Logistics Risk Assessment Tool Template
Logistics Risk Assessment Tool Template
Logistics Risk Assessment Tool Template
Industrial Engineering Undergraduate Honors
Industrial Engineering
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Fritsche, Daniel C., "Developing a Logistics Risk Assessment Tool" (2016). Industrial Engineering Undergraduate Honors Theses. 41.
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Developing a Logistics Risk Assessment Tool
Daniel Fritsche
Economies around the world have thrived in the wake of the development and keen
become more dependent on other organizations to move their products and services to
completion due to complex sourcing and shipping arrangements that have precipitated from the
services. When this flow is disrupted or halted, disastrous consequences can ensue. In the worst
cases, such as with a disaster relief organization like the American Red Cross, disruptions in
supply chains could mean the loss of human life. Although more supply chain managers
recognize that disruptions along supply chains can cause millions of dollars in lost revenue and
large losses of goodwill, very few know exactly what risks their organizations are exposed to.
The aim of this research is to better understand what risks are present along each point in the
supply chain – both internally and externally – and to develop a way to assess those risks.
Furthermore, this research aims to understand how to mitigate these risks for organizations.
Ultimately, the goal is to employ these findings in the form of a web tool that surveys users
about their supply chain, assesses their current levels of risk, and suggests ways to mitigate this
Table of Contents
Table of Figures ..................................................................................................................... 3
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 4
2 Literature Review ............................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Supply Chain Risk Management .............................................................................................. 7
2.2 Similar Tool Review .................................................................................................................. 8
3 Research Methodology ...................................................................................................... 10
3.1 Best Practice Selection ............................................................................................................ 11
3.1.1 Managerial Level ................................................................................................................. 12
3.1.2 Sourcing ............................................................................................................................... 13
3.1.3 Warehousing and Transportation ......................................................................................... 14
3.1.4 Inventory and Production..................................................................................................... 15
3.1.5 Information Systems ............................................................................................................ 16
3.2 Expanding the Utility of the Identified Best Practices ............................................................ 17
3.3 Best Practice Component Compilation ................................................................................... 19
4 Logistics Risk Assessment Tool ........................................................................................ 20
4.1 Excel Prototype Development ................................................................................................. 21
4.2 Case Study .............................................................................................................................. 27
4.2.1 Results of Tool Based on Research Rankings of Importance .............................................. 28
4.2.2 Results of Tool Based on Organization’s Own Rankings of Importance ............................ 30
5 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 31
6 Future Work ..................................................................................................................... 33
References ............................................................................................................................ 38
Appendix ............................................................................................................................. 43
List of Component Activities that Make Up Each Best Practice .................................................. 43
Table of Figures
Figure 1: Areas of Focus .............................................................................................................. 11
Figure 2: Best Practices in Five Focus Areas ............................................................................... 19
Figure 3: Ranking of Best Practices ............................................................................................. 22
Figure 4: Variability Assignments for Each Best Practice ........................................................... 23
Figure 5: Sample Survey Questions.............................................................................................. 15
Figure 6: Best Practices Evaluation with Values .......................................................................... 16
Figure 7: Summary Page of Excel Prototype Tool ....................................................................... 27
Figure 8: Organization vs. Ideal When Importance is Ranked by Research ................................. 29
Figure 9: Area Value Gap Analysis When Importance is Ranked by Research ........................... 29
Figure 10: Organization vs. Ideal When Importance is Ranked by the Organization ................... 30
Figure 11: Area Value Gap Analysis When Importance is Ranked by the Organization ............. 31
Figure 12: Login and Home Pages of Logistics Risk Assessment Web Tool ............................... 36
Figure 13: Importance Ranking Survey of Logistics Risk Assessment Web Tool ....................... 36
1 Introduction
unfathomable rate. Consequently, businesses and manufacturers have been able to take
increasing levels. This has created the need for long, complex supply chains. Supply chains are
through a manufacturing process to the distributor and retailer, and ultimately to the consumer
(Collins English Dictionary, 2015). The development of these supply chains has made a
tremendous positive impact on the world, with more consumers satisfied with a wider variety of
While effective supply chain management practices have their advantages, many
approaches result in a lack of direct control on when materials for products arrive. This increased
reliance on external suppliers can lead to delays in manufacturing and deliveries, and/or low
quality levels if the supplier is not performing as expected (Tan et al., 1999). This
underperformance could be due to some inherent problem with the supplier or an unavoidable
disruption in their business environment, such as a strike or a natural disaster. In the past,
competition was amongst organizations, but now it is pitting entire supply chains against each
other. The organizations with the strongest supply chains will outperform their less efficient
competitors (Li et al., 2006). As the world becomes more reliant on these complex supply chains
to which companies owe much of their successes, it will be vital for organizations to know
exactly what risks they are exposed to and how to avoid them.
Potentially disastrous consequences can be a result of ignorance of risks along the supply
chain. This is clearly evidenced by the fire that consumed large portions of a Philips Electronics
plant in 2000 (Chopra and Sodhi et al., 2014). This plant was a producer and supplier of
cellphone chips, perhaps the most integral part of a cellphone. Two of their major customers
were Ericsson and Nokia. One would presume that the fallout from this fire hindered both
Ericsson and Nokia’s abilities to keep producing their cellphones. While both of them were
extremely dependent on Philips’ cellphone chips, Nokia was able to find another supplier in just
a few days. Ericsson, however, spent an entire month attempting to find another supplier,
resulting in a loss of $200 million. This led to a downward spiral for Ericsson that they never
truly recovered from, while Nokia’s profits rose 42% in 2000, despite the incident (Mukherjee et
al., 2008). It is important to understand that disruptions of this magnitude can occur in any
organization from risks that are both directly and indirectly controlled by that organization.
The previous example was a preventable disaster that could have been completely
avoided had the proper infrastructure and systems been in place. Some supply chain disruptions
are like this – totally unavoidable if foreseen – while others are not avoidable. The latter type of
disruptions is mostly a result of natural disasters, which can have tremendous negative impacts
One such disruption caused by natural disaster was the Great Tohoku Earthquake and
Tsunami of 2011. This disaster shut down Tier 1 and 2 automotive parts suppliers and original
equipment manufacturers (OEM) such as Toyota for several weeks. Due to this massive
disruption, it was estimated that 4 million units of vehicle production were lost (Canis et al.,
2011). The month after this disaster occurred, production was down 80% in Japan, 15% outside
of Japan, and 13% globally (Robinet et al., 2011). The loss of production had tremendous
economic repercussions, but it also resulted in significant social consequences. At the time it was
estimated that this disaster could affect almost 400,000 Americans’ jobs (Japan Automobile
Manufacturers Association et al., 2011). The automotive industry had just begun recovering from
the setbacks of the recession several years prior, and this disruption was a major blow to that
progress. That is almost half a million Americans, who could potentially be at risk of poverty due
While this was not a preventable disruption, many of the negative consequences that
precipitated from this event could have been mitigated or even avoided with proper planning.
Having a diversity of suppliers and transportation providers is critical to a high level of resilience
in a situation like this. Many other risk mitigation techniques would have prevented these
disastrous results had they been in place. Regardless of whether the event itself is preventable or
not, there are always measures that can be taken beforehand to limit the financial and
In order to help organizations foresee risks they would not otherwise, a logistics risk
assessment web tool was being designed. The goal of this tool is to rate an organization’s current
readiness for supply chain disruptions and help them identify the areas with the most potential
for improvement. To introduce the framework and logic of the tool, a careful literature review
was conducted to understand what the ideal conditions and actions for risk mitigation are and
was translated into a logic for organizations’ performances to be measured against. This tool is
2 Literature Review
To understand the elements necessary for an effective risk assessment tool, an extensive
literature review was conducted. The background information about supply chain risk
management and agreed-upon best practices was one part of the focus of the literature. The other
focus was delving into other tools with similar applications to this tool to develop metrics,
algorithms, and performance measures for the logistics risk management tool.
The introduction of this paper focused on disasters that have occurred along certain
organizations’ supply chains, leading to major disruptions in flow and massive shortages of end
product. In this section of the literature review, the focus was on techniques that aim to mitigate
the risk associated with such disasters. All of these techniques fall under the umbrella of Supply
Chain Risk Management (SCRM) and have the overarching purpose of mitigating the likelihood
of disruptions that would interrupt the continuity of normal business operations and processes
(Supply Chain Risk Leadership Council, 2011). It should be noted that SCRM is made up of two
components: resilience and vulnerability. In this context, resilience is defined as reducing the
effects of a disruption, while vulnerability is reducing the likelihood of that disruption from
Many organizations would be tempted to start the SCRM process by identifying their
risks and managing those immediately; however, this approach could lead to fundamental
misunderstandings of the sources of risk along the supply chain. This misunderstanding would
most likely result in a treatment of symptoms rather than finding root causes of problems. In
order to avoid this misstep, organizations should start the SCRM process by understanding and
pinpointing their internal and external environments (Supply Chain Risk Leadership Council,
2011). They should strive to understand all risks associated with their workforce, internal
After taking the time to thoroughly understand their environments, organizations can then
take on the task of finding risks and mitigating or eliminating them. This process involves the
identification of the risk, assessment of its potential impact, and then taking action to reduce the
As is with many other business processes, there are best practices that are established
organically through learning and application. Over time, industries gain enough experience to see
which practices are successful and which ones are not. As the idea of supply chain management
has matured, best practices in SCRM have begun to be solidified. This does not mean that every
organization takes part or even knows about all best practices, but it does mean that a fairly
comprehensive set of best practices in SCRM has been developed when looking at the business
landscape as a whole. The great aspect about best practices is that they have been tried by many
different organizations in different industries and have still gained widespread adoption as being
the best.
Due to this resilience, best practices seemed like a great framework to base the Logistics
Risk Management Tool on. In order to do this, an “ideal” supply chain had to be developed. This
meant going through literature to understand best practices along every major part of the supply
chain. This process is described in depth in Section 3.1 Best Practice Selection. Creating this
ideal supply chain would allow the tool to have something to compare individual organizations
against, in order to show them where they fell in SCRM against a supply chain comprised of best
Through the literature review, no other tools with the same utility and goal as the
Logistics Risk Management Tool were discovered; however, many other tools with similar
functionalities were found and reviewed to build a framework for the logic and components
necessary to develop such a tool. Literature was reviewed so as to find other tools that used best
practices as a basis and then tried to understand the logic of these tools.
One such tool that ended up being a major contributor to the Logistics Risk Management
Tool was a tool called the Inventory Management Readiness Assessment Model developed by
previous University of Arkansas student. This tool and the research that went into its
development laid a great foundation for the methodology that would be used in the development
of the Logistics Risk Management Tool. While it was a somewhat different topic of research, the
inventory tool was based on best practices and compared specific organizations against best
practices (Castrodale, 2014). This was a great basis for how to compile best practices and
Another important aspect of similar tools that was reviewed was a weighting system that
gives different weights to different attributes – or in this case best practices – based on how
important they are to the system as a whole. A couple papers highlighted this method in a way
that could be translated into the Logistics Risk Management Tool. In an attempt to assess the
value of different projects Home Depot could pursue, Feng et al. (2008) developed a matrix with
all of the different objectives of a new Home Depot location broken into different categories.
They then gave each objective a weight of importance. The weight of each category normalized
in such a way that the normalized weights of each of the five categories summed up to 1. They
then rated each option on a scale from 0 to 10 in each objective, based on how well each option
would perform the objective. These scores were summed up and multiplied by the normalized
weights of each objective, which gave the overall score of each option.
While there is really no need to assess multiple alternatives when trying to achieve the
minimum level of risk in a supply chain, the model that Feng et al. laid out seemed to be very
applicable to rating best practices and their importance in the overall system. Each objective –
each best practice in our case – can be given specific value measures, which aid in allocating
different levels of importance and in understanding the effects of doing or not doing a best
An important attribute that is not addressed in Feng et al.’s model is the variation in these
value measures. Variation is very critical, because it can have a huge effect on the importance of
a certain objective. If, for example, it was the best practice to real-time data available for
analysis, there could be huge swings in availability of data depending on different situations. To
continue with the example, imagine that this best practice was the second most critical best
practice in mitigating supply chain risks, but it had by far the most variation in availability and
the highest ranked best practice had very low variation. This would make accounting for real-
time data analysis the most important practice, because its wild swings in availability could have
a larger impact on the system than the highest ranked best practice. This idea of including
variation as a component of importance to the decision is the basic premise of more advanced
3 Research Methodology
The best practices discovered in the literature review were much larger in quantity than
what was actually going to be necessary for the tool. Steps were taken to reduce this number into
a concise, yet comprehensive list of best practices that would properly address all aspects of
3.1 Best Practice Selection
There are many different areas of SCRM that must be addressed when seeking to
eliminate potential disruptions. The literature review had to be broken into five different
categories all with the same goal of building resilience in the supply chain to minimize the
impact or frequency of disruptions. The aim in splitting the areas of focus up was to find best
practices in each of those areas that could late be assessed by the tool. These five areas of SCRM
The first step taken in this process was to eliminate any redundant best practices. The
next iteration was to remove any best practice that could possibly fall into another category or be
encompassed by a different best practice. This rendered four best practices in the managerial
level, sourcing, warehousing and transportation, and inventory and production areas and two best
systems Sourcing
Building resilience
to minimize the
impact and
frequency of
disruptions in the
supply chain
Inventory and and
3.1.1 Managerial Level
The managerial level area of SCRM focus involves executive level decisions that can be
made to directly implement to decrease supply chain disruptions. The first area of focus within
the managerial level is focusing on the weakest links in the supply chain, which the following
practices highlight. The first best practice discussed in this area was the rehearsing and testing of
systems through periodic staged events (Kleindorfer et al., 2005). This practice allows an
organization to tangibly see where the disruptions might occur in any given staged event they
might think of. The next task organizations could do to mitigate supply chain risk would be to
develop methods and metrics of evaluating suppliers and transportation providers (Slone et al.,
2007). It is critical that executives be involved in these decisions, because only key performance
indicators (KPIs) that could have an effect on the bottom line should be used. These KPIs should
organization’s suppliers or transportation providers. Another step companies could take would be
to evaluate technologies used in-house, upstream, or downstream to assess whether or not they
are up-to-date (Slone et al., 2007). One of the easiest and most effective steps executives should
be taking to mitigate risk is communicating clearly and regularly with staff to ascertain early
warning signs of supplier trouble (lengthening cycle/delivery times, top management changes,
Another area of focus for managers would be having backup or contingency plans in case
unavoidable disruptions occur. One of the most important backup plans is having an extremely
reliable insurance company with maximum coverage, so cash flows will not be impeded
(Travelers, 2013). In reference to actual product flow, executives want to make sure they have
To ensure buy-in of the entire supply chain, it is a critical practice that executives
building deep relationships with suppliers that allow for regular tests, information sharing, and
frequent conversations to understand their concerns (Turner, 2011). One of the most effective
approaches to accomplish this practice is to use continuous replenishment software that allows
Perhaps the most important task executives should practice in SCRM is involvement.
One simple step in this practice is having regular annual or quarterly briefings on supply chain
risk exposure and what is being done to mitigate said exposure (Supply Chain Risk Leadership
Council, 2011). Another way for executives to stay involved is to have quick access to critical
SCRM data through easy-to-reach data dashboards that are updated regularly (Handfield et al.,
3.1.2 Sourcing
disruption; therefore, convention says to have multiple sourcing options to ensure supplies can be
sourced even if a catastrophe does occur at one supplier’s plant. Not only is it important to have
multiple suppliers for one product, but it is also critical to have suppliers for the same material
from different geographies and with multiple manufacturing sites (Pochard, 2003).
Another best practice in sourcing is to increase the frequency of monitoring and auditing
supplier performance. With proper metrics for evaluation this could provide early indications of
disruptions in the supply chain. These policies should include Service Level Agreements.
Without these agreements, fill-rates and in-stock rates could see major fluctuations, which would
be sure to halt the flow of material in the supply chain (Chithur, 2015).
Ideal sourcing should also include the use of incentives and pricing to increase
cooperation amongst suppliers. This is much like collaborative planning, but it focuses heavily
on suppliers and what can be done to encourage their cooperation. These types of incentives are
usually beneficial for everyone and reduce total costs along the supply chain (Vakil et al., 2011).
One of the most critical practices in warehousing and transportation is to have high
visibility of products and their movements at all times. RFID and GPS technology are musts for
maximum visibility of products. As technologies develop and advance though, it is critical that
management stay up-to-date on technologies, always using the ones allowing for the highest
visibility (Prest, 2012). This allows management to know instantaneously when a disruption has
diversify transportation modes as much as necessary. This means using not only different
carriers, but also a variety of modes of shipment, such as truckload, less than truckload, rail, etc.
This is critical, because it allows organizations to send more critical shipments on quicker modes
of transportation. Another method of diversification is to own at least a small fleet for the most
critical components or products to be shipped on. These practices keep non-critical products
from taking up space and impeding flow of critical products on the way to the customer
(Urciuoli, 2015).
In the same way that suppliers should be monitored and audited so should shippers. Many
of the same steps must be taken here as should be taken with the auditing suppliers. One of the
distinctions between suppliers and shippers though, is that security is a much larger concern with
shippers. Due to this, it is necessary that policies for security are employed, strictly enforced, and
carefully monitored to mitigate the risk of lost, stolen or broken items in transit (Ellison et al.,
secure and safely transport an organization’s products. In this case, one helpful task to ensure
security is to do careful background checks on service providers, particularly if these are foreign
Inventory and production disruptions could involve any number of incidents. An example
of a disruption in production would be a critical stamping machine breaking down and requiring
maintenance. Likewise, an inventory disruption could occur if there was some sort of damage,
such as fire damage, the inventory underwent. It is therefore vital that organizations use best
practices to try to avoid or mitigate the impacts of these occurrences. One way to do this would
quality-related issues. Use Total Quality Management principles to reduce the number of
critical that organizations perform scheduled maintenance on all machines that are remotely
Much like warehousing and transportation and sourcing, it is necessary that inventory and
production be continuously and regularly monitored and scored on critical KPIs that can be
One of the most critical practices in inventory and production is to maintain flexibility in
production. Operating at 100% utilization may be efficient, but it leaves no room for error when
a disruption in the process occurs. It is recommended that production runs always operate under
100% efficiency (Lapide, 2008). This practice also involves the shifting of resources to increase
flexibility. Flexibility increases when production levels are spread out across
all production lines and facilities fairly evenly (Tang et al., 2008).
Information systems are becoming ever more ubiquitous and critical to the flow of
products through the world’s supply chains. With this still being a new area to manage risk
within the supply chain relative to the four other areas, there is great potential for improvement
and impact. The Big Data movement over the past few years has shown the power of mining raw
data and translating it into meaningful models and solutions and how that power can transform
organizations financially. This same tactic can be used to transform the way risks are identified
One way to reduce disruptions along the supply chain is to invest resources into ensuring
all computing systems are properly secured. Almost all parts of an organization are tied to a
computing system. If some sort of attack or disaster were to affect the function of these
computing systems and an organization was not properly prepared, disastrous consequences
could ensue. It is best practice to ensure a thorough background check is run on anyone and
everyone who is granted access to any computing system within the organization (Swanson, M.
et al., 2010).
but the use of Big Data provides a more progressive – rather than reactive – approach to
identifying risks. One way this can be done is by utilizing huge data warehouses kept by
governments or other public institutions. Organizations can use this data to assess risks
associated with certain properties they own or are looking to acquire or global hazards that might
be eminent (Kelly et al., 2010). Another technique that could lend well to mitigating disruptions
is social media and other live web data. Utilizing this data could provide insight into global
events occurring in areas relevant to an organization’s operations long before the news would
have made its way to the organization otherwise, allowing them extra time to implement a
contingency plan (Inbound Logistics, 2012). Big Data has also been being widely used in
predictive analytics with great success. Government entities have already been researching and
revealing great potential in using Big Data to mitigate the impact of natural disasters (Tellman et
al., 2015). These same techniques could prove very useful in analyzing past supply chain disaster
Supply chain risk management is an extremely broad topic that is not bound by industry
boundaries or geographical constraints. At the outset of the project, the goal was to send out this
list of best practices to industry partners to have them verify, validate, and even offer other best
practice solutions. Upon further review, it became clear that this approach might yield
misleading results. Due to the broad nature of SCRM, many different industry partners in various
industries would have to be sampled. Individuals from different corporations would most likely
rank best practices differently than others, making it difficult to ascertain what the actual and/or
The next step in the process of compiling these best practices was to ensure that each one
of them would contribute to the overall goal of building resilience in the supply chain to
minimize the impact and frequency of disruptions. In order to do this, each best practice had to
be verified as fitting into the category it was preliminarily placed in. In order to do an analysis of
these best practices later, directions such as “increase”, “decrease”, “maximize”, or “minimize”
had to be assigned to each one. The result of this process was a concise list of best practices that
encompass all five categories of importance in SCRM: managerial level, sourcing, warehousing
and transportation, inventory and production, and information systems. All of these best
practices also can be assigned quantifiable numbers or functions, because they have been
assigned directions in which it is advantageous for a company to follow the direction of that best
practice. The figure below describes these best practices with their associated directions
Figure 2: Best Practices in Five Focus Areas
While these best practices were carefully separated into distinct groups and were meant
to be very specific, they might still not be in the form necessary to accurately assess
organizations’ adherence to these policies. For example, if an organization was asked whether or
not they take part in collaborative planning or to what extent they do, it would be difficult for
them to accurately answer. The next step then was to review literature for component activities
The goal in finding these components of the best practices was to find tasks essential to
the successful adherence to each best practice. Additionally, they also needed to be tasks that
could be transformed into yes or no questions, so organizations could easily and clearly answer
them in the assessment tool. After careful review of many components of each best practice, a
final list was formed through the elimination of components that did not adhere to the
aforementioned requirements. This process yielded four component activities for each of the best
practices shown in Figure 2, and the complete list can be found in the Appendix.
This section describes the process of the development of the logistics risk assessment tool
that allows users to identify and assess risks across their supply chains. Many tools similar to this
are built in Excel, but there are many advantages to building tools are hosted in other
environments, including ease of access and user friendliness. For these reasons, the tool was
developed as a web-based tool. Building an entire website for this tool allows for increased
flexibility and ability to scale as opposed to many traditional Excel-based tools. The tool utilizes
databases to capture and store all pertinent information from surveys while still allowing users to
4.1 Excel Prototype Development
While a web-based tool was chosen as the instrument for the final version of this tool,
building an Excel-based prototype of this tool is an extremely beneficial practice in laying the
framework and the logic for the web tool. This is due to the immense amount of research that has
already been done in decision analysis with accompanying Excel tools, such as the Multiple
Objective Decision Analysis tool referred to in the literature review and written about in the
Wiley Handbook of Science and Technology for Homeland Security (Parnell, 2008).
As was laid out by the research methodology there are five areas of SCRM, each with a
group of best practices (a total of 18 best practices), and those best practices are made up of
different component activities that collectively encompass the entire best practice (72 of those in
all). The basic idea for the tool is to allow users to answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to whether or not they
do each of the 72 component activities. The collection of the answers about the component
activities of each best practice represents to what extent the organization utilizes each best
The first step in this process was to decide how critical each best practice is in preventing
disruptions along the supply chain. Factors to consider for the criticality of these are the
magnitude of disruptions it would prevent, the frequency of disruptions it would prevent, and the
importance of its position along the supply chain. In order to quantify the criticality of the best
practices, we decided to assigned importance in two different ways, but both ways would assign
an importance level from 1 through 10 to each best practice. One way was to decide on the
importance of each best practice from the vast amount of information compiled in the literature
review. Another way of assigning importance that could be implemented would be allowing the
users of the tool to decide on the importance of each best practice depending on the needs of
their particular organization. While this leaves companies vulnerable to blind spots and without a
fresh perspective, it was a suggestion made by industry partners at a research conference. The
former ranking option of each best practice in the tool is displayed in Figure 3.
Increase sourcing options 6
Increase frequency of Monitoring/auditing performance of the supplier 3
Increase clarity of vendor managemenet policies 2
Increase cooperation through adjusted pricing and incentives 1
Information Systems
Increase security of all computer systems to avoid malicious software attacks 8
Increase real-time data usage on suppliers, properties, and global hazards 6
The next step in the process was to assign weights to each best practice regarding the
variability in the practice. This is an extremely vital step, because variability can make low
ranking practices more important in a system if variability is large enough in magnitude. The
more a component can vary the more critical it is to the system that managers pay attention to it.
For this tool, the variability was estimated in large part to the magnitude of each best practice.
For example, using real-time data involves using thousands of metrics and statistics, so naturally
it will have a higher variability than the practice that reduces forecasting errors with different
inventory systems. The number of different inventory systems available for an organization’s
product portfolio will be limited to just a few, so the variability in that best practice would be
very low. The variability that was assigned to each best practice is shown below in Figure 4.
Increase sourcing options 50
Increase frequency of Monitoring/auditing performance of the supplier 40
Increase clarity of vendor managemenet policies 15
Increase cooperation through adjusted pricing and incentives 20
Information Systems
Increase security of all computer systems to avoid malicious software attacks 65
Increase real-time data usage on suppliers, properties, and global hazards 90
The next step was to normalize each weighting, including the variability assignment and
the importance factor of each. It is necessary to normalize these weights, so that an accurate
comparison can be made across each best practice and so the aggregate score of all best practices
has intrinsic value. In order to do this, variability and importance were summed up and each best
practice’s variability added to its importance score was divided by adding the total variability
and total importance together. With this type of normalization, all the normalized weights of best
practices add up to 1 and each area of SCRM has a calculated weight between 0 and 1 depending
on the variability and importance numbers of each category. This process is illustrated in the
following example and was modeled after another Multiple Objective Decision Tool (Feng et al.,
Variability Assignment: 50
6 + 50
𝐶𝑎𝑙𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑁𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑧𝑒𝑑 𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑠 = = 0.07
84 + 765
Subsequent to this process, the survey that would capture the extent to which each
organization did each best practice had to be created. This was done by translating each of the 72
component activities of the 18 best practices into yes or no questions that organizations could
easily answer without much discrepancy. Each best practice has 4 component activities, so each
activity makes up 25% of the value of the entire best practice. Therefore, if an organization
answered yes to 3 out of the 4 components of a best practice, they would be awarded 75% of that
Managerial Level
Have multiple plants manufacturing your product in case there is a disruption at one
Work with insurance companies to pick the right coverage to at least ensure that a disruption in cash flow will not happen
Have a backup plan for a disruption involving any of your suppliers or transportation providers
Have proper safety stock levels of inventory and try not to depend on only one supplier for any material
The final step in this development was to translate organization’s answers to the surveys
into a number that could be compared against an ‘ideal’ organization. As mentioned previously,
whether or not a company performs none, some, or all of the component activities of each best
practice determines the percentage of value awarded to that organization for that best practice.
These scores are out of 10 and the ‘ideal’ organization has a 10 in every best practice. If an
organization practices 3 out of 4 component activities in a certain best practice, they would then
be awarded 7.5 points for that best practice. While this gives the value for each best practice, it is
important that a way of aggregating all of these values is derived. In order to do this, I multiplied
the organization’s score in each best practice (the percent of component activities practices times
10) by the corresponding calculated normal weight of each best practice and then summed these
values for each area of SCRM. This gives the score of the organization in each of the five areas
of SCRM. To obtain the total system score, I then added each of the scores from the five areas of
As depicted in Figure 6, the user can compare his or her organization’s total score to the
ideal of 10, but the user can also compare the organization to the ideal in the five areas of SCRM
as seen in the lines titled “Section Scores”. To further illustrate the gaps, a summary page with
two different visualizations was created as the results page of the tool. This summary page
allows industry members to see quantitatively how far they are away from the ideal, but also
In this research, both variability and importance of each best practice were assigned a
value based on a literature review and not necessarily on expert knowledge of the subject. In
order to verify and validate that this tool was working as it should be and that it came to
As discussed in Section 4.1 Excel Prototype Development, there were two different
options for evaluating the importance of each best practice. One was deciding on the importance
based on research and our own understanding of the supply chain and its inherent risks. In this
case, the tool would just be a two-step process where the company would answer whether or not
they do each component activity and then review their results based on our rankings of
importance. The other was allowing companies to rank the importance themselves when they use
the tool. In this case the tool would be a three-step process where the organization ranks the
importance of each best practice, answers whether or not they do the component activities of
each best practice, and finally review how they rank against the ‘ideal’ organization.
In order to understand if there were any discrepancies between the two options, we asked
two industry partners from a manufacturing company to use the tool both based on our own
importance of best practices ranking (the two-step process) and their rankings of importance (the
three-step process).
Based on our rankings the order of importance of the five SCRM areas from greatest to
least was warehousing and transportation, managerial level, information systems, sourcing, and
inventory and production. This is important to note, because it will have a large impact on the
organization’s score. The gap analysis from our use case showed that our users had a gap of 3.7
points away from the ideal overall. It also showed that the area with the largest gap was
managerial level risk management. This was the second most important area and the users had
their worst score in this area, so the managerial level area had a huge impact on their overall
Your Organiza9on vs. Ideal
9.00 10.0
2.21 2.42
1.82 1.85 1.84
1.00 0.53 1.01 1.55 1.72 1.32
Figure 8: Organization vs. Ideal When Importance is Ranked by Research
Area Value Gap Analysis
Managerial Level
Infroma?on Systems Sourcing
Inventory/Produc?on Transporta?on
4.2.2 Results of Tool Based on Organization’s Own Rankings of Importance
Based on manufacturing company’s rankings the order of importance of the five areas of
SCRM from greatest to least was warehousing and transportation, managerial level, information
systems, sourcing, and inventory and production, which was the same exact order as the rankings
from the previous approach yielded. The users’ worse performance was still in the managerial
level of risk management. Finding that there was not a large difference in the importance of the
five areas of SCRM helped to validate the fact that either approach could probably be used and
yield similar results. The results from this version of the assessment are highlighted in the
following two figures. The only differences between this version of the tool and the previous
version were slight discrepancies in the values of each SCRM area, but they were not large
2.18 2.38
1.00 1.83 1.82 1.59 1.77 1.84
0.56 1.02 1.32
Figure 10: Organization vs. Ideal When Importance is Ranked by the Organization
Area Value Gap Analysis
Managerial Level
Infroma?on Systems Sourcing
Inventory/Produc?on Transporta?on
Figure 11: Area Value Gap Analysis When Importance is Ranked by the Organization
5 Conclusion
The culmination of this research work is the Logistics Risk Management Tool. This tool
can be used to evaluate both hidden and apparent areas of risk in an organization’s supply chain
by providing a gap analysis against an ‘ideal’ organization. This type of tool can be very useful
to logistics and supply chain managers in different industries, because it can help give them a
different perspective than they might currently have to provide a possible paradigm shift and
allow them to see threats that might have been hidden before.
The tool in its current state is a prototype that is meant to act as a foundation for the full
tool that will continue being developed. The current assessment model asks very general
questions without getting into organizations’ size, demographics, or other specific factors;
therefore, it gives a very broad overview of the areas that are at highest risk of facing major
disruptions. It does not however provide insight into the possible economic consequences of
disruptions in those areas or risk mitigation techniques specific to that assessment. These types
of results are the goal of the research though, which will continue for the foreseeable future.
The basis of this tool is a collection of best practices in SCRM from an extensive
literature review. The literature was reviewed in many different layers. The first layer was
understanding what SCRM was, the second layer was defining the major areas of SCRM, the
third layer was studying the best practices in each of those areas, and the fourth layer was finding
the individual activities that companies could partake in that comprise those best practices. This
meant reading and rereading some of the same papers to get a more thorough understanding of
In the beginning of the research, there was a very heavy emphasis on what questions
should be asked to gather good, quantitative data from users. This was very difficult, because we
had not built a framework for exactly the types of questions we would want to ask organizations,
so the first collections of survey questions for the tools ended up being very inconsistent, with
some being very specific and cost-based, while others were very broad and covered many
categories of SCRM. A better way to have gone about this would have been to start with
understanding what SCRM is and what the major areas of SCRM are.
Despite the difficulty in starting this research, the end result was a tool that performed
very well in a real use case. While only one user was able to try it, it still helped validate that the
process used to score organizations was formulated in a very practical, yet valuable way. The
users were pleased with the analysis, the logic, and the user interface. It was also very helpful to
see that both ways of approaching ranking importance levels yielded the same importance
rankings for the five areas of SCRM. This helped show that either or both of the processes could
There is great value to organizations in periodically assessing their risk exposure. The
more often risk exposure is considered the less likely massive disruptions are to occur. This tool
should allow managers a good overview of their organization’s current state of risk exposure and
risk preparedness by showing them the areas in which they are deficient in utilizing SCRM best
practices. While it is a very broad overview, little steps go a long way in eliminating risks from
the supply chain. Simple “What if?” thoughts help to provide scenarios that could cause
disruption and think of ways to mitigate them. The aim of this tool is not only to show the gaps
in SCRM techniques, but also to catalyze managers’ thought processes about supply chain risks
to ultimately give them a broader perspective on the types of risk they may be vulnerable to.
6 Future Work
As mentioned in the conclusion of this paper, this tool is very useable and valuable in its
current state, but it is at its foundational level at the moment. Research will continue on this tool
to help not only provide the general gap analysis to each organization, but also a cost/benefit
analysis tailored to the needs and makeup of the organization. The aim is to allow organizations
that want to take action to mitigate risk a way to quantify whether it would be a worthwhile
endeavor or not.
Another critical component of future work for this research is translating the Excel
prototype into a web-based tool. In Section 4 Logistics Risk Assessment Tool, the advantages of
a web-based tool over an Excel based tool were introduced. First of all, Excel user interfaces are
usually cumbersome, especially for those with little exposure or regular interaction with Excel.
The user interface is not near as intuitive as a website can be, and the chances of corrupting files
or formulas on accident is very high. Distributing an Excel tool to potential users is also difficult,
and you may not ever receive any feedback on that information. People are much more familiar
with websites and, for the most part, interact with them more often than they do Excel. This
would allow users to easily navigate a website housing this tool with far less explanation or
training. Websites are also much more robust than Excel tools, so distribution would be much
more automatic. Once a web tool is hosted on a domain, it is instantly distributed to the world,
rather than having to distribute Excel files and have organizations save them on their local
One of the main advantages of a web tool over Excel files is the ability to store
information in a database. An Excel tool, if used, would most likely be sent off to an
organization never to be seen again. They might use it for their own purposes, but the likelihood
of them reporting back with their results is unlikely. Even if they did report back and a database
was used, the results would have to be input to the database manually. A web tool, however,
would instantly store all users’ information, responses, and results to its database while they are
using the assessment. It may not seem all that useful to store data and results from each user,
however, the “Wisdom of Crowds” theory could really be applicable here. The Wisdom of
Crowds theory is simply the idea that, collectively, bad or wrong ideas are filtered out and the
good ones remain (Surowiecki, 2005). It is likely that, individually, a researcher’s idea of
importance of a best practice or what is the best practice is just as wrong as an individual at an
organization’s ideas of these principles. With a web tool, when enough organizations have used
the tool, the hope is that importance levels and maybe even some not so good best practice levels
With all of the data of each user’s run through the tool saved in a database, it would be
simple to compile importance data of each best practice by industry and use that in the analysis
of company’s supply chains rather than an individual’s ideas of what that importance level
should be. The online tool could also ask each user to suggest other best practices or suggest the
removal of some of the best practices. If a significant enough portion responded with the same
answers, it might be safe to assume that a best practice should be added or deleted from the list.
With an Excel tool, these sorts of insights and the robustness of these analyses would simply not
be possible to achieve, or they would not be scalable even if they were achieved.
Work has already been started on this web tool with a large portion of the initial
framework having been completed. The website has been set up on a server within the
Department of Industrial Engineering, so it is not available to the public but can be accessed
from on campus. The database has been set up to make the website fully functional.
The basic setup of the current website is a login page, a home page, and two survey
pages. The two survey pages contain information and response options identical to those within
the Excel prototype. The first survey page allows users to rank the importance of each of the 18
defined best practices. The second survey prompts users to respond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to whether or
not they do the component activities that make up the best practices just like the Excel prototype.
The next page that should be built is a page that calculates and displays results in a fashion very
similar to the Excel prototype. The following figures illustrate the login page, home page, and
the importance ranking survey of the website and the user friendly interface they are housed
Figure 12: Login and Home Pages of Logistics Risk Assessment Web Tool
Figure 13: Importance Ranking Survey of Logistics Risk Assessment Web Tool
While it may seem redundant to produce a website that uses the same logic as the Excel
prototype, we believe it is invaluable to the success of this research and the resulting tool.
Housing this tool on a website immediately increases the usability, utility, functionality,
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Warehousing and Transportation
Inventory and Production
Reduce forecasting errors through inventory systems appropriate for your product
• Decide between make-to-stock, make-to-order, and configure-to-order models depending
on products and demand variability (Deveau, 2012)
• Use financial hedging against materials you are sourcing or holding in inventory, in order
to decrease volatility in cash flows (Chu et al., 2009)
• Use available software to balance daily operational costs and risk mitigation (Kaminsky
et al., 2011)
• Use stochastic-supply inventory models (Sazvar et al., n.d.)
Information Systems