Robust Adaptive Control For Mobile Manipulators: International Journal of Automation and Computing February 2011
Robust Adaptive Control For Mobile Manipulators: International Journal of Automation and Computing February 2011
Robust Adaptive Control For Mobile Manipulators: International Journal of Automation and Computing February 2011
32 172
3 authors:
Mohamed Jallouli
University of Sfax
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Abstract: This paper addresses the trajectory tracking control of a nonholonomic wheeled mobile manipulator with parameter
uncertainties and disturbances. The proposed algorithm adopts a robust adaptive control strategy where parametric uncertainties are
compensated by adaptive update techniques and the disturbances are suppressed. A kinematic controller is first designed to make the
robot follow a desired end-effector and platform trajectories in task space coordinates simultaneously. Then, an adaptive control scheme
is proposed, which ensures that the trajectories are accurately tracked even in the presence of external disturbances and uncertainties.
The system stability and the convergence of tracking errors to zero are rigorously proven using Lyapunov theory. Simulations results
are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed robust adaptive control law in comparison with a sliding mode controller.
Keywords: Mobile manipulator, trajectory tracking, robust adaptive control, sliding mode control, uncertainties and disturbances.
dynamics in a linear form in terms of the known and un- For the mobile platform, the kinematic equation relating
known robot parameters. The proposed adaptive algorithm linear velocity of F to the wheel velocities is
does not rely on precise prior knowledge of dynamics pa- r
rameters, and it can suppress disturbances and modeling à ! r
(bC0 + (d + La )S0 ) (bC0 − (d + La )S0 )
errors caused by parameters uncertainties. This paper is ẋF 2b 2b
= r r ×
organized as follows. Section 2 is devoted to kinematic and ẏF (bS0 − (d + La )C0 ) (bS0 + (d + La )C0 )
dynamic modeling of the mobile manipulator with nonholo- 2b 2b
à !
nomic constraints. Section 3 presents the design of the ro- θ̇R
bust adaptive controller. Section 4 presents computer sim- (1)
ulation results to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed
theory. Conclusions are formulated in Section 5. where θ̇R and θ̇L are the angular velocities of the right and
Notations. left wheels, respectively. C0 = cos(ϕ) and S0 = sin(ϕ).
O: The intersection of the platform axis of symmetry The linear velocity of the end-effector is found using the
with the driving wheel axis. fact that its base velocity is known and given by (1). There-
C: The center of mass of the platform. fore, the end-effector velocity is written as
F : The manipulator base point.
E: The end-effector of the manipulator. Ã ! Ã !
ẋE ẋF
ϕ: The heading angle. = +
d: Distance between O and C. ẏE ẏF
à !à !à !
La : Distance between C and F . C0 −S0 J11 J12 θ̇1 + ϕ̇
2b: Distance between the two wheels. (2)
S0 C0 J21 J22 θ̇2
L1 and L2 : The lengths of arm 1 and arm 2, respectively.
Lcm1 and Lcm2 : The locations of the center of mass of
where Jij (i, j = 1, 2) are the elements of the fixed-base
arm 1 and arm 2, respectively. mw , mc , m1 , and m2 : The
Jacobian of the manipulator employed, given by J11 =
masses of the wheel, platform, arm 1, and arm 2, respec-
−L1 S1 − L2 S12 , J12 = −L2 S12 , J21 = L1 C1 + L2 C12 , and
J22 = L2 C12 . θ1 and θ2 are the joint variables of the ma-
Iw , Ic , I1 , and I2 : The moments of inertia about our
nipulator, with the notations Ci = cos(θi ), Si = sin(θi ),
centers of masses of the wheels, platform, arm 1, and arm
Cij = cos(θi + θj ), and Sij = sin(θi + θj ).
2, respectively.
Combining (1) and (2), the forward differential kinemat-
ics of the mobile manipulator is obtained as
2 Modeling of a mobile manipulator
ẋE C0 −S0 0 0
2.1 Kinematic modeling ẏ S C0 0 0
E 0
= ×
ẋF 0 0 C0 −S0
Consider the mobile manipulator system depicted in
Fig. 1. ẏF 0 0 S0 C0
r r r r
− J11 + J11 J11 J12
r 2 2b 2 2b θ̇R
− (d + La + J21 ) r (d + La + J21 ) J21 J22 θ̇
2b 2b L
r r
0 0 θ̇1
2 2
(d + La )r (d + La )r 2
− 0 0
2b 2b
which can be expressed in the following form:
where q = [q1 · · · qn ]T ∈ Rn is the generalized coordinates, For any υ, υ̇ ∈ Rp , where θ ∈ Rl is the vector of uncertain
H(q) ∈ Rn×n is a symmetric, positive definite inertia ma- (or unknown) parameters and Y ∈ Rp×l is the so-called
trix, V (q, q̇) ∈ Rn×1 represents the vector of centripetal “regressor” matrix that contains known function.
and Coriolis forces terms, A(q) ∈ Rm×n is the constraint The uncertain parameters considered for our mobile ma-
matrix, λ ∈ Rm×1 is the Lagrange multipliers that denote nipulator are the mass and the moment of inertia of the
the vector of the constraint forces, E(q) ∈ Rn×(n−m) is the system. Therefore, we have
input transformation matrix, τ ∈ R(n−m)×1 is the vector of
input torques, and τd ∈ R(n−m)×1 is the vector of unknown θ = [mc , mw , m1 , m2 , Ic , Iw , I1 , I2 ]T (14)
external disturbance. and
In order to eliminate the constraint force λ, let S(q) be a
full rank matrix (p = n − m) formed by a set of smooth and Y (q, q̇, υ, v̇) =
linearly independent vector fields spanning the null space
of A(q), i.e., S T (q)AT (q) = 0. From (7), we can find a joint Y11 Y12 Y13 Y14 Y15 Y16 Y17 Y18
velocity input vector υ = [θ̇R , θ̇L , θ̇1 , θ̇2 ]T for all 21 Y22 Y23 Y24 Y25 Y26 Y27 Y28
. (15)
Y31 Y32 Y33 Y34 Y35 Y36 Y37 Y38
q̇ = S(q)υ (8) Y41 Y42 Y43 Y44 Y45 Y46 Y47 Y48
where q = [xc , yc , ϕ, θR , θL , θ1 , θ2 ]T is the generalized coor- The terms of the regressor matrix in (15) are
dinates for the considered mobile manipulator system and
the matrix S(q) is defined as ∂D1 ∂D2 ∂D3 ∂D4
Y1i = , Y2i = , Y3i = , Y4i = (16)
r ∂θi ∂θi ∂θi ∂θi
(bC0 + dS0 ) (bC0 − dS0 ) 0 0 where
2b 2b
r r
(bS0 − dC0 ) (bS0 + dC0 ) 0 0
X r
2b 2b D1 = H̄1i υ̇i + V̄1i υi + Ḡ1
S(q)= r r . (9)
− 0 0
i=1 i=1
2b 2b Xr Xr
0 0 1 0 D2 = H̄2i υ̇i + V̄2i υi + Ḡ2
0 0 0 1 i=1 i=1
Xr Xr
Substituting (8) and its derivative into (6) and left multi- D3 = H̄3i υ̇i + V̄3i υi + Ḡ3
plying by S T , the dynamic model can be reduced as follows: i=1 i=1
Xr Xr
H̄(q)υ̇ + V̄ (q, q̇)υ + Ḡ(q) = τ̄ + τ̄d (10) D4 = H̄4i υ̇i + V̄4i υi + Ḡ4 .
i=1 i=1
the switching function sign(s) can be replaced by a con- as time approaches to infinite, which completes the proof.
tinuous approximation in the neighbourhood of the sliding The proposed adaptive control system is shown in Fig. 2.
surface, such as sigmoid-like function. A complete stability
analysis of the error system is given in [17].
However, the existence of external disturbances and un-
certainties influences the performance of the proposed slid-
ing mode controller. To handle these difficulties, the fol-
lowing adaptive control law is considered:
τ̄ = Y (q, q̇, υc , υ̇c )θ̂ − F τ̂m − Kev (21)
with parameter update laws:
θ̂ = −ΓY T (q, q̇, υc , υ̇c )ev (22)
Fig. 2 Structure of the proposed controller
τ̂˙m = P F T ev (23)
where Γ and P are constant positive definite diagonal ma-
trices. ev = υ − υc is the feedforward error and υc is the 4 Simulation results
reference outer loop control design which drives the system
directly in the task space coordinates and can be obtained Let us consider the mobile manipulator system shown in
using the inverse kinematics of (5) as Fig. 1. In order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed
adaptive robust control, we compare the sliding mode con-
υ̇c = J −1 (xc − Jυ) (24) troller given by (18)–(20) with the proposed adaptive con-
troller given by (21)–(24).
where xc is given by the following proportional-
The initial conditions are given as follows:
derivative (PD) controller:
xc = ẍd + Kd (ẋd − ẋ) + Kp (xd − x) (25) π π π
q(0) = [0, 0, , 0, 0, , − ]T
2 4 2
where Kp and Kd are proportional and derivative gains.
In the following, we will analyze the stability of the sys- and
Substiting (21) into (10), we have the closed-loop error υ(0) = [0, 0, 0, 0]T .
H̄ ėv + V̄ ev + Ḡ = Y θ̃ − F τ̃m (26) Let the desired trajectory be
where θ̃ = θ − θ̂ and τ̃m = τm − τ̂m . If an appropriate
adaptive update law for θ̂ and τ̂m can be selected, we may xEd 0.2t + 0.3
easily prove the convergence of the tracking errors to zero yEd 0.5 + 0.25sin(0.2πt)
and the system stability. xd (t) = = .
xF d 0.2t
Let us define a Lyapunov function candidate as yF d 0
1 T 1 1 T −1
L= ev H̄ev + θ̃T Γ−1 θ̃ + τ̃m P τ̃m . (27)
2 2 2 It consists of a sinusoidal path for the end-effector and a
The time derivative of L can be computed as straight line for the mobile platform.
We assume the following external disturbances applied
1 T ˙ ˙ T −1 ˙
L̇ = eT
v H̄ ėv + ev H̄ev + θ̃T Γ−1 θ̃ + τ̃m P τ̃m . (28) at each joint of the system as
Using the closed-loop error dynamics (26), the time deriva- τ̄d = [1.5sin(3t), 1.5cos(3t), 3sin(1.5t), 3cos(1.5t)]T .
tive of (28) becomes
L̇ = eT
v (Y θ̃ − F τ̃m − V̄ ev − Ḡ − Kev )+
The control gains used in the simulation were selected
1 T ˙ as Ks1 = 30I4×4 , Ks2 = 30I4×4 , σ = 15I4×4 , Γ = I4×4 ,
˙ T −1 ˙
ev H̄ev + θ̃T Γ−1 θ̃ + τ̃m P τ̃m . (29) P = I4×4 , Kp = 50, Kd = 50, and K = diag(0.1, 0.1, 1, 1).
The tracking performances of each control scheme are il-
Since (H̄˙ − 2V̄ ) is skew symmetric, the above equation be- lustrated in Figs. 3–5 and Figs. 6–8, respectively. From the
comes comparison of both controls, it can be seen that the tracking
results of the sliding mode control are not satisfactory and
−1 ˙
L̇ = eT T
v Kev + θ̃ (Γ θ̃ − Y T ėv ) + τ̃m
(P −1 τ̃˙m − F T ėv ). the tracking errors fluctuate greatly in comparison with the
(30) adaptive robust control schemes, which attain good con-
trol performance, and the tracking error is much smaller
With selected update law θ̂ = −ΓY T (q, q̇, υc , υ̇c )ev and because of the adaptive mechanism. The simulation result
τ̂˙m = P F ev , L̇ 6 0. Thus, based on the Lyapunov stabil-
thus verifies the effectiveness of the proposed control in the
ity system, it can be concluded that ev converges to zero presence of external disturbances.
12 International Journal of Automation and Computing 8(1), February 2011
Fig. 3 Trajectory tracking with sliding mode control Fig. 6 Trajectory tracking with adaptive control
5 Conclusion
In this paper, a robust adaptive controller for mobile ma-
nipulator system in the presence of parametric uncertain-
Fig. 5 Trajectory tracking errors for the platform with sliding ties and external disturbances was proposed. The proposed
mode control control strategy was designed to drive simultaneously in
M. Boukattaya et al. / Robust Adaptive Control for Mobile Manipulators 13
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