Judicial Departmrent
Judicial Departmrent
Judicial Departmrent
Lecture by :
Exzur Jay Arabia
Outline of the lecture
1. Composition of Judicial Department
The chief function of the Judiciary is to interpret the law and apply it to
individual cases which are brought to its attention. In the Philippine
setting, the Judiciary serves as an honorable office to protect the
rights of the people being violated.
b. Cases involving legality of any tax, impost, assessment or toll or any penalty
imposed thereto
Metropolitan trial courts in Metropolitan area, municipal trial court in every city and
in each of the municipalities, and a municipal circuit trial court. These lower courts
shall carry out and determine violation of city or municipal ordinances committed
within their jurisdiction and involving offenses punishable with imprisonment not going
beyond six years regardless the amount of fine.
Resolution of cases for Supreme Court and lower
courts (Article VIII, Sec. 15)
Resolutions of cases:
• Supreme Court- within 24 months
• Lower Collegiate Court- within 12 months
• Other Lower Court- within 3 months