Resume Parser and Summarizer
Resume Parser and Summarizer
Resume Parser and Summarizer
International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)
Abstract: Resume parsing is a highly important process for HR departments and recruiters looking to
streamline their hiring process. By converting a resume into structured data, it allows for easy organization
and quick searchability for specific qualifications and skills. However, there are still limitations to the
technology, as language can be complex and ambiguous. It is important for companies to stay up to date
with advancements in Natural Language Processing and Artificial Intelligence to improve the accuracy of
resume parsing and avoid overlooking qualified candidates. Overall, resume parsing is a crucial tool for
modern recruitment, but it still requires human oversight to ensure the best candidates are not overlooked.
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Resume, Parser.
A resume parser is a deep learning/AI framework that extracts complete information from resumes, analyses it, stores it,
organizes it, and enriches it using taxonomies. Resume parsing software expedites and improves the hiring process.
Quick and precise resume parsing technology increases efficiency and provides a better candidate experience. A resume
parser is an interpreter or compiler that converts unstructured data into structured data. It is a component that
automatically categorizes information such as contact information, educational qualifications, work experience, skills,
achievements, and professional certifications into various fields and parameters to assist you in quickly identifying the
most relevant resumes based on your criteria. Resume parsers have achieved up to 87% accuracy, which refers to data
entry accuracy and correctly categorizing data. Because human accuracy is typically less than 96%, the resume parsers
achieved "near human accuracy”. To compare data entry accuracy, one executive recruiting firm tested three resume
parsers and humans. They ran 1000 resumes through resume parsing software before manually parsing and entering the
data. The company hired a third party to assess how the humans performed in comparison to the software. They
discovered that the resume parser results were more comprehensive and contained fewer errors. Humans did not enter
all of the information on the resumes and occasionally misspelt words or spelt numbers incorrectly. A resume for an
ideal candidate was created based on the job description for a clinical scientist position in a 2012 experiment. Due to
the date being listed before the employer, one of the candidate's work experiences was completely lost after going
through the parser. Several educational degrees were also missed by the parser. As a result, the candidate received a
relevance ranking of 43%. If this had been a real candidate's resume, they would not have advanced to the next stage
despite being qualified for the position.
A similar study on current resume parsers to see if there have been any improvements over the last few years would be
beneficial. Marianne Bertrand and Sendhil Mullainathan conducted a famous study in 2003 to see if candidates with the
names Emily and Greg were more employable than Lakisha and Jamal. Resumes with white-sounding names received
50% more call-back’s than resumes with black-sounding names[14]. In 2014, a study was conducted in Australia and
New Zealand to investigate gender-based name discrimination. Insync Surveys, a research firm, and Hays, a
recruitment specialist, each sent a resume to 1,029 hiring managers with the only difference being the name. Half of the
hiring managers received Simon Cook's resume, while the other half received Susan Campbell's resume. According to
the study, Simon was more likely to get a call-back.
on recruiters' needs, and candidate rankings will be generated based on that, with recruiters receiving a list of candidate
rankings based on their preferences. Our project will be divided into several modules, such as:
Creating a Domain: Because the proposed system is domain independent and will be used by a large number
of users, this module is responsible for creating user accounts and databases.
Registration or Login Module: If a new user wishes to interact with our system, he must first register by
providing all of the necessary information (validation). If the user already exists, he must log in first.
Parsing and Ranking: The parsing module is in charge of processing the document and saving it in json format
for later use by the ranking module. The ranking module will then use the json file to rate the information of
the candidates based on their abilities, and the data will be saved in the database
Our system will detect the resume format (pdf, text, docx, rift, html) and extract the content from the files. The system
will then parse each extracted piece of content and check it. Our system will detect the resume format (pdf, text, docx,
rift, html) and extract the content from the files. The system will then parse each extracted piece of content and check it.
Our system will detect the resume format (pdf, text, docx, rift, html) and extract the content from the files. The system
will then parse each extracted content and determine whether it is relevant for generating key value pairs. If the content
extracted from the file is not relevant, it will re-examine the file for relevant data. Sorting of key value pairs occurs
from the extracted key value pairs, and the important key value pairs are extracted from the sorted key value pairs. All
key-value pairs are saved in the database. The system will extract the summarized and standardized resume from the
database and provide the output.The datasets for the project were gathered from various websites such as Kaggle and
GitHub. The resumes were in various formats and had varying educational backgrounds [1],[2],[3],[4],[5].
relational mappers, form validation, upload handling, various open authentication technologies, and
related tools [8].
several framework-related
6. Natural Language Processing: Natural language processing (NLP) is an interdisciplinary subfield of
linguistics, computer science, and artificial intelligence concerned with the interactions between computers
and human language, in particular how to program computers to process and analyze large amounts of natural
language data. The goal is a computer capable of "understanding" the contents of documents, including the
contextual nuances of the language within them. The technology can then accurately extract information and
insights contained in the documents as well as categorize and organize the documents themselves. Challenges
in natural language processing frequently involve speech recognition, natural-language
natural language understanding, and
natural-language generation [9].
7. SpaCy: SpaCy is an open-source
source software library for advanced natural language processing, written in the
programming languages Python and Cython. The library is published under the MIT license and its main
Montani, the founders of the software company Explosion [10].
developers are Matthew Honnibal and Ines Montani,
Fig 2 SpaCy
Fig 3 Home-page
People nowadays value their time and the ease with which they can complete their tasks. A resume parser is an
interpreter or compiler that converts unstructured data into structured data. It is a component that automatically
categorizes information such as contact information, educational qualifications, work experience, skills, achievements
Copyright to IJARSCT DOI: 10.48175/IJARSCT-9064 445
ISSN (Online) 2581-9429
International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)
and professional certifications into various fields and parameters to assist you in quickly identifying the most relevant
resumes based on your criteria. The resume parser will assist the recruiting company in quickly and easily parsing and
summarizing resumes. It will help the recruiting firm parse multiple resumes at the same time. The resume parser will
support a variety of document types, including docx, pdf, and html. The resume parser will help various recruiting firms
find candidates with the necessary experience and competencies. A resume parser will improve the recruitment
process's efficiency and eliminate human errors
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the individuals and organizations who have supported and
contributed to the successful completion of this project. First and foremost, we would like to thank our project
supervisor, Er. Farzana Shaikh, and our in-charge Head of Department, Er Shrinidhi Gindi and Faculty of Information
Technology, Er. Sanam Kazi, for their invaluable guidance, insights, and unwavering support throughout the project.
Their expertise and encouragement have been instrumental in shaping our ideas and helping us to achieve our goals.
We would also like to extend our appreciation to all the participants who volunteered their time and effort to provide us
with the necessary data and information for the project. Without their cooperation, this project would not have been
possible. We would also like to express our heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to our in-charge Principal Dr. Ganesh
Kame for his assistance and facilities in this regard. Finally, we'd like to thank everyone who contributed directly or
indirectly to the project's success.
Once again, we express our heartfelt thanks to everyone who has contributed to this project's success
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