100-04-Noise, Vibration and Harshness 100-04

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100-04-1 Noise, Vibration and Harshness 100-04-1

SECTION 100-04 Noise, Vibration and Harshness



Noise, Vibration and Harshness (NVH).............................................................................. 100-04-2
Inspection and Verification.................................................................................................. 100-04-2
Noise Diagnostic Procedure............................................................................................... 100-04-2
Road Test........................................................................................................................... 100-04-3
Road Test Quick Checks.................................................................................................... 100-04-3
Road Conditions................................................................................................................. 100-04-4
Vehicle Preparation............................................................................................................ 100-04-4
Power Steering Conditions................................................................................................. 100-04-4
Power Steering Operation Noise Check............................................................................. 100-04-4
Symptom Chart................................................................................................................... 100-04-7
Pinpoint Tests..................................................................................................................... 100-04-14

Exhaust System Neutralizing.......................................................................... (25 001 0) 100-04-20
100-04-2 Noise, Vibration and Harshness 100-04-2

Noise, Vibration and Harshness (NVH)

Inspection and Verification
Identify the Condition
1. Verify the customer concern.
2. Visually inspect for obvious signs of mechanical NVH usually occur in four areas:
or electrical damage.
• tires
3. If an obvious cause for an observed or reported
concern is found, correct the cause (if possible) • engine accessories
before proceeding to the next step. • suspension
4. If the concern is not visually evident, verify the • driveline
symptom and REFER to the Symptom Chart. It is important, therefore, that an NVH concern be
isolated into its specific area(s) as soon as
possible. The easiest and quickest way to do this
How to Use this Diagnostic Procedure is to carry out the Road Test as outlined. To assist
Section in the diagnosis and testing procedure(s), use a
suitable approved NVH diagnosis tester.
• Noise, vibration and harshness (NVH) concerns
have become more important as vehicles have
become more sensitive to these vibrations. This Noise Diagnostic Procedure
section is designed to aid in identifying these
• The section provides diagnostic procedures Non-Axle Noise
based on symptom. If the condition occurs at
high speed, for instance, the most likely place The five most common sources of non-axle noise
to start is under Shake and Vibration While are exhaust, tires, roof racks, trim panels and
Driving. transmission.
• The road test procedure will tell how to sort the Therefore, make sure that none of the following
conditions into categories and how to tell a conditions are the cause of the noise before
vibration from a shake. proceeding with a driveline teardown and
• A series of Road Test Quick Checks are diagnosis.
provided to make sure that a cause is either • In certain conditions, the pitch of the exhaust
pinpointed or eliminated. may sound very much like gear noise. At other
• Name the condition, proceed to the appropriate times, it can be mistaken for a wheel bearing
section and locate the correct diagnosis. When rumble.
the condition is identified, the job is partly done. • Tires, especially snow tires, can have a high
• Follow the diagnostic procedure as outlined. pitched tread whine or roar, similar to gear
• Quick Checks are described within the step, noise. Radial tires may have this characteristic.
while more involved tests and adjustments are Also, any non-standard tire with an unusual
outlined in General Procedures. tread construction may emit a roar or whine
• Always follow each step exactly and make notes
to recall important findings later. • Trim panels can also cause whistling or whining
• Clunk may be a metallic noise heard when the
Customer Interview automatic transaxle is engaged in "R"
(REVERSE) or "D" (DRIVE) or it may occur
The road test and customer interview (if available) when the throttle is applied or released. It is
provide information that will help identify the caused by backlash somewhere in the driveline.
concern and will provide direction to the correct • Bearing rumble sounds like marbles being
starting point for diagnosis. tumbled. This condition is usually caused by a
damaged wheel bearing.

2008.50 Mondeo 1/2009 G37349en

100-04-3 Noise, Vibration and Harshness 100-04-3
Noise Conditions slight noise is in no way detrimental and must be
considered normal.
• Gear noise is typically a howling or whining due
The road test and customer interview (if available)
to gear damage or incorrect bearing preload. It
provide information needed to identify the condition
can occur at various speeds and driving
and give direction to the correct starting point for
conditions, or it can be continuous.
• Chuckle is a particular rattling noise that sounds
like a stick against the spokes of a spinning 1. Make notes throughout the diagnosis routine.
bicycle wheel. It occurs while decelerating from Make sure to write down even the smallest bit
64 km/h (40 mph) and can usually be heard all of information, because it may turn out to be the
the way to a stop. The frequency varies with most important.
vehicle speed. 2. Do not touch anything until a road test and a
• Knock is very similar to chuckle, though it may thorough visual inspection of the vehicle have
be louder and occurs on acceleration or been carried out. Leave the tire pressures and
deceleration. The teardown will disclose what vehicle load just where they were when the
has to be corrected. condition was first observed. Adjusting tire
pressures, vehicle load or making other
Clicking, popping or grinding noises may be caused adjustments may reduce the condition(s)
by the following: intensity to a point where it cannot be identified
• worn, damaged or incorrectly installed wheel clearly. It may also inject something new into
bearing, suspension or brake component. the system, preventing correct diagnosis.
Check and rule out tires, exhaust and trim items 3. Make a visual inspection as part of the
before disassembling the transmission to diagnose preliminary diagnosis routine, writing down
and correct gear noise. anything that does not look right. Note tire
pressures, but do not adjust them yet. Note
The noises described under Road Test usually leaking fluids, loose nuts and bolts, or bright
have specific causes that can be diagnosed by spots where components may be rubbing
observation as the unit is disassembled. The initial against each other. Check the load space for
clues are the type of noise heard on the road test unusual loads.
and driving conditions. 4. Road test the vehicle and define the condition
by reproducing it several times during the road
Vibration Conditions
5. Carry out the Road Test Quick Checks as soon
Vibration at highway speeds may be caused by as the condition is reproduced. This will identify
the following: the correct diagnostic procedure. Carry out the
Road Test Quick Checks more than once to
• out-of-balance front or rear wheels. verify they are providing a valid result.
• out-of-round tires. Remember, the Road Test Quick Checks may
Shudder or vibration during acceleration may be not tell where the concern is, but they will tell
caused by the following: where it is not.

• damaged powertrain/drivetrain mounts.

• excessively high constant velocity (CV) joint
Road Test Quick Checks
operating angles caused by incorrect ride height.
Check ride height, verify correct spring rate and 1. 24-80 km/h (15-50 mph): with light acceleration,
check items under inoperative conditions. a moaning noise is heard and possibly a
vibration felt in the front floor panel. It is usually
worse at a particular engine speed and at a
Road Test particular throttle setting during acceleration at
that speed. It may also produce a moaning
A gear-driven unit will produce a certain amount sound, depending on what component is
of noise. Some noise is acceptable and may be causing it. REFER to Tip-in Moan in the
audible at certain speeds or under various driving Driveline Noise and Vibration Symptom Chart.
conditions, as on a newly paved asphalt road. The 2. Acceleration/Deceleration: With slow
acceleration and deceleration, a shake is

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100-04-4 Noise, Vibration and Harshness 100-04-4
sometimes noticed in the steering wheel/column, consistently used, the road noise variable is
seats, front floor panel, front door trim panel or eliminated from the test results.
front end sheet metal. It is a low frequency NOTE: Some concerns may be apparent only on
vibration (around 9-15 cycles per second). It smooth asphalt roads.
may or may not be increased by applying the
brakes lightly. REFER to Idle If a customer complains of a noise or vibration on
Boom/Shake/Vibration in the Driveline Noise a particular road and only on a particular road, the
and Vibration Symptom Chart. source of the concern may be the road surface. If
3. High Speed: A vibration is felt in the front floor possible, try to test the vehicle on the same type
panel or seats with no visible shake, but with of road.
an accompanying sound or rumble, buzz, hum,
drone or booming noise. Coast with the clutch Vehicle Preparation
pedal depressed (manual transmission) or shift
control selector lever in "N" (NEUTRAL) Carry out a thorough visual inspection of the
(automatic transmission) and engine idling. If vehicle before carrying out the road test. Note
vibration is still evident, it may be related to anything which is unusual. Do not repair or adjust
wheels, tires, front brake discs, wheel hubs or any condition until the road test is carried out,
front wheel bearings. REFER to Shake and unless the vehicle is inoperative or the condition
Vibration While Driving in the Driveline Noise could pose a hazard to the technician. After
and Vibration Symptom Chart. verifying that the condition has been corrected,
4. Engine rpm Sensitive: A vibration is felt make sure all components removed have been
whenever the engine reaches a particular rpm. installed.
It will disappear in neutral coasts. The vibration
can be duplicated by operating the engine at
the problem rpm while the vehicle is stationary. Power Steering Conditions
It can be caused by any component, from the
accessory drive belt to the clutch or torque Check for the noise in the following conditions to
converter which turns at engine speed when the verify the customer concern.
vehicle is stopped. REFER to Shake and • Check for the noise in several temperature
Vibration While Driving in the Driveline Noise conditions.
and Vibration Symptom Chart. • Is the noise from when the vehicle was new?
5. Noise and Vibration While Turning: Clicking, • Can the noise be repeated constantly or is it
popping or grinding noises may be due to the random?
• Check the condition of the vehicle age, mileage
• worn, damaged or incorrectly installed front and service record.
wheel bearing.
• Interview the customer to find the operating
• damaged powertrain/drivetrain mounts. condition in which the noise will occur. Test the
vehicle based on the detail(s) from the customer
Road Conditions interview.
• Follow the power steering operation noise
An experienced technician will always establish a condition tables below, to find which condition
route that will be used for all NVH diagnosis road the noise will occur.
tests. The road selected should be reasonably
smooth, level and free of undulations (unless a
particular condition needs to be identified). A Power Steering Operation Noise Check
smooth asphalt road that allows driving over a
range of speeds is best. Gravel or bumpy roads Step 1: Check for NVH concerns from non-steering
are unsuitable because of the additional road noise components, which may sound like noises coming
produced. Once the route is established and from the steering system.

2008.50 Mondeo 1/2009 G37349en

100-04-5 Noise, Vibration and Harshness 100-04-5
Power assisted steering operating condition
Parking Driving
Steering central/slightly Steering at a steering Driving straight ahead Cornering condition
off center lock stop
concerns from other concerns from other concerns from other concerns from other
components column A components column B components column C components column D

NVH concerns from other components

NVH concerns from other condition (column A to D)
Noise Driving Condition A B C D
Pedal box knocking Drive off, stop driving and slow cornering X X O X
over uneven roads
Stabilizer bar link Drive off, driving and cornering X O O X
Engine support insu- Drive off, driving, acceleration and X X
lator knocking deceleration
Air conditioning Engine on, activate switch for air condi- X X O O
knocking tioning
Suspension knocking Drive off, driving, cornering, acceleration X O X
(Subframe, Springs) and deceleration
Constant velocity (CV) Drive off, driving, cornering, acceleration X O X
joint knocking and deceleration
Washer bottle Deceleration, acceleration and single O X
Loose suspension All driving conditions O O X
Instrument panel All driving conditions. Engine rpm X X X X
rattle/squeak dependant
• X = Noise will most likely occur in this operating condition.
• O = Noise can possibly occur in this operating condition.
• Blank = Noise is unlikely to occur in this operating condition.

Step 2: Check for steering system NVH concerns

according to operation condition described at the
customer interview.

Power assisted steering operating condition

Parking Driving Vehicle stationary with engine off
Steering Steering at a Steering Steering at a Steering central/ Steering at a
central/ steering lock central/slightly steering lock slightly off centre steering lock stop
slightly off stop off center stop

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100-04-6 Noise, Vibration and Harshness 100-04-6
Power assisted steering operating condition
Parking Driving Vehicle stationary with engine off
REFER to REFER to REFER to REFER to REFER to steering REFER to steering
steering steering steering steering system system NVH system NVH
system NVH system NVH system NVH NVH concerns concerns column E concerns column F
concerns concerns concerns column D
column A column B column C

Steering system NVH concerns

Steering System operation condition (column A to F)
Noise Driving condition A B C D E F
Moan Parking between lock stops, at engine idle and X O
also increased engine speed
Whine Driving, high engine rpm. Must be present from O O X X
Hiss a) Parking between lock stops. Must be present X X O O
from new
b) Holding steering wheel against lock stops. Must X
be present from new
Lock stop impact a) Parking at lock stop. Must be present from new X X
Mechanical knock b) Parking between lock stops, engine OFF. Must X
(power assisted be present from new
steering (PAS) off)
Mechanical Knock c) Parking between lock stops, engine ON (ball X
(PAS on) joint knock)
Hammer knock d) Parking into lock stop and release (vehicle with X
hydraulic power assisted steering (HPAS) only,
not for vehicles with electro-hydraulic power
assisted steering (EHPAS))
Hydraulic knock e) Driving, cobble stones, rough road (clonk). Must O X
(clonk) be present from new
Column knock f) Parking, driving. cobble stones and rough roads X X O X X X
Column rattle Mainly driving on rough roads O X X O
Toc-toc Steering left and right at high frequency. Must be X
present from new
Grinding When turning steering wheel X O X
Zip At engine start, low temperatures below -10°C X O
• X = Noise will most likely occur in this operating condition.
• O = Noise can possibly occur in this operating condition.
• Blank = Noise is unlikely to occur in this operating condition.

Step 3: According to each identified operating possible Steering System NVH concern with the
condition (Column A, B, C, D, E, F), check each detail symptom charts below.

2008.50 Mondeo 1/2009 G37349en

100-04-7 Noise, Vibration and Harshness 100-04-7
Before conducting a vehicle test to identify a NVH Symptom Chart
concern carry out the following checks.
1. Check the tire pressures and adjust to
specification, as necessary.
Power Steering Moan Noise
2. Make sure the steering system fluid is correct, Test Condition
the system is free of leaks and is operating
correctly. Listen for steering moan noise with the vehicle
parked, transmission in neutral and all windows
3. Make sure the vehicle steering system
closed in the following test conditions.
temperature is the same as described at the
customer interview. 1. Engine speed at idle with no steering action.
4. All evaluations must take place in a relatively 2. Engine speed at idle with slow 90 degrees per
quiet location. second turning of the steering wheel.
5. The heating - air conditioning (A/C) fan and 3. Engine speed at 1250 +/- 50 rpm with no
radio must be turned off during evaluations and steering action.
the windows closed. 4. Engine speed at 1250 +/- 50 rpm with slow 90
degrees per second turning of the steering

Symptom Possible Sources Action

• CHECK the routing of the
power steering lines.
• CHECK the power steering
line clamps are secure.
Power steering lines.
• CHECK the power steering
lines for clearance from the
Power steering system moan vehicle body, front axle cross-
noise – A continuous low pitched member and steering gear.
humming noise occurs when the
steering wheel is turned and the FLUSH the power steering
steering system is loaded. Noise system. REFER to:
frequency changes with engine
rpm changes. Particularly Incorrect power steering fluid. Power Steering System
annoying at lower engine speed. Flushing (211-00 Steering
System - General Informa-
tion, General Procedures),
Pressure pulses from the power
steering pump. Certain amount
Power steering pump.
of noise level acceptable, not a
safety critical item.

Power Steering Whine Noise 2. Engine speed at 1800 +/- 50 rpm with slow 90
degrees turning of the steering wheel.
Test Condition 3. Engine speed at 3000 +/- 50 rpm with no
Listen for steering whine noise with the vehicle steering action.
parked, transmission in neutral and all windows 4. Engine speed at 3000 +/- 50 rpm with slow 90
closed in the following test conditions. degrees turning of the steering wheel.
1. Engine speed at 1800 +/- 50 rpm with no
steering action.

2008.50 Mondeo 1/2009 G37349en

100-04-8 Noise, Vibration and Harshness 100-04-8
Symptom Possible Sources Action
BLEED the power steering
REFER to: Power Steering
Power steering fluid aeration. System Bleeding (211-00
Steering System - General
Information, General Proced-
FLUSH the power steering
Power steering system whine system. REFER to:
noise – a high pitched buzzing
Incorrect power steering fluid. Power Steering System
sound like an electric motor or
Flushing (211-00 Steering
drill. Whine occurs at the higher
System - General Informa-
engine rpm, 1500 - 5000 rpm,
tion, General Procedures),
frequency does not change if
system is loaded or not loaded. FLUSH the power steering
system. REFER to:
Overheated power steering fluid. Power Steering System
Flushing (211-00 Steering
System - General Informa-
tion, General Procedures),
Certain amount of noise level
Hydraulic operating condition of
acceptable, not a safety critical
the power steering pump.

Power Steering Hiss Noise

Test Condition
Listen for steering hiss noise with the vehicle
parked, transmission in neutral and all windows
closed in the following test conditions.

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100-04-9 Noise, Vibration and Harshness 100-04-9
Symptom Possible Sources Action
NOTE: Engine speed at idle CHECK the installation and
turning the steering wheel slowly Floor seal. potential damage of the floor
lock to lock. seal.
Power steering system hiss noise Certain amount of noise level
– a high frequency, continuous Power steering gear valve
acceptable, not a safety critical
rush or swish noise like escaping design.
air from a balloon. Hiss occurs
while turning between the
steering lock stops, all steering Certain amount of noise level
Power steering system hydraulic
angles. Noise does not change acceptable, not a safety critical
with engine rpm and is worse at item.
high operating temperatures.
NOTE: Engine speed at idle
holding the steering wheel
against a steering lock for three
seconds. Do not hold for more
than five seconds. Certain amount of noise level
Power steering pump pressure
acceptable, not a safety critical
Power steering system hiss noise relief valve. item.
– a continuous noise like
escaping air occurs while holding
the steering against a steering
lock stop.

Power Steering Lock Stop Impact Knock 1. Turn the steering wheel to the left-hand and
Noise right-hand steering locks and listen for the
impact noise.
Test Condition
Listen for steering knock noise with the engine
speed at idle in the following test conditions (noise
also apparent with engine off).

Symptom Possible Sources Action

Power steering system knock
noise – a heavy loud sound like Power steering gear mechanical Certain amount of noise level
a knock on a door that occurs in noise, metal to metal at end of acceptable, not a safety critical
parking condition when hitting the steering travel. item.
lock stop.

Power Steering Mechanical Knock Noise 1. Turn the steering wheel 90 degrees to the right,
(PAS off) hold and then quickly release.
2. Turn the steering wheel 90 degrees to the left,
Test Condition hold and then quickly release.
Listen for steering knock noise with the engine off
in the following test conditions (no power assist).

2008.50 Mondeo 1/2009 G37349en

100-04-10 Noise, Vibration and Harshness 100-04-10
Symptom Possible Sources Action
Power steering system knock
noise – a damped, metallic knock Certain amount of noise level
Power steering system knock noise which only occurs at acceptable, not a safety critical
noise – a heavy loud repeating steering condition with engine off item.
sound like a knock on a door that (very high efforts).
occurs in several driving and
steering conditions. Certain amount of noise level
Tolerances in the steering gear
acceptable, not a safety critical

Power Steering Mechanical Knock Noise 1. Turn the steering wheel to a steering lock and
(PAS on) return to center quickly.
2. Turn the steering wheel 90 degrees to the left
Test Condition and then 90 degrees to the right quickly.
Listen for steering knock noise with the engine
speed at idle in the following test conditions (power

Symptom Possible Sources Action

Power steering system knock REFER to Steering System.
noise – clear knock noise from
steering gear linkage area. Worn tie-rod ball joints (inner and REFER to: Steering System (211-
outer ball joints). 00 Steering System - General
Information, Diagnosis and

Power Steering Hammer Knock (Hydraulic) vehicles with hydraulic power assisted steering
Noise only, not electro-hydraulic power steering).
1. Turn the steering wheel to a steering lock
Test Condition
position and return quickly.
Listen for steering knock noise with the engine
speed at idle in the following test conditions (for

Symptom Possible Sources Action

Power steering system knock
noise – loud, metallic sound if
hitting the suspension cross- Certain amount of noise level
Hydraulic noise created by pres-
member with a hammer (sounds acceptable, not a safety critical
sure impulses.
like metallic noise but is created item.
by pressure impulse in gear and
return line).

Power Steering Hydraulic Knock/Clonk 1. Drive over cobbled roads at low speed 10-30
Noise km/h (6-20 mph) with and without turning.
2. Drive over straight tar strips road rails or 25 mm
Test Condition tall harshness strips at low speed 10-30 km/h
Listen for steering knock/clonk noise in the (6-20 mph) both driving straight and with
following test conditions with the windows closed. moderate turning.

2008.50 Mondeo 1/2009 G37349en

100-04-11 Noise, Vibration and Harshness 100-04-11
Symptom Possible Sources Action
Power steering system knock/ Certain amount of noise level
clonk noise – sounds almost Power steering return lines. acceptable, not a safety critical
identical to column knock that item.
occurs when driving and
High power assist gain of power Certain amount of noise level
cornering over cobbled stones or
steering gear valve (steering gear acceptable, not a safety critical
rough roads. Noise may appear
design - no quality issue). item.
to emanate from a location closer
to the floor than that for column
knock (Sounds like metallic noise
Certain amount of noise level
but is created by pressure High power steering pump flow
acceptable, not a safety critical
impulse in gear and return line – rate (by design).
similar to a sound like quickly
turning off a water tap).

Power Steering Column Knock Noise 1. Drive over cobbled stones at low speed 16-40
km/h (10-25 mph) with and without steering
Test Condition input carefully listening for knock sounds.
Listen for steering knock noise in the following test 2. Drive over straight tar strips, road rails or 25 mm
conditions with windows closed. tall harshness strips at low speed 16-40 km/h
(10-25 mph) both driving straight and with
moderate cornering.

Symptom Possible Sources Action

CHECK the steering column
retaining bolts and attachments
to the steering column and
secure if necessary.
Power steering system column
knock noise – a loose sounding Check steering column and
Steering column or steering
rattle or vibration coming from the intermediate shaft for free play or
column shaft.
column. Noticeable by hearing loose components.
and touch.
REFER to: Steering System (211-
00 Steering System - General
Information, Diagnosis and

Power Steering Toc-Toc Noise 1. Turn the steering wheel from left to right abruptly
changing direction.
Test Condition 2. Drive the vehicle for low speed parking
Listen for steering toc-toc noise with the engine manoeuvres constantly changing steering
speed at idle and the vehicle parked, automatic direction.
transmission in "P" (PARK) or manual transmission
in neutral and the windows closed.

2008.50 Mondeo 1/2009 G37349en

100-04-12 Noise, Vibration and Harshness 100-04-12
Symptom Possible Sources Action
Power steering system toc-toc
noise – a metallic noise created
Certain amount of noise level
when changing direction of Steering gear (design tolerance
acceptable, not a safety critical
steering wheel rotation during in steering rack).
parking manoeuvre or at stand-

Power Steering Grinding Noise transmission in "P" (PARK) or manual transmission

in neutral and the windows closed.
Test Condition
1. Slowly turn the steering wheel from lock to lock.
Listen for steering grinding noise with the engine 2. Tilt and extend the steering column in various
speed at idle and the vehicle parked, automatic positions and slowly turn the steering wheel
from lock to lock.

2008.50 Mondeo 1/2009 G37349en

100-04-13 Noise, Vibration and Harshness 100-04-13
Symptom Possible Sources Action
Certain amount of noise level
Steering wheel to shroud interfer-
acceptable, not a safety critical
Certain amount of noise level
Steering column bearing. acceptable, not a safety critical
Power steering system grinding
noise – an abrasive noise (like CHECK if floor covering is
sand paper rubbing against obstructing the steering gear
Foreign material in contact with pinion.
wood) occurs between moving
the steering column shaft.
components such as steering CHECK the installation of the
wheel and the steering column floor seal.
CHECK the clockspring and
secure if necessary.
Clockspring. REFER to: Clockspring (501-20
Supplemental Restraint
System, Removal and Installa-

Power Steering Zip Noise

Symptom Possible Sources Action

Certain amount of noise level
High viscosity of power steering
Power steering system zip noise acceptable, not a safety critical
fluid at low temperature.
– occurs when hydraulic fluid item.
does not flow freely through the
BLEED the power steering
power steering pump supply hose
from steering fluid reservoir to
power steering pump causing Aeration of the power steering REFER to: Power Steering
cavitation at the pump. Zip is fluid. System Bleeding (211-00
primarily a cold weather start-up Steering System - General
phenomenon (below -10°C). Information, General Proced-

Driveline Noise and Vibration

Symptom Possible Sources Action

• Wheel end vibration.
Shake and vibration while driving • Engine/transmission. GO to Pinpoint Test A.

• Air cleaner.
• Power assisted steering.
Tip-in moan • Powertrain. GO to Pinpoint Test B.
• Powertrain/drivetrain mounts.
• Exhaust system.

2008.50 Mondeo 1/2009 G37349en

100-04-14 Noise, Vibration and Harshness 100-04-14
Symptom Possible Sources Action
• Cable(s)/hose(s).
Idle boom/shake/vibration/ • Powertrain/drivetrain mounts.
• Exhaust system. GO to Pinpoint Test C.
• Belt/pulleys.

Suspension Noise and Vibration

Symptom Possible Sources Action

• Suspension.
Wheel end vibration analysis • Wheel bearings. GO to Pinpoint Test D.

• Trim panels.
Non-axle noise • Air conditioning (A/C) system. GO to Pinpoint Test E.
• Accessories.

Pinpoint Tests steps necessary to correct the condition. Then

check the operation of the system to make sure
NOTE: These Pinpoint Tests are designed to take the condition has been corrected.
the technician through a step-by-step diagnosis After verifying that the condition has been
procedure to determine the cause of a condition. corrected, make sure all components removed
It may not always be necessary to follow the chart have been installed.
to its conclusion. Carry out only the pinpoint test
1 Carry out the neutral coast test.
• Does the vibration disappear during the neutral
coast test?
→ Yes
GO to A2.
→ No
GO to Pinpoint Test D.
1 Carry out the powertrain/drivetrain mount neut-
ralizing procedure
• Are the mounts OK?
→ Yes
Vehicle condition corrected. ROAD TEST as
→ No
INSTALL new powertrain/drivetrain mounts
as necessary. ROAD TEST as necessary.

2008.50 Mondeo 1/2009 G37349en

100-04-15 Noise, Vibration and Harshness 100-04-15
1 Check the condition of the air cleaner mounts,
inlet tube, outlet tube, resonators and all other
components associated with the air induction
system for correct installation and tightness of
all connections.
• Are the components OK?
→ Yes
GO to B2.
→ No
REPAIR or INSTALL new components as
necessary. ROAD TEST as necessary.
1 Carry out the exhaust system neutralizing
REFER to: Exhaust System Neutralizing (100-
04 Noise, Vibration and Harshness, General
• Is the exhaust system OK?
→ Yes
GO to B3.
→ No
REPAIR as necessary. ROAD TEST as
1 Remove the accessory drive belt and test for
tip-in moan. REFER to:
Accessory Drive Belt (303-05 Accessory Drive
- 2.0L Duratec-HE (MI4)/2.3L Duratec-HE
(MI4), Removal and Installation),
• Is the tip-in moan OK?
→ Yes
REPAIR the power steering as necessary.
REFER to: Steering System (211-00 Steering
System - General Information, Diagnosis
and Testing).
→ No
GO to B4.

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100-04-16 Noise, Vibration and Harshness 100-04-16
1 Carry out the powertrain/drivetrain mount neut-
ralizing procedure
• Are the powertrain/drivetrain mounts OK?
→ Yes
Vehicle condition corrected. ROAD TEST as
→ No
INSTALL new powertrain/drivetrain mounts
as necessary. ROAD TEST as necessary.


1 Check the engine compartment for any
component that may have a touch condition
between the engine and body or chassis. For
example: control cable, air conditioning (A/C)
hoses, acceleration cable.
• Are the components OK?
→ Yes
GO to C2.
→ No
REPAIR or INSTALL new components as
necessary. ROAD TEST as necessary.
1 Check the engine cooling radiator mountings
and bushings for security and condition. Check
the radiator installation for any component that
may have a touch condition.
• Is the installation and bushings OK?
→ Yes
GO to C3.
→ No
REPAIR or INSTALL new components as
necessary. ROAD TEST as necessary.

2008.50 Mondeo 1/2009 G37349en

100-04-17 Noise, Vibration and Harshness 100-04-17
1 Carry out the exhaust system neutralizing
REFER to: Exhaust System Neutralizing (100-
04 Noise, Vibration and Harshness, General
• Is the exhaust system OK?
→ Yes
GO to C4.
→ No
REPAIR as necessary. ROAD TEST as
1 Carry out the powertrain/drivetrain mount neut-
ralizing procedure
• Are the powertrain/drivetrain mounts OK?
→ Yes
Vehicle condition corrected. ROAD TEST as
→ No
INSTALL new powertrain/drivetrain mounts
as necessary. ROAD TEST as necessary.


1 Inspect the wheels and tires.
REFER to: Wheels and Tires (204-04 Wheels
and Tires, Diagnosis and Testing).
• Are the wheels and tires OK?
→ Yes
GO to D2.
→ No
INSTALL new wheels or tires as necessary.
REFER to: Wheel and Tire (204-04 Wheels
and Tires, Removal and Installation).
ROAD TEST as necessary.

2008.50 Mondeo 1/2009 G37349en

100-04-18 Noise, Vibration and Harshness 100-04-18
1 Inspect the wheel bearings.
• Are the wheel bearings OK?
→ Yes
GO to D3.
→ No
INSTALL new wheel bearings as necessary.
Front Wheel Bearing (204-01 Front Suspension,
Removal and Installation),
ROAD TEST as necessary.
1 Inspect the wheel and tire runout.
• Is the wheel and tire runout OK?
→ Yes
Balance the wheels and tires. Refer to the
wheel balance equipment manufacturer's
instructions. ROAD TEST as necessary.
→ No
INSTALL new wheels or tires as necessary.
REFER to: Wheel and Tire (204-04 Wheels
and Tires, Removal and Installation).
ROAD TEST as necessary.


1 Check the radiator grille and trim panels to see
if they are the source of the noise.
• Are the vehicle trim components causing the
→ Yes
INSTALL new trim components or REPAIR as
necessary. ROAD TEST as necessary.
→ No
GO to E2.
1 Ignition switch in position III.
2 Ignition switch in position II.

2008.50 Mondeo 1/2009 G37349en

100-04-19 Noise, Vibration and Harshness 100-04-19
3 Check the A/C system components for noise by
turning the A/C system on and off.
• Is the A/C system causing the noise?
→ Yes
INSPECT the A/C system. REFER to: (412-
00 Climate Control System - General Informa-
Climate Control System (Diagnosis and Testing),
Climate Control System (Diagnosis and Testing).
ROAD TEST as necessary.
→ No
GO to E3.
1 Check any non-factory installed accessories for
being the source of the noise. For example:
touch condition body-to-frame, antennas,
deflectors and fog lights.
• Are the accessories the cause of the noise?
→ Yes
accessories or fasteners as required. ROAD
TEST as necessary.
→ No
VERIFY the customer concern.

2008.50 Mondeo 1/2009 G37349en

100-04-20 Noise, Vibration and Harshness 100-04-20

Exhaust System Neutralizing(25 001 0)

1. Loosen the muffler inlet pipe and resonator
pipe to exhaust manifold fasteners at the
flanges and the muffler inlet connection.
2. Place a stand to support the muffler parallel
to the vehicle frame with the muffler pipe
bracket free of stress.
3. Tighten the muffler connection.
4. Position the exhaust pipes to the manifolds
and tighten. Make sure that the catalytic
converter and heat shield do not contact the
frame rails.
5. With the complete exhaust system tight (and
cooled) the rear hanger insulator should be
angled forward, to allow the system to
expand rearward when heated during normal

2008.50 Mondeo 1/2009 G17383en

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