FOREWORD .................................................................................................................................. 1
Air Pollution.................................................................................................................................... 3
Examples of Action....................................................................................................................... 16
RESOURCES ............................................................................................................................... 35
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 36
Aviation stakeholders have been working to reduce their impact on the environment for decades
to reduce the environmental impact of aviation operations, including carefully managing their
emissions to minimize the effect of their activities on both local air quality conditions and climate
Airport infrastructure is the local interface between aviation and non-aviation stakeholders’
activities and the communities they serve. Therefore, air quality is one of the most important
environmental issues for airport operators. The activities of various stakeholders at and around
airports generate many different types of emissions that affect air quality. However, there are
actions that airports and aircraft operators, air navigation service providers and other aviation
stakeholders can take to avoid, minimize, and otherwise manage emissions and other negative
effects on air quality.
Air pollution can negatively impact human health, and for that reason states often have regulations
on air quality that airports must adhere to. There are several resources available to support
understanding and assessing airport air quality issues. ICAO’s Airport Planning Manual Part 2
(Doc 9184) describes the emissions to be expected at an airport and basic elements of relevant air
quality management. The Airport Air Quality Guidance Manual (Doc 9889) provides detailed
guidance on assessing airport air quality. The document provides information on types of
emissions and their sources at an airport, methods for measuring ambient pollutant concentration
and modelling emission dispersion, and it offers some methods for mitigating emissions. The
ICAO document Operational Opportunities to Reduce Fuel Burn and Emissions (Doc 10013)
provides operational procedures that aircraft operators and air navigation service providers
(ANSPs) may be able to implement to reduce aircraft emissions. This paper draws on these
resources to provide a brief compilation of good practices related to airport air quality
Aircraft engines are the largest source of emissions at the airport and are subject to international
standards. However, this paper will not discuss aircraft emissions in detail, instead focusing on
how airport operators can work with their stakeholders to help them reduce emissions. Emissions
of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases (GHG’s) affecting climate have interdependencies
with air quality and will be briefly mentioned1. However, this publication will focus only on local
air quality.
1 Airports can use the Airport Carbon and Emissions Reporting Tool (ACERT) to calculate GHG emissions at and around the
airport. ACERT generates a comprehensive airport GHG emissions inventory report, highlighting its performance based on
emission intensity. It can be downloaded for free at: https://aci.aero/about-aci/priorities/environment/acert/
Air Pollution
ICAO’s Airport Planning Manual recognizes that air pollution is a problem in many countries,
especially in urban areas.2 The following list shows the main components of airport air pollutants
(but is not exhaustive).
The largest source of these pollutants are aircraft engine emissions. At the airport, however,
emissions from fuel combustion can also come from motor vehicles used on the airport and ground
transport surrounding the airport. The main gaseous exhaust emissions from jet and diesel engines
are hydrocarbons (HC), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), and carbon monoxide (CO). 3 NOx refers
collectively to three pollutants, nitric oxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and the nitrate radical
(NO3).4 Jet and diesel engines also produce fine particulate matter. ICAO developed non-volatile
Particulate Matter5 (nvPM) mass and number standards for aircraft engines and the new standards
Most states regulate local air quality. A busy airport has many activities from different
stakeholders, from flight operations to electrical generation and the handling of fuels, all of which
can negatively affect air quality. Airports must be aware of local regulations and operate
accordingly. Thresholds for various air pollutants are designed to maintain safe air for the
community. Often permits are required from local agencies to conduct certain operations and to
store and handle certain products. When new construction is planned, there is often a step in the
planning process that calls for modeling air quality impacts of the proposed new infrastructure to
determine if safe and legal air quality limits would be exceeded. In some States, there may be
different regulations for mobile and stationary sources of emissions.
In some jurisdictions emissions and air quality are regulated by type of emissions. Types may
include hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) which are generally gases known to have negative impacts
to human health. Other emissions include volatile organic compounds (VOCs). VOCs are the
gases that are emitted from human-made chemicals that are used at the airport, including paints,
refrigerants, industrial solvents, and fuels. Greenhouse gases (GHGs) are those that exacerbate
Aircraft emissions
Aircraft emissions have some unique considerations. Aircraft are the largest source of emissions
at an airport. However, they are not owned or controlled by the airport operator. Aircraft engines
must comply with international standards for emissions set by ICAO as noted above. The
manufacturers are continuously looking for ways to make engines more efficient, thereby reducing
fuel burn and the associated emissions from combustion. These technological advancements have
made great progress in reducing emissions from aircraft engines. For example, from 1978 to 2019,
U.S. airlines increased fuel efficiency (as measured by RTMs per gallon) by 137%, which has
cumulatively saved the U.S. industry more than 5 billion metric tons of CO2.
Airports can use simple look-up tables in ICAO Doc 9889 for estimating the emissions from each
aircraft LTO cycle based on aircraft type, or more sophisticated calculations methods also provided
in ICAO Doc 9889. Zurich Airport has developed the Aircraft Local Emissions Calculator for
Airports (ALECA)7, a standalone emission calculation tool for all aircraft related emission sources
at an airport, covering the substances NOx, HC, CO, PM (mass) and nvPM (number), SOx and
CO2. While outside of the airport’s direct control, there are ways that airport operators can
encourage air carriers to reduce aircraft emissions by promoting the operation of more efficient
aircraft at the airport. For instance, several European airports modulate landing charges to
incentivize the use of lower-emission aircraft. These charges focus on local air quality and not
7 https://www.zurich-airport.com/the-company/noise-policy-and-the-environment/air-quality/
CO2, and are in line with ICAO document 9884, the Guidance on Aircraft Emissions Charges
Related to Local Air Quality.8
In addition, airport operators can promote efficient airfield operations which reduce the need for
ground idling and delays. The design of taxiways and ramps can facilitate smooth transfer of
aircraft from runway to terminals.
Aircraft parked at the gate generally need power for instruments and fresh air circulating in the
cabin. Installing gate electrification and ground power plugs at the gate, including for overnight
parking, allows an aircraft to reduce the use of the aircraft’s Auxiliary Power Unit (APU), which
decreases fuel burn and emissions.
Aircraft Ground Energy Systems (AGES) can provide both pre-flight electricity (400Hz) and pre-
conditioned air (PCA) for aircraft on the ground. Airports can use the ACI AGES-Simulator9 to
evaluate both environmental and economic benefits of substituting the use of the APU by AGES.
The tool, available at no cost to airports, calculates the reduction of fuel consumption, providing a
snapshot of fuel savings and associated NOx, PM and CO2 emissions reductions, along with
expected financial savings for aircraft and airport operators, based on a selected scenario. AGES-
S uses the advanced approach of APU emissions calculation methodology in the International Civil
Aviation Organization (ICAO)’s Doc 9889 Airport Air Quality Manual, based on aircraft type,
turnaround cycle and capacity, PCA needs, and others.10
Single Engine Taxiing (SET) is another measure to reduce aircraft engine emissions during surface
operations. SET implies a single engine is off during taxiing on a twin-engine aircraft, or one to
two engines are off on a four-engine aircraft. Studies suggest potential reductions between 25% -
8 Environmental Charges. In the European Aviation Environmental Report. EASA, 2021. Available at:
9 https://aci.aero/about-aci/priorities/environment/ages-s/
10 Aircraft Ground Energy System - Simulator (AGES-S) v.1. ACI World. Available at: https://aci.aero/about-
40% of taxi-out fuel burn. 11 However, SET is not always possible and can be dependent on
taxiway and runway configurations, taxi times, weather and maneuverability conditions, airline
procedures, pilot decision, and other factors.
Airports can also adopt sustainable taxiing, made possible with all-electric aircraft pushback tug
or hybrid-electric tractor attached to the front of the aircraft and controlled by the pilot.12
The activities and equipment associated with the handling of aircraft during turnaround or
maintenance operations are an important source to consider when looking at airport-related
emissions. The term “ground support equipment” refers to the broad category of vehicles and
equipment that service aircraft, including those used for towing, maintenance, loading and
unloading of passengers and cargo, providing electric power, fuel, and other services to the aircraft.
Equipment in this category commonly includes aircraft tractors or tugs, ground power units
(GPUs), air conditioning or heating units, baggage tugs, belt loaders, fuel tanker trucks, and de-
icing trucks, among many others. Airside vehicles including cars, vans, utilities, and buses also
impact local air quality at and around the airport.
Emissions can differ greatly between different GSE. The different types of equipment, as well as
the locations in which they operate, will have different emission profiles. Some GSE may operate
mainly at the aircraft stand, while other will operate at both the aircraft stand and on service roads.
There will also be differences based on the type and location of the stand as well as the type of
aircraft that they service. [Doc 9889 Airport Air Quality Manual, App 2 to Ch 3 & Doc 10013
Operational Opportunities to Reduce Fuel Burn and Emissions, Section 2.5]
Deonandan, I., and Balakrishnan, H., 2010, “Evaluation of Strategies for Reducing Taxi-out Emissions at Airports,” 9th AIAA
Environmental impacts should be considered when selecting new vehicles for use at the airport,
but there are also steps that can be taken to improve the emission profile of existing GSE, such as
various modifications to the engines or to the types of fuel used. Some options are for gasoline or
diesel engines to be retrofitted with oxidation catalysts, or for diesel engines to be fitted with
particulate traps (though this option may require an ultra-low sulphur fuel). Replacing older
engines with new fuel-injected gasoline engines or with diesel engines with a computer-controlled
fuel delivery system may also be options. Switching to alternative fuels such as compressed natural
gas/liquefied petroleum gas (CNG/LPG), may be an option to consider, although it will often
require costly engine or infrastructure improvements [Doc 10013 Operational Opportunities to
Reduce Fuel Burn and Emissions, Section 2.5]. Electrification or partial electrification (hybrid) of
GSE is becoming a common option for addressing emissions related to airport operations. This
option can also require substantial investment in infrastructure upgrades but has the potential to
achieve significant reductions in air emissions (though ultimate environment benefit will depend
on the process through which the electric power is generated.) [Doc 9184 Airport Planning Manual
Part 2, sections 2.3 and 3.6 & Doc 10013 Operational Opportunities to Reduce Fuel Burn and
Emissions, Section 2.5]. The availability of renewable energy at the grid to power electric GSE
will significantly increase the emission reductions potential.
Beyond modifications to engines or use of alternative fuel types, it is important to keep up with
maintenance and perform routine emissions tests to ensure that all equipment is running as
efficiently as possible. Reducing the driving distances of ground support vehicles through
improved route planning and avoiding unnecessary idling of equipment can also play a role in
emissions reductions, as can specific driving behaviors, such as accelerating smoothly or driving
at optimum speeds. The emissions savings provided by these measures will depend on the
individual situations [Doc 9184 Airport Planning Manual Part 2, sections 2.3 and 3.6 & Doc
10013 Operational Opportunities to Reduce Fuel Burn and Emissions, Section 2.5].
Stationary Equipment and Airport Infrastructure Activities
Large airports often have their own power and heat generation plants that burn fuel such as natural
gas, oils, and coal. Excluding aircraft emissions, these facilities may be the largest airport-owned
contributors to airport air quality related emissions. Emissions will vary according to the operating
hours, fuel consumption, load factor, installed capacity, etc.
Airports should consider replacing equipment with newer technology when appropriate. For
instance, replacing CFC-based refrigeration systems or at a minimum ensuring that leaks of CFCs
are minimized. Airports can also reduce energy consumption by improving energy efficiency or
implementing other measures such as installing LED lighting on airfield and in terminals and using
renewable energy where possible. In fact, the availability of renewable energy at the airport either
through the grid or direct onsite generation, will play an essential role to the ability of airport
operators to reduce their own emissions, positively impacting local air quality.
Construction activities also contribute to air pollution with the emissions from combustion engines
and the release of PM, such as dust. Airports should consider these emissions in the design,
approval, and implementation of construction projects, including the equipment, vehicles,
demolition, storage, and handling procedures.
Airports should also take measures to reduce and mitigate the emissions from other stationary
sources including emergency generators, liquid and fuel storage tanks, incinerators, fire training
facilities, airport maintenance activities (cleaning agents, building maintenance and repairs as well
as maintenance of the greeneries), as well as consider sources of emissions outside of its direct
control, such as aircraft maintenance facilities and engine test runs; these can be controlled through
the use of test cells equipped with afterburners and catalytic converters.13
Ground Access Vehicles
Ground transportation to access the airport is the major contributor to landside emissions. This
includes road access for passengers, employees, visitors, contractors, nearby businesses such as
hotels, air cargo traffic, service deliveries, etc. This is also not under the control of airports.
However, airports can work with municipalities, public transport authorities, tenants, and others
to identify opportunities to reduce these emissions. For instance, providing employees with
discounts to use public transport or incentives for ridesharing, providing adequate and safe
pedestrian and bicycling infrastructure, promoting electric taxis with priority queuing or incentive
on annual license fees. Airport car parks can also be equipped with charging stations for electric
vehicles and car park roof can be fitted with solar panels to generate green electricity for the airport.
Airports generally need to assess and manage their emissions. As mentioned above, local
municipalities may require reporting on air quality measurements to understand ground-level
hazards. When new projects are considered, like a runway extension, there is usually a need to
understand how the emissions will change as a result. Also, many airports want to reduce their
environmental impact by reducing emissions and improving overall air quality around the airport.
All of these processes, from strategic management goals to planning new development, involve
air quality issues at some level.
Air quality management planning is carried out by airports in different ways. An airport may have
a specific Air Quality Management Plan that guides how they handle these matters. An air quality
management plan is a distinct document that provides data on emissions and outlines the actions
to be taken to reduce them. Alternatively, plans for managing air quality issues may be combined
into other airport processes, such as a Master Plan, an Environmental Management System, or
standard operating procedures, as well as into staff training courses, and more. Regardless of the
format, the goals of air quality planning are generally similar in that they aim to improve efficiency
and effectiveness in both airfield operations and how staff manages processes and complies with
regulations and reporting. There are many components of airport operations tied to emissions and
air quality, including airfield operations, equipment purchases, reporting and regulatory
compliance, and sustainability goals. A systematic plan for managing air quality issues allows
these different aspects to be considered and aligned in a well-organized way to ensure successful
Emissions inventory
To understand the impact that airport activities have on air quality, it is necessary to have data on
emissions. Conducting an inventory of emission sources, types, and amounts is a vital first step to
gather data. Such an inventory may be needed for proposed development projects, to report on
local air quality measurements to local authorities, or to achieve sustainability objectives. A busy
urban airport will likely need to do all of the above and will be best served with a comprehensive
emissions inventory that looks at all possible emissions sources at the airport, and links them to an
air quality management plan. A full inventory of emission sources at a facility provides the
information to systematically plan new facilities, report to authorities as needed, and set goals and
objectives for how to manage the airport. An inventory is a quantitative assessment of pollutants,
and an accurate compilation of this information requires use of technical models and tools.
Consequently, airports may choose to engage external experts with air quality expertise to conduct
analysis of emissions. For reference, information on developing inventories can be found in ICAO
doc 9889, Airport Air Quality Manual. As mentioned previously, airports can also use the
emissions calculation tool ALECA. An inventory works as a management tool. When an airport
has a full inventory of emissions it becomes easier to plan how to minimize and mitigate emissions.
Some airports’ emissions reduction actions require more specific data, and forecast of pollutants,
which can be complex and technical in nature. Airports can consult the local agencies or
organizations responsible for collecting data on air quality and modelling, in order to assist them
in this task. Pollutants are mostly gases or fine particles which are airborne and disperse over space
and over time. Stationary instruments can measure ambient air quality at a point in time, and that
is valuable for understanding the general air quality environment. In many cases an airport would
like to predict or model what emissions would be expected before an action is decided or taken,
for example when considering alternatives for expanding airport capacity. This kind of modeling
of potential emission scenarios is a technical process that requires specialized tools. The process
is especially complicated when aircraft operations must be modeled and measured. Adding to all
of this is the fact that air pollutants are not static. The health risks posed by pollutant emissions is
based on the concentration of emissions, and modeling emissions dispersion at the airport requires
climatological factors such as wind and precipitation be considered. Specialized models are used
to assess emission dispersion and predict when air quality issues might be problematic. An overall
airport emissions inventory does not necessarily have to do all of these things. An inventory of
emissions showing the sources, types and amounts of pollutants will show what equipment and
processes at the airport are generating the largest amounts of emissions. With that information,
the airport operator can make effective environmental decisions that avoid, minimize, or reduce
emissions at the airport.
Mitigation measures
Potential actions to reduce emissions may include upgrading technology, such as ground support
equipment or terminal heating systems. Emissions will mostly come from aircraft operations and
minimizing them may require changes to airfield operational procedures, and the use of more
efficient and less pollutant aircraft engines.
Air quality management plans, and the emissions inventories within, should describe the type of
pollutants measured, the indicators used (e.g., AGE-S and ALECA calculators, airport operational
activities, evolution in time, etc.), the pollutant thresholds, the frequency of measurement and their
procedures, etc. This will allow the airport to analyze the data against options for mitigating
pollutants. A mitigation plan will usually try to resolve the biggest or easiest issues first and
consider the steps and costs necessary to carry out further mitigation. Local circumstances may
inform some of the mitigation options to be included in a mitigation plan. Working with other
stakeholders to reduce their own emissions, particularly emissions from aircraft operations, is
Nature can also contribute to the regulation of air quality. Urban vegetation can help reduce and
prevent particulate matter and gaseous pollutants emissions, as there are potential benefits of
vegetation in changing dispersion and deposition processes, along with protecting bare lands and
reducing the local air temperature. However, potential issues and even degradation of air quality,
might also arise.
Dispersion. Planting of trees may enhance or reduce dispersion locally, which redistributes
pollution but does not remove it. Vegetation acts as a barrier close to a source of emissions, thereby
immediately decreasing the concentrations behind the barrier.
Deposition. Nature improves air quality through the retention and detoxification of pollutants,
though these processes (such as acidic deposition) may affect terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.
Plants can help reduce air pollutants concentration by trapping fine particulate matter on leaves,
branches and trunks, and facilitate the activity of microbes that degrade particulates.
Bio-emissions. It is important to note that Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds (BVOC) released
in the air by some species of plants, like pollen, fern spores, and fungal spores, can be harmful to
people and contribute to fine particulate matter emissions.
Land. Vegetation also protects soils and can prevent dust emissions from bare lands. The
sustainable management of ecosystems and land at and around airports may thus prevent the
emissions of air pollutants.
Temperature. Vegetation cover affects the local meteorology, helps to reduce the heat island effect
and the local air temperature. Reducing local air temperature from trees can improve air quality
because the emission of many pollutants, ozone-forming chemicals and ozone is temperature
Ecosystems. Loss of biodiversity and ecosystem function, resulting from air pollution and other
drivers, may compromise nature‘s contributions to moderating air pollution.
In addition, nature also contributes to regulate Green House Gazes emissions and mitigate climate
change, in particular by directly absorbing CO2 emissions through plants, but also by preventing
the release of additional emissions by keeping them in soils and oceans.
Vegetation can therefore help improve the air quality at and around airports - among other co-
benefits - if it is carefully planned.
Air Quality Management plans can also play a role in communicating with the community on land
use around airports (ref. Doc 9889). Depending on the location, airport air quality can have an
impact on land use options that become available around an airport and adequate planning can
reduce the negative impacts of emissions on human health. For example, at some airports, engines
run-ups are conducted in specific areas at the airport where the local air quality (and noise) is
monitored. These areas are normally away from housing to avoid additional exposure to the local
communities around the airport. The data collected is communicated to the local communities,
municipalities, and/or States, to ensure transparency.
Innovation Solutions
Innovation and technology are important enablers to mitigate environmental impact for any
organization and this is no different of airports and other aviation stakeholders. Working in
collaboration with aviation and non-aviation partners to identify opportunities to reduce emissions
and improve local air quality are important to achieve results that have a broader impact. Another
point to consider are the interdependencies with other topics such as GHG emissions reductions.
Proposing solutions that have knock-on benefit impacts beyond local air quality are a win-win and
can support granting buy-in from different stakeholders.
An approach an airport can take is to use what is called a ‘smart airport design’, which helps to
optimize the use of infrastructure through technology adoption. An example is airport terminal
energy optimization, which results in emission reduction from the energy intensive systems such
as Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems. Similarly, smart airports facilitate
the adoption of innovative wastewater treatment technologies that require only a quarter of the
area taken by a conventional facility. These are energy efficient and can reduce up to 50% of
energy consumption, resulting in emission reduction.
Another example of innovative approach is the use of lighting as a service, used by Schiphol
Airport, to increase efficiency of energy consumption as part of the circular economy concept.
This innovative business model, called servitization, has the potential to facilitate the
implementation of different environmentally friendly solutions for different stakeholders. Airport
operators and stakeholders operating at and around the airports can benefit from these
improvements in efficiency, operational costs reduction, and optimization of infrastructure and
aircraft fleet at the terminal and airside operations, including ground surface access to the airport.
San Diego International Airport (SAN) has taken the concept of innovation even further. SAN has
established an Innovation Lab to encourage and promote new solutions to aviation issues
that airports face. The Lab was initially developed in a decommissioned Commuter
Terminal which provided a space to conduct real-life testing for airport innovations.13 SAN has
included environmental-related topics in the Innovation Lab efforts, some of which have
implications for air quality and emissions. The Lab is currently soliciting solutions for electric
powered ‘autonomous solutions.’ They expect proposals for this topic could include autonomous
pushback solutions, Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based smart assistants, intra-campus transportation
services, and options to move people throughout the airport within the terminal space. The Lab
has had submittals in past years focused on vehicle-to-grid electric charging products (I.e.,
bidirectional). Such a specific focus on finding creative new solutions to airport environmental
challenges will help improve aviation into the future.
More information on other airport infrastructure sources such as waste management and aircraft
ground energy systems, can be found in the Eco-Airport Toolkit e-collection.14
Examples of Action
A series of energy efficiency projects have been implemented at Ankara Esenboga Airport
Terminal Building and its auxiliaries operated by TAV Airports in order to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions and improve local air quality. TAV has been receiving annual certificates from
ACI/ACA organization since the year 2010 and as of the beginning of 2014, it increased up to the
level of Neutralization which is referred to as “LEVEL 3+”. In addition, TAV has also been
getting ISO 50001 Energy Management System in order to follow the energy figures in a most
efficient route.
automation system, in order to optimize usage with actual needs, by setting the system’s
operational parameters. This leads to less energy consumption in terms of air conditioning
PBB, 400 Hz and PCA Systems: As 400 Hz (Ground Power Units) and PCA (Pre-conditioned
Air) systems are installed at PBB’s (Passenger Boarding Bridges), almost all aircraft which are
docking to the bridges are utilizing 400 Hz and PCA for their power and air-conditioning needs
instead of running APU’s.
LED (Light Emitting Diode) Lighting: A remarkable energy consumption reduction and energy
efficiency are achieved by using new types of LED lighting instead of old-style lighting. The
conversion was first initiated with lights that are switched on for 24 hours a day to be able to gain
as much reduction as possible. Subsequently, the work plan was extended to all other lights. This
project leads also to great cost savings.
Thermal Measures: In the terminal area, thermal screening cameras are placed at possible non-
isolated areas where thermal energy losses occur, in order to detect all leakages and reinforce the
isolation conditions. Furthermore, wind breakers are built to create indoor isolated zones around
the doors, in order to prevent thermal losses due to opening of the doors as passengers flow.
Tri-Generation Plant: There is a tri-generation plant integrated to the power network in use to
feed the terminal building. It also contributes to heating and cooling needs. Electricity is generated
from the running of natural gas motors located in the plant. In addition, exhaust at high temperature
produces hot water in wintertime for heating purposes. In the summer period, it contributes to the
cooling by means of the absorption chiller installed in the plant. This energy recovery prevents a
large amount of emissions.
Energy Efficiency and GHG Reduction Trainings: The importance of energy efficiency and
carbon reduction trainings are given to all personnel involved, including staff and stakeholders.
In addition, in orientation trainings which are given by the HR department, new staff are informed
and trained within this context of full awareness.
Waste Management System: A project launched by government authorities named “Zero Waste
Project” is being implemented at the airport in Esenboga. Accordingly, all waste generated by the
terminal operations are collected and segregated by type at the first point of collection, to be
processed for recycling; this includes domestic wastes as they have been put into composting
devices to be converted to fertilizer to be reused within the agriculture field. Those actions are
performed together with all stakeholders in the airport.
Forestation Projects: TAV is involved in “planting trees” projects every year and plants at least
10.000Pcs of pine trees every year.
Information Tags: Information tags are located in the terminal areas to remind of energy
efficiency and CO2 emission reduction.
Brisbane Airport (Australia)
Brisbane Airport Electric Bus Fleet and Charging Station (Jun 2019)
Brisbane Airport boasts a diverse property portfolio spanning retail, commercial and industrial
developments across the airport precinct. Many passengers and staff choose to park at Brisbane
Airport due to the wide variety of parking options, competitive pricing, and car parking spaces
available. Dedicated bus services are required to convey passengers and staff to and from remote
car parks; between the domestic and international terminals, and to and from the terminals and
Skygate shopping precinct. Brisbane Airport’s landside bussing contract was due for renewal in
2017 which was the trigger to upgrade the older, diesel bus fleet.
The electric bus fleet operates landside servicing the whole airport precinct. The tender panel
included representatives from BAC’s Parking and Transport, Customer Experience, Environment
and Sustainability, and Finance teams. Each of the 12 electric buses were built new and funded
through operational expenditure as part of the bus services contract, whereas the construction of
the dedicated facility for bus charging, parking, and maintenance was funded through capital
expenditure, all of which is privately funded by BAC.
The BYD TORO is the world’s most modern and technologically advanced electric bus.
Developed jointly by Carbridge and electric vehicle manufacturer BYD, the TORO is helping to
reduce carbon emissions, improve local air quality, lower noise levels, and reduce waste fluids.
Real time data is generated for each electric bus and monitored via the ViriCiti dashboard, an all-
in-one platform for electric fleet management. The dashboard provides a vast array of information
to optimize the fleet’s operations including temporal metrics (e.g. time charging/time driving),
performance metrics (e.g. C02/pollutants, mileage driven), energy metrics (e.g. energy
consumed/regenerated driving) and state of charge metrics. ViriCiti has recorded the following
data for the bus fleet’s operation to date (February 2018 to 18 November 2020):
1,223,000 L of diesel fuel has been saved
1,952,561 kwh of energy has been consumed in charging
Grid electricity emissions are offset by a 1.8MWp solar PV array located in the same precinct as
the bus charging station (Brisbane International Terminal rooftop array). However, without
including the emissions offset by renewable energy, ViriCiti calculates the following emission
savings have occurred from using the electric bus fleet since operations commenced:
Other assumptions:
Emissions produced from the grid (0% renewable energy) – not including 1.8MWp solar
Non-electric (diesel) bus consumption = 35 L / 100 km
Per year savings divide 3 full years of operation by the emission types and are conservative
due to a reduction in service due to COVID-19 from April – November 2020
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport (India)
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport (CSMIA) is located in the heart of the capital
city Mumbai and is the second largest airport in the country. Though CSMIA is situated at the
centre of the city and surrounded by highway and an industrial belt, it has always put efforts to
safeguard ambient air quality levels. The airport continuously monitors ambient air quality levels
for Sulphur dioxide (SO2), NOx, CO, Ozone (O3), Total hydrocarbon (THC), Lead (Pb), PM2.5
and PM10, etc. It has recently conducted a project of enhancement of air quality, executed
simultaneously via two initiatives: the installation of fixed electrical ground power (FEGP) and
pre-conditioned air (PCA) systems at all the aerobridges of the terminal buildings, and the use of
Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM). The total cost of this project was approximately
12.5 million INR. Both these initiatives were a retrofitting project to achieve maximum landing
and take offs in an hour. Both these projects were simultaneously implemented between the years
2016 to 2019.
Fixed electrical ground power (FEGP) :To reduce fuel burn emissions while aircraft are parked,
FEGP units were installed at 70 aerobridges between Terminals 1 and 2 (72 GPU and 58 PCA
units). At some aerobridges in terminal 2, both GPU and PCA units were fitted. The diesel
consumption of power units used before the installation of FEGP is now non-existent, as diesel-
based GPUs were completely replaced with FEGP.
Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM): To effectively utilize slots and minimize
taxiing time for aircraft, the A-CDM application was developed in collaboration with the Airport
Authority of India (AAI) for all aircraft landing and take-offs. A-CDM takes into consideration
the Expected Time of Arrival (ETA), Target off Block Times (TOBT) of departures, runway in
use, and the handling capacity of runway to determine the arrival and departure sequence. Based
on the sequence and the parking position, it calculates the Target Take Off times (TTOT) and
Target Start up Approval Times (TSAT) of departures and Target in Block Times for arrivals. The
airport was able to reduce aircraft taxiing time, which resulted in drastic reduction in fuel
consumption and aircraft emissions on taxiways.
The airport also installed Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations (CAAQMS) at two
different locations, covering the landside and airside areas of CSMIA. The parameters monitored
at these stations are as per the National Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Standard (NAAQS),
2009. These stations were installed in year 2016 and 2018. The reducing trend of the Air Quality
Index (AQI) for 2018, 2019 and 2020 (until March) shows reduction in emissions including
gaseous and particulate matter.
Darwin International Airport (Australia)
The Rapid Creek Bushfire Mitigation Project was developed from air quality and biodiversity
impacts experienced as a result of three wildfires that occurred in late 2019 at the Rapid Creek
Reserve at Darwin International Airport (DIA). The fires lit by arsonists in late 2019 coincided
with extremely hot and dry conditions causing wildfires to develop. Wildfires at this time have an
impact on the biodiversity of natural areas and generate thick smoke that negatively impacts airside
operations and the health and safety of airport users. The project focused on Rapid Creek Reserve,
which is a landside reserve area on airport land. Areas benefiting from the project include airside
areas, the entire airport precinct and the wider community, and involved several stakeholders
(firefighting services, federal police, government, rangers and airport staff).
The project was driven through the airport’s Environment and Sustainability Department who
collaborated with other department managers including:
Head of Security & Contingency Planning – coordinated liaison with the Australian
Federal Police
Airside Operations Manager - provided feedback on the updated bushfire response
procedure after liaison with Airside Operations Officers and Airport Duty Managers.
The project was low cost and funded under the environment operational budget. A project grant
from IFM investors that supported the Larrakia Rangers working within Rapid Creek Reserve kick
started the liaison and additional fire risk management tasks undertaken by the Rangers at the
The project was primarily a series of meetings with various project stakeholders followed up by
additional land management activities, new bushfire response procedures and providing resources
to Northern Territory Fire service to best undertake bushfire response.
Main achievements:
Improved response by emergency services and DIA staff in the event of a wildfire:
Updated DIA bushfire management procedures and stakeholder workshops to trouble
shoot issues related to efficient bushfire response.
Increased fire management tasks: More detailed DIA fire management plans that include
areas and timing for where cool season burns will occur.
A more educated and connected community: Resources and information sessions
provided to the Northern Territory Fire Service including detailed maps of airport land
within each fire truck and training sessions with firefighters about the biodiversity value
of Rapid Creek.
A closer relationship with the Australian Federal Police for bushfire response and
understanding the arson risk along Rapid Creek Reserve.
Greater engagement activities with the Larrakia Rangers.
Greater understanding of wildfire risks and effective wildfire response across department
managers within DIA.
Liaising with other landowners and managers along Rapid Creek about fire response
In 2020 there were two fires that were lit by arsonists, but neither events developed into wildfires,
with improved coordination and response in fire management by emergency services and DIA.
There were no interruptions to airside operations as a result of fires and the likelihood of wildfire
and associated air pollution that poses safety, environmental and health risks to the airport and its
stakeholders has been reduced. Rapid Creek Reserve continues to regenerate after the 2019 fires
and an updated land management plan for the reserve now includes cool season burns that will be
undertaken with the Larrakia Rangers.
Hong Kong International Airport (Hong Kong, China)
With a view to improving operating efficiency and reducing air emissions, AAHK rolled out a new
Ground Service Equipment (GSE) Pooling Scheme at HKIA in July 2018. Initially implemented
as Phase 1 at Midfield Apron, the Scheme enables ramp handling operators (RHOs) serving client
airlines to rent critical GSE, of which 95% are electric-powered, from AAHK. Phases 2 and 3 of
the Scheme are planned and when fully implemented in 2024, AAHK will own 1,000 units of
The scheme was first conceived when AAHK initiated a review of aircraft ramp handling
processes, which included an in-depth analysis of arrival baggage delivery performance in 2016.
The findings revealed timely provision of GSE is one of the most important factors affecting
HKIA’s service standards. Likewise, the deployment of GSE from flight to flight across the apron
increasingly led to traffic congestion peak periods throughout the day. This not only affected the
on-time performance of arriving baggage and departing flights, but also led to increased air
emissions, especially when the RHOs have been using many aged diesel-powered GSE.
Under the new AAHK’s ownership model, all critical GSE are standing by at every parking stand
and the need for mobilizing GSE is minimized. This not only brings benefits in terms of reduced
emissions and energy use, but also reduced unnecessary traffic on apron road and traffic
congestion. Moreover, with 95% of GSE being electric-powered, exposures of workers and other
receptors to NOx, particulates and other pollutants are significantly reduced. In addition to
spending over HK$300 million to procure the GSE, AAHK also funded installation of chargers,
established two GSE maintenance workshops, provided training, and developed detailed
operations process to include in its handbook15.
Through early engagement of RHOs and other relevant stakeholders in planning of the scheme,
AAHK demonstrated the power of proactive, collaborative stakeholder engagement. The scheme
is well received by all stakeholders including the RHOs, as it promotes resources sharing with
guaranteed GSE availability at a lowered operating cost. The scheme allowed optimized use of
GSE and at the same time reduced the total GSE fleet size needed at HKIA. Through centralized
provision, management and maintenance of all critical GSE, the overall investment and operational
cost are reduced while safe operation of GSE are also enhanced via relevant training provided to
RHOs. The provision of on-stand GSE also helped RHOs to meet prescribed performance level
and avoided aircraft ground delays caused by lateness or insufficient provision of GSE. From
available statistics for Q4 2019, the key performance indicators for baggage delivery performance
have consistently surpassed 97% with a daily throughput exceeding 127K bags on average, which
demonstrated overall enhancement of the RHOs’ operation efficiency.
15 HKIA GSE Pooling Scheme Operations Handbook. 24 February 2020, version 3. Available at:
Enhanced ramp handling process enabled via new HKIA’s GSE Pooling Scheme
Indira Gandhi International Airport (Delhi, India)
Local air quality management at Indira Gandhi International Airport (IGI) is one of the important
environmental and key materiality aspects of Delhi International Airport Limited (DIAL)’s
business sustainability. DIAL and its stakeholders always believe that the air quality at the airport
has a major influence on its business, since the region of Delhi experiences bad air quality during
winter seasons. To exemplify the air quality improvement in the region, DIAL and its stakeholders
have taken numerous initiatives. One of the most recent and promising projects implemented at
Delhi Airport is the use of TaxiBot for aircraft taxiing.
TaxiBot is a semi-autonomous vehicle that enables airplane taxiing without engines running,
controlled by the pilot and without shortening the nose landing gear (NLG) lifetime. In a
conventional aircraft taxi process, an aircraft is tugged by a ground vehicle to the Tug Detach Point
(TDP). Following this, the aircraft switches on its engines and taxies to the runway. Starting the
engines early means the aircraft is using more aviation turbine fuel (ATF), and it also leads to air
pollution in the form of NOx, CO, HC, SO2, PM and CO2 emissions.
The use of TaxiBots helps in delaying the operation of aircraft engines and avoids the burning of
AFT. This benefits DIAL and its stakeholders both environmentally and economically, as well as
the region’s local air quality. Airlines in Delhi Airport have achieved the following benefits
(calculated using ICAO Aircraft Engine Emissions Databank), from more than 450 TaxiBot
missions completed till now:
Saved more than 52,463 liters of ATF (the actual benefits are much higher than the
presented values).
Local air quality benefits:
o Total NOx saving- 723 kg
o Total CO saving- 5,814 kg
o Total HC saving- 1,342 kg
Additional benefits from the 450 mission include:
Currently, two TaxiBots are deployed at Delhi Airport, which can handle 30-40 aircraft/day. In
addition, DIAL is planning to add 15 more TaxiBots in the next three years, which will further
multiply the local air quality benefits in the region. Following the success of Delhi Airport, a
number of Indian airports as well as few global airports are planning to adopt TaxiBot to support
the business sustainability. DIAL continuously studies the local air quality at the airport and in the
region. The airport has two monitoring stations within its boundary and there are also many
monitoring stations installed by the government around the airport that compare air quality data
with the airport’s data.
Rajiv Gandhi International Airport (Hyderabad, India)
Sustainable Airport Operation for effective Airport Air Quality Management (2016-2020)
To reduce air emissions as well as operating costs, GMR Hyderabad International Airport Limited
(GHIAL) has adopted a wide array of eco-friendly technology, infrastructure, and practices in
collaboration with their stakeholders. These efforts have been implemented throughout the entire
airport area, involved a multitude of stakeholders (airlines, ground support departments, airside
operations, Air Traffic Control tower, GMR-Transport, landscaping and environmental teams,
cargo, concessionaires, etc.), and have resulted in minimizing the air emissions and maintaining
good air quality at the airport and its surroundings. RGIA’s green initiatives are also aligned with
ICAO’s Environmental Goal to limit or reduce the impact of aviation emissions on local air
quality, and the UN Sustainable Development Goal 3: Ensure Healthy lives & promote well-being
for all at all ages. In 2019, World Environment Day was observed with the Theme of Beat Air
Pollution at RGIA.
More concretely, these sustainable airport operations have resulted in significant reduction in fossil
fuel consumption and air emissions at the airport:
Sustainable LTO cycle of aircraft(s) and ground support operations, single engine taxiing:
ATC and the airlines practiced Continuous Descent Approach and continuous Climb Operations
for landing and departing aircraft to reduce aircraft fuel burn. Single engine taxiing of aircraft
avoided 40-50% of aviation turbine fuel (ATF) fuel burn per air traffic movement, or
approximately 4,382 kl of ATF saving in a year. Indigo airline contributes to 40% of total ATMs
of the airport. The airline in co-ordination with the airport operator implemented aircraft single
engine taxiing and used the FEGP in place of the APU since 2016. Also, short taxi routing and
intersection take-off reduced aircraft emissions.
Fixed Electric Ground Power Unit (FEGP): During 2017-2019, 1,596,190 kWh of electricity
used which in turn avoided ATF of 152,749 litres from aircraft APU.
Solar powered ground support equipment: In 2019, Air India SATS developed a prototype of
solar ground support equipment (GSE) - baggage flight loader (BFL), and step ladder in place of
diesel equipment. This avoided 102,209 litres of diesel and emissions NOx: 1672 kg; CO: 965 kg;
PM: 190 kg every year in the airside. GHIAL’s 10 MW solar power plant also reduces the thermal
electricity use.
Electric ground transportation: GHIAL and GSDs introduced five electric coaches and 12 e-
tugs and cars. The airport has collaborated with the State Road Transport Corporation in
introducing 40 electric buses in 2019 for the passengers’ commute. Electric buses and cars in the
city side of the airport prevented 4,567 litres of diesel and emissions savings: NOx: 38,105 kg;
CO: 22,874 kg; PM: 1,750 kg in 2019.
Green belt: 693 acres of developed greenery and more than 2,000 acres of natural vegetation
absorb 685 tonnes of CO2 in the premises of the airport.
Ambient air quality monitoring station: GHIAL installed a monitoring station that measures
NOx, CO, PM 10 & PM 2.5, SO2, O3, and HCs. The real-time monitoring data is transfered to the
State Pollution Control Board’s website on a 24-hours, 7-days a week basis. The airport’s air
quality parameters are recorded well within the stipulated norms.
The savings from all these measures are to the tune of INR 150-195 million every year.
GHIAL organized on-site briefing sessions to nearly 1,500 cab drivers, ground support
departments and the employees on the maintenance of the vehicles, and periodical emission quality
checks in line with the emission norms. Senior management reviews the effectiveness of the air
pollution control measures regularly. With these efforts, GHIAL has maintained good air quality
environment at the Airport for the wellbeing of all the airport stakeholders and the local
Taoyuan International Airport Corporation Ltd. (Chinese Taipei)
Incinerator upgrade: Introduced a remote intelligent monitoring system to improve the proper
availability rate of equipment, strengthening the efficiency of waste incineration and waste gas
treatment, and comprehensively improving the efficiency of incineration plants, further reducing
all kinds of air pollutants such as TSP, SOx, NOx, CO, and others, to levels lower than 10% of the
national emission standards.
Cloud-smart scheduling APP for taxis: Developed a scheduling application and cloud software
to reduce emissions from landside taxis. It helped 600 vehicles to apply passenger services through
the app. The system proactively notifies the drivers about passengers’ journey times, reduced fuel
consumption and CO emissions, and reduced fuel costs by NT$21.6 million every year.
After the implementation of the plan in 2019, the annual environmental performance includes a
reduction of 10.1 metric tons of TSP, 1.7 metric tons of PM10, 1.2 metric tons of PM2.5, 59.9
metric tons of NOx, 36.1 metric tons of SOx, 49.9 metric tons of CO, 13.9 metric tons of Total
hydrocarbon (THC), and 12.5 metric tons of Non-Methane Hydrocarbon (NMHC).
Below is a list of useful resources for the users of this Eco-Airport Toolkit on air quality
management, including a brief description for each document.
ICAO Airport Air Quality Guidance Manual (Doc 9889): provides detailed information on air
quality standards, conducting airport emissions inventories, aircraft and other emissions
calculations, dispersion modelling and monitoring and measuring air quality.
ICAO Airport Planning Manual (Doc 9184), Part 2, Land Use and Environmental Control:
provides information on means of reducing emissions and improving fuel efficiency and
encourages the use of environmental management systems at airports.
ICAO Operational Opportunities to Reduce Fuel Burn and Emissions (Doc 10013): provides
operational procedures that aircraft operators and air navigation service providers (ANSPs) may
be able to implement to reduce aircraft emissions
Aviation Emissions and Air Quality Handbook, Version 3 (US FAA, 2014): insert short
EMEP/EEA Air Pollutant Emission Inventory Guidebook 2016 (European Environment Agency,
2016): provides guidance on estimating emissions from both anthropogenic and natural emission
ACRP Guidance for Estimating Airport Construction Emissions (TRB, Report 102, 2016):
provides guidance and an interactive electronic tool (Airport Construction Emissions Inventory
Tool) to assist airports and other stakeholders to better understand and quantify airport construction
emissions and also to bring consistency to airport construction emissions inventories.