Pre-Release Player's Guide To Dpok
Pre-Release Player's Guide To Dpok
Pre-Release Player's Guide To Dpok
Talents 7
Rivalry 7
Pen Testing 7
Heavy Bracers 8
Sacrifice 8
Core Bonuses 9
GMS 10
IPS-N 10
SSC 10
Horus 10
Harrison Armory 11
GMS Gear 12
Frames 19
Horus Archon 20
Scrap Magdalena 23
HA Sobieski 25
IPS-N Dragut 27
SSC Labrusca 30
Horus//HA Ghoul 33
HA Amundsen 36
Horus Baibars 38
Scrapper Sherman Mk I 41
Dpok Fact Sheet
The following fact sheet should be read or given to players prior to them making a a
A lonely planet far from the core worlds, now little more than an obscure watering hole
before you reach the long rim, Dpok was once a planet of dazzling forests and snowy mountain
peaks. Now barren and dry, the planet shows the indelible marks of its history as a TBK testing
ground. While the planet was left inhabitable by the researchers and military personnel who
populated it, massive resource extraction, kinetic impacts, and 500 years of leaking radiation
have been slowly turning the planet over to desertification and an increasingly unbreathable
atmosphere. These days, there's just one major population center left, the city of Skarth. Skarth
is a relatively small city of just two million people, nestled into a valley in the once-verdant
Emerald Majesty Mountains. Just above Skarth is the Karyuid District, a large suburb of some
hundred thousand which has been experiencing rapid and unexplainable regrowth of the
Emerald Majesty forests in recent years.
Originally built for researchers and their families, Skarth is a declined metropolis, filled
with the whine of broken advertisement holograms and failing printers. To the southwest of
Skarth, following the dry river, is a chain of small farming towns. Most are now abandoned
unless they, by chance, happened to be built over an underground water reservoir. The city is
run by Mayor Edmund Hardiger alongside his uncle, the Chief of Police Dresnok Hardiger.
Together, the two keep the boiling tension of Skarth just barely under the lid. Strangely, Skarth
has been having regular OmniNet blackouts.
Roughly 650km past the final farming village is base K-493.0.8, affectionately called
New Home by its former residents. New Home was the staging ground for research on Dpok, a
massive and imposing walled complex rising behind some vacant satellite labs. The base is
local legend, a SECCOM charnel house, filled to the brim with valuable scrap and deadly
automated systems, including a powerful anti-air battery that prevents orbital drops and
atmospheric scans of the complex. Recently though, strange lights and houses have been
echoing from the dead base. Alarm sirens blare at odd hours and rumors of a long-dead
General Alexandria are heard among the scrappers that scurry from the tomb.
You have, one way or another, found your way to Dpok. you may be on a layover
heading into or out of the Long Rim, you may live here. You may be on a mission trip or here to
research the lost technology of New Home. Regardless, your character will also owe a favor to
Vassif Philbin, the upstanding owner of the most popular dive bar on Skarth–the Opal Airlines
Pub. How well do you know Vassif and why do you owe him a favor?
Dpok Quick Reference Guide
● Skarth is the largest city on Dpok, with a population of just two million people.
There are large abandoned areas of the city, perfect for scrounging.
● The Karyuid District sits just outside the North wall of Skarth and is home to
about a hundred thousand people. The suburb has recently begun to bloom
● New Home used to be the main research base on the planet, but is now a ruin. It
is roughly a day’s journey from Skarth.
● The Mayor is Edmund Hardiger. Edmund is being pulled in every direction and is
more stress than man at this point. He is pragmatic to a fault, and only wants the
best for the city he oversees.
● The Chief of Police is Edmund’s Uncle, Dresnock Hardiger. Dresnock is wistful
for his grandfather’s day, at least the version of it that his late father told him.
● Dresnock’s Grandfather, Seaward Hardiger, was the Chief Science Officer of
Dpok until the fall of the Second Committee 500 years ago.
● Vassif Philbin runs the Opal Airlines Pub as well as the largest operational
junkyard in Skarth. He is always on the floor of the bar, and always willing to
defuse situations or listen to regular gripe about life on Skarth.
Changes and Clarifications
Trouble on Dpok is meant to be tough as nails in combat, but to balance this, it has some
important and forgiving rules changes from core. The module can be run without these changes,
just know that this is how the module was tested.
● When a mech is destroyed by loss of HP, it does not lose reactor stress upon being
repaired. When a mech is destroyed via meltdown, it still loses all its structure and
cannot be repaired. Additionally, most ongoing effects of the mech, such as mines, and
statuses (but not conditions) inflicted by the character immediately end.
● Wrecks are explicitly not solid objects, though they are still objects. This means that they
do not block Line of Sight and can be moved through by smaller characters.
● Shut Down and Boot Up are explicitly Mech Actions, while Eject is now explicitly a Pilot
Action. This is arguably not a rules change but a clarification.
● Pilots within mechs are Immune to all effects which do not explicitly affect them. Once
again, this is a clarification.
● During a Full Repair, you can change your Mech Skills instead of your Licenses, Talents,
or Core Bonuses.
● When you change your Mech Skills, Talents, Licenses or Core Bonuses, you can change
all of them within one of the above categories.
● You do not need to begin your standard move adjacent to an objective for it to move
along with you. It still only moves with your standard move.
● Cable Winch - The initiator of the Cable Winch can now end the effect as a quick action.
● Sekhmet-Class NHP - If you hand over control to Sekhmet, it loses access to your
talents even if you initiate Sekhmet Protocol. Initiating Sekhmet Protocol normally is
unchanged. Once again, this is a rules clarification, not a change.
● Seismic Ripper - This system does not need LOS to affect terrain. This means it can be
used to dig holes even without LOS, such as into a wall that is more than 1 tile wide.
● Flak Launchers - These now initiate a Hull save instead of an Agility save.
● Reactor Stabilizer - You can choose either roll on Overheating, rather than having to
choose the second roll.
● Slag Spray - This trait is now a Protocol instead of a Quick Action.
● Coreburn Protocol - This core power does not need LOS to affect terrain. This means it
can be used to dig holes even without LOS, such as into a wall that is more than 1 tile
While outside of range 8 of your Rival, you can Call their Shot 1/scene with their permission as
a reaction to them making an attack, giving them +1 difficulty on their next attack. If it hits, they
do +1d6 bonus damage
At the start of the scene after deployment but before any other effects, you may immediately
move up to your Speed, ignoring engagement and reactions. Additionally, while within range 8
of your Rival, you may move one space as a free action, ignoring engagement and reactions.
1/round, while outside of range 8 of your Rival, when you make an attack with a weapon you
can increase the weapon’s range by 3 or threat by 1.
Pen Testing
1/round, when you successfully invade, you may scan the same target as a free action.
Your tech attacks can now critically hit. Once per round, on a critical hit, your tech attacks deal
+2 heat.
1/round, when you perform a critical hit with a tech attack, your target must succeed on a
Systems save or you may choose an additional effect for your attack:
● Prevention: Place two size 1 data constructs in spaces adjacent to your target. Hostile
characters cannot voluntarily move into them or draw line of sight through them. The
constructs can be destroyed by an adjacent character with a Systems save as a quick
● Targeted Testing: Your target does not cause engagement and cannot contest
objectives until the end of your next turn.
● Null Choice: Mark a character adjacent to your target. If there is another character
adjacent to the second character, you may also mark them. This continues until there
are no more adjacent characters, then apply the same invade effect to each of the
marked characters simultaneously.
● Extraction: Place 3 Sigils in spaces adjacent to your target. When a character steps on
a Sigil, you may teleport them two spaces in a direction of your choice, consuming the
Heavy Bracers
Bulwark Configuration
You may Brace to ignore Impaired, Stunned, or Exposed inflicted by a Structure or Stress roll.
Once per mission, when an adjacent ally takes System Trauma or a Direct Hit from Structure,
or if they experience a Destabilized Power Plant or a Meltdown from stress, you may give
them IMMUNITY to the effect. This cannot prevent Crushing Hits, Irreversible Meltdowns, or
other forms of mech destruction.
Hardcoded Stabilization
Once per scene, after you Brace, you may immediately Stabilize
As a protocol you can go On The Warpath until the end of your next turn. While On The
Warpath, attacks against you gain +1 Accuracy, but you gain access to the Confrontation
Frequency: 1/Round
Trigger: An allied character in Range 5 and Line of Sight is targeted by an attack.
Effect: You may move up to 3 spaces, ignoring engagement and reactions, and attack the
attacking character with one weapon.
Blaze of Glory
While On The Warpath, you project a raging inferno and can ignore engagement, and move
through hostile characters your Size.
Additionally when you hit with Confrontation, you may give the target a Rampage Mark. When
a character with a Rampage Mark moves away from you, you may clear the Rampage Mark
to Boost towards them. This is not a reaction and therefore doesn’t count against the
maximum number of reactions a turn.
● Once per round, on hit you can consume a Rampage Mark to give your attack +1d6
bonus damage and knock the target Prone
● You can Overwatch characters who stand from Prone
● Characters you move through take 1 Burn. This can only trigger once per character
per turn.
Additionally, 1/round, when a character hits you with an attack, you may give them a
Rampage Mark.
Core Bonuses
Heavy Hardpoints
If your mech does not have a Heavy Mount, it gains an integrated Heavy Mount. Superheavy
Weapons cannot be mounted using this mount, and any weapon installed in this mount can only
be fired once per scene.
Hyperion Frame
A mech built on the Hyperion Template gains extra space for repair parts, as
well as the ability to more easily hot-swap systems critical components using
only on-board controls.
You gain +1 Repair Cap and, when you stabilize to repair HP, you may additionally spend 2
Repairs to repair one structure.
Firmament Anchor
When you boost, you may move through obstructions but not end your movement in them.
The Lesson Of The Furthest Plane
A dream beyond dreams, a place beyond places, the Furthest Plane lies below,
before, behind. Tap in, drive through, emerge, and remember. Do not tarry
long, though.
You can choose to give your tech attacks arcing. If you do so, they are affected by cover.
Harrison Armory
Emergency Cooling Rods
Your mech comes equipped with another set of emergency cooling rods, tied to
a dead man's switch. After use, these must be reprocessed if they are to be
put to work again.
Once per mission, when you begin melting down by any means, you can avert the meltdown by
Shutting Down your mech. When you Reboot your mech, it is no longer in a meltdown state. If
you were melting down due to reaching 0 stress, you return to 1 stress after the reboot.
GMS Gear
Deploy a size 1/2 Shield Generator in a free, valid, adjacent space which projects a burst 1
shield. Allied characters that start their turn partially within the blast, or move into it for the first
time in a turn gain 2 Overshield. Allies with this overshield cannot be critically hit. You can pick
the Shield Generator back up as a full action. Repairing this system repairs the Shield
Erebus Suite
2 SP
Frozen Solid:
Characters within Range 3 of the target are pushed 2 spaces directly away from the target.
Iced Out:
Your target may only make a single hostile action during their next turn (such as Skirmish,
Lock On, Invade, etc). If this hostile action is an attack, it cannot make more than one attack
roll and any other attack rolls are lost.
Heavy Shotgun
Range 5, Threat 3
1d6+4 Kinetic
Dive Rig
Gain access to the Combat Dive reaction.
Effect: You can take 2 heat to force that attack to target you instead.
Type-1 Shield
Mod, 2SP, Limited 3
Choose one main, heavy, or superheavy melee weapon. It gains Knockback 1 and the
weapon has extraordinarily heavy shielding placed around it. 1/round, as a reaction, when an
adjacent ally is hit by a ranged or melee attack, you can expend a charge of this system to
reduce the damage by 1d6.
The Type III (T-3) Shield has its beginnings in regular metal shields
distributed to foot-soldiers to help defend the artillery. These shields
are often used as makeshift tactical melee weapons, though that runs the
risk of damaging the shielding. Simple metal shields are devastatingly
effective, though they run the risk of being riddled with holes, rendering
them inoperable after a certain number of uses.
Exotic Pilot Gear
Poitína - LL4
A handheld printer that has been modified by the Poitína Company to produce flavored ethanol
using any handy carbohydrates, including from printed foodstuff. Though not particularly
appetizing, printloaf beer is eminently drinkable in a pinch. Typically, pilots will prefer to insert
local wild berries and grains, however.
Your account balance is refilled to 1 manna at midnight each night, if the balance is lower than
A small handheld laser cutter, the Dragons Breath, as it is known, is used for all sorts of
applications across Purview. The cutter is used for cutting anything from wires to food. In its low
power mode it is even sometimes used to cook rations. While Jockeying, ylu can use this Gear
to deal 2 Burn instead of the usual options.
A hardsuit modification that is popular among Purview far field scientists and researchers, the
Kavacha Exosuit Plating allows one to operate at maximum efficiency in dangerous
environments. The modification allows you to ignore the negative effects of dangerous
environmental effects such as radiation and sheer cold. Difficult terrain still applies, and this
benefit does not extend to your mech.
A slate loaded with a shard of UAL's agricultural tech, this shard is nowhere near as powerful as
the full metafold drive, but can make seeds sprout, berries ripen, and flowers unfurl within a few
Micro-Prawns - LL8
A small bug-like robot with a chest mounted flamethrower, the Micro-Prawn is perfect for lighting
cigarettes and fuses. It also comes equipped with a small camera and microphone, in case you
need to watch and listen surreptitiously.
Exotic Weapons and Systems
Each of these pieces of gear have been tested extensively. They are each balanced
against Wallflower Exotics, and are roughly equivalent in power. However, you do not need to
allow them for your instance of the campaign. They are very fun, especially as rewards, so they
are very highly suggested, but if you have new players and want to keep things down to Core
for simplicity, feel free!
When you Bolster an ally, you count as being adjacent to each other until either party is
Grappled, knocked Prone, Jammed, or Stunned.
Deploy a Blast 1 cloud of Swarm drones in a free area within Sensors. Allied characters gain
soft cover as long as they are at least partially within the affected area. Hostile characters that
start their turn at least partially within the area or move into it for the first time in a round take 4
Burn. The swarm lasts until the start of your next turn, or until you deploy another cloud.
Choose one non-launcher Main or Aux Weapon. You may expend a charge of this system to
make two attacks with this weapon, targeting the same character or two different characters,
dealing half damage, heat, and burn on each attack.
When grappled, you may expend a charge to take 1d3+1 heat then immediately break the
grapple and fly 3 spaces, ignoring engagement and reactions.
Your mech gains the AI tag. Choose one non-superheavy melee weapon. It gains Thrown 5. As
a reaction, when hostile characters enter, leave, or exit spaces within range 5 and line of sight of
you, no matter whether they started their movement there, you may expend one charge to throw
the weapon at them.
Heavy Nexus
Range 8, 1 SP
On Hit: If the target was object of piece of terrain, they take 10 Burn. If this destroys it, it
releases a Burst 1 swarm of hive nanites. Allied characters gain soft cover as long as they are
at least partially within the affected area. Hostile characters that start their turn at least partially
within the area or move into it for the first time in a round take 4 Burn. The swarm lasts until the
end of your next turn
Make a tech attack against a hostile target in Line of Sight and Sensors. On hit, your target
takes 4 Heat and loses the ability to use a single system or weapon of your choice. They can
end this effect with a successful Engineering save as a full action. You may only affect each
character with Lockdown//Bypass or Blackout per scene.
Make a tech attack against a target in line of sight and sensors. On hit, your target takes 4 heat
and a Burst 3 blackout around the target forms. The target and all hostile characters at least
partially within the blackout area are unable to benefit from or take tech actions. The target can
end this effect with a successful Systems save as a full action. You may only affect each
character with Lockdown//Bypass or Blackout per scene.
This system has Threat 3 and may Overwatch. When a character provokes Overwatch from this
system, you may expend that Overwatch to target them with a Quick Tech of your choice. You
can expend this system's Overwatch when characters enter, leave, or exit spaces within your
Threat, no matter whether they started their movement there.
Each of the following frames are crossovers between manufacturers, and may have a
different manufacturer for the frame than the incense you obtain them through. In all these
cases, they count as the manufacturer of the license for all gameplay purposes, including
licenses and core bonuses. For ease of reference, the frames are listed below, with what they
count as for gameplay purposes
● Archon - IPS-N
● Magdalena - IPS-N
● Sobieski - IPS-N
● Dragut - SSC
● Labrusca - Horus
● Ghoul - Horus
● Amundsen - HA
● Sherman Mk I - HA
● Baibars - HA
Most of these frames have been tested extensively and gone through multiple heavy
reworks. They are each balanced against their base frame, and are roughly equivalent in power.
However, you do not need to allow them for your instance of the campaign. They are very fun,
so they are suggested, but if you have new players and want to keep things down to Core for
simplicity, feel free!
Horus Archon
Blackbeard Alt
Striker Frame
Not a weapon per say, the Archon's Kraken Tactics are rather a mode of
existence. A being made of tightly wound cables pulsing with oil and
pseudo-blood, the Archon unravels its coils, becoming a writing mass of
steel. The cables latch on to whatever the Archon is holding, tearing it to
pieces in the blink of an eye, regardless of the pilot's whims.
Terror Wires: Your grapples, rams, and improvised attacks gain the Reliable 2 tag.
Striking Cables: Your grapples receive +1 accuracy.
Writhing Mass: Made of miles and miles of twisted cables, the Archon is immune to Involuntary
movement from characters smaller than Size 2.
CORE System
It was a sight to behold. A towering vision, a writhing mass of cables, pulsating
with pseudo-blood, emerging from its bronze chassis - tightening together to form
first arms, and then mockery hands with which to swing its blade. This was the
instrument of the machine spirit, a vessel meant as the executor of its will
throughout the stars. I saw it stare at me, through the glowing oculus on its
halo brimmed cockpit, and I watched it tear apart the unworthy before it. A
monster, built with monstrous intent - for unknowable cause.
Kraken Tactics
Superheavy Melee
Threat 1, Overkill, Reliable 3
4d6+2 Kinetic
This weapon can only be used if you start your turn in a grapple
On Hit: The target is dismembered and must roll a D6. On a 4+, they lose an arm from their mech
and take +1 difficulty on all ranged and melee attacks, and are unable to gain accuracy by any
means. Otherwise, they lose a leg and become Slowed. These effects last until the end of the scene
or until the target Stabilizes. There is no other way to clear these effects.
Scrapper Magdalena
Drake Alt
Artillery Frame
Most similar to the IPS-N Drake and its forebears, the Magdalena is not
a licensed frame in the traditional sense. Most often, it is simply made by
altering the printcode for a similar frame, and then manually assembled by
chop shops. The frame is not nearly so bulky as the Drake, losing its blast
plating and team-oriented capabilities to instead just “keep hitting that
button,” as some pilots say.
The frame’s all out offensive capabilities are most present in its
Ysabel's Revenge targeting configuration, a series of modification that
physically lock down mobility to enhance targeting capabilities over longer
ranges. Sure, it makes you a sitting duck, but who cares when you’re shooting
fish in a barrel?
Improvised Ammo: The Magdalena can reload its loading weapons by spending one repair as a
free action.
Scrap Heap: When destroyed, the Magdalena can be repaired for 2 repairs instead of the usual 4.
Long In The Tooth: When you have a Full Repair, you may engage the Ysabel's Revenge Targeting
Configuration, granting superheavy ranged weapons of your choice +10 range and the ordnance tag.
You can only remove the targeting system on your next full repair.
CORE System
Passive: Indulgence
At the start of each combat, gain a 1d6 Indulgence die starting at 1. Each time you barrage, tick it up
by one. You gain the following effects, through the value of the Indulgence die:
1. Envy: Your superheavy weapons gain Knockback 1
2. Lust: Your superheavy weapons gain the Arcing tag.
3. Wrath: Your superheavy weapons deal +1d6 bonus damage
4. Despair: Your superheavy weapons gain On Hit: your target becomes Immobilized until the
end of their next turn.
5. Pride: Your superheavy weapon damage cannot be reduced in any way
6. Greed: Your superheavy weapons cannot miss.
HA Sobieski
Nelson Alt
Controller/Striker Frame
The HA Sobieski can be taken at rank II of the Nelson license
instead of the base FRAME.
Perpetual Momentum: Once per round, after you boost, you may immediately ram as a free action.
Jet Powered Swings: Your melee attacks gain Knockback +1.
CORE System
IPS-N Dragut
Duskwing Alt
Controller/Striker Frame
SSC Flight Suite: The Dragut can fly when it moves or boosts.
Shards of Silver Glass: When your Mirrorshade hits with a tech attack, your next melee attack
gains the Arcing tag and +1 threat. When your Mirrorshade hits with a melee attack, your next tech
attack receives +1 accuracy.
CORE System
You can't understand what it did to us. It... It copied us. Our thoughts, our
feelings, they were two! They were... They were split. We had no choice but to
face ourselves in all our hollowness.
Core Integrated Equipment: Dhiyed Holoknife
1 Threat, 1d3+1 Energy
Main Melee
Once per round, as a protocol, you may attack a character within threat with this weapon.
ON HIT: The target becomes Impaired. If they are already Impaired they instead become Slowed. If
they are already Slowed they instead become Immobilized. If they are already Immobilized they
become Jammed. If they are already Jammed, they instead become Stunned. You can only apply
one of these effects, and each of these effects wears off at the end of the target's next turn. Targets
can only be stunned this way once per character per scene.
Gain access to the following MIRRORSHADE PROJECTOR Quick action: Spawn a MIRRORSHADE
within line of sight and sensors. The MIRRORSHADE counts as a deployable which has your speed,
Sensors, Grit, and Tech Attack. It does not count as an allied character to the Dragut, but is an allied
character to your allies. Any action you take is also taken by your MIRRORSHADE immediately
before or after you act, but cannot deal damage, heat, or burn by any means. When you Overcharge,
your MIRRORSHADE also Overcharges, taking the same amount of heat as damage. Your
MIRRORSHADE shares your Weapons, Traits, Systems, and Talents, but also shares any loading,
1/round, 1/turn, and 1/scene limits with you. If your MIRRORSHADE uses a limited system, it
decrements your system. When using an action, the Mirrorshade does not need to take the same
choices as you. For example, the Mirrorshade can Skirmish with another mount against another
character or take another Quick Tech option. You can only have 1 MIRRORSHADE at a time.
SSC Labrusca
Gorgon Alt
Support/Controller Frame
The SSC Labrusca can be taken at rank II of the Gorgon license instead
of the base FRAME.
SSC has been known to keep an eye or two on the various known Horus
factions and message boards, though they have equally been known to fail to
adequately report developments to the relevant authorities. Horus has not
failed to notice this surveillance. The LABRUSCA finds its etiology in this
meeting of the minds, coupling GORGON pattern reactive technology with SSC's
patented biological influences.
The primary changes thus far have been a reworking of the BASILISK
projector, fine tuning it into a focused, small band projection. These
BASILISK projections lose most of their lethal capacity, but are perfect for
halting COMP/CONs and can force cycle NHPs from a distance. In recent years,
more and more Horus and SSC pilots have started targeting the ghost in the
machine directly, forgoing the meat and metal.
Thousand Eyes: You may take reactions while holding a prepared action. Additionally, when you
use a Prepared action, you can use another reaction this turn.
Ovid-Type Lensing: You can Prepare an action as a free action 1/scene.
Centcephalus: Once per round, when an adjacent allied character consumes Lock On, they may
forgo the usual accuracy bonus to deal +1d6 bonus damage with that attack.
CORE System
By strength not Perseus could himself defend, For who in strength with Atlas
could contend? But since short rest to me thou wilt not give, A gift of endless
rest from me receive, He said, and backward turn'd, no more conceal'd The
present, and Medusa's head reveal'd. Soon the high Atlas a high mountain stood,
His locks, and beard became a leafy wood. His hands, and shoulders, into ridges
went, The summit-head still crown'd the steep ascent. His bones a solid, rocky
hardness gain'd: He, thus immensely grown (as fate ordain'd), The stars, the
Heav'ns, and all the Gods sustain'd.
Harpe Nexus
Main Nexus
Range 15, Smart, Seeking, Accurate
2 Kinetic, 1 Heat
This weapon ignores Invisibility. Gain access to the Polished Aegis reaction.
ON HIT: Target becomes locked on and cannot benefit from Invisibility until the end of their next
Polished Aegis
Horus//HA Ghoul
Kobold Alt
Controller Frame
The Horus Ghoul can be taken at rank II of the Kobold license instead
of the base FRAME.
The KOBOLD code hasn't leaked. It was always the leak, the open spigot
that flows forth hellfire and slag. The code has found a new home, the body
Molten Slog: The Ghoul crushes and burns through any smaller objects or terrain. If it ends a
movement or its turn on an object smaller than it, that object is destroyed
Slag Armor: While in the Danger Zone, the Ghoul has resistance to Heat from external sources.
Superheat Earth: Once per round, when you hit a character with a tech attack, you may deal 10AP
Energy damage to an object or piece of terrain adjacent to the target. If this destroys the object or
terrain, it melts, turning into difficult terrain. Any characters who start their turn in this area or enter it
for the first time in a round take 1 heat. Difficult terrain created in this way persists between scenes.
CORE System
Teratological Draughts
The Apocalypse Rail is now unfit for purpose. The cannon instead produces only
slag and oil, a hollow shell of its former glory, the Infected Apocalypse Rail
instead finds use in major terraforming projects.
When activated as a protocol, you start charging the Infected Apocalypse Rail, now an incredibly
powerful terraforming tool that requires a huge amount of power. Gain a Terraformer Die, 1d6
starting at 1. At the start of each of your turns, raise the value of the Terraformer Die by 1, to a
maximum of 4.
If the value of the Terraformer Die is 2-4, you can use it to terraform the battlefield as a Full Action,
but you can’t take any other actions on the same turn. After a use of the Infected Apocalypse Rail,
the Apocalypse Die resets to 1.
At the end of the scene, lose the Terraformer Die, and the Infected Apocalypse Rail stops
charging. When you terraform, you may select one of the following options, placed in a Blast equal
to the value of the Terraformer Die, centered on a space within Range 10 and line of sight. Terrain
created in this way persists between scenes.
● Slag Mesa: Raise the terraformed area up by height 2. At the edge of the mesa is a sheer
drop. Characters in the affected area take 2 heat. The Mesa counts as Terrain.
● Oil Slick: The terraformed area becomes covered in oil, turning into an Oil Slick. When you
step onto an oil slick, you can only move in straight lines. Characters can ignore this by
treating the area as Difficult Terrain. Optionally, the oil can be set ablaze when hit by Burn
damage, turning the entire contiguous oil slick into dangerous terrain that deals Burn.
● Field of Flowers: Allied characters that starts their turn in the area or enter it for the first time
in a round gain 3 Overshield. Field of Flowers is only usable once per scene.
HA Amundsen
Napoleon Alt Frame
Support Frame
This mech’s strange design comes with some obvious downsides: it moves
almost glacially, methodically, sliding on frozen moisture in the air in an
almost reverse Leidenfrost Effect. This motion is a boon and a curse,
allowing hyper-cooled processors to work sluggishly, preventing heat build up
but delaying the use of non-critical processes in the mech.
Delay: 1/round, you may take a free action or protocol at the end of your turn.
Aim Assist: As a Quick Action, you can charge Aim Assist. You or an adjacent ally can consume the
Aim Assist when you attack a character in the Amundsen’s sensors, allowing you to ignore any
difficulty from the attack as well as any effect that would make the attack automatically miss. Aim
Assist lasts the rest of the scene or until it is consumed.
Main Flex
CORE System
Polar Vortex
Horus Baibars
Saladin Alt
Striker/Defender Frame
The Saladin has served its time, it has done its job, and done it
admirably. However, some deployments have found that the most permanent
defense is single target removal. As such, Harrison Armory has begun work on
the Baibars, a frame designed to focus in on removing targets at the cost of
size, survivability, and defensive capability. While the Baibars is not
lacking in any of the three, pilots seeking these traits should look instead
to Big Sal.
Energized Feedback: 1/round, when you reduce damage to an allied character, cancel an attack
against them, or cause one to miss, you gain +1d6 bonus damage on your next ranged or melee
Tachyon Whisper: Once per round as a free action, project a Tachyon Whisper around an allied
mech character within range 5 and line of sight. They gain 3 Overshield and, while they have this
Overshield, if they would be affected by the “Panther” Exotic Particle Projector, you may take 1
heat to redirect the attack in a new direction, drawing range and line of sight from the ally. Each
character caught in the line can only be affected once each.
Flex Mount
CORE System
Active (requires 1 Core Power): Tachyon Wail
1/scene, when an adjacent ally is hit by a ranged or melee attack, deal an equal amount of damage
to the attacker. Your ally then gains resistance to all damage, heat, and burn from the triggering
attack. This action is Efficient, and refunds 1 Core Power at the end of any scene in which it’s used.
Scrapper Sherman Mk I
Striker Frame
The most popular frame in the galaxy behind the Everest, the Sherman Mk
I comes with numerous safety features and an almost worryingly-high maximum
temperature ceiling. Recently, though, some enterprising pilots have begun
disturbing non field approved home modifications to remove dozens of these
safety features, resulting in the mech being little more than a meltdown
waiting to happen. In return for this unapproachably dangerous walking bomb,
pilots have found ways to shunt excess heat through the chassis-mounted Zone
Focus Mark III SOLIDCORE laser cannon.
The hacks that allow this modification are not currently possible in
the Sherman Mk II, as the latter frame has its safety mechanisms hard-coded
into the very fabric of its being. While doubtlessly a more competently made
machine, the Sherman Mk II is sometimes derided by die-hard Mk I pilots for
being too locked down, too safe. Mk I pilots know they’re gambling their
lives every time they sit on the cheap synthetic seats, why not make things
interesting, at least? To that end they’ve done it all. Black market modified
cooling rods, high density lenses for the SOLIDCORE, and questionable
machinists removing the manual safeties without asking questions, any
modification can be made for the right price.
Sherman Mk I
Modular Reactor: Whenever you would repair stress, the Sherman Mk I can be repaired at a rate of
1 Repair per 1 Stress damage, instead of 2 Repairs.
Mathur Start: When the Sherman Mk 1 takes Stress damage, it gains immunity to all “spillover”
heat, and instead returns to 0.
Modified Cooling Rods: When the Sherman Mk1 rolls an Overheating check, after rolling, it can set
the result of any one die to whichever value it wants.
CORE System
Thank you to the #homebrew-design community on PilotNet for helping me balance the
gear in this module, especially the inimitable Ru, the one and only, and the exceedingly helpful
And of course, thank you to Massif Press for the amazing Lancer setting and system!
Trouble on Dpok is not an official Lancer product; it is a third party work, and is not affiliated with
Massif Press. Trouble On Dpok is published via the Lancer Third Party License. Lancer is
copyright Massif Press.