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JUITA: Jurnal Informatika e-ISSN: 2579-8901; Volume 8, Nomor 1, Mei 2020

Performance of Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm

in Backpropagation Network Based on the Number
of Neurons in Hidden Layers and Learning Rate
Hindayati Mustafidah1, Suwarsito2
Informatic Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto
Geography Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto
Purwokerto, Central Java, 53182, Indonesia

Abstract - One of the supervised learning paradigms in Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) are biologically
artificial neural networks (ANN) that are in great developed inspired computational models. ANN consists of several
is the backpropagation model. Backpropagation is a processing elements (neurons) and there is a relationship
perceptron learning algorithm with many layers to change between neurons that will transform information
weights connected to neurons in hidden layers. The
received by one neuron to another neuron. This
performance of the algorithm is influenced by several
network parameters including the number of neurons in the
relationship is called weight. Deboeck and Kohonen
input layer, the maximum epoch used, learning rate (lr) describe ANN as a collection of mathematical techniques
value, the hidden layer configuration, and the resulting error that can be used for signal processing, forecasting and
(MSE). Some of the tests conducted in previous studies grouping, and are referred to as non-linear, multi-layered
obtained information that the Levenberg-Marquardt parallel regression techniques [2]. ANN as one of the
training algorithm has better performance than other main components of forming soft computing have been
algorithms in the backpropagation network, which produces widely applied in various fields of human life both for
the smallest average error with a test level of α = 5% which the purposes of research and solving technical problems
used 10 neurons in a hidden layer. The number of neurons such as forecasting, diagnostics, and pattern recognition
in hidden layers varies depending on the number of neurons
[3], [4].
in the input layer. In this study an analysis of the
performance of the Levenberg-Marquardt training
Backpropagation is the most widely used type of
algorithm was carried out with 5 neurons in the input layer, learning paradigm with or without supervision in ANN,
a number of n neurons in hidden layers (n = 2, 4, 5, 7, 9), especially in developing systems to solve problems.
and 1 neuron in the output layer. Performance analysis is Systems known to have used backpropagation have been
based on network-generated errors. This study uses a mixed studied to detect intrusions in the banking system [5] and
method, namely development research with quantitative and to estimate the longitudinal velocity fields at open
qualitative testing using ANOVA statistical tests. Based on channel junctions [6]. In other cases, backpropagation as
the analysis, the Levenberg-Marquardt training algorithm a multilayer perceptron was used in simulating the
produces the smallest error of 0.00014 ± 0.00018 on 9 characteristics of open channel bends and subsequently
neurons in hidden layers with lr = 0.5.
used in prediction of flow parameters in 90° open
Keywords: hidden layer, backpropogation, MSE, learning
channel arches [7], [8]. The network structure in this
rate, Levenberg-Marquardt paradigm uses more than one layer (multi-layer) to
change the weight associated with neurons in the hidden
I. INTRODUCTION layer. Learning for ANN is a process in which free
parameters of ANN are adapted through a continuous
Soft computing has come as an impact of the stimulation process by the environment in which the
development of computer science technology which is an network is located [9]. ANN learns from its experience.
approach technique in solving problems [1]. Soft The usual learning process includes three tasks, namely:
computing is part of an intelligent system which is a 1) network output, 2) comparing the output with the
model approach to computation by imitating human desired target, and 3) adjusting the weight and repeating
reason and has the ability to reason and learn in an the process.
environment filled with uncertainty and inaccuracy.

Performance of Levenberg-Marquardt … | Mustafidah, H., Suwarsito, 29 – 35 29

JUITA: Jurnal Informatika e-ISSN: 2579-8901; Volume 8, Nomor 1, Mei 2020

There are 12 training algorithms in the but the network performance slows down even though
backpropagation model that can be used [10], namely the the network speed in carrying out the training process is
Fletcher-Reeves Update algorithm, Polak-Ribiere, also influenced by the learning rate (lr) value used.
Powell-Beale Restarts, Scaled Conjugate Gradient, Information about the number of neurons in the hidden
Gradient Descent with Momentum and Adaptive layer that has the most optimal performance is unknown.
Learning Rate, Resilent Backpropagation, BFGS, One Therefore, in this study an analysis and testing of the
Step Secant, Levenberg-Marquardt. Some researches performance of the Levenberg– Marquardt training
related to the application of this training algorithm are algorithm was conducted based on variations in the
[11]; [12]; [13]; [14]; [15]. Up to this stage a training number of neurons in hidden layers and learning rate (lr).
algorithm has been implemented to help solve a case and
has not yet been tested for other training algorithms. II. METHOD
Further testing is carried out by [16]; [17]; [18]; [19];
[20]. The testing was conducted on the twelve training This research is a mixed method research in the form
algorithms and generated information that the of developing computer programs with quantitative and
Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm is the most optimal qualitative testing using ANOVA statistical tests.
algorithm using 5, 10, and 15 neurons in the input layer.
In the study 10 neurons were used in hidden layers. A. Research Variables
Meanwhile, the number of neurons in the hidden layer is
very influential on network performance, especially in The research variables in the form of ANN
the error or MSE (Mean Squared Error) produced which parameters are the maximum epoch of 1000 (103), the
has an impact on the level of accuracy of network output. value of lr = 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7,
MSE is known as a method that produces errors that are 0.8, 0.9, 1, target error = 0.001 (10-3), input neurons (X)
likely to be better for small errors, but sometimes make as many as 5, and 1 output neuron (Y), as well as 2, 4, 5,
a big difference [21]. In theory, the more neurons in a 7, 9 neurons in the hidden layer (Z). Network
hidden layer the more accurate the output is produced, configuration is presented in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1 Design of artificial neural networks with 5 input neurons, n neurons in

hidden layers (n = 2, 4, 5, 7, 9) and 1 neuron in the output layer

30 Performance of Levenberg-Marquardt … | Mustafidah, H., Suwarsito, 29 – 35

JUITA: Jurnal Informatika e-ISSN: 2579-8901; Volume 8, Nomor 1, Mei 2020

B. Research Data 1) Determine the hypothesis

H0: there is no difference in error produced by the
Network input data and targets are acquired from
Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm on the
research [16].
number of n neurons in hidden layers (n = 2,
C. Development of Computer Programs 4, 5, 7, 9) for each value of lr.
H1: there are differences in errors generated by the
The design of a computer program to obtain network
Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm on the
output data is built as shown in Fig. 2.
number of n neurons in hidden layers (n = 2,
D. Data Analysis 4, 5, 7, 9) for each value of lr
2) Determine the alpha value (α) (in this study used
Output data of network generated by the Levenberg-
α = 5%)
Marquardt algorithm were analyzed using ANOVA
3) Taking conclusions. Conclusions are taken
statistical tests. Tests were carried out on many neurons
based on the significant value obtained (sig.) With the
in hidden layers (n = 2, 4, 5, 7, 9) at each learning rate
provision H0 rejected if the sig value<α and the
(Fig. 3). Furthermore, from the results of this test, it is
provisions of H0 are accepted if the value of sig≥α.
analyzed again to get the smallest MSE. The stages of
the ANOVA test were carried out [22]:

Fig. 2 Flowchart of ANN program development

Fig. 3 Testing statistics design of many neurons n in hidden layers (n = 2, 4,

5, 7, 9) at each learning rate

Performance of Levenberg-Marquardt … | Mustafidah, H., Suwarsito, 29 – 35 31

JUITA: Jurnal Informatika e-ISSN: 2579-8901; Volume 8, Nomor 1, Mei 2020

III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION in Figure 2. The computer program was coded with
MATLAB as in Fig. 4.
A. Research Data
B. Data Analysis
Network input data (X) is the value of 5 neurons in
the input layer and target (Y) are random data acquired ANOVA statistical tests were performed using SPSS
from the research of [16] as in Table 1. Data input and software. The test results for errors generated by the
target of network are run on the Levenberg-Marquardt Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm on the number of n
algorithm to obtain MSE data. The Levenberg- neurons in the hidden layer for each value of lr with n =
Marquardt algorithm is run 20 times for each number of 2, 4, 5, 7, 9 are presented in Table 2, 3, 4, 5, and Table 6
n neurons in the hidden layer and every lr as the design respectively.

X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 Y
9.5013 7.6210 6.1543 4.0571 0.5789 2.0277
2.3114 4.5647 7.9194 9.3547 3.5287 1.9872
6.0684 0.1850 9.2181 9.1690 8.1317 6.0379
4.8598 8.2141 7.3821 4.1027 0.0986 2.7219
8.9130 4.4470 1.7627 8.9365 1.3889 1.9881

Fig. 4 Source code of ANN computer program

Sum of Squares df Mean Square f Sig.
Between Groups 5.657 11 .514 .547 .870
Within Groups 214.404 228 .940
Total 220.061 239

32 Performance of Levenberg-Marquardt … | Mustafidah, H., Suwarsito, 29 – 35

JUITA: Jurnal Informatika e-ISSN: 2579-8901; Volume 8, Nomor 1, Mei 2020

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 1.743 11 .158 1.052 .401
Within Groups 34.327 228 .151
Total 36.070 239
Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups .494 11 .045 .858 .583
Within Groups 11.950 228 .052
Total 12.444 239
Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups .001 11 .000 1.575 .107
Within Groups .009 228 .000
Total .010 239
Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups .000 11 .000 1.202 .286
Within Groups .000 228 .000
Total .000 239

Based on Tables 2, 3, 4, 5, and Table 6, there are 5 number of neurons in HL for each value of lr used. While
Sig. all of which are ≥ α (= 5%) so that H0 is accepted. in research of [23], testing is performed on each value of
In accordance with the proposed hypothesis, there is no lr used for each number of neurons in HL.
significant difference in MSE for each n neuron in the The MSE difference that occurs is suspected to be a
hidden layer (n = 2, 4, 5, 7, 9) based on the learning rate. correlation between the value of lr and MSE. Therefore
However, the average MSE value generated by the a correlation test is performed using the Pearson method
Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm for each of the n and produce data as in Table 8. From Table 8 can be seen
neurons in each learning rate (lr) can be known through that the correlation between learning rate (lr) and MSE is
descriptive analysis. The results of the data description -0.048. This means that the correlation between lr and
are presented in Table 7. MSE is very small and inversely correlated. The greater
Table 7 shows the difference in the smallest error rate the value of lr, the smaller the MSE. Because the value
for each value of lr and the number of neurons in the of sig.> α (= 5%), it can be said that there is no significant
hidden layer. The data in blue in the table shows the correlation between lr and MSE. This is in line with the
smallest MSE value for each number of neurons in HL at results of research by [24] which states that there is no
the corresponding lr value. Overall, the smallest error correlation between MSE and lr in backpropagation
(MSE) was achieved on 9 neurons in the hidden layer networks using 10 neurons in hidden layers.
with learning rate = 0.5. The MSE value is 0,00014 ± In the studies mentioned, the Levenberg - Marquardt
0,00018. This result is in line with research conducted by algorithm provides the smallest MSE value compared to
[23] which gives the smallest MSE value achieved by the other training algorithms. This is reasonable because the
LM algorithm of 0.00019584038 ± 0.000239300998. algorithm uses a Newtonian method that is very fast and
The MSE results were achieved using a different test accurate to get the minimum error [10].
direction. In this study, testing was carried out on the

Performance of Levenberg-Marquardt … | Mustafidah, H., Suwarsito, 29 – 35 33

JUITA: Jurnal Informatika e-ISSN: 2579-8901; Volume 8, Nomor 1, Mei 2020

2 neurons 4 neurons 5 neurons 7 neurons 9 neurons
No. lr
Mean ± stdev. Mean ± stdev. Mean ± stdev. Mean ± stdev. Mean ± stdev.
1 0.01 0.74591±1.12645 0.00844±0.01963 0.08880±0.36589 0.00040±0.00031 0.00038±0.00028
2 0.05 0.49334±0.95028 0.08763±0.36596 0.00294±0.01202 0.00596±0.01814 0.00016±0.00021
3 0.1 0.66188±0.98916 0.08855±0.36588 0.00029±0.00035 0.00016±0.00016 0.00024±0.00032
4 0.2 0.50436±0.93995 0.12977±0.54840 0.00027±0.00032 0.00020±0.00028 0.00023±0.00030
5 0.3 0.67330±1.04447 0.12517±0.49946 0.00295±0.01201 0.00290±0.01203 0.00023±0.00023
6 0.4 0.72417±1.09239 0.01342±0.02758 0.00407±0.01744 0.00017±0.00028 0.00023±0.00023
7 0.5 0.55946±0.95146 0.12582±0.54907 0.00016±0.00022 0.00008±0.00014 0.00014±0.00018
8 0.6 0.59960±1.02243 0.00803±0.02399 0.00303±0.01200 0.00027±0.00030 0.00028±0.00034
9 0.7 0.47074±0.92942 0.00416±0.01742 0.11422±0.49708 0.00027±0.00032 0.00018±0.00021
10 0.8 0.65068±0.99104 0.09129±0.36541 0.11422±0.49708 0.00028±0.00032 0.00020±0.00026
11 0.9 0.54508±0.93392 0.00931±0.02250 0.00299±0.01200 0.00028±0.00032 0.00030±0.00032
12 1 0.14428±0.54541 0.31443±0.74240 0.00024±0.00027 0.00017±0.00022 0.00025±0.00030

learning rate MSE
learning rate Pearson Correlation 1 -,048
Sig. (2-tailed) ,715
N 60 60
MSE Pearson Correlation -,048 1
Sig. (2-tailed) ,715
N 60 60


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