Computer Science: Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
Computer Science: Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
Computer Science: Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
Computer Science
Grade: XII
Reference Note
6. What are the differences between Procedure Oriented and Object Oriented
Procedure Oriented Object Oriented
1. Emphasis is given to procedures. 1. Emphasis is given to data.
2. Programs are divided into multiple modules. 2. Programs are divided into multiple objects.
5. It does not model the real world perfectly. 5. It models the real world perfectly.
8. Examples: FORTRAN, COBOL, Pascal, C, etc. 8. Examples: C++, JAVA, Smalltalk, etc.
f) Polymorphism
It is a feature of OOP, which refers to the way of operating the same operator in different ways and
different method or purpose. Operator overloading and the operation overloading are the examples or
Polymorphism. For example ‘+’ operator can be used for arithmetic operation and string concatenation
both. This facility or feature is an example of Polymorphism. It reduces the number or keywords or
a) Compiler and runtime overhead is high.
b) Software developer should analyze the problem in object oriented way.
c) Requires the mastery in software engineering and programming methodology.
d) Useful only for the large and complex projects.
Application of OOP
1. Expert System
2. Artificial intelligence
3. Management information systems.
4. Decision support system.
5. Computer based training and education
6. Object- oriented database.
7. Computer games.
8. Mobile applications.
9. Internet based applications.
10. Designing user interface for software.
11. Security System.
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