DLP TRENDS Week 9 - Global Networks Labor and Migration

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Grades 1 to 12 School Bolingit NHS Grade Level 12-HUMSS

DAILY LESSON Teacher Brigid Marfe C. Abalos Learning Area TRENDS,NETWORKS &
LOG 21ST Century Critical-thinking
Teaching Dates and Week 9/ M-Th Quarter 3rd Quarter
Time / 8:00-9:00AM

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4


The learner understands the components, operations, effects and networks of globalization in his/her daily life.
A. Content Standards

The learner locates on a map the different geographical origins of the various components/elements of an
B. Performance industrial/technological/agricultural product and writes a reflection essay on the insights gathered from the exercise.
Standards The learner locates on a map the workplaces of the OFWs in their community and writes a reflection paper on the effects of
labor migration to their community.
C. Learning Identify and discuss the Stress the important role of the Create a map to show the Write a reflection essay
Competencies/ different contributions of the creative imagination in putting origins of the different on the insights
Objectives parts to a whole. together the various parts of a component/s of a gadget, generated from the
Write the LC code for HUMSS_MCT12-If-g-5 whole business enterprise, map.
HUMSS_MCT12-If-g-6 industrial/technological/agricult HUMSS_MCT12-If-g-8
ural product etc.

II. CONTENT Global Networks: Labor and Migration


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning http:// https://www.adorama.com ›…› https://www.imf.org> https://www.imf.org>
Resources graphicdesign.spokanefalls.ed Features https://www.boundless.com https://
u/tutorials/process/ www.boundless.com


A. Reviewing previous The Benefits of collaboration ASK: Explain the importance Show a puzzle with missing
lesson or presenting and cooperation (5 minutes) of the part to a whole? pieces.
the new lesson (2-3 minutes) Ask: What do you observe
about the puzzle?
Is creative imagination
important in putting together
the various parts of a whole?
(2-3 minutes)
B. Establishing a 1. The teacher ask the Present to the class a picture
purpose for the learners to show their gadgets of a pizza pie or the realia.
lesson or anything that they think is a Upon showing the picture of a
product of globalization. pizza pie
2. Why do you think these - Ask the students about the
products are made? “Pizza Pie”
Expected answers: -ask somebody who eats
This products were made in pizza, and:
order for us to: -let the students explore and
-simplify life share their concept by:
-better living  Describing the pizza’s
a. Features
b. Characteristics
c. Texture
d. Flavor etc.
(5 minutes)
C. Presenting Where do you think are these This part shows emphasis to
examples/instances made and manufactured? unlock the difficulty.
of the new lesson -based on ideas presented by
Expected answers are: the students how they
China described the pizza’s
Japan appearance, and how they
U.S.A perceived it if they are going to
connect and adapt it to the
concept of exerting creative
imagination in dealing with
connecting things or making
things interconnected by doing
an activity.
Guide questions:
1. What is the shape of the
2. What are the toppings?
3. Wouldn’t be fair if the other
group will get Hawaiian
instead of bacon?
The teacher will guide or
facilitate the students to:
 Connect and redirect
the students creative
ideas to form the main
concepts of various
part of a whole.
(10 minutes)
D. Discussing new  Group Activity: Divide the Short game: “ Dugtungan .
concepts and class into four groups. Let Tayo” or “Connect Mo”
practicing new skills the learners create the (Showing connections or
#1 following using their own interconnections that leads to
available materials: the discussion—the essence
1. Paper Tower of the part of a whole )
-Group 1 and 3 Execution of activity
2. Dress me up (The teacher Group Activity: Procedure
will provide the hanger) a. the class will divide or will
-Group 2 and 4 be divided
 Let them explain their into 4 or 5 groups.
realization and b. make a specific name of a
experiences in the activity group.
 Introduce the Gestalt c. prepare a simple jingle that
Principles makes
(10-15 minutes) the group identity
Ex. “ The Europeans invented
the (1st group) to (2nd group) for
us to (3rd group) and have a
(4th group)
(15 minutes)
E. Discussing new
concepts and
practicing new skills
F. Developing mastery How important is the parts to a Introduce the Gestalt
(leads to Formative whole? Principles pertaining to parts
Assessment 3) Can you give an example? of a whole in dealing with the
(3-5 minutes) Global Networks.(e.g figure,
similarity, proximity, closure,
continuity, and symmetry or
Adapt those principles in
dealing with global networks
by means of.
-presentation of the following
logos or pictures
-then the teacher will stretch
out the given ideas of the
students by asking the
following question.
1. Why there is a need for
among nation of the
2. How do nations
around the
world deal with those
ideas to
(10 minutes)
G. Finding practical Can a whole class be Life like application:
applications of considered a class without a How do you find ways in
concepts and skills in teacher? Without students? dealing with the following to
daily living (3-5 minutes) develop connections or
interconnections to:
 Family
 Community
 Society
 Nation
(3 minutes)
H. Making Ask: What do you think is the What quality of a Filipino is
generalizations and importance of the sum of the very much recognized in
abstractions about parts to a whole? different parts of the world?
the lesson (5 minutes) -Hospitality is the quality of a
Filipino. In which wherever we
go we will be still classified a
The teacher or the students
will give emphasis to the
importance of creative thinking
and imagination in putting
together the various parts of a
(5 minutes)
I. Evaluating learning Recitation Written Work: Group Activity: Individual Activity:
Enumerate and explain the In 5-10 sentences write an Each group will create a map Each student will write a
Gestalt Principles essay answering the following to show the origins of the reflection on the insights
(5 minutes) question: different component/s of a generated from the map
Do you have a relative gadget, business enterprise, that you made
working abroad? How do you industrial, technological, yesterday.
feel about it? agricultural product. Etc.
(10 minutes)
J. Additional activities
for application or



A. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

Prepared by: Checked: Noted:


Teacher II Head Teacher III Principal I

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