Three-Axis Coupled Flight Control Law Design For Flying Wing Aircraft Using Eigenstructure Assignment Method
Three-Axis Coupled Flight Control Law Design For Flying Wing Aircraft Using Eigenstructure Assignment Method
Three-Axis Coupled Flight Control Law Design For Flying Wing Aircraft Using Eigenstructure Assignment Method
School of Aeronautics Science and Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100083, China
Chinese Flight Test Establishment, Xi’an 710089, China
KEYWORDS Abstract Due to elimination of horizontal and vertical tails, flying wing aircraft has poor longitu-
Drag rudder; dinal and directional dynamic characteristics. In addition, flying wing aircraft uses drag rudders for
Eigenstructure assignment; yaw control, which tends to generate strong three-axis control coupling. To overcome these prob-
Flight control law; lems, a flight control law design method that couples the longitudinal axis with the lateral-
Flying wing; directional axes is proposed. First, the three-axis coupled control augmentation structure is speci-
Three-axis coupled fied. In the structure, a ‘‘soft/hard” cross-connection method is developed for three-axis dynamic
decoupling and longitudinal control response decoupling from the drag rudders; maneuvering turn
angular rate estimation and subtraction are used in the yaw axis to improve the directional damp-
ing. Besides, feedforward control is adopted to improve the maneuverability and control decoupling
performance. Then, detailed design methods for feedback and feedforward control parameters are
established using eigenstructure assignment and model following technique. Finally, the proposed
design method is evaluated and compared with conventional method by numeric simulations.
The influences of control derivatives variation of drag rudders on the method are also analyzed.
It is demonstrated that the method can effectively improve the dynamic characteristics of flying
wing aircraft, especially the directional damping characteristics, and decouple the longitudinal
responses from the drag rudders.
Ó 2020 Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Production and hosting by Elsevier Ltd. This is
an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
1. Introduction
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (H. LIU).
Peer review under responsibility of Editorial Committee of CJA. Flying wing aircraft lacks vertical and horizontal tails, which
leads to weak instability of the directional axis and degraded
longitudinal and lateral stability compared with conventional
aircraft. As a result, the modal characteristics of flying wing
Production and hosting by Elsevier aircraft cannot satisfy the aircraft flying quality requirements.
1000-9361 Ó 2020 Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Production and hosting by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Three-axis coupled flight control law design for flying wing aircraft 2511
In addition, flying wing aircraft is typically equipped with mul- is adopted for three-axis dynamic decoupling and longitudinal
tiple sets of elevons and drag rudders to satisfy control power control response decoupling from the drag rudder. In addition,
demands for maneuverability.1–3 However, drag rudders have maneuvering turn angular rate estimation and subtraction are
strong three-axis aerodynamic forces and moment coupling used in the directional feedback channel instead of a high-pass
during deflection; the coupling will further degrade the flying filter to improve the damping characteristics of the Dutch roll
quality of flying wing aircraft.4–8 Therefore, it is necessary to mode. To improve the maneuverability and control the decou-
adopt an advanced flight control law to ensure that flying wing pling effect of the aircraft, a feedforward control path is also
aircraft exhibits excellent flying qualities and becomes truly introduced in the control structure. Second, a detailed control
controllable aircraft. parameter design method for the three-axis coupled flight con-
Many studies have been conducted on the application of trol law is developed. The feedback and feedforward control
modern flight control design methods to flying wing aircraft. parameters are designed via the EA and model following tech-
Christian et al. designed an attitude tracking control law for niques, which will guarantee that the control parameters sat-
flying wing aircraft with sliding-mode control.9 Andrew isfy the requirements on the flying qualities and the dynamic
designed an automatic gain scheduling flight control law for decoupling. Finally, a three-axis coupled control law design
flying wing aircraft using the Linear Parameter-Varying example is presented using a flying wing aircraft. The accuracy
(LPV) method.10 Anhtuan et al. designed a longitudinal and and effectiveness of the proposed method are evaluated via fly-
lateral-directional decoupled control law for a flying wing ing quality evaluation and closed-loop maneuver command
fighter based on the l synthesis method.11 Rowena et al. tracking, and the influences of control derivatives variation
obtained a stability augmentation control law for ICE aircraft of drag rudders on the control law are analyzed by perturbed
via the model predictive control method.12 However, the above simulation.
works did not strictly consider the aircraft flying quality spec- The remainder of this paper is organized as follows,
ifications and the longitudinal and lateral-directional control Section 2 introduces the three-axis coupled flight control law
coupling that is caused by drag rudder deflection; hence, the design method in detail. A control design example for the pro-
flying qualities and the dynamic decoupling performance of posed method is presented in Section 3. Section 4 presents the
flying wing aircraft cannot be guaranteed. results of the flying quality evaluation, the control decoupling
Flying-quality-based flight control law design is a trend in effects and the performance variation of the design method
the development of flight control.13–15 The Eigenstructure under control derivatives perturbation of drag rudders. Sec-
Assignment (EA) design method could effectively integrate tion 5 presents the conclusions of the paper and summarizes
the requirements of flying quality specifications and dynamic the advantages of the proposed method.
decoupling into the control structure and the controller param-
eter design procedure, which is highly desirable for engineering
2. Three-axis coupled flight control law design
applications. For conventional aircraft, the EA method is
mainly used for lateral-directional control law design to realize
dynamic decoupling and satisfactory flying qualities, while the 2.1. Three-axis coupled control augmentation structure design
longitudinal control law is typically designed via the PID
method.16–21 Refs. 22–28 adopted the Control Augmentation The short-period modal characteristics of flying wing aircraft
System (CAS) design method for conventional aircraft and are poor due to the elimination of horizontal tails. The safety
conducted a series of studies on flight control law design for flight Angle of Attack (AOA) is small after the adoption of the
flying wing aircraft. The results have demonstrated the satis- all-wing design.2 Therefore, the pitch axis control law for flying
factory performance of EA method. However, the main draw- wing shall use the AOA command structure, which can
back of the CAS design method that is described above is that improve the short-period modal characteristics and impose
lateral-longitudinal decoupled design cannot deal with the strict operation restrictions on AOA. Due to the lack of verti-
longitudinal-directional control response coupling that is cal tails, the Dutch roll modal characteristics of the flying wing
induced by the drag rudder. are degraded and the lateral-directional dynamic coupling is
In addition, in the lateral-directional CAS structure, a high- strong. Hence, the lateral-directional control law should adopt
pass filter is often used in the directional feedback channel to the combination of roll angle variation rate and sideslip angle
filter the steady-state yaw rate, thereby avoiding the generation command structure. The advised control command structure
of unnecessary rudder deflection during maneuvering turns. can improve the Dutch roll modal characteristics, alleviate
Nevertheless, the Dutch roll modal frequency of flying wing the dynamic coupling of the lateral-directional axes and ensure
aircraft is low due to the elimination of vertical tails. If a that the aircraft has satisfactory lateral-directional control
high-pass filter is used in the directional feedback path of a fly- response characteristics.
ing wing aircraft, the effective feedback yaw rate will be par- For the redundant multicontrol surfaces of flying wing air-
tially filtered, which will result in insufficient directional craft, it is necessary to preallocate the functions of control sur-
damping and will degrade the flying qualities of the closed- faces prior to designing the flight control law. In practical
loop aircraft.29 applications, the functions of control surfaces are manually
Aimed at overcoming the poor Dutch roll modal character- decoupled, drag rudders are designated for yaw control,
istics and the control coupling of the drag rudder, a longitudi- inboard elevons are used for pitch control and outboard ele-
nal and lateral-directional axes coupled flight control law vons are used for roll control. In the following text, da , de
design method for flying wing aircraft is proposed. First, a and dr will be used to represent three-axis equivalent control
three-axis coupled control augmentation structure is estab- surfaces such as conventional aircraft.
lished based on the three-axis coupled dynamics of flying wing The conventional CAS design method assumes that the lon-
aircraft. In the structure, ‘‘soft/hard” cross-connection design gitudinal and lateral-directional dynamics of aircraft are
2512 L. WANG et al.
decoupled; hence, the longitudinal CAS and the lateral CAS ing command to improve the command response speed of the
can be designed separately.13,30 However, the separated longi- aircraft. Since the lateral and directional maneuvering com-
tudinal and lateral-directional control structure cannot con- mands enter the longitudinal axis through the feedforward
sider the control disturbance of the drag rudders to the path, the longitudinal steady-state response will be decoupled
longitudinal axis and it is difficult to obtain satisfactory from lateral-directional commands.
three-axis control decoupling performance.
Therefore, this paper proposes a three-axis coupled CAS 2.2. Alternative method to ‘‘wash out” the feedback yaw rate in
design methodology for flying wing aircraft and attempts to directional channel
improve the dynamic characteristics of flying wing aircraft,
to decouple the longitudinal control response from the drag
Due to the low frequency of the Dutch roll mode and the lower
rudder and to realize satisfactory maneuvering flight perfor-
control effectiveness of the drag rudder compared to a conven-
mance simultaneously.
tional rudder,7 the yaw axis of a flying wing aircraft requires
Fig. 1 illustrates the three-axis coupled control augmenta-
higher strength feedback signals. If a high-pass filter is used
tion structure. Where a is the angle of attack; b is the sideslip
on the yaw axis of the flying wing to filter the steady-state rate
angle; /_ is the roll angle variation rate;p; q; r are the body-axis
during a maneuvering turn, it will cause partial feedback yaw
angular rates; da ; de ; dr represent the control inputs of roll,
rate loss, thereby resulting in a substantial decrease in the
pitch and yaw axis; acmd ; bcmd ; /_ cmd are the command inputs; directional damping. To demonstrate the adverse effect of a
K and Kf are the feedback and feedforward control high-pass filter, Fig. 2 compares the sideslip angle b command
parameters. tracking performance of a flying wing aircraft with and with-
The three-axis coupled control augmentation structure con- out a high-pass filter on the yaw axis.
sists of five main components, the yaw rate ‘‘washout” unit, The high-pass filter substantially reduces the directional
the control surface decoupling unit, the feedback control aug- damping during maneuvering and, consequently, the flying
mentation loop, the maneuvering command tracking loop, and quality is degraded.
the command feedforward path. The yaw rate ‘‘washout” unit Various large transport aircraft with low Dutch roll fre-
is mainly used to improve the damping characteristics of the quency estimate the maneuvering turn angular rate and sub-
Dutch roll mode. Maneuvering turn angular rate estimation tract it from the yaw axis in real time instead of using a
and subtraction are used instead of high-pass filtering to high-pass filter.29 For flying wing aircraft, this method can
increase the effective feedback yaw rate. The control surface be used to avoid the adverse effects of the high-pass filter on
decoupling unit can decouple the longitudinal control response flying quality. The method that is used to estimate the maneu-
from the drag rudder by directly connecting the drag rudder vering turn angular rate and the instantaneous roll, pitch and
with the elevons that are dedicated for pitch control. The feed- yaw rates is expressed in
back stabilization loop is mainly used to improve the modal 8
characteristics of flying wing aircraft and to realize the decou- > Xc ¼ nz gsin/=V
pling of the three-axis dynamics. Integrator states are intro- < p ¼ p þ X sinh
f c
duced in the maneuvering command tracking loop to ensure ð1Þ
> q ¼ q X c coshsin/
accurate tracking of the maneuvering command. The lateral- >
rf ¼ r Xc coshcos/
directional states are fed back into the longitudinal channel
via the command tracking loop, which can improve the control where Xc is the maneuvering turn rate; nz represents the nor-
decoupling performance of the drag rudder. The command mal load; g is the acceleration of gravity; V is the airspeed; h
feedforward path is used to appropriately shape the maneuver- is the pitch angle; / is the roll angle; p; q; r are three-axis angu-
integrator states for the AOA, sideslip angle, and roll angle 2.5. Command enhancement and feedforward decoupling design
variation rate, respectively. based on model following
Since new integrator states are introduced into the aug-
mented longitudinal and lateral-directional coupled model, After adopting the EA design, the control response speed of
the output matrix Cc of the coupled model must also be closed-loop aircraft to maneuvering commands remains slow.
expanded However, the response speed can be improved by adding a
command feedforward compensator to properly shape the
control input, while the stability of the closed-loop aircraft sys-
ð5Þ tem is not affected. For the three-axis control coupling effect
of the drag rudder, a cross feedforward design of the yaw-
pitch axis and the yaw-roll axis can be used to realize input
According to the modal characteristics requirements for decoupling of three-axis control commands and to reduce
longitudinal and lateral-directional axes that are specified in the handling disturbance of the drag rudder. When designing
aircraft flying quality specifications32 and the three-axis cou- the feedforward compensator, the closed-loop aircraft system
pled control law structure, the eigenvalues that must be structure that is illustrated in Fig. 6 should be used.
assigned in the closed-loop aircraft system are the short- In Fig. 6, A, B and C are the longitudinal and lateral-
period mode, the roll mode, the Dutch roll mode, and the lon- directional coupled dynamic model matrices of the flying wing
gitudinal and lateral-directional three-axis command tracking aircraft; H is the observer matrix for the aircraft states that are
integrators. Due to the integrator in the forward path of the expected to be tracked; um represents the reference input com-
roll axis command structure, the closed-loop aircraft system mands; x represents the aircraft states; u denotes the control
always has a zero eigenvalue that corresponds to the spiral inputs; y denotes the measurable outputs; z denotes the aircraft
mode; hence, the spiral mode is neutrally stable. responses that are expected to be tracked; Kf is the feedforward
To realize three-axis dynamic decoupling and control compensator; K is the control gain of the feedback augmenta-
decoupling on the drag rudders, the eigenvectors of the tion loop, which is illustrated in Fig. 1 and is calculated via the
closed-loop aircraft system should be assigned properly. output feedback EA method.
The three-axis dynamic decoupling design needs to properly To calculate the feedforward compensator Kf, assume that
assign the corresponding eigenvectors of the longitudinal the ideal aircraft state space model with desired dynamic char-
and lateral-directional states. The control decoupling design acteristics is
is mainly used to reduce the adverse interference of the drag
x_ m ¼ Am xm þ Bm um
rudder deflection on the roll and pitch axes when performing ð7Þ
a maneuvering task. It can be realized by assigning the eigen- ym ¼ Cm xm þ Dm um
vectors that correspond to the eigenvalues of the command where Am, Bm, Cm and Dm are state-space matrices for the
tracking integrators. Therefore, the desired eigenvector struc- ideal aircraft model, xm represents the states of the ideal
ture Vd that satisfies the decoupling requirements is as model, and ym denotes the outputs of the ideal model. The
follows state variables and control variables of the controlled aircraft
system can be represented by ideal models and error vectors
x ¼ S11 xm þ S12 um þ dx
u ¼ S21 xm þ S22 um þ du
ð6Þ In Eq. (8), dx is the state error vector; du is the control input
error vector; the relationship between the control input error
vector and the state error vector is du ¼ KCdx; S11, S12, S21
and S22 are unknowns that need to be solved. Via proper
derivation,33 we obtain the following
where ‘‘x” represents an eigenvector element that is not of
interest and ‘‘000 and ”100 represent the state elements that are S11 0 Am Bm A B S11 S12
¼ ð9Þ
designed according to modal decoupling requirements; VSP , 0 I Cm Dm H 0 S21 S22
VR and VDR represents the desired eigenvectors of the short- For general aircraft dynamic equations, the matrix that
period mode, the roll subsidence mode, and the Dutch roll consists of A, B and H in Eq. (9) is typically nonsingular
mode, respectively; Vx1 , Vx2 and Vx3 are the desired eigenvec- and its inverse matrix can be partitioned as
tors that correspond to the integrator eigenvalues of the pitch,
yaw and roll axes.
In the three-axis coupled control augmentation structure,
due to the elimination of the high-pass filter in the yaw axis,
the output variables of the aircraft system are consistent with
the state variables. Thus, the output feedback EA method
can accurately assign all the closed-loop system eigenvalues.
Although the assigned closed-loop system eigenvectors usually
have minor differences from the expected eigenvectors, the
coupling degrees of closed-loop aircraft can be substantially
Fig. 6 Feedforward control structure.
2516 L. WANG et al.
X11 X12 A B
X¼ ¼ ð10Þ
X21 X22 H 0
where X represents the inverse of the matrix that consists of A,
B and H, and X11 , X12 , X21 and X22 are the partitioned sub-
matrices of X. To simplify the calculation, assume that the
feedforward compensator Kf is pure gain and that the outputs
ym of the ideal model can track command input signals um
directly. Then, the ideal state space model can be set to
Am ¼ 0; Bm ¼ 0; Cm ¼ 0; Dm ¼ I ð11Þ Fig. 7 Control surface configurations of example flying wing
Substituting Eqs. (10) and (11) into Eq. (9) yields the fol- aircraft.
lowing values of S11, S12, S21 and S22
S11 ¼ 0; S12 ¼ X12 ; S21 ¼ 0; S22 ¼ X22 ð12Þ
Table 1 Typical static stability derivatives.
Substituting the result in Eq. (12) into Eq. (8) yields the
Trimmed a (°) Cma Clb Cnb
control inputu
1.6 0.0191 0.0246 0.0043
u ¼ KCx þ ðX22 KCX12 Þum ð13Þ
In Eq. (13), the control input u of the aircraft consists of
two parts, the former part represents the output feedback from
the control system and the latter part represents the shaping of Under the typical flight condition, the longitudinal and
the command input signal from the feedforward gain matrix. lateral-directional coupled dynamic model is shown in Eq.
Thus, the feedforward gain Kf can be expressed as (15), and when the sideslip angle changes, it will perturb the
longitudinal dynamic and cause longitudinal and lateral-
Kf ¼ X22 KCX12 ð14Þ directional dynamic coupling. The typical dynamic modes of
the example aircraft are given in Table 2.
3. Three-axis coupled control law design example 2 3
0:9626 0:1736 0 1 0
6 7
6 0 0:0131 0:0301 0 0:9995 7
To evaluate the performance of the three-axis coupled flight 6 7
Ac ¼ 66 0 27:2058 12:9393 0 2:5551 77
control law design method, a three-axis coupled CAS is 6 7
designed for an example flying wing aircraft, the flying quality 4 35:9530 1:7764 0 5:2812 0 5
and the control decoupling effect of the closed-loop aircraft 0 4:3583 1:9792 0 0:2942
2 3
are evaluated, and the influences of control derivatives varia- 0 0:1911 0:0033
tion of drag rudders on the three-axis coupled control law 6 7
6 0 0 0:0024 7
are analyzed by parameter perturbed simulation. 6 7
Bc ¼ 66 136:1101 0 4:0272 77 ð15Þ
6 7
3.1. Dynamic characteristic analysis of example aircraft 4 0 116:9258 3:8804 5
0:9270 0 5:0404
The example flying wing aircraft is illustrated in Fig. 7. It is The dynamic modes in Table 2 demonstrate that the short-
equipped with two sets of elevons and a set of split drag rud- period mode of the example aircraft is unstable, whereas the
ders. The control functions of the control surfaces are allo- roll mode characteristics are relatively satisfactory and the
cated via manual decoupling, the inboard elevons are mainly Dutch roll mode is dynamically unstable. Therefore, the design
used for pitch control, and symmetric downward deflection of CAS must focus on improving the short-period mode and
is defined as positive deflection; the outboard elevons are used the Dutch roll mode characteristics of the example aircraft
for roll control via differential deflecting, and deflection of the to satisfy the flying quality specifications.
left elevon upward and of the right elevon downward is defined The split drag rudders of flying wing aircraft will produce
as positive deflection. The split drag rudders are dedicated for strong three-axis coupling of forces and moments during
yaw control, with the open left side control surface defined as deflection, and the strong coupling characteristics have been
positive deflection. thoroughly analyzed in Ref. 7. Fig. 8 plots the three-axis
Considering typical flight condition (Ma = 0.5 and moment control coefficients of the split drag rudders for the
H = 5 km) as an example, the static stability derivatives and example aircraft under typical flight condition.
typical dynamic modes of the aircraft are listed in Table 1. According to Fig. 8, as the drag rudder deflection increases,
Where Cma is the longitudinal static stability derivative, Clb is the coupling control coefficients of the pitch and roll axes
the lateral static stability derivative, Cnb is the directional static become significant. When the split drag rudder deflects posi-
stability derivative. tively, it generates a negative roll moment coefficient; hence,
According to Table 1, the example aircraft is longitudinal the aircraft tends to roll off to the split rudder opened side,
unstable, due to the lack of vertical tails, the yaw axis of the and regardless of whether the split rudder is deflecting posi-
example aircraft exhibits typical weak static instability charac- tively or negatively, it generates a positive pitching moment
teristics of the flying wing, and the static stability of the lateral coefficient, which indicates that the aircraft tends to pitch
axis is reduced compared to conventional aircraft. up. Although the absolute values of the roll and pitch moment
Three-axis coupled flight control law design for flying wing aircraft 2517
ther analysis of the control gains K and Ki reveals that some Under a typical flight state (Ma = 0.5 and H = 5 km) and
lateral-directional states of the aircraft, such as the sideslip using the improved LOES matching method, the lateral-
angle and the yaw rate, are fed back into the pitch axis; in directional and longitudinal LOES models of the example air-
the command tracking path, the error integrals of the sideslip craft for the ‘‘coupled method” are obtained, as presented in
angle and the roll angle variation rate are also fed back into Tables 4 and 5. For comparison, the lateral-directional LOES
the pitch axis. Since these lateral state variables are fed back models for the ‘‘normal method” are also presented in Table 4.
into the longitudinal channel of the aircraft, when drag rud- According to the lateral-directional LOES models in
ders deflect and cause changes in the lateral-directional states, Table 4, the flying quality evaluation results for the two design
the inboard elevons can actively deflect to reduce the adverse methods are calculated and listed in Table 6. According to the
interference of the drag rudders with longitudinal motion results, both of the design methods can ensure that the exam-
and to realize superior aircraft dynamic decoupling ple aircraft satisfies the requirements of Level 1 flying quality.
performance. In the evaluation results, the differences in the roll modal char-
acteristics are minor; however, under the same control law
3.2.3. Feedforward control parameters design objective, the Dutch roll modal damping for the ‘‘nor-
For the example aircraft, using model following method mal method” is only 0.47, whereas for the ‘‘coupling method”,
described in Section 2.5 and the calculated feedback control the damping is improved to 0.61, which represents an increase
gain K, the feedforward gain is calculated as of approximately 30%. In addition, the Dutch roll mode eigen-
The feedforward gain Kf of the example aircraft is a 3 3 values of the closed-loop aircraft are closer to the design objec-
matrix. According to an analysis of the matrix elements, the tives than those of the ‘‘normal method”.
yaw-roll axis of the closed-loop aircraft has a cross feedfor- According to longitudinal LOES models in Table 5, the
ward relationship, which ensures yaw or roll steady-state evaluation parameters of the Control Anticipation Parameter
response decoupling from the roll or yaw command inputs. (CAP) criterion are calculated, which are listed in Table 7.
The roll and yaw maneuvering commands are fed forward into The evaluation results demonstrate that the equivalent CAP
the pitch axis, and thus, when performing yaw or roll maneu- parameters and the equivalent short-period modal characteris-
vers, the pitch steady-state response will be decoupled from the tics of the closed-loop aircraft satisfy the level 1 flight quality
yaw or roll maneuver command and the interference of the requirements.
drag rudder control coupling with the longitudinal motion will In conclusion, the CAS that was designed via the ‘‘coupled
be reduced. method” can ensure that the three axes of flying wing aircraft
If the response characteristics of the closed-loop aircraft are satisfy the level 1 flying quality requirements and the direc-
unsatisfactory after the addition of the forward proportional tional damping characteristics can be substantially improved.
gain, the gain values can be adjusted to satisfy the accuracy Meanwhile, the ‘‘coupled method” assigns the closed-loop
requirements for command tracking. eigenvalues more accurately, which avoids the subsequent iter-
ative design of the ‘‘normal method”.
4. Flying quality evaluation and numerical simulation
verification 4.2. Evaluation of control decoupling performance
4.1. Flying quality evaluation Currently, there is no quantitative standard in the aircraft fly-
ing quality specifications for evaluating the decoupling perfor-
mance of the drag rudder. Thus, a closed-loop command
For the flying quality evaluation of high-order closed-loop air-
tracking simulation is used to evaluate the control decoupling
craft, the Low-Order Equivalent System (LOES) matching
performance of the proposed method and the differences in the
method is recommended in aircraft flying quality specifications
aircraft maneuvering response characteristics under the CASs
for conventional aircraft.35 However, due to the non-negligible
that were designed via the two methods are compared and ana-
differences in the stability and control characteristics between
lyzed. Since the control coupling is mainly generated by the
flying wing aircraft and conventional aircraft, the LOES
deflection of the drag rudder, the following text will focus on
matching method for conventional aircraft is not fully applica-
analyzing the decoupling performance of the ‘‘coupled meth-
ble to flying wing aircraft. Therefore, the improved LOES
od” in yaw maneuver and coordinated turn maneuver
matching method for flying wing aircraft in Ref. 36 is used
to perform the flying quality evaluation of the example
4.2.1. Yaw axis maneuvering command tracking
The CAS for example aircraft is designed via the three-axis
coupled control design method, which mainly focuses on Under the cruise state of Ma = 0.5 and H = 5 km, using the
improving the insufficient directional damping of flying wing CASs that were designed via the above two methods, the state
aircraft. To compare the three-axis coupled control design responses of the example aircraft tracking b ¼ 3 step com-
method and the conventional lateral-longitudinal decoupled mand and the variations of three-axis control surface deflec-
design method (which are hereinafter referred to as the ‘‘cou- tion are plotted in Fig. 9.
pled method” and the ‘‘normal method”) in terms of perfor- Fig. 9(a) shows that both of the design methods realize
mance in improving the flying quality of flying wing aircraft, accurate tracking of the sideslip angle command. According
a standalone lateral-directional CAS is designed for the exam- to Fig. 9(b), when using the ‘‘normal method”, the tracking
ple aircraft using the lateral-directional control augmentation sideslip angle command generates an AOA disturbance with
structure of conventional aircraft13 and the same control a maximum amplitude of approximately 0.5° and slow conver-
design objectives as the ‘‘coupled method”. gence, whereas for the ”coupled method‘‘, the disturbed ampli-
Three-axis coupled flight control law design for flying wing aircraft 2519
drag rudder. As the lateral and directional axes are ‘‘soft” In the three-axis coupled control structure, the directional
cross-connected in the ‘‘coupled method”, the coordinated control augmentation parameters and the ‘‘hard” cross-
deflection of the drag rudder effectively reduces the adverse connection decoupling parameters are determined by the yaw
interferences with the lateral response; hence, the ‘‘coupled and pitch control derivatives of the split drag rudders. The
method” outperforms the ‘‘normal method” in terms of the accuracy of these two control derivatives may have significant
tracking performance of the roll angle variation rate command impacts on the directional dynamic characteristics and the con-
and the roll angle changes more smoothly, as depicted in trol decoupling performance. Besides, the variation of roll con-
Fig. 10(a) and (e). trol derivative of the split drag rudders may degrade the
In summary, flying wing aircraft can realize improved lateral-directional decoupling performance. According to the
dynamic decoupling and control decoupling performance by studies in Refs. 6,7,24,37, when compared with other aerody-
using the ‘‘coupled method”. Moreover, designing the CAS namic parameter perturbations of flying wing aircraft, the con-
via the three-axis coupled control method is a better choice trol derivative perturbations of drag rudders have relatively
for satisfying the flight mission requirements. greater influences on the dynamic characteristics of the
closed-loop aircraft. Therefore, the following context will put
emphasis on analyzing the influences of control derivative per-
4.3. Influences of control derivative perturbations of drag rudders
turbations of drag rudders on the three-axis coupled flight con-
on the flight control law
trol law.
To analyze the influences of the yaw and pitch control
Due to the unique tailless aerodynamic configuration, the derivative perturbation of the drag rudder, the yaw maneuver
dynamic characteristics of flying wing aircraft are significantly command tracking simulation in Section 4.2.1 is taken as the
different from those of conventional aircraft. Therefore, when nominal simulation case, and control derivatives perturbed
selecting the uncertainty parameters for perturbation analysis, simulations are performed based on the nominal case using
we prefer to choose aerodynamic parameters and evaluate the nonlinear simulation model of the aircraft. To analyze the
control augmentation and decoupling effects of the three-axis influence of roll control derivative perturbation, the coordi-
coupled flight control law under variation of aerodynamic nated turn simulation in Section 4.2.2 is taken as nominal case
characteristics. to perform perturbed simulation analysis. Due to the use of
Three-axis coupled flight control law design for flying wing aircraft 2521
nonlinear simulation model in perturbation analysis, the respect to the nominal value. When the control derivative
amplitude of roll maneuver command for the coordinated turn Cmdr is reduced by 10%, the maximum amplitude of AOA
simulation has been appropriately adjusted. As for the static response is decreased by about 0.04° compared with the
aerodynamic parameters of aircraft, by using computational nominal value. After 4 s of simulation time, the AOA
fluid dynamics method or wind tunnel tests, it is capable to responses of the perturbed simulations have nearly con-
obtain high accuracy values, so the deviation range of static verged and are consistent with the nominal simulation result.
aerodynamic parameter is relatively small. According to Ref. According to Fig. 11(d), when the control derivative Cmdr is
37, the parameter deviations of the control derivatives Cldr , perturbed, the ‘‘hard” cross-connection for drag rudder and
Cndr and Cmdr are determined within range of ±10%. Then inboard elevons cannot accurately eliminate the AOA distur-
perturbed simulation analyses of the three control derivatives bance. But due to the ‘‘soft” cross-connection design for the
are performed separately to determine their influences on the longitudinal and lateral-directional axes, the inboard elevons
three-axis coupled flight control law. can dynamically adjust its deflection according to the AOA
disturbance. As shown in Fig. 11(d), when pitch control
4.3.1. Perturbation of pitch control derivative Cmdr derivative Cmdr is increased by 10%, the deflection of
The perturbed simulation results for pitch control derivative inboard elevons will increase relative to the nominal value
Cmdr in yaw maneuver command tracking are compared with to ensure fast convergence of the AOA. When pitch control
the nominal simulation result and shown in Fig. 11. derivative Cmdr is reduced by 10%, the deflection of inboard
Fig. 11(b) shows that the perturbation of pitch control elevons will decrease relative to the nominal value to avoid
derivative Cmdr would slightly affect the dynamic response generating additional AOA disturbance. Finally, the AOA
characteristics of the disturbed AOA. Within 1 s of the sim- disturbances induced by the drag rudder are completely
ulation time, the disturbed AOA amplitude of perturbed eliminated.
simulations is small when compared with nominal simulation Since the pitch control derivative perturbation of drag rud-
results. Within 1 to 4 s of simulation time, when the control der only affects the longitudinal dynamics, there is very small
derivative Cmdr is increased by 10%, the amplitude of dis- variation in the lateral-directional state variables in Fig. 11s(a)
turbed AOA response is increased by about 0.05° with and (c).
4.3.2. Perturbation of yaw control derivative Cndr tively determine the influence of Cndr perturbation on the direc-
The perturbed simulation results for yaw control derivative tional flying quality of the flying wing aircraft, LOES matching
Cndr in yaw maneuver command tracking are compared with is performed for the parameter perturbed closed-loop aircraft’s
the nominal simulation result and shown in Fig. 12. directional axis. The obtained directional LOES models and
Fig. 12(a) and (d) indicate that the perturbation of yaw con- flying quality parameters are listed in Tables 8 and 9. Table 9
trol derivative Cndr mainly affects the dynamic response pro- shows that, when Cndr is reduced by 10%, the Dutch roll mode
cess of sideslip angle. When Cndr is reduced by 10%, the frequency and damping are reduced to 1.14 rad/s and 0.49
maximum overshoot of the sideslip angle response is increased respectively. When Cndr is increased by 10%, the Dutch roll
by approximately 0.5° relative to the nominal result, and the mode frequency and damping are reduced to 0.95 rad/s and
trimmed deflection of split drag rudder is increased from 2.7° 0.51. And in both of the two cases, the Dutch roll modes still
of the nominal value to 3° to provide higher control effective- can meet Level 1 flying quality requirements. Since the feed-
ness. When Cndr is increased by 10%, the overshoot of the side- back yaw rate signal in the directional channel of the closed-
slip angle response is reduced by about 0.4° with respect to the loop aircraft is calculated by the improved method in Sec-
nominal result, and the trimmed deflection of the split drag tion 2.2, the perturbation of Cndr will not significantly change
rudders is reduced by about 0.3° from the nominal value as the directional damping characteristics. In both of the two per-
a result of increased control effectiveness. In order to quantita- turbed simulations, the sideslip angle response can quickly
10%Cndr perturbation bcmd ðsÞ ¼ ðs þ 3:134Þðs þ 8:012 106 Þðs2 þ 1:116s þ 1:298Þ
e0:035s 2.7
bðsÞ 0:0010722ðs þ 4366Þðs þ 1:136Þðs þ 8:138 10 Þ 0:056s
reach the steady-state value, and the directional dynamic char- Fig. 13(a) and (d) show that the roll angle variation
acteristics are still good. rate response and outboard elevon dynamic deflection
Since the longitudinal-directional axes and lateral- process of the perturbed simulations are very close to
directional axes adopt ‘‘soft” cross-connection decoupling the nominal simulation results. This is because that the
design, the longitudinal-directional dynamics and the lateral- lateral-directional axes of closed-loop aircraft are already
directional dynamics can be perfectly decoupled. In Fig. 12 decoupled by ‘‘soft” cross-connection design, and the
(b) and (c), the perturbation of yaw control derivative Cndr absolute value of roll control derivative Cldr is much
has little effect on the AOA and the roll angle variation rate smaller than the value of Cldr , hence the perturbation of
responses, and the state responses of the perturbed simulations Cldr does not have significant influence on the lateral
and the nominal simulation are almost the same. dynamics.
The ‘‘soft” cross-connection design for longitudinal and
4.3.3. Perturbation of roll control derivative Cldr lateral-directional axes can ensure good dynamic decoupling
The perturbed simulation results for roll control derivative Cldr performance, and in Fig. 13(b) and (c), the perturbation of roll
in the coordinated turn simulation are compared with the control derivative Cldr has almost no influence on AOA and
nominal simulation result and shown in Fig. 13. sideslip angle responses.
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