Drugs Act
Drugs Act
Drugs Act
3 of 2013 47
1. Short title
2. Interpretation
Single copies of this Act may be obtained from the Government Printer,
P.O. Box 30136, 10101 Lusaka, Price K 23.00 each.
Medicines and Allied Substances [No. 3 of 2013 49
55. Inspectors
56. Appeals
57. Authority to manufacture patented medicine
58. General offences
59. Prohibition of manufacture, import, export, etc of sub-
standard, counterfeit or adulterated medicine or allied
60. Prohibition of supply of expired medicine
61. Prohibition of deceptive act
62. Prohibition of sale, etc of harmful cosmetics
63. Sale and preparation of cosmetics under insanitary
64. Standards of cosmetics
65. Prohibition of sale of harmful devices
66. General penalty
67. Offence by body corporate or unincorporate body
68. Guidelines
69. Regulations
70. Repeal of Act No. 14 of 2004
Medicines and Allied Substances [No. 3 of 2013 51
No. 3 of 2013
Date of Assent:21st March, 2013
An Act to continue the existence of the Pharmaceutical
Regulatory Authority and re-name it as the Zambia
Medicines Regulatory Authority; provide for the functions
and powers of the Authority; provide for the registration
and regulation of pharmacies, health shops and agro-
veterinary shops; provide for the registration and
regulation of medicines and allied substances; provide
for the regulation of the manufacture, importation,
exportation, possession, storage, distribution, supply,
promotion, advertising, sale and use of medicines and
allied substances; provide for the regulation and control
of clinical trials; repeal and replace the Pharmaceutical
Act, 2004; and provide for matters connected with, or
incidental to, the foregoing.
[22nd March, 2013
ENACTED by the Parliament of Zambia.
1. This Act may be cited as the Medicines and Allied
Substances Act, 2013.
2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires—
“ administer ” means to give a substance to a human being or
animal orally, by injection or by introduction into the body Short title
in any other way or by external application, whether by
direct contact with the body or not; Interpretation
“ adulterated medicine ” means any medicine—
(a) consisting in whole or in part of any filthy, putrid,
decomposed, deleterious or foreign substance;
(b) that is prepared or stored under unsanitary conditions;
(c) whose container is composed of any poisons or
deleterious substance;
(d) that contains a colouring agent that is not prescribed;
(e) that contains any harmful or toxic substance;
“ agro-veterinary shop ” means a place or premises permitted
to sell prescribed veterinary medicinal products and allied
substances under the control of a relevant veterinary
professional as determined by the Authority;
52 No. 3 of 2013] Medicines and Allied Substances
Act No. 24 of 27. For the purposes of this Part, the Minister may, on the
2009 recommendation of the Authority, by statutory instrument, provide
for standards for the practice of pharmacy in pharmacies and hospital
Standards of pharmacies.
28. (1) The Authority may, upon application by a person, issue
a dispensing certificate to the person to dispense medicines and
allied substances to patients under their care in a health facility.
Medicines and Allied Substances [No. of 2013 21
(2) A person who dispenses any medicine or allied substance Dispensing
without a dispensing certificate to a patient in a health facility
commits an offence and is liable, upon conviction, to a fine not
exceeding two million penalty units or to imprisonment for a period
not exceeding four years, or to both.
(3) The Minister may, on the recommendation of the Authority,
by statutory instrument, provide for—
(a) the criteria and procedure for applying for a dispensing
certificate and the grant, amendment, renewal, transfer
and revocation of a dispensing certificate;
(b) the terms and conditions attaching to an application, grant,
amendment, refusal, renewal, transfer or revocation of
a dispensing certificate;
(c) the exemption of certain categories of persons from any
provision of this section; and
(d) any other matters that are necessary or incidental to the
effective regulation of dispensing certificates under this
29. (1) The Authority may, upon application by a person, issue
an agro-veterinary shop permit to the person to sell a prescribed
list of veterinary medicinal products, under the control and
management of such persons as the Authority may authorise.
(2) The Minister may, on the recommendation of the Authority, veterinary
shop permit
by statutory instrument, provide for—
(a) the criteria and procedure for applying for an agro-
veterinary shop permit and the grant, amendment,
renewal, transfer and revocation of an agro-veterinary
shop permit;
(b) the terms and conditions attaching to an application, grant,
amendment, refusal, renewal, transfer or revocation of
an agro-veterinary shop permit; and
(c) any other matters that are necessary or incidental to the
effective regulation of agro-veterinary shop permits
under this Act.
30. (1) The Authority may, upon application by a person, issue
a health shop permit to the person to handle a prescribed list of
medicines and allied substances in designated areas under the
22 No. of 2013] Medicines and Allied Substances
Health shop control and management of such persons as the Authority may
permit authorise.
(2) The Minister may, on the recommendation of the Authority,
by statutory instrument, provide for—
(a) the criteria and procedure for applying for a health shop
permit and the grant, amendment, renewal, transfer and
revocation of a health shop permit;
(b) the terms and conditions attaching to an application, grant,
amendment, refusal, renewal, transfer or revocation of
a health shop permit; and
(c) any other matters that are necessary or incidental to the
effective regulation of health shop permits under this
31. (1) The Authority shall keep and maintain a Register of
the pharmacies, agro-veterinary shops and health shops registered
Register of under this Act in which shall be entered the names and other details
Pharmacies, relating to the pharmacies, agro-veterinary shops and health shops.
Shops and (2) The Register referred to in subsection (1) shall be kept at
Health Shops the offices of the Authority and shall be open to inspection by the
public at such times and on such conditions, including the payment
of a fee for inspection, as the Board may determine.
(3) A person may, upon payment of the prescribed fee, require a
copy of the certificate of registration, dispensing certificate or permit
of any person or a copy or extract of any other particulars from the
Register to be certified by the Director-General.
(4) Any document purporting to be an extract or copy of any
entry in the Register and duly certified to be a true copy or extract
under the hand of the Director-General shall be received in evidence
as to the matters stated therein in any legal proceedings.
32. The Authority shall publish, annually, the names of all the
pharmacies, agro-veterinary shops and health shops registered
Publication of under this Act in a daily newspaper of general circulation in Zambia.
pharmacies, PART IV
shops and
health shops
Medicines and Allied Substances [No. of 2013 23
33. (1) A person shall not manufacture, distribute or deal in
any medicine or allied substance without a pharmaceutical licence.
(2) A person who contravenes subsection (1) commits an Prohibition
offence and is liable, upon conviction, to a fine not exceeding two manufacture,
million penalty units or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding distribution,
etc. of
four years, or to both. medicine or
34. (1) A person who intends to manufacture, distribute or deal without
in any medicine or allied substance shall apply to the Authority for licence
a pharmaceutical licence in the prescribed manner and form upon Pharmaceutical
payment of the prescribed fee. licence
(2) The Authority shall, within ninety days of the receipt of an
application under subsection (1), issue a pharmaceutical licence to
the applicant if the applicant meets the requirements of this Act.
(3) The Authority shall reject an application which does not
meet the requirements of this Act and inform the applicant of the
reasons for the rejection.
(4) The Minister may, on the recommendation of the Authority,
by statutory instrument, provide for—
(a) the criteria for the licensing of persons under subsection
(b) the procedure for applying for a pharmaceutical licence
and the grant, amendment, renewal, transfer and
revocation of a pharmaceutical licence;
(c) the terms and conditions attaching to an application, grant,
amendment, refusal, renewal, transfer or revocation of
a pharmaceutical licence; and
(d) such other matters as are necessary or incidental to the
effective regulation of licences under this Part.
(5) The Minister may, on the recommendation of the Authority,
and for the purposes of facilitating the effective implementation
and enforcement of this Act—
(a) exempt certain categories of persons from the application
of some or all of the provisions of this section; and
(b) provide that some or all of the provisions of this section
shall not apply in certain circumstances.
35. (1) A person shall not import any medicine or allied
substance without an import permit.
(2) This section does not apply to any medicine or allied substance Import
imported by a traveller entering Zambia for the traveller’s use as permit
24 No. of 2013] Medicines and Allied Substances
may be prescribed.
(3) A person who contravenes subsection (1) commits an offence
and is liable, upon conviction, to a fine not exceeding one million
penalty units or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding three
years, or to both.
(4) The Minister may, on the recommendation of the Authority,
by statutory instrument, provide for—
(a) the criteria for the regulation of persons under subsection
(b) the procedure for applying for an import permit and the
grant, amendment, renewal, transfer, suspension and
revocation of an import permit;
(c) the terms and conditions attaching to an application, grant,
amendment,refusal, renewal, transfer, suspension or
revocation of an import permit; and
(d) such other matters as are necessary or incidental to the
effective regulation of import permits under this Part.
36. (1) A person shall not export any medicine or allied substance
without an export permit.
Export permit
(2) A person who contravenes subsection (1) commits an offence
and is liable, upon conviction, to a fine not exceeding one million
penalty units or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding three
years, or to both.
(3) The Minister may, on the recommendation of the Authority,
by statutory instrument, provide for—
(a) the criteria for the regulation of persons under subsection
(b) the procedure for applying for an export permit and the
grant, amendment, renewal, transfer, suspension and
revocation of an export permit;
(c) the terms and conditions attaching to an application, grant,
amendment, refusal, renewal, transfer, suspension or
revocation of an export permit; and
(d) such other matters as are necessary or incidental to the
effective regulation of export permits under this Part.
37. Where a person intends to import or export a narcotic drug,
psychotropic substance or precursor for medical or scientific use,
Medicines and Allied Substances [No. of 2013 25
the person shall— Additional
(a) in addition to obtaining an import or export permit, obtain for import or
additional authorisation from the Authority; and export of
narcotic drugs,
(b) comply with additional requirements as may be provided and
for under the Dangerous Drugs Act and Narcotic Drugs precursors
and Psychotropic Substances Act and any other written
law. Cap. 95
38. The Authority shall maintain a Register of Licences and Cap. 96
Permits, in the prescribed form, which shall contain such particulars
as the Authority may consider necessary for purposes of this Act. Register of
Licences and
PART V Permits
39. (1) A person shall not place on the market, advertise,
market, manufacture, sell, import, supply, administer or deal in any
manner with any medicine or allied substance without a marketing Marketing
authorisation issued by the Authority. authorisation
Labelling of instrument.
44. (1) A person shall not sell by retail or otherwise supply
medicine in a place other than a pharmacy, health facility or an
Sale of animal health facility, except with the written approval of the
medicine Authority.
(2) Any medicine sold in a place other than a pharmacy, health
facility or animal health facility shall be sold in the original package
labelled by the manufacturer with—
(a) full instructions for use;
(b) indications, contra indications, warnings and precautions;
(c) any other information as the Minister may provide, by
statutory instrument, on the recommendation of the
(3) A medical doctor, dental surgeon or any other authorised
prescriber shall not sell any medicine to any person unless it is in a
package for an individual patient’s use only.
(4) A wholesaler, manufacturer or importer shall not sell any
medicine to any person unless that person is duly authorised to
handle medicines and allied substances under this Act.
45. (1) An advertisement of any medicine or allied
substance shall conform to the information relating to the medicine
Advertising of or allied substance approved by the Authority and as specified in
medicines or
allied the marketing authorisation.
(2) A medicine or allied substance which is sold by prescription
only shall not be advertised to the general public without the prior
written approval of the Authority.
(3) In this section, “ advertisement ” means any representation
by any means whatsoever for the purpose of promoting, directly or
indirectly, the sale or disposal of any medicine or allied substance.
(4) A person who contravenes subsection (1) or (2) commits an
offence and is liable, upon conviction, to a fine not exceeding one
million penalty units or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding
three years, or to both.
(5) Where a person has been charged with an offence under
this section, it shall be a defence for that person to prove—
(a) that the person’s business is to publish or arrange for the
publication of advertisements;
Medicines and Allied Substances [No. of 2013 29
(b) that the advertisement was received in the ordinary course
of business and the person charged had no reason to
suspect that its publication would amount to an offence
under this Act; and
(c) that the advertisement was commissioned by a third party.
46. (1) The Authority may, where it determines that it is not in
the public interest that any medicine or allied substance should be
made available to the public, by notice, in writing, served on any Recall of
person or in the Gazette, direct that person to return the medicine medicine,
etc. from
or allied substance which the person has in that person’s possession circulation
(a) the manufacturer of the medicine or allied substance;
(b) in the case of any imported medicine or allied substance,
to the importer concerned;
(c) deliver it or send it to the Authority or such other person
as the Authority may designate.
(2) The Authority may, by notice, in writing, direct the
manufacturer or importer of the medicine or allied substance
referred to in subsection (1) or the person referred to in paragraph
(c) of subsection (1), who has in their possession any quantity of
the medicine or allied substance, including the returned quantity to
deal with or dispose of that quantity in such manner as the Authority
may determine.
(3) A person shall not sell any medicine or allied substance which
is the subject of a notice under subsection (1).
(4) A person who contravenes subsection (3) commits an offence
and is liable, upon conviction, to a fine not exceeding one million
penalty units or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding three
years, or to both.
47. The Minister may, on the recommendation of the Authority,
by statutory instrument, make regulations for monitoring the safety
of medicines and allied substances. Monitoring
medicine and
48. (1) The Authority shall keep and maintain a Register of allied
Marketing Authorisations issued under this Act. substance
(2) The Register referred to in subsection (1) shall be kept at the Register of
offices of the Authority and shall be open to inspection by the public Marketing
at such times and on such conditions, including the payment of a
fee for inspection as the Board may determine.
30 No. of 2013] Medicines and Allied Substances
(4) The Board shall appoint a Director for the Laboratory on
such terms and conditions as it may determine, who shall be
responsible for the day-to-day administration of the Laboratory.
(5) The Board shall appoint such number of pharmaceutical
analysts as it may consider necessary for purposes of performing
its functions under this section.
(6) A pharmaceutical analyst shall, as soon as is practicable,
analyse or examine medicines or allied substances sent to the
laboratory and issue a certificate of analysis in such form as may
be prescribed.
(7) The Authority may use any approved laboratory to verify
the quality, efficacy and safety of medicines and allied substances
and the laboratory shall, upon analysis or examination of the
medicines or allied substances, issue a certificate of analysis.
(8) A certificate of analysis issued under this section shall be
received in evidence and shall be deemed to be so issued as the
case may be, without further proof, unless the contrary is proved.
55. (1) The Board may appoint any suitably qualified person to
be an inspector for the purposes of ensuring compliance with this
Inspectors Act, on such terms and conditions as it may determine.
(2) The Authority shall provide an inspector with an identification
card, in the prescribed form, which shall be prima facie evidence
of the inspector’s appointment as such.
(3) An inspector shall, in performing any function under this
(a) be in possession of the identification card referred to in
subsection (2); and
(b) show the identification card to any person who requests
to see it or is subject to an inspection or investigation
under this Act.
(4) An inspector may, for the purpose of enforcing the provisions
of this Act, at any reasonable time, and on the authority of a warrant,
enter any premises, pharmacy, health shop, agro-veterinary shop,
container, vessel, vehicle, aircraft or other conveyance that the
inspector has reasonable grounds to believe is used for the
commission of an offence or purposes contrary to the provisions of
this Act, and—
(a) search the pharmacy, health shop, agro-veterinary shop,
container, vessel, vehicle, aircraft or other conveyance,
Medicines and Allied Substances [No. of 2013 33
or the premises of a manufacturer, importer, exporter,
seller or distributor of any medicine or allied substance
or any person licensed or regulated under this Act,
including a private dwelling, where information or
documents which may be relevant to an inspection
may be kept or which are being used for the commission
of an offence under this Act;
(b) search any person on the premises if the inspector has
reasonable grounds to believe that the person has
possession of an article, document, record, medicine
or allied substance that has a bearing on an
investigation, except that a person shall only be
searched by a person of the same sex;
(c) examine any document, record, book, article, medicine
or allied substance found on the premises that has a
bearing on an inspection or investigation;
(d) require information to be given about any document,
record, book, article, medicine or allied substance in
any premises by—
(i) the owner of the premises;
(ii) the person in control of the premises;
(iii) any person who has control of the document,
record, book, article, medicine or allied
substance; or
(iv) any other person who may have the information;
(e) seize any document, book, record, article, computer or
other electronic storage device, medicine or allied
substance that has a bearing on an inspection or
investigation or is used for purposes contrary to the
provisions of this Act;
(f) take samples of any medicine or allied substance as may
be necessary for the purposes of testing, examination
or analysis;
(g) take extracts from, or make copies of, any book, record
or document found on the premises that has a bearing
on an inspection or investigation;
(h) use any computer system or any other electronic device
on the premises, or require the assistance of any
person on the premises to use that computer system
or electronic device, to—
(i) search any data contained in, or available to the
34 No. of 2013] Medicines and Allied Substances
(Section 3(3))
Tenure of 1. (1) Subject to the other provisions of this Act, a member of
office and the Board shall hold office for a period of three years and may be
re appointed for one further period of three years.
(2) A member may resign upon giving one month’s notice, in
writing, to the Minister.
(3) The office of a member shall become vacant—
(a) if the member is absent, without reasonable excuse, from
three consecutive meetings of the Board of which the
member has had notice;
(b) if the member is adjudged bankrupt;
(c) if the member is convicted of an offence under this Act or
any other written law and sentenced to imprisonment
for a period exceeding six months;
(d) if the member ceases to be a representative or member of
the institution which recommended the member;
(e) if the member is found guilty of professional misconduct;
(f)if the member becomes mentally or physically incapable of
performing the duties of a member; or
(g) upon the member’s death.
(4) On the expiration of the period for which a member is
appointed the member shall continue to hold office until a successor
has been appointed but in no case shall the further period exceed
four months.
Filling of 2. The Minister may, where the office of a member becomes
vacancy vacant before the expiry of the term of office, appoint another
member in place of the member who vacates office but that member
shall hold office only for the unexpired part of the term.
Proceedings 3. (1) Subject to the other provisions of this Act, the Board may
of Board regulate its own procedure.
(2) The Board shall meet for the transaction of business at least
once in every three months at such places and times as the Board
may determine.
Medicines and Allied Substances [No. of 2013 41
(3) A meeting of the Board may be called by the Chairperson,
upon giving notice of not less than fourteen days, and shall be
called by the Chairperson if not less than one-third of the members
so request in writing,except that if the urgency of any particular
matter does not permit the giving of the notice, a special meeting
may be called upon giving a shorter notice.
(4) The Chairperson, or in the absence of the Chairperson, the
Vice-Chairperson, with six other members shall constitute a
quorum at any meeting of the Board.
(5) There shall preside at any meeting of the Board—
(a) the Chairperson;
(b) in the absence of the Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson;
(c) in the absence of the Chairperson and the Vice-
Chairperson, such other member as the members
present may elect for the purpose of that meeting.
(6) A decision of the Board on any question shall be by a majority
of the members present and voting at the meeting and in the event
of an equality of votes, the person presiding at the meeting shall
have a casting vote in addition to that person’s deliberative vote.
(7) The Board may invite any person, whose presence is in its
opinion desirable, to attend and to participate in the deliberations
of the meeting of the Board, but that person shall not have any
(8) Where a member is for any reason unable to attend a meeting
of the Board, the member may, in writing, nominate another person
from the same organisation to attend the meeting in that member’s
stead and that person shall be deemed to be a member for the
purpose of that meeting.
(9) The validity of any proceedings, acts or decisions of the
Board shall not be affected by any vacancy in the membership of
the Board or by any defect in the appointment of any member or
by reason that any person not entitled to do so, took part in the
4. There shall be paid to a member of the Board or a committee Allowances
of the Board such allowances as the Minister may determine. of member
10. (1) The Authority shall cause to be kept proper books of Accounts and
account and other records relating to its accounts. audit