Internet of Things IoT
Internet of Things IoT
Internet of Things IoT
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Noroff University College
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Wearable Sensors: GUI-based software development for sensor data collection, data extraction and
data analysis using Python frameworks
S C Mukhopadhyay and T Islam
Chapter 1
Internet of things (IoT)
The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the evolutionary stage of the internet, which
makes a global communicating infrastructure between humans and machines. IoT is
constructing the global infrastructure which will change the fundamental aspects of our
lives, from health services to manufacturing, from agriculture to mining. IoT will offer
the necessary facilities of the latest rising artificial intelligence (AI) development. This
chapter discusses the overview, characteristics, advantages, disadvantages, common
uses, security, trust, privacy and functional view of IoT. Furthermore, this chapter
proposes application areas of IoT in detail.
abilities. Furthermore, the propagation of IoT provides a lot of benefits but also
provides potential threats. An overlooked factor so far is the rise in energy
expenditure. IoT nodes are anticipated to always be accessible on other nodes.
IoT offers a lot of benefits, including:
• Locating and tracing abilities: Customers should be capable of tracking the
nodes and locating them in a short amount of time.
• Ubiquitous information swap: In IoT where nodes are linked to the internet
and where information is transmitted. Ubiquitous means intelligence.
Therefore, intelligence sensors collect information and transmit it using a
prearranged input.
• Enhanced power solution: Customers should be capable of tracking even the
strongest node, and the customer should be capable of obtaining the best
• Data and intelligence management: IoT does not always require providing
commands to the instrument; where the node gives intelligence and informa-
tion previously it can start working and obtains decisions and discovers
solutions based on intelligence.
• Scalability: IoT should be the measurability, as with any number of IoT
nodes above an extensive network all nodes should distinguish uniquely.
Also, numerous significant IoT problems can be identified. These open problems
make it clear that the complexity of internet design currently needs significant
capabilities to alter.
• Unprotected authorization/authentication: The administrator usually presents
authentication to verify the customer identity, and the authorization utilizes
rewriting or modifying the content for that appliance and the consent that the
administrator will give.
• The technology of server: The number of IoT nodes over the IoT field
increases the demand and the number of IoT node replies, moreover increases
simultaneously depending entirely on the server where customers use the
Blockchain in the Industrial Internet of Things
interface. The server response to the IoT node demand should be made
immediately. There must be no delay in responding to the customer.
• Management of storage: A massive quantity of information is created. When
connected IoT nodes have a massive quantity of multimedia data transmitted,
they have big data and other types of inconsistent files where data is held
concerning these IoT nodes, these files do not take much space. Still, many of
them should be useable as soon as possible.
• Data management: As transmission between nodes is completed, more
information is created daily between nodes, and there is more information
to be transmitted from one location to another. Consideration should be
given to whether specific information is transmitted or not.
• Security: Provision of security can be challenging as the automation of nodes
has increased, which has generated novel security problems.
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security. This encompasses the security of customer information and the security
of customer welfare: protecting networks, endpoints, and is a universal message
that represents generating a measurable safety model.
• Dynamic changes: Device status changes drastically, for instance, sleep
and wakefulness, connection and disconnection and content of IoT nodes
contain speed and position. Besides, the number of IoT nodes can modify
• Heterogeneity: Various IoT nodes depending on various networks and
hardware platforms. They should connect to other nodes via various
• Connectivity: This permits IoT to have ease of access and compatibility. Ease
of access is obtainable on the network though compatibility, presenting the
same capabilities for using and producing content.
• Services related to things: IoT can present a lot of services related to things
within things restrictions. To present services related to things within things
limitations, both techniques in the global and data world will alter.
• Interconnectivity: In terms of IoT, anything could be linked to universal data
and contact the IoT basic organizational and physical structures.
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engagement remains are inactive. IoT changes this, attaining a rich and
productive engagement, including the spectator.
• Advanced information compilation: Today’s information compilation under-
goes restrictions in plans for practical usage. IoT smashes it down into those
gaps and then puts it right where people desire for investigating our planet.
• Decreased waste: IoT generates development fields more clearly. Recent
statistics provide us with insignificant intelligence, rather IoT presents
actuality data that leads to efficient resource management.
Blockchain in the Industrial Internet of Things
There are lots of use cases that assist users in recognizing the needs of the IoT
Notification system: Messages from IoT devices can be collected and examined.
Notices made when certain conditions are met.
Sensor network: The scheme can work definitely as an information collection
scheme for the sensor sets.
Reactive system: Study of IoT device sensed information could incite actuators to
be accelerated. Users retain a word reactive for schemes that do not execute standard
regulatory rules.
Analysis system: Messages from IoT devices are collected and examined, other
than in that event, the research is continuing. Research outcomes can be created
Event latency: Delays from capturing an event to its receiver cannot be significant
for volume-based apps but are significant for online research.
Control scheme: IoT device sensed information is nourishing to regulate the
instructions that produce the effects for the actuator. Users may discover the
category of non-functional necessities that execute to most IoT schemes. Non-
functional necessities in the scheme force non-functional needs on the elements.
Buffer volume and event loss rate: If there are no strict limits on event manufacturing
standards, the surroundings can generate multiple events over some time over the
scheme. The event loss rate holds the preferred abilities, while buffer volume is a
practical need that may directly link to the strength of the elements.
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1.3 IoT—security
Security is ultimately seen as a significant necessity for each kind of computer
scheme, containing IoT schemes. However, most IoT schemes are significantly safer
than standard Windows/Linux/Mac schemes. IoT safety issues arise from a variety
of reasons: insufficient hardware safety elements, inadequately created software with
broad limitations of susceptibilities, and different safety creation faults.
Unprotected IoT devices generate safety issues for the whole IoT scheme. Since
devices generally contain a lifespan of numerous years, an enormous established
foundation of vulnerable IoT nodes would cause safety issues in the future. Unprotected
IoT schemes create safety issues across the internet. IoT nodes abound; unprotected
IoT devices are perfectly suitable for a lot of attacks (especially denial-of-service (DoS)).
Consumer details are secure from direct theft; however, the IoT needs to be built,
thereby low confidentiality information could not be merely utilized for conjecture
about high confidentiality information.
Example: A German article states that attackers have hacked the safety scheme.
They disturbed the management scheme, which prevented the furnace from closing
correctly, resulting in serious harm. Therefore, users may know the consequence of
the assault earlier, determining a suitable defence.
Challenges: Aside from pricing and availability of IoT nodes everywhere, different
safety problems cause continual trouble to the IoT shown in figure 1.5:
• Device similarity: IoT nodes are well homogeneous. These nodes use a similar
communication technique and elements. If one scheme or node is vulnerable
from susceptibility, numerous others contain a similar problem.
• Unexpected activities: The vast amount of IoT nodes used and their vast list of
empowering techniques denotes that these nodes activities in the area may be
unexpected. A particular scheme might be well-designed within management
systems; however, there are no assurances of how it will communicate with
other nodes.
• Device longevity: One of the advantages of IoT nodes is long life, but that
long life denotes that they can live longer with their node assistance. One can
measure the similarity or dissimilarity between this and conventional schemes
that have to assist and modernize after a long time, with numerous terminating
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their utilization. Abandonware and Orphan nodes do not have a similar safety
toughness for different schemes because of the emergence of techniques over
• Complex deployment: One of the primary objectives of IoT is to put superior
networks and research where they could not go before. Unexpectedly, this
makes a difficulty for physical protection of nodes in these areas that are
extreme or only accessible with difficulty.
• Lack of transparency: Numerous IoT nodes fail to present clarity in terms of
their performance. Consumers are unable to see or use their procedures and
can only assume the nodes work correctly. They cannot regulate unnecessary
activities or information gathering; moreover, when the producer updates the
node, it might carry unnecessary activities.
• No warnings: One more purpose of IoT is to offer the best performance in the
absence of interruption. This initiates consumer consciousness issues.
Consumers are not aware of the nodes or recognize when an unfamiliar thing
becomes invalid. Safety violations may continue for a long time in the absence
of discovery.
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utilized by types of equipment without DoS attack [2]. The building of hope
structures that tackle this necessity will need improvements in fields, for example:
• Lightweight public key infrastructures (PKIs) as a basis for confidence
management. Improvements are predicted in hierarchy and cross-certification
ideas to allow decisions to deal with the scalable necessities.
• Lightweight key management schemes to allow confidence relations to be set
up and to share encryption tools using minimal contact and procedure tools,
as well as limited resource nature of numerous IoT nodes.
• Data quality is a necessity for numerous IoT-designed schemes where a set of
data that describes data about other information can be utilized to offer IoT
information reliable estimation.
• Decentralized and self-configuring schemes are substituted by PKI to set up
reliability, for instance, a federated identity, Peer-to-peer (P2P) network.
• Reliability negotiation is a process that permits two parties to discuss routinely,
basically a sequence of reliability tenets, the low condition of reliability needed
to allow an act of assistance or a data strip.
• Guaranteed techniques for reliable sites contain protocols, software, hard-
ware, etc.
• Access control to avoid information violations. One instance is usage regu-
lation, which is the procedure of guaranteeing the proper use of specific data
according to a pre-defined principle, after which the access to data is allowed [3].
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Blockchain in the Industrial Internet of Things
Blockchain in the Industrial Internet of Things
Blockchain in the Industrial Internet of Things
Smart home products: Transparent LCD display refrigerator that shows what is
inside, expired food details, ingredients for a well-stocked kitchen and all the data
obtainable through the app on the smartphone [11]. Washing machines permit one
to control the laundry from far away and work routinely when electricity prices are
very low. Smart cooking apps monitor the automatic cleaning function of the oven
and permitting adjustable temperature control from a distance.
Meteorological station: Shows conditions of the outside weather, for example,
humidity, heat, atmospheric pressure, air velocity and rainfall using meters capable
of transmitting information over long distances.
Regular checking of safety procedures and standards: Baby alarm, an optical tool
used to record images, and house alarm schemes that are making human beings
feeling safer in their everyday lives at home.
Gas detector: Real-time data concerning gas consumption and the state of gas
piping can present by linking local gas meters to the internet protocol (IP) network.
Concerning monitoring and assessing water quality, the result could be a diminution
in labour and repair prices, enhanced precision and meter readings price reduction,
and perhaps gas usage diminution.
Blockchain in the Industrial Internet of Things
Sleep control: IoT devices situated across the bed sense usual movements, such as
breathing and heartbeat and huge movements caused by tossing and turning at night
when asleep, presenting information obtainable via the smartphone app.
Blockchain in the Industrial Internet of Things
1.6 Summary
This chapter describes an overview, characteristics, advantages, disadvantages,
common uses, security, trust, privacy and functional view of IoT. Furthermore,
we propose application areas of IoT in detail. IoT can promote a functional variety
of industrial appliances like logistics, manufacturing, food business and services.
Novel standards, novel trade, competition, and the need to transport nonstop goods
are challenges new businesses face nowadays. As a result, a lot of companies rely on
Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), which refers to any performance executed by
businesses to model, supervise and enhance their business processes during insights
gathered from thousands of linked machines to assist them in enhancing economical
profit. Therefore, the next chapter discusses IIoT in detail.
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