The Life Cycle of The Mighty Oak Tree: From The Little Acorn
The Life Cycle of The Mighty Oak Tree: From The Little Acorn
The Life Cycle of The Mighty Oak Tree: From The Little Acorn
Oak trees are the most common type of tree found in the United Kingdom.
There are different species of oak, but the English oak is the most
well-known in the UK.
Every mighty oak starts out as a tiny seed. Let’s take a look at the life cycle
of an oak tree.
A Shoot Appears
Once a seed starts to grow, it sends roots down
into the ground. The roots take up water, as
well as helping the new tree to stand firm.
The first part of the tree to appear above the
ground is a tiny shoot with a thin stem and
small green leaves.
A Young Sapling
The shoot beings to grow taller. The green
leaves get warmth and energy from the sun
and the roots provide the tree with water and
nutrients from the soil. The shoot will continue
to grow slowly into a young tree called a
sapling. Some of these saplings will continue
into adulthood.
1. What word is used to describe a seed beginning to grow?
seed germinate roots
4. How long does it take before an oak tree starts to produce its own acorns?
Tick one.
10 years
1 month
20 years
Write down an interesting fact that you have found out about oak trees.