Macrocycle: Event: Long Jump Age: 18 Training Age: 3+ Years
Macrocycle: Event: Long Jump Age: 18 Training Age: 3+ Years
Macrocycle: Event: Long Jump Age: 18 Training Age: 3+ Years
Cardio Endurance
Long Jump
Evaluation & Recovery a a a a b b b
Psychology Introduce Reinforce Develop Reinforce Develop Reinforce Develop Reinforce
Microcycle>>> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
b b b b a
Reinforce Develop Reinforce Develop Reinforce
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52
Mesocycle Objectives Phase 1 - Development of general strength, mobility, endurance and basic technique
Phase 2 - Development of specific fitness and advanced technical skills
Phase 3 - Competition experience and achievement of indoor objectives
Phase 4 - Competition experience - achievement of qualification distance for main competition
Phase 5 - Adjustment of technical model, preparation for the main competition
Phase 6 - Competition experience and achievement of outdoor objectives
Phase 7 - Active recovery - planning preparation for next season
Mesocycle Content For each phase identify more detailed objectives and, where applicable, the general content for: strength, endurance, speed, flexibility (inc core and hip sta
balance, coordination, sports psychology, monitoring activities, life style, active recovery, rest etc.
As appropriate include details of training loads. Running - sets, repetitions, distance, recovery (reps & sets), target time window e.g. 2 x 3 x 400 (60-62")
May June July August September
Pre-Comp Specfic Competition Transistion
4 5 6 7
General Phase
Week 1 (Easy)
Week 2 (Medium)
Week 3 (Hard)
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Hepthalon Training Phase 1 2019-20 v1
PP - Physical Preparation
PP(1) - Plyometrics PP(2) - Medicine Ball work Gym - Circuit Training or Weights
F & C - Flexibility and Core work
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Hepthalon Training Phase 1 2019-20 v1
Week 2 (Medium)
Week 3 (Hard)
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Hepthalon Training Phase 1 2019-20 v1
PP - Physical Preparation
PP(1) - Plyometrics PP(2) - Medicine Ball work Gym - Circuit Training or Weights
F & C - Flexibility and Core work
Specific Phase
Week 1 (Easy)
Week 2 (Medium)
Week 3 (Hard)
Page 8 of
Hepthalon Training Phase 1 2019-20 v1
PP - Physical Preparation
PP(1) - Plyometrics PP(2) - Medicine Ball work Gym - Circuit Training or Weights
F&C - Flexibility and Core work
Week 1
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Hepthalon Training Phase 1 2019-20 v1
PP - Physical Preparation
PP(1) - Plyometrics PP(2) - Medicine Ball work Gym - Circuit Training or Weights
F&C - Flexibility and Core work
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Hepthalon Program Phase 2 0000002019-20 v1
Specific Phase
Week 1 (Easy)
Week 2 (Medium)
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Hepthalon Program Phase 2 0000002019-20 v1
Week 3 (Hard)
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Hepthalon Program Phase 2 0000002019-20 v1
PP - Physical Preparation
PP(1) - Plyometrics PP(2) - Medicine Ball work Gym - Circuit Training or Weights
F & C - Flexibility and Core work
Week 1 (Easy)
Week 2 (Medium)
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Hepthalon Program Phase 2 0000002019-20 v1
Week 3 (Hard)
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Hepthalon Program Phase 2 0000002019-20 v1
PP - Physical Preparation
PP(1) - Plyometrics PP(2) - Medicine Ball work Gym - Circuit Training or Weights
F & C - Flexibility and Core work
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FF0000Physical Preparation (PP)
Physical Preparation
PP(1) Legs
Do 3 exercises - & unless stated do 2 sets of 6 reps
Have 2-3 min recovery between sets/reps
Allow 48hours recovery before the next session – Do Tuesday & Thursday
PP(2) Arms
Do all the exercises – 2 sets of 6 reps
Have 2-3 min recovery between sets/reps
Allow 48hours recovery before the next session – Do Tuesday & Thursday
Javelin throw movement (slow) with elastic rope (use hips first)
Press ups – fast up, slow down or Press ups with mid-air claps
FF0000Physical Preparation (PP)
On the floor Lying on your back – stretch away from the body with feet and hands
Lying on your back – knee to chest, repeat other leg
Lying on your back – legs bent, raise hips off the floor, straighten one leg, repeat with other leg
Lying on your back – legs bent, allow knees to fall to one side onto the ground, repeat other side
Lying on your front – heel to bum, repeat other leg
Lying on your side – raise upper leg, repeat other leg
Lying on your side – raise lower leg, repeat other leg
Sitting legs apart – stretch to each foot
Sitting heels together – ease the knees towards the ground
Sitting legs straight – rotate feet outwards and hold, repeat feet inwards
Sitting leg crossover – elbow behind knee
Iron cross: lying on back – arms out to the side, right foot to left hand and vice versa
Scorpion: lying on face – arms out to the side, left heel to right hand and vice versa
FF0000Warm Up Drills
Running Back straight
Tall posture
Head in line with spine
Looking straight ahead
Shoulders relaxed
On balls of the feet
Feet point in direction of movement
Hips stable – no collapsing/dipping on landing
Smooth co-ordination of movement
Correct arm action
High knees + drive down of the dorsiflexed foot
Appear to float
On the floor Lying on your back – stretch away from the body with feet and hands
Lying on your back – knee to chest
Lying on your front – heel to bum
Lying on your side – leg raise, upper leg
Lying on your side – leg raise, lower leg
Sitting legs apart – stretch to each foot
Sitting heels together – ease the knees towards the ground
Sitting leg straight/heel to thigh stretch – rotate foot left/right
Sitting leg crossover – elbow behind knee
FF0000Medicine Ball
Medicine Ball
Circuit Training
6 exercise circuits
1. Press-ups 1. Sprint arm action with dumbbells
2. Sit-ups (bent knees feet on the ground) 2. Compass jumps
3. Back extensions (chest raise) 3. Sit-ups
4. Squat jumps (forward astride) 4. Skipping
5. Stomach crunches 5. Back extension leg raise
6. Treadmills 6. Burpees
8 exercise circuits
1. Burpees 1. Hopping 10 m (alternate legs)
2. Sit-ups (bent knees feet on the ground) 2. Treadmills
3. Press-ups 3. Sit-ups
4. Back extensions (chest raise) 4. Back extension – leg raise
5. Squat jumps (forward astride) 5. Press-ups
6. Bench dips 6. Lunges
7. Stomach crunches 7. Skipping
8. Treadmills 8. Burpees
Above circuits
2 sets – each exercise 30 sec work, 30 sec recovery – between sets 60 sec recovery
Sample Circuit
1. Run 400 metres
2. 15 press-ups
3. 20 sit-ups
4. 15 squat thrusts with jumps (burpees)
5. 15 press-ups
6. 30 body-weight squats (fast)
7. Run 400 metres
8. 12 squat and medicine ball presses
9. 10 feet-elevated press-ups
10. 20 low-back extensions
11. 15 bench dips
12. 15 lunges with each leg
13. Run 400 metres
14. Repeat steps 2–13 one more time (for two circuits in all)
Phase 1
2 x 6 12" hurdles – bunny hopping – straight leg 12
2 x 6 12" hurdles – left leg hopping – straight leg 12
2 x 6 12" hurdles – right leg hopping – straight leg 12
54 contacts
Phase 2+
2 x 8 12" hurdles – bunny hopping – straight leg 16
2 x 8 12" hurdles – left leg hopping – straight leg 16
2 x 8 12" hurdles – right leg hopping – straight leg 16
2 x 6 box jumping 12
108 contacts
Warm-up – 20 x clean exercise just with the bar and 5 k or 10 k each side
When standing, have one foot in front of the other to give a firm base
Always keep the back straight – push onto front foot
Strength tests
Leg press – a good ratio is 2.5 times your 'body weight'
Squat – a good ratio is 2 × 'body weight'
Bench press – a good ratio is 1.25 × 'body weight'
Leg curl vs leg extension
For each leg, the curl score should be at least 80% of your extension score
To reduce the chance of injury the ratio should be at least 75%
Determining 1RM
The following equation provides a good estimate of the maximum load, provided the number of repetitions does not exceed 10
Weight ÷ (1.0278 – (0.0278 × Number of repetitions))
General phase
In this phase the athlete should complete all sets of the weights exercise with a recovery of 60 seconds/set.
This is followed by a 3-minute rest before performing all sets of the matched plyometric exercise with a
recovery of 90 second/set.
Specific phase
The plyometric exercises in the specific phase must be specific to your sport/event. The athlete conducts one
set of the weights exercise followed immediately by one set of the plyometric exercise, e.g. 6 squats, 6 drop
jumps, 3 minutes rest, 6 squats, 6 drop jumps (with minimal recovery between the squats and drop jumps).
3 × 6 (12RM) means 3 sets of 6 repetitions using a load that would produce 12 repetitions max
Competition phase
The plyometric exercises in the competition phase must be specific to your sport/event. As in the specific
phase of training, the athlete conducts one set of the weights exercise, followed immediately by one set of
the plyometric exercise.
2 × 4 (8RM) means 2 sets of 4 repetitions using a load that would produce 8 repetitions max