Cert 2023
Cert 2023
Cert 2023
Make IT
Certification keeps your skills current
and enhances your earning power MEET A LITTLE PIECE OF LEGISLATION
pg 32
The truth is out there (and in here).
Cody Clark
IT and life in a war zone.
Peter Manijak
Living on a farm and getting certifications.
Calvin Harper
Teacher, coach, top-tier foosball player.
Calvin Harper 2023 SALARY SURVEY
Section 230 has the internet's number.
Emmett Dulaney
Where all of the IT action will be in 2023.
Mary Kyle 32
The high cost of taking a certification exam.
Aaron Axline
Mexico, the 71-year-old correspondent CertMag.com — data from the survey To contact our editorial team:
vanished in a manner worthy of
The X-Files, The Twilight Zone, or
for the rest of 2023.
There's a lot of other good stuff
editor@certmag.com Do it right the first time by taking tips from from
even of Bierce himself. Among his
many writings are numerous eerie
in this issue of the magazine. We
have our usual mix of profiles and IT
For subscription problems: Certification Magazine's own IT certification guru.
and haunting short stories like his advice, as well as a summary of some
celebrated "An Occurrence at Owl of the key technology trends that will Certification Magazine is
Creek Bridge." impact the IT industry over the next published quarterly by
Despite separate investigations 12 months. We'll also take you to a TestOut Corporation, EVERYTHING TO KNOW ABOUT CERTIFICATION
conducted by U.S. consular corner of the world that many have 50 S. Main Street,
officials and Villa go-between Felix seen in the headlines but few have Pleasant Grove, UT 84062. FOR IT PROFESSIONALS by PETER MANIJAK
Sommerfeld, no formal or conclusive seen up close, with a firsthand report
explanation for Bierce's disappearance from a seasoned IT professional in Certification Magazine, CertMag You'll learn the entire step-by-step process of creating and managing a world-
ever emerged. All we have 110 Ukraine. and CertMag.com are all class global IT certification program.
years later are colorful theories and As always, we are deeply grateful trademarks of TestOut
largely baseless conjecture. And to everyone out there who takes our Corporation.
there's nothing wrong with having surveys. This was the big one, but Copyright 2023, TestOut • Costs • Exam Delivery
certain things in life that remain there will be another one almost Corporation. All rights reserved. • Return on Investment (ROI) • Marketing
flintily unknowable and chillingly before you know it. Or come back at • Exam Development • Reporting
mysterious. the end of summer and join in for the Reproduction without
There are plenty of other areas next Salary Survey. It's no mystery permission of material It's all here! PLUS an invaluable checklist to see how your program stacks up,
in life where the romantic allure where to look for us. published in Certification
Magazine is forbidden.
as well as what you can do to improve your program and help it grow.
of enigma and bafflement are not
just uncalled for, but out of place P.S. Won’t you be our neighbor?
entirely. Frankly after days and Look for Certification Magazine on A publication.
weeks of sifting through data, poring Facebook and Twitter (@CertMag). FIND IT ON AMAZON amzn.to/3xsTGYh
In addition to my career in IT, consultant, and we were in the middle Western product companies slowed
I’m an associate professor at Kyiv of negotiations with other potential down or completely stopped hiring,
University, teaching and researching customers. Clearly, this came to a halt but tried to keep their teams. I’ve
probability theory and statistics. I’m and after a while my business part- heard myself of one such company
a Ph.D. in probability and was work- ner in the United States had to find a that keeps paying salaries to its con-
ing toward my second dissertation replacement for me. scripted employees and promised to
(we have two scientific levels here in My university kept my posi- keep their jobs.
Ukraine — candidate, an analogue tion and was paying the full salary Ukrainian product companies,
of Ph.D. and doctor, which you may during my service. Now I continue in contrast, faced a sharp decline in
in Ukraine
think of as an analogue of professor). my teaching and research here. It is their business operations and faced a
CM: What has it been like to be a worth mentioning the very strong difficult challenge. For example, Roz-
part of this war? support we got from the European etka, an online marketplace known
VG: The war. At 5 a.m., Feb. academic community. Many universi- as "Ukrainian Amazon," was heavily
24, 2022, I woke up to loud bangs ties offer various programs to support affected by the war, lost many of its
all around. I evacuated my family Ukrainian scientists — both those warehouses, and laid off most of its
An IT professional confronts the to western Ukraine, which, as we who left and those who stayed.
CM: What has been the impact on
IT employees. To summarize, those
in IT who had a job before the war
thought, was a safer place. The first
everyday reality of invasion days were very dramatic and almost the IT industry inside Ukraine? mostly kept it and had a chance to
relocate within or outside the country
hopeless. After one week, we decided VG: When the war sparked, com-
my wife and kids should evacuate panies reacted differently. Many com- if needed. Some people lost their jobs,
BY PETER MANIJAK somewhere in Europe, and they final- panies stayed in Ukraine and tried to and it is difficult to find a new one
ly landed in Heidelberg, a beautiful keep their employees. Many eastern these days.
Peter Manijak is a training and certification consultant and served as Certification Chair CM: What can IT professionals do
city in Germany. I could not go with cities, including Kharkiv, the second
for CEdMA (Computer Education Management Association) for more than six years. to support Ukraine?
He now sits on the CEdMA Europe Board of Directors. An innovator and pioneer of them, since males were forbidden to biggest city of Ukraine, were heavily
IT certification, Peter specializes in building and managing world-class certification leave the country, and I didn’t want affected and IT companies tried to VG: First, I would like to use
programs and training organizations. Certification regimes he has led include those to leave my parents, who stayed in relocate their personnel either deeply this opportunity to thank all of my
affiliated with EMC, Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA), Hitachi Data Ukraine. friends and colleagues who support-
Systems, Acquia, Magento, and Ceridian. Peter has been awarded CEdMA Certification By law, relocated males had to ed me and my family in our darkest
Chair - Emeritus status and is a regular contributor to Certification Magazine. report to a local recruitment center, The first days moments. Especially, I would like to
which I did, and was immediately thank Vinai Kopp and Joseph Max-
or many IT professionals and letting the Russian invasion sim- fessional experience and background. conscripted to the army. To say this were very dramatic well, who have taken very direct
disrupted the regular course of things actions that made a big difference. My
in the United States and
elsewhere, the war currently
mer on a mental back burner. Among
those for whom the ongoing war is
Vitaly Golomoziy: I’ve been in
IT since 2003. Since 2008 my career is an understatement. Living in Kyiv, and almost hopeless. life could have been very different
raging between Ukraine and Russia
has become something of a national
a continuous concern is Vitaly Golo-
moziy, a career IT professional whose
is deeply related to Magento — up to my city that I left, was very challeng-
ing in March. Russian troops came
After one week, we without their help.
Second, I will try to outline what
mid-2020 I was associated with the
news afterthought. Russia has been life has taken a dramatic turn since company in one way or another, as an within seven kilometers of my house decided my wife and can be done to support Ukraine in
on the west and probably a similar general:
aggressively encroaching on Ukraine
since 2014, but Russian President
Feb. 24, 2022.
For background, Vitaliy was part
employee or contractor.
During those years I played var- distance away on the north, where kids should evacuate Money — The war is a very expen-
Vladimir Putin escalated the scope of
his ambitions to the level of a full-
of my team at Magento, and was a
remarkable subject matter expert
ious roles: software developer, team they seized the flourishing suburbs of
Kyiv including notorious Bucha and
somewhere in Europe, sive thing, plus the Ukrainian econ-
omy is in ruins, so the demand for
lead, consultant in Expert Consulting
scale invasion nearly a full year ago. (SME) for content development and Group, software architect, and SME in Irpin. and they finally money is huge. Fortunately, it is very
I had a very hard time convincing easy to donate even a small amount. I
War headlines flooded the internet
for a few months and the Ukrainian
certification. Other SMEs considered
him to be the best of the best, and his
training and certification. I developed
most of the technical courseware my parents to leave the Kyiv region landed in Heidelberg, can recommend Come Back Alive (see:
national flag was liberally sprinkled
throughout the social media sphere.
technical expertise goes far beyond
Magento. Our group was disbanded
Magento offered for Magento 1 and and evacuate to western Ukraine.
They finally did so, but after two
a beautiful city in https://savelife.in.ua/en/), an incredi-
ble volunteer organization (non-gov-
Magento 2 and played an active role
National leaders rallied support for when the company we were working in certification development. weeks, returned. I stayed in the ser- Germany. ernment) that does many things to
Ukraine, and Russia's initial surge for was acquired, but Vitaliy and I When Peter joined Magento in vice for about four-and-a-half months support the army. Alternatively, you
into Ukraine slowed, then stalled, and have stayed in touch. 2017, we successfully implemented and returned home in the middle of into the country or abroad. can donate directly to the armed
then settled into a seesaw between What follows is a snapshot what what is now known as “rapid devel- July. At the same time, outsourcing forces using the special account cre-
bloody stalemate and slow reversal. life has been like for Vitaliy since the opment” for both training content and Peter Manijak: What about work? companies faced pressure from some ated by the National Bank of Ukraine
Other news headlines gradually Russian invasion began. Some of the certification exams. I’m very proud of VG: Regarding work, before the of their customers wanting to halt (see: https://bank.gov.ua/en/news/all/
displaced war coverage and global questions are mine, and others were this period in my life and was hon- war I was engaged in one project as a work in Ukraine to ensure the secu- natsionalniy-bank-vidkriv-spetsra-
attention shifted. suggested by the Certification Magazine ored to be part of these efforts with rity and stability of their operations. hunok-dlya-zboru-koshtiv-na-potre-
Those who live and work in editorial team. Peter and Richard Huie-Buckius, the
Ukraine, of course, don't have the
luxury of thinking about other things
Certification Magazine: Please
give our readers an idea of your pro-
head of Magento U, who actively sup-
ported all our initiatives.
Living in a War Zone
But so far things are rather normal. the same time one of the missiles was The second challenge is where do
We have internet, often even during intercepted somewhere nearby and you go and what will you be doing
bi-armiyi). Drones, satellites, intelligence, online you get important informa-
the power outages. Shops and super- the shrapnel killed her. She was alone there? Many European countries give
Transport — Availability mainly of and networking are keys to modern tion while it's still timely, so you can
markets are working — many of them in the whole cemetery, and her death shelter to Ukrainians, but this is more
pickups and minibuses is a very big warfare. In fact, the Russians use an plan accordingly. For example, when
have found ways to work even during would be almost impossible from a for those who are looking for a way
problem. The Army needs thousands enormous amount of heavy weaponry another missile attack is about to start,
the outages. You can always find a probabilistic standpoint. to survive. It is difficult to get a good
of them, and they don’t last long. — artillery, tanks, and armored vehi- we are notified about it in messaging
pumpkin spice latte nearby. Some So, I’m not saying that everything place to live and get a good job (or at
Many Ukrainian volunteer organiza- cles — and we have nothing but better apps. Moreover, sometimes we can
people complain that the selection of is great, but rather that it is much bet- least a job that matches your qualifica-
tions are chasing every pickup avail- quality to match them. The Russians track where missiles are headed, so
teas in the closest shop dropped (from ter than it could be. tions) if you are a refugee.
able in the Europe and it is getting made one big advancement in using you have an idea whether they are
50 to 40), but this is something we can PM: What does the future look like There are many places in Ukraine,
more and more difficult to find one. artillery in connection with drones, targeting your region or not.
live with. for you? Kyiv included, where life is almost
If you can donate one (or a thousand) but in other aspects, in my opinion, Coordination is also critical in solv-
And it is not only shops and VG: Speaking about the short-term normal. In addition to that, Europe
the easiest way is probably to contact they still remain mentally and techno- ing many practical everyday problems
schools. For example, within the perspective, the winter will probably cannot fit 30 million people. What
Come Back Alive (see: https://savelife. logically somewhere between the war — anything from organization of an
last week we visited a theatre and a be a difficult one. We’ve been told to they have done so far is above any-
in.ua/en/). But be aware — you will in Vietnam and Afghanistan. urgent blood donorship for another
fair. Fancy handmade candles where prepare for potential long-term power thing we could have dreamed of. But
never see your vehicle again. Being in a situation where we group of wounded soldiers arriving
among the top products, but the fair outages (a week or more) in case the the capacity is limited, and they do
Helping refugees — If you are in can only fire one shell in response to in your city, to the proper planning
overall was very good. We had to Russians succeed at disrupting the share the burden of the war with us,
Europe, then it is very likely that your ten, we have to ensure that one shell of your activities regarding a power
make three attempts to get there, due power grid. so we should not misuse their benev-
country has hosted many Ukrainian does the job of ten. For this, you need outage.
to the air alarms, but we did finally Speaking generally, there are so olence.
refugees. They are mainly women and better shells of course, but also a better People very often know how
make it and liked it very much. many variables that it is difficult to At the end of the day somebody
children. Now, after nine months of understanding of situations, better bad the outage is going to be, which
We do have shelters and try to predict. It is not a local war and we has to stay, fight, produce GDP, and
the war, they face serious difficulties reconnaissance, better and faster net- districts will have power, and what to
balance their use. Air alarms may last don’t know what will be the end of it. pay taxes. Otherwise, what is the
with finding shelter, a job, or legal working, and better mobility — and IT be prepared for. Businesses are also
for eight hours a day or even more (al- It could be anything from the prosper- point of resisting the invasion? Thus
advice. Helping refugees is not easy. systems are key in all of that. able to communicate how they operate
though usually they are not that long). ing of Ukraine as a part of the Euro- my personal opinion is that those
Providing moral support is perhaps Speaking about IT and warfare in in such circumstances, so you know
Schools and other activities related to pean Union and NATO to a nuclear who can stay relatively safe, find a job,
both the least complex and the most general, a lot of coordination and com- which shops or gas stations work even
large congregations (like supermar- apocalypse with people living in yes- and be of any use to the country at
difficult thing to do. munication is still happening through when there is no power, what type of
kets) usually stop working and move terday’s metro stations and tunnels. this critical moment have to do so. Of
CM: How have IT tools and solu- regular social messaging apps like a battery did your local internet pro-
to the shelter. We used the shelter And I do not mean Ukraine only. course, the situation may deteriorate
tions affected the battlefield? Telegram, Viber, or WhatsApp, even vider install and how long will it last,
ourself few times. But, as I mentioned, Even if Ukraine is devastated but so much that emigration will be the
VG: A lot. Starlink (the global though they are not considered and so forth. Mobile services often
Ukraine is a big country and the Rus- the collective West wins the war, there best option to consider.
satellite internet service pioneered report when they are running out of
sians' capabilities of executing long- will always be a possibility to find a PM: How is your morale? How is
by Elon Musk's SpaceX) is definitely charge in some places so there will be
range strikes are very limited. place in Europe or the United States. the family morale?
coverage and so on.
a game changer. It is integrated into
the military communication system
The war is a very PM: What is day to day like for you
Thanks to the air defense forces
and military aid from the West there
If Russia and its supporters win (and VG: Oh, my morale is very high.
thus achieve a goal of the war which The war reveals the most important
and has replaced more expensive and expensive thing, plus the and the family? Are there bomb shel-
ters? What do you do when bombing
have been no bombings in the classical goes far beyond Ukraine) there will be values and makes many things much
difficult-to-maintain radio stations. sense, with aircraft leveling the city,
The downside of that is that the whole Ukrainian economy is in occurs? like in Aleppo or Mariupol. During
no West in the way we know it now.
I believe that the positive scenari-
simpler. My family’s morale is good
when there are no attacks. Personal-
army stays at the mercy of one eccen-
tric guy (Musk) whose mood changes
ruins, so the demand for VG: Life in Kyiv is more or less
normal: The only real dangers are
the last massive missile strike, a few
missiles passed next to my window
os are much more probable than the ly, I think the kids feel much better
negative. So far, the reality somewhat here than in emigration. I should not
every day and who could turn off all money is huge. Fortunately, missiles or drone attacks. Ukraine is and were intercepted somewhere exceeds expectations. Philosophically omit the fact that Germany hosted the
the communication on the battlefield a big country, and such attacks have nearby with a big bang. That missile
at will. it is very easy to donate happened rarely so far. They could did not cause any devastation, but a
speaking, at least my future prospects
are somewhat similar to yours.
family in an absolutely exceptional
manner — they had everything they
But Starlink is not the only one.
There hasn’t been much innovation
even a small amount. still be impactful, of course, since they
often cause terror and target critical
few others hit the substation, which
resulted in a power outage for a few PM: What are the obstacles to needed, including a school and a very
emigrating? Do you need a full-time good attitude from the people nearby.
in terms of “metal," so to speak, in infrastructure. The Russians cannot days.
secure. At the very beginning of the job to do so? Still, it was difficult for them. Here,
the last 30 years. All armies are either destroy power generation, but they The war is still going on; missile
invasion, the forces of defense (army, VG: The first challenge, as men- kids are going to school, playing with
using weaponry that was developed are trying to disrupt the network it- attacks resumed after the G20 summit.
security service, and others) created tioned above, is that are males are their friends, and I think they are in a
during the Cold War or its somewhat self. This is the biggest problem so far, We had a mysterious episode during
bots and channels where people could forbidden to leave the country. The much more comfortable environment
improved analogues. What makes the which has resulted in regular power one such attack. A woman in the vil-
send valuable information, and people legislation is so intricate and perplex- — although safety is definitely an
old howitzer a new howitzer (apart outages, but it is not yet a critical lage close to where my grandmother
used it a lot. ing that sometimes different border issue. Anyway, my younger daughter,
from some advancement in the quality issue. We are preparing for it to get lived went to a cemetery to visit the
Another aspect that worth men- guard officers have different opinions. for example, is heavily engaged with
of the metal that slightly improves its worse. People and companies are buy- grave of her deceased husband. At
tioning is the role of IT in a civil life. holiday planning!
characteristics) is automation. Auto- ing generators, wood, and everything
mation speeds up the army's ability to Some people say having a stable else needed to survive the winter if
quickly react to the rapidly changing mobile connection and internet is there is a lack of electricity, or if criti-
battlefield environment. more important than a stable power
supply, or even heating. When staying
cal infrastructure is not functioning. Living in a War Zone
beginner’s level, and I love it,” said proach too close. Cookie is good at her has a special connection with William.
William. “The adrenaline rush is job and, like many beautiful females, “He is one of my role models because
so cool — I definitely want to do it can occasionally be somewhat moody. he has helped me realize the value of
again.” “She can be a bit temperamental a solid education. Mr. Martz believes
and just wants to be petted, but when education is important and wants
Life on the family farm a fox, raccoon, or porcupine approach- everyone to succeed.”
es the sheep, she will scare them off or Martz is likewise impressed with
Home for William is Westover, Pa, even fight them,” said William. William, particularly with how he
a small borough in the middle of the Warm beds can be tough to climb conducts himself and his behavior
state. The area is one of great beauty, out of before sunrise, but living on a toward others. “It’s amazing how
especially in autumn. In addition to farm means no sleeping in — even for thoughtful William is toward his
gorgeous scenery, the locale is also a blind guy. “We wake up at 5 or 5:30 peers and how attentive he is toward
home to that renowned weather prog- every day to care for the animals,” his career goals. He is always kind to
nosticating rodent, Punxsutawney said William. “Got to feed and water those around him,” said Martz.
Phil (the celebrity groundhog, as seen them, clean their pens, collect the William is skilled with computers
in the movie Groundhog Day). eggs, and make sure the animals are and, according to Martz, often uses his
Another interesting regional at- all healthy. It’s a lot of work.” knowledge to help out with computer
traction is the Grice Clearfield County issues that arise at school: “Because he
Museum, which looks like someone is so good with technology, he often
blew up the world’s largest taxider- steps in to help us teachers solve our
my shop and it landed on top of the
tech problems.”
greatest collection of classic cars you
have ever seen.
A little-known fact After lunch on Mondays, Wednes-
William lives with his parents and is that 90 percent of legally days, and Fridays, and all day on
Tuesdays and Thursdays, William
two sisters on a 150-acre farm outside
blind people can still see heads over to the nearby Clearfield
of town. The Rainey estate is a work- County Career and Technology Center
ing farm rotating corn and sorghum
crops. It’s also a noisy place with 90
shapes and colors to some (CCCTC) where he studies informa-
CALVIN HARPER sheep, 22 cows, 20 chickens, two dogs, degree. tion technology (IT).
It was at CCCTC that William first
Calvin Harper is a former 10 cats (to keep the mice population in heard of IT certifications and their val-
associate editor of check), and a donkey named “Cook-
Pennsylvania teen tends livestock in the Certification Magazine, ie.”
ue to employers when his IT instruc-
tor, Jerome Mick, explained how certs
morning and fixes computers in the afternoon and a veteran of the The Raineys raise Katahdin sheep, Educational pursuits can help students land high-paying
publishing industry. a breed known not for their fleece Being responsible and well ac- jobs. “Mick told the class about certi-
but for their tasty lamb chops. “We quainted with work is an asset both fications and how they will help us in
fatten the sheep up all year to sell,” on the farm and at school. After caring our careers. I was excited and figured
explained William. “They’re typically for the animals, William gobbles I would earn some,” explained Wil-
ou stand quietly scanning and — Whoosh! — you’re on your at 20 feet what a person with normal
sold the week before Easter and eaten down a bowl of his favorite breakfast liam.
the hill. The air is filled with way down. vision could see at 40 feet. William’s
that Sunday.” The Raineys' cattle are cereal, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and Thus far, William has completed
the scent of pine, and you Now imagine doing all of that eyesight is 20/400.
also raised for their meat. heads off to school. five certifications: IT Fundamentals
hear the wind passing through the blindfolded. Because that’s what So how does a legally blind teen
The family dogs are Chief and His first stop each Monday, Pro, PC Pro, and Security Pro from
trees. A chipmunk, awakened from its William Rainey does when he hits the manage to ski? He does it with the
Jake, and they’re tasked with keeping Wednesday, and Friday is Harmony TestOut; and IT Fundamentals and
winter slumber, darts across your line slopes. William, age 17, doesn’t actu- help of Envision Blind Sports (EBS),
the flock safe — although Chief seems High School — with a total student A+ from CompTIA. He is now hard at
of sight. ally cover his eyes. He doesn’t need to a charitable organization that sup-
to prefer the company of family mem- body of 130 individuals — where he work completing TestOut’s Network
A quick check to make sure the — because he is legally blind. William ports people who are blind or visually
bers and lounging around the house attends an English class and anoth- Pro and CompTIA's Network+. “I like
clasps on your boots are secure. One was born with several diseases of impaired by providing them with
as opposed to chivvying sheep back er for braille. “This is my third year earning certifications but I’m not sure
final adjustment of the goggles, thread the eyes that have slowly but surely education and opportunities to be
and forth. “Chief likes people more taking braille and I’m getting good at when I’ll finish those two; probably
your gloves through the straps on destroyed his sight. physically active.
than he likes sheep,” laughed William. it,” said William. “The hardest part sometime next semester,” said Wil-
your poles, position your feet, relax A little-known fact is that 90 per- With the assistance of EBS, Wil-
“He just likes us to pet him.” of learning it is remembering all the liam.
your thighs — and take a big deep cent of legally blind people can still liam has participated in a surprising
The true guardian of the flock is contractions — it’s a lot of stuff to Because of his visual impairment,
breath through your nose in anticipa- see shapes and colors to some degree. number of physical activities, includ-
Cookie the donkey. She hangs out remember but it’s coming along." William requires a number of devic-
tion of moving down the hill. A person with 20/20 vision can see ing roller skating, archery, soccer,
in the pasture with the sheep and, Harmony High is small but it’s es to keep pace with his studies. His
With a strong exhale, you lunge clearly at 20 feet what is normally white-water rafting, lacrosse and his
whenever the need arises, springs into staffed with some good people. One most common tools are a close-circuit
forward, arms simultaneously driving visible to the human eye at 20 feet. favorite activity, skiing.
action against varmints that dare ap- of them is Principal Doug Martz, who television and special screen magnifi-
the poles downward into the snow Someone with 20/40 vision can see “I’ve downhill skied twice, at the
cation software that enlarges words to William. “I also failed the CompTIA
a size that he can actually read.
He also uses TestOut’s LabSim and
Warm beds can be tough to climb out of before Fundamentals exam the first time
around. The second time I took it the
appreciates the new addition to the
platform of the text-to-speech read-
sunrise, but living on a farm means no sleeping in — center messed up my accommoda-
tions. The CompTIA exams are a big
er Speechify. “It makes it easier and even for a blind guy. pain in the rear!”
saves me a lot of time by reading parts In spite of testing center challeng-
of the projects and problems out loud es, William admits to feeling a great
instead of me having to magnify each sense of accomplishment when he
click on the fake link, they get a mes- Talk about defying the stereotype of
word,” William explained. successfully completes an exam. “It’s
sage saying that they’ve been hacked blind people being limited in what
the best part of the certification pro-
and to be more careful opening suspi- they can do!
Putting his tech skills to work cess, the feeling that all my hard work
cious e-mails. It’s a lot of fun,” he said. Surprisingly, being highly skilled
has paid off.”
Being proficient in technology When he isn’t earning certifica- in IT and disciplined in his studies
William will graduate this spring
and having completed a number of tions, fixing computers, and construc- doesn’t mean things are always easy
and his plan is to continue develop-
valuable certifications made William tively pranking the CCCTC staff, Wil- for William. Sometimes things can
ing his tech skills to greater levels by
the top candidate when CCCTC liam enjoys participating in SkillsUSA be downright frustrating. An exam-
attending college. “I want to go to a
advertised for a part-time service competitions. This year, William and ple of that was his CompTIA A+ cert
four-year university to get a bache-
technician. Mick, along with the his friend and teammate, Alex Lesko- exams. “I really struggled,” he said.
lor’s degree in cybersecurity,” he said.
executive director of the technology vansky, won first place in their district “It was exams with a large variety of
“Right now, I’m thinking Slippery
center, recommended William for for cybersecurity and third place at topics to cover. I passed the hardware
Rock University over in Butler Coun-
the position. As the service tech, he the state-level. portion on the first try but failed the
ty, but I am looking at other schools,
works approximately 23 hours a week William somehow also finds time second exam and had to take it again
too. Whatever school fits me the best. I
repairing computers and keeping the to serve as the parliamentarian and to pass.”
do think I’d prefer to be in a city.”
servers up and running. vice president of CCCTC’s SkillsU- His recipe for dealing with frustra-
William knows that there is the
The funnest aspect of his job is SA program. He is a member of the tions is both simple and effective. “I
possibility that his eye diseases will
teaching cybersecurity practice to staff National Honor Society, the National either ask for help or walk away for a
eventually take the rest of his vision.
by sending them phishing e-mails. “I Technical Honor Society, and the IT time and come back to it later when
Surprisingly, he doesn’t seem wor-
try to trick them by sending links that class treasurer, all along with earning my mind is clear.”
ried. “I’ll just deal with it and keep
look official,” William said. “If they a place on the school’s high honor roll.
going,” he said. The people around
Problems with testing accommodations William also know he’ll “keep going”
The most challenging aspect of regardless of what happens.
earning a certification for William isn’t Jerome Mick describes William as
the preparation. It is the process of “top notch” and calls him “Big Will”
arranging physical accommodation — not for his size, but for his tower-
for his lack of sight. “Testing proce- ingly positive attitude and willingness
dures for TestOut exams are simple to face challenges head-on and to
since they’re taken in the classroom. I never give up.
just tell Mr. Mick that I’m ready and schedule the exam at a center, then explained. “Big Will doesn’t let anything stop
he puts extra time on the exam clock, wait for the center to accept me, and “That means I have to keep study- him, said Mick. “He takes the bull
and I get to use my text magnification then wait anywhere from two to four ing and always be ready since I never by the horns and conquers problems
program to see the words easier,” he months for the center to let me know know when I’ll be scheduled.” with great accuracy. He is always up
explained. I can come sit for the exam,” William The challenges don’t end once for a challenge no matter the task and
Non-TestOut certification exams, William is finally seated at a testing he never lets his lack of vision get in
however, are another story. Since the center. When taking an exam, he is his way. With his character and work
CompTIA exams are administered permitted the use of a magnification ethic, I look for him to go far in his
in a testing center by personnel who
Being proficient device only — no test-reading soft- career and in life.”
ware. There have also been issues
have no prior knowledge or under-
standing of William’s physical needs,
in technology and having when testing center employees read
Whether it's whooshing down a ski
slope or configuring a server, William
scheduling can be tedious and take completed a number of the exam directions. “Some readers
have strong accents that makes it hard
has already risen above challenges
months to arrange. that would be intimidating for many
“I have to gather all kinds of
valuable certifications to understand them clearly,” he said. with perfect vision. I’m sure we
Moments of miscommunication
paperwork proving I have a dis-
ability, then submit a form with my
made William the top have contributed to bad outcomes. “I
can all agree that, when it comes to
William Rainey’s future, Mick's bold
parent’s permission that I can take candidate when CCCTC failed the second part of the A+ exam
when I took it the first time,” said
prediction will be borne out.
the test with accommodations, then
advertised for a part-time
taught subjects that lack immediate computers in the classroom and to enrolled in his programs to justify his
relevance in their day-to-day lives. serve as director of technology for two position.
Teaching Without
So many times, we are told, 'You will different school districts. He landed His current students solved the
need this down the road,' and we at Maricopa High School in 2011 and, problem. They were finishing up the
quickly dismiss it only to arrive at that when the CTE director asked him to first year of the IT program, which
point in the road, where we realize, teach a class on computer mainte- was a computer maintenance course,
'Ahh, that's what Mr. Chamberlain nance, willingly accepted the oppor- and had no desire to move onto the
was talking about all those years ago.' tunity. next phase, computer networking.
"I had researched CTE and wanted "They didn't want to do networking,"
Cheesehead at heart to get a CTE position; I jumped at the explained Chamberlain. "Instead they
Chamberlain's story begins far opportunity," said Chamberlain. wanted to keep doing what they were
to the north of his present stomping A high-energy type, within a year learning, but at an advanced level."
grounds in the chilly climes of Wis- Chamberlain was hip-deep in school
consin. He enjoyed running as a youth happenings. He was in charge of the 24PinTech
and, after high school, enrolled at the broadcasting and journalism program. Chamberlain researched possi-
"It was a riot," he said. "The daily
Arizona educator helps his advanced University of Wisconsin-La Crosse in
hopes of making the track team. "I had announcements were really fun." On
bilities and settled on creating a new
course, Computer Maintenance II. It
top of that, he supervised the school
computer repair students learn by doing no idea what I wanted to do. I went to
college just so I could run track. Not newspaper and yearbook, served
was not going to be a typical contin-
uation of the subject matter, however
the best way to pick a school, I guess," as the head track coach, and ran the — it would be an actual IT shop with
he said with a laugh. entire IT program. the students troubleshooting and
Chamberlain made the team — repairing devices for others. "It's like
and more. A three-time Division III I said, 'We learn the most when we're
All-American at La Crosse, he ran the doing.' And the students were gonna
100-, 200-, and 400-meter races. As the Chamberlain be doing a lot."
lead-off runner for the 4x400 squad,
he helped his team capture that believes students The students thought it a great
idea and, at Chamberlain's insistence,
Calvin Harper is a former
national title for the division during
his junior year with a time of 3:13.
learn quicker wrote a business plan detailing what
they would be doing in the course.
associate editor of Certification
Magazine, and a veteran of the
Despite the apparent disadvantage of and more deeply They named their operation 24Pin-
publishing industry. being just 5-feet 8-inches tall, he was
when they must Tech, after the connecting adapters on
ranked 2nd nationally in the 400-me- a motherboard.
he technological dominance pa, Ariz., with Brad Chamberlain, the Chamberlain's genius is in looking
ter hurdles.
Chamberlain graduated with a
understand the "I can't take much credit for the
idea: it was the students. Just the right
of the United States is not computer networking and computer at how a corporation functions and degree in physical education and, for reason why they kids came through the program at the
because of raw genius alone.
There are thousands of brilliant minds
repair instructor for Maricopa High
School. During a teaching career that
merging that blueprint with a cre-
ative approach to education. "I really
a time, coached track and field at a
nearby high school. In the process, he need to know a right time," explained Chamberlain.
"I was just smart enough to recognize
born every year in China, India, and
around the globe. U.S. technology
spans almost three decades, Cham-
berlain has identified flaws in how
don't teach," he explained. "I'm just
the guide that the kids can ask for
realized what he wanted to do in life:
"I really enjoyed teaching and coach-
particular piece of (what was happening)."
24PinTech advertised their oper-
is (arguably) the best in the world schools were teaching technology and, directions as they learn the things they ing and decided that I was gonna knowledge. ation to teachers and students and
because of creativity, a willingness in a stunning act of creativity, may want to." teach PE." in a short time were busily repairing
to experiment, and the choice to take have transformed the game forever. The philosophy behind Chamber- As if fate was pranking Chamber- computers, phones, controllers, and
risks lead to breakthroughs. It's difficult to criticize Chamber- lain's teaching style is simple. "We lain, his first teaching job was in San gaming consoles — all free of charge.
The titans of American technology lain's style. His results speak for them- learn the most when we are doing." Luis, Ariz., right on the border with Even the strongest teachers grow If new components were needed to
were not merely brilliant, they were selves. Since 2015 his students have: Chamberlain believes students Mexico, where temperatures were tired and eventually the added re- complete a repair job, the kids would
creative, outside-the-box thinkers • Earned more than 250 certifica- learn quicker and more deeply when slightly warmer than Wisconsin. "My sponsibilities begin to wear on Cham- recommend a brand and a place to
imagining things no one else did. Bill tions they must understand the reason why first day, I was teaching PE outside berlain. By 2014, he was considering make a purchase for a fair price.
Gates was a gifted programmer — but • Won 17 gold medals in the Arizo- they need to know a particular piece and it was 115 degrees. The kids were quitting teaching. "It was a flashpoint The students' work was top-notch
also a visionary with far-reaching na State Skills USA competitions of knowledge. "Learning must have a used to it, but I realized I needed to in my career," he explained. and before long 24PinTech was pro-
insights. Steve Jobs was a passable • Won two gold and one bronze very specific and immediate purpose find an indoor job, fast," he explained. His principal advised him to stop viding services to the community,
technologist who pushed himself to medal in SkillsUSA Nationals in in order to become real to us," he said, trying to do so much and instead other schools, and even the district.
become a world-class communicator the past three years "and I have found that this usually focus on one program. He heeded They are also a recycling partner of
Do-it-all educator the advice and, at years' end, gave up
and marketer. • Won two state championships in happens when we are working and Chamberlain eventually got an AZStRUT, a nonprofit that refurbishes
This American tradition of pushing the prestigious CyberPatriot com- trying to complete a specific task. coaching and the film and TV pro- used tech devices and donates them to
indoor job and, over the next 15 years, gram. However, he now had a new
the envelope to discover ever better petition in the school's first three "Unfortunately, school isn't built he utilized his tech skills to teach schools and other nonprofits.
ways to do things continues in Marico- years of participation that way as students are so often problem — keeping enough students "Strut just dropped off 200 laptops
progress and reveal bottlenecks and don't know how to do, they research
Even the breakthroughs.
Students thrive in 24PinTech and
it online because everything has been
done before. The answer is out there,
Foosball & Family
strongest teachers because they are eager to learn, Cham- they just gotta go find it."
As so often happens in life, our
plans don't always go as expected.
grow tired and berlain is free to help when needed
and look for new projects. "I hardly
An up-to-date webpage helps stu-
dents who find themselves assigned to
Chamberlain didn't originally plan on
making Arizona his home. "When I
eventually the added do any teaching," he explained. "I just
let them know that this is how the real
a project that they've not done before.
The page contains every project com-
left for San Luis, I told my family I'd
responsibilities world is and to get used to it." pleted to date by the 24PinTech team,
be gone for a few years and then come
home. My uncle teased me and said,
begin to wear on By taking ownership of their as-
signed projects, the students improve
along with instructions to follow in
the repair process. All a student needs
'Nope, you'll meet a beautiful senorita
and never come back.' "
Chamberlain. By 2014, their IT skills at an accelerated rate,
along with their ability to commu-
to do is open the page, find the project
listing, and read.
During Chamberlain's second year
he was considering nicate as they often share ideas and So many students clamor to join
at San Luis, he did meet his match —
her name is Marla. "She was the new
quitting teaching. suggestions among themselves. The
pride they feel in what they are ac-
24PinTech that Chamberlain runs pro-
grams in two different class periods.
kindergarten teacher at school, and
we have been together now for 27
complishing causes many students to "It's good for them because they know happy years," he said.
for us to make sure they're in working come to the classroom before school they're doing real-life stuff," he said.
order," Chamberlain said. "The kids ments (at a real corporation), the man- As good as the program and the The Chamberlains raised three
and during their free time to work on "The different classes even compete children and are currently blessed
are poring over them in an assem- projects. with each other and, just like depart- agers of both programs have to learn students are, Chamberlain admits that
bly line fashion, making sure each to communicate between themselves none of it would be possible without with three grandchildren. Family is
"I can't keep these kids out of my very important to Chamberlain; he
machine POSTS, charging batteries, room, they're having so much fun effectively." support from school administration.
making sure they have hard drives The results of the 24PinTech in- He said that without support from spends as much time with them as
learning new stuff," said Chamberlain. possible and even coaches his grand-
and anything else to function, and
then installing a selected operating
Current student, Abi Gindiri says
Chamberlain is an "awesome teach-
24PinTech struction model have been so effective
that not only are students winning
administration, "I'd have moved on
long ago. They're really great. They son's flag football team.
Besides school, the only time
system." er," and thinks it's clear why students advertised their state and national awards, but the
classroom frequently entertains visi- Chamberlain is away from family is
like being in his classroom. "You walk
Business model, business results through his door, and you feel right at operation to teachers tors, including members of Congress on Friday evenings when he fre-
Although the work is performed home. He lets you loose and there is
and students and in a who come to observe. When a visitor By taking quents a local sports bar, Boulders on
Broadway. He doesn't go to watch a
entirely by teenagers, 24PinTech's
operations are anything but ama-
nothing you can't do!"
short time were busily
arrives, Chamberlain makes intro-
ductions, and the students take over ownership of their game, he's there to dominate one —
Chamberlain is a master-level foosball
teurish. It runs with an efficiency and
repairing computers,
explaining how the program runs and
what projects they are working on.
assigned projects, player. He can hold his own with
effectiveness that would be the envy
of any for-profit business. "There is 24PinTech times two
phones, controllers, "The kids know so much that all I do the students improve most players, even the pros. Last year
he and his partner, Eric Borkovec,
no goofing off," said Chamberlain.
"This is a workplace with policies and
Like a good CEO, Chamberlain
demands that there be no duplication and gaming consoles
is stand back and watch," he said.
Students who participate in the their IT skills at an captured second place in the amateur
division at the Hall of Fame Tourna-
procedures." of effort in the class. "We don't rein-
vent the wheel here," he emphasized. — all free of charge.
program are known for their matu-
rity. Unlike many teens possessing
accelerated rate, along ment in Las Vegas.
Chamberlain runs 24PinTech like a
business with him as the CEO (some "I teach the kids how to do research. advanced IT abilities, none have used with their ability to He enjoys the game so much that
when he travels to conferences, he
kids jokingly refer to him as the "Dig-
ital Deity") and students are held to a
So if they are handed a project they their skills to go off the reservation
and cause trouble by hacking into an communicate as they looks up local establishments with
foosball tables in them. Chamberlain
level of professionalism in their work, unauthorized network. "They know I
trust them, and they don't abuse that
often shared ideas and said his best performance ever was
behavior, communication with others,
and especially project documentation. trust — although they occasionally suggestions among playing super-doubles with a friend.
"We were against two pros, I played
"Each step of every project is thor-
oughly and accurately documented,"
play innocent jokes on each other,"
explained Chamberlain. themselves. upfront, and we steamrolled those
Another proof of 24PinTech's guys! Absolutely crushed them! I was
said Chamberlain, "from the moment unstoppable!"
an order ticket is submitted through a impact on student learning has come give me the money and support I
from a local chain of repair shops. need to do the job and then they leave It's obvious that Chamberlain likes
refurbished kiosk outside the class- to win. Whether it be at foosball or
room, all the way until the project is When Chamberlain originally ap- me alone to do it."
proached them about internships for "Chamberlain is always willing to in the classroom, he is going to give
out the door." it everything he has to come out on
The workflow is also business- students, he was told, "We don't hire take risks with the work his students
students." The chain has since called complete," said Assistant Principal top. That attitude is opening plenty of
like. Students are required to submit career opportunities for his students.
weekly one-page typed reports on back asking to hire Chamberlain's and CTE Director Emily Maxwell. "I
students and even to use 24PinTech as know errors can occur, but I trust him And he doesn't plan on stopping any-
their work projects. These reports time soon.
keep Chamberlain aware of students' a feeder program for their business. and his students 100 percent."
rises from year to the next, and other times not so much. There was more salary slippage this time around than we see in a typical year, but nine
of the 20 credentials featured gained ground.
ometimes it seems like every- Maybe not all that much has ed last year.
thing in the world revolves changed: Way back in 1977, Luke's Where did everyone go? Some
around money. Sometimes Uncle Owen kicked things off with people undoubtedly recast themselves SIZZLING HOLDING STEADY Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP)
it seems like everything out of the a questionable investment in stolen as giggers or freelancers. Across all (Average gain of more than 10 percent) (Average gain of less than 3 percent) 2022 Salary (U.S.): $104,830
2021 Salary (U.S.): $107,070
world revolves around money. One of droids and Ben Kenobi sold Luke's survey participants, part-time em- Google IT Support Professional Certificate Juniper Networks Certified Internet Specialist (JN- Average Gain/Loss: -$2,240 (DOWN 2.1 percent)
the most invigorating entertainment landspeeder to get money for passage ployment rose from 6.5 percent at the 2022 Salary (U.S.): $91,320 CIS-ENT) Enterprise Routing and Switching
HPE Product Certified - Containers (2021)
2021 Salary (U.S.): $77,360 2022 Salary (U.S.): $123,750
experiences of 2022 was the Star Wars to Alderaan. Later on in that inaugu- end of 2021 to 7.9 percent at the end of Average Gain/Loss: +$13,960 (UP 18 percent) 2021 Salary (U.S.): $120,360 2022 Salary (U.S.): $78,440
prequel series Andor, which debuted ral adventure, Han Solo is almost too 2022. At the same time, however, un- Average Gain/Loss: +/-$3,390 (UP 2.8 percent) 2021 Salary (U.S.): $80,340
Average Gain/Loss: -$1,900 (DOWN 2.4 percent)
EC-Council Certified Encryption Specialist
on Disney+ in late September to trans- busy loading boxes of cash onto the employment climbed from 3.7 percent 2022 Salary (U.S.): $105,540 Microsoft Certified: Identity and Access Administra-
port viewers back to George Lucas's Millennium Falcon to wave goodbye (late 2021) to 6.2 percent (late 2022) 2021 Salary (U.S.): $95,900 tor Associate CHILLY
Average Gain/Loss: +$9,640 (UP 10.1 percent) 2022 Salary (U.S.): $103,750
galaxy far away and long ago. when Luke jumps in an X-wing and — and there's a much more disturbing 2021 Salary (U.S.): $100,950
(Average loss of between 4 percent and 9
What did we find when we got flies off to attack the Death Star. trend that almost certainly contributed HEATING UP
Average Gain/Loss: +$2,800 (UP 2.8 percent)
there? Money problems. In the first Maybe, after all, life is just stories to those numbers. (Average gain of between 3 and 7 percent) IBM Certified Associate Business Process Analyst Claris FileMaker Certified Developer
10 minutes of the first episode, two that we tell ourselves about money, An eye-opening 20.6 percent of all CSA Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge
2022 Salary (U.S.): $70,070 2022 Salary (U.S.): $70,900
2021 Salary (U.S.): $74,560
2021 Salary (U.S.): $69,770
off-duty security officers jump a guy and problems, and money problems. survey respondents got a pink slip in 2022 Salary (U.S.): $136,100 Average Gain/Loss: +$300 (UP 0.4 percent) Average Gain/Loss: -$3,660 (DOWN 4.9 percent)
2021 Salary (U.S.): $128,990
in a dark alley, more or less intend- And now that we've turned the page 2022, a percentage that is remarkably Average Gain/Loss: +$7,110 (UP 5.5 percent) Fortinet Network Security Expert (NSE) Level 4
ing to steal his wallet. Key founding on 2022, here's another story about ... consistent whether taking into account Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) 2022 Salary (U.S.): $125,780
Splunk Core Certified User 2022 Salary (U.S.): $125,590
figures in the not-yet-official Rebel you know. only U.S. workers (20.2 percent) or 2022 Salary (U.S.): $147,070 2021 Salary (U.S.): $125,590
2021 Salary (U.S.): $132,340
Average Gain/Loss: -$6,560 (DOWN 5 percent)
Alliance struggle to amass the funds In a calendar year full of news cy- looking at all workers outside the 2021 Salary (U.S.): $140,600
Average Gain/Loss: +$6,470 (UP 4.6 percent)
Average Gain/Loss: [No change]
NetScout Certified Specialist
required to organize anti-Imperial cles dominated by confustication and United States (20.9 percent). There COOLING OFF 2022 Salary (U.S.): $84,170
VMware Certified Professional 2022 (VCP) Data
raids, or purchase ships and weapons. bebotherment about global inflation, may well be stormy waters ahead, too: Center Virtualization (Average loss of 0 to 6 percent) 2021 Salary (U.S.): $90,670
An entire three-episode arc re- certified IT professionals appear to 19.9 percent of all survey respondents 2022 Salary (U.S.): $135,160
IAPP Certified Information Privacy Technologist
Average Gain/Loss: -$6,500 (DOWN 7.2 percent)
2021 Salary (U.S.): $129,460
volves around a desperate plan to have moderately benefitted from com- said they anticipate being laid off in Average Gain/Loss: +$5,700 (UP 4.4 percent) 2022 Salary (U.S.): $78,280 ICE COLD
steal the "quarterly payroll for an en- pensation figures that bounced back a 2023. ISACA Certified in the Governance of Enterprise IT
2021 Salary (U.S.): $79,280
Average Gain/Loss: -$1,000 (DOWN 1.3 percent)
(Average loss of more than 10 percent)
tire Imperial sector." (Sounds like a lot, bit from a dismal 2021. Or at least they The overall U.S. employment (CGEIT)
Xplor Master Electronic Document Professional
2022 Salary (U.S.): $136,510 Adobe Campaign Classic Architect
right? We do learn that tens of millions did in the United States. As illustrated picture is somewhat rosier than else- 2021 Salary (U.S.): $131,400 2022 Salary (U.S.): $107,860
2022 Salary (U.S.): $50,180
of "credits" are involved.) There are by the graphic on this page, it was a where around the globe. In the United Average Gain/Loss: +$5,110 (UP 3.9 percent) 2021 Salary (U.S.): $109,410
2021 Salary (U.S.): $59,440
Average Gain/Loss: +/-$9,260 (DOWN 15.6 percent)
separate scenes of the same character "taketh away" kind of salary year for States, 84.5 percent of survey respon- GIAC Penetration Tester (GPEN)
Average Gain/Loss: -$1,550 (DOWN 1.4 percent)
standing on principle about betray- non-U.S. IT workers. dents are employed full-time, with 2022 Salary (U.S.): $132,810
2021 Salary (U.S.): $128,970
Amazon Web Services Certified Data Analytics -
ing comrades over money, and then The post-COVID flowering of the 6 percent in part-time jobs, and 4.7 Specialty
Average Gain/Loss: +$3,840 (UP 3 percent) 2022 Salary (U.S.): $146,320
begging a relative to accept his money so-called Great Resignation continued percent out of work. Among respon- 2021 Salary (U.S.): $149,260
and abandon the life she knows. in 2022, and — as we first noted at the dents from all other countries, 75.8 Average Gain/Loss: -$2,940 (DOWN 2 percent)
There's even a character in Andor end of 2021 — the IT industry was percent are employed full-time, 10.2
who finds himself assigned to what is not immune. Of the more than 14,000 percent have part-time time jobs, and
definitely an IT gig in the fuel purity certified IT professionals who partic- 8.1 percent are unemployed. climate. A strong 65.4 percent of all pay cut of some sort is likely to come want more. A solid 72 percent of all
division of the Imperial Bureau of ipated in this year's survey, only 80.6 If you can hang on to the job you survey respondents got some level of along in 2023. survey respondents are either com-
Standards. (If there were a Salary Sur- percent are employed full-time. That's have, then you're likely to reap a bonus or incentive pay in 2022, while Continuing a trend from past years, pletely satisfied (8.7 percent), very
vey on Coruscant, that guy definitely a falloff of roughly 7 percent from the reward beyond the obvious benefit of 74.5 percent got a raise. (A bit more bonuses and incentive pay were a bit satisfied (25.4 percent), or satisfied
would have taken it.) then-groundbreaking tally we report- stability in an uncertain employment than 54 percent double-dipped at the more common in 2022 among U.S. (37.7 percent) with their current salary.
well of prosperity, both getting a raise tech workers than among their peers On the other hand, 21.6 percent of all
and taking home bonus or incentive in other countries — about 69 per- respondents are not very satisfied with
GET A LITTLE, GIVE A LITTLE: MODEST GAINS FOR U.S. WORKERS, SALARY SHRINKAGE ABROAD pay.) cent of U.S. respondents were given their current salary, while 6.5 percent
While there’s clear interest in incen- additional compensation, compared to are not at all satisfied.
tivizing employment, however, the just 61 percent in non-U.S. countries. There’s much more to tell than we
various factors dragging on regional Pay raises were also more common have room for in print, and we’re not
economies victimized more than a few among U.S. workers, with a bit more stopping here. Keep your eyes glued
survey respondents. A worrisome 20 than 77 percent getting a salary bump, to CertMag.com in the months ahead,
percent of all survey respondents saw compared to just 71 percent among and we’ll check in there with new
their pay get cut in 2022 — up from 15 workers from all other countries. survey data every week.
percent the previous year — and 19 As typically happens, there are
percent of respondents believe that a some certified IT professionals who
1 ISACA Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control (CRISC) $156,390 $95,050 $124,100 39 Microsoft Certified: Azure Data Fundamentals $116,250 $59,960 $77,090
2 CCNP Security $153,630 $65,320 $95,470 40 Microsoft Certified: Azure AI Fundamentals $116,090 $56,890 $70,640
3 ISACA Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) $148,680 $83,310 $112,170 41 Fortinet Network Security Expert (NSE) Level 1 $115,070 $38,500 $57,330
4 PMI Project Management Professional (PMP) $147,070 $81,550 $117,900 42 Microsoft 365 Certified: Fundamentals $112,320 $62,350 $80,010
5 Okta Certified Administrator $145,800 $82,570 $123,100 43 CompTIA Network+ $111,670 $62,250 $102,590
6 ISACA Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) $145,240 $80,070 $106,830 44 Linux Professional Institute LPIC-1 $111,450 $64,650 $88,700
7 ISACA CDPSE $144,910 $95,590 $117,820 45 CompTIA Server+ $111,440 N/A N/A
8 GIAC Security Essentials (GSEC) $141,020 N/A N/A 46 CompTIA PenTest+ $111,060 $56,820 $91,870
9 (ISC)² Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) $140,230 $82,370 $115,080 47 CompTIA CySA+ $110,250 $58,690 $94,590
10 Amazon Web Services Certified Security - Specialty $139,760 $71,940 $97,240 48 CompTIA A+ $108,170 $62,780 $99,980
11 EC-Council Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) $138,650 $56,710 $90,720 49 CompTIA Project+ $107,360 $79,480 $106,900
12 Amazon Web Services Certified Solutions Architect - Associate $138,040 $69,780 $103,140 50 Okta Certified Consultant $105,860 $82,970 $98,590
13 (ISC)² Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) $137,100 $90,720 $115,150 51 Check Point Certified Security Administrator (CCSA) $103,240 $61,340 $79,820
14 ISACA Certified in the Governance of Enterprise IT (CGEIT) $136,510 $92,690 $117,620 52 Oracle Certified Associate $100,860 $53,140 $70,020
15 Microsoft Certified: Azure Security Engineer Associate $135,800 $66,160 $79,760 53 (ISC)² Systems Security Certified Practitioner $98,530 $77,540 $92,410
16 GIAC Certified Incident Handler $134,110 $92,790 $122,200 54 IAPP Certified Information Privacy Manager $96,093 N/A N/A
17 Microsoft Certified: Azure Solutions Architect Expert $133,410 $77,910 $91,630 55 (ISC)² Healthcare Information Security and Privacy Practitioner (HCISPP) $95,790 N/A N/A
18 Okta Certified Professional $133,400 $68,950 $108,790 56 NetApp Certified Data Administrator, ONTAP $92,830 N/A N/A
19 CCNP Enterprise $132,860 $67,400 $87,770 57 HPE Master ASE - Edge-to-Cloud Architect V1 $92,750 N/A N/A
20 Amazon Web Services Certified Cloud Practitioner $131,520 $59,470 $96,690 58 IAPP Certified Information Privacy Professional $91,230 $109,601 $97,870
21 Cisco CCNA $131,270 $54,950 $79,930 59 Adobe Certified Expert - Adobe Experience Manager Site Business Practitioner $86,680 $68,070 $81,710
22 Juniper Networks Certified Internet Associate (JNCIA-Junos) Junos $130,280 $45,350 $82,330 60 Appian Certified Senior Developer $86,480 $46,960 $63,460
23 Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Engineer (PCNSE) $129,000 $63,240 $85,160 61 CIW Web Design Specialist $86,260 N/A N/A
24 AXELOS ITIL Foundation $125,190 $65,780 $92,720 62 CIW Advanced HTML5 and CSS3 Specialist $86,030 $87,960 $86,300
25 CompTIA CASP+ $123,590 $58,052 $111,238 63 HPE Master ASE - Hybrid IT Solutions Architect V1 $85,770 $99,670 $88,210
26 Microsoft Certified: Azure Fundamentals $122,470 $55,900 $76,950 64 (ISC)² Certified in Cybersecurity $84,440 $41,900 $61,640
8.6% 65 CIW User Interface Designer $83,980 $75,940 $82,880
27 Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate $122,092 $55,960 $75,110
28 CompTIA Cloud+ % $121,760 $73,430 $109,270
66 CIW Social Media Strategist $83,180 $105,840 $88,190
37 EC-Council Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator $117,950 $51,530 $90,680 75 IACIS Certified Forensic Computer Examiner $65,260 N/A N/A
19 %
Certification attractive to employers, 1) (ISC)² CISSP 26) NI Certified LabVIEW Embedded Systems Developer
27) CIW Social Media Strategist
28) HPE ATP - Hybrid IT Solutions V2
29) Microsoft Certified: Cybersecurity Architect Expert
5) CompTIA Security+ 30) CIW Advanced HTML5 and CSS3 Specialist
6) EC-Council Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) 31) HPE Product Certified - AI and Machine Learning (2022)
ou don't have to have a more attractive to potential employ- be whether or not you have a list of
certification to work in IT. ers. More than 75 percent of survey credentials as long as your forearm.
33) HPE Master ASE - Edge-to-Cloud Architect V1
And not every worker who respondents either agree (41.9 percent) Even having just two or three certi- 8) Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP)
has a certification is inarguably better or strongly agree (34.4 percent) that fications, however, can make a big 9) Amazon Web Services Certified Cloud Practitioner 34) CompTIA CASP+
equipped to do their job than folks they've experienced greater demand difference. 10) Amazon Web Services Certified Security - Specialty 35) Amazon Web Services Certified Solutions Architect - Professional
with no professional credentials. for their skills since becoming certi- (Incidentally, some survey respon- 11) CompTIA CySA+ 36) CCNP Security
Unless your job description is literally fied. dents do indeed have a list of creden- 12) Appian Certified Senior Developer 37) CompTIA PenTest+
"Painstakingly record the number of Certification can have a positive tials that might even exceed forearm 13) Amazon Web Services Certified Solutions Architect - Associate 38) CompTIA Network+
individual licks required to entirely impact on salary, of course — you length: 4.2 percent of those surveyed 39) CSA Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge
dissolve taffy-enveloping candy coat- may have read about that somewhere. have 16 or more current IT certifica-
15) (ISC)² CAP 40) XML Master Professional Database Administrator
ing" however — not likely, given the As indicated by the annual income fig- tions.)
16) CIW User Interface Designer 41) CIW E-Commerce Specialist
exceedingly low demand at technol- ures given at the start of this section, According to the U.S. Bureau of
42) IAPP Certified Information Privacy Professional
ogy firms for qualified Tootsie-Pop IT is probably a pretty good place to Labor Statistics, the average weekly 17) HPE ASE - Hybrid IT Solutions Architect V1
researchers — then you are going to 18) HPE Master ASE - Hybrid IT Solutions Architect V1 43) Microsoft Certified: Azure Solutions Architect Expert
need tech skills. 19) CIW E-Commerce Services Specialist 44) PMI Project Management Professional
And there does seem to be broad 20) CIW Mobile Application Developer 45) NetScout Certified Entry
agreement that certification can both
teach and sharpen tech skills. A sub-
MONEY FOR SOMETHING 21) Microsoft Certified: Azure Security Engineer Associate
22) Appian Certified Lead Developer
46) Adobe Certified Expert - Adobe Experience Manager Sites Architect
47) NetApp Certified Data Administrator, ONTAP
stantial 33.4 percent of all Salary Sur- 48) EC-Council Certified Chief Information Security Officer (CCISO)
Did you receive a raise in the first year after receiving your most recent IT certification? 23) Microsoft Certified: Azure Fundamentals
vey respondents report that they use
24) Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate 49) IAPP Certified Information Privacy Technologist
skills "learned or enhanced through RESPONSE U.S. RESPONDENTS NON-U.S. RESPONDENTS
50) ISTQB Certified Security Testing
certification" several times a day at Yes 64 percent 41.1 percent
25) Adobe Certified Expert - Adobe Experience Manager Site Business Practitioner
If you stood next to a fellow Salary Survey respondent while watching dancers perform at an open-air market in Marrakesh, or
IT workers frequently
brushed past one while exploring the ruins of Karakorum, you'd probably never know. People who work in IT don't stand out
like, say, soldiers in uniform, or members of a religious order. They do have a few things generally in common, however, as you
can see at a glance from this snapshot of age, gender and educational norms, both among those in the United States, and IT
pros in the world at large. How does your individual profile match up?
Transgender Male (0.9 percent) 35 to 44: 34.4 percent Technical training (no college degree): 7 percent
Transgender Female (0.5 percent) 45 to 54: 20.6 percent Two-year college degree: 10.9 percent
lot can change in five years. tribbles. current primary employer for five or Gender Variant/Nonconforming (0.5 percent) 55 to 64: 10 percent Bachelor's degree: 36.8 percent
Prefer Not to Answer (2.3 percent) All Others: 2.3 percent Master's degree: 32.3 percent
In or around 2265, a 32-year- Your average certified IT profes- fewer years. It’s three or fewer years
Doctorate: 6.2 percent
old hotshot with a storied sional probably won’t become one for 46.2 percent of all respondents, and All Non-U.S. All Non-U.S.
All Others: 4 percent
Male (76 percent) 19 to 24: 7.3 percent
background at Starfleet Academy and of the most renowned adventurers zero years (1 to 11 months) for 11.3
Female (22.5 percent) 25 to 34: 33 percent All Non-U.S.
a sterling service record was promoted in space exploration in the next five percent of all respondents. With that Transgender Male (4.2 percent) 35 to 44: 34.1 percent High school diploma: 4.7 percent
to captain and given command of the years, but she or he or they may many folks just settling in, relatively Transgender Female (0.5 percent) 45 to 54: 19.2 percent Technical training (no college degree): 6.8 percent
U.S.S. Enterprise (NCC-1701). By 2270, change jobs, quite possibly more than speaking, it seems clear that IT pro- Gender Variant/Nonconforming (0.5 percent) 55 to 64: 5.2 percent Two-year college degree: 9.4 percent
bold explorer James T. Kirk had criss- once. There’s a core of survey respon- fessionals, probably for a variety of Prefer Not to Answer (2.3 percent) All Others: 1.2 percent Bachelor's degree: 40.1 percent
Master's degree: 30.6 percent
crossed the galaxy, initiated numerous dents, 6.7 percent of those surveyed, reasons, are prone to change jobs.
Doctorate: 3.2 percent
first contacts with alien races, racked who clearly value stability and have Some might argue that all of those All Others: 5.2 percent
up an impressive list of mortal ene- been with their current employer for new and relatively new arrivals are
mies, traveled through time (as well as more than 15 years. Quite a few oth- merely the vanguard of a rising gen-
space), toppled governments, survived ers, however, are far more nomadic. eration of IT workers flooding in from
body swap and mind control schemes, A whopping 66.2 percent of survey colleges and high schools. Weighing soning, however, is the fact that most of survey respondents worked in IT No matter what job title accompa-
and even survived an infestation of respondents have worked for their rather heavily against that line of rea- of those who responded to the survey for less than a year before getting nies the picture on their I.D. badge,
are not spring chickens. their first certification. And you don’t there’s a pretty strong degree of
A topic of concern for many in the have to stretch that timetable very far confidence and satisfaction among
tech industry is the general aging of to capture a much larger slice of the most survey respondents. A sturdy
would be least willing to do without is: responded to this year’s survey are 45 As we’ve learned from past sur- sounds as though at least some IT
or older, and 34 percent are between veys, there are IT jobs at every rung workers who are about to change jobs
Medical insurance — 27.4 percent the ages of 35 and 44. By contrast, just of the corporate ladder. We’ve found just don’t know it yet.)
31 percent of respondents are between pretty consistently, on the other And though the IT industry as a
Paid time off — 19.8 percent the ages of 25 and 34, while a mere 5 hand, that the highest concentration whole has certainly been subject to
401K or other retirement/pension benefit — percent are younger than 25. of skilled tech professionals tends to employment upheavals in recent years
That’s roughly 63 percent of to- reside at the senior specialist level. — there were front-page-news-level
12.2 percent
day’s certified IT professionals who That was the case this year as well, layoffs at such towering tech firms as
Flexible scheduling — 9.9 percent were either born, coming of age, or with 23.8 percent of all survey respon- Facebook and Twitter last year — most
(gulp) already in the workforce the dents declaring themselves senior spe- workers are feeling secure, at least in
Vision Insurance — 9.5 percent
year (1987) that President Ronald cialists. The next largest groups are the the short term. The hopeful flip side of
Child Care — 7.6 percent Reagan, during a speech at Berlin's ones directly above and directly below our earlier ruminations on this topic
Brandenburg Gate, issued his famous senior specialist on the standard-issue is that 80.5 percent of survey respon-
19 Dental insurance — 6.9 percent challenge to General Secretary Mikhail company org chart: 19 percent of those dents do not anticipate being laid off
Paid sick leave — 6.6 percent Gorbachev of the Soviet Union: "Mr. surveyed are managers, 18.5 percent in the coming year, while 81 percent
12.2% Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" are senior managers, and 11.5 percent are confident they won’t have to deal
Speaking of timing, 12.8 percent are specialists. with a pay cut.
Nate Garner is Chief Technology
Officer of TestOut Corporation
than you might have realized. laidback, and gave only plain vanil-
Over the last 20 years, I've read la answers that didn't require much Sadly, most job
over thousands of résumés. I've some- thought. The interview was slow and
times been the first to filter through dull. I needed to shake things up if he candidates have no
the piles of applicants and, at other
times, I've been more of a final deci-
had any chance of going anywhere.
He needed to wake up and be more
idea how to show that
sion maker in extending an offer to the assertive. I challenged him — I begged they are better than
candidate. That experience has led me him to fight for this opportunity.
to a conclusion that you need to know: I said, "We aim to hire top-notch average.
Candidates are hardly ever interest- people. You appear to have average
ing! And they don't even know it. educational experience and average
Why do people end up out of work work experience. It appears that if you Don't be like that guy
for months at a time, or settling for were hired here, you would do aver- Sadly, most job candidates have no
boring, low-paying, dead-end jobs? It's age-level work at an average pace with idea how to show that they are better
because they don't understand what average results. Tell me I'm wrong." than average. Many do come in with
hiring managers care about. They To which he replied, "That's a good a nice air of confidence, but they also
don't know how to make themselves summary. You are right, I'm average come with a high level of ignorance
Where do you want to work?
Here are some of the attributes
Are you okay with being just another cog that are common in specific kinds of
in the machine, as long as you draw a large and companies:
Large companies are "safe." They
reliable salary and have a growing retirement offer stock options and good benefits
packages. They have more opportuni-
package that will pay out somewhere in the far- ties for promotions and ladder climb-
distant future? ing. But they also have lots of competi-
tion for every available role. There are
larger teams and deeper management.
and indifference for the company they the company doing the hiring. If you
It's hard to get noticed and it can
believe should be pursuing them. want a dream job, you need to flip
be even harder to feel like you are
The number one factor that makes the process on its head. You need to
making a difference to the customer
a candidate interesting to me is a feel- do the discovery and leave the hiring
or to the company's bottom line. Are
ing that the candidate is motivated to manager without any doubts.
you okay with being just another cog
make a positive impact for the compa- Don't write one résumé and send it
in the machine, as long as you draw
ny in a role the company needs filled. out to 100 companies to see which fish
a large and reliable salary and have a
Many candidates have the skills to bite the hook and call you for an inter-
growing retirement package that will ing with peers? Do you want to lead, CEO for me? HR manager forward a message to the
complete the tasks given them — but view. There is no point interviewing
pay out somewhere in the far-distant or do you want someone else to take How did the company get started? hiring manager on your behalf. Tell
that doesn't automatically make them at companies that you don't want to
future? responsibility for big decisions? Describe the customer base of the them you have a few questions you'd
an interesting or worthwhile hire. work for. And you can't do a good job
Small companies tend to have You should pick no more than company. What do your customers like to ask the manager and would
Without motivation, their abilities of interviewing with 100 companies
tighter relationships between employ- three companies that fit the profile of value? like them to help you arrange to get
may never be utilized. The most "qual- simultaneously anyway.
ees. Employees can walk right into the your ideal workplace, and only apply those questions answered. This is
ified" candidate may actually have Your first step should be to decide
CEO's office and make suggestions or to those one-to-three companies. You your chance to give the company their
the most negative impact on the team for yourself what the key elements of
as a whole. Some candidates "play your dream job are. This includes not
get advice. You tend to work directly
with customers and you may have the
want to make each application count,
and you want to be equally excited no
You aren't likely second interview with you.
You aren't likely to get your an-
the field," seeking to fulfill their own
needs without giving any thought to
just what tasks you like doing, but
what events and interactions should
opportunity to make small changes matter which of these companies hires to get your answers, swers, or any positive attention, unless
the needs of the company. be happening for you to feel success-
that save the company big money.
But it's hard to get promotions
or any positive you use the receptionist/HR manager
as a middleman. I always answer
Such candidates place all the bur- ful.
den of discovery on the shoulders of
because small companies tend to stay
small. You may have difficulty getting
You interview them attention, unless you e-mails and phone calls from other
employees at the company, but cold
Before applying to your "most
vacation time approved when there preferred" companies, you have some use the receptionist/ phone calls and e-mails from out-
is no one to fill in for you if you are
gone. Are you willing to trade the
research to do to become the most
"interesting" candidate. For starters,
HR manager as a side my company almost always go
straight to voicemail and junk folders.
prestige of working for a company
everyone knows for a more personal
pull up the company website and read middleman. You'll get further using someone from
the inside to connect you.
all the "About Us" pages. Read every-
experience? thing you can find online about the What does the company hope to Here are some questions you might
Startup companies are extremely company's products. accomplish in the next year? Next five want to ask the hiring manager:
risky, but they also have the biggest Call the front desk of the company years? What specific tools, products, plat-
potential to provide huge payoffs and ask to speak with someone in What does the company value forms, and languages are you using
when "the ship comes in." Startups human resources about the company. most? on the job? Are you happy with those
have the potential to leave you with Tell them what position you are inter- What makes an ideal employee for things? Are you hoping to replace
nothing or to make you fabulously ested in and try not to get transferred any position in the company? them? What do you like/dislike about
wealthy. to a hiring manager or anyone directly Why is the company hiring for this them?
Are you at a stage in your life connected to the open position. This position? (Backfill, growth, etc.) What are the biggest factors you
where you can afford to miss a month is your opportunity to interview the What is the name of the person have for deciding what projects to
or two of paychecks in exchange company — and arm yourself with who will be doing the interviewing undertake and what tools to use for
for the promise of a fat salary in the knowledge that will be helpful when and hiring for this position? What those projects?
future? Are you willing to work with the company reciprocates and inter- is that person's preferred means of What are your teams like? (Team
little-to-no structure as you lay the views you. communication with other employees? size, self-direction or centralized con-
groundwork with the promise of be- Here are some questions you might (E-mail, phone, chat, text, etc.) Would trol, static or dynamic, etc.)
ing a leader when growth comes? ask: that person become the manager over Can you describe the best employ-
Do you thrive on challenges, or on Can you describe the company the candidate once hired? ee you have working for you? What
stability? Do you prefer working from culture for me? If the answers you receive match makes them the best?
home, or spending extra time socializ- Can you describe the company your ideal company, ask to have the What would your ideal candidate
be like? leave your current employer for this haven't earned. Don't call yourself view regardless of how many résumés more about that subject?" Commit to I suspect that as you've read
Who are the other decision makers new opportunity. Be careful not to CEO, CTO, or anything similar when they have received. That interview go home that very night to research through my list, you're probably
involved with filling this position? attack your current company or its describing your own self-employed will be your next chance to stand out that topic and write down your thinking that doing these things
Would they have any different ideal management. business of one. Don't even call your- from the crowd. commitment so you will remember to would be seen as a major annoyance
attributes in mind from what you've If this won't be a remote position self "owner" with self-employment; follow through with it. by a hiring manager. For me, at least,
already described? and you are more than a one-hour instead, say self-employed. They interview you Be brave and ask the most import- it would be the exact opposite.
drive away from the company you are Don't mention anything that a Never go to an employment inter- ant question, "What concerns do you
The paperwork applying for, DO mention that you un- hiring manager is forbidden by law view empty-handed. Be prepared to have about hiring me?" Follow up that Don't forget to follow up
Now that you have researched derstand the distance and are willing to ask you about in interviews (race, impress. In many industries, it will be question with the next-most important One final tip: After the interview,
the company, you are ready to for- to relocate. religion, marital status, age, sexual possible for you to create a small work question, "What can I do to remove send a thank you/follow-up letter to
mally apply, with a résumé and a orientation or opinions on the subject, sample. If you are a salesman, write a your concerns?" the hiring manager. Your letter should
cover letter. You should create these MEDICAL ISSUES). sample sales pitch. If you are a pro- Ask for a tour of the facilities, and include some of the following:
specifically for the company you will Don't mention things are likely to grammer, write a small website that an opportunity to meet potential co- What did you like most about your
apply at, rather than sending the same
thing you would have sent any other
Before cause the hiring manager extra paper-
work (H1B Visa, disabilities, FMLA).
performs the same tasks the company
would be hiring you to do. If you
workers. Generally, hiring managers
are only willing to take this step with
interview and company tour?
Name the people you met on the
company. Here are some general rules you submit your They will find out about these things are an accountant, write up a sample candidates who show a lot of promise. tour and describe the interactions
for both. eventually, but you want to delay budget for the company. Rather than Asking to meet the team is essentially you hope to have with them in the
application, you those discussions as long as possible. showing how you served previous asking them to put you in that top tier future. ("I'd love to work with Susan,
Cover Letter
DON'T write the cover letter "To
should create or Before you submit your applica-
tion, you should create or update your
employers well, this work sample al-
lows them to see that you know what
of candidates.
The people you meet on such a
she seemed to have great knowledge
about the company's most important
whom it may concern;" DO address it update your profile profile on LinkedIn — if you haven't this new job would entail and are will- tour may feel that you have already products. Working with her would
already. Make sure that your work ing and able to do this new role, too. been chosen. The best thing that can give me a great start at becoming a
to the hiring manager you've inter-
viewed on the phone.
on LinkedIn — if you history and education experience on If there isn't a natural work sample, happen for you is for everyone to start company expert.")
Make sure you include the name
of the company in several places on
haven't already. LinkedIn matches the details in your
résumé. You should add the URL of
you should find something else to
bring to the interview. I suggest read-
feeling like you've already got the job,
and just need someone to print out the
Restate any commitments that you
made in the interview and tell them
the cover letter and résumé. Add in your LinkedIn profile to your résumé. ing through the company's website to official offer. when you expect to complete those
statements about things you know are Submit your résumé through the find a news article or blog post from a If you are still with me at this point, tasks.
important to the company from your proper channels identified in the job senior manager. Print it out, highlight then you will have done more than State that you will contact them
research. Résumé description, but also send a copy to portions of it, and bring it in to explain any other candidate I have ever inter- again after your commitments are
Describe what makes you the ideal On your résumé, don't just describe the hiring manager you've already what you like most about it. viewed or hired. You would be my completed. Invite them to contact
candidate. DON'T lie if you aren't the places you worked and what you spoken to. You should have that per- Here are some tips for your inter- dream candidate. I've often felt that a you sooner if they have anything to
already their ideal candidate; instead did. Describe how the work you've son's e-mail address by now, and they view: Whenever you are asked a ques- candidate with a shared goal and pas- discuss.
describe what you are willing to do to done was good preparation for the job should be expecting to hear from you. tion that you don't know the answer sion for the job would be more valu- There's no reason to settle for a
become that ideal candidate. you will be doing when you are hired. At this point, it's almost certain you to, respond with, "I don't know. Can able to us than another candidate with job that doesn't match your dreams.
Describe why you are wanting to DON'T give yourself titles you will receive a call back for an inter- you please describe that for me? What twice the skills who is disengaged. Getting noticed isn't hard, it just takes
source would you recommend to learn a bit of work. You can do this!
the Communications Decency Act — and file lawsuits against them. Judges
typically shortened to just "Section
230" — and most nod their heads in
agreement. Though many agree that
it is a significant part of the problem, Almost 30
surprisingly few know what it really years ago, there was
Section 230 has been a part of the an unprecedented
discussion for so long that many sim-
ply attach their personal quarrels onto surge in popularity of
Section 230 without a second thought.
To understand what this legal clause
the internet among
is, it helps to examine it further and users who had
have some perspective on why it was
created and what it actually says. only a rudimentary
understanding of
In the beginning what it was or what
Almost 30 years ago, there was an
unprecedented surge in popularity it could do. They just
of the internet among users who had
only a rudimentary understanding of wanted to go online.
what it was or what it could do. They
just wanted to go online. "The inter-
net" had existed in various forms for
years before that time, but access had would then be charged with trying
to determine exactly what an internet
long been limited and, in point of fact,
not really sought by most. service provider (ISP) should be and
To provide access for eager users how it should behave.
back then, a number of service pro- This was mostly done by looking
viders popped up offering to provide for analogies from earlier days, since
a portal for those who dialed in via much of law is based on precedent,
modem or found some other way to and thus it is important to consider
connect. Some of the early portal pro- previous rulings even when the par-
viders were America Online (AOL), ties differ slightly. Two of the closest
Getting to know Section 230 of the CompuServe, and Prodigy: Each of analogies to an ISP that came to the
forefront were that of a bookstore and
Communications Decency Act these service providers competed for
paying subscribers by offering slight- that of a newspaper.
ly different additional features along
with the coveted internet access. The bookstore model
Those additional features included If you think about a giant bookstore
things like forums, groups, newslet- — or a library — there are typically
ters, lists, and so on — each intended thousands of individual books. Some
to lure subscribers to one provider as of these volumes are old and recog-
BY EMMETT DULANEY opposed to another. At this early stage, nized by many. Think of "the classics."
it was not possible for subscribers on Others are brand new and contain
Emmett Dulaney is a professor at Anderson
University and the author of several
AOL to see what was on Prodigy or largely unknown subject matter. They
certification books including CompTIA
Network+ N10-008 Exam Cram (ISBN:
978-013-7375769) and CompTIA Cloud+
You Can Say That Online?!
TECH KNOW During the update process, two senators
count sites that were popping up that
were not providing Internet access but introduced a short clause — known as Section 230
just came out, few people have read
them, and not many are even looking
an ISP as a bookstore or a newspaper
made all the difference when it came
were hosting a lot of content coming
from many places — users, other
— to address the growing problem with disparities
for them. While there to determining whether to hold them sites, aggregators, and so forth. The in the way responsibility for content hosted by
heart of the issue became whether any
It is very unlikely that anyone
working at our hypothetical bookstore have been some responsible for the content on their
site or not. online service, not just ISPs, should online providers was being perceived.
has read every single page of every
volume available and could immedi-
exceptions, for the To complicate matters further,
Prodigy promoted its ISP offering as
be responsible/liable for third-party
content. ed by a different entity. of view or provide additional infor-
ately identify the content ("There is a most part past legal being different than the others in that The term "interactive computer mation/links on issues the individual
bad word on page 23 of this particular
title") and/or defend it. rulings have been it enforced user conduct standards
(such as not allowing obscenities).
The birth of Section 230
At the same time that these issues
service" is defined within the clause as
"any information service, system, or
article did not touch on.)
Blogs, search engine results,
While there have been some excep-
tions, for the most part past legal rul-
that a clerk working Competitors did not make this claim.
This could thus lead to the inference
were beginning to work their way access software provider that provides almost all of social media, and many
through the courts, a 60-year-old or enables computer access by multi- other things
ings have been that a clerk working at at a bookstore should that Prodigy was acting like a newspa- piece of legislation was being updat- ple users to a computer server, includ- It can be easy to lump this protec-
a bookstore should not be held liable
for content inside the books sold there. not be held liable for per, while the others were bookstores
— and create completely different
ed. The Communications Act of 1934
was heavily focused on the landline
ing specifically a service or system
that provides access to the internet
tion in with the First Amendment,
but it is important to note two key
This applies, of course, only as long as
the clerk did not know — and could
content inside the legal landscapes for highly similar
telephone in a day when its use was and such systems operated or services things. First, the First Amendment
changing, and thus that act was being offered by libraries or educational protects what you say, while Section
not reasonably be expected to know books sold there. A defense that CompuServe and updated to what would become institutions." 230 protects what you are allowing
(such as by word of mouth) — that the AOL could thus offer is that they only known as the Communications Decen- An "information content provider," others to say. Second, the protection
content in question was profane, ob- hosted content and were not respon- cy Act of 1996. by contrast, is defined as "any person it provides is almost unparalleled in
scene, libelous, or otherwise injurious. articles, to shorten them, to dictate sible for it: as merely a distributor, During the update process, two or entity that is responsible, in whole scope, in that it offers more protections
that they incorporate a particular per- they would be considered immune senators introduced a short clause — or in part, for the creation or develop- to online companies than are available
spective, and so on. While there have from prosecution. Prodigy, on the
The newspaper model been some exceptions, for the most
known as Section 230 — to address ment of information provided through to companies in any other medium
On the other hand, if you think other hand, had no such defense since the growing problem with disparities the internet or any other interactive (newspapers, educational institutions,
part past legal rulings have been that they monitored content and were thus
about a newspaper, deliberate thought in the way responsibility for content computer service." In other words, and so forth).
newspapers (and editors) are respon- (arguably, from a legalistic standpoint)
has been put into the content that is hosted by online providers was being the definitions are loose enough to All of this has led to a movement
sible for the content of each issue and responsible and accountable for it.
printed in each issue. Journalists and perceived. (The pioneering senators provide protection to almost every to repeal, or limit, Section 230. Often
can be sued if it is false, defamatory, Not only was this logic difficult to
photographers have been paid to were Chris Cox, a Republican from content hosting site. the leaders promoting this crusade are
or injurious. rationalize, but it was also much too
collect information on topics typically California now retired from politics, those who are being spoken of unfa-
assigned to them by an editor, and limited. While one might be able to and Ron Wyden, a Democrat from vorably and would like to see the right
differentiate between ISPs when there Proceed with caution
copy staff have helped to fact check The same but different? Oregon elected to his fifth term in As troublesome as those loose to such expression curtailed. Before
and shape the resulting articles. were only a small number of them, November.) going too far down that path of think-
Early on, the distinction any given definitions may be, consider the
Editors have the ability to pull regulating ISPs did not take into ac- The entire act can be read online at ing, though, serious thought should be
judge made as to whether they viewed changes that have occurred over the
https://www.congress.gov/104/plaws/ past 25 years in terms of the internet given to why Section 230 was created
publ104/PLAW-104publ104.pdf. In an and how the absence of this protection in the first place.
ironic twist, the words in the clause would have hampered much of what It may not be a perfect piece of
known as Section 230 have become far we value in terms of content today. If legislation (few are), but it addressed
more meaningful and debated than such protection did not exist today, it a disparity that existed then and was
anything else related to that entire act. is arguable that we would not have the only going to exponentially widen
Of key importance are the follow- same proliferation of: as time went on. It came about in a
ing 26 words: "No provider or user of User reviews posted for almost moment when it was needed and it
an interactive computer service shall every product sold online (In many was intentionally written in a way so
be treated as the publisher or speak- cases, potential buyers care much as to stay relevant as internet usage
er of any information provided by more about what anonymous review- exploded. The impact of its removal
another information content provider." ers have to say about a product than on the way we see and interact with
Not only does this bring the bookstore what its manufacturer has to say about content would be substantial and thus
model of content to the vanguard, but it.) it would be important to fully consider
it specifically spells out that an ISP or Comments and discussions/ all the ramifications before proceeding
other host is not responsible for con- threads associated with news articles further.
tent that can be found on a site provid- (Often these can offer differing points
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