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The expanding economy and business opportunities have caused companies to export and
import products to develop their business. International shipping remains daunting for many new or
relatively inexperienced exporters, particularly small and medium-sized firms. Effective use of
transportation equipment and modes reduces shipping and logistics costs. However, export and import
planning entails all sorts of considerations, from inventory levels and manufacturing lead times to
customer’s preferences and transportation options. Ocean export is generally much cheaper thanair
export, but the transits from warehouse dock to consignee door are measured in weeks instead of days.
Air freight is suitable for perishable goods ; it may also include light, high-value commodities such as
semiconductors and electronic components essential to running industry or fulfilling an inventory
shortfall and unexpected consumer demand. Ocean cargo often includes goods such as automobiles,
toys, and household appliances and items whose bulk, weight, and steady consumer demand allow
slow transportation.

 To know about Logistics Industries
 To compare the effectiveness of logistics management at C.H.ROBINSON
and tobenchmark the organization with respect to the industry.
 To have a thorough understanding of how logistics and freight industries work.
 To know whether the customers are satisfied with the existing range of


 Focuses on global freight forwarding.

 Focuses on the operations of a freight forwarded.

The scope of the study is limited to Indian import/export



Companies in this industry provide freight forwarding and customs brokerage services.
Major companies include CH Robinson, Expediters International of Washington, UPS Supply
Chain Solutions, and UTi Worldwide. Freight forwardingand contract logistics continues to
be a growth industry, considering current economic circumstances. Even so, freight and
logistics companies will need to deal with numerous issues in the years ahead. For example, as
trade routes become more competitive and as freight rates fall, the industry’s traditional
bargaining power with its shippers volume will be challenged. One important strategy to
counter this challenge is to use balance sheet strength to acquire niche players in important trade
routes and geographies, especially in emerging markets.

Another key to growth and profitability will be the ability to analyze customers needs and
then respond quickly with differentiated and advanced logistics solutions. That will require
better IT tools to improve internal process efficiency and to generate analyses that result in
deeper understanding of customers’ industries and businessprocesses.

As customers enter new markets, especially in emerging economies, they aredemanding

much more than traditional transportation and warehousing services from their freight
forwarding and contract logistics providers. The ability to offer new, value-added services such
as warranty processing, returns management and light manufacturing is now a differentiator, as
is providing services such as customs and insurance brokerage, and trade and transportation
management. In other words, the ability to become a “one-stop-shop provider” is emerging as a
way to achieve differentiation and capitalize on cross-segment opportunities

Third party logistics (3PL) is a business dynamic of growing importance all over the world.
However, it is at a very nascent stage in India, though some domestic and multinational
companies are trying to establish themselves in this sector. This paper is an attempt to provide a
3PL perspective in India. The paper focuses on three major issues – present extent of usage of
third party logistics services, reasons for outsourcingand impact of usage of third party logistics
services on business results. The paper reveals that most 3PL users are satisfied with the current
level of services provided by 3PL service providers as it has led to a positive impact on business
results. As a result, the usage of third party logistics services is likely to increase substantially
(40 percent) in the future.[B. S. Sahay and Ramneesh Mohan]

There is growing evidence that the influence of environmental performance as a decision

criteria in the consumption of products/services for consumers is growing. It’s in the logistic
operations where most organizations can implement green supply chain strategies. This paper
presents a comprehensive literature review charting the evolution of logistics operations as it
increasingly includes modern environmental concerns.Building on this the paper also presents
the results of an exploratory face to face survey that was conducted to analyse attitudes to,
knowledge of and preparedness among sellers but more extensively buyers of logistics
services to implement sustainable logistics in Ireland. The paper shows that there is a varying
degree of willingness among logistic buying organizations to implement practices to address
the environmental impact of their activities. The results show that although the majority of
these organizations are willing to some extent this is not universal with a significant
proportion of organizations believing that there are hidden costs and risks associated with the
implementation of sustainable logistics.[P.J. Byrne, Paul Ryan,Cathal Heavey]

With the ever increasing focus on cost reduction, product leadership and customer
intimacy, the need for Supply Chain Management practices rises across many industries. Over
the last two decades Logistics Service Providers have become important players in many chains
and industries. New challenges arise due to the emergence of technologies. Data and information
can be found anywhere however, to make the proper decisions we need to have an insight in how
decisions should be made and what is important for the company and what not. In order to do so
we sollicited the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) literature focussing on the areas of general
management, supply chain management, logistics service provision and warehousing. In our
earlier work we proposed a KPI framework that we here revisit and validate in the Warehousing
domain through the means of expert interviews. [Elfriede Krauth ,Hans Moonen ,Viara
Popova, Martijn Schut]


 To compare the effectiveness of logistics management at

C.H.ROBINSON andto bench mark the organization with respect to the
 To have a thorough understanding of how logistics and freight industries work.
 To identify the drivers behind Logistics and Freight.


The need for the study was to assess the effectiveness of Logistics
Management in C.H.ROBINSON compared with other organization in the same industry. The
organization also needs relevant data as to how it can improve its management policies in
order to gain future market share.


The type of research is analytical. Data regarding the division of logistics management
such as Freight, Warehousing, Cross docking, Network Design etc. in which
C.H.ROBINSON are at present in business were collected from other similar firms in the
industry. The indicators selected are ease of service, client handling, customer service,
website information, employee efficiency in general.
Other indicators for the freight and warehouse divisions are lead-time, inventory
management, product availability; time elapsed in transit, operating cost and customer
satisfaction. The collected data was analyzed and performance of C.H.ROBINSON was
evaluated. As per the study the researcher has selected the right mix of techniques for the
comprehensive approach, which can be suited well for the organization.


Convenience sampling is used for study, as the researcher is interested in getting an

inexpensive approximation of the truth. Operations of C.H.ROBINSON WORLDWIDE
FREIGHT INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED, Chennai has been acquired. Similarly, 100
samples having major operations in the Freight and Logistics have been selected for the
survey. The selection was based on the sampling said above.


Primary Data: The major tool used was interview with managers and staff of the branch
office, questionnaire was developed focusing various aspect.
Secondary Data: Books of Logistics Management for literature reference, Internet WebPortals,
Websites of each firm, Company Brochures

1) Which are the logistics services organizations offers?

Table-1 Service Offer
Sl.No Service Percentage
1 Freight 100
2 Warehousing 89
3 Cross Docking 88
4 Network Design 66
5 Value Adding 98

CHART 1 Service Officer

The pie chart above shows the service offer of each organization. The chart shows
that 100% of the respondents provide freight service and almost 90% provide
Warehousing and Cross docking. Only 66% were providing service of Network
Design. Other service includes value adding, which represents 98 % of the
sample. It includes packaging, labeling etc.

2) Operating with other logistical providers and reasons for decisions.

Table-2 Operate With Logistical Providers

Sl.No Decisions Percentage
1 Operational Stability 11
2 Cost Effectiveness 10
3 Customer Needs 36
4 Other 96

CHART 2 Operate With Logistical Providers

The pie chart above shows the operational decisions and reasons for operations with other
logistical providers. The chart shows that 96% of the respondents operate with other service
providers for different reasons like coordination, clearance, bulk operations etc. Almost 36%
have operations with other providers as per customer needs. Only 11% and 10 % were
providing service along with other providers for the purpose of operational stability and cost
effectiveness respectively. It is stated that 96% of organizations operate with other logistical
providers and remaining 4% as standalone.

The quality of service as rated is above average in the case of CH Robinson
compared to industry. But the organization should continuously try to improve the quality
aspect as is being done by other players in the field. This is quite a necessity as otherwise the
figures may fall down. Continuous improvement is a must so that the customers will prefer
CH Robinson as their first choice in Logistics and Freight industry category. This can be
achieved with more modern equipment's and proper guidance to employees and the rating can
go high to excellent service.

a) Pricing of service is satisfactory, which organization can further enhance

with proper management. Present employee strength is satisfactory compared
to other organization but more focus should be made to human resources and
documentation areas where the firm has lesser employees compared to other
b) Network Design is an area that the organization should not start

immediately dueto low rate of returns is recorded as the industrial average.
Design of new warehouse areas and proper allocation of work with more
sophisticated software facility can be done through outsourced way during
c) Decision making is excellent for organization with respect to other
organization in the industry.
d) Operation with other logistical providers should be given more preference to
achieve cost effectiveness.
e) The organization client handling, website management and customer service
is having remarkable difference from the industry standards. The main focus
need to be on the ease of service and employee efficiency. From the data we
can infer that areas which need to be improved are Website and employee
efficiency. Employee efficiency can be improved with a proper Human
Resource department.
f) Service offer presently has good impact with other organizations service
offers. The remarkable areas are Freight, warehousing, and Value Adding.
Company can further enhance operations of cross docking and network
design through proper methods.
g) In the sample taken only a few organizations has inventory short and excess.
Values are 119 and 29 for shortage and excess. CH Robinson had shortage,
but no excess in inventory and while comparing with industry CH Robinson
have remarkable value.
h) The efficient methods for retaining customers are Phone, Email, Sales Agents
and least preferred methods are Fax and Gifts

i) .

Organization can further straighten the employee strength in the documentation and HR department. This
can lead to further rapidity for operations.
Organization can initiate Human Resource Department to further enhance employee motivation. This will
have favourable impact for the operational as well as total strengthening of organization
Decision making is quite effective and can be followed for future operations
Operations with other logistical providers need to be enhanced further for operational effectiveness, more
focus should be given to customer delight and cost effectiveness.
Quality of service can be further enhanced to increase customer delight.
Client handling and service need to be followed in the same way and can befurther enhanced with
more support. This can be achieved by proper guiding of employees and other workers in the logistical


The universe everyday is witnessing unimaginable growth in majority of the industries. The logistics and
freight industry is one such industry that is rapidly growing. Worldwide logistics industry is distinguished
by fast technological advances and is growing rapidly than most other industries over the past years. With
stiff competition around, the company is likely to reduce the profitability but with proper management of
operations and by proper customer desired services, and also effectively utilizing its alliances it can
maintain and improve the performance. Joint operational ventures for developing the customized services
for its steady growth. The organization has enormous opportunities to grow beyond the expectations. CH
Robinson has come a long way from being just a service provider. The organization now has the value of
being an ultimate service provider for Freight, Transportation, Cross-docking and Value Adding as per
customer needs. The present scenario and the future of the organization with regard to the management are
satisfactory. The organization can increase the market share by improving with more state of art
technology. The organization can diversify into related other business areas like Warehouses for lease to
other organizations, state of art technology providers for other organizations. More importance is to be
given for HR development by having a separate department for it. With the development of such a
department, several favorable impacts such as increase in output per employee, increased loyalty, team
spirit etc can be generated. As far as CH Robinson is concerned it can be stated that through its excellent
service and aggressive logistics service, organization has shown a noticeable increase in the market share.
However, there are some areas where the company is not at the top-most position but it can certainly gear
up in the near future and is committed to acquire that spot. On implementation of the above
recommendations, the management can lead CH Robinson to the top most position when bench marked in
the coming years

1) Logistical Management – Tata McGraw 2000 Edition. Written by Donald. Bowersox, and David. Closs.
2) The Management of Business Logistics – 7th Edition: Written by Edward J. Bardi, C.John Langley, and
John Joseph Coyle
3) Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Creating Value - Adding Networks Written by Martin

Websites: cs http://www.


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