Siti Nor Fatihah Asman 210512502061 Essay
Siti Nor Fatihah Asman 210512502061 Essay
Siti Nor Fatihah Asman 210512502061 Essay
English Literature D
Broken Home
The international journal of applied research published a study explaining that a broken home is
a condition when the family is no longer intact or there could be other causes according to
Ruksana Saiki (2007). There are also several causes of a broken home, ranging from divorce,
death of a parent, misunderstanding in families that fail to be resolved properly or even the
presence of a third party in household management (neighbours for example). a very tough
challenge for a child to live in a broken home. Living with the loss of one or even both parents has
an even bigger impact. when a figure that should be a source of love and affection or may be
present fails to provide these things, the child will lose important ammunition in developing his
character. The child will experience a void that they don't even really know how to fill until they
grow older. This makes the child experience many things that are detrimental to the development
of his life, ranging from simple bad behaviour to complex things such as depression in
relationships in the future, or other disorders (Asha, 2017; Saiki 2017). My notes will describe
some of the effects of the broken home that I found from the divorce of parents which makes
children introverted, stressed, and even depressed. But we can't choose but rising is the best
Wiryohadi, periskila sitompul, and Gede Widoada, student of Teologi Bethel Indonesia (2021) model pendamping
postral bagi remaja yang mengalami broken home guna membangun citra dan konsep diri yang
Chabibati Fatimatuz Zahra & Fajar Kawuryan, student Psicology University Muria Kudus (2020) Coping Stess pada
remaja broken home.