
An organism which has become tolerant, or resistant, to an inhibitor
is said to be fast, or more
(analogue, drug, antibiotic, etc.) after exposure
specifically pyrithiamine-fast, sulfanilamide-fast, or penicillin-fast, as
the case may be. Fastness is a very common phenomenon, although it
The normal utilization of a metabolite may be prevented or inhibited
in three (1) destruction or removal in an unavailable combination
of a metabolite; the enzymatic hydrolysis of thiamine and the combina-
tion of biotin with avidin are representative examples of this mode of
inactivation(2) the noncompetitive inhibition of various enzymes by
BuRK, D., and R. J. Winzler: Heat-labile, avidin-uncombinable, species-specific
and other vitamers of biotin, Science 97 57-60, 1943. :
Lilly, V. G., and H. L. Barnett: The effect of pyrithamin upon sporulation of three
thiamin-deficient fungi. Am. Jour. Botany 35: 801, 1948.
Lilly, V. G., and H. L. Leonian: The anti-biotin effect of desthiobiotin, Science 99
205-206, 1944.
Martin, G. J., S. Avakian, and J. Moss: Studies of pyridoxine displacement,
Jour. Biol. Chem. 174 : 495-500, 1948.
*McElroy, W. D.: The mechanism of inhibition of cellular activity by narcotics,
Quart. Rev. Biol. 22: 25-58, 1947.
McIlwain, H.: Pyridine-3-sulphonic acid and its amide as inhibitors of bacterial
growth, Brit. Jour. Exptl. Path. 21 136-147, 1940. :
RoBLiN, R. O., Jr.: Metabolite antagonists, Chem. Revs. 38: 255-377, 1946.
*RoBLiN, R. O., Jr.: Metabolite antagonists. The relation between structure and
biological activity, Chem. Eng. Neivs 27 3624-3629, 1949.
91-100, 1944.
ScHOPFER, W. H., and E. C. Grob: Ueber den Einfluss von 1,4-Naphtochinon-
derivaten mit Vitamin-K- oder Antivitamin-K-Character auf die Urease,
Helv. Chim. Acta 3^ 829-838, 1949. :
^Shive, W., and J. Macow: Biochemical transformations as determined by competi-
tive analogue-metabolite growth inhibitions. I. Some transformations involv-
Singer, T. P. Enzyme inhibitors and the active groups of proteins. Brewers Digest
Welch, A. D.: Interference with biological processes through the use of analogs of
essential metabolites, Physiol. Revs. 25: 687-715, 1945.
Weswig, p. H., a. J. R. Haag: Antithiamine activity of plant mate-
M. Freed, and
rials. Jour. Biol. Chem. 165
737-738, 1946. :
observations on its nature, Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med. 55: 179-180, 1944b.
*WooLLEY, D. W. Observations on the antimicrobial action of 2,3-dichloro-l,4-
naphthoquinone and its reversal by vitamins K, Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med. 60 :
225-228, 1945.
WooLLEY, D. W.: Production of nicotinic acid deficiency with 3-acetylpyridine, the
ketone analogue of nicotinic acid. Jour. Biol. Chem. 157 455-459, 1945a. :
Wool LEY, D. W.: The occurrence of a "pcllagragenic" agent in corn, Jour. Biol.
Chem. 163 773-774, 1946a.
of microbial
WooLLEY, D. W., and A. G. C. White: Selective reversible inhibition
growth with pyrithiamine, Jour. Exptl. Med. 78 489-497, 1943.
The never-ending warfare which man must wage against parasitic fungi
in order to protect his crops hasbeen ably chronicled by Large (1940).
The saprophytic species which decay wood and other cellulosic materials
cause great economic loss, although these species perform a necessary
and indispensable role in maintaining the carbon cycle in nature. It is to
man's interest and profit that the deterioration of textiles and lumber be
prevented or delayed and that his crops be protected from pathogenic
fungi. This is done by the use of fungicides, which either kill or inhibit
the action of fungi.
By definition, an agent which kills fungi is a fungicide. A fungistatic
agent merely causes inhibition. The same agent is commonly capable of
producing both actions. A discussion of the terms fungicidal and fungi-
static is given by McCallan and Wellman (1942). These authors point
out that the fungistatic activity of an agent is broader than its fungicidal
Both physical and chemical agents may be fungicidal and fungistatic.
Of the physical agents, heat and ultraviolet radiation are probably most
commonly used, while many chemical compounds are ''toxic" to fungi.
Whether an agent is fungicidal or fungistatic is primarily a matter of
degree of intensity and duration of exposure. We may assume that these
agents, whether chemical or physical, act directly upon certain specific
enzymes or enzyme systems. If the action is less severe and may be
reversed, the result is fungistasis, while if it is irreversible, the action is
fungicidal. Since most of the agents employed by man are chemical
compounds, much of the following discussion will be limited to the
mechanism of action of these compounds.
Chemical fungicides may be applied as eradicants or as protectants. A
protectant is applied to the plant or other material before the inoculum
arrives at the infection court and often functions only after the fungus
spore germinates. An eradieant kills the fungus already present on or in
the substrate material.
The lethal action of a chemical depends upon both the concentration
of the active compound or ion and the time of exposure. Species of
fungi exhibit great variation in ability to resist the action of certain
fungicides. Many fungi are killed by exposure to a few parts per million
of cupric ion, while a few species have been reported to grow in a saturated
solution of copper sulfate (Starkey and Waksman, 1943). There is no
useful universal fungicide.
The intelligent choice of a fungicide depends upon a number of factors,
the major ones being the species of fungus to be controlled and the nature
of the material tobe protected. The solubility of the fungicide is of great
importance. For most efficient preservation of wood or protection as a
spray, a fungicide must have a low solubility in order that the protection
may extend over a long period of time. For surface sterilization a highly
soluble fungicide is used. When a fungicide is to be used on a living
plant (or other organism), the relative sensitivity of the host and of the
fungus to the fungicide must be considered. Host sensitivity limits the
use of many potent fungicides. A useful fungicide must be more toxic
to the fungus than to the host. For example, copper fungicides are quite
toxic to cabbage, cucumber, and pea seed, while beet, eggplant, pepper,
and spinach seed are relatively tolerant to copper.
Although there is an enormous accumulation of literature on fungicides,
their composition, application, limitations, and economic value (see
Frear, 1948, and Horsfall, 1945), relatively little has been published on
the mechanism of fungicidal action. This is a practical as well as an
academic question, for the intelligent use of known fungicides and the
search for new and better ones are based upon a knowledge of how they
In the past the most important inorganic fungicides have contained
compounds of copper, mercury, or sulfur.
In the future, however, excel-
lent fungicides may
be made from other toxic elements. For example,
cadmium is of potential interest, but the present supply is limited. In
controlling fungi and other pests, there is always the danger that they
will become tolerant, or fast, to a given toxicant. This means that the
more susceptible individuals are killed and that a greater amount of a
given fungicide is required to control the more tolerant population which
is then built up. It is desirable from several viewpoints to have satis-
factory reserve fungicides in the armory of the plant pathologist.
The first copper salts to be used as fungicides were the sulfate and
acetate (Prevost, 1807). These salts are soluble, and even in low con-
centration they are too toxic for many uses. Since all the copper is
available at once, these salts are toxic to plants, especially to young parts.
These soluble salts have a further disadvantage when used as a spray, for
a heavy dew or rain will easily wash them off. However, these salts,
especially copper sulfate, were successfully used for treating seed grain to
destroy surface contaminants. This treatment was devised by Prevost
to control bunt.
The next advance copper fungicides was not until 1885, whei
Millardet published formula for making the famous fungicide
Bordeaux mixture. Millardet recommended that 8 kg. of copper sulfate
pentahydrate (bluestone) be dissolved in 100 liters of water. This solu-
tion was then mixed with 15 kg. of quicklime slaked in 30 liters of water.
The chemistry of Bordeaux mixture is more complicated than was
assumed at first. Instead of cupric hydroxide, a series of basic sulfates
are formed, the composition being dependent upon the ratio of coppei
sulfate and calcium hydroxide used (Frear, 1948). Bordeaux mixture is
a copper compound or compounds of low solubility. According to
Goldsworthy and Green (1936), Bordeaux mixture in equilibrium with
water yields a solution containing about 4 p. p.m. of copper. However,
McCallan and Wilcoxon (1936) found that well-washed 4-4-50 Bordeaux
mixture was soluble only to the extent of furnishing 1 p. p.m. of copper.
After this material was thoroughly dried, as in a spray film, the solubihty
in terms of copper decreased to 0.2 to 0.3 p. p.m. McCallan and Wilcoxon
have reported a comparison between the amounts of Bordeaux mixture
and copper sulfate required to inhibit the germination of 90 per cent of
the spores of a few species. These data are given in Table 43.
Table 43. The Relative Efficiency of Bordeaux Mixture and Copper Sulfate
IN Inhibiting Spore Germination
(McCallan and Wilcoxon, Contribs. Boyce Thompsori Inst. 6, 1936.)
of the copper compound to dissolve until the spore was no longer able to
take more copper from the solution. This theory is attractive because
of its simplicity, but there seems to be no very good evidence for it
(McCallan, 1929).
In practice, Bordeaux mixture and other "insoluble" copper sprays
act as if they were more soluble than is indicated by chemical tests.
However, in practice the fungicide is exposed to the action of the atmos-
phere, the host plant, and the fungus spores. This is a more complicated
situation than that found in the chemical determination of solubility.
Barker and Gimingham (1911) found that intact leaves increased the
soluble copper from Bordeaux mixture to some extent but were of the
opinion that the host plant had only a slight influence on the solubility
of such sprays. However, if the leaves were injured, they were quite
effective in bringing copper into solution. The possibility that the spores
exert a solvent action on "insoluble" copper compounds has long been
considered by plant pathologists. The spores of at least some species
do exert a solvent action on Bordeaux mixture. McCallan and Wilcoxon
(1936) showed that the amount of copper brought into solution by the
soluble materials washed from or excreted by 100 million spores of some
species varied as follows: Uromyces caryophyllimis, 1.01 mg.; Sclerotinia
fructicola, 0.76 mg.; Neurospora sitophila, 0.12 mg.; Botrytis paeoniae,
0.10 mg.; Glomerella cingulata, 0.046 mg. Aspergillus niger, 0.023 mg.;
these "solvents" the solutions were blue in color, which indicates that
the copper was oxidized to the cupric state. Marten and Leach investi-
gated the toxicity of the copper-glycine compound to Pythnim debaryanum.
It was noted that an excess of glycine protected the fungus from the
action of the copper. Some 200 times as much copper was required to
inhibitgrowth when glycine was present in the medium as when it was
absent. Thus, it seems that whether a given amount of copper is toxic
or not depends upon the nature and amount of certain constituents in
the medium or substrate.
One may ask, By what mechanism does the copper ion cause fungistasis,
or how does the copper kill? The common explanation of the toxic
action of the heavj'^ metals (copper, mercury, and silver)
is based upon the
While a number of inorganic salts of mercury have been used as anti-
septics, only two have had wide application as fungicides. Mercuric
chloride (corrosive sublimate, bichloride of mercuiy, HgCl2) is a soluble,
highly poisonous compound. It is commonly used for surface steriliza-
tion in a concentration of 1/1,000. Mercuric chloride is occasionally
used as a special-purpose fungicide.
Mercurous chloride (calomel, HgCl or Hg2Cl2) is essentially insoluble
in water, sufficiently so to be used in medicine. Calomel slowly decom-
poses into mercury and mercuric chloride. This decomposition is accel-
erated by sunlight, which may account for the successful use of calomel
to control dollar spot, brown patch, and other turf diseases.
The organic mercury compounds have won wide acceptance in the
but the active components are required by law to be stated on the label.
Among these organic mercury compounds are ethylmercury phosphate
(Semesan Jr. and New Improved Ceresan), ethylmercury chloride
(Ceresan) and hydroxymercurichlorophenol (Semesan).
The organic mercury compounds used as sprays and for treating seeds
are in general related to mercuric chloride in the following way:
Compounds of this type are used to protect cellulose and leather products.
Parker-Rhodes (1942) investigated the toxicity of the following mer-
cury compounds to Macrosporium sarcinaeforme and Botrytis allii: mer-
curic acetate, mercuric chloride, methylmercury nitrate, and tolylmer-
curic nitrate. All these compounds were toxic to M. sarcinaeforme, and
all except methylmercury nitrate were toxic to B. allii. Perhaps methyl-
mercury nitrate is not soluble enough in fat for the spores of this fungus
to absorb a toxic amount of the compound. Dillon- Weston and Booer
(1935) found that vapor of ethylmercury iodide was toxic to TiUetia spores
in the laboratory but afforded no control in the field.
The soluble inorganic mercury salts are protein precipitants, and this
property may explain in part their mode of action when used in high
concentrations. These salts are frequently fungistatic or bacteriostatic,
since the very firmness of the union between the mercuric ion and the cell
Of the nonmetallic elements, sulfur and certain of its compounds are
widely used as protective and eradicant fungicides. The toxicity of the
nonmetallic elements is dependent upon the state of oxidation. In many
instances, compounds in the higher states of oxidation are the least toxic.
For example, sulfur in the form of the free element (S) and of sulfide
(S=) forms excellent fungicides, while sulfites (SOa^) are only slightly-
toxicand sulfates (SO 4=) are nontoxic.
According to Large (1940), elemental sulfur has been used to control
powdery mildew for slightly over 100 years. The effectiveness of sulfur
increases as the particle size diminishes. Finely divided sulfur adheres
to plant surfaces much better than larger particles. In addition, the
distance between particles tends to be decreased when fine particles are
used, and the infection court is thereby better protected. The odds are
increased that a fungus spore falling upon a treated leaf will be within the
range of action of a particle of sulfur. An example of the effect of particle
size of sulfur on toxicity is given in Table 44. The greater toxicity of
Table 44. The Relation between the Particle Size and Toxicity of a Sulfur
Dust to the Conidia of Sclerotinia americana
(Wilcoxon and McCallan, Phytopathology 20, 1930.)
It is agreed that elemental sulfur is not the toxic agent and that sulfur is
transformed into the toxic agent. There are three possible agencies for
such transformations: the atmosphere, the plant on which the sulfur is
dusted, and the fungus spores or mycelium. Sulfur acts at a distance,
and since sulfur is volatile at room temperature, this property offers an
explanation. Sulfur vapor is a gas, and in this state it should be more
easily transformed into the toxicant.
slowly oxidized by the oxygen of the atmosphere to form sulfur
dioxide, but the rate atwhich this reaction occurs at ordinary tempera-
tures makes it impossible for this reaction to account for all the toxic
properties of sulfur, even though sulfur dioxide is toxic to fungus spores
(McCallan and Weedon, 1940).
Young (1922) set forth the hypothesis that pentathionic acid is the
toxic agent formed from sulfur. It is agreed, even by those who do not
support Young's hypothesis, that this acid formed on the surface of
Table 45. Comparison between the Toxicity and the Production of Hydrogen
Sulfide, Expressed in Units Equal to the Amounts of Hydrogen Sulfide
Required to Reduce Germination 50 Per Cent
(McCallan and Wilcoxon, Contribs. Boyce Thompson Inst. 3, 1931.)
The newer fungicides, with few exceptions, are either organic or organo-
metallic compounds. The organic mercury compounds were considered
with the inorganic compounds of mercury, since the mechanism of action
appears to be the same in both types of compounds. Many of the
organic fungicides exhibit greater specificity than the inorganic fungicides.
The possibilities of modification in the structure of organic compounds
are almost unlimited. The study of organic fungicides, therefore, offers
the opportunity of correlating structure with type and intensity of fungi-
cidal action.
Aldehydes. The first organic fungicide to attain wide acceptance was
formaldehyde. At one time this compound was used for the surface
sterilization of grain and potato tubers, but at present formaldehyde is
— CI— — CI
-H Cl- -CI
o o
1,4-Benzoquinone Chloranil (Spergon)
o OH O
2-Methoxy-l,4-naphthoquinone Juglone
^ ^ -N(CH3)2
\/ ^
Malachite green
(CH3)2N =C
Crystal violet
(CH3)2— N— C— SH
The is tetramethylthluram
oxidation product of dimethyldithiocarbamate
which has some value as a seed protectant.
disulfide (Thiram),
The dithiocarbamate fungicides, such as Nabam, yield hydrogen sulfide
on hydrolysis. This reaction takes place spontaneously in the presence
of moisture. The mechanism of hydrogen sulfide toxicity has already
been discussed. The second mechanism which has been proposed
involves the formation of insoluble mercaptides of certain essential metals.
+ H+
O— Zn
8-Hydroxyquinoline Zinc complex of 8-hydroxyquinoline
The preliminary tests of fungicidal activity are made in the laboratory
in order to eliminate inactive compounds or to compare the activities
of differentcompounds under identical conditions. Evaluation in the
greenhouse and field is the final test of a new fungicide. This discus-
sion will be limited to a general consideration of laboratory testing of
Fungus spores rather than mycelium are used in most laboratory tests
because it is the function of a protectant fungicide to kill or inhibit spore
germination. Three basic types of procedures may be used in laboratory
tests (McCallan, 1947): (1) Spores are suspended in solutions or suspen-
sions of the fungicide under test, and the inhibition of germination is
noted as a function of time of exposure and concentration of the fungicide.
This is a modification of the Rideal- Walker method of evaluating anti-
septics. (2)The compound to be tested is incorporated in a suitable
solid or liquid medium, which is then inoculated with spores of the test
fungi. The amount of inhibition of germination or growth is determined.
(3) Glass slides are covered uniformly with the fungicide, and after dry-
ing, the spores are sown on the treated slides. The inoculated plates
are then placed in constant-humidity chambers and the percentage of
germination determined after 20 to 24 hr. or the effectiveness of a fungi-
A fungicide is an agent capable of killing some fungi. Fungicides may
be either water-soluble or nearly insoluble. The action of fungicides
of the first class is immediate; that of the second class is delayed. Eradi-
cant fungicides are of the first class, w^hile protective fungicides are of
the second. Fungistasis is the complete or partial inhibition of one or
more life processes of a fungus. This inhibition is reversible. The same
chemical compound may cause fungistasis or may be a fungicide, depend-
ing upon the concentration and time of exposure. The same substance
may be a fungicide for one species, cause fungistasis of a second, and be
without effect upon a third. Fungistasis precedes fungicidal action.
Before a fungicide can act upon a fungus, the toxicant must get into
the fungus cells, or at least reach the protoplasmic membrane. While
other factors undoubtedly enter into the mechanism of fungicidal action,
the principal point of attack appears to be enzyme systems. The heavy-
metal fungicides appear to act by inhibiting various sulfhydryl enzymes.
Fungus spores transform sulfur into hydrogen sulfide, which inhibits the
metalloenzymes. Organic fungicides, so far as is known, are also enzyme
In the past, fungicides containing copper, mercury, and sulfur have
been the most useful. Recently, organic fungicides have become impor-
tant and promise to be used even more extensively in the future. Organic
fungicides are generally more specific than inorganic fungicides. Satis-
factory fungicides for the control of certain diseases are still undiscovered.
Barker, B. T. B., and C. T. Gimingham: The fungicidal action of bordeaux mix-
tures, Jour. Agr. Set. 4: 76-94, 1911.
Barratt, R. W., and J. G. Horsfall: Fungicidal action of metallic alkyl bisdi-
CoLWELL, C. A.,and M. McCall: The mechanism of bacterial and fungus growth
inhibition by 2-methyl-l,4-naphthoquinone, Jo^ir. Bad. 51: 659-670, 1946.
method of evaluating protectant fungicides, Phytopathology 33 627-632, 1943. :
Fleury, C.: Action de la thio-uree sur V Aspergillus niger. Role particulier joue
par la source d'azote nitrique, Bull. soc. botan. Suisse 58 462-476, 1948.
Frear, D. E. H.: Chemistry of Insecticides, Fungicides and Herbicides; 2d ed.,
D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., New York, 1943.
Geiger, W. B. The mechanism of the antibacterial action of quinones and hydro-
Marten, E. A., and J. G. Leach: Some factors influencing the solubility of cuprous
oxide in relation to its toxicity as a fungicide, Phytopathology 34 : 459-470, 1944.
Parker-Rhodes, A. F. Studies on the mechanism of fungicidal action. IV. Mer-
Many curious details about the early use of fungi as food have been
collectedfrom classical and other sources by Buller (1914) and by Rolfe
and Rolfe (192G). The mushrooms were no doubt among the first fungi
used as food by man. Yeast became part of his diet when the arts of
brewing and baking were discovered. The widespread use of fermented
beverages, under certain dietetic circumstances, has an important bearing
on nutrition and health. J. S. Wallerstein (1939) has discussed primitive
brewing practices and the geographical distribution of the art. The beer
of the Middle Ages Avas turbid, owing to its content of suspended yeast
cells (Thaysen, 1943).
The nutritive value of any food depends upon its composition and
digestibility and the assimilability of its hydrolytic products. The early
writers, in the absence of precise information, were of the opinion that
fungi had little value as food. The nutritive value of fungi, of yeast in
particular, will be discussed from the standpoint of protein content and
value, vitamins, fats, and minerals.
Assuming good digestibility, the value of fungus protein is determined
by its amino-acid composition. Rose (1938), in a long series of careful
experiments, has determined which amino acids are essential for man and
animals. Some nine or ten amino acids were found to be essential (Table
20). If the protein part of a diet is deficient in a single essential amino
acid, nitrogen is lostfrom the body, or inefficient utilization of protein
results. More poor protein must be consumed in order to increase
of a
the intake of essential amino acids to satisfactory levels. The amino-
acid composition of yeast and some other proteins is given in Table 46.
Yeast protein compares favorably w4th casein or meat with respect to
essential amino acids.
Less complete data are available for the amino-acid composition of
fleshy fungi. According to Lintzel (1941), the proteins of Psalliota
campestris, Cantherella cibarius. Boletus edulis, and Morchella esculenta
are about equal to animal protein. From 100 to 200 gr. (dry weight) of
these mushrooms was required to maintain the nitrogen balance in a man
weighing 70 kg. Fitzpatrick et al. (1946) found the tryptophane content
of P. campestris to be 5 mg. per 100 g.
Yeasts *
Amino acid
Methionine . .
Threonine. . . .
Isoleucine ....
Nicotinic Pantothenic
Species Thiamine Riboflavin
acid acid
Linder (1922) termed these two phases 'protein generation and Jat genera-
tion. Fat-laden cells of many fungi appear to be incapable of cell division.
Fat formation takes place only in the presence of an abundant supply
of oxygen. The relation between sugar concentration and amount of fat
synthesized by Penicillium javanicum is illustrated in Fig. 52.
mondi and C. fiareri (Tanner et al., 1945; Tanner and Van Lanen, 1947).
The optimum iron concentration for riboflavin synthesis by Clostridium,
acetobutylicum is said to be 1 mg. per liter. Hickey (1945) has suggested
the use of 2,2'-bipyridine to inactivate excessive concentrations of iron
in industrial fermentations. By maintaining the iron concentration
between 40 and 60 ng per liter, Levine et al. (1949) found the maximum
yields of riboflavin produced by C. guilliermondi and C. fiareri to be 175
and 567 ng per ml., respectively. Pilot-plant yields were somewhat less.
thesis developed, certain natural products will remain the only source
of this vitamin. The only organic moiety of vitamin B12 so far disclosed
is l-a-D-ribofuranosido-5,6-dimethylbenzimidazole (Brink et al., 1950).
Vitamin B12 is obtained as a by-product from various industrial processes,
The industrial production and use
of enzymes from microorganisms
in the Occident is although the use of fungi as amylolytic
fairly recent,
agents by the peoples of the Orient for the preparation of koji and other
foods an old art. For this purpose, mixed cultures of species of Asper-
and Rhizopus are grown upon the rice or soybean substrates, the
enzymes being used without separation. The pioneering work of Taka-
mine (1914) on the amylases of A. oryzae was especially important.
The ability of fungi to produce amylase is widely distributed, but only
a few species are used commercially for this purpose. The amount of
amylase produced varies with the species or isolate and the cultural condi-
tions. Le Mense et al. (1947) screened 359 isolates of Penicillium and
Aspergillus and found 42 isolates to produce amylase in submerged
culture. The activity of the species of Penicillium ranged from 0.1 to
0.6 enzyme unit per milliliter of culture medium. One isolate of A.
niger (NRRL 337) was found to be especially adapted for the production
of amylase in submerged culture. The production of amylase was highly
dependent upon the composition of the medium. Corn meal was espe-
cially valuable in increasing amylase production when added to basal
media composed of corn steep liquor, dried tankage, soybean meal, or
thin stillage. Amylase production was stimulated by the addition of 10
to 20 mg. of sodium chloride per liter of culture medium. Addition of a
mixture of chlorinated phenols (Dowcide G) inhibited sporulation and
increased amylase production (Erb et al., 1948).
Others have found different isolates of the same species to produce
varying amounts of amylase. Hao et al. (1943) studied the production
of amylase by 27 isolates of various species of fungi when grown upon
wheat bran. A. oryzae, Rhizopus delemar, and R. oryzae produced the
largest amounts of amylase. A. oryzae was the fungus of choice because
of ease of handling.
In practice, fungus amylases are produced and utilized in three general
ways. (1) In the amylo process, starch is solubilized by autoclaving with
a trace of a mineral acid, and the mash is inoculated with a species of
Rhizopus, which produces amylase abundantly, and a species of yeast.
The function of the Rhizopus species is to convert the starch into ferment-
able sugars, from which the yeast produces alcohol. For a description
of this process see Owen (1933). (2) The fungus may be grown upon a
solid substrate such as bran and the resulting moldy mass (mold bran)
dried (Underkofler et al., 1946). The fresh material may be used without
drying (Roberts et al., 1944). (3) Fungus amylases may be produced in
submerged aerated cultures much as antibiotics are produced. The
culture medium may be used directly to replace malt as a saccharifying
Fungus amylases are used to replace malt amylase for the saccharifica-
tion of starch, Myrback (1948) is amylase from A.
of the opinion that
niger is an a-amylase, but from a-amylase of malt in that it has a
it differs
higher capacity for saccharification. For a comparison of fungus and
malt amylase and the economic considerations involved, see Underkofler
et al. (194G). The yield of alcohol is said to be slightly higher when
fungus amylase is used in place of malt for saccharification.
Fungi are the source of other enzymes of commercial interest, including
pectinase and sucrase. Pectinase is used in the clarification of fruit
juices. For a survey of the commercial production of fungus enzymes
seeL. Wallerstein (1939).
Yeasts are used almost exclusively for the commercial production of
fermentation alcohol, but alcoholic fermentation is not restricted to these
fungi. Pasteur (1872) observed that Penicillium glaucum, Aspergillus
glaucus,and Mucor raceniosus produced alcohol under anaerobic condi-
tions. Further information on alcohol production by filamentous fungi
may be found in the monograph of Raistrick et al. (1931), who determined
complete carbon balances for 96 species of Aspergillus, 75 species of
Penicillium, 8 species of Citromyces (Penicillium) 23 species of
, Fusarium
and 36 miscellaneous species. The original report should be consulted
for details and the quantitative methods used. All the 23 species of
Fusarium studied produced alcohol. From this and other reports in the
literature, it must be concluded that this property is common among
species of this genus. Many species of Aspergillus and Penicillium pro-
duced alcohol, as did species of other genera. Only a few of the species
studied failed to produce detectable amounts of alcohol. The apparatus
used in these studies is shown in Fig. 53.
The concentration of alcohol which inhibits the growth of fungi varies
with the species or strain. In general, yeasts are more tolerant of alcohol
than the filamentous fungi. The upper limit for most yeasts is about 12
per cent alcohol, although some strains are more tolerant. The suscepti-
bility to alcohol limits the alcohol concentration of naturally fermentt>?
beverages. The rate of fermentation decreases as the concentration (k
alcohol increases.
Not all isolates of a species are equally efficient in producing alcohcu
For example, eight isolates of Fusarium lini produced varying amountfe
of alcohol on the same medium. The more virulent pathogens on flax
produced the most alcohol (Letcher and Willaman, 1926). A correlation
between sporulation and alcohol production by Aspergillus flavus was
noted by Yuill (1928). In general, sporulating cultures produced less
alcohol than nonsporulating cultures.
The most important condition w^hich governs alcoholic fermentation
Fig. 53. Apparatus for studying the metabolic products of fungi and other micro-
organisms. The apparatus consists of five units: A gasholder, P; a train for the puri-
fication and sterilization of air or other gases, A-E\ the culture flask, F; a train for the
quantitative absorption of carbon dioxide, H-M; an aspirator, Q, for the collection
of gaseous products of metabolism other than carbon dioxide. (Redrawn from Birkin-
shaw and Raistrick, Trans. Roy. Soc. (London), Ser. B, 220: 14, 1931. Published by
permission of the Royal Society.)
to the production of ethyl alcohol. During the war year of 1945 some
600 million gallons of 95 per cent ethyl alcohol was produced in the United
States alone. Less than one-third this amount was produced in 1948.
Of this amount 64 per cent was produced by fermentation (Lee, 1949).
While any source of fermentable sugars may be used for the production
of alcohol, the more common raw materials include molasses, starch from
various sources, hydrolyzed cellulose or wood sugar, and fruit juices. It
is beyond the scope of this text to discuss the commercial production of
the medium. In general, a highly acid medium (pH 2.0 to 3.0) favors the
synthesis of citric acid, while less acid media favor the production o/
oxalic acid.
Citric acid. Wehmer was the first to recognize the commercial possi-
bilities of citric acid synthesis by two species of Citromyces {Penicillium).
Selected isolates of Aspergillus niger appear to be used in industry,
although the propertj^ of producing citric acid is common to many fungi.
The following fungi have been suggested for commercial citric acid pro-
duction (Von Loesecke, 1945): Citromyces pfejferianus, C. glaber, C.
citricus, Aspergillus carhonarius, A. glaucus, A. clavatus, A. cinnamomeus,
A.fumaricus, A. awamori, A. aureus, Penicillium arenarium, P. olivaceum,
P. divaricatum, P. sanguifluus, P. glaucum, Mucor pyriformis.
The production of citric acid in the United States increased from about
5 million to 26 million pounds between 1935 and 1945 (Von Loesecke.
1945). Presumably most of this was "fermentation" citric acid. At
present it is beheved that most citric acid is produced by surface cultures.
Citric acid is formed from many sources of carbon. Sucrose is said
to be the best carbon source for the production of citric acid. There is
less agreement upon the value of other sugars. Different investigators
have found glucose, fructose, and maltose to vary from good to poor. In
part, this is to be attributed to the use of different isolates and different
experimental conditions. Beet molasses is used in industry. The
suitability of this substrate is said to vary with the source and year of
production (Bernhauer and Knobloch, 1941). The evaluation of carbon
sources is complicated by the metallic elements they contain, especially
iron and manganese. Methods of treating beet and cane molasses to
remove inhibiting impurities are described by Perlman et al. (1946),
Gerhardt et al. (1946), and Karow and Waksman (1947). The inhibiting
effect of metallic ions on the production of citric acid from sugars is illus-
trated by the data in Table 49.
Table 49. The Effect of Removing Metallic Contaminants from Three
Sugars, by the Process of Cationic Exchange, on the Prodlction of
Citric Acid by Aspergillus niger, Wisconsin Strain 62
(Perlman et al., Arch. Biochem. 11, 1943. Published by permission of Academic
Press, Inc.)
Sugar used
Citric acid
fresh medium with a high glucose content but low in other nutrients
(Forges et al, 1940, 1941).
The production of gluconic acid appears to be a direct oxidation of
glucose. The enzyme responsible for this transformation is called glucose
aerodehydrogenase. This enzyme, when free from catalase, catalyzes a
reaction between glucose and oxygen.
Gluconic acid and hydrogen
peroxide are the products formed. Glucose aerodehydrogenase was first
isolated from Penicillium chrysogenum and was called notatin, or penicil-
lin B, at first. Its antibiotic activity is due to liberation of hydrogen
peroxide. For recent papers on this enzyme see Keilin and Hartree
(1948, 1948a).
Lactic acid. Various lactic acid bacteria are used in the commercial
production of lactic acid. These bacteria require a complex natural
medium, which makes the purification of lactic acid laborious. Many
Phycomycetes produce lactic acid, and species of Rhizopus are
species of
noteworthy in this respect. The following fungi produce lactic acid:
Rhizopus arrhizus, R. chinensis, R. elegans, R. japonicus, R. nodosus, R.
oryzae, R. pseudodiinensis, R. salehrosus, R. shanghaiensis, R. stolonifer,
R. tritici, Mucor Monilia tamari, and Blastocladia pringsheimii.
Most appear to synthesize c?-lactic acid, although R.
of these fungi
chinensis synthesizes Wactic acid (Saito, 1911).
The use of R. oryzae for production of lactic acid has been intensively
investigated (Lockwood et al., 1936; Ward et at., 1936, 1938). Glucose
appears to be the best sugar. Nitrate nitrogen is not used by this fungus.
Calcium carbonate is used in the medium to neutralize lactic acid as it is
formed. Yields increase when the cultures are aerated. As much as
75 per cent of the glucose utilized is converted into lactic acid. The
presence of added zinc increases mycelial growth but depresses the yield
of lactic acid.
The mechanism of lactic acid production by fungi is ably discussed by
Foster (1949). Under anaerobic conditions, ethyl alcohol, carbon
dioxide, and lactic acid are produced in equimolecular amounts. The
amount of lactic acid produced under aerobic conditions increases, while
the amount of alcohol decreases (Waksman and Foster, 1939). The
most probable intermediate for the production of lactic acid is pyruvic
Itaconic acid. Aspergillus itaconicus was the first fungus reported to
synthesize itaconic acid. The structural formula below shows that this
unsaturated acid is related to succinic acid.
Itaconic acid
The fungi which have been tested for itaconic acid production are mainly
selected isolates of A. terreus. Relatively few isolates produce sufficient
itaconic acid to have commercial possibilities (Calam et al., 1939; Moyer
and Coghill, 1945).
Various attempts have been made to produce mutants of A. terreus
by irradiating conidia with ultraviolet light (Raper et al., 1945). Less
success attended these efforts than comparable treatment of conidia of
Penicillium chrysogenum for obtaining mutants with enhanced penicillin
Among the factors which affect the production of itaconic acid by
isolates of .4. terreus are the composition of the medium, hydrogen-ion
concentration, temperature, and aeration. Glucose and ammonium
nitrate appear to be the best sources of carbon and nitrogen. The pH
range in which itaconic acid accumulates is narrow and low, 1.9 to 2.3.
The aluminum ion is toxic to A. terreus, but aluminum trays may be used
if the concentration of magnesium ion in the medium is high. As much
as 4.75 magnesium sulfate heptahydrate per liter of medium may be
g. of
Fumaric acid
Among the esters reported to be formed by fungi are ethyl acetate,
methyl cinnamate, methyl p-methoxycinnamate, and isobutyl acetate.
Various reports are in the literature concerning a "banana-oil" odor
being produced by fungi, but apparently amyl acetate has not been
isolated and identified as a product of fungus metabolism. Ethyl acetate
is produced by Penicillium digitatum (Birkinshaw et al., 1931) and by
Fig. 54. Method of assay for antibiotics. A, control culture of Penicillium notatum
on agar medium; radial series of plugs cut at 6 days. B, agar-plug assay plate show-
ing zones of inhibition of Staphylococcus developed after agar blocks removed from A
have been incubated for 16 hr. at 37°C. (Courtesy of Raper, Alexander, and Coghill,
Jour. Bad. 48: 644, 1944. Published by permission of The Williams & Wilkins
Fig. 55. The antibiotic effect of Streptomyces sp. on two plant pathogenic fungi,
Monilinia fructicola, on the left, and Helminthosporiuin sativum, on the right.
Fig. 56. The effects of certain soil organisms on the pathonogcnicit}^ of Helmintho-
s'porium sativum on barley. Seedlings grown at 80°F. in steamed soil infested with:
A, no organisms; B, H. sativum and Bacillus subtilis: C, H. sativum and Penicillium sp.
D, H. sativum and Trichoderma lignorum: E, H. sativum. (Courtesy of Anwar,
Phytopathology 39: 1011, 1949.)
Table 52. The Production of Penicillin in the United States for the Years
1943 TO 1948
A unit of penicillin is 0.6 ^g. (Coghill and Koch, Chem. Eng. Neivs 23, 1045; Lee,
Ind. Eng. Chem. 41, 1949. Published by permission of the American Chemical
Year Billions of Units
nose are the best hexoses; maltose is the best disaccharide starch and;
who eat this fungus. Many people have eaten it with no ill effects,
although a number of cases of poisoning and even a few deaths have been
reported. Helvellic acid is soluble in hot water. Its toxic action is due
to its blood-dissolving power.
While a number of other toxic substances have been detected in the
fleshy fungi, the exact identity of most of them is not known. For
example, species of Paneolus may cause temporary paralysis or intoxica-
tion similar to alcoholic intoxication. Some species of Amanita have
been reported to contain other toxins in addition to those discussed above
(Fischer, 1918).
The alkaloids produced by Claviceps purpurea and C. paspali are toxic
to man and animals if consumed in large enough quantities. The specific
alkaloids produced were mentioned previously. The production of
toxins is common in the genus Fusarium. Gihberella zeae, the cause
of scab of small grains, produces toxic substances which are poisonous
to livestock fed on scabby grain (Christensen and Kernkamp, 1936).
Numerous other fungi which cause plant diseases are known to produce
toxic substances which kill the host or modify its activity (see Chap. 17).
Colored compounds produced by fungi and other organisms are called
pigments. In the fungi, some pigments accumulate in the mycelium and
spores, while others diffuse into the culture medium. The pigments
produced by a fungus are in part determined by genetic factors and in
part by the environment. Mycelium, fruit bodies, and spores may be
pigmented, or in some species the pigment is confined to the spores.
Among the fleshy fungi, brown
is one of the most common colors of
larger fruit bodies of the fungi are entirely black, although this is a com-
mon color for perithecia, pycnidia, and spores.
Among the nutritional factors which modify the production of pigments
by fungi micro essential elements, the carbon and nitrogen
in culture, the
sources, the initial pH of the medium,and the temperature are important.
Perhaps the first of these factors to be studied was the effect of iron, cop-
per, zinc, and other micro elements upon the spore color of Aspergillus
niger. Copper seems to play an outstanding role in the production of
dark spores by this fungus (Mulder, 1939), but low concentrations of
other micro essential elements also affect spore color of this fungus. The
influence of iron, copper, and zinc on the pigmentation of mycelium and
spores, and the production of soluble pigments by certain species was
studied by Metz (1930).
The investigation of the chemical structure of fungus pigments has
formed an essential part of a comprehensive study of the products of
fungus metabolism at the University of London. The citations in this
paragraph will give the reader entry into this excellent work. Many
fungi produce anthraquinone pigments. Helminthosporium gramineum
stores in its mycelium two pigments (helminthosporin and hydroxyisohel-
minthosporin), which may account for 30 per cent of the dry weight of
the mycelium. Helminthosporin is 2-methyl-4,5,8-trihydroxyanthra-
quinone (Charles et at., 1933). H. cynodontis and H. euchlaenae form
cynodontin, l,4,5,8-tetrahydroxy-2-methylanthraquinone, which is closely
related to helminthosporin (Raistrick et at., 1933). Some 12 anthra-
quinone pigments are produced by fungi (Howard and Raistrick, 1949).
Xanthone pigments are produced by H. ravenelUi and H. turcicum (Rai-
strick et at., 1936). The production of anthraquinone pigments is not
restricted to species of Helminthosporium, for Penicillium islandicum
synthesizes chrysophanic acid, 4,5-dihydroxy-2-methylanthraquinone
(Howard and Raistrick, 1950). In general, the production of these and
other pigments is modified by the cultural conditions used. The produc-
tion of helminthosporin by H. gramineum was increased when nitrate or
organic sources of nitrogen were used. Ammonium nitrogen was not
favorable for pigment production. More pigment was produced when
the initial pH was 8 than in more acid media.
Many of the water-soluble pigments produced by fungi are indicators.
P. phoeniceum and P. ruhrum produce such an indicator pigment, phoe-
nicine (2,2'-dihydroxy-4,4'-ditoluquinone). The color changes of this
indicator are from yellow to red in the pH range of 1.8 to 3.4 and from
red to violet in the range 5.4 to 6.4. As much as 2 g. of this pigment is
produced by P. ruhrum per liter of medium (Curtin et al., 1940).
The functions of fungus pigments are not well understood. It is
known that certain of these pigments are enzyme inhibitors. Others, like
A number produce toxins, some of which are deadly to
of fleshy fungi
man if consumed The toxins vary in chemical
in sufficient quantity.
nature, in severity, and in the symptoms they produce.
Pigments are assumed to serve a definite function in fungi, at least in
some instances. Some pigments are known to be antibiotics; others such
as carotene are provitamins; but in general the functions of the fungus
pigments remain unknown.
Anwar, A. A.: Factors affecting the survival of Helrninthosporium satirum and
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The life of the individual fungus is usually short and of uncertain dura-
tion. The continuance of the species (in most instances) depends upon
the production and dissemination of sexual or asexual spores. The
importance of spore production in the spread of epiphytotics is sufficient
reason to study the factors which control, modify, or inhibit this stage of
development in the life of the fungi. Some of the most difficult problems
which arise in the study of the life processes of the fungi are to be found
in the events and conditions which control the production of spores.
In nature, we find many examples of the influence of certain environ-
mental and nutritional factors upon reproduction of the fungi. A num-
ber of parasitic fungi produce the perfect stage only in the spring, on or in
dead host tissue. This is true of Venturia inaequalis, Clavtceps purpurea,
Gnomonia ulmi, Monilinia jructicola, Coccomyces hiemalis, Guignardia
bidwelln, and others. Is the production of the sexual stage dependent
upon the pretreatment of cold, or freezing and thawing? Is it dependent
upon a favorable temperature and perhaps favorable intensity and dura-
tion of light? Or is it a matter of the proper nutrients which are made
available only after decay of the host tissues? These are difficult ques-
tions to answer, for it is likely that the production of the sexual stage
depends upon the proper balance of a number of factors. Similarly, we
may speculate about the stimuli involved in the formation of the peri-
thecia by the Erysiphales. Most of these obligate parasites form fruit
bodies late in the growing season. Perhaps, at least in some cases, this
is a reaction to cooler weather or perhaps the formation of perithecia is a
tions may beat the optima, but no reproduction can occur without the
presence of favorable genetic factors. Too often we may fail to realize
the genetic requirements. The appropriate steps should be taken to
determine whether the fungi under study are homothallic or heterothallic.
It may be difficult, indeed, to determine whether failure of a fungus to
reproduce in culture is due to unfavorable environmental conditions or
to unfavorable genetic factors. There is much yet to be learned regard-
ing the physiology of reproduction, but each new investigation is certain
to add to our knowledge of this interesting and important phase of fungus
Vegetative growth must precede reproduction. The length of the
vegetative phase varies from organism to organism, and the same organ-
ism may remain in the vegetative phase for a longer or shorter period of
time depending upon the external environment. One of the functions
of the vegetative phase is concerned with the building up of protoplasm
and the storage of energy reserves. Reproduction is a process that draws
heavily on the reserve food. The spore is usually well stocked with these
materials. Asexual reproduction differs less from vegetative growth than
does sexual reproduction. We shall find that the conditions limiting-
sexual reproduction are usually more narrow than conditions which allow
asexual reproduction and growth.
Klebs (1900) summarized his views on reproduction in the fungi in the
form of four laws or principles as follows: (1) Growth and reproduction
are life processes, which, in all organisms, depend upon different condi-
tions. In the lower organisms the external conditions mainly determine
whether growth or reproduction takes place. (2) Reproduction in the
lower organisms does not occur as long as characteristic external condi-
tions are favorable for growth. The conditions which are favorable for
reproduction are always more or less unfavorable for growth. (3) The
processes of growth and reproduction differ, in that growth may take
place under a wider range of environmental conditions than reproduction.
Growth may take place, therefore, under conditions which inhibit repro-
duction. (4) Vegetative growth appears to be mostly a preliminary step
for reproduction in that it creates a suitable internal environment for it.
To a certain degree it is not growth in itself but the prolonged period of
assimilation accompanying growth that is decisive for reproduction.
These generalizations were published in 1900 and were based upon
Klebs's own work, as well as that of others. Many more fungi have been
studied during the past 50 years, and some new factors have been brought
to light. would not be surprising if some modifications in these con-
clusions would be necessaiy in the light of 50 years of research. We shall
find, however, that, in the main, many of these "laws" are still valid.
Temperature. Temperature was recognized by Bisby (1943) as an
important natural factor governing the geographical distribution of the
fungi. The temperature must be favorable not only for growth but also
for the production and germination of the spores, if the fungus is to
survive. Certain fungi are limited by high temperatures. Among these
are Plasmodiophora brassicae, Colletotrichum lindemuthianum, Urocystis
cepulae, and certain Phycomycetes. On the other hand, certain genera
of the Gasteromycetes, such as Podaxis, Battarrea, Chlamydopus, and
Phellorina, are confined to the hot arid regions of southwestern United
States, northern Africa, central Australia, and western India. Between
these extremes we may observe many examples where seasonal tempera-
ture limits or favors reproduction.
Klebs (1900) pointed out that the temperature range which allowed
sporulation was more narrow than the range for growth. In general, the
temperature limits for sexual reproduction are narrower than the limits
for asexual reproduction. Some of Klebs's data are presented in
Table 53.
Table 53. Minimum and Maximum Temperatures (in Degrees Centigrade) for
Growth axd Sporulation of Various Fungi
(Klebs, Jahrb. iriss. Botan. 35, 1900.)
2 6
Q, 4
7 9 11 13 15
Incubation period (days)
Fig. 58. The effects of temperature and time of incubation on sporulation of Piri-
rularia oryzae on rice-polish agar. (Courtesy of Henry and Andersen, Phytopathology
38 : 272, 1948.)
1950). This fungus produces two types of asexual spores, those produced
in typical sporangia and conidia borne in heads. Only the conidia are
found commonly in nature, while both types are abundant in culture.
When the fungus was grown in Petri dishes at 25°C., 87 per cent of the
reproductive structures were conidial heads, while 13 per cent were
sporangia (Table 54). When the temperature was increased to 30°C.,
this proportion was nearly reversed. At 31°C. many sporangia but no
conidia were formed. No sporulation occurred at 34°C., but mycelial
growth was abundant. Temperature also affected, either directly or
indirectly, the size of the sporangia. Those produced at 25°C. averaged
60 to 90 n in diameter, while those formed at 30 or 31°C. were much larger,
averaging approximately 145 fi. It seems likely that this effect is indirect,
being a reflection of the relative number of conidia, which are formed first
under favorable conditions. We may assume that the production of
abundant conidia uses much of the food materials which might also go
Temperature during
sporulation, °C.
to explain the results. We may assume that light, or its absence, affects
two metabolic reactions, or groups of reactions, which are essential to
conidium formation by C. cucurhitarum. Light, which is essential to
reaction A, apparently inhibits reaction B, which must occur in darkness
or weak light. The reaction in light must be'^followed by the reaction in
darkness, if conidia are to be formed. Continuous bright light favors
Reaction A Reaction B
= No conidia
Reaction A
Continuous darkness
= No conidia
Reaction B
Bright light
= No conidia
Reaction A
Reactions A + B simultaneously
culture methods came into wide use. The lethal action of ultraviolet
light is conditioned by the wave length of the irradiation, by the time of
exposure, and by the particular nature of the microorganism. A con-
siderable number of investigators have studied the effect of ultraviolet
radiation upon sporulation. Both favorable and unfavorable results
have been obtained. It should be recognized that length of exposure
Fig. 61. The effect of light on the production of pycnidia by an isolate of Dendro-
phoma obscurans when grown on malt extract-agar plates at 25°C. A, grown under
continuous artificial light, .\lternate light and darkness gave similar results. B,
grown in continuous darkness.
Fig. 62. The effect of glutamic acid on gametic reproduction of Phycomyces hlakes-
leeanus at 26°C. Left, basal medium; right, basal medium plus 10 mg. d-glutamic
acid, neutraHzed with CaCOs. Note the line of progametes in the plate on the right.
Age, 6 days. (Courtesy of Robbins and Schmitt, A7n. Jour. Botany 32 321, 1945.)
I 1,000 r
100 -
The nutritional conditions under which a fungus produces reproductive
bodies and spores are often quite different from those which are optimum
for vegetative growth. Not all media are equally suitable for sporula-
tion. The frequent failure to obtain sporulation of many common fungi
in culture, even though they grow profusely, testifies to the extent of our
ignorance regarding the necessary nutritional factors. However, the
following factors have been shown to be important: concentration of
medium, carbon and nitrogen sources, carbon-nitrogen ratio, micro
essential elements, specific reproductive factors, and vitamins.
Concentration of nutrients. Among
the early workers, Klebs (1900)
gave a great deal of attention to the effect of nutrient concentration upon
reproduction. For most of the fungi with which he worked, exhaustion
of the food supply favored sporulation. Klebs (1899) kept a culture of
Saprolegnia mixta in the vegetative condition for 2^^ years by constant
renewal of the nutrient solution. Yet, this fungus produced spores within
a few days when The same principle
the food supply became exhausted.
holds true for the Myxomycetes as well as the filamentous fungi. Camp
(1937) grew Physarum polycephalum and studied the effect of the number
with the more favorable nitrogen sources for sporulation are Monilinia
fructicola, ammonium tartrate, glycine; Phoma betae, glycine; Neo-
cosmopara vasinfeda, glutamic acid, glycine; Septoria nodorum, glycine;
Diaporthe phaseolorum var. batatatis, asparagine; Choanephora cucur-
bitarum, organic nitrogen.
Carbon source. Not all carbon sources are equally suitable for fruit-
ing of fungi. Some which are favorable for mycelial growth do not favor
sporulation. Hawker (1939) found the number of perithecia produced
Fig. 64. The effects of different nitrogen sources on sporulation of three fungi after
19 days on a ghicose-sucrose medium at 25°C. The nitrogen sources are: A, apsaragine;
B, casein hydrolysate; C, potassium nitrate; D, ammonium sulfate; E, ammonium
tartrate; F, glycine. The fungi are: top, Glornerella cingulata; middle, Pleurage
^^.Jcolla; bottom, Melanospora sp.
curvic Note that asparagine and casein hydrolysate
Discharged spores
are good sources of nitrogen for spore production of all three fungi.
of P. curvicolla are evident only on these two media.
Table 56. The Effect of the Carbon-Nitrogen Ratio of the Medium on the
Production of Perithecia by Neurospora crassa
Production rated on scale of 10. Age, 11 days. (Westergaard and Mitchell,
Am. Jour. Botany 34, 1947.)
Glucose con-
either parasitic upon A^. coccinea or dependent upon it for some nutri-
tional substance. On potato-glucose, malt extract, and other common
Fig. 67. The stimulating effect of Aspergillus rugulosus (small colony at the bottom)
on the production of perithecia by Sordaria fimicola grown on glucose-asparagine
medium low in biotin. The zone of black perithecia of Sordaria around the colony of
Aspergillus is attributed to the biotin excreted by the latter fungus.
lium next to the Aspergillus colony soon shows stimulated growth, which
is followed by the formation of abundant perithecia in this area. Since
we know that Sordaria is deficient for biotin and requires an exogenous
supply of this vitamin for reproduction, we may assume that the stimulat-
ing effect is due to the extra biotin produced by A. rugulosus diffusing into
the medium.
Many fungi cannot synthesize suflricient amounts of certain
vitamins and must depend upon an outside source of these vitamins for
optimum growth. Since many nutritional factors may influence both
growth and reproduction, it would be logical to expect that the vitamin
supply would affect the reproduction of vitamin-deficient fungi. Robbins
and Ma (1942) ventured the opinion that, although the sex organs of
certain deficient fungi were formed only in the presence of the growth
factor for which these fungi were deficient, they were doubtful if there
was any direct relation between vitamin supply and the formation of
sex organs. They regarded the failure of Ceratostomella pluriannulata to
produce perithecia in the absence of thiamine to be a disturbance of the
physiology of the fungus and ventured the prediction that the formation
of sex organs in other deficient fungi would be found associated with the
vitamins for which the fungi was deficient.
Melanospora destruens is able to grow in the presence of biotin as the
only growth factor, but it produces perithecia only when thiamine, too, is
added to the medium (Hawker, 1939). The relationship between the
amount of sugar and the amount of thiamine necessary for maximum
fruiting is clearly brought out by the thiamine-deficient fungus, C.
fimbriata (Barnett and Lilly, 1947a). Whether perithecia are formed on a
given medium is determined by the amount of thiamine relative to the
amount of food in the medium (Table 57). In a reduced supply of sugar
the concentration of thiamine necessary to induce fruiting is also reduced.
The abundance of perithecia is conditioned both by the amount of thia-
mine and by the amount of nutrients. Less thiamine is required for
vegetative growth than for the production of perithecia. A similar rela-
tion between amounts of sugar and biotin and sporulation of Memnoniella
echinata was described by Buston and Basu (1948). It should be noted
from Table 57 that, in a medium high in sugar but low in thiamine, no
perithecia were formed even though as much as 30 mg. of mycelium was
present. On the other hand, perithecia were produced on as little as two
mg. of mycelium when the medium contained the same amount of thia-
mine but was very low in sugar. These results are not in accord with the
idea that vigorous or abundant mycelium is essential to the formation of
perithecia; they indicate a more direct relation between vitamin supply
and sexual reproduction.
This direct relationship may be further illustrated by a simple experi-
How^ever, under the same treatment, but with the addition of thiamine
to the water, fertile perithecia are formed within a few days. We may
assume that, when thiamine is added, the fungus uses this vitamin as a
coenzyme in transforming the protoplasmic reserves into perithecia and
Table 57. The Effect of Various Concentrations of Thiamine upon Growth
AND Estimated Abundance of Perithecia Formed by Ceratostomella fimhriata
in the Presence of Various Concentrations of Nutrients
Growth in milligrams. Abundance of perithecia indicated by: = none; + =
lessthan 20; ++ = 20 to 200; +++ = 200 to 1,000; ++++ = more than 1,000.
(Barnett and Lilly, Mycologia 39, 1947.)
.4 B
Fig. 68. The on the formation of ascospores by Sordaria
effect of biotin starvation
fimicola. A, asci from a perithecium developed in a suboptimum concentration of
biotin. Note the few mature ascospores and the majority of asci in which no spores,
or only aborted ascospores, have formed. B, normal asci with mature ascospores
developed on medium with optimum biotin concentration.
25 8
25 210
25 450
2 2,000
Method of inoculation. The method of inoculation and the type of
inoculum used are often important factors affecting sporulation in cul-
ture. Some fungi sporulate more quickly, and often more abundantly,
on agar when the medium is flooded with a spore suspension than when
the inoculum is placed at only one point. This is particularly applicable
to certain pycnidium- or acervulus-producing fungi, which usually pro-
duce abundant mycelium before fruiting.
It is possible that the spores of certain fungi carry over sporulation-
inducing substances to the next generation. The production of conidia
of CoUctotrichum lindeviuthianum was greater on agar media inoculated
at one point with spores than when bits of mycelium were used as inocu-
lum (Mathur et at., 1950).
Method of sterilizing media. The most common method of sterilizing
culture media is the use of steam pressure in an autoclave. The standard
time is usually 15 to 20 min. at 15 lb. pressure. This temperature is
Reproduction in the fungi, particularly sexual reproduction, with all the
necessary preliminary metabolic activities, is a complex phenomenon.
Some fungi appear to be relatively indifferent to and independent of their
environment with respect to sporulation, while others appear to require
a special combination of environmental conditions. If we assume that
all fungi require similar internal conditions for sexual reproduction
and we do not believe this to be an unreasonable assumption —we must
recognize the existence of numerous fundamental differences in the
metabolic activities of the many different fungi. Some are capable of
creating the necessary internal conditions in spite of external conditions
which may be limiting factors for other fungi. Other species may not
have the ability to create the necessary internal conditions
specific action of certain external factors, such as proper nutrients,
vitamins, and others. As has been previously emphasized, these proc-
esses are often dependent upon the enzyme systems of the fungus, and
these systems and their activity vary widely among the different species.
Many fungi reproduce sexually only as the vegetative growth is near or
past the maximum. At this time many of the cells of the mycelium are
dead or dying. Autolysis follows, and the cells that remain alive absorb
certain of these products of autolysis and are thus enabled to increase
their concentration of certain essential substances to such a degree that
reproduction is possible. If these speculations are valid, it might be
expected that nearly any type of injury which causes death of some of the
cells would have a favorable effect on reproduction of some fungi. Ultra-
violet radiation, which inhibits growth and often favors sporulation, may
act by killing some of the cells. Heat may also act by speeding up the
life processes of a fungus so that maturity is reached more quickly, which,
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dissemination of its spores. These include (1) the dependence upon Hght
for the production of sporangia, (2) the positively phototropic response
of the sporangiophores (see frontispiece), (3) the violent discharge of the
sporangium into the air toward the source of light, (4) the sticky nature
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We owe much of our knowledge regarding the structure of Piloholus, its
physiology, and its life and comprehensive
history to the careful study
descriptions of Buller (1934). Much of his work was done with P. kleinii
and P. longipes. Brefeld (1881) showed that, in the absence of light, no
sporangia were formed, but that the sporangiophores continued to grow
for 10 to 14 days and reached the length of 8 to 10 in. A 2-hr. exposure to
light was sufficient for partially formed sporangiophores to complete their
development in the dark. Sporangiophores and sporangia developed
normally in blue light but did not develop in red-yellow light.
Fig. 69. A, a median longitudinal section of Pilobolus kleinii just before discharge oi
sporangium. The gun is pointed at an acute angle away from the light source. The
light rays that strike the sporangium are screened out. The rays that strike the side of
the subsporangial swelling are bent and concentrated on the oposite side. This presum-
ably gives a photochemical stimulus which is conducted to the motor region below the
subsporangial swelling. Bending toward the source of light then occurs until an
equilibrium is reached and the light rays are concentrated at the base of the sub-
sporangial swelling. B, at this time the gun is pointed directly toward the light
source. (After Buller, Researches on Fungi, Vol. VI, pp. 91, 92, 1934. Reproduced
by permission of Longmans, Roberts and Green,)
rangia are eaten by beetles, which in turn are eaten by frogs or hzards.
After the beetles are digested and the sporangia are released, the spores
are formed. These spores are then capable of germination and produc-
tion of mycelium on frog or lizard excreta.
A somewhat different method of discharge is described for the genus
Entomophthora by Fitzpatrick (1930) and more specifically for E. sphaero-
sperma by Sawyer (1931). Instead of being due to a squirting action of
the cell contents, as in the case of Piloholus and Bastdiobolus, the discharge
of the sporangium in Entomophthora involves the opposing forces of
osmotic pressure and the adhesive power between the two walls separating
the sporangium and sporangiophore. As the sporangium matures, the
pressure on both sides of the separating walls becomes so great that the
outer wall is suddenly broken, and the sporangium is thrown into the
air. The sporangia, being sticky, readily adhere to the objects which
they strike.
The theory of violent discharge of sporangia in certain downy mildews
was advanced by De Bary (1887), using Peronospora parasitica and
Phytophthora infestans as examples. Later, Pinckard (1942) found the
forcible adiection of sporangia in Peronospora tabacina to be the same as
that described by De Bary.
As the mature sporangiophore dries out,
the entire crown, with branches and sporangia, begins a counterclock-
pai'tway through the pore to its broadest point and is then suddenly
squeezed out by the contraction of the ascus tip (Ingold, 1933).
The increase in the osmotic pressure within the maturing ascus must
be preceded by an increase in the soluble materials in the cell sap. This
is believed to be accomplished by the digestion of glycogen, which is
leave the ascus, they are directed vertically. Biiller })elieves that the
oblique position of the operculum a physiological character formed as a
response of the ascus end to the stimulus of light. Seaver (1928), how-
ever, believes that the position of the operculum is not determined by
Fig. 70. Sections through the hymeniuni of Ascobolus magnificus, showing the photo-
tropic response of the ascus tips to Hght. Discharge of the ascospores is then directly
toward the source of hght. (After Buller, Researches on Fungi, Vol. VI, p. 272, 1U34.
Reproduced by permission of Longmans, Roberts and Green.)
Fig. 71. Structure of fruit body and mechanism of discharge of peridiole of Sphaero-
bolus stellatus. A, section of mature sporocarp, with six layers (1-6) that invest the
central peridiole (7). B, dehiscence of sporocarp at apex. The inner membrane is
liquefied. C, eversion of the remaining two layers by which the peridiole, D, is sud-
denly discharged. (Reproduced by permission from Wolf and Wolf, The Fungi, Vol.
II, p. 203, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1947.)
the peridiole. This layer deliquesces, and the peridiole then rests in the
watery substance produced. A split then occurs between layers 3 and 4,
beginning at the base but not progressing to the very top. Laj^er 4, the
fibrous layer, is composed of small, rather closely packed cells, while layer
5, the palisade layer, is made up of comparatively large, somewhat
elongated cells. The cells of the palisade, which is on the concave sur-
face, increase in turgor and in size and are held under great tension by
the relatively inelastic fibrous layer. These inner layers are suddenly
everted, acting as a catapult, throwing the peridiole violently upward.
Walker (1927) has reported that the peridiole of S. stellatus may be
thrown to a vertical distance of 14 ft., while Buller (1934) reports a maxi-
mum horizontal distance of 18 ft. 7 in.
distance above the aecia to which the spores were shot varied from 6 to
15 mm., being about 8 mm. for P. graminis. The exact mechanism of
aeciospore discharge is not known, but it probably depends largely upon
turgor pressure of the mature aeciospores, which are formed in chains.
The double wall between two aeciospores is at first flat, but near maturity
and tends to make these w^alls
of the spores the osmotic pressure increases
convex. Itassumed that the adhesive force between the two walls is
Fig. 72. Discharge of the third basidiospore from basidium of Agaricus campestris,
following the formation of a drop of water at the tip of the sterigma. (After Duller,
Researches on Fungi, Vol. II, p. 12, 1922. Reproduced by permission of Longmans,
Roberts and Green.)
Fig. 73. Stills from ultra-high-speed film showing impact of drop of water with a fruit
body of Lycoperdon perlatum and the subsequent puff of spores. The drop, 5.0 mm. in
diameter, fell with a velocity of -440 cm. per sec. The time elapsed between the con-
tact of drop with peridiimi until the last photograph was 0.046 sec. (Courtesy of
Gregory, Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 32 14, 1949. Published by permission of Cam-
lower than that for viabiht}^ of the fungus. Low temperatures usually
merely slow down spore production and discharge. Duller (1909) found
that Daedalea unicolor, Lenzites hetulinus, Polyporus versicolor, and P.
hirsutus discharged spores when the air temperature was 0°C. Schizo-
phyllum commune shed spores vigorously at 5°C., but not at 0°C.
Andersen et al. (1947) showed that few conidia of Piricularia orijzae
were liberated when the host plants were dry. Continued wetting greatly
increased the secondary spread of the fungus in experimental trials.
Sporidia of rusts are formed and discharged only during periods of high
humidity. The need of the downy mildew fungi for changing conditions
of humidity has been pointed out. The hygroscopic character of the
capillitium of certain slime molds aids in pushing the spores to the surface,
where they may be disseminated by various agents. Many other species
of fungi appear to be independent of the air moisture, as long as there is
sufficient moisture in the fruit body. Gravity is believed to have little
effect upon spore discharge, except in the proper orientation of the fruit
The spores of some puffballs are enclosed within the nearly spherical
peridium, which opens by an apical pore. When sudden pressure is
applied to the peridium, the spores are puffed out of the pore in clouds of
"smoke." Gregory (1949) has shown, by use of ultraspeed photography,
that raindrops falling on the thin peridium of Lycoperdon perlatum cause
a puffing of spores (Fig. 73). The velocity of the puff as the spores
emerged from the ostiole was approximately 100 cm. per sec. Under the
conditions of the experiment, it was estimated that a drop of water falling
Many other fungi do not have any special method of spore discharge
and must depend upon physical or biotic agents in nature for getting their
spores away from the fruit body where they are produced. Some of these
possess some special adaptations for dissemination by certain agents.
The most important agent of dissemination is air currents. The uredio-
spores of the rusts are not violently discharged. They accumulate in
the sorus and must be dislodged by the wind or movement of the host
plant. Many of the Monihales which produce dry conidia also depend
upon air movement to shake them loose from the conidiophores. Con-
vection currents are responsible for local spread of dry spores, while
splashing rain is important in the dissemination of spores with matrix.
It is well known that spores of some of these fungi may be blown for
hundreds of miles and remain viable.
Dissemination of the zoospores of the aquatic fungi may be accom-
plished locally by means of the flagella or for greater distances by the
movement of water, which may carry the spores both in the motile and
in the encysted stages. The condition of diplanetism, which involves
two motile stages separated by an encysted stage, may be advantageous
for the greater dissemination in water. The translocation of mud and
moist soil by means other than water may also be important. Although
the motility of zoospores of certain parasitic fungi, such as Phytophthora
infestans,can scarcely be considered an important means of dissemina-
tion, does enable the spore to move short distances in a drop of water
Many fungi have no means of forcibly discharging their spores but must
depend upon the physical and biotic factors in nature for liberation and
dissemination of spores. Others possess special mechanisms for dis-
charging their spores away from the fruiting structures which bear them.
In most cases this violent discharge depends upon high osmotic pressure
within certain cells of the fungus. Increased osmotic pressure usually
is a result of the digestion of glycogen to soluble sugars.
De Bary, a.: Comparative Morphology and Biology of the Fungi, Mycetozoa and
Bacteria (trans. H. E. F. Garrney, rev. I. B. Balfour), Oxford University Press,
New York, 1887.
Dodge, B. O.: Aecidiospore discharge as related to the character of the spore wall,
Jour. Agr. Research 27: 749-75G, 1921.
Dodge, B. O.: Expulsion of aeciospores by the may apple rust, Puccinia podophylii
Schw., Jour. Agr. Research 28: 923-92(i, 1924a.
Dodge, B. O.: Discharge of the sporangioles of bird's nest fungi, Mycologia 33:
650-654, 1941.
FiTZPATRiCK, H. M.: The Lower Fungi, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New
York, 1930.
Gregory, P. H. The operation of the puff-ball mechanism of Lijcoperdon perlatum
*Ingold, C. T.: Spore discharge in the ascomycetes, New Phytologist 32: 178-196,
Ingold, C. T.: The spore-discharge mechanism in Basidiobolus ranarum, New
Phytologist 33: 274-277, 1934.
*Leach, J. G.: Insect Transmission of Plant Diseases, McGraw-Hill Book Company,
Inc., New York, 1940.
*PiNCKARD, J. A.: The mechanism of spore dispersal in Peronospora tabacina and
certain other downy mildew fungi. Phytopathology 32: 505-511, 1942.
Sawyer, W. H. Studies
: in the morphology and development of an insect-destroying
fungus, Entoniophthora sphaerosperma, Mycologia 23: 411-432, 1931.
Seaver, F. J.: The North American Cup Fungi. Operculates, published by the
author, New York, 1928.
* Walker, L. B.: The development and mechanism of the discharge in Sphaerobolus
iowensis and S. stellatus, Jour. Elisha Mitchell Set. Soc. 42 : 151-178, 1927.
Walker, L. B., and E. N. Andersen: Relation of glycogen to spore ejection,
Mycologia 17: 154-159, 1925.
Weimer, J. L.: Some observations on the spore discharge of Pleurage curvicolla,
Temperature. Temperature one of the most important external
et at., 1927).
The supply of oxygen may influence the method of spore germination
(Uppal, 1926). Germination by zoospores was possible in the absence
of oxygen for the sporangia of Phytophthora mfcstans, P. colocasiae, P.
palmivora, and P. parasitica. Germination by germ tubes does not take
place in these species in the absence of oxygen. However, the presence
of oxygen is essential for zoospore formation by sporangia of Alhiigo
Candida, Plasmopara viticola, and Sclerospora graminicola. The two
methods germination are different processes, the direct method more
nearly resembling vegetative growth.
Hydrogen-ion concentration. Under natural conditions acidity is not
usually a limiting factor for spore germination. In general, spores will
germinate within a wide pH range. It seems significant that, in most
species of fungi, germination is favored by an acid medium, often at a
pH considerably lower than the optimum for vegetative growth or sporu-
lation. The effects of acidity of the medium upon a number of species,
including Botrytis cinerea, Aspergillus niger, Penicillium cyclopium, P.
italicum, Puccinia graminis urediospores, Lenzites saepiaria, Colleto-
trichum gossypii, and Fusarium sp., are reported by Webb (1921). The
spores of the Fusarium germinated equally well in alkaline and acid
media, while CoUetotrichuni gossypii was the only species of the group
studied in which germination was better in an alkaline medium. At
pH 2.5 spore germination was prevented in all species, and the optimum
formost species was 3.0 to 4.0. In sucrose-nitrate (Czapek's) solution,
two maxima usually occurred, the primary one at pH 3.0 to 4.0 and a
secondary one between G.O and 7.0. Of all the media tested, beet decoc-
tion gave the maximum germination imder the widest range of conditions.
Webb also clearly demonstrated that the range of pH favoring germina-
tion is influenced by temperature and by the constituents of the medium.
All the species of Myxomycetes studied by Smart
(1937) germinated
within a pH range of 4.0 to Spores of Fuligo septica germinated
from pH 2.0 to 10.0. Optimum for all species ranged from 4.5 to 7.0,
with some germinating better near 4.5 and others near 7.0. The spores
of Urocystis occulta germinated between pH 5.0 and 8.9, with the optimum
at 6.8 (Ling, 1940). This optimum is higher than those for most fungi.
Kauffman (1934) found the range for spore germination of several species
of Basidiomycetes (Agaricaceae and Nidulariaceae) to be pH 5.0 to 8.5
with the optimum near 7.5.
It is interesting that Doran (1922) in his review of spore germination
makes no mention of acidity as a factor. It would appear that acidity
is of more or less importance as a modifying factor, even though it is
Table 60. The Essentiality of Various Ions for the Germination of the
CoNiDiA OF GlomereUa cingulata
(Lin,Am. Jour. Botany 32, 1945.)
into the container enclosing the spores gave the same increase in germina-
tion. The same effect was demonstrated for Ustilago zeae (Platz et at.,
The length of Hfe of spores is usually measured by their ability to
germinate after various periods of time. It is affected by environmental
conditions, principally temperature and moisture. The greatest period
of longevity reported for fungus spores appears to be among the Myx-
omycetes. Smith (1929) succeeded in germinating spores from herbarium
specimens of Myxomycetes 5 to 32 years after they were collected. A
few of the common species whose spores germinated after approximately
30 years are Physarum cinereum, Fuligo septica, Hemiirichia clavata, and
Stemonitis ferruginea. Smut spores also have a long period of viability
(Lowther, 1950). Spores of Aspergillus orijzae germinated after 22 years
in a sealed tube at room temperature (McCrea, 1923).
In contrast to long periods of longevity, some fungus spores die very
soon after they are liberated. The sporidia of Cronartium rihicola lived
less than 10 min. at room temperature with a humidity of 90 per cent
(Spaulding, cited by Doran, 1922). Sporidia of Gymno sporangium
juniperi-virginianae lived no longer than 6 days in dry air. Eight weeks
is reported as the maximum longevity of aeciospores of C. rihicola, with
only 5 per cent germination after 7 weeks. In general, aeciospores of the
rust fungi remain viable about 50 per cent longer than the urediospores,
whose average longevity ranged from 30 to 60 days (Doran, 1922).
Other factors have been reported to influence longevity of spores.
Ascospores of Endothia parasitica remained viable for a year when dried
in the bark, but when removed from the bark, they lost the ability to
germinate within 5 months (Anderson and Rankin, 1914). Similarly,
conidia in dry spore horns retained viability for at least a year, but when
placed in water, separated, and then dried, the time was less than 1
month. It seems likely that one of the functions of the gelatinous matrix
of the conidia of certain fungi, such as Gloeosporium, Colletotrichum, and
Cytospora, is to increase the longevity of the spores through its water-
holding capacity.
Light is apparently only of minor importance as a factor influencing
longevity. No doubt ultraviolet light in nature plays an important part
in reducing the period of viability and even in killing many of the hyaline
spores. Spores having dark walls are protected somewhat against the
penetration of the ultraviolet rays.
Spore germination represents a change from an inactive to an active
phase in the life cycle of a fungus. Since it involves the first stages of
growth, it is reasonable to expect that many of the factors which influence
vegetative growth also affect spore germination. On the other hand,
the spore, being a resting cell, may contain stored materials not usually
Brefeld, O.: Die Brandpilze IV. in Untersuchungen aus dem Gesammtgebiete der
Mykologic, Heft 13, Muenster, Heinrich Schoningh, 1905.
*Brodie, H. J.: Further investigations on the mechanism of germination of the
conidia of various species of powdery mildew at low humidity, Can. Jour.
Research 23: 198-211, 1945.
Brodie, n. J., and C. C. Neufeld: The development and structure of the conidia of
Enjsiphe polygoni DC. and their germination at low humidity. Can. Jour.
Research 20: 41-61, 1942.
*Brown, W. Studies in the physiology of parasitism. IX. The effect on the germi-
nation of fungal spores of volatile substances arising from plant tissues, Ann.
Botany 36: 285-300, 1922.
BuRGERT, I. A.: Some factors influencing germination of spores of Phyllosticta
solitaria, Phytopathology 24: 384-396, 1934.
*Chbo, p. C, and J. G. Leach: The stimulating effect of dung infusion on the germi-
nation of spores of Ustilago striiformis, Phytopathology 40 584-589, 1950. :
Fries, N.: Ueber die Sporenkeimung bei einigen Gasterromyceten und mykor-
rhizabildenen Hymenomyceten, Arch. Mikrobiol. 12: 266-284, 1941.
Fries, N.: Untersuchungen iiber Sporenkeimung und Mycelentwicklung boden-
bewohnender Hymenomj'ceten, Symholae Botan. Upsaliensis 6: 1-81, 1943.
Gardner, M. W. Anthracnose of cucurbits, U.S. Dept. Agr. Bull. 727, 1918.
Jones, E. S. : Influence of temperature, moisture and oxygen on spore germination
of Ustilago avenae, Jour. Agr. Research 24: 577-591, 1923.
Kauffman, F. H. O. : Studies on the germination of the spores of certain Basidio-
mycetes, Botan. Gaz. 96 282-297, 1934. :
Noble, R. J.: Studios on the parasitism of Urocystis tritici Koern, the organism
Ryan, F. J.: The appHcation of Neurospora to bioassay, Fed. Proc. 3 365-369, 1946.
parasite, the fungus may fail to establish a parasitic relationship with its
proposed host. Such factors may exert their influence either before or
after penetration by the fungus. Environmental factors acting before
penetration may in reality bring about an escape from a disease rather
than true resistance to it.
The present discussion is divided into three main parts: (1) penetra-
tion; (2) parasitism, the action of the parasite in becoming established and
obtaining its food (3) resistance of the host to penetration or against the
A discussion of the action of the parasite after it enters the host is so
closely correlated with the defense of the host that it is difficult to discuss
parasites, while those belonging to the second group have been called the
balanced parasites (Bessey, 1935). The latter group includes those fungi
known at present as obligate parasites (such as the Uredinales, Erysiphales,
and Peronosporaceae), and some other fungi (such as the Ustilaginalesand
Taphrina) which in their hosts obtain food only from living cells.
The destructive parasites, as a whole, are strong producers of enzymet;
and toxins but may be weak in mechanical action. Some of these cause
rapid rots of fruits or vegetables but are unable to penetrate the unbroken
epidermis and must depend on wounds for their entrance. Others, which
are seldom, if ever, found as pathogens in nature, may cause rot when
artificially inoculated into succulent plant tissues.
Rotting due to two distinct effects of the fungus on the
of the tissue is
host: (1) death of the cells,and (2) dissolution of the middle lamellae.
The separation of the cells is due to the action of the enzymes proto-
(Table 63) This is necessary before the parasite can absorb water from
to rot it.The inhibition in this case was traced to the mahc acid in
the apple. The pectinase produced by Pythium was most active in an
alkahne medium, near pH 8.0, while that of B. cinerea was more active
in an acid medium, at pH 5.0 to 5.5.
In contrast with the destructive fungi which rot the host tissue are
those which cause wilting and certain types of necrosis without disintegra-
tion of the host cells. These fungi produce little or no pectinase. Some
common fungi which cause wilting of mature plants are species of
Fusarium, Verticillium, Cephalosporium, and Ceratostomella. It is now
generally believed that in most cases wilting caused by fungi is due to
toxins or to the plugging of the vessels by polysaccharides or other similar
metabolic products of the fungus, rather than to plugging by the excessive
mycelial growth in the vessels. Extracts of the mycelium or the culture
filtrate of a number of these fungi cause effects that are the same as or
similar to those caused by the fungi themselves in their respective hosts.
A definite correlation between the pathogenecity of two strains of
Fusarium and
lycopersici the toxicity of their metabolic products was
demonstrated by Haymaker (1928). There was similarity of symptoms
and of the effect of temperature on wilting. The culture filtrate was more
toxic when the fungus was grown at 28°C. than that obtained at any other
temperature. The toxic substance was not identified. Other workers
(Plattner and Clausson-Kaas, 1945; Woolley, 1946) have reported that
the wilt-inducing compound produced by F. lycopersici is lycomarasmin,
a peptide of aspartic acid. Gaumann and Jaag (1947) reported that
clavacin exerted a wilting effect on detached tomato shoots similar to
that of lycomarasmin. But, whereas lycomarasmin acted chiefly on the
cells of the leaf blade, clavacin is toxic mainly to the phloem and paren-
chyma of wood and cortex of the stem and petiole. The action of both
compounds is believed to be similar, destroying the semipermeability of
the plasma membranes, thereby decreasing the water-holding capacity of
the cells and inducing wilting.
Various polysaccharides have been shown to produce wilting in tomato
cuttings (Hodgson et al., 1949). Since there was a direct relationship
between molecular weight and wilt-inducing action of these compounds,
it was concluded that their action was mainly by mechanically interfering
buffered media at pH 4.25 than at 5.25, although growth was more rapid
in the less acid medium (Fig. 76). The toxin was shown to be irreversibly-
inactivated at pH G or above. The introduction of calcium hydroxide
into trees of basic chemicals to the soil have been
and the application
somewhat successful in retarding the disease. Presumably, these chem-
icals act by raising the pH of the sap of the tree.
Fig. 76. Growth of Ceratostomella ulmi of toxin, as measured by wilt
and production
of tomato seedlings induced by culture filtrate, in buffered media at different pH
levels. Note that toxin production is favored by the more acid medium, while
growth is greater in the less acid medium. (Courtesy of Feldman, Caroselli, and
Howard, Phytopathology. 40: 348, 1950.)
structures, but the exact mechanism of the transfer of food is not so well
understood. The haustorium of the filamentous parasite is very similar
in its behavior to the intracellular nonfilamentous parasite, being sur-
rounded by the protoplasm of the host cell. Haustoria may be of several
forms, simple and nearly spherical, coiled, and branched in various ways.
Most cytologists agree that there is a cellulose wall, or sheath, around the
older haustoria. It is presumably formed by the host cell and suggests
a weak mechanism of defense against the invading parasite, yet it does
not prevent the diffusion of soluble food into the haustorium.
The haustorium commonly comes into contact with the nucleus of the
host In 23 of the 35 cases (host-parasite combinations) reported
of digesting and absorbing the tissues within the leaf, producing cavities
in which the ascocarps later form. The hyphae bore their way through
the cell walls of any of these tissues and, in doing so, absorb a portion of
the wall. The parenchyma cells become disorganized, and their contents
disintegrate. The vascular cells may be invaded and partially absorbed
and become filled with hyphae. The most striking physiological charac-
teristic of this fungus is its ability to absorb, replace, and engulf the
tissues of the host leaf without any external evidence of necrosis of the
host. This would seem to indicate the presence of highly active cellulo-
iytic enzymes (and perhaps others) confined to the area near the fungus,
without the presence of toxic substances, which would cause necrosis of
the leaf tissue.
Actually, comparatively little is known about the activities which
lead to parasitism, particularly of the balanced parasites. It is hoped
that more planned experiments will be conducted in an attempt to gain
more knowledge regarding the mode of parasitism of plant pathogens.
Only by understanding the action of the parasite can we understand the
basic facts underlying resistance and susceptibility.
Parasitism and symbiosis with insects. There are numerous reports
of the parasitic and symbiotic relations of fungi with insects. For a
more complete discussion than this text offers, see Leach (1940) and
Steinhaus (1946). In many cases the relationship is solely to the advan-
tage of the fungus (true parasitism), but a number of cases of mutualistic
symbiosis do exist. The fungi may be disseminated by the insects which
serve as their hosts. One can only speculate regarding the basic nutri-
the fungus (Couch, 1938) .The dependence of the fungus for its distribu-
tion upon the migrating young scale insects was previously mentioned in
Chap. 15 under Spore Dissemination. The fungus forms a crust over
scale insects, some of which are parasitized while others are not. The
uninfected females give rise to young insects, which may remain under
the fungus crust, crawl out through tunnels under the fungus, or crawl
out over the sporulation surface of the fungus. The young insects are
infected onlyby the bud cells from the basidiospores, never by the older
fungus hyphae. The bud cells germinate on the surface of the insect and
apparently enter principally through the natural openings. The fungus
then produces coiled haustoria, which absorb food directly from the
circulatory system of the insect, which in turn sucks its food from the
host tree. Some infected insects may settle down on the bark, while
others crawl under a nearby protective fungus colony. Only the former
are responsible for distributing the fungus, while the latter are responsible
Resistance is the ability of a host to prevent or oppose the entrance or
subsequent growth and development of a parasite. It may be effective
either before or after penetration of the host. A host which cannot
successfully prevent such actions of the parasite is susceptible. Studies
in the nature of resistance have been only partially enlightening, and in
many cases the nature of disease resistance is still obscure. Some of the
present theories are based on what might be termed "circumstantial
evidence," such as a general correlation between resistance and some
characteristic of the host. There is sufficient evidence, however, that it
is dangerous to generalize about the nature of resistance. It seems likely
that in many cases the cause of resistance may be specific, being common
perhaps to but one or only a few host-parasite combinations.
The types of resistance may be placed for convenience into three
fungus, while conditions which favor rapid maturity of the host cells may
cause the fungus to be left behind in the mature tissues which it cannot
Hart (1929) studied the nature of resistance of wheat varieties to stem
rust and described a type of resistance that she terms funciio7ial resistance,
which is dependent upon the stomatal movements of the host, and con-
cluded that the parasite enters the wheat only through open stomata.
There has been frequent discussion regarding the importance of the
acidity of the cell sap of the host and its effect upon resistance. The
effects of cell-sap acidity may be threefold: (1) an increase in the hydrogen
ions; (2) the toxicity of the organic acids; (3) the influence upon the
chemical changes and the possible formation of toxic products by the host
cells. In some cases these effects have not been satisfactorily distin-
guished. Numerous examples may be found in the literature in which
resistance has been attributed to the acidity of the host or host part.
Butler (1918) refers to investigations showing that the leaves of varieties
of grape resistant to powdery mildew contain three to five times as
acid as the nonresistant varieties. He also showed that the red rot
5.0 or less.
On the other hand, greater acidity of the cell sap may favor the develop-
ment of some diseases. The susceptibility of certain varieties of grape to
Guignardia bidwellii has been correlated with a greater amount of tartaric
acid (Butler, 1918). This author points out that leaves are susceptible
only while they are young and rich in tartaric acid.
and protocatechuic acid in amounts that would account for the resistance
of these varieties to the fungus. The action of volatile and nonvolatile
antibiotics in the fleshy scales of the onion is believed to be a definite
factor in relative resistance of onion varieties to C. circinans, Aspergillus
niger, and Botrytis allii (Hatfield
et al., 1948). Reynolds (1931) explains
resistance of flax varieties toFusarium lini as being due to the higher
amounts of glucosides, which upon hydrolysis yield hydrocyanic acid.
Similarly, the resistance of species of Solamim to Cladosporiuni fulvum
is believed to be due to the presence of higher amounts of solanine
are so modified that they revert to the embryonic condition and may even
divide. When the obhgate parasite enters the extremely susceptible
host, it causes so little disturbance that, at least in the first stages of
infection, the metabolism of the host is afTected but little or not at all.
Walker and Link (1935) caution against jumping at conclusions regard-
ing the importance of phenolic compounds as factors in resistance. They
point out that
. .the mere piesence of phenolic substances in a host plant does not warrant
the conclusion that they play a role in the resistance of that host to a given
parasite or parasites. Toxic phenolic substances might be present in concen-
trations so low that their inhibitory effects are negligible, or they might also be
present in concentrations that have a stimulative effect. When a phenolic sub-
stance with a specific toxicity toward a given organism is present in the host in an
appropriate concentration, it may be regarded as a part of the disease resisting
mechanism of that host.
but apparently absent in most or all dicots (Ezekiel and Fudge, 1938).
Growth of the pathogen was prevented by the expressed juices from a
number of monocots but not by juices of susceptible dicots. Ether
fractions of monocot roots, or other underground parts, were highly
potent against the pathogen, while similar extracts from susceptible dicot
plants were uniformly nonpotent.
In some other highly parasitic fungi the action of the fungus causes
the death of the surrounding cells, which then prevents the further spread
of the parasite. Leach (1923) found that in a highly resistant variety
of bean the hyphae of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum seldom attack more
than one or two cells of the host. Both the host cells and the fungus
hyphae then die, and the entire cell contents are stained a reddish brown.
In less resistant varieties the parasite attacks more host cells, but sooner
or later the mycelium disintegrates. Leach interprets this as "a nutri-
tional phenomenon," which results in death of the fungus by starvation,
and the products of autolysis then kill and stain the host cells.
It has been pointed out previously that certain fungi are able to pene-
trate some plants but are then unable to establish themselves (Stakman,
1914; Jones, 1919; Salmon, 1905). These plants may be either closely
related or unrelated to those which serve as the natural host of the fungus.
In such cases the failure to cause disease may be due to unfavoraVjle
nutritional relations. The theory of a toxin-antitoxin, or toxin-counter-
toxin, between parasite and host has been suggested by a number of
investigators (Ward, 1905; Marryat, 1907; Stakman, 1914; Allen, 1923;
Walker, 1924) as a possible explanation for resistance to the rusts.
Cytological studies of Puccinia graminis tritici infections of both
susceptible and resistant varieties of wheat were made by Allen (1923),
who concluded that secretions from the fungus stimulate the metabolic
activities of the susceptible host to produce more food, while in the
resistant host the same secretions cause disintegration and death of the
host cells near the infection. More distant cells may be stimulated.
The haustoria usually die soon after the host cells are killed. Leach
(1919) believes resistance to P. graminis tritici and P. graminis tritici-
able to the host had no appreciable direct effect upon the resistance to
rusts. A summary of the work on the effect of soil nutrients and environ-
ment upon resistance to disease has been presented by Wingard (1941).
The carbon metabolism of a plant likewise influences resistance to
certain rusts. Waters (1926) found that urediospores of Uroniyces fabae
developed on detached leaves floating on 5 per cent sucrose solution in the
dark, while none formed when leaves were floated on water. These
observations were confirmed by Yarwood (1934) for rust and powdery
mildew of clover. It follows that active carbon assimilation increases
susceptibility of the host to the obligate parasites.
Although the environmental factors are of great importance in deter-
mining the resistance or susceptibility to a disease, their effects are usually
upon the host and only indirectly upon the parasite. Abundant refer-
ences on this subject can be found in the literature. The effect of tem-
perature upon the metabolism and resistance of certain hosts may be
illustrated by Gihherella zeae on wheat and corn (Dickson, 1923). Seed-
ling infection of wheat was found to occur at high temperatures and of
corn at low temperatures; i.e., the temperatures unfavorable to host
development. In the germination of w^heat at low soil temperatures the
starch of the endosperm is hydrolyzed more rapidly than the proteins,
which results in abundant sugar but little available nitrogen for seedling
growth. Thus, the cell walls are thickened and more resistant. At
higher temperatures both starch and proteins are rapidly hydrolyzed;
there is a greater supply of available nitrogen, and growth is more rapid.
The cell walls remain longer in the pectic condition and are more suscepti-
ble to attack. In corn the situation is reversed. At high temperatures,
which favor the corn, the cell w'alls develop more rapidly and are more
Sharvelle (1936) concludes that the resistance of flax to flax rust cannot
be attributed to any single factor but probably results from a number of
factors operating together. Doubtless, the same statement could be
applied to many other diseases to which the nature of resistance is not well
Some of the different types of parasitismmay be summarized as fol-
lows: (1) The produces extracellular enzymes, particularly
pectinase, w'hich dissolves the middle lamellae of the host cells, allowing
the cells to separate (rotting). This may or may not be accompanied
by toxic substances but results in the death of the cells. The soluble
food materials are then free to be absorbed by the fungus. The insoluble
foods stored in the host cells may be digested by other extracellular
enzymes. This type is illustrated by the rots of fruits and vegetables.
(2) The parasite may produce toxic materials or other substances whi( ii
may be some distance from the fungus, but it usually does not
active at
cause the rotting of the tissue. This is illustrated by a number of wilt
diseases and by some others. (3) The third type depends upon a con-
genial nutritional relationship between the parasite and the host cells.
In susceptible hosts of this type there is little or no apparent effect upon
the host cells. The resistant hosts may show a high degree of sensitivity
to the parasite, which may result in the death of the invaded cells and
starvation of the parasite. This type of parasitism is characteristic of
the balanced parasites. The balanced parasite enters the susceptible
host cell and establishes a compatible food relationship, absorbing the
soluble nutrients elaborated by the host, without disturbing the metabolic
activity of the host in the early stages. In this respect, the relationship
of parasite and susceptible host represents the most highly specialized
type of parasitism.
The destructive parasites, as a rule, are strong producers of toxins
and exoenzymes, while the balanced parasites must be quite weak in this
respect. In many host-parasite relations studied, there is a change in
the permeability of the host cells surrounding the invading hyphae. This
is believed to be a direct response to substances secreted by the parasite.
nutrients for Puccinia graminis tritici, and the white pine and Ribes for
Cronartium ribicola, or that the nutrient requirements of the haploid
mycelium are different from those of the diploid mycelium.
Much more investigation is needed to increase our knowledge of possi-
ble correlations between pathogenicity and metabolic products. This
should lead to a better understanding of parasitism. The possible role
of antibiotics occurring naturally in host plants as a factor in disease
resistance has received some attention recently, but much more knowl-
edge of this type is desired. Many of the problems of today may come
nearer to solution with a clearer understanding of the enzyme systems of
the parasitic fungi and the basic principles of specific enzymatic action.
Allen, R. F.: Cytological studies of infection of Baart, Kanred and Mindum wheats
by Puccinia graminis tritici forms III and XIX, Jour. Agr. Research 26 571-604, :
Allen, R. F.: A cytological study of Puccinia triticina physiologic form 11 on Little
Club Wheat, Jour. Agr. Research 33: 201-222, 1926.
Arthur, J. C, F. D. Kern, C. R. Orton, F. D. Fromme, H. S. Jackson, E. B.
Mains, and G. R. Bisby: The Plant Rusts, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York,
Bessey, E. a.: a Textbook of Mycology, The Blakiston Company, Philadelphia,
Boyle, A. M.: Further studies of the bacterial necrosis of the giant cactus, Phyto-
pathology 39 : 1029-1052, 1949.
*Brooks, F. T.: Host resistance to fungi, chiefly in relation to obUgate parasites,
Proc. Roy. Sac. (London), Ser. B, 135: 180-186, 1948.
Brown, W.: Studies in the physiology of parasitism. I. The action of Botrytis
cinerea, Ann. Botany 29: 313-348, 1915.
Brown, W.: Studies in the physiology of parasitism. VHI. On the exosmosis of
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•*Brown, W.: The physiology of the host-parasite relation, Botan. Rev. 2: 236-281,
Brown, W.: Physiology of the facultative type of parasite, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London),
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Butler, E. J.: Immunity and disease in plants, Agr. Jour. India, Special Indian
Sci.Congr. Issue, 1918 10-28. :
Couch, J. N.: The Genus Septobasidium, The University of North Carolina Press
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De Bary, a.: Ueber einige Sclerotinien uiid Sclerotien Krankheiten, Bolan. Zig.
44:377-474, 188G.
Dickson, J. G.: Influence of soil temperature and moisture on the development of
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Dodge, B. O.: Effect of the orange-rusts of Rubus on the development and distribu-
tion of stomata, Jour. Agr. Research 25 495-500, 1923. :
Dodge, C. W.: Medical Mycology, The C. V. Mosby Company, St. Louis, 1935.
DuFRENOY, J.: Cellular immunity, Am. Jour. Botany 23: 70-79, 1936.
Emmons, C. W.: Medical mycology, Botan. Rev. 6: 474-514, 1940.
EzEKiEL, W. N., and J. F. Fudge: Studies on the cause of immunity of monocotyle-
donous plants to Phymatotrichum root rot. Jour. Agr. Research 56 773-786, :
Fawcett, H. S. An important entomogenous fungus, ]\Iycologia 2: 164-168, 1910.
Karling, J. S.: Chj'trifliosis of scale Insects, Am. Jour. Botany 35: 246-254, 1948.
Klotz, L. Inhibition of enzymatic action as a possible factor in the resistance of
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KuNKEL, L. O.: A contril)ution to the life history of Spongospora subterranea, Jour.
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Leach, J. G.: The parasitism of Puccinia grnminis tritici Erikss. and Ilenn. and
Puccinia graminis tritici-compacti Stak. and Piem., Phytopathology 9: 59-88,
*Leach, J. G.: The parasitism of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum, Minn. Agr. Expt.
Sta. Bull. 14, 1923.
Leach, G.: Insect Transmission of Plant Diseases, McGraw-Hill Book Company,
Inc., New
York, 1940.
Lee, a.: The toxic substance produced by the eye-spot fungus of sugar cane, Helmin-
thosporium sacchari, Plant Physiol. 4: 193-212, 1929.
*LiNK, K. and
P., J. C. Walker: The isolation of catechol from pigmented onion
scales and its significance in relation to disease resistance in onions, Joiir. Biol.
Chem. 100: 379-383, 1933.
Little, J. E., T. J. Sproston, and M. W. Foote: Isolation and antifungal action of
naturally occurring 2-methoxy-l,4-naphthoquinone, Jour. Biol. Chem. 174:
335-342, 1948.
Mains, P>. B. The relations of some rusts to the physiology of their hosts, Am. Jour.
Rosen, H. R.: Efforts to determine the means by which the cotton wilt fungus,
Fusarivm vasinfedum, produces wilting, Jour. Agr. Research 33: 1143-1162,
Sabouraud, R.: Maladies du cuir chevelu. Vol. Ill, Les Maladies cryptogamiques,
Les Teignes, Masson et Cie, Paris, 1910.
Salmon, E. S.: On the stages of development reached by certain biological forms of
Erysiphe in cases of non-infection, Neiv Phytologist 4: 217-222, 1905.
Schmidt, M.: Zur Entwicklungsphysiologie von Cladosporium Jidvxim und liber die
Widerstandfjihigkeit von Solanum racemigerum gegen diesen Parasiten, Planta
20: 407-439, 1933.
Sharvelle, E. J.: The nature of resistance of flax to Melampsora lint, Jour. Agr.
Research 53: 81-127, 1936.
*Smith, F. G., J. C. Walker, and W. J. Hooker: Effect of hydrogen-ion concentra-
tion on the toxicity to Colletotrichum circinans (Berk.) Vogl. of some carboxylic
acids, phenols, and crucifer extracts. Am. Jour. Botany 33: 351-356, 1946.
Smith, L. D. S.: Clostridia in gas gangrene. Bad. Revs. 13: 233-254, 1949.
Stakman, E. C. a study in cereal rusts. Physiological races, Minn. Agr. Expt.
Ward, M. On the relations between host and parasite in the bromes and their
brown rust, Puccinia dispersa Erikss., Ann. Botany 16: 233-315, 1902.
Ward, M.: Recent researches on the parasitism of fungi, Ann. Botany 19: 1-54,
Waters, C. W.: The relations of bean rust grown on leaves in solution. Papers Mich.
Acad. Sci. 5: 163-177, 1926.
Wellensiek, S. J. : The nature of resistance in Zea mays L. to Puccinia sorghi Schw.,
Phytopathology 17: 815-825, 1927.
* Wingard, S. a. The nature of disease resistance in plants, Botan. Rev. 7
: : 59-109,
Wolf, F. A., and F. T. Wolf: The Fungi, Vol. II, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New
York, 1947.
WooLLEY, D. W. Strepogenin activity of seryl glycyl glutamic acid, Jour. Biol.
Variation in physiological behavior of different species of fungi has
been noted in the preceding chapters. The present discussion emphasizes
the physiological variation within a species, i.e., between different isolates,
strains, or races, which show little or no morphological difference.
Nutritional requirements. Variations in the nutritional requirements
of different isolates of the same species are numerous. Differences in
vitamin requirements or in carbon and nitrogen utilization may serve as
Differences in deficiencies for one or more vitamins have been reported
for different isolates of Fusarium avenaceuni (Robbins and Ma, 1941),
Sclerotinia minor (Barnett and Lilly, 19-47), Saccharomyces cerevisiae
(Leonian and Lilly, 1942; Burkholder and Moyer, 1942), Sordaria fimicola
(Hawker, 1939; Barnett and Lilly, 1947a), and numerous others. For
example, certain isolates of Sordaria fimicola from nature are totally
deficient for biotin alone, while others are deficient for both biotin and
thiamine. A somewhat different type of variation is reported by Thren
(1941) for Ustilago nuda. The haploid mycelium showed no deficiency
for vitamins, while the diploid mycelium required an external supply of
thiamine or pyrimidine. The plus and minus strains were also found to
differ in their nutritional requirements.
that the physiologic races may vary in Init a single gene and that they may
arise by hybridization or by mutation.
There is abundant evidence that the haploid and diploid stages of some
fungi may differ in pathogenicity. The haploid phase of a number of
Fig. 77. Panus stypticus grown on malt agar. A, diploid mycelium, 4 weeks old, from
a pairing between a haplont of the luminous American form and a haplont of the
nonluminous European form, photographed by reflected light; B, the same culture as A
photographed by its own light; C, a 2-weeks-old pairing between a nonluminous
haplont, on the left, and a luminous haplont, on the right, photographed by reflected
light; D, the same pairing as C photographed by its own light. (Courtesy of Macrae,
Can. Jour. Research, Sec. C, 20: 424, 1942.)
Glomerella, and by Lindegren (1945, 1948) and his colleagues with yeasts.
Most of these investigations have been concerned primarily with sexual
or morphological characters. The life cycle of Neurospora is shown
diagrammatically in Fig. 78.
Beadle and his associates have contributed much to our knowledge
Germinating Germinating
aSCOspore- .-^
Conidia Conidia
Protoperittiecium A — ~- Protoperithecium a
Hypnal fusion
Fig. 78. Diagram of life cycle of Neurospora. (Courtesy of Beadle, Am. Scientist
34 36, 1946, and Science in Progress, 1947. Published by permission of the Society of
strain of the opposite sex to determine if the changes were inherited. The
ascospores from these crosses were planted on both the minimal medium
and a complete medium. The appearance of the deficiency in half of
the cultures was considered as evidence that the change was of genetic
origin;i.e., a mutation. Transfers of the mutant to four different media
(minimal, with amino acids, with vitamins, and complete) then deter-
mined whether the deficiency was for an amino acid or a vitamin. All
media contained biotin. For a diagrammatic scheme of the procedure
see Fig. 79.
X-ravs or
-^ © © © -
Coniolict Crossed
(asexuoil spores) with wild
Wild fv/pe
O t^pe of
\.y opposite
Frui+inq body
Sexut^l spore
T T T"
(with vitoimins,
oimino cicids,
MinirriCTl Vitoimins Amino Minim(7il Complete
medium acids
Fig. 79. Experimental procedure by which biochemical mutants are produced and
detected in Neurospora. (Courtesy of Beadle, Am. Scientist 34 37, 1946, and Science
Q Q Q Q Q I ©
Thiamin Ribo- Pyri- Panto- Niacin p-Amino- Inositol Choline Folic Nucleic Minimal
flavin doxin thenif benzoic acid acid control
acid acid
Fig. 80. Tests of mutant on individual vitamins or growth factors. Growth only on
pantothenic acid indicates a single deficiency for this vitamin. (Courtesy of Beadle,
Am. Scientist 34: 39, 1946, and Science in Progress, 1947. Published by permission
of the Society of the Sigma Xi.)
f Uhu) Mb* iHi iki iSS
|r jF I I p
KJ kJ \J \J kJ
D O With pantothenic oicid
i } 1 I 1 1 1 1
Wild Panfothenicless
t:ype p ¥ B
Without pantothenic acid
Fig. 81. Scheme by which the inheritance of a mutant type is determined. The 1 to
1 ratio with regard to need for pantothenic acid indicates simple Mendelian inheritance.
(Courtesy of Beadle, Am. Scientist 34: 40, 1946, and Science in Progress, 1947. Pub-
lishedby permission of the Society of the Sigma Xi.)
require in our food suppl3^ It is clear, therefore, that the substances the bread
mold needs in its metabolism are very much the same as those we need. The
difference is only an apparent one and results from the fact that bread mold
makes them whereas we let some other organism make them for us. By inacti-
vating the right genes the bread mold can be made very similar to man in its
nutritional requirements.
spore haploid cultures from the same fruit body fell into two compatibility-
groups. Such a condition is described as bipolar. Diploid mycelium
was formed only when two haploid mycelia of different compatibility
groups were paired. If A and a represent the genes for compatibility,
the combination of Aa would be necessary for the formation of diploid
mycelium. AA and aa would be incompatible.
^\^lile body of Exidiaglandu-
the single-spore cultures of a single fruit
losa give rise totwo compatibility groups A and a, a second fruit body
collected at some distance away may give rise to haploid mycelia which
apparently fall into the same groups {A and a). Yet we may find that
all the haploid mycelia of the first fruit bod}^ are compatible with
all the
haploid mycelia of the second fruit body. In other words, the two groups
of the second fruit body are slightly different from the two groups of the
first fruit body. It is, therefore, likely that numerous compatibility
groups even though only two occur in any one fruit body. Com-
is apparently determined by multiple alleles.
patibility, in this case, The
existence of geographic races has been described for a number of fungi
by Buller (1941) and others.
A somewhat different situation exists in Collybia velutipes and a number
of other species. has been found that each spore on a basidium may
differ in its compatibility factors. Compatibility in this case is deter-
mined by two pairs of genes on different chromosomes. These groups
are usually designated as AB, Ah, aB, and ah. The combination of
AaBb is then necessary for compatibility and formation of diploid
Compatibility in itself does not necessarily indicate that fertile fruit
bodies will be formed. For instance, some of the single-spore isolates
of Lenzites trahea were found to produce fertile fruit bodies, while other
cultures failed to do so (Barnett and Lilly, 1949). By pairing compatible
fruiting isolates and also the compatible nonfruiting isolates, it was possi-
ble to establish a correlation between the fertility of the diploid mycelia
with that of the haploid "parents." It seems probable, therefore, that
the ability to produce fertile fruit bodies has a genetic basis, in addition
to that of compatibility.
In Schizophyllum commune the ability to produce normal fruit bodies is
dominant over the formation of abnormal, knot-like fruit bodies (Zatler,
in Buller, 1941). If G represents the factor for normal fruit bodies and
g the factor for knot-like fruit bodies, the results could be expressed as
follows: G crossed with G or G crossed with g gives normal fruit bodies,
while g crossed with g gives knot-like fruit bodies. Zatler also showed
that in Collybia velutipes inheritance of pigmentation of his cultures was
due to two genes located on different chromosomes. A combination of
the two dominant factors in the haploid mycelium resulted in a deep
brown color; one dominant and one recessive factor gave lighter shades
of brown while a combination of the two recessive factors gave pure white
The normal haplont of Peniophora allescheri is reported (Nobles, 1935)
as slow-growing with scant mycelium bearing conidia. A mutant grew
rapidly with abundant mycelium but bore no conidia. The combination
of normal haplont and mutant haplont yielded diploid mycelium which
grew rapidly and abundantly and produced conidia. Thus, rapid growth
and conidial production were dominant over slow growth and nonproduc-
tion of conidia.
Bioluminescence of the North American race of Panus stypticus was
found (Macrae, 1942) to be dominant over nonluminescence of the
European race when the two haplonts were crossed (Fig. 77).
The single-spore isolates from a single fruit body of Lenzites trahea were
found (Lilly and Barnett, 1948) to vary nearly fourfold in their ability to
synthesize thiamine. WTien a haplont of low synthetic ability was
crossed with one of high synthetic ability, no definite evidence of domi-
nance was observed. By making other types of crosses it was found that,
in general, the synthetic ability of the Fi haplonts was similar to that of
the "parent" haplonts. Yet, when the "parent" haplonts differed
widely in synthetic ability, the Fi haplonts did not segregate into the
1 to 1 ratio, as would be the case if inheritance were due to a single gene.
In a later paper, Hansen and Snyder (1943) state that the change from
the M
C to the type is a true mutation. In Hypomyces solani f cucurhitae .
this change also involved the change from the hermaphroditic phase to
the unisexual male phase. They conclude that the M
and C genes are
alleles and are inherited independently of the factors for compatibility.
On the contrary, Robbins and McVeigh (1949) have presented evidence
that variants of Trichophyton mentagrophytes arise as mutations and that
the dual phenomenon does not exist in this fungus.
Nutritional adaptations. Most of our present knowledge regarding
nutritional adaptations has come from experiments with yeasts, and to a
lesser extent with Neurospora and bacteria. Leonian and Lilly (1942)
were able to "train" eight strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae so that they
grew without the addition of one or more of the vitamins which they
formerly required. The techniciue employed consisted in increasing the
amount of initial inoculum, prolongation of the incubation period, and
repeated subculturing on media deficient for one of the necessary vita-
mins. Reversions occurred in most of the strains after being cultured
continuously on media containing all the vitamins. Such adaptations
as these may or may not involve gene changes.
Lindegren and his associates have written numerous articles on the
genetics and adaptations of yeasts. From over 400 isolates of Sac-
charomyces cerevisiae, Skoog and Lindegren (1947) found 12 which could
not utilize glucose. Eleven of these isolates reverted to glucose utiliza-
tion within a period of a few days. One isolate remained glucose-negative
for a period of 3 months when grown on lactate medium. They believe
that the reversion to glucose utilization involves more than a single-step
Spiegelman (1950) points out that "a basic assumption of modern
biology is that genes function by controlling enzyme synthesis. From
this point of view it is obvious that enzymatic adaptation has profound
implications for one of the central themes of biological thinking." This
does not mean that the presence of the gene is always accompanied by
the presence of the enzyme in the cell, but merely that the potentialities
for the production of the enzyme are present. The synthesis of the
specific enzyme, as well as its subsequent activity, depends upon other
factors, a major one being the type of substrate. From numerous experi-
ments it is evident that the specific enzyme either is produced, or becomes
detectable, only when its corresponding substrate is present in the
medium. It appears, however, that the specific enzyme may be formed
even when the corresponding substrate is not present but that, under
such conditions, the adaptive enzymes are usually not detected. In the
course of a "long-term adaptation," there is not only synthesis of the
specific enzyme but also an increase in the rate of enzyme formation. In
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ters of Puccinia graminis tritici, Can. Jour. Research 18: 599-611, 1940.
KiNSEY, V. and W. M. Grant: The reaction of mustard gas with proteins. II.
amino acids affected, Arch. Biochem. 10: 311-322, 1946.
Biological assay of
Kreitlow, K. W.: Sclerotinia trifoliorum, a pathogen of ladino clover, Phytopath-
ologijZd: 158-166, 1949.
Leonian, L. H.: Studies in the variability and dissociations in the genus Fusarium,
Phijtopathologij 19: 753-868, 1929.
Leonian, L. H., and V. G. Lilly: The effects of vitamins on ten strains of Sac-
charoinyces cerevisiae, Am. Jour. Botany 29: 459-464, 1942.
Lilly, V. G., and H. L. Barnett: The inheritance of partial thiamine deficiency in
Lenzites trabea, Jour. Agr. Research 77: 287-300, 1948.
LiNDEGREN, C. C.: Mcndelian and cytoplasmic inheritance in yeasts, Ann. Missouri
Botan. Garden 32 107-123, 1945.
LiNDEGREN, C. C.'. Gcuetics of the fungi, Ann. Rev. Microbiol. 1948: 47-70.
LiNDEGREN, C. C.: The Yeast Cell, Its Genetics and Cytology, Educational Pub-
lishers, St. Louis, 1949.
McElroy, W. D., J. E. CusHiNG, and H. Miller: The induction of biochemical
mutations in Neurospora crassa by nitrogen mustard, Jour. Cellular Comp.
Physiol. 30: 331-346, 1947.
Macrae, R. Interfertility studies and inheritance of luminosity in Panus stypticus,
Ryan, F. J.: Back mutation and adaptation of nutritional mutants. Cold Spring
Harbor Symposia Quant. Biol. 11: 215-227, 1946.
Skoog, F. K., and C. C. Lindegren: Adaptation in a yeast unable to ferment
glucose. Jour. Bad. 53: 729-742, 1947.
Spiegelman, S. in J. B. Sumner and K. Myrback (Editors), The Enzymes, Vol. I,
only for the laboratory work in this course. The student should take
notes and record data so that anyone familiar with the subject could
organize the data and write an intelligent summary. Data taken during
the experiments are important and in themselves may be quite convincing
at that time, but data alone without organization and discussion of their
meaning are often sterile and soon forgotten.
The paper should be written as soon as possible after the termination
of the laboratory exercise. It is suggested that all students read the
excellent discussion of Riker (1946) on the preparation of manuscripts.
The student should become familiar with the microscopic character-
istics of the fungi used in the experiments. He should make frequent
microscopic observations during the experiment and look for microscopic
changes, such as abundance and maturity of spores. Contaminants are
often more easily recognized under the microscope. Drawings are often
desirable as records of differences in microscopic characteristics.
times with distilled water. Wash the agar twice with 95 per cent alcohol,
allowing the alcohol to stand on agar overnight before draining. Dry
the agar in thin layers between cheesecloth. This procedure takes about
10 days (see Robbins, 1939). In some instances the agar and other con-
stituents of the medium may be autoclaved separately and the two solu-
tions mixed, using antiseptic precautions. This should be done when it
with pipettes.
Unless otherwise specified, media used in the laboratory should be
adjusted to pH 6 before autoclaving. This may be done by the use of
the spot plate, adding a drop of pH 6 buffer to a drop of indicator. This
is the standard color to which the media should be adjusted. Add either
QN NaOH or QN HCl to the medium until the color produced by one drop
of medium matches the color produced by the standard buffer. Always
agitate the medium after each addition of acid or base and then test the
pH. The use of concentrated acid and alkali is recommended so that
dilution of the medium may be avoided. More precise methods of
measuring pH may be used if desired.
Autoclaving usually lowers the pH of a medium. In general, this
change will not be great, but the student should never assume that the
pH will remain unchanged in autoclaving.
Sterilization of media and glassware. Except in special instances, the
autoclave may be used to sterilize both media and glassware. Fifteen
minutes at 15 lb. steam pressure is adequate for test tubes and flasks
which do not contain over 150 ml. of medium. Larger lots of media
should be autoclaved 20 min. at 15 lb. steam pressure. Petri dishes may
be sterilized 20 min. in the autoclave. It is convenient to wrap two Petri
stock culture should be to another stock-culture tube, and the old tube
should be kept until the new culture begins to grow free from contamina-
tion. Other methods of storing stock cultures of fungi are described by
Greene and Fred (1934), Thom and Raper (1945), Fennell et al. (1950),
and Buell and Weston (1947).
Methods of inoculation. It is customary to use a bit of mycelium from
a growing culture to inoculate fresh media. For ordinary uses this is
satisfactory, if only a few cultures are to inoculated at a time and no
special precautions need be taken. Some fungi produce a tough mat of
mycelium difficult to cut with a needle. Often this can be overcome by
growing the mycelium for inoculum on an agar medium quite low in
sugar. A small cork borer may be used for cutting out uniform disks of
mycelium and agar from Petri dishes.
Spores alone may be transferred by a dry needle, or they may be
suspended in water and inoculated by use of a loop or a sterile pipette
with a cotton plug at the upper end. The use of a pipette fitted w^ith a
small rubber bulb greatly decreases the inoculation time when many
cultures of the same fungus are made. It is preferable to use spores as
inoculum in studies of vitamins or micro elements, where none of the
needle may
then be used to transfer the bit of agar and spore to a tube or
plate. This method requires a steady hand but has the advantage of
being rapid and simple. It may be employed with high magnification
of the stereoscopic microscope or the low-power objective of the com-
pound microscope.
limits for sporulation are narrower than those for vegetative growth.
Inasmuch as the composition of the medium may influence temperature
limits, only one medium should be used in this experiment.
1. Malt extract, 20 g.; j^east extract, 2 g. ; agar, 20 g.; distilled water, 1,000 ml.
The Influence of Lighton Growth and Sporulation
2. Same as medium 1
topic see Chaps. 7 and 14. In this study, the nitrogen source in the
media should be simple and available to as many fungi as possible. For
this purpose, asparagine is quite satisfactory.
Malt extract-yeast extract agar may be used as a standard controi
medium, since this is an excellent natural medium for most fungi. If
desired, any other standard natural medium may be used as a control
medium. All other media used in the exercise will have the same basal
composition, with the carbon source as the only variable. Adjust the
pH of all media to approximately 6.0 before autoclaving.
MgSOrTH.0 0.5 g.
Fe+ + + 0.2 mg.
Zn++ 0.2 mg.
Mn++ 0.1 mg.
Biotin 5 Mg
Thiamine 100 ^g
Distilled water to make 1 liter
For the most accurate measure of growth, liquid media should be used,
so that the mycelium may be filtered off, washed, dried, and weighed.
However, agar media are often more satisfactory for reproduction. It is
suggested that this exercise be carried out on agar slants in test tubes.
4. Same as medium 1
exercise be carried out in Petri dishes, or in flasks if liquid media are used.
Media: This exercise may be divided into four parts based upon the
variations in media.
A. Dilutions of the entire medium. Either liquid or agar media may be
33. Basal medium, same as medium 24 above. Inoculate 10 flasks; after growth is
near maximum (see instructor), separate the flasks into three groups.
a. Replace old medium with fresh medium
h. Replace medium with sterile distilled water
c. Leave as control
Each student should select one fungus for use in this exercise. It is
suggested that the fungi used should ordinarily produce considerable
mycelium before fruiting.
Records; Careful notes must be taken regarding time of appearance
of fruit bodies and spores. The amount of growth and sporulation may
be compared to that on medium 24. Consult the leader or your instruc-
tor for further details on recording data.
List of test fungi: Aspergillus riigidosus, Ceratostomella Jimhriata,
Choanephora cucurhitarum, Endothia
Glomerclla cingulata,
Guignardia hidwellii, Helminthosporium victoriae, Melanospora sp., Moni-
linia fructicola, N
eocosmopara vasinfecta, Phoma betae, Sordaria fimicola,
and Sphaeropsis malorum.
38. Glucose-asparagine (otherwise, basal medium as given in Ex. 4), pH 3.0
39. As above, pH 4.0
40. As above, pH 6.0
41. As above, pH 8.0
42. Sucrose-nitrate (otherwise, basal medium as given in Ex. 4), pH 3.0
43. As above, pH 4.0
44. As above, pH 6.0
45. As above, pH 8.0
Consult the leader of the exercise or the instructor as to when the experi-
ment should be terminated. A portion of these data may be presented
in the form of a graph, plotting changes in pH against time for each
fungus and each medium.
List of test fungi: Aspergillus rugulosus, Cephalofhecium roseum, Cerato-
stomella fimhriata, Glomerella cingulata, Monilinia fructicola, Neocosmo-
para vasinfecta, Penicillium spiculosporum, Penicillium expansum Sordaria ,
Observe the cultures daily and note the abundance of vegetative growth
and the time and abundance of sporulation in each case.
List of test fungi: Alternaria sp., Ceratostomella fimhriata, Dendrophoma
ohscurans, Endothia parasitica, Fusarium sp., Glomerella cingulata, Guig-
nardia bidwellii, Helminthosporium sativum, Monilinia fructicola, Neo-
Adjust the pH to 6.0 and distribute to tubes or flasks (25 ml. per 250-ml.
flasks or 15 ml. per 125-ml. flasks) before autoclaving.
A. Screening test for vitamin deficiencies. Simple screening tests to
determine roughly the deficiencies of fungi may be carried out in either
liquid or purified-agar (see Ex. 1) media. Test tubes may be used for
agar media, but Erlenmeyer flasks are suggested for liquid media. The
student should select four or five species from the stock-culture collection,
and inoculate tubes or flasks of each of the above media, in triplicate,
with each species. Either spores or a small bit of mycelium may be used
as inoculum. Daily observations and records of growth should be made.
Visual estimates of relative amounts of growth are sufficiently accurate
to detect most deficiencies. If liquid media are used, the mycelium may
be weighed.
B. Growth curves of vitamin-deficient fungi. Inoculate 10 flasks each
of media 46 to 50 with a filamentous fungus shown in part ^4. to be defi-
of various products.
The following experiments are suggested (these may be conducted as
demonstrations before the whole class, if desired)
A. Thiamine concentration and growth; thiamine assay
51. Basal glucose-asparagine medium, no vitamins
52. As above, but with 100 ng thiamine per liter
250-ml. flasks. Inoculate four flasks of each medium with one strain of
Phycomyces blakesleeanus or Ceratostomella Jlmbriata.
B. Thiamine concentration and sporulation. Use media 51 to 53, 55,
and 57, but sohdify with 20 g. purified, vitamin-free agar (see Ex. 1) per
Hter. Pour into sterile Petri dishes (about 20 ml. each). Inoculate four
plates with Ceratostomella fimhriata (be sure to use ascospores or mycelium
producing perithecia), Phycomyces blakesleeanus (plus and minus strains
on opposite sides of plate), Choanephora ciicurhitarum, and Dendrophoma
obscurans. Incubate Phycomyces at 20 to 22°C., the others near 25°C.
Cultures of Choanephora must be adequately aerated and must receive
alternate light and darkness. Observe cultures of Ceratostomella for
production of perithecia, Phycomyces for zygospores, Choanephora for
conidial heads, and Dendrophoma for pycnidia.
Allow sufficient time for the above cultures to grow; then add one or
two drops of sterile (autoclaved) solution of thiamine to some of the
thiamine-starved, nonsporulating cultures (leave controls). Observe the
C. Effects of added thiamine on thiamine-starved mycelium
water and purified agar
60. Distilled
^g thiamine per liter, purified agar
61. Distilled water, 100
Note: The addition of agar in media 60 and 61 is not essential.
65. Glucose-asparagine, purified agar; no bio tin
66. As above, 5 ng biotin per liter
67. As above, 1 ng. biotin per liter
68. As above, 0.5 Mg biotin per liter
69. As above, 0.1 ng biotin per liter
Pour into Petri dishes and inoculate each medium in tripHcate with
Sordaria fimicola. Observe the results after about 6, 8, and 10 days.
Note the amount of growth, the time of perithecium formation, and the
relative numbers of perithecia. Examine microscopically the perithecia
formed in the low concentrations of biotin, and look for deformed asci
and ascospores. Add a drop or two of sterile biotin solution to some of
the nonfruiting, biotin-starved cultures. Observe the effects in a few
Records. Take full notes on all observations of the above experiments.
Write out a full explanation of the results with interpretations based
upon physiological processes in fungi (see Chap. 14).
70. Distilled water
71. Distilled water plus 2 g. yeast extract per liter
72. Same as medium 71 but solidified with agar; adjust to pH 8.0
73. Same as medium 71, but pH 7.0
74. Same as medium 71, but pH 6.0
75. Same as medium 71, but pH 5.0
76. Same as medium 71, but pH 4.0
77. Malt extract-yeast extract agar
78. Glucose-asparagine purified agar (vitamin-free)
79. Glucose-asparagine liquid (vitamin-free)
A. Each student should select three pairs of the fungi and test their
interaction on agar plates of media 77 and 78. Duplicate plates should
be inoculated for each condition. It is suggested that the two pairs of
fungi be inoculated on opposite halves of the agar plates 1 to 2 in. apart.
This will allow both fungi to make some growth before they come in
contact. Incubate all cultures at 25°C. Notes should be taken on about
the fifth day and the tenth day, and for most cultures the final observa-
tions may be made after 2 weeks. Carefully made sketches may add
greatly to the value and clarity of your notes.
The types of reactions may be grouped under (1) none, (2) stimulation,
(3) symbiotic, (4) antagonistic. Each type of reaction should be
explained on the basis of the present experiments.
B. Using vitamin-free liquid medium 79, inoculate flasks with Phyco-
viyces blakesleeanus and Sordaria fimicola separately and with both species
together. After a few days observe the results. This part of the exercise
may be conducted as a demonstration for the entire class.
List of test fungi: Actinomyces sp., Alternaria sp., Aspergillus rugulosus,
Botrytis sp., Cephalotheciimi roseum, Guignardia hidwellii, Helmintho-
sporium sativum, Monilia sp., Monilinia fructicola, Penicillium, chryso-
genum, Phycomyces blakesleeanus, Sordaria fimicola, Trichodermalignorum.
Suggested Demonstrations
In addition to the experiments outlined in the above exercises, the
following are suggested as demonstrations for the entire class. These
may be expanded into complete exercises for individual student
1. Need for micro elements for growth and sporulation. Steinberg (1919)
describes the procedure for preparing a medium essentially free of micro
elements to which the desired elements may be added. Use Aspergillus
niger as a test species. See Chap. 5 for other methods of removing micro
elements from media.
Beadle, G. W.: Genes and the chemistry of the organism, Am. Scientist 34: 31-53,
BuELL, C, and W. H. Weston: Application of the mineral oil conservation method
to maintaining collections of fungus cultures, Am. Jour. Botany 34 555-561, 1947.
Buller, A. H. R.: Researches on Fungi, Vol. VI, Longmans, Roberts and Green,
London, 1934.
Clayton, C. N.: The germination of fungous spores in relation to controlled humidity,
Phytopathology 32: 921-943, 1942.
Fennell, D. I., K. B. Rapeb, and M. H. Flickinger: Further investigations on the
Georg, L. K. a simple and rapid method for obtaining monospore cultures of fungi,
Anti vitamins, 229-23(3 niger, 10, 55, 92, 98, 103, 136, 140, 167,
Anwar, A. A., 286, 296 194, 229-231, 248, 258, 260, 261,
Armillaria mellea, 99, 134, 160, 374, 387 vitamin synthesis by, 171, 172
shii-take, 269 oryzae, 74, 76, 88, 89, 103, 159, 274,
Arthur, J. C, 372, 395 rugulosus, 28, 220, 328, 329, 425, 428,
Ascobolus, 345, 346, 349, 353, 357 terreus, 70, 222, 282, 287, 401
denudata, 99 variecolor,414
leveillei, 99 wentii, 278
rnagnificus, Assays, microbiological, for amino acids,
Ascochyta nymphaeae, 311, 317 216-217
pisi, 99 certain media used in, 210, 211
Beadle, G. W., 36, 161, 196, 197, 199, miniato-olivaceus var. sensibilis, 293
202, 204, 207, 211, 215, 217, 223, satanus, 292
224, 401, 405-408, 416, 438 variegatus, 367
Behr, G., 68, 69, 85 viscidus, 367
Behrens, O. K., 289, 296 Boiling, D., 268, 296
Bellamy, W. D., 290, 296 Bonar, L., 309, 336
Benedek, T., 327, 334 Bonner, D., 93, 112, 197, 204, 217, 223,
Bennett, C. W., 79, 86, 100, 115 401, 408, 416
Bennett, I. G., 36, 43 Bonner, J., 50, 62
1,4-Benzoqiunone formula, 257 Bonner, J. T., 358, 359, 369
Berberis, 387 Booer, J. R., 250, 263
thunbergii, 387 Borchers, R., 273, 300
Berger, J., 51, 63 Bordeaux mixture, 247-248
Bergmann, M., 51, 62 Bortels, H., 79, 84
Bernhard, K., 104, 112 Bose, S. R., 319, 335
Bernhauer, K., 279, 296 Botryotinia convoluta, 99, 311
Bertrand, D., 81, 83 Botrytis, 253-255, 314, 437
Bertrand, G., 119, 146 alia, 99, 172, 250, 261, 285
Bessey, E. A., 375, 395 production of pectinase by, 376
Biological substitution of elements, 68 resistance of onion to, 390, 391
Bioluminescence, 402, 403, 410 cinerea, 37, 69, 99, 373, 425, 426
Biotin, 192-195 parasitism of, 376, 377
antagonists of, 233 production of pectinase by, 377, 378
formula of, 192
spore germination of, 360, 364-366
fungi deficient for, 192, 193 paeoniae, 247, 248
mode of action of, 194, 195 Bourquelot, E., 47, 62
specificity of, 193, 194
Bovarnick, M. R., 197, 204
Birkinshaw, J. H., 94, 112, 276, 283, 296
Boyle, A. M., 288, 296, 389, 395
Bisby, G. R., 313, 334
Brand, E., 216, 223, 225
Black, A., 212, 224
Brassica, 377
Blakeslea trispora, 102, 122, 124, 125, 133,
190 Bray, C. W., 269, 296
Carbon dioxide, effect of, on spore germi-
Brefeld, O., 6, 7, 9, 11, 22, 266, 296, 310,
335, 339, 353, 362, 370 nation, 365
Brown, W., 364, 365, 370, 372, 373, 376, Carroll, W. R., 91, 92, 114
Dimond, A. E., 164, 168, 378, 396 Elfving, F., 35, 43, 314, 335
Elliott, E. S., 184, 204 Escherichia coli, 166, 201, 234, 238, 240,
Elvehjem, C. A., 51, 62 251, 285
Emerson, M. A., 363, 370 Essential elements, functions of, 66
Emerson, R., 159, 169, 295, 297, 319, 327, list of, 67, 82
335 Esters, production of, 283
Emerson, S., 26, 43 Ethyl pyridoxine formula, 234
Emmons, C. W., 386, 396 Eucalyptus, 365
Enantiomorphs of sugars, 117, 119 Exidia, 408
Endoconidiophora monilifonnis, 283 glandulosa, 409
Endomyces vernalis, 231, 232, 235, 239, Experimental results, presentation of,
240, 271 31-32
Endothia -parasitica, 100, 180, 190, 193, External factors, effect of, on mor-
368, 375, 426, 428, 429, 431 phology, 39-42
ascospore discharge by, 344 Ezekiel, W. N., 391, 396
factors affecting sporulation by, 311,
314, 321
Energy utilization, 60
heat evolved in, 61 Fastness, 240
Englis, D. T., 16, 22 Fat production, 270-272
Enteridium rozeanum, 357, 367 Fawcett, H. S., 28, 33, 34, 43, 384, 396
Entomophthora, 343, 353, 384 Feldman, A. W., 378, 379, 396
sphaerosperma, 343 Felix, E. L., 235, 243, 257, 265
Enzymes, 45-62 Fellows, H., 12, 22, 89, 113
activators of, 55 Fennell, D. I., 424, 438
adaptive, 59, 60, 412-413 Ferger, M. F., 237, 241
chemical nature of, 52, 53 Fermentation, 89, 142, 275-277
classification of, 47-51 Fieser, L. F., 235, 241
effect of radiation on, 57, 58 Fildes, P., 57, 63, 230, 241, 251, 263
factors affecting activity of, 53-58 Fischer, E., 219, 224
inhibition of, 55-57, 227, 228, 377-378 Fischer, O. E., 292, 293, 298
lock-and-key relationship of, 228 Fitzpatrick, H. M., 343, 354, 385, 396
mechanism of action of, 58 Fitzpatrick, W. H., 267, 298
naming of, 47 Fleming A., 220, 224, 290, 298
pH and rate of reaction of, 55, 161
Fleury, C, 261, 263
production of, 274-275 Florey, H. W., 290, 297
role of, in parasitism, 376, 377, 382 Fomes applanatus, 41
suberin-dissolving, 374 roseus, 159
Goepp, R. M., Jr., 14, 22, 117, 119, 128, Haehn, H., 108, 113
133, 147 Haenseler, C. M., 32, 43
Goering, H. L., 238, 241 Haldane, J. B. S., 55, 63, 161, 169
Goldberg, M. W., 194, 204 Hamilton, E., 327, 336
Goldsworthy, M. C, 247-249, 2G3 Hanahan, D., 16, 22
Gonatorrhodiella highlei, 328 Hanna, W. F., 410, 417
Goodman, I., 238, 241 Hansen, H. N., 17, 22, 305, 313, 332, 335,
Gorcica, H. J., 268, 298 337, 411, 412, 417
Gordon, M. A., 283, 298 Hansenida suaveolens, 219
Gortner, R. A., 37, 43, 47, 51, 63, 70, Hao, L. C., 274, 298
84, 88, 105, 113, 154, 169 Harden, A., 46, 63, 96, 113, 277, 298
Gottlieb, D., 127, 146, 286, 298, 356, 370 Harris, E. E., 270, 298
Gould, B. S., 96, 113 Harris, G. C. M., 200, 205, 285, 303
Graham, T. W., 402, 417 Harris, H. A., 402, 417
Grant, W. M., 414, 418 Harris, S. A., 192, 205, 232, 233, 243
Grassmann, W., 134, 146 Hart, H., 373, 388, 396
Greathouse, G. A., 222, 224 Hartelius, V., 229-231, 239, 242
Green, E. L., 247-249, 263 Harter, L. L., 50, 63
Greene, H. C, 424, 438 Hartree, E. F., 281, 299
Greene, R. D., 212, 224 Harvey, L. B., 374, 396
Gregory, P. H., 350, 351, 354 Haskins, R. H., 35, 43
Gries, G. A., 257, 263 Hatfield, W. C., 390, 396
Grob, E. C, 236, 243 Haugen, G. E., 142, 146
Grossbard, E., 286, 298 Haustoria, 380-381
Growth, abnormal, 39-41 Hawker, L. E., 90, 113, 133, 147, 321,
definition of, 24 325, 329, 335, 400, 417
effect of depth of medium on, 38 Hawkins, L. A., 37, 43, 374, 396
factors affecting, 32-38 Haymaker, H. H., 378, 396
measurement of, 27-31 Hazen, E. L., 286, 301, 327, 334, 335
phases of, 25-26 Heald, F. D., 344, 354
of filamentous fungi, 26 Helicostylum pyrifonne, 122
of unicellular organisms, 25 Helminthosponum, 99, 294, 327, 402, 411
rate of, 26 cynodontis, 294
tube, 29 euchlaenae, 294
Growth factors {see Vitamins) gramineinn, 172, 294, 311
Guignardia bidwellii, 304, 344, 389, 425, ravenellii, 294
428, 429, 431, 436, 437 sacchari, 379
Guilloud, M., 186, 196, 206, 219, 225 sativum, 101, 122, 127, 221, 285, 286,
Guirard, B. M., 201, 206 414, 431, 436, 437
Gunness, M., 193, 207 turcicum, 294
Gupta, B. M., 288, 298 vidoriae, 172, 379, 429
Gustafson, F. G., 70, 84 Helvellic acid, 293
Gymnoascits setosus, 99 Hemitrichia clavata, 368
Gymnoconia peckiana, 348 Hemming, H. G., 285, 296
Gymnosporangiurn juniperi-virginianae, Hemophilus parainjluenzae, 197
358, 368 Render sonia, 311
Gyromitra esculenta, 293 Hendlin, D., 273, 298
Henry, A. W., 286, 298
H Henry, B. W., 163, 169, 308, 309, 317.
Haag, E., 191, 204 335
Haagen-Smit, A. J., 326, 337 Herbst, R. M., 109, 113
Herrick, J. A., 121, 123, 124, 147 Hydrogen-ion concentration, effect of,
Hertz, J., 219, 224 on sporulation, 318-319
Hervey, A., 29, 43, 77, 78, 85 on utilization of nutrients, 165-167
Hesse, A., 270, 272, 298 as factor in resistance, 388-389
Hestrin, S., 46, 49, 63 laboratory exercise, 430-431
0-Heteribiotin {see Oxybiotin) relation of, to pH, 151, 152
effect of, on cell morphology, 42 Ions as enzyme activators, 55, 68, 69, 76,
synthetic, 10-11, 20, 421 Monilinia fructicola, 27, 100, 118, 172,
units of measure, 18, 19 304, 321, 325, 375, 402, 425, 426,
Meehan, F., 379, 397 428, 429, 431, 436, 437
Melanconium betulinnm, 190, 196, 311 (See also Sclerotinia frurficola)
Monocotyledons, immunity of, to cotton Myrback, K., 50, 63, 135, 147, 275, 300
root rot, 391 M yrophagus ucrainicus, 384
Monosaccharides, 116-126 Myrothecium verrucaria, 104, 109, 222
Morchella esculenta, 267 (See also Metarrhizium glutinosum)
Morphology, effect of external factors on,
39-42, 89
of yeast, 39 Naemosphaera, 311
Mortierella rhizogena, 100 1,4-Naphthoquinones, antibiotic activity
Morton, H. E., 283, 300 of, 390
Moyer, A. J., 280, 282, 300 Nectria cinnabarina, 328
Moyer, D., 186, 195, 204, 400, 416 coccinia, 190, 328
Mrak, E. M., 309, 336 coryli, 328
Mucor, 9, 39, 271 cucurbitula, 328
flavus, 100 galligena, 328
hiemalis, 100, 295 Neidig, R. E., 129, 146
mucedo, 295 Neisseria gonorrhoeae, 290
nodosus, 100 Nelson, J. M., 52, 63, 77, 85
pusilhis, 70 Nematospora gossypii, 193, 195, 196, 219
pyriformis, 100, 279 Neocosmopara vasinfecta, 99, 172, 321,
racemosus, 275, 402 325, 426, 429, 431, 432
raviannianus, 103, 133, 231, 232 Neopyrithiamine, 232
carbon nutrition of, 118, 122, 124, Neuberger, A., 10, 22
125 Neufeld, C. C, 358, 370
vitamin requirements of, 188-191 Neurospora, 29, 102, 144, 216, 223, 238,
rouxii, 281 401, 408, 415, 438
saturninus, 100 amino acids and spore germination of,
spinosus, 362 364
stolonifer, 100 back mutations of, 413
stridus, 100 genetics of, 404-407
Mudd, S., 231, 242 mutants of, 182, 183, 202, 215-217,
Mueller, J. H., 194, 196, 205 405-408
Mulder, E. G. 14, 22, 73, 79, 85, 217- nutritional adaptations of, 412, 413
219, 224, 225, 294, 300 temperature and riboflavin deficiency
Mull, R. P., 96, 114, 140, 147, 277, 300 of, 182
Muntz, J. A., 68, 85 vitamin deficiencies of, 193, 197, 199,
Murphy, H. E., 379, 397 202
Muscarin, 292 Neurospora crassa, 26, 36, 144, 167, 196,
Mutations, back, 413 202, 228, 232, 237, 363, 405, 413, 414
chemically induced, 414-415 pH, and p-aminobenzoic-acid defi-
natural, 93 ciency of, 183, 184
radiation-induced, 93, 282, 401, 405, and growth of, 161, 162
408 production of perithecia by, 325, 326
Mutualistic symbiosis, example of, 173, use of, in assays, 211, 215
384 Neurospora sitophila, 29, 34, 184, 193,
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, 240, 290 215, 248, 317, 405
Mycoderma cerevisiae, 39 tetrasperma, 357
valida, 176, 199 Newton, M., 411, 417
vini, 186 Nickerson, W. J., 39, 40, 42-44, 70, 85,
Mycogone, 385 91, 92, 114, 327, 336, 385, 386, 397
MycosphaereUa citrullina, 319 Nicotinic acid, 196-198
Mycoiorula lactis, 197 antagonists of, 236
Penicilliurn, arenarium, 297 Peterson, W. H., 139, 147, 202, 205, 216,
brevicaule, 110, 111 224
hrevicom-pactum, 287 Peziza badia, 346
chnjsogenum, 68, 94, 280-282, 402, 408, pH, definition of, 150, 151
437 equation for, 151
citri, 34
notatxivi, 164, 284, 288, 408
Phosphorus, 94-97
olivaceum, 279 in carbohydrate dissimilation, 96, 142
oxalicum, 272
Phycomyces, 364, 415
patulum, 287
blakesleeanus, 15, 17, 32, 35, 100, 164,
phoeniceum, 294
172, 173, 178, 181, 187, 191, 212,
piscarium, 272
220, 232, 295, 310, 314, 380, 428,
purpurogenum var. rubrisderotiurn, 280
431, 434, 437
roquejorti, 121 272
pH and formation of zygospores, 318
rubrurn, 294
stimulants and spore germination,
sanguifluus, 279 364-365
spiculisporurn, 431
thiamine deficiency of, 174, 177,
variable, 159
Peniophora allescheri, 410
use of, in thiamine assay, 211, 215
Pentoses, 122-124
utihzation of sources by, carbon, 122,
Perlman, D., 71, 73, 75, 76, 85, 195, 205, 124-126, 133
279, 300
nitrogen, 100, 103, 104, 107, 108
Permeability, change of, as factor in re-
nitens, 91, 362
sistance, 382
Phyllachora graminis, 383
in host cells, 376, 377, 382
Phylostida antirrhini, 356, 358
Peronospora, 353
opuntiae, 311, 317
effusa, 343
soUtaria, 321, 324, 362
geranii, 343
Phymototrichum omnivorum, 76, 375, 391
halstedii, 343
parasitica, 343
Physarum cinereum, 367, 368
polycephalum, 320, 367
pygrnaea, 358
tabacina, 343 Phytophthora, 33, 42, 188, 190, 258, 402
boehtneriae, 327
Pestalotia guepinia, 311
stellata, 255 cadorum, 17, 122, 132, 326, 327
Peterson. M. S.. 202, 205 cinnamomi, 232
Phytophthora, colocasiae, 258, 360 Pleurage, curvicoUa, 100, 175, 178, 190,
cry throne ptica, 16, 17, 285, 327 193, 322, 323, 325, 344, 428
carbon sources utilized by, 122, 124, Pleurotus corticatus, 102
125 ostreatus, 100, 134
thiamine deficiency of, 188, 189, 191 Plumlee, C. H., 94, 114
fagopyri, 122, 136 Podaxis, 307
hydrophila, 258 Podospora curvula, 190, 193
infestans, 34, 343, 352, 360, 373, 425, Pollard, A. L., 94, 114
436 Polyporus abietinus. 134
parasitism of, 376, 377 adustus, 219
temperature and germination of, betulinus, 135
356-357 cinnabarinus, 134
variation of, 401 hirsutus, 351
megasperma, 327 pargamenus, 134, 135
melongenae, 258 squamosus, 238
palmivora, 132, 360 versicolor, 351
Piricularia oryzae, 163, 190, 193, 331, 351 Protocatechuic acid, 390
sporulation of, 308, 309, 317 Psalliota campestris, 52, 267, 270
Pirschle, K., 102, 114 {See also Agaricus campestris)
Pisum, 382 Pseudomonas saccharophila, 324
sativum, 377 Pseudopeziza ribis, 193
pKa, 153, 154, 167 Puccinia antirrhini, 254, 255
pKft, 153, 154 coronata, 348
Plasmodiophora brassicae, 307 glumarum, 358
Plasmopara viticola, 358, 360 graminis, 348, 349, 356, 360, 373, 377
Piatt, B. S., 269, 300 parasitism of, 382-383
Plattner, P. A., 378, 397 resistance to, 392
Platz, G. A., 360, 365, 371 graminis iritici, 9, 382, 392, 395, 402
Plenodomus destruens, 317
37, 311, 411
fuscomaculans, 307, 311, 313, 317 inheritance in, 411
Pleurage, 344, 353, 438 graminis tritici-compacti, 392
anserina, 404 podophylli, 348
Rhodoiorula aurantica, 201, 231 Ryan, F. J., 28, 29, 36, 44, 161, 162, 169,
(jlulinus, 271 198, 206, 216, 225, 363; 371, 413, 418
rubra, 188 Rydon, H. N., 229, 242
sanniei, 184
Rihes, 395 S
Riboflavin, 202
production of, 272-273 Sabouraud, R., 386, 398
Ribose, 97, 123 Saccharase {see Sucrase)
Rice, M. A., 381, 382, 397 Saccharomyces, 198
Rich, S., 2G0, 264 anamensis, 197
Richards, M. C, 319, 337 carlsbergensis, 59, 200, 215, 219
Richards, O. W., 66, 85 carlsbergensis var. mandshuricus, 199,
Richardson, G. L., 165, 166, 169 219
Rickes, E. L., 82, 85, 273, 301 cerevisiae, 49, 60, 76, 78, 105, 120, 193,
212, 224, 232, 234, 238, 242, 285, fragilis, 140, 197
301, 310, 318, 329, 337, 364, 371, 400, ladis, 197
215, 219, 220, 225, 236, 243, 295, 301 Smith, L. D. S., 376, 398
Shive, W., 229, 234, 242, 243 Spies, T. D., 187, 207
Shoup, C. S., 121, 148 SpineUus, 385
Shu, P. 73, 86, 280, 302 Spongospora subterranea, 374
Siminoff, P., 286, 298 Spore discharge, of aeciospores, 348-349
Singer, T. P., 226, 243, 251, 263, 264 of ascospores, 343-346
Stachybotrys atra, 193, 195 96, 115, 142, 148, 277, 302
Stakman, E. C, 382, 391, 392, 398, 410 Sure, B., 268, 302
Standard curve, 214 Syncephalastrum racemosum, 16, 17, 122,
Stanier, R. Y., 16, 22 132
Staphylococcus, 284 Syncephalis, 385
aureus, 285 Synchytrium endobioticum, 253, 381
Starch, 135
scheme of utilization of, 48
Stark, W. H., 71, 86
Starkey, R. L., 159, 169, 246, 264, 271, Takamine, J. 274, 302
302 Tamiya, H., 89, 115, 121, 123-125, 127,
Steinberg, R. A., 10, 22, 23, 67-69, 71-74, 129, 132, 136, 148, 158, 169
76, 78-82, 86, 92, 97, 105, 114, 115, Tanner, F. W., Jr., 272, 273, 302
121, 123-127, 139, 140, 148, 326, 414, Taphrina, 375
418, 437, 439 dejonnans, 311
Wilcoxon, F., 247, 248, 252-255, 264, 265 Xylose formula, 123
Wilkins, W. H., 285, 303 Xylulose formula, 123
Willainan, J. J., 138, 139, 148, 275, 299
Williams, B., 291, 297
Williams, R. J., 198, 199, 204, 206, 207
Yarwood, C. E., 311, 337, 358, 359, 371,
Williams, R. R., 187, 207
Wilson, A. N., 232, 233, 243 393, 399
Wilson, P. W., 51, 62, 99, 115 Yaw, K., 121, 148
Wyss, O., 167, 170, 183, 184, 202, 207, ladis, 197