100-04-Noise, Vibration and Harshness 100-04
100-04-Noise, Vibration and Harshness 100-04
100-04-Noise, Vibration and Harshness 100-04
Exhaust System Neutralizing.......................................................................... (25 001 0) 100-04-20
100-04-2 Noise, Vibration and Harshness 100-04-2
Step 3: According to each identified operating possible Steering System NVH concern with the
condition (Column A, B, C, D, E, F), check each detail symptom charts below.
Power Steering Whine Noise 2. Engine speed at 1800 +/- 50 rpm with slow 90
degrees turning of the steering wheel.
Test Condition 3. Engine speed at 3000 +/- 50 rpm with no
Listen for steering whine noise with the vehicle steering action.
parked, transmission in neutral and all windows 4. Engine speed at 3000 +/- 50 rpm with slow 90
closed in the following test conditions. degrees turning of the steering wheel.
1. Engine speed at 1800 +/- 50 rpm with no
steering action.
Power Steering Lock Stop Impact Knock 1. Turn the steering wheel to the left-hand and
Noise right-hand steering locks and listen for the
impact noise.
Test Condition
Listen for steering knock noise with the engine
speed at idle in the following test conditions (noise
also apparent with engine off).
Power Steering Mechanical Knock Noise 1. Turn the steering wheel 90 degrees to the right,
(PAS off) hold and then quickly release.
2. Turn the steering wheel 90 degrees to the left,
Test Condition hold and then quickly release.
Listen for steering knock noise with the engine off
in the following test conditions (no power assist).
Power Steering Mechanical Knock Noise 1. Turn the steering wheel to a steering lock and
(PAS on) return to center quickly.
2. Turn the steering wheel 90 degrees to the left
Test Condition and then 90 degrees to the right quickly.
Listen for steering knock noise with the engine
speed at idle in the following test conditions (power
Power Steering Hammer Knock (Hydraulic) vehicles with hydraulic power assisted steering
Noise only, not electro-hydraulic power steering).
1. Turn the steering wheel to a steering lock
Test Condition
position and return quickly.
Listen for steering knock noise with the engine
speed at idle in the following test conditions (for
Power Steering Hydraulic Knock/Clonk 1. Drive over cobbled roads at low speed 10-30
Noise km/h (6-20 mph) with and without turning.
2. Drive over straight tar strips road rails or 25 mm
Test Condition tall harshness strips at low speed 10-30 km/h
Listen for steering knock/clonk noise in the (6-20 mph) both driving straight and with
following test conditions with the windows closed. moderate turning.
Power Steering Column Knock Noise 1. Drive over cobbled stones at low speed 16-40
km/h (10-25 mph) with and without steering
Test Condition input carefully listening for knock sounds.
Listen for steering knock noise in the following test 2. Drive over straight tar strips, road rails or 25 mm
conditions with windows closed. tall harshness strips at low speed 16-40 km/h
(10-25 mph) both driving straight and with
moderate cornering.
Power Steering Toc-Toc Noise 1. Turn the steering wheel from left to right abruptly
changing direction.
Test Condition 2. Drive the vehicle for low speed parking
Listen for steering toc-toc noise with the engine manoeuvres constantly changing steering
speed at idle and the vehicle parked, automatic direction.
transmission in "P" (PARK) or manual transmission
in neutral and the windows closed.
• Air cleaner.
• Power assisted steering.
Tip-in moan • Powertrain. GO to Pinpoint Test B.
• Powertrain/drivetrain mounts.
• Exhaust system.
• Trim panels.
Non-axle noise • Air conditioning (A/C) system. GO to Pinpoint Test E.
• Accessories.