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YASUDA — KOLON JOINT VENTURE Prost Ofc: and FoorPas Shy Bung No. 3-15-17 Truong Dinh Stet Vo Ti Sau Wan Disnit3, HCMC Yasuda Tel: (028)3-829-7337 — Pax.: (028)3-829-7347 Bef No. We CondG/2015-YOINNGV-2I-12- 66 Date: Ae December 2021 To Mr Stuart Robinson ~ Project Manager NNGV Joint Venture 11 Flor, Estar Building, 147-149 Vo Van Tan Street, Vo Thi Sau Wall, Distict 3, Ho Chi Minh City ce: Mr Luong Minh Phuc - Director ‘Transportation Works Construction Investment Project Management Authority of Ho Chi Minh City (TCIP) ‘No. 03 Nguyen Thi Dieu Street, Vo Thi Sau Ward, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Project: The Second Ho Chi Minh City Water Environment Improvement Project Package G: Construction of Interceptor Sewer System Contract No. WEVCONIG/2015 Subject: Submission of Monthly Progress Report No. 68 (October 2021) Reference: i) The Contractor ’ letter No. Wei/Con/G/2015-YKINNGY-21-12-052 dated 06/12/2021 Dear Sir, Referring to the captioned subject, we would like to submit herewith the: “Monthly progress report No. 68” of October 2021 respectively for Package G — Construction of Interceptor Sewer System. The attached document includes the followings: . “Monthly progress report No. 68” of October 2021 (4 original sets) : DVD of photos, video and pdf file of Monthly progress report of October 2021 (04 pes) Your early review would be highly appreciated. After approval, kindly pass to TCIP 02 sets and return to ‘The Contractor 01 set. ‘Your prompt approval would be highly appreciated. <— —CNNEVIV] Received reenti fenton rn 16 Az 2001 ‘Hoang Duc Quang Date..... Project Manager On behalf of Yasuga—Kolon Joint Venture ; oll Attachment: ~~ = ToNNGY: Monthly progress report No. 68 (4 original sts) YD of photos, video and pdf fle of Monthly progress report of October 2021 (04 pes)YASUDA — KOLON JOINT VENTURE Proj Ofc: andlor Pix Sky BuidingNo. 1-117 TruongDith Soe Vo Ti San Wed Dist, HMC ae Tels (028)3-829-7337 ax. (028)3-829-7347 Ref, No.: WeilCon/G/2015-YK/NNGV-21-12- 006 NgayAGthang 12 ndm 2021 Kinh gt Ong Stuart Robinson - Gifm dée Dy in Lién danh NNGV Llu 11, Estar Building, 147-149 V6 Van Tan, Phung V6 Thi Séu, Quén 3, Tp. H8 Chi Minh pong kinh gti: Ong Luong Minh Phiée — Gidm dée Ban Quan ly du én dau tu xy dumg céc céng trinh giao thong (TCIP) 863 Nguyén Thi Digu, Phuong Vo Thi Su, Quan 3, Tp. Hé Chi Minh Dy 4n: Cai thign Méi truémg Nude Thanh phé Hé Chi Minh Goi thdu G: Xay dyng Hé Théng Céng Bao Hop ding sé WEVCON/G/2015 Va vige: Trinh n6p Béo cdo tién dp hang thing Sb 68 (Thing 10/2021) Tham chiéu: i) The Nha Théu sé Wei/Con/G/2015-YK/NNGV-21-12-052 ngay 06/12/2021 ‘Tha Quy Ong, Lién quan chi dé néu trén, ching t6i xin trinh n6p Bao cdo tién d6 hang thang $6 68 ciia Thang 10/2021 cho Géi thiu G — Xay dung hé théng céng bao. Theo 46, sé Iuong trinh nép nhw sau: - Bao edo tién d6 hang thang Sé 68 (04 b§ 6c) - DVD hinh anh, video va file pdf béo céo Théng 10/2021 (04 b6) Kinh 48 nghi Quy Ong sém xem xét. Sau khi chp thugn, vui long chuyén cho TCIP 02 bé va tra lgi cho Nha thu 01 b6. R&t mong nhén urge sy chp thun tir Quy Ong. QUAN LY OY AN BAU TUXAY Ops AC 00M TNH GMO THONG Ngay megs... Gllel de, | " | Gid nhan: Abt = Dén NNGV: Bao cdo tién ag hang thang Sé 68 (04 b6 dc) DVD hinh énh, video va file pdf bdo céo Thang 10/2021 (04 66)GOVERNMENT OF SOCIALIST REPUBLIST OF VIET NAM PEOPLE'S COMMITTEE OF HO CHI MINH CITY CONG 104 x4 HOI CHU NGHIA VIET NAM Uy BAN NHAN DAN THANH PHO HO Crt MINH TRANSPORTATION WORKS CONSTRUCTION INVESTMENT PROJECT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY OF HO CHI MINH CITY (TCIP) ‘BAN QUAN LY Dy’dn Bu TU xdY DUNG CAC CONG TRINH GIAO THONG (TCIP) DUAN CAT THIEN MGI TRUONG NUOC THANH PHO HO CHI MINH GIAT BOAN 2 Scop Hoc Wn Water aire iment eeevaemneeiee rane MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT NO. 68 ( Oct/2021 ) BAO CAO TIEN BO HANG THANG SO 68 (Thang 10/2021 ) (BIC LOAN AGREEMENT NO. VNXV-6) (HIEP BINH VAY JBIC SO. VNXV-6) (CONTRACT No.WEI/CON/G/2015) (HOP BONG 56 WEI/CON/G/2015) YASUDA-KOLON JOINT VENTURE LIEN DANH YASUDA-KOLON Document No. / Tal ligu sO: MPR. 68 [rhe Engineer: NNGV ‘Checked By ‘Approved By Kin tra bot Phé duyét bot Trg Nam Hi | _ Mr Stuart Robinson Deputy Project Manager | Project Manager "nd iim dc dn Giim dée dn Contractor: Yasuda - Kolon Joint Venture Date Prepared By Checked By Revie y gay Chun bj bot Kim tra bot xem Au ov tube 110 Nov 2021] 3 t ies g J NaN Revision Sat ainaa | // % Mr. Nguyén Hiru Hing ichinori Kono _| _ Mr. Hoang Bic Quang Revooo |" Q5 Manager Construction Manager | Deputy Project Manager | Project Manager un fd tang Quint cong Ph8 iin de dt iim dBc dan‘Brn eri ign TGR aaa ‘nae GU ita Era a Pe "ebay aso nc aa cao be Su eas hd ‘YASUDA - KOLON JOINT VENTURE Pet Office: 0 Plo, Pex Sky Bulding, Ne, 12.1617 Troong Dinh Stes, Vo‘T Sa Weed, Distt, Ho Chi Minh City inte, ‘Tel (028) 9520-7097 Fas (028) 8820-7547 TABLE OF CONTENTS : BANG NOI DUNG 1. CONTRACT SUMMARY - TOM TAT HOP BONG: 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TOM TAT CONG VIEC 21 PROGRESS OF WORKS TO DATE TIEN 8G THC HIEN DEN HIEN TAT 2.2, QUANTITY OF WORK PERFORMANCE (PLAN & ACTUAL) - ‘KHOI LUONG CONG VIEC THC HIEN (KE HOACH VA THYC TE 2.3, EVENT OCCURRENCE/ DELAY ACCORDING TO CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMME SU'CO/ CHAM TRE THEO KE HOACH THI CONG 24, FINANCIAL SUMMARY TOM TAT TiNH Hive TAT CHIN 28. PAYMENT STATUS TINH TRANG THANH TOAN 2.6. VARIATION STATUS - Tine HINH CAC THAY BOT 2.7. EXTENSION OF TIME REQUESTED/ AWARDED : BE NGHI/ CAP CHO VIEC GIA HAN THEM THOT GIAN 2.8. PLAN FOR NEXT INTERIM PAYMENT 7 KE HOSCH THANH TOAN BOT TIE? THEO 29, OUTLINE STATEMENT OF FINAL ACCOUNT ‘sine 76m Tar QuYér TOAN 3. STATUS OF MOBILIZATION OF MANPOWER, MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT TINH HiNH HUY BONG NHAN LUG, VAT TU VA THIET BE Bel, LIST OF TEMPORARILY IMPORT FOR RE-EXPORT PRODUCTS ANH MUC HANG TAM NHAP, TAL XUAT 3:2. ACTIVITY STATUS OF SUBCONTRACTORS EMPLOYED ON SITE Tike Hive HOAT ONG CAC NA THRU Pr Tal CONG TRUONG 33. MAIN CONTRACTOR MANPOWER - ‘nda LC CUA Nd THA CHINE 34, SUB- CONTRACTOR MANPOWER NHAN LUC CUA THAU PHU 3.5. DAILY EQUIPMENT RECORD GHI CHEP THIET 8 HANG NGAY 3.6. PLANOF MANPOWER MOBILIZATION FORNECT MONTH = KE HOAGH NGUEW NHN LUC THANG TEP THEO 37. CUMULATIVE MAIN MATERIAL HAVE USED = LOY KE CAC VAT TU CHINH BA SU DUNG 3.8, UPDATED CHART OF MANPOWER FOR OPERATION & QC - GiP NHAT So'86 NHAN LUC BIEU HANH VA Qtct‘Bri a Tie ti fag ne Mon Eal oi “Bae OI i ent mpc PR "3:3 op eg cep “Relea oer Set hd YASUDA ~KOLON JOINT VENTURE Piet Oe & Flor, Pax Sky Building, No, 121517 Truong Dish Stee, VoTH Sau Wand Ditiet 3, Ho Chi Mink City ve ‘al 2a) 3509-7557 ee (2a) 3820-7347 4, PROGRAMME AND RECORD CHUONG TRINH VA HO.SO” 4,1, MASTER CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMME CCHUONG TRINH THE CONG TONG THE 68 4.2. PERFORMED PROGRESS OF THIS MONTH AND 03 NEXT MONTHS PROGRESS THEN 80 THYC HIEN TRONG THANG VA KE HOACH 03 THANG TIEP THEO 43. LIST OF INCOMMING/ OUTGOING LETTER FOR THIS MONTH : DANH SACH THU DEN/ THU BI TRONG THANG 44, SUMMARY OF RELOCATION FOR EXISTING PUBLIC UTILITIES - BANG TONG HOP CONG TAC 01 DOT CONG TRINH TIEN ICH CONS CONG 45. STATUS OF SHAFT CONSTRUCTION AND PIPE JACKING WORK IN ALL ROUTES Tine Hine THI CONG CAC HO SHAFT vi KicH ONG TREN Chc TUYEN 5. PHOTOGRAPHIC RECORD IN THIS MONTH HINH ANH THE CONG TRONG THANG 6. WEATHER CONDITION RECORD : OG ute Tor eT 7. OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH - SAFETY - ENVIRONMENT MOI TRUONG - AN TOAN - SUC KHOE- NGHE NGHIEP‘Bi il Tg Roe on -a z en fe ey ae eet meen eet “yr rg go ety SosntaeeSea oS Projet Offi Ai Flor, Pax Sky Balding, No 15-1517 Truong Dinh Stee, Vo Th Sav War, District 8, Ho.Chi Minh City ‘els 028) 829° TAHT Fax 1028 929 7347 a4 YASUDA - KOLON JOINT VENTURE, 1. CONTRACT SUMMARY TOM TAT HOP BONGmasaae “ene iv YASUDA — KOLON JOINT VENTURE oven og Styling i 8 2a Ds St Wa Det, Ho EEC a s.coNTRACT summary TOM TAT HOP BONG: Froea ame end He va Gy Water Evronmant improve a Package G : Construction of Interceptor Sewer System Tén ayn |Our dn ci thién mat truting nut thénh phd HO Chi Minh, gial dogn 2 ae: Nb cng bg eg boo ike loan Daves 4-3- 6-8 Vp tri thi céing: \Quin 4-5-6 -8 lEnoiover Hiranspraton work Consrcion Tnvesent Project Manageme Alor of Ho GH Rink [City CTCIP) hd Bs ta Ban quiin I¥ abr én dy tur xdy dung cdc ang trinh giao thing (onsutank INNGV Joie Verte Tevén én ch AGY [conracir Jasods-Klon Jor Verto Mid tBu chtnh LLién dant Yesucta - Kotor Date of Convact lg November 2015 nob hep di liga 16 thd 22 nin 2015: Date of Notice to Commanes |e" March 2016 |Mgay thing bdo khdt cing Nady 9 thing 3 ndim 2016 (ontract Horber jweycoryevaois [SS hap doing |Scope of Works: FThe Scope of Work (hereinafter referred to as the works)includes,but is not limited to, the | Pham wi cong wie following: \Atam vi cting vide (aut dy got cng vic) beo atm nung khng gict han ca eng viéc sau + Construction of 9,001 m of interceptor sewers of clameters 300 mm to 700 mm at depths less Ithan 5 musing open cut methods; 2y cling hd théng cing bao di 9,001m vet dutng kinh 300m dln 700 men vot a sue \Aan Sim dling phutng phi dio hd + Construction of 24,763 m of interceptor sewers of dlameters 300 mm to 1,800 mm at depths loreater than 5 m using pipe jacking methods; ay ching h6 théng céing bao dil 24,761m val ding inh tit 300 mm dn 3,800 mm ver a6 |séu hon Sim dling phutng phi khoan ki; * Construction of 184 No. version chambers; 26y dng 164 ging téch abng * Construction of 240 No. manholes. Ay dung 240 6 98 [Vue af contact ther Adena 6 Gi tf hop dng €5 boo gm PL 6 1 tect sro Tne eg Vlapanese Yen ‘Three billon, Nine hundred Eighty Six milion, Twenty nine thousand, ‘Seven Huncrad forty Five Japanese Yen PY 3,986,029,745) Tin Yen Nhat £820 Chin trim Tim mute Shu trib, Hal mul chin nein, ‘Bay trim bin mut ln Yor Wht lang \Vieinamese Dong (One thousand One hundred Thirty bili, sine hundred Eighty one milion, “Two hundred Sty one thousand, Four hundred Seventy four Viebiamese Dong (uno 3,130,981,261,474) v6 Tin Vigt Nam ang ‘Mgt agin MGt trim a mute cin tr td mut md tri, Hal trim _siu mut mbt ngin, Bén trim bay mut bdo Vibe Nam dig. lans | etnarese Dong ‘ne hundred seventy four ile, Fout hure ney tree mon, [Nine funded teen thousand Five hundred Fury Vetnarese Dong 02 (VND 374493,915,540) in respec of VAT[Value of contract ve Gib tr hop cong Tin Vide Nam dng 6s erém by mul b6a ti, Gh trim chin mut ba tri chin tréim mutt lim nghin inden tren én much vide Nam cing Manthly report number ies 56 kigng bo cbo hing théng Reporting period (cocki2023 7 KY bo cho | Thdng 10/2021 ) [Construction period 2;281 days (From 5th March 2016 ~ 25th Sep 2022) Thc glen th 241 ngay (tir ngay 9/9/2016 ~ 25/09/2022) (Construction period elapsed 2062 days equivalent 86.24% Thal gion a thi cling 2062 ngiy twong dung 86.24% (Construction period remaining |328days Tait gian th céng cén fei s2angiy Planned progress (New plan) [91.72% Tidh ddr kién (KH mi) [Actual progress (To date) [91.35% Tién 06 thye t& én nay Tih 06 set kde (- Cham 7 + [033% \whanh hor) 4. Contact suman Tmt gp Bg 03| ra a ghee pe oat Sg ree aac AS] ‘a mg ang ibe lg tact ear en 4 YASUDA —KOLON JOINT VENTURE Project Offee’ ih Pho, Fax Sky Bulding, No 16-16-17 Traong Dinh ret, VoThi Sau Ward, District 8, Ho Chi Minh City virio ‘ol 028) 3829-7957 Wax 028) S829 1347 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TOM TAT CONG VIECrd hy gh nT Sei Fs Ct iy tr nonlin Paka Tk 8 Comes stan ser ee race Otis and 34 Face, Pax Sky Bulling, No, 1-16-17 Tong Dinh Steet, Ward 6, Distrtt 3, Ho Chi Minh City aR iv YASUDA ~ KOLON JOINT VENTURE ‘2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TOM TAT CONG VIEC 2.1, DETAILS OF THE IMPLEMENTATION IN THIS MONTH TIEN 86 THUG HIEN BEN HIEN TA ‘2. Preparation of documents to be submitted by the contractor after issuance of NTC. CChutin bf 8 s0 do nha thBu 8 trinh sau khi phd hain NTC = Survey and explored excavation Kido sd vé do thé dé ~ Minutes of Checking & Acceptance for Job for IMS. No 55 ‘Bién ban nghigm thu céng vige cho thanh todn $655 ~ Interim Monthly Statement No. 55 1B 50 gid trinh thanb tosn dot $5 + Method Statement. Bin phép thi céng = Working/ Shop Drawing Bin vE thi cing va ban vé ché tao = Material & Manufacturer Proposal £88 xuat nha sén xubt vi nha cung eép nguyén vét Wu = Subcontractor Proposal 88 xudt nha thu phy b, Execution work Ging tde thy hién + Production of RC Pipes for Open Cut ‘Sén xuét cing BTCT cha hang muc do hé + Production of RC Pipes for Jacking Pine ‘Sin xuét cing BTCT cho hang muc ki ng ‘SUMMARY OF COMPLETED WORKS. TOM TAT KHOI LUONG HOAN THANH 1, Shaft (Unit: Nos) - Gigng kich (Bon vit Ci) Tepe aM Total Tera cee 1 [Ber ain Dong, 6a Din Sreet 750) 74 26] 100% 2 Binh Dong, Noo Sy Len street 340) : i414] —— 0 3° | Woo tanh ect 70) 7| a} 10034 | Nawen buy ses igo ig is] io S| “Au Duong tn set 60) H 310024 | buong a Tac seat —— 7) ae or 7-|- Bong See ses: 30 A 3 ions [coo to ses 30 3| 3| 1003 3-| Pham The wera 330 a 33] 100% 10 |~3107 street_ 20 2| 2 100%] 11 |_Nguyen Tat Thanh street. 4.0) 4| 4 100% 12 | Ben Yon Don street 70] a Fe 33-[- ron That yet soeet 60 4 @| 100% 48-| WoVon Ket set 30 3 3000 Grand Total= Tg TaD zs [7a] “a5 00] 21 Da of iesencention i ts month Tc ye Mn ch a BsNos) - H6 ga (Ban vit Csi) "This month ——recimalation Designed Thang nby Lyk No. Street Quantity Under Percentage| St Buting ‘kid lutng | Completed | construction] Total _|To previous} Upto now | up to now aad | iat | got: | Tite |emy ie) ly | TF ee Ace EO eae ECan 1 [Ben Binh Dong, Ba Dinh street 42.0 2_ | Binh Dong, Ngo Sy Uen street 18. 3 [Hoang Si Khai 40 4|Hosi Thanh street 30 5 [Bui Huy Bich street 30 [eae | Nauyen Duy sireet 35.0 7 [a Tuong street 70. 8 | Hung Phu street 90 A a Ea 9 | Phong Phu street 40 | al i00%6| 30, | Au Duong Lan street 140 14 4] 100%] 34 [Duong Ba Trac street 160 4] il a 3] ‘aiee| 32.| Bong S20 street 35.0 Fc 15] 00%] 13 | Caolo street 22.0 2 Z| 100%] 14 | Pham The Hien street 34.0 C 3 = —100%| 15 [07 street 149 ‘4 14] 100% 15 |_Nowen Tat Thanh sect 30 ca] 3 310%] 17 | Ben Van Bon street 0 | i 2| Fe) 22%6| 18 |Ton That Thyet sbeet 21.0 “| 2il 2| 100% 19 | Vo Van Kiet street 30.0, = 30] 30] 100%] ‘Grand Total - 7 2390 = 20 20] 2760| 2760] 9698] "This month ‘Under 1 [Bsn Binh Dong, 6a Onn treet 17 Fr TI 2.| Bik Dong, Ngo SyUen street | zr 2 23] ioox| 3. [Hoang Sy Khai treet, 1 af 100% | Hoa! Thanh set 1 ase [os | Fy ich rot 2I 2 too | Nauyen buy street. a] 3 o9% 7” | Rung Phu test 2| 200% & | Pong Phu sreet 1 |__| 3-| Au Dvong Lan areee - 2| 2 ore 410'| "Duong ba Trac eet z 2| 2 oe iz | Bong Seosveet 2 300% 12 | Geo lo aret 3 37584 13 [Pham The Hien rest 11.0 | aa| ior 14 | 107 erest 49 | 4{_a00%4 15 |_Nouyer Tat anh sree 20 7 i 7 ison 16 | Ben Van Don street is0 Fa 3s i003] 17 | “Ton That Tuyet sreet 740. i i Fe x] sa] 18 | Vo Von Ket treet 70 | zal too Gand Total - Tog aig i570 = zs zal —aa90 | —aa90 | asa 06 2 mic einen Em = 9 dl1V. Interceptor sewer installation (Unit: m) - Céng thu gom nude thai (Bon vi: m) ‘Completed within tis month “Recumulation Diameter | Designed reat ee Line No.| Gam) se Percentage ‘tt | Buting ta) Tota | Pret | Openent | geiteg |. Total | upto now (am) thee | segtnn | | dente | TE | We abt aly bi en RE STS Ae eencas a] elo nT | Heenan + [o300nm [5.448 100] 170 270 ‘S.oo] 3675 i7se|_———sess]_—_1008 2 [o400nm | 3,060 | — eee 2253] 347] 101% 3 [ps00mm [4,625 2a36] 20a) 452i] a 4 [pstomm [4,008 | 7 0e4] 1064] i022 5 [p70omm 735 4a 43i| 60%] 6 |psoomm | 3.609 3683] 8685] ton 7_|o90omm [2,413 zixa]___2is3] 100% 8 [bs000mm_[ 1.327 s327|___t3z7|__ 10004 3 [oi100mm [1836 ee re86 ton 10 |p12¢0mm 76 a7 s76| 100% 14 [b3350mm 338 8 338] 100% 2 [bisoomm | 1.898 wii] 914] 014 13 [Diesomn | 1,080 —_ | sc8i| 1083 |r 1 [oi800mn 20 620 680] 100% ‘rapa Total pata | ss4sa| 3000 170 20 zaon| —a5zes| 33,112] s004 07 24 betas of he notre os mont. ts a Bk‘ea a ln Bal ‘esl reed pan "Sayan ey yoo "Reap ore os oe es nd YASUDA — KOLON JOINT VENTURE rast fen th Floor, Pax Sky Hang, No. 19-1617 Trueng Dinh Street, Vo Thi Sau Ward, Distret , Ho Chi Minh City on ‘el 02m) 829 7847 Fax C020 98297817 2.2. QUANTITY OF WORK PERFORMANCE (PLAN & ACTUAL) ‘KHOI LUONG CONG VIEC THUC HIEN (KE HOACH VA THC TE) 08ACTUAL PERCENTAGE OF EACH MAIN ITEM COMPLETED PHAN TRAM THUC TE CUA MOI HANG MUC CHINH HOAN THANH [ACTUAL ACCOMPLISHMENT % PER BELL rrem no. CUMULATIVE ane Descarerion vetopaevious | nuswonrn | pnoGRESS TO END me a EN ee| Duwcniy | OF THES MONTH ‘een 2021) (ct 2021) | TONG TCH LOY BEN U5t THANG Ny ae [Hang mycchung! ca tsurane of Works - [Bao hiém cng trinh temporary saat a for ving an eoncrwaton 12 [management sex 10 ita ttl ng tng 4 3 au hin ti chop "| 13 Docu ae 40.0% 40.0% Bing video vi da DVD ta lifu Environmental monitoring IGlém sit mai trating ea: Preparation Works cing te chute bf 2 ras rss p> __|Cdrefeconp sane pon pas ado an tas eat Bont el peeegeeee Ff ‘| ses 354 bs [Mantas “wn ‘aor jas | EAsting combine sewer 23.9 2x lar [Reader wal 2m an et ac E Ane See jax _[xraraton wore soar sl b> a ee aa na p> [bein lon shea a tc ng anor lax _[Puesonambers sas06 ony 0% lbs (Manhole nd a ee eer «aril «ar [cong tse emus b| Pipe installation of Open Out |__| Lp at cong bing phucng phap dio ma aa “a Pipe installation of Pipe Jacking [$3 ___|tdpadecsna tang pnveng pp Kch dog sso. ‘04s 22, etal pnap fen em opt ym mC A Pah 09‘ACTUAL ACCOMPLISHMENT % PER BILL Trem no. CUMULATIVE DESCRIPTION UPTOPREVIOUS | ryits MONTH | PROGRESS TO END id HOTA DE NT c| THancady | OF THES MONTH os (Oct 2021) | ToNG TicH LOY DEV (Sep 2021) cuSr THANG wir [Diversion chambers : had |Giging tach ding aa oe ns [Manhotes sea ay wot Wea Existing combine sewer ae |Céng chung hign hitu fr] oe Road Werks An |Céng téc during oe ona S¥a ‘burp ates Preparation Works khdi phuc tuting tram bom chuyéin tig J [cong tbc ehusn by 2 |Ppeistataen of pen ct esau “a eazy Iss 453%) 4534 Manbotes Eee eee [ jean 48.4%) asa Road works ES ___|conatécaving ins} a Joa Pipe installation of Open Cut JS |Ldpadt cng véna phoma pha dio me a0 ati lea installation of Pipe acing dit cng bing phutdng phap ich ng ee Diversion chambers [64 [ing téch don ha itis Manhotes Jos Janne 2034] eas leg [Cxisting combine sewer [cong chung niga now é [Road Works [7 _|céng tic aving ay ie ve C7 ena Preparation Works 72 fcéng te ehusn bj 805%) = G2 [Pipe installation of Open Gut c Lap d¥t eng bing phiong phap Gao me Pipe installation of Pipe Jacking 7-2 __|Lspagt sing bdng phizong phap Kick 6no eae nat Diversion chambers 7* aie tich dong ee oa] Manhotes ps wank 10.8%] on Existing combine sewer improvement [7S |caitaocsng chung nign how 7334 ot Reis [Rood Works ler Reae Won 25844 2564] [Demolishment and reinstatement intermediate lr8 station wall 221, Atal percoag of 0s a coed Pah ge 8 ag ye eB ohTTA ACCONPLIGHNENT wo PeRT | iy ‘CUMULATIVE Pane ec UPTORREVIOUS | ris MONTH | PROGRESS TO END Myc he peu THANG TRUGC| THANG NAY =| OF THIS MONTH ps (ect 2021) | rong ricH DY EN (Sep 2021) CUO THANG NAY ra [puting 3307 Preparation works [= (Cong tae ehusn 6) eal ne Pipe installation of Open cut je Bt cng bing phuong phip dbo me sia “i lea [Pipe installation of Pipe sacking wae ray eee jn —_|Fipeuritnten ot Oven ky ros ro pe a a ae nn ea ow [oharien nmbre ‘0344 aa 1.54 be ante vase va on [6 [Cai tao cBng chung hige how at el br iets «el Hits pene ce aaa ee Preparation Works 20-8 |eéng the chun bj 91.2%} Pipe installation of Pipe Jacking 20.2 |Lén dat céng bing phutsing phép kich Gro 25.50%]| [Diversion chambers [103 [Bthoaeasone, ‘ a iertoee cop ae Idan Geabve err aprvenat 20.8 |Cai tao cOng chung hign hitu 8.2% ar ee ase wore sa |Exsting utilities Diversion i ddl cng trink tign ich higm hitu 22 [Survey Cement earth pile Khio sit coc ait gia cd x1 ming 221, Aca preteen ton compte tt esha mech aed‘ACTUAL ACCOMPLISHMENT % PER BILL (Sep 2021) 221, Kal prntog cf ach nat he cmt Pb tty ca mba mci tho ‘CUMULATIVE DESCRIPTION UPTO PREVIOUS PROGRESS TO END ont (OF THIS MONTH a222 ZonoGniss“cinvt oF Potcr (Law's ACTUAL) 22.2 ibn 09 DUONG CONG CUA DV AN (KE HORCH VR CTE) ae Saas a estas ats a ss es esters 13OVERALL PROGRESS PACKAGE G (FIPE JACKING, OPEN CUT, DIVERSION CHAMBER, MANHOLE) | tenn cma sun Tatton 0 [raring rn tt ie aig Figen ea lenis aon "| cece treo rien Paper mc alp | Sms dart Se ect ee pictus mot Nace ‘ln ei BC ag a a a EE [au dante am — ee. e PES ‘Ging tich ding) DC 19) ji) | : lo Roca cs 14‘TONG QUAN TiN Winer ABOAN KiCH KT LJQNG COR LAL / OVERALL STATUS OF PIPE 2ACKING-THE REMAINENG WORK ‘Al Rest Pipe dnching Sega iY beng nd] mle [ engines eI Fence ‘esstod| Tene |e Pena PACKAGE CONSTRUCTION OF INTERCEPTOR SEWER SYSTEM sem] asco] 0 ——__—— Wisi am zr aa wet ivg18a2) ‘09 sna] wo) 1 IW 500. co) ra [0 y=) 9 tos | os wecisz280) 109 | _ sol e796) 109 159 | 109 WHO 99 sis] ws—1gse<8e) uc 20 | __ 102 WiSAN11652507 ss | oss Twist 5 169] ae] 103 a sR) tes 206| sos TWEEIWGE 2 CO) es w|i wm aatead sas us| soa) TTIW) Ta ‘ar| io) 19-1¥50289) 10 | Reem) wo) ws] xa end Daics [es Bk Dow 2S Liee EDS 3-UBbe2.2 St) sof zs} | ‘Boed—aapesaate) wa] a 18 =BDssA-BD01124006) sole] a Bota). 30) me] 98] : est B67 169m) solve] ve] st sDSIOMEy 30) 80] 0) 1 |8Do1)—iBDel0(<2 60) sofa] oe 18a —iBDel iA (encased UPO oe 247.2018) o's Tet A=iRboT e330) tty a Bet? -iBel2(1 te) sol TDSt4=IBboTSSt too) 5 BDol4BDeIs16475) (scan UFO ay 305.2019) iol abo: lsbetsa2 99m). so|_153 abo: mieten
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FINANCIAL SUMMARY TOM TAT TiNH HIME Tat CHiN 23hd ‘YASUDA —KOLON JOINT VENTURE unre cae ng. N19 1617 rag Dis Su, Wa Dit 8 Ho Co Mah Cy FINANCIAL SUMMARY BANG TONG HOP TAI CHANH SUMMARY/ BANG TOM TAT YENIVND = 180.49 ‘Fo pRAVIOUE MONT THis RON aS Pen conTaact ‘CUMULATIVE PROGRESS 70 END OF Trg WORTH SPN co Dargie mide re nar "as Hot .OY 08h UOT ra AaP run, ascurrrion = ‘Gann (e202) od wen aoe ue == ae, Sam |ose| oe | come Sa [oe | cee. | oa oar ane, aoe ae ey = oem ore), seater] ten) orn oo), Sali] ae oo oe rr meee nai = es wiitien | ait a seat Pa | aersoressa] ——aarenrossa|_ arm a _ , i aanuas)— aaaassor| 917% mua [ieee er ed ee raeasczmansoo| —acnaasirara| arazn | ozsseziss| vwesorsszos| zarusesore| can | aasaeessiaa] soneasaosass | atzsaysonene | orazm mua [deen vwasezanae | sazeaniam| —seanngensee| aa reoassazasson| —_eoratanese| raT08 wear) amaaraon vasraes| oom | seamnsunna| aseoreuanal armani | rare Bet Pee amr] sarwacsarr| —saaomean | avon | rowvarzan| sunnmaneao| —waarameca| asm | ‘samse| erase vaacnaaa| ese | tascantar| ssamnssias] —wearasasore | e2asm ives lptyatese 1290289699 ‘sryoo.u0795 aearerestt | 2204 rosrzanet| 209380202090 anaenrisoa2 | 411% ‘sqosssa | 14naraea.00 ssszvoeos| oaon | ronaonett| aopanersaee | — 2iaasoas.eso | 54.51% ns |oaoie cramrwaar| csaerasarea| sazvayages| umn | snsmanras| azianonanion| _sssanrresr| more _ i 7 reasawras|satnsat| sari | mann R17 [amnion er ee de ee 5 : wawrasiss| rananse| —ceraanaa| coon Pos ssa] manonaal —sartseeon| comm | manure] aeamamenm| anv] rem : : mane] mamaman| samen | wzen mais [panic amearaonse| _amanzena| _amarzarase| atava | _emaraacero| sopereoaran| wngmeezr| wom | omaman| emrnraco| erase] samy | enemas wagaanrze | aan ‘iu. 10. feast west Highway : ” asarar| van ‘i wai [enwenttp risesuo2so0 ed Ei 7 sovgrnmarar| oaceniari | taseany ELA apres ~|_azaszensco| __sazzeasecne| oor ~| aan ‘aamnra| om : | z “| exewnrne wore WILL 32 [Provlnal une ard Othe = eae asasiasa| —assssasra| 0K =| assseareor | zassnzrenir| onsen : 7 of asmarion | aasnaree oawéun [Overeeing ameent-Clétiphit singin | ianseeareean] —ceaasrnaioq] —_cernanqzonaan] 29700 7 : 7 7 7 Puates [nceasing woint-Giku{phitann ting | tar6acaaeras| — sensn4anesta | etzanRsenass samnseiaer | asseoasase| — erostarsezoe| saan 7 7 7 ‘sangeraot| sraeeaarogea| —_eroaessaazee| sonann wo [aton ori saacereoae| roserrasgno| —anavaseanna| aren | razseataro sanaasssisao| roam | ziaassaa| assisceseros | genssasqonco| saem | Toaehios4| esannaneazton | sgaenssear2oo| resmx ron aatsezazea| vssoanantare| sasnarraves| ox | aarzzisrioat| seanseraazoo| taxzwarezanee| am | voamaw castarzsee| arm | aaereaste| ariatoraraco| vanaznaoason | etaen SUMMARY OF PROGRESS/ TONG H0P TV 60 [antact Arcuri contapenr Cn Eisen VHD) x ep cite eon (ef gg 0) 14980435,770,49 vo cootract Poorest up end ofthis Month in Easier VND) tae eg fg rg m2) 1464123204900 vw > Prooresw tend ofthis month Pi i i rg ssa0% 24, Financial Suramary - Térmt3¢ tinh hinh tt chin 30[evan cami aces Te Mean Gow ‘ia OF ie Exo pcre Pe ‘Sy den5 arooo Fre emancan sewape oe an M4 YASUDA - KOLON JOINT VENTURE Projet Ole th For, Pax Sky Bung, No 196-17 Truong Dinh Stet VoThi Seu Ward, Distt , He Chi Minh Clty vine ‘Tel! 2a) 9820-7897 ex! (ae) 9529-7847 2.5. PAYMENT STATUS TNH HIN THANH TOAN 31‘STATUS OF OVERALL PAYMENTS & INVOICES, The TRAMs THAN TOAN VA HOR DOW Eon saa an) romana aon frecvmsnwenoaern aan] = ammo ues ra alolelejalefalsfe|s|«lsjelefel= elelufx}sjaly/a|ylelejals alxlelsleleleleleawl Ban aaa mesma aa ae asa ‘eas asm rer as oo ears wage ee aaa ect erence araraee| asoa| sea elylefelelelefele[aHee reasrenven yaaa re aleleleleleles|» zlelafelelele]s afs|+[s|elylejels|e]seK Te 35‘Ta ge al "2 Sacra og oh — sae OF ts et prea Nese een oe ee oe ‘YASUDA - KOLON JOINT VENTURE fo, 191617 Truong Dinh Steet, Vo Seu Ward, Dist 3, Ho Chi Minh Cy ea MW DSSS ens oes TINH HINH CAC THAY BOT 36TERS Se SHH WD a8 98 A ates ieee haar Semen SEN ANY | nya mr ial 9s ops on 24 LoD] “oto por amigroTeay iaecionr tw ipireead nce RALIOL gc Seales Paes waves conssce awa ccibren santana smn tong wont a opto may] Se Bra ny mova as rsa) tata even no] sera ery Hmm ae Meco eR PTI mesvongom | cto ee fonuscewee | ecomnanes tet | seyeroncnion wren sen tapas] "ear ar igi ae men mye cms so et) smimonnas |roowraise — |eveisuor ona | mano cossom mm antes: A Baal DEM OME ARE MSIE wocsvonacm | sezurse seewoamon Fhnomoeans spears apeaoy sc] anawg ue op ofp uge son fo eo a 8 amis pomy cos] Noo Sus tT na mah oes Rerree tit [rere roma | in age Soa uy tears somo ina gn ug un subs ioe mi \cuctaeinetan omen og tn pron tnt jos ah Belson) pans uO asain a0 oe 1 can14 ao er] lewsorioe | wiser orion ozs tony aprioracagome| MIRO AEDLRE aN TERCERA EN ER ewesuoranen | ooztwac | soommon | satieoawon meminint toon NN] oo v7 ise ec ou Kenner Sslieneaddsnsns io neu tenn ata) a | ere note oe an a a) Mematigae|crastema ton orowreneem saat ell secavoracm | sserre | sooanon | muconwon seanouoe ay mn pone op romp simseieronousiscenearntin| i ee et eal uses ecums| 2000 Tarte toeese| MME TmaR MER ORMERTAENT ETS! srrcimaacen| ceceuie] oomIMCH sacmroemoN it hag 2 tora 2 952 wna a a isos] atenoaulna suosna rants naar) ‘eum lt or monde 9 ty So Hon Jecctesncs) —|ewaesrsseus eau saein cama sno iowa re es OREO NE cacsswonacan | omits oxcoonwon a ene senor no samo cg tore oe Sea otro oe) erento ow a Sea 064] yx-szoyanan | omzinesn | somrDiaMo\ | seeoLaMOR “altutow mua peanu 2 9 Scr mg an 0) BW tara een a ‘eon cea eo iven on ois ope Rnseane Rel ne cup a en Ne) ciesaaonecen | omens, Pave eee teneoeeenined aimee sag lererecwrn — |ucuarsooeo raion leevverece sesame] -euteg eed ee ekehie| Stapaace .”-Lomn| stop tawron| ee ene A) sans vote wets aver psc mmr 0 ani] e (oueseneess) — coven saves a ee Tee Cee meee niage| eaaetacan, | seers suo oon = com voestoneny amd ‘el soumomarrnumonn nwunsrterel esoesonscin | oneuce a leoreewse — |iooves cow) rome ora eeu ae mpoGaN Lees] | Ste imu toe ou wm Nous we nn] ppemonpmasmnn pineal ie tin secre |p Masel ey meets ot case | cucand |) ce peat =a leseverew) | ersiranerer — Camm ah EN oaey| tee see sant eu opts Pos Soe eniveren) — [sezmseen vases ioc sonar re so7a oa Goese (Gorton scorer) secevorson | aucene | siooramon | eaeseotawon ioc ma zp wunsaucioasss| oy n/n ayy i an Ba ousreseeaz | eccicsnver vse Sores SUS WNeMENN TS seerevoranan | cures | covormon | meotawonree ee oa se pee | come eestanay| Pou men aeomtwensne mE BE] oeceaomaom | mene ee | es aimee) ppanmasiangnemeste eel sxsronoraoe | cawene ise canon owacwruve —|rvevore snes | pasar exon memes nO Sacounou! | oar iota tues eves: | erovoracon | onparcs niswo-anon moun rerorscen | etait sinaroaicon pees ccxoxonenen | onssenst socio aman lenses fuosaean seus | cen cummed ins crannies | omneon an cavarn | ernsers | saucy omeepuuoweaconi cazevonsomn | siren sssm00on wwe |toreero mnteeg mma mona spr sucmmonsndnmane tl ey aienanon | cocore ene aon a meme an nn a anemic rl ac sionsom | encom seeanen raat joseviwe — leseieamo somes fer cna ima terien enter TATE TS] msuoracen | cons snsmaaion er lucmenwein | men crocs | Seamer ioretemeneatat an EGE) emacs | eoxery vereotonon zi rueaet ator necnioa tice: aroma ae pavers ten ercruroce [omer antes rtnninccenen Oe Bae wueqonaen are |e Dameomeniniwaractioes tamer wore | momo | sera [omeneee | mano poor ENN Oe mt ERIE cquoxstoon | sense | sseoamon | anaoancn em ona rema oe rs seve lasoro-ancon lewnoes: esos: pean ana rasa inn on pay! oscavmsarn | alee ee orane nnn daning|OMMOSE DAD REFERENCES TERIEIY acesmaaen | eetY smo oancr Zl ceeen crema) mame own reno rine mine sreconanen | saesers, pe: reer fr > aproeecnnereentiancinhanessy a qaapgrn canepua tar entigsom nti ‘102 90 zm TaweioWOMGDIer| “HNP HP HHP HE BARD SAND 8 94 2 OH e290 8 pe some o13HON lewis nes: ves EEE eee eee tren) auonam | vsems | oars 7 a en mene gs weoawonsosn | stexzies vorcosaron omer [overs rosin 7 ere area domo moons EMEA SL eseauoason | voce semen oemeevin reotun renin oni nd oreciaa aoe seman on mh mle * “nn “som stn noone int p0- anna Soe fers ee esaks) emt fsa ul reins use ego no tarp rua duro sa acoaa 4 pope ea oun mamenenataeay| — STETIST RRS UATE NS) semsoonaom | sew swsoaraon Se z =e a ca fae eeeaea ~— a neu -aene eee * CH =pws seb s2o-nnaanenmsauinateisa, ps ab 20-nenan ennui mbdisad, sen tupn tera Suen gprs ce nap nse an z04 8) Le Eran roto tu nate sp sb ey) wong at con Pe oom | ay en tg ab ar ate 9 tr vycomuns tne seep ommend) suomi gon | orcs entalvompepinemen nop tosinen o +Dyce top ae pn clap ‘a yi eran pcan PR "cae: kay cong rg cys “Fase Case ea’ Sve YASUDA ~ KOLON JOINT VENTURE Projet ies th Foor, Pax Sky Balding, No, 19-1617 Trung Diah Save, VoTH Sau Ward, Dietiet3, He Chi Mish Cy ‘elt ona) 9207507 Pex! (28) 990° 7017 2.7 EXTENSION OF TIME REQUESTED/ AWARDED BE NGHI/ CAP CHO ViEC GIA HAN THEM THOT GAN (Not applicable at moment) (enna &p dug ibn tat) 41 22, Benen of terete are - DB gh yo Hn 998‘Bu ge EN nl “de te We Enid paren Pet "Syd crt Pins el toatetn eae tre Spe ‘YASUDA - KOLON JOINT VENTURE Projet Of: th Flor, Pax Sky Builng No 1915-17 Trang Dish Stet, Vo TA Seu Wand, Distet Ho Chi Minh City None ‘Tel! (03a) 9820-7087 ex" (08) 9899-7047 PLAN FOR NEXT INTERIM PAYMENT ‘KE HOACH THANH TOAN BOT TIEP THEO 42cna ne oe we yay - ated sa ON Ue ‘mero [eveos'vews |ere'sor'szy9 | ses'oss'r ‘e00r | 820" vs0"z9s'te'T | e99"re0'6ss'es0'r |oss'906'ssz'= ONG] ONL W1OL ocs'scr'tes'» |cvo'ens'tss'y | sse’erz seo [(eer'ess'ves'r) [(oze'zeo'ees'st) | ovreas'scr've ‘Suypaaax ‘sepu0 uopewen| ~ seu le i 0 en wa wes md ap fips z1 OME vest — | zecose'vos'sx | zeeose'v0s'9z Cowo| ex re ue suns yeuoysinoud oso‘ass'szz'zt evo | ace'zsv’es6 © |evc'tevers | re0'v0e x09 wove | sos'oce'est —|ere‘ecc‘evr osveszverer verre | zev'eewer | oco'eto'or or coc'oes'sz 000 ewo'zes't oxvac'zst'sot 090 z96'T0V'618 zov'oco'sce'v aa ay coun ‘pu spoon ow, pu aon naa sans ougs | OCR a - ‘mane sua pt ‘oan ein bene apd LJ |-ANaNOaWO? anawoano> ee = |ANaNOGHOD- ANaNosWOD emaruamase wae “onsen “onawero Su mos ‘tounauno “usw How 009 i, “woot NOTION a manera “201 Noro Nounosza —_|-on 1119] CaP ld 1 yO He ‘ONG dow ORL {INBWAVA WIABINE XN VINOD Ud SY ‘ev oat = ONNAa OSH GILL LOG NYOL HNYHLL HOVOH IY ANAWAVd WIYALNI LXGN YOd NVId“ag ne al ‘a ae ee Eno pre Pet "a: hays dey coy elms oan sae ae ae hd YASUDA - KOLON JOINT VENTURE ‘Projst Offs! 4 Fler, Pax Sky Building No. 1916-17 Truong Dish Suet, VoTi Sau Wend, Date 8, Ho Chi Minh City vite ‘Tel (2a) 9899-7a7 Pex! (98) 9899" 7047 3.4 LIST OF TEMPORARILY IMPORT FOR RE-EXPORT PRODUCTS, DANH MUC HANG TAM NHAP, TALXUAT (Not applicable at moment) (bag dp dong hin i) 46yeaa et ang Fg ono "Be AG cy ay po npr Fa "Sydnee eyo Poe coen ep i ch io YASUDA - KOLON JOINT VENTURE, Passe Oe: Hace» Pax sky Budi, 19-1617 Truong Dish Srct, 6 Ward, Distt 3, HCMC ‘Fel 028) 8690-7937 Px 028) 3690" 7347 3.2, ACTIVITY STATUS_ OF SUBCONTRACTORS EMPLOYED ON SITE TiN HINH HOAT BONG CAC NHA THRU PHY TA CONG TRUCNG 1 [ung Vuong construcion Co,,tTo ‘| Preparation work Cbg te cud bf -Pipe Installation of pen Cut dp oft cing dio me [version chambers 3 [An Xuan Tinh Conran Trade tack | Gig teh cng past company |serkoce tar cg conte ever ha crs hr hs [sod ons jon hat re rn rst ryt 5 frosce tenance, uaa — [Seng truer per Tate tr [nan thon 1, [onan conden sore [ond prove true |Steck Campanny {FECON UCC) | Cting tac gia cB nin ait Cie tuyéin 5 fran eae co, tr pe cng et reece fen rer iil |suppler for ackng pipe, manhole cover |Allroute pipe jacking 5 |Slebal- Hung Yueng Company ted | ng cy cig keh io WS a hc tu khan ke mpi 4.2. Actiity stats of subcontractors employed on ste - Tinh hinh hopt ding cic nha tiv py ta cng bting 47eb oe 019 Br “pre vanes ee 12 WASWVHO NOISWaAZG aIOHNYA ‘ZO ‘WAIO1IO GYOITY NOLLINYISNOD ATIVG{a 04 890 SO HE peo a ed TE oda “ond Suoes yeu cera] uorpeuve> ypudnbe |sortund ren woremyeusouerby 9 rus] 2s | no-ee und sem 600 6ugdund nem 2-604 add Buppas Syne eona| vs | pow ‘MaSINVHO NOISWAAaG IOHNV SNDIOWE adIdSycund 2M 2-624 Gaurd em 2-60a ‘tog yesut“syom Bue; seu Sema] Syne eM 2-600 Euyuns s20y4 62 ‘apuesyeudse paseo ay Bua :€exI0 ‘SRDUCD Yeudse p09 20) Cuma “Za ‘aumeua: SAY THI vem oy sega: peur “spon Gk syeudey scx] opaqesu ouog z-hus soy uz ep 0h ‘nu oped puss “OF ‘WaGHWVHO NOISWaAIG ATOHNYHeb Boes Bok do fe - eo vonnicofeg Te equ Bug) 2q 1] ueoy L. og 2ppu wpa seen sugo nn Gursu weal vow | Po-8t 2gpu wea sez ugo na cunduwia| uns | po-ct 3p Gy WPL “YU gA wOg up 6 496 ‘ona| wueta ugntny upn Bago eID Guntu wes) xs | Do-oT hy Gug gq 19{ UCU 2EENTA) -whyu Bug 24 191 ueoUD =ZuUtG| (96 exaép der :pursa} agp QI tet “yus ga Uda =TEXIG] ‘Bug na Gunbu we) _yueta vont upa Bugo «19 669] sugo en Guntu wes) us | o0-sr Bug yi Gunbu we} ‘Gugo wa Bunbu wes} “Gop nb wil Suge na 6unGu wes} mus | PO--T ‘6ugo na Gun6u wea| 6ug> nA Bun6u wey} ‘Bug ng Sunbu we ‘ug nq Gunéu weil pom | 20-cr ‘bugo ta Guntu we; 61g2 wn Sunbu wea} ‘Gago nn Sundus wea} Gug> na Gunbu wes} ena | 20-zT ‘Gugo np Gunbu ugo 1a 6un6u use| ‘Bago 1a Gunbu wes} ugo na Gunéu wei) uo | 20-17 = uo wn Gun we up nn Gupou wey} = = Giga na Gurou wa] uns | 0-or 5490 na Gun wea} Gogo na Bano we) P06 pe ‘6ugo np Sunbu we} ‘Supp nn Bundu wie} — ago ng Ounbu wi gen Gunde wea} BOL 5ugo na Sune wey ‘Suge np 6undu wit} — ‘uo na 6un6u we go nn Bunu w POS go Gupta we sup np euréu weal vow | pow sup en Guréu well ung | poe sup an ourou west xs | poe go wy Buu we sup an sunéuwesl wy | wo-r sau onoo| NOG HOYL ONZID, vOOH WYON HOD! NVYOHY AYON TZ0z OT SNVHL AVON ONYH SNQD THI dO THDgy Bog a de 9 - oar ngs fteg TE ef Bug ga gi ueauy :cext9 ‘ey BUN 3 1; UROL Zura} ‘en wp “wRP 9D Us op Uy WEA “TIN 52 des tool 2B\0 epu go e6 ig aun DU Nga :TaLGh 29nu woe e+ Gen Yuga UID UBA bp dT :6exra] us 2a or-Pas| 69a 6up €y ueeWK‘EpxG] UO _| 10-5 Es awa 62 gp 2e0u Bug Supp tou Guo 329 ofu 99 6 96 Bugg :o-ruIs]_uns_| sBO-¥e ou Guy 34 | uooW :eEATG) teva una pH “upen Guo ap de sepa} 99 ian ou) 2nu wea it Gen ‘gq spru wn Taagea Gu Any ‘9-TuIs] 6S | wO-E ‘gnu wpa #625] en wo) “RP 0 wd de> val wea ZtTHIG uetn On go ma wsIUEN Z6ExT pen up ay ueow septa] tua _| 20-7 2pnu wea sige pu Bug 99 21 UPOU =ceIG} ‘yu Bugn 9g ol ueoL :7uIa) ‘2 wpDH WED 9 tow dep ea weg “T Hx] ‘yuin Gpip ago aBP JET :6EXI0] 5ugo ag Bunbu wey) nun | 20-12 epyu Sug 29m ueDt :Eexz0} pu Buoy 99 | ueOuR :Z¥I0} YH lata SNOD| 9NQG HOyL NZIS‘Agp- pq dain 360 Gu0> eB :2-bUIS| upp gp oud dep up we <0 Tuts ABA 6p dy veo =r 90 01 ueOUA Zag ‘yueta dpi ago agp dt en wan lana gp opt sera} loata ooo] xg 999004 Pnea Hoyt Nat? = “ramen Pa |84 +f i li ols lasenoaa i 1G mi 90 giogee ah “FATED TFL PRN WD IAT NVA T WEMAOANWN WOLWAINOD NIVW'EE1M1KU DU NHAN LUC CUASHA LHAU CHINE ‘MONTH/THANG: 10/2021 DatetNedy 85epg a et tate RST 5B 2 © z I soso, PT) ifn ar | is [305 | ws | en om | ane Joon fs | aes | vs | met Yom | ans | ene | uns | 05 | pu | ma | pan} onz | vow} ons | aes | ny fer |rmmn| ons | owe | ns | es | os > ew |e S| lian | aaa | ames |= ‘aeons an THE THE WD OTT NYA T WAMOGNVW BOLVEINOD “ANS FEeg 2 tnt eR FE 37 HESS TIT sara SNDOVE Sat]SUB-CONTRACTOR MANPOWER CHART BIEU DO NHAN Lic CUA NBA THAU PHY ‘MONTH/THANG: 102021, 58 M4 cnc nego evrbot aS no ps wow a 5 ont une una § ot ose ae pr ee ve = ‘ FH ze Pe iz Faia my} awn 7 = 224 2 99 wens Peace = S| paw ogp dud |” atin eaters | fr say sarnE9| GoD ED dL ot Wea) FO veIDIO one tense? a : CeCe se | m “SS wi] , roam Sana : Backer ws “Wosie 72 Gupp eve 7 va wes Sa : oa : m= = e[-T-]-T-7-TeT~T-TeT = T=] gens | |na|m| m fom | meinen |e om one eso n|on fr nl e o|gr bet |e Mion | ie | Sete | Jose ara [Sf fou oxpoahon) ono choubchoafafox)eufpoxfenfpoufoa|naponfwelper[roelper|oalrosjrosfpoe)oe|oy| momma (area OC er owRUReE PO TION SPH IF GL aI THD | HOD INGA RUNG SEtuto ree io 3 60eet a Sr now nk 0 5 3 3 Teletele te = [a lSTHeIS pean ss | ms J || | a | ne | es | | a mn as fo || YY | | cn fs fs | fe ois [fs fs | a ste we oz soa me 2pm won| yottosa | shone ‘uae i és HER ‘oe rows 0Wout 09nd a 62 “PPE Trl ll? algl= a ‘al 4 a a a a 4 [eLsTale] aw Er ese | ie ie ee Ta opr 35BBES ay i ah ‘oa sanrine 6 058 DAILY MOBILIZED EQUIPMENT CHART BIEU DO HUY DONG THIET BT MONTH/THANG: 1072021 args) 1a 93H puoradinb DateNgay 63 15 cece md ch Nyia ba Tia seg ae Te pw om ‘Bea OUD Se inl art Pa "2 Sy Sng ng go Flag ears a snr am YASUDA - KOLON JOINT VENTURE. | Piet Olt &° Maer - Tho Woe Centex Building, 46-18-00 Phas Heng Ti Steet, Ben Thanh Word, Distt 1, HOMG " el! (028) 9800" 7097 Fae! (028 9909 > 7047, 3.6. PLAN OF MANPOWER MOBILIZATION FOR NEXT MONTH (KE HOACH NGUON NHAN LUC THANG TIE? THEO THIS MONTH | PRECEDING MONTH No. DESCRIPTION uNtT (uly, 2023) (Aug, 2021) sir OM TET ‘ON VI THANG WAY THANG TOT (get (i202 ‘A [INDIRECT MANAGEMENT / QUAW LY GIAN TIEP 1 Pram toper ba —— = [en ceenoh ran es oho 2 fowasce Numba of dao 260 20 ‘Number of cayworks ae 3 lorena to dap ® 2 + poems vem eos m m 5 sien at of pots 1s 1s 6 sey oe ayo 2 zt | fintiatvicatg atest | near of cays a a Van phang/K& ton & Nhin vién hdnh chinh SEngay cing B [DIRECT / TRUC TIEP THI CONG 1 ene Wit of eats wae aa ae 64 26 nf ancora mbt fr nt ant Bch nn an tn eh‘ran Tig ge Caw ‘on OH SY wa Eame nace Pare Tae "thay aman lnc be Nimatate tm be aan YASUDA - KOLON JOINT VENTURE Projet Ox th Foor, Pax Sky Buslng. No. 19°1517 Troong Dinh Steet, Vo Th Sav Wed, Distele 8, Ho Cash City vate ‘Tar (ae) 29-7267 Pax: 20 9829" 7047 3.7 CUMULATIVE MAIN MATERIAL HAVE USED LOY KE CAC VAT TU cuttin BA SU’ DUNG (vot applicable at moment due to suspended construction) (hing dp dung ign tl vi cbng tring ngung th ebrg) 65 27, Caste to ote bread Ly HE ch tn erg‘Cag oe Gah Ga a “df Ou ye een mace Pak ‘arid nore "Ray ewan eno on ‘YASUDA ~ KOLON JOINT VENTURE raft Off th Flour, Pax Sky Bung, No. 131517 Tranny Dinh Stet, Vo Seu Ward, Distt 3, Ho Chi inh City tendo ‘tle (GHB) 09-7887 Pax C020 2809-7247 ‘3.8, UPDATED CHART OF MANPOWER FOR OPERATION & QC CAP NHAT SO'BO NHAN LUC BIEU HANH VA QLCL (Not applicable at moment) (néng fp dung hn ta) 66[Branca ng eT onal oT “en 0 Mo Gy te Esra oom Pe ‘a'rayarnm argc oe lg ate ens YASUDA ~ KOLON JOINT VENTURE Projet On th Flor, Pax Sky Busing, No. 191517 Trang Dinh Stet, Vo Ti Sau Ward, Ditriet 8, Ho Chi Minh City Te 20380919 Fan O20 300" ToT 4, PROGRAMME AND RECORD CHUONG TRINH VA HO SO" 67ret eta eg geet oe Suet oop Seer Sat nd YASUDA - KOLON JOINT VENTURE Project Oe ih Flor, Pax Sky Building, No 18-15-17 Truong Dinh Stet, Vo Thi Sau Ware, Disc, Ho Chi Minh City a8 Fax: 28) 6829" 7547 ‘Tel! 28 36 4.1, MASTER CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMME (CHUONG TRINH THI CONG TONG THE 1, 23/03/2016: Submision of Construction Program ‘Ngdy 23/3/2016 BB trinh Chuong trinh th cing 2, 3/05/2018: Submision of Construction Program (2nd Submission) ‘Nady 3/05/2016 BS tra Chung trinh thi céng (B8 trib Kin 2) 3. 30/05/2016: Submision of Construction Program (Final Submission) ‘Construction Program was stamped by the Employer via the Englnee's letter NSC/SV-G/16-0647 dated 14/06/2015 ‘Nady 30/05/2016 Dé tinh Churong trinh thi céng (08 trinh fin cus) Ghusang tri thi céng 0 due Chal cs tu ding dau qua thu KY su 6 NSC/SV-G/16-0647 ngdy 14/06/2016 4, Revising master Construction Progremme along with current delayed status. (Requested by the Englneer by letter NSC/SV-G/16-1492 dated 3/10/2016,) ‘Bang diéu chinh chung trinh thi céng tng thé theo tinh hinh chim tré hién nay (Thea yéu cBu ctia KV su tal thu $8 NSC/SV-G-16-1492 ngiy 3/10/2016) 5. Following above 4, submitted Construction Schedule on 18/11/2036 (updated version Ref No. NNGV-16-11). Waitting for feedback from NNGV ‘This month, base on submitted Construction Schedule, we made Monthly Progress Report. However, & will be revised if there is any request from NNGV. Theo myc 4, 68 08 trinh bin KE hoach thi céng (bin chinh sila) ngdy 16/11/2016 (thu tham chi NNGN-16-11/0641). Hin dang ch ts 8 (x8 nhén) cia NNGV ‘80 co tién a thing néy dg lip da trén bin KE hoach th cing a5 a8 tinh. Tuy nhién 88 duige chinhsifa ty theo yéu cu ala MGV néi cd. 6, 13-Mar-2017: Submission of Construction schedule of open-cut pipelines upto May-2017 through Refs letter No. WEI/CON/G/2015-YKINNGV-17-03-0171 ‘Nay 13/03/2017: 06 trinh Bing kE hogch th cing cic tuyén déo hd dn tng 5/2017 theo th $5: WEL/CON/G/2015-YA/NNGV-17-03-0174 24-Mar-2017: Engineer's reply on "Construction schedule of open-cut pipelines upto ‘May-2027 through Ref's letter NSC/SV-G/16-0629 ‘NgBy 21/03/2017: Trd it cia KV su v8 "KE hoach thi céng cc tuyin dio ho aén thing (05/2017 theo thu 6 NSC/SV-G/16-0529 7. 07-Jun-2017: Submission of Revised Master Schedule (Revised Construction Programme for Pipe Jacking work) Ngdy 07/06/2017: 06 tinh tin a6 thi cing ting thé dibu chin (Chutong trinh thi céng eu chink hang muc Khon kich) 8, 21-Jul-2047: Master/ Monthly Schedule for package G through Refs letter Wei/Con/G/2017-YKINNGV-17-07-0638 [Ngiiy 21-07-2017: Tih 6 thi cbng théng/ Téng thé o6! G thing qua that Wei/Cor/G/2017-YK/NNGY-17-07-0638 9, 31-Ju+-2017: Submission Master Schedule - Item Opencut through Ref's letter Wel/Con/G/2017-YK)NNGV-17-07-0674 ‘Ngély 31-07-2017: 88 trinh Tika a thing thé'- Bio md Wel/Con/G/2017-YX/NNGV-17-07-0674 10, 26-04-2017: Submission of Revised Master Schedule (Revised Construction Programme) “Item Pipe Jacking through Re’ letter Wel/Con/G/2017-YK/NNGV-17-10-1057 ‘Nga 26-10-2017: B8 tinh Téa d6 ting thé cu (Cutng tinh th cdg dtu chinh) - ‘Hang muc Koen keh ng, th 5B Wel Con/G/2017-YAPNNGV-17-10-1057 111, 02-Feb-2018: Submission of Revised Master Schedule Revision 2. ‘Naiiy 02-02-2018: 8¢ tr Tin 46 ting thé au chinh in 2 412, 30-Mar-2018; Submission of Revised Master Schedule Revision 3. ‘Nady 30-03-2018: 86 trinh Tin d6 tding th6 au chinh in 3 43, 13-Mar-2019: Submission of Revised Master Schedule Revision 4. [Nady 13-03-2019: BB trinh Tibh d téing thé au chinh fin # 14, 09-Sep-2019: Submission of Revised Master Schedule Revision 5. [Nady 09-09-2019: O8 trnh Tiéa d tng thé au chinh fin 5 415, 12-Mar-2020: Submission of Revised Master Schedule Revision 6. [Nady 12-03-2020: BB trinh Tia 6 tng thé Ou chin fin 6 68a bal “Bi i ye Eamon gral a "6: cing ne bo ‘els oot an sve yaa ‘YASUDA ~ KOLON JOINT VENTURE ‘Projet Olen th Flor, Pax Shy Buding, No. 186-17 Truong Dinh Stoo, VoThi Sau Wavd, Distt 8, Ho Chi Minh City ‘role Gam) 0-708) Pex (000) 800-7807 ‘4.2, PERFORMED PROGRESS OF THIS MONTH AND 03 NEXT MONTHS PROGRESS TIEN 80 THYC HIEN TRONG THANG VA KE HOACH 03 THANG TIEP THEO 70Dy dn: Ca hin mi reg mde Tp Gis thin Ge Xay dng hg thing cng bao Ney ep mage 31102021 ‘M, ga doga TL THE CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMME OF THE REMAINING WORK (REV.9) TIEN DO THI CONG CONG VIEC CON LAI (REV.9) Task _——See | cota Tock Progress Key date Summary aT] Tame Duran | Actual, | Reta, Fe Rema ] Forecast | Forecast Compltod | SPR eeee eee eee eee eee Stat Fgh Eee |PACKAGE G : CONSTRUCTION OF INTERCEPTOR SEWER SYSTEM 19004 T6a8-2016 73.12.2022 60% 2 | The Contractors sssumptionloxpectation the settmenttime ofthe 610d 1040-2021 29-12.2022 20% remaining outstanding ietuos or mandatory requirement forte | workexeeution 3) Covit9 Pandemic no longer impact tothe werk poeressof «== Od—=—«SOA-2OR. 90-2024 ow | 7 [0a so-tt2021 7 al & |The npoye Enaineer sue ie Velion frre aoatied design Od 30-11-2021 -s0-1r-2021 Gx 1 Contactors essumpton | © | __eftuetn ot ater lovel alam system and Guard Kos ie Manan | 7 |The second acceptance of te Ouneauthory forthe slop ofwaler 10d 12-10-2022 21-10-2022 0% Convair assumpion ‘ow ini he exsting pps b2200 ta conned he teiconor be | | system to 02200- fr connecion oe | | i a Inspection ané handing over Bd | 2411-2022 23-12-2022 O% 3 Construction Wark ‘9ea d 4608-2016 23-112022 90% 10 Pipe Jacking Work [tui7aottv2ote | 231-2022 91% AREA-ILEast Highway! 1685 d08-14.2016 (07.09.2022 68% tT Vo Van Kot | ts1a 4 ont-20t6 | 0109-2022 90% Water Level Alarm Monitoring [avd 03-01-2022 0143-2022 0% 7 ‘IW: (vo Van Kel Stee) 10a 18-02-2022 01-09-2022 0% DDIWE6 (Vo Van Ket Stee) joa | 1602-2072 01-05-2022 0% ‘DW (vo Van Ket Stee) ia | 4802-2022 | 0409-2022 0% DDT (Vo Van Kiet Steet) ia | 4802-2022 | 0109-2022 0% ‘DIW:15 (Vo Van Kit Stee) — Toa | 1802-2022 [01-09-2022 0% ‘DIW:24 (Vo Van Kiet Sireet ia | 1802-2022 01.09.2022 0% (DIW-22 (Vo Van Kiet Steet) toa 1602-2022 | 01-09-2022 1% [W.25 (Vo Van Kiet Stee) tn 03 04-2022 01-03-2022 05% Kit Nt t (DIW-27 (Vo Van Kiet Steet Wd 1802-2022 (o1-09-2022 0% (DW-30 (Vo Van Kiet Steet) 1802-2022 (01-03-2022 0% AREAR(eland Diweta) — ‘456d 0507-2017 26408-2022 96% | Ben Binn Dong, Ngo Si Lion [castsa 192.2017 26082022 75% | Manhole Saree ‘e7ed 04-00-2010 4202-2022 D925 god 24ia-2024 (09-02-2022 ‘The Cenivacior shall resume the work ‘es reeiong the over ve paymont ‘rom the Employer Bo ‘8008 aod Tove R0a aeARLON O% Hi 1aDe6 aod Tevz20ar | saaR207 O% ‘The Contactor shal resume the work aor eceing ho aor duo payment ‘rom the Empeyer we 18098 wa / 2422021 /00-022022 0% The Cortrecter shal esume the work tater receiving the ove ve paymant | ee SS Tomine Empoyer BS iBe7 aod | 2uH2:2021 | OB022022 0% Tho Corvacte shal esumo the work ‘ster ecenng the over de paymant eee om ine Employer 2a Diversion Chamber Vi2ed 0200-2018 26.052027 57% 24 018088 7d 27122021 | 06042022 0% ‘The Conve shal ebume the work ‘ser recawng the over de payment ‘rom the Employer [2s] Diabes was TORT rEOKD 0% ‘The Contecor shal sumo the work ‘ser recing the over vo paymont from the Employer bas Diaber wa TORT w60F we “Th Contactor shal sume the work ‘tec reaing the over due paymont fy | iron the Empleyer ae Nguyen Duy aied 05072017 7.082022 89% 499 Water Level Alarm Monitoring aod 19-01-2022 1740-202 0% aaa 1733a (Nguyen Duy Stet aod 19-04-2022 170-02 Dm Kat Wo2 "ai AREASESOUTHERN iTRICT 8] fais 26-02-2018 07-04-2022 97% eos ‘Au Duong Lan-Adltional Pipes line (change fom Open S¢id 202-2020. 07-12.2021 89% cutto Pipe Jacking) oi6 anole aos 202071 | O7-R-2021 0% 2022 ee _| Jan Project: The Second HCM Water Environment Improvement Package G : Construction OF Interceptor Sever System Updated date:31-Oet-2021 pe_|_May_|_Jun_|_d_|_Ava 1240 —@i-t0 a — 2 ‘244 aad — Rolled Up Task Sel[DatesCumbamiivangonig inne ——~—~S*S*S*S*S*«SRN THT CONG CONG VIC CONTATREV) Tops iae egnd HOM Wats prdiveaat inp ‘Nay dmg hé thing céng bao Package G 1 Construction OF Interceptor Sevter System Neay op nhge /102021 THE CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMME OF THE REMAINING WORK (REV.9) Updated date:31-0¢02021 oT Name Duraion | aus | Actual, Remark | Forecast | Forecast (Completed | iz 7 San Fiat Mor| Apel May | Jun Jul | Aum | sep | oct Nov | Dee = Duong Ba Tae wes Wa02-020 7.922078 77% 2102 40 Pipe Jacking 288d 23-12-2020 16-11-2021 85% [es IRV 104m ->SIRTS (ATS Any DINO ied O2tt-2021 Tet%-2021 0% wa wannole word W7-082001 2102-2022 48% nan je} SRS 40d o1t22021 1701-2022 0% Wik sal be trod aftr eciving 2 ——— 1701 ‘over ue payment | SRia wa RaNB BOR BL0RIOR % Wir sat be trod ator eceiving ———$——= 102 ‘over due payment sRi9 40d 2412-2001 2102-2022 0% Work sel trod ater eciving os 21.02 ‘ver due paymant tat ae eee Hien 1218-4 26-02-2018 02.04.2022 98% 0204 Diversion Chamber Tord 21-10-2019 15405-2022 94% ~ 1503 DIRT (Baby mole) 3926 10-11-2020 1503-2022 23% 1603 DRT Secure Works & Mechanical naan of 80. 011-2024 15-03-2022 0% Wor sale stats ater eeting 041 1543 be ‘ver due payment | ear Pipe Jacking of Forzonal pipes between Baby mole 68 DITOR 1aAH-2021 ont at ibe the BC-DIRY (20m) [a Water Level Alarm Monitoring Wad ie22022 0200-2022 0% 162 —<9 02504 [Ess ‘DIP-1 (Pham The Hien Steet) [ad [18-02-2002 02-06-2022 [0% ict Wo 6 aia [AREA-ALOISTRICT 4] : a err dovtv-20e 3-44-2072 77% ae Ht ais Nguyen Tat Thanh “W486 d 03-07-2017 2006-2022 97% [ae | Pipe Jacking “aed 1208-2017 0701-2022 91% 227 ‘The work of repairing ofthe sagged sewer 4d 22-42-2021 07-01-2022 0% E12 ew 071 | ja] Raby ole ssanedseverDateg Poe Jang «7 Bata moaT 8122021 OF i Bae =e | es es | ‘Comeiete the op cover 76 |so-za0et oraraez pm > 3042 HS 0791 wai Water Level Alarm Monitoring Wa 1006-2022 (20-05-2022 1095 way 2005 ez IK (Nguyen Tat Thanh Sse tod | 10052022 (2008-2022 @ 243 BenVan Don eid on-it20%6 25-11-2022 ear Pipe Jacking A767 d 29-12-2016 (23-41.2022 50% a5 | 1K t3+260m —IK¢6 (L=4Sm)-by OPEN CUT method 625d 22-40-2020 29-41-2022 27% ei 898 ‘Vaation arr issuance by the Engineer 0 04-06-2021 01-06-2021 0% | The preparation and approval of documonte: method 150d 0206-2021 24-11-2021 0% slalement, constuction permit uty rlsation 00 Consruction of open ct phase 1, L=25m (Eastside) 140d | 14-42-2024 | 17-05-2022 04% ‘The commencement dae ofthis work {inclsing retova of suck TM aiK13#260 27m) ‘depends on the everdse payment abe aldo the Contractor bythe Employer ~Consiaionofpen cut phase, =20m West 190s ¥05-20RF -aEOERD22 Ow T amon a evant a oreszape wa e008 at to sm Woritering 40d 0406-2022 5 ‘IK (Ban Van Don Steet Tod 10.06.2022 "2005-2022 % 1iK-@ (Bon Van Don Stoo) aod (04-04-2022 2008 2022 0% Kaine ‘K-41 Ben Van Don Sues) 10d 1o0s.2n22 (20.06.2022 0% j Ton Tat Thuyet eer d 3-02-2017 24-40-2022 50% the work being affected by Covi when the epidemic treakng ou in this area Manhole eid |o2aR-010 202-2021 86% ‘018 i019 1K83 SO 02-2021 20-12-2021 0% | az Diversion Chamber 9d 1540-2019 Z-T02022 54% The sequence of diversion chamber construction is updated following the ‘approval of athe diversion plan by Dor. 020 DiK36 (Gaby mole Bid (0804-2021 oT a4-2022 0% : 1030 DIK Sniclure Wik & Mahanialstaaton of Dd | 01-2024 2603-2022 0% Work oral ba arog ator vcsiving Py ‘over ave payment i082 Horna pipes Belween Gaby mole pipe tothe OC | ia | 7808-2022 ar-vaDua2 Om Task $— Poses Key cate ° Fold 1k A Cou ey STAY — Cita! Tock ogress summary sis Page 2‘Dy dn Cal thign moi trang nude Tp.CMY, ai doan UL Gol thiu G: Nay dung he thing cing bao Neiy eip ange: 317102021 TIEN DO THI CONG CONG VIEC CON LAI (REV.9) THE CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMME OF THE REMAINING WORK (REV.9) Project: The Second HCM Water Environment Improvement Aor_| May | Jun Package G : Construction OF Interceptor Sewer System Updated date:31-O¢t-2021 |_au_| Aug | Sep_| Oct _| Nov | Dec a Name Duraion | Aatual | Rawal, Remark T | Forecast | Forecast |Complted | 2022 Ser) em ct_| Nov | one | Jen | feb | war io [ss KAD NO-12:2021 1206-2022 "Wor sal be stated ater ecewng H ‘ve ue payment 1086 DiK¢T aby mote wae oerta02 7H90-2022 0% ‘a7 Dike Sivare Wons & Mechancansalaion of a0. 1SeT-a0aT | TEODOR? ‘Work sal be siared ata econ oe car ‘ve ue payment Dix¢-Dret Connect Drlingto Pipe ching Pes Gs | OBTT-A0RT | Te:TT-BORT % Hizonial pipes Between Gaby mole pipe tothe OC 10d 1804-2022 20-042022 4 Dike2 Baby mote zag 304-2021 (0949-2022 Dik@2-Sinucture Works & Mechanteal instalation of | 120d | 29-04-2022 | 28-08-2022 0% ‘Work shall be started afer recewing be peer i ‘on gvepaymen Diez bret Connect Dring to Pipe Jckng Pes |_@6 | so-T-anav | o@22021 Om Hovzonial pps between Baby mole pipe Tothe DC | Yd | 2008-2022 09-00.2022 0% Dike (Baby mote) “40 | 20-40-2021 09-06-2022 (5% a DKS Siudure Wonks & Mechanealtalaion | —¥20d | 280-2021 |29-02.2022 0% ‘Work sal be tated ater saving é oe Pree Eee ‘over due paymen Horna pie baleen Baby mole pipe Tote DC | 0d | S0as-2098 | Ono4-2022 0% Dike4 Gaby mote wed eso-20e1 214062022 1% aatiaae 104") Dikea Sire Won & Mechanéalnlaliion of | Ya) |OBTT-a00T 08 i052) tad 49-14-2021 13-08-2022 0% | : 053) DIKAE Sirveture Works & Mechanical instalation of | 120d | 90-17-2021 | 62-08-2028 0% Work shal be saved ater receiving be ‘over due payment 1054 DIKAE Direc Connect Oring to Pipe Jacking Pipes | 9d | 1841-2021 | 29-11-2021 0% i 1055 Horizontal pipes between Baty mole pipe tothe DC 10 | 03:05.2022 | 13-05.2022 0% 1056 DIK46 (Baby mo 252d | 40-12-2001 11-10-2022 0% DIKE Siniclure Works & Mechanica instalation of 14052022 07-10-2022 0% Work shal be sared ater rezeiving be ‘ver due payment 1058 DIKE Dirsl Connect Dring to Pie Jacking Pipes 10-12-2001 (29-12-2004 0% 1059 ionzonal pipes between Baby mole pipe fo the OC (210-2022 11-10-2022 0% 1060 ~DIKAT Baby mote) 12-07-2021 10-08-2022 4% 1067 DIK Siniture Works & Mechanial ntalation of ‘THOE2ORE 28-08-2022 ON Work shal be slaved ater recsivng oc a i ed ‘over dus paymert 1053 ozo pipes baleen Baby mole we | id 3008-2022 -x0.00.2028 0% 1064 DIK48 aby mote) 307d 14-10-2021" 21-10-2022 4% 1085 DIKAS-Sracure Wonks & Mechanical instalation of BOEHR W102 We ‘Work sal be sarod ator recoiving oc * ‘ver due payment. ‘067 Horizontal pips between Baby mol pipe tothe OC TrI0-2022 | 71-10-2022 1058 | ‘DIKAS (Baby mole) 06-07-2021 | 1008-2022 4% oe [oe DiKAS-Sirulure Woks & Mechanical instalation of 30-11-2021 | 2-04-2022 0% ‘Werk shal be slaved aor recsiving oo overdue payment 07 Hovzonial pipes balveen Baby mola pie oihe OC 10d ae 040 | TOSzOR2 Ow | 4072 DIKEO (Baby mole) 30d | 30-06-2021 21-05-2072 073 DiKSO-Sivuture Woiks & Mechanical instalation of | 120d | 26-12-2001 71-05-2002 % Wik shai be sared ater rece Do maui ‘we’ due payment Horizonial pipes belween Baby mole pipe lothe DC | td | 4205-2002 21-05-2002 Om Water Level Alarm Monitoring Cabine od 10-06-2022 20-05-2022 0% K-35 (Fon Thai Thuyet Sveet) — 10d | 1006-2022 | 20-05-2002 0% (K-35 (Ton That Thayet Sree) ie 10-05-2022 20.05.2022 0% 1005 20-05, 1DK38 (Ton Tat Thayet Set) 10d | 1005-2022 | 20.05.2022 0% | 1008 —d20-05 ‘Open Cut Work F725 d_ 16-08-2016 21-05-2022 88% 2.08 ‘Ton That Thayet i785 05-2022 2108 9 when the epidemic a ee : 7 ‘breaking out in thi area Task — Prcsess Key date ° Fold Up Tak A SU By SUNT —p Ctcal Task Progress ———— sunmay ——s sit Page 3 1%Dy dn: Cal thiga mi trwing nue Tp.AKCM, gal dogn I Goithiu G: Xay a Nady ep mht 31/10/2021 bg thong cing bao TIEN DO THI CONG CONG VIE ‘THE CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMME OF THE REMAINING WORK (REV.9) > CON LAI (REV.9) Project: The Second HCM Water Em smment Improvement Package G 1 Construction OF Interceptor Sewer System Updated date:31-Oct-2021 ST] Name Diversion chamber DIK? Duration Reta, Forecast Star 04-11-2021, ‘ata Forecast & Competed Enh 103-2022 0% MN 61009 5) Su Ti00 | Divesion chamber DIKS2 0d 2504-2022 21-05-2022 0% ‘Wok shal be start ater receiving Sere ‘over due payment 107 | Water Level Alarm Monitoring Cabins od 10052022 20.05.2022 0% Ti02 DiK-29 (Ton That Thuyet Stee) 10s 10.05.2022 20.08.2022 0% 1a) (cao Lo 4677 d 2408-2016 0204-2022 90% Ta wd 23003.2022 02.04.2022 0% 1179 fd 29-03-2022 02-04-2022 T120 TA QUANG BUU -DSIP; YeIT d 2408-2016 0204-2022 98% songXang) | Tia ‘Water Level Alarm Monitoring Cabins Ti24 DSIP-2 (Au Duong Lan Street) 7 | | Tesk = Press Key date ° Rolled Up Task Cita! Tok Progress Summary — so ca 2108 10-05 wap 20-05 10-08 mt2005 Page 4 Th‘race Beep Te Ngee 8 yrange bo “Se OE aye ana paren ae "Reap enon oer es raject Office th Far Pax Sy Bung. No, 1816517 Truong Dish Stet, VoThi Sau Werd, Dttet &, Ho Chi Ain City | nd YASUDA ~ KOLON JOINT VENTURE, ‘Tel! 28) 20-7087 ox: G28 8297847 ‘4.3.LIST OF INCOMMING/ OUTGOING LETTER FOR THIS MONTH DANH SACH THU BEN/ THU BI TRONG THANG 15‘GT ng Rs gli “eae OF ye Ene areal Pa ‘Siping da ea be Tat usr see Se Md YASUDA - KOLON JOINT VENTURE reject fe th Poor, Pax Sky Bulling, No. 11517 Trung Dinh Street, Vo Th Seu Ward, Dist 8, Ho Cai Min City c ‘el! 02a) 3620-7597 Pex OO 820 ~ 7807 LIST OF INCOMING LETTER - Oct.2021 DANH SACH THU NHAN - Théng 10 ndm 2021 Retina Issued date | Recieved date SeTH ‘gay ent rann | _ gay ahd lERa-c-0904-21-1200_ 6-Ock21 6-02 leacooosarsosa | 10-08-21 30-0cb-24 Jera-c-ooos-2riza | 10oe2t 30-0cb24 Jea-conos-21-i306 | 100R21 10-0021 5 = Ton TREE TRUWGEA BROVEN Wyse. y-24-120_, 10-08-24 so0d-21 6 _|Constuction permit extension appicaton on dst 8 Insc-sv-2i-1303 10-08-21 1000-21 7 _|Constuction permit anpication on Ben Van Don Insc-sv-21-1300 10-0ch24 s90e2t 8 |constauction nermit extension from 1K29-4 to DIKG2 on Tan That Thuvet|NSC-SV-21-1302 10-0ct-21 10-08-21 9 Nscsv-21-1315 oat Boda 10 Insc-sv.2i-s3is 12-08-21 ocean u Insc-sv-21-1315 0ce2 octet 2 lEMcosor2iaz5 | woe s30ce2t 8 Insc-sv-21-1326 13-0cb2 i082 4 Insc-sv-21-0157 s.0cb2t s2-00b21 5 Inscsvase1 s9-0cb21 39-0cb21 16 lnsc-sv-2i-s342 s9-0cb24 39-0ch2L 7 le-c-o017-23-1038 2-0ce21 Oka 38 fusc-sv-2i-s364 W021 28-0ce21 8 juscsv-ar-ss6s 2eod2t 800-21 20 Insc-sv-21-1366 20ceat oc2t a jerc-osce-21-1368_ | 29-0021 23-021 2 lera-c-cooo-21-1379_ | 29-0821 290821 76 43, tot cig hte Doshaan i aa go Tp Ow “Rea OF te a Siete oc gee Wags ena swcpar bon pon 4 ‘YASUDA ~ KOLON JOINT VENTURE Propet Off: 6th Per, Pat Sky Buldng, No. 15-1517 Tory Dinh Stet, Vo Pi Seu Ward, Dist 8, Ho Chi Minh City sie "rele o2e) 3620-7 ax 028 9890 7847 LIST OF OUTGOING LETTER - Oct. 2021 ‘DANH SACH THU 84 PHAT HANH - Théng 10 nm 2021 1 [Ganan core coctuven quan 8-05 |neyconycy201s-YK/NNGV- roaat 2 (ann corcta napa den 2 |waycorygy20u5-Yi/NNGV-21-0409 roe 3 |ovabanoercrrr a pyp-o« Wevycorvey2015-rK/NNGV-21-0430 voz 4 feta thi cong dao ho BvD lwev/corvy2005-YKyNNGY-21-041 Moen 5 . | e/conyg/2015-YK/TCIP-23-0612 roea : z : 700 3 40082 6 ars SEZ an Dec avsz0. MRC 21044 oat |Submission of intern monthly statement No.4 |weycoryy201s-YK/NNGY-21-0436 Bot-2t |aeauest for release of retention money. |wetyconygy201s-YeynNGy-23-0417 S0ce-21 9 [e0-00:16 Deson adusment to dvericn chamber DIBOS3, DIG00E 8. |va/conyc/2035-YK/NNGY-21-0418 eae 10 |constction prosramme.rav.9 |weycoryy20us-Y¥/RNGY-21-0420 eoc-z 11 /vo-006-18-Design adtustment to outlet EOBD016 on Haai Thach |weycorycy20ns-viyiny-21-0401 60ce21 12 _|Sealof wd for diversion chamber of KGL, DIK? DIKES 8 DIKE ——_—_|Wel/Con/G/2035-YKINNGV-21-0422 s20ce21 13 |Wesky schedule contruction - 13 Octo 17 oct |weyconey20ns-vimngv-21-0427 130-21 v4 [Pimento reon medium va bo D.OT. AOS. |yaycenypnys. v1 21408 fanaa 15 [Notice of rsumoton of some work tems |wrevCor/e/20ns-rKrrcIP-21-0429 aOCe21 lwet/conva/2015-YK/RNGY-21-0430 seocean lweycon//201s-Ye/NNGV-21-0431 16-021 {Wetycon/a/201s-YK/RNGY-21-0433 18-0cbat |werycon/gy201s-YKINNGYV-23-0434 18-0cb21 |WeyCon/G/2085-YK/TCIP-23-0435 19-021 |weycorycy20ss-vinN.23-0436 s9-0cr21 }weyconysy20ss-rKyTcIP-21-0837 20-00-21 Iweyconsey20is-rKrrcap-21-0438 260ce-21 |weycon/gy20ss-rereip-21-0439 20.0021 |waycorepenis-vkrrcaP-21-010 0c2 |Wel/Con/G/2015-YX/NNGV-21-0441 mow |Wei/Con/6/2015-Vx/TCIP-21-0482, nota |weyconscra0is-YKrcIp-21-0443 25-0cb-21 |weyConicy2015-YKINNGV.21-0864 2606-21 |weyCon/6/2035-YK/NNGV-21-0445 260-21 77 43, fgg t-Bu phdLIST OF OUTGOING LETTER - Oct. 2021 DANH SACH THU BA PHAT HANH - Thdng 10 nim 2021 |We/Con/s/2015-YR/NNGV-23-0446 |weycon//2015-YW/NNGY-23-0447 |weycon/e201s-YKyrCiP-21-049 26.0821 |weyconyeaois-wnyrciP-21-0449 26-0cb-24 |weycomc201s-Ye/TetP.21-0450, r-0ctat |weyconGy2015-vesre.21-0451 26-0cb21 hweyConyy2ous-vi/rciP-21-0452 2s-0cb21 weyconjcy20s-¥K/TCIP-21-0453 260ce24 lweyconyey20us-veyrcsP-21-0454 26-0cb21 }weyconjcy20ts-YHyNNGv-21-0456 e021 lwet/conjc2015-YH/NNGV-23-0458 08-21 |wei/Con//2015-YW/NNG-21-0457 28-00-21 |we/Con//2015-YH/NNG-21-0459 28-0c0-21 | wetycon/20u5-YH/NNGV-21-0160 2-0ce21 | weycor//2015-YH/NNG-2:-0461, 2e-0ce2t | rycon/y20u5-Yi/NNGY-21-0462, 29-0ce2i |weyconyo/2ous-rirTcw-21-0463 2e-0ce21 |weycon/2015-YK/tINGV-21-0464 23024 et/Cons2015-YR/NNGV-21-0465 29021 “423 Uist of Outgoing letter - Gaah sich tu a8 pitty 7 8‘yea ae ns GG F ‘aaa yaw Ba ame ‘tena Oday bo Pasay omen oa Sea prt 4 YASUDA - KOLON JOINT VENTURE Prgjeet Office ch and rd Floor, Par Sky Bulding No, 13-1517 Toong Dinh Steet, Ward 6, Distt 8, HCMC ve ‘Flr as) 3920-7997 Fax: 028 829° 7347 ‘4.4, SUMMARY OF RELOCATION FOR EXISTING PUBLIC UTILITIES: BANG TENG HOP COG TAC DI bGt COG TRINH TIEN cH CéNG CONG ova a tn tng wn thing ta sia tch dbeg OIL trén citing Pham’ | Bang im thi tyesén pép [ome cc thicing da PHAM THE HIEN | Relat of ala at | otiiment or const Rut Soa ett 0s tt ion eh Jpan bn vt a ‘TON THE ‘THuyET [D1 tl cp algn tung the, fa the fren cao ka we tt ging tach ding DKS een in heen Ie wen ‘bang lim thie xn php [Di da, t8 BS ti ha ting vn théng trén | ‘Bang lbm thd tuc xin phép som. PORRDME Tiecd ail, | Sanaa Datong |, 19 444 Summa of ecto or exingte ies Bg cig th 8 gen cg ehBib ca isle raep ee Feigao “Sea fe Ox nen Gy we urea amar Pe ‘ie. go ang ego "gs San ome bo Soe 4 YASUDA - KOLON JOINT VENTURE ‘Project Ofc th Floor, Pax Sky Buiing, No, 181617 Truong Dinh Street, YoThi Sau War, District, Ho Chi Minh City oa ‘Pale opal a520-7a8T" Fax! 20) 9808-7047 4,5, STATUS OF SHAFT CONSTRUCTION AND PIPE JACKING WORK IN ALL ROUTES TINH HINH THE CONG CAC HO SHAFT VA KICH ONG TREN CAC TUYEN 80[oarowa INSWnOEai INEMINOUINNG HELIN HIM 1HO OH GNOTES osoicssnn (WL) LIM NWA OA, W3d¥ YNWE 1497 TWNW9 NH NWL JO 3dIS LSaM. oeoo'ie 31va cava | 81039082 LERGADBAWT LNGINNOBIANS HSL HN THO OH ONOOS| croemoreaeemmnnn Ph. otaseonty ova vo ea wesc ue, 10H (a) 8 LOIMISIC GNYIS! veoeuo0-4¢ sua aaLvoun 83037082 LNN=NDBAWT GWNDKIANG HBL HUD 1HO OH ONOOS| sans |: ug es ua sco Phase 1-02200 8 LOLSIG GNVIS! 1202-190-48 34¥0 GaLvOan 83/DaN0G2 LSWNDEaM LNNORINNS WELWN HV THO OF ONDOS| sea) UH UL wey eon sn sac 4 rman omnes (et) 8 LOIYLSIG NYSHINOS z-100-Ie avo aivoun 84
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The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
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The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
Thomas L. Friedman
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The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
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The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
Sarah M. Broom
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Yes Please
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Yes Please
Amy Poehler
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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
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Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
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Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
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A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
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A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
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Fear: Trump in the White House
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Fear: Trump in the White House
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On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
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Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
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Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
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Manhattan Beach: A Novel
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Little Women
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