A Novel Control Method For Roll Gap of Roller Crus
A Novel Control Method For Roll Gap of Roller Crus
A Novel Control Method For Roll Gap of Roller Crus
A novel control method for roll gap of roller crusher based on Fuzzy-PID
with decision factor self-correction
To cite this article: Yinwei Yang et al 2020 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 892 012085
Abstract. Roller crusher is widely used in solid and block material pulverizing. Roll gap
between the rollers is usually adjusted to satisfy the particle size of output material. In order to
realize convenient adjustment, a roll gap control scheme based on electro-hydraulic technology
is designed and optimized. And Fuzzy-PID is applied to realize the automatic process.
Moreover, decision factor self-correction is introduced to balance the number of Fuzzy rules
and system precision. Finally, an experiment platform and some simulations are conducted to
validate the performance of the proposed approach.
1. Introduction
As a kind of frequently-used crushing equipment, roller crusher is widely used in many industrial
fields such as coal mining, chemical engineering, metallurgy engineering and so on. The role of roller
crusher is to pulverize large size material, such as coal and iron ore, to required granularity. It is
extremely important in industrial production and responsible for the follow-up process. With the
development of industry level, the strong demand on high efficiency of roller crusher is put forward.
In recent years, many research institutions and enterprises contribute on optimization and
improvement of these machines [1].
In general use, an obvious problem is presented. That is how to control the roll gap of roller crusher
accurately thereby ensuring the particle size of material [2]. According to the structure and working
principle, the particle size of material after pulverizing is determined by the roll gap of two rollers.
Traditionally, the gap is adjusted through changing the thickness of underboarding. Unfortunately,
there exist many disadvantages, such as high labor intensity, imprecise control and unable to realize
adaptive adjustment for roll gap after wearing, for manual control method [3]. Recently, an automatic
control approach through hydraulic transmission technology is applied and achieves good effect [4].
Universal bearing of each roller is connected with piston rod of hydraulic cylinder respectively. The
two piston rods are moved synergetically to drive the moveable roller when the gap is to adjust.
In order to realize adaptive adjustment for roll gap accurately and guarantee the particle size, an
efficient method for the control cylinders of roller crusher is necessary. In this paper, a novel control
approach based on Fuzzy-PID with decision factor self-correction is designed and applied for the roll
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IWMSME 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 892 (2020) 012085 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/892/1/012085
e (t ) r (t ) y ( t ) (1)
IWMSME 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 892 (2020) 012085 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/892/1/012085
1 de(t )
u (t ) K p [ e ( t )
Ti 0
e(t ) dt Td
] (2)
where r(t) is actual output, y(t) is desired output, Kp is proportion parameter, Ti is integral time
parameter and Td is differential time parameter [10].
There are Fuzzy controller, target object, executing actuator and sensor in Fuzzy system [11],
presented in Figure 2. Input value in Fuzzy system is the deviation value e(t), and then the value is
processed by fuzzification, inference and other operations to gain output of the controller. The output
value is applied to control the target object. Fuzzy controller, consisted of fuzzy interface, knowledge
base, fuzzy inference engine and defuzzy interface, is the core in the system [12]. As the controller is
actually an interpolator, distance between different peak point in fuzzy set should be decrease to
improve output accuracy [13-15]. However, fuzzy control rules will also increase. And it would
increase complexity of the system.
To solve this contradiction, Fuzzy-PID with decision factor self-correction is designed in this paper.
And the structure of the modified controller can be shown in Figure 3. Variable universe theory is
introduced as the base of the new controller. It consists of two Fuzzy controllers. Main unit is a
common fuzzy controller and is applied to optimize proportion, integral and differential parameters
online. In the sub one, decision factor is amended online based on the input deviation and its gradient
to shrink or expand output domain timely. So previous Fuzzy base is adapted as new base where the
number of the control rules is fixed. And the new rules are adjusted in efficient area. Available rules
and control precision are both increased.
IWMSME 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 892 (2020) 012085 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/892/1/012085
In the proposed Fuzzy system, dynamic performance is mainly influenced by decision factor Ku. If
Ku is increased, overshoot of the system would be increased while the response time decreased. So
oscillatory or even divergent would be caused with overlarge decision factor. On the contrary, stability
precision and speedability would be weakened under too small decision factor. Adjustment value of
the fact, defined as ΔKu, can be obtained according to the impact of Ku on system dynamic
performance. The adjustment value ΔKu can be determined in Table 1. ZO, S, MS, BS, B, MB and BB
represent zero, very small, medium small, super small, medium big, big, and very big respectively in
the table. NB, NM, NS, ZO, PS, PM and PB are negative big, negative middle, negative small, zero,
positive small, positive middle and positive big.
IWMSME 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 892 (2020) 012085 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/892/1/012085
IWMSME 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 892 (2020) 012085 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/892/1/012085
In this paper, overshoot value, adjustment time and steady state error were applied to assess
different approach under step input. 500 times simulation was conducted. And the final average result
was presented in Table 4.
It can be seen from the result that the proposed Fuzzy-PID with decision factor self-correction had
smaller overshoot, quicker adjustment time and lesser steady state error. So the simulation and
experiment result validate the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed method.
5. Conclusion
In this paper, mechanical structure and control principle of roll gap of roller crusher were shown to
present the adjustment process of the gap. Then decision factor self-correction was introduced into
traditional Fuzzy-PID controller to balance the number of Fuzzy rules and system precision. In order
to test the effectiveness of the proposed approach, an experiment and some simulations were
conducted subsequently. Finally, the proposed method achieved the overshoot of 2.287%, the
adjustment time of 0.423 seconds and the steady state error of 0.0057, which proved its superiority.
The supports of National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51905229), Natural Science
Foundation of Jiangsu Province (No. BK20190968), China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (No.
2019M661975) and Natural Science Foundation for Colleges and Universities of Jiangsu Province (No.
19KJB460015) in carrying out this research are gratefully acknowledged.
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